TLTfc, COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. How to Test Milk. Everyone- knows tlio dilTerenco in milk. How to test tho milk Is thus explained by one wlio has . experimented for himself. It U ol no rlittlo Importance to have at hand aeon ' ventent and reliable modo of testing tho richness of milk. This is usually done by thii mere rulo of "guess. Thero is a moro reliablo way, within (tho reach of all, and whereby anj per ison may safely govern himself In do elding upon which of any number of milkmen ho will patronize, or which of nny number of cows ho will purohaso. Procure, nny long vessel a cologno bolllo or n lorn phial. Tako a narrow Btrln of paper, just tho length from tlin neck to tho bottom of tho phial, and mark it with one hundred lines at equal distances) or. If moruconvcnlent, into fifty linos, and count each lino ns two, and paste it upon tho phial, so as to divide Its length into n hundred equal paits. Fill it to the highest mark with milk fresh from tho cow, and allow it to stand in a perpendicular position twenty-four hours. The num ber of spaces occupied by tho cream will give the exact percentage in tho milk, without any guess-work. Wo tried the experiment Bovcral years since, and found it valuable. Wo gathered tho idea long ago from nu agricultural paper, but wo carried tho experiment further, by which wo lounil the percentage of butter in tho cream. Set the milk in a large dish, and col lect say from one hundred to two hun dred ounces of cream t make the but ter, and tho porcentaco of butter in tho cream can bo ascertained by tho number of ounces of butter mado Irom it. As per example : If ono hundred ounces of milk give ten ounces of cream, and ten ounces ot cream givo five ounces ot butter, we will have learned that ono hundred ounces of milk will civo five ounces of butter. Such experiments aro worth being made, and mado carefully. In no other way do wo know what wo have in a cow or milk, or what wo are buying. In this way, also, wo may test tho exact nutritive value of different kinds of milk from our cows a very important matter. Farmers may deprive much benefit by making a few simple experiments now and then. 1 hey need not inter fere with anv of tho recular duties of the farm ; and nothing but a spirit of habitual indolence of thought and action will keep them from doing so. ouch experiments often lead to important results, and evoke interesting and in structive facts. Farm, Field and Stockman. A Cheap Poultry House. Experience hu proved that twenty fowls, properly boused, provided with suitable fond, pure water, clean nest boxes, plenty of dust, lime in somo form, and gravel, will return more clear proht than buy, kept as they gen erally are upon farmc Suggest a good poultry house to the average farmer, and frequently there arises in his mind tho image of an ela borate affair costing one hundred to one hundred and fifty dollars. Hoi being able to spare that amount for such a purpose, he goes without, and his poultry, exposed to the inclemen cies of the weather, are a dead expense full two-thirds of the vear. ealincr val uable food constantly and yielding nothing in return. . A poultry house larco enough to properly shelter twenty fowls can bo erected at the very small cost ot $ Wo civo a list of all the material which, with tho exception of the sash, cost three dollars and cigbty-hvu cents The sash was taken from a hot-bed that is used for sprouting sweet pota toes in tho spring. When the sash is required for the hot-bed the season is mild and tho opening is covered with boards. This structure is nine feet wide, twelve feet long, and five feet high in the center. The short side of tho roof is two feet long, and tho long side, which fronts south and comes to within eighteen inches of the ground, is seven feet At the further end of tho roof boards extend over an opening mado for tho fowls to pass in and out. Tho perches aro one toot above tho floor and extend along the north side of the interior. The bottom board on that side is hung with hinges so it can be raised, and the droppings under the perches scraped out. The nest boxes are arranged along me low side, the dust box is placed in the sunniest spot, and tho feed and water troughs near tho door. Ono pano of glass in the sash is loose so that it may be moved down for venti lalion. The floor should bo covered with sand when obtainable, if not, with straw, chatl, or other similar ma terial that can be raked out when sou ed. The whole interior should be rW on a coat of fresh lime whitewash at least four times a year, and the perches swabbed with kerosene. Hens kept in this house lay steadily all winter. The poultry house here described is easily oleaned, and answers the purpose near ly as well