The PrcMldcttt'n Hlatcr. MISS CI.SVKLAKD OS THE ItOSTMJM BOMI Tiiononta scanr.sTtD nx ma tsotCRK, ' In June, 1833, iMIss Elli&bclh ClcTclnnd present mistress of tlio Wlilto House, de livered nn address before llio Elmlr, N. Y, Icinnlo College, which tlio Presbyterian Emngtlitt pronounced "great," n deserved 'compliment to nn excellent woman, It was entltltled "Altruistic Faith," and for her Illustration she took Chcdldja, Drat wlfo of Mohammed, who was rich nnd much older than ho was when she married htm. When nslicd In later years why ho did not put her nwny and tako a younger wife, he re piled that ho loved her best because sho bo llcved In him when all men despised htm, Chedldja's faith mado Mohammed. There Is faith In God, faith In self, nnd In humanity. Tlio first produces the oth era. Faith In humanity believes that ltfc Is worth living nud worth saving. You will havo much huoger and thirst, will cravo affection when tho bloom of youth Is sup- pianieu oy mo ashen Hue of agu j will cry aloud for help In Infirmities, must needs come, because those on whom women rely, though themselves powerless to relieve them of their Intolerable aches, pains, pros tratlons, sleepless nights of agony, and days of distress, because of tho narrow ncss of their! codo and the Bclflshncss ot their purpose, restrain them from resort. ing to those agencies which may lift women to n piano' or greater uscfulnes, and to a no bier life. Many a woman lacks the faith of Chpdld' Ja. If they had faith In their own reserve of physlcnl power, confidence In the per sonal experience of others would follow and Instead of a raco of suffering mortals slaves to the prejudices of those whose- only Interest In them Is bounded by their professional fees, wo should see nobility of station reinforced by nobility of mind, ana robustness of life. The power to rid themselves of the aches, pains ana tho desperate despair which af. illct tlicm, 'Is In women, and ought to come out. You all havo a countless amount of testimony.' 8omo one will say to you "Qo on and you will conquer." "How?" Do as your sisters have dono ! Have faith In their Indisputablo cxpcrlcn- ces. Wo want more life nnd fuller, and need all tho help wc can get. Man would fail were It not for tho Chcdldjas. There is much In good digestion to keep a woman sweet and lovable. There Is more In thor ough notion of the great blood purifying organs tho liver nnd kidneys, for if they arc deranged women can not have the phy. sical comfort so craved and prayed for. To secure this, tho help they need, the help that thousands havo nlready used and to which they say they owo all they possesses Warner's Safe Cure. Mrs. Maria 0. Tread. well, Stamford, Conn., (President of the State Woman's Christian Temperance Union) a well known leader, says 'it is the only thing which seemed to reach my case.' Theso unprejudiced thousands havo bless ed tho world because they havo becomo Chedidjas, who have felt it their duty to declare their own faith and to Inspire their sisters with confidence in tho extraordinary up-bulldlng energy of this wonderful dis covery. Miss Cleveland has evidently an original and fertile mind, and we are indebted to her interesting lecture, a few thoughts from whlcti we nave copied, for a text out of which tho above suggestions havo grown. JEFFERSON AS A KATU1IAMST. Scon after Mr. Jefferson completed the "NotesonVirginia"liewas sent abroad on diplomatio service. Tho years that ho spent as American Minister at the French Court were busy years in many ways, but his official duties wero of such character that ho had mora time than ever before for tho proscution of scien tific study and investigation. Ho was now introduced into a society whero the work of a scientist was looked upon with a much warmer sympathy than was common in America, and ho lost no opportunity of making tho personal acquaintance of tho ablest mon in tho various branches in which he was interested. Among them was Buffon. Tho presentation ofacopy of tho "Notes on Virginia " had failed to convince him that animals do not degenerate in America. In fact, Jefferson found very general disposition in Paris circles to look contemptuously on everything1 in tho Now World except political free uom ; tho Abbe Raynal went oven so far as to assert that the Caucasian had deteriorated in mind and body when transplanted to American soil. How wittily Dr. Franklin answered this charge, at ono of his dinner parties at Passy, is known to every reader of Franklin's or Jefferson's biographies. That such opinions of American animal life should still bo held, Mr. JofTorson's lovo of seentiflo truth, and perhaps even more, his lovo of country, would not permit. Step3 wero nt oneo taken to secure a practical illustration of tho falsity of tho French view. Ho wrote to several friends in different parts of America moro especially President Sullivan, of New Haiupshiro -requesting them to send him tho bones and skin of tho largest mooso obtainable, tho horns of tho caribou, oik, deur, spike- horned buck, and other largo animals which by their sizo might givo ocular proof of tlio point ho wished to estab lish After many vicissitudes tho moose reached Pans in snfoty, but Was accom- panicd by such a bill of expense as made Jefferson think, for a moment, that scientific controversy was indeed a very costly recreation. However, ho felt limply repaid when Tliiffon, after on examination of tho specimens and con Biderntion of other demonstrated facts, receded from his former position and said to Mr. Jefferson, in his stately way ; "I should havo consulted