The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 29, 1885, Image 2

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The Columbian.
0. E. Etartll, I IMU..,
J. K.Bitt8endiT.,f
FRIDAY, MAY, 29, 1885.
Daniel O. Barr has been appointed
by President Cleveland, to be snrvoyor
of Customs at PittBbnrg.
Victor Huro tho French poet died
at Paris on Friday last, at the ad
vanced ago of 83 years.
Major William 11. Kntzncr, for
years past carrying on a largo drug
and hardwaro business in Sbamokin
died on Saturday last.
First Assistant Postmaster-General
Malcolm Hay was at his desk In tho
department on Saturday last, consider
ably improyed in health. Ho has no
intention of resigning, but will givo
strict attention to tho business beforo
The miners convention was held at
Pottsvlllo on Saturday of last week.
Aid was ordered to bo Bent to tho Jed
do and Green Ridge strikers. Tho of
ficers wero directed to lay beforo tho
Legislature their objections to tho pro
posed new ruino law.
A bill is now beforo tho legislature
fixing the salary of members at $1500
for a regular, and $500 for a special
session of whatever length, and giving
tho chief clerk 32500 a year; tho read
ing clerk $2000; tho resident and jour
nal olcrks1500; and the mcssago clerks
$1000 a year. None of these officers
arc paid when the legislature is not in
session except tho resident clerk, whoso
pay continues. Should this bill becorao
a law it will tako effect Deoember,
Tho Congressional apportionment
bill which has passed finally and is in
the hands of the Govenor, gives the
republicans eighteen certain districts,
and tho demoorats eitglit with two
doubtful districts. Tho 24th district
is composed of Lycoming, Sullivan,
Montour. Columbia and Northumber
land. Our Senatorial district is to be com;
posed of Lycoming and Columbia.
Sullivan and Montour which wero in
tho old district will be put iu some
other district
The Statu Legislature on' Tuesday
passed finally the following,: Bills re
quiring hawkers.and peddlers of do
mestic goods to tako out a license, for
which they shall pay 850. No lioense
is required to sell agricultural iinplej
ments, sewing machines, musical in'
stroments, books, pictures, paintings or
Bill establishing uniform compen
sation (50 cents a dayand 3 cents, a
mile) to be allowed witnesses beford
justices of the peace and alderman.
Bill requiring all deeds to be records
cd within thirty days after delivering. (
Among tho moro important appoint)
racnts made by tho president Saturday,1
were ex-senator Edward G. Rose, of
New Mexico, to bo govenor of tha
territory of New Mexico, Marias
Taylor; of Dakota, to be surveyor gen
eral of Dakota; D. Ware, of Missouri
Superintendent of the Yellowstone
National Park; vice E. Carpenter re
moved. To be Attorneys of tho
United States Henry W. MoCorry,
for tho Western district of Teunesccj
John E. Carland, territory of Dakota;
James H. Hawley, territory of Idaho;
John Creeps Wickliff, district of Ken
tucky. To bo United States Marshal
Walter II. Bonn, for the northern dis
trict of New York, Michael M. Phelan,
of Missouri, to be consul-general of
tno u nued Mates at Halifax.
Tho houso 2,009 Chestnut street,
which at the close of the war was pur
chased by the citizens of Philadelphia
and presented to General Grant with
an invitation to come and reside in tho'
Quaker City, and which was owned un
til a short time ago by the general, but
which was raauo over to William a,
Vanderbilt in a security for a loan ad
vanced to urant ifc Ward, and which
went in tho financial crash which over'
took that firm some months ago, was
sold at auction Tuesday by M, Thomas
& Son?. The property cost tho citi
zens of Philadelphia 832,000. It was
knocked dowr for 22,000 to Frank
K. Hess, of 205 South Sixth street.
Tho lot has a frontago on Chestnut
street of 22 feet and a depth of 1G4 ft
to Johnson street. The building is a
four-story brick and contains eighteen
Col. L. Markbreit, Assistant United
States Treasurer at Cincinnati, on Sun
day, removed tho coin aud currency in
his caru from the old Post Qlb'co build'
ing to tho nojv quarters on tho second
iloor of tho new Government building,
There was some apprehension that the
removal might bo attended with dan
ger of robbery, but tho utmost caro
was taken to provent loss. Tho con
tract for tho removal was given to the
Adams Express Company, and was ex
ecuted under the personal supervision
of tho Assistant Treasurer and his offi
cers. Tno work began at 8 a. ni.( and
was completed at 4 p. m. Ono million
dollars in silver required ten wagon
loads. Tho gold was less troublesome,
and the paper money, although greater
in volume than all the rest, was carried,
in a largo trunk or box in,, one; wagou,
A stronrr force of poliuo kept people
away from tho loading and unloading
points, and armed men rode on all the
wagons. It is said that tlie express
company was paid $bUU for tho work.
First Assistant Postmaster General
Malcolm Hay said that in his judgment
the Postmasters and others subject to
removal should bo divided into two
clarses this first oilenstvo partisans,
and the second, neglecting to givo at
tention to duties. Ho then iravo his
definition of an "offensivo partisan."
It was expected that every postmaster
should keep his ofiico in a convenient
place lor the public, in good condition,
clean, and in all respects a place where
pcoplu of all kinds could go without bo
lug subjected to annoyance. If, on the
contrary, a Postmaster should make his
IVt Oilleo tho hoadquaiters of loafers
to congregate, and in other ways of
fend tho peoplo who galled thero for
their mail, such a man could bo prop
erly called an offensive partisan and a
fit subject for removal. The noxt class
cinbiactd tho Postmasters who left
their offices to attend political meet
ings and participate iu campaigns to
the extent of neglecting their duties.
They ooplil not, properly speaking, bo
calM offensive partisans, but thfy
merited dism!'.! just thosamo.
Tho monument to Frederick Lauor,
the deceased brewer of Reading, tho
gift of tho United , Stales Drawers'
Congress to tho city of Reading, was
unveiled in tho City Park of Reading,
on Saturday. Tho monument is six
toon feet high, nnd represents Latter
full sired, standlntr unoovcrcd, manu-
ncrint In hand, delivering a snocch.
This is tho first lnstanoo on record in this
country 'where a member of tho brew
ing interest has bocn nwardcu uy a
memorial. Tho monument contains
two significant irtscriptonsi ''His coal
sprung from his firm convicton that
in striving to advanco tno browing
trado ho was working for tho causo of
national temperance" "Let his ex
ampl6 tell the brewors of this country
to maintain good fellowship, to pro
servo their association and to defend
their rights." Among tho public
bodies participating in tho ceremonies
wero tho United States Brewers' Cong
ress, which Lauor organized, being its
first president, Reading City Councils,
tho Board of Trade, tho School Board,
tho Liquor Doalors' Association, tho
County Agricultural Society, tho
Knights Templars and other secret
Balance In the Treasury.
