The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 22, 1885, Image 2

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The Columbian.
J, K.BUtenbwdtr.J1"1'"'
FRIDAY, MAY, 22, 1885.
Victor Hugo, llio groat French poet,
ia dying.
A bill passed tlio Legislature on
Wednesday appropriating $5000, for
a temporary hospital at Plymouth.
Among tho appropriation bills that
passed the house finally on Wednesday,
was that of $08,000 lor the Danvillo
Ex. Secretary Frclicphuyscn died
at his homo in Nowark, N. J. on Wed
nesday ovoning, about half past five
E. J. Phelps, tho now Minister to
England, landed at Southampton last
Friday, and was warmly welcomed by
tho authorities.
Gov. Hill of Now York has called
tho 4th session of tho lcgislaturo to
provide for tho taking of a census, as
required by the constitution.
Tno trial ot Burton and Cunning
ham in London for causing dynamite
explosions in tho Tower and West
minister came to an end on Monday,
and resulted in a conviction. Both
men were sentenced to penal servi
tude for life. When sentenco was
pronounced both declared their inno
cence. The nsual semi-weekly conferenoo of
Drt. Shrady and Douglas took placo
Wednesday afternoon in General
Grant's houso. Tho throat of the Gen
cral was examined, and the doctors
found no marked change. Somo part
ot tho swelling below the ear has sub
sided, and less pain is the result. Sinco
Sunday tho general has experienced
none of the darting pains that fast week
centered at the ear.
The executive committee at Ply
mouth reported that on May 5, there
wero 841 cases of typhiod fever. Since
that date 04 now cases have been re
ported making 905. Thero have been
55 deaths in tho past two weeks, leav
ing 850 cases, 134 being convalescent.
A majority of tho sick aro improving
but many aro yet critical. Destitute
families to tho number of 24C, are ro
ceiving aid. The total disbursements
havo been $5,100. Thero wero four
deaths Wednesday afternoon.
Collector Chase's removal has given
much satisfaction to thoso who did not
like him. It is difficult for a rovenuo
collector to make himself popular with
tho public. The office should bo abol
ished, because thero is no longer any
necessity for it. Gazelle and Jiulle
tin. Tho first part of tho above is un
doubtedly correct, but it has taken the
Gazette and Bulletin a long time to
find out that tho office should be abol
ished. Xiko all other republican or
gans it thought thero was necessity
for all offices that garo employment to
partisan officials, bnt when its party is
kicked out, and tho offices aro being
taken from the politicians it finds there
is no longer any uso for them.
Tho Dolphin, a ship built by John
Roach for tho government, is likely
not to bo accepted, as it has mado four
trial trips, and each time has failed Lo
come un to the requirements of the con
tract. It will not run over an hour
without getting a hot box. Moat of
tho contract price was paid tho builder
by tho republican Secretary of tho
navy, but things have changed now,
and no more worthless vessels will be
palmed off on tho government. John
lloach basmado a fortune out of the
ship building contracts wiih tho gov
ernment, and his work was always ac
cepted without question, because ho
was ever ready to return a portion of
his enprmous profits to tho party that
mado hin rich in tho way of campaign
subscriptions. The Chandlers aro not
running the Navy now.
Mr. D. P. Morgan, of Now York,
ha purchased tho elegantly furnished
residence of Senator Don Cameron, in
Washington, paying for it $95,000
cash. Senator Caraoron asked $100,
000 for tho property, but finally accept
ed Mr. Morgans offer. Ho never liked
tho house, though he built it to his own
tastes. Ho found that he had built
his houso too large and was dissatisfied
with it from tho time ho first moved
into it. Thero was a quartet of houses
built in tho immediate locality of the
Cameron house, facing Scott circle.
They wero all built at tho samo time.
All of them havo failed to please their
owners. Mr. Windom, who was sec
retary of the treasury at tho time, built
tho houso opposito Senator Cameron's.
lie lived in it but a shoit time. For
tho past season it has been occupied by
Mr. Blaino, who leased his own new
house at Dupont circle. Minister Pen
dleton, then a Senator from Ohio, built
another. Ho has sinco sold it. Mr.
Robiton built a short distance to tho
north of Senator Pendleton. His houso
is understood to be for sale.
Logan Elected Senator.
John A. Logan was elected United
States Senator by the Illinois legMa
turo on Tuesday.
Tho contest over tho senatorshlp has
been ponding since tho early part of
February. The legislature at tho out
net was a tio on joint ballot, 102 votes
or one morn than cithor party con
trolled being necessary to elect a sen
ator. General Logan was tho republi
can caucus candidate. Congressman
Morrison, tho democratic caucus candi
date, received 07 votes in caucus to 19
for Carter Harrison and 4 scattering.
Tho balloting began February 10, hav
ing been delayed by tho inability of
llio houso lo organize When tho joint
convention was to assemble t)m next
day the republicans marched out of tho
liouscynid only the democratic senators
went to tho placo of meeting. Several
times Gem ral Logan received tho full
republican vote .101. Morrison did
not faro so well, nud it was npt until
tho Mill of May that ho was ablo lo
poll tho full democratic vote. But as
tho republicans sat mute, thotuorum
was broken, and after two ballots on
that day Morrlipn's nanio was with
drawn. Judge Lambert Tree was taken
up by tho democrats, and polled their
full btrengtli. Meanwhile tin proceed
ings huvu twice been brought to a
Htund-Hiill by llio hand of death. A re
publican member died, but was suc
ceeded by n new member of his own
political faith, nnd tho dead lock was
not interfered with. Finally, on April
1 2, n democratic member died, and
three weeks later a republican was
elected his successor. This gavo tho
republicans 102 votes on joint ballot,
to 100 democrat?, and tho election of a
republican was only delayed uy tho
effort to bring tho wholo republican
membership into lino for Logan or somo
other republican.
General Logan served fonr years a
the lower houso of congress as a dem
ocrat boforo tho war. After tho war
ho returned to tho houso as a republi
can, serving two terms. Ho was then,
In 1871, transferred to tho senate, but
at tho expiration of his first term, in
1877, was defeated for roclectlon.
Two years later, however, ho again
secured a seat in tho scnato for tho
full term which closod in Maroh of this
Tred Douglass's I'ew.
much worrimknt (irowino out op
getting a seat ik tub pre
SIDENT'S ciiuncn.
Washington May 18. An effort ia
being mado to prevent the facts com
ing to light concerning tho visit of
Fred Douglass lo tho First Presby
terian Church Sunday, and tho princi
pal reason seems to be that tho Presi
dent may leave tho church and go else
where. Thero is no question that tho
congregation is very much agitated on
tho subject of tho removal or retent
ion of Douglass, and decisive steps
will be taken at once, Somo of tno
members of tho congregation havo
been urged not to mako trouble by
insisting upon tho withdrawal of
Douglass, as the object will bo accom
plished quietly.
