THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0. E. XlwtU, iii.T. J. K.BltUnbn4or.,f BLOOM8BURG, PA, FitlDAY, MAY, 15, 1885. Tho Legislature passed tho Soldiers' burial bill over tho Governor's veto on Tuesday, by ft vote of 159 to 10. Tho appropriation bill beforo tho legislature will include a million dollar more than tho tevenucs of 1895 will amount to, if pawed in their present form. This is republican tconomy. Tho name of Hon. 0. 11. Buckalew has been mentioned in connection with tho position of Collector of tho Port of Philadelphia, a plaeo now held by Gen. Hartranft, Mr. Buckalew is not an applicant for tho position, and it is not likely that any change will bo inado until the expiration of tho com mission of tho present incumbent, lint if for any reason the President should see (it to remove Oen. Hart ranft, tho appointment of Mr. Back alow would bo a most excellent one, if he could be induced to accept. A letter describing tho markets of Now Orleans says everything is sold by tho eye, and there is no standard of measure. Kino-tenths of tbo hundreds who sell in tho noted French markets of tho city do not know what a bushel or a peck is. They buy their vegetables by the lot, and place them in little piles on tables. Theso piles aro of dif ferent sizes and prices. The buyer looks at the piles and buys that which bo thinks is biggest and "best. Some times buckets and boxe are used to measure, but they are of all kinds and shapes. Secretary Manning has directed that tho issuo of $1 and $2 notes be discon tinued for the present. It is said by non-officials that this action has been taken for the purpose of forcing the subsidiary coins into circulation, but this is denied at tho Treasury Depart ment. It is stated that the discontin uance becamo necessary by reason of tho oxecssivo issuo of theso notes of late, and because they are coming back to tho Treasury for redemption in about as good condition as when first issued, which adds a very considerable item to the expenso account of the depart ment. Secretary Chamlieriin of the Stato Board of Agriculture places tho wheat area in Ohio at 03 per cent and the condition of the crop at 59 per cent, ar.d says that, with good weather, the yield will bo 22,871,530 bushels, as compared with a five years' average of 41,005,247 bushels. From official and other telegrams and letters from twen ty other States he estimates tho short aero of the wheat cron at 150.211.019 bushels, as compared with the five years' average of 412,355,699 bushels, or of over 200,000.000 bushels as com pared with last year's full crop, of over busnels. "it seems, he adds, "that this year's crop is to be tLe most disastrous iailure tor ten years If, as the Jiepublican savs, Lieut Itobison was murdered in 1864, and tho editor of that paper knows who tho murderers are, but will not tell, ho is an accessory after the fact and ought to be indicted. Any one who knows tbo perpetrators of a crime, and will fully conceals their names, ought not to prate bo loudly about the negligence ot democratio district attorneys who nave been unable to discover who shot Itobison. Has the Jiepublican over beforo urged the "prosecuting author ities" to make any arrests in Ibis mat ter 1 Has it ever given any informa tion to tho proper officers, that would lead to tho arrest and conviction of theso murderers ! If so, the publio is ignorant of the fact. Tho truth of the matter is that all the circumstances of that unfortunate affair were such that it would havo been impossible to con vict anyono of murder at any timo sinco the passions of the war snbsid- ed. With the controversy between our correspondent "Democrat," and the Jiepublican wo have nothing to do, but tho unfounded and unjust charges against publio' officials of their neglect of duty in a case of allowed murder, cannot be permitted to pass unnoticed. The "investigation" alluded to by the Jiepublican seems to have been a slow one, as it has taken twenty-one years to gel it in motion, yet during all that time the countiy has had a republican administration, and the shooting is al leged to havo been done in resistance to United States authorities. If mur der was committed and suffered to go unpunished, tho republican party is re sponsible for it. The Indigent Soldiers Burial Bill Returned Without Approval. A messago was received in the House from the Governor on Friday of last week, returning without his ap proval tho bill requiring' the commis sioners of each county to appoint per sons to bury and provide a headstone for the body of every honorably dis. charged soldier who