The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 19, 1885, Image 2

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    The Columbian.
0, E. Elwell, t"JM.
J. K. BltUnln4r. J
FlUDAYj JUNE, 10, 1885.
JuJgo Fornkcr hiw been nominated
by tliu republicans hi Ohio for Govcr
nor. Ho was defeated three years ago
by .Tado Hoadly,
General Grant was moved from New
York to Mt. MacGregor on Tuesday,
and was much fatigued by tho journey.
Ho ia gradually failing, though ho may
llvo several months yet.
Tho Judges on Printing and Print
iug Material of tho World's Industrial
Exposition at New Orleans haro award
ed tho only two first premiums (gold
medals) for printing presses to Messrs.
C. B. Cottrcll & Sons, of Now York.
Ono of these premiums was on their
new Front Delivery, Two Revolution,
and tho other for their Air Spring
Country Press.
James II. Hotter, President of tho
Now York Central railroad, died at his
home, near Irvington, N. Y., last Fri
day. His wife died on Sunday of in
flammation of tho brain. Both wcro
buried in ono gravo on "Wednesday.
Mr. Butter lived at "Williamsport somo
years ago, and had many acquaintances
in this stato. lie was a thorough rail
road man, and worked his own way up
to the position ho held. His wife was
a daughter of Dr. Pollock of Williams
Tho governor's message, vetoing tho
Congressional apportionment bill camo
before tho legislature, last week. Tho
Senate passed tho bill over the veto,
Senator Hart of this district and three
other democrats voting with tho repub
licans, liio bill failed in tho House,
however, and the district remains un
changed. Tho new bill put Columbia
with Northumberland, Lycoming and
Montour, and would have been prefer
ablo to tho prcsont ungainly district
that reaches way up to tho northeast
corner of tho state. Thcro wcro some
objectionable features in tho apportion
ment as a whole, that led the house to
defeat it
Public sentiment will sustain the
Postmaster General in his refusal to
assign tho $100,000 subsidy voted by
tho last Congress to bo distributed to
American steamship lines for carrying
tho mails. Its distribution was left
discretionary with him,although it was
tho evident intention of Congress that
tho Pacific Mail Steamship Company
should b3 tho. gainer. But so many
claims were advanced that the sum
would have been a mere bagatelle if
distributed among all the claimants.
Besides the subsidy principle is dis
tasteful to tho American people,- who
will commend this tational exercise of
discretion on the part of tbe Postmas
ter General, as well i as tho saving of
$400,000 which would have boen no
better than thrown away.
Dregs of the Orime of 1876.
Tho electoral burglary of 1876-7 is
now and .then recalled to the nation,
by tho retributive blows which fall
upon tho criminal dependents of that
monstrous villainy.
Last Saturday camo tho announce
ment that Thomas C. Anderson, one .of
the members of tho Returning Board,
of Louisiana in 187G, and for whom a
petty placo was provided in tho New
Orleans Custom House, was dropped
from tho list of officials and his place
abolished ; and that C. C. Antoine,col
otcd Lieutenant Governor under Kel
logg and a participant iu tho fraud, was
dropped in like manner and his office
abolished. Tho news of the samo day
also announced tho death of L. G.
Dennis, tho chief manipulator of tho
Florida fraud of 187G. He bad been
convicted of tho crime but escaped by
a technicality, only to live an outcast
and dio of delirium tremens.
There are two men in Ohio who
should read these records with inter
est. They arc Rutherford B. Hayes,
who secured the Btolen Presidential
title, and John Sherman, who aided in
the theft and accepted a Cabinet port
folio to his reward. Sherman has some
what outlived the stain by his less pre-
tcntious political morality and his ac
tive and creditable efforts to givo the
country a sound financial system ; but
who recalls the name of Rutherford
B. Hayes with respect T lhila.
The Employes' Salary Bill.
Tho employes of tho Legislature, tho
appropriation ior whoso pay was pass
ed over the Governor's veto, aro great
ly inccuscd because tho Attorney-Gen'
oral has warned the Auditor-General
against auditing tho accounts and tho
Statu Treasurer against .paying what
seems to him excessive salaries. There
is really no ground for resentment on
this scoro. The Atloriiey-General is
simply following what ho considered
to lo the lino of duly in the matter,
no one ought to complain of that.
Tho determination of tho claimants
to tost tho legality of tho appropria
lion in the courts is nevertheless leoiti
inato and proper. If they are entitled
Lo lliu lnoiiov it should bo nntrl.nnil tin'
opinion of tho Attorney-Gcnernl is not,
Kiiflicieiitly conolusivo lo becomo a bar
against a just claim. It is his duty lo
guar a the '.treasury against unjust ex
nctionp, but if ho has taken a wrong
view of tho law, tho courts aro tho
proper tribunal to decide between tho
opinion ot tho law oiuccr aim the
In the cause which will by this legal
procoduro bo determined by the court,
tho lay mind will naturally incline to
tho opinion that tho claimants have tho
best of it. Tho Altomcy.General relies
upon tho provisions ot tho act of 1874
to KiiDDort him. But it is not clear how
ho will inttoduco tho provisions of that
net into tho cause. Tito issue is simply
as to tho power of the Legislature to
appropriate money for any purpose. If
thu Legislature may mako appropria
tions uy bins passed by uoth nouses
end biL'ui'd by tho Governor, thcro
would Hcem no doubt of the validity of
this measure, under thu constitution
n vetoed bill which Is passed by a two
thirds vote, nothwithslaiiding tho nb
jcctlons of tho Governor, has tho samo
forte and ulrcet as a bill approved, Tho
i .it t . .i
Dill in (j!ii8uoii was i;imii in mai wuv.
Tin' wlnle question to dutonnlno ii,
tuciufuie, has tho Legislature thu right
f) mako app'opriatious 1J'atrlot.
Wo are clad to nolo that tho eng-
gestions of tho Columbian on tho sub
ject of electioneering for office have
apparently been adopted by tho sover
al candidates for tho offico of sheriff,
and that tho methods that havo so fre
quently disKTaced our county, aro not
being" p"raclicc'd"lMs year"" Tho dolo-
goto election is ouly about a, motim
ahead, and up to this tlmo very littlo
travelling, has been done. by. any of. the
candidates. No doubt, thoy wilt all
got over tho county In tho nox), few'
weeks, but it ts to bo hoped mat iney
will confino themselves strictly to the
presentation of their personal claims,
wlthont resorting to tho Influcnco ,df
whiskey, nnJ subsidized saloons. Lot
tis havo a fair, squaro fight, conducted
in a clean and manly way. From tho
candidates now in tho field no one will
expect anythlnr else.
