The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 19, 1885, Image 1

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    IV Columbia
lumbian, consolidated" ' co
l..tirit Weekly, .rry Friday Mntnlna. nl
ATII.M pcrycar. To subscribers out of ihamm.
ty the i terms aro strictly in ndTanco. OIl"ocoun'
IrXo paper discontinued except at tlm nmint,
pt tho publishers, until mi arreafis nrennuF it
long continued credits will not bo gi ven '
Allpnpoinscntoutof tho StntoortodWnnf nr,
omccs must bo paid lorinadTancc;"nleMa rn,SMl
slblo person In Columbia countr assume? in
llio subscription duo on dom&iid. pi1I
job rRiNtriNa.
fhn.Tnh Printing nAnAM..i ..
and machinery and Is tbo only onico that nmsb
pres cs by power, giving us tho best lacutlei Vi
Ilinatcs lurnlshcil on largo Jobs. locl'ul- i J-
r " K. VALl7EH, " "
onico over 1st. National Hank. '"""""""IT.
V" U. FUNIC, "
omce la Sol's Jjw". Pa.
j OHN M. ChAUIC, "
llmoMsntnin, l'A,
Olllco over Moycr llros. Drue Storo.
V MfliliEK,
onicotn llrowcr' No. I
Dloomsburgi l'a.
vy frank z vnn,
Bloomsbtirg, l'a
onico corner of Centre and Main streets. Clark i
Can bo consulted In German.
t KO. E. ELWEIiTi.
lii.O0Msnui:a, Pa.
Odlcc on First floor, front room of Cm
umiiian Uiillillnu, Mum street, below Kx
cliangc Hotel.
oraco In Columbian Bcii.dinu, Uoom No. 3, second
omce In 1st National Hank building, second noor,
first door to tho left. Corner of Main and Market
streots Uloomsburg, l'a.
t0"Tetuion and Bounties Collechd
omco In Maize's bulldUr. over DUlmcycr's grocery.
Attorn eys-at-Law
(Ofllco front suit of rooms on second iloor or
News Item building.)
Members of Sharp and Ant-man's Lawyers and
Hankers Directory and tho American Mercantile
and collection Association. ill gl o prompt and
careful attention to collection or claims In any
part of the United states or Canada, is well as to
nil other professional business entrusted to them.
Jackson Building, Booms 4 and 5.
"Yy. H. UllAWN.
Catawlstin, ra.
Office, Comoro: Third and Main streets.
Ofllco in Browers' Building, 2nd floor,
map 1-tf
Attorney-atLaw, Berwick. l'a
Ctn bu Uonsiiltcd in German.
tsTOPJcc flrst door below llio post ofllcc.
.onico in lirower'sb
g,snd story, Ilooms
B. McKELVY, M. D.,Surgeon and Phy
. slclau, north side Main Btrcel, below MarkU
L. FRITZ, Attorney-at Law. Oflico
. . In Colombian Building,
owing Machines and Machinery of all kinds ro
alrea. oi'Eka Uors Building, lilcomsburg, l'a.
onico, North Market street,
Uloomsturc l'a
DR. WM. M. REBEIt, Surficon and
l'hyslolan. oalco corner of Hock and Maikrt
JR. EVANS, M. D., BurKcoi .i.u
. . l'hyslo an, (OBlco and llesldenco on 'third
1I0MK. OF N. Y.
cijnwnN'n'v01' NEWA,IK- N' J'
l'Eo'l'LEs' N." y!
Thcso old cori orations aro well seasoned bj
ago and fikr tested and havo iiomt jet had u
loss settled by any court of law. Thetr assets aio
?,ll.?.,flt,oulusol-.,u "kcuuities aro llablototho
hazard of fuie only.
Losses ruom-rLv and iionestlv adjusted and
paid as soon as determlnwl by christian k.
Tho neonln nf rr,l,,
',f?ilillwBt'nc )lTllcro Josses it any a.e bcttlcd and
paid by ono of ther own cltlio ns.
I'ltOJllTNEhS. EliflTY, FA
:reEX2Kx?T MP1
for Infants and Children.
"Castorlalssowclladaptodtochlldrenthat I
known to me," II. A. ARcnmt, M.D., I
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N, Y,
An nbsoluto euro for Rhoumntisni, Sprains, rain In
tho Iljiclr, Hums, Galls, &c. An Instantauoous Paln
rclloviuff nml Ilcalint' Itoiuctly.
J K BirraHSENDEB, Proprietor.
nam am
fiond for
or Tcell.
It. I.
l'lij.lclnn.' Tctlmony.
A. Vl BrOWD. M.T).. fit VmvlAe,
n. I., eaysi i have nicd Hckt's
Kidney and Liver Hihedt In my
prattlec for tho past sixteen jeir,
and cliccrfally recommend It as
being a toft and retlabU remedy."
Another prominent doctor of
Trovlilenco my. that "1 am fro.
qncntly urged to ma other prcpara
tloina.snbstllntcifor Hckt's Kid-
neV lln 1 IfA.l lln. V A
'rjlnK them that they arc worthless
In compnrlsou to It."
An Old lady.
"My mother, 70 years old, has
clironl. kidney complaint and drop
ey. Nothing has cur helped her
llko Hitkt's Kidney and Liver
lttMEDT. Sho has received great
bcncllt from 8 bottles and wo think
It will euro her." W. W. Sander
land, Builder, Danbury, Conn.
A .Ulnl.tcr'u Wife.
dolphin, ;ay!-"llC!iT's (Kidney
ami Liver Uisitnr has cured my
. ""V'f m worn rorm.
All soy that It Is a miracle."
General Chace.