shall die in the county having insufiiuieot means to de fiaj the necessary builal expenses. Tho Governor, among other things, pays : "This bill Is a remarkable exhibition of tho unwarranted and preposterous extent to which a most laudable aud patriotic sentiment may bo carried. That principle which induces govern ments to pension and urovldo for in. jurcd and destitute soldiers is founded in wise policy ns well as dictated by the rpirit of a liberal humanity. The tinned States and our own (Joruraon- wealth havo carried this principle into their laws with no niggard baud. Thoughtful patriots have not hesitated to say that nil lias been done in this direct ion that tho most generous and gratetul of governments ought to do consistently with common prudence and wise publio policy, and the limit uas been reached beyond which liberality will become oxtravagenco and benovelence breed nbuec. Jiy this bill any man who fought in the United States army in liny war, and who dies in any courty of tho State without leaving sufficient means for his burial, immediately becomes a cliargo upon tho county for His burial to the amount ot ou. lie may never havo had a residence in tho uiunty: he may even never havo been a citizen of tho State; ho may not havo been wounded or become diseased or disabled in the publio service) ho may dio ai the result of lU vices or bis crime?, by accident or by bis own band lie irny have enjoyed and wasted the bounty of tho Federal Government or of the Stato for yoargf ho may dio in the perpetration ot a iciony or no a criminal llccing the justice oi another jurisdiction but, no matter who ho is or what clso ho has been, if ho served In tho atmy or navy of tho United Stales in any war and dies destitute in any county, that county must bury mm at nn expenso of $35 and erect n hcadstono over his grave at a cost of .115. A destitute soldier of tho Mex ican war, who enlisted from New Jersey, and who all his lilo has been a resident ot that state, may go into Philadelphia aud die there, or one from tho Stato of Hew York may wander into and dio in any county on our Northern border, and in each ca3o tho county in which the soldier dies becomes ltablo for an expenditure, of $50 for his burial. And so of desti tute soldiers coming into our Common wealth from any oilier state no mat ter how they como or what caused their destitution, so that they get into our Stato and dio there, this bill oper ates to charge tho counties which may bo so unfortunate as to be tho places of their death with tho cost of their burial. "Could any bill be more void of intelligent principle or based upon so little reason! No guard of any kind is provided to protect the counties from imposition, and no account what ever is taken of any of the many cir cumstances that, in tho most liberal pension laws that wcro over enacted, are always made an indispensablo con dition for tho employment of their bounty." WASHINGTON LETTER. Trom our Regular correspondent.) Wasiiinoton, May 11, 1885. Tho suspension last week of Beveral postmasters for offensive partizanship shows that the administration if slow is at least sure. But tho continued ill ness of First Assistant Postmaster Gen eral Hay is a serious misfortune. It is not improbable that tbo failuao to dis charge the partisan cross roads post masters in Illinois has had much to do with tho democratio disaster in that Btate. It may have been tho cause of tho surprising apathy among tbo Dem ocrats, rank and file, which gave to Senator Lrgan's candidate for tho Stato Senate a majority of several hun dreds in a district that last November gavo Cleveland a plurality of nearly 2500. Apropos of tho Illinois election I heard a lively little argument be tween two prominent Democratic so journers in the public room of their hotel last week. Don, M. Dickinson, the Michigan member of tho Demo cratio National Committee, ran against John H. Oberly, chairman of the Illinois Democratio Slate Committee. How do you pronounce tho name of the man who goes to Russia, inquired Mr. Oberly, sarcastically, Lathrop or LothropT Mr. Dickinson did not reply. They say ho hadn't voted a Demo cratic ticket in fivo years this from Mr. Oberly again. You will learn more of Michigan men and how to pronounce their names it you livo longer, was Mr. Dickinson's quiet reply. Y-a-a-s, drawled Oberly, but who are the Democratio Senators from Mich igan, any way ! Thirty thousand Democratio majority in Republican Michigan is our Senator and our "God bless you'1 to ,be Pres ident, said Mr. Dickinson warmly. When wo have an election in Michigan our committeemen