Illegal Trafflo hi Whiskey.
stumps that AnsoniiKi) T1IK rtAH.WAt
IIiiNTiNOTOK.Pa., Juno 17.-An exten
sive illegal trado in whiskey,demoraliz-
ing the laborers,dclaying worK,and caus
ing great loss to tho contractors, has
been carried on along tho lino of tho
South Pennsylvania or Vandcrbullt
Railroad in Bedford, Fulton, and
Somerset counties, and tho United
States authorities, under directions of
tho Secretary of tho Treasury, havo de
termined to break it up. Eleven per
sons charged with Felling tho liquor
have been lodged in Bedford jail.
Two of three, Fletcher G. Lunt and
David Ruby, both of this county, es
caped after being imprisoned, and three
others, Frederick and Hermann Kasc-
fong, father and son, and l'atrick
McNeil, havo not yet had a hearing1.
Tho other six bavo been committed by
United states Commissioner oingen-
fcltcn to jail in Pittsburg; to await
trial at tho next term of United States
District Court in Erie.
Peculiar methods wcro used in carry
ing on this business. Somo of those
engaged in it openly peddled tho liquor
among tho men, but tho moro nsual
way was for those wanting it to placo
their bottles and money on a stump,
and thcu go off a short distance out of
sight. On returning they would find
the bottle filled and the raonoy gone.
Thcro aro stumps all along tho lino
that mysteriously Bwallow tho coin and
poured out whiskey. At other places
shanties ono and a half or two stories
high, wero built. The lower story was
open to tho public and tho nppcr ono
was occupied by tho proprietor, who
was unseen by and inaccessiblo to thoso
below. Through a hole in tho wall a
small clovator, or dumb waiter, could
bo reached, on which tho money and
bottlo would be placod. Tho customer
would then put bis month to the bole
and halloa i "Moses'' to tho man above,
when the dumb waiter 'would ascend,
and soon return with tho bottlo filled.
It has not boen ascertained where the
liquor is obtained by theso retailers,
but it is believed thcro is a moonshine
distillery somewhere in tho mountains
near tho road. Search has been made
for it, but it has not been found.
The Work of the Session.
During the session .iust closed 821
bills wero passed by tho Legislature
and sent to tho Governor. Eighteen
of these were vetoed, together with tho
resolntion. relating to tho payment of
the printing bills, of the Anthracite,
Mino Commission. Throe of the veto
ed bills became Jaws notwithstanding
tho Governor's objection, to-wit : The
soldier's burial bill, the Legislature .em
ployes' pay for 1883 and tho general
appropriation bill with respect to cer
tain items. Thirty days aro allowed
the Governor for his approval or dis
approval of legislation sent to him
within ten days ot tho adjournment.
Tho substantial work of tbe session is
shown in tbe accompanying list of bills
approved or vetoed by the Governor,1
from which tbo, ordinary appropria
tions. and mere local measures are omit
ted. Tho vetoes wore sustained in
nearly every instance, the only except
ions in which the bills becamo laws
over the vetoes being tho three already
Tho Philadelphia Magistrates' Court
bill, vetoed; permitting Common Pleas
Judges, at the request of any of tho
other Courts of Common Pleas in tbe
same county, to perform judicial duties
in such other courts; the Bituminous
and Anthracite Mino Commission bills;
introducing the studv of nhvsolocrv
and hygiene in tho public schools and
in .educational institutions receiving
otato aid; tno bias providing Addition'
al Law Judges in tbo Chester and
jNorluiimuerland districts, vetoed; re
pealing tho office tax on corporations
ot other states; empowering tho city
of i'mladclphta to lease tbe Third Reg'
iment a site for armory purposes; tho
reform city charter for Philadelphia
(tho "Bullit bill'); punishing the
wrongful witholdiag of their discbarges
from soldiers or sailors of tho United
States army or navy; tbe soldiers' bur
ial bill, requiring counties to expend
$35 for the funeral and $15 for a head-
stone of tho deceased Boldier or sailor
who had died in destitute circumstances
vetoed, but passed over the veto; to
prevent tho acnuistion of rights of way
by user across lauds belonging to uni
versities, etc., vetoed; admitting to
county bar nttornoys who havo been
admitted to practice in tho Supreme
court; tho uongressionai senatorial
and Representative apportionment bills,
vetoed; tho bill ot tbo Hoard ol Aim
culture prohibiting the manufacture of
oloomargarine, etc; to permit prison
keepers in counties of from 100,000 to
,150,000 inhabitants to have a residence
fuel, etc., in county prisons, vetoed; to
admit to soldiers' orphans' schools
children of destituto soldiers who bavo
died from any cause; amending tho
j uiion county road laws, vetoed; rovis
iug the Delaware wharf linos; permit
ting defendouts to testify in all crimin
al cases; lor tbo incorporation and regu
lation of natural gas companies; mak
ing it a misdemeanor for a member of
a partnership to keep fraudulent ac
counts of the same, eta; tho anti-baby
tanning Mil, vetoed; ior suppression of
lottery gilts by-storoand others to seo
uro patronage; increasing the allowance
to sheiilfs lor boarding prisoners,
vetoed; establishing a Stato Board of
Health; prescribing improved methods
of Stato book-keeping; establishing a
Soldiers Home at Erie; tho flre-escapo
bills; increasing the publications of de
partment reports, pamphlet laws, etc
vetoed; the extra salary bill for officers
of tho Legislature of 1883, vetoed, but
bill atiain passod; authorizing Schools
Boards to purchaso books with district
funds; authorizing Councils of cities
and boroughs to pension disabled lire
men and polloemon; tho Philadelphia
bhenfla ico bill; prohtmting opium
joints or booths; providing lor tho
tiling of monthly statements with tho
A.tcf Ger&aVb? thTrc&of
nw,.,..lssvlul!iBNrooo.iviJ . ?