Tho statement of tho Unitod States
Treasury shows gold, silver, United
States notes and other funds in the
treasury as follows:
Gold coin and bullion, 8244,709,380;
silver dollars and bullion, 8105,783,100;
fractional slver coin, $31,108,008;
United States notes, $50,105,218; na
tional bank notcs,$2,27l,955; national
bank notes in process of redemption,
$7,323,304; depots with national
bank depositaries, $10,213,409; total
$511,574;497. Certificates outstand
ing gold, $129,547,000; silver, $105,
747.G9G; currenoy, $20,010,000; internal
rovenuo receipts, $325,848; customs,
Constitutional Amendment-
Two years ago Sonator Humes read
in his place an amendment to section
five, arlielo five of tho constitution.
This section says "whenever a county
shall contain 40,000 inhabitants it shall
constitute a scparato judicial district,
and, shall elect ono judgo learned in tho
law." It then provides for the elec
tion of additional judges and the form
ing of ,othcr counties into convenient
singlo districts or attaching them to
contiguous districts Senator Humes'
amendment provided that "whenever
a county shall havo 00,000 inhabitants
it shall constitute a scparato judicial
This session ho again introduced
his amendment, still farther modifying
tho language with the assistance of
Senator Wolvcrton, so as to read "when
ever a county shall havo 00.000 inhabi
tants it may constitute a Beparato judi
cial districtand forming all counties
that do not constitute separato districts
into separate convenient districts. This
amendment finally passed the Senate
last Thursday and is now in tho houso
comraitte on constitutional reform,
the chairman of which, Mr. Lowrv, I?
its warm; friend. The indication "there
fore is that it will pass the house.
To show the necessity , of the amend i
merit Senator Humes obtained from
most of tlio counties tho number of
days their courts, "civil, criminal, jury
and argument"-were in sessiou during
the year 1884. From this it appears
that many judicial districts held court
less than one hundred days and .quite
a number from sixty, to eighty days;
Tho question of cost alone should, have
no, weight as, against tho proper admin
istration of justice, but when thero is
(Treat .increase, in tho cost of tho judi
cial, system, and the judicial, business
is less, than it was ten years ago, neces
sity demands a charge. Experience
teaches that judicial districts should
bp .formed on business principles and
not upon population. Senator Humes'
amendment places it in tho power of
the legistaturo to make judicial apport
ionments on a business basis and the
interests of tho people as well as tho
judiciary demand its adoption by the
legislature, arm iia ruuucuuuii uy uiu
people. Patriot.
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
Washington, May 25, 1885.
To those who expected a grand and
startling transformation scene as soon
as Mr. Cleveland was fairly in office,
the present condition of things.very
disappointing. But to those wll J Know
that startling transformation is not
necessarily reformation, and that tho
latter can bo attained only through
careful and well considered action,
there is much for encouragement. Tho
magnitude of the wholesalo changes
that have taken place is known best by
those who will never tell it. All tho
Republican clerks in all the, Depart
moots, are working better and accom
pushing more, drinking less, paying
old debts
health than ever before. They aro do
ing more work becauso tho Secretaries
ot tho diirerent iJepartments have civ
en them to understand that idle clerks
will bo discharged, and have emphasiz
cd their meaning by turning some idlers
out. Their improved health is attribu
table to the, fact that orders have gono
cut that absence on account of sickness
will bo deducted from the 30 days sum
mer vacation that has been allowed Gov
ernment clerks. This order has had
such a healthy effect that absence from
alleged sickness has declined fully one
hundred per cent. Indebtedness and
drunkenness havu declined becauso it
is understood that decency, competen
cy and houesty will bo insisted upon
by this Democratic Administration.
These reforms aro best known by the
Republican clerks themselves but they
aro a kind pf reform that reflect but
little glory, upon them or their party.
I vpnluro to predict that iu about niuo
months from r.ow, when tho work of
tho first year of tho new administration
oan bo .reviewed, a very favorable
showing will bo made aud it will be
found that not only a largor amount of
work has been done, but that it has
been accomplished moro economically
and with a smaller force. In a month
from now it is believed that very impor
tant changes, will have been made. It
has been found impracticable to make
these changes as rapidly as was desired
owitig 'parUy, to tho lack of acquaint
ance of Mr. Cleveland and his Cabinet
with the routine and tho pcrsonel of the
different .bureaus, and partly to the
conflicting claims of, the many appli
cants for office. But the knowledge to
intelligent action is beiug rapidly no
quircdnud it is reported that ox tenia ve
changos will be made about tho 30th
of June.
No Department of tho Government
has been worso mismanaged than that
of Agriculture. Tho lata Commissioner
spent his time from Juno to November
making speeches for Blaine and tho
now Commissioner appointed by Pros
ident Cleveland found that $38 was tho
unexpended balanoo left him, for carry
ing on the Department for Unco months,
or until the appropriations of tho next
fisoal year, shall become available.
How this state of a (Talis has bocn
brbaght about Is easy to soc. Thero Is
ro doubt that lands havo been largely
UBcd io promote tho election of tho lto
publican candidate for tho Presidency.
For tho purposo of carrying favor and
gaining votes, tho salaries ot employes
in various Btatis havo been largely in
creased. Thus, in ono instance, a man
in the statistical department out in
Kansas had his salary raised from $800
to S2UUU, while his otuct in Itio Jin-
reau at Washington only gets $1,500.
This wholesalo distribution of tho
itinds of tho departtnont for political
iiurposcs soon ran away with the at
propriatlon, and to this as much as any
other causo tho bankrupt condition of
the Agricultural Uiircau is to bo attrib
uted. Tho original intent of Congress
in appropriating monoy for tho distri
bution, of seeds was to buy rare grains
boyond tho reach of ordinary agricul
turists aud so distribute them as to im
prove the character of our crop. In
stead of this, however, tho recent Com-
miss.oner bottclit tor free distribution
ordinary seeds to bo found in every
seed .store in tho country. The truo
character of theso common seeds was
hidden under high sounding names and
they wero sent by Congressmen broad
cast throughout their districts for the
purposo of making votes. I or tho last
fivo year tho bureau has not introduced
a smglo now grain ot any value, nor
has it done ono thine to aid tho true
interests of agriculture.
