The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 08, 1885, Image 4

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A Heroic Deed,
A few month) ngo the country was
thrilled with tho account of a girl who at
tho risk of her life, when tho whirling flood
of the swollen rivers was wrssllng great
bridges from their foundations, skipped
nloug tho ties of a western railway, lantern
In hand, and saved ft train from certain at
struotlon. Tho fttnto of Iowa awarded bar
n sultahlo medal for her bravery. In this
Instance It was a child who saved tho lives
of many adults, but as a rule, tho ltfo df
tho child Is In tho hands of older pcrtons.
In November, 1833, a little elght-ycnr.
old son of Punish parents was suffering
with dlpthcrla. Tho attack was not severd,
but ho lid not seem to rally after the throat
appeared perfectly well. Nausea, head
ache and low fever succeeded tho soro
throat, and two or thrco days afterwards
his limbs began to swell mysteriously. The
skin becamo very dry, vomiting was fre
quent, nosebleed was persistent, and
nothing would stay In his stomach. "It
was evident to our minds," says Mrs.
Thomas Schmidt, wlfo of the vice-council
of Denmark, residing at Ncthcrwood, N.
J., "that some mysterious malady was
Working ruin In his system. Our physician
said he had the tcrrlblo brlght's disease.
To our suggestion that a certain prepara
tion bo tried, ho made no objection. W
gavo him six doses a day, two teaspoonfuty
at a dose, In sweetened water. It remain
ed upon his stomach, nnd within a week
thero was marked Improvement. Tho bow
els becamo regular without tho use of
cathartics, and tho nausea diminished j In
thrco weeks tbcro was a subsidence of the
dropsy, and by tho middle of May the limbs
were perfectly normal. He had a good np.
petite, and could take three pints of milk
dally. By tho first of May ho was up, and
though ho had spent six months In bed, ho
did not feel particularly weak. In Juno he
was out, feeling perfectly well, and in July
ho weighed eight pounds moro than ho did
beforo ho was taken sick. To-day there Is
only a slight unfavorable condition in his
Bvstcm, and tho physicians say wo have
every reason to bcllevo the child will be
perfectly well."
-Mrs. Schmidt Is certainly to be conzratu
lated on tho good results which followed
tho use of Warner's safe cure, and she saysi
"We feci bound to make this truly won-
derful result known, nnd are perfectly will-
ing to have this letter published." Gratl.
fylng ns Is tho result wrought, It is by no
means singular, for thousands of children,
who seemed weak and puny, have had
their entire nature changed and their future
ossured by a prompt use of tho same pre
paration. Such disorders are transmitted
by Inheritance, or arise from children's cpl
dcmlo diseases, tho evil effects of which
often provo fatal In later life. Tho secret
of the Ill-health of many children is that
their kidney? and liver aro not performing
their natural work.
It was a bravo feat of tho brave girl who
crossed the swollen stream on the bridge to
savo the lives of the passengers ; but it Is a
bravtr deed, and one worthy of wider rec
ognition which, seeing the perils, awaiting
childhood, freo from prejudice, with
purposo only to savo by any effective
means, preserves to us tho lives of our
Everything witnu.. jiis tho individual
that he is nothing; everything within
persuades him that he is everything.
cutxinu .1 un Mil-
Describing the work on a largo tunnel
in Pennsylvania, a correspondent of the
Philadelphia Timet gives this account oi
the manner in which the work is
pushed :
'"Inside tho tunnel a bustling scene is
presented. Tho racket and rumble of
tho drills, tho hurry nnd Hurry of labor,
tuo shouts of tho engineers giving
instructions to tho men, tho yells of tho
car-drivers to the mules moving
mysteriously with their loads through
tho dark, tho flickering of wandering
lights, tho censclosa drip of water from
tho cold roof abovo and tho possibility
of rocks falling down upon one at any
moment, make up on experience novel.
indcod, to tile uninitiated. One set of
men work from 0 o'clock in tho morning
until 0 in the ovouiug, nnd are then
relieved by another Bot, who work all
night until 0 in tho morning. Not n
moment is lost. Everything is hurriod
forward. Workman havo no chnuco to
dally, for timo is eminently money in
making n tunnel. Men get killed or
laid up, but tho work goes right on.
Large masses of rook sometimes crum
bio from the roof and come crashing
down, somotimos killing a man or two,
sometimes not. Lately, owing to tho
tliawlugof frost-bound rocks and to tho
spring rains, uueideiils of this kind havo
boon unusually frequent.
All tho latest improved machinery is
used. A mammoth steam shovel is
operated in loading trucks with earth
and rocks. This tunnel is to have
double track. No coal or oro of any
kind has yet boen stiuck in tho tunuol,
notwithstanding Tusuaroni Mountain
and tho neighboring mountains were
believed to contain hematite. Tho
rocks cut out of the tunnel are nil of
slato formation, with an occasional
admixture, of limestone nml soapstone.
These rocks nro piled up in vast banks
short distnnco from tho portals of the
tunnel. Tho masses of slato, diversely
tinted, plucod sido by sido, dark blue,
gray, red, brown nnd Huge green, form
to tho cyo n pretty contrast of color.
About COO men lire employed pu this
tunuol nnd about tho sumo number on
each of tho other largo tunnels in tho
neighborhood. Every man wears
rubbor boots for protection against tho
water, which collects On tln floor of tho
tunnel. An average man wears out
fifteen or twonty pairs of boots in a year.
Tho majority of tho men aro newly.
imported Italians mid Hungarians.
Thero tiro some fow Sweden ami
number of negroes nud white Americans
from Virginia nud Maryland. Tno men
of each nationality eiic.imii in th
settlements hero by thomselwu, Most
of tho negroes me accompanied by their
families, but among tliu foruig.iorH Ihoro
aro but few wnmoii and no children,
Thoylivo in very clone iiuiuU'ri, -stuio
times upward of titty of them (iviug
together in one shanty, whtiru they
cook, oat mid (deep in a t.inglo n.inrt-
incnt, without screens or par.iiiuus.
