The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 13, 1885, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA: The Columbian. J. g.Blttantenier.J E11", " "bloomsburg, pa. FRIDAY, MA11C1I 13, 183.'.. Lieutenant Austin, treasurer of tho Salvation Army at North Adams, Mass,, decamped on Wednesday with all tho money. A itelegram was sent to Ueneral Moore ot Hrooklyn tor rc lief. Members of the State Legislature who aru merchants recently held a can. cus for tlio purpose of formulating some striniient law to protect mer chants from tho cncroauhmpiits of hawkcrj and peddlers. It was decidod to make an entiro revision of tho exist ing laws on the subject and enact a now law prohibiting hawking and podi illing in the sUto except by cripples. A committee was appointed to get up a law liko thii. Tho new hoads of departments at I Washington have been overrun with visitors tho past week, most of whom wero seeking places for themselves or friends, l.u uiaiiun n.u jrtu made, and nono aro likely to bo Until tho members of tho Cabinet become ac quainted with tho duties and necemi ties of their positions. Petitions for tho President for offices that como un dor tho Cabinet officer appointments, will bo useless, as it is understood that all suoh applications will be referred to tho head ot tho proper department. Republican office-holders dou t get much encouragement from Senator Edmunds. Ho says that tho logio of tho situation is that thev must tro. As tho Senator reaches his conclusions bv lotiio only, the opinion is weiizhty, even if displeasini;. Mr. Edmunds doesn't think thero is to bo haste, but that ulti- mutely the ottioes will be in tho hands of the dominant party. Ho says this is according to tho inexorable logio of necessity, weightier than that of any which attracts tho attentions ot Mr. Cleveland or any one, sincere and deli berate as they unquestionably arc. The Vermont senator torecast ot tlio iu- tu re has always been skillful. Under tho now administration there will not ho many removals for the pur pose of appointing democrats to office. Those who have held commissions will probly bo allowed to servo until their time expires. When vacauoies occur in that way tho democratic party has a perfect nchl to expect that all vncan cios will bo filled by democrats. The republican party established the preco .1 , t ? II 11 , !. t aeni, ana nas ncioiy uunereu iu it ior years. It dt-ath removed a frotnono tarv, a bhcriir, or a Justice ot tne Peace in a democratic county, a repub lican governor has always tilled tn place bv the appointment of a rcpublr can. Tho substitution ot democrats or republicans at the expiration of the commissions Ot tho latter can bo no uuuso iur uuiuuiuiui. mo power is entitled to it, and expects to liavo It. I The citizens of Bradford, Pa., were startled Tuesday by a terrfio explosion which shook tho houses in all parts ot tho town. Inquiry rovealed the fact that the nitro glycerine manufactory of the Itock Ulyoenno uompany, locatea at Howard Junction, three miles away, ,liad been the scene of a lorriblo casual- ty. A magazine contaimg b,UU0 pounds ot glycerine bad exploded, ana w. 11. Ilernngton, one of tho proprietors, and H. O. Pratt, an employe, wero killed, ibo lactory, tweuty-hve leet away, was blown into fragments, l'ratts body was tound two nunureu tect away. All his bones wero broken, but the skin was intact Mr. Heinngton weigneu iuu iiuuuub. vjhu ur iwu jiccca ot nesb was the only trace mat couiu be found of him. Trees wero torn up by tho roots and great holes wero made .in tho earth. Mino Inspector Williams of th Wilkes-IJ.irro district in his report say : The averago number of days worked at all the collieries during 1881, was 20,857 against 22,309, iu 1883; nni-dnnu nmnlnvwl in lHHi. 911. 007. Winst 50.077 in 1SS3: number ot tons .nf iml minr.,1 In 1RHA. 7.Rm.nn.-. against 7,007,221 tons in 1883. Iu 1883, 80 persons wero killed and 19G seriously injured, while iu 1884 tho number of persons killed was 97, aud of thoso seriously injured 161. The following table shows tho number of tons of coal mined by tho different companies during tho past year : Le high Valloy, G23,343 tons; Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre, 1,580,739; Delawaro and Jludson Canal, 1,381,323; Susquehan na, 1,299,324; Wyoming Valley, 103,- 031; miscellaneous 2,570,225. The admistration will not fail on its social Bide. The adveut of Jackson to the Whito Houso was distinguished by excesses that will havo no place now Mr. Cleveland came down hero accom panied by his clergyman brother, his three cultivated sisters aud several nio ces, and he took tho oath of office on the littlo worn Bible that is hallowed by memories of a sainted mother. This was a genuino touch of moral feeling, and it illustrates tlio best side of Clovo- land character. Ilia conduct of the White House will bo such ap to meet the approbation of tho conservative peoplo of tho country, and in this re gard is likely to bo a wholesome im provenient upon tlio pattern set by