Mhssks. Editors :
Dear Sirs: Excuso mo for present
ing a letter' mixed with history, remin
iscences and personalities. The oppor
tunity presented itself and wi Improved
It. If exceptions should bo taken to it,
protect us from all harm. In the south
eastern portion of Fishinccrcok town
ship, Columbia county, a little way
back from the JNorth Mountain, along
side the Luzerne county lino and ex
tending to tho old Berwick turnpike
was a timber tract ot several hundred
acres, or, what might bo termed a very
denso forest of toworing pines of ex
quisite beauty and quality, which seem-
od to contain an inexhaustible supply
of lumber. Tho owner, or owners, al
ways lumbering, drew from tho forest
with a studied economy, and with a
judicious view for the best preserva
tion ot the timber. A sawmill run oy
water power located on bio: Pino Creek
did its yearly work from tirao immem
orial during water supply times on the
manufacture of lumber with telling ef
fect. It is no longer a forest 'that could
defy tho lumberman's axo with impun
ity. Thero aro yet many pines, but
wonderfully thinned out, but not cull
ed. That has not been part of tho pro
gramme. This tract was owned by
John M. Buckalew, long since dead,
but nevertheless still owned by tho sur
viving heirs, viz: William (deceased's)
heirs, Perry, Charles R., John M.; well
Wo can not positively say, but1 think
Mahalah, wife of B. C. Hess. Thd
Buekalow family was n remarkable
one. The father, a powerful man of
constitution aud will, was slow of
speech, but every word was coined in
to opinion that' could neither bo rotut
cd nor gainsayed. The'old'H-enerable
neighbor wo will remember to our dy
ing day. William was a surveyor and
the counterpart of his father' iu inte
grity and character, though not in con
stitution and'fatiguo enduring powers,
no had a turning lamp also run by
water power located 'on tho same
stream and residing only across thd
bridgo from tho homestead. Perry is
a farmer and an excellent citizen whoso
integrity has never been questioned,
and as candid in every expression as
though it wero gospel truth. His phy
siquo is moro delicate than that of his
brothers. John M. owns tho home
Btcad, and is1 counseled much in conse
quence of his business qualifications
and legal knowledge gained by closo
application and study. Ho has a large
library and insatiablu thirst for read
ing. Alabalab, moro properly iNlrs,
Hess resides at Van Camp, in a bcauti
ful rural home, amuses herself very
much with her pet bird of tho parrot
kind, which her brother brought from
South America and presented it to her
on his return home, when Minister at
Eqaedor, under Buchanan's adminis
tration. The bird has long since gono
blind and is no less than twenty-seven
years old. It has such a powerful
beak that it can therewith crack wal
nuts. It has a beautiful plumage, aud
whilo it can ramble all over a tree, yet
it never could fly on account of tho un
proportionate contrast between its body
and wings. Wo doubt whether Mrs.
Hess would cxchatigo it for a farm.
Mrs. Hess is a woman of dignity and
character, and portrays a noble bearing.
Charles H. the most distinguished per
sonage in tho county and perhaps iu
tho state, second to none in ability and
intellect, and devoted to his profession
aid renowned in its practice, has had
a very brilliant and successful career,
with n probability of reachinp; the
highest climax attainable in tho na
lion's honor a result devoutly hoped
for bv all his friends. Tho following
anecdote wo have frequently heard re
lated, but for its truthfulness wo. can
not vouch. That when u small boy
his father set him to hoeing corn, and
when asked how many rows ho had
hoed, said he could not tell, but told
how mnnv hills thero wero in tho field,
Upon thU startling development of
mathematical comparisons tho father
decided that it paid better to send the
boy to school than to keep him at the
farm. If this anecdote is truo it only
further proves the wisdom and pru
denco so characteristic of tho father,
iu shaping tho future destiny of his
sou. The Buekalow family is an hon
ored and a distinguished ono tnough
all are republican except Charles It.
Mauv laughable anecdotes wo could
I elate as told by John M. with whom
wo avo moro intimately acquainted than
with auy other member ot the family.
Excuse me. I should say.Captain John
51. Buekalow, if you please. X. Y. Z.
Overhauling the Republican Risoals,
In ordering a searching iuquiry iuto
tho history ol tho so-called repairs up
on tho third-rato man-of-war Mohican,
Secretary Whitney begins a task en
tirely in tho intoroH of truth and just
ice We believe that lie is tho man to
carry through tho work.
The wooden ship Mohican, of 19,000
tons displacement, was otdcrcd to tho
Mare Island Navy Yard in 1875 for
repairs and reconstuction upon the
Rohbcrsonlan plan. This vessal was
then about fourteen yoars old It had
oriinunllv cost 8333.000 to build her.
During the six yean immediately pre
ceding tho time wheu Secor Robber
sou took tho Mohican in hand, more
than $237,000 had been expended in
repairs on her hull, and moro than
$537,000 on her boilers and machin
ery. This ought to havo loft tho ship
iu fair condition, to say tho least ; but
Robber-ion took her out of commission
and scut her to Marc Island to bo over
hanlud anew. Tho process has been
I'ting on for thirteen years under
Robbcrson nnd his successors of tho.
same dynasty. Tho Mohican is about
ready to go to sea, whoro sho will bo
of tno slightest value either for de-
t rr ' . -1
iuhbivu or oueiisivu uuvui wunnn.-.
This, in brief, Is tho history of n
ship to whoso case The Sun has re
peatedly called tho attention of the
Secretary Whitney says that tho
aggragalo amount of money expended
on tho Mohican stneo sho has been
docked in 1876 is nearly $900,000,
nnd that more than two-thirds of this
amount has been spent during tho ad
ministration of his cheerful prcdeccsS'
or, the lion. William X'j. unanaicr,
From Mr. Whitney's stnlemont and
the hVures alroadv on record. It is
.easy to comptito tho total cost of tho
Mohican as sho stands .to-day:
Original cost ot machinery ..$.133,0)0
Itepalrs, Bureau ot Construction, previous
to 1872 M'.OJO
Repairs, Bureau ot Steam Engineering pre-
vIouitolSTS. s.1,000
llurcau ot Equipment previous to 187t 128,0.'O
llopalrsslnco 1872 ana to date oo,ooo
Total tor tho .Mohican $1,010,00)
Mr. Whitney says that a new Bhlp
of tho samo character and class could
have been built for 8250,000.
