comma dmociut, star or tm KORTn. and o limrit Werkly, atr rr Tlitnr Morning, nl BLOOMSBUItO, COLUMBIA CO.. l'a. at two dollars per yoar. To subscribers out ot irsa paper dtacootlniiocl oxcopt at the option of the pubinhors, until all arrparaws aro nalil. but All papora sent out of tho state or to rtnta nt post onieos mint be paid for I nail ranee, unless a rcsnon. alble person In Columbia county assumes to nav iho subscription duo on dcmami. ' ' iirosTAOKlj no longer exacted from subscribers the county, JOB PRINTING. Tho Jobbing Department of tho Colox si an Is very completo, and our Job Printing win compare favor, ably with thatol : tho largo cities. AIMvoVkdonJ on jhort notice, neatly and at moderate, nt-tce. 1 CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! i ""AT" THE ARTIST (0 W ffi W 31 m AND MERCHANT TAILOR, Who always givca you tlio latest styles, and cuts your clothing to Tit you. Having had tho oxperionco lor a number of years in tho Tailoring Busi ness, has learned what material will givo his customers tho best satisfaction for wear and stylo and will try to plcaso all who givo him a call. Also on hand Gents' Furnishing Goods OP ALL DESCRIITIONS. HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Always of tho latest styles. Call and ex. amino his stock before purchasing else where. Corner Main & Market Sts. nskrg, Pa. April ss-iy BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL The undersigned having put his Planing 211 on Itallroad Street, In nrst-ciass condition, Is pre. pared to do all kinds ot work In his lino. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnisnea at reasonable prices. All lumber used is well seasoned and nono but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS tarnished on application. Plan? and speclnca CHARLES KBDG, Bloouisburfr, Pa Dumber an gas fitter. Bear of Schuyler's hard w ro tore. Bloomsburg;, Pa. All kinds of fittings for steam, gas and water pipes constantly on hand. lioodng and spouting attended to at short no tice. Tinware of every description made to order. Orderslcftat Schuyler; Co's., hardwaie stoio will bo promptly ruled. Special attention given to heating by steam and hot water. y-ly MW LUMBER YARdT ot Tho undersigned has started a lum ber yard, and lias on hand all kinds of HEMLOCK LUMBER of the best quality, Boards, Scantling, Joists, Fencing, and every other shape up to 32 feet long. Inquire at T. iiei'K b oicrc. j.f. mm, UGHTSTREET, PA. Feb 27-3m E. B. BROWER, GAS FITTING & STEAM 1IKATJN0. UEALKU IN STOVES &TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof ing and Spouting promptly attended to. t"Strtct attention given to heatlug by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg:, Pa. HAHTMAN BlrUKSINTD THE rOLLOWlKO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American of Philadelphia. Franklin, " " Pennsylvania, " " Vork, ot Pennsylvania. u &uover, oz n, v. Queens, ot London. norm until British, of London. omce on Market Slreot, No, 5, Bloomsburg, I?REA8 RROWN'S insurance ; AUKNCY. iloyer'a now building, Main btreet, oomaburg, l'a. Assets. -Etna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn fT.urs.s.'O Hoyal ot Liverpool, 13,500,000 Lancashire...,. I0,tuyx Iflra Association, Philadelphia 4,10,710 rnconlx, 01 London Vieo,37fl London & Lancashire, of Knglind ....... l,ti,WU Hartford of Hartford! 7 3,STJ,iftO sprtngtuid Klre and Marine i!,ix&,0 As the agencies aro direct, policies are written for the Insured without delay In the onice at Bloomsburg, Oct, Sti, Dl II HOUSE, DENTIST, Uloomsbuko, Columbia County, Pa. 11 styles ot work done In a superior manner, work warranted as represented. Tiitu Kubict iDwiTuooTl'iiNby the ubo of Uas, and free of charge when artificial teeth are Inserted. Jfflce In Columbian bullUlnjr, Sad Uoor, lo be open at all houri during the da NoT,s-iy Blooi J K BIXrEHBEMDEH, r "P""0"' PROFESSIONAL CARDS, J1 K. WAM.KU, J ' ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, nioonnburg, l'a onico over 1st. National Bank. XU. FUNIC, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ULOOMSBUtO, 1'i. omce In Snt's Building. JO UN MTcTiAHlf, ATTORN K V-AT-L A W. AND JUSl'lOK OF THE I'EACE. IILO0MSBCR0, I'l, onice over Mo) cr Bros. Drug Store. v n u,kii, Al'TOH.SSIf.Ar-LA onico In Brower's building, second So. I Bloomjburg, l'a. B. FKA.SK 7. Villi. ATTO R N K Y-AT- LAW. Bloomsbtug, l'a umao corner ot Centre and Main Streets. Clark j uuuaing. Can be consulted In 0?rman. Q.KO. K. KliWKIX, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Di.ooMsnciia, I'a. Olllco on First floor, front room of Cot.. umihan llutlitlnjE, Main street, below Ex change Hotel. p.VUL E. WHIT, Attorney-at-Law. Onice In Cot.chbun iicii.dino, tloom No i, second noor, ilLOOMSBUKQ. PA. S, INOBU. L B. WIHTIR8TXIK. KNORR & WINTEUSTEEN, A ttorney s-at-Law. Oftlce In 1st National Bank building, second floor, flrstdoortothelift. Cornerof Main and Mark't streets Bloomsburg, l'a. tS'Ttnttom and BoutUiet CoUedid J II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office In Maize's bulldJig ever Ulllmeycr's grocery. JOHN C. YOCUJI, Attorney-a t-Lavr , CATAWISSA, PA Oftlco In Nkws Itkii building, Main street. Member ot the American Attorneys' Assocla. tlon. Collections mado In any part of America IC. OSWALD, ATTOHN E Y-AT-L A W . Jnckson Building, Rooms 4 anil 5. "yy. II. RIIAWN. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlssa, Fa. Offlce, corner ot Third and Main btrects. JJ Y. WHITE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Onice In Hrowcrs' Hiiildlng, 2nil floor, mnp 1-tf E. SMITH, Attorney.atLaw, llcrwlck. Pa Csn be Consulted In German. ALSO KliaT.CI.A83 FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMl'ANlES KElT.ESESTED. S'OlDce llrst iloor below the post ofllce. MISCELLANEOUS. CU. BARK LEY, .offlce lu Brower's ba ld lg, and story.llooms JB MeKELVY, M. D.,Surgeon and Phj , tieian, north side Main atreel.below Marki- A h. FKITZ, Allorney-al Law. Oflict i , In Colcmbun Uulldlnc p M. DKINKKK, GUN & LOUKHMITH jviuh Machines and Uaihlnen nfall kinds re .irmi untax llouas Uuiidini;, Uloomtljurt, fa R i C. KL'TTKR. uysica:. s-rnusoN unico, Mirti. Muimt tirt't, i:oi.tiLii, 11. DH. W.M. M. HEliKlt, Surgeon nnd I'UjMcian. uulce corner of Kock and Market fj K. K AN 8, .M. D., Sur;eoii and Physla an. .onice and Kesldenct on Thlra street. IKK INSUKANC't,. .CHltlaTlAN F. KNA1T, BLOOMSBUKO, FA. HOME, OV N. Y. MKItUIlANTS', OF NEWAHK, N. J. CLINTON, N, y l'KOl'LES' N. V. HEADING, I'A. These fiLD coKPOitATioNii nro veil seasoned bv ace and fike testeo and hnv never vet had n lobs settled by any court ot law. Their assets aro auiuve&Lu(iiiiHui.iu sscuuiTlKS are uaoieioine uuzuru vi riKKUuiy. IiOsai s raoMPrLr and iionestlt adjusted and raid as soon as determined by chkisiun f. KNirr, artcuL aoem inu AuJiurtB IJloomsbceo, l'a. Thenoooleof Columbia roiintr fchmilrl natron. Uo thb agency where loeslf any are settled and uuiu ujr uiio ui vuer own cuize ns. l'ltOMl-TNESH. KQUITV, KAIIl DEALING. JOU WORK NEATLY EXECUTED AT , THIS OFFICE 1 for Infants nnd "Cutorla Is so well adapted to children that recommend It as superior to any prescription known to ine." II. A. Aacnca, SI. P., Ill So, Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y, IfiENTAURlilNIMENTl An nbsoluto euro for Rlieuniatlsiii, Sprains, Pain In tlio Back, Hums, Gftllu, Ac. An Instantaneous Paln rcllovlinr and lloallnff Komcdy. fEie infer Sly 30 YEARS RECORD. CITBX3 ALL SISKASE3 OP TUB KIDNEY8 LtVIIl ELADDEH AND tmiNAnr OEQAKS EnorsY OUXVTL DIADETrs Eiuaura SISEA8B FAINS IN the SACK LOINS on nrriE NEnvotrs DISEASES Vlijtlclnns' Testimony. A. fl". Brown, M.D., of l'rovldence, B. I., aysi "I hT0 need IIuht's Kidney and Liver IUxEOrlnmy practice for tho pat sixteen years, and cheerfully recommend It as being a life and rtllaMt remedy." Another prominent doctor of Trovlilcnce nays that "I am fre quently urged to me other prepnra tloniasftibjtilnlcs for IIckt's Kid ney and LlrerJ Hkhidt. 1 find on trying tliem that they aro worthleta In comparUon to It." Au Old Ludj. "My mother, 70 years old, has chronlt kidney complaint and drop sy, Nothing has ever helped her like IIokt's (Kidney and Liver ItEMinr. She has received great benefit from S bottles and we think It will euro her." V. W. Bonder land, BullJcr, Danbury, Conn. A Minister's Wife. HETENTION on NON. DETENTION OP traiNE. PIUCB 1.9S. Bond for ramphlet of Trail. aonlalB. IlfXT'8 Kr.Ml'.IIV CO., l'roTtilfn, II. I. Itev. Anthony Atwood, of Thlhv ;lnhla. savii: "Ht'hT'n tuiilnp. dclnbla, 6ay: "llfM's (Kidney and Liver IIcxedt hit cured my uiiu i,irr, iisxEDT uki curca my wife of Uropy In Its worst form. au toy mm 11 is a miracle." Ocncrnl Cliacc. General Chaco of Ilhode Island says: "I always keep Ucxt's Kid ney and Liver Rexeot In my home. Taken In small doses occa sionally at night, It prevents head ache, and regulates tho kidneys, stomach and other organs." 10 Disease soon shaken, by Hunt's Remedy taken." C X. CIIMTE.MOX, N. Y., Central Agent. CAIN Health and Jjappiness. X'Z DO AS OTHERS VteOVP HAVE DOHE. 4ES Kidneys disordered? ' k Inner Wnrt hnm,.l, . n5ii'if'erl mU 'lTpn P br " L doctor in ........ .lu-ann mi-yuamc, i-yina, Hie a. Kleiner Wurt cured me from nrrvoiti wrftknem Aa. after I wm not cxneclcd to llro,"-Ura. M. U. B. Oowlwin, Ed. Chritttan Monitor CleTelftud, o. BTayo you Bright's Disease? v i? 7t ol? ml,me 'en iy watr w a Just mw uius IUU1 IlKB DIOOU." Frank Wilton, PeaUKlj, Hus. .....Sufferincrfrom Diabetes? ever nsed. Qlren almont Imnierllttte relief." Dr. rtUltpOa UaUou, Monk Ion, Vt. Havo you Liver Complaint? Kidney-Wort cured m ot chronlo Utit Pisoasca ije va hip." :enry Ward, late Col. Mth Nat. Guard, N. T. Jb your Back lame and aching? v. u. iftiimace, siuwauitee, Wis. Havo 'you Kidney Diseas "KlttnoT.Wrtr marta maiAiin,lln1l....,l lrl.l after TMN rf ntiinivinufnl lntnHln li a iwi,"-Bun i itoagtMf wjuiuuwn, weak Va. ,Axo you Constipated? 1 KlnnpT-WOrt mnvi mc vii-iiodnni mJ Miaul Uio aftcrlQ yeara e ot 01 her medicines." mmon raircuud) tit, A loans, vt. Hnvn von Mnlnrin.O "Kidney. Wort ho done better than any other remedy I iiave ever us'd in my practir.,, j Ft iu iv. war it, nguia uero, vt, Aro you Bilious? Kidney-wort haa done me more twl than any other reiuedj I haTe ever taken." lira, J. T. Callow ay. Elk Flat, Oregon. Aro you tormented "with Piles? "Kidney Wort vermanrntlu fiiml mo of bleeding piles. Ur. w, O. Klino reroiimieiidi d it to me." U)o. IS. llorat, Catlilcr M, IJonl;, Mycnttown, To. I Are you Rheumatism racked? "Kldni-y-Wort cuo-a mo. after 1 waa civen up to uju vj I'ujwviniiB miu nrui uiiin'i minv year, Llbri J:o Malcolm, Vett Jiatli, ilalae. Ladies, are you suffering? "Kldney-Wort cured ine of peculiar trouuleaof aeTfratyiarasUndlrtr. Many friend uw and