General Chaco of Ithodc leland
says: "lalnaisheen Hitst'o ikm.
ney and Liver Heyedt In my
nouic. i aken In small doses occa
sionally at night, It prevents head
ache, and regulates tho kidneys,
etoniach and other organs." 10
'Disease soon Ehaken, by tlcCT's He3iedt tak.n.V
C .v. CIlinEXTOy. .V. T General Agent,
Health and Happiness.
4S?, yur. Kidnoya disordered?
, mm ;.itii,flicaaaiclioiual4ucn.
. Aro your norvon Tronlp 9
n if.nytWult tlim 1,10 fr,ini nerTon wrtvlcnrM
v"iisimn .aunnvr, viutcuuiUi J.
Hayo you Bright's Disease?
it, ,neiT "orf ",rptI ,no whta uiy water wasltut
llko chnflc onJ turn Ilka blond."
ranic wuaon, rcauoily, UM3.
Sufferinorfrom Tllnhnf nn?
ever uaiil, aires nlmo.t Immeillnto ri'llef."
Dr. rump u. toUuu, Moukton, V(.
Have you Liver Complaint?
9 tter I ira) nl to ille."
m-iirj nru, uio uol. C9(ll iat, uuftru, I., i ,
fla your.Baok lamo and aehing?
vwuu a Ai-VA v uub fji IMJU."
0. M. TaUmaee(aiilwftQkcc,'Vl3.
Havo you Kidney Disease?
'KiMiicy.H (irt made mo nound in Itrer oii-l kldntyi
uiur joan 01 mwuccrsfiiUi Oix-mnnp. Ill wortn
tUnlux."-Sam'l llodgefl, Wiiliaiustown, Xiv .
Aro you Constipated?
'KMncy-Wort causes easy cftcuatloiu and urod
luo after 111 years nn of olhcr inedirinen."
Ntlion Falrclidd, bU Albany Yt.
Havo you Malaria?
"K'lJney-Wort has dono btttrr than nny other
remedy I have ever used In my rractlpp."
Dr. It. K. Clark, South Hero, Vt.
Aro you Bilious?
"KlJncy-Voit has dono mo mora cvod than any
other remedy I liave eer taken."
Mm. J. T. 0 allow ay. Kit ITat, Oregon.
Are you tormented "with Piles?
"Kidney-Wort rvrmanmtlu cured mo cf blevUioe
riles. Dr. w.O, Klino rerommendl it ttme."
Uco. II. Horbt, L'aahier II. Ua.k, II) ertown, Pa.
Aro you Rheumatism racked?
"KMm-yWort curi'il me, a(tcr i wn trt en up to
dlo Ly iihyniciann and I hitl luirt' red thirty j cars."
ElbrUgo Malcolm, Y.'tut Itath, Maine.
Ladies, aro you suffering?
"Kidney-Wort cured mo of rncuHar truutles of
sorcralyuu-BtitKndlni.". Many frtendi uho and rraie
1L" 11 rn. IL Lamorefttii. 1.1m La Mf.tLv Vt
If you would Banish Disease
The Blood Cleakser.
Feb C-l mo
Aili:.Nt'Y. Moycr's new bul'dlns, Mnmsticet,
imaburg, 1M.
' Assets.
-lHna Insuranco Co., of Hartford, Conn $T,07S,2-JO
itoral of Llvernuol 13,ocd,(xi
Ijincashlro 10,000,00-i
Flro Association, Philadelphia 4,l(U,7io
l'hocnlY, of London 6,e,S78
ixmaonK i.ancaiiiire, oi gugiauu i,rai,,u
Hartford of Hart lord 3,273,l0
SprltiglleU Flro and -Marine s,osJ,6bO
A ihnnfrenclesnro illrpct. nolleles aro written
for tho Insured without delay In tho oniee at
Uloomsburg. Oct, SS, 'SI-
n house,
lii.ooMSiiuitd, Columbia County, Pa
II styles of work dono In a superior manner, work
warranted aj represented. Teeth Extract
in without 1'ain by the uso of (las, and
fneof chargo when artificial teeth
are Inserted.
Olllce over KIcIin's Drug Store.
It. it open at all tourt durmg inc aj
MY !S -ly
Ci A T, TT; ft M R AT
iWASTHH to cam ass for thecals
guaranteed, balary and exponies l'ald. Apply
ak ?,r: .o .hi. r..
Itcchester, N. Y.
i nnrn nml convenient sainnlo roomi. Hath looms
hot and uuld wulur, and ull inoaorn com eiilences
Castorla cures CoUo, Constipation,
g;j SSSi
uuU'S dl-
WJtLoul iujurlous inoJication.
The Blood Cleanse n. B
Alicu Uritvt'funl bIods on llio nlair
ninl'iis. Sho hears tho hoiiiiiI of
singinj; in tho parlor, nml one of tho
voioca tlirilia nor m no ether voice
lift? ever done Kitijjsluy Dutilmtn'H
"Ho in ginulna with her." bIio savx.
nnd a siindow crosses her fnco and Sol
lies in her eyes, tnnkini; them look to
f tears nro not far nwnv. Sho nuts out
lior hand with a gejltiro of repulsion,
ns il to put away fate. '-Sho does not
need Iih lovo na 1 do," bIio one.'", with
a bitter, rebellious fecllni at her heart.
"I more than half believe she does not
caro for it. Uut ho thinks elie does.
And sho will accept it, whilo 1) who
would value it moro than all tho world,
or a thousand worlds, am left to re
member and regret that the only
man's love I ever cared for was not for
Then llio outstretched, rebellious
hand drops heavily at her side, and
tears come. Hot, passionate tears,
fresh from the heart that is full of tho
diinib aolio lliat comes to thoso who be
lieve that their love is valued as light
ly as a wayside flower would bo by the
man to whom it is given.