Startling as this cxposuro of dis
honesty extravagance nnd systematio
plundering nppears, tho Mohican is
only a spcotman case. not aoout
fifteen vcars wo havo been engaged in
exhibiting tho fruits of Robbersonism
in the .Navy JJcpartmcnt. as wo nave
shown time aud time again, the pro
cess ot rigid and impartial investi
gation which the first honest and fear
less Secretary of tho Navy sinco 1809
proposes to apply to the Mohican,
would reveal in tho case of almost
every other vessel of tho United Stales,
wooden or iron clad, the samo enor
mous disproportion between the amount
of monoy exponded and tho results
obtained for tho expenditure.
Mr. Whitney Is going to work in
tho right way. Every honest citizen
is with him. Lot tho wholo infamous
record of Repuplioan rascality in tho
Navy Department bo uncovered to tho
light of day. K 'Y. Sun.
i on sheriff.
Subject to the lulcs of tho Dcmocratlo party.
rort suekiff.
Subject to tho rules ot the Democratic party.
Subject to tho rules ot tho Democratic party.
por sheriff.
Subject to tho rules of tho Democratic party.
Absolutely Pure.
r. ntwdornflTerTtTIM. A marvel of nurtty
trengthand whoiesomenoss. More economical
Inn tnn ordinary klnfls. and cannot be sold In
competition with the multltudo ot low test, short
weigni, aium or puospnaie powaers. oiu uuiy
la cans, ltor At. Uikino powdib Co., 104 Wa!l-St.,
N. V. augll-lv.
ThU racdlclno, combining Iron with puro
vegetable tonics, quickly and completely
Cures l)ypepilf Jndlscatlon Wraknesu
Iuinnre Illoodi malarias Chills and 1'evera
and Nearulcla.
It Is an unfotllncr remedy for Diseases of tho
Kidneys nn d IJvrr.
It li Invaluable for Dlicasci peculiar to
Women, and all who lead ccdentary ltvei.
It (loci not Injure tho teeth, cause hcadachcor
produce constipation other Iron mcdlcinei do.
It enriches and purine the blood, stimulates
the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re
lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
Por Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, tack of
Energy, Ac, It has no equal, .
93- The genulno has above trade mark and
croascd red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
I.d. .l,Lr iuioc v IUI1IC1L co luLTiioac KB.
IsOffl nf Appetite, llititl'trhp, Ifiiv.
Blon, Indlg4'tlm utid Cfintii:itl(m Hit
lutitnets. n hallow !'(, Hull 1I p-n-t
a IlloUlicil bkln, Hro mnoi XUm jiiij.dvK..
vhlch Indicate tbat tbe Uver U crjlu for
Ayer's Pills
will stimnlato the I.lvcr to proper action,
and correct all theso troubles. One or nr
ot theso Villi should bti taken dally, until
health Is fully etUbllheil. '1 houwuuU Ux
tlfy to their great merit.
No family can ullord to bo w Ithout AVI a'a
riii.j'Aitr.i) u y
Dr. J.C. Ayop &Co., Lowell, Mass.
A school for both wxps. separate building of
uriCK, Jicaieu uy bicaui, lor mo use ut uuiiai.
Special attention paid to students wh(bO ichool
pi I , liMflQ UUlU UUIl IMUllvu.
Location Exceptionally Healthful
PER YEAR $154.
Reduced rates on D. I. W.H.U.. Seventeenth
year btvlua August S3. W cataioguo or inrorma
lion aaarcss
UEV. JOHN II. 1IA1UUS, Tji, 1).
May SO, 3m.
5 (
mm ii m m b
1 - W I I I -1
Tho principal cause of nearly all ulckr.nvi at this
time ot tho year turn its origin In ft disordered Uv
er, which, It not regulated In time, great nutTcrlng
tv retched ness nnd death will cmue, A gentleman
wrltlnir from South America says i "I havo used
your Simmons' Liver lleculator with good effect,
both asn prevention and cure tor Malarial Peters
on the Isthmus ot Panama."
Simmons1 Liver Regulator
An Effectual Specific
-( .o:-)-
If you feci drowsy, debilitated, liavo frequent
beadacho, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, and
tonguo coated, you aro suttoring from torpid liver
or "biliousness." nnd nothing will cure you so
speedily and permanently as to take
It Is given with safety, and tho happiest results
to tho most delicate Infant. It takes the place of
quinine and bitters ot every kind. It U the cheap
est, purest and best family mcdiclno In tho world.
J. H. ZEILIN & CO., phi!a,
may S9-ly
Real JEstatc!
Tho undersigned appointed A&slgnco of C. B.
Brockwdy of Bloomsburg. Columbia County, Pa.,
will offer at publlo salo at the Court Houso,
Saturday, Juno 20th, 1885,
at 10 o'clock, a, m., tho following ynluablo proper,
ties, to-wlt :
FIRST. -Three building lots In Olen city, Beaver
twp. formerly In tho namo of Charles It. Barnes.
SECOND. A tract of timber land In Locust twp.
In tho warrantee namo ot John Everhart, contain
ing tour hundred acres moro or less.
THIRD. Tract of timber land In Roarlngcreek
and Locust townships, In the warrantee, name ot
Thomas Barnes, Jr., containing sixty acres moro
or less.
Tho abovo properties will bo Bold In tho order
named, the Asstgneo reserving tho power to ad
journ the salo from tlmo to time, as circumstances
may require.
TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent ot one-fourth
of tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking
down of tho property ; tho one-halt less tho ten
per cent, at tho confirmation ot sale ; and tho re.
malnlng;ono-halt In three months thereafter, with
Interest from confirmation nisi.
M. P. LUTZ, Afeslgnec.
MAM !E!S. St Si,,
Offer to tho Trado their Pine Brand of Cigars.
The Landrcs,
Henry Clay,
Samson, and
Fine Fruits and Fino Confectionery
on tiand. V'rcsli every week. Blooroi
burg, Pa. Feb. 27
The undersigned banner out his Flanln? Ml
on Railroad street, In flrst-ciass condition. Is pre
pared to do all kinds of work In his line.
turnusnea at reasonable prices. All lumber usod
Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen
aro employed.
furnished on application. Plans and spcclnoa
iuuj pruyuruu uy ua uxperiuuceu arauffuisman
BlooiiiKbur?, Pa
number an gas (1 ttcr. Hear of fitchuylcr'a hard-
w ru lore.
Bloomsburg, Pa
All klnddof nttlncrs for steam, ltos and water
VHrd cuusiumiy on uami.
toonnt?andSDOutlncr attonde.l to atRhnrt no.
Tluware of every description made to order.
Ordersleftat Schuyler Go's., hardwaie stoie
win uv pruuiiiuy nucu.
Fneclal attention elven to heatln? bv steam and
hot water.