as one costing twenty times as much. uay star. Heavy Milk. ''Most people do nolknow what heavy milk is. It is the kind that will not separate and raise all its cream u nder ordinary conditions. Tho cream glo bules aro so small and so nearly tbo specifio gravity of the water ol the milk that they do not separate and rise to the surface. This kind of milk is found in particular cows in all breeds, but appears to bo more prevalent in some breeds than in others, as Ayr shires and Dovona. It is good milk for family use, or for cheese, but not for butter. The discovery of this property of milk was mado in Denmark since tho invention and uso of the centrifugal separators. Milk having this property is found frequently in this couutry and lias probably always existed without being detected. Heating the milk to near ono hundred degrees Fahrenheit boforo setting partially overcomes the trouble, though It is doubtful if this re leases and throws up all the cream. Tho contrifugal machines overcome tho obstacle. -Farm Journal. The Strawberry as a Window Plant. To thoso who seek variety in their window plauts tho strawberry makes a pleasing contrast ; its bright, groeu leaves, tho white clusters of flowers, aud the numerous bunches of luscious fruit, are all deeply interesting, and tho developing of each affords quite as much pleasure as tho growth of tho leaves and tho expanding of the blos soms of any of the flowering plants. To have good plants for this purpose the work should begin in August, or earlier, if the nowly set plants begin to throw out runners. Six-inch pots should bo filled with good, lich loam and set in the ground nt tho right dis tance from the strawberry plants to re ceive tho first now plant that frms j when this geta well established it may , bo Fcparated from tho parent plnnt, and all of tho pots containing young plants thus established should be gath ered up and set in some convenient placo near together where they can bo watered and carelully looked otter. JNo runners should bo permitted to grow, but the plant itself should bo stimulated i it will orow'enoiiBh to fill thu pot with stronir roots. Tho plants thus grown should havo tho benefit of tho first cold weather to ripen them up after two or thrco cold nights if It is found that most of the foliage is killed, tho pots should be removed 10 a cooi cellar whero thero is some light ( hero thoy may bo kept until wanted to orna ment tho window. It Is not '.ho most satisfactory way to bring tho plants all up nt ono time, but it is better to bring up only a nor tlon, thus thu plants of themselves show a variety t ono set ol plauts show ing tho green leave?, .toother the open ing flowers, and still another tho ripen ing fruit. JJy this plan llicy niways at tract attention, and the reason of ripen ed fruit very much lengthened. It is surprising that a plant so inter esting, so attractive, and in tho end furnishing such luscious fruit, is not moro frequently found among thu win dow plants. In growing tho strawberry ns a win dow plant ono thing must ho leuiein bercd, it need the sun lo make it an attractive plant j in tho hIi.hIo or a par tial shado tho leaves will look pale, rub up stocks so long and small that tiny will not be strong enough to support the leaf, and so will drop down and thus make an unsightly plant. Some who havo tried to thus grow it havo been led to discard it as an unsightly plant, but when given plenty of sun shine it is quite a different plant ; if it is to be shaded by other plauts it had better not be introduced, but if it can be Given a position in front where it can have plenty of room and sunshine, u win maintain an iiuruuuvu npiviir anco until tho fruit is ripe. Jfass. Ploughman. Closed for Bepiire. Tho young ladies and young gentle men of a town in Western Pennsylva nia aro said to bo standing round the streets nt uight biting their finger-nails and looking disconsolate because their roller-skating rink is closed for repairs. The ordinary old-fashioned plcasutes of flirting on the sidewalks havo grown tamo and in tho temporary ubsmico of the moro xsthetio enjoyment of the rink tho boys anil girls do not know what to do witlt themselves. They used to up to meeting and cast sheep's eyes at eacli other across the' pews and aisles during srrvico and tako long walks after meeting, but tho preacher s opposition to the rinks has kindled a corresponding opposition to tho preachers, and now the young peo ple won't go to meeting oven for fun. Tho repeated exhilarations of tho ska tiug rinks have in a measure vitiated tho known literary tastes of tho country girls, so they are not at all inclined to go back to evening readings. They aro bound to have the skating rink. If the young people, especially tbo girls, would