The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 22, 1885, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
Correct Itnilroiul Time Tnlilc.
FHIDAY,"MAY 22, 188G.
mTIol!owS? 1,10 ,'hll0llcll'lll, Icato Itupcrt
11:311 a. in.
3:43 p. m.
11M9 a.m.
0:19 p. m.
' 8:33
8:10 p. m. I I'M n tn
6:39 l). m. ,,.'?,t
t.iu p. Ul
hi hi o ?: t.raln c,nn,ct, Northumberland
Tlio 11:63 train connects with rhlladelphia'and
rTv,?r!h2l,,.r'11!1 connoctB with 1-cnnsrlranla roaa
at 6 03 p in reucuiug rniiaueipuia
vi n i forf humbcrlatMl at 8.03 p. in., and reaches
Trains pn tho N. ftW.H. Hallway pass Uloom
M.5J a. tn.
8.87 p. tn.
18:0 p. in.
4:19 p. m.
IMllltlC MIllCH.
Tlio administrators of Jamea Ilnrinn.
ceased, will sell personal property on the
iarm oi decedent In Montour township on
r nuay, .nny ViUtn, at ono o'clock p. m.
Tho executors of John Kelchncr, dee'd,
will sell real cstato In Ccutro township on
Saturday, June 13th, at 10 n. in. Also real
estate In Scott township at 3 p. m. ot samo
ilay. Seo advertisement.
Tho administrators ofT. J. Hutchison,
deceased, will sell personal property on
the premises In Fishlngcrcck township on
Friday, May 29th nt one o'clock p. m.
Tho ndtnlnlstrntlx of D. W. Walter, de
ceased, will sell real cstato In Cntnwlssa
township on Thursday, Juno 11th at 10
ociock a. m. sec advertisement.
Dr. O. P. Waller Is homo from tho west
Mrs. Q. A. McKelvy Is visiting her parents
Elmer E. Person Is visiting his sister,
Jlrs. IS. Y. Zarr.
G. E. Myers has returned from his west
ern trip.
B. F. Savage of Jackson wns in town ou
J. K. Blttcnbendcr and family have been
spending several days In Fishlngcrcck
township, on pleasure and business.
Marshall Sllverthorn of Denver. Colora
do is visiting friends here. Ho wus n rest
dent ot this town many years ago.
Alex Warn, Lalrdsvillc, spent Tuesday
In town.
Samuel Ncyhnrd started for Bcrnlco on
Monday. Will spend tho week there.
Uco. A. McKelvy took n flying trip to
Chicago last week. A little son of II. W.
McKelvy returned with him.
Dr. J. K. Bobbins, one of Catawissa's
oldest and most rcliabla physicians, wns a
welcome visitor to our oftlce last week.
J. F. Mcllenry and Moses Mcllenry of
Stillwater were in tho city last week buy.
lng new goods for their stores.
Next Sunday is Whitsunday.
Lumbermen look for a June flood.
Tho Columbia county fair will bo held on
October 14, 15, 10, and 17.
Fire in the woods on the river hill last
week mado a pretty sight nt night.
Now canvas nwnlngs decorate the front
windows of the Exchange Hotel.
ltcltz keeps fresh fish, vegetables and
fruits at his meat market.
Moyer Bros, bought a new team of gray
horses on Monday.
M. C. Sloan has connected his premises
with tho sewer.
James Warr had his family increased by
one, one day last week. It is a boy.
Miss Mary Boyer has had a portico plac
ed In front of her houso on West Street.
Peter Oross has built a handsome porch
to his house ou Mnln Street.
Miss Blnnche Billmeyer will give a large
nnd fashionable party to her young friends,
at the Central Hotel this Friday evening.
Fob Sale. A jump seat buggy nnd
spring wagon in good condition cheap.
Apply to Samuei. K.vomt, Bloomsburg.
Arthur Bloom of Danville will nssist
Postmaster Clatk. Ho has had experience
n tho business.
A slight Are broke out a few days ago,
at tho residence of Elwood Hcacock. It
wns stopped beforo doing much damage.
For prices of roofing slato consult the
advertisement of J. L. Hull, which appears
Three Italians with two violins ami a
harp made some excellent music on the
street on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Lewis' Puro White Lead and Campbell
& Thayer's Puro Linseed OU for sale by II.
8. Rcay of Rupert, Pa. may 8 4t
A. Rickets Esq., of Wllkes-Barre willde
liver the address on Decoration Day in this
The bodies of ull tho victims of the Ha
ven Hun mine disaster, except one, have
been recovered.
J. C. Menagh has retired from tho firm
of C. E. Savago & Co., and gono to Ml.
Carmel to-cngago in business. Mr. Savago
will conduct the jewelry store here.
The few peoplo who did not go to Dan.
vlllo to seo Barnum's show last week Tues
day, took n run up to Wllkcsburro on
C. B. Savago & Co., havo hung out their
sign again, after having It newly painted
and gilded. All work In their line is prompt
ly attended to.
J. P. Wooilriug, tho harness-maker In
Shlve's block, tills all ordcis In his lino
promptly and reasonably. He Is a good
Peter Sterner, a brother of John S. Ster
ner, died on Tuesday morning at the resi
dence of Q. W. Sterner. He was In poor
health but his death was unexpected.
Tho street Commissioner has suspended
woil; on the highways on account of the
council not being able to agrco upon n tax
W. 0. Iilchart carries ft full lino of gro
ceries at his store on Iron street ncarThlrd.
Ho Is also extensively engaged In buying
and shipping grain and potatoes.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Fornwald celcbrat
cd their silver wedding last Friday, Tlicro
were about fifty guests present, who had
been summoned by haudsonio Invitations.
Iicv, Hrldcnbach mado a few remarks, aud
remarried the host and hostess. There
was an abundance of excellent things pro
vided for the Inner man, and all present
enjoyed themselves greatly. May they
llvo to celebrnto their golden wedding I
-.... ...... .., mi iuuYuiikiuu ui mo Co
lumbia County Sunday School Association
will meet in tho M. E. Church at Espy on
Tucdaynnd Wednesday, tho 20th nnd
..... ... ...j,
Webb's Ice Cream saloon has been re
moved to the store room of N. J. Hendor.
shott on Mnln street nnd will open Satur
day night. After that It will bo open ev.
cry day nftcr four o'clock, during tho sen
At ft meeting of tho Vestry nf Ht 1m,l'.
P. E. Church Inst Monday evening, Judgo
-.iwcn, r it. minkcr nnd W. M. Monroo
were elected dermi cs to thn -llnnum-nr,
ventlon to be held nt Heading next month.
Peter Junes has severed hts
with Locknu!8 car filiong. nnd Is how rn.
gnged at nU old occupation, that of build
ing mm carpenter work. He Is n skillful
mechanic, and tlin-n lmulr i
. , , . . u ...... II. !!,,
win no wen to consult Mm.
