The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 20, 1885, Image 4

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Oherry and Fear Tree Slnga.
Plural In the Poultry Yard.
Wo aro nskcd for means to "cure or 1 Every fanner who lia tried it is
kill" tills post of tlio pear and cherry I snro that plums In tho poultry yard are
tree. 1 ills creaturo appears upon tne preserved irom curcuno. inn snmy
treo In .Tune nml .Tulv. It is n dftik nved fowls nercelvo ovcrv emurulntr
. - - , . . ... ,
green, slimy tiling, that is so iiniiKu Deetlo aim snap it up wiinoai n swgm
n ratpriiillar in rrpmml. that In called a I failure. It Is the natural habit of
uliirr It. U nntrlv linli ' nn Inr-li lninr I iIimo lnanr.t4 to mature) ill the soil 1111
when grown, being the largest uelore iler tho trios wnero uic cgi? miesim
and tapering behind. They look some plums hnvo fallen. When tho newly
lik-o .i tndnoli'. Tim lirml is concealed linh-liccl larvm cincri'O flOlll tho fallen
under tho forenart ot tlio bodv. and unit, t lev enter mo irromm imu mum
pais through tho pupa stage. hen
tho young' matured beetles leave tho
ground they do not fly, but proceed di
rectly tothotieos and crawl tip tho
stems on to the branches In search for
tho fruit. If any obstacle is found,
the beetles will tly, but not otherwise.
when at rest tho tail Is somewhat turn
cd np. Their color is a dark blaoklsh
or bottlo groan. Wherever they mow
they leave n slimy trail. They feed
upon the pulpy part oi tho leaf, and
leave It but a single skeleton. A large
nnmhnr will of to n lm found tilion a
single leaf. Consequently they do I As soon as a hen observes n grub in
much damairo to thn foliape. and cause tho soil. It nroceeds to search for more,
leaves to push out from the buds pre- and other hens soon engage In earntst
pared for the next season. competition for their grub, so mat tne
Wlmn their nnmtier is verv lame soil is thoronchlv scratched over, and
they give off a very unpleasant odor not ono cureullo escapes. This is tho
whinli fm lis nntiwil .i r-nnnidiT.-ililu I wav ill which the fowls deals With
distance from trio trees. In about them insects in tho spring. In tho
twrnitv-sir ilavs llinv i-oinnlcln their summer and earlv fall, tho small plums
growth, and after their final molt, they which drop nre swallowed whole, tho
appear no lunger in their slug charao- larger ones are picked to pieces and
acter, but as clean cnlcrpillars. They eaten, and if ono larvto escapes theso
thon leave the trees and go into the risks, it is apt to be taken in the act of
ground, from which thev come in about leaving the fruit or wriggling through
sixteen days as a ily. These flits lay the sotl. So that there is a certainty
thmr ntrrts in tlin ulciii of tho leaf. that tho nests aro really discouraged
It has been found that it tho air- and destroyed by the fowls, and that
slaked limo is sprinkled from a perfor- tho combination ot poultry yard and
attd tin ve-sel, or from a bag of some plum orchaid is a mutually serviceable
open fabric that can bo attached to a one. The writer nas inco it lor suv
noli-, it will tirovn verv effective. Some cral voars. and while it does not whol
atlirm. however, that drv road dnl lr free the trees from the curculio', yet
will do just as well, as the effct of it reduces their numbers so much, that
either lime or dint is only mechanical, there aro not enough of them, to do as
But this is hardly true. The dust much pruning of tic fruit as is desira
might make tho sing very uncomfort- hie. lor when a i year old green
I.osft mill isnlti,
CiurTIlt t.
"t win taken sick a jesr ago
with bilious t. Ter
"Mv iloctor nrnnmmccil tap cured, hut
1 gi.l sick njrain, will! icrnuie pains in my
DncK anil sides, and l got so nan l
uoum not move:
I shrunkl
From 22S tin. to 120 1 I had been doc-
torlnir for mv liver, but It iliii me no cood.
I did not expect to live more man mri-c
mnnttin. I lippim In mo Hons Hitlers.
Directly my appetite returned, my pains
left me, my entire system seemed renewed
n If liv music, and niter tislne several bot
tles, I nm not only as sound a a sovereign,
mil wclsr.ii more man i uui ueiore. io imp
Hitters 1 owe my lire." it. r itzpatkick.
Dublin, June U, '81.
".lallin, Mass., Feb. 1 ISSO. Oent'emen
1 surfeied with attacks ot sick heartache."
Neurnlela. female trouble, for years In
the most terrible and cxcruclntlng manner.
No medlc-Inc or doctor could clvo mo re
lief or cure, until I used Hop Hitters.
"The first bottle
Nearly cured mo "
The sccor.d made me as well and st
as when a child,
"And I have been so to tuts day."
My husband was an Invalid for tw
venrs with a serious
"Iviuncy, liver anil nrinnry compiiiiui,
"Pronounced by Hoston's best physi
"Innirnli el"
Seven bottles ot your Hitters cured lilra
and I know nf the
"Lives of elilit uersons"
In me neighborhood that have been sav
ed In- vnur bitters.
And many more are mine them with
great benefit.
" i ncy almost
Do miracles V iln. 12. D. Slack
How to Oct Sick. Kpo-w yourself day and
ntznt : eat too much without exercise ! work too
hard without rest doctor all the time ; tako all
me vuc no rums anveniieu, a u uiuujuu n
want t ' know how to get wc I, which la answered
In thrco words Tako Hon mttera 1
rjvnnn pnnninrt without ft bunch of crroen.