impMOR im creation io i irrcacom-
itind jfhULIiaklai tho termf df
laVisilbubffc Itmt IhMcad of th-rto
years; ycrraiiuiiK uisirict iciuuruiiu
companies to bo incorporated In l'liila
dclphia; authorizing tho Pennsylvania, abandon, a, partriof,
its canal: to defino and punish cm
bczzlemcnt from unincorporated i soeU
tics; authorizinc trust cbfnpanles to
iting tbe manutaoturo and salo ot toy
deadly, wcapdnsj authorizing trust com
panies to transact safo deposit busi
ness, certify municipal and other obli
gations, becomo Bnrcly, etc.; authoriz
ing the trustees of, tho 1 ourth Presby
terian Church in Philadfilphia to sell
real estate; tho'Byrn Mawr Damp Villi
tho marrlago license bill; tho, bill to tin
courogo forett culture'
Tho following Wero amonjj; tho bills
Bcnt'lo the Oovcrnor near tho close of
tho session and which await bis act
ion: Extending for twenty years chatt
ers of provident, institutions. savings
banks, etc; limiting tho advertising of
general clcOtftiis to four newspapers in
each county; joint resolution submit
ting to tho peoplo an amendment to
tho ' Constitution Abolishing tho poll
tax as a qualification, for voting; for
tho, registering of master plumbers and
regulation of houso drainage lu Phila
delphia; amending tho incorporation
act of 1874 so as to relievo full-paid
capital slock from liability to further
assessments, authorizing certain invest
ments by corporations created under
said act and extending tho rights rind
franchises ofcorporations for holding,
leasing and selling real estate; author
izing certain corporations to becomo
sole surety for tho faithful perform
ance of any trust or duty, etc.; tho gen
eral revenue bill. Thcro aro to bo in
cluded in this latter class nearly all thd
appropriation bills. Tho underground
wire and salary bills wcro among those
that failed of passage.
Qo-as-You-Please Marriages Halted,
The go-as-you plcaso marriago sys
tem that has dono so' much to impair
sanctity of the marriage relation in
Pennsylvania, and that has becomo a
consplcious reproach upon our State,
has been wisely halted by tho lato'Leg
islatnrc. The elopement of mihors, tho
clandestine marrriago mockeries of
adventurers, and tho vocation of tho
libertino who deludes tho unsuspect
ing by professed privalo contract mar
riages, will all be brought to a sudden
and peremptory standstill by tho new
marriago law that takes effect on tho
1st of October next
On and after the 1st day of next
October, as the new law declares, "no
person shall bo joined in marriago un
til a license shall havo been obtained
for that purpose, from tho olerk of tho
Orphans Court' in the county whero
tho marriage is performed." Minors
can obtain the necessary licenso by
presenting to tho Clerk of the Court
tho'-written consent of their parents or
guardians, and it must bo acknowledg
ed before a notary or other officor com
petent to take acknowledgements. Min
isters, justices or others who shall per
form a marriago ceremony without tho
presentation of tho license, will be
fined $100 for the benefiit of the
county, and anyman who persuades a
minor to becomo his .wife without a
license, invites a prolonged residence
in tho penitentiary. Tho license fee is
only fifty cents, so that it will bo In no
degree oppressive to tho poor.
This act is one ot tho best achieve
ments, of tho late Legislature, and it
will result in incalcuable good to soci
ety. , It ends all doubtful and, disputed
marriages in Pennsylvania; it will pro
tect tho young and unsuspecting from
tho wiles of adventurers; it will bo tbe
faithful, guardian of homes. alike before
and .after marriage, and it will cut off
one-half, or more of our divorce cases.
It was wisdom on tho part of law-makers
to. delay tho operation of the law
for several mouths bo that all can have
tho amulest oDiiortunitv to act advis
edly in regard to its provisions. Bo
foro tho 1st of Ootobcr the new law
will bo known not oulv to every min
ister and officer who can perform tho
marriage, ceremony, but to every
family in the State, and tho day it bo
comes operative will be mcmorablo ns
dating tho ronowed, devotion of a great
Stato to tho sanctity of marriago and
homo. Tunes.
A Terrible Story.
LoiiOon Utler tolhe Car&UT Watt.
The papers are full at tho present
time of articles on tho foreign traflio in
English girls, a traffic that cither in
spite of, or through tho negleot of tho
authorities,both here aud abroad, is car
ried on in an infamously wholesale man
ner without any check. Let any ono at
tempt to smuggle n few cigars or a
pint of spirits, and, ho will bo instantly
detected and lodged in the cells. But
what are paltry things of this kind to
tho virtuo of our innocent women 7
Tbo Custom-houso officers will overhaul
your portmanteaus and boxes until
further orders, but they shut their eyes
to a, cargo ot novitiates in immorality.
Girls aro decoyed henco to .Belgium,
France, Germany, Italy, aud even 'tho
United States, by thousands yearly,
and for tho viicst of purposes, whilst
tho imports aro neatly equal in number
to those exported. Heaven knows,
tho African slavo trado was bad
enough, and British Christianity howls
with liorror at a Turkish harem, but it
sits still in its piety whilst a trado in
white women is being carried on under
Its very eyes.
From Franco and England aro con
tinually traveling a number of procur
ers and procuresses for tho sole pnrposo
ot entiuiiig fingiisu girls lo 1' rench
brothels. These- wretches come not
hither to seek falleu women, thousands
of whom wo could well spare, No,
they come in search ot tho virtuous, to
teacu them the quickest road to ruin,
Of course, their victims must, ' the
first place, bo pretty ; in tho next they
must bo young j and, thirdly, they
must hi', as far ns possible, innocent of
tho wickodijees of this "vorld. Theso
French procurers know very well where
to find their prey. Thpy prowl about
tho registry offioes, of which there aro
dozens in tho metropolis, whero there
resort daily hundreds of young women
in soareh of employment a fow ns do
mcslio servants, more an ladies'-malds,
governesses, companions, etc. Day
after day thoy may bo seen insldu or
outsido the shop, waiting for the em
ployment which never turns up, and
for Princo Perfect who never arrives.
Many aro orphans and alonu In tho
world, tho fairest specimens of natures'
handiwork pure, young English girl,
who gradually discover thai, In Hpito
of virtue and beauty, bread nnd butter
is su.iroe,
Tit them comes tho French specula-
tin girl-hood I no vuk, ar bully such
w n o would naturally associate with
owBrsb4?dcaf8'rf' malo vice,, but fa
getjtlewatily-looking follow, who has
ii'MCCttyladyllko lookW woman with
km, oven mora graceful" and( pleasing
thh hlfiisejfA llo'ncooBts' his victim,
and' begi" pardon (""but'ho nnd'madamo
might assist madcmoiselloT She seeks
a situation' Good. Stio shall havo
,oncw irAn, address iu ,arr respectable,
neighborhood is given, nnd mndcmoiS'
ello.jigjccs to pall upon hcriiiaw-found
benefactors flho next day.- Sho goes fo
her-lodgings and jdreftms that eho has
at last mado her fortune, and that
Prince' Perfect, U at' her feet.