Deputy Prothonolarv Oulrk lm hnnn
disabled for n couple of weeks by a boil on
ins rigni nnnu. uonilmr while court wn
In session it was especially Inconvenient,
ns it prevented mm from writing at n time
wnen mere was much to be done.
Oio. A. Claik hat llled.his bond In the
osi umcc department, with Col. J, 0.
'rcezc nnd David Lowenbercr
Ho has ordered a set of Yale lock boxes,
and is putting Iho Mcklnncy slore room In
shape for their recenllon.
Three more names are announced nn mn
dldates for sheriff. William Miller nf rw
tro was n candidate six years ngo and made
. good one. E. M. Kiinklc, of Fishing
reck has not been In tho field rnrnr IT.
ry Kelchncr wns a candidate for tho ofllco
x years ngo. They arc all good men.
Charles Coleman hits rented the Mrmn.
tain hotel, one mile above the old Hess
stand, near the head waters of Big Fish.
Itigcrcck, and is prepared to accommodate
travellers and fishermen, nnd boarders on
reasonable terms. His nddress Is Central,
Columbia county, Pa. May 22-lw
Hoover.lhe trnln dispatcher near Wilkes-
barrc, who last Saturday gave the right of
way to two trains movidg In opposite di
rections on a single truck nt the same time,
has discovered that he was railroading on
wrong principles, and has lied to avoid tho
consequences of having been tho cause of
the-death of an engineer nnd a fireman.
s appears by tho council proceedings.
thtrc is n dead-lock on the question of tax
rate. There wns a vote taken ou 13 mills,
15 mills, 0 mills and 10 mills, but no rato
was agreed upon. The necessities of the
town demand a pretty high rate, and as
the lndebtednes mti9t be paid some lime, a
sufficient tax should bo laid to keep down
the Hosting debt at lensl. Thero Is no
economy in making a low tax, and then Is
suing bonds nt the end of the year to cover
the Increased indebtedness.
The situation at Plymouth Is not encour-
uglng. The deaths tlill continue, and a
number of now cases have been reported.
A. hospital has ucen established, and addi
tions arc being mado to It. fc'evral Phila
delphia physicians liave visited the place,
and n post mortem examination has
proven that the disease Is true typhoid.
Subscriptions are still being taken, nnd It
Is likely that tho people there will need nil
the pecuniary aid that they can get. It Is
feared that tho warm weather may causo
a further spread r.f tho disease.
Speak kindly In tho morning It will light
en all tho cares of tho day, turn sorrow
into gladness, make household, profession,
al and other affairs move smoothly, giving
pence to tho ono who thus speaks and
grateful joy to tho one who hears. Spcnk
kindly at tho evening hour, for it may bo
that before the dawn of another day some
tender loved one may Mulsh his or her
span of life for this world, and then it will
be too late to recall nn unkind word, or
even to seek forgiveness for an inlurv
ntltcted upon tho heart of a loved
friend departed. Presbyterian Observer.
The officers of tho Grnnd Lodge of Ma
sons visited this town last Friday, arriving
on a special car in tho afternoon. Tho
party consisted ot E. Coppco Mitchell.
Clifford P. MacCulla, Thomas R. Patton.
Michael Ncsbit, Hlchard Vnux, Conrad B.
Day, Geo. W. Wood, Michael Arnold, J.
Wesley Supplee and William A. Sinn of
Philadelphia, J. Simpson Africa of Hunt-
ngdon, Christopher Little, of Pottsvlllc,
and Joseph Elchbaum, of Pittsburg. They
attended a meeting of the lodge In the
evening, nnd left here the next mornine
for Wllkes-Barre.
Ills a matter often published, but not
generally understood by tho public, that a
newspaper sent to any address and taken
out of tho ofilec by the person named, or
any one for him, renders him liable for tho
price of the paper, even If ho never ordered
it to jc sent. The only sate way, where a
paper u sent without orders, Is to decline
to take It from the ofilec, nnd direct tho
post master to notify the publisher that tho
paper Is not lifted. When one has been
taking a paper, however, It cannot bo stop
ped in this way until all arrearages uro
The Impropriety of trying law cases by
public gossip, instead of remitting them to
the legally constituted courts, was recent
ly illustrated In Lycoming county. A man
named Huggler was committed for cruel
treatment to a child, and at tho tlmo pub
lic sentiment wns so strongly against him
that there wat great fear of thu adminis
tration of bodily injury through lynching.
At the icccnt trial the charge was proven
maliciously false, tho caso abandoned by
the district attorney and tho jury charged
by tho Court to return a verdict of not
guilty, which they did without leaving tho
box. It would be better if public sentiment
In all eases were tempered to await the Im
partial evidence of tho truth as elicited
through lawful methods.
JcrHey town.
The farmers nro busily engaged planting
A great many went to sec Barnum.
Harris' new gun Is creating considerable
excitement among the boys.
Mr. E. F. Welllver is In Cambria county
travelling In the Interests of n carriage
Mr. C. II. Fruit Is iifMillville.
Mr. E. W. McCollum made a Hying visit
to Williamsport on Saturday.
Mr. Elmer Mcllrldo of While Hall was In
town Saturday
Miss Annie Savldgo ot Benton was with
friends over Sunduy.
Our new post master, Mr. (Jingle?, Is fill
ing the position very acceptably.
Kreamcr & Son nro now prepared to ac
commodate their customers with new
spring goods. Mr. Kreamcr returned from
the city last week.
Sunday School convention Saturduy next.
A u umber of prominent men will bo here
and take part in tho exercises. Among
thoso expected are Hoy's, B. It. Brlden
bauch, T. H. Tubbs, B. Hughes and D. S.
Baumgardncr also, Prof. Noctllng of tho
Bloomsburg Normal School, and B. F.
Zarr, Esq , of Bloomsburg. A lively tlmo
Is expected.
ttorr lie Sot Mia uf the HpnrrowH,
A gentleman In n neighboring town was
greatly annoyed by a colony of eparrows
that hud taken up their quarters In n nints
of Ivy covering ono tldo of his houso, got
rid of them by a novel expedient. Ho ono
day purchased half n pound of red pepper
and. going up to tho third story, opened
tho windows nnd sifted the pepper down
through the Ivy. Tho alarm of tho jpar
rows wns evinced by tho hasto with which
they left their hiding places. Every bird
took Its departure, and his premises nro
now clear of them.
New Itocniie collector.