are found in the state and not in Washington. When an election is to bo held in Michigan, and when the administration needs tho support aud faithful work of all good men to bear np its hands the humblest committeemen we have would be asham ed to bo down here on a hunt for office for himself while it was pending, more especially so if on tho result depended ma eiecuuu or ueieat oi an uuuiiuiairu tion Senator. He would cousider such conduct on his Dart a shame and a disgrace to himself and his parly. Mr. Uberly walked away and has not inquired further concerning the pro nunciation of the Russian Minister's name. So long as tho memory of most Democrats now living extends tbo cry of their party when out of power has always been for retraochment in public expenditures; and its practice, when in power, has for tho most part been .in tho lino of its professions. Now it has been discovered by Mr. Manning and others high in authority, and will continue to be discovered the more they investigate tho matter, that the working force of some of tho depart ments is capable of considerable re duction; that the pay rolls aro too large, and that much money has annually been expended over sinco the Repub lican party first came into power, for which no adequate service has been returned. Extensive reductions will soon take place The Cabinet ladies have discontinued their reception for the season, and havo followed the example of Miss. Cleveland and Mrs. Hendricks in tak ing needed rest. Mrs. Whitney and Mrs1 Manning are in New York, Mrs. Vilas is still in Wisconsin, and Mis. Bayaul is making arrangements to leave Washington tor a summer s rest in Delaware at the Secretary's county seat. When tho Secretaries' families are settled hero next season there will be a good deal of youth and beauty in tbo cabinet circle. It will include Miss. Kndicott, daughter of the secretary ot war, Miss, Vilas, Misj Lamar, tho two youngest daughters of the secretary of state, Misses Nannie and Florence Bayard, and Miss Manning, daughter of tho secretary ot tho treasury, unly two of these young ladies aro formally in Bociety, but they will lorra a very attractive group noxt winter. Social dissipation promises to bo very dull for the next few weeks ood tho devotees of fashion are giving them selves up to relaxation from the arduous duties of the gay season. Ten Bnned Miners. A letter just received last week at (Jliioago, gives tho lull story ot tho dis astrous snow-slides in the Tennessee Pass, between Leadvillo and Red Cliff, Colorado. "About six miles wost of Denver,'1 it says, "is a lofty range ol mountains; which rises many hundred feet abovo the line of arborcscence. Up in this j .i. ..!, i - i. range aim uu mo eiue ui a uigii pcax known a? tho "Ilomestako Peak,' is lo cated tho 'I fouies taW Silver Mine, About December laU a party of ten young men procured a lease on this mine aud moved in cupplics to last them through the winter, A few days ago some frieuds ct theso men whoj live in Lcadville began to think that a considerable lime had elapsed sinco any of the boys at Ilomestako bad been In town. So two of them concluded to go out the next day (Friday, April Si) and cairy their mail. They arrived about noon at tho spot where they sup posed tho mino to be located and find ing no habitation or signs of lifo thought they must havo missed their. way. ilotuming thoy slopped at tho first houn'o on their way to Leadvillo and Inforraod tho proprietor ' thoro thai they had falledjo find tho mino. This proprietor, bowovo'r, hnna .well ndj qtialntcd with the locus of tho mino anil buildings connected therewith, was quite sure from tho description gtycii that tho, searchers had been at tho spot wlieio tho habitations should bo found. Ho at onco oamo to tho conclusion that tho buildings at tho mino had been swept away by a snow slide and nil tho parties living there killed and determined to go early next morning and scu for himself. "Ho started at about 5 A. M. from his place, which is eight miles from tho mine, and arriving two hours later, whero ho knew the house should be, ho could sco no vestigo of it. Returning to his homo he came to town imme diately and telegraphed to Leadvillo tho result of his seaich and asked that men bo sent next day with tools to dig in tho deep snow for tho missing min ers. The evening of tho day that it be came known that theso wcro missing I 'sent out four men to make a search for them, tbinking that they might only havo been entombed a few days beforo and that possibly some of them might bo found alive. " The party arrived at tho place