In fact, It is declared that Douglass
is so much worried at the publication
of Sunday's episodo that he will not
again set foot in tho First Presbyterian
Church. He declared that tho only
thing to be gained now is his removal
from office, and tho indications aro
that a good Democrat will shortly
take his place. There is no lovo for
him among bis ownpeople,and they say
that ho is only getting his deserts for
trying to foroo himself and wife upon
the whites. Dr. Sunderland, pastor of
tho church, is very much exercised
over tho matter, and declares that an
effort has been mado to unsettle the
congregation for personal reasons. On
tho other hand, the latter say they will
not tolerate Douglass. Some go so
far as to declare that Dr. Sunderland
will havo to leave the church if he
persists in acknowledging Douglass.
Thus tho matter remains for tho pre
From our Regular Correspondent.
Washington, May 20, 1885.
It is pretty well known by tho Edi
tor and by tho readers of this paper
that their Washington correspondent
is no friend of the Republican office
holder. For tho last ton years I havo
been trying to have him discharged,
and for the last eight years I havo con
sidered him and written of him as no
better than a thief, who, like Ii. B.
Hayes, drew tho salary of another
man. The only difference is that theso
office holders have been drawing their
fraudulent salaries for eight years in
stead of four, or ever since the voice of
the couutrv discharged them by the
election of Tildori. But notwithstand
ing I am anxious to see Republican of
fice holders go, I cannot join in the
pretty common denunciation of the new
Administration becauso it baa not com
pleted its four years mission in ten
weeks. To mo it appears remarkable
that so much has been accomplished in
so little time and I can account for the
denunciation of the so-called tardiness
of tho administration only on tho sup
position that' thoso who denounce know
nothing of what a task Mr. Cleveland
and his Cabinet had before them. Ten
weeks ago the President found himself
at the head of a ponderous and com
plicated chaos of governmental machi
nery intimately connected with the in
terests of GO.OOO.OOO of people and
handling $300,000,000 per year in the
transaction of public business. He was
without experienco in National affairs,
had not been in Washington until ho
came as President. It is not remark
able that ho spoke in his inaugural ad
dress of the painful sense of responsi
bility with which he undertook the stu
pendous work; It would be very easy
for him to dawdle through his term
and pose as President like bis proper
and respectable predecessor. r But tho
time demanded different work for him
the work of reforming and'slmplify-
ing a vast and demoralized bureaucracy
and reducing it to an honest business
basis. Ton weeks havo passed and
much has been accomplished. A large
nuraoer ot mo civil service bureaus
have been filled with good democrats
and with good inert. To the unreflect
lug million this may have seemed an
easy task, but when it is remembered
that tho time of the administration has
been occupied by battalions of delega-tions-presing
rival candidates, by of
fice seekers single, and ollico seekers in
mobs, all good democrats so called and
beautifully endorsed, it is remarkable
that time has been found to make tho
best selection. Most people I presume,
aro awaro that the mere fact of having
voted llio democratic ticket does not
fit a man for office where ho must per
form promptly and creditably a class
of work about which be knows nothing
more than he does of tho Russian lan
guage. When Mr. Cleveland came
luto office, tho first consideration wan,
using an old figure, to keep the ship of
state sailing smoothly and effectively,
making the best time and preserving
tho precious freight of uion and mer
chandise. Revenues had. to b collect
ed, Tho army, tho navy, pensions, tho
courts, and a vast civil list bad to bo
paid i the books must be kept and ten
thousand incidental processes requiring
skill aud experience had to. bo minute
ly carried out. Tho Piesident and his
Cabinet and hii party were unskilled
aud unexperienced in uxecutivo affairs.
Thoy havo as yet only a general idea
of what thoy havo to do. and what can
bo doiid. It is not anything to the (lis
paragomont of many of the bureau of
ficers that have been appointed to say
that they are helplessly dependent upon
their Republican subordinates in office
for information in tho commonest de
tails of their official duty. Thoy are at
tho head of the Bureaus, vast oiliceB
employing from one hundred to six
hundred clerks, nnd yet thoy know lets
than any of these clerks about tbo rou
tine of tho bureau.
It would then stem to bo not just
tho timo to discharge theso clerks who
however bad politically and personally,
havo a skill upon which tho now Ad
ministration will be dependent for a'
time, and nothing would be more rash
and ruinous than to Jill these offices at
onco with unskilled men, Tho post
offices throughout the country aro a
different claw of offices and they are
being filled at tho rato of about 100
per day, or just as rapidly as tho Post
master Gcueral can work.
A Traglo Belle
From tbo Washington Stir.
After the execution of Mrs. Surratt,
Payne, Hcrold and Alzerodt, July 5,
1805, near tho old prison In arsenal
grounds, tho rough scaffold used in tho
execution was torn down and nearly
all the timbers which composod it wero
used In the reconstruction of tho build
ings on tho grounds, most of them go
ing into tho floor of tho Btablcs. Tho
cross-piece, from, which tho ropes wero
hung, however, was removed by tho
master mechanic who was employed
thero and by him hidden under a big
pile of old lumber. There it lay for
nearly twenty years, entirely forgotten
by thoso who llnow what become of It.
Last week, however, in working about
tho grounds, tho veritable cross-piece
was found and recognized by tho man
who hid it. Ho was aided in this rec
ognition by tho places cut away whero
tho uprights were morticed to tho
cross-piece. A close scrutiny showed
oven tho marks left by the ropes with
which tho conspirators wero hung. Tho
wood was soft p'mo and its fibres wero
readily compressed by tho ropes. It
might bo supposed that relics from
this scaffold would bo eagerly sought
for by relio hunters, but such was not
tho case. Thero seemed to bo a dread
among the usually unscrupulous class
of touching or handling any of tho ma
terial, tho associations being of too
droadful a nature. Some years after
tho execution a proposition was mado
to assist in a fair given by a charitable
organization by havingcancs and other
articles mado from the remnants of tho
scaffold, but as soon a the managers
of tho fair learned tho origin of tho
articles tho offer was declined with
rather curt thanks. Thero is but littlo
left at tho arsenal to remind ono of
that memorable occasion. The old
prison, whero tho conspirators wero
confined and tried, has been entirely
remodeled, two completo houses having
boon mado from it. Ono is occupied
by General Ayres, tho commander of
the arsenal, and tho other by the exe
cutive officer. Tho latter is tho chapel
part, where tho trial was held. In 1867
tho remains of tho executed conspira
tors were removed to allow of changes
in tho grounds, and wore placed under
the flooring in tho prison. That por
tion of tho building is now used for a
Tho spot whero tho scaffold stood is
now included in a lawn tennis court,
and as tbo young ladies and genttemen
gaily disport themselves in tho attrac
tive game of tennis on plcasaut after
noons they littlo think what a tragedy
was enacted a score of years ago
upon tho very spot upon which they
Tho rebellion led by Riel in Canada
has collapsed with tho capturo of tho
leader, which' occurred last Friday.
Louis Riel is a picturesque character.