Then sho listens again. Sho hears
Mary Grayle's voice, clear and flute
liko ;n its sweetness, but it makes no
such music in her heart as that other
vcico does. Years may como and go,
but the sound of that voice will linger
there forever, llerlicait will bo haunt
ed by it as a life is haunted by tho
f host of a dead but unforgotten love.
Icr's will bo a haunted heart and a
haunted life, sho thinks, as eho hears
Kingsley Dunham's voice ring oirt in
silver melody in the song ho is Binging
with Mary tirayle.
"I am a foolish creature." Bbo says
presently. "Aren't you ashamed of
yourself, Alico Crawford! To lovo a
man who cares nothing for you and be
havo in this silly way about it! Haven't
you any prido t If yott havo it's timo
you began to make use of it. A wo
man is a fool to give her heart to any
man unasked, aud yet
And yet Alico Crawford knows, as
many other women do, that many a
woman's heart is given without tho
asking. A feeling of shamo comes
over her to think it is so in her case,
but she knows it is useless to deny tho
She blushes away her tears and
forces herself to be calm. She then
goes down the stairs and enters the
Miss Graylu looks around from tho
piano as sho comes into tho room, and
says :
"Kiugslcy has just been wondeiing
why you did cot come. AVo want your
lielp. Ho has brought us some now
Alico Crawford hardly dares trust
herself to look at tho man who stands
by the piano. 15ut bIio feels his eyes
upon her, and It is as if ho compelled
her to look at him. In the look sho
gives him there is something liko de
fiance. He has made her lovo him
without knowing it, perhaps and sho
will not let bim Bee how her heart re
sponds to his slightest touch if sho can
help it. Sho has resolved to conquer
her heart. Prido shall help her to do
Ah! but it is easier to lalk of con
quering hcaits than to do it. Sho will
Hud it so.
Kingsley Dunham bows,wilh a smile
brightening his eyes as suiishino
brightens a spring that has been in
"Wo have missed your voice sadly
in our singing,'' ho says. "Shall wo go
over the musio again, now that you aro
hero to try it with us'"
"If you please," she answers, and
goes to tho piano and puts Miss Graylo
between the man sho loves and herself.
It is a fitting action. Had not Miss
Graylo come between llieir lives?
Then they sing.
Alico Crawford has never sung moro
biilliautly, but thero is something in
her singing that Kiugslcy Dunham
never noticed before something that
jars liko a discord. They arc out of
tune, as many other voices and lives
havo been.
Onco sho looks toward him and
catches him watching her with an
eainest, puzzled look in his face, lie
seems to bo trying to comprehend her
or her mood.
A flush of color comes into her
cheeks and sho tuinsaway abruptly.
Does ho guess her secret' Tho thought
brings with it a kind of fierce anger. It
is hard enough to know that sho loves
him ; she cannot bear to feel a man's
elation over her weakness. Anything
but that.
Ily-and-hy they tiro of singing.
They sit down together and talk of
this and that. She feels that Kings
ley Dunham is watching her, and she
is on guard over her heart. Her mood
is changeable. Ono moment sho is
gay and her conversation sparkles with
wit and jest. Then, suddenly, she
seems to shrink back into a cold re
serve. llu has novcr felt that ho understood
her, and less to-night than ever bo
foro. Sho is a puzzle to him. It per
plexes and fasoinatcs and bailies him.
Miss Graylo gets up and goes out of
tho room, An awkward silence fol
lows her going. Ho breaks it by say
ing i
"I missed vour faco at church last
"I am not going apy mow," sbo on.
uwers ; "at least not to vour chinch.
I do not liko Dr. Canfield a sermons."
Sho does uot tell the truth. For tho
truth is sho is not going lliero because
sho has made up her mind to conquer
her heart, nnd the work, which will bo
dillicult at best, will bo more diflicult
if sho sees him often. Sho timet keep
away from him as much as possi
ble. "I am sorry," ho Bays. "I havo
fjrowii accustomed to seeing your faco
there, and I always find it hard to glvo
up familiar faces when I caro for
His voico is low, almost tender. Sho
feels his eyes upon her face, though
sho does not look at him.
"I must go back to my woik soon,"
sho says, trynlg to make her word,
sound quiet and Jcoinmonplaco. Is,
havo had a long and pleasant rest and
I begin to tiro of doing nothing. I
Then Miss Grayle comes back and
alio gets up suddenly, leaving her sen
tenco uufliiished, and goes to tho piano
nnd begins playing a dashing littlo
fantasia that Hasn't a parliclo of soul
in it.
Ho does not stay long, llo excuses
himself by saying that ho has woik to
do and lio fools in the mood for doing
H. Ho siys good ovening to Mits
Graylo and then stops by tho piano.
'I havo somothlng I want to say to
you flomolimo,"ho Bays,and then pauses
as if at a loss.
"I 8tippojo you want to tell mo how
thoughtless you think me, and that it
is my thity to como into tho churcli,
and nil that sort of thing," sho says,
looking up with a laugh that has a do
fiant ring in it that grates harshly on
oven hor own oars. "Thank you. Wo
will consider that it has been said if
you please. I novcr liko to bo talked o
in that way."
Sho gets up from tho piano and
walks away as if to nut mi end to tho
conversation. Tho light words havo
cost her a great effort Hut, if sho
would accomplish her purpose, sho
must keep him at a distanco.
He looks after her with tho puzzled,
perplexed look in his eyes again, and
then turns and goes out without anoth
or word."
"Kingsloy lolls mo that Dr. Canfield
thinks it would be a good thing for
liitn to take chargo of a church some
where," Miss Graylo says by and by.
"Ho could go on with his studies, you
know, and tho disciplino would bo
good for him. I shall hale to havo
him go away, but it mav be for tho
"Very likely," answers Miss Craw
ford carelessly, as if the matter holds
but slight interest for her.