The President has appointed Charles B,
Staples collector of Intcrnnl revenue for tho
Twelfth Pennsylvania District, to succeed
bdward II. Chase, suspended. Mr. Staples'
appointment was secured through Repre
sentative Storm's Influence. The nppolntco
Is n lawyer by profession nnd a resident of
wilkes-Bnrre. Tho collector of Internal
revenue for tho Twelfth District Is located
nt Wllkes-Barre. The district includes the
counties of Clinton, Centre, Lycoming, Tl-
oga, Northumberland, Potter, Union Brad
ford, Carbon, Columbia. Luzerne, Monroe,
.Montour, Pike, Northampton, Sullivan,
Susquehanna, Wyoming nnd Wnyne. Tho
salary of tho office Is $:il25a year.
ISO More Uho Tor ilnrucrH.
A number of Philadelphia "npltallsts have
been Induced by nn Inventor named Ken
nedy, who claims to have discovered a
chemical compound which will remove
hair from tho face, to embark Into a corpo
ration for the manufacture and sale of the
nrtlclc. Articles of Incorporation have
been filed In tho county clerk's office of
Camden by Orcn S. Manly, William L.
Sharpe, Win. M. Burke, nnd S. Hldgway
Kennedy. The enpitnl stock Is placed at
$200,000; par value, $100. The Inventor Is
confident that a general use of this "every
man bis own barber" will save two weeks
per annum In every man's tlmo who Is a
victim of tho waits of tho barber-shop.
McctliiK orueriuuis Iluptlett llrctli-
rcn nt Mexico, 'n.
The mutual meting ot the German Unp-
tist Brethren will be held at Mexioo, Pa.,
commencing May 22, 1885. Mexico Is a
pretty little town In the picturesque valley
of the Juniata, directly on the main line of
the Pennsylvania railroad, forty.tour miles
west of arrlsburg, and apart from tho In
tcrcst attaching to the meeting will prove
a pleasant placo for a spring excursion.
For the benefit of those desiring to at
tend, the Pennsylvania Kallroad Company
will sell from May 15th to 29th Inclusive
excursion tickets to Mexico from all princi
pal stations of its system, good for thirty
days from date of sale, nt two cents per
Ylic Old Dodice lu a Mew Dress,
Individuals are victimizing persons,
mostly farmers in different parts of tho
state, by the old dodge of getting them to
unwittingly sign n note, which turns up
later. A very sleek individual calls and
sayB he is the representative of a firm who
Is getting business statistics in Pennsylva
nia, and that he Is assigned to this part of
the state. He then puts down the name,
place of residence, and gets different quail.
ty nnd kind of material, &c. The state
ment is read, and the sleek young man
ftsks tho individual to sign the report, which
ill be sent to Chicago, and when tho book
is out no will get a copy. The party signs,
and tho young man departs. In n short
time the victim Is notified to como and pay
a negotiable note left in the bank for col.
To iVIioni It May Concert,
All persons arc hereby notified that any
persons buying Conyngham Township Or
dors will purchase tho same subject to any
equities that may exist as to tho taxpay
That the Taxpaycis Association arc wil
ling to make all roads, keep in repair all
roads and bridges free of expense to indtd
ual taxpayers for the year 1885, aud sub
ject to the direction of tho Supervisors
of said township nnd ns there is no legal
tax levied for tho year, and all legitimate
expenses of the Road Department are be.
ing paid, thero Is no necessity for any or
ders being Issued.
All orders require the signatures of both
Supervisors, of the Township Clerk and
should bear tho seal of the township.
The above notico is being given so that
all persons can govern themselves accord.
lngly. S. M. Kilkv,
;cnt for Taxpayer's Association
Ashland, Pa., May 12, '
Council Proceed! ukh.
Adjourned meeting of Town Council met
at 8 o'clock P. M., Friday, May 13th.
After reading tho minutes, Mr. A. Solle
dcr appeared nnd stated that tho bridge
across Snyder brook should bo nrcUcd, and
that It would be as economical to make it
as to be continually repairing it, that tho
hiring of a mason, nnd the making of the
bridge would not cost more than $25.
O. W. Miller presented a petition of prop.
erty owners on Centre, Iron and Fifth Sts.
with refercucc to laying sower pipe on tho
same. Tho President, Messrs. Sharplcss
and ltoscnstock nro appointed n committeo
to inquire into tho above matter and to re.
port at the next mcctlug.
J. K. Lockard appeared and stated that
his firm was notified by tho Commissioner
of Highways to have a pavement laid In
front of their shops, but that it would bo
very expensive to comply on account of tho
heavy hauling dono there, and that tho
pavement as It Is, which Is composed of
cinders and spalls, will do as well as a
stono ono.
The Council decided that they would ex.
pect Messrs. Lockard to comply with the
notico given by Commissioner of High;
Building permits were granted to J. L.
Moyer and to G. W. Correll, a trustee uf
the Farmers' Produce Exchange.
Tax rates wero next taken up. Sharp
less and Moyer moved that a vote be taken
on tho 12 mill rato. Ayes, Sharpless, Moy.
er and Rupert, 3 votes. Nays, Roseuetock,
Sterner, Sterling and Hagcnbuch, 4 votes.
Sharpless and Moyer moved that a voto
be taken on tho 15 mill rate. Ayes, Sharp.
less, Moyer and Itupcrt, 3 votes. Nays,
ltoscnstock, Sterner, Sterling and Hagcn
buch, 4 votes. Lost.
On motion ot Sterling and Sterner a voto
was taken on tho 0 mill rate. Ayes, lto
scnstock, Sterner and Sterling, 3 votes.
Nays, Hagcnbuch, Sharplcss, Moyer and
Rupert, 4 votes. Lost.
Hagcnbuch and Sharpless moved they
voto on tho 10 mill rate. Ayes, Hagcnbuch,
1 vote. Nays, Roicnstock, Sterner, Ster
ling Moyer, Sharplcss aud Rupert, 0 votes.
Sterner and Sterling moved .they vote on
tho 8 mill rate. Ayes, Sterner and Ster.
ling, two votes. Nays, Rosenatock, Ha.
genbuch, Moyer Bharplcss and Itupcrt, 5
yotes. Lost.
Propositions for tax rato to bo votccl
upon at next meeting arc as follows.
Sharpless proposes an eleven mill role as a
compromise, Sterling 0, HagenbucU 10,
Moyer 12.
On motion adjourned to inset next Fri
day evening, May 33nd ut 7J o'clock P.
Only n I'armcr'H UntigUtcr.
At the beginning of thu third net ot
"Only a Farmer's Daughter'' nt tho Oris,
wold Opera Houso last ovcnlng tho audi
ence wns trcnted to a very pretty sccno
not down on tho bills.'' It enmo In tho
shape of nil elegant basket of flowers pre
scntod to Miss Lillian Lewis by tho Trot
ting Association of London, Ont, The cir
cumstances lending up to tho event aro
quite romantic. It sccmi that whllo the
company wni In tho provinces recently
Miss Lewis, who Is a skillful horsowamnn,
attended the races of the trotting nssooln.