Mr, Artiiur. Extravagant living has spread from the administrative circles to gen eral society bore in a way to embarrass peoplo of modest means. Springleld JtepublicaH. Tlio Vrt.t. r.irlf TfirMom. Tt is renortod that Secretary Whit- ney ban already discovered somo recent transactions in tho Navy Department which demand searching investigation. Among theso developments aro two peuso tho pasiago ot a bill appropria payments for alleged inventions which ting $5000 for tlio contingont expenses aro held to bo wholly unauthorized by of tho session, and $5000 for tho im- law and which aro believed to have been made to supply ebction funds in aid ot tho lato Grand Old Republican party. Ben Butler is reported to have ie- ceived a grant of between forty aud iifly thousand dollars nominally tor a wood-preserving process, but actually for 0 Blaino-preserviiig process. Tho Chief of tho Bureau of Construction nnd Repairs where was paid $12,000 for the iiso of nn apparatus for ventilating vessels. Doubtless many such tiansactions will Im unearthed in Bill Chandler' r cent office, and they will of courso be pushed by tho new Secretary in order that tho money, if iuipropeily and cor ruptly npplied, may be recovered by tho Government. The License Question, Our attention lias been called to tlio following cilitorinl from tho Shenan doah Herald of recent date, by n yen- UemMi of Ucntrnlm who in deeply in terested in tho mipprcssion of tlio un lawful alo of liquor at that place. The nrticlo In applicable to no other portion of our county, but from common re port it fits Ccntrnlia to well that wo reprint It. 1 ho Jlerahl says : 'Tho announcement by tho Coitrt,on Monday last, that a number of applica tions for liquor license?, in Mahanoy City, had been refused, fell like a thun derbolt among tho applicants and their attorneys. They wcro not prepared tor it, anil tho curses and execration? which they heaped on tho heads of thoso who wcro instrumental in secur ing stich a result were long and loud. Tho Court, also was freely criticised, but its action is ondorsed by fully nine tenths ot tlio community. That there is tho most urgent neces sity for lestricting the already great and ever increasing evil ot tho liquor traffic no intelligent person will essay to dispute. In this county tho evil has iwiiincd gigantic proportions. This is especially true ot the towns north ot the Hroid Mountain, where tho sa loons, taverns, nnd so-called restau rants outnumber all other tilncns of Inn. iness. There nm nnvwhern frnm liift t0 180 licensed ind unlicensed places ,n Shenandoah, with a population of perhaps 14,000. Within tho bounds ni a single squaro on main isireci mure nr.1 thirteen saloons, it is notliintf unusual to find bunches of four and fivo grouped together. 1 his evil must bo remedied, sooner or later. This extraordinary number of saloons and tho loose manner in which they aro conducted havo a do moralizing effect on both the old and young ot tho community. Tho Court has a duty to perform in the matter, andifwenie to judge by its action on Monday last, it means to perform it. We havo some knowledge of the difficulties that beset tho Court in deal ing with tho matter. Wo know that thero aro men who, without tho slight net, finmlititu.tinn nf nnnar.wtim.t ,i,ll rna. Ljf that a licuns0 u a public 'necessity ,.., ,i,orn .... ,;,.' i ,nn m.' drinking places. It is not necessary, however, that tho Court should bo Ion ger imposed on in this manner. One halt tho saloons now in Shenandoah is more than enough, and if tho Court shall refuse to reissue half the licenses, it will perform an act for which it will receive tho praiso of tho community. l hero appears to be a very popular error regarding tho interpretation of tho law under which licenses aro grant ed. The Court, in tho past, appears to havo acted on the interpretation that it was i'.s duty to issue a licenso to the applicant if he could show that ho was a citizen of good moral character and could procure witnesses to certify that the place ought to bo licensed. It has been decided, however, by tho highest judicial authority, that it is the duty of the Court to ascertain if there is a necessity for a licensed house at the place for which it is ask ed. It may bo argued in opposition to this that the Court could not find tho limo t0 0 tiro, t(10 oounty 3mi ,je to,,,,!,,,, whora licenses arn iinnpnewnrv and where tucy are not. This, howev er w0lll(1 i,artjly b(J an argument. The Court, knnu's. as fines pvprvhnilv Ue. that two-thirds ot tho saloons now li censed hero are unnecessary, and if the Court shall indiscriminately refuso to reissue two-thirds of the licenses next woek it can hardly make a mistake, Thero are, perhaps, a dozen places in tho borough conducted Willi ,i show of respect for the law, but outside of these tho Court would bo fully justified in refusing to grant tho licenses, on tho ground that thev have regularly and openly violated tho law, but more par- iicularlv on the ground that instead of being a convenience or nccommoda- tion