praitte It." lira. II. Lamgnaux, llo La ilotte, t. If you would Banish Disease 1 and gain Health, Take Thb Blood Cleanser. BaHBHCSTCnSST ARE CURED BY THE HOP PLASTER XioaU ofpooplausoaadreoommondthlspor oui plaaur bocaooo it ia th stroncoat and beat ever known. Whon applid to any cort of tor nesa, or weaknesa, It acta lnaUvatly, imorinc pain and itrenethenlne tho parta. Prepared from Burgundy Pitch Canada Balaam, and tho entlro medicinal Tirtuea or froah Ilopa. They nover burn or irritate alwaya soothe, atima Uto and trenffthen vaalc and Urod muacloa. Quick relief for audden paina. All ready to ap ply, Hop Plaatcrs are old by all dealer, 3So.f B for 11.00. Mailed on reoeiptofprloe. HOP yr.ktrvrm CO up ANY, Soaton. Uaav. CJALESM ENM l lWAN'riin to canvass for tho fale I fv-ot Nuiscry block 1 hleudy employment ' guaranteed. Salary and expcn&cs raid. Apply at once, stating age. (liefer to this paper.) CHASE BROTHERS, Rochester, M. V. npr 8.2m IiXCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TDBBS, PROPRIETOR BL00MSEURO, FA. OIT03ITB CODKT IIOUBB. Largo and convenient sample rooms. Hath rooma, hot and cold wutcr, and all modern conveniences. Children. Caitorla curea Colic. Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrha'n, Kructatlon, Kills Worms, fives tittup, and promotes ill- ReHtlon. WlUiout lujurlous medication. I BLOOM SBURG,, PA., SELECT RBADjNG John Bojle O'Reilly'a Escape from West Australia- Tttcnly-two years ngo John Uoylo O'Hoilly enlisted in tho l'rinco of Wnles' rogiinent, tint Tenth Hussars. Ho was then about 19 years old. A well educated boy, of anient tempera ment, nnd sincerely devoted to the Irish cause, he did what ho could iu tho regiment to promote the rcvoln tionnry movement that bconn in 1803. His connection with the Fenian insur rectionists was discovered, ho was ar rested, tried, nnd convicted of high treason, nnd lie was sentenced in July, 18GC, to imprisonment for life. This sentence was afterward commuted to penal Bervitudo for twenty years. O'Reilly tpctit about a year in the Kn- f lish prisons, working in chain gangs, n November, 1807, ho was transport ed to 'West Austral! a iu the convict ship IIougoumont,crowded with felons. For about thirteen months he worked at road making near Uimbury in the penal colony, associating with convicts and ticket of lenvo men. Various ao counts of the manner of his escapo in February, 18G9 havo been printed. Tho truo story was not known until Mr. O'Reilly had been in this country for ten years or more, when limo had removed nil dancer of inculpating cer tain friends who lisked much in assist ing him to freedom. In the list of absconders printed early in 1870 in tho official Police Ga- sctle ot west Australia there appeared this paragraph : "2 John B. O'Reilly. Registered number, v,aid. imperial convict ; ar rived in Colony per convict ship Ilon goutnont in 18G8 ; sentenced to twen ty years Oth July 180G. Description Healthy appearance ; present age, 2,i ycais j S feet 7 inches high, black hair, brown eyes, oval visage, dark complexion ; an Irishman. Abscon ded from Convict Road party, Uunbury, on tho 18th of February, 1809." Tho man to whom O'Reilly owed his liberty was a good Catholic piieet, tho Rev. Patiick AlcCobe, "whoso par ish extended over hundred of miles of bush, and whose only panshoners were convicts and licket-oMeavo men." Ho was a scholar and gentleman of rare accomplishments, "almost nlways in tho saddle, riding alono from camp to camp, and sleeping in his blanket tin der the trees at night." "He was an ideal disciple of Christ,"says "O'Reilly, "who labored only for his Master. He was the best influence, indeed, in ray lime ho was tho only good influence on tho convicts in the whole district of Uunbury." We continue the quota tion from Mr. O'Reilly's own narra tive: "One day this remarkable man rode to my hut, and wo walked altogether into the bush. 1 hail then mado nil my plans for escape, and I freely told him iny intention. 'It's an excellent way to commit suicide,' he said ; and ho would not speak of it any more. As ho was leaving me, however, he leaned from tho saddle and said : "Don't think of that again. Let mo think out a plan for you. You'll hear from mo be foro long.' "He went away and I waited weeks and months and never heard a word. I was not compelled to woik with tho criminal gang on tho roads, but had charge of their stores, and carried thu warder's weekly repoit to tho Danbury depot. Finally, one day on my way will) this report, I came to a plain known as tho Race Course. As I crossed it I heard a coo cc or bush cry, and saw a man coming toward me with a friendly smile. 