Hon. During the afternoon a lnily rider
wns thrown and hurt. Miss Lewis prompt,
ly volunteered to tnko her place, nnd al her friend objected sho gained her
point nnd won tho race, enabling tho nsso.
elation to gnln a trophy which but for her
act would havo been lost to them. As soon
as possible nftcr her departure tho flowers
were prepared at great expense nnd sent
here to her as a testimonial of her bravery
and daring. Tho gift was n genuine sur-
prise, but wns received with a pardonable
pride. Troy (X. Y.) Dally Times.
Opera House, Bloomsburg, Thursday,
May 28th.
Tlie Hnyiler Monument.
nunioATioN to tXkk 1'i.aoe mat 27th.
The monument erected to tho mcmorv ot
Gov. Snyder at Sellnsgrove will bo dedica
ted On tho 27th Inst. The ceremony In the
cemetery will begin promptly at half past 1
ociock, p. m., nnd will consist as fol
lows t
Music by band: prayer by Rev. J. Max
Hartz, Moravian minister of Lancaster: tin-
veiling of thu Monument by Miss Mnry Lil
lian Snyder, great grand daughter of the
governor, nnd daughter of Mnlor Simon
Snyder, Fifth U. S. I. : transferrins: the
monument to tho custody of this commu-
nlty by Governor R. E. Puttison j accept
ing tho chargo on behalf of the committee
by A. W. Potter, esq. ; music bv band: or.
allon by ex-Governor A. G. Cuttln; nd.
dresses by General Cameron, 8. P. Wolvcr.
ton and others; music.
General Slmou Cameron. Governor Put
tison, Secretary of State Stcnircr and Ren.
retary of Internal Affairs J. Simpson Afri
ca, of thu monument commission, ami lmtl.
branches of the legislature will be pres.
Tho parade, partlcinatcd In bv the
Twelfth regiment of national guards, 0. A.
R. posts. Ilro department, citizens, to..
will be held In the forenoon.
Excursion tickets will be sold on tlin
Pennsylvania railroad from Altoonn, Har
rlsuurg, Williamsport, Shamokln and In
termediate nolnts. Dav tickets will lm t.
sued along tho line of the Reading rail,
A Wife's Si ght to HoldPropcrt against Her
Hussaaa s Creditors.
Chief Justice Mcrcur, of the Supremo
Court, has handed down nn opinion in tho
case of Sober vs. Standart, which camo up
on a writ of error to tho judgment of tho
Common Pleas of Northumberland County.
The fncls of the caso wero briefly as fol
lows : On August 0, 1879, judgment was
entered against Isaac J. Sober In favor of
Charles Standart for $232.90. There were
several judgments nhend of Standart's, In
cluding one entered against Sober In favor
of his wife, Abigail Sober. In 1878 Bober's
farm was sold under n judgment
prior to both that of Mrs. Sober
and that of Standart. Tho farm was
bought m by the prior judgment creditors,
and was sold to .Mrs. Sober for a nominal
consideration of $2000. Tho wholo pur
chase money wns secured by a mortgage
signed by Mr. nnd Mrs. Sober. Standart
Immediately levied upon tho wheat, hay
and potatoes upon the farm, as the proper
erty ot Mr. Sober. The lattcr's wifu claim,
ed that theso products wero hers, and
pointed to the sale. Judge Hockafellar, of
tho lower court, however, held that tho
sale was void as against creditors.
Tho decision Is endorsed by tho Chief
Justice's opinion. He holds that tho true
Intent of the act nf 1848 Is to preserve to a
wife and to protect her in the uso and en
joyment of her bona fido scparato estate ;
but not to enable her to defraud the credi
tors of her husband. In the present caso
the wife had no separate estate on which a
credit could bo based. Tho purchaso wna
solely on tho personal credit of herself
and her husband, and it cannot bo sus.
tnlned. The judgment is affirmed.
Farmers arc busily engaged planting
their corn and potntocs.
Vegetation Is springing forth benutlfully
tho last two or three days.
M. E. Conference at Trinity church last
Saturday and Sunday.
The newly commissioned justice, Squire
Ycagcr, dropped In to see us ono day re
cently, Eev. H. S. Gable of (Richmond) Phila
delphia, formerly of this place preached In
Free Will U. B. church Ascension Day.
Extensive forest fires have been raging
on the mountain north nnd cast of hero
during last week.
Church at Free Will last Sunday even
ing; hereafter every alternate Sunday even
lng Instead of afternoon.
As a floriculturist we believe Mrs. Wel
lington Yeager surpasses any in our village
as sotno very beautiful specimens of flow,
crs in their window will prove.
There are tlrco Sunday school in this
near vicinity now; tho M. E. in Slabtown
church, the Lutheran and; Reformed in
East Slabtown f chool house and.tho Union
In Johnson school houso and all pretty
vcll attended,
The band of this place wero to Newltu,
or Kerntown, Saturday evening a weeic,
visiting and practising with tho band of
that place. The boys report a good time
with lots of fair maidens piesent.
Mai!1!1KI. On tho evening of tho 1 1 lit
Inst at tho U, B. parsonage in this place by
tho Rev. T. W. Herrold, Miss Tilllo Gable,
ot Roarlngcrcck township, to Win. .Mur
ray, of Catawlsra township. May they
ever pull well iu double harness.
Tho Ronrlugvltlo baud will start the pic
nlo nnd festival ball rolling Saturday, May
30th, by having n pleasant tlmo In the
grove opposite tho Quaker meeting houso
near here. Tho Cutawlssa cornet band
havo been engaged. All are Invited nnd
an enjoyable tlmo Is anticipated.
Two females, young misses, ono eveuiug
last week, the ono arrayed In malo attire,
called ut thu Rev's with tho request to bo
united In holy wedlock; being not very
distant neighbors the Reverend gentleman
was not long iu recognizing them after
which tho ruso terminated with a good
laugh all around. Ono of the samo per.
sons woro "green specs" on tho street ono
evening last week. Wo nro Inclined to
believe, however, her optics wero not at
fault at all.
Two little sons of J. W. Chambcrluln of
Plymouth havo been stopping with rcla
tlves hero for several weeks. Two other
sous at homo have been suffcilng from Iho
Aicrlciillurnl Hoclcty.
Tho annual meeting of the Columbia
County Agricultural, Horticultural and
Mechanical Association wat held In tho
Opera House, Bloomsburg, tm Saturday,
May 10th at 3 o'clock. Tho mccttng wns
called to order by Freas Fowler, President
of tho Association, and tho names of Chan
dice Eves and Geo. E. Elwcll were propos
cd for temporary chairman. Mr. Elwcll
declined, and Mr. Eves wns unanimously
elected. On motion II. V Wlilto nnd Ar
thur Crcnsy wero elected secretaries, nnd
F. B. Hnrtmnti wns appointed reading
cleric by tho rhalr. Tho roll of members
wns then failed. Thero aro 180 members,
of whom 12.1 nnsworcd to their names
Tho minutes of last yenr were read. Mr.