devote their leisure even ings to mutual conversations about tho possible improvements in future house keeping j say, for instance, how can wives cease to bo dowdy-lnsing in their own house ; how- Can they learn to dam stockings with neatness, and no cobbling ; how can they learn thu art of always keeping a house tidy and clean and homelike, and how under stand the science ot retaining their hus band's affection and respect and other minor matters of needed improvement, tho temporary closing of a roller ska ting rink would not worry them and their finger-nails would not net bitten. But it is hard to get thco ideas into some young heads in theso days, Phila. Times. A Man Who was Imprisoned for Another Man's Crime Set free After live Years After having been imprisoned live years for a murder which he did not commit, Henry Uigby has been reload ed from the Chester, Illinois, peniten tiary. Five years aco John Sinkler, a Ken tuckian, was murdered at Digbytown, a village m Hamilton County, III. lie lived a few hours after receiving tlio fatal wound and testified that he was aroused suddenly from sleep and saw a man standing in his room. He sprang up in bed and asked the intruder what ho wanted. A scufllo ensued and Sinkler was shot, Tho murdeier fled. Sinkler swore from his voice, ho be lieved that the man who shot him was Henry Digby, a son of John Digby, an Englishman, witli whom Sinkler had been boarding. Henry Digby was convicted and sentenced to fourteen years in the Chester penitentiary. John Sinkler was to have been mar ried the next Sunday to Eliza Digby, Henrv's sister. Sinkler and his two brothers, Richard aud Perry, were then partners in business at Digbytown. It was said that Richard was deeply in lovo with his brother's betrothed wife, and that he had sworn that no man besides himself should over live with her. Not long after John Sinklcr's death and Henry Digby's conviction Richard Sinkler and Eliza Digby were mairied. About two years ago Rich ard Sinkler got a life sentence to tho penitentiary for muidering a man nt Uellerievo. Ho confessed to two other convicts that ho had murdeml his brother John, besides killing two men before coming to Illinois. Threo of tho men whose testimony went far to ward convicting Henry Dinby, were afterward sent to the penitentiary for various crimes. This statement was verified and Digby was pardoned. Digby was met at tho railroad station by several hundred people and was es corted home. "What is laughter T" asks a scien tist. It is what you don't hear whin you find your wife sitting up for you after the club. When a man stays down town at his oflicu until midnight trying to strike a balanco ho generally loses it before ho gots homo. A squirrel in a wheel will run all day in hopes that ho will overtake his tail. Rut ho never does. There aro scons of men in the Albany Legislature wl o spend their timo in tho same absurd maimer. "Yes,1' said tho school girl, who had arisen from tho lowest to thu highest Iiosition in her class. "I shall have a lorsoshoo for my symbol, ns it do notoi having come from the foot." Gioat things aro not accomplished by idle dreams, but by years of patient study, CONSUMPTION, I bf ft puiltlt rtuied J fur lb fttor dlao. 1 by Hi lhiu.u ! of et.ool lti wum kluli,lof Ion toalOKbvlucu-U. lndl, faho laliafuleai-T.lliMtiwI MII4TUO BOTrU S FUEB. ' i VlLtUBUITHKiTHK 111 UU OlMuM to ftUf tuOurtr. fllf.tipr.ii nd V (1 ddr . DU.t.A.Bl.Ol.'UM.IHt'.,!!!., !. V, Maris-tw r i.ohh mm Units, cnArriR I. "f km taken sick n year ago WltU bilious t ver" "My doctor pronounced me cured, hut I got sick ncnhi, with terrible pains In my lmck und sides, anil I got so hud 1 Could not move! I shrunk! From 228 lbs. to 180 ! I had been doc toring for my liver, but It did mo no pood. 1 din not expect to llvo moro than three months. I began to uso Hops Hitters. Directly my npnctlto rcturnid, my pains left me, my entire system seemed renewed as It by mnglc, and nfler using several bot tles, I am not only as sound ns n sovereign, but weigh more than f did before. To Hop Hitlers 1 owe my life." H. Kitzpatiuok. tiuUh, June 0, 'SI. CIIAI'TKI! II. . "Mntilcn, Mass., Feb. 1 1SS0. (Jent'emen- I suffcied w.tli attacks (it sick heartache. Neuralgia, female trouble, for years In the most terrible and excruciating manner No medicine or doctor could. glvu mo re lief or cure, until I used Hop Hitters. "The llrst bottlo Nearly cured me " The sccor.d mado me as well and str as when n child, "And 1 have been so to this day." My husband was an Invalid for twenty years witli a serious - "Kidney, liver and urinary complaint, "Pronounced by Huston's best physi cians "Incurable!" Seven bottles ot your Hitters cured him and I know of tlio "Lives of eight perrons" In me