1'iltictQai to tlita moment sho is at
her placo1 of appointment, nnd, instead
of having lo shiver in tho cold of the
registry office, la welcomed by mon
sieur and mfld.lrVio In a well-warmed
nnd furnished apartment. Yes, they
havo a situation that will just suit her,
that fc, If sho has no objection to trav
eling. Sho has net ; In fnct, her desire
has alwavs been to boo foreitrn parts.
The salary will be liberal, sho will havo
her own apartments and be treated as
ono ot tho family. No wonder tho
poor creature jumps at tho offer, and
tho first step .is taken. The bird is trap
ped, but its wings' havo to bo cut be
fore it Is taken into its cago.
Tho laws of is well known,
to a certain extent licenso vifce. but thev
do df any girl who has not
reached tho ago ot 21 to bo kept a rom
10 to 10 is about tho ago tho victims
aro selected, and oven younger, at
which ago their knowledge of tho
world is less, and deception is prac
ticed on tho younger girls, which puts
them at tho mercy of these infamous
creatures. Tho victim is asked her
age, and on sayinjr, with all a cirl's
prido in her youth, that alio is "just
18," sho is informed that that bars nil
chanco of engagement. Tho lady to
Whom sho is going will accept tho ser
vices 6t no person under 21. They
aro, so sorry, they had nuito taken a
liking to lier, but now it is all over, un
less (now comes the trick) sho would
assumo somo ono elsos namo who was
of full ago, and'thoy would get a oer-
t'heato ot birth ot somo such person ;
a harmless littlo deception that would
benefit her, and do no ono elso any
harm: Eventually thoy ovorcomo her
fears and she leaves her own shores
under a false name, owing to a ficti
tious age and acting a part in a
Arrived in Paris, sho is hurriedly
convoyed through tho city nnd discov
ers that sho is a prisoner in a brothel,
whero neither tears nor entreaties aro
of any avail. Sho Is never permitted
to leavo tho house. If sho threatens
or is obstinate too long sho is coolly
old that her clothes and money bavo
been takeil from her, and that, as sho
has passed herself off under a false
name, she is liable to4bo handed over
to tho police. What' is tho poor girl
to do Fear, shamo and poverty bat
tlo with her feelings and eventually
triumph. Never does sho leavo that
accursed house except to bo sent to tho
hospital, from tho latter placo return
ing to her life of sin and shame, where,
eventually, death and almo3t welcome
gravo are the end of her short, but tor-
nblo career.
From our Regular Correspondent.
Washington, Juno 15, 1885.
Tho rear portico of tho White Houso
looks southward over half a milo of
green sward and au artificial lako to
tho Washington Monument and beyond
dowq tb broad Potomac, command
ing a viow seven miles in extent. For
fiity summers the Presidents of tho
United &ates bavo stood on this port
ico of Saturday attcrnoous, chatted
with theirifriends, aud listened to tho
musio of tho Marine liand from tho
green sward below. President Cleve
land bouorcd tho custom for tho first
timo last Saturday nnd hundreds of
W'ishiiigtonians got their first glimpse
of, his strong .rugged f aco and non-
Appollo-liko figure. It was curious
to seo soverai hundred people standing
below looking up at tho, .President on
the portico above. Tho gazers wero
mostly ot tho uovernmeut clerk class
and their faces woro an expression of
anxiety, curiosity, hopo and fear. I
looked in vain for an expression of res
igation in their government pap-fed
faces. It may be said with emphasis
that they will not resign. They aro
trying to read their fato in the faco of
tho President, witli a curiosity that
was moro naturaVthan polite; they star
ed in. silenco by tho hour.
Tbo reader who is not nn oilico icok
or or office holder will be more interest
ed iu tho appearance of tho President
than of tho crowd. Ho looks ruddier
and healthier than when ho delivered
his inaugural on the 4th. of March:
His manners aro unaffected and pleas
ing. Ho greets. thoso whom ho knows
with an unstudied grace cordial but
not effusive. Ho woro a Prince Albert
coat and a fashionable silk hat. In
greeting thoso who called ho would
rcmovo his hat, and while talking to
ladies, would stand uncovered for a
few minutes. But tho rays of tho sun
made it necessary for all the L'entlo
men to wear their hata most of tho
Mr Cleveland dhores to his early
hours and habits. of hard work and in
theso respects ho is imitated by all tho
heads of Department.
Visitors bavo no trouhlo in seeing
the Cabinet officers. It is only thoso
who como.laUiwho havo any trouble.
Two of tho best busiuess men iu tho
Cabinet aro Manning and Whitney,
There was some criticism at tho tune
of, their appointment becauso two mem
bers trom .Now lork wero placed in
tho, Cabinet. Tried by the test of ex
perience they havo proved among tho
best selections that the President has
made. It is further proof of his good
judgment that theso two men wero
personally known to him. His weak
est selections havo been thoso whiuh
wcro rccomcridcd to him by other p;o
plo. Tho Treasury Department is now
in belter hands than It has been lor a
number of year. Mr. Whitney U a
thorough man of tho world and liis
his department on a very good fooiliig.
Ho U polite to every one and
does not ajiuoy his callers with the
constant declaration mado by somo of
thu new officials that his timo is ux
cessively occupied and that it is with
only tho greatest difficulty that he can
afford to givo a fow seconds of his
time to any individual. Any ouu to
seo him with his visitors would think
that lie was tho casicst-going and most
thoroughly good-natured member of
tho Cabinet.
Gen. Sparks tho now Demoerutio
laud Commissioner has issued nu nr I
or forfeiting tho bulk of tbo fniudu
lent Maxwell laud grant. This will
inrow over to mo puuno entr) over
1,500,000 acres. Through frau liilent
surveys nud corrupt official bargaining
at Washington this grant was stretch
ed so as to lucludo 1,700,000 ae:cH of
land. 1 hid order of Mr, Spark cuti
down this grant to its original ibme-i
eions. If Mr, Sparks could nev r do
anything moro in his offico bojoml
staking down thU gigaulig fraud, ho
would bo entitled to a monument at
tho hands of his fellow countrymen
inis grant has been backed by soma
of tho most powerful financial and
social Influences ever known In thu
history of Washlncton Intriaucs. Gen
Sparks would not bo nblo to strlko this
blow If ho wcro not firmly supported
bv tho Secretary of tho Interior. Of
courso furious appeals will bo mado to
secretary J. amor to suspend tho, order,
uuv mu Dvuruuiry win uo iuiiiiu as im'
jnovablo as a rook. Ho ia thoroughly
acquainted with tho facts in tho caso
and will sustain the Land commission
er. inis order, taken with previous
ones, releases over 2,000.000 acres of
land which havo been fraudulently
claimed by dishonest speculators,
(looking for the President-
From tlio i ashlojrton l-ost.