Both of his parents were white,but his
paternal grandfather married a full
blooded Indian woman, so that ho is
one-quarter Indian blood. His lather
was educated for the Catholic priest
hood, but gave up an ecclesiastical lifo
to become a leader of a half-breed in
surrection against tbo Hudson Bay
Company. Riel's mother was a sister
of Archbishop Taohe, of Winnipeg.
Riel was born at Wolf River, Can
ada, in 1837. A Mrs. Massoil, of Mon
treal, paid tho cost of his college edu
cation in that city. In col lego Riel
won the reputation of being a young
man of brilliant promise and ho gradu
ated second in his class. A classmate
describes him as n highly moral man,
brave as a lion, with a physique befit
ting'his character. Be is nearly six
feet in height nnd weighs abont 200
pounds. About tho year 1858 Riel
went to Minneapolis and he is remem
bered in St. Paul, Minn., where he was
for a timo employed as a clerk, by
many citizens who describe him as a
handsome man who spoko English and
French fluently and who had a good
knowledge of Latin.
When, in 18G7, the Hudson Bay
Company transferred its territory for
$1,500,000, the half-breed Bottlers on
the banks of tho Red nnd Assiniboin
Rivers, alarmed lest' thoy should bo
driven from their homes, which they
and their families had occupied for
many, many years, but to which thoro'
was often no legal title, organized with
Louis Riel at their hoad. They demaud-'
ed tho right to elect their own legisla
ture and a freo homestead and pre
emption law. Tho recently appointed
governor of Manitoba was driven from
the country by Riel's forces, and it-was
not until the summer of 1870 and the
arrival of Sir Garnet Wolseley with
British troops that Riel abandoned tho
forts which he had1 seized, and fled to
tho United States. Riel was banished
for fivo years, and this ended the Red
River Rebellion of 18G9.
Was au innocent man hanged ?
l'liii.ADKi.rin.v, May 18. Tho repub
lication hero this afternoon of a story
from tho Boston Jlerald of this morn
incr. in which it was asserted that n
criminal has confessed that ho commit
ed murder in this city for which an in
nocent man was hanged, caused somo.
thing ot a sensation. Tho crimo which
is thus revived wns tho murdor, six.
teen years ago, of Mary Mohrman, a
bright littlo girl of seven years, whoso
was found in a sack which had been
sunk in a pond. John Hanlon, a barb
er living near tho Mohrmans, was con
victed' mainly on tho testimony of t
fellow-prisoner whilo in Moyamonsing
rrison, oi having murdered tho child,
after liavintr Bubiected her to tho gross
est indignities, and ho was executed
tor tno supposed crime.
Thojloston paper trivfs what pur
ports to bo tho confession of a man
(whoso name it with-holds) that ho
murdered Mary Mohrman, and that
Uanlon was wholly innocent ot any
snare in me crime. The alleged con
fession hai been according to tho
JferaUTs statement, mado to a com
panion of the murderer, nud tho names
ahd evidences ot tho truth of tho story
aro said to bo in possession of the Bos
ton paper,
ino murder was a mysterious ono
and for somo time thero was no cluo to
tho murderer, nud allhouch 81.000 ro
ward was offered no arrests wore mado.
Finally a deteolivo who had shadowed
lianion caused his arrest, and bo was
placed in a cell with an Enclish con
vlct who, as ho testified, obtained from
him a confession that he killed the trirl.
Hanlon protested hts iuncjetico to tho
last, To-day ox-Altoruey-Gon, Brow
slur, who defended him, said that dur
ing tho trial ho wai convinced of Han-
Ion' innooence. Great interest is
manifested to know who tho mysterious
personijft U who now confesses him
self guilty of tho almost forgotten
ei line.
A New York Pol loem&n'g Crime.
Sergeant Crowloy of tho Now York
Police foree was oonviotcd in that city
Inst Friday of a heinous offonce, com
muted on a girl named Maggio Morris.
Maggio is a girl of seventeen, tho
daughter of a laboring woman and her
self n factory operative. Tho man
used tho authority of his official posi
tion to accomplish a crime. To pro
tect him from punishment ho rolled
upon a potent political influence, which
had saved him from desorved punish
ment before for other ofTcnccs. Tho
girl was poor, obscure, helpless.
When sho told her pitiful story to tho
fow friends about her perhaps never
did a caso givo less promise that just
ice would bo done. It happened fott
unalcly, however, that sho did after
wards tell her story to a Police Judgo
who listened with nttcntion and promt
ly issued a warrant for tho arrest of
tho accused officer.
Officer Crowley was put on trial on
Tuesday. Tho facts brought out by
tho trial, were these: Maggio received
an invitation from Cccfla Joyce, a
friend, to attend a ball on tho 25th of
April at Standard Hall. Two hours
alter midnight sho was introduced lo
Crowley, who was taking a night off
duty and enjoying himself in citizens'
clothes. He asked Maggio to dance,
but first said ho must havo refresh
ments. He took his companion to tho
refreshment room and tried to induce
her to drink whiskey. Sho refused.
"Wo cant drink here," Crowley said
to Bartender Blint. "There aro pco
plo watching mo and I don't want to
bo seen drinking," and tho barkeeper
said: "Of course you can go down
stairs." Then Crowloy pulled his
victim down tho stairs to a basement
room, dimly lighted. Ho ordered
whiskey for himself and mineral water
for tho girl. Miss Morris noticed
that there was whiskey in tho water
aud refused to drink. Tho bartender
went out and locked the door and then
the officer displayed his revolver, said
bo was a policeman and threatened
that ho would "fix her" if she made
any outcry. They remained thero for
a few moments until Maggie's friends
missed her and began a search. Blint
rushed down stabs.
"There's an awful row up there," ho
"Can't I get out tho front way !''
asked Crowloy.
"Of course," responded tho bartender,
and whilo Crowloy passed out upon
tho sidewalk Maggio rushed into the
arms of her friend, Celia Joyce, ex
claiming: "For God's Bake, kill mo I I am
Crowley on his own behalf, denied
that ho had assaulted Miss Morris.
Ho explained that ho had many ene
mies in tho district, did not want to
bo seen drinking and went to the
lower floor to escapo observation. One
of tho witnesses was Dr. Samuel
Mo Leod, who is the Burgeon of the
Fifth and Eighth precincts. Ho testi
fied that ho was called to tho Houso
of Detention in Mulberry stret at
four o'clock in tho afternoon of April
27 tho all edged assault was commit
ted on, tho morning of the 2Cth and
wa9 told that a charge of assault had
been made against Sergeant Crowley
and tbo Police Magistrate had direct
ed that the alleged victim of the out
rage should bo examined. In accord
ance with that order ho made an ex
amination of Miss Morris. There
were cvidenoes, tho doctor said, of
very recent violence, but tho object of
tho assault had not been fully accora
pliih'ed. Tie doctor testified at much
length and with technical details and
was sharply cross-examined. Record
er Smyth said that in order to consti
tute tho offence charged under the
statuto it was only necessary to show
that violence bad becu used and tho
attempt need not nessarily be com
pletely successful in order to constitute
the statutory crime.