you, sir, be fore publishing my 'Natural History,' and then I should havo been suro of my facts." In u similar way ho obtained and added to tlio Royal Cabinet of Natural History many othor American specimons with which ho had found tho men of scionco unacquainted. ANTIQUITY OF OLASS. Tlio oldost specimen of puro glass bearing anything liko a date is a little molded lion's head, bearing tho name of na Egyptian King of the eleventh dynasty, in tho Blade collection at tho British Museum. That is to say, at the period which may bo moderately placed at moro than 2,000 years II. C, glass was not only mado, but mado with a skill which shows that tho art was nothing new oven nt that timo. Bo courteous with all, but intimate with few : nnd lot those fow bo well tried bofoiuyou glvo them your oonfl ilence. opeaKing lately iu fuvor of cremation in infectious cases, Sir Hponeer WelU mentioned that nu epidemic- of scarlet fever had been caused in a country town by tho opening of the graves ot persona who died witti the diseoso thirty years previously, tho germs of infection having retained their vitality for nearly a third of a century. TniJ AFRICAN INt.ANIl SUA, A party of French engineers and hydrographers has left for Tunis, charged with making tho necessary studios on tho spot for tho construction of the harbor in tlio Hay of Katies, nt tho mouth of tho Ouod Mnlhvh, In connection with tho canal which is to establish navigable communication between tho Mediterranean nnd tho Chotts. It will bo remembered that, in tho early spring of 183 M. do Lesseps mado a trip to thoso great marsh lakes in Southern Tunis, which It is tho in tcntion to convert into n vast inland sea, with tho view of testing tho results of tho Into Col. Koudairo's survey, and that ho has came back convinced that tho sclicmo was praoticablo. Tho ox podition which has now started will also mako investigations as to tho feasibility of sinking, artesian wolls along tho route, and a survey for a railway which it might horoafter bo thought necessary to construct Tho hoad of tho expedition is Commandant Landas, profossor of topography at tho school of Saint Cyr. Ho is accompanied by M. Baronnet, who assisted Col. Boudairo in making tlio preliminary survoys, and sovcral others enginoors. It may bo odvisablo to recall to mind tho ohiol features of tho roport on tho undertaking which M. do Losseps pub lishod after his return from Tunis in 1833. It states that the ostuary of tho Oucd Mollah, which is to bo tho begin ning of tho canal leading to tho Chotts to bo inundant, offors a part, covorod at high wntor, of sufficient breadth winch might easily bo excavated, and would form a port sheltered by naturo from all tho winds from northwest to such passing by tho west. Tho winds from northeast to south passing by tho cast would not bo dangerous to tho breakwaters. Tho roads in front of tho entranco aro, moreover, in oxuotly tho somo situation as thoso of Qabcs. Tho navigation in the canal, according tho report, would offer no difficulty, as tho canal would form almost a straight lino. Tho calcareous rocks found by CoL Houdairo's soundings in 1870 at tho baso of tho Oabos bar, but of com parativeiy unimportant extent, aro an advantago rather than an inconvonionco at tho mouth of tho canal. Thoy will furnish tho requisite material for tho construction of tho pier and port build ings. M. de Lcsseps thinks that, con sidering tho naturo of tho soil traversed, it will bo sufficient to cut, in tho alluvial part a canal, on tho averago 80 to 100 feet wide, which will bo further widened by tho action of tho current This cutting could be executed in the maxi mum period of five years, at nn estimated cost of 0,000,000. Tho proposed in land sea would bo fifteen times as largo as the lako of Geneva. It has on elevation much lower tliau the level of tho Mediterranean, the depression being in some places as low as 105 feet below the level. HOW TO INSULT AN ITALIAN. Among tho Italians spitting is a mark of supremo contempt Historians claim that Komulus was not so much angerod by the fact that Itcmus leaped over tho wall ho had built around Komo, as ho was to see his younger brothor expector ate upon tho stones of that fragilo structure. The writer, a few years ago, was present at tho rehersal of a spoctac- ular play, in Niblo's Garden, whero two Italian ballet girls engaged in a bitter quarrel ovor their respeotivo tcrpsichorean merits Finally tlio smaller and moro irate of tho two ladies spat on the floor iu front of her tall and stately rival, and rubbed it indignantly into tho boards with her tiny foot In on instant tlio great beauty's eyes lit up with a murderous fury, and sho had drawn a dagger on tho littlo woman, when a dozen spectators interfered and probably prevented u tragedy. In speaking of tho matter afterward tho stage manager said : "Theso Italian girls regard that as a supremo insult It signifies tho height contempt and can only be washed out in blood. It is a peculiarity of tho nation. If you want to test tho matter buy a pint of peanuts from that Italian vender on tho corner, munch ono of them, spit it out with disgust upon tho pavement and rub it in at his feet You had better have u policeman besido you, though, when you try tho experiment" AN EAST INDIAN'S HDD. The bed of a dweller in East India is spread upon tho floor, and for a pillow is, used a sort of blanket, whioh is utilized at tho same timo for containing tho valuables of tho houso. Tho cover ing for the sleeper is made of cotton, woven by hand. Thoro aro no chairs, and the occupants sit on tho floor with crossed