8. J. Conner moved that thoofllccis ex
plain how they received salaries amount
lng to $025. As no one volunteered to ex
plain, Mr. Elwcll moved that a committee
of three bo appointed by tho society to con
for with the officers to nsccttaln tho amount
ot salutes. Carried. W. M. Monroe, S.
J. Conner nnd A. Smith wero rppolnted.
Tho salnrlcs ot officers were then fixed ns
follows i President, $50.00 ; Secretary,
$100.00 Trensurer, $75.00.
Election of otllccrs being next In order J.
H. Maize, Esq., nominated M. G.Hughes
for President Caleb Barton and Frens
Fowler wero also nominated. Dr. Rebcr
pnd Arthur Creasy wero appointed tellers.
The list of members wns called nnd ench
ono came forwnrd and cast his ballot.
Whllo tho tellers were counting tho vote
for 1'resUlcut the following nominations
wero made t
Vice Presidents, Sam'l Hldlay, W. L.
Freas, John Gordon, Win. Fisher, Michael
Vance; Secretary, 11. V; White; Trcasur
er, J. C. Brown ; Librarian, Thomas
Webb, William Kramer ; Executive Com
mlt'.ec, Bnltls Sterling, John H. Mensch,
Jerre Kostcnbaudcr.
Tho tellers announced tho result of the
voto for President; Freas Fowler 07, Caleb
Barton 22, M. G. Hughes, 22. Mr. Fowler
was declared elected.
Thero being no opposition for the offices
of Secretary, Treasurer aud Executive
Committee, on motion Mr. Creasy was
authorized to cast the ballot ot the associa
tion, nnd H. V. Whlto was declared elect
cd secretary, J. C. Brown trensurer, ,mut
Baltls Sterling, Jolin'S, Mensch and Jerre
Kostcnbaudcr exccutlvo committee. The
annual conundrum as to who was entitled
to vote was brought up as usual, and after
some discussion was ruled out of order
there being no motion beforo tho house.
Ballots for Vice Presidents and Librarian
were then taken, with tho lollowlng re
sult :
O. L. Satuh, 83 Samuel Hldlay, 20
Samuel Camp, 01 W. L. Freas, 11
William ShafTer.80 John Gordon, 20
J. M. Dewitt, 92 William Fisher. 15
Michael Vance. 21
Camp, Dewitt, Shuller nnd Sands were
declared elected.
For Librarian Thomas Webb received 08
yotes, William Kreamcr 40, and Webb wT
dcclnred elected.
Geo. E. Elwcll then read the report of
the committee, on Charter, and the sections.
were adopted seriatim. Mr. Elwcll was
authorized to represent the Society, and
take such. steps as are necessary to.,havo
tho amended charter acted upon by .the
Tho report of the committee as adopte d
Is as follows :
1. That Article 3, which now reads as
follows-:, "Tho Association shall consist of
such persons as shall signify their wish to
become members, and shall pay to Ithe
Treasurer or sbmo other properly authorlz.
eu person or officer of tho Association, not
less than ono dollar, nnd annually thereaf
ter a like sum of one dollar," shall bo
changed so as to read as follows :
Seo. 1. Tho Association shall consist of
such persons us shull signify their wish to
become members, and shall pay to the
Treasurer or somo other properly authoriz
ed person or officer of tho Association, an
initiation fee of ono dollar.or more as here
inafter provided.
Sec 2. The Initiation fco of new mem
bers shall bo paid on or before December
1st to entitle such member to vote nt tho
annual election following.
Seo. 3. Whenever a member shall ap
pear by tho books of the Treasurer to have
paid ten dollars In annual dues, ho shall
become a perpetual member nnd bo there
after exempt from tho payment of nnnunl
dues. J'jovided, That saidsum of ten dol
lars tnny bo paid at.the option of the mem
ber, either all at once, or in nny-sum an
uually not less than ono dollar until the
whole bo paid ; And Provided, Also, that
any member who has already paid tn tho
sum of ten dollars as appears on tho books
of the Treasurer, in annual dues, shall
bo placed on tho list of Perpetual, Mem
bers. ,
Seo. 4. Every Perpetual Member shall
o entitled to a certiorate slgneel 'by, 'the
President and Secreta'ry'of tlie'A'ssocfation,
which certificate shall set forth1 that said
member, having paid tho sum of ten dol
lar In annual dues, has thereby bcfdmo
a. Perpetual .Member o said tAssocli".
Seo. 5. Certificates of Perpetual Mcmv
bcrshlp may bo transferred on the books of
the Asspclatlon, and the Secretary Is hero-)
1.. il.-t 1 . ... , . i
uy uuiijmzeu af inane ,sucn transicr, ana
to'issuo' n now ccrtlficatq to tho person
'najned lu tho transfer to be endorsed on tho
old certificate, on'nayment 'of tho sum of
one dollar to tho Association.
Ken. (1. Nn nipmhpr wlin la tt, nminid
i i" "v r '
shfll'bc entitled to if membership ticket for
tho current year.
That article 8, which now reads u3 fol.
ows i "Tho Association shall meet annu.
ally pn, tho third Saturday of May ut tho
place' designated by Uio Society, l.'e. Tire
execujlvu cdmmltteu, whon all officers of
tho Association shall bo elected by ballot,
(no person being allowed to vote, except
tuoso holding membership tickets) for the
ensuing yenr, and uutll another election.
At least two weeks public notices must be
given of theso annual meetings, by the
cxecutivo committee," uo changed by the
addition of tho words "or ccrlJllcatcs of
Perpetual Membership" Immediately after
tho words iu parenthesis "no, person being
allowed to vote, except, ''thoso holdln g
membership tickets ;" and that the time of
tho annual meeting bo changed from the
third baturday In .May to the third Satur.
day In Jrnuary.
That article 10 which now reads as fob
ow i "Twelve' members shall form a quo
rum for tho transaction of builucss, but no
members In arrears shall bu entitled, to'the
privileges of tho society," be changed so ns
to read as follows : "Twenty.llvo members
ilinll constitute it quorum for the transac
(Inn nl l.alU. i 1.-... ... 1 .?
w. MHBtMiH f uut uu uiGiiiucr in urrcara
at tho time pf thu annual meetiug shall bo
emitted to voto.
That Article 11
bo changed to Article
That thuiollowlng bo adopted as Atl'lcle".
Jl "said Association shall havo power to
reut, purchaso and hold real estate uecos.
sary for thq purpose. of Its oivaiilzatlou.
n accordunco with tho Acts ot Assembly In
tucu caso made and provided."