Prof, Tuit has ;sulnuittoil a paper on
" Condensation nnd KuiDortfmi ' to the
ltoynl Bo.'icty, EdinUugh. Hi- po.utt
out that the present inodo ol tieating
liquid in presence of its ynpor m
rigorous, in ns much as tno musiuro
uudoubtodJy different in tho two parts,
whllo in the Hiirfaoo layer between them
there is a complex form of virus i,
attention bo confined to tho isothe
malsof tho interior parts of illiquid, or
of its vapor, tho present method will
apply vigorously. With this provbo
tha iwtlicrinals under tho critical p in
couslsta of two parts separated Uy nu
iim ratot one belonging to the liqu
t n i tin other to tho vapor. This m ()
v, o t a- 'act that Aitkeu liasnlmw t nt
1,. . io I-1. mot bo uoiidcnsud
n II. u u&
Mora than onco M. d'ltcrlsiou look a
Dorsonal part in the negotiations, not
without protit to bis country, in a con-
(crehco of oflloors find plenipotentiaries
Gen. Valdan exnrcssod a hojio that tho
I'nrislans might bo oparc4 tho "iiura
Illation" of having to surrender tho
fortress of .Vlnosnnps. It bad historical
associations. Marshal Moltko ro
marked that they wcro not dnalliiu with
picstlona of sentiment or history.
Iticenncs was surrounded by wood,
and thcrcforo strntegiojlly iudispensn
bio to tho German nrinlt. (Ion. Vuldau
answered that ho did not belie vo tho
position was really of much Imjiorianco,
ho only wanted ami ho bcggckl tho
Marshal's parJoa to proenro soma
scmblanco of patriotic1 satiifu:tlon to
tho Parisians, etc Thd Marshal was
inflexible, nnd Vinoentics was nboutto bo
abandoned, whon M. (l'lleris.'j.u ven
tured to internfta: "Monsieur lo
Marcchnl, I ask your Excellenoy a
thousand pardons, but I belicvo you aro
mistaken." "How bo, Monsieur lo Capi
tnino?" replied Moltko, looking lit him
as if from a dittuuoo. " Why, the fort
ress of Vinceunos is not surrounded
with wood. The forost ii indeed oloso
to it, but you cannot say tints n fort In
tho neighborhood of forest is sur
rounded with wood.1' I' I nlsolieg yonr
pardon, Captain ', the fort is oomplotoly
surrounded with wood. In any caso
o can easily clccido tho mattor." A
nissian ofllcer oagerly liauded tho
Marshal a colorod map, which tho
latter spread on tho table. Suro
enough. Viueeuucs appeared buried ill)
green. "Tho map is wrong," main
tained M. dllensson. "Thero is no
ood on tliat sido. Then, hero, on tho
right, they havo completely forgotten,
to indicate tho aunp of at Maur." Tho
Marslial began to doubt "Let us look
at your map," ho cried, turning snd-,
donly to Ocn. Vnldan. Gen. Vnldan
shrugged his shoulders and looked nt
M. Jnles Favro. Neither of thorn was,
provided with maps. Luckily M-
Herissoii always earned with him tlio
roRulation map which Gen. Schmite
had caused to bo distributed among tho
mcmbors of tho staff; and greatly to
Marshal Moltko's vexation proved that
tho Gorman map was incorrect. Tho
lino which tho French had contended
for was then adopted. And thus was'
tho fortress of Yiueonnoi saved "by
Gen. Valdan" as M.Jules Favro put
in in his dispatches.
Tho situation of tho hotel where I nra
topping is especially charming. It is
built over tho water, so that the soa
actually passes under the rooms. Thero
is a long gloss-enclosed balcony looking
seaward, from whioh one never tiros of
surveying tho blue Mediterranean bo
om! and below. Thero is always
ariety in the movements of the sen.
Now its wash is so geutlo and soothing
that it is tho most offeotive of lullabies
,vhon ono wishes to go to sleep. Again,
thoBea is in an uproar, aud tho spray
leaps up to the very windows. Tho
illusion that wo aro at sea is quite hard
to shako off at timos. The llsh havo
learned to watch for the refuse tliat is
committed to tho 30a from tho hotel
galleries, nnd aro consequently vory
tamo. Portly looking fellows, a foot
two long, come right under tho
balcony aud staro impertinently nt us.
The temptation is Btrong to make them
atone for their great temerity, aud not a
fow of them havo boon hauled up with
rodand lino to tho broad vjrauda. Ono
day somobody got up moro enthusiasm
than usual nud cist a torpedo from tho
balcony into o bchoolof cvtjutsito imv
riuo beauties. A boy sprang in after tho
explosion anil brought three fat fellows
to tha euvfac?. Many others wero
stuuued, but not sufficiently lo koop
them from evading the mv.ui nev. Net)
aro also cast in front of hotel, and
many bushels of ft ill meal uiptured.
What is claimed to bo a genuine por
trait of Cleopatra, niadu to the order
of the Emperor Augustus by 1m
favorite artist Tiuioaiakas, after the
queen hod destroyod herself with tha
asp, is in tho possession of Baron do
Benneval, French nobleman. Cleo.
patra is represented lifo sizo from the
waibt up, wearing thp crown of tho
Ptolomys, jewel iu her ears nud on her
nook, and braeolets on her arms similar
to those found by Schlieniun in tho
tomb of Helen of Troy. A red or pur-
pie mantlo, ktiotted on each shoulder,
covers tho right breast, leaving her left
bieast expohed, nnd abovo this her hand
reals, holding tho fatal serpent. Three
Hinall wounds denote whuro it has bit'
ten, aud it is hown to bo on the point
of biting ngaiu. The pupils of her
eye, so darkly bluo as to bo nearly
black aro so lifted as to bo partially
hidden, aud tho tears are visible on hor
heoks. Her noso is Grecian, her head
small, her figure full. Her mouth is
half open, her tongue pressed ngalnst
her teeth, with an expression in hor
face (full view) of sorrow and pain. Her
blonde hair, looboly knotted, falls over
her bosom, aud is covered, like tho eye
brows, witli golden powilir. Her arms
and hands aro exquisitely shaped. Tho
portrait is excelloully preserved, but it
is not tunny as beautiful as Cleopatra-
greatly Idealized by timo and poetry I
supposed to have be.'ii.
fUltl'UMKS AMD m mmi:tion.