whero they knew tho houso should bo found at 10 P. M., but could not find traces of the houso or its in habitants. They found tho ore houso intact, but its doorways wcro so filled with snow that they could not gain an entrnnco through them. Thoy succeed ed in affecting an entrance by breaking a window and wero satisfied that no work had been done there for many weeks. "Tho satno evening a largo rescuing party was organized in Leadvillo, at whoso disposal tho railroad superin tendent placed n special train. Tho party was joined at places along tho road by quite a number of men, and about ono hundred in all went to tho scene. Ono member of tho party know tho exaot spot where the houso should be and they commenced digging in the deep snow immediately on their nrri val. When they had dug dowii some twelve feet thpy camo to tho roof of tho house, which had fallen in and kill ed all tho inmates. From tho ruins they exhumed ten bodies, all in nn ad vanced state of decomposition. As tho. dead miners were all in their night clothes it was evident tho calamity overtook them when wrapped in slum ber. "A sealed letter was found on tho table in the room in which tho bodies wero discovered, addressed to a girl of Ohio, a cousin of the writer. This let ter was dated February 20, and states that the writer had commenced it the evening beforo closing it. This fact goes to prove that tho unfortunate miners had been entombed mora than two months beforo they we'io lound. What the Doctors Say of Crrant. The Medical Record publishes the following opinions of the doctors of the condition of General Grant : During tho past week Gen. Grant's bodily health has much improved, and ho has been enabled to enjoy short drives in Central Park, to walk short distances out of doors, and to do a considerable amount of literary work on his forthcoming memoirs. His np- .....! : 1 . - . l. . i . T ' i r i I pebiiu ja ueucr, no nun reiiau ior U18 food, and his swallowing is not attend ed with much pain. Locally, his disease shows a slight tendenoy to progress. The sloughy exudation has disappeared, exposing exuberant fungoid granulations in its place. This condition still involves tho right and posterior parts of tho pharynx, tbo right tonsillar region, and tho right side of the base of thotoimue. The palatal curtain is still considerably innuraieu, nunougn an signs ot acute inflammatory troublo have disappear ed. At the base of tbo uvu'a. on the right side, a small fungoid excrescence has developed, which has Bhown a din position to extend. On the free margin of the palatal curtain, midway between the uvula aud right tonsillar region, a similar growth of very small sizo has also ap peared. Tho ulceration at tho base of tho right nnterior faucial pillar, and alongside of the tongue, presents a worm-eaten surface, indicating an ex tension of tho destructive process. The breathing is freo and the voice is clear, but tbo movements of tho tooguo are somewhat restricted, affecting articula- .; , 1 m , . . , iiou acuoruingiy. ine enlarged glands under and aroutid tho right angle of the lower jaw are somewhat harder, and, in consequence, of surrounding in flammatory infiltration, are quite firm ly fixed. Thero is, however, less pain in the (Incised parts than formerly, and the secretion of mucus is less abun dant. The patient obtains a full night's sleep with a minimum amount of mor phine, and awakes in tho morning feel ing much refreshed. Despito tho favo rable general condition, thero havo been, unfortunately, no changes in tho looal disease to warrant any modi fication of the original diagnosis by the members of the medical staff. The PitUburghTrnnb Tragedy. Tho body of the man shipped from Chicago to Pittsburg in a trunk last week was exumed last week and positively identified oy Francesco Caruso as the remains of his brother Lillipo. 1 rancesco is of tho opinion that Fillipo was murdered by a conn- trymaii named Augusta Gilardo, who was preparing to go to Italy. Gilardo knew that Fillipo had money arid frequently importuuod him for a suffi cient amount to pay his passage over. Fillipo was last seen in tho company of Gilardo and Raso, and Francesco thinks that ho was chloroformed and then strangled by hand. Gilardo was arrested at 145 Woos ter street by Detectives Perazzo and Pesnight, on a description telegraphed to Inspector Byrnes by Chief Doylo of me iwncago ponce. The baggageman at the Chicago depot who checked the trunk containing the body to Pitts burgh arrived and at once Identified Gilardo ns the man who had the trunk checked. The prisoner was taken back to Chicago. Ho U 81 years old and Hays no is a peuuier. CANDIDATES. roil siiKiiin'. WILLIAM MILLKIf, OK CENTRE. ' FOIt SlIKKirF. K, M. KUNKEL, til' r'UIIIKUCKKKK, 1011 SIlKIIU'l'. SAMUEL. SMITH, OF HSIIlNtlCItKKK. Subject to the nilesoflhenemocrallo party, Kx-Governor McLane, tho new United States minister to Franco ai riv ed lu Paris on Friday of last week, MARKET REP0RTS. IlLOOMBBUKQ MAHKKT.t Whcnt ptrbushct..!rH . $.03 1 08 Ityo " r 00 Corn " " 60 Oats 11 " 40 Flour bcr barrel SAfiM Cloferocec1.imi(i.r.....,ir...Tii...i..;r.Th. 8 Ou lluttcr S3 Egg , 13 Tallow..'