The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 15, 1885, Image 1

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    m mimn m"' imro nmrrfft ic jkr 5'
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Vle doltinbiki).
011,0)11114 IXMOCHtT, ITAR or TIIK Nontit, and c
lumbian, Consolidated.)
lMiril Vt'rHiIri every Frlilny Morning, nt
m.ooMsuuito, coi.u.muia co , r.
UTonoM.(M per roar. To subscribers out ot
Hie county ttio terms nro strictlrln advance
I-.No ptpor discontinued except nt thu option
ol the pulitUhers, until all nrrearnfces aro pale!, but
loni continued credits will not bo given.
All papers sent out ot tbo stato or to distant poat
unices must 1)0 paid for Inadtranee, unless a respon
sible porson In Columbia county assumes to pay
Mia miliscrlntlon duo on demand.
J'l'oarAdU is no longer exacted trom subscribers
wo county.
lfc 9M
il, . i ml "r
1" noil K , '
tif ' sjfil-v'h ft
one Inch n oo MM law
Two Incbe urn 400 son
Three lnches...ii m BOO 700
Four Inches soo 7 00 00
ouartcr column.. oo noo looo,.100() 14 00 17 00
Onecolumn bo 00 28 oo 80 00
to oo
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VBfiva1vnrtju.mpnlft nftl ftblfl nUArtCTly. TTItl
Blunt arfvriipmntjimuRt be oaid for beforelnrcrT
cd except where parties havoaccounts.
Legal adTCrtlscmenta'two dollsri i per IccU U
threo insertions, and at-tnat rto lor additional
Insertions without reference to length.
(Kxecutor's, Administrator's, and Audltor'snol Ice
three dollars. Must be, paid for. when nserted.
Tranalehl br Al notices, ton cents a line, r egu
lar advertisements halt rates,
Cards tn the 'Business Directory" column one
'dollar a year tor each line.
Til" Jobbing D.-partmentof tho Colombun Is very
complete, aim our.iob iTlniliiit will compare favor- .1 TJ L'?1??, i
i i i i - 1 : ' I
n n Itini lit vtti
v ll v
- . ... - ..J
A I H J 1 1 N li -AT-L AAV-, ,
llloomsburj, 1' a
Oilk-o over Itt. National Hank,
y IM'tlNIci -
lnm.i in Int's nulldlnif.
j chin st. cr,.Yific,
.nrsnoi: ok tub peace.
ULooMsnuHU, I'i.
OlTlcc over Moyer ltios. Drug Sloro.
n w tit.i.ii?.,
OfllCHta lirower'sbulldlng.sotondflnor.rooni So.1
uloomsburg, 1'n,
Uloomsburg, 1'n
omca corner ot Centre uud Main Stroou: Clark i
Can be consulted In German,
BLooMsnuna, Pa.
Onico on First llonr, front room ot Cm.
umhian linlUlini;, Muln street, below Ex
change Hotel.
onleo tn Colcmbun Ucildiko, Hoom No second
A ttornoys-at-Law.
Ofllce lu 1st National Dank bulldins, second floor,
first door to tho left. Corner of Main and Jlark-t
streets Uloom3burg, Vs.,
SSBTcnnoni and BouKiia Collcchd
omco In Maize's bulldJjg, over Blllmeycr's grocery.
ODlco In News Itbm building, Main Btiett.
Member of tho American Attorneys' Associa
tion. Collodions made In any part of America
.IncUson Building, Rooms 4 nml C.
Catawlssa, l'a.
Offlce, Comoro! Tnlrd and MalnHreets.
OlUce in Brow-era' Building, 2nd lloor.
map 1-tf
Altoruey-iitLaw, Berwick. I'u.
C-ui be Consulted In German.
CiTOnicc first door below the post ofllce.
it. BAKKLEY, Attorney-at-I.a
, oillco lu Urower's balldlug, 2nd story.Hoou.3
Jli MoKELVY, M. D.,8urBcon and I'l.y
. ,lcuu, north sldd Main ttrct't, below Markut
Ii. FRITZ, Atiorney-nt Lu?.
, la Colombian Itullctlnsr.
.in.- Machines and Yaealaervoral! kinds re-
olred. OrsKi Uorst Uullding, MoomKbuig, ra.
R.J.C. RL'TTEii,
Ofllce, North Market ttieu,
UlCCB.I'ttlf , I'u
1R. WSI. -M. REBER, Surceon nnd
JLrh;sIdou. Office curut r ot l'.ock KCd Murket
f R. EVAN'S, M. I)., Burgeon uud
If, uiui
, jOmco and liesldem u ol Tblra
l'KUl'LUM' N. Y.
lttSAOl.MJ, PA.
These mo cohtokatioxs are well seasoned b
nBoandFiiiKTtsTuand hao never jet hud u
loss bettled by any court ot law. '1 heir asieis are
all Invested In bouu becumties are liable to tho
hazard otHHE only.
iJWies fkomto.y and honestly adjusted and
jiuiu bwu ua uuicrnunwi oy uiiKibTUN K
Tho peoplo of Columbia county should natron
lie thu agency whero loaaeslf auyu.abeitledaud
lald by ono of ther own elllze lis.
for Infants
Cnitorla la o well adapted to children (hat I
known to me."
...... ,.bub.., ....
ir i i.m,.. n
Ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. V.
An nbsoluto euro for IMicuiimtlsin, Siirnlus, Pa!u In
tho Back, Jlurns, Gnlls, &c.
rolIovIiir nntl lloulluff Homotly.
riijlelans Tnllmony.
A. W. llrown.M.D., of Providence,
It. 1,, says: "I havo used llinrr's
Kidney and Liver ItEMEDTlnmy
practice for the rat dxtccn years.
Send for
of Teitl
it. i.
and cheerfully recommend It as
being a taft and fillalli remedy."
Another prominent doctor of
Proldcnco ra;t that "I am fro
oiicntly urged to uso olher prenara
tlonanibstllnte?fi)t Host's Kid
ney and Liver Kcmedt. lflinlcra
trylrg tliem Hint lliey rc worlhlcBS
Incuinparlioii loll."
An Old Lady.
"My mother, 7(1 years old, ha9
chronla kidney complaint and drop
By. Nothing lias ever helped her
llko Hc.vr's Kidney and Liver
HisiEur. fche has received great
bcncAt from 8 bottles and wo think
It will enro her." W. V. Sunder
land, Builder, Uanbury, Conn.