Horn nn tlio whlto label. shun all tho vile, poi
sonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" In their name.
able for awhile, but when it shed it"
skin it would get rid of tho dmt. But
tho limo would kill tho slug. While
hellebore would bo good. JJe careful
to get the white hellebore. Black hel
leboro will not answer. It will bo nec
essary to handle the powder carefully,
for it excites violent sneezing when it
gets into the nostrils.
Ihe powder may bo Bitted dry on
tho trees, but would bo a great deal of
trouble to apply it that way, and be
sides it would likely causo tho sneez
ing to which wo havo referred. Place
the powder in water at tho rate of
about a heaping tablespoontul to a
quart of water. Have tho water boil
ing, and stir thoroughly while putting
in the powder. Turn this mixture into
a pail or moro nf cold water, and ap
ply with a garden hose. Wet tho tree
thorouchly. In a few days repeat, if
there are any slugs left. It is certain
that tho slues caunot eat this poison
and live. If they cot it they will die.
Tho rain will wish off the poison so
that there will bo no danger in eating
tho fruit. Wtitern Jiural.
Making a Hot-Bed.
carro produces six pecks of plums, it is
certain that a lew more couni nave
been snared for the curcuho. iWete
York Time:
How to Make Cheese Digestible.
Cheese is among our most nutritious
foods. It contains many elements for
6Utaining life, nnd people who can eat
it find it nourishing and heaitntui; out
everybody cannot cat cheese. Men
who uvo in the open air aim worn
hard can dinest it but the creat bulk
of tho people wno live and work in
doors can only partako of it as a relish
at the end of a dinner, or as an accoin-
iiauiment to their desert of pie. let
twenty pounds of cheese contains
mueu nutritious uiuiunm i nucup u
sixty pounds weight, and it has tu
samo value as practical nutriment i
onlv it could be easily digested,
distinguished English chemist suggests
a remedy for tho lndisestibiliiy
cheere. It is to add tho bi-carbonate
of potass to cheese. He prepares th
dish as follows : uut tho cneeso into
shreds, crato or chop it up like fino
sue:. To every pound ot cheese add
a uuarter of an ounce of bicarbonate
In the first place select a warm of potass. Put tho resulting mixture
southern exposure, high and dry as into a pan with three times its bulk of
possime, so mat no top water can run water or tour times us uuit ot com
through the bed after it is made, milk and mix well. Put the sauce-pan
Make as long as you like say six teet on the fire and let tho mixture Jummi
long, three feet wide, two feet high on stirring all the time until the cheese
tho south side, three feet high on the melted, which does not tako long
back part, bet posts at each corner, Turn out into a dish, and tho result
Jront ones two teet, back ones three a nutritious mixture, which thickens
feet. Board up tho sides and then the like custard in cooling. This cheese
ends. Let the top of the ends slope cu tard may bo eaten with impunity by
down to the lower side, mis gives it peisons whom a small piece ot ordinary
the slant to tno soutli. (tsu careiul to cheese would sicken. (Jheeee treale
make it mouse and rat pront as near a ui this way is recommended tor sea
you can.) Next put on the stovo a voyages to be used instead of salt junk,
wasu-ooiier or water to neat uouing it prevents scurvy, and is a great sav
bot. Havu a good full load of fresh mg in bulk compared with other food,
stable manure (bo sure and have it It s the absence of tho potass from
Foesllillties of Farmers.
1. They have ten votes to seven of
nil other occupations.
2. Kiev hnvo enough to carrry any
3. They onn 'effectually put an end
to the extortions of railroads, which
take ono bushel of every two the far
mer raises.
t. Thev can put ton farmers in
Congress and the State Legislature for
every ono they now have.
a. They mako their own laws in
all the States.
0. They can secure tho same pay
ment tier hour for hand woik that is
demanded by brain work.
i. they can havo all the comfort
and luxuries now enjoyed by tho class-
Wn nnn flin nniiiimimi ftillv es which prey upon them.
't :-T,. fVnaf, 8. lhey can combine themselves
viM'i-" ; - --
stock Ot
into a compact body.
a. I hey can co-operate,
by ono another, and If they
rule the world or
10. They can continuo to
can stand
do so can
UmnfriTWrcrrtnT SITTTS dull drudges thev have been, the
' w I nrnv nf nverv e.unninrr nnlilinan. law
yer and speculator in the land.
In nil tho vnrietl styles now
in vogue.
Prices Rule Unusually Low
A. C.Yates & Co.
Valne ofHolsteln Cattle-
The llolsttins continue to riso in fa
vor a they beconif mure widely known,
and their many excellent qualities are
certain to rt commend them to farmers,
especially where dairy products are
much of an object. A wiiter in the
G02. (KM, GOG CHESTNUT St., Charlton, Iowa, Dairy Farmer says
m pwii.dripi.ta. that many of tho half blooded heifers
cousn :
Mary A. HI1L by her next friend, William Yohey
ts. Aorjnam imu auruueiiuui.un.-c.
To Abraham Hill, respondent above named:
Whereas upon tho 1 bel of the said .Mary A Hill a
enhnwn-. wfu. iiipri nut ot the said Court com.
mandlnz you to bo and appear at the next regular
term of said Court to show cauo why the sildll
bellant should n t bo divorced from the bonds ot
matrimony contracted witn you: ana wnereas
upon return ot slid subpoena due proof was made
mat vou coma not ur iouna iu in u ui; ui iuc
bheriff ot said countv, whereupon an nlfasub
p ena was awarded by sail court com andlnc
you to appear at the then next term of said Court
to answer as aforesaid to which the same return
w.ia mndn hv ihn RhpriiT. Ynu are therefore re-
quired to bo and appear on theflrst day of the
for said county on the nrst Monday ot .May next,
A. ii. is&, to answer saiu compiaiaw
mar llwl Sheriff.
vmi l herphv irlven that letters of admlnU-
tratlon on the estate of LydU merman, late of
Kugarioai township, upeca-a, nave oeen granieu
Dy me lu-tfisier oi .viu-s eic. iu vicorKe ... i cici
man of Muncv Creek townshlD. scoj lnz county.
to whom all persons Indebted are reaulred to Day :
and all creditors required to present their claims
auir autneniicateu.