. i..... 00 Potatoes new... 40 Dried Apples...1: m 03 Hams 15 Sides and shoulders 0 Chickens 10 Turkeys '. 13 Lard per pound... 10 Hny per ton 10 00 Beeswax 37 Hides per lb 5 to C Veal skins per lb 03 Wool per lb OS Philadelphia Markets. corrected" weekly. FKED- Western winter bran, srot, 19 0 1T.50 jted mlfilllnira 17 18.50 VUiUlt, Western extra's 3.M 3 3.87! renn'a famllr, 4.(10 a 4.S3 Ohio clear, 4.5 1 9 5.00; winter patent &.ST M .). WHEAT I'ennsjflvania red, No. 1, Ml COHK. 47 84. OATS. No. a white a 41 No. 2, 45 HAY AND HTKAW Timothy choice Western and New York, lie. fair to good Western and New York, SI. (a a; medium Western and New York, 10. A It ; Cut har 03 to quality IV 17.U). llyo straw so (A 21, Wheat straw, v. a to. oat sirnvr ii. KOOS. Pennsylvania, ISJt-! western IS (18 X H UTTER l-ennsvlvanla creamery prints iS 30 Western extra sir 22 LIVE roULTUY. Fowls IS, mixed lots 13X9 4, roosters old 7 to 8. POWDER Absolutely Pure. t piwt crnsver varies. A marvel ot purity trengthand wholesomeness. More economical ban tho ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude or low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Hold only In cans. Koval Bikino powdir Co , 106 Va!l-St., N. Y. auell-ly. THE BEST TONIC. ThU medicine, comWntnj Iron with pure Tegetable tonln, milckljr and completely Cures Ursprpdla, indlceatlon, WrakneM, Impure tllood, 0IajBTia,Chllls uid FTn, ana NeuraJrla It Is an unfilliritr remedy for Diseases of tho Kidney and I.lrrr. It li Invaluable for CIscatcs peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It does not Injure the teeth, cause headacbe.or produce constipation oA- Iron midteines do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and belching, and strength en the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, &c., It has no equal, Mir The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. ml, h; SBO" CBII1C1L CO, CiLTiaOIS, ID. Words Fail. Words fall to express my eratt tude," sas Air. Stun- CAitTF.n, of Nashville, Tenn., for the benefits derived from Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Having been afflicted ull my'lifa with Scrof. ula, my s) stem seemnl saturated Ith It. It came out lu llloU'lir, tllu-m, and Mattery Sores, all over my body." Mr. Carter states that be was entirely cured by the use of Avuu's SAkiiU'.vitiLLA, and since discon tinuing its uef eight months ago, he has had no return of tho scrufulo-s symptoms. All baneful Infections of the blood are promptly removed by this unequalled altera tive. piiErAnr.n nv Dr.J.C.Aycr&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all UruggUtt) SI, six bottles for 3. KVEItY ONE Wl own. a WAOOM W.,.. f'AVni'V ini void uo like an umbrellas. Weighs leis thin l lbs. Can be takeuofTor putoulnU mln Met. Mule In tUes to fit buitoeia wacom, pleasure t agona and buffstea. tiend for 111 uitraled circular and price Hit. Ageuti wanted .eYtrywherc BUta where 1 Tooaawtlili. K.U.liEKUN CO.ratUitcaaJM.iuurrfc baud Uvyk-, Ovum. may 15-4 w Intelligent SOLICITOUS WANTED for the !JU.S. GRANT His own account of on eventful life, Including the thrilling bcenes of the greatest military struggle of modern times. For particulars, address HUB IIAUU llltoa., rub's., rsi Chestnut l'hlla., ID, may 15-lw a jyEUCANTII,E APl'KAISEMKNT. List of J)ealcrs in Columbia county. I hereby certify that the following Hit of dealers taken, returned and classified by me In accordance with the several Acts ot Assembly in and for the yenr inn, u curnxv vo mc uesv oi my Knowledge IlKAVKll Aaiiic J; Huriiusi Claw, Tax, a V Drlcsbacn store 14 7 00 liLblngley do 14 7 00 Munson Kline do 14 7(0 J 1 Smith hotel .5 50 00 Daniel itamer hotel ' 5 to 03 Levi .Michael store 14 T 10 TJhhuman do 14 7 00 J V Smith bottler - s no uu UF.NTOSr. Hiram Hess hotel s II K Kverett ttore u JJMcllenry do 14 A & II Mcllenry store ' 14' Mcllenryfi Carey furnltuie .11 J E Edson store 1 1 Rohr Mcllenry store . 11 Lemuel Drake hotel 5 M T o Mcllenry drugs 11' do do hardware . . 