A 3Ilnlslct'a Wife.
Kcv. Anlliony Atnood, of Phila
delphia, nari: "Hint's (Kidney
and Llier Krjir.DY has cured my
niro of Dropny In Its vort form.
All toy that It Is a miracle."
General Cliacc.
General Clineo of, Rhode Island
says! "I always keep Hunt's Kid
ney and Liver Remedt In my
house. Taken In small doses occa
sionally at night. It prevents head
ache, and regnlatcs tho kidneys,
stomach and other organs.!' 10
'Disease soon shaken, by IICKT'sriEMEDT taken."
C!- X. CIlinnXTOX, S. Y., (leneral Agent.
iHsailh and Happiness.
AKP. Kidneys disordorcdV
I .'K1,,1?J' Vilt. !rt,,Bit luo fiom lay f-inre, ai It
J-Civ.j Bfitr 1 hid In f lrt ii tin hj vd doctor lu
, Ujtroit." ;,t, W. Uctraiix, Mechanic, Ionia, Ulclu
3 Jro your norves woak?
nit rlv Mji.ttxinvtoltjlhc."- M" M, M, II.
jnavo you Briphfs Disease?
MUu Mid XHui like"
l'ranc Wion, Poabchlj-, Maw.
Suffering from Diabotes?
H "Khlii T-Wn -Ll tnOliiut)tMirii--iitiilicmrH v I (ia'0
KeTtr u-st'il, Utu'i almost lnin.o.llat nlkr."
fj Dr. I fcUliyi'. palWu, Muiikton, Tt.
fiUnvo you Liver Complaint?
U "KMiiey-Wottcutti no t C thruiilo Uvtr Dlsoo
w aftti' 1 iti-ajcl t '
Uvarf Ww J( Uto C . Oih I.'aE. GuarJ, K. .
i your Back lame and aching?
ii'v.Vort,l b- til?) ured mo Lcn 1 nana
I - i i.iul to toll ti.t of lnt."
C. M. lAnuiusg,Hi.ftuLte1Wb,
3 vo you Kidney Disease?
I I.ii y-v oi t iitnif niu uii'Un IK'i r tun I kUlnt t
i r y,irj rf ,tiu!iiccr aful iiciiilif,r, Jts oiih
t i n.''-Biil iloJuc, WlUojjbtowr., ft.
Aro you Con3tipatod?
"ICIilnt j -Toi t ctvirfca ei-r e aclaiioui aiitl -urni
' iao alter 13 jnara of rhrr infiltrfiip'
;l IMaou ruli-cL.U, bU Allan , t.
I Havo you Malaria?
'Vdir T.'oit htu (Jonu U iter th any ol!.cr
n :y fLavo utcf w- i In u y practice."
L'r. ILK. tlaik, South Ilcio.Vt
Aro you Bilious?
' v-lVttthat d.iitf mo iH'iecjoil than any
ilia. J. '. Cailuv ay, Uk Hat, Oroffou.
i you tormented with Pilos?
;-!n!ay;Wf rl lrv i'i . f ( f t,lPLdlite tf, ra. I
t Aro you Rhouraatism racked??
j ".. l:v y-'Tott cti"rrt an r 1 wm jm.i n up to L
y '.Hix.j .ityvbUmiamll 1 i i pufftml tlthl V'tii-,'' I
ULlMco Malcoliu, nt iiatli, ilnlnc, I
Ijadies, aro you Euffcrinfr?
. .m . "otf c riil w if lr lr.i les of I
It." Ll. L moiuui, MoLa, M.UU, t
Ii you vrcuM Banish Disease L
,i . - i Ho.Jth, Take I
'i Tr . txnzzL U';ys$ynrr'
1.3. -AxJ .
Feb C-3 mo
Ho3ts of peoplo uao and rooomxaond tills por-
! ous piaster bocauso It Is tho etronjoat aui bout t
j evertnown. WhcnapplIedloanyBortofsoro-E
1 new, or weatuwa, It acts instantly , removing r
i pain and etrcactaanlns tho part, rreparod f
I from Eunrundy Pitch, Caaada Eaara, and tho
! entire modlcial -irtuoa yf freaU Hops. They t
never burn or Irrltato al aya wUio, Btlmu- B
lata and Btrcntfthen vrcaii anaui-ou iauaitu.
Guide, rellrf foranddonmlna. Allrendy toap. I
ply. Ho? Plasters arc sold by all dealers, 25c.
& for fil.OO. llailid on receipt of prioa.
H01riAfiTErC0airAH,y, Boston JJass,
O A I, h S M I? IST T
IWASTKIl to canvahs torthotnlo I V
r1-- of N'msiTV htock 1 hlcatlv emnloi meiit - '
guaranteed, halary and expentes raid. Apply
ni once, siaung agf.
tinier to this paper.)
CHASE BROTHERS, Ecctecter, 1!. V.
npr !i 2m
OPl'OSlTi: coukt noi'HR
Large and ronvenlent snmnlo rooms. Path roortrf,
noi una com uuicr, nnu uu uoutru cuuienieuefa,
nnd Children.
Caitorla cures Colic, ConMlr-tlon,
tajjr Wo'na, .. '"rna-a. ..rn, ... .o
oiuolea Ul-
I Wthi
VTlUiout Injurious modlcatlon.
An Tnstnntnucoua Palu-
mmvp mams
A Mi'mory,
An oM-nurfdf rbiliiiiV-taidiit, wlicro the lioiin
.Iko nlncd Miubeiiuis ll.ili In g ory by,
And whero the scent of itnibKe old-fmhloncd
llom'M . 'in
Ilrlng back n lender bygone memory.
Tlio wnlln nro slmlj(ht mid pitterned with
while slime, ' ,
And pacing there nllli trend, '
ilreaiuonco mora I hold within inVown '
Tlic sort warm nngers ill Hi" e'ild who' dead
Tlio child whoso iljlnty (i)ii:eH vied nllli
mine, , I
As c two chased the goM ;i..torIll"t '
Tlio child nlm mvelll i.i llieiirgiit siri'lilne.
And shrined liei'ul.idu w In liirliighlngev'es.
Via used to linger in tlu bing t ilt gnss.
And u lien n sun ray Mpd Iit illinpti'd hand,
o told each olher ' a fairy lusi
To read the secrets of mtr ralryhiitd I
And, holding safely III her iadl,iit f.u'o
rimt happy sparkle, v would inn In p.-cp
If dewdropi trembled In tlu r.t'l.-vwio p'uee,
Or last night's bud had IJossiiiiiIiii Its sleep.
