The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 08, 1885, Image 1

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    le CJolxtrqlDilti).
Illicit VrclilJr, every I'rlitny Morning, nl
vrtwomiLt.Ana per year. To subscribers out of
tho ooimtjr tho terms urostrlctljrln ndmnce
tWHa paper discontinued except at the outlon
ol the publishers, until nil nrrearng-s are paid, but
lony contlnuoil credits will not bo Jlvcn.
All papers suit out of tho Htatoor to distant tiott
oinuos mint bo ji ild for In advance, unless a resnon.
Ma person In Columbia county assumes to pay
Ilio mhscrlntlon due on demand. 1
HMmTAUHMnnlitn,..,,,..,.,,.., ....
tho county.
oomplelo, and our Job Printing will compaioravnr.
bly with thatot iholaraoclilps. All vrork done oS
short notice, neatly and at moderate .rices.
J" 13, WALLER,
omce over 1st. National Hank. """"""""g- ' 1
Offlco over Jloyer Bros. Drug Store.
Offlceln Urowor's bulldln jf, second Ho.l
utoomsuurg, Pa.
Hloomsburg, l'a
Onico corner of Centre and Main Mracts. Clark 3
Can bo consulted In (lerman.
Uloomsucko, Pa.
Ofllco on First floor, front room of Co i
tjmman HiilMlng, Jluln street, below Ex
change Hotel.
Office In Colcmdun Bcildino, uooni No 1, second
A ttorney s-at-Law.
Ofllco tu 1st National Bank building, second floor,
nrst door to tho 1 ft. Corner of .Main and .Market
Btreeta Uloomsburg, l'a.
tSFPermons anrf BourMes Colltcttd. .
omco In Maize's bulldJjj overBUlmeyer'sgrocery.
omco In Nkws Item building, Slain stieet.
Member of the American Attorneys' Associa
tion. Collections mado In any part of America
Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and 5.
"y. II. R II AWN.
Catawlssa, I'a.
Office, corner ot Third and Main .streets.
Attorncy-ntLavv, Berwick. Pa
Cm bo Consulted in German.
"STOfllcc first door below tlie post ofllcc.
, oftlce lu urovi er's building, 2nd story.Iiboma
B. McKELVY, M. D.,8urgeon ami Ply
ilclan, north side Main stroet.below Mursct
L. "FRITZ, Attorney-at Law. OHice
. , In COLUMBIAN BUlldlng,
U .11
u 'lui; Machines and Mi'.clilLtr) or all klndb rt
ulua. jfbka llctsx Julhlliin, iilocrLtl ui if, i
lit, J C. BUTTER.
Offlee. North Market si run
i;!ooir.tlui. I'u
DR. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and
1'hyMclan. uuico corner ot Hock and Muikct
i root.
Jv EVANd, M. D., Surgt-oii and
Physio 'inorrtto and Kesldencu on Third
lldtyiesof work done In a superior manner, work
warranted as represented Tuhtij litkact
ed without Tain by the use of (lab, and
free of charge wheu artinclal teeth
aru Inserted.
Jfil eo in Coluinlilan building, 2nd lloor.
'Jo be open at all kourt durtni the lu
These old cortokatiovs are well seasoned by
age and hue tested and have never yet had u
loss settled by any court of law. 1 heir assets are
all invested In bOLto bccuitiriES aio mole to the
hazard ot hue only.
Losses fhojiitly and nosesTtv adjusted and
paid as soon as determined by chuistun r.
Thepeoploof Columbia county should patron.
Ue the ngency where losses It any a.a settled and
paid by ono of ther own clllzo ns.
for Infants and Children.
"Cutorla Is eo well adapted to children that
I recomiueu J It a, superior to any prescription
known to mo." It. A, Ancntii, 11. D.,
1U So. Oxford 8t, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Ail ubsoluto euro fur IJlieiinintlsin, Sprains, rain In
tho Hack, Durus, Galls, &c. An Iastautaiicoua Pain
rollovinir and llcallnir Itomcilr.
ote i
Lots of People Say,
iiiniiminfi Hero Is Soldi
from Hnrd Worklnp Men.
Machinist find Iliilltler.
"I havo been troubled years with kidney and
bladder difficulty. After using four bottles of
Must's Kidney and Liver IlEMtnr I havo been
completely cured." Wllllar C Clark, Maon and
llulkler, Anbntn.N.Y.
"Health is bolter than wealth."
Mr. Ocorco Karg, Machinist, 1I3S ItldRoAve.,
rhllauclnhni, Pa., sayn : "Jly tllsease started when
I was qutto a young lad by having weak kidneys.
I havo used Jutt tlxbnttlesof IIust's Kidney and
Micr ItEMtDT, and I solemnly proclaim, 'I feel
like anew man.'"
"Good counsel has no rrlec, obey It."
Mr. Henry Williams, Mechanic, East Bridge
port, Conn., says! "About two months ago I
caught a heavy cold, which settled in my kidneys.
1 got a bottlo of IIust's Kidney and Liver
IIemeut and with tho first dosobegan to getwcll."
"Light suppers makes long lives."
ltnltroad Sinn.
Frank II. Lee, ofllco N. Y. C. & II. It. It. Little
Falls, N.Y..J uno 8, 18S3. says: "My father. Hi
? 'oars old, had severo kidney and bladder disease
or years, urination causing acuto pain. The
weakness was so great he was obliged to wear a
rubber bag. Twcho bottles of Hunt's Kidney
Hemedt completely cured him, and wo consider ft
remarkable. Wo encerf ally recommend it."
"Deeds aro better than words."
Host's Kidney and Liver Hexedt has stood
thotcstof time. Ithasbeen beforotho public for
twenty vers, and has cured every ycarthonsands
of pcopl,, suffering from various diseases of tho
Kidneys and Liver, and kindred disorders, who had
failed to get relief from doctors and who expected
never to bo enred. Thousands of testimonials
from snch persons attest Its value. Send for book.