Tho jurv was out but a fow mo-
mouts, and returned a verdict of guilty.
The New York World befriended the
helpless girl, and but for its efforts
her wrong might not havo been punish
ed. ' Tho case attracted unusual atten
tion in tho city. Crowley was sen
tenced on Monday to seventeen years
and six months in tho penitentiary.
LoctiBts in Illinois.
Chicago, May 18. The seventeen-
year loousts, which Profesjor llallly
predicted, seem to have mado their
first appoarance here. They have
been found in large' numbers closo to
tho suriace of the ground, and aro
moving upwards. Tbo indications aro
strong,that,,an unusually largo swarm
will appear in a short time. Very
extensive apple orchards were planted
uy uaiHiuiisia una spring,' arm a largj
eruptiou of locusts will almost certain
ly kill them,
Professor Heilly's prediction was to
the effect that tho country would soon
bo visited by two great broods of lo
custs, of the seventeen and thirteen
year varilies, and '.hat this is the first
timo in 221 ycais that they have np
appoarod inuonjunction, Thoy will not
prove greatly destructive,, and tho in
jury thoy will infiie will probably bo
confined to fruit, trees. The visitation,
ho said, would bo prolonged until late
In July.
Sam Patch,
Henry B. Stanton, iu his recently
published volume of recollections, say:
I must dispose of one or two littlo
things in Rochester without recollect
ing precisely' tho year in which tiny
pecurrcd. Sam Patch, tho famous
jumper and diver came there in the
tall, we will say, of 1818, and propos
ed to leap from tho falls in the heart
of the village. On the day fixed Sam
appeared. Tho banks of tho river ai
far as tho eyo could reach were lined
with spectators. Ho was dressed in a
suit of white, and 1 will stato for tho
benefit of other fools of tho samo elms
that boforo lid leaped ho placed his
hands firmly-on his loins, then sprang
from tho shelving rock, and wont down
straight as an arrow. Ho came up
feet foremost, aud swam ashore amid
the shouts of thousands. A few dayn
later ho proposed another leap agaui.
Ho erected a scaffold twenty-live feet
high on the brink of thu falls, making
tho descent 125 feet. Ou the day
named another immensu throng i
eembled. Mr. Weed and I happeue I
to meet at tho foot of tho Bcaffol I.
Patch came dressed as before, an I,
apparently a little under tho iulluei eti
of liquor. As he ascended tho Bu.f
fold Mr. Wood loft, but 1 rcmaiced. An
Patch went down his arms wero all in
a whirl, and ho struck the water with
a f tunning splash. Tho crowd waiic l
for hours. Ho did not rise. The
next spring the mangled remains id
tho poor wretch wore fouud at tho f ol
of tho falls at Carthage, four miles !
Shot by an Unknown,
Three months ago Gcorgo Bickcrt, a
German, who came to this country in
1881, located nt Lavcllc, Schuylkill
county, boarding with Mrs. David
Stringer a widow. Their relations soon
became Intimate and a month ago it
was reported that they had bece mar
ried. It was known that Rick
cit bad left a wife and three children
In Germany. Ono night a elrnngo
woman was seen to enter tho houso
where he lived and soon after two shots
were heard. Neighbors entered and
Mrs. Stringer, who wns nt tho village
store, camo with them. Biekeil was
found seated in a chair with blood
spurting from a wound near tho left
nipplo nnd another under tho left arm.
In front of him, on tho floor, lay n pis
tot witli two chambers empty." Tho
unknown woman had evidently retired
by tho back door and escaped during
the excitement.
Bickert was conscious and was press
ed for an explanation. Ho declined to
mako any statement and in a few mom
cots swooned from loss of blood. Dur
ing tho night he died. An officer was
put on tho case and liU theory
is that the Ge;man wife was written to
by somo person in Lavelle, who dis
covered his address, and that she came
hero prepared to kill and was aided by
a confederate.
Bobbing a Millionaire-
A bold robbery was committed at
tho residence of Charles Ray, tho mil
lionaire, on Prospect avenue, Milwau
kee, Wis1, last week. An experienced
cracksman visited the house, cut all
the telephone, telegraph, and burglar
nlarm wirei. and then cut his way
through the roar door. All tho fam
ily plalo was in tho vault, and could
not be reached. After searching the
lower part of tho houso tho masked
robber visited the servants' quarters
above, and awakened two girls who
wero in tho room. Ho held a revolver
at their heads, and made them go down
stairs and call Mrs. Ray, telling her
they wero sick. When Mrs. Ray
opened tho door tho burglar told her
if she uttered a word he would blow
her brains out. Sho was ordered to
call her husband, aud did bo. The
burglar made tho women stand in line,
under the penalty of death if they mov
ed. When Mr. Ray came down ho was
ordered to get all cash and jewelry,
which ho did, the burglar covering him
with a revolver. Jewelry and money
amounting to nearly S1.000 was hand
ed tho robber, which ho pocketed, and
then mado Mr. Ray escort him to tho
front door and let him out. Mr. Ray
afterward raised an alarm, but tho
thief had taken the 3 o'clock train for
Chicago and escaped.
Whilo Mr. Ray was going through
his pockets to get his watch, jewelry,
and money a littlo daughter who was
sleeping in tho samo room quietly left
her bed, gathered her own jewelry
from an escritoire, and, returning to
her bed, placed it under her pillow.
This was tho only jewelry in the houso
not locked up that escaped. It is said
that the loss is much heavier than re
ported. Mr. Ray is well known in
Chicago, whero he has a branch com
mission house. His residence is "bur
glar proof," and, tho finest in Milwau
OHL-YOCUM.-On Slay 5, 1885, by
Rev. 8. Mllcliel', S. Howard Ohl, of
Buckhorn anil Mary M. Yocum of Blooms,
sonage, Muncy, May 10, 1885, by Hev. T.
8. Faus, Mr. Howard S. Cole, of Derr's,
Columbia county, Pa., I o Miss Ida Camp
bell, of Lairilsvlllc, Lycoming county, Pa.
DbWITT. In Ornngeville, on tho 10th
lnst., of dlpbthcria, Harold Conner DiiWltt,
aged 3 years, 2 months nnd 15 days.
FLECKENSTINE. In Ornngeville. Jon
the 11th inst, Joseph Conner Fleckcustlue,
nged 2 years, 1 month and 2 days.
"8NYDEU. In Plymouth, Pn., April 27,
1885, Miss Carrie E., daughter of Frank R.
nnd LucyE. Snyder, nged 19 years, 7
months and 11 days. A victim of the Ply.
mouth epidemic.
Also, on 'Wednesday night, May Ctl,
Emanuel, son of fame, nged about 21 years
of same disease.
Subject to tho rules ot the Democratic party.
'subject to tbo rules of the Democratic party.
Hubject to tho rules ol tho Democratic party.
of scorr,
subject to the rutin ot tho Democratic party.