I throned her In my ariuswheil tired uf play,
And whispered louMiaim:-. Ill Ih(.l).ib) ears J
She made the glory of tho HimiinerNd.iv.
My wco llego lady of but live sli Mt'Ji'.Irs I
And now '. Sina l wotid.-r lb it t'.ic. roses lie
In pctallcd fr.ignineo by t ic d ils.c's side,
1'or sunshine vanished W illi her List so.t s'gh,
And skies are grayer since our it.irlluj died.
Another Love Match;
"So tins in your holo business with
mo to ilny, youns sii't" tniil Ibu wealthy
lmiitpr, iu n not very iiromisina toiio.
Surely that jpuiiR bnmstoi' hnil boon
wildly iresumituo.u when he. with his
moilernto income. Ins trilling iinietice,
had come, to uslt the banker for tho hand
of his only daughter.
Tlio young man's fnoj (lushed hotly,
but ho kept his, Be'.f-coinmtiuil, replying
with ndmirnblo eoolncn,
"Thia is my solo business with you
to-day, Sir. Forrester. I havo coiuo to
j-ou, hoping for tho eomidcraliou which
man should show to man, independent
of position, social dilTerenee, tho world's
opinion, or anything outsido this ono
fact. I, with all tho forco of my man
hood, lovo your daughter, and ask your
perims.nou to go to her and tell, her of
it. You havo not auaweiod mo yet, sir."
'Oh, it won't take mo long to do
that," tho banker's toiio was rather
ironical. "I havo but ono daughter,
and I havo very illfteront plans for her
future. You understand mo?"
i'i cannot fail to do so." Tho young
mail's faco was white now, and had a
littlo Btcmnoss in it. "May I ask
whether you speak in this manner solely
becauso you know I am not wealthy?
Would you speak differently were I
xroll, not a struggling barrister I"
"Oh, I havo no personal objection to
yon, enul Mr. rorrebtor, carelessly,
playing with n paper kuifo on t,ho fable
bosido him ; a costly toy of ivory and
gold, ono of Iho curiosities brought' by
him from Egypt some yo.iw before.
'You do mo no justice, I nm con-
lldeut," Dick Alvon pursued, a sort of
dignity on . his flno, bloudo f.ios. "You
understand fully that Jhss iorrostor's
position, j-our own reputed wealth,
havo had nothing to do with this inter
view. I havo hesitated to speak beoauso
of them ; but I fancied that even I,
poor mid pbscure as I am, had tho
right'to mako'a trial fur tho happiness I
craved. I havo comu to you solely as a
man, Sir. "Forroster, hoping to ilnd iu
yoiij iko, sympathy ol ,,. man for man,
castitlgJaido Jor tho moment nil other
mnsideralion!''' h,
"That, is quite, suflicieut, sir." Tho
banker spoko 'indifferently, still playing
with th'o pretty toy. "It is of no con-
sequonco what you fancied. Yon will
understand that' henceforth Miss Forres
ter is, n strangar'to'yoii,"
'11 it is Her ilesire, sir.
'Showill havo nothing to do with it;
sho will ui)t qven knuv of your your
prosumption. X am fully oapablo of
judging for my daughtor."
Ho was no(. quito so indiliereut now,
and tho youug lawyer arcsj from his
'And I for mysolf, Jlr. Forrester,
having.reoohod-tho-iigo of disoernmont.
I will havo no iuleiview with Jlisa
Forronterr with your lirrmUsIon, should
you kiurfly givp it"'
r "Anil siiouiii j witiinoiii my per
Tho banker was becoming angry, and
Ills tyes' werol iiyi cold as ho surveyed
his visitor. Tlio young man bowed.
'You will not do so, lest I Hud my
self. 'coWrainedt to iesort to means of
means of having ono without," ho said
quietly. "I am still under tho im
pression that a man should allow no
other to (-peak for tho woman ho loves j
tliat lio would try to win, let wnat may
stand iu tho way and 1 tako my llnal
dismissal from Tier alone."
Tho banker pitchod asido tho toy, nnd
rising, motioned tho young man baok to
ins belli, wiiuu uu juu uiu ueu.
j;Thi3 is quite, .rufrobliin," ho said
ironically; being entiruly uulooked
for and unusual ;butyo'ii 'shaU: bo
gintilled." servant answered' tho
summons. 14'JMl JlissFormster fwish
to beo her at ouco if sho is disengaged."
Tho Bcrvaut vanished, and tho two
rden stooil facing each other in perfect
Fivo minutes, ton, llftoeu, went by4;
then thero wasantstlbof silken drapery,
tho door opened, and a beautiful girl
entered tho room. IJo.iutful? Well,
uot , perhaps with tint simple beauty of
chikellod featuros but a girl, beautiful
with tho beauty' 'of it true woiiuinhood ;
with dark, ivubhadoMcd oye.s, rod, flpx.
iblo lips, n smooth jvhlto- forehead) and
rich, dusky hair coiled low on tho
graceful hond!; n,giii, with jvnily smilo
....t ...i.i. ..' , f.i, ,
vet witlllonnliL'll ,of her father's iron
will Bhbwing lu chin and eyes' to mako
ono fully understand that fiho would
hold her own iu a Btruggle.
Sho had known tho young lawyer for
six mouths, lia 1 met him hero nnd there
for ho was received iu tho best society ;
sho had danced with him uud found him
it good, 'dancer rpio had talked with him
aniWound-lum, 'perhaps, n trillo more
thau agrecablo, being, unlike most of
tno mon mat couvorsmt wttn nor, earn
est and frank, rather than inane nnd
complimentary It, had dawned ou her
flatey tnahoj llid Wuhl her ;more thau
'others, nnd 'with' the tlawuiiig of tho
kuowlodga had como n now pleasure to
her. Unliko most young ladios of tho
present day, IjcoU Furrgstcr did not
yiilltb it mail bhis Atiefstry or Jits bank
"You wibhod to boo mo, papa," eho
eaid iua jilcusaut 1voio-,l tliroujh tho
musio of virich ono iieavd tv riug of
self-eoulUlene. Theu sho ttaw Dick, and
suiiliiig, hold out her hand to him. "Mr
Alvon," tho wid, "I am ploasod to seo
Her father frowned haughtily n$ ho
stopped fovwni'.l In ll.uo tj proveut tho
young man touching tho oliered hand.