legs, or in a reclining posture, with one leg over the other. Thero aro no musical instrumeust, no notes, no sot music. Tlio East Indians lio down without undressing, and on rising, roll np tho bed nnd stow it away. Their principal food is rice, which thoso who aro at the tablo eat with the same spoon. Thero are no puddings, no desserts, and whoever is the last to riso from tlio tablo is compelled to wosh tho dishes. Woman has scarcely any place in society, litcraturo or art Man is tho master, nnd rules. Tho language is simplo, consists of twenty-livo letters for an alphabet, and can be learnod in a year and n half by one associating with tho ttAnnlA Woman's Suffering and Belief. Thoso languid, tlrfsome sensations, causing- you to feel scarcely ble to be oa your feet, th t con stant drain that Is taking from your system all Us former elasticity, irtrlng tlio bloom from your cneeKs ; mat continual strain upon your vital forces, rendering you Irritable and fretful, can easily bo removed by the u&o of that marvelous remedy, Hop Bitters. Irregularities and obstruc tlors of your system are relieved at once while the special cause of periodical pain are permanently removed. None receive so much bencnt, and none are bo profoundly grateful, andBhow suchau In- terest in recommending Hop nitters as women. A POSTAL CARD STOUT. I was affected with kidney and urinary l IUIIUIU "For twelve years 1" After trvlngall the doctors und palcut medicines 1 could hear of, I used two hot- net oi nop "Hitters j" And 1 am perfectly cured. I keep It "All tho time 1" respectfully, II, F. nooui, oauisuury, Tenn. Jluy 4, WSJ. IlRi'irosn. Pa.. May 8. ibis. Vht.i cured me of several diseases, such as ner. vousness, sickness at the stomach, monthly troub les, etc. I have not seen a sick day In a year, lncel toot Hop nitters. All my neighbors use tnero, Mrs. Faxnu a mas. 14,0(0 ijst. "A tour to Europe that cost mo $3,0 0, done me less good than one bottle of Hop miters t they aiso cureu my wife ot fifteen years' nervous "niruiurss, tuvcpiesunebs aou dyspepsia." It. M., Auburn, N. Y. 8o. BLOOMIMlviu.B, O., May 1, 79. Bibs I have been suffering ten years, and I tried your Hop Hitters, and It done me more good than all the doctors. Miss 8, H. iiooni. HIT IAVXD. We aro so thankful to say that our nursing baby was permanently cured of a ilanwmiKi m,3 n. tracted constipation and Irregularity of the bowels by the use ot flop Hitters by Its mother, which at he same time restored her to iw-rfwi. tienith strength. i ne t-arents, iiocnester, N. V. tKOnU genuine Without A hunch n ff,Hn. Hods on the white labeL hhnn all tin. vii mi. sobous stuff with Hop" or "Hops'1 la their name. THE COLUMBIAN AND SHERIFF'S SALES- Hy virtue of sundry writs Issued out of the Court ot Common l'leas of Columbia county and to mo directed will bo cxpos-d to I'ubllo Sato at tho Court Homo In Illooinsburg, on MONDAY, MAY 4, 188c at 9 o'clock p. m., the folkmlnj described real cs tate, to wit t All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land sltunto la tho township ot Madison, on tho waters or nttio rishlngcreck, a branch thereof called lll.ick ltun, bounded And described as follows I no- gin lng at a post on a line ot John Hllhlmo and corner ot land of Amos llcllcr, thenco by land of said Holler cast flfty perches to a post And corner of land ot Valentino Iildleman, thence by land of slid Iildleman north ono hundred and sixty perch es to a post, t henco by land ot said Iildleman n est fifty perches to a post on a lino ot land of William Itabb, thence by Und of WHUan ltabb and John Dllhlme south ono hundrtd nnd sixty perches to tho placo of beginning containing flfty acres ot land, strict measure, whereon nro erected a two story framo dwelling Itouso, frame barn nnd other out buldlngs. Seized, taken Into execution nt tho suit ot Jlatll. oa amis vs. Eiias nognr nnd to no sold as the prop, erty ot Ellas llogar. Xxv. Fa. Miller, Atty. ALSO All that certain piece, parcel or lot ot ground, situate In oreennood township, Columbia county and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt t On tho north bypublloroad loading from Itohrsburg to Orangcvllle, on tho west by lands f John Ituone, on tho south by lot of Jnseph W'ntts, and on tho east by thepubllo road aforesaid, containing threo-fourths ot an aero more or less, whereon aro erected a one nnd one-half story framo dwelling houso, a stable and 01 her out buildings. Seized, taken into execution nt tho suit ot Abrini Crawford vs. Andrew J. Crawford nnd to be sold a tho property of Andrew J. Crawford. Fl. Fa. Miller, att'y. ALSO All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land Bltuate In Madison township, Columbia coun ty and Stato of l'ennsylvanla, bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wlt: Adjoining land of Itobert Itobblns, Daniel Phelps, Franklin ltunynn, Deborah Murphy, Allen and Lloyd Philips, John M. Mordcn, John Hlllngcr, William Cox, Nicholas Deaglo and others, containing two hundred and thirty three acres and four perches neat measure, whereon nro erected a two-story framo dwelling house, barn And other out buildings. Seized, taken Into cxcutlon nt tuesult of Martin Keileynowtousoof William J. Mccormick and Frank C. Angle vs. Moyer N. Meyers, nnd to bo sold as tho property of .Me, cr N. Meyers. Fl. Fa. Angle, att'y. ALSO All that certain tract or plcco ot land sltuato In line township, Columbia county, nnd Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and descrlb d ns follows, to-wlt : On tho north by lands ot Joseph and William 1'urscll, on the east by lands ot William