THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, ' COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. A Ten-Ycar-Old Boy's Ilerolo Rescue, A woman named I'faul ss, who lived near Heading, drowned bcraclf and thrco of her children last week. lar ry Pfoutz, a boy about icn years old gave- tho following remarkable story of youthful heroism. Mrs. l'fautz wai tho mother of eoven children, and her jiurposo wai to drown them all with, hcrtolf, bat only fivo consented to gd with her. They sat down tiear tho; breast of tho dam and alio toid the, boy) of ton to got her a stick lying on thd grnud. Just as ho had his back turned tho mother hurriedly followed and quickly pushed tho littto fellow iuto the water. Then tho other children criod, but sho did not stop a second. Quick ly catching hold of tho other thred.Dho threw them one by ono in tho water and then with tho baby in her arms jumped in. Tho boy of ten was a good swimmer and kept his presence of mind. IIo first helped out hli brother, aged seven.1 In tho ineanwhilo tho girl, aged nice, was drowning and tho boy helped her out Then ho dived in to savo hist mother and the two children. Bytu pcrhnman efforts ho succeeded in get ting out his mother and the baby. IIo had to struggle considerably before ho could get out his mother, because sho screamed that tho-wanted to die. Tho bravo son then dived in tq get the lit tle girl aged three, but by tho timo ho found the body and got it out his little sister was dead. Tho mother sat cry ing on tho bank and begged the boy to run homo and bring his father ad tho team. Sho said she would wait there with tho two children until ho got back. Tho boy took his brothor aged seven and his sister aged nino with him, because ho was afraid tho mother might throw them in again. Ha also wanted to take tho baby along, but this sho would not give up. Tho threo children went back to tho farm honso. Mr. Pfautz drovo quickly back to tho dam, but when ho got thero his wife and tho babo wero not to be found. A handkerchief lay on the ground. The flood gates wero opened and tho water drawn off. It washed out the bodies of Mrs. Pfautz, her baby and the child. As soon as the threo children had gono back the woman roust have seized tho dead child and with her babo jumped into the water tho second tirno and sank to the pottom. A Morning Walk "Out in Portland, Oregon, whero distances arc so deceitful, a very amus ing incident occured last summer among a party of friends with whom I was traveling. It happened that ono of our nu.L'.bcr was troubled somewhat by insomnia, so much that be arose ono bright morning just as the day was begining to dawn, dressed, went to the oilioo and inquired of tho clerk at what time the matutinal repast began. Being told that 7 o'olock was the earliest hour, ho walked to the piazza, looked around for a few mom ents, returned and inquired what mountain that was in the distance.' Upon being told that it was Mt. Hood he said to tho clerk: 'If any of our party inquires for mo say that I am going to tako a run over there to get, up an appetizer; will be back again in time for broakfas't.' Now Mt. Hood is some tweuty or thirty miles from Portland, but has tho appearance of being not over two' or three. As the hour for breakfast approached our parly began counting up its numbers, but Mr. A was no whero to bo found. "Inquiry was at once instituted as to what might have become of him, when it was ascertained from tho clerk that he went to ML Hood tor a morn ing walk, and, with a merry twinkle in his eye, ho added, 'he might not, be, back in time for tho first breakfast' consequently wo took our breakfast minus the absent Mr. A ,and im mediately after took carriages for a drivo to Mt. Hood, if possible to over tako the prodigal. Finially, after rid ing an hour or two, we came to a little , brook, and there sure enough, was Mr. A divesting himself of all his clothing. "When asked what he was about to do ho replied that he ,was 'going to swim across.' 'But why don.t yon step ovctl' said some one. Well,' replied Mr. A , 'in this country of'raagnificient distances how do I'know- but that it is two miles across. V lloston Courier fashion for Hair Dressing for 1885. Tho spring and summer fashions for ladies hair dressing will not change materially from the styles which have prevailed during tha winter; the hair continues to be worn high, tho bow knot on the crown of tho head, with a few waves and short curls tapering toward the neck, being almost uni versal for orninary wear. The frout hair is worn very fluffy in Pompadour shape, a jierfect nest of short waves and ring curls; many ladies use a small Pompadour roll to heighten the front hair, and pin their frout coiffures. These styles are worn by young ladies also, but thero are rnnnv l.-uiiea narti,.. lllnrlv thnon ivli.iaoV.niv la i who do not think these curls are digni- ned, niid who prefer to wear the half Dunea in mi nmitrn nnri wovdi ... 