Absolutely Pure.
t pi aetnnror varies. A marvel or purity
trengthaud whoieaomeness. More economical
u in tbo ordinary lands, and cannot be sold in
competition with tho multitude of low test, short
weight, alum or phosphate powders. Hold only
In cans. itoru. IUkimj PowdkhCo , lot Wall-fir.,
N.V. unf-lv.
Ills own account of an eventful life. Including tha
thrlUUiif scenes of the Kreutejt military MruWla
of modern limes. For particulars, address null,
HARD UltOS., I-ubH., Til Chest uuiBt., Fhlla., I.
may 15w
Thli medicine, combining Iron with Turo
TCiretablo tonlcn, quickly and completely
Cure Irpepln, I ndUenllon, WmkneM,
Impure I!lo!iAlalarlR,l'lilllsiui4FiTer,
anil Nrnrmlgln. .
It it an unfalllner remedy for EImuci or the
KMney nnd I.Trpr.
It Ii Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
AVnmon, and all who lead tedentary llrcs.
Itiloci not Injure the teeth, cauieheadache.or
produce constipation oiAt Iron medMnntfo.
It enriches and pnrlfles the blood, stimulates
the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re
lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength
ens the muscles and nerres.
For Intermittent FeTers. Lassitude, lack of
Inenry, Ac. It has no equal.
tnr The rrmilne has abore trade mark and
e rend red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
vu i, I,, hunt- nuini to iitTiaoit, .
Words Fail.
"Wonts fall to
expnss my grati
tude," aa Mr.
ScLnv Cam r.n, of Kashvllle, Touu., "for
the benefits derived from
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Having been anllcttd all my life with Scrof
ula, my system seemed saturated with H. It
canieoutln lllotclirs, TJlcern, nnd Mattery
Sores, all over my body." Mr. Carter states
that he naa euttrely cured by the use of
Ayf.r's SAHSAI-AUILLA, and since discon
tinuing Its use, eight months ago, he has had
no return of the scrofulous symptoms.
All baneful infections of the blood art
promptly removed by this unequalled altera
tive. rKEI'AKED BV
Dr. J. C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists; ft, six bottles for 15.
Real 13 slsilc !
In pursuance of an order issued out of tho Or
phans' Court of Columbia oounty, rn., the under
signed executors of John Kelchner, deceased, will
expose to public salo on the premises on
Saturtlay, June 13tli. 1885,
at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said day the follow
ing described real estate, to-vrtt :
All that certain plantation, tract or piece of land
Edtuato In Centre township Columbia couuty, Ta.,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Begin
ning at a plno tree in lino ot land formerly belong
ing to William Sloan and now to .Martha Slgfrled,
thenco by land now or lato of John Hill, south
thirty-two degrees east ono ;hundred and nlnety
flvo perches and eight-tenths to a stone, thence by
lands of Sarah Conner and estate ot John Conner,
Jr., dee'd, south slxty.threo decrees ;wcst, ninety,
five perches to a stono ; thenco by lands ot Henry
C. Barton and wife north thirty-two degrees west,
ono hundred and elghty-nlno perches and five
tenths to a pine knot, thenco by land ot Martha
Slgfrled north ntty-nlno degrees east, ninety-four
perches and elght.tnths to tho place of beginning,
containing ono hundred and fourteen acres and
twenty-six perches bo tho samo moro or less all In
a high state of cultivation, on which Is erected a
two-story brick dwelling house, largo bank barn,
wagon shed and all tho necessary outbuUdings.
A largo applo orchard and a well ot good water at
the door.
at S o'clock in the afternoon ot said day on tho
premises In Scott township, county and stato
aforesaid, tho following described real estate, to-
wlt t
AU that certain message, tenement and tract of
land sltuato In Scott township, Col Co., in.,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: Ad
Joining Unds of Aaron Boone and Fcter Hagcn-
buch on the north, lands ot James Lake aud At.
jredMoodon the west, tho nortn branch oniio
Susquehanna Itlver on tho south, and lands 01
Aaron Boone, O. W. Crcvcllng & Co., J. It. Faus,
Ruckel & Crevcllng, and others on tho east, con.
talnlnff ninety acres, more or less with tho ap
purtenances all In fine cultivation, on which Is
erected a two-story brick dwelling house, largo
frame barn, wagon shed and outbuildings. A large
applo orchard on the premises and a good well ot
water at tho door, nils tract to bo sold subject
to the dower ot 30OO In favor ot Ell Crevcllng's
widow and heirs.
T.HMS OF SALE. Ten percent, ot one-fourth
of tho purchaso money to be paid at the Btrlklng
down of tho property ; the one-fourth less the ten
per cent, at the confirmation absolute ; nnd the
remaining three-fourths in one year thereafter
with Interest from confirmation nisi and deed to
bo delivered to the purchaser at his expenso on
payment of tho wholo ot tho purchaso money.
Possession to bo delivered April 1, 1BS0. No straw
to bo removed from the premises. The purchaser
to havo tho landlord's share ot tho winter grain
sown this fall. All tho grain and crops now In tho
ground are reserved.
K. L. KELCHNER. V Executor?.
EVERY ONE Who Owns a JVAnOH Wants
5lXl0(PV TAP. VoldlUD
(like an umbrella. Weigh
leas than l'J Ibi., Can bo
taken off or put ou In 3 min
ute, tfatleln ilxe to tit
business wajronj. pleasure
I wagonj and bufffrtes. Send
1 for illustrated, circular and
i pneo iibi. Agems wan i cu
-eTerrwhere. State where
may 154w r
On Cars at Quarry.
No. 1 Slate ..M.(0lol.00
No, t Kit) Slate 3.U0 to 3.U
seconds. ,,, 3.00
No. 3 ltiu mate. 2.3
. J. I HUiM.,
S3 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Vx
inay sj-ly
A FEW OOOl) MEN to canvass for the salo ot
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, bhrubs. Vines, Howe.
(C no Experience nenuirea. unerai wages
Addiess 11. J. 110WDEN k CO., Brighton, N, Y.
may w-sw d
Wheat per bushel ij.05105
Hyo " " 00
Corn " " ; 00
Oats " " 40
Flour bcr barrel 0 & 5
Cloversceil 8 Ov.
Butter 23
Eggs 13
Tafiow 00
Potatoes new 40
Dried Annies 04
Hums 14
Shies and shoulders U
Chickens 10
Turkeys 13
Lard per pound...,., , ,. 10
Hay per ton 10 00
lleeswax ,'. v S3
Hides per lb 0 to 7
Veal sklna'per lb OS
Wool per lb 85
Philadelphia Markets.
FEED--Western winter bran, spot, 11 a 11.73
Red middlings 13 3 16.69
FLOUR Western extra's 3.53 OL 3.87 : I'enn'n
family, 4.uo (4 4.23 Ohio clear, 4.5j a 5.0); winter
patent 6.JI y 6.W.