to the public, they zro a menace to tho morals ot tho youth of tho town, ami a positive curse to hundreds of fain ilies, tho fathers of which spend their seamy earnings lor rum. Luzerne's Oounty Officers in Luck. Judge Rico of Wilkesbarre has late ly made an important decision iu the suit brought by Recorder Glennon anainst tho county for a larger salary. Tho law of 1893 fixed the salary of county officials in counties having less than 150,000 population. According to tho census ot laau, Jjiizerno had "ly 135,000, and it was generally sup posed that the county would this time come within tlio provisions of tho act, as calculations based on tho proportion of taxable to population showed that in 1883 tho number of people in tho county was io'.,uuu. Tho otticials allecled by the law, Ho- corder Joseph Glennon, Sheriff Ober- render, Treasurer Whileman and Keg. istor Boyd, decided to test the matter betoro tho courts, and Kecorder Men tion began proceedings as a test case, -lho Judgo upholds thu position taken by tho officials, believing that where tho law does not stato what is to be taken as tho basis of tho popula tion it becomes, as a matter of fact, susceptible of proof 111 any ordinary method. Under the decision tho sal aries ot tho olhcials will como under the provisions of the act of 187C, which will result in an increase 10 the Recorder from S2000 to S3500 ; to the Sheriff, from $4000 to $0500 ; to the Treasurer from S3000 to S1000, to the Register of Wills from 3000 to S3500, and to the County Commissioners from $1000 to $1500. The commissioners, however, will probably apply for a re I hearing of tho case. Although satis lied iu their own minds that the popu lation is over 150,000, thoy claim that in his opinion Judge Rico did not pass upon the point whether tho ovidenco of tho increase of population was suf ficient as matter ot law. The Illinois Deadlocks. Thero is no chango in tho senatorial situation. Dnrlncr tho first sixtv (lav 01 tne session emieu oaiuruay last me expenses of tho General Assembly foot up, according to tho pay rollp, to$10t,. 000. 'i here nro to snow tor mis ex- provemoni, 01 1110 iinuuis uisjuiiy at New Orleans, with tho incidental di version nfforded by an attempt lo elect a".... T nn. " successor iu tji-iioiui i.,, in. i iiu laH piy rolls include 25 Senate jani- tors, 43 janitors employed by tho boo- mary 01 oiaiu iur uuv m mu tine, and 85 House janitors, 152, at 82 a day each, or $304 a day for tlio ser vices of janitors. If theso janitors remain on the pay rolls they wid pull down tne rnrpius in I lllO Plait) Ut.tKliy Ul uiu I.ItU HI fHUU per mouth. Hie noxi pay run win ue increased by lh addition of full pay for twenty-nix Houso Committee clerks, hardly an uf whom will havo done anything to earn their money and who have receivtd pay for only twenty days on tho previous rolls. rm . 11 II I. . By the Hundred Several hundred thousand citizens of tho United States aro to-day indulg ing hopes of obtaining offico at' Uiu hands of Mr. Cleveland. Thero Is hot a villngo or n hnmfe'. in nil tho Union so smalt and insignificant that it does not contain somo more or ' less eager seekers nfur places where they can drnw tho publio pay. It might bo inferred from this great nnd widespread lust for office that sala ries under the Government wcro great, or that tho iispirnnts for tho plaecB wero generally unable to niako their living otherwise that it affords new proof that tho number of the unem ployed was extraordinarily large at this time. Rut, with a fow exceptions, tlio Government pays only moderate salaries, and tliu vast majority of thoso who ato working so hard to get them nro not spurred on by necessity. They are doing very weli as. they aro, and yet they aro neglecting their bu'inesi nnd boring their friends to get signa tures to their .applications for places in tho public service, at homo or abroad, which they could not fill without breaking up or hazarding their present occupations, ami in which they would obtain only a bare living. Their hold on these office", too, would be very in secure if they got them. They might be turned out in four years, if not bo fore. They might bo taken far away from their homes, even to strange countries, and so lose tliu advantages of connections and reputations they havo gained where ihey are. And yot these hundred- of thous ands of men fasten their hopes on Washington as if a gold mine of un told richness had been opened up there. What contented tliem boforu brings them only discontent now. Thoy may havo gono on proudly refusing "to ak favors from anybody, but now they struggle to get their " poitions for place to Washington, as if their lives de pended on it. Ono of tho ohief causes of this greed for office is undoubtedly the prevalent notion that Government service re quires little work. Tho applications for what aro or are supposed to bo sin ecures aro especially numerous. For cign Consulates aro in tho greatest de mand, because it is thought they mean a life of ease in gonial climes ; and