11 Sam'l Krlckbaum furniture 1 1 UEHWICR Jacob Klsherbllllarttables' 1 's Y L DUtlehuret furniture 1 1 1IH Keay drugs 14 11 Iiurger bottler 5 do do restaurant r C W llrukaVcr hardware 1 1 It II bwayze Co store 14 J V Keller bottler s II M lloclfinan confectionary 14 J K Yanaita Jewelry 14 Freas Uros store 11 K K Adams do 13 It (1 Crispin do 11 II It Dower do 13 freaa Uroa lumber 14 u Y Drtesbach organs and machines 14 Haml K Heller 1 ool table H JocVtoa a Woodln M f g Co store u 7 tJ 7 10 7 (JO 7 (O 7 00 1U 10 w 00 ' 7 00 7 00 7 (0 41 (0 7 00 7 03 M 00 M 00 7 (0 7 00 (0 00 7 00 7 CM 13 10 10 00 13 10 7 10 7 00 no no HI 00 7 CO Ml 0) 7 00 7 UO 7 U) 7 00 SO 00 VI 10 7 rt) 7 (0 7 (O 7 10 I 10 7U0 tl ot t OJ 700 11 a uuciungnam ogt stoves ami paper H irt Frederick Dover hotel a 41 14 14 II 5 . 5 II 14 14 14 14 II O Theodore F lierger shoes M Levy clothing II M runups groceries M U Margerum stationery lien Nponenburg restaurant M A MarUo do KOMcMnnrleclothlo? Crlsman & Son stoio 11 A iilcuael furniture A It Young sloi es and tinware A Miller store Isaiah Bower store (I W Klase hotel Stiles llros drug's MA Unt stoves itrfl$i -w ll l-l aaaa n lim.UtCKKKK. Ash lira distillery Ylngor & Albertson store 13 01) 700 il BLOOMStinKl. .1 1, (ilrton ir tfattrant 3 I W McKelvy store 1 I V llarlman & son store 10 3 U Ildr Co carpets and boots 1 i Singer Mfg Co Rowing machines 14 W J Corrcll & CO furniture 13 J K Kyer store 14 Wm ltabb grocery 14 L K Whary stoves 1 1 J saltier, organs, etc 1 1 (1 V liertsch gents furnishings II F tl Dentlcr boots and shoes 13 V 0 McKlnncy 8 billiard tables 8 JarnM Itellly 1 billiard and 1 pool table (leo A Clark book store 13 W.llTubbs hotel 5 II Stohner restaurant ft Blllmcycr Co groceries 13 cooallgnan stoves and tlnwaio 14 II 3 Clark & Son store 1 a J 8 l'lillllps confectionery 1 4 Louis lieinhard Jewelry 14 David Lowcnbcrg 11 E K cadman furniture 14 3 11 Schuyler Co hardware 11 Chas Wltunyan do 13 S A Wilson groceries 14 J D Wilson Leather and shoe findings II Joseph Deckerconfcctlonery 14 ooJusrr store 14 Kvans Eyer clothing 14 J A Hess boots and shoes 14 D A Creasy store 14 Andrew Solleder boot and shoe flndl ngs 11 Jl " , analta agt wall paper 11 I K Miller store it Mrs w 11 Allen storo 11 K 11 Iirower stoves 11 reople-B drag store drags 11 W 0 nlchart flour, feed and groccites 11 Henry Klelm groceries 14 a M and J K Lockard coal 14 Wm (Slger hotel a o W Neal & lira coal 14 Harman llasscrt coal 11 O A Jacoby liquor store 11 do do coal 11 Farmers rroduco Exchange store 10 . do do do coal 11 Jane E Brown hotel s Peter Oross bottler 8 Simon o Shtves ag'l Implements 1 1 Illoomsbnrg Am A Iron W ks ngM Imp's 14 Bloomsbuiy iron Co store 1 1 aofo 40 00 so 00 7 00 700 1000 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 I to 10 00 40 00 40 00 10 00 roou 0 0) 10 00 i So 7 00 7 00 10 00 t 00 19 01) 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 (0 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 T 0 T 00 7 00 SO 00 7 Oil 7 00 S3 00 7 0) soeo 7 00 60 00 W 00 7 00 7 00 13 00 S3 01) SO 00 SO 00 M 00 40 00 10 00 10 00 7 (O 7 00 7 00 7 00 SO 00 40 00 15 00 7 0) 7 00 c li llobblns liquor store 11 F M (itlmore restouront s 11 Miimore ao 5 do bottler n do 1 hllllftrrl nn,1 1 ru fn1.t u O li t J K Lockard gen store l.i 11 t, niounurygooasanar-otions 13 N J Ilendcrshott drugs 14 Louis dross clothing 14 J F Caldwell confectioner,- 11 J J Brewer carpets 1 4 Jacob Keller notions 10 Moycr Bros wholesale drag store 7 Alexander Bros Co tobacco 1 1 OA Klelm drags 14 W II Yctter sewing machines 14 II V White Cn crrnln deftlera 11 7 00 S 00 7 Ot) 7 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 7 (0 7 00 7 00 J K Ever auctioneer 1 cnas Krug lumber, coal and slate 14 8 o Creasy lumber dealer 14 II W Vandersllco flour and feed 14 o M Blttenbendcr flour and feed 11 W E Knorr tobacco 1 1 o w Brown grocery 14 Lewis Bros fruits and confectionery II 1F WebTsngllmp ' 14 CATAWISSA. M A Swank storo 14 W II Barwlck clothing and shoes 1 1 I n Seesholti storo 13 7 00 7 00 10 00 SO 0.) 50 00 7 00 7 00 13 00 10 01) 10 00 10 00 7 01 S3 00 10 00 7 on 7 00 12 SO 7 CO navia iioinngshead restaurant r Hester Klstler hotel 3 O W Kostenbauder clnthtntr nnd Klinta li S II llbawn stores and tinware 1 1 Stephen Baldy storo 11 Jno It Diemer do n Uco Manhart do is A H Truckcnmlller organs and machines 13 T 1 Bennlnger furniture 11 J K Sharpless & son store u T K Harder furniture 13 r u jirwin confectionery 1 4 Wm John stoves nml tlnwnre 1 1 J M Smith drugs and hardware 12 s D lttnard store 14 o w llelfnyder storo 13 Albert Yettcr 1 billiard and 1 pool tab'c 8 C U Wllllts drug storo 13 O C Mendenhall stoves and tinware 1 4 10 00 40 on 10 on 7 00 7 00 7 0) 00 00 41 00 7 00 uavia uimn coal 14 mas Culnn tobacco & confectionery 14 Llord Yeaccr hotel s A Truckenmlller 1 billiard 1 pool table 8 J D Fisher confectionery 1 1 Simon itaup coal 14 W A Yetter Hotel 3 H P Helwlg drugs 14 Joseph A uulterman store 14 U L Faust 1 billiard 1 pool table 8 do tobacco 14 Clark F Harder lumber 1 1 J H Blbbj-, liquor store 13 C W Harder lumber 11 7 on co 00 7 00 7 00 40 00 7 10 7 00 s.