'My name is Ma guire,' he said ; 'I am a friend of Fath er Mao's, and he's been speaking about yon.' Seeing my hesitation, he drew a card from his wallet, on which Father McCabo had written a few words to me. Then I trusted him.'' This was in December, 1808. Some American whalers were expected to touch at Uunbury for water. After two months of suspense, news came to O'Reilly of the arrival of the barks. Maguiio announced that ho had ar ranged with the Captain of one of tho' whalers, the Vigilant of New Dedford, lo cruise for two or threo days jtul outside of Australian waters, and take tlio fugitive on board from a small boat. On tho night of February 18th O'Reilly waited until the warder had visited his hut, put on a pair of free man s Hioes, as thu trackers cou.d easily discern tho mark of a regula tion convict's boot, and struck into tho bush. . About 1 1 o'clock I came to an old convict station, and Iny down behind an old gum treo at tlio roadside, in half an hour or so two men lodo up, thoy passed on ; they wero farmers, probably, or may be a patrol of mount ed police. Shortly after, I heard horses coming at a sharp trot. They halted near mo and 1 heard "l'atnck s Uay' whistled clear and low. In an instant I was with tiiem Maguiro and anoth er friend M . Tuey lead a spare horse. I mounted at once, and with out a word we struck into tho bush nt a gallop. For hourd wo rode on in si lence. Thoy reached tho shore, found a small boat ready for them, and pulled about forty miles tlnngtno ooast to tho point whero they expected to meet tho Now Bedford whaler. No ono had thought to bring food or watcr,and for twenty-four hours or more tho suiter ings of tho patty wero intense. At 1 o'clock on the third day thev mado out the Vigilant, under full sail, steering north. They pulled toward her willi light hearts." Sho was steoring straight toward in, so wo stopped pulling and waited for her. liut wo wero bound to bo woful ly disappointed. When shq was with in two mles of our boat alio 'fell off several points, as if to avoid us. Every ono stared in amazement, Maguire say ing that Captain Baker had given his word ns a man, and ho oould not bu liove, that ho would break it. Oue of thu mon stood up in tho boat and gave a loud hail that must havo been heard on board, No answer, Again lie hail ed, and wo all joined in tho shout. No answer. It only seemed that the Vi gilant turned to point further from us. At last she came ahroa&t of our boat. Sho was then about threo miles distant. Maguiro hoisted a white shirt on ttio end of an oar, aud wo shouted again, Hut the Vigilant passed, on, mid left our boat to its fato. They landed on tbo boaoh, nnd O' Reilly s fiiends went bank to Uunbury, tmw FRIDAY, MAY 22, promising tojeturn in a week, nnd leaving him hiding in a secluded sand valley close to tho shore. Ho climbed a treo nnd caught an opossum, nnd nlso captured a fow kangaroo rats. Thoso animals supplied him with food. After threo days O'Reilly, still believ ing that Capt. Baker must bo cruisiug for him somcwhero off tho coast, re solved to make nnolhcr attempt to board tho A'haler. The rowboat was too heavy for him to pull alone. Six or seven miles further up tho beach ha found an old dory otil, launched it, mado it watertight by plugging tho cracks with paper bark, and put to sea alone. Heforo night I had passed tho head land, aud was on thu Indian Ocean. I knew there was a current going north ward. Next morning I gavo up pull ing, nnd sat down to watch and wait. It was very hot. The sun flamed above, nnd tho reflection from tho wa ter was scorching. That day, toward noon, I saw a sail. It wns tho Vigilent thero was no other vessel there. Sho drew near to me, so that I heard voices on deck. I Baw the men on tho lookout, but they did not see me at least Capt. Baker says so. Sho sailed away again, and was out of sight bo foie night. Tlio diw and cool air re freshed me, and I resolved to pull back to shore and wait for Maguiro's re turm I pulled all night, off and on, and in the morning saw tho sand hills at tho headland of Gcographo Bay. After that second disappointment O'Reilly left his sand valley no more. Ho slept most of tho time for fivo days, and then Maguiro came back with good news that Father McCabe had arrang ed for O'Reilly's nassapo on another New Bedford whaler, tho Gazelle, Capt. Gilford. But Maguire also brought an unwelcomo traveling com panion, ono Martin Bowman, a ticket-of-lcave man, and one of tho worst characters of the colony. Bowman had discovered tho means of O'Rollly's es cape, and had threatened to put the police on tho track unless he was taken off, too. That nighi wo slept little, some ono always keeping an eye on Bowmau. We wero up at daybreak, and soon after wo wero afloat. Wo pulled straight toward tho headland, as Capt. Gilford had instructed. By noon wo saw tho two whaleships coming along with a fine breeze. Toward evening wo heard a hail, and somebody shouted my name, and cried out, "Como on board!'' Wo were all overjoyed. We pulled alongside, and I was helped out of thu boat by tho strong arms of Hen ry Hathaway, tho third male. Capt. Gifford made me welcome, and gavo mo a place in the cabin. Martin Bow man, the escaped criminal was sent for ward among the crew. Six months afterward, when the Ga zello touched at Rederique, an English island iu the Indian Ocean,, the Gover nor enmo aboard searching for "an es caped convict from Australia, a black haired man.1' I was standing near Mr. Ilussoy, the mate, when tho Governor mado the demand. Mr. Hussey said that no such person was on board. Tho Governor answered that a man had es caped on the Gazelle. Mr. Ilussoy feared that he might scizo the ship, so ho said that a man of that description, who had como on board off the coast of Australia, might be tho person. Ho called Bon man, who every ono on board detested, and ho was put in irons nnd taken ashore. Wo knew that he would tell tho whole story (tho wonder is that ho did not do it then ; but ho wished to make tefms for his own ro lease.) That night tho officers of tho Gazelle threw overboard tho grind stone, with my hat, whilo I lay