Feb 'Zi-tt ' Jluncy, fx
the tuo bloods in nlmo.nt any propor
tion e.ouM not well tie nuythiiiL'
satisfactory in the dairy.
To Examine a Horse.
Letters ot administration cum iMtammonmifo
In the estate of wm. .i. iteier aeceasea late oi
.il rieaanL iu.,u!,iii., uuuiuui;. uuuui, ia,
have been et nte.1 by the ltfclster ot sal-J
pntintv m the undersigned Aumlnbltrator. All
persons havlnK claims aga'nst the estate of the
aeceasea, are rcquesiea to preso t tneni lur sci
tlement, and those indebted to the estate to make
payment to me unuerii?nea aumimsir.uor wuu-
Feb S7 Administrator.
Welltversrtlle, coL Co., l'a.
Personal and Real Estate 1
In pursuance of the last will and testament of
William J. Heeler, late of Jit. ricasant townsnip,
Columbia county, deceased, the uudersljrneu ad-
mlnlstrator with the will annexed, will sell at pub-
Ue sale on the premises, on
Tuesday, March 24th, ISSo,
commencing at ten o'clock A. M., the followlnj de
scribed real estate, to-wlt : All that certain tract
ot land situate In Ml. l'loasant township, Colum
bia count , Pa., bounded and described as follows:
On the north by lands of A. J. Ikcler, on the cast
by lands of Erl and Joseph lki-ler, on the south by
lands otl'axton Kline and A. K. Heacock, and on
tho west by land of Thomas Loro, contalnln?
130 ACRhS.
of land, more or less, a po tion of which Is well
timbered with oak and chestnut. The land Is In
a good stato of cultivation and well supplied with
fruit trees ot all kinds, belnc tho homestead ot the
deceased. Tho bulldlnjs consisting of a large
and largo summerkltchen, ln-go bank barn, with
straw shed attached, wagon house, hog pen, large
spring house with upper storv for shop use, and
othpr convenient nut.l.ulldlnrs. a n ver laiuncr
spring of pure cold water In said spring house and him, his eyes are weak.
good well of water near the house, and liowmg should be tested
.t.n...,,liAnclilB I '. . ....
There will also be sold at tho same time and
place the personal property of said deceased,
stoves carpets, looking glasses, beds nnd bedding,
stands, sofas, chairs, and household and kitchen
furniture too numerous to mention.
Also farming Implements, sleigh hayrake, har
row, cultivator, sled, buggy, harness, lot of lum
utensils generally.
No other blooit-perlftli-J inMi -ln I msda,
ir tin ever befn Hl'cd - h.fh -hi cm-i-letoly
meets Hm wauut of j'bj-iiclan aud
lao general uuuo a
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
It Im.U the Hit n a traly wi nllfl-) prepara
tion for nil blnol disours. II there Is a lurk
Onnnrin Intf t.-tint of Scrofula Umt yon,
UbnUrULH Avp.b's -Simif.naL.v will
ilitlndga It nml expo! It fn.ui your yem.
For or serofuloua Uatarrh,
PsTHnntl AvEii's .smiiai-aiiii.i.v H the
IjAllliirirl :ruo remly. It h cure.1
namlv rl cmi. It will st-ip tlio nau.eoui
citArr'ni dl-ch irh"., sn-l rrinwo Ilia sicken
lnt l r of Ui : btvath, which are Indlcailous
of tcrofuloui orient
III PPPflll? "i'lto.Tex.,Sept.2S,IS2.
UL'jl tlUU 0 "At tlin a nf l-rn VMM nne of
CirjCf wv eMMren wai ti-rribly aiUicte-l
UJltuO with ulcfrou running i.res on Us
f -e j 1.11-1 nook. At tun sit-ij time Its eyes
-re urol -n, i-tnch Ii II uued. and very sore.
C Arr. rr.! I11 told utthit a now-
' JitC LlttO -rruiaiteratlTo medicine tnu?t
1 jiiKiIovcaI. flity united In recoinmcndinj
t. -K-s smu.i-miH.h. A few H'wes pro-
- iced a trceptlLie ImnrnTeinent, which, by
1 adi'crnnce to your dlr.cll'.n?, was contln-
I In a i-nplelo and i rnniieiit euro. No
. len,- a -.siuco apiared of tho cxlitence
r. a-i Dcroruioui tendonele; ami no trMi-
t ii- or any illnonior trni eri-r ntteimou ny
j. . inmnpt nr enectual re.uiu.
xouri irniy, u. i . .iohnsos.-r-nr.rAntn
Dr. J.C.Ay2riiCo.,Lowo!l,Mass.
. i .1 1 ru..-; Is; bittlei fur SJ.
mm wi ii ed,,
Offer to tho Trade tnctr Tine Brand of Cigars.
The Landres,
Henry Clay,
Samson, and
as two-year old, and that when fully
maturi'd the snme animals will produce
from 40 to 70 pounds per day. In rais
ing grades, he prefvra to uso cows
crossed in Shorthorn blood, and it is
not strange that from this combination
animals ot rare practical cxc-IIoiich
should be produced, for tho Shorthorns
themselves have dairy qualities of the
liinlifKr. nrft.T u-liif.ll it. ftnlv nm..l n lit
. " - . .1 w i r- i i r f 9 x
lie patience to develop, ami a union ot I UNbUtxtVL lVU YlQs
Fine Fruitfl and Fine Confectionery
on hand, fresh every week. Bloomn-
burg, Pa. Feb. 27
A cood horse will always show well
standing at rest The man shoeing a
linr'o tor sale who keeps tlio animal
contanlly stepping about to show off, Jan 30-tf
is to be looked upon with suspicion.