neighborhood Hint have been sav ed by your bitters, And many more nro using mem wun great benefit. i ney inmost Do miracles i" Mrs. E. I). Slack IIowtoGkt Sick. Exnoso rourself (lav and nlgnt i too muoli without excreta i i work too hard without rest j doctor all tlio time tako nil the vllo nos rums ailt-crtlsjd, a (1 th-'nyou wll w.tnt 1 1 know how to uet no 1, which Is answered In threo words Take I lop Hitlers I y.Nono rcnutno without a bnncti otirreon- Hons on the whllo label, shun nil the vile, poi sonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" la their name. JXEOUTOIl'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JOHN KILCIINER, DKCSA8M1. letters testamentary In tho estate of John Kclchner, l.ito ot Centre township, Colnmbl 1 coun ty, Pennsylvania have been granted bv the Iteg lster ot 9 Id county to tho undersigned executors. All persons having claims against tlio estntoot said decedent nro requested to present them for settlement nnd thoso Indebted to tho 1 state to mako payment to tho undersigned without delay. (IEOH0KW. K IXMINKIt, I-Executors K. I. KKLCIINKlf J Knorr ft Wlntersteen, atty's. Feb 6 tl DMINISTltATOlt'S NOTICE. XSTATB OT WM. J. IKELKH, DECEASED. Letters of administration cum tntammloaimna in the estate ot Win. J. Ikeler deceased lato of Mt. l'leasant township, Columbia county, Pa, havo been gr nted by tho llegliter of said county to the undersigned Administrator. All persons hnung claims against tho estate of tho deceased, aro requested toprcsn t them (or set tlement, and thoso Indebted to the estate to make payment to tho undersigned administrator with out delay. KM 1KELHU, Feb ST Administrator. Welllversvllle, uoL Co., Pa. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! AT,. THE ARTIST m w if t m m AND MERCHANT TAILOR, Who always gives you thu latest stvles, and cuts your clothing lo fit you. Having had the experience lor a number ol years in tho Tailoring Rum- lies'), has learned what material will give his customers (he best satisfaction for wear and i-tyle and will try to pleaso all who give him a call. Also on hand Gents' Furnishing Goods OF ALL DEtSCr.IPTIONS. HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Always of tlio Intest Btylcs. Call and ex amino his stock bilore purchasing else where. OirnerMain & Market Sts. nskirg. Pa, April ss-iy BLOOMMIOi PLANING HILL The undersigned havinir nut his pianlnir Mt on ItaUroud street, In rlrst-ciass condition, Is pre- pu. cuwuu mi kiuu3 ur wotk in ms line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnunel nt reasonable prices. All lumber usefl Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen aroeuipioycq, ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plans tnd Hpecinca CIKARE.ES kriig, SlIooiiiHbnrs, I'll Catarrh elvs CREAM HALM ' ICSltlhCX tin Head. Atliiy In I I 11 III III u lun. Ileal In Sort's. Ite Hltll'fS lllti Mill 'S ol' tllhtl! -miotl, lira r- nil! ,t Qulc Relief. A iui Cure. H AY-F.EVE (live It a trial. Kll-'M Orr-nm ltalm ratl.seB no pain. Dives relief at ont-c. A thorough treatment win cure. Kot a liquid. Not a knurr. Apply Into HU3LIU3. into .ju tvms at uruyi-sts: tie( UlUII, irKisirit-tu n,iUU(,i) 'T.IIO DV Ulttll JU fCU(B. LY llHorilllllS, DrutfBUWj unego, ft, V. THACII is 1&H HakercotallMrwrinonm 1. 1 bclilug our standard Hooks .-. muica. ruciuy woriv tort-prois anu fcuramcr. Address J. u, lleCUUDY 4. Co., Plilla. mar Si-ly aid yAINWMUUT & CO., WHOLESALE OEOCEliS, PHfLAUELPHU ri!AH,HVHUl"d UOFJSCHU'llR, MOLlSSt;!, HICX, SriCtS. BICiKB 80D,tC.,lC. N. B. Corner Hccond and Area stroma. fr-Ordem will recrltH prompt attend n SUHSCWBH KOIt mil COJiU.MWAN, $16.0 A YKAH. BI001 HS9 READY FOR TRADE. )C( Wo open the cnmiutign fully equipped with an entirely frcsli stock of SPRING OVERCOATS, AND MEDIUM-WEIGHT SUITS In all tho varied styles now in vogue. )C( Prices Rulo Unusually Law )C( A. C.Yates & Co. 002, 001, 000 CHESTNUT St., 3 6 I'hllnilrlplilii. To tilt Readers of THE COLUMBIAN. -THE NEW IMPR0VED- Westeru Washing Machine Which is now being introduced in this Rfctiun, and is already largely in uso in almost t'very Slate in the Union, com- menda itsell ny tho simplicity aim easo of its operation, and by tho good woik lliat it docs. Thu machinn is ( asily handled, and inakis no clop, whatever. The lollowiiig testimony to its merit will bo of interest to the ladies of Bloomsburg and Vicinity, and all who aro interested in an im portant improvement : TESTIMONIALS. I5i.ooMsnt;uo, Va., Dec. 8, 1884. Vamlergrift Mfy. Ol . e bought from your agent Mr. C. Mears, olio of your New Improved est. em nsliers. Have used It for three weeKB mul lire much pleuseil witli It. It suves labor, washes cleanly, does not wear out the clothes mid works uislly. o can heartily recommend