hid in the Captain's cabin. A cry of "Man overboard !" was raised, a boat lower ed, and the hat picke'd up. There was on board somo English ex-convicts who had been shipped in Anstralia,and theso only waited to get mo re-taken. But one of them utterly deceived by tho officers' strategy, declared that ho saw me sink whero my hat wns picked up. When the Governor camo on board next day to demand his prisoner the flag was nt half mast, and tho officers sorrowfully told him that tho man he probably wanted had jumped overboard in tho night and was drowned. Ilia policemen went nmong the crew and learned tho same news. Two days la ter tho Gazelle sailed from Rodcrique, and 1 camo on deck, much to tho amazement of the crow. That ended Mr. O'Reillv's adven tures. Off tho Capo of Good IIppo Cantain Gifford handed liim ttiirt.pon sovereigns, all tho money ho bad, and transferred him to the Amorican shin Sapphire. This ship took him to Liv erpool, where ho was provided with a secure hiding place until a Jierth was secured tor him on tho Batli ship Bom bay, which landed him in Philadelphia on November 23d, 1808, nino months after he mado his first break for tho Australian bush, AT Y. Sun. Shayinc and Boot filaoking. New York Oraphlc The luxury oi an American shave is a thing that Englishmen hear a good deal about and which they aro gener ally nnxious to oxperionco whon thoy nrrivo on our shores. After having tried it they say tho luxury is a delu sion and a snare. Every Englishman shaves himself and that is why travel ing Americans look in vain for an ar tisiio capillary abridger in London. The American asserts that nowhere hut in his native land are truo artists with the razor to bo found. A shavo every morning is as much a part of tho averago Englishman' toilet as is a balh, or, ns ho calls it, a "bawtb." An Amorican shrinks from shaving himself, nnd somehow consi. ders it a thing beneath his dignity, when ho oan hiro a man to do it. Ho performs a far moro nrduous labor, however, when ho blackens his own boots. To' an Englishman nothing is more insulting than a suggestion that ho blackens his boots. A man may bo a blackguard, a drunkard, may not pay his debts, may live bv his wits or tho waut of snmo other man's wits, and ao cording to thb English notion mav yot bo a "gentleman i ( but let it ono'o bo known that ho bluokeiis his own boots and ho is expelled from all decent so olety. Tho Murphy toiupoiaico move mnnt at Pittsliiinr in nt, tl... inrio.n .v ' ' ,w,vuou On Saturday night, Library Hall was uuuu m ovuniowing, wver -lull per sops signed tlio pledge. 1885. Onofn's Awful Orimc An Italian named Onbfri, was ar raigned before tho Coroner in Phila delphia last week on a chnrgo of bent ing his step-daughter to death. Onofrf married a woman named Cook who had threo children, nnd wh6 was a (hi. pczo performer in Foropnugh's circus, nnd during her nbsonco tho father would ptiti'iBh the ohildrcri. At tho Coroner's inquest tho room was filled and the audienco composed principally of 111611 and mang of them looked as though tlleb had murder in their hearts during the recital of tho story of tlio child's death. At ono time they crowd ed close around the prisoner, but Wero pushed back by tho officers. Ono man leaned over and said to tho cowering Italian in a fierce whisper ; "I would liko to havo your throat be tween my hands for about three min utes." Other men expressed dosires to "mash him in the face" and to "cut his heart out," and one grizzly bearded old fellow who stobd near the door, said : "I would liko lo havo him west of tho Missouri River' witli a twenty foot lariat on my saddle-bow' nnd I would give him a liltlo tight-ropo perform nnco thnt would surptiso him and his circus fiiends." Tho officers present were too much in sympathy witli theso sentiments to bo ovcrzealotis In stopping tho remarks that floated out every few mtnutcs from tho crowd. The prisoner is a Utile, wiry man with a swarthy complexion and black hair and a littlo black moustache. His faco bears a rather pleasant expression, although on ono or two occasions dur ing tho inquost his eyes showed an ugly gleam. Ho sat close to the wall and throughout tho inquiry either shielded his faco with his hat or his hands. Tho evidence brought out dur ing thu inquest revealed even moro hor riblo cruelties than was at first suspect ed. Coroner's Clerk John S. Donal, who had investigated tho murder lold how bo had elicited admissions from. Onofri that ho had beaten the, dead child with a shovel, strap and knotted rope and that ho had seen tho'body of tho child covered with bruises and cuts. "Ho told me," said tlio clerk, "that he had broken tho shovel over the child's head." "No, no; I no told you that," yelled Onofri. "Shut up," retorted tho Clerk, as he pounded tho Diblo before him with a tightly clenched fist. I say you, did." At another interruption tho Clerk shook; his list at tho prisoner and shout ed ! "If you don't shut, up I'll that is, I'd like to V and then checking himself and bowing apologetically to Deputy Coroner Ashbridgo resumed his testimony. Mrs. L. C. Wilson, who lives next door to Onofri, said sho of ten heard outcries from the children as though, thoy wero being beaten. Lieutenant Edward Lyons, of the Twenty-third polico district testified that ho had made au investigation, of the caso and that tho prisoner had ad mitted to him that he had "corrected" tho child and that whila ,80, doing- he had probably killed'her.