That night a telegram camo to Miss
Graylo from hor sister in Trenton. Sho
is sick. Will Mary come to her for a
few days!
In tho morning Mits Graylo goes
That afternoon Kingsley Dunham
calls. Miss Crawford knows that sho
cannot help seeing him, for tho servants
would suspect her of untruthfulness if
she sent down an excuse pleading head
ache or any other illness. So she puts
on her armor of self defcnsa and takes
her shield of prido and goes down to
meet him.
"And Mary has gone?." ho says. It
has always been "Mary" and "Kings
ley'' between thorn. "I am sorry. 1
am obliged to go away this aftornoou,
and I shalll not come back until after
she has gone to Europe. I wanted to
ask her a question. Hut it seems that
I am too late: I shall have to write it
and leave for you to give to her. It is
about something that will affect my
whole life."
Ho says this looking at Miss Craw
ford with a strango excitement in his
faco. She fancies that sho knows what
his excitement is about. His gianco
makes her treinblo with its power. Sho
goes to tho window and drops tho cur
tain to shut out tho sunlight that floods
tho room. Her faco is left in shadow,
and sho feels safer.
"If I only understood you better,"
ho says, coming to her side. "Hut I
hardly feci if I understand you at all.
I wonder if all women can bo as per
plexing to a man as you aro to mot'1
"Perhaps, if thny try to bo," sho an
sweis. "We aro said to bo riddles,
you know," with a little laugh that
sounds forced and empty of merri
ment. 'It I only knew," he says, and then
pauses with" his eyes upon her face.
What does ho mean f Sho feels a
strango mesmerism steal over her be
neath his glance. Is ho playing with
her heart? He, Kingsley Dunham, who
is to stand before men as ono of God's
"You can write your letter to my
cousin and leave it on tho table. I
will give it to her," sho says, turning
to the door. "I must beg to bo excus
ed, there is so much to do." Then she
bows and leaves him. The truth is,
sho does not daro to trust herself with
him longer. If sho does hor secret is
not safe.
She finds tho letter there when sho
goes down.
"I know what the question is that
lio has asked her," sho says, as sho
takes up tho missive. "He has asked
her to bo his wife. Her answer to the
question is what will affect his wholo
life," and then sho laughs discordantly.
Sho feels moro liko dropping her head
on tho tablo and crying, for the pain at
Iter heart is sharp and hitter. She lecls
a kind of fierce, hard angor against
Kingsley Dunham, against her cousin
Mary, against all tho world.
Sho takes up tho letter again, and
looks at it with eyes and faco full of
rebellion at destiny.
"I am to bo to her the bearer of a
message of lovo from him," sho cries.
"I, who love him as sho never will.
Fato is full of bitter irony when it
makes mo such a messenger. I I will
not do it!" with sudden ficrco determi
nation. Sho crumples the letter in her
hand, nnd looks about her. Sho sees
tho old clock in the hall. Sho goes to
it, opens it, and drops the letter into
its mysterious depths.
"Stay thero forever,'' sho says, and
turns with a guilty start to tho post
man at tho door ; ho has brought her a
letter from her mother.
"Tho schools will open two weeks
earlier than usual," she reads. "You
must como homo at onco or you will
lose your place as teacher."
Two days later sho goes back to the
Now England village in which her
woik is waiting for her. And that
day Kingsloy Dunham goes to a lit
tle church in llio West to begin his
"So our paths run apart," sho says as
the train whirls her away from the
city whero she has passed a summer
full of sad and sweet experiences ; for
love, even if it gives all nnd receives
nothing, is always sweetj "and peihaps
it is better so."
Thrco yeais havo gone. Alico Craw
ford is again a visitor at her cousin's
Mary is married, but notjto Kings
loy Dunham. Why sho did not marry
him Alico never asks. Tho remem
brance of what sho has dono and of
what tho old clock knows fills her with
guilty shamo. Sho never goes through
llio hall without feeling a hot flush
come into her faco ns sho hoars tlio
clock ticking out tho hours. It seems
to bo accusing her, Sho is afraid of
Sho is glad to know that M iry was
not robbed of happiness by her uct.
That sho is stiro of, for if over a wo
moil was happy in a husband's lovo
that woman is Mary. If sho had found
her cousin grieving for what hor II fo
had lost sho could novcr forgive her
self for having given way to tempta
tion. Sho has lost sclf-rospcct. Moro
than onco she resolves to confess ovcry
thing to her cousin. Hut tho humilia
tion of such a confession sho feels to
bo moro' than sho can bear when she
comes to attempt it.
Sho is alonu in tho world now. Hor
mother is dead. Henceforth thero is
nono to toil for but herself. Sho misses
tho incentive that urged her on to
steady, hard work. Tho outlook is
not a bright ono for a woman who feels
tho need of something to live nnd work
"You canuot guess what I hoard to
day," Mary says one evening as sho
nnd Alice sit in tho nursery together,
where tho pride of tho family is luv-
itiK a hard timo of it Irvine not to co
to sleep. "Kingsley Dunham is com
ing hero to (ill Dr. Canheld s placo
through tho lattcr'a vacation, they
A sudden lioht comes into Alico
Crawford's eyes. Hut it dies out as
suddenly as it camo. And with it a
warmth kindlos for a moment in her
heart, then leaves it colder than be
fore. Hut it is enough to tell her that
she has not conquered her heart, and
that sho never will.
"I shall be so glad to seo him," Mary
goes on. "Ho was always liko a broth
er to me."