In tho baBcmentof tho White House,
on tho north side, nro situated tho
kitchen, laundry and bcdrnom.4 of thn
President's household. A French cook
presides in tho kitchen and all his sur
roundings aro as neat as could bo ima
gined, lhcro was not a speck of dirt
visible when a J'oat rcnorter went
through tho room ono day last week
and the chief, as ho delitrhts to be call.
ed, was anxious to point out all tho do
tails of hislleparlment.
Very littlo troublo has been exper
ienced under tho chango of administra
tion and tho President has not mani
fested any disapproval of tho delicate
dishes prepared for him by tho cook of
his predecessor. Including the stew
ard there aro four servants in tho em
ploy of tho President, nnd when there
is a rush in tho laundry tho woman in
chargo has the authority to employ as-
sisiacis. it would bodilhcult to nnd
brighter tins or cleaner china than there
aro ou tho shelves of tho Whito House.
and tho floors in tho basements are
bleached white from constant applica
tions of soap and sand. Tho kitchen
is iu tho northwest nnglo of the Whito
House, tinder tho vestibule, nnd tbo
sleeping rooms aro adjacent, facing
north. They nro not generally occu
pied, for tho help at tho White Houso
navo the pnvilego of going home at
night and only on rare occasions do
they uso their rooms.
1 he steward aud his assistants in
waiting upon the President aud his
guests always wear swallow-tailed
coats, black trousers and whito vests,
aud everything must bo scrupulously
clean about a waiter before ho is al
lowed to go into tho privato dining
room. As fast as a course is ready
for the table it is sent up from tho
kitchen on a dumb waiter, which is in
a recess back of the onto room on the
right of tho principal cnlraueo to tho
Whito House. Inquiry among tho
oldest servants of tho Executive Man
sion revealed tho fact that none of
them had over seen a rnt about tho
house, although there aro no cats or
dogs ou tho premises. Even tho kitch
en and storo room are free and always
havo been from theso pests, although
tho building is a half a century old.
On stato occasions or for a largo recep
tion tho corps of assistants to the cook
is increased, and men cooks aro always
employed. There is plenty of room at
tho largo rango for all, and there is no
confusion, no matter what tho demand
may bo. A colored man is steward of
tho White Houso at a salary of $1,800
per annum and the cook is paid a sim
ilar amount. Tho other servants aro
paid at tho rate of $1.25 a day, and all
tho help aro colored persons, oven to
tho boy who dusts nnd sweeps the par
lors. Stillwater
Still they go up
the crock.
Mr. J. 1'. McIIenry picked a straw
berry that measured fivo and ono
eighth inches in circumference. Pretty
b;g berry that.
Our cabinet maker Mr. J. B. Ilclh
crington, has on hand quite an assort
meut of furniture. Mr. Hetherington
makes all his own furniture by hand,
which is recominendalton enouttb.
Along tho big Fishingcreek and in
the immediate vicinity of Stillwater
are several of the finest natural groves
lo bo found in tbe county,
Tho shade trees aro sugar mnpliand
so denso is their beautiful foliago that
the atmosphere beneath their wide
spreading boughs is delightfully cool
ing aud invigorating oven on the
warmest day.
Wo fanoy Mrs. E. B. Beishlino leads
tho lady followers of the piscatorial
art in this place. Last Friday while
fishing in Ikelcr's mill dam, sho caught
a lino hsli measuring sixteen inches in
lho Stillwater drum corps practices
several tunes weekly. Thoy aro im
proving rapidly under tho leadership
of C. W. Rcmley. Wo shall soon
havo plenty of excellent maitial music.
M. McIIenry ifc Bro. havo a large
stock of new goods on hand, aud aro
doing a good business. Thoy aro hon-
orauio men to deal with.
Mr. E. P. Alberson, tho Benton
6tago driver, ono night last week drove
on oi ue lion bridge which crosses
the Fishingcreek aboyo Orangovillo.
iso ono was hurt and no injury was
sustained by either team or wagon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Butler, ol
Wilkes-Barre, havo been visiting ii
town, the guests of Mrs. Ricketts,
Wo noticed John and Ilervoy pass
mg inrougn town on their way Jrom
the mountain. They did not exhibit
their speckled prizes nor tell any yarns,
L. M. Sloppy and brother, Byron, ro
turned on Thursday evening from J.
W. Perry s, nfter a threo days' fish,
with 331 lino trout. Beat that if you
can, experts.
Barney's noso has got well and ho is
tho samo old dtido again.
'Tis rumored that lho old Lillev
Sleppy stand is nbout to bo occupied
by a now firm. Don't know how true
it is.
Captain has dovelopod into a full
fledged fanoy fanner after tho order
ot uio lato lamented Horace. His
farm will rival tho Chataunua place.
Gcorgo was out frogging tho other
uay auu got nttoeii big ones, Lots
henr you croak, froggy.
Our town is progressing in spito of
mo cpiuemio now raging in our midst.
Dr. O. A. Meirarclo is mil I hit? down
his dwelling house, preparatory to put
ting up one of tho linest residences iu
Dr. A. P. Stoddart is about to build
another fine dwelling and offico and M.
A. Williams another.
Our genial and very popular land
lord, Heekman, has, among his many
othor improvements, ro paintcd nnd ro
paprcd his hotel throughout. Georgo
is chuck full of energy and enterprise
and is fully deserving of tho patronage
and support ho is having. Ilia houso
ia his prido and ho is well deserving,
for it is ono of tho best appointed, best
Berifetl and cheapest hotels In tho. conn
ty. Improvement after Improvement
uns oecn auucu.uoiu u is, nqw a model
hotel.1 Tho1 Oraifgovillo houso W also
' Diphtheria Is still raging in our town,
though it has greatly abated lu viru
lence. Last week J. B. Quick buried
oiionhild, K., Jas.
l'aiicrson ono and u. w. Hicks two.
At present writing thcro aro only fivo
cases and but one of theso of a malig
nant type. Our oitizens held a meeting
last week, to consider and deviso ways
oiiil moaiis bt prcvcnlirig tho spread of
mis iiroid disease. Committees wcro
appointed to examine, into nil premises
nnd determine if tho enidemia was
lue to local causes, Lima has been
hauled by tho wncon load and scattered
nbout our streets and premises and ap
parently great good has resulted from
it. It is certain tho later cases aro of
a milder form, while no new cases aro
being heard of. Our town is, al pres
ent writing, ono of tho most cleanly
in tho State and if thcro bo any further
Increase of tho disease, tho fault will
net be onrs, because of local causes or
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stowart aro on a
trip to Now Jersey, on a visit to their
daughter, Girtie, who is attending a
young ladies' seminary in that State.