WHEAT Pennsylvania red, No. 1, 1,12.
CORN,-5l (3 60.
OATS. No. 3 white a 41 No. 2, 4ft
HAY AND STRAW Tlmothv Cholcfl Western
and New York, tw. fair to good Western nnd
new jon:, ai. ($ 21. ; medium western ana New
York, 10. (4 li. 1 Cut bay aa to quality Ii. a 17.60.
Rye straw 20 a 81, Wheat straw, 11. 0 18. Oat
straw 11,
K(i(;R Pennsylvania 13 V, western 18 (418 X.
BUTTER. Pennsylvania creamery prints a u 80
Wettcru tixtra 17.
UVU. POULTRY.-Fowls, 18, mixed loU13)9
14, roOsteriQia t&T. '
Intelligent WOLICITOHS WANTED for the
lai psw siim ft
Th ,init-Mt(?nflil ftrtmtnUtr.ifrlr nf Hie estate of
I). V. Walter, lato ot Catnwl ssa township, Colum
bia county, Pennsylvania, deceased, will expose to
pubuo sale, oa tn; prjmuoj,
Thursday, Juno lltli 1885,
at Id o'clojk, a. m, tho foltowlnr described val
uable propjrty, to-wn i Tno
sltuatoonJtlU sircJt InthJtiwn ot Catawlsu,
county and Stato aforenll, formerly occupied by
said decodoat I b) Jn led oa tho cart by lands ot tl.
J, Riseler, oa the west by lands ot T. E. Harder, on
tho north by lands of It. J. Itecder and on tho
south by said Mill street. The houso Is a two
story frame bulldlnz In (food repair, with all nec
essary outbuildings. Tho lot is of good sle, con
taining fruit trees and a gooi well ot water.
Terms raa lo known on day ot sale by
W. II. lthawn, Att'y, Admrx.
catawlssa, .May 19, F83--.1 ts.
Iftifin tit AilmlnUtmtlon In tho estate of Freder-
1CK it. laillACK, 1ULU Ul tlUCftWJll Wt.usui,', wr-
ceased, havo been granted by the Register of said
county totlw undersigned Administratrix. All per
sons having claims against the (-stato ot the de
ceased aro requested to present them for settle
ment, anu wiose lnuemcu lo xne esiaie iu hikku
payment to the UnderMsned Administratrix with
AprSllw Derr's P.O.
Letters of administration on tho cstnto of James
Barton, lato ot the town of Bloomsburg.
Columbia county, lwnnsj lvanla, deceased havo
been granted by tho Reglstcrot Bald county to tho
undersigned Administrators. All persons having
claims against the cstnto ot the deceased are re
quested to present them for settlement, and thoso
Indebted to the estato to make payment to the un
dersigned administrators without delay.
ELI BARTON, Bloomsburg, AdminUtrators.
JOHN O. QUICK, Rupert, Administrators.
may MSw
T.. ...... A handsome VAHIj LAMP given
K nnPPP.P. with a ts order for Tea and corf
- UUi iUM " An Iron Stone CHAMBER
" SET, 10 pieces, or a TEA SET, 41
pieces, orn handsome BRONZE HANOINO LAMP
given with a no order. A chamber SET ofio
gleces.wlth blue, maroon or pink band or an IRON
TONE CHINA TIM SET of to pieces, or a OLASS
ET ofN) p'cees given with nia order, HAND
SOME PREMIUMS, consisting ot Decorated China
Wnro in Tea sets, also Dinner and Tea bets com
bined, and Chamber Sets, etc., eta, given with
orders far lis, rao, to, ra and iw. send tor clrcu.
lar, which wtllguoyou full particulars. (IRANI)
UNION TEA COM PAN V, 25 South Main St.,
wukes uarre, i a. neaunuar
ters so Front street, New
York City.
may 15-ly
Monday, April 13th, 1885.
Annual meetlnff of Auditors of Convmrham
townsnlp and Centralla Borough ou Tuesday,
April S8. 1SS3, for tho purpose ot auditing the ac
counts ot the Poor district of said tnwnihlp and
uuruugu iur ino j ear enuing April mil lcvu.
Auditors present on tho nart of Centralla Bor.
ough James Barrett. II. I. curran and (ieo. W.
Davis, on tho nart of the townihlo of Convmrham
Andrew Kane, Michael Monagiian nnd James
O'Brien, on motion James Barrett was elected
president and Jno. P. Hinnon, secretary of tho
Board, on mot ton tho pay ot directors was fixed
ut iuu nuu 01 a anu ro-iuu uouars per uay.
David Walsh In account with tho above district
lor tne year ending April 1 1, itsn.
To balance per auditor's settlement 61 60
By reduction made In valuation of I). F.
curry by corn's. f-MC w 0 mills 1 20
By balance credited on order No. 10 dated
April sru, issain favor of DaUd WaUli 0) so
C. O. Murphy Treasurer and Collector in account
with Conyngham township and Centralla
Borough Poor District, special tax for
the year ending April 13, 1RS5.
To amt. ot duplicate, borough
" " " " township
157 03
2470 3'J
t-3033 41
By amount ot borough exonerations....
" " " " error
" " " twp. exonerations
" ' " bor. returns to coin's....
" " twp. returns ' 4 " ....
" com. ou fSMI.oi 5 per cent
" " ' 2W5.0! m 2 per cent
" Troth's, receipts as follows vU :
Sept, 13, 1881. 18'0.00
Nov. u, ; 75.ii
Dec P bfl 73
March' 83, 1885, check to the Dan
ville asylum 500.00
1 3-1
98 Gl
120 68
43 10
t.'IOl.W 3733 41
105 00
8 10
Amt. overpaid by treasurer.,
by 8 per cent on J105 com,..,
Balance due C. O. Murphy 1107 10
This amt. Is settled by a certlllcate given
thlsssth day of April 1883 107 20
C. 0. Murphy collector and treasurer In account
with Conyngham township nnd centralla
borough poor district, poor tax for tho
j car ending April 13, 1835.
To amt. of borough duplicato 785 23
" " " twp. " 4953 .7U
15733 01
" ree'd. from Co. Com. unseated land 4Gs 39
6201 41
Uy amt. ot exonerations for bor
" " " " ' twp
" " returned to Corn's, bor
" " " " ' twp
" com. ou J5539.0I (4 r, per cent
" " " 5719.3 C(.j 2 per cent
4 00
2 65
4 80
197 15
216 47
114 S3,
1599 45
By orders redeemed as follows, viz :
0 23 Oct. 27, T7, Michael Sullivan
Ill Jan. 6 u Adam Waldner 393.15 x
78.73 Int.....
31 Dec. 1,'W.L. A. Itlely & Co. p. h. no
53 " " " (j. (). Murnhy p. h. ac...