1., argo waves at tho side, "Madonna style. The straight bann is ntllt few but since the little cash girls in. iuiiuy stoma navoaaopted tins style, this fashion ia.on tlinwnna Vnaliinn. able hair-dressers' stores aro filled with dimerent styles of ornamental goods all intended to savo ladies the trouble of arranging their own hair. Never was additional hair so much worn as at present, although it does not appear so, as it is not fashionable to wear bulky Cbienons. But lhn frnnr. itT, ures, whioh often cover almost all" tho" nenu, aro so artestically made that no one would suppose that thpy are merely conveniences, removable at will. A fashiouable lady can thug appear as a blondo or a brnnette, or i .i , i . i .. tviui yumui uuuurn iocks, as it may j,iuust, uur luuuy, as many uo. Shell pins, plain, are used altogethet for urranirinL' thn Innna vif imir Pancv shell bins, sllvnr nnri Tfnino Htouo ornaments in endless' variety, aro uiu in mo uaoK nair. f or evening Wear. IlulTrf of ilnurora onil For young ladies, kno(s of (lowing villi, n,u A gentleman, aDolociziurr for lan guagu-uwd, said i "I-did-not-roean-to say whatI diuYbut thcfaotjisUhaH as j on will icol have' had the, rhi'stoiti to loHe'tonfo of'mV front leet'li4.'""! init- and word hliii out of my mouth every how nml then without my knowing, A ui.uplo of tons of powdor explod ed in Salt lake City tilt) other day, wrecking everything in the neighbor hood anil shaking tho wholo town. A deaf old woman who lived a couple of bli'i-ka away pricked up her ears and Haul, ''Uonto in 1" Thru sho said to Jier daughter : "Law mo, I do belleyo I'm getting back my hearing." jyj"JEUCANTH,E Ari'HAISEMENT. IaH of Dealers in Columbia county. , I hereby ccrtlty that the following list elde&lera Uken, returned unci cUmlfled by me In accordance with tho noTCrM AcU ot Assembly In and (or the year jhh li correct to the bot ot my knowledge and belief. 1IBAVKR. .Vamet t nmtnttt Clan, Tar, (1 P nrlcsbacu ttoro DkHlngloy do MunsonSKltnodo J V Smith hotel . Daniel ltamcr hole! lml Michael storo T .1 Khuman do J l smith bottler 14 TOO 14 00 14 7 no 0 60 CO 9 50 0 14 T 10 14 7 00 S CO 00 UF.XTON. Hiram Hem hotel 11 r Everett store JJ Mcllenry do A A 11 Mcllenry store Jlcllenry & Carey furniture J K Blflon store jtohr Mcllenry store Tmuel Drake hotel 1UTU Mcllenry drum do do hardware Bam'l Krtckbnum furniture BERWICK Jacob Fisher 4 billiard tables F I. nistlehurst furniture HSHeny drugs 11 llurger bottler do do restaurant o W Iirukakcr hardware It 11 Hwayzo K co store J F Keller bottler H M llocktnan confectionery J BVanatta Jowelry Krtas Bros store K K Adams do It (1 Crispin do 11 It Bower do Krpas limn lumber 6 80 0,1 r 00 T 00 7 00 7 00 700 10 '0 en 0) 7 00 7 00 7 CO 4100 7 00 7 00 80 no so 00 7 to 7 00 80 00 7 m 7 00 18 10 10 00 IS (10 10 to 7 10 7 CO 30 (XI W 00 7 00 80 00 7 00 7 10 7 00 7 00 SO 00 SO 00 7 00 700 7 00 T 00 7 00 7 00 60 Ot 7 OJ 7 00 14 14 r 5 14 14 8 14 11 11 11 11 IS 14 ii v lmnoacn organs ana macnines 1 1 Sam'l K Heller 1 pool table s Jackson Woodln M'f'g Co store 6 (1 A Uucklngbam agt stoves and paper 14 Frederick lioyer hotel s Theodore F llcrger shoes 44 M Levy clothing 14 II M rhllllps groceries 14 M II Margcrum stationery 1 1 Htnl sponenburg restaurant 6 M A Marine do 5 V o McMurtrle clothing 1 4 crisman & Son store 14 I) A Michael furniture 14 A n Young stores and tinware 14 AMUierstoro 14 Isaiah Dower store 14 ( W Klano hotel ft stiles llros drugs 14 8 A lint StOTCS 14 llHIAUCIlKKK. Ash Iiro distillery u Vlnger Albertson store 11 DLOOMSBUnO. J I. Gtrton restanrant S I WlicKUvy store I I W Uartman tc Son Btore 10 15 00 7 CO SO to 40 09 SO 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 PC 10 no 40 00 40 00 10 00 80 00 SO 01 10 00 t 00 1! 50 7 00 7 00 10 00 T 00 15 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 T 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 OH 7 00 700 80 00 7 00 7 00 S3 00 7 00 SO 00 7 00 GO 00 80 00 7 00 '7 00 15 00 25 00 SO 00 SO 00 80 00 40 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 SO 00 40 00 18 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 8 00 7 08 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 J U Leldy & Co carpets and boots 14 Mnger siig vo sewing maenmes Klnsrer 14 18 8 W J correll 4: Co furniture J K. Ejcr store Wm ltabb grocery , I. E Whary stores J naltzer, organs, cto . it W Bertsch genta furnishings F D Dentler boots and shoes . w J MCKinney z ouuara tames James KeUly 1 billiard and 1 pool table 8 ueu a imrit uuw swru la WHTUblB hotel 6 I) stohner restaurant s nillmcyer Co groceries 13 0 o Oaugnan stores and tinware 14 II J Clark & Son store 12 J S rhllllps confectionery 14 Louts Ucrnhard Jewelry 14 Dartd lowenbcrg It E K Cadman furniture 14 J It Schurier ts Co hardware li Clias Wltunyan do 13 a A Wilson groceries 14 J U Wilson Leather and shoe findings 14 Joseph Deckerconlecuoucry 14 ooSlarr store 14 Krans Eyer clothing 11 J A Hess boots and shoes 14 D A Creasy store 14 Andrew sollcder boots and shoe findings 14 n II Vanatta agt wall paper 14 1 K Miller store ' r 1 u Mrs w 11 Allen store 14 EB Brewer stores 11 People's drug 8toro drugs it W 0 idehart flour, feed and groceries 14 Henry Klelm groceries 14 o M and J K Eockard coal 14 Wm tiiger hotel ' a 0 W Neal Bro coal 14 llarman & Ilassert coal 14 o A Jacoby Uquor store 13 do do coal 14 Farmers rroduce Exchange store 10 do do do coal 14 Jane E Brown hotel 5 Peter Oross bottler 6 Simon o Shires agl Implements 14 IiloomsburgAg'lcironWksagl Imp's 14 llloomsburg Iron Co store 11 U B Bobbins nnuor store 13 F M (lllmore restaurant 8. YHQlUnoro do 5 do bottler R .do 1 billiard and 1 pool table 8 nMtJK Lockard gen store ' 13 II W Sloan dry goods and notions is N J Iiendershott drugs 14 Louis Gross clothing . 