"Alls wcllthat ends well."
Sold by all druggists. Trice S1.55. 0
HUNT'S 11E1LEDY CO., Frovidence, n. I.
N. CItlTTEXTOX, General Agent, N. T.
Health and Happiness.
4Sfi youi Kidneys disordered?
-.;J- t I'1 uio irom my ki, a.i t
u"er 1 t?'UTn Klrvn VV y 13 Uft ductnn in
uctruit. m. V. Uoeram, Mechanic, Ionia, ilicli.
TM Aro your nerves weak?
rtl ia r Vint ruro-1 lno f mm nrrvons ucaknPM
Ouuawiii, hit, CKrtttun Monitor Clevclantl, O.
Have you Bright's Disease?
ui.incr . .i t vtinti me iicn lit water was lust
vha& aul then like Wo-k."
Frnnlc U llson, reabody, Mass.
Suffering from Diabetes ? i
KIilnr-ortl4tltcinofct wict-wrii) remiHlr I hare
ever u-l. Uhe almost lmpivliate nllef."
Havo you Liver Complaint?
Uldner-Woitrurcil mo chronic IJvcr Diseases
alter 1 nrnjetl to die."
Ilcnry Vard, lato Col. CSth Nat. Guard, N. Y.
Y-i X'our Back lame and aching?
i " jy,.Wopt,U ln.ttle (Uietl mo wben 1 vano
lit iwii inn .u iieu."
C M. TaUmage,MilwauUo,YK
I-.VO you Kidney Disease?
.i y-Aiort tnado inHwuunl tnlirer ami kIdm- v
f ,',a.'1 f tiTwiccj'vHful t! tfinrincr. It) worth
5 Are you Constipated?
t '.MiKj-"ori tnuFc.i ca.r evacuations and "uretl
mo niter 13 jcors i to of other iwdietncn."
j Ni- IsonFoircliUd, tu Albans, Vt.
Have you Malaria?
"KtdafT-.ort hiii dono iMter than any other
r ':.tjy I Imvo ever tjmi! In my practice,"
V. ll. K. Clark, bwutuIIcro.Vt.
. , Aro you Bilious?
i Irer-Wcrtlia donaiue moro cood than any
rivuidy 1 luvo (crtat.en."
31 is. J. T. Oailwway, Hit Flat, Oregon.
'oyoutorn7cnted Vv'ith Piles?
-Kh.oy-Jt'tii t i. i ii i ii 1 1 1 1 ' I jiorf LlccdlDtf
i. lluUt, tii-h Kvil i-u iIyerbiowntra.
'Aro you Rheumatism racked?
3 1- ,.','.1 run n inc. an, r 1 w., pin., up to
' fie . j , ici.i'i'.nt'dl lii,Iruir,rriltliEi-t'tcnr."
J.lwliao MalrclLj, V,.l Butlt, Maine,
Lad; os, nro you suffering?
I ' . .M , .o 6 " d I'M t ( c liir Iriiblea of
. atn.t-' ""Iiiuyf . ,,lii.wnf,l ,.rnL.e
UI moicaudUliaUjlt.
'.'f yoxi Tv'ntiwl B;mish Diseaso
1 i i.a'd g .ij. Ho.;ltli, Tako
1 1 s LKAfr.rif,
Ieu C-3 mo
RH What Is the nso of EulTerinz with Eackache, I
F3 Tain 1 ti ITi niHonfTTIn. RMnHea. Tlheinnatlam. I
jt : rt
Kidney PIscoecb, Crick, Butchco, Bwollen and R
tried Muscles, Chest and Lung troubles, or any I
eort of pain or noreuces, either local or deep
seated when a Hop rioatcr will give instant
relief ? rrcparcd from Eurcundy Pitch, Cona I
da Balaam, and tho painkllUnff virtue of 1
Hops. Tho best itrencthenln plMter ever I
known. Thousands Bay bo. Bold by ou dealers.
Mallod on receipt of price, 25c, D for 1.00,
q A Ii h S M E N M
MWANTlil) to canvofis tor the sale I
ot Nuiscry Mock I Htcady employment '
guarnnteeil. sal.iry and exjieriiea raliL .4rply
lit once, statin? age.
(lieler to tills paper,)
CHASE BROTHERS, Rochester, 17. Y,
Lariro anil convenient saniplo room, iutli rooms
hot ii nil eohl water, uuil all modern conveniences'
Catlorla cures Colle, Conttlpallon,
Pour Stomach, Dlarrha'a, luttallon,
KUU Wormd, glvti sleep, and promotes di
gestion. Without Injurious medication.
1 n atim tu
i ma
Ilio llbblnir Tide. '
l'lowlliff, llonInK, ever (Ion Ins,
Blowly outwanl ebl I lie tldo i
Hero Ilio xlioals nnjniii.ill mid narror,',
There tlicnen rum ileei and wide.
KbhliiR, cbliliiR, ever outward
To Ilio rolling, iMinnlle.s scs,
Wxre on wave In such succeislon
Hcarcely U a vacanry.
"lowlnj, Bowing, In such numbers,
Can there nnyilltfer.iuee bu
In their form, or Im.', or motion,
As the) How to th 1 H'litio t m V
Ay, soino waves rU" from their cjm ndes,
l'lonlniiimniird to the strand ;
Others froth III w.rnitti nil, I uiitftiMi,
Ilrcak In mo.riltu 10 t'.ic tand.
On tho ocean t I'mi' 'er,
Komo will sp ir'..l.' In tin! Iljlit ;
Others dwjll In ,1 pt is ot linr.'or,
In tho sea's!,, rayliss nlulil.
And so pass the ireueralhins,
Moving outward 1 1 tho u:i,
Out on the ebbing tide t lime,
I'lowlng to eternity.
Tho Expiated Crime.
I hail lmil t trying ilnr. Simit'tliing
hail gouo wrong -I Unw not what- in
tho hiiRO warohoujo r.hart' my brother
llob?rt was master mill I was clerk.