Prof. Mantegazzi found that nearly
all th essences uied iu perfumery, and
many others not appropriated by th
perfumer, wliou exposed to air aud
light, develop ozoue. He says that "th
oxidation of these essences is one, of tho
most convenient means of producing
oiouo, since, even when in evory minute
quantity of oxygen, while their notion
Is vory persistent ; that iu tho greater
number of cases tho essences, iu order
to develop ozone, require tho direct
rays of the sun; iu n small number of
cases they effect tho change with diffus
ed light; in few or none, in darkness,
Evi-a u vessel Unit has been perfumed
with nu t'ssemio and afterwards w.ishel
and dried, still develops ozoue, pruvidsd
a slight odor remains. The most eilou
tivo osseneea nro those of cherry, laurel,
pahiiu roso, cloves, lavender, mint,
juniper, lemons, fennel, and bergamut
tho loss effective nro uuiso, nutoiog,
cajeput, nnd thyme. MMit g.i'.zi ad.U
that "camphor, as nu (izonogeine agent,
is inferior to any of the iiU.ivii-uaiuuJ
cssonces." Those facts should Iu bettor
kuowu than they are. Our ginudmothors
usod perfumes n disinfectants, and
ozone being tho most effective of ox
idizing (i .iifootants, it appears they
were right. In tho Iist, whoro then
is much need for atmospherio purillo.
Hon, tho old faith in perfunios still ro
mains. With us it is now gouorAlly
supposed that such parfumei moroK
hldo the nnlodour and dooeivo us, but
if Mailt "jHuzi and Dr. Anders aro rig I;
hismndv.n nut J m is a fiiliimy
snAKKsrEAinrs in:itoiWi:s.
Thero oro poets and artists wliosij
genius brings forth mouichitdrcii only.
Tho greatest of Shakojpoaro's fellow
dramatists, Bon Johnson, was ou9 ol
those. Ailmirnblo n wore Ills wit, hi
udgmcnt, Jills learning, his fmliric'
power, hi knowledge, of mo, un
rotcrenco for art, his constructive
talent, ho could not fashion a noble. o(
beautiful woman. l!en Johnson wrought
superbly in bronze, nud tan his metal
into carefully constructed molds ; ho
could not work in stioli finer elements'
of air and light a thoso from winch a
Mirandi is framed, and some of those
subtelo elements enter into each of,
Sliake.'oaro'a hcroiuoi. On tho other
hand, a far less robust genius, John
Webster, one of Shakespeare a dra:natid
disciples, delighted iu lnt'i nr so much
as in full-length studies of tragio fotimlo
figures. Thero aro in.leol wonderful
creations in his plays bcu'da thoso
sinister and cynical facas of mo:i appar
ent in tho gloom. But in hi grevtort
dramas all exists for tho Bftko of tho
one woman after whom each dlitiiin is
named-tho Dtiohowof Mnltl, Web j tit's
lady of sorrow, and his Whito Devil.
'ittorift Coroinbon i, on whom, splendid
her crime, ho turns n high ligha
of imagination that dazzles while wo
gazo. Tills was notSti.iUeSpViire'Binetlluil.
In no play of his did we ll ml a woman
as ccntro of tho piece, or conceived at n
dramatic unit. And he.nco indeed it is
almost an error to study the character
of any of Shakespeare's heroines apar,
from the associate with whom she plays
her part Jleatriec is hardly intelligent'
apart from Vcneillct; tliu echoing voioai
of lovo rebound in " Borneo and'
Juliet" inextricably intermingling'
from lover to lover, until death has!
stilled all sound; in thatcircloof traitors
through which Shakospcaro leads us
in his "Inferno," Maclcllt and his .Queen
are miserably united forever uy tllcir
crime and its retribution.
impulsions oi' a .sitictni:.
Not many days ago it student (in
Paris) still in his teens, having lovod too
well, but not wisely, roiolvod, in his
despair, to kill hlmscli. Being of n
literary and rather romantic turn of
mind, tho foolish youth, nfter writing a
letter to his parents, asking their par
don for tho grief ho was about to oauso
them, dotormincd to leave behind him
his " impressions " as tho poison ho had
swallowed took effect Ho absorbed
the poison in an American grog at a
Parisian cafe. Then withdrawing to a
privato room of tho establishment ho
took up a pen to jot down his impress
ions. "I am going to die, ran this
strange document, tho beginning of
which was written in a firm hand
writing, tho concluding sentences boing
almost illegiblo, for tho, writer was in
his death agony. " Am I afraid? No,
want to die, though a bright future
was in store for mo. But I loved. It
is good to love, but it is also fatal."
After these reflections tho unfortuuato
lad began to suffer intolerable agony,
which he depicted iu disjointed phrases.