14 J F Caldwell confectionery 14 J J B rower carpets 14 Jacob Keller notions 10 Moyer Bros wholesale drug store 7 Alexander Bros l Co tobacco .. 11 u A Klelm drugs 14 W 11 Yctter sewing machines 14 ill V White & Co grain dealers 14 J ICEyer auctioneer 1 ,Chas Krug lumber, coal and slate 14 s c Creasy lumber dealer 14 II W VandersUce flour and feed 14 o M Blttenbender flour and feed ,14 W E Knorr tobacco - - - - 14 0 W Brown grocery 14 Lewis Bros fruits and confectionery 14 DF, W'etssngiunp 14 CATAWISSA. 31 A Swank store , 14 ,W II Barwlck clothing and shoes 1 14 1 U Seesholti store 13 Dartd Ilolllngshead restaurant 8 Hester Klstler hotel D u w Kostenbauder clothing and shoes 14 H B Rhawn stores and tinware 14 Stephen Baldystore 11 Jno H Diemer do 13 ueo Manhart do 13 A 8 Truckenmlllcr organs and machines 13 TDBennlngcr furniture 14 J K Sbarpleas Son store 9 T E Harder furniture IS r 11 Erwln confectionery 14 Wm John stores and tinware H J M Smith drugs and hardware is H D ltlnard store 14 a W RelNnyder store 13 Albert Yetter 1 billiard and 1 pool tab'.e 8 ocwiiuts drug Btore 13 c o Mendenhall stoves and tinware 14 Dartd oimn coal 14 Freas ciulnn tobacco & confectionery 14 Lloyd Yeager hotel 6 A Truckenmlller 1 billiard 1 pool table 8 J D Fisher confectionery 1 4 HIraon ltaup coal 14 w A Yetter Hotel 8 IIP Helwlg drugs 14 Joseph A Oulterman store 14 B L Faust 1 btlUard I pool table 8 do tobacco 14 Clark F narder lumber 14 J it Blbby, uquor store 13 c W Harder lumber 14 7 00 7 00 10 00 SO 00 80 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 25 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 IS DO 7 00 10 00 40 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 (W 80 00 40 00 7 00 7 00 SO 00 7 00 7 00 40 00 7 10 700 S5 00 7 00 CENTRA L1A. DF Curry hotel Joseph staudenmler confectionery J P Melllngton drugs Adam K Menscu Jewelry o 11 Millard store A B Furtner stores and tinware lrrln Bros' store Johanna cconner liquor store James tioldswortby. hotel do do 1 pool table Wm Plfer hotel Darld o Black grocery Andrew Lcnahan do UW Darts drugs ou Murphy store Thomas CoUlns restaurant T. A IHlOV If rVt e.nM s 14 14 14 12 14 13 13 8 8 5 14 14 14 13 8 3 8 14 14 8 14 8 S 8 14 6 14. 8 8 6 8 13 14 5 0 00 I 00 700 7 00 V! 80 7 00 10 00 25 00 80 00 30 00 80 00 T 00 7 GO 7 00 10 00 SO 00 100 00 20 00 7 01 7 CO SO 00 7 00 SO 00 20 00 0 00 Edward McFadden restaurant Jones Bros tea dealers Patrick J nunn boots and shoes James McUrearty restaurant L Felterman store A ltooney restaurant W J Sweeney do do 1 pool table John Moran boots and shoes Robert Farrell restaurant 110 Michael furniture L'has Ketterman restaurant James Haggerty do Thomas Boron do oeo Maley do Jno Kertney liquor store IJ Szymanmskl Btore Edward McFadden l bUllard table 7 00 SO 00 7 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 SO 00 25 00 1 00 80 00 OKKTRE. Low Bros & Co'Btore u K Spon&ier do 3 8 Mann hotel Thomas Brobst grocery SCT Fowler grain J L Wolrerton store Jacob Reese coal llezeklab Iioone flour )ltlMartJ&tore cosyNaiiAM. Mrs Mary Monroe restaurant Wm Herbert store A 11 Church do 3 L Kline hotel (1 iv lilllman do FISIIlNGCItEKK, U Ammerman Btoro w n Hosier uo Jiniun do 0 M Howell do M Mcllenry & Brodo B v Eilgar,- auctioneer . J F Mcllenry store Whltenlght Bros store' A T Cliauln furniture , Jones Darts store' Alfred oibbon do FRANKLIN. t Bucher store A Hughes do GREENWOOD. A J Derr store 1" D Black do ' (Ills Eres Bro Btore Masters Co do V P lives Henry furniture C W Kres store y'llsnn M Eves store K Welllrw , do Samuel Hazledlne hotel Jacob Ranu store J L John, do HEMLOCK. O II Dletterleh hotel II N J E Whit store 0 N Terwllligef Codo . - - ,,. JACKSON. D 11 Stevens store . 14 14 8 14 13 14 14 14 H 700 7 W SO 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 , 8 14 it 8 5 SO 00 7 CO 12 80 80 OU 80 00 14 14 14 14 14 1 14 14 14 11 14 7 tO 7 CO 7 O) I 00 7 00 8 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 I 00 14 7 00 7 00 14 13 7 00 10U0 15 00 II 80 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 to 00 T 110 7.00 8 14 14 8fl 00 7 00 7 00 14 14 T 00 I 00 11 u Loie 110 ""i)Cl'Sf. Yocuiil Tiros store 14 8 14 14 li 1 7 00 SO 00 7 00 7 00 ,7 00 W 00 BOU Aaron Yoder restaurant Daniel FKnltlleHoru M Seaborn" do 1, II Dunllil du Nathan Knorr hotel jjobert WaUcliiK auctioneer 0 8000 14 7 00 14 7 CO 1 8 CO It 7 00 14 7 00 is 10 on 11 10 00 5 to 00 14 7 00 5 DO to 14 7 10 14 7 00 S DO 00 II 700 8 DO 00 II 7 00 14 7 00 14 700 11 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 8 DO 00 14 7 00 14 7 OJ It 7 00 14 700 14 7 00 8 80 00 14 7 (O 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 CO 13 10 00 8 DO 00 II 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 (0 11 7 00 14 7 00 S 30 00 14 7 00 2 15 00 14 7 00 1 8 00 J A Howard auctioneer ROARINQCREEK. O W Cherlngton store 14 8 7 00 S) 00 S Lclby restaurant SCOTT Moorchead Kline store 13 10 00 8 DO no 14 7 00 14 7 CO 14 IN 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 13 10 CO 8 DO 00 14 7 00 14 7 10 14 7 to 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 Jacob Blosser hotel N K'cnart grocery W E Dletterleh Btoro Theodore Heck do s A worman do John Groh do J D Workhelscr do a w crereung 00 Silas Young d) Reese M Falrman hotel A P Howel Btore A II White do J L Crawford grocery n eiueuuuuiiner a Aicivnmey grocery