Pursell, John Johnson and Ira rursell, on 'ho south by lands of c. W. Eves and on tho west by lands ot A. J. Fine nnd Margaret Warner, contain. lng ono hundred and sixty acres moro or less, whereon s erected a dwelling house, barn and other out buildings. Sclz:d, taken Into execution nt tho BUit of A. r. Heller, administrator ot Benjamin Eves, deceased. vs. Joseph Colo, nnd to bo sold ns the property of Joseph Cole. Vend. Ex. Ikeler, att'y. ALSO All that certain lot or parcel of land situate In the township of Jackson In the county of Colum bia and state of Pennsylvania, bounded anddc. scribed as follows, to-wlt : Beginning nt a Hem lock corner ot land ot John Mcllcnry and Uriah Chamberlain, thence by land of said John McIIen- ry south "IV degrees east OOtf perches to a stone; thence by land ot Elizabeth Hodge south 5 de grees west 33 And six-tenth perches to a stone, thence by land of Daniel W. Stevens south 81J d grees west S3 and nine-tenth perches to a stone; thenco by amo south nu degre-s west -13 nnd one-half perches to astono In tho public road leading from the Jackson Church to tho Union Church, thence by the same along said road north 80)f degrees east 21 nnd seven-tenth perches to a stone In said road ; thence by tho same along a p ibllc road south 8 degrees west 70 nnd nlnc- tenth perches to a stone In the road ; thence by thepubllo road leading from Kohrsburg to the Jackson Church by land of Abraham Hldley south ffllf degrees west 13 and four-tenth perches to a stone In the road ; thenco by land of Theodore W. Smith north s degrees and 2J minutes castes perch-stoa chestnut stump, thence by land of said Chamberlln north decrees east 83 perches to tho plaeo ot beginning containing 85 acres and 117 perehc3 strict measure, whereon aro erected a two story frame dwelling house, barn and other out buildings. seized, taken Into execution at tho suit of S. II. Anewalt Co., assignee of William Belles vs. Sam. uel Belles, nud to be sold as the property ot Sam uel Uelles. Fl. Fa. Herring, Att'y. JOHN MOUHEV, apr 10-ts Sheriff. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notlco is herebv trlven to all leeatees. creditors. and other persons Interested In mo estates of the lespeuuvu ueueuems n- u ininurs. iiiai inu ioi low lns' adinlulst atlon nnd guardian accounts have been nied In tho ortleo of tno lieglster ot col. umbla county, nnd will bo presented for continua tion and allowance in the orphans' Court to bo held in inoomsburg, on .Monday, May 4th, 1835, hi a u ciuck p. iu. un sam uay ; No. 1. First and final Account ot Isaao F. Saul Admlnlnlstrator, &c. of ltobcrt Johnson, late or No. S. Tho second and final account of Miles W Moss, executor, &c. oi Dyer c. Moss, late of Benton luwubuip, ueceuseu, No. 3. The nrst and final account of K. 1L Lit tle, t xecutor, eta, ot James Itoat, lato of Hemlock No. 4. The first and final account of II. V. Oir- rett. administrator, etc. of Elizabeth Wenner. late No. 5. First and final account of William Thnm as, acting ad ntnlstrator, etc., of Charles '1 ho mas, No. 6. First and final account of Theodora V. Smith, administrator, etc ot Theodore W. Furvcr, No 7. First and final account of Aaron Mastel. ler. cuardlan of Alary Jane Bowman now Mary Jane -loan, minor child ot Henry Bowman, late of jiiuu luwusuip, ueceu uu. No. a The first and final account of William P. Leldyand E. H. Leldy, ndml Utratora, etc. ot Isaac Leldy, late ot Hemlock township, deceased. No. 0. The nccount of wilson D. Melllck surviv ing administrator, etc. ot Peter Melllck, lato of scott township, deceased. No. 10. Tho first and Darllal account of Clinton EMU administrator, etc. of Charles llajes, late oi uatawlss township, deceased. No. 11 First nnd final account of Holo-non II. Bredbeuncr. executor, etc of Nathan Bredbenner. Sr., late of Beaver township, deceased. No. 12. The first and final npcntinr.nfIa.iHli II. If .l-Onl.,.,.1. n r.r LI. .1 buch, late 01 centre township, deceased. No. 13. First and final account nf neo. w. Rim. plee, guardian of Ida M. Pegg, minor child of Win. -eg, mm oi .-uauison lownsnip, deceased. No. 11. Second nnd final account nr .tnpnh Itauch administrator, eta, of l"etcr Helnbacb, late i jiuuiour luwusnup, oeceasca. Na 15. Tneflritnnd nnrtlil nwnnnf. nf .Trtlin .T Woolt administrator, etc. of Jame? Mcunlmn l-,m of Mt. I leasant township, deceased. No. 10. The first and nartlai neentint nf re ward M. Ivev and Ann Ivpv. ndmlnUtrntnru m. of Wm. Ivey, late of Hemlock, deceased. NO. 17. Tho final account of nportrd u- rnrroii executor, etc, ot Esther Evans, late of Scott town bhlp, deceased. No. IB. The first and final ncenimt nr .rni,n a FUOStOn. Trustee. etC . Of Kllntierh U'nnnnr ln, of centre township, decoased. ' No. IU.-TI10 first and Ileal account or iivi i nn. ger, cxeutor, eic, of Samuel Hlmby, lato of Mad Ison township, deceiso-1. No so. 1 ho first an 1 partial account of Stephen l-olio and Phlilp L. Miller, administrator, etc., of Levi Miller, latoof Centre t wnahip, deceased. NO. 21 The account Of Wllllnm llnrf TviietM etc, o( William ebb, lato ot the town of Blooms burg, deceased. No. ai. The first and nartlal account, nf i.t7ji s rfntkwu. unu aiuiuccai w jacsson, executor, eta, ot Clarence u. Jackson. late ot the Borough of Berwick, deceased. No. 33. The first anil nnrtlfil iiepminl nf i ti Herring, administrator, etc.. or J. n. Muter imi of Fl.hingcreek township, deceased. No. SI. The first and account, nf .Tnhn R Wetllver. administrator, etc. nf inrvf ii'mmi,- late of Montour township, deceased. No. 5. Hie first and flnal account of JohnE. .ir.u.ui, uutuim-uruiur, ei'-., or avan weiuver, lato of Montour township, dereased. No. S6.