"LeoLi,"ho eaid. lin f jitcrnly, ','1 Kent
for you that you might- assist mo to
convince this this geiltlomau
still olwy mo."
Sho looked front oao to tho other' with
open, wondering eyes; tho yoiulg man
was deadly rule mid his lips weio
firmly set; indood, ho looked very un
liko a lover, but very h.inds'ime.
"You will kindly cling to foots, Mr.
Forrester," ho said quietly, nnd tho
banker flushed angrily.
"What do you intend to imply?
Havo yon more insolence to oiler ?" ho
"I offer no iusoleujo,'1 Diok uiiBwcrod
recovering himself sullleioutly (o, draw
forward a chair for Iiuola, for which bho
thanked him. "I simply nskeil your"
"My permission to make tuyU.iughtor
nn offer of yourlinud -mid fortune, was
it not?" the old man broka in woitfie?:
ingly, "and I decline tho offer, in her
namo. Doubtless you would ltko very
well to woo and win an hoiross, Mr.
Alvon, but, as I told you, I havo other
views for my daughter."
"Papa " Leola had not taken tho
chair Dick offered her, but stood near
it, ono hand resting on the back "for
sliamo, papal Is it ncajsi-ary to insult n
gentleman who pays your daughter so
great a compliment? Since you havo
spokon so rudely to Mr. Alvoa, perhaps
it would bo as woll for him to apeak to
mo on tho subject. 1 will answer him
as a woman can answer such things,
papa ; I"
"You will tell him that his pro-
sumption is iusufferablo, ' her father
said, still angrily. "You will tell him
tliatyou and I can manage to exist with
out counting a boggarly lawyer nraong
our acquaintances."
"I do not think I will quito say that,
papa," tho girl said, her ckeoks flushed,
her eyes glowing. " I will say solely
what my heart prompts. I nm listening,
Mr. Alvon," turning to him, a slight
tremor in her voice.
Dick had been verypatient, considor-
ingthat ho was not usualoy slow to auger.
He was rathor p.ilo still, as ho lifted
his head and addressed Leola.
"I nm what I havo just been called,
Miss IForrester-a beggarly lawyer; but
I am a man for nil that. It may scorn
as strnngo to you as it does to your
father that ono iu my circumstances
should think of lore or a chauco of
happiness boing unablo to purchase it ;
and yet I wrong you I you will listen
patiently while I tell you that I liavo
grown to lovo you with a man's best
love, nnd ask if there bo not a chauco of
my winning you. ot now, whllo 1 can
offer you but my empty lmud and honest
lovo ; but somo timo when I havo won
n way and drawn Biieeois to mo by tho
efforts I can and will niako with .such a
hope before me. If thero is a voice in
your heart that would speak for mo do
notBilenco it. I am saying this to tho
woman I love, not to Mibs Forrester, tho
bcllo and Jhciross. Will you answer mo
hero iu your father's pioienco? I would
take no answer from him ; I would tako
an answer only from your own lips.
What will itbo?"
His 'words, which had mado tho veins
on tho banker's forehead swell with
indignation, moved Looln strangely;
she flushed and paled, nnd thojiand on
tho chair began to tremble.
"And I havo told you sho wants nono
of your love," Mr. Forrester broke out,
impatiently. But his daughter turned
to lum with u sudden gesture which
bilenced him.
-tj'How much yon are mistaken, papa,"
sho said clearly; "for I do want it all
of it. I quito uudersfand you," turning
to Dick, "and I honor the frankness of
your manhood. ,1 tflko your love, oh, so
willingly, bo gladly 1 I havo long ro
spected yon abovo all others ; I lovo
ypn now. I will go with you ; I will
help you m every strugglo ; I will not
watch you from afar ; I will"
" You aro madl" her father cried.
But sho held out her hands to Diclc,
and ho wa-s covering thorn with kissoa
and whispering loving, disconnected
words of affection,
"Leola, do you know what you aro
doing?" her father cried again, in, a
great rage."'
But she smiled in her lover's faco and
answered pleaseutly
"I know perfectly, papa. I nm promis
ing to be Dick's wife, aud telling my
self how happy I am going to be."
"You will bo a boggar, then," Mr.
Forrester said, through his shut tcoili.
"IU givo my money to somo charity;
I'll found nu asylum-I'll sink it in tho
Hudson river. You Bhall never touch a
dollar of it."
"Papa dear, monoy is very nice, but
it is uot everything, ospooially to a
woman," Loola said, quietly. "I don't
think I'll mind very much, papa."
I'll close; my dco :t ngainst you I I'll
never look on your laoo again!" fumed
the btern parent.
Sho palad theu.
"Pupa, you'll not dn that! You lovod
mamma ; 'why should I not lovo somo
body too? You m.y do what you mil
with yonr money, but lovo mo still, papa,
I could not livo without that."
nero Dick came to tho front again,
smiling rather heartlessly, I confess, at
tho aoeno ho had caused.
"I think this can lie arranged n littlo
differently, nfter nil," ho said cheerfully.
i"I am not tho presumptuous boggar
yon think me, Mr. Forrester ; I am the
fortunate inheritor of a vory snug for
tune left mo lately by an aunt. It con
sists of a iluo old place ou tho Hudson,
a cottngo at Newport, a farm in thn
noitheru part of tho Slate, nnd a few
thousands iu the h.iuk. I havo fancied
myso'f not utterly indifferent to Lcolit,
and wanted to assure mysolf that sho
loved mo-wai willing to give herself to
a poor man, simply because sho lovod
hfm. I nm willing to forget nil you
eaid, nir, nnd will promise to do my best
to inako you a model Bon-iii-law, Will
you givo mo your daughter now, Mr,
"It's about (he only thing I can .do
now, sooiug that she was willing to givo
herself to you any way," tho baukor
said, grasping tho hand Dick offered
Aud so when thu hoirois became
bride thero was uiuttior lovo marriage
to bo recorded,
An liibhinun says lie cau fcco no earilily
reason why woman should uot bo
allowed to becoran medical mon,
llorat, tho "Oito of India" and
" Pearl of Khorassuu," is out! of' the
oldest cities iu tho world, and pj-obnbly
thd.mdst unfortunate. Situation tlio
Ucri-Ilud, at tho .northern extremity of
n fruitful province, through which lioi
tho easiest and boat road .from Central
Asia to Hindoslun, its possession was u
matter of the utmost importance to
Northern warriors who passed through
Afghanistan on their way to tho gulden
plains beyond tho Indus. Tims, to uso
tlio words of n Persian historian, "tho
city has been fifty limos taken, fifty
times destroyed, and fifty times has it
arisen from its ashes." Tho few F.uro
pcans who havo visited the town ngrco
in describing it as ono (if the; filthiest iu
tho world. Tlio place would bj totally
uninhabitnblo wero it uot ondowed by
naturo with a particularly healthy ntmos
phcro and n benignant north wjud,
which tend to counteract tho tin
wholosomo smells mil dirty habits of
tho pooplo. Tho Hurrouuding country
is exceedingly fruitful, seventeen sorts
of grapes,', numerous varieties of melons,
apricots, wheat and other coreals being
among tho more valuable products.