They aro sitting togcthor in tho
iow at church tho next Sabbath even
ing, when thoy uecomo awaro of tho
tact that ivingslcy Dunham has
"0, Alice," whispers Mary, "lliero ho
is coming in with Dr. Canfield. How
ho has changed I What a splendid
looking man ho is I I knew ho would
bo. I wish I could go right up to tho
minister's desk and speak to him and
shake hands with him. I don't know
I can wait until tho sermon is over."
Alico Crawford hears her cousin's
voice, but she docs not know ono word
of what sho is saying. She only knows
ono thing, that sho sees the faco of lh)
man she loves best ot any in tho world
the man sho has tried in vain to for
get. It is like looking into heaven
over a wall sho cannot pass.
Ivmgsloy Dunham sees them, and
his face brightens. Ho sends them a
greeting in a glance. Mary is all a
flutter with excitement, but Alico is
calm, at least outwardly. If ho could
only seo into her bcartl
Kingsloy Duuham's voico as lio reads
from the sacred voluino fills her soul
with music. When he begins to preacli
it seems as if he must bo preaching for
her alono. He tells them that tho
heait that has siuned must make atone
ment by confession of its sins and by
turning away from tho past. Has sho
not sinned ? she asks herself. Tho old
clock knows and sho knows, and God
knows I It socms as if that letter lay
upon her soul, and the weight of it
will hold her soul down forever. With
that guilty act uncontested and
unforgiven how can sho over bo at
peace ?
Sho has mado up her mind long bo
fore tho sermon is over as to what
course sho will take. Sho will confess
what sho has done. She feels as if tho
shamo of confession will kill her, but
sho will get rid of her secret.
The services aro through at last. Shu
sees Kingsley Dunham coming towards
them. Her faco is as palo as it will bo
when she is dead. Hor heart almost
stands still for a moment, then beats
faster than ever before.
Sho meets him before ho reaches
their pew. Sho is aware that his hand
is reached out to her, and that his faco
is radiant with pleasure. Hut she docs
not touch tho hand ho offers.
"I want to tell you that I never gavo
Mary that letter," sho says, in a low,
swift voico. "I hid it in the old clock.
It's thero now. Forgive mo if you
can." Then before ho can speak or
stop her she turns and goes hurriedly
down tho aislo past tho wondering
Mary, who had seen all that had taken
place, but comprehends nothing of
what it means.
When Mary reaches homo she goes
directly to Alico's room.
"What was tho matter to-night ?''
she begins, but Alico stops her.
"1 am glad you camo here, sho says.
"I should havo como to you, if you had
not, to mako confession of a wrong I
did you thrco years ago. You will
uato me, l suppose, when you hear it.
I kept back a letter Kingsloy Dunham
left for you. I felt sure that ho asked
you in it to bo his wife, and and I
could not givo it to you as I had prom
ised to. 1 hid it in tho old dock. Oh,
I cannot look at you I I want yott to
go away and leavo mo to my shamo
and disgrace. To-morrow I will go
Dome. I can never look in your taeo
or bis again." And Alico Crawford
drops her faco in her hands and sobs
over tho humiliation sho has brought
upon herself.
"You must havo beon mistaken in
thinking ho asked mo to bo his wife,"
Mary says, "I was engaged to Georgo
at that timo, and Kingsloy Dtinnam
know it. Let mo go and nod tho letter.
That will explain it all."
Sho comes back presently with an
excited faco.
"Oh, Alice, read that 1" sho cries,
and puts tho letter in her cousin's
And Alico roads :
"My Du.vit FitiKNi) M.wsv. I am a
foolish, cowardly mat). I know it.
Hut braver men havo been cowards be
fore woman's eves. I lovo your cousin
Alico, but I fear to toll her so. Sho
puzzles me. I sometimes think sho
cares for mo. Then her mood chances,
and I seem to bo hold agrcat distanco
away from her. You must know how
to road a woman's heart a great deal
better than I do! Is thero a ohanco of
winning her 1 I shall bo gono before
you como back, and I shall uot he hero
to seo you before you leave for Europe,
but you can wrilo to mo and toll mo if
lliero Is anything to hope.
"KiNdSLKV Dunham."
Alico Crawford reads tho letter
through with dry eyes. Sho h&s boon
so near to heaven ! So uoar I Hut
her own baud has barred tho door
against her entrance. Tho senso of
what sho has lost, of tho fatal result of
her guilty act bonumbs her.
"Go away, please," sho says by.nnd
by. "I want to bo alone."
When morning comeB sho tells them
she is going away, and at onco.
"You shall not go," Mary
"You must not 1"
"I must,'' sho answers. j could not
boo him ntor reading that letter. Doh't
urgo mo to stoy lor it will do ho
An hour later sho is .being borno,
Now Knglandwardc, and sho carries
with her tho letter that tolls her how
Kingsloy Diiiih&m leved her. It is a
terrible thing to read, but she woijld
not part with it for tho world.
Hack again to tho old home, full of
tho awful loneliness clinging to famil
iar places after tho death of those wo
lovo. It seems to her as if years havo
passed sinco sho went out over its
threshold two weeks ago. In thcso two
weeks sho has found out how sin
brings its own punishment. And suro
ly sin lias never had o bitterer punish
ment than hers has had.
It is tho second ni trht since her re
turn. Sho sils alone. What sho is
thinking nbout you know ns well as I.
It seems to her that thero is but oiic
thing to think about for the rest of her
lifetime. Everyday will repeat the
thought of yesterday.
Tho gato opons. Sho heats a step
on tho path a man's slop. She would
knows whoso it is sho would know it
"How can I seo him ?" she cries. "I
cannot, I will not." Uut her feet re
fuse to obey her when sho wills to fly.
He comes in and looks about in tho
"Alice, ho says gently, "are you
hero ?"
Yes, I am hero 1" sho cries. "O.
why could you not havo spared me this.
Was not my punishment ' enough al
ready ?"