It to everyone who lias wasuuic 10 (in. iwupj. juuh, Mus. P. M. Tbats. Uloomsbiiuo, Ph., Dec. 8, 1884. Vandergrift JV. Co. : Camden Mears. Airenti I havo been in the laundry business constantly during tho past ten years, unil nave trieu very many dlflcrcnt kinds of family washing ma. chines, .ono of which is tlio New Inipioved Western .n ur, huI.I by you, und I cheer fully recommend it as being the best ono for mv work that I have ever irk-d. It gives pel feet satisfaction, and I would not part Willi it lor uouoiu me nmouiu l puiu tor It If I coma not procure unouier one. iny person wishing to see it in operntioD can" do so, by calling ut my laundry. Yours Hespectfully, C. II. Ilnow.v, Proprietor Illoonisbiirg I.audry, Dent ler's new block, Main Street. Bi.ooMSBDna, Pa., Dec. 8, 1834. Vandergrifl ilfy. Ot. : Qentlkmen i When your agent, Mr. C. Mears, solicited mo to purchase ono of your western w usiiing jsiaciimes, uoiniug but a desire to be courteous prompted me to civo ono moment's attention to it. as all the washing machines I had ever seen had proved utter failures, lint when your agent, In n commendable spirit of fairness, offered to sell vour machine on its merits. I could not refuse to givo it n fair trial. It lias now done scrvlco In my launury tnret months, and I must say that It Is perfect it every respect, doing its work thoroughly and with It ono girl can do the work of two, without fatigue. It Is simply match less. Very Truly Yours, Ij. A. SllATTtlCK, M. D. THY ONE 1 And if you at o not Bandied after civinc it n fair trial ro turn tho innchiiiu to ,our agent, and ho will refund your money. Vandcrgrift Mjg. Co. I would say that I have secured the agency for the sale or tue above ropular Washlag .Machine, American Hand I'lautrni and other manufactures oliue above Arm, for the counties of Columbia, Montour, Luzerne and fcchu null, and would be pleased to deliver, and Instruct In the uso of the wasner anyone wno ueurcs to uuy our. C. MEARS, Agent. Salesroom, V. Group's old grocery ttand, Malu St, 12.12-Slm HLOOMSHUHG, PA. HEW LUMBER YARD. The tmdeisii'ni'd hus btarled a lum bur ynid, and has on hand all kinds ot HEMLOCK LUMBER of th lt quality, Hoards, .Suantlinor, Joist", Fencing, and every other nhaiie up to 82 feet long. Inquire ut T. iituk'H atcro. J.F. KWK, tIGHTSTREET, PA, Feb 27.3m TWAS mtOWN'S INSUKANflE A1 AOKNCV. -MO) em now building, Jlala street, oouubuiv, I'a. Assets. .t:tna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn S7,078,$M Koyul ot Liverpool ll,6nn,ouo Ijincashlre...,, , , lil,0U0,003 Klre Ai-aoclatlon, Philadelphia 4,1U,7'0 l'hcanlx, ol Loudon.., , &,iA37a uinuon k Lancashire, or uugiauil l.iuu.vru llartrordoi liarllonl , 3,2T:l,ino bprlngtliia Flio and .Marine..., 2,0t.,K0 As the aeenclej are direct, policies aro written for the Iniured without delay Intho onice at lilooiusbunr. Ov't. 24, '81. ADVERTISERS Iiyaddrcsilnsr O' O. r 1IOWKI.L t CO., 10 Spruce bu, Now York, can n the exact cost or any inu,iuacu iiuoiH ( p n m, in American r,t'ws papers, ivioa-page pamphlet, lue. febis-lwr ODD ITEMS. Liverpool has a Inrccr lleet of mer chant ships than nny port In tho Wll III. Nearly nil the winter resort hotels In Florida are ootid noted by Northern men, Seventy-five uowspnpers have Rtnrted und died in New York oity in thirty ycnrH. The total number of cigars produced in tho United States is 3,000,000,000 aniiunlly. In Ohio tho ptnndard weight ot a bushel of ear corn is OS instead of 70 pounds as formerly. The Mnrvlntid HepresentdtlveH in Ooii,'ross residu nt home, going in and out dnilv. Seven chinches worn destroyed in the city of Antiopicra, Spain, by a re cent earthquake. It is estimated that about fifteen thousand persons aro out of employ ment in St. Louis alone. Tho Spanish treaty will bu greatly idified nnd chiefly in behalf of our tobacco interest. Twenty years ago tho Danes un polled nearly all their sugar. Now they raio it from blots. Theru nrq twenty-two retired reai- ndmirals living in Washington and only two commodores. A monument made of cement, has ju-a been built on thu spot in Hawaii Wheru Captain Uouk fell. A society frr the eradication of pro fanity is tho latest moral icforni move ment in .Now iojk. It is said that no town havinir anov ulation of 5,000 or moro is now with out n roller skating rink. Harper's Magazine is sold for eiiih teen cents nnd t tut Century at tweutj- hvo cents in London. About 2,000 Scotch peoplu arc iimk inu arrangements lo form a colony in Lo Angeles enmity, Ual. Among tho curiosities collccud by the Alaska Fur Company is a salmon wlneli in lite weltihed lilO pounds. Policemen who Kcrvo on tho Now York police forcii for twenty yeais are retired on a pension ot SG00 a) ear. It Is estimated that the average