Kobert, always ntcra mil imperative,
was, this tiny, in- ; V-ribl.v so. I hail
never seen tho U'mi r which my dying
mother wnnieil ni'i iigniiist irritnting so
bitter anil cuttin . n now. Why win
it? True, I hail won tho lovo which
ho so earnestly oiivcti'il ! but was I to
blamo because Oiive Htoiighton hkeil mo
better than him? 1 was but n poor
clerk, nntl ho u thtiving, prosperous
man, able to givo her a Hpleiulid homo j
but slio eareil mora for tha little cottago
which alone I coulil nflonl to live in,
ami which nlreaily wo were furnishing
for our future resilience.
I hail lotlged with Olive's mother for
five years, anil Ohvo hail ever beeu as
u dear sister to me. When llobort, who
had seen her but a fow timo, but was
struck with her innocent beauty, wanted
to mako her his wife, hho camo weeping
to me. Her motlrr had urged her
earnestly to marry him ; but the could
not lovo ono so cold nud stern Would
I pleaso to go down and talk her mother
into reason ? Would I tell her that it
was not right in tho ight of Heaven to
form such an alliance ?
IScforo this I had folt quite content
that Olive should look upon mo as a
brother. Tho thought that sho had boon
so nearly lost to mo made mo know
that this relationship was not nil I
coveted. I loved her as ono who bhonld
bo my wife; and when I went down to
talk to Mrs. Stoughtou I told her so,
and she, who saw in my futtiro a
counterpart of my brother's succass. was
pcrsuadod that it was best to consult
Olive's own inclinations.
That night tho weeping girl confessed
that sho refused ISobert for my sivko ;
nnd as soon as I was able, by closo
economy, to take a small houso in the
suburbs, I did so. Wo were to bo
marriod in a week. Something had kept
mo from tolling my brother, but I pre
sumed that ho knew it irom another
source. Perhaps I cannot mako anyono
understand how much I stood in fear of
my brother Robert. Ho was seven
years older than myself, had been tho
tyrant of my boyhood, and tho scourgo
of my mother. When .sho died ho was
my guardian ; and although 1 suspected
that ho appropriated the littlo sho left
mo, I dared not nsk him any tpiestions
lest it might irritate hiai. Ou her death
bed my mother had charged me, and I
had promised never to opposo him
always to give way to him. My poor
mother 1 sho would not havo dono so
had sho but known nil. Ho took mo
into his warehouse when I was llfteeu,
and I had been tho slavn of hid will over
since, never daring to cross his path,
until, armed with tho desperate courage
of love, I had rivalled h.m in tho heart
of Olivo fitoughton.
On tho morning of this day I had
caught n malicious gltuni in Robert's
Ho kept mo very lato at tho ofltee that
evening, and heut me nflerwards ou an
unnecessary errand connected with a
bill of oxchange.
When I went to the counting-house
tho next morning, Robert looked up
with tho old grave stare, now so familiar,
and said, " There aro two bills abroad
this morning of tho description of
that which you took away yestcrd ay
one of them is, of course, u forged ono.
Someone hero has done it. Who
imitates my handwriting, wo your
self i"
I was thunderstruck, but I recovered
myself suflicioutly to bay, "How do you
know that it was dono hero ?"
"Becausoour own paper was used
tho blanks which wo had expressly
ougr.ived for our bills. Jo ono has had
access to it but you nnd myself, thero
foro I accuse youl"
"Rut, Robert, you do not beliovo
that I did this ?"
"What clso can I think? Here is tho
bill which I havo had to redeem. Look
nt it."
"Nay, I so, that it strongly resembles
my writing, but it is only a resemblauoo
I nover wrote it Robort, j'ou aro in
jest i you do this to frighten me. Look
at me. Do I look liko a guilty person ?'
Ho colored, bit his lips, and did not
I said, " Brother, soino ona soeins try.
ing to do mo an injury. 1 swear faith
fully that I will ilnd that person out
and expose him, oven if it is years and
years honce. No matter who it is, 1
will do so. I would expose n man who
woulddothatifhovero my own brother.'
Ho started now and looked very
"Edgar," ho said at last, "already tho
poliea nro in pursuit of you to answer to
this forgery. I can assist you to oludo
thcra; but if I do, you must promise
nover to coma back you must promiso
to go alono, and that you will communi
cate with no human being horo after
you havo dopartod. I havo all thiugs
ready, do at onoo, and you nro saved j
stay, and you aro lost I"
"Ely from tho oousocjuenco of a
crimo I never committed? Never! I
will stay, nnd, if possible, prove my
"You canuot," ho suid, ooldly,
"I'erhaps I can discover who has thus
injured me."
Another of those strange looks came
over his face, anil ho unclaimed loudly
and hastily, "Tako your choice, A
residence in prison must have charms
for youl" .
It was a terrible Unittulit indeed, but
i tnistcii in my ion u 'no i am not
bellevo that ltolnrt Would allow lay
name to be thus ii . Alnst ho
hail nhcady permit, ed the polleo to
examine tho dilVeieut handwriting of
tho clerks, nnd mine had been selected
ns the imitation of lint oivu. And they
wero still in the b.uldiug, ready to
pounce upon him who hud forged tho
Robert was pale now. He had not
calculated upon my llriniimsj ho had
dopoudod on my liight. Ho implored
mo now to sceiet mybelf, but 1 was
obstinate. When my voice was raised,
ho entrentod mo to lower it, and pointed
to tho other room, lu my desperation
I How to tho door, opened it, and,
strong in my innocence, 1 said, "1 nm
hero to answer to my good name. My
brother wishes mo to go away, but why
should I? 1 nm innocent., nud will bido
tho result. '
"How is this, Mr. Bernard?" nskod
ono of them. "Did you sock to deprive,
tho law of its just pray? You who
wero so eager just now I '
Robert wiped his eyes. 1 do beliovo
tho men gave him credit for brotherly
affection and sympathy. But ho had
shown it too lute. I was taken away
immediately and put in conlluement.