An additional report was also offered by
mo samo committee, and after due cousld
eratlon was adopted as follows i
Att. V. Seo. 1. shall be ameniled by
striking out the words ''the, Treasurer ex
copied," which nro Included In parcnthc.
sis, so ns to make tho Seo. read) There
shall bo nn exccutlvo committee which
shnll consist of tho officers of the society
nnd three members to bo elected by tho so
clety, &c. And that the words "cxamlno
all nccounts" bo stricken out of Sec 2 of
the samo Vrt. and tho following bo ad
Seo. 3. An auditing committee shall bo
appointed nnnunlly by tho society, who
shall cxamlno the nccounts of the Trcnsut
er nnd Secretary and report nn tho same at
tho next mcctlnit.
Aiit. 7. Salaries. Tho salaries or dally
uay oi an oincers shall io fixed annually
by tl.u Society.
J. U. Ilrnwn gave an txplantdloo as to
tho nmount expended for salaries of oft!.
ccrs, which nppenred to bo satisfactory. On
motion llio meeting adjourned.
Chns. Shaffer came home with sevenlv-
five eels. To-night (Tuesday) E. J. Obi,
Hugh and Sanford Applcnnn aro trying
their luck. We expect to hear n bin haul
made by them.
Mrs. O. M. Tcrwllligcr Is navlns hor
friends of Light Street n visit.
Mis. Clark Rlcliart of Bloomsbtire. Is
spending n tew days with her parents,
Reuben Homboy's.
Last Saturday, while Wlllcts Bcaclo was
harrowing with a young colt, tho head
pleco of the bridle became unbuckled,
which left the bit drop but of tho animal's
mouth. When Wlllets ran to catch him
by the head ho made a short turn In to
ward the near horse and walked back over
tho harrow drawing the other horso with
him. Fortunately tho big clevis pin droD-
ped out nnd both traces of the near horse
becamo unhooked. Toble soon freed him
self from his mate by breaking the lines,
nnd sped to the bnrn brldleless with double
tree and Mngic-trccs tumbling after him, In
less time than I wrlto It.
Our mother snys she gets boss bread out
of the New Process Flour now.
W. O. Rlchart and Miss Kato Shoemaker
of the M. E. School nnd A. J. Beagle and
Miss Charity Sleeker of thoLuth. School ate
delegates at the County Convention In
Espy, thu 20lh nnd 27th Inst.
.Miss Mnggle Shoemakeu Is now In Shen
andoah with her aunt, Mnttclc Jones.
Taylor. Hucklo of -Bloom cnlied upon
Hark Roat Sunday afternoon.
Ou tho evening of tho lfllh Inst. Mr. Al
bert llenrio nnd MUs Addle Hartman, both
of this place wero joined In wedlock at tho
M. E. Parsonage by Rev. Tubbs. We wish
them happluess nnd ptosperity In this sec
ond stngo of life".
Miss Lydla Hartman intends stopping
with Mrs. James Pureel for the summer.
Next week road-inaklng will begin. Our
supervisor will apportion tho taxes on Sat
urday afternoon of next week.
The swallow has come. So has the can
We reprint tho following from tho Rc-
novo Evening Aeirs by request.
PURSEL. Ou tho 15th of March. 1885.
nt the house of his uncle, Dr. Willlts, Wil
liamsport. Pa.. Dr. J. K. Purscl. In the 28th
year of his age.
Viis cannot permit the above notice to
pass without adding a tribute to ono whom
wo esteemed and loved ns a brother. Dr.
Purscl hail' lived and practiced his profes
sion iu Rcnovo about five years, nnd In
that short time he could count his friends
by tho hundred. Even people who did
not employ him as a physician, respected
him as a man. He was possessed of 'every
quality which we lovo most to sco in a
friend: To n most unselfish nature was
added a consideration and thouehtfulucss
of others that Is rarely seen In human na-
turo so strongly developed. To those of
us who havo watched him develop from a'
ncwiy-flcdged physician to a thorough
practitioner thoroughly, equipped nnd
ready at any and all times to relieve fciilTer
ing humanity, thoroughly Impressed with
and devoted to the duties aud responsibil
ities of his life, retaining still the same
happy disposition and gonial manners of
his early life, ho had endeared himself to
us in so many ways that now a void is left
that never can be filled ; but he has left in
our hearts a deep nnd lasting love, and al
though helms passed beyond tho rrnch ot
our love and devotion he will still llvo In
pu'r'rnemorles until time Is' no more: 'Dr.
Purscl died a Christian. A visit by tho
writer to him just thu day before he died
convinced us that ho was ready and wil
ling to die if the good Lord so willed. He
was at peace with all the world, and died
in the blessed hope of a llfu hereafter fice
frgrj) care nnd suffering He was a closo
sttldefil'oriiuman'uaturo nnd entered into
cdinpletcTfiyrapathy.'wItirhU patients. Ho
wasalboru physician. Ho was upright
nnd'liouest'.lo a.fnult in his dealings with
hUVfellow man.
"And yet tho' cood diu first.
And It thoy whoso hearts nro. dry as sum
mer ujisi, tue socucl."
But ho has at last solved the problem of
life, and death and immortality, nnd wo
all know full well that while
"Cold In tho dust- tho cherished heart
roayj'e,' ' i r ,
Tlio soul that warmed It once will never
die." F.
Rcnovo, May 14, '8ft.
Wo had endeavored to solve an enigma
for n long lime, aud not succeeding wo par-
tlally gavo It .np, but finally reached a sue-
cessful and satisfactory conclusion. A lit
tie mental detective effort aided us in Its
consummation. Occasionally nn article
appeared In tho Columbian of a very liieli
literary order, bctraying'n superiority in"
tone and construction, in a mild and con-
vlnclng nianncr; nud iu tho spirit of meek,
ncss, manifesting n deep nnd well disciplin
ed Intellect, and naturally enough, we de
sired to know the author ol such clear.con
clse nud able productions over the slgna.
ture of L. J, Wo even applied to tho Ed!,
tors of tlio Colusjman In a confidential
way, but did not succeed worth a cent. We
need mako no further Inquiry as wo now
know to a' demonstration, and wo did' not
confer with flesh and blood either.
Pleasp L. J. let us hear from you more fre.
quenuy. i win not intenero Willi your
calling. Thoso articles nro fraught with
good common sense and useful knowledge
mat ticncllt tlie rcadiug public. Wo high
ly appreclato your sentiments.
Sotito years ngo when superintending n
btinday bcliool, wo referred questions to
tic studied, durlug the week and answered
.... r ... oi -.. ' . . J
y , vvn nut. luangrtu
jbath, particularly by
of the school, 'among
Ull IIIU juiiuwjug onupi
tho infant portion o
which was "Who was Zaccheus ?" No
sooner was tho question pronounced than
promptly responded to by a bright little
boy, who said, "He wus a Republican, and
was very rich." It was afterwards ug
gestcd by oue of thu teachers (hat tho boy
had lead tho morning papers and cot It a
little mixed. Usually on suph occasions
"'roj! jiot. 1'Alttlc.supprcssed Biulllug.