Tho poison "burnt his throat, his chost,
his heart" Ho could no longer note
down his impressions, Ho had but life
left lo write tho last words, "Au rcvoir,
adieu," and all was over. Two hours
later his bereaved parents claimed the
remains of this poor silly lad, who
sacriflced his life because ins boyish
passions was unrequited by tho object
of it
Prof. Donders, of Utrecht, recently
inado some interesting experiments iu
regard to tho rapidity of thought. By
means of two instruments, which hu
calls tho noematachogrnph aud tho
noernatachomctcr, ho promises some
interesting and important results. For
tho present, ho writes that a xiiigle idoa
requires tho brain to act .007 of a
second for its elaboratiou. Doubtless
tho timo required is not the same for
nil brains, and that, by moans of those
instruments, wo may obtain dellmto
indications rotative to tho mental
calibre of our friends. What in valuable
instruments thoy would bi for nominat
ing caucuses lor omcere, lor trustees oi
colleges, for merchants in want of book
keepers, for manufacturers needing
machiuists--lin short, for all having
appointments ot any kind to make.
For an eyo to receive an impression
requires .077 of a second, and fur the
oar to appreciate n sound, ,14'J of a
socond aro necessary. Tho eye, there
fore, acts with nearly double the rapidity
of tho ear.
Herr Montag, a German ohomist,
gives tile louowing Euupie test lor
ascertaining whother a sainplo of pe
troleum is sullloiently volatile to be
dangerous. Fill a glass three-quarters
full with tho pctroloum to bo tested,
and fill up the glass with boiling water,
at tho same timo holding a flume over
it. If tho vapor disengaged becomes
ignited, tho petroloum bhould not bo
lonsidered a safe liquid to leave ox-
posed to tho air.
Mrs, Filkins sayH that a more ap
propriate name for stag parties would
be stagger parties.
Bays tho Philadelphia Jleeord: Tho
plan of burying tho bodies of animals
who had died of contagious diseases is
declared to bo unsafe, as tho disease
poison works its way through tho soil
and infoots other animal. Following tho
experiments of M. Aimo Girard, it is
proposed to dissolve them in con
centrated sulplmrio acid, whioh, whilo
destroying tho body, effectually destroys
all diseabo germs. Thin euro for dumb
creatures is all very well, but givos riso
to tho question why they should be
bettor guarded ii-punst infection than
human creatures. Ymr after yoar
myriads of the victims of contagion aro
buried in tha earth, nud tho disoaso
poison is left in work its way upward to
myriads of oth ts, wlm In turn tike their
places with tliu re.t. lloi'.uotioally sealod
burial boxes nud private fuuerals or
cromatlon woiill no doubt lessen tho
numbers of this 'ghastly eiiccossiou.
Why should not soma hiiuIi nieastiro bo
enforced 7 It is ouly fa r to give to our
fellow-men tho khiiui attention wo
bestow upon tliu luaitl of tha Held.
Scranttm House.
Viotoi Kooh, Propi'iotoi',
ltoorna ure heated by steam, well ventilated and
e'cgantlrfurulbhed. finest bar and Lunch Coun
ter la the my.
ileal to order at all hours Ladles nnd dents
Itettaumil furnished with all dcucaclesof tho
Location near O. I. W. It. It. Depot, Scranton,
l'u. ilarch i!0-lf '
Woman's Buffering and Relief.
Thoso languid, tiresome sensations, earning- rou
to feel scarccur blo to be oa jour ircu in ii con
stant drain that lj taking from jour ejstcm all Its
former elasticity, Jrlvlng the bloom from your
checks ; that continual strain upon Tour vital
forces, rendering rou Irritable and fretful, can
easily bo rcmotod by the uso of that marTdous
remedy, Hop Bitters. Irrrgulailtles and obstruc
tions of your system, are relieved at once while tho
special cause of periodical pain aro permanently
removed. None receive so much benefit, and none
are so profoundly grateful, and mow sucnan in
terest In recommending nop Hitters ns women.
I was affected with kidney and urinary
"Pnr twelve vrars l"
Alter trying all the doctors nnd patent
merllclnes l conm near oi, i uacu two uoi
.llcs n f Hop
And I am perfectly cured. I keep it
"All the time!" respectfully, H. F.
Booth, Saulsbury, Tenn. May 4,. 1883.
IHUDVOltt), l'A., May B, 1875.
It has cured me of several diseases, such as nor.
vousncss, sickness at the stomach, monthly troub
les, etc. I havo not seen a sick day In a year,
Blnce 1 took Hop Hitters. All my neighbors Use
them. Mrs. Kannis Grern.
ts,OCO iost.
"A tour to Europe that cost me ta.0 0, done me
"less rood than one bottle of Hon Hitters i they
"also cured my wife of fifteen years' nervous
"weakness, sleeplessness and dyspepsia."
1 H. .M., Auburn, N. Y.
So. DLOomxavuxr, o.. May 1, 79.
mux I hare been curferlnir ten vears. and I tried
your Hon Hitters, nnd It dono me more good than
an tuo uociors. miss r. huusb.
We are so thankful to sar that our nurslns
ng baby
wan twrmnnpniiv Mirwt of ft dantrerous and pro
tracted constipation nnd Irregularity of tho bowels
by the use of Hop Hitters by Its mother, which at
tho same time restored her to perfect health and
The Parents, Itochester, N. .
tw-Nono genuine without a buncn of grecn-
liopsoninewniiciaDei. Hoiinan tuo rue, poi
onous stun with "uop" or "Hops" in their name.
To tho usual largo stock of Men's aud
Youths' Clothes at tho Ledger Building
Store we now also carry a full line of
Boys' and Children's Suits all stales,
all grades, lowest prices.
A. C.Yates & Co.
602, 604, 600 CHESTNUT St.,
No othor bl'ootl-purlfyhis mcdlcfno is made,
or ha3 ever biwii pieiurotl, whisH so com
pletely met-ts thH ,iut9 oi bybiclans nud
the goueral public ttj
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
It leads the Hit as a truly f-rtcutlfic prctiarfv-
tlon for all bio.) i .11-. asi'i. If there Is a lurk-
ln-;t le.t of ScrofuH about you.