d iilv coiMUinptiori of eggs throughout tne United States amounts to lS.OOO, 000. Thu work of enlnrtrinir tho Dismal Swamp Canal in Virginia so as to mako it a vcntablo sluii canal will soon begin. Tho greater portion of tho wheal crop in California is stored, and will not bo sent to market until prices grow better. A London paper says that a dramat ic critic should havo no friends connect ed with the drama, live like a hermit, and pay for his stalls. The Texas pecans brine 1 2.25 a bushel. Ono fanner picked 70 bushels from a pieco ot laud, on which he also laised a good corn crop. Upon good authority it is stated that children who aro very successful on tho stage rarely become good actors or ac tresses as they grow up. The light ot an electric-lamp travels at tho rato of 187,200 rms a second j that of thu sun 186 500, and that of a petroleum lamp 180,700. Row D. Furuess, of Philadelphia, recently nrirried a briJe, for whoso mother and grandmother ho had per formed tho sumo ceremony. London is now one of tho quietest cities in the world in consequence of the prevalence of wood or asphalt pave ment in all tho chief thoroughfares. A life-insurance man calculates that in 193o there will bo living 1,233 sur vivois of tho war of the rebellion. Nearly 30,00.) squiro miles of Uni ted States territory are now ownud by foreign syndicates and oip'ttalists. A Gtorgia newspaper is adorned with the picture of the editor carrying an immuusu pistol in each hand, a dag ger in his mouth and two daggers and a sword in his belt. Oases of Diphtheria. Tho precautions to bo taken in tho management of a well-marked ease ot diphtheria are, or should be, generally known, says the Sanitary Engineer They havo been published as circulars by many health boards and through the secular and medical press, and may be summed up as follows : Isolate the patient in an airy loom having the least possible amount of furniture, es pecially that which is upholslcied and having no carpet oremtains. Disin fect all excretions and secretions, and especially those lrom the throat, nose and mouth, and all articles soiled by them promptly, while they aro yet moist, and thoroughly. Uso clean, soft rags for receiving the discharges from the noso and mouth, and burn them as fast as soiled. If other articles aro soiled, use solutions of chloride of zinu or bichloride of mercury, tinder the in structions of tlio physician. He espe cially earetul as legards toys, peucils or other at tides which may bo given tho child for its amusement, of the ar ticles used in giving it food or diink. Everything that has touched the pa tienl's lips, or that has been touched by .tnvthiiig that has to-iched thu patient s lips, is d.iiigeious. When eonvnhsoi'iiCM has stt in do not yield too soon to the impnitiinities of the patient to bu allowed to t-ee his friends or to go out, nor to your own feelings of weariness nt tho long-continued confinement. Above all things do not, under tho excuse of giving change of air and scene, send him oft to soma other plae" to complete his ro eowty j you might send dynamite iboui thu country with scarcely more risk. D.i not send tho child back to bchool in less than six weeks after the attack j ab jut two weeks afur you are satisfied that he is entirely well is a very good rub1. Under the Severn, Tho tunnel building under the Sev. tii will bo completed in a short timo, bringing South Wales fourteen miles nearer to Loudon by rail, and cities of Cardiff and Uristol in cloto connection At prtsent travellers havo to cross the head of iIih month of the Severn by way of Glouchesler, or they havo to ci o'ss tho Severn by fciry at IVtskowel and Now Passage. This enterprise has been accomplished under tho direo tion of thu Great Western Hallway Company. The woik was begun in 1 S73, mid hus liven carried on in tho I o. of diflioulties and disasters. Hut ' w to save tune has become a rerious question with the modern world, and nothing that will accomplish this end is esteemed too arduous or too costly. V? A T T 0 VEGETABLE liilJLJU O SICILIAN Hair Eenewer. Seldom docs a popular reined; win t uch a Itrong hold uon tho public conQdeuce a) has llAl.l.'n lUlli Tho enw In which ll tin ncoiniilinuod n complete rutoratlon of color to tuu hair, and vigorous health lo tho scalp, are luiiunu ruble, Old pcoplo like It for Its wonderful power to restore to their whitening locks llicir color and beauty, Mhldlc-jiged peoplo llko It because It prevents Ihem from getting bald, keeps datidrutf awav, nnd makes Ilia hair grow thick aud strong. Young Indies Ilk j II us a dressing because It gives the hair n l.tu tlful glossy lustre, nnd enables them to dress It In hatevcr foria they Thus It l the favortto of nil, and It has become so slniplj because It