Progressive Young America was rep
resented in our town last Sunday by
Harry II. and his cirl. Emanuel wants
somo of tho rest of tho boys to follow
Charles, tho lonsoiial artist, is haouv.
It is a bull pup. A. S. K.
fleasant Summer Trips,
Krom tho New York Times, Juno 7, 1885.
With the first hot breath of Summer como
recollections of broad highways, of hard
satul, stretches of billowy ocean, tho roar
of surges, the cooling breath of Neptune,
the plash of tho waves, the salty nlr from
tho wldo sweeping sea, and the countless
other delights of lite ou tho sen coast.
Anil nature, ever kindly. 1ms placed within
easy reaching distance a sea coast for the
pleasure of mankind and womankind In
their hours of leisure, and which man has
Improved until it seems perfection- From
Sandy Hook to Capo May tho Atlantic
Ocean dashes upon a coast of tho most var
iable, but always beautiful description.'
Years ago this wasj for the most part a
desolate shore, but to-day it blossoms like
rose, and attracts to It the tired dwellers In
cities who havo a day, a week, or n month
of relaxation. Atone end of this shining
strip of sand lies Long Ilrnnch, and tit tho
other, Capo Slay, while between them aro
located numerous other resorts, all worthy
of attention, and each of which has Its
champions of Summer tourists.
Tho most important of lho intermediate
resorts Is Atlantic City. It has thu distinc
tion of being strikingly unlike all other sea
side resorts. It reminds one of n striking
character in "Uncle Tom's Cabin," o young
woman who "just growed." Atlantic City
wasn't planned. It jumped luto exlstcnco
apparently of Its own accord, and has
seemingly made a lilt. It Is practically an
Island, for it U separated from the main
land by miles of salt marshes. It Is twenty
miles nearer to Philadelphia than any oth
er New Jersey resort, and perlups for this
reason It Is the Mecca of PIiiIadclpUIan3
and of people who llvo hundreds of miles
from that city. Every one In Pcnnsylva-
nla lias heard of Atlantic City, nnd when
the denizen ot the rural districts takes a
vacation, and reaches Philadelphia, his
first thought Is to get out of It aud reach
Atlantic City as quickly as possible. Tho
first thing to do Is to find a hotel, and,
with a guide, this Is not diflloult they aro
numerous. There nro, besides tho hotels,
cottages without number and private board
ing houses beyond count. Atlantic City
lias, beyond doubt, mado a hit, for it is al.
ways crowded in Summer witli a vast con
course of peoplo drawn from every walk of
life. The facilities for reaching Atlantic
City are favorable. The distance from
New York, by way of Philadelphia, Is ICO
miles by rail, and Is covered In about four
hours by lho Pennsylvania ltallroad and Its
seashore connections. All kinds of fish
abound In Its waters, nnd salt water birds
aro numerous In Its immediate vicinity,
Its even temperature makes It a healthful
resort, and this, perhaps, helps to account
for the fact that It is patronized by lho rich
as well as the poor. Its board walk is a
joy forever, if not a thing of beauty.
Uathlng and swimming is indulged In to an
unlimited extent. On Sundays the crowd
Is immense. On week days It Is also Im
mense. Atlantic City has nothing to com.
plain of. Tho present season promises to
eclipse all previous seasons in the matter of
attendance, and the natives are making des
perate efforts to provldo for the rush that
they may make all tho hay posslblo while
the sun remains above the horizon. Nortli
and South Atlantic Cities arc adjuncts to
tue parent town,and arc making big strides
to catch up. Between Atlantic City and
Capo May arc a number of other pleasant
and flourishing resorts, such ns Ocean City,
bca Islo City, aud Sewcll's Point, but
comparison with Capo May these aro but
us the lowly snow drop to tho full-crown
rose. It lias been said that tho West Jcr.
scy ltallroad carries tho traveler through
a desert before it Anally deposits him at
Capo May, but if so, does not tho journey
enhance the attractions of tho queen of
watering places? Even a sight of it has a
soothing Influcnco on tho most dissatisfied,
and there seems to ho some ground for tho
statement that had the lotus eaters discov
ered Capo Moy they would have pitched
their tents there In preference to any other
spot on tho globe. Thcro Is nothing
ephemeral about Capo May. Away back
In 1075 it boasted of a llapllst church, and
surely if there wero a church there It must
have had a congregation. This, of Itself, is
a sort of gratification to the residents of
tho beautiful city on tho sea, a city which
csn boast of a population lho year round,
with great hotels, magnificent privato resl.
denccs, and countless other advantages,
and a life all Its own. Nothing, apparent,
entry, can shako its popularity. Ilutltupou
a strip of upland, where the waters of bay
and ocean meet, it has a grand view of the
Atlantic. Its beach Is broad and smooth,
and It is considered tho grandest bulbing
ground ou tho coast. Tho dangerous un
dertow, that makes bathing at sumo points
insecure, Is hero unknown, und perfect
safety seems to reign over tho waves that
lavo Its silver sands. Its streets are broad
and level, and all Its structures have an air
of solidity and nn absenco of newness that
is refreshing of Itself, An unobstructed
view of tlio ocean Is obtained from one cud
to the other of lho maguificcnt boulevard
that runs parallel with tho occun for a dis
tance of live miles. Its bench Is its clary.
nnd its now Iron pier, tho prido ot its peo
ple. It is as smooth as a billiard table, Its
sky is always blue ind Its sun is seldom
hidden. Its bathing facilities nro glorious
and are taken advantage ot to tho full.
Noon U the favorite hour for this diversion,
and thousands of both sexes, all In cos.
tumcs more or less unique and striking,
then tako their dip In view of oilier and
admiring or amused thousands. Capo
May's hotels aro qulto as famous ns tho
city Itself. During tlio Summer season,
from Juno till September, Capo May's ac
commodations, extensive ns they aro, aro
taxed to the utmost. Early as It Is the In
dications nro that tho present season will
push lis predecessors very hard In nn effort
to beat the record.