OUrtUrULH Avrai j, HAnsvi-aiiiLLA win
dlsliHlgo it and -ii 1 It fro-a your system.
For or srrotulous Oatairh,
faTnnii s Suwapuulm Is tho
UAIAIinn am rcme-lv. It hu curo.l
namlicrleas c.n'S. It will jtn;i the niunmua
catarrhal illcharg, mid ruiuive tho sicken
ing odor of tho ti atli, uhlth aro Indications
of scrofulous origin
llinrnniie "Hnlto.Tes.,f
ULuCnUUd "At tliouz) ot tft vears one of
flDCQ ,ny children wn. terribly Mulcted
OUnXO with ulceroua running sorea ou iu
law nud nck. At the same timo its eyea
wero swollen, mnoh lull itni-il, and very soro.
QnnE EVE" riisiulaud told us that upow
OUhx Lltd infuluitcrntlremeillciuumust
be employed. Tliey uu'.led In rucoiiimeudln
Avi:ks UAnsvi'vmi.LA. A lew doson m
Uuced a iierceiitllilo hitmtreineiit, which, by
au atll'erMico to jour d'r-'o'l'juH, was contin
ued loa comptoto and n.rin en'iit curu. No
evidence hs eluce appeure I of the existence
of any scrofulous t-ndencleo and no trrat
ut of any dlsonljr was ever uttbiided by
J jco prompt or effectual remihs.
Vouri truly, ll. 1-', .loaxuix."
I nnrAKUi uv
,ii ' ' .ill !r.i ;,-;it; 51, tlx bottles for S3.
I ntnmUmcTcnS,
Brandos Instruments, Philosophical and
Chemical Apparatus.
List sod Descriptions of our Ten Catslotruss sent
11IKK on apiJiMtton.
924 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA.
1 hSTSS DOiltWeremfldf for thasboTadliaft.i h,,-
ute thaa.sudsof etietofttis wont fclntlsnUof Ions;
.t.Duin,ii.,v.Dcuna. inaenn, .oil rone nmrfalln
la llsslAeser.ltiBt I will undTtfO BOTTLKS FUUB
bi.nfiaff.rtr. llviirBiaan.l 1 ll mAA.
Dll. T. A. eLOt'UU, III ffirlRL., Msw'York.
apr 10-4 w r
mo ADVKItTlSEHS. Lowest Hates for Advertls.
j ing in wei kuwi newspapers sent freo.
IU spruce Ol., 1,
iz!liagsw 11885
htkoSB.WA I tH'fHUUh V.t'l
r rsttle. It alM A SUUITll'l'Tt for 1'I.AHTKU
stllairilieCost. Ouiluu ts bulldloi. CIAIU'ETS
sal UUU (t cf sua,, dosblf u. wtu el u cloUn. Cstslofts
Apr a-;' wd
Ounco of
icss Soap
Gowmifi & Stover,
Huffalo, N. Y.
For sale by all Hi el-claw grocere,
April M.jrr r
Rose Leaf, Fine Cut,
Navy Clippings fe?
and Snuffs fJj8fe'
Galvanized iron water tanks must
not be employed on board of Frouoh
men-of-war. Dr. Vonable, in ft paper
read beforo tho American Chemical
Society, has shown that water jiasscd
through 200 yards of galvanizod iron
pipe took up 4.30 grains of zlno car
bonate per gallon.
The Prussian Diet has been asked for
grants for tho extension and comple
tion of tho network of State railroads to
tho extent of CO, 700, 000 marks. Of this
sum 40,481,000 marks aro roqnircd for
thej construction of 14 now lines of a
total length of !S3" miles, aud tho
bnlanco is needed for tho completion of
existing railroads.
Ono of tho latest specimens of tho
work of the Messrs. Henry of tho Paris
Observatory is a lino photograph of tho
cluster in Perseus, showing stain down
to tho thirteenth magnitude. The
ncgativo was obtained in 00 minutes
with a 0.3-incli object glass of 83-inch
focal length ; it has been enlarged four
times, nnd reproduced by holio en
graving. Balfour Stewart nnd William Lnnt
Carpenter havo made a preliminary
comparison between the dates of oyclo
nio storms in Oreat Britain and those
of magnetic disturbances at tho Kew
Observatory. Finding that in HO cases
compared 23 presented a distinct mag
netic disturliauco preceding tho storm,
for tho most part, by somewhat moro
than a day, tho Investigators conse
quently intended to pursue tho subject
At n meeting of tho Gcograpliical So
ciety of Paris, M. Schnuler read n paper
on tho masses ol snow moved nliotit by
tho wind among the mountains. Thoso
masses nro not moved about by ohanco
thoy obey very simple laws which causo
them .to bo doposited nt spots where tho
wind is diminished in intensity, nnd
gavo them forms which may bo easily
nnalyized if the quality of tho snow,
tho forco and direction of tho wind, and
tho contour of the mountain bo taken
into account.
M. Gaston Trouvo is said to havo
constructed a portablo electric glow
lamp, intended for uso whero thero
is an explosive atmosphere Tho lamp
is intended to bo for service in mines,
celluloso factories, flour mills, spinning
mills, etc. It is automatic in action,
and it is stated to bo very simplo in
construction. Thero aro two varieties
of the lamp mado ; ono of which will
only light itself whon taken up iu tho
hand ; tho other when it is hung up or
put down. The current is producod by
a battery contained iu tho lamp.
Admiral F. S. Trcmlctt writes that on
tho sculptured dolmins of tho Depart
ment of Forbihan, France, about 80
sculptures had been found, invariably
2a L
on tho interior surfaces of the capstones
eir snpports. It is remarkablo
that they aro confined within u distnnco
of about 13 miles, aud aro situated near
tho sea coast, boyond which, nlthougl:
tno megaliths are numerous, thoro is a
complete absence of sculptures. Tho
sculptures vary iu intricacy, from sim
ple wavo line3 nnd cup markings to
some that havo been compared to the
tattooing of tho Now Zealanders.