The time to examine a horse is when
he is at rest. It is then that his weak
points will be seen. If the horse "flies
up" at some obicct on the ground
nearsightedness may lie suspected, it
brought suddenly into the light, Iroin a
lark staple, and tnu light oppresses
Ills trait and
by actual ser
vice. At lest, it trie iiorse is sound, lie
will stand squaie on his limbs, without
movintr any of them, the feet being
placed flat on tho ground, aud all his
lees plump and naturally placed. If
tup: old stand
I under the Exchange Hotel, stilt takes tho lead.
Hair Dresslnjr, t-havlng, Pyelng, Shampooing and
all work in my line promptly and neatly done.
James Reilly,
arge an1 convenient sample rooms.
l ana coia wuier, anu an
Hath rooms
modern conveniences
Manufacturers of
First-class work always on hand.
Price) reducedto luit the timet.
EL Q .Eshleman,
number nnd gas fitter. Itear of . iuyler's hard
ware store.
Bloomsburg, Px.
All ktndiof nttlngstor.Ueam, gas and water
pipes constantly on hand.
Hooting and spouting attended to at short no
tice. Tinware ot every description made to order.
Orders left at Schuyler Co's., hardwa.e storo
will bo promptly tilled.
Special attention given to heating by steam and
hot water.
$16.0 A YEAK.
"o Induce
them we
;olng to glvo away 1,000 Self Operating
ilnz.Machl es. If you want ono send
1 our name, nauress ana expres omco at once. 11
Is a great labor-saving Invention. Address Nat
ional Co., S3 Dey. St., N. Y.
March Mw d
Obtained and all t'alcnt tmslueM nlP .idtd to tor
"ouroince'orroslte II10 f. s., rntrnt tmce, and
we can" Wain I nlinlsln lets time thuli those ro-
Tln. wo advfe a, total,
cntabllity liecof chatge, nnd wc nuke no charge
UnCr.VoUholltlmalter, tlio tm. of
Money O der Hlv, nnd to cn.dnls oniiet.s.
i'otent on to. Fer tlitulur, niUlte. Itilns and
reieretites to nttunl clients Injeur own Moloor
county, wine to
c. a. fcKcnv & to.,
opposite l'atcnt urate, S oshlt-gton, p. c,
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
The following shows the Picket notlile, ono ot
the several beautiful styles of l'cncomanufartureil
by the iiudcn-lgncd.
Forlieautynnd purnblllty ttir-x ere unsuqinss
ed. sctuiiii.vexicilciiml hands and wairantcd
to give sallsfni'tlon.
I'ricrH nml specimens of otlicr de-sigin-
s-iit to nny addresfl.
Jiay 4-tr
10 Pll
one foot be thrown forward, with the
ISJTZZZ Pt-8 to tho ground and the heel
.nnmnpraiir raised, or if the foot be lifted from the
Terms ot salo of personal property win be made ground, and the weight taken from it,
fresh, a-i it is not often warm enontjh
otherwise) anil 611 up the hot-bed nntil
about eight inohei Jrom the top. J. hen
take a hoe and pound it down firm,
and then more' mannre if It
packs down much, so as to keep it
abont eight inches from tho top. Havr
your hot water ready. Pour on the
manure now. Cover up the manure
with four inches of rich d'nt, composed
of part sand and rotten wood dirt.
Have this even depth ; put it
tho ordinary
junk which
as wen as sail
them uuwhole-
Letters of administration in tho estate of Ellas
Krumm, late or soott townsnip, uoiumoia county,
Pa., deceased, haio been granted by the Register
of wild cmintvtothe una rslffned administrators.
All persons having claims against the cstnte of
said decedent are requested to present them tor
settlement, and those lndebtetd to the estate to
make payment to the undersJ.nod w tnout delay.
MAItY Kl'.UJUt, light Street,
known by the undersigned on day ot sale. In sell
ing the real estate all grain in tho ground and ter-
sonal property on tho premises aro reserved. Pos
session given aprll 1st, ISM. Deed at tho expense
of purchaser.
of the purchase money to bo paid at tho striking
down of th property, ono fourth less tho ten per
cent, on the 1st day ot April, 1SS5, before taking
possession, and the balance tn ono year thereafter
with Interest from April 1st, lgtu.
Ikeler & Herring, Att'ys. feb. 2;, ts.
dist-ase or tenderness may bo suspeol-
The Child.
The Brahmaa's Terrible Mistake.
Somo Bhockina traccdics havo oc
curred in tho Sibsa"or district of India.