-The first and partial account of Samuel Nci hard, admlnlstrato , etc, ot Thomas Crevcl. ng jr., iato ot ocoit township, deceased. Na 27. The first and final neeniint nf T- Tl ltunert. iruanll n ot Kin Ira Huntlnc-ton. inn v.. ml a (lelger. minor child of John Utlzer, late of juumuur lownsnip, aeceaseu. No. 23. The flrht and final account of v. 11 Vetter, executor, etc, ot Mary A. uearhart, late of Mala towuship, deceased. No. 89. Tho second and nan lal nrcnnnl nf it. ryJ. Miller, Lloj d Miller, and Win. Krlckbaum, administrators, of Benjamin Miller, lato of Cata- U. W. hTlfKKl(. llcctster Recorder. jOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual treetlnir of the stockholders nf thn North West Branch Hallway Company U called for Tuesday. Anrllas la-ii nt ii o'clock a. in . nt W3 South Fourth Mreet, Philadelphia. Election for President and Directors samn day and placo. AI.IIMtT 1IKWSON Apriisw necreiary WANTFD IMMFDIATELY ! A FEW f.0011 MEN to canvass for the sale of rult nnd Ornamental 'I rees, bhrulis. Vines, Kuscs, :e. No Lxnerlenre lleuulrud. Liberal wat-es. Address 11. J. BOWIJKN i: CO., Brighton, N. V. apr 17-4tv DEMOCRAT, BLOftMSBURG, COLUMBIA COtTNTYrPA. IN ADDITION To the tisunl largo Flock of Mui's nnd Youths' Clothes at tlio Ledger Uiillding store wo now nlo carry n full line of 13o-s nnd Children's Suits till st,lc, all gradec, lowest prices. )C( A. C Yates & Co. 002, G01, GOO CHESTNUT St., 3 0 riillnilelnliln. FROM THE PRESIDENT OF BAYLOR UNIVERSITY. " Independence, Tcxat, Sept. 20, 182. Gentlemen, Ayer's Hair Vigor 1U- hecti used In my household for tbrco rfiniis: tst. To prevent falling out of the hair. 2d. To prevent too rapid change of color. 3d. Asa dressing. 1 1 has given enllio satisfaction In every Instance. Yours rcspoctfully, Wm. Caiikv Chane." ATfiK'S IIA1U VICOK Is entirely free from uncleanly, dangerous, or Injurious sub ances. H prevents tho hair from turning ray, restores gray hair to Its Original color, .-events baldness, preserves the hair and promotes Us growth, cures dand.uff and all diseases of the hair and scalp, and Is, at the samo time, a very superior and desirable dressing.' riu:rAKEi by Dr.J.C.Aycr&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Read and Save Money, Now is the time to Build. No 1 nerman Pine Siding 5 or o In. "ldo II" 00 per in. No 1 Inch siding planed, ' u oo " " Hemlock (lerman siding, 0 Inch 11 00 " " " flooring, u no " " white pine " 17 00 " " yellow " " in no " surfaced plno boards, l" oo " " sawed plno shingles, 3 do " No 2 " " " 2 00 " No 3 " " " 1 73 " No 1 sap sawed plno shingles, 1 75 " " hemlock sawed " a u i " heart shaved plno " from $.-, 00 to 7 oo " " sap " " :j oo to 4 CO " " hemlock " " " " 1 1 to 1 60 " tsutuKiu lain, " plastering lath, Hemlock fencing, " xuaged fencln suingie lam, 2 ;r, " f() " uaeeti fenelntr A Inch wMp. in on ' boards 10 to 12 Inch wide. 10 io " " bills any size from fioootolioo " I keen a full stock of the above kinds of Lumber always on hand, and will sell at these prices during year of ISSo. Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa. ipr !1 Gin Scmntoa House, -ON THE EUROPEAN PI.AN. Victor Koch, Proprutoi llooms are h-ated by steam, well ventilated and e egantly furnished. Finest Bar and Lunch coun tcr In the chy. Meals to order nt all hours Ladles and Gents Restaur iht furnished with all dell-acles ot the season. Location near D. L. W. It. It. Depot, Seranton. Ta, March 20-tf SUPERIOR SPECTACLES AND EYE-ELflSSES MICROSCOPES. FIELO-OLASSES, TELESCOPES. MAOIC LANTERNS, OnnUmt TEHS, incnmumtitHS, j l,unienn. i-tiiioaopli cal and List and Descriptions of our Ten CUlojaos Hnt I llhh on application. QUEEN & CO. 024 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. febi-iy QMSMPIiON, to.nyiuir.rer. Qlnnprmudr ( Via? DO. T. X. bLod-'M, 1(1 1, St., K.w Tork npr 10-4 w r Tim!"'1811,"8--L0WMt Hates for Advertls. i 10 tnr MANILLA ''' (oat, UsUtuu tiit bulldloi. I loe not ru G tarn 11. LHTVtl 'ML ft a Ih knlMI.. . J wi4 UL'U of im, double ua tf e( eU olotbi. Culoini W.H.FAY&CO.CAMDEN.NJ. $50 Kvory REWARD. rou- Oiineo of in the Atliiltciatiou J (I THE WONDERFUL 2-LB BAR. Rose Leaf, Fine Cut, j Navy Clipping Hg andSnuffs 4ggl MADE ONLY BY Gowans & Stover, Huffulo, N, Y. For a!o by nil liut cng groceiB. April io-i.)r r JOH WO UK NKATIjY UXKCUTICD AT THIS OFFICE Items of Interest. A writer llraitlmt nsscrts thai after 33 years' oxporioiiuo iu Iowa ho has; nover known n mortgage foreelosod on n dairy or stock farm, A cow attached to tlio gubernatorial mansion at Jefferson City, Mo., having boon milked for llvo years by convicts, now refuses tonllow nnybody iu citizen's dross to approach her. Curio parlors is tlio latest namo for dimo museums in tho West, whuro at tempts nt rolluoiiieiits of lattgung.i often seem to bd in iuvorso proportion to pop ular tasto aud culturo. Tho Xittmeu Stato is now reported t havo recently flooded tlio Australian. colonies with cigars mado wholly of paper, carefully colored and veined, and flavored with nicotine. Vox a city of its population, Washinc;- ton is Bald to bo tlio greatest fish market in tho world. A denier declares Hint largo supplies nro sent thenoo to Thiln- dolphia, Baltimore, ltiehmoiid and Now York. A small brass calendar that President Garfield usod to turn overy morning, nud that now bears tho dato "Saturday, July 3. 