And Olivo would hear of my tioublo
from Btraugers 1 And how - oh ! how
would she boar it? So near our great
happiness, and now!
Thero was no hope. It was useless
to record my trial. Even Robort, re
pentant as ho must havo been, could
not save mo now. The bill was too
faithful a transcript of my writing. No
other clerk wroto in imitation of Robert's
hand; and my counsel's suggestion that
Mr. Bernard might hao written it him
self was consideied ton monstrous to
havo a moment's sway with the court.
My poor Olive 1 alas! sho had no
ono but myself to ciro for her. But
thero was a deeper grief oven than this.
Tho blow was struck by tho hand of
my bivtteriior I could not ljut doubt
that Robert had dono this. Ho hoped
and believed that the witness of his
guilt would pass unsuspected; but in
case it should not, tho responsibility
must not in nny enso fall upon him.
I was in prisun live years. Threo
of these 01io isited mo often. Tho
fourth, sho w as wearing away to another
laud j nnd, before its close, sho died.
What caied 1 then to live? I would
not havo raised my hand for n releaso
from prison. Another year went ou, I
nover heard from Robert, not even
when my Olive died. It would injure
his respectability to show any sympathy
with a forger.
Well, the day of releaso rum-. I was
indifferent to its approach. I even
lingered after I was told that I was free
to go. At length I walked out oneo
moro into a world which had taught mo
such bitter lessons. J hurried out of
town, and sought my old home-tho
homo which had been shrined in my
heart ns a picture for live long dreary
years. I throw myself upon my Olive's
grave. I know where to ilntl it, for sho
had selected tho spot years before.
Even this sceno did not melt my
heart. I was hard and cold still. Olivo
sweet lifo had been sacrilleod ; and mine
oh, what a bitter, bitter offering had
been mado of miue to him who had
mado it bo dark!
With this thought came ono of deep,
fierco revengo. .What light had he,
wero ho twico my brother, to throw this
shadow and darkness over mo? Had
my mother known how ho would repay
my devotion to her wishes, would sho
liavo counselled mo to keep back his
dark deeds, and saerilieo myself and my
family to him ?
I do not know how I reached tho
suburban town where Robort had always
resided sinco ho left my mother's roof.
Ho was a bachelor, living alone, except
for an aged woman who took caro of his
household matters. To this day I never
knew what streets I passed through to
his dwelling ; but I know that 1 was
llllcd with a llerco ungoverned revenge.
I found myself in tho dusk of tho
evening opposite his house. A dim
light burned in one room where tho
window was slightly raised. I deter
mined to go m, and charge him with
tho forgery ; nud I had somo unformed
idea about denouncing him to tho lifo
ho had cursed mo with so long; or
worse still tho dreadful thought of
killing him on tho spot.
Lot rao hero acknowledge nil my guilt.
I did think of this. How madly I strode
across tho street and entered tho houso 1
, 1 went directly to his room. Uu a
couch, pale, haggard, and emaciated,
lay tlio wrecic o: my lirotlier, ouco a
noblo-looking, handsome man. Ho was
prayiug when I pushed open tho door,
but his voico was weak and low j still I
caught enough to know that ho was
asking forgiveness for tho injury ho
had dono to me. Over his couch hung
my mother's picture. A sad, sweet look
such as had haunted mo llvo years in
prison pervaded tho face; and Roliert's
had softcnod down from its proud, hard
expression into a resemblance of hers.
That look arrested my up-lifted hand
which I had raised to strike him, so wild
and terrible wero tho feelings I hold
towards ono who had thus poisoned my
wholo lifo. But when 1 saw that look,
so liko my dyiug mother's, I felt suro
that ho was dyiug too. It softened,
disarmed me.
A moment nfter ho discoveied mo. I
cannot doscribe his ory j it was liko
nothing oarthly. As ho reached out
his thin, emaciated arms towards mo
nil my anger melted, i saw, not tho
villain who had thin wrought the evil of
my lifo, but tho wretch wio was weariug
out his own in sorrow for the past. All
my mother's toiHiings oecurod to me
as if spoken by Imr living lips.
All that ho had tlouti had been for tho
hopo of whining Oliw St iughton's lovo.
He did not pivvi up the hopo until ho
heard of her death, mid knew that she
diod of griot lor ine. Oh, tho shamo,
tho ugouy, which his confession em
bodied! Sickness had shovu all his
guilt in its true light, and for many
weeks his gicat and only desire had
beeu to sco me nud to bo forgiven. It
had wrought upir.i his feo'j'o nerves to
that oxtont that ho had tliat very day
docidod to give himself up to justice,
weak nud dying as he win j but tho
deadly languor tht crept ovur him
mado it impossible. He had writtcu
his confession, an I begud mo to havo
it published. lie d.ed that night.
Could it wipe out t uno dreary prison
years? Could It restore my Olivo? Alas!
no, hotter that our lmmo should pass
aray from tho momory of tjioso who
ivr.uvv un ot......
And so, with n miniature taken from
my mother's portrait, I camo away
under an nssumed mime, I entered in
to aotivo, stirring, out-door lifo iu my
now abode. Robert's property was now
mine ; but I preferred to work, sinco
labor alono could drive away tho
phantoms that troubled my life. Ono
phantom, howovor, dear ami beloved,
has never left me. It is that of tho
risen ongel that would have so blessed
my lot who still bloiscs it, although
unseen by mortal eyos.
Serpo Pinto, the celebrated African
travollcr who started for Central Africa
last fall from Mozambique, cinie near
starving to doath not long after ho
began his march. Ho and his comrade,
Lieut. Cardoso, were stricken with
fever iundistrictwhero fanihio prevailed.
Thoy could buy littlo food, nud being
to ill to bo removed, their party wero
soon reduced to noro straits. The
Ooveruor of Mozambique heard of eithr
distress, and sent a relief party, who
roniained with them until the explorers
wero able to push on to ample food
supplies beyond tho famine district.