At tho extreme southern end of New Jer
sey Is situated Capo May Point. Except
on tho north-east sldo It Is surrounded by
tho Atlnnllo Ocean and Dclawaro Hay. Al
llioueh It Is but two miles distant from
Capo May It Is connected with that resort
bv mall, and tho icsldcnls of tlio two
points are generally well acquainted will
both stamping grounds. Like Spring Lake,
Capo May Point possesses a fresh-water
lake, which Is fed by cool and sparkling
springs. The lako Is situated within a row
hundred feet of tlio Atlantic's salty-break-
crs. Its notois nro cxccncm, ami us guesm
are always suro of finding a plentiful sup.
ply Of nnvuomcnt in bathing, sailing, fish
ing rind driving.
Ronrlnir Creek,
"Low-cusses" f 16011318.1 hnvo made their
nppenranco In tlnV'ncfck o' the woods."
Itnlny, Inst Sunday) It being ono of lho
seven. "
Wm. Hclwig Improved Ida property with
a new panel fence In front ot lilt dwelling.
Eltas Lclby had a trco of ripo cherries
thc7tli Inst., being nn cnrly vnrlely,
0. V. Stlnc, of "Walcrton, Dak., writing
to a friend hero tho Oth Inst., gives wheat
as selling at G5 cents nnd oats, 23 cents.
Chlldrcns' Day exercises hero Sunday
were very lntcrcstlng,conslstlng of Blnglng,
recitations, &c Tho church was beauti
fully nnd tastefully decorated with the va
rious flowers and evergreen.
By lho list of "tax gatherers" we observe
the namo ot Christian Small for Locust.
Mr. Small makes a very efficient collector.
The M. E. Trinity picnic Saturday, near
the Quaker meeting house, was well at
tended. The Itoarlngvlllo band put In nn
appearance lu the evening.
E. M. Tcwksbury has a line Alderncy
cow, which is not yet quno ia months
old, and has n flno calf, of hcr's, three
weeks old, by her sldo.
A parly of young folks from this place
enjoyed n trip to the mouth ot the Itoarlng
creek last Saturday. Tlio participants In
form us of having n good timo with some
fine boat rides.
Persons sojournlug in this vicinity for
short periods, during the last fortnight,
were C. II. Barnet nnd wife, of Ashlnndj
Franklld Karlg nnd John Fettcrman, of
Willow Grove; Wm. Kmg nnd wife, of
Montgomery; Miss Edith King, of Dan
ville. Married At tho residence of the bride's
father, Franklin Yocum, Esq , Thursday,
tho 11th Inst., by liev. W. S. Hamlin, of
the M. E. Church, Mr. Jesse Williams to
Miss Lizzie Yocum, both of Hoaring Creek
Twp., Col. Co. We join with their many
friends In wishing them n future of penco
and plenty.
Tho Cutnwissa Circuit of the M. E.
Church will hold a festivul nnd picnic at
Mclntyre, the day nnd evening of July 4th,
in the Interest of the parsonage fund of the
above circuit. Dinner, supper, and the us
ual refreshments, with the fine grove, com
fortable shelter, In caso of rain, tho com
mittee offer unexcelled facilities for those
desiring to "have a day on"." So come
and aid in a worthy cause.
KNOUSE. In Fishingcreek township
on tho 18th inet, Mrs. Mcrrlbah Knousc,
ago 77 years, 0 months nnd 11 days.
rort siiF.niKP.
Subject to the rules of tho Democratic party.
of FisniNucnunic.
Subject to tho rules of the Democratic party.
Subject to tho rules of tho Democratic party.
of scorr.
u;m li ill ii ii mil icn ecu tic forty.
TVt? A TTINKSS and how I euro It, by ono who
iJEItXE was for 8 years. A successful home
treatment. Address, T. H. l'AOi:,No. lea East Both
St., New York. Juno U-tvr a
Absolutely Pure.
powder never vanes, a marvel of purity
engtb. and wholesomeness. More economical
an tna ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in
ompetltlon with the multitude ot low test, short
weluht, slam or phosphate powders. Sold only
la cans. Hovib mxim 1'owbkr Co , 100 Wall-St,.
" aufll-ly. '
If you aro growing Gray or Bald j
IT your Hair Is Tlilu, Brashr, Dry,
iiursn, or m'UKj
I If you nro troubled with Dandruff,
lulling, or any jimuor or Ills
caso or the Scalp,
It heals nearly every disease peculiar to
tho scalp, cheeks tho falling out of the Hatr
and prevents It from turning gray, and Is an
nooijuallod dressing and toilet article.
Sold by all Druggbta.
rhecommlai.loners win recelvo nronosali on
Tuesday the lth day ot July A, D. lt al sSSoSk
.V '."P ".S" hou) "htSto lid JM
Blub, all materials 1'lana and snecincatlons can ho
seen at their oltU. The uommSonert iServe
the tight to reject any or all bldi reserve
Attest i John li. CisiT, Clerk,
Commissioner onico, Mooinsbunf, Junoicth,
IF 2
fit iTlf 551!
This medicine, combining Iron with furo
TOROtaMe tonlfn, nulrkljr nnd completely
t'lirrs llrnpepiiln I nnlursl Ion, WfnknrM,
I in nu rc lllooil, ainlarln,liilll nnd 1'eTt'm,
ami Neornljdn.
It Ii an unfalllnp remedy for Diseases of tlio
UMnrji nnd Mrrr.
It l lnraluatilo for Dlscaes rco'l" to
IVomrn, and all Mho lead sedentary lives.
Itdoci not Injuro lite teeth, cause headacho.or
i.roduco comtlpatlon olAfr Iron medMnttdo.
Itcnrlcheand jmriflo tho Wood, stimulates
tho appetite, aids tho assimilation of food, re
lieves Itcartlmrn and liolclilug, and strength
ens tho muscles and ncrres.
Kor Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lack of
Encriry, Ac., H lias no equal, 1 "
tnr Tho genulno has aliovo trade mark nnd
criisncd red lines on wrarper. Tako no other.
n.4. tiir Dxot" niimrjiL to, Emmons, in.
fIrkEJ tEpOrTS.
Wheat per bushel $ 05 1 05
ltyo " " 00
Corn " " 50
Oats " " 40
Flour per barrel 5 00 & 0 40
Butter 12
Eggs 115
Tallow 05
Potatoes new !10
Dried Apples 04
Hams 12
Sides nnd shoulders 0
Chickens 10
Turkeys 12
j.nru per pounu m
liny per ton in ou
Bceswnx 25
Hides tier lb (i to 7
Vcnl skins per lb 07
Vool per lb Ho
Philadelphia Markets.