18Sl,"liovcr having boen changed Binco that fatal morinni;. is a prized memento in tho home of It. 11. Hayes. In Arizona nny person who uses pro fane, iudecont, vile, or nbusivo lauuua'ro or threats, within tho hearing of woine or children, is held hablo by law to lino or imprisonment. A prizo of a gold watch put up recent ly hy a tradesmen of Ottuiiiwn, Iowa, to nny ono guessing tho number of seeds in n certain pumpkin on exhibition, was won by a farmer's daughter, who guessod tho exact number 11)1. Maino papers say that a Bath bo.irdiug mistress surprised ono of her boarders who was learning to play on tho banjo, by reducing tho prico of his board on the ground that his singing and playing hail frightened nwuy nil tho rats. Tho compliment discouraged tho young man so much that ho has given up practice, When Proctor Knott mado his fanciful Duluth speech llfteen years nsro tho humor of tho thing tickled tho ontiro continent. No ouo dreamed that Duluth would ovor amount to anything, nud when Knott called her " tho paragon of cities" everybody laughed. Still this town is third in tho list of grain-roeeiv ing points, beating -Milwaukee, Toledo, aud bt. Louis. A teacher in ono of tho Sunday schools of Indianapolis desired to provido her class, numbering twenty, with copies of Bunyau'a "Pilgrim's Prognm." They wero oruoretl through a leading book- suuu. an ouo timo tno tcaclicr was notified that tho books hadjeomo, nud went down to inspect them. She found to her astonishment that tiro result of her order wa3 twenty copies of Henry Oeorgos "Progress nud Poverty" awaiting tho children s purchases. In warm weather, nt least, why not sloop in n hammock ? Bods nro occupied night after night, year after year, by uivers persons in wckuoss nud in health in summer's heat nnd winter's cold, and as to when bedding is reiuado and purified each ouo can judge by his own experience. Compare this with tho uso of tho South American hammock, which only roquircs a stout blanket inside, and in winter a woollen sleeping dross as well as ono of suitable make, period! cally -washable. Tho bauitiii-y difference becomes at onco startling to thoso who havo nover considered tho sub ject before Tho oldest bank uoto probably iu exist enco in Europo is ono preserved in the Asiatic Museum at St. Petersburg. It dates from tho year 1399 B. O., and was issued by tho Cliiuoso Government. It can bo proved from Chiueso chroniclers that, ns early as 2097 B. C. bank notes wero current in China under tho namo of "flying money." Tho bank noto perservod at St. Petersburg bears tho namo of tho imperial bank, dato nud number of issue, Mgnaturo of a mandariu, and contains even a list of tho punish menta inflicted for forgery of notes This relic of 4,000 years ago is probablv written, for printing from wooden tablets is said to havo been introduced in Chi: only in tho year 100 A. D. mo wax-plant is now grown on a largo scale in Algeria, and its product is gradually finding its way into tho markets of tho world. Tho process of separating tho wax is simplo. Tho fruit enclosed in a bag of coarse cloth, is plunged into boiling water, on -whoso surfaco tho substance soon floats. The wax is of tho samo chemical composition as beeswax, and is likely to bo used in place of it It is stated that theso wax- plants may bo seen growing wild in Pennsylvania and tho Carolnias. Pot holes" havo recently boon dis covered on Great Island, Me., and somo persons havo considered them of mysterious origiu. A correspondent who has often seen similar excavations along tho Columbia Itivcr, in Oregon, says they aro duo to tho swift current in tho overflow of tho river, which forms eddies aud small whirlpools, causing a motion in n, loose boulder, which aots us a drill, and iu course of timo bores a Bu:ooth round "pot" in tho rock iu which it lies, the loose stones becoming round in tho process. Any number of tho round btonus may bo found in tho holes nnd being ninong loose stones on tho beach. AN AUTO lA Vr Tim sufferers ut tlio hands of tho Inquisition had been generally peasants accused of witchcraft, Moors, or Jews j but on occasion thero was a moro lomurkablo train of prisoners. Nobles und gentlemen, ladies of tho highest inuk, clofpient divines, wero umong tho convicted. Tho ltogent took her placo under a canopy of tato j tho multitude gathered round n platform in tho middlo of tho area, on which tho Inquisitor TJeueral and his train wero btationed. Tho long lino of prisoners consisted of "tho black-gowned penitents who woro to bo reprimanded und sot freoj thoso in rubes paintod with downward point ing llamos, who wero to sutlor lino and imprisonment, and thoso whoso garbs, hideous with flro nud fiends, denoted that their bodies wero to bo burned for the balvation of their souls." A sermon was preached, then un oath of faith won administered by tho Archbishop to the Regent und to her nephew, tho hoir to tho throne. A secretary nudo known to the) multitude tho terms of this oath; thoArchbishop blessed their highuesses; und, then n crier shouted fortli, tho names, crimes, nnd sentences of tho accused, u in wuoui wero to me, nioy wero oxecutcd nt oneo. "Tho Princess lleient of Spain und tho iioblo knights and dames of Castillo looked on as tUo llaAes crept aud leaped round tho tor tuiLdliuibs oi men who had been thoir faujiliar friouds and spirituul advisors, of jfuir and delicato women draggod froii Bploudid home3 or from tho soli tud ot tho cloister. $500,000 A YEAR. HrAlKMEST OK Tlin AVKUtt'AN. NATIONAL ii.,,. i-.y 1--I1 niAll.lA.lJ CANADA KXrilRXS COMI'ANIKS. TltOY, N. Y. The strenglh of Home lay not In her multitude, npr in her grain laden Hcets Theso wero elements pt her streinrth, but her neior ffllllnsr resource Iny In the self-control nnd (llsrlpllno of Uoman soldlcri llvlpllno-ll Is the very soul to all tho wonderful nie.inlng possessed by the word "veteran." Mr Benedict, nf Troy, Is metcrnn la tlio o press bus Iness. "Thlrty-lltrce years" ho sold to your rrpor. tcr. "I'VO StO. ri nt. f ht final' it I, fa l.a.iianihSinn of years of experience which Rives him the posi tion he holds In the trust nnd esteem ot theso lltreo out) n yenr, nnd I have been absent from this omc'o . liantly n month n nil that time, although I must I K. v ,., iu, njiu, unit "till nnvn n inisinima nr -ji . vi ."'