Pinto is leading into inner Afriita ono
of tho best equipped pnitios that havo
over left tho coast.
iiu.ii ui'
Chalcas died of laughter at the
thought of his having outlived the timo
predicted for his death. A fellow in
rags told him that ho would nover
drink tho wiuo of tho grape i growing
in his vineyard; anil added: "If my
words do not como true you can claim
mo ns your slave. " When the vino was
made Chalcas held a feast and sent for
tho follow to como and seo how his
predictions had failed. When he ap
peared tho soothsayer laughed so im
moderately at the would-be prophet
that it killed him. Crassus died from
laughter on seeing nn ass cat thistlos.
Margutte, tho giant in the Morganto
Maggioro, died of laughter ou seeing a
monkey pull ou his boots. Zouxis, tho
Grecian painter, died at the sight of a
hag ho had just depicted. A peculiar
death was that of l'iacut, who dropped
dead in tho net of paying a bill. Thero
aro mauy men to-day, however, who
would probably dio of surpriso if thoy
found themselves doing tho satno
Tho valor with which the women of
Saragossa aided in tho defense of their
city against tho French, still lives in
tho hearts of Spaniards, Two thousand
wives and maidens of Madrid hnvo
shown what great thing3 can yet bo
accomplished by tho women of Castile,
in holding n tobacco factory against the
armed forces of tho town military and
civil to say nothing of tho minor feats
of insulting tho Governor and smashing
tho furniture nnd machinery of tho
factory. Tho cause of this outbreak
was tho introduction of machinery into
tho factory. Tho womon employed thero
knowing the exellenco of their own
handiwork, resented this attempt to
lower tho quality of the cigar.
If I have not n very intimato ac
quamtanca with cholera, I cannot say
the samo of yellow fever, for of this last
I have witnessod tho ravages in differ
ent parts of the world ; I havo nlso felt
its grip. It is n quostion not yet, as I
think, decided, whether jellow fever
is conveyed by infection or not. Certain
it is that somo persons beliovo it to bo
bo; and 1 lemcmbcr a diabolical at
tempt to iutroduco it into a healthy
region by means of infected clothing.
It happened at Bermuda during tho
period when North nnd South wero
flying at each other's throats iu tho
American Statos, and when, by reason
of tho blockade-running, a good many
Southerners wero collected in tho Ber
muda group. There had been u bad
outbreak of yellow fever while tho war
was being waged ; and before tho dis
easo had quito subsided, a discovery
was mado of a box, tho passigoof which
had beeu provided for to tho Northern
States so that it might nrrivo iu the
hottest part of Summ'r. It was found
to contain tho bedclothes nnd body
linen (as was evident from tin condition
of tho articles) of porsom who had
been afllicted with tho epidemic. Tho
intention, no doubt, was to introduce
and spread tho pestilence in tho North
ern towns and districts. I quito for-get
how the attempt was lirst brought to
light ; but very littlo doubt was at tho
timo entertained that it was delibera tely
planned, and was to have boon mer
cilessly carried out. It is a not uncom
mon belief that the free use of intoxicat
ing liquors, so common iu warm cli
mates, renders ono very snsceptiblo of
tho fever, and takes largely from tho
chances of recovery if tho diseaso bo
once induced. In its general, unmodi
fied form this belief is certainly incor
rect ; conditionally, it is probably truo.
As facts in support of my assertions I
ndduco : Eirst, that iu the visitation at
Bermuda several uion known to bo
steady nnd hard drinkers enjoyed com
plete immunity from tho attacks of
fever j second, that in the samo epi
demio occasional inebriates men who
every now and then went iu for n "burst
up "and then returned to steady habits
for a while-hardly ever escaped, and
hardly over recovered. Thu habitual
topers not only did not tako tha fever,
but they seemed to havo au imtiuctivo
knowledge that thoy wero quito safe
from it. Not ono of them evinced tho
least apprehension when every one else
was panic-stricken ; not ouo of thorn
condescended to make tho slightest
alteration in his copious and flory
potations. Thoy fearlessly performed
for the siok and dead oflicers which
sober men wero not very eager about
undertaking, and they Boemed rather
proud that a timo had arrived when
they becaruo of some importance, for
ordinarily they wero reputed and treat
ed as besotted, useless rascals. It is an
unplea9aut truth for tho blno ribbans,
but it seems to bo tho truth novertho
less, that tu keep well saturated with
aloohol is a safeguard agatust yellow
1885.'.Ntio.v or iivnitoriiontA.
Recent outbreaks of hydroplnbia
dilcot ntteution to this terrible com
plaint, for whiah nt tho present time
there is" no certain remedy. Apian for
tho prevention or at least mitigation ol
tho disense, was introduced and put
into practice some t weuty years ago by
M. Bourrel, of Paris, and this plan haf
slneo liecn favorably reported upon bt
Mr. Doming, tho eminent president ol
tho Royal College of Veterinary Stir
Tjeons, in his work ou "Rabies an.
Hydrophobia." Boutrel's method, which
has been successfully practised, con
sists of blunting tho caiiino teeth nud
incisors of young dogs. Tho oimrntiou
renders it impossible for a dog to .inflict
wounds on men or nnimal which might
lend to inoculation with tin- virus ot
rabies. Tho treatment imposes no
restraint upon tho niiimu!. "Bourrel's
proposal," said Mr. Vleming, "has never
been carried into geneial praction as far
ns I know, but it will be seen that it
is by no means tiliro Rumble; and in
countries where dogs nro particularly
susceptible to nibio, or during an
epizooty of tho dio s it might, and
indeed must, pi ova i-f the greatest
utility. Even in ordiinuy c.n uu niiees,
with vicious dogs, it would bn met
injudicious not to roiort to it to prevent
thoir doing mischief."