A traveling honprie jeweler arrived
lato ono ovenini! at the house of a
Brahman with whom he had a nlicht
down acquaintance, and di"playod his ware.
lirra. Havo two aud ono fourth yards The Brahman, after making some pur
of unbleached quilt lining; muslin is chase, offered to put lum up for tho
thick enough. Tack it to the north night, t ne otter was giauiy accepted,
edge; then havo a light piece of smooth and it was arranged that the jeweler
hoard, six feet long, ono inch thick should sleep on tho floor in a room oc-
and two inches wide. Tack tho other enpicd by the Brahman' son.tho Brah-
edge to this, bring this canvas down man and his wifo occupying tho other
over tho hot-bed, smooth, leaving the room. While preparing to turn in the
ends free. Tako a common paint honario heard tho sharpening of a doa,
brush, proceed as if painting. Have and fragments of a conversation being
ono quart of boiled linseed oil j go carried on between the Brahman and
over tho canvas with the oil once, and his wife.
keep it drawn down over tho hot-bed Suspecting foul piny, ho ijid.uced tho
overnight. Next day roll back the son to change place-" with him; and, as
canvas, and seo if the dirt is warm, not soon as the former was asleep, placed a
hot, ami if hot, wait until you feel it is dummy composed ot domes on tne
warm only. Muke a furrow lengthwist- bed, crept quietly out, and ascended a
at the back for tomatoes, cross tree at the back of tho house. In
wise for cabbatre, maiiL'o peppers or about half an hour ho heard the doa
any other low-growing plant you may doing its work, then exclamations of
wish, being careful not to sow'tho seed disapppointmont at finding no plunder,
too thick, three inches apart for the shortly afterward followed by a cry of
rows, and tho plants will corao up in a anguish at the discovery of tho mis
short timo. Wbn up keep moist, but tako the murderer had made. From
not very wet, and on fine days roll his placo of concealment the jeweler
It should never be forgetten that the
child some dav will be a free aeent. If
his whole life now is strapped down
and checked off, and labeled with "or
ders'" and warmntrs and "take notice
and threats of penalties, lie may obey
from fear and by force, but his will
and his power of self control aro weak
ened. Such a character is usually
most helpless before temptations in af
ter life. Wo are too apt to overlook
the fact that it is not tho present ur
gency that is of most importance, after
nil . it. la tlu Vinllilinrr nn nf rhnr.lp.!nr
I fJAS I'lTTIMfi & STEAM HEATING, that is to bn the lontr, lasting result ot
to-days uattie, not me mere sinning
ot tho llag aud surrender ot tno sworu.
Tlie Place to buy a nice Overcoat.
The Place to buy a Fine Suit.
E. B. 81
The Place to buy Boys' Suits.
The place to buy Overcoats.
l fIT
m www mm
All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof
ing and Spouting promptly
attended to.
hack the canvas and give the plants
tne sunshine, pun out all tho litlli
weeds as )ou go along and somo of
tho plants ; if too thick they will rot.
Take moro munuro and bank up the
north side and end. Keep the canvas
down o' nights, and when raining, and
Hit should bo frosty still, cover at
night with a thickness or two of old
blankets or boards. Toledo Blade.
Pounder m the f eet-
Tho disease known as fever in the
feet, or founder, or laminitis, consists
of inflammation of the leaves or lami
nus which connect the horn of the hoof
with tho vnsculnr tissues of the foot
It is caused by overfeeding, when the
animal is not, or anytmng winch win
drivo tho blood into the extremitioi
and produco congestion. A largo
tpianttty ot blood circulates through
tho feet, and as the horn holds.tho fool
in a tight, hard box, which cannot be
expanded to cuiifonn to the pressure
ot tho blood, tho pain is intense, ami
produces a general condition of fover
over the wlwlo system. The disease
boon affects tho whole interior of the
feet, ami bo results in navicular dU
ease, thrush, and contraction of the
hoof tor want of nutriment needed for
tho growth of the horn. When this
happens thu trace of the horse is pint
recovery. J he treatment ot thu (lis
then saw tho Brahman come under tho
tree with a hoo. Heio ho dug a grave,
in which he buried the body of his son.
At early dawn tho jeweler descened
from his hiding place and' gavo infor
mation at the nearest thanna. The
prlico found the body under the treo
and arrested tho Brahman. St.
frame's Gazette.
How to Milk t Elcker.
About two years ago I purchased
what was represented to be a first-class
cow ; but on getting tier nomo and
making au effort to milk her I ascer
tained to my sorrow that is, when 1
lay on my back that she was a first-
class kicker. In order to aavo myself
from loss I had to devise somo way of
overcoming this unpleasant habit, and
I siicoceded so well that I wish for
others' benefit to publish my exper
The cow is first tied fast by the
head, in the stable. Now take a strap
that when buckled together will form
a circle of about eight inches, step by
the side of the cow, bend up hor right
foro foot till it touches tho body nnd
slip 011 the strap over tbu kneo to hold
it in this position. The cow is now so
fixed that she is helpless, and it is im
possible for her to kick, tsut to re
lieeher, so that she may stand at
en-o should bn undertaken at tho first ease while being milked, I now take a
anpcarancu of it, aud as follows : I he
fu.t should bo put in hot wator, as hot
as thu hand cnu bean a dose of ono
mtart of raw linseed oil should bo i:iv
en. Tho foro feet should be kept
moist for a few dajs, until tho effects
of the fever have disappeared, and
healthy gro.vlli of horn takes place.
Afterward tho frog should be left to
grow, without cutting away, so that it
may press upon ihu around nnd keep
tho foot in healthy action. A bor.n
that has been foundered, and whono
hoofs havu oontractid and have sepa
small rope of sufficient length, and
with a slip knot bring it around both
hind legs above tho garabrels, draw tho
rope tight and mako it fast to somo
.,! .,. . .1 1...
viuiil; iu tnu mill , uiuii jut iiuivii
the foro foot by taking off tho strap.
The cow may struggle a little at
first, but will soon eivo up, and you
ohii now milk iu safety. After n little
nracticu the strap and rope nan bo ad
iusted in a ininuto or Itdf. Cor. A'. Y.