Mr. Woodall, speaking at tho Wedg
wood Institute, Stoke-on-Trent, l'u,
land, said that there was n levelling
process in many tilings relating to in
uustry going on all over lairope. Tho
long hours of Continental workmen
wero boing reduced, nnd their wages
wero being raised ; their diet was stead
ily becoming moro generous, while tho
cost of animal food had increased in
tho same degree as in Great Uritaiii.
Tho competition of the future would
consequently bo n matter of skill, and
tho race would bo won by tho country
which devoted itself most intelligently
to tho cultivation of its people, and os
pecially of its youth.
Dr. A. T. Ilochebruuo has written an
interesting paper on tho Hot tricerot and
tho method of preventing epizootic peri
pneumonia practiced by tho Moors, and
Fellahs of Senogambia. Tho variety of
domestic ox peculiar to Senegambia
;s characterized by a third horn growing
from tho nasal process and identical in
its constitution and development with
tho two frontnl horns. Its origin
uncertain, but tho variety is thoroughly
established. Epizootio peripneumonia
is very prevalent in the country, and
from time immemorial this animal has
been subjected to preventive innoculation
with tho virus by tho natives.
Prof. Ivison Macadam has completed
a comparison of tho chemical composi
tion of some samples of Scottish ensilage
witli that of forugo grasses. The result
has shown that tho oil or ether extract
and the ath wcro lugher in tho ensilago,
wiiile the albuminous compounds wero
lower. It seemed that during tho pro
cess of converting grass into ensilago
thero was a decomposition of tho
albuminoids, which led to the loss of
feeding power and tho formation of
ummonia. ,,'Iho feeding power of tho
ensilago was impaired nud, according to
Ills calculations, tho flesh-forming power
was only about tlueo-llfths that
meadow hay.
It has been calculated by Sir Henry
ISessenier that tho out-put of coal for
the single year XS81 15 1,000,000 tons-
would Hiihico to build ilfty-flvo great
pyramids, or to rebuild tho great wall
of China and to ndd a quarter to its
length. In 183:1 tho out-put was 103,
600,000 tons, which would form a col
limn a milo square nud nearly 104 feet
high; or would build a wall from Lou
don to r-diuburgh, -100 miles long an
4.1 foet 1) inches high and thick ; or
around tho world, 21,000 miles long nud
5 feet 11 inches high and thick ; or, if
the Straits of Dover aro 21 miles across
and COO foot deop, would make an om
baukmeut across them 23 yards wtdo
while tho total output for the 30 years,
1851-'83, would build a round column
feot i 1 inches, iu diameter, which would
reach 210,000 miles high, the dibtauco of
tho moon.
A million and a ipiurlor of cat
aro usod annually by furriers.
vixuLiAU i;n(jui:ri'a
A reoent traveller in Central Africa
Btatcs that it is not etiquette to cat fish
at Timbuotoo, though tho river
abounds with it. At tho same city th
two rival indigonous systems of African
curroncy ootno into collision Bait and
cowries. To romody tho soaroity of tho
native circulating medium, enormous
importations have beeu mado from tho
Muldivo island) and Zanzibar, The
traveler bought nn ass for twenty-nino
thousand cowries, and, as thoy each had
to be counted, ho needed nil thopationca
Prom tto Tnalanapollt 7Ymf.)
i immune l:
l'HOM Mil. HAllftY W. OLMS1KAH, ritOOK
The following letter Is encouraging and worthy
of carelul perusal, coming, as It does, from so reli
able a source, unsolicited. It contains facts of
great value i
. iKnuNirous; Ind., Oct. it, test.
Dr. Divin KNnr, llomlwit, .v. 1".
1ar Mr i For ten years I liaro .been a sufferer
from disease or the kidneys, at times so much as to
mako Ufa a burden. During this timo ssjveralof
tho best, physicians In Indiana have treated me
with little or no success until I had almost de
spaired of relief. I then tried several advertised
remedies, but nothing produced the desired result
until a friend who had been relieved Induced ino
to give lilt DAVID KUN.NKDVH FAVOIII1 1! HEM-1 I did so. Alter taking one bottle I
began to experience relief. I look another and
was charmed wltli the result. In all, I halo tak
en four bottles and can truly say I leel like a nc
man. I am confident I am entirely cured, ns It
has been neve- at months slncn I trmk tnn lnt tnpiii.
cine, and there Is no Indication of a re urn of the
disease. 1 havo recommended your remedy to
several suffering friends who havo also been re
lieved. I write this to return my sincere thanks
to you for the euro which has been effected In mv
case, nnd also desire to say I think suffering hu-
uiuuu, unrajuimura ui grauiuue loryour won
derful eclcntino discovery. I shall do all that In
me lies lo let all sufferers know where they may
nnd relief, and thereby In some meas iro remuner-
o jo i lor me gou you nave aono me.
Wlshln? vou loner lifo nnd nrntnpiirv. nnd tliinb.
Ing you for i-rolonglng my lire, I nm
Dr. Kennedv. of Hondnnt. V. v.. nsqtirpq thp nuK.
11c, by n reputation hlch ho cannot afford to for
feit or Imperil, that tho "Favorite Heraedy" docs
Invigorate tho blood, cures Liver, Kidney and
madder complaints, ns well ns thoso diseases and
weaknesses peculiar to foaiales. Your druggist
has It ; if not, send ono dollar to Dr. David Kenne
dy, Itondout, M. Y. ,
DM IE. & CD,
Offer to the Trade their Fine llrand of Cigars.