Bourrel's experiments in this direction
commenced in 1W2, and were conducted
on thirty dogs. Whtu the perm nent
teeth aro well grown ho stated that tho
dog may be so disarmed. Tim opoiution
occupies nbout eight minutes. Tl.cro is
no subsequent derangement of hoalth,
nud tho ereaturo rnts ns well as beforo.
Tho teeth are no moro exposed to caries
than they wero previously ; tho lips con
ceal them, except in nggression or
defence), nud tho beauty of tho dog if
not impaired. "In general," says M.
Bourrel, "it is n sharp pinching pro
duced by tho front teeth that causes
inoculation ; tho skin is tern, or tho
bito draws blood. By blunting, sixteen
obtuse surfaces are substituted for six
teen1 sharp points. Sporting dogs, in
tho habit of tearing tho game, havo been
prevented from doing so by this
measure, while tho furious di.p sit ion
of somo dogs, which render them
dangerous to every one, was softened,
and brutes which would have to bo des
troyed wero consequently allow oil to
livo. Terriers havo not ceased to kill
rats after this blunting ; they havo only
lost thoir power to lull oats, which is a
happy result. Tho same operation dis
arms thoso bull dogs that certain indi
viduals havo tho discreditable passion
of exciting to light ; pet dogs havo been
operated upon willmut nny inconven
ience." Granting that in rare cases Bpoiting
dogs would bo deteriorated by this pro
cess of reducing their fangs, or oven that
exception should be mado in their favor,
thero can bo no doubt that, wero tho
system applied to pet dogs, mongrels,
and other curs of liko degree, who aro
after all tho most fruitful causes of
hydrophobia, tho number of victims to
that tcrriblo disease would be reduced.
Apart from tho absolute danger arising
from a dog's bite, the tens.) of nervous
appro heusion and suffering to the vic
tim is a serious evil.
Tin: i'ui:-(iL.vt:i.ii. .man.
Was ho black? That wo don't eer
taiuly know, but all au.ilogy would lead
ouo to answer positively, yes. White
men seem, on tho whole, to be a very
recent and novel improvement ou tho
original evolutionary pattern. At any
rate ho was distinctly hairy, liko tho
Aiuos, or aborigiues of Jnpm, in our
own day, of whom Mis.-. Isabella Bird has
drawn so startling and ion il a pict
ure. Several of the pre-glacmls ketches'
show us lank and gawky savages with
tho .body covered with long .scratches
answering exactly to tlio scratc ids which
represent tho hanging hair of the mam
moth, and suggesting that man then
btill retained his old original hairy
coveriug. Tho new skulls and other
fragments of skeletons now pre orvod
to us also indicate that our old master
and his contemporaries much lesenibled
in shape and build the Autr..liau black
fellows, though thoir foreheads wero
lower and moro leoediug, .vhilo their
front teeth still projected in hugh fangs,
faintly recalling tho immense canities
of tlio male gorilla. Quito ujuir. from
nny theoretical consi ler.itions us to our
probablo descent (or went) from Dr.
Darwin's hypothetical "hairy arboreal
quadrumanous ancestor," whose ex-
istance may or may not bo really true,
there can be no doubt that the actual
historical remains set before us pre
glacial man us evidently approaching iu
boveral important respects the higher
l.AXll IX (111 HAT llltlTAlN.
Tho totld 111-tML llf flc'ilt ltvitnin
blightly exceeds 50,7,10,000 acres; but
tho total cultivated lu-cn is u littlo under
1)2,000,000 acres. Tho cultivated area,
tliereforo, is roughly four-bovenths of, or
a littlo more than nno.lmlf. (In, Intul
area. In England tho proportion of
cuitiviueu area to tlio total is about threo
to four; iu Wales it is somovvhat over ono
to two -, but in Scotland it is only ono to
lour. Whilo tho total urea of Scotland is
slinoat 19,500,000 acres, the cultivated
reaisjust J.bT.'.OOO acres. Three-quarters
of nil Scotland therefoio urn wiro
i' "lountuin and lieith
1'I.OItIDA SAirillAXS.
Somo interesting discoveries havo
been mado in Florida by Prof. Lawrenco
Johnson, of tho United Statos Geolo
gical Survey. Just bouth of Alachua
county lino ho found soveral specimens
nud sko'etons of animals which relatively
belong to a not far distant period. In
piles, nud somewhat mixed, thero wero
the remains of a mastodon, two or threo
specimens of tho rhinoceros, a largd
stag. n camel, fully as largo ns tho
Arabian camel, but in stnicturo moro
a'Ucd to tho llama ; nlso a tnpir, very
uiucii uko tlio bouth Aiuorican taiiir.
which lives iu bwampy places ; two teeth
of somo carnivorous nnimul allied to tile
tiger nnd panther ; ono sot of tooth nud
bouos of a hippo-Hitumus ; boveral
crocodiles or nlligatori", urn hummer
able pther bones not idnntiltod, An.
patently, tho territory wuilh uf Al u-hua
was nt some timo a luvi;.- i'io.,h-water
Tho name factory a I applied to theso
trading establishment in West Africa,
is rather a misnomer, nnd suggests to
tho English mind n hideous brick
building of soveral stories, with prob
ably threo or four tall chimneys belch
ing forth volumes of block smoko..
Nothing could lie more unliko tho
rcolity. Tho West African fnotory con
sists usually of a one-storied house, sur
roundod by n veranda or piazza, and
standing in the midst of an liiclonura
Nothing is manufactured in theso
places j and thoy are, when all is said,
shops, in which cotton prints, rum, gin,
powder, beads, nnd cheap muskets nro
bartered for uativo pro luce, and somo
times Bold. Tho traders, however,
speak of themselves as merchants, and
though they will sell overythitig down
to a penny worth of r'tiu, would con
sider themselves grcafly insulted if
called shopkeepers. Tho ground floor
ot tho building contains tho shop and
stock in trade, tho agent nnd his clerks
livo above, and tho casks of palm oil and
bags of palm kernels are stored up in
sheds in tho yard ready for shipment.