do do coal N BEnt stoves Jacob Miller grain 8UUARLOAF. Norman Colo stores 14 700 Chas W cole Btore :4 7 00 A Laubach son store 14 7 00 J W Perry hotel s 80 00 Appeals will be heard at the Commissioners' of flee In Bloomsburg on the th day of Juno A. D., 1885, between the hours of u a. m. and 4 p. m., Where you can attend If you think proper. May 15, 1884. Mercantile Appraiser. From the InatanapoHa Timet. in mmmiM tra FROM MR. HARRY W. OLMSTEAD, PROOF READER OF "THE TIMES." The followlncr letter Is encourflcrlnErnndworthv ot careful perusal, coming, as It does, from bo reli able a source, unsolicited. It contains facts ot great value : iNDUNiroLi.i, Ind., Oct. 12, 1884. Dr. DiviD Kenmbdt, ItonOouL X. y. Dear Sir : For ten years I hare .been a sufferer from disease or the kldners. at times so mueh ns to make life a burden. During this time sereralof the best physicians In Indiana hare treated me with little or no success, until I had almost de spaired of relief. I then tried several advertised remedies, but nothing produced the desired result unui a inena vvno nau oeen rcuevea inuucea mo to gtre Dlt. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REM EDY atrial. 1 did so. After taklnir ono bottle T began to experience relief. I took another and was charmed with tho result. In all, I hare tak en tour bottles, and can truly say I feel Uke a new man. 1 am comment 1 am entirely curea, as it has been several months since I took tue lost medi. cme, and there Is no Indication of a return of the disease. I hare recommended your remedy to sereral Buffering frlehds who hare also been re Uered. I write this to return my sincere thanks to you for the cure which has1 been effected In my case, and also desire to say I think suffering hu manity owes you a debt of gratitude for your won derful scientific discovery. I shall do all that In me lies to let all sufferers know where they may And relief, and thereby In somo measure remuner ate you for the good you hare done me. Wishing you long life and prosperity, and thank ing you for prolonging my lite, I am , 11AKHI W. ULMSlfiAU. Dr. Kennedy, of Rondout. N. Y.. assures the nub. 11c, by a reputation which he cannot afford to for feit or Imperil, that the "Favorite Remedy" does Invigorate the blood, cures Liver, Kidney tnd Bladder complaints, as well as those diseases and weaknesses Decultar to remales. Your tit-uraist has It ; It not,-send one dollar to Dr. David Kenno- UX, JlUUUUUt, n, 1, TOiNSORJjL RjDOiJfS. THE OLD STAND , 'under the Exchange Hotel, sUU takes the lead. Aimr unasaug-, enuring, uyeing, nnampooing ana ull work in my tine promptly and neatly done. BILLIARD & POOL TABLES. James Reilly, Jau 30-tf Proprietor. M.C.SL0AH & BRO., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUOQIES, PHAETONS. SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, AC. First-class work always on hand. REPAIRING NEATLY, DONE. Prices reduced to ruit the timet. 77id remedy contain no injurious arugt. Ely's, CatarrH USEAM BALJ .Cleanse s the Hend. Allays innamra a 1 1 o n. Heals the Sores. lit stores the Sen ses of Taste, Smell, Hearing. A quick Relief. A positivo Cure, VED f'lH.'.Yf l: inr l..n .'P.... - ...... . tlon wherercr known, displacing all other prep arations. It is a creamy substance. A particle is applied Into each nostril, causing no pain and Is agreeable to use, l'rlce 50 cents bymatL or at Druggists. Send lor circular. KLY BltOTUEIW, Druggists, Owego, N. V. may 1-tw d SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN, $16.0 A YEAR. AINWItlQIlT os UO., WHOLESALE OROOERS, Philadelphia has, 8vhdp3, oopfbb, suoar, molashlc, sici, sricis.nciBi son. Ac, to. N. E. corner Second and Arch streets, rr-orders wtilreceHo pub 11 stttntm C0UR8EN, CLEMONS t CO. Limited, Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Crockery, Glassware, Table and rocket Cutlery, Window aiaas, and l'lated-ware. The 80 candle-power (narth electric lamp. 1 he celebrated l'lnatore Burner. Bird Cajeu, Fruit Jars. HI Lackawanna Avenue, SCItAKTON, ra. may My PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The best, cleanest and most economical hair dress Ing, Neier falls to restore the youthful color to fruy hair. This elegant dressing is preferred by lic&o who have usedlt, to any similar article, ou account of Its superior cleanliness and purity? It contains materials only that are benenmi to the scalp and hair. ' HISCOX & CO,, 1C3 William Slroct, Now York, may 1.4w d ALL KIND OP JOB PRINTING ON SHORT NOTICE AT TIIIS OFFICE. Wellington Yeager hotel Jacob ve ager store K II Whltncr do O 8 Ilower auctioneer Bnyder Bros store Wm Adams do MADISON. Wm (Unites stow Kramer k Bon do A K smith hotel MAIN. J E Bishop store B It Yetter hotel u J Campbell agt store W M IiOngenberger do J E Longcnberger hotel MIFFLIN. A W Snyder store A W Hess hotel do coal N B creasy store A u Millard stores and tinware It J Bernlnger furniture II J (learhart store schwcrpenhclscr Snyder Btore MONTOUR. (1 II Hostler store WO Holmes hotel rnxton llarman tndse Clinton M Recco grocery Michael Reeso coal MT PLEASANT. Sands Eres store ORANGE. De Long Bros stoves tinware Oeo Hcckman hotel ' (i v Btlner Btoro (1 S Fleckstlne store (1 N Smith stOTcs White Conner agl Imp A B Stewart store W R Ilagenbuch hotel Mrs L Llllcy Btoro II II Low lumber T W Conner furniture Wm Fleekenstlne buggies A