Then her voice breaks nnd hot tears
"I havo como back to ask vou if vou
kept back that letter becauso you lov
ed mo 1" ho says. Was it that 1"
"Yes, sho cries out in desperation.
"Ask what you will, humblo me as you
will, I deserve it all. 1 kept tho letter
back becauso I loved you."
"Then nothing shall henceforth como
between us," ho says, softly, nnd gropes
about in tho twilight till ho finds her
hand and holds it prisoner in his own
strong palm.
"But you forcetl" sho cries. You
cannot forgive my sin. You must halo
and despise me for it,"
"I forget nothing, ho answered.
God forgives us aud loves us after
wrong-doing. Shall not I, who, try, to
be like him in other things, bo liko
him in this ? And you did it because
you loved me, Alice. Perhaps I ought
not to think. of it in that way, but I
cannot help doing so. I need you.
Como to mo and help mo do the work,
I have undertaken."
"I will come if you aro suro you can
forgive," she cries.
And ho knows by tho kiss ho trives
her how great his gladness is. And
how glad slin is you may understand,
but words of mine cannot tell.
How an Oyster Builds its Shell.
In building its shell tho ovBter starts
with the hinge end, at tbo spot known
to conchologists as tho umbo. A small
plato or singlo scale now represents
each valve, aud that is tho first sea
son's growth. The next season a now'
growth or plate shoots out from under
neath the first one, just as tho shingles
do. Tho oystermcn call these laps or
plates, "shoots," and they claim that
tho number of shoots indicates the
years of tho oyster. Thoy certainly do
contain a rcoord of the seasons, show
ing tho slow growing and fast grow
ing seasons. But thero is often jreat
difficulty in differentiating these shoots.
Tho record is often obliterated in pla
ces by tho growth of parasites, which
build their shells or tubes upon tho
oyster. I have likened thcso shoots to
shingles. Now, at the gablo of a houso
these shingles may bo seen edgewise,
So on tho ono sido of an oystor shell "is
a series of linos. This is tho edgewise
view of tho shoots or season crowths.
Another factor is this purple spot, or
scar, in tho interior of tho shell. It is
tho place of attachment of tho abduc
tor muscle. Its first placo of allaoh-
ment was close up to tho hinge. Had
it staid there until tho shell had be-
como adult, how diflicult would bo tho
task of pulling the valves together 1
tho loverago to bo overcome would bo,
so great; for wo must bear in mind tho
fact that at tho hinge end the valves
are held by this black ligament, which
is iu life, elastic, swelling when tho
shell opens and boing compressed when
tho animal draws the valves together.
So with every year's growth or elonga
tion oi mo biicu iiio mouusK moves the
placo of atachracnt ot tho muscle on
ward, that is an advance further from
tho hinge. As it does so it covers up
with whito nacro all tho scars that aro
back of tho ono in actual uso as tho
point of attachment of tho muscle.
'Pl.ta l... rr . .!
iiuo juu uaii iiruvu uuuug on wuil
nitric acid this covcrintr. and thus ex
posing tho wholo life series of scars or
Pa'd by the Private.
The Baltimore Sun revives tho fol
lowing story of Elias Howe, tho in
ventor of Bowiug machines :
At tho outbreak of tho war, w lieu
ho was a millionaire, ho enlisted ns a
pnvnto to show his patriotism and in-
depondonce. Monoy grow scarce, and
his regimonl, which was sent South,
was loft unpaid for three months. At
tha end of that timo Howo in his pri
vate's uniform, ono day entered tho of
fico of tho quartermaster and asked
when tho soldiers of tho regiment wero
to bo paid.
"1 don t know," replied tho quarter
master. "Well, how much is owed them ?"
blandly asked tho private.
"What is that to you 1" said tho
storekeeper, with a look of surprise.
"Oh, nothing," said Howe, nonehal
antlyi "if you'll figuro out tho nmouut
I'll givo yon my check for tho wholo
"Who aro you ?" gasped tho quarter
"Elias Howe, and my check is good
for tho pay of the entlro army."
Tho quartermaster mado out his
bills, and Howo gavo him his check for
thrco months' pay for his recimont.
The government nflerward reimbursed
People who wonder why Chicago has
not been utterly destroyed by lire.ashap
poned in the case of Sodom and her
sister city, must remember, that, al
though Chicago is as wicked as thoy
wero, bIio has ix much better fire de
A Eeaver' Charmed Life-
Thero was a largo gathering at tho
Mnpes' harm, in Harmony, Pa., on
Saturday of last week to attend tho
salo of tho personal effects of tho, lato
Orvin S. Mapcs. Among tho articles
disposed of was a boaver skin cap,
which was ruadq sevonty-ouo years
ago out of tho fiir of tho last boaVcr
over captured in the Choiuting Vallley,
if not in tho Slate. The beaver w'as
killed by tho father of Orvin Mapfcs,
after it had boon hunted for twenty
There wero very few beavers left in
tho waters of this Stato or PcnnsylVa
nia iu 1701, when Benjamin Patter
son n noted hunter and trapper of
thoso days, discovered a colony jn Mud
Creek, a tributary of tho Upper Cho'
mung IUver. This wns tho first colo
ny of beavers that had been found
thcrabouts for somo years. Patterson
has set his trap, aud caught a beaver
oyery night for Bcven nights. On tlio
eighth night a beaver escaped from
tho trap and left oiio ofiits hind legs in
It is a peculiarity of tho beaver fam
ily that if all thu members of a colony
but one nro captured or die; the survi
vor will never again seek another colo
ny or follow tho regular lifo.of a bea
ver; but will become a wanderer, hid
ing wherever it can, and displaying a
cunning and sagacity that were strango
to it, when it lived in a colony. After
finding tho beaver's.lcg in his trap, and
falling to capture, any mord of tho ani
mals, Patterson knew that ho had tak
en all but ono of the entire colony, and
that that ono had becomo a crippled
These Bolitary beavers wero called
tramps by sOino trappers, nnd bachel
ors byr others, Patterson lost track of
tho missing beaver, but tho next year
ho camo upon signs of it. Ho could
not find its hiding places, however,
and for fivO years he followed the crip
pled beaver up and down tho Chemung
and its branches, always on its trail,
but never succeeded in outwitting its
cunning. At tho end of fivo years Pat
terson declared that the beaver boro a
charmed life, and that thero was no
uso in Wasting timo on it. His brother
Itichard thought' differently, and con
tinued tho search for tho bachelor bea
ver. It was heard of all over the val
ley, first in ono placo and then in an
other; but Patterson had no hotter
luck in trappiug for it thau his brother"
had, and in 1807 all signs of tho bea
ver disappeared. It was thought it
had died or loft tha locality.