disappoints no one. DYE rou thu tviusucns Has becomo one of the lnot Important topu lar toilet articles fur ge litlcnicn's ion, When tho Iward Is gray or naturally of an mulu clrablo shade, HfCKI.soiiAM's Die Is tho remedy. rnr.rAncn nr It. r. Hall & Co., Nnsliua.X.lI. Sold by all Druggists. mil wi o orrer to tho Trade their Fine Iirand ot Cigars. Ths Landres, Honiy Clay, ITcrmal, Qamssn, and Cesmspolitan. Fine Fruits and Fine Confectionery on hand, fresh every week. Hlooms burg, Pa. Feb. 27 TQfSQRJ,L E00YIS. TIIK OLD STAND under tho Ktchingo Hotel, still takes tho lead, llalr Iiress-inj;, Mining, Dyeing, Sliimpooinir and all wo-k In my line promptly aud neatly done. BILLIARD & POOL TABLES. James ReiiSy, ! Jan 30-tf Proprietor, i A REDUCTION OF 10 PER CENT. ON ALL WINTER GOODS -o- Tlic Place to buy TBie Place to buy a Fanae SnaSt. T9ie Place to buy JLSoys9 Suitis. The Btoek Is -AT OF GMAIN STREET,) (0. B. jhobbii; DEALER IN Foreign a.iiM Mamestic WINES AND LIQUORS. AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG. PA. XCEKGE HOTEL vV. tl. TUiniS, PROPRIETOR OCPOSITB COURT IIOUSK argp an 1 onvonhnt sample rooms. Hath rooms t and coll water, and all modern conveniences ALL KINDS OF .1015 PRINTING ON SHOUT NOT1CK AT THIS OFFIOF. M. C. SLOAN & BRO.. HLOOMSHURO, PA. Manufacturers or CARRIAGES DUGQIES, PHAETONS. SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. First-class work always on hond. XEVAllilM) XEA TL YDOttK. Pricci reduced lo ttdt the timet. riumbcrnnd gasntter. Kearof Schuylcrs hard ware store. Blooiusburg, Pa. All kinds of nttlnirs for steam, gas nnd water pipes constantly on hand. lloonngandBpoutlng attended to nt short .no tice. Tinware of every description mado tn order. Orders left at Schuyler Co's., hard iva.o fctoro win bo promptly lllled. Special attention given to heating by steam nnd hot water. y 9-iy kfto'S&.WATER-PROOF, fts Vi or rattle. Ii Uo A NUBSTITUTK for PLANTKK tlUlf the Coat. Ontltiu tb balldlof. CAHVET Md It L'0 H of ime, do-obi tba wetr of oil olotii, CULoiu W.H.FAY&CO.CAMDEN.N.J. a nice Overcoat pk.te? mi4 THE For tlio Celebrated Cliickerlni;, Ivcrs it t'oud, and Voso it Hon Pianos. World re nowned Kstey Or ns, Violins, Aecordeons and Sheet Jlusic. CelelniitcdWhlte, New llli;li Ann Davis, ew Home, ltoyul St. John, and I.lclit Running Domestic bewlnf; Maelilnes. hevdles, oil anil attachments for all makes of Sewing Jlachlnes. (1 MANILLA mm EiMm PAT I nnd all patent business attended to for '"ouV'nWTs'erprif.lletlie V S. ratent crnce, aw vteeahibmliilaKiitsIti lets llmo than those re mole Htm wrdhli.gtoii heic mcdelo drafting. e odvlio as to at. cnmLllliy riceotihaigc, and vtcnmko no charge uiiUssriilttillsreeuiid. Wf liter hi'io, lo tho rostmfister, tho Supt,of Money ti-dir Dlv, and. to cnirlnls otlhcu. s. rntci.t on ir. Kor tlitular, (Ulce, tenns nnd rrieiciitestondunlcllHiU Injout ovtn ttntcor county, vi lite to C. A. fcGY & CO., (IjipoUto I'nttht Oilier, Wnthliiglon, 6. ( ORNAMTAL IHbH Mm OP OAST Gil WUOUOI1T IKON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots tut Public Grounds. Tho following shows the Ticket flot'dc, one of the several beaulirul btylcs of Fence munufaetured by the undersigned. Vor Ileatitv and Durability they nrnunf,urpns rd. Kct up by experienced hands and wairanted lo give satisfaction. Prices and specimens of other de-f-igns sen! lo any address. Address E1M ,00MSiil'Hfi PA- Jlay 4 it W Pennsylvania Railroad. Ml Philadolplva & Erio R. P. Divis ion, and No thrrn Central Railway. INI TIWE TABLE. In cmct Nov. mil, issi. Trains leaTe Su n bury. UASTWAM), 0.41 n. ni., Sea Mioro l:xllres (dally exec i Similar), fur I l:i 1 1 1-Ijuik unil liilcnncdlatustntlon arilMosat 1 lilladdplila 3.15 n. ui. i New or Biiop. ni. j Iialtliuuiv, 5.10 p. m. ; 'aslilngio uwip. in., coniicdlngnl l'lillaucliilila lornll H Mioie liolnts. 'lluuuirli iiassencr toatlt rinlarteljilila. S.0U i. in. Day express (1 ally excej t Sundajj.for ll.u ilsburs and luterrao dlato btatlons, unUlnf ut 1' hi 1 a d e 1 pb 1 a p. iik ! New Yoik, 10.S0 p. in. ; Ilal'lraore r.'.Up. m. ; uslilni(lon, s.J5p. in. 1'jrlor ca tluu'Jt'li to Philadelphia nnd pasM-ngcr coacke ihrnuith tul'hlludelpnl.i and liailh ore. S,-.t) p. in. ii lllluuitpoil Aceoa modallon (dally fur liarilsburK nnd all lutriiiieillalusiatlans, arilr Infill I'hlladclpluaS 5 a. lu. ; hew loik (i.ioa. m MceplntT car ctou.iuodiitlons canbii secured at Hal ilibui u tor Philadelphia and New York, onbun da)H blccpliiKU r u 111 bo run; on this train Iroui llllauisp'l to Philadelphia.! hlladelphla passcngciscan leiiialuluslcepcruiidlstuibcd until , a. in. 8.30 a. m. Kilo JIall (dally except Jlonday lor llunl-buik' and tutei mediate stations antvluK ut I'lUladelphla i.suiu in. New York ll.iUa. in. ; lUUliiiouiI.40a. in. ; Washington, 6.9 a. in. 