The Landrcs,
Henry Clay,
Samson, and
Finu Fruits and Fine Confeotioiioiy
on hand. J resri every week. ISlooms-
burg, Pn. Feb. L7
under tho Evchaneo Hotel, still tnkea tho lead.
iiuir unraiug , aumti, ujeiuy, suainpooing anu
all work In my line iiroiuptly aud neatly done.
James R.eilly,
Jan 30-tf Proprietor.
Pa'etfy Ssiits for
MaiBisoiiBC Suits for KSoys.
Best woods,
IVcstitest Fits.
The Merchant Tailoring Establishment
Is now
c 1. mmi
bloomsburg; pa.
Gen'l U. S. GRANT,
for MAY. 'JO Onto.
W imnlnri Dsmnrsit, PMMrr. 17 E. 14th St., Ne York
Sold bf all Newsdealers sad rottmsettri.
npr 17.1m r
n. c. sra & BRO.,
Flrat-class work olwajs on hind.
PriM reduced to tuit the times.
Tltit remedy iwtatiu no Injurious drugs.
ELY'S HataddH
Cleanses" t h WMM BPA-o
llen.l Allayf
Inllamni a t i o n
Heals tho Sure?.
U stores the Sen
ses of Taste,
Smell, neariiifr.
A quick Relief.:
A poiitivo Cure,
CltlktM HALM has named an cnvlahlo reputa
tion wherever known, displacing all other prep
arations. It is a cream sutKtnnce. A particle is
applied Into each nostril, causing no pain and
Is asreeablo to use. 1'ilco M cents bymatl, or nt
llrugglsts. Bend lor circular. ELY llltoniKHS,
Druggists, On ego, N.Y. may Mw d
616.0 A YEAR.
Wl XTTl? V Energetic, reliable men
A 1 I 111 1 ). to sell fruit Trees, Grape
Vines, bhrubs. Hoses, Ac. Salary and Lxpenso or
Liberal commissions raid, tlill instructions given,
so inexperienced men can wan learn the business.
Address J. F. LcCIare, liilghton, N. Y.
nprl-tw d
lLatsij Styles,
Replete in
uacBaatniiSjvr3n3xa3CT j
'or tho Celebrated ChlcUering, Ivcrs &
'ond, and Vose& Sou I'lanos. Wnrhl rn
nowned Estey Ore .ns, Violins, Accordeons
find Sheet Music. CelebintcdWhlte, New
Hlgli Arm Davis, New Home, Hoyal St.
John, and Light Hnnnlng Domestic bowing
Muehlnes. Needles, oil and attachments
for all makes of Sewing Jlaclines.
obtained and all patent htiMncss attended to for
modorato fees. ,t
our omce is opposlto the V. a rntrnt ofilce, and
o can obtain Patents In less timo thanihoscre
mote from Washington
wmtnodelo drawing. We ndvlso nstornt.
enlabllity free ol charge, nnd no make no charge
unless patent Is pecurcd.
We refer here, to tho I'ottmnster, tho Sunt, of
Money order Dir., and to officials of the u. 8.
l'ntentomco. For circular, ndilce, terms and
references to nctunl clients In your own Mate or
county, write to
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
opposite Patent omce, Washington, ft. i
Suitiiblc for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
The following shows the llckct Oothlc, one of
the several beautiful styles of Fence rnnnuMiturid
by tho undersigned.
For licaut
cd. Mt un
and Durability they aro unstirpnm
Mt up nyexpenencea na:
hands and warranted
to glvo satisfaction.
Prices rind specimens of other
signs Hcnt to any address
May 4-tf
rAii3aoA vsxmzi table.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Fliiladolphia & Erie R. R. Divis
and Northern Central
April oth, 18M. Trains leave Sun
in efftet
9.40 a. rn., Sea Shoro Express (dally except
bunday), 'or Hnrrlaburi; and Interniedlatebtattons,
nrrUlnK nt l'hlladelphla 3.15 p. in.- New Yorl:
itvop. in. ; lialtlinoix, 5.a) p. in. j Washington,
ti.U0p. in., couneclliiK at l'hlladclphla for all tea
bhore points. Ihroush passenger coach to
l.Uii, in. Day express
dally excci tfcunday),forllarihbun; and Intennc
dlato btatlons, arriving at r h 1 1 a d o 1
0.60 p. iu. ;
Kew ork, u.80 p.
b.DO p. 111.
Washington, S.'.'U p. m,
I'arlor car
thiough to l'lilladulnhla and passenger coache
inrougu lo riimiucipiiui anu iianin ore.
B.'JU p. in. Wllllamspoit Accommodation (daw,
for liarrbburg nud all Intermediate stations, arriv
ing at I'hlladelplita 4 !3 a. in. j .New York 7.0U a. m.
Mt-cplng car uccouimodatlona can bo becurca nt
Han laburg for rhlladeljilila and New York-, on bun
days alhiough sleeping enr will bo inn; on this
train froui wmumsp'i lo l'hlladelplila.rhlladelphta
passengeis can rcmahi In sleeper undisturbed until
7 a. in.
i:m a. m. Erio Mall (dally except Monday,
for IlanlsbutK nnd intermediate stations,
arriving nt Philadelphia 8.S5 a. in. New York,
U.SU a. in. ; Baltimore tuo a. in. ; Washington, u.:5
a. in. 'Ihrough milci.nn sleeping cars mo mnon
this train to Philadelphia, lialilmuro and Washing
ton, aud llirougli pasacnger couclic-H to l'hlladcl
phia and halthnore.
5.20a. m.i:rlo Alatl (dally except Sunday), foi
lhle und all IntermedUto tnttloni and Unnaudal
gua and Intermedial o stations, itochester, Uuffj
lo nnd Magaru Vails, wlthih.ough 1'ullin.m l'al
nco cais uud passenger coaches io Erie and Itoch
ester. U.M-NCWS Express (dally except Sunday) for
Lock Ua en aud intermediate stiiltons. p. m. Niagara Expiess (dally except Sun
day) lor Kane and intermediate stntlons aud Cin
uiidjlgua and principal inictmedljio stations,
lioclicsler, Uuualo and Niagara Falls with
tluough iiassenger coaches to hano and itochester
ui.d I'urlur car io tlllUinsport.