Silk and carpets are tho principal manufactures.
Theso curions tlepro isions of tho soil
known as sinks have attracted tho
attention of scientific men, aud form
ono of tho features of tho country to
visitors. Timid pooplo nro afraid of
them, but I do not seo any difference
bctweon them nnd tho natural depres
sions! ono meets with iu all woodod
.oouutrios, , writes a correspondent.
Sometimos an noro will commence to
sink towards tho centre, and year after
year tho depth increases until it reaches
its lowest point and stands still. Some
of theso places aro wonderfully beauti
ful, being covered with it luxuriant un
dergrowth of bush vegetation, shaded
by immenso trees garlanded with grapo
vines and jasmine, and oharmingly
draped with tho beautiful moss of tho
country, with perhaps at the baso n
pool of clear water. Theso bosky
shades aro much frequented by cattlo,
and thoy enhanco by tho attractions of
life tind motion n picturo .that any artist
might bo. proud to add to his collection.
Sometimos tho central part really docs
fall out of sight, leaving a holo whoso
depth may bo imagined, but out of
such fisurc3 I haye seen oak trees crow.
ing of largo girth, proving that they do
not really go tlirougU to. China.
It is a ead truth that tho chloral habit
is steadily on tho increase, not only
among sufferers from constant insomnia
but also among persons subjected to
milder forms of nervous irritation, to
iho btioiu and excitement of speculative
ventures, or to tho wear and tear of
lato hours and fashionable dissipation,
This nepenthe is more seductive to
pooplo of refinement thau tho juico
of tho poppy ; aud liabitual surrender
to its domination is hardor to break
than tho opium habit To tho usual
questions in tho application for life
insurance as to tho uso or abuso of
alcoholic drinks, tobacco and opium,
may well bo added scrutiny as to hydrat,
of chloral, for many persons who nover
uso tho former would have to plead
guilty to moro or loss frequent recourse
to tho latter.
Till'. l'KNlTll.Vl'KS.
This society, until it is crushed out,
will remain an effectual barrier to tlio
progress of morality aud good order in
Now Mexico. It was founded at bantft
Cruz iu 1093 by tho old Franciscan
missionaries. It was originally intended
ns a means of bringing t'.io whole popir
latiou within the pale of tho churoh,
and its principal dogma wo3 tint no sin
could bo so great but that suflloient
expiation would purge it nway. Thero
aro 20,000 penitents and as thoy aro
mutually sworn to assist uud protect' ono
another, oven to tho extent of perjury,
it will readily be seen what u formidablo
hydra tho Now Moxiciu Judges havo to
deal with. It is only the powerful
influence of their priests that keeps thorn
at all within bounds. The public sorvioos
of expiation nro held onco a year, in
Holy Week. There is nover any lack of
expiauts. An imago of tho Virgin is
placed in the centre of thu church, or in
the oampo santo boforo it, aud tho
ground for many yards in front of it is
strowu kneo deep with cactus, whoso
poisonous Bpinea will sometimes piorco
tho heaviest soled shoo. Through this
bed of living thorns the penitents march
with naked feet or crawl along on bare
knees, calling piteously tho whilo to the
Virgin for forgiveness of their Bins. As
if this wero uot sufficient, they acourgo
themselves with great bundles of
cactus tiod together on a thong, and
slash themselves with knives. The
natural result of theso horrible exorcises
is n death now and then, mid many
maitnod mid pitiable creatures who
drag out a misorable oxistouco for thu
roniaiudor of their days. In one of tlio
littlo ohapels wo visiteit tho white
washed walls wore splashed with blood
to tho height of six or eight foot Mgr.
Lamy, tho present enlightouod Arch,
bishop of Now Mexico, has madu strouu
ous efforts to abolish this evil, but so
strongly is it intrenched in tho customs
of tho pooplo that ho has met with but
littlo succoss in his efforts.
At n recont Germany Soientifla Cou
gross, Dr. S. Hoppe, of Hamburg,
endeavors to prove tliat tho olootrioity
of storms is generated by tin. friction of
vapor partiolos. This view was strength'
ened by experiments iu whioh com'
pressed cold air was allowed to rush
into a copper vossel containing warm
moist uir, n largo amount of electricity
being thus produceil Ho concludes
that tho rise of a column of warm moist
air into the eoldor atmosphere above
will lx) followed by n thuude.-Btorm if it
acquires sufficient volocity to prevent
neutralization ot the olectrioity goner
ated by the friction of tlio air. Henoo.
ha regards open dutriots as moro liable.
to thunderstorms than wooded regions,
whero tho trees provent the rapid riso of
liumidnir currents.
Titfc nfeAn&v TEA.
W. Mitttieu William in it xltios of
tetioloaon food And nookory'iil 'Jvilnw''
ledge'Mias llnnlly 'ottinti to tot, iMd tliero
ho Jills all civilized pooplo iu 'til lentfer'
spoti In truth, thtt Auiontillo Vioiv of
what oughi to datoii. mid lrow it should
bo prepardd, ia 'so at1 vilHalibo with what
o' do eat, anil the niAUher of its lneii-
m-ation, that one I led to marvel fhero
is Round digestion nnd an unimpaired'
stomach iu nil civilization. As it mat.
ter of fact, in view of the startling
revelations as to tho deadly charaolcr of
our enstomary' food, it fs to Iw wondered
ot that'wo are not an extinct race Ac
cording to Mr. Williams, of all lh life
shortening, briiln-destroyiug articles
which man is ising, tea in ono of tho
most dangCrilus, destructive aud deadly.