In 1809 Itioliird Patterson was trap,
ping on tho very head waters of tho
Chemung and ho discovered signs, of a
beaver. Ho could not locato it in any
one spot,- and it kept moving down the
stream. Patterson- followed it all tho
way to Nowtown, whero Elmira now
stands, without getting a sight of it.
At Newtown Eddy tho beaver loft tho
stream, and Patterson discovered by
its tracks in tho snow that il had but
three legs, and ho mado up his mind
tho crippled bachelor beaver of 1794
had turned up again. Tho trail led
across country seven miles to another
stream, where it. 'disappeared and all
traoo of tho beaver was lost.
Nothing was hoard or seen of it
again for nearly four years. In '1812
Benjamin Patterson was fishing in tlio
Tioga River near Paiuted " Post, and
was surprised to Bee n beaver crawl
out from a clump of willows near by
him and draw itself up tho bank. Ono
of its hind legs was gone, and Patter.
boii felt that ho was onco more in tho
presence of tho charmed beaver. Ho
picked up a club and sprang toward
tho animal, but it quickly disappeared
in the water. Patterson ran to a houso
near by and got a rifle. When1 ho re
turned to the river tho beaver was
in the middle of tho river, swimming
ior mo otner snore, ratterson took
good aim and fired at it. It disappear
ed bmeath iho water. Patterson, be
lieving that ho had killed tho be3ver at
last, jumped into a boat and started
out to look for its body. Before be
had gone far ho saw tho beaver climb
up the bank on tho other sido and dis
appear. Patterson' then sworo that ho
would novcr acrain mako any attcmiit
on tho lifo of the bachelor beaver.
AH sign of tho mysterious tramn was
again lost. In tho spring of 1814 thero
was an usually large ireshet m the Che
mung. Ira Mapes, father of Orvin
Mapes, was workiug on a raft with
two other nun somo distanco abovo
Newtown. Tho flood bcoamo so strong
that just after tho men had gono to
ineii' rait to work early ono mornintr,
tho ropo broke and they wero carried
down stream. The rait landed on an
island near Nowton. A crop of corn
had been raised on tho island tho vear
oerorc, and somo ot tlio shock ot stalks
had been left standing. Tho weather
was very cold, and Mapes and the men
started tor ono ot llio corn1 shocks to
shelter themselves until they could be
taken off tho island. Thero had been
a slight fall of snow during llio night,
nnd tho men noticed a peculiar track
leading from tho river to tho corn
Bhock toward which thoy wero going,
I ho track had been mado by an animal
with but three feet. Tho men nioked
up cuius, anil, PiirroiiiHiinir the corn
shock, routed tho animal out.
It was a very larce and n verv crav
beaver, and it was soon killed. Ono of
Its lit tut legs was gone, and tho men
then knew that tho crippled bachelor
beaver that had foiled nil tho best trap
pers tor twenty years had met its
death at their hands. Mapes boueht
an interest m mo neavcr tor sv. and
subsequently had tho fur 'mado into
cap. when his son Orvin was mar
ried, iu 1830, ho mado him a wedding
present of tho cap: It was only worn
on Stato occasions. Orvin Manes' son
....... S.l ... , ctin '
was iimrnuu in inrj, anil llio cap was
presented to him. Ho was killed In
Colorado two or threo years ago, and
the cap was returned to his father, who
uieu last laii. t ho cap had a great lo
cm inmo.
Johnny was in the habit of taking a
bito of bread and washing it down
with a swallow of milk.
"Johnny, you inusn't eat that way.1
"Why not, maw I"
"Becauso it isn't healthful."
"It won't hurt mo if I break tho
bread Jn tho milk and eat it with a
spoon, will it, maw 1
"No, Johnny, that's bread, and milk
and bread and milk is always whole
TI1010 nro some things that Johnny
isn't old ouough to understand and
propably novcr vill be,
1 w
1 60
2 00
3 23
5 CO
aw 6m i r
8 10 4 60 7 00
4 78 7 CO 13 00
oso iooo moo
800 13 00 II) 00
SSI) 14 to in m
1 inch
2 "
3 ."
14 00 17 00 BO CO 40 00
column 8 oo 13 oo 15 oo
23 00 00 00 40 00 Ml CO
ayablo quarterly. Tran-
Yearly advertisements
alcntadvertlsemcnta must bo paid (or bctoro In
sorted except unera parties navo accounts.
Legal advertisements two dollars per Inch tor
three Insertions, and at that rate tor additional
Insertions without n-fercnee to length.
Executor's, Administrators, and Auditor's no
tices tbreo dollars.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, reg
ular advertisements bait rates,
Cards In tho 'Rtl-ilneM Dlrcr.lnrr" column, one
dollar a year for each line.
The Smallest Watch in the World.