NolMdiliMlaudlng the backwardness of
Spring many of our farmers force the sea.
Son by planting nnd sowing when tho gen.
tie admonition of nature speaks iu uuruls.
inKauio languago mat nothing is gained by
premature imste. At this writing May 14,
a few cficrry blossoms may bo scenf ,Lut
fruit trees In general, particularly apples
nro as barren In appenranco as though they
never; Intended ,to yield another crop. And
the woods look ns dead as In midwinter
nn 1 tho air Is chilly and raw as In March
weather. Tho seasons, with very few ex.
ccptlons, nro always long enough to ma
ture farm crops planted when all nature
once becomes animated wllli the resurrect,
cd llto of melodious Spring perfumed with
tho sweet odor of blooming vegetation nnd
frult-benrlng trees. The old withered and
frozen leaves are still clinging to thu
branches of sturdy oaks nnd rnttlo when
shaken by the plercjng wind llko in nn.
tumn, when their rustling and solemn
sound presage wintry blasts and falls of
snow. Spring Is yet to bo ushered upon
us with all Its beauty and loveliness. Its
congenialities will yet bo experienced by
every ono then living mortal, nnd Its ad.
vanccmcnt cannot bo forced by nny human
ngency. When It comes wo will plant our
com with the expectation of a full nnd
heavy crop.
It was reported that Amandin Fritz of
Sugnrloat burned nut root and stump,
house and barn on last Friday. Wc have
not lenrned anything nboul tho particulars,
or whether the buildings wero covered by
Insurance. This Is truly an unfortunate
Aaron Smith, a highly respeclcd.cltizcn,
and supervisor elect for tho East end of
Benton township Is seriously 111 from heart
and liver affection. Tho roads, especially
bridges' need Immediate and effective at
tention. Freeman D. Bower of Berwick wns can-
vnsslng in tills locality last week, not for
votes, but soliciting sales for farm Imple
ments for n farm at Berwick.
It was unusually warm on last Satur
A novel und convenient arrangement is
tho connection of nearly the wholo town of
Cambra by telephone. From tho residence
of Clark Callander Esq.. may bo seen a
wire connecting It with his mills at Pine
Cicck a mllo nnd a half distant, connecting
with it the residence of Stmt Stevens mid
way between. Mr. Callander's residence Is
also connected with tho stores nnd Dr.
Davidson's residence Ho can converse
with almost every parson In town without
leaving Ids house. We never saw so much
telephone enterprise In nny man. Cam
bra Is the Western tcrmluus of tho line
connecting the towns of Shtckshlnny,
Towullnc, Harvcyvlllo, Hublervlllc, Wut
crton, Townhlll and New Columbus. Tho
line should extend to Benton, thence to
Orangevllle. We frequently hear Cambra
people talking with persons at Wilkcsbarro
and Bloomsburg.
A solemn and touching scene was tho ad
ministration of the Rito of Holy Baptism,
by tlio Rev. O. V. Savage, at Hamiln
church on last Sunday, after morning scr-
vices, to a company of eight young ladies
and two gentlemen. Tinly encouraging to
a community and laudable to tho young
people when such a goodly number cspouso
the causo of Christianity.
C. L. Davis and Reuben Selgfleld, mn.
sons, are engaged on a building job at
Cambrn. They nto only two of a largo
number of master mechanics ot a like craft
In Benton township. Our masons have n
reputation ns firs, class mechanics far and
near. There Is also a corps of carpenters
of equal reputation.
Quito a large number of strangers attend
cd church at Hamlin on lost Stbbatb,
among whom wcrn Prof, and Jacob Fritz,
John Rlnard nnd others. The former at.
tended church at Rayen ieck in the after
noon. Prof. Fritz is engaged at teaching
nt New Columbus in tlio old academy.
Court Proceeding!!.
Andew Croll vs. N. & W. B. Rwy.
This was a suit for damages to land of the
plaintiff in Mifllin twp. caused by the build-
lng of tho railroad. Viewers in September
1883 assessed tho damages at $1,101.48.
From this report the company nppcalcd.
The case was tried and the jury on Wed-
ncsday evening returned n verdict for Croll
for $700 which includes interest.
Cyrus Slackhouso vs. E. Kceler & Co.
Motion mado by Q. E. Elwcll Esq., to
show cause why a new trial should not bo
Sheriff's deed to William Bellas Exr.,
acknowledged In open court.
William Oeorge appointed supervisor of
Franklin township.
Petition presented nnd granted for the
salo of real cstate'of Bcnjamlu llomboy de
Petition for citation on Mary A. Markel
Exr'x. of James Boyles deceased to file ac
count. Isaac O. Burrell vs. Philadelphia & Read,
ing R. R. Co. This is a case for damages
to plaintiff, an engineer, caused by being
thrown under a locomotive that jumped
tho track near Kim-town. Special plea of
defendant filed by leavo of court. Plaintiff
excepts to filing ol same.
Estate of Nathan Creasy deceased. Deeds
to Francis P. and henry L. Creasy were
O. D. L. Kostcnbaudcr vs. Charles
Hughes. Tuc case was called and a jury
ordered, whereupon judgment by consent
for plaintiff for $315.21 with stay of cxecu.
tiou for thirty days.
Com. vs Hiram Albcrtson. Judgo Elwcll
stnted that lie could find no precedent for
the disposal ot this case. Ho thereupon
oidered nnd decreed "'that the said Hlrnm
Albcrtson bo and lie is hereby committed
to tho care, custody and management ot
the Trustees nnd Superintendent of tho
Hospital for the Ineano at Danville until
discharged therefrom according to thu duo
course of law. And it is further ordered
und adjudged that tho expense attending
his being kept ut suld Hospital bo paid by
the county of Columbia nnd it Is further
ordered that the sheriff conduct him to
tho Asylum within three days.
Isaac C. Burrell vs. Philadelphia & Read.
Ing Railroad Co. The jury being empanel,
cd tho caso wus continued to Juno 23d at
10 o'clock, when tho jurors are to be pres
ent. Com. vs. John J. Uearthart. Court or-
derrd that tho defendant pay one-half the
costs nnd Franklin Shuman tho other half
or give ball for payment of the same.
Petition ot John J. Wolf Adm. ot James
McMahnn elee'd to mortgage property to
pay debts. Bond npproved.nnd tiled.
Henry b. Keck appointed guardian of
Torrence, Charles and Theodore Schacf,
Ell Barton was appointed reviewer of
road in Scott twp. near D. L. & W. Depot
lu place of James Barton deceased and au
alius order Issued.
Jnne E. Moyer vs James 8. Lttwars Adm,
Reasons for a new trial tiled.