This is tho 'infuslou which Cibber apos
trophizes in fervent words: "Teali thou
soft, thou sago, thou sober, nnd vener
ablo liquid; thou iemnc tpnguo-ritnning,
smilo-smoothing, heat-opcuing, wink-
tipping cordial, to wluwo glorious nisi,
pfdity I owo tho happiest moment of my
lifo, lot me fall prostrato." Nov is Cibber
tho only writer who has invoked
pancgyrio to aid iu expressing
admiration of this "cup whioli
cheers but dot not. iuobiiatqi''
litcraturo is interspersed with laudations
of tho bowl over which fair women
gossip, whoso exit-tcntw is far greater
than tho aiea of ciwhzatton, whose
nspiration' choors thu souls of tho
millions of iChina, and carries warmth
through all portions of tho fiozen
steppes of Siberia nn.l Uussin.
Thoactivo principle of tea is a "crystal-
lino alkaloid, tho Uicinc, a compound
bolouging to tho sumo class as strych
nine, and a number of similai vegetublo
poisons." This is tho character of the
drink which is ser od nt least once a day
on every table in civilization. That
which dolinato women by the million sip
is o deadly alkaloid, of tho Bamo class
as strychnine, a drug so deadly that
the mcro mention of its name scuds a
shudder through tho listener ns would
tho sudden appearance of somo hideous
optilo. "The "essential notion of tea
is to wasto tlio system, or consnmo food
by1 promoting vital action which it does
not support; and wotso than this' is tho
fact that whilo nrsenic, n deadly poison,
will produce tho same effect on tho
human system as tea tliat is, it, like tea,
checks tho wasto of tissue, and lias the
effect to make food appear to go further."
Tho writer takes up tho matter of tea
stimulation, aud shows' that it acts tho
sanio as tobacco, tho betclmit, hashocsh,
in certain quantities, and various other
produces tof exaltation, all of which Mr.
Williams lumps together umler tho head
of " vioo-drngs."
riKK iiisionv of Tin: uiufi.wir.
Of tho measures tnkeu fin' the suppres
sion of .that stupeudoas coullagration,
the great fire of Loudon, tho only
appliance with which v nro concerned
as at all approaching modern gear was a
squirt of threo feet long, capabla of dis
charging half a gallon of water, an
instrument presumably of soma 'service,
since by act of Parliament of 1GU8 ono
was ordered to bo kept in every wnrd,
and for tho working of which tho Alder
man of that ward was made idiroctly
responsible. If he did not Hot it iu
action lumself ho was at any late boiuid
to see it done, nB nowadays tho Sh-riff,
who has always been held responsible! for
tho execution of criminals, must cither
himself disohnrgo1 the last officri of tho
law or provido an efflcieut substitute.
This squirt was tho first step towaiils
11 ro engines iu Luglaud, though for
somo few years thoy had been already
knownin Germany; for in 10)7 Hautfch'.
of Nuromburg, iuvouted a kind ol
sledgo water eisteni, the pumps of
which wero worked by 20 or 30 men, :
machino subsequently improved upol
by tho brothers Vor Hoyden, of
Amsterdam, when in 1073 they lutro.
duced tho flexible hose, the whole the
prototypo of tho manual fire engine still
in uso. Of theso cumbrous German
arraugments tho iiiMiniiioo companies,
dating in this country from 11181, wero
tho first to avail themselves, beginuiug
with tho Hund in Hand m KiU'J, uud iu
1720 including tho Sun, the Union, the
Westminister, the Loudon, and tho
Royal Exchange, all of which by that
timo had men of their own, nml engines
amounting altogether to 30. In the
meantime, by an act of 1707, oich parish
was directed to keep a fire engine, uud
a system of fire rewards was created for
tho first three to arrive on tho spot 30s.
for tho first, 20s. for tho Bocond, 10s. for
tho third, and a sum not exceeding 10s.
for tho first turncock. In 1771, by tho
11 Geo. III. a 78, thoro wero required
to bo in every parish two engines, one
largo aud ono email, a leathern pipe and
fivo ladders, tho whole under the
management of tho beadle ami charity
boys, of whom, whou at work, Goorgo
Crnikshauk has mado a well-known
drawing. How fur thu act was enforced
thoro is nothing to show, for thero is no
record of prosecution, indictment, or
penaltios. Tho attcudalico of the
eugines was not compulsory outsido of
their owu parish, and indeed tho wholo
appears to havo been for many years
practically a dead letter, with tho excep
tion of Hackney, whero u brignde was
maintained by n half penny into at
cost of 500 n year.
EL1SCTKIC1TY AIl'I.Ii:i) TO 111(1 OU.NS.
Tho involution which electricity is
destined to make iu modern warfaro is
as yet only in its infuuoy. The latest
invention oi -ur. .vxuxtm is. However, an
earnest of tlio things that yet shall bo.
The invention is an electrical training
gear, so contrived tliat by tho simple
movement of tho handle the heaviest
gun may bo turned by a tingle- muu, nml
with tho greatest t-oso, iu any direction,
You pull n handle to tho right, and the
breach of tho gun moves to thu right; to
tho left, aud it moves to tho left You
raise tho handle, and tho gun is
dopressod nt tho muzzle ; you depress
tho handle, uud the gnu ia raised. This
training gear was applied a dsy or two
ago to ono of tho 33 ton guns at Garri sou
Point Fort, and the preliminary trial
showed that one man could train tho
gunwitli tho greatest nicety. One may
expect Provideuoo to lw very nmoh on
the sidoof the big. guns wli.m i 33-ton
guu comes to bo aimed ut quickly mov'
ing objects as imily its if it wuvo a pis.
to! or a walking Ma.
1 ' uiWTi ;i1ik iti:rfsr.A. .
To begin ith,tho oarly ilforuiulr, we
wero offeroit tho iwciwtomod .toil and
ooffeo, under tho naiao mf "bhotn
hnxeri'' '.nr,, fctnaH bri'flkfhAt, - Noxl
wo noticed Omt 6ur Juuuhobn whs' iritlis
formed inlo "tiffin' nml illirit as wh sat
in tho cabin silent lliWdiilltuts quattwl
ou tho floor, pulling punkahs to keep u
cool, arid at Ithd' lumo timo1 blduing
awny nil our papers, till' homo kind
Bail6r friends tmpplllnl ns" "with leaden,
weights. Evidently wo Word on ,the
highway to porno strangely nfcw plate
of existence. Tho ship's oolnfiany, (oo,
seemed to colullriso cainplos of nil ,tho
Oriental races, CImiesd quaitentlastcrB,
Malays, Lnscnrs, fplendid Nubian
stokers, British ofllcs'lR. ' There Iwero
Hindus, Mohummi'dAnM; CoilfuoinuB,i
Buddhists, hud Christian; Tlio Cap
tain's servant, who Waited itpon us, ww
Kitmutgnr of tlld trfib stamp tur-
banod, white robdd, barefooted n
Mohammedan of course, clso how could
lie supply us with uenuino roast boof?