In the Chamber of Deputies at Paris
rated from tho interior of the foot, can on the tenth. M. Meline, Minister of
never bo cured, nut may bo relieved uy gricuuurp, spnKu 111 i.-ivor 01 mo uin
leediriL' iced, boiled oats, nran and nn- lately iniroiiuceu rami'ii: urn mx uu
seed. nd out hnv. and avoidiili: oorn cereals and oitlle. Ho mi 1 other Eu
or musty bay or anything that wo ild i ropeau powers had adopted protection,
ation. -vt ami i raneo w
tend tu 1 ruduco irll.uiiliutioil.
York Times. do likewiic,
vas, thoraiore, obliged to
Who always cives you tho latest
styles, and cuts vour clothiiis to fit
you. Having had the experience lor a
number ol years in the Tailoring Bind
ness, has learned what material will
give his customers tlio best t.atisfaction
for wear and stylo and will try to
pleaso all who civo him a call. Also
on hand
Gents' ?urnishing Goods
Always of tlio latcs styles. Call anil ex
amino his stock b ore purchasing else.
Corner Main & Market StB.
April 2S-1J-
"str!ct attention given to heating by stoam.
Corner of Main & East Sts.,
jRlooxnsburg, Pa.
From the records of obcrvalions
made at thirteen Prussian stations
sinco 1873, Iliof. Muttrick has deter
mined that forests exercise a positive
influence on the teinneraturo ot the air;
that they lessen tho daily variations of
temperature, and moro in summer
than in winter ; and that the temper-
111E effect of the Ieatv forest is in sum-
m-r greater than that of the pine for
est, while 111 the winter the pmo torest
has moro influence than tho disfoliatred
Complete, a
A rradingLrondonl'hy
iriaa KaCHbluheaui
Office In New YorkT
Fmm Am. Jonro&l of tied.
'Dr. Ab, Mecerole, who
ra&kM a inecUItr ofKDilf inr
IhM without doubt tr4td
Fand enred mora euam th&n
toy otherliviDf pbJeicUn. Histtieoeu hu limplr
been Mtoniihin; we h?e beard of cue of OTerJ
Juri itandlux cord by him. Hecutrtnteet a car.1
Jirjr bottle and Treatise aunt free. Uits P. O. and
Dr. AO. AtESEROLE, No. 66 JohnStNir Tk.
March U-4w d
Tills remedy contains no injurious drugs.
ELY'S HatadrH
ricaiiiivH th
Hi-ad. AUuj-
Xn I'l n in in si-
ion. Ileal
Hit" iin s. K -
Nlliri N till! KCII-
inpr AiMlICk
Relief. X lo-
A Georgia fancier of Jersey cattle is
reported as expressing the opinion that
f every slave lived in (joiii'ia coma
lin replaced by a reentered Jersey cow
that State would in ton yo irs I o-
rorne richer than it would ho if tho
Emtncipition proclamation had never
been written.
In Mexico there is n petiified forest
ovcruiK IUU acres. rue petrified
a umps, limbs, and, in fact, wholo trees
lie about on all sides ; the notion of
i ho waters for hundreds of vears has
t?radmlly washed away the hitjb hills
round about, and the trees that once
covered the hih table lands now lio in
the valley beneath.
Prices Low,
-at the
CREVM HALM hasLMlnmmn enviable ronuta-
tlon wherever known. dlDlactnir all other nren-
arutlons. it la a creaim mbstunco. A particle is
upiuieu imu cacn noatrii, caumni; no puiu auu
Is airn-cable to use 1'rlce Bi cents bytnall, or ot
urugsisis. senu lor circular. r.ux iinoi niiits.
nrugKista, OHego, .S.y. Mar 6-4 w ii
Tho undersigned havinir nut hla Flanlnir 111
on Itallroad Street, la nrst-ciasa condition, 1b pre-
parea to ao an Kinaa oi worn in uis une.
furnisnea at reasonable prices. All lumber used
Is well seasoned and none but sitllea workmen
are employed.
(urnUbed on application. Flan and speclflca I
cu.imxs KRUG,
ktlociaaburg, Pa
The undersii'iied has started a lum
ber yard, and has on hand all kinds
Ex-Governor Smith, of Gerpin, hav-
intr said tint he had seen Ilenrv Ward
liecchcr itinini' recently wn3 asueu
whether thu man of God seemed beivr-
tv. "Hearty !" replied tho GeoiKian.
"Wiy if he had been at the miracle on
the mount there wouldn't have been
any basketfuls left."
Afler George Washington had cut
down his lather's cherry tiree, his
mother thought the wood might be
used for fuel, aud it was accordingly
burned and reduced to ashes, jsot
long after, Mrs. W. wished to mako
some soap, and took tho cherry-tiee
ashes, but all her labor was in vain, for
there was no ly(i)o in tho ashes.
For the Celebrated Chickeriug, Ivers &
I'onil, nnd V'osoiSj Bon Pianos, World re
nowued Kstey Ore ns, Violins, Aecordeons
and Sheet Music. Celebrated White, New
Itiirli Arm Duvls. Saw Home. Hovnl St.