'IhiuiiEh I'ulu an hlceplngearauiu runon this Ualn to I hlladelphla, lialilniuro ami Wa.-hliiK-Ion, and HirouKli passenger cojchesto Philadel phia and Jlallluioie. WtbTWAllD. B.S0a. in. Krlo JInll (dally except Sunday), foi JCl lc mul ul Intel mediate stations und canandal Kiia and luteimedl.uu htiilloii', liochetter, liutfa Iound Mut'aral'alls, llh (It outfh Pullman l'al ace ens uml passcnuei coaches lo Lrle. and lloch ester. u.M-News i:xpies (dully except Miuday) for Lock IUen and liiteiuieill.iie btuilous. 1.10 Ii. m. Magma llxpiem (dall except Sun. day) lor Kane und lnteri.icdl.iti1 cUlluns and Can. tiiidalgua und prlnUpul imeiinedlatu btuttons I!ik-Ir-.-.Ht, lluilalo und Niacin u talis nllh thtouh paHbenger coaches to Kane and hochester ai.u luilurcartu Ulllluiusport. G.25 p. in. i'lisi Line (dally except buiuhoKor lie. io o ami Intel mediate bullions, and LUnlra, V. ut kins and Intennidlaie stations, lili througli pus benner coaches to Itcmno und Walklns. 'J.-M a. in. banday mall lor llenoto aud interme diate stations. TiiiiOuua run bUNUur.v ruoji the UASTANUbOUTII. bunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.S0 a. m. Haul-buib' i,4U in i lv lag ui buuburj g 20 a.m. ultb tluoufUhleepiiiitcar Iioiu Philadelphia to Ml. Uan.bport. .eH Lxpress leaes l'klladelphia 4.80 a.m. dally, lluiilsbui'tr, S.m u. m. dall) except bunda; aiiltliigat buntiui) .M. a. in. Niagara Express leaven Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. ; Baltimore a. m. (dally exiept buuday arrlMiit; al bunbury, 1.10 p. in., with llnoagh Parlor cur Horn Philadelphia and through passenger coaches rroiu Philadel phia und lialllmuie. l ast Lino leaves. New York 8.00 a. m, ; Philadel phia, a, in. ; Washington, u 40 a. in, ; Haiti, more, H). 5 a. in., (dull) txupt bunday) uniting1 a bunbury, i.'M p. m., with through passenger coaches lioin Philadelphia and lialilmore. i:rleilallleaesNew loik s.oup. m. j Phlladel. phla, n.'-D p. in. ; Wnshlhgion, io..0p. mi Haiti moie, ll.a p, m., (dally except bunda,) arriving ut bunbuo MS u. m., vwth tluough l'ulla.aii bleeping cars lrom Philadelphia, Washington and llalllinoru and through passenger couches froa Philadelphia. lI,lltmV, llA.l.i;T(IN ifc VII.Iti:sllAKIt. KAII.ItllAII AMI MIUT1I AMI WV.HT UltA.MllI lt.t 1.H.IV. (Dally except Sunday.) Wllkcsbaire .Mall leaves him bury ii.Ma, in. arriving ul Bloom Ferry il.'.7 a. in., Mlkcs-barrs BUS p. m. Impress Kast lea cs bunbury 5.33 p. in., arriving at Uluom terry WllUs-bano H.0jp. m. bunbury Jiallleae,bWllkesbanel0.3 a.m.univ lngat lilooui I'erry V4M p. iu.,.suubury 18.55 p. m. txpress west lea teg llkesbarre S.45 p. nr., riving at Iiloom t'eiry 4.15 p.m., bunbury 5.111 m. CHAS. Ii PUllll, lk ii. .Manager, .1. It. WOOD, Uen. Passenger Agent JULAWAUK, LA(JlAWANNA AND WKSTUUN UA1LKOAD. Hl.OOMSl'UjtG DIVISION. .Nourii. STATIONS. SOUTH, a.m. a.m. p.m t 50 V 40 S 0 5 M HI V! S3 (1 Ul U 60 3 111 U 00 8 67 aw (ill 1U 04 ii 46 p.m. p.m. a.m. u OJ l so II .5 II IS ....Scmctou, , lielievue... ,. 'lajlorvllle. ,, LaekutMitina,, PUtbtOIU,,,, ..West lutstou, H .4 H 4S S 40 s at i st l m 3 H 9 11 U Oil 8 111 8 53 8 411 8 4'i 8 i 8 35 8 35 S 1!7 1 1 e-l s a ij a 8 II Vi 41 8 13 S! 41 8 IIS VI 40 8 (18 I J 37 8 UI P. 31 7 M 3 VU 7 ni in so 7 10 Vi 15 T 43 Vi UI 7 Ui 11 55 7 18 14 44 7 11 11 5 7 113 11 83 C 58 11 4 0 51 ll 18 0 50 11 15 6 41 II OS 6 3(1 11 01 0 30 10 51 6 85 10 St 0 OS 0 11 C 110 10 US 5 55 111 SI 5 40 10 10 p III. U. III. U &i 1U OS s Ol Ii SIS 11) 14 VI 6S . ...wtoniinir. . ...iiuuuy u an iu it o y lltlllielt Ii 3, 10 JO 3 03 ....Kingston a 4 iossr ....Kingston.... (i 48 pi S, a C6 I'ljinoulli June' d 50 10 SSI 3 It .. .Pljuiouth.,.. s 65 10 &1 3 15 ,..,Atomlule. . 5 1110 3(3 10 .. Nailllcoko .. 7 U5 10 41 a 24 llunlock'b neck, 7 12 10 .8 3 32 Miickshluny., ; 21 10 9 3 45 nick's lerry 7 4i U lu 3 67 .lieaclilluveu. t 5.1 1 lb 4 Oi lientliu.... 8 oo ll ts 4 lo .Drlar (Jreek. 8(l 11 l 4 Ifc ..Willow (liote. , 8 iu 11 M 4 19 ., Ll elildge 8 14 11 40 4 2J Espy 1 H 21 11 4 ' ...Uloomsburg 8 28 11 62 4 1.8 Ml 8 as 8 111 8 I" 8 10 7 58 7 47 5 11 7 31 7 S7 7 231 7 IS 5 11 7 05 7 l (161 0 31 (1 SO (i S5 0 10, u.m. . .. Kupert ,,,.i 8 at ii ii 4 f Catawla lirldge 8 w IS w J Dantllle 8 65 IS 20 5 16 9 0.' 12 2S 5 It 111 12 34 b lb V 20 12 50 5 10 a.ui. p.m. p.m ....Chulasky ,, ....cauieioii..,. Northumberland W. Y. 1IALSTJCAP, supt. omco, scrauton, reb. 1st, 1WS Superintendent's A0lcv or Wll LY & lU'ttl.U'b LILCUSATIKOICOIS MACHINERY. Head (juuwrs tor rren.fcleel.liorbebhoea Mills and W agon ukirs' and lilacL. lultlis' Supplies. Muil liittcubender, Murei Vuuiooms N 1 riit.Llln A... aieioombi l trunk, fflli.'. !lk. flJlll'1. N in Ate., ami noun lobiiect. Ml SCI SAINTON l'A may 28 ly