Tlio 'fruits; (od, nt delterl, wero nt;w -
bunches of plantains, hko creamy con
fectionery; guavas, liko indifferent'
pears, but hateful trf smfclft pummeWsV
liko hugo oranges uih pink Ul'sh, null'
scarlet pomegmuatoa, , July preiiarod1
with wine and sprinkled with bpSdes.
Tho very rocks Were altogether strange
to us, Wondeiful tloa'iia masses,- like
great heaps of tinder and 'sla' rqitnd
soma antediluvian (auditing- furiiocc,
masses of red and 'green and black lava
cutting sharp against Jiilo yollow earth',
niako theso freaks of nature' as; Btrango
in colori as in form. Olio group" bears
the namo of tho Twclvo'Apostlt-s. Then
comes lMl-ol-aiiMtlol)-tna uato ot
Death of Hell-or of Terrs, ns I hoard
it variously rendered. It' was HUggos-.
tive of all theso as wo first lichcld it,
tending out in'pnrplii relief against tho
ground of fiery' sunrise; whilo eldnds
and sen wero aliko'. sCdntbro nnd solemn.
It' reeeiveil its very snggostivd uiimp
from tho Arabs'of 1 old on account of tho
dangers of its navigation. So numerous
wero tho 'shipwrecks botwecu thosd 'cruel.
gates that when' niiy man started ton f.his
voyngo ho' vras' held to havo indeed
entered tho jaws Of death', anil his
family wailed and put on mourning1 for
him as though ho wero already .dead.
Just Opposite this heartland lies the
small island of Porim, commanding tho
entrance to tho straits. 6n it stands
lichthonso and a small fort,' .both of
cry recent date. Tho story .told oon
corning tho anuexafiu.. pf this island is
paribus. From thq .beginning of timo
nobody, had coye'tcd so arid u roct, till
ono day It occurred to Franco that it
micht nrovo n, useful position. . Soi iu
January, 1857, tho Freuchi brig of war
ISisus, 18 guns, was ilispatcnoit to tako
possession, ani vory naturally sho Adou, whqro her' officers wero
invited to mess, ,in the course off which,
wiuo being in mid wit ouf,,so(far as, to
loosen tongues,, hoyt divnlged' their
mission. No comment; twos made,
bnt Brigadier Coghlau, (afterward Sir
William .Coghlun.) tha commandant,
silently wroto a fow words on a 'slip of
paper, which wasi at once dispatched to
Lieut Temblor, comandiug tho Indian
navy schooner Main, five guns. Not n
moment was lost, and tho Mahi immedi
ately sped on hor way to Perinl, and
thoro'hoisted thd British flag to the no
small amazement' and disgust of tlio
loquacious envoya on their nrnyal
thither tho following day. ''
Thero is a constant controversy going
on as to tho economy, digestibility, und
neccssityof soup at theoonimencement of
i dinner, somo maintaining that n dinner
without it cannot literally bo culled a
dinner; others, projudicod against
slops," discarding it from their tables
altogether; whilo n fuw who would
gladly, perhaps, tako advantage ofi au
oimortumtv to reduce the meat bills.
havo only tho will, being ignorant of tho
way. Tho uvuingo middlo-elas.s wife
and mother may havo sighed over tho
items of ribs aud sirloins of beef, aud
legs aud bhouldcrs of mutton, and naid
to herself, "Ah! wo must tako to hav
ing a little soup." With praiseworthy1
promptitude and zeal she has perchance
opened her cookeryrbook, of the old
extravagant style, and closed it sorrow.
fully, a sadder, if not n wiser woman,
tho brain all dizzy from the long strings
of ingrediouts which bho is commanded
to "throw into stock pot " if shu would
insure success.
Now, with Boup-making, ns with all
else, onco master tho theory and tho
practico is comparatively easy; while
on tho other hand, years of practico
without ft porfect knowledgo of thu why
and wueretoro will nrovo of 'no avail.
Let mo illustrate my' meaning clfcnrly ;
the wonld-bo soup-maker, in scanning
a recipe, discards it as impracticable
beoauso she lacks ono or moro of tho in
gredients mentioned, whilo pho who
grasps the mMui pptramli, owing to hor
theoretical knowledge, at ouco Kiibsti
tutes others, or perhaps dispenses with
tliem altogether. No' doubt iti many
families, tho prcjuilico against ftftip has
arisen from tho fact tha'$ it is usually
prcpami ami served in largo quantities,
instead of, as at tho tables of tho rich, in
small portions, though many of tho kiud
would furnish in themselves n substan
tial moal for a growing child. A well-
kuown authority has said tliat nothing
teims more to restore tho tone of tho
stomach, and make easier of digestion
that which is to follow, than a littlo
Among the colonial possessions, or,
moro correctly, depondouoies of Hol
land, thero is u remark iblo littlo stnio
which, in its constitution and' original
costumo of its inhabitants, surpasses
tlio boluost dreams of thu advocates of
woman's rights. In tho island of Java,
between tho cities of Batuvin nnd
Bamurano, is the kingdom of Bantam,
which, although tributary to Holland
is an independent state Tlio sovereign,
is, indoed, a man, but all tho rest of tho
government belongs to tho fair sox. Tlio
king is entirely dependent upou his
Btato Council. Tho lilirhost authorities.
military commanders and soldiers aro.
without oxcoption, of tlio femalo box.