John, and Light Humilng Domestic bowing
Machines. Needles, oil unil attacliments
for all makes of Sewing Machines.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Fliiiado'pii a '& Erie R. P. Divis
ion, and No tlnrn Central
In emct Nov. lltli, lbSI. 1;alis lcne Sen
0.4 n. m., sea Mioro U-iprcss (dally exco
Sunday), for llnnlsbuii; onilliiteimcdlateMntlon
anlMngat l'lilladtlpliln 3.15 p. in.; ew lor
as.-op. ui. : luillimoie, .Mo p. in. ; nslilnpio
6.V.0 p. 111., toiiiK-i-tliiK m I'htiatlelplitu' lor nil s
Mioit) points. 'Ihroutfli uisuui;er coach
:.oi)p. m. Day cxpiess
d ally cscej.t Sundajl.fur lianlkbiirg nnd lnterme
dlato btatlons nnlvlng at l'lilladclpbla p.m.; New York, 10.SO p. m. , liaUlii.oro
".'.o P. m. ; Wnshlnnion, s.J5p. m. l'ailoi ca
tluoui'li to Millaaeiphla nnd pussenger coacne
tUiouitlitol'hllndelphl.iund llallli 01c. p. 111. Wllltaiui-poii Accou modatlon (dally
for liuirlbburg and all lnlrrmedlate ttailous, arilv
Ing ul 1-lilladdphta 3 5 11. in. ; M-w ork 6.10 a. 111
Mecplng tar . clou mudatlons can tw bccuud at
llan l:.buigfor l'lillndelplild and Ni w 01k. On Mill
dajs, atliiougli hlii-piiigc r 111 be 1 1111. on tills
train from VtlliluiiAP't to 1-lill.ndclpliia.l hlladelplila
passengers can lciniiln In sleeper undisturbed until
' Vsj a. m. Erlo Mall (dally except Jlonday
for llarrlsburg and lniennedlato stations
arrlMug at 1 blladelplila T.RU a. in. New Yoik
ll.-jo 11. m. : Iialtlmoru 7.40 n. w. ; nsblugton, h.5
a.m. llirougli lull nn slceplngcai-saiu lunon
this train to l-lilladelplila, llaltliuuru and Washing
ton, and thiougli passenger coaches to rhlladel
phla nnd lialtln.ore.
5.10a. m. Erie Jlall (dally except Sunday!, foi
Erleindnl Inteiinedlale stations and cauandnl
gua and intcimtdlato statiui liocht-st c-r, liurti
loandMugaral'alts, Willi th ough lullman Pal
ace cats auu passenger loaches to Etle and lloih
ester. n.M-News Express (dally except Sunday) for
ixkk uaennnu lntcimeuiaie tiaiiuus.
1.10 p. in. Magnra Lxpnss idatly except Sun
day) lor Kane aiidlntuini-ulJtcslutluua and lan
andalgua and pilnclp.11 imuim-uutc siatloni
liocherter, Uuiialo anil M.ig.iru lull-, with
thiough passenger coaches to Kane and necnester
aul 1 -rlcr cai 10 w IllllJiaiport.
5.-5 p. ul iasi uue ujuj exccpi cuiiuaj iiu. j.v
noo uiid lnteiuu-dlate slailons, ui.d l-.uulia, ttal
klns aud inteiimdlalo stallons. w UU through iias
senger coaches to Ueumo and U'aiklua.
u.v-0 a. ni. - fcunuay man ior ia novo anu
TllltUL'QU TRAIN'S TOlt SUNIll'ltY FltOMTlll'.
sundar null leaves Phlladelnhla 4.30 a. m.
Haul burh' ..40 aiming ni sunbui usiia.ui.wlih
thioughsUeplngcar Iioin I'hl.adelphta to Nil-
.Nea hxpress leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. m.
dall), lluiubuig, s.10 .1. 111. dull except suula
arilvlog at sunUurj 1 K). a. m.
-:ugura .Apices ivu, t-a
Philadelphia, 7.40 a. in. ; llaltuuuie a. 111. (dally
except sunda nrtlMng ul tuiiburj, i.iu p. u.,
Willi 1 uriur cui iiuiu i iinautiuia
ana through passenger coaches J-lilUdel.
phla 11I1U haltllnuie.
1-usl Line leaies New ork 8.00 a. m. , I'hlladel.
phla, 11.10 a. 111. ; Washington, U 40a. ul , Mill
mule, 10.5 a. iu., (dall .xiept Muday, arming a
suubury, 5,-.up. in., uh through passenger
coaches from 1 hilauelplila anu Lai lu.010.
trio .Mail leaies .New ork s.eup. in. ; I'hlladel.
phla, ll.vop. 111. j Vi nslitiigiuu, la- 0 p. m. : Haiti
more, 11.-.' p. 111., (dally except sunda ) anlvlng
at suubuo !.i5 u. m., wuli tliiougn l'
steeping cars from l'lilladelplilii, Wasiilugtoii anu
Ualtiiuuru and thiough passenger coaches Hon)
IJ.MIi;itV, 1IA.I.LTON iv: VII,iltll AUK.
IIKANt'll lit I.VtAV.
(Dally except Sunday,)
Wllkcsbarro .Mall leaes sunbury m.30a. m.
arrlwug at Uloom terry il.ST a. in., llkes-barre
K'.(.5 p. m.
Ixiircss East leaves Sunbury 5.33 n. in.. arrUing
atnioomIeiiya8up.iii., Wilkes barrc s.01 p. in.
suubury .iull leal es ilkesbarre 10.3 a. in. urrir
lngal liloom lerry l-.'.ui p. in.unburj 1--I.55 p. m.
i-.xprebs w est icai es iiiists uai iu y.-ia ji. m.,
rl Ing at lllooin l-'eny 4.15 p.m., Suubury 5.10
of the best quality, Hoards, Scantling,
Joists, Fencing, and every other shapo
Inquire at
un to 82 teet long.
Heck's Store.
S.W. ffilSIEL
Russia makes annually 120,000
wooden spoons for tho Central Asia
m.iikct. The coiiiuum grades aio made
from birch and poplar, and th-j best
qualities from boxwood.
If you throw a piece of wrought
iron at a man it becomes cast iron.
Manufacturers ought to bo able to
utilize this idea in snme way.