Thero is no busy hum ot workpeople.
Perhaps a nntivo will arrive at tho
factory with a canoe full of kegs of palm
oil. He saunters up to the house, has
rum lavished upon him to croato a
generous spirit, mid after a time, for ho
does nothing in a hurry, he mentions
that he has got eo much oil to disposq
of provided that ho can et iu exchange
so many cutlasses, so much jwwder, nnd
no on. Then a couple of Kroomcn lazily
roll tho kegs up from tho beach, gango
them, cxamino tho quality of tho oil,
and in tho course of au hour or so re
port progress to their employer, the
ngeut After this a littlo haggling, such
as tho climate has left tho trader dufll
cicnt energy to indulge in, takes place,
with tho result that the native hands
over his oil at a nominal price per
gallon which is nlxmt half what it is
really worth, and gets paid in goods
which aro rated and exchanged at nbout
200 per cent, above their value, so that
in ono woy or another tho trader makes
rather a good thing otit of it.
ci'STi'ifs coNi'i:ii:it.VTr. ikikm).
Tho Seventh Cavalry wero sent to guard
tho engineers of tho Northern Pacillo
whilo they surveyed tho route to tho
Y'ellowstono. The party of citizens
joined tho command a fow days out from
Fort Rico. Gen. Custer wrote me that
ho was lying on tho buffalo robo in his
tent, rostiug after tho march, when ho
hoard a voico outside nsking the senti
nel "which was Gen. Custer's tent,"
Tlio General called out: "Halloo, old
fellow 1 I haven't heard that voico iu 13
years, but I know it Como in and wel
come 1" Gen. Rosser walked in, and
such a reunion as was had! These two
had been classmates and warm friends
nt West Point, and ported with sorrow
when Gen. Rosser went into tho South
ern army. Afterward they had fought
each other iu the Shenandoah Valley
timo and timo again. Both of them lay
on the robo for hours tnlkiug over the
campaign iu Virginia in tho varying
fortunes of war sometimes ono had got
possession of the wagon train belonging
to tho other. I know of several occasions
when thoy had captured each other's
headquarters wagon, with their privuto
luggago. If ono drovo the other back
in retreat, beforo ho went into camp he
wroto a uoto addressing tho other as
"Dear friend," nnd saying, " You mny
havo mado me tako u fow steps this way
to-day, but I'll bo oven with yon to-mor-row.
Pleaso accept my good wishes nud
this littlo gift." Theso notes and pres
ents wero left at tho house of somo
Southern woman ns they retreated out
of tho village. Once Gen. Custer took
nil of his friend's luggago and found in
it n now uniform coat of Confederate
gray. Ho wroto a humorous letter that
night thanking Gen. Rosser for setting
him up in so ninny new things, but
audaciously asking him if ho "would
direct his tuilor to mako tho coat tails of
his next uniform u littlo shorter," us
there was a difference iu tho height of
tho two mon. Gen. Custer captured
his herd of cattlo at ouo time, but ho
was so hotly pursued by Gen. Rosser
that ho had dismounted, cut a whip,
and drovo thorn himself until they wero
tool hTi:i:i..
Tho old-fabhionetl method of testing
tool-steel is as good a- practical method
ns that of a careful analysis.
It is simply the heating und drawing
under tho hammer to a slender point,
plunging whilo red hot iu cold water,
nnd, when chilled, striking it with a
hnmraor ncross tho edge of tho nuvil. If
the steel will harden, it will break,
under theso conditions, without bending
back nnd forth. Steel that will not
harden under theso conditions is not tit
to temper, and will not retain a cutting
edge. Steel that is so "high" that it
cannot bo heated led -hot and chilled in
water without Hying may do for some
purposes, and retain a sufficiently rigid
edge by air-hardening. If a piooe of
steel can be forged into a cold chisel, be
hardened, tempered, and used, such
steel is good steel, and may bo roliod
upon for all ordinary shop-purposos.
A word about sedatives, or Rleentnir,
draughts. It is imnossibln In tmnnl.- ln
strongly against tho habitunl uso ol
tueso. iney snoulil nover bo taken with
out a doctor's ordois. Chloral, thonol
not producing tho ill effects which follow
opium, is iloprcssuig. Ono or two tea
spoonfuls of tlio syrup is tho dose for
an auuit, "Uliloral tlrinkiug ' is a fear,
ful ovil, against which none can keep too
sedulous a iruard. Of brmiiil rf
potassium, live to twenty grains is tho
ordinary adult dose. It is a powerful
sedativo to tho nervous systom, but
should nover bo used as a habit, for,
bosido other evils, it leads to nn eruption
ol tho skin. Laudanum Is tho prepara
tion ol opium most employed by tho
nublio. Childn
tivo to it. Ono drop of lnuiliinum has
Killed nn infant. It should uover bo
taken without a doctor's nroscrinllon
Dover's powder, a ten-groin dose for an
auuit, is usoful iu chocking a cold
Every ten grains ol this powder cou
tains ono grain of opium. Therefore
it should Ik usod with great caution
Wo warn mothers against all maimers,
ol syrups lor thoir lubios, unless bucj,
In tu 3m en It.
one Inch tto UM I'M ioo Hon
Twolnche SCO 4110 6 00 8 00 UtlU
rhrec Inches.,.,, 4 ru ooo Ton nm iniO
Fourlncliex.ii.i. fw Ton no moo woo
Quarter column., eoo sno 1000 istn ssoo
ilmrrnlumn .10 00 14 00 1 70O S800 W)(0
onecolumn so oo tsoo, sow woo luooo
Yearly advertisements payable qoamrly. lrn
ilent advertisement must b raid lor be f ore Idfci l
M except wbcro parties hate accounts.
Legal advertisements two dollars per It ch ftr
Ihw, Inoprtlnna. And At that rfttfl for addltlODSl
insertions without reference to length.
three dollars. Must bo paid for when nserted.