Tile umlursiirnt'd lias started a linn
ber yaid, ami lian on hand all kinds
of the host finality, Hoards, Scantling,
Joists, Fencing, and oyery other shaiie
Hi) to 32 ii-et long, inquire at T.
Heck's Storo.
J.F. ME,
Feb 27.3m
E. B. 8R0WER,
All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof
ing nnd Spouting promptly
attended to.
nrstrlct attention given to heating b steam.
Corner of Main & East Sts.,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
A Puro Family Medicine that nocr
11 you are wostlne awuy from age, dissipation or
any dlseaso or weakness and require a (stimulant
tako Porker's Tonic at once; It 111 lutli'orate aud
build you up from tho tint dose will never Intoxl.
cate. It has Baved hundred or Uvea, It may save
1Q3 William Street, New York.
toe, and tl tlzcs, at all dealers in medicines. Great
Butiuf m uu ) uuuur bur.
may s-lw d
W -1 A M,r
: sv. a
, s" ifUiiiMVM Hi
Who always elves yon tho latest
Btyles, nnd cuts your clothing to fit
yon. Having had ihu experience lor a
number ol years in tho Tailoring Busi
ness, has learned what material will
;ive his customers tho best satisfaction
or wear aud stylo and will try to
pleaso all who iivo him a call. Also
on hand
Gents' Furnishing Goods
op all DKscmrrioNs.
Always of the latest styles. Call and ex
nmlno his stock bCloro purchasing else
where. Storo nest door io First National Bank
Corner Main Ss Market Sts.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
April 25-lr
Real state!
In pursuance of an order Issued outot tho Or
phans' Court o( Columbia oounty, l'a., tho under
signed executors ot John Kclchnen deceased, will
expose to public salo.on the premises on
Saturday, Juno 13th. 1885,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day the follow
ing described real estate, to-wlt';
All that certain plantation, tract or pieco of land
situate In Centre township Columbia county, l'a.,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt I Begin
ning at a plno trco in lino ot land formerly belong
ing to William Sloan and now to Martha SIgfrlcd,
thenco by land now or late ot John Hill, south
thlrty.two degrees east ono hundred nnd ninety,
rive perches nnd eight-tenths to a stone, thence by
lands of Sarah Conner and cstato ot John Conner,
Jr., dee'd, south slxty-threo degrees west, ninety
live perches to a stono ; thence by lands ot Henry
c. Barton and wife north thirty-two degrees west,
one hundred and eighty-nine perches and nvo
tenths to a pine knot, thence by land ot Martha
Blgfrled north flfty-nlno degrees cast, ninety-four
perches and eight-tenths to the place of beginning,
containing ono hundred and fourteen acres and
twenty-six perches bo tho samo moro or less all In
a high state of cultivation, on which Is erected a
two-story brick dwelling houso, largo bank barn,
wagon slied and all tho necessary outbuildings.
A largo apple orchard and a well ot good water at
the door.
at s o'clock In tho afternoon ot said day on tho
premises In Scott township, county and stato
aforesaid, tho following described real estate, to
wlt ;
AH that certain message, tenement nnd tract ot
land 'situate in Scott township, CoL Co., To.,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt i Ad
Joining Unds of Aaron Boono nnd Tctcr Uagen
buch on the north, lands of James Lake and Al.
fredMoodon the west, the north branch ot tho
Susquehanna Iilver on the south, nnd lands of
Aaron Doono, Q. W. Crcvollng Co., J. . iraus,
Iluckel 6 Crevellng, and others on tho east, con
talnlne ninety acres, moro or less with tho ap
purtenances all in fine cultivation, on which Is
erected a two-story brick dwelling house, largo
frame barn, wagon shed and outbuildings. A largo
applo orchard on tho premises and a good well of
water at tho door, nils tract to be sold subject
to tho dower ot $3300 in favor ot Ell Crevellng's
widow and heirs.
TfcHMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, ot one-fourth
ot tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking
down of the property ; the one-fourth less tbe ten
per cent, at tho confirmation absoluto j and tho
remaining three-fourths In one year thereafter
with interest from 'confirmation nisi and deed to
bo dellvcreil to the purchaser at his expenso on
payment ot tho .wholo of tho purchaso money,
rossesslon to bo delivered April 1, 1680. No straw
to bo removed from the premises. Tho purchaser
to havo tho landlord's sharo ot tho winter grain
sown this fall. All tho grain and crops now In tho
ground are reserved.
UANOW T01 Voids up
1 like an umbrella. Welffh
lessttian 12 lbs. Can bo
i&keu oiT or put on in a min
utes. Mad in filxea to tit
business wagons, pleasuro
wagons aud boggle. Bend
or muiiraieu circum- mu
nrlcn list. At?nti wanted
everywhere. Btata where
vnuftAWthla. Tl.f J.IIKKlttt
m iu. i'au'nieesanuiuauui ouuu wuu.
may 15-4w r
On Cars at Quarry.
No. l slate , f.l(0tol.(M
NO. Mill) BlalO 3.W to 3.45
tieconds 3.00
No. S Mb Mate 2.50
j. i.. iiur.i.,
23 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, l'a
may sw-ly
A FEW fiOOD MEN to canvass for tho salo of
Frulc and Ornamental Trees, Mirubs, vines, noses.
&c No Experience Keiiulnxl. uueral wages
Address II. J. DOWDKN & CO., Brighton, N. V.
may ss-sw d
Wiicut tier bushel ,
Hyo " "
Corn " "
Oats ' "
FJour bcr barrel , ,
Butter ,
I'otntocs new
Dried Apples... ..,
Hams i
Sltlcs ami shoulders.,
Chickens.,,,...,, ,.;
Turkeys , -.
Lard per pound
Hay per ton
llceswax.,..., ,
Hides per lb
Veal skins per lb ,
Wool per lb
S.05 1 05
5&0 25
8 0u
,., 04
.., 10 00
5 to 7
Philadelphia Markets.
KEED" Western winter bran, spot, It & U.n
Jted middlings 15 1U.W
VLOUIL Western extra 3.51 a s.87 : l'enn'n
family, 4.00 a 4.S5 Ohio clear, l.Siy&.UJ; winter
WllUATTennsylvanla red, No. 1, 1.13.
COllN.-M (4U,
oats. No. 3 white a 41 No. 2. 45
HAY AND M'llAW Timotby-choica Western
nnd New York, ta. fair to good Western and
New York, 20. y m. ; medium Western and New
York, ia h it I cut hay as to quality 15. (4 17.50.
jijo nuaii witi, Mutrat Biruw, ji. fcs
straw li.
KGC.H. Pennsylvania 1SU: western IS rsiH vr.