M Dewltt store James II llarman furniture Mrs L Lllley 1 pool table PINE. It W Lyons Btore J li Fowler distillery U It Parker store nj.m Woman' Buffering and Belief. Those languid, tiresome sensations, causing you to feet scarcely able to bo on your feet, tht con stant drain that Is taking from your system all Its former elasticity, driving the bloom from your cheeks; that continual strain upon your vital forces, rendering you lrrltablo and fretful, can easily bo removed by tho uso of that marvelous remedy, Hop Bitters, irregularities and obatrue lions ot your system, are relieved at once whllo the special causo of periodical pain aro permanently removed. None rccelvo so much benefit, ana none nre bo profoundly grateful, jindsliow such an In. tcrcst in recommending Hop Bitters as women. a postal oxnn bTonr. I wns directed with kldnoy and nriuary Trouulo "For twelve venrs I" Alter trying ull llio doctors nnd patent medicines 1 conk! near or, 1 uscu two not. tics of Hop "Bittern And I nm perfectly cured. I keep "All tho tlmol" respectfully. U. F. Uootli, Saulsbury, Tcnn. May 4, 1880. BRiDFonti, Fa., May 8, 1875. It has cured mo ot several diseases, such as ner vousness, sickness at the stomach, monthly troub les, etc. I havo not seen a sick day in a year, 8incoI took Hop Bitters. All my neighbors uso, them. Mrs. Fanxik Urkhn. (.1,000 LOST. A tour tn Rurone that cost mo t.1.0 0. done mo "less good than one bottle of ltopulttcre; they "also cured my wife of nttccn years' nervous "weakness. Sleeplessness ana ajspepsia." It. M., Auburn, N. Y. So. BtoOMDtaviu.1, May 1, "79. sirs I have been suffcrlnfflen vears. nnd I tried your Hon Bitters, and It done me more good than all the doctors. Miss 8. 8. Boons. BAST SAVED. We are so thankful to say that our nursing baby was permanently cured of a dangerous and pro tracted constipation and Irregularity of tho bowels br the use ot lion Bittern br Its mother, which at the same time restored her to perfect health and sirengin. Hie 1'uruiivs, iAwncaiiT, ii irNono ecnulna without a buncn oftrrcen- IIops on tho white label. Shun all tho vile, pol- qnouB nuavruu "iiop"or "uops-'inineir nunc IN ADDITION To tho usual large stock of Men's and Youths' Clothes at tho Ledger Building Store wo now also carry a full line of Boys' and Children's Suits all stjle?, all grades, lowest prices. )C(- A. C.Yates & Co. 602, G04, GOG CHESTNUT St., 3 6 Philadelphia. IT LEADS ALL. 170 other blood-purifying medicine U made, or has erer been prepared, which so com pletely moots the wants of physicians and the general publlo as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It leads the Hit as a truly scientific prepara tion for all blood diseases. If there Is a lark- nnnnn a ing taint of scroruia aDout yoa. uKUrULA Aver's sahsapahilla. will islodgelt aud expel It front your systom. For constitutional or scrofulous Catarrh. PiTinnu Aybu'8 sarsaparilla Is the UAIAKKn true remedy. It has cared numberless cases. It will stop the nauseous catarrhal discharges, and remove the sicken ing odor of the breath, which are Indications ot scrofulous origin. Ill Premie "Uutto,Tex,Sept.28,188. ULbtnUUo "At theaeo of two Tears one of Sores my children was terribly adllcted with ulcerous runnlmr sores on Its face and neck. At thesame tlmo Its eyas wero swollen, much inllamed. and very sore. Cnnc CtCO Physicians told us that a pow OUKC bltu erf ul alterative medicine mast be employed. They anltcd la recommending Atkr's Saiisaparilla. A few doses pro duced a perceptible Improvement, which, by an adherence to your directions, was contin ued to a complete and permanent cure. No evidence hAS since appeared of the existence of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat ment of any disorder was ever attended by axore prompt or effectual results. Yours truly, 11. F. JOHKSOX." prepared bv Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all DruggUts; ti, six bottles for 3. SUPERIOR SPEGTACLESAND EYE-GLASSES MICROSCOPES. TflMMPn FMLO-OLASSES, UAOIC LANTERNS. BAROMETERS. THERMOMETERS. Drawing Instruments, Philosophical nnd t'hesalcal Apparatus, list aod Descriptions of our Ten CaUloeuM sent FBJCB on ppllc.tkra. QUEEN CO. B24;chninut ft. PHILADELPHIA. febd-iy $5 0 REWARD. FOIt- Every Ounce of Adtiltoration in the New THE WONDEHPUL 3-LB BAfl. MADE ONLT BY GowaiiH & Stover, Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all first-claBS grocers. April ,10-l.yr r Read and Save Money, Now is the time to Build. K01 German Pine Siding 5 or c In. wide. 117 CO perm. No 1 K Inch siding planed, 14 ou " iivuiiutit Mcnuon siuing, 0 men is ui " " " flooring. 