Tho Amazons ridq in tho masoulino
Btylo, wearing sharp stool points instead
of spurs. They carry n pointed lanco,
which thoy suing vory graoefully, and
also a musket, which is discharged at
full gallop, Tlio capital of this littlo
stato lies in tho most pioturesquo part
of tho iiland, in a fruitful plain, ami is
usienrtea uv two welbkopt fortresses,
Young pooplo who realty lovo tnch
other sea mdro ot tho sentimental then
tho sordid sidffof poverty. A man in n
vagitd way realizes' that 'if he chooses to
marry bri less tdan tt 0ortftin' income bo
niifst Go economical as to luxuries and
cigars ( givo up, If possible, tailors' and
florists' bills, and liVo In a very much
smaller houso'Than .most of his r friends:
but of what discomforts' anil, privations
tho smaller, housp -will entail ho has
generally but littlo jdea, , m Ho will
gayly ileclaru lus perfepf willing
ness to substitute a, oheap ready
money tailor for his aristrooratic.
long-credit, Schiioidci'i and .his .full oo
quiescenoo iu Angy's wearing .calico
drosses instead of tailor-mado dresses
nnd French '.' confections,-" but will not
realize that small means entail thinking
of every item in thu washing bill (a fact
that nt onco puts, thd calico dresses out
of count,) of-ovcry loaf iu tho baker's
nnd evory pcniiy in tho books, and that
tlio tiny house trill ndcosslfiito' instant
and continual admtnintancd with 'every
cooking offortof tlie' cslablisliment, and,
worse than nil that, a '-perpetual con
cloUsnoss' of his children's 'existence,
who, if healthy, will make a playgrptind
of th6 wholo htjuso, laughing, shonting
nnd gcnorally upsetting everything
(especially tcmpor,) Jdrlf sickly, crying
And Irottinir mcesiautlv for want of the
'comforts' Mii .nttonlibli tho iriotlier and
tho ono ' servant will bo utterly unablo to
give' Grim as this p'ic'turo Is," iV is n
true one, as many with far moro than n
thousand dollars a year ,will .tostify.
But if Edwin, must count tlio ,co,st, so,
oo.mustj Angelina. , Hor , sharo. will bo
no light one thqugh perhaps cosier
borne thau his. Sho must learn to
look, into things iu a minute uud search
ing way that her old, easy lifo wilt mako
tlroadful trying j. darning aud plain bow
ing will have, to replace, tho iprotty fancy
work .of pld days; tho , must bear , to seo
her childron go without dozens of .things
sho us a chi)d deemed absolute ncccssi-
tioa (thank, Godl tho children will not
bo tho Svorso, really,) whilo if' sho is
tho loving wife sho should' bo -sho will
bo worriod for her husband, and: last,
bnt not lenstr must mako up her
mind td forego most if not nil, , tho
pleasn'ut society and -variety ' of her
girlish life A woman need 'not bo very
worldly to regret keenly tho los.' of tho
old intellectual' enjoyments Sho prized
so highly.' It 'is not, only' thd gayoty
sho missfer, but thVoxohaugq'of pipught
and tlio' freshening 'arid brightening of
her mind by intci-coursa" with her social
nnd' mental eqtials, 'and, unfortunately,
tho cloyercr ami btighter she is tho
moro sho will' feel tho want, nnd long
(unconsciously perhaps, but nono the
ss surely) for othpr than domestio
thoughts and household worries, and
another kind of literature than thoso
wretched red honsebooks. Tlio, result
of this, it will bo said, is, according to
yon, that no ono should marry on small
means. Not so, altogether. Happiuess
is perfectly compatible with a straight-
cueil incomo, only do not rush into' such
stato without counting tho cost, before
hand, not only for yourself, but for
each other and your children.
a srAitui.T rort oi.ii hath.
i 1
, , i 1 1 " - 1
A 'croup of islands known" as ' tho
Nicobars' ' situated about 150 miles south
of tho Andamans, has bebh, ' but' ' littlo
explored, though Iho manners and
customs of tho inhabitants of ' theso
islands offer very interesting peculiari
ties to tho notico of tho ethnologists.
Ono of tho most noticeablo of these, and
ono which seriously affects tho tra'do' of
the islands', is tlio passion for old hats,
which, without exception, provades tho
whole framowork of society. No ono
is exempt from it louug aud old
chief and subject, aliko ondeiypr to
outvio each othor iu the singularity of
shapo no less than iu the number of old
hats thoy em acquire during thoir life
time On a flnomorning at tho Nioobar's
it is no unusual tiling to see tho surfaco
of tho ocean in tho vicinity of, tho
islands dotted over with canoes, m each
of which tho uoblo savage, with nothing
wliatovcr on but tho conventional slip
of cloth and a tall white hat with u
black baud, may bo watched standing
up and catching fish for his daily meal.
Second-hand hats aro rao3t iu request,
now hats being lookod upon with sus
picion and disfavor. This curious
passion is bo well known tliat tradew
from Calcutta mako annual oxoursious
to tho Nicobars with cargoes of old hats,
which they barter for cocoanuts, tho
only products of theso islands, n good,
tall whito hat, with u black baud, fetch
ing from flfty-fivo to sixty-five good
cocoanuts. Intense oxcitoment por-
vades tho island whilo tho trado is going
on, and fanoy prices nro often' asked
and obtained. When tho hats or cocoa
nuts havo at length como to an end, tho
trader generally lands a eisk or two of
mm, and tho wholo jiopulatiou in their
hats got drunk without intermission
until tho rum also comes to nu eud. It
is curious that in thoso far away legions
so protltablo a market should bo found
for cast-off Bpccimons of ono symbol of
civilization. The samo yearning after
better things in a more advanced stogo
may do observed iu Madagascar, wlicro
no ofllcor ia content if ho cannot dock
himsolf out in tho tnmished plumago of
somo long defunct admiral, genoral, or
Says tho Klcctrlc Mimium ; Prof. Tyn-
dall thus endeavors to explain tho
Immunity obtained against u bocond
attack of a contagious disease : "Olio ot
tho most oxtraordiuary aud iiuaeoouut
ablo experiences iu incdiuiuo was tha
immunity tecurod by a Buiglo attack of
a commuuicablo disease against futuro
attack of tho mum malady. Smallpox,
typhoid or scarlatina, for example was
found -as ft goucral vulo - to onuur ouly
ouco iu u lifotimo of the individual,
tho successful passage through tho
disorder npparontly rendering tho body
invulnerable, Reasoning front analogy,
I havo ventured to axpyess tho opinion
that tho rarity of, beuoud pttauks of com
lnutiioablo diseaso was duo tu tin
removal from tho system, by thu first
parasitjo crop, of boino ingredient
neo3s-s.u'y to the; growth and propagation
of thopauisito,"
It Is only tho woman who la given away
lu marriage. The man gives himself away
, beforo the honeymoon is over,