BCTTmt. l'ennsylvonla creamery prints f o so
UVK l'OULTltV.-rowls, IS, inlxod 10UUX9
Intelligent SOLICITOUS WANTED for tho
Real Estate!
Tho undersigned administratrix of tho estate ot
I). YV. Walter, lato of Catawl sw township, Colum
bia county, 1'cnnsykanU, docoased, wllloxposo to
publla salo, on tho premises,
Thursday, Juno 11th 1885,
nt 10 o'clock, a. m., tho following doscrlbed Tat.
uable property, to.wlt ! Tho
altuato on Mill strcit- In tin town of catawlsu,
county and stato atorpjilJ, formerly occupied by
said decedent bwnJoJ on tho cast by lands ot II.
J, lteedor, on the we3t by lands ot T. K. Harder, on
tho north by lands of It. J. Kocder and on tho
Bouth by said Mill street. The houso" U a two
story framo building In good repair, with all nec
essary outbuilding Tho lot is of good size, con
taining fruit trees and a good well of water.
Terms made known on day of salo by
V. n. Itbawn, Att'y, Admrx.
Catawlssi, May 19, 18av-3 Is.
xstatx or rnxDsaicx n. xMBxcr, nicxisxn.
Letters of administration In tho c3tate of Freder
ick II. Kambcck, lato of Jackson township, de
ceased, havo been granted by tho Ilegister ot said
county to tho undersigned Administratrix. All per
sons having claims against the cstato of tho de
ceased aro requested to present them for settle
ment, nnd thoso indebted to tho cstato to make
payment to tho unflerUffnod Administratrix with
AprSMw Dcrr'sl". O.
Letters ot administration on tho cstato of James
Tiarton, late ot ino lown oi iiiooinsuurv.
Columbia county, l"ennsylvnnla, deceased havo
been granted by the lteglstcrof said county to tho
undersigned Administrators. All persons having
claims against tho estate of tho deceased aro re
quested to present them tor settlement, and thoso
Indebted to tho cstato to make payment to tho un
dersigned administrators without delay.
ELI BAltTON, nioomsburg, ) A,imini,irninr
JOHN (i. O.U1CK, ltupcrt, Administrators.
may 1-Cw
T M.ffls. A handsome VAHK LAMP given
fc P.flPFEf! with a ts order for Tea and Corf
3 UUIifiU An Iron Stono CUAMIIKIt
O VII IBB 8Cr J0 lccc3 or ft TEA 8KT, 41
pieces, or a handsome IlltONZK HANdINd LAMP
given with ft $10 Order. A ClIAMIIKIt SET of 10
pieces with blue, maroon or pink band or an WON
STONE CHINA TEA SET Of 60 pieces, or ft OLAS3
HET of 50 pieces given with n$l2 order, HAND
SOME I'ltEMIUMS, consisting of Decorated China
Wnro tn Tea Sets, also Dinner and Tea sets com
bined, and Chamber sets, etc., etc., given w Itli
orders for f 18, $20, !, 28 nnd tan. send for clrcu-
lar, wmcn w iu givo you inn panicuiars. uitAmi
UNION TEA COMPANY. 1!5 South Mnin St..
win.? ii.irre, iu. ucaunuar
ters MO Front street, New
York city.
may I51y
Monday, April 13th, 1885.
Annual meeting of Auditors ot Conyngham
township nnd Centrnlla Ilorough on Tuesday,
April 8. 1883, for tho purposo ot auditing tho ac
counts of tho Poor district ot said township and
borough for tho year ending April 13lh 1885.
Auditors present on tho part ot Ccntralla Bor
ough James llarrctt. 11. 1. curran and ueo. W.
Davis, on the part of the lowmhlp of conyngham
Andrew Kane, Michael Monaghan and James
O'linen. on motion James llarrctt was elected
resident nnd Jno. P. Hannon, secretary of tho
oard. On motion tlio pay of directors was fixed
at tho rato of 3 and 25-100 dollars per day.
David Walsh in nocount with tho abovo district
for the year ending April II, 1881.
To balance per auditor's settlement 01 M
By reduction made In valuation of D. F.
curry by corn's, 0 mills 1 20
By balauco credited on order No. 10 dated
April 20, 1835 in favor of David Walsh 0) 30
tci 50
C. O. Murphy Treasurer and -Collector In account
wiLii uonymruam rownsnip nna I'cniraua
Borough Poor District, special tax for
tho year ending April 13, 18.83.
To amt ot duplicate, borough 157 03
' ' " " township 2170 S'J
am 4i
By amount ot borough exonerations..., SO
" " " " error (W
" " " twp. exonerations 131
" ' " bor. returns to corn's.... no
" " twn. returns " " .... B3 Its
" coin, on fiMl.01 1& 5 per cent 120 58
- " uiu., w y lurcciii, ii iu
" Proth's. receipts as follows vl. :
Sept. 13, 1881. tlSO.OO
NOV. 11, " 75.2:1
Dec. 8, " 60.73
March 23, 1885, check to the Dan
ville asylum 500.00
iMl. t:73S4l
Amt. overpaid by treasurer 105 00
By 2 per cent on (103 com 2 10
Balanco duo C. O. Murphy (107 10
This amt. Is settled by a certltlcatc given
tuls2Sth day of April 1885 107 20
C. G. Murphy collector and treasurer In account
with conyngham township and ccntralla
borough poor district, poor tax for tho
year ending April 13, 1833.
To amt. of borough duplicate 785 25
" " " twp. " 4952 7U
t5738 01
' ree'd. from Co. Com. unseated land 400 30
(C201 41
By amt. of exonerations for bor
" " " " " twp
" " returned to Corn's, bor
" " " " " twp
" com. on f mid.oi a B per cent
" " " 57iu'l0(. Slier cent
4 00
2 C5
4 80
107 15
210 47
114 38
I5W 45
t5C01 S
By orders redeemed as follows, lz :
3 Oct. 27. T7. Michael Sullivan
40 C5
472 48
120 81
59 1!)
10) 00
18 08
51 03
0 81
Ill Jan. 0 '8,', Adam Walduer M.'l.;5 x
.8.73 int
51 Dec. L'&l.U A. ltloly K Co. p. li. ao
55 " " "O. O. Murphy p. h. ac...
5; " " " Sam'I. Keller, salary.
58 Jan 5, 81 Sam'I. ltelnbold mending
61 Feb. 2, 'Sl.L. A. ltlley fi Co. coal no
C5 "2, '81, Henry Beaver blackbm'th
CJ "2, W, Jno, I'. Hannon, cobts of
Bradley ,
73 Mch. 25, ui, Dan'L Curry, horso
"5 Mch. 25, '81, Henry Moscr o. D. li.