14 00 " white pine " 17 uo " " yeUow " ," i 00 " surfaced pine boards, 17 00 MWnl Tilnn Rhine Iau s jn 11 No a . m o (mi . NO 3 " " 1 75 No 1 sap sawed pine shingles, 173 " " hemlock sawed " ui " heart shared pine " from ts 00 to 7 00 " " sap " . ii' " ' a ou to 4 w " " hemlock" " 4 00 to 4 so (I RhlnfrlA n .1 " plastering lath, 2 OJ " Hemlock fenclug, u to " Ruagea rencing a inch wide, 10 00 " " boards 10 to l Inch wide, 10 to " " bills any Btze from fioootonoo " Lkco a full stock of the pbovo kinds of Lumber always pn hnnd, and will sell at theso prices during year of 1885. Orangeville, Columbia Co.. Pa. npr S.Cra Scranton House, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, Victor Kooh, Proprietor. ltooms are heated bv atenm. waii rpntiiatnd elegantly furnished. Vlnestilar and Lunch Ooun. tcr m luu cuy. Meals to order at all hours. Ladles and Gents Restaurant furnished with all delicacies of the season. Location near I). I, r. It, It Depot. Bcranton, I F- March SU-tf ' J Soap Hot Water in Consumption Oases. A oorrcspoiulent in Citnmla writer this inti.rcstlng nnd pcrlinng, usoftil let ter to Chntnbers' Journnl : "Notlcini nn extract from tlio World of Solencc, in wliicli n physician strongly rccoim nieiidn hot wntor in ilaco of tea or bof fen ns a stimulant for tho uso oi tlioJo requiring to study lato at n!ght,I would liku to give my cxpcrlcnco of it as n bcmticial naenl in consumption : Mis., ,0110 of it family a number of whoso members had died of consumption, wnsi after eovcre exposure to a snow storm, seized with n serious cough and expec toration, accompanied with n loss of ilcsh. Examination by n physician showed that one lung was seriously af flicted. Sho was wholly confined to her room, and everything that medical attendance and loving enro could do to initiate her suffering was done, but ineffectually. Tho depressing night sweats continued, together with loss of rest from repeated fits of coughing., Losing all fnilh in medicine, somo six; months ago its uso was wholly aban doned nnd tlio uso Of nourishing diet' only continued. About ten weeks ago the patient's attention was directed to a newspaper paragraph recommending hot water ns a remedy frr consump tion. Feeling that little harm could ensue from its use, she determined to tout it. At .tho moment of retiring a lnrco tumbler of hot water, in winch tho juice of a lemon had been mixed to freo it irom nausea, was taken. Inn few moments n glow of warmth would pcrvnda the lungs, chest, etc,, quickly followed by1 tho most refreshing sleep, which would bo unbroken by nny cough, nnd the patient would nwnko in tlio morning rested nnd strengthened. A few days ago sho was seized with a fit of coughing, during which was coughed up into her mouth a small stcno about the size of a pea formed of sulphato of lime, I believe, and us ually considered a symptom of tho healing of it cavity in the lung. Wheth er this maikcd improvement was duo to tho uso of hot water, I cannot ven ture to say , but its beneficial inlluenco in sccurint; sweet sleep and exemption from coughing at night was mark ed. The Farm Garden. Wc aro glad to find such an excel lent agricultural journal as tho Aref England Farmer taking farmers to task for neglecting tho garden. Every person who has any acquaintance with tho methods of gardening most in vogue in country places will recognize tho following picture : "Too many farmers' gardens aro litllo enolosed patches, surrounded by straggling, tumble-dowa stone walls, or old, rolten rail fences, nnd filled with n miscclla neous assortment of troes, shrubs, herbs and weeds, and when every spring, after thojieavy and moro important field sowing and planting aro done, they arc ploughed and manured with coarse stable mannrc, and then planted iu a single day. to all tho various' kinds of garden vegetables relished by tho family. The hoeing is done after tlio field corn and potatoes aro finished, unless the hired man is allowed to work- in tlio garden occasionally, before breakfast, or when it it is too showery to trust ones self far away from con i vcnient shelter. The foulest and weed iest spot on many a farm is tho kitchen- garden, with its Ibick mat of sorrel, pusley, and other weeds too numerous to mention." Tho suggestions which follow aro worthy of careful attention : Were planted fields not too faraway, wo would recommend that the garden bo changed yearly, aud ba made on a part of the corn or potato field, letting the manure go on a little thicker whero tho vegetables are to be grown. Per haps half of tho vegetables usually grown in gardens will do to bo on, new ish land, that which has recently been in sod. Potatoes, corn, 6quashes, cu cumbers, melons, turnips and cabbages, aro among tho number that flourish better on well-worked sod than in old garden soil, while peas, beet", onions. and somo others do best upon fine, old land, provided it is kept from being overrun c-y weeds. it tlio gar den must bo in a permanent location to be near tho kitchen, let it be long and narrow, rather than short nnd wide, so that the ploughing and cultivation may bo done without too great waste of; time ,in turning at tho ends. It is often as much work to plough a quar ter acre of enclosed garden, with its trees and shrubs to .woik around, as to plough an field. Every farmer's gaiden should have a few roots of rhubarb -starting early in soring, to help liven up the wilting apples in pies or in sauce, or to uo alone acoording to taste. A low or two of asparagus a few rods long, will bo tho next to yield an eaily harvtst, and an excellent one, too, iijid many claim, particularly benUiclal as a mm fler of the system at this regular "spriug' cieuuing season. j ouncli ot tender asparagus cut level with the surface, boiled in salt water, nud upload over a' plate of dry bread, while still hot enough to melt butler, will make many a family happy n wholo day, while it may bo had every day by a very little effort of the right kind, and at the pro per season. Strawberries, not tunny years ago,wero by many fanners deem edjan extravagance not to be tolerated unless