Feb 27.3m
H'liACIl 1: It H
Make JTO to JIM per month
belllnir our standard Uooks I
. iJinies. steady work for spring and summer.
uurus3j v, iciiciilJi & 11111.1.
mar ss-ly aid
Wben I nay I cure I do not mean merely to Btop
me 11 ior a lime ana men u.ivu iue:u rviuru u-raui.
1 mean a radlr-ul cure. I baio inado the disease ot
K1IH. EI" ILhl'sV. or FALLlNd SICKNESS a 1116-
long study. 1 warrant my remedy to cure the
worst ca.sea. neeaute others havo failed 14 no rea.
Mm tor not now recelvln-r a cure. Send at once. 101
a t eattsu and a Free Itottle of my Infallible reme
dy, (ilvo Kxpmn and Post o.Uci", It costs )OU
nothing for a trial, and I will cure you,
; Address Dr. 11. 11. HOOT, lb l'earl SL, New York.
1UI i-J-, I
AOKNCY. MoTer'a now but'dlne. Mala itreet.
foomsburg, Pa, v
.Ctna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn T,urs,?jo
uoyai 01 laverpooi. , io,ixu,uaj
Lincashlre , iu,ou,oru
nre Ansoclatlou, Philadelphia 4,l ,710
Plia-nlx, of Londoa 5,1:01,376
Iiudon Lancashire, of England
ilarlfordof llaitford. 3,S7a,iiw
spilngUeld Fli 0 and Marine...
li.lM.'.lhU I
To many I can
To all who work for "e at home.
uttoid to pay more.
juaouv, uui
i.ii jaji Air.r-i ij
Work. Stnd postal card to W, W.
Ule, Ky. uarinw
As the agencies aro direct, policies are written
for the Insured without delay In tlio onice at I
mooumurg. uct. v 111.
lly addressing oa I'. KOWELL t CO., 10 Spruce I
SL, New York, can learn Ilia exact ceit of any I
proposed line of If si so in American New I
papers, .lou-page pampmei, im. utiiiiKr
has, hyuui's, cop-i'KE. sdoau, mola-ses,
W. K, earner Second and Arch streets,
ivorders win recenu prompt atwmiu
I ttr a poiltlf rmear for ihbor dlwab t bj its
I fctr a poiltlf remedy
111 Lhiiuitnuiof cuiiol I
t40JLn)itTiFocured. Indewl,
rocureu. uim , oti '-until mt faith
una vai UAfKiUKAiiJi(uti.l(dlu
dm ih'iutftoniolcutaol iln voiii fclud tiitl nf Iodz
lti her wit
td inf uffrer. UUiirriindF ll.kdJr ta
Foreign? umdi Momesiic
uen. MMset.
J. 11. WOOD,
lien. Passenger Agent
WESTKKN 11A1L110A1).
11 15,.
0 l'J .
0 11 .
S 60,,
p.m. p.m. a.m.
v 00 1 so
s 1,4 1 '.')
S 4S 1 111
S 40 1 11
S II 1 0.1
S 87 1-J 67
S Si l'J 6J
8 II Pi 41
8 18 S 41
8 08 IS 40
8 OS 1-' 37
8 0.1 12 31
7 60 1-J I'O
7 51 18 20
60 18 15
7 41 18 01
7 10 11 55
7 18 18 41
7 11 II 5
7 05 11 88
0 68 II V8
0 51 ,1 IS
U 60 11 IS
0 48 11 OS
6 30 1! 01
II 80 10 51
B 85 10 51
60S 035
0 00 10 8S
5 55 I.i 21
5 40 10 10
p iu. a.m.
Ml.. Wist 1-lttstou,
8 4S..,.omlng. ,
8 4.1. ..Maltbj
8 19 nennett
8 85 Kingston
8 35 ....Klngstoi
s 30 I'l) mouth Juno
8 85
8 21
8 If
8 10
7 63
7 47
7 41
7 31
7 87
7 S3
7 1W
7 11
7 05
7 00
I'D mouth.
.,,.Aondale, ,
,, Nanllcoko .,
Iluulocks licek
Illrks Ferry
.Iirlar Creek.
,. 1.1 elildge
a.m. a.m. p.m
5 50 I) 40 2 20
B 65 0 4 8 85
a 01 u w a so
0 Ull 0 5i 2 3S
0 ll 10 01 2 IB
6 8-1 10 in 2 51
6 28 10 14 2 60
0 3J 10 17 3 00
0 .'iu 10 JO 3 03
6 4.' 10 25 t
0 48 P 8 S 06
0 611 10 8U U 11
0 65 10 3.1 3 15
7 00 10 31 3 20
7 (15 10 41 3 24
7 12 10 18 3 32
1 21 10 0 3 45
7 47 11 10 3 67
7 53 1 lb 4 03
8 00 11 IS 4 10
6 00 11 81 4 16
8 10 11 17 4 19
8 14 11 40 4 2J
h 21 1 1 46 4 Ul
H 88 II 62 4 i-0
.. Hunert. ...I ml 1 67 4 42
6 51 Catawl a Iirldge 8 so 12 oe 4 41
OS.', . llamlllll.... 8 65 18 20 5 16
629 ....chulasky ... os nf
6 85 .... Cameron.... U 0 18 38 b 6
6 lO.Northuuiberlaud II 20 18 60 6 10
a.iu. a.m. p.m. p.tu
W. P. HALSTEAD, supt.
superintendent's onice, Scranion, ret. Ibt, I802
Alcv op
l.i ecu nvisa loots
Ilend Sautters for
Nulls ui.u u g un
li atim and Llutk
tii.lllis' supplies.
Uiael nittenbeiider,
store Maierooms
8 rranUUiAc,, also
...HIWUMI t f UUk- dHHL
nn Ac, uiid listen- (TtS't
110 street. ISJw
may 2"