- - "Ho said," continued tho officer, 'that ho had whipped tho girl with a strap and beaten her with n shovel, but ho declared that ho didn't know sho was sick. The oldest girl told mo that the step-father beat, all of tho children nearly overy day and that a short timo ago ho threw several bricks at her." Coroner's Physician Forraad testified that the autopsy showed that .death was duo lo violence and the emaciated appearance of;the child also showed .ev idences of starvation. Tho body was covered with cuts and bruises and there was a clot of blood on tho brain. Death was caused by shook and bleed' ing. JL his concluded tho testimony at tho Coronor's office, nnd tho Italian was asked if ho had anything to say. "I only wanted to say," he renlled, "that I didn't mean to kill the girl, but I had to correct her becauso sho was bad." Under cro.-H-e.vamination ho admit ted having beaten her with a shovel on tho day of her death. Ho, also said that ho had tied tho Jittlo brother of tho girl, up by, tho thumbs to "correct him for stealing." Doth.nro terrlblv bruised and thn hoy's conditition is considered critical. 1 ho, physicians think it is probable that tho boy will die, in which caso Onofri will havo to answer for a dou ble murder. The boy's testimony could not be taken on account of his coudition, but the girl, who is twelvo years old, told the story of tho crimo in a pretty simple, childish way that pro duced moro visible effect on tho jury than any of. the preceding testimony. "Papa bfgan beating Lottie on Mon day morning," sho said, "becauso sho was disobedient. lie first hit her with tho strap, then tho rope, then tho broomstick nnd then the shovel. Then ho mado her go up stairs on her knpes. When sho couldn't climb above ' tho first story ho ran up after her and struck her and mado her go on up. Then sho lay on tho bed anil moaued this way and tho littlo witness mil itated the cries of a person iu nain with startling accuracy, "Ho called her," sho went on. "when it was dinner time, but sho diin't come, nnd then ho called her again at supper time. Sho didn't come atrain and ho went tip stairs and whipped her around tho hallway. Then ho picked her up nnd threw her on the bed and struck her on both sides of tlio face. AVhcu bho moaned ho beat her nirain aud when sho wouldn't stop, becauso sho couldn't, I guess, lie throw tho clothes over her and lay down on her. Then she stopped crying and lay very quiet, aim uo sent mo lor tho doctor. During the recital of tho murder sho begged several times to seo her dead Bister. She expressed much lovo for her motlur and great abhorrence of her step father. When tho child was dismissed tho jury arrived at a verdict immediately, in which thoy found that "tho child, Lottie Cook, camo to her doatli from shook, hemorrhage aud bleeding of wounds received at the hands of her step-father, Achillo Quof ri, and recommended that tho District Attorney bo enjoined to bring tho caso to a speedy trial. Au English traveler, looking over somo Amerioan town names, camo across tho well-known ones of Paw tuckel, Shetucket and Nantucket, "iiaw, haw r ho exclnlmed. "I'm blessed if tho whole family didn't took HIE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XiX.NO 19 COLUMBIA DKMOOKAT, VOL.XUX, NO 19 The Widow Tiop Texas. the STonv oi- on is OC Tin; nicnr-vr wo men t)K Till! SOUTHWEST. A notable litllo woman is staying nt oilo of tho hotels in Now York olty prior to her departure for Europe. Slid hns been styled .the. "Tcxns Cattlo (Jucen," but this is a misnomer. Sho is a Texas planter. Sho is from near Houston, petito and prettv. vounr?. nnd she is said lo be one of tbo wealthiest women in tho Southwest. Dark, lus trous oyes, and a piquant countenance and manner indicate her croole, Fronch nnd Spanish parentage, Sho drosses' fashionably nnd in good taste, and, so far as appearances go, she might haro been born and rearpd in New York. Her education bocau nt tho Moravian School in Bethlehem, l'a. Her story, as reluctantly told by her iu answer lo questioning, runs in an interest ing lasluon. "1 was left au orphan 12. and had to look after my father's plantation. I was married at 13, and at 17 I was a widow. Since then 1'vu looked after myself. Successfully 1 Oh, yes, I suppose so. I have two largo planta tions and raiso cotton, corn and sugar cane, lhen I own somo pronertv in Houston ono of the opera houses, some stores, and a hotel. I had a fight over tho hotel. They wanted to mako out that there was a mortgage on it ahead of mine. Attorney General Drewster was my lawyer, and ho's just won tho case. I'll mako about $40, dOO on it. I thought at ono tirao I'd moyo North. I bought a property in1 Philadelphia with tbo idea of going there, but I found I could only got -t per cent, on money up here, so I didn't. Experience t Well; I Bupposo Pvo had some. It isn't worth sueakintr. ot uown more, nut, peopio hero might think it interesting. Pvo travelod all over Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and the Indian Territory, mostly on horse back. Everybody knows mo in tho SonthwesL This will be my third trip to Europe 1'vo never had anything that you'd call adventures that I know of, but you people hero look at things so differently. Now, there's tho cow boys. Peopio thiuk, they aro some thing dreadful. Why, Pvo