the children could find them in tho fields or pastures, but now they have, in many families, becomo as much a necessity, as meat and potatoes, and it would surprise somo conserva tive old people to 6eo how much such fruit can" be mado to count in a family as food. Blackberries, raspberries and currants should find a place in every farmer's garden. Givo them good land, set in rows wldo enough for tho cultivator, manure well, and keep tho old wood thiuned out, and the new pinched in so tho canes will bo strong enough to stand alone, and havo plen ty of sunlight in which to perfect tlioir fruit. Set now rows oftoii, as the old roots get feeble after a fow years. Of all tho garden crops a farmer can raise we know of nothing that will pay bet ter than an abundance of sweet com. It should bo on tho tablo ovcry day, from the last of July to tho middle of September, or until severe frosts kills it. Thero is nothing cheaper, nut nothing better. It i staled I lint, steel wliinli linn liroti burned in tlio fnren pan li.ivn lis nriiri. nal qualities restored by plunging the iiii'iui, ui a reu uvm, into a mixture 01 wo parts pitch, two parts of train oil. one tiart of tallow and a Hinnll quantity of common salt. Tho oper ation siiouid no repeated two or threo times. All ruminant hoofed beasts havo horns and cloven feet., If tho hoofs aro oven tho horns aro event if odd, as n the rhinoceros, the horns are odd, that is single or two placed one behind (ho other. Kecent creatures with feath ers always havo beuka. Pigeons with short beaks havo small feet. Tho bug limbs of tho hound are associated with a long head. ELEGANT NEW IN MEN'S, HOVS' LQTHIHGj' THAT NEIiD ONLY TO HE SEKN TO HE APPRECIATED, Pretty Suits tor Children, Handsome Suits for Boys. Best Good, latest Siyles, Neatest Fits, The Merchant Tailoring Establishment Is now Replete in HANDSOME DRESS SUITINGS, DURABLE BUSINESS SUITINGS, CIDEAPim THAN IYER, UP IN THE AT - m mmmmwmw Bloomsburg, Pa, CARPETS ! Now is the time to buy your ever brought to Jiloomsburg and they arc very much LOWER. IN PRICE than lafet spring. Very -111111(1301110 Wilton Velvets, - ' designs and some as choap as lapestry Brussels. A very large stock ot TAPESTRY BRUSSEL at, prices yer than ever were known. Yard wide Ingrains as low as 20c Bag Carpets at 35, 45 and 50 cents (Wool Stripe.) A large stock of SIMIRIfcT ZRCTO-S, Cocoa Rugs, Cocoa Matting all widths, Floor, Table and Stair oil cloths of all grades. ST AIM and ITAMi CAMPIf in largo quantities, also Nickel end and PLAIN WALNUT STAIR RO DS, CARPET SWEEPERS best make. J. J. BROWER, Iirower'H nulldlnir, next lot'ourt House, IH.00M61IUKO, Carpet Hags taken In nichange (or CU. ' jb ls-srao QMAIN & B. JBMMBMli DEALER IN Famign audi Bomestw WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS, BLOOMSBURG. PA. SPRING STYLES AND CIIlLDItEN'S LATEST STYLE, THE or - 5) carpets. I have the largest stock Body Brussels of beautiful For tho Celebrated Chiclitriug, Ivcrs & Pond, nuil Vose& Boa Pianos. World-ro IlOWned EstCl Orinna Vlnlfni A..or,l..... 0 and Bliect Music. Celebrated White, Now iiiBu .mm uuvi.i, riew norne, Koyal bt. John, nnd Light Jiiiunlng Domestic bowing Miuihincs. Jeedlcs, oil ami attachments tor all mattes ot Hewing Machines. STREET, J Store and WarcroomB, No. 128 Franklin Avenue. Also Wireroojus .ill Franklin Are. and 101 Ten. ter Street, SCRANTON, PA. M Anything to Innko up anew' wngon or re pair tin old, in stock. Uiir Irdn, ami Sletl IIolo; JJoll Kuils, Lag Screws, Ttirnlitickle'H Horso Shoeu, anil all Ulacksmlth supplies. Aprs.iy PATENTS obtained nnd nil ratont Luslneaa Mtcnded to for moderate fees. our omrs H oproslto tlio U. K. rntent Offlce, and wocnnolitnln 1'nlentsln lest tlmo tlinn thoso re. mofo from Washington. Heni model or drawing. Wo mtvlso atorat. entabltltyfrcoof charge, nnd wo mako no champ unless patent ts secured. Wo refer here, to tho rostmnster, tho Punt, of Money order I)lv.( nnd to oniclals of tho u. s. Talent onicc. Tor circular, ndvlce, terms aim relerences to actual clients In j our own Male or county, wrlto to C. A. SNOW &. CO., OppoMto rntent onice, Washington, . r anil tf UKNAMENTAL IRON FENCES Of 0A8T CU WltOUGIIT IHON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots mid ' Public Grounds. :o: tho dovernl beautiful stylosot Fcnco manufactured by tho undersljncd. Forlieauty and nurablllty they arounsurpass cd. Het up by experienced hands and warranted to glre satisfaction. Prices and specimens of other tic- fligna sent to any aduross. Address BLOOMSBURG PA- May 4-tf RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Pennsylvania Railroad. imi Philadelphia & Erio R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. 01 TIME TABLE. In clltct April oth, 1883. Traln3 lcavo Sun bury. EASTWA11D, u.11 a.m., Sea fehoro Express (dally except Sunday), lor HauWburKtUKllutcriuedlaiestatlous, anlvlng at riilladelphla 3.15 p. ni. ; New York ai!0p. in.; llaltlmoio, 6.IK) p. in. i Was.htnKton, u.u)p. in., connecting at l'hliadclphla forallfcea (how points. 'Ibrougli pahbenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.10 p. m. Day express dally except Sunday),fnr llaritkbun; and Interme diate btatlons, arriving at. I'hlladolphln 0.50 p. ra. ; Incw York, O.SO p. tn. j llaliimoro CM p. in. ; Washington, aa p. in. 1'arlor car thiough to Philadelphia nnd passenger coacno through to Philadelphia and lialtliiioru. 