Transient or Local notices, ten eents a line ,re
lar advertisements half rates,
Cards In the 'Business Directory" column, one
dollar a year for each lino.
ficncrnl Crntit'M Cnnc.
"sosiiionb has iiu'Niii'imn 1" oak it dk
Tho New York Herald sayi t "If Gen.
''ernl Grant should recover from a disease
"which should prove not to havo been
"what It has been described, then his mcd
"lcnl attendants will bo expected to
"explain tho reasons for ono of the most
"remarkable Instances of discrepancy ever
"recounted In tho history ot medical pract.
The other day au eminent young physl
clan In the last stapes of consumption, un
nblo longer to talk, called for pen nnd
paper a-i d Indistinctly wroto this advlco to
his physicians: ".Make dylnj? comfortable."
The utter failure rightly to diagnose nnd
properly to treat General Grant's disorder
was a serious blunder, emphasizing what
has eo often been said, that professional
rcatmcnt, hclng purely experimental, U
just ns likely to bo wrong as right.
Had tho general on ulcer on his arm the
physicians would have treated It scientific
ally, very scientifically. He might have
recovered or thoy might have cut his
arm off. Some dear old soul of a grand
mother, however, might havo treated tho
sore by somo "old woman's remedy" and
healed It, but there would have been no
"professional science" In such a proceed
ing, as her remedy would not be one re
cocnlzcd by the code!
The general's physicians excuse- them
selves, we arc told, because tho condition
of tho throat was hidden from sight.
Thero are thousands of cases where disease
is hidden from sight, whero the symptoms
nra very obscuro and conflicting. Tho
physicians will treat evcrydayls symptoms
but they do not cure, and finally the pa
tient dies. Then they discover they havo
made a mistake! A horrible mistake!
The other day a prominet merchant In a
neighboring city was found dead In bed.
A post mortem examination revealed the
fact that one of his other vital organs was en.
tlrely decayed, and yet his physicians had
been treating him for heart disease!
Some one has blundered.
For weeks the American public have
been waiting the unwclcomo tidings of
General Grant's death. To-day, the gen
eral is up nnd nround und riding out.
People get well often In splto of what
their doctors say and do. Why? By will
power? No. By faith? No.
They live because outside the medical
profession and medical pretense thcreare
effective remedial agencies In nature
which, though unrecognized" by the code,
have supreme power over disease, nnd In
thousands ot ca9es win triumphs where
the so cnlled scientific treatment utterly
A prominent cx-cahlnct officer Is to-day
on the very edgo of tlio grave, suffering
from an extreme disorder of tho liver. His
doctors know they cannot cure him. They
simply aro making dying comfortable.
The agony of death In many cases Is
rend by surrounding friends In screams of
pain, in convulsions of nerve, In spasms of
torture the fixed eye, the chilly breath,
the dreadful coughing, the bloody sweat
the supreme inflictions of pitiless disease
upon a helpless body, indicate the limi
tations of professional skill."
Sevcn.tenths of tho deaths of this coun
try every year are from hepatic nnd renal
disorders, over which physicians have so
little power. They will give this, that and
the other thing to make dying comfortable,
hut they know they cannot cure and yet
they will not permit the use of remedies
"unauthorized" by their code, whether
they uro allopathic or homeopathic If tho
system, as is common at this time of tho
year has no tone, and one has tired and de
pressed feelings, the doctor will tell you
that the blood needs purifying, but he will
not tell you, what ho knows to bo true,
that the blood is impure becnuso the liver
and kidneys aro not performing their
blood-purifying functions.
Tiio failure of the physicians in General
Grant's case ought to havo an eye-opening
effect upon tho public. It ought to sco tho
futility of trusting entirely In a profession
whose practice Is so largely experimental.
The test of merit Is success and when any
agency has won a rccoid proved by the tes
timony of prominent men nnd women m
all ranks of society, It stands to reason that
such a preparation Is worthy of universal
confidence. Who lias not heard of it ?
Who has not used ll ? Who can gainsay
the statement that it has wrought grcnter
benefit for mankind than anything ever
discovered Inside the rauks ot the medical
profession ? And yet many physicians
who are hound hand and foot to their code
will not allow nor will they prescribe tho
use of Warner's safe cure. Nevertheless,"
spite of their siualbmlnded bigotry, It mul-
tlplles Instances of Its singular merit by
thousands every day, rests satisfied with
tho record It has won, and challenges com
parlson with tho record of tho most reputa
ble physiclau.
It Is a terrible thing to loso our friends.
especially it wo find out afterward that they
might have been saved.
We aro glad General Grant is ceUlnir
well. He deserves to llvo and In living ho
will emphasize the fact that physicians do
not havo a monopoly over disease; that
"scientific medicine," so called Is not In-
fallible, that all remedial agencies wero not
born with doctors and will not die with
" It will hardly be credited by thoso
who have uover visited u hill country in
tho tropios," writoi a reoout traveller,
"that soon nfter sunrise tho noiso of
awakening liootlos nud treo-loviug
insects is so great us to drown the
bellowing ol a bull, or tho roar ot a
tiger a lew paces oil". T1i-j sjund rosem.
bles most nearly tho uvstullia whirr ot a
hundred Lowell looms. Ouo beotlo iu
partioular, kuown to tho natives (ot
Pcnang)in tho 'trumpeter,' busies him
self nil day long in producing a boom
ing noiso with his wings. I havo cau
tiously npproached a tree on which I
know n numlier ot those trumpeter
beetles to havo bottled, when suddenly
the sound stopped, tho alarm was sprend
Irom treo to tree, and thero was n lull in
the torest music, which only recom
menced when I had returned to the
beaten track."
Iu nature tho valuablo aud the beauti
ful usually go haud-in-haud j nnd if wo
do not always trace their union, it is
because our limited experience lias not
yet tathomod all her bcorcU.
If a woman wero to clutngo her tez,
sho would becomo a hea-theu.
aro ordered, by the doctor,