found moro truo gentlemen among them than any where else; Of bourse onco in a while thoy get lively nnd ride through town shouting and firing their pistols at signs and chimneys, but we don't bo grudgo them a littlo fun now and then. Their work is hard enough. Do Ihey over kill any body ? Oh, sometimes, of course, people get hit by stray shots when tho boys,nro on their rnokets,but ,that'sypnlv accidental, you know. Alio other evenintr 1 was nomir out with; a gentleman and took out. ray. re volver and said I guessed it wasn't worth, while to carry iU You oucht to have seen him iump.I I've cot a beau tiful revolver. Ono day I was stand ing Jn front of onoiof tho buildings in Houston .when a fight bogau in the street. A friend of mino. and Wooliffo you ve heard ot Wopliffe wero lighting. Wooliffo cot' out his revol ver and hit my (rend. Theni my friend lived and missed. Wooliffo had the ;ioxt shot, and would havo killed him 'sure. Thero was, a big orowd around, but nobody moved, and I jumped iu front of Wooliffo and called out.: "I or God's snko isn't thero a man hero V "Wooliffo shoved his revolver tin a little and the ball went over my head. Ho said afterward, seeing a girl jump in so quick he couldn't help raising his ,i.ll n ll(ll rpi. ,l. i n and separated tho men. My friend gave rao the revolver I always carry. He said I saved his lifo. "I don't know how tho newspapers hear, about me. I, known good many people here, though. Tho iewellers all know me, I luve a passion for jewels, and they say my collection is a lino ono. I've iuet oomo from Phila delphia. I bought a beautiful qameo foriMOOO. ouseo this nug. That big stone thero looks liko a lemon-col ored diamond, doesn't it 1 Now hold it to tho light. Wouldn't vou think it was a mbv l Thov call it- the "hidden light.' They are found . only in North Carolina,- aud I believo thero aro only a few, threo or four good ones I sup poso in tho country. Their being bo rare, is what, make's them worth more than any other cem of tho Bame size. "JNeclectinK business I Ob. no. You seo down there we buy everything ear ly in tho season, nnd then there's no more paying to bo done, nor any mon ey coming in until tho crop is gather ed. I keep ono set of, books myself, aud nobody oould get the best of mo if ho wanted to. I have a good super inieuuent, too. i pay mm ssisuu a month, 1 might got him for igl50, but I'd rather pay 200 j then ho won't havo to steal from rao. 1 don't know whether its becauso I'm such a good planter or becauso all tbo people help mu overy way thoy can, but for tho last threo years I ve taken tho 300 prizo for having the first bale of cotton oi iho soason in at Kiohmond, Toxas. WondsU Phillips' Wit. Between tho vears of 1810 nnd I84fi Mr. Phillips and Theodoro Parker were stockholders and trustees in tho old hullolk Insurauco Company, corner of Stato and Congress streets. On one occasion Mr. Parker1 was signing his name tor ino usual semi-annual divi dend. Mr. Phillips camo in, and not saying "How do you' do t" eays, "Ah! Saul nmong tho prophets" (profits). aho iwo were intimate mends and oo workers at that exciting period, and subsequently, ngalnst'tho institution of slavery, 'lhero were not moro than ono or two officials of tho oompany (of iiicii too writer was one) who sympa thized with them. All others, direo tore aud habitue, looked upon tho two puiiuiiiuropisis ana numnnitarians ns yery "blaok sheep," and cutortalned only anathemas for them, but tho two Philanthropists wero uot disturbed by nam iookb or uenuuciations wucrocon sclonco Mid prlnoiplo wero involved ihey were going through rougher hiucb man uaru iooks. 'l hero wero piany pessimists iu thoso days j there are many such left in Stato street and cisowhere: and it Is agroeablo to know that thero wero optimists, too, then and they aro not all dead. An article in an expliaugo doscribes tho Queen of Madagascar's annual bath, Annually secins a long whilo betwenn baths, but fortunately tho queen wears a cHiicie mm uocsn i snow tuo ilirt. lTBS Of DErJISINq. I 1M .one Inch....... isw Two Inches. ..... 300 Three inches...!. 400 Hour inches 6 00 ouartcr column.. 6 no Half column 10 00 onccolumn,..,20 00 9U 13 00 000 700 000 1000 1700 MOO 6 II tsoo ,800 ll 00 1800 1510 C5 00 Ml 00 IT, MOO III" 181)0 SO 00 23 00 M tO 10000 law 400 600 ron 800 1400 80 00 Tcarlr aarortlsemcnts payablo quarterly. Tran stent advertisement must bo paid for before Inert t cd except where parties hato accounts, ti-l ndrertfaementii two dollars per Inch for threo Insertions, and at that rate for additions Insertions without reference to length. Kxocutor's. Administrator's, and AndlLor'snotlcce three dollar. Most bo paid lor when nscrtcd. Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, regu. Mr advertisements halt rates, cards In the 'Business Directory' oolnmn, one dollar a year for each line. Stanton,'s Surrender, A well-dressed gentlemanly-looking young man about half past ton o'clocli Thursday morning of Inst week pro- sonted himself to tho mayor of Phila delphia, saying : 'You aro tho officer who oiicreu a rewnru lor my arrest, i upposo vou arc tho proper person tor mo to surrender to." Ho was Daniel E. Stanton, the man who on October ICth shot bis frior.d, Fredoriok P. Nash, from which ho died tbroo days later. Chief Kolloy, of tho detectivo department, was at onco sent for and istnnton taken into custody. Tho sto ry of tho shooting, from tho statements of Nash, is as follows : Doth young men had been schoolmates at tho Mys tic Bridge Institute, near Stoningtou, Conn. Nash was poor, but tho par ents Of Slanton wero well-to-do peo ple, and ho was always well supplied with money. On leaving tho institu tion at Mystic Bridge, Nash wont to somo relative at Tourla, Mexico, but soon became tired of tho country, ho said, and camo back to the United States, working his way as a deck hand on board a schooner. Ho met his friend Stanton in Now York. Tho lattcr's father had died nnd left him considerable money, with whloh ho in tended to havo a good time. Ho pro posed coming to Philadelphia and Nash agreed, his expenses being defrayed by Stanton. Arriving in tho city, they scoured a room at Guy's hotel, corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets. On the morning of October IGth they hired a carriage and were driven throngh Fairmount Park, taking sup per nt tho Rivcrsido mansion ' on tho Schuylkill river, in tho evening. Later tho sairio evening thoy boarded a train on'tho Philadelphia and Reading rail road, having first secured tickets for Now York. When tho' train reached the Sixteenth street station Nash ex pressed a desiro for a drink, saying that ho was chilly, and a drink of somo liquor would warm him up. Ho got up from his scat and left the car, lol- lowcd by Stanton, who was angry be causo his friend persisted in getting off tuo car. Shortly after 10 o'clock that night Nash' was found lying across tbo pas- cngcr railway car track on Broad street near' tho Reading railroad track. tic said Stanton Had become enraged at him for leaving tho train, nnd had fired threo Bhots at him, two of which took effect. Ono of them entered tho right hip, penetrating tho bladder, and the other passed through tho lungs. Ho ilicd three days later without having made any further statement in regard to how tho shooting occurred. lUtortB wero mado to discover tho wherabouts of Stanton, but without success. Nothing was beard of Stan ton except that bo had fled from the country and was probably in Soutii Ahierica. AVhen ho loft the city ho was very boyish in appearanco and had a smooth shaven face. When ho sur- endcred himself bo had a full beard and wore a pair of goggles. A small leather satchel hung at bis back sus pended by a strap ovor his .boulder in tourist style. .Tho conversation bo tween himself and tho mayor was very short, Stanton saying that ho had sav ed the authorities considerable trouble by surrendering himself and hoped that tho mayor would seo that he was treated fairly. 'Wo would have captured you sooner or later,' remarked Mayor Smith: when Stanton paused. "indeed yon would not, returned tho other. "I arrived in New York on Sunday, and smco then I have passed a number of my most intimalo friends, nnd not one of them know me. This full beard which I havo allowed- to grow, together with this uair of oocr. t? fj I E O r gles, form an effectual disguijo, and I doubt whether any officer of this or any other city could have penetrated it." Upon leaving Philadelphia be went direct lo Now York, whero bo 'look passage for South America. Hea re mained there only a short time, 'soon returned to Cuba, where lie had been tor several months. Dauphin Oountie's 100th Anniversary. The commitlu having in charge the centennial observnnco of Dauphin County and Harrisburg, makes tho following announcement. lhat the clergy of all tho con gregations or ohurches in the county of Dauphin bo requested to deliver commemorative services or discourses on Sunday, September 13. 188;j. Un Monday beptember M, 1885. at tho hour of 9 o'clock in tho morning of said day, it is reccoraended that tho court house, church, public school, firo engine, factory and all other bells throughout the county be rung for tho spaco of fifteen minutes, and that in all the sbools public and private, of tho county, or other assemblage at that hour gathered together bo sung tho national hvrau. commencing "God Bless Our Nativo Land." That the in augural ceremonies be held iu tho court bouso aim in other parts of tho county to bo horoalter designated at tlio hour ot 11 o clock in tho forenoon That thero shall bo delivered an intro ductory address, with brief addresses by state, county and city officials. And that on tho evening of tho samo day at tho hour of 7 30 o'clock tho concluding exercises shall consist of a centenary poem, an historical address, sihging,ito,and remarks by old citi zens. "As a ruKV1 Bays James Pavno tlio novelist, "any ono who can tell a good story can writo one, so thero really need bo no mistako about his qualifica tion. Such a man will bo careful not to bo wearisome, and to keep his point or his catastropho well in hand. A solution of oxallo acid has been used for removing ink stains from cot ton, linen, or tho fingers, but it is at tended with tho danger of injuring textiles aud tlio skin. A much safer nnd better treatment of ink or rust stains consists of tho application of two parts of powdered cream of tnrlar and ono part of finely powdered oxalio acid, Shako iuj tho ingredients well togeth er and opply tho powder with a dry rag to tlio dampi ned satin. Whcu tho spot has disappeared the part should bo well washed. A recount of tho voto at tho late election in Chicago gives Mayor Harri son, democrat, a majority of between 800 and 100.