8,20 p. in." llltameport Accommodation (dally, for llarrlbburg and all intermediate Btatlons, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4 23 a. in. ; rew i oru T.oo a. m. 'Sleeping car incommoUatlons can bo becured at llai rlsburg for Philadelphia and New York. On bun days athiough bleeping car will bo run; on this train from Wllilamsp't. to Philadelphia. Philadelphia passengers can lemuln In sleeper undisturbed until , a. m. 2.S0 a. m. Erlo Jlall (dally except Monday, for llarrbburg and Intermediate btatlons, arrlvlDg at Philadelphia 8.25 a. m. NeiyY'ork, l.:)n. in. ; llalllnioreason. m. ; Washington, 9.S5 ,o.m. Ihrough 1-ulliiiau bleeping carsaro run on this train to riilladelphla, llaliimoro and Washing ton, and through passenger coaches to Philadel phia and Daltlinore. WESTWAltD. 5.50 a. m. Erlo Jlall (dally except Sunday), foi Eilo and all intermediate btatlons and cauandal gua and Intciinedlate stations, ltochcsler, Iiuffa loand Niagara l'n Us, with ilnough Pullman l'al aco cars and passenger coaches to Erie and lloch ester. u.5a-News Express (dally except Sunday) for Lock Haven and intermcdlalo btatlons. 1.05 p. m. Niagara Expicss (dally except Sun day) for Kano and intermediate btatlons and Can undalgua and principal Intermediate stations, lloehester, liutrulo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Kano and liochcbter nnd Parlor car to w lllllamsport. 6.D5 p. m. Fast Lino (dally except Sundayjfor lte noo uud intermedlato btatlons, and Klinlra, Wat kins and intermedlato btatlons, with through pas senger coaches to Icenovo and Watklns. U.-JJ a. m. Sunday mall lor Itenoro and Interme diate btatlons. TllliOUOll THA1NS I'Oll SUNUUUY FllOM TUE EAST AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves riilladelphla 4.30 n. m. anlvlng at Hunbury o.SO a. m. with tliruugliBleepluKcar Horn Philadelphia to Wil li amsport. News Express leaves I'hlladelplna 4.80 a. m. llai rlsburg, 8.10 a. m. dally except Sunday anlMug at Sunbury 0.53. a. inr Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. j Baltimoie 7.30 iu in. (dally except bunUay arriving at sunbury, l.ts p. in., with lluuugn 1'arlor ear from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from Philadel phia uud llaltlmoie. l'ast Line leav ea New- Y'ork 9.00 a. m. ; Philadel phia, 11.50 a. ra. , Washington, 10.50 a. in. Haiti more, 10. u a. ul, (dally except Sunday) arriving at sunbury. 5.35 p.m., with through, passengei coaches from Philadelphia nnd Ualilinore. Erie .Mail leaves New York 8.00 p. m. ; Philadel phia, p. in. j Wnbhlnglon, lueo p. ra. ; llaltl moie, ll.SJ p. ui., (dally exuept;baturday) arriving at sunbury 5.15 u. ra., with througu Pullman bleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and Iialilinuro and through passenger coaches froiv l'lilladelphla. MIMUIItY, IIA.I,KT(I. is WIl.HLSllAltlt, ltAII.IIU.Vl AM) MlltTII AM) WltSV IlltA.Vt'II 1CAII.WAV. (Dally except Sunday.) YMlkesbarro Mall leaves sunbury 10.00 a. m., anlvlng at IHooiu Ferry 10.53 a. ill . Wllkes-burr Express East leaves Sunbury 5.45 p. m., arriving at liiooui Ferry 0.3" p. in., wilkes-barro aw p. m. sunbury Jlall lcav es llkebbarro laiu a. in. arrlv lnznt liloom Ferry li.18 p." in., Kunbury 1.10 p. m. Kxpivss west leaves llkes barro 8.45 p. m., rhlug at liloom Feiry 4.15 p.m., Sunbury 5.10 m. CHAS. E. l'Utlll, Ocu. Jlanager. J, It. WOOD, (lea. Passenger Agent ijEL.VWAltE, LACKAWVNNA AND W'EITEHN KAlLItOAD. 1 m.OOMSIJUKG DIVISION. NOIITH. STATIONS. fcOUTH. ui. o,m. p.m n. m. p.m. a. in. u co 8 si H 48 130 o t5 ....seranton.... s 50 40 2 UU 121 uio licllevue.,,, gums 225 110 D 14 ...Taylorvlllo... 6 01 0 50 8 so 111 0 no .. Uekawnnna.. 0 011 9 57 8 S3 1 0.1 8 59 Pittston..... 6 17 10 01 2 45 8 40 m at 8 i!7 IS 67 8 Si VI 55 8 IT 1'.' 41 8 11! 13 41 8 MI.,West l'lltston.l 0 23 10 01) 9 61 8 481,,.. Wyoming.... 0 88 10 14 2 50 8 41. ..Mallby 6 38 10 17 3 00 8110 Bennett a so 10 0 3 03 8 33 .... Kingston,.,, 0 40 10 5? 00 8 35,.. ..Kingston .... 0 48 10 81 3 06 s so pn mouth Juno 0501029311 8 08 12 40 8 08 IS 37 8 UJ 14 31 7 6'J li lill 7 51 IS SO, 7 50 11! 15 T 41 1'4 07 7 0 11 55 7 18 li ti 7 11 11 15 7 03 11 W 0 58 11 It! 8 51 11 18 6 50 11 15 6 ! 11 OS 6 30 11 01 0 30 10 50 G S5 10 51 0 08 10 35 6 DO 10 HI 5 55 10 21 5 40 10 10 p.m. a.m. 8 25 8 21 8 17 8 10 7 58 7 47 ,,,.1'lyinoutli.. D U IU d 13 7 00 10 37 8 20 7 05 10 41 3 21 7 13 10 48 3 33 T 81 10 t9 3 45 7 47 11 10 3 67 7 63 11 16 4 03 8 00 11 88 4 10 8 00 11 84 4 16 8 10 11 37 4 19 8 14 11 40 4 3J 8 81 11 40 4 30 8 28 11 52 4 30 8 34 11 67 4 42 H 80 12 08 4 41 ... Nanilcoko llunlock's Creek bnicksninuy.. ..lilck-s Ferry. ..lleach Haven.. lierwlck .... ..Ilrlar Creek., ..Willow drove,, ...Lliueltldgo... Espy ...Uloomsburir.u I 41 7 31 7 87 7 83 7 ID 7 11 7 05 00 . .. liunert....: 0 51 Catawl'u lirldge 6 37 , . Danville.... I 8 55 13 20 6 05 0 89 ....ChUlOSky.;.. 9 08 13 88 6 13 0 25 Cameron.... I) IU 12 S3 b 16 0 10 Northumberland 9 20 12 50 6 so a.m. I I a.m. p.m. p.m V. V. HALSTKAD, Supt. Superintendent's oftlco, scranton, Feb. 1st, 1803 ioihcr or Wim&M'tfrHL'H i.ircit mviM) icois & MACHINERY, Iron, StteLllorbeshoea Piui uuu vt a goii Makers' and Iiluck mill In' Supplies. Israel imtenbender, btoro K Uait rooms fM VriiriLIItt A.n i.Un I pii ji 11 1 i wareroomslil Vr&nk. rt?5W liettnet. ' SCUANTON I'A. mayan-'y