- 00 7 09 CENTHALIA. D V Curry hotel 3 60 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 IS 60 14 7 00 1.1 10 00 13 S3 00 8 50 00 8 30 00 8 60 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 5 an 00 ;i ion 00 5 so 00 14 7 0) 14 7 00 8 SO 00 14 7 0) 5 SO 00 5 SI) 00 V so 00 11 7 00 5 SO 00 14 7 00 5 20 00 8 20 00 5 SO 00 5 SOOO 13 85 00 14 1 00 8 30 00 Joseph staudenmler confectionery J P Melllngton drugs Adam K Mensch Jewelry O B Millard store A B Fortner stoves and tinware lrvln Bros' store Johanna O'Conner Honor Rtnm James Goldswortby hotel uo ao j pool taoie wm Filer hotel David u Black grocery Andrew Lenaban do o w Davis drugs C O Murnhv store Thomas Collins restaurant 1. a ltuey & co storo Edward McFadden restaurant Jones Bros tea dealers Patrick J Dunn boots arid Bhocj James McBrearty restaurant L Fetterman store A Itooncy restaurant w j aweeney ao do 1 dooI table John Moran boots nnd shoes Kooen rarreu restaurant II C Michael furniture Chas Fetterman rcstiurant James Haggerty do Thomas Boran do Geo Maley do Jno Nertney liquor store , cujfiu-iuinKhi bioru Edward .MCFodden 1 billiard table 1 A?Jl-HBSj Fino Carnages, Buggies aud Yagons. At this Repository may be seen n large nnd varied selection of Qg? VEHICLES FOR BUSINESS AND PLEASURE) from the best Manufactories. Purchasers arc invited to cull nnd Inspect the goods, or to UCgWrite for Information and Prices. apr. 3, '83-ly CARPETS ! Now is the time to buy your carpets. I have tho largest stock over brought to Bloomsburg and they are very much LOWER IN PRICE than last spring. Very handsome "Wilton Velvets, Body Brussels of beautiful designs and some as cheap as Tapestry Brussels. A very kirgc stock of TAPESTRY BRUSSEL at prices lower than ever wero known. Yard wide Ingrains as low as 20o Rag Carpets at 05, 43 and 50 cents ("Wool Stripe.) A large stock of Cocoa Rugs, Cocoa Matting all widths, Floor, Tablo and Stair oil cloths of all grades, MAM and MALL (CAKPET in largo quantities, also Nickel end and PLAIN WALNUT STAIR RODS, CARPET SWEEPERS best make, J. J. IIROWER, lirower'H Ilullclluir, next to Court House, JUOOMBBUHU, Carpet Itogj taken In exchange for fc'rpet. FtblUmo 1 CBKTI1F. Low Bros Co store tl R Sponslcr do .1 8 Marn hotel Thomas Brobst grocery ZT Fowler grain ' J L Wolverton storo Jacob Itccse coal Ilezcklah Boono flour' lio: Marti storo CONYWIHAM. Mm Mary Monroe restaurant W m Herbert store A II Church do J L Kline hotel O iv luiiman do FISiIINIICRKKK. J M Ainmerman storo w N Hosier do J 11 Huff do fl M Howell no M Mcllenry & Bro do n V Edgar, auctioneer J V Mcllenry store Whltenlght Bros store A T Charm furniture Jones Davis store Alfred Gibbon do 14 14 5 II 13 14 II 14 14 7 00 7 00 M OU 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 13 7 00 7 on & 14 12 3 3 toco 7 00 11 80 60 00 60 U) I ro 7 U) 7 00 7 00 7 00 3 on T 00 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 FHANKL1N. L Bucher store A Hughes do II II (1IIEK.HW001). A J Dcrr store P II Black do sills Eves it Pro storo Masters Co do v p Eves Henry furniture O W Kves store Wilson M Eves store .T IS M-eMlc... ri. II 13 r 00 10 00 13 00 1S 60 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 1000 7 00 7 00 Samuel llailedine hotel Jacob ltanti store J I.John do HEMLOCK. C II Dlettcrlch hotel II N J F, White store o M Terwllligcr ft Co do 3 14 14 60 00 7 ID 7 00 JACKSON. D II Stevens storo 14 14 7 00 7 OJ 11 11 cole do LOCUST. Yocum Bros store 14 5 14 14 14 A I 3 14 14 1 14 II 7 00 so 00 7 00 I 00 7 00 50 00 600 60 00 7 00 7 CO 8 00 Aaron Yoder restaurant Daniel F Knlttle store M Seaborn do I. II Daniels do Nathan Knorr hotel ltobert Watklns auctioneer Wellington Yeager hotel Jacob Ycagcr store E II Whltner do 0 8 Hower auctioneer wnvaer uros storo 7 00 Wm Adams do 7 00 MADISON. Wm OInglos storo Kramer t Son do A K smith hotel 13 10 00 13 10 00 3 60 00 MAIN. J E IllshOD store 14 S II 14 S 7 00 60 CO 7 10 7 00 60 00 7 00 61) on 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 B It Yetter hotel II J Campbell agt store W M Longenberger do J E Longenberger hotel MIFFLIN. A W Snyder store A W