FEED' Western winter bran, snot, HQ 11.73
lied middlings 13 10.50
FLOUIt. Western extra's 3.51 a 3.87 ; I'cnn'a
family, 4.00 4.S3 Ohio clear, .4.75: winter
patent 5.00 c 5.60.
nmsAi rcnnsyivaniared, No. 1,1.12.
COUN.-5I g 60.
OATS. No. 8 whito a 41 NO. 2, 43
HAY AND HTHAW nmnr.liT tnmlm Wnstprn
and New York, J23. talr to good Western nnd
i.e., juu. u. a xi. ; uituium usitxnu.uu new
0rk. 10. to li : Cut linv iu In nunllLv 1.1. (A tr.MI.
ltye straw sw to 21, Wheat straw, 13. 14 oat
straw ii.
hulls. Pennsylvania 13.K; western 18 018 tf.
UUTTKIL PennsvlrnlilnprpflmiM-v nrintn !ft r. ;al
Western extra 17.
live rouLTKY.-rowis, 13, mlxod lotsl3i
11, roosters old 0 to 7.
NOtlCO li herebr trlfn Mint nn nmillfitlrm utll
bomadototheooernor oltho Stato ot l'cnnsjl
vanla on Friday tho 11th diy ot July, A. D., IS,!,
under tho Act ot Assembly ot tho Commonwealth
ot Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provldo tor
the Incorporation nnd Regulation ot certain Cor-
iiyiuuuua,", i'nuicu iipru , its, i, nnu mo sup
plements thereto, lor the charter ot.un in-
enacii corporation to bo called "Tho school
b urnlslllnir Co.. 01 lllonmslmnr" tlin rlinrnrtp,'
and object whereof Is for tho purpose ot tho
manuiaciuro or scnooi and church turnituro
and supplies nnd general planing mill, foundry
and machlno work.and tor theso purposes, to hn o
possess and enjoy uli the rlghts.'benetlts and priv
ileges ot the said Act ot Assembly audits supple-
ThO Uames Of thQ &uh-rltwr4 tntlm pirtlnntft
of organization aro c. w. jtiucr. 1). J. Waller, Jr.,
Wm. Jl, ltcbcr, A. 2. schoch nnd J. c. lirown.
t. ,.. u- w. MILLEll, President.
1. 1". lllLLMEYEIt, Scc'y,
June 13 4t.
The undersigned auditor nnnnlnlprl liv ntrpn.
ment of counsel, by tho orphans' court of Colum
bia county to make dlstrlbuuon of tho fund In the
hands of William Hart. Trustee, and also tore
port a distribution of tho sum wcum! In thn nro.
mlses according to tho terms of salo and tho or
ders ot tho court, will sit at his onico. In niooms
tmrg on Friday, July loth 1SH3 at U o'clock", iu in.,
for tho purposes ot his appointment when nnd
where all iwrsons having claims against said es
tate must appear andprovo the same, or bo de
barred from any sliaro of said fund.
may so Auditor.
Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned, w ho
has been appointed by tho Orphans' court, an nu
dltor to distribute tho fund In the hands ot tho ex
ecutor ot said estate to claimants on tho estate
and to legatees and distributees under tho w 111 ot
said decedent, will attend at tho omcoot John 0.
Freeze taj., in Uluoinsburg, on tho lOtn day ot
July, 113, for hearing In said estate, at 10 o'clock
In thp forenoon, when nnd whero all persons hav
ing claims on said estate aro required to attend, or
bo forever debarred from coming In on said fund.
June 5-3w Auditor.
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or
phans' court of Columbia county to mako distri
bution ot the funds in tho hands of the adminis
trator ot tho estato ot Thomas Crei cling, Jr., lato
of scott township, deceased will sit at fils onico In
liloomsburg on Tuesday tho 7th da ot July, lsss,
between tho hours ota o'clock a. in. nmHo'clock,
p. m., at which tlmo and placo all persons havlns
claims agatas tho said fund must appear and pn
sent tho Bamo or be forever debarred fromiireeli
Uigany share ot said luud. II. V. WHITE.
Junesth Auditor.
ISesiI JHsfatc!
Tho undersigned appointed Asslgnco ot c. II.
Brocfcway of Bloomsburg. Columbia County, I'a.,
will offer at publlo salo nt tho Court Houscy
Saturday, June 20th, 1885,
nt 10 o'clock, n, m., tho following valuablo proper
tics, to-wlt:
FIRST. Three building lots In Olcn City, l!ea er
twp. formerly In the namo ot Charles It. Barnes.
SECOND. A tract ot timber land In Locust twp.
In tho warrantee namo of John Everbart, contain
ing four hundred acres moro or less.
TlIIltD. Tract of timber land In ltoarlngcreek
and Locust townships, In tho warrantee namo of
Thomas Barnes, Jr., containing sixty acres moro
or less.
The above properties will bo sold In tho order
named, tho Assigneo reserving 1 power to ad
journ the salo from tlmo to time, "amstances
may require,
TEllMS OF SALE. Ten per cent ot o -of
the purchaso money to bo paid nt tho si
down ot tho property i tU one-halt less tho ten
percent, at tho connrmaton of salo i nnd tho ro-malnlng;ono-halt
In threo months thereafter, w Uli
Interest from confirmation nisi.
SI, I'. LUTZ, Ahslenec.
Uy virtuo of a writ otn. Fa. Issued out of tho
Court of common Pleas of Columbia county, nnd
to me directed will bo exposed to Publlo Palont
the court House, In Bloomsburg, on
Wednesday, July 8th, 1885,
at IX o'clock p. m. t All that certain lot or pleco
ot ground Utuato la tho Borough ot Bcrwlck.coun.
ty of Columbia nnd State of Pennsj ivanla, bound,
ed and described as follows, to-wlt i On lho north
by second street, on tho cast by lot ot Sirs. Lizlo
Wilson, on the south by Front street, nnd on tho
west by lino 6trcet, being nlnety.nlne feet In
width, along said Front street nud said Second
street, nnd one hundred and elshty-one and one
half feet in depth along said Pine street nnd said
lot ot Sirs. Ltzzle Wilson, on which nro erected n
two-story frame duelling houso at or near tho
north east corner.a one-story frame shop or dwell
ing houso at or near the south-cast corner, a two
itory frame dwelling houso at or near tho south,
west corner, a stable at er near tho north-west
corner together with also other outbuildings.
On the said lot or pleco of land thero nro also ttult
trees, vines, ac.
Seized, nnd Uken Into execution nt tho suit of
William Faust nnd It. Merger vs. Joseph l'aust,
and to be sold as the property ot Joseph Faust
Jackson 4: Barkley, Ally's. sheriff,
JUno IS, 168).