Inquest In partition awarded n Est. Cas
per Rhawn.
O. D. L. kostcnbaudcr vs. Charles
Hughes. Plaintiff's bill of costs filed for
J 23.03.
Est, Jane McMlchael, a lunatic, Court
order sale of real estate by committee.
Est. Beoj. lllcks, Ou pctltltlon Court
order that Naucy Hicks, administratrix pay
the amount diitiibutcd to the dlstrlbu
Est. Daniel W. Walter deceased. Sale
nf ri-iil i-atutn nnlcroil iiinl ndtnlnlctmtrt v
. Matilda Walter permitted to bid ou same.
1 Judge Lake appointed, a committeo do
ltinatlco Inqulrcndo tn tho matter of John
Boyer alleged to he Insane.
Est. Gcorgo Strausscr deceased. Inquest
In partition awarded.
Adjourned to meet May 20th al nlno a.
Three Fishermen,
Three fishermen went gaily out Into tlio Nortli
Out Into tho North ere tho sun was high,
And they chuckled with glee as they sallied forth,
ltewilved to capture tho trout or die.
for men wilt nsh, and men will Ho
About the trout thejr "caught on the nj"
Thctr Sunday school lessons scorning.
Three fltuers lay undr the trees tt noon,
And "blamed" the whole ot tho nnny race
For never a nibble touched fly or spoon,
And each sighed as he wet tho hole In his face
For men will Ash and men will lie,
And tho way they caught trout when nobody's
11 something to tell-In the morning
Three fishermen came Into town nt night.
Ahd thctr "speckled beauties-' were fair to see :
They talked ol tbclr ' sports" with keen delight
Tho envy ot all the fraternity.
But men will dsn and men wilt lie,
And what they cant catch they're sure to buy,)
And never rfpent In the morning.
You never know vou have a bread bill
when you buy of Caldwell, It's rfo cheap.
I lav. Shoals and P1?b for salo. Hllna
Young, Light Street. may 8-4w
You save 18c on the dollar. It Is cheat-.
or to buy broad than to bake it it If you get
It at Caldwell's.
Clears out rats. mice, roaches, tiles, nnta
Palpitation, dropsical swclllmrs. dlzzl.
ness, indigestion, hendachc. sleeplessness
cured by"WellH' Health Rcncwcr."
Ask for Wells' "Rouilh on Corns. r,c
Quick, complete cure. Hard orsoft corns,
warts, uunions.
Quick, comnlcta euro, nil Kldnev.
dcr and Urinary Diseases, Scalding, Irri
tation, Stone. (Jrnvcl, Catarrh of tho Iliad.
der. ftl, Drucclsts.
UKD-neiaa, fi.iks.
Flies, roaches, ants, bed-hues, rats. mice.
gophcrs,chlpmunks,cicnrcd out by ''Rough
on urns. - ioc.
'Wells' Health Rcnewer" restores health
and vigor, cures dyspepsln.lmpotcnce, sex
ual debility. $1.
"itovaii oh r.u."
Cures cholera, colic, cramps, diarrhoea.
aches, pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia,
rheumatism. 20c. Rough on Pain PlnB
ters, 15c
If you aro falling, broken, worn out and
urvous, uso "Wells' Health Rci
91. Druggists,
If vou nro loslncr vour trrlD on life, trv
"Wells' Health Rcnewer." Oocs direct to
weak spots.
Cures piles or hemorrhoids, itchlnir. nro
trudiug, bleeding, internal or other. Inter
nal ana external remedy in each nacknee.
Sure cure, SOc. Druggists.
Ladles who would retain freshucss nnd
vivacity. Don't fail to try "Wells' Health
"itouoii os ITCH."
"ltouch on Itch" cures human, e-run.
tions, ring-worm, tetter, salt ibeum, trost
ed feet, ciitllblains.
Correct offensive odors at once. Complete
euro of worst chronic cases, also unequal,
ed as gargle for dipthcr(a, soro throat, foul
urcaiu. oue.
Children slow in development.
scrawney, anu ueilcue, uso
Wells' Health
Stinging, Irritation, inflammation,' nil
Kidney nnd Urinary complaints, cured by
"Huchu-Paiba." l.
'Rough on Rats" clears them out, ids o
Beetles, Ants.
'I cau't Sleep !" Sufferers from nervous
prostration, and wasted vitality, can re
gain health by using Hunt's Kidney Rem
edy. Queer reading would be the history of
names. We cannot, however, go Into the
subject now, except so far ns to say that
Dr. Kennedy's "Favorite Remedy" wns
called by that nnme.ln an Informal fashion,
long before the Doctor dreamed of adver
Using It for public use. Speaking of It ho
would say to his patients, "This is my f.
vorlto remedy for ull troubles of tho blood,"
&c, and Us success was so great that ho
finally spelled tho name witli capital let
ters, may l-4w
After using all the humbug liniments and
salves with sure failure-, go and get of your
druggist a Hop Plaster. The strongest and
best porous plaster over made. Vnstly
superior to all other external remedies. The
complete pain-allaying virtues of fresh
Hons ccmbiucd with strengthening Uuius
mm mirgunuy men. vac.
Thtre Is no use
lignum; Dr.
Kennedy's Favorite Itemed
cdy does nothing
ot that kind. It does not mako tho suffer
era who trust It worso under the tirctensn
of doing them good. It acts tenderly nnd
in sympathy with what Nature hereself Is
trying to accomplish. Do you havo trouble
with your digestion, your liver or your
kidneys. Does rheumatism palu and rack
you ? Is your head thick and heavy ? It
win cuarm away these ailments almost ere
you are aware. may l-4w
Ayct's Sarsanarllla has such concentrat.
ed, curative power, . that It is by far the
best, cueapest, and surest blood-purlflcr
This Is inline to be an off veur. No iiii-
lltlcal booms for "Plumed KniLrhts" or
'Reform" will help keep un the health and
streugth of tho vast multitudes whose faith
is pinned ou tha glowing party promises of
election year. Multitudes of such will
need a reliable tonic to tone up the system,
a purifier to work off tho bad blood, and a
suro remedy for lama backs, rheumatism,
bUlotisness, etc Such a remedy Is Kidney.
Wort. It has long stood nt the head of thu
list of kidney remedies, and It receives thu
uigiicsi praise from ull that use It.
When baby was sick, we gave her OAS
When she was u child, sho cried for
When bIio became Miss, she clung
When she had Children, she gava them
Lame Back ? Hunt's Klduey and Liver
Remedy cures distressing diseases of dla.
betes, gravel, and retention of urine.
Offer to the Trade their Fine Urand orcigais.
Tho Landres,
Henry Clay,
Samson, and
Fiuo Fruits nml Kino Confectionery
on lmml. Vrwh e.-ery week, liloonu
burg, la. Feb. 27