A small gold penhqldor, resting in a
rich velvet .case, lay on a jowelorg
showcaso in John Street, last week.
Tho end of tho holder wag shaped llko
nn elongatedj cube, and was an inch
long. A faint musical ticking that
issued from it attracted a customer's
attention. Tho jeweler lifted tho hold
er from .tho caso with a smile, and ex
hibited a tiny watch dinl, ono sixteenth
of an itch in diameter, Bet in tho sido
between two other dials almost ns small
Ono indicated the day, aud the other
tho month of tho year. Tho ccntro
dial ticked off seconds, minutes, nnd
"This is tho smallest watch ever
made," tho jeweler said, and tho only
ono oi its kind in tho world. It took
a Geneva watchmaker tho better pait
of two years to fit tho parts together
so that thoy would work accurately.
It has been exhibited in Loudon nnd
Tho works of tho watch wero so
that they fitted lcngthwlso ill tho hold
er1 Tho mainspring was an elongated
coil of stcol fitted to the wheels by a
tiny chain, and worked liko an old
fnsliioned clock weight. The works
wero wound up by means of a littlo
screw of gold on tho underside of tho
handle, and tho jeweler wroto with it
without disturbing the operations of
tho fairy watch.
"What's the pricet ' the customer ask
ed. "A round 500," replied the jeweler
Business is Business.
Young Bilkins was utterly devoted
to business, but somehow found timo
to fall in lovo and ask tho girl to marry
him. The timo was set and ho called
on tho old gentleman to get his consent
no nau a long talk and that evening
camo up to see tho girl.
"Well, sho said, in considerable anx
iety, "what did pa Bay ?''
"lie paid that wheat was 201111; up
and thero was a fino chance for a man
to mako a handsomo littlo dot."
"Pshaw 1 Didn't he Bav anvthiiiir
else f
"Oh, yes, wo talked about a dozen
entures that might bj made with an
excellent chance of eoming out ahead
every time.
"Bother tho business I What did
ho say when you asked, htm if you
could havo mo ?"
'Wha wha what?" ho stammered.
"Why, what did ho say about mo 1"
"By George, Mary, I forgot all about
it. I'll go tho first thing in the morn
ing and seo him about it."
She Fulled the Wrong Strine;.
"1'vo been a-lauchin' most fit to kill
myself all tho way up," said the driver
doubling np over tho brako handle in
another paroxysm as tho reportor
swung on to tho front platform with
tho calm confidence and grace of tho
possessor of a $5,000 accident insuranco
policy. "We picked up an old lady
down here on .Graud St., and after iho
conductor helped her on and sho had
hxed heiselt in tho scat a young feller
had given her, she pulled out an old
fashioned purso and counting out five
pennies says, Conductor, I want to get
out at Great Jones street.'
"All right, mum,' says tho conduc
tor, and ho weut back on tho rear plat
form and began talkintr to a friend.
When we got up by Princo street sho
waved her parasol and sung out :
"Conductor, am t this urcat Jones
street ?'
'No mum,' Bays the conductor, 'this
is Prince.'
"When wo passed Bond street bIio
jumped clean out of her seat, 'this
must bo uieat Jones street.
" 'Be easy, mum,' says iho conduc
tor witli a scowl, -I'll look after yc.'
"Pretty soon we did como to Great
Jones Btroel, but tho conductor was
talkin' polities and ho didn't notico it,
1 mado up my mind I'd see tho fun
through, so 1 kept tho horses movin' at
a right, smart pace. Just as wo wero
agoin' by, tho old damo saw tho namo
on tho lamp post. Did sho holler ?
not much. Sho just grabbed for tho
cord that runs to tho clock and com
menced ringin' up tho fares at tbo rate
of oOO a minute. Tho conductor was
so paralyzed ho couldn't move a hand,
wiiiio a was laughur so 1 couldn t havo
stopped if I'd wanted to. Bimeby, a
man in tho corner pulled tho bell and
the horses stopped. Then tho old lady
got out and sailed up tho street leaving
1110 conductor etarin' helplessly at tho
lock which registered fifty fares when
ho hadn't had a dozen lia'BCugcis on
since wo left tho stables.
A Good Season.
'No, gentlemen,1' exclaimed a mid
dle-aged man, who was talking to a
crowd on Austin avenue, "nothing in
thu world could induco mo to allow 0110
of my children to enter a school room,
ior tno reason mat
"You hiro a teacher to come to tho
house," interrupted one of tho crowd.
"ro, its not that. It's becauso
"Thoy aro too sickly to go to school."
exclaimed another, excitedly.
"No, that's not tho icason. either.
No child of mine shall ever attend
school, because ''
"Becauso you don t want them to bo
smarter than their daddy,"
"No, gentlemen, tho reason is be
causo 1'vo not got any children."
Do not plant trees iu iho garden.
They will not only shado tlio growintr
crops to their detriment, but what is
worse, will secure their owu nourish,
ment at tho expense of tho gurden.rob
bing tho vegetables and plants of tho
elements of fertility.
aw m dm
Its HO )
2 OO 9 25 4 00
III ISO ft 00
t CO 4 W I 00
4 CO o CO 8 no
7 00 8 OO
It is claimed that a successful typo
setting machiuo has at last been put in
operation. Wo go right smart on ma
chinery, but wo want lo seo it trotting
around the oflico hunting eortB and
stealing leads before wo take much
stock in it Chicago Ledger.
Reports from Michigan and other
poach growing sections nio generally
to tho effeot that the sevtro cold weath
er of tho past winter has killed tho
buds, and in many intnnccs the trees
havo been killed nlso.
A Galveston hotel was wrecked by
tho boiler blowing up. Tho boiler got
tired of having tho clctk do all llio
blowing up nbout tlio placo.