.""Jv" "orKpa ncrown nsuf fennffffro tpnln, forlliaro leen troubled nil my lite v,lih biliousness nnd dyspepsia. My system hod beconio so reduced nnd wcalS that 1 hud no np. petite, nnd nnd my digestion wholly disordered, i JU? Mi.XJJJC10;1' "medics,, "nt almost two jears i??.1! Jl?SK?Sd t?.'.,lt l1?" Iir. Kcnn dy-RFAVOIt-iiLl'J.L'i'V ,A"er"'nBonly ono bottle or so ll,'"P.,0,rocl.,roD't('rln every war. Ticgro t dinicultyhnsbccn with my digestion, but this 5,'!,s.i0.rrgV."ue "r-erfeo lv. f have. sir. great fnlthlnllr. Kenm,li-'a VAv,iui-ii- il . havo bought nnd given a great deal' of It to the poor nrotind here t rhoje, you know, who have no money to buy medicine of nny kind, for there nrca R!?SlnJ.n,VLtr?ub,1fu bl'l0,ls "'"eases nnd suf ifpfAiU'S? 'i1 11'1- 1 .nlwi,)" kK,i' PAvoiini: jir.Mii.iii in I if nntiui. I i, ii. .... iciire mr mo uiooci inino market. Well, I must nttend to this ti niter for tlio western n,irt of tho fitLi'i;,.:'.oulcl,,.tno.1,lorlm coming down to llqndaut to see him In August. want to know nim." I left the veteran, Mill nt his nost. retoic. lng In health nnd grateful to llr. Kennedy. ' MUM m. I CO., OITer to tho Trade their Fine llrand ot Cigars. Tho Landres, Henry Clay, Normal, 5ams:n, and Ccsraspjlitm. Fine Fruits ;tiul Fine Uonfeetioucry on hniid, burg, Ph. i' nsli every week. Illootos-l-'eb. 27 TOflSQRJL OOI1S. THE OLD STAND under the Kxchango Hotel, still takes tho lead. Hair Dresslnj.wluilng, Dyeing, hhampoolug and all wo-k In my lino promptly und neatly done. BILLIARD & POOL TABLES. James Reilly, Proprietor. Jnu 30-tf ELEGANT NEW IN MKN S, HOYS" THAT NEED ONLY TO 15E Pirctty Saiils tor Kcst Crowds, JclothihgJ IM II I ''''w nMirilhwMnilinViUnBUBBBBMni WSBtXMCTCTmMTflBBBggaMI BBBB9HBKS The Merchant Tailorino- Is now Replete in raw HANDSOME DHSSS SUJTOGS, DURABLE BUSINESS SUITINGS, CHEAPEE THAW EYEIRL DE UP IN THE AT THE- OF If GMAIN STREET,) C B. MBM1 DEALER IN .Fozoigni audi MamestJc WINES AND LIQUORS. AND JOBBER IK CIGARS, BL00MSBURG, PA. . THE Bssm . roKTIMIT OP Gen'l U. S. GRANT, sDEmoRE8tonthlY For MAY. 30 Cents. W Jennlfiir Df morMt, Publisher. 17 F. 14th St., New York Sold by Ail rttwidcAlflri sad Postmasters. nprl7-lm r ALL KINDS OF .1011 i' HINTING ON SIIOHT NOTICK AT THIS OFFIOK. III. C. SLOAN & BRO., HLOOISIJUHG, I'A. .Manufai-turersof CARRIAGES BUQOIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGON . &C. First-class work nlwnys on hand, REPAIRING NEA TL YDONE Prket reduced to tuit the timet. Tll remnlu co"tatn na Injurious arugn. elvs Catarrh UflBAM BALM Clonuses t 1, , KjfffAM Ilftitl A nv.WS5fl.flK Iiillninni atin n Ileal-i tho Sure. Htsturt's the Sen fei of Taste, Smell, licit itip. A quick Kel'iof.; A pof iti vo Citru. HAY-FEVER CHKVM HALM has gained nn enviable reputa tion wherever known, displacing all other prep arations. It Is a cream substinco. A particle Is applied Into each nostril, causing no pain nnd Is agreeable to use. l'rlcoS'i cents tiymall, ornt prugglsis. nend for circular. KI.Y HKOlllKltfi, Druggists, owego, K Y. apr 10-lw d SUI5SCRII3E FOIt TIEK COLU-MBIAN, SI 6.i) A YKAH. WA "M TI? 1 -Energetic, reliable men 1 1 1 J I to sell rrult Trees, drape vines, Shrulis, Itoses, Ac. Salary nnd Kxpenso or Liberal Cora missions 1'ald. Full Instructions irlven. &o Inexperienced men can boon earn the bublness. Auaress j. r. iuiare, iirlghton, , v. JlarchSO-iw d SPRING STYLES AND CHILDREN'S SEEN TO HE APPRECIATED. liifldreiB9 lLasies't vSrlyBcs, Establishment LATEST STYLE. JPSA&WZEB I vVYiMiUAHTAXs, For tlio Celebrated Clilckeriug, Ivcrs & I'outl, uiul Vose & Son l'lauos. World ru uowncd Kstey Org .ns, Vlolllis, Aeconleons und Blieet -Music. C'elebinteil White, New lliah Arm Davis, ,Nuw Home, Hoyal St. Jolm, and Llijlit JtuunliiE Uomestle bewlng Mufililut's. heedles, oil and uttuclimenls for all makes of Sewing .Machines. naxBsuciiuiaiiiiiRxjaxn 1 wmrm FAT I Oblaineiland nil patent business attended to tor moderate fees. ..,..., ourortlccliorpmllotlie V. S. l'n I (lit office, nnd wocanobtfiln Patents In less line than those re. moto from Wafhlngton Kcniinodclo drnwln((. We ndvlso nsfnpat enlnblllty freo of charge, nnd wo mike no charge unless patent Is secured. We refer heie, lo tho I'OBtmtmcr, tho Supt,of Money o-dcr IHv, find to onirlals ot tho U.S. Patent omee. l'or tlrciilar, ndrlce, terms nnd references lo netual clients myour own Matoor county, wrlic to C. A. SNOW & CO., opposllo Talent (mice, Washington, fi. t anoit mmmu ibdh im OF CAST CH WliOL'OIlT IKON. Bititiiblo for Yards, Cemetery Lots ami Public Grounds. 