BI " " " Sam'L Keller, salary
53 Jan 6, 84 Sam'l. ltelnbold mending
1 61 Feb. 2, 'in. u A. Riley & Co. coal no
1 63 "2, '84, Henry Beaver blacksm'th
1 69 " 8, ti, Jno. p. Hannon, coats of
1 13Mch. 25, Vl, Dan'L curry, horso
1 75 Mcb. o, 84, Henry Moser o. 1. It.
i 7a " " Wm. Herbert o. I), n. .
49 C3
473 48
13D 81
51 '.9
10J (X)
18 (I
51 03
9 81
7 50
30 78
45 (10
77 Mch. 25, '81, c. o. Murphy O. D. It
7 ' " " " mdse.n. h.
10 110
863 Ol
130 77
10 (M
21 78
41 00
115 ()
13 25
50 CO
207 60
127 60
168 00
190 00
1C0 00
78 00
23 bft
43 10
30 00
2 15
18 00
1 60
170 CO
23 3D
63 Ul
2 00
31 00
6 S3
29 00
10 (0
10 73
13 25
119 33
13 10
2 13
40 00
48 74
33 W
CO 00
11 S3
" 1L JI. Lnshell nrof. Rpr.
" (ieo. W. Davis indso ....
"Burko Brothers, under-
81 "
82 Men. S5. '84 I. A. Itlley & Co. ODR
81 " ' " "p. h.mdse
K8 Apr. 5, " J, M. aw inner, salary as
M. D
i) Apr. 18, 8t, David Walsh bervlees
as director
91 Apr. in, 84, John Monroo services
as director
93 Apr. 18, '81, Patilck Haley bervlees
as director .
M Apr. 18, '84, Jno. P. Hannon civile.
94 " . " "bani'l. Keller back sal
aryln full ,
95 Apr. 18, w, Mrs. slam'l, Keller
wages of maid for 1 year
I Apr. 19, '81, sam'L Keller, sua. cash
O Dlt " J. T. Melllngfr tued.
4 May's' Vl'Vt.''uv7n" roflVn 'uud
bhroud tor UiUooley
0 Juno 7, '84, Jno. P. Hannon pos
tago and blank books.
7 Juno 7. "81, Chas. Strausser, work at
8 J uno 7. tssV M tell.' ' Brown horsou'lrc
9 h it wm. Monroe horto for
farm , .
lUJulys, tn, John Crano horso hlro
II " ' " Burke Bra's, undertaking
U " " ' it. jl Watktns bill rend
13 Aug. 2, -81, J. Ms ((winner, proL
services ....
ll Aug, i, tu, (ieo. it cope black"
15 Aug. 2, -81, w. b. llartman wall
10 Aug. 2. til, Win. Peiner. 1). O. ...
JI !! ; "M.Ultaupbeetforp.h.
!.. .. !! !"' leaser harness, it.
l" " "JilUu uoldsworthy horso
21 Augt'i'wVchai'DykerBnuor".'
23 bent. 5, vu L. A. Riley Co. coal
?! . . "Chas. weuscn w. wheels
2i ! "' sam'l. Keller ac of Bai-
r.. a u v. Aiears inea. ana
29 Sepr,n, tn. A, 11. Church p. h. aS
30 ' '''Lcb.Mut.Ins.Co.absess-
Fin A (.'firriiirrpM Tliirrntna nml IV
Yftricil selection of B mj.ository mny Do ncni n large nml
from tlio best Manufactories. Purchasers aro Invited to cull una Inspect the good, or to
Write for Information nml Prices.
13 00
S3 10
9 00
13 34
t8 87
1 Kl
1 10
20 fO
si fi
30 50
ft 00
5 41
151 3d
T3 2J
?0 Oil
31 88
25 M
SI 00
"5 10
3 73
7 tO
7 50
18 08
10 Oil
si m
ft to
ai oo
0 O)
41 or
100 oo
13 SO
8 73
C nil
3 73
11 50
13 75
23 00
t 50
20 00
S) 00
6 60
900 08
21 II
13 00
si " " ' Chas. strnusser work nt
ii. h...
M Nor. 1. Wl. Sam'l Keller no. of sal.
MH Dec, 8. 141. Thos. Collins horse
" e) Dec 8 '81, Ella uoldsworthy horso
hire ,!
" 55, Decs, '81, Ardrew Inlhai horso
hire ,
" 17, Decs, "HI, John h Kbes, beet p h,
.1 M I. ,i vm J llclwlg, work p li
Ik M) id it m L Haup, bill rendered
" mi, ' " Josesh Tyson work p h
" 01, " " ' Wm Fettcrmnn vinegar
" en, Jan 8 fa, (leo II Young o d r
ii oi, " Thomas Gregg costs to
No. c.", Jan 3, tia, J M Owlnncr services as
No. 00 Jan 3, '83, sain'l Keller salary on
ueeu iiiil . ..........,.,(...
No. or, Jan s, '85, Sam'l Keller, money nd
for shoats ..
NO, ro, Jan 31, '83, Elijah Uoldsworthy,
hurso hlro...... . ....
No. "I, Jan 31, H3, John Beaver work on
ii u lurm....
No. 71, lanni, '83, Wm J. Helwlgworkon
ti h farm
No. ,3, Jan ill, V,, Charles Mlllsr, work on
nil farm
No. 74, Feb as, to, Wlllllam 1-eltrer o d r..
;s " " " sam'l Keller on ncc't
of salary
No. Feb ts, -83, John Burko homo hlro
" W, Mar is, '83, c (I Murphy, cash ad
Mrs Karlv ... .'. !.
No. 81, Mar 2s, 83. 0 II MtllnrJ, odron
account to date.
No. K, Mar as, to, copo Brothers black
smithing ,
No. to, .Mar 88, '85, C (1 .Murphy o d r to
No. m, .Mr rw, '83, 0(1 .Murphy p h ac
count to Mar 0, ta
No. w, Mar as, us, John crane, horso hire
tSMl 03
731 10
f 60OI 113
Amount over paid by Treasurer
Tills amount 15i 10 due tho Treasurer Is
settieu Dy a certincato given tnissstn
April A. II, 1883 710 00
ENDING APRIL 11, 1883.
No. 6, Juno 7, Kl, John Eveland painting
nnd papering ',
No. ai, Aug s, '(, Thos Collins horso hlro
" 31, sept i.l, "81, L A Riley co o d r. ,
" 61, Dec, 8, '8r, (leo W Davis o d r
m so i .1 .." wm rji-j-son, ntty sala
ry - , i ,
" (-1, Jan 3, ,83, Wm 11 Bright ;lumber..
ii cs, " ' " It M Lashelle profession,
" r,9, Jan 31, '85, (leo w Blllinan, horso
hlro nnd liquor
" 75, Feb S3, 'as, Daniel Curry horso
hire i. ...... .1,...,..
" 70, Feb 58, '5, Buiko Urol, undertak
ing.. '.
" 77, Feb 28, '85, JnoH Jlensch, llinc...
" 80, .MarS5, '81, A 11 1'ortner indso.. .
" 8, " " " o milliard odr
" 81, " " Win Bryson att'y sala
ry in full
" 81, Mar 23, '85, J M Qwluner, profes
sional sen Ice In lull ... .... .....