Hess hotel do coal N B creasy store A o Millard stoves and tinware It J Bernlngor furniture II J aearhart store Schwcppcnhelser S Snyder store MONTOUR. (1 B Hostler storo W o Holmes hotel raxton 4: Harman mdse Clinton M llecco grocer' Michael lieesc coal Mr PLEASANT. Sands Eves store OltANGE. DeLong Bros stoves Si tinware Geo Heckman hotel G r stlner store o s Fleckstlne store G N Smith stoves White Conner agl Imp A B Stewart store W II Ilagenbuch hotel Mrs L Lllley storo II B Low lumber T W Conner furniture Wm Fieekenstlne buggies A M Dewitt store James B Harman furniture Mrs L Lllley 1 pool table II 5 11 7 00 3 so 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 II 7 00 11 7 00 14 7 on 3 60 00 14 7 CO 14 7 00 14 7 0) 14 7 00 13 10 00 5 SO 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 ro 14 7 00 14 7 00 8 30 00 PINE. K W Lyons store 14 700 JHFowlerdlstillery 9 1300 C it Parker store 14 700 J A Howard auctioneer 1 s 00 IlOAItlNGCIlEEK. O W Chcrington store 14 7 00 8 Lelby restaurant 5 si 00 SCOTT Moorehead 4 Kline store . 13 10 00 Jacob Blosser hotel 5 60 00 N lt'chart grocery 14 700 W E Dletterlch store 14 7 co Theodore Heck do 14 7 00 8 A Worman do 14 7 00 John Groh do 14 7 00 J D Workhelser do 14 7 00 S,wre5eUnS do 13 10 w silos Young dj 13 10 CO Itecse M Fatrman hotel s 60 00 A P Howel store 14 700 A B White do 14 7(0 J L Crawford grocery 14 7 eu Weidenhammer&McKamey grocery 14 7 00 xt T. . 00 al 14 7 00 Jacob Mliler grain 14 700 SUOAHLOAF. Norman Cole stoves 14 700 Chas W Cole store ,4 700 A Laubach son storo u 7 00 J W Perry hotel 3 53 OJ n.AI,pe!3 W"L he4rd at the Commissioners' of fiS21?L1"oom3bur8rontbeth day of June A. D., 1883, between tho hours of u a. ni. and 4 p. m.I where you can attend If you think proper. May 13, 1884. K.LOW, Mercantile Appraiser. J Stcre and Wartrooms, No. 128 Franklin Avenue- Also Warerooms 111 Franklin Ave. and ltw Cen ter Street. SCRANTON, PA. M All) thing to make up anew wagon or repair an old, in stock. IJar Iron, and Steel Bolts, Holt Kntls, Lag Screws, Turnlmcklc'i Hoi so Shoes, aud all Blacksmith supplies. Aprsny f . F. muiT, 320 & 322 Pen 11 Avenue. The scleral styles of CurilnircH, BtiprirlrH nnd A ajj4ins shown lit these columns and ninny othcimiot hero rcnrt'scntctl niny ho fount! nt tho Repository of T. F. HUNT, Scrantcm, Pa. Parties wishing to puichaso nro Invited to call ami oxntnino llio slock, or to I'Uno lTodr Elliptic Spring, Top flaggy. Ti P. 11 UN I', 320 anil 322 Penn Avenue, amnion, l' Spindle Bodr Side bar, Open Wagon. T. F. HUNT, 320 and 322 1'enn Avenue, Scranton, l'a Corning Body Open Cart T. F. HUNT, 320 iinl 322 l'enn Avenue, Scranton, l'a. Corning Bdy Brewster Spring, Top Buggy. T. F. HUNT, 320 nnd 322 l'enn Avenue, Scranton, l'a. Democra' 3 Kllipt'c Springs, 2 Scats. T. F. HUNT, 320 an! 322 l'.ti i Aiouuf, Scranton, l'n. I'iano Ilody SlJe bar, two Seats. T. F. HUNT. 320 anil 322 l'cnn Avenue, Scranton, l'a. Il'i'iii'i'l IIiiVii'iiluLiiiu; l'haeton Canopy Top. T. F. HUNT. 320 and 322 l'enn Avenue, Scranton, l'a, Depot Wagon Standing Top, two Seats.. T. F. HUNT, 320 and 322 l'enn Avenue, Scranton, l'a. rhaetou Exteneion Top, two Seats. T. F. HUNT, 320 and 322 l'enn Avenn-, Fcrantra, Pu. lift Lumber Wagon Choice of Axels. T. F. HUNT. 320 and 32J l'enn Avenue, Scranton, Fa. Express Panel Body, three Spring T. F. HUNT, 320 and 321 l'enn Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Surrey- Canopy Top, T. F. HUNT, 320 end 322 l'cnn Avenue, Scranton, l'a. V.-K l iv .1 1 w . 3 -V. F II nt Speeding Sulkor. 20 and 322 l'cnn Avnuo, Scranton, Pa. 120 i Sit l'enn,' Bc'r.utop, "risers-.?:,;.', f Bearli Wagon Kxtenslon Top. 3 Spring. T F. HUNT, 320 and 322 l'cnn Avenue, Scranton, 1'n. Piano Body- Hrcwster Spring, Open Huge-, T. V. HUNT, ' 320 and 322 1'enn Acuue, t'oranton, l' Side Spilng Open Concord Bcgey. T. F. HUNT. 320 and 322 l'cnn Avenue, Scranton, I'.i. Surrey Brewster Sprir-ll- T. f HUNT, 220 and 322 l'cun Avenue, Scianton, l'a. Butcher Wagon. T. Y. HUNT. 320 and 322 l'cnn Avenue, Scranton, I'd. Lawrence Extension Top, 3-Spring. T.F. HUNT. 320 and 322 1'eun Avenue, Scranton, I Saxony Canopy Top, 3-Spring. T. i. HUNT. 320 and 322 l'enn Avenue, Scranton, Pa Platform Spriug Wagon 2.Scat. T. F. HUNT, 320 and 322 Pcnu Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Phaeton Three Springs, LanipB and Fenders. T. F. HUNT. 320 and 322 l'enn Avenue, Scranton, Pa, Democrat Three Elliptic Springs, 3-Scats, T. F. HUNT, 320 aud 322 Penu Avenue, Scranton, Pa, Plalfortn Express Various Sites, T. V. HUNT, .120 and 322 Penn Ave., Scranton, Pa. mvm'm- .' 3 -ZZ3EgZZ?i