1 ho following shows the ticket tlothlc, one of the several beautiful styles of Tcnco niaiiutacturcd by tho undersigned. For licnuty nnd Durability they nrounsurpass ed. Si-tun by experienced hands aud woirantcd to give satisfaction. Prices and ppecimens of other pigns ?enS to nny adorer. Aildress tic- BfX)0MSBURG PA- iayj-tr Pennsylvania Railroad. M Philade'phia & Erie R R. Divis ion and Northern Central Railway. N TIME TACLE. In efftet Anrll Oth. 18A1. Trains leave feut bury. rJASTWAUD, 9.4io. tn.. Sea Hhoro i:xpres3 (dally excent Sunday), for IluriUbuig nndlnteimedlatebtutloiiF, nrrlMng nt I'hlladelplila 8.13 p. in.: .New loik B.'JO p. in. ; .llaltlmore, 5.0J p. in. ; Washington, 6.00 ). m., connecting at Philadelphia lor u 11 beu .shore points, 'lhrough passenger coach to l'lulndelphla. dally excoi t bundayl.fur IlariliburK and Interme- i.i-jp. in. Ltay express dlato stations, uniting at 1 ii 1 1 a u o i n n 1 1 la ilc I Dh la aco p.m.! .New oik, 9.110 p, in. : lialumcro U.5.-1P. ra. i U'ashliiittou, 8.20p.m. l-arlor tar tlnough to I'hlladelplila nnd pusbcngcr coache thioughtol'hllaUclphla.ind lialili oie. 8,a) i. m. Wlllluuu-pon Arco.i.uiodjilon (dully, for llanlabuiK and all Intmncdlate btatlon.i, arilv lng at I'liU.iUt'lplilu 4 S.1 a. m. ; New ork T.0U u. in. Meeplngcur iccoii.modatloiia can be tecuied at flan Isburg for Philadelphia nnd New York, on bun dajs athiouirh sleepluitc r ulll be rum on this train Ii on i W llll.un&n'l lo l'lilladell)hla.l'litlndelnlila rjasiengeiu can remain In sleeper undisturbed until K.30 a. m. lino jiaii many excent J ondav. for HariUbunr nnd luieimedlaio stutlons. nnlving atl'lilladelplila 8.25 u. m. Nework, li.uU a. in. ; iiaiumoro u. ,u. ; w abiiintoti, a.m. lhrough l-ull . nn bleeping curauiu lunon this tl aln to I'hlladelplila, llaltlmuro and Washing ton, nnd lhrou'.;li passenger coaches to 1'lill.iUcl phl.t and llaltlmoie. WKSTW'AllI). 5.20 a. in. r.rlc Jlall (dally except Sunday), foi Krlo und all Intel mediate bullous und canundul sua nnd Intermediate ttallons, liochester, liuira-laaudMagarul-'ulls, nlth Ih ough 1-ullinan Pal ace cars und passenger coaches io Krle und Koch ester. u.Kl-Ncws Express (dally except Sunda) for Lock Haven ami Intel mediate bliiuons. 1.03 p. m. Niagara Kxpiess (dally except Sun day fur Kane uiidlntermt.dl,iteslutlons uud can iuid.ilgu.i und Intermedhuo btutlons, Itochester, liullalo und Niagara Tails Willi thiough piisbeuger coachea lo luno nr.d l.ochebter and I .ii lor cur iu Vt llliuiiibporl. 5.85 p. in. l'usl Lino lOally except bundayjfor lie novo urn! Inlet luedlaie stations, nnd l.linli'.i. Wut klns uud lutciuieUlaie bialluns, wiih ihiuugh pas benger coaches to Iteuovo and Watklns. u.20 n. in. bunday mall lor ltenoo nnd Interme. dlute blallous. T111IOUOII TKA1NS FOIt SUNllUliY I'ltOM TII13 EAST AND bOU'i'II. bundny mall leaC3 Philadelphia 4.30 a. m. llaril.-ljutv i.40anlvlnguiMinbur) 92Uu.m.wlth thiough sleeplngcur lioin l'hl.adelphla lo W'll llanibpoil. News Uxpiess leaves Philadelphia 4.S0 a.m. llurilsburg, s.10 a. m. dally except Sunday nrilvlug at Suubury 53. a. iu. Nlagaia Express leaves Philadelphia, T.10 a. in.; llaWmuiol.HOn. in. (dully except bunday ni living at buubury, 1.15 p. ni., with tliroagu 1'ailor car uom Philadelphia nud through passenger coaches Horn 1-ullndel-plilaaiid Llaltliuuie. l ast Line leaves New York 9.00 a. m. : l'hlladol a. m. j Washington, 10.50 a. in. i Haiti more, io. 1 1 n. m., (dallj except bunday) arrlv Ing a t bunbury, 5.35 p. in., with thruugh passcugci coaches fiom 1 hlladel)ihla and Hal lu.ore. Erie Mall leaes New lork 8.UU p. in. ; Philadel phia, 11.20 p. ui. i Washington, 10.. 0 p. m. ; ll.iltl more, 11.2. p. in., (dally except.h.iturday) airlvlng ul buiiUur) 5.15 ;u in., uuh tluougu l'ulluuu bleeping cars from l'lilladelphla, W.iaUlugton and iijluinuro and through passenger coaches fioio Philadelphia. M.'.MIIIKV, IIAZl.UTO.V V VII.Ki:Ml.UIt. It All It(IAI) AM) MIUT1I AMI M'KxT IlllAM II ICA ltH.IV. (Unlive except Sunday.) vi iiKcsirarre .Man leaves bunbury li.oia. m. itii.iu ub iiiuuiu i ens iu.b; 12.18 p.m. a. m., WllUes-b.nie Impress Last loaies Bunbury 5.15 p. m., urrlvlng, Wllkes-bane 8.W p. in, bunbury JialIleuesHllliesbarrei0.1 In? nt Uloom ferry 12.. 8 p. iu., .suubury l.i 0 n. nu l.xpu-bs West leates illkes bairo2.15 p. in., rlvlugut Dloonu-'eiry -l.isp.ln., buubury tun m. C1IAB. E. l'Clill, urn. .Manager, J. It. WOOD, oen. Passenger Agent jy:i.AVAHK, LACKAWANNA AM) WESTEltN IIAlI.ltOAU. HI.OOMSHUKG DIVISION. NOllTII. STATIONb'. I SOUTH. p.m. (I (U ,S I; I K IS 8 40 H 3.1 a.hi. a.m. n.m u is ....ticrantouM.. 5 to v 40 220 9 l'Ji Eellev ue. . . . 5 55 9 4 1 2 25 9 14 ., 'luyloivllle. u (11 9 50 2 SO 9 ua ,, LnikuHuiuia,. 0 00 9 61 2 38 8 59 llltblon.... Ii II 10 Ui 2 46 8 51 ..West riltblOU, II 23 10 0'J 2 51 l 4S .....W) Dining, , 6 28 10 4 2 50 H4I, ..WaltbJ ... 0 HI ID 17 a 00 8 '9 liennelt 11 3u 10 iO 3 03 8 33 ....Kingston,,.. (1 4. 10 25 t 00 8 35 ....Kingston ... 1 8 48 1 2 3 00 i 30 I'lvmouth .lime1 I, .Ml 11) -mi H 11 " .. .1 11U0UIU,., 8 2li,,,,Avondale. N 171.. Nanllrnkx a ti 10 3.1 3 is ; no 10 37 3 20 7 03 10 41 3 24 8 loliunlock-s creek, 7 12 10 48 3 32 1 on Miicksniuny,, f 17 lllck's Ferrv 7 21 10 9 3 43 7 47 11 10 3 57 141 .lieach Haven. 7 31 lierwlck..., 7 271 .Iirlar L'reek. 7 23inuiv tlrove. 7 19 ,, LI ollldgo 7 111 Ebiy...... 7 05 ...Hloouisburg TOO , .. liupert 0 51 Calawl a Urldge 0 3;. , Danville.,.. 23 ....Chulaky . 0 25 L'uineinn T 54 1 IB 4 Ui 8 UI II 18 4 10 8 (HI 11 31 4 10 8 10 11 t.7 4 19 8 14 11 4(1 4 21 8 21 11 40 4 IAJ 8 28 11 52 4 30 8 34 1 57 4 42 8 39 12 IU 4 47 8 55 12 20 5 1)5 U 02 12 28 5 12 9 U 12 32 b 10 9 20 12 50 5 30 0 10 Northuiubeiland U.IU. a.m. p.m. p. 111 W, F, HALSTEAD, bupt. offleo, bcrantou, l'eb. 1st, I80S Superintendent's ioi her or Wll IV4I.VU I U'B UU'lieiTIMUCOIB MACHINERY. . lltod (JauilUb for licii.Miel.lKiiKiLfjis falls and Wagon k;rb- nnd lifuck. UlltliS bUU'lllt. irue 1 iiiniUndi-r, Meie Muiiutinb 8 llullkl 11 Ave.. 11 1. r, weii-ioLuibi 1 trunk. Un Aie., mid 116 teu. tittttim. SCIJATON l'A. t iAh4 mav : I