70 " " " Wm. Herbert O. D. 11. .
7T Men. 25, "81, u. o. Murphy o. D. li
78 mdso. p. h.
in " if. m. Loshell prof. ber.
tu ' "Geo. w. Davis mdso....
81 " " "Burko Brothers, under-
Uklng 7.
83 Men. 25, '81 L. A. ltllcy fi Co. O D It
8:1 " ' " "p. h.mdse.
Nl Apr. B, " J. M. Gw toner, salary as
Iki Apn'l8,'ei,' VuVl'd VvaislV 'bervlc'cs
ns director
Hi Apr. 18, vi, John Monroe services
as director
IB Apr. 18, !, I'atilck Haley services
ns director,...,
03 Apr. in. m, Jno. 1". Hannon clerk.
Dl ' " "sam'L Keller back sal
ary In full ,
05 Apr. 18, '81, Mrs. sam'L Keller
wages of maid for 1 year
1 Apr. It". '81, Sam'I. Keller,su.i. cash
o3DH " 'f. MelUngfi- med.
4 Mn'y','3 '"si," ii.' ' "ii i'in" cofiin 'arid
shroud for (illlooley.....
ojune?, !, Jno. P. Hannon pos
tage and blank hooks.
TJuno 7. '81, chas. strausser, work at
p. h ;
8 June 7, 83, Mich. Brown horso hire
o " "wm. Monroe horso for
10 July 5, '81, John Crano horso hiro
11 ' " " Iiurko Bro's. undertaking
i'i . VL M' Watklns bill rend
13 Aug. 2, -81, J. M. owlnncr, prof.
services. . ' ,,
11 Aug. i, w, ueo. li copo black"
15 Aug. 2, 'si, w. B. llartman wall
7 50
30 75
45 00
10 00
2118 01
130 77
10 O)
21 78
43 00
115 (10
18 25
50 (0
207 50
127 50
158 00
1'JO 00
1C0 00
78 00
23 85
41 00
30 00
18 00
7 50
170 CO
23 6D
58 00
2 00
31 00
20 00
10 10
1 72
15 21
119 38
15 10
2 75
40 00
48 74
3.' (13
CO 00
11 33
orthy horso
uiro. .-.,., ......i,,,,,,,,,.
21 Aug. 2, -st, chas. D, Koler liquor".'
23 bepu 5. -w. u A. Wley fi Co. coal
S .. .! "Chas. Mensch w. wheels
I, "Sam'L Keller ftcoisal.
ftrjl llll(MIIMMltll
2J Bepu 5. '65, Geo. W. DavlSip. h. no.
w " '"' " o.v. It....
28 " " " Gea V, Mears mcd. nnd
nl tendance
20 sept. , tI.A. II. church p.
30 ' "''Ub.MuLlus.Co.a3scsi
varied Bclcctlon of " " "d'osnory may 1.0 seen a lnrgo and
from the host Manufactories. Purchasers aro iavltod f cull ami Inspect tho Roods, or to
!nfyC fr IuforMtiow d Prices.
15 00
23 10
M 00
71 85
15 M
878 87
19 80
4 4(1
31 55
20 00
33 ni
30 60
3 (III
3 4'l
131 !M
71 21
SO Oil
31 HS
M on
S5 Id
21 00
73 (10
3 73
T tO
7 Ml
10 (HI
21 80
5 40
.13 (10
9 00
10 07
100 ft)
U 50
8 75
C 00
M Nov. l, "81, sam'I Keller no. of sal.
MM Dec 8, 81, Tiios, Collins horso
81 Doc 8 "81, Eliza ooldsworthy horso
lilro !
55, Dees, "81, Andrew Lcnlhan horso
57, Deo 8, Dl, John L Klees, beef p h.
w, " ' " Win J Helwlg. work p li
59, " " " M LHaup, bill rendered
en, " " " Josesh Tyson work p h
01, " " " Win Fctterman vinegar
M, Jnn 3, '85, (leo 11 Young o d r
r,i, Thomas Gregg costs to
05,Jan3,'83, JMdwlnncrservlccsas
M !.,.. , i
go Jan 8. '85. sam'I Keller salary on
acco unt -
7,Ja n s, "83, sam l Keucr, money nu
for shoals
70, Jan 31, '83, Elijah doldsworthy,
horse hire
Tl, Jan 31, 'ST,, John Heaver work on
p h farm......
,2, Ian 81, '85, Wm J. Hclwi? work on
nil farm
i.i, tiiiu .w, 'o.,, mmzt. nuih. uu
p li farm
74, Feb SS, '85, Wlllllam l'elffcr o d r..
,8 " " " Sam'I Keller on acc't
of salary i
II 50
13 75
23 (0
T 50
20 Oil
!M 00
WW 08
Sfifl It
15 00
.it, co w, 'sa, joun nurKO norso uiro
87, Mar 15, '85, C II Murphy, cash ad
Mrs Early , .....
81. Mar 25. '85. o U Millard, odrou
account to date,... i
W, Mar S3, '83, Copo llrothcrs black-
95, Mar 28, '85, C U Murphy o d r to
dato .
un, Mar 28, '85, c (l Murphy p h no
count to Morn, '85
9, Jiar 28, '85, John Crane, horso lilro
$0350 08
t 751 10
t500l 118
710 00
Amount over paid by Treasurer
Tills amount $751 lOduo tho Treasurer Is
bettieii by n certificate given tnis28tn
April A, D,,1883
ENDING Al itIL 13, 1885.
No. 5, Juno 7, '91, John Eveland painting
nnd papering
No. 20, Aug 2, '81, Thos Collins horso lilro
15 21
3 75
247 Ml
10 47
30 00
31 37
8 (0
47 80
SO (0
25 (10
4 (HI
8 37
40 00
13 no
S3 3.1
50 Ul
108 54
110 Ol
52 50
40 05
31 75
10 (HI
50 81
13 11
7 50
1(1 80
11 tu
31 (0
so no
148 50
30 no
20:) (HI
33 01)
201 70
160 SO
187 25
" ii, i;i, tti, l a itncy fiinunr..
" 51, Dec, 8, '85, (leo W Davis o d r
ii 6u ii .i i, ym jjryson, ntty sala-
" r.l, Jan 3, .83, Wm II Bright .lumber.,
i c,Si ! n MLashello profession-
nl sen Ices
" co, Jan 31, ti ceo W Hlllraan, hoi-so
hire and liquor
" 75, Feb 28, '85, Daniel Curry homo
" 70, l"cb 28, '65, Burke Bros., undertak-
" 77, lb 28,,'H'i, Jno 8 Mecsch, lime....