" 81, Mar S3, '83, R M Lasholla profes
sional services In full
" 1-8, Jlarss, '83, L A lilley iCocoal....
" 88, Mar 25, '85, Wm Herbert odr
" 80, " " " Henry Moser odr
" W), " " " L A ltl'ey & coodr
" 1)1, " a, " Geo W Davis, odr....
ii 9 u .. ii joinli O'Connor horso
hire -
" U7, Mar 28, '85, II c MlchaeLs under
taking,. " OSMar 28, '83, L A Blley pass book p h
" loo " " " Henry Beaver black
smithing ..
"101, Jtarssr'ss, ceo W Davis horso
hire ,
15 23
3 75
247 50
10 47
30 OO
31 37
8 (0
47 SO
30 (0
25 00
4 00
8 37
40 00
15 00
23 8.1
5(1 00
103 64
W m
r, to
202 SI)
40 05
31 73
10 00
50 83
13 11
7 50
16 80
11 S3
3) (0
SO 00
113 60
39 00
20) 00
35 (X)
201 70
1C0 50
167 2S
1, Apr 23, 83, Saual itclnuold suoc
maMntr ..i.-.. ......
3, Apr 25, '85, John Snyder smithing
I, " " " Sam'l Keller, salary
s, Apr 25, "83, Samuel Keller salary
account... ,
0, Apr 23, '85, Samuel .Keller, salary
account In full
7, Apr, 25, '8J, Mrs. Samuel Keller
maid's wages , i...
8, Apr 2, '85, Jno P Hannon, cleik ,
u, " " " 1) F Curry room rent..
full " " '" Davltl Walsl1 salary In
I', AVr"''i'atricK'naicy,' salary
lnfuli.. f.V.
1?, Apr 23, '85, John Monroo salary lu
t173 60
Expenses of Poor District for the year
ending April 13, 1883.
Medical attendance..' .v 330 31
Legal service 45 00
Funeral Expenses. 15.160
Farm Wages ill 83
coil 181 81
Blacl-sjiiuilng... 61 77
Merchandise p. Houai..... ' ,i..i..i.'i. 101193
out door Relief 1778 8U
Horo Hlro 337 60
Miscellaneous. 0H5 0J
Whiskey , , 178 63
Steward and Mcwardets - 60) 00
Maid's wages 78 01
Clerk 200 CO
Directors wages Pat'k Haley. 11M 60
David Walsh sol 70
John Monroo ..... 187 23
6S3 I')
tC0S3 59
Amt. produced by farm past year
unhand April II 1881
917 91
817 80
1215 71
111 50
By amt. on hand ApiU(l8,lS35
1101 31
Total cost of maintaining poor dist , t719J M
Census ot Poor Houso April 13, 1S3V
No. of males 15
" " females 1
steward's account of produco from farm for the
-year ending April 13, 1885.
175 bus. of potatoes Ci 40, ,
70 00
M 10
80 80
78 80
85 (O
176 03
11 23
3 40
5 10
.') M)
P2 00
49 01
l 10
85 4 )
21 25
7 50
(91 00
'- '
10 21
to;? oi
"wheat "80..
ryo "80.....
oats "40, ,
"b'k. "60 ,
1 corn In ears " 10 ,
turnips "45..
" onions "CO
2 " " beans " 3.60, , .
11 " "beets "60
9 tons, "hay ' 13.00....
7 " ' corn fodder " 7.00. ...
7" "straw "12,,0.. .
6.13 heads otcabbago "01
85 " poultry " 23
150 bunches of celery" 01
1310 lbs. of pork "07,.,....
no pumpkins "fu
128 lbs of beet "08
Amount of produce on hind April 13, 1883.
40 bushels ot potatoes Cii
,16 00
I 01)
8 00
3 00
1 ro
18 00
24 (M
21 10
15 (O
ill! (0
' oats
" rye
" b'k.
" hay
' straw 1
" pork '
" poultry
"so.. .
" so.-..;
1 ton
2 ton
SiO lbs.
60 head
Household ftunlt
umou hand April 1. ltt'5,
21 beds and bedding
3 cooking stoves
2 heating stovts
1 heater
1 furnace
1 round tablo
1 extension tablo
3 kitchen tables
1 falling leaf tablo
2 lounges
1 Iron safe
3 looking glasses
" si sept, S.'SI sam'l. Keller nc. ot Sal-
nry 'fl
" 3j Sept, s, 'M, Mrs. sr-m'l Keller n yr.
wages for mald. . ......
" D3 sept, n, HI, Jonnah O'Connor horro
litre,. ... .,
" ia sept. s.'H.M. A Rlloy A Co. p, h. no.
" an Oct. t. !. C. tl. .Murphy, p. h. nc
In Oct, 1, 'SI
" 37 0CU4, "81 A H. Church, p.,
" m " "" John Bllllg vinegar.
i. 59 ii ii j, f. Pfahler wheat
n 4,) ii un Klwell llittcnbonder
pub. nc. ot "M ,., .
" 4i, 'Si. Henry M09er o. I), it
" 4J Nor. 1, " llurko pro's, undertaking
i 4) .i .'uy, c. llclwlg building
corn crib
" 4 1 Nov. 1, fi,.!acob Iflng inn ft. board
i 43 ii "j no. L. Kllno lumber and
bono meat
" 4il Nov. I, S, A. II. Former tndso....
" 17 " " " Dan'l. Knorr phosphato. ,
i 4 .i i, jns. Tymn wages and rat's
ii w ii ii ii wm. Herbert o. I). It.,. .
" M " " ' Henry Beaver, bl'fc...
j 1 clock
1 1 doz. com. chairs
I X iloz. cane bottom chrs
! IX doz otllco chairs
i 1 writing desk
S 1 cupboard
i 1 Mole
! 4 bedroom (stands
; 60 yds. Ingrain carpet
I I sewing machine,
Pertonal property cu hand April 18, nv.
3 horses
2 hcythes
3 pious
a narrows '
2 cultivators
3 largo wogons
1 o'd spring wagon
1 threshing machine
3 sets of harness
1 set of carriage harness
1 new Hiring woEon
1 seed drill
4 cows
1 heifer
1 bull
R hogs
1 calf
1 buggy
1 sleigh
1 ki,.,l
1 wheelbarrow
1 nayraice
1 old carriage
8 criidie scythes
1 o uiu uuueiMKiieu auuuursuiionyDgnamiwp,
aDd Centralla boiough havo exnmlnen the fore,
going accounts on the V8th nnd 89th days, of April
A. 1).. 18-3 and llnd tiiein rnrrppr.
Auditors of Conjnghnm
Auditors ot Centralla
n. 1. CURRAN,
Jno. P, IIanxok,
IU, USIlip,
MIMII HiriUAfllllVr
Attea 1
f . f. muif,
3:10 & 322 Pen 11 Avenue,
ii il... 11 .