6.35 p. in. l-'ast Lino ally except SundayJIor lte
novo und Intermedial u btuilons, and Klmlm, Wat
Ulns and IntermedUto stations, with through pas
senger coaches io Itcnovo nud watklns.
n. m,-suidiy mall lorltcnovo and Interme
diate stations.
Sunday mall lcaes Philadelphia 4.80 a. m.
Uanhburg i.4U aritvhig at bunbury u so a. m. with
through slccplngcar irom Philadelphia to Wll
ilainsioit. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a.m.
IUrrUburg, 4.10 a. m. dally except Sunday
an U lug ut Sunbury V. W. a. iu.
Niagara Express leaves
Philadelphia, r.40 a. m. ; Ualtluiore ixu a. m. (dally
except bunday arriving at Sunbury, n. m.,
lth tliidugii parlor car Irom Philadelphia
and through passenger coaches Horn 1'hll.idel.
phu and lialthnore.
Fast Line leaves New York 0.00 a. m. : l'hlladcl-
phlj,il.roa. m.; Washlugton, 10.60 a. m. : Haiti
more, 10.4 a. in., (dally except bunday) aiming at
sunbury, 6.3a p.m., with through paescngei
coaches from Philadelphia nnd lialilraoru.
trio jtuu leaves uv iori(n.uup. in. ; l'uiiaaoi.
nhlu. 11.MI n. in. : Wushlncion. lutO n. m. : llaltl-
inore, ll.-.' 1 p. m., (dally exeepi;baiurday) ai riving
ut ouuuurj .13 ll. 111., 11U llllUUU I UIIUIUU
bleeping cars fioin Philadelphia, WaaUhlgton and
lialiliiioio and tlirougli passeiiger coaches f roio
(Dolly except Sunday.)
WUkesbarre .Mall leaves bunbury 10.00 a. m.
nnlving at uiooin Ferry io.t a. m., Wllkes-baira
U.1H p. ui.
Express East leaves Sunbury 5.45 p. in., nrrU lug
at hluom Ferry (i.37 j). m., W ilkes-barre b.ta p. m.
Sunbury .Mall leaves H ilkeobane 10.4-1 a. in. un iv
Ing at illoom Ferry 13.18 p. 111., nuubury p. ir.
Express v est lea es Si llkes bai ro s.45 p. ui.,
ruing at illoom Ferry 4.15 p. in., sunbury 0.10
Ucn. Manager.
J. li. WOOD,
uen. Passenger Agent
a.m. a.m. p.m
5 50 9 40 3 20
5 55 U 41 3 25
0 01 11 60 3 30
0 Oil U 61' 2 38
U 17 10 04 2 40
0 23 10 119 2 51
0 28 10 14 2 511
B 83 10 17 3 00
(I 8.1 10 20 3 03
li 40 10 25 1 W
0 48 1- 2) 3 00
0 50 10 29 3 11
0 65 10 3.1 3 15
7 00 10 87 3 20
7 03 10 41 3 21
7 13 10 48 3 33
7 21 10 IV 3 45
7 47 II 10 3 67
7 5.1 11 10 4 03
8 IX) 11 18 4 10
8 00 11 31 4 16
8 10 11 t? 4 19
8 14 11 40 4 -'4
8 21 11 41! 4 30
8 28 11 63 4 Ui
8 81 11 67 4 43
p.m. p.m. a.m.
u ou 1 no
8 M I L1
8 48 1 in
8 -10 1 II
8 3.1 1 (M
8 S7 U 57
8 ! Pi &)
8 If 13 41
8 ti 111 41
8 08 11 40
8 08 p. 31
8 IM l i 31
7 60 U -0
7 51 IS 110
7 50 13 15
7 41 13 Of
7 10 11 65
7 18 13 43
7 11 11 15
7 05 11 28
G 58 11 33
51 11 18
li 60 11 15
6 43 11 08
0 30 11 01
0 30 10 61I
8 1!5 10 61
0 08 10 33
8 00 10 38
6 65 10 31
5 40 10 10
p m. a.m.
0 V5 ,
0 ill ,
, Lackawanna,.
West Pillstoii,
,,.VJ oinlng.,.,
0 Oil1,
S 59, ,
S M ,
o -IH,
8 41 ,
8 19 Dennett
8 35 Kingston..,,
8 33 ....Klngsto
8 ao Plymouth June
8 25,
8 21
8 1?
8 10
7 68
7 47
7 41
Avonuaie, ,
.. Nautlcoko ..
Ilunlock's tieck
Hick's Fein-
.lirlar Creek.
..Willow Urove..
",'lYloouuffuri; ' '
7 81
7 27
7 2-1
7 IU
7 11
7 03
7 00
0 61 fata w la llrlilm-
8 89 13 IU 4 41
8 63 13 20 3 03
9 O,' 13 28 & 12
9 04 12 33 b 18
0 20 13 60 5 00
a.m. p.m. p.m
u oi , , iiamiuu.
0 29tlchulasky.
0 23 .... Cameron.
S 10 Northumbeiland
Y. F. 1IAL6TEAD, Supt,
Superintendent's onice, Scranton, Feb. 1st, 1808
aaiKcv ok
WILLY li lil'ttl.ll.'b
. Head (Jaurtets for
halls aLd W agon
JioMis' and liluck.
ualtlis1 ru illes.
luael liliuiibender,
bioro aifrocn.s
18 Franklin AM'., also
uareioomsl l 1-runk. ,
hn Ave., and 1(6 Ceu-
may 2d;Jy
rfbl b-?t