" 80, Mar 25, '81, A 11 Fortner mdso.. .
" 8', " " " oil Millard odr
" 81, ' Wm Bryson att'y sala
ry in full.
" 81, Mar 25, to, J M Owlnuer, protes-
Monal servlco In full
" 81, Mar 25, '85, It M Ijishelle profes
sional services in full
" Ml, Mar 25, '83, L A ltllcy & Co coal. . . .
" 88, Mar 25, '83, Wm Herbert o d r
ii (,,, ii ii Henry Moser odr
" 10, " " " LA lil:ey coo dr..
" si, " 2, " Geo W Davis, odr....
ii s)j ii i. joan'h O'Connor horso
" U7, Mar 28, "85, II C MlchacLs under-
" oslar 28, '83, L A Bllcy pass book p h
ii ii ii ii nenry Beaver black-
"101, Mar 23, '85, Geo W Davis horso
hlro f.
" 1, Apr 23, '83, Sam'I Itelnliold shoe-
" 3, Apr 23, '81, John Snyder sralthlnff
ii 4 fi ii- ii sam'I Keller, salary
" f, Apr 23, '83, Samuel Keller salary
" 0, Apr 20, '85, Samuel .Keller, salary
account In full
" 7, Apr, 23, '81, Mrs. Samuel Keller
maid's wages
" 8, Apr25, '83, Jno p Hannon, clerk,,
" u, " " " 1) F curry room rent..
" 10, " " ' David Walsh salary In
" U, Apr V5, '83, Patrick Haley, salary
In full......
" it, Apr 25, '85, John Monroe salary In
$2373 50
Expenses of Toor District for tho y
cnaing April is, lbto,
Medical attendance
legal Service
Funeral Expenses.
Farm Wages
Merchandise p. nous)
outdoor Belief .
Horso Hire
steward and Stewardess
Maid's wages
Directors wages Kit Haley.
David Walsh ...
John Monroo
3.10 Si
45 wi
153 tn
113 S3
11 81
Ol 77
1011 05
1778 KU
257 tU
t'x'..1 03
178 58
501 (XI
78 (l
200 CO
111) Ml
201 70
187 S3
582 4b
$G080 50
077 111
237 btl
Amt. produced by farm past year.,
" on hand April II 1681
1315 71
111 50
By amt. on hand April 13 1885 ...
1101 21
Total cost of maintaining poor dlst $7103 8.1
Census ot Poor Houso April 13, ishj.
No. of males
" " females....
Steward's account of produco from farm for tho
year ending April 13, 1835.
175 bus. ot potatoes (3 40
70 00
611 (0
80 8:1
78 80
33 Ml
170 00
II 23
2 111
5 10
3 (41
12 00
40 01
23 I)
21 S3
7 511
3 31)
10 21
' wheat " SO....
"rjo "80.,..
' o.its "40....
"bk. "50....
'corn in cars "40...,
" turnips
- unions
" ui....
" 150...
"60 ....
" moo...
2 " " ueans
0 " "beets
u tons "hay
7 " ' corn fodder
.1X1. .
in" "straw "lam.
4.15 heads ot cabbago "01
83 " "poultry "S3
150 bunches of celery" 01
1300 lbs. of pork "07
no pumpkins "im
128 lbs ot beef "03
$a;7 oi
Amount of produco on hand Apill 13, 1883.
40 bushels of potatoes
io " oats
10 " ryo
0 " " bk.
& 10
"80., ..
" 50......
" m
" 18.(0..
" 12.00-
" hay
' straw
" pork
" poultry
1 ton
2 ton
3110 lbi
CO head
till 50
Household luiiiltuio on hand April 13. 1885.
21 beds and bedding
3 cooking stoes
2 healing bto es
1 heater
1 furnaco
1 round table
I oxtcnslon table
3 kitchen tables
l falling leaf table
ii lounges
1 lronsafo
a looking glasses
i l clock.
1 1 Qoi. com. chairs
M doz. cano bottom clu?
S itf doz. oilleo chairs
2 rocking "
I l writing desk
! 1 cupboaid
! 1 sink
! 4 bedroom stands
j 60 ) ds. Ingrain carpet
I I belting machine.
Pcrtonal piopiity on hand Apil: 13, ma.
3 horses
2 beythes
4 cows
3 nlou H
l neuer
l bull
u hogs
l enlr
2 harrows
2 cultivators
2 largo wagons
1 o'd spring wagon
1 thriblilng inachltio
asclsof harness
l set ot carriage harnits
1 new spring wngon
1 seed drill
1 buggy
1 uclgh
1 Bled
1 Wlieflhrrnw
1 hnyrako
i oia carnago
2 crndle scythes'
! wnui.iaiiiiH'u uuuuurs ui uunynguamiwii.
mum uuiibim uuiuuijll 11UU exuiiiiueu mo ioit
golng accounts on tho t8tu nndsiith days of April
Auditors of Conyngham
Auditors ot ccntralla
B. I. ClJltltAN,
GEO. W. DAVIS. P. Hannon,
Attest i
f . IF. MUI.T,
320 & 322 Peitn Avenue.
mont...ii..n. "
st Hcpt, 8,111 Ham'l. Keller nc of nal.
s?' fcptl'oV !,' Mrs.' Sam'l'Kei'ler' Mir!
wages for maid.-
SJ Kept, Dl, Jonnnh O'Connor horso
si Hept. V8.L A Itlley Co. p. h. nc.
nn Oct. 4, hi, o.o. Murphy, p. h. no.
tn oct, l, 'Hi...., i
37 Oct. 4, HI. A II. Church, p. li. nc
w John tiling vinegar. ,,
so " "J. I. Plainer whont.
40 " "" Klwell Jllttcnbcnder
pub. nc of 'M ,,
41 Oct .Hi HI, Henry Moscr O. I). H, ,
41 Nor. l, " Iiurko tiro's, undertaking
41 " ""W. O. llclwlg building
corn crli, ....4
41 Nov. 1, SMacou Long WO ft. board
45 ' Jno. L. Kline lumber and
bonemcnl ,,,, ......
40 Nov. 1, Kl. A.'ll. Fortner mdso.,,,
47 " l!' lan'l. Hnorrrhosphato,,
W 11 " " Jo Tyson wages and rails
M " " "Win. Herbert i. 1.H... .
51 " " " Henry Heater, bl k
51 " " " Chas. Btraussor work nt