many thousands ot our Democratic and Mugwump countrymen long to travel in foreign parts at the expense of the rest of us. They study tho list of Con sulates and hold family consultations as to which is tho most agreeable for people of their tastes; and wives and daughters meditate over the wardrobes tho climato of their dreams will re quire. But, as a matter of fact, very, very j fow of these places, either at home or abroad, are at all desirable. Tho ordi nary Government clerk leads a life of monotonous routine, and the less ho has to do the worse off lie is. The av erage Consul is poorly jiaid, and must endure an exilo from his country and friends which soon becomes irksome to him. He is not the important function ary ho supposed ho would be; and wh"ii the novelty of his place has worn off, he is apt to weary of his life among Grangers and long for tho en terprising activity to which ho had been accustomed at home. Ho has dropped out of sight and is forgotten. Ihe publn service also begets habits which are very injurious to a man, which tend to weaken his self-depen dence and unfit him for anything else. Old officeholders are all at sea when they lose their places. Thoy havo been under fostering care so long, havo so long led lives ot routine fixed them bv others, that they loo their own power of initiative. They dare not take the risks and assume the rssponsibilitics which other men regard as a mailer ot course, and wnicn nein 10 tinmen ami strengthen their moral muscle, and enable them to win success. Wash- ngton is to day full of dependents on the Government, who would be almost ike women deprived of tho protection of their husbands if they lost their pri vilege of drawing their monthly supply from the pay-roll. Thoy havo forgot ten how to work, and havo acquired tho habit of leaning on somebody else. Wo therefore havo no hesitation in saying that thoso who aro disappointed n getting the places thoy aro strug gling for, will in general bo better oil as citizens of a democratio republic, They will bo better fitted in tho long run to sustain their part in a country where pverv man must fight his own way. iv. J . Aim. Pension Frauds, A LUMP. AMOUNT 01' FRAUUUJ.KNT TUN- SIONS MSCOVEItKIl. PillLAi)i:i.i'iiiA. March 10. For tho past two months agents from tho pen sion offico at Washington have been engaged at, tho agency in this" city, making a thorough examination of the twenty thousand and odd claims on the list here, aud have discovered that fraudulent claims amounting to at least $20,000 havo been paid. It is probable that as a result of tho invest! gatioti, the bondsmen of tho late pon sion agent, General Sickle, will bo call ed upon by the government to make good tho loss that it has sutfered. Tho examination by the experts still in progress, and the loss may pos siblv exceed tho amount named above, One of the clerks of General Sickle lias already been convicted and sen tenced to four years' imprisonment and another is under indictment for trial, The frauds so far discovered havo been the payment by tho government o pensions to tho names of persons who were propeny;on tne nst,but were dead, lho method of tho cloiks was to suppress tho fact and by forging the dead person's name secure tho money themselves, i no government does not chargo General nickels had any kuowl edgo criminal or otherwise of what whs going on, but tho pension bureau says that tho frauds wcro made possible tnrougu ins lack o: vigilance and oon sequenlly his bondsmen are responsibl lor tho loss. Fish Oommiesloaer's Report. Tho report of the commissioners of state fisheries, which will soou bo pub belied, gives the loiiowing as the pun cipal reason why food fish in Petmsyl .. . ... .1 vnnia uru nut more pieuuiut ; 1. The dams which obstruct nearly all thu large hlrcains. 2. Tho lack of adequate fisluvays. 3. Tho noii-observuneo of tho close of spawning sen-wiM. 1. Tho many illegal and deadly do- vices employed at nil seasons for the oapturiug and killing of fih. 5. The pollution of streams with material poiKtinoui to the ll-di. The distribution of California trout fur 188J amounted to -1:1,500. Tho distribution of brook trout amounted to 01,000, of which 'Lebanon county re- oelved 1,500, Cumberland county 1,000 and Blair county 3,000. Of German carp 4,00 1 were distributed. Inaugural Day at Vasut. There were great limes on Inaugura tion Day at Vnssnr College, and the Democrnfio lassies of the institution had full opportunity to "get square" with their Republican companions. Last November thu spirit of election day prevailed with ns much enthusiasm at Vnssar as in the outside world. The, Republicans by far tho most numer ousled tho Democrats and Prohibi tionists a dismal life, finishing up by celebrating IM.iine's election befoio the returns wero verified. On that occa sion the Democrats and Faculty enter tained tho supposed victors at nn oys tor supper, tho memory of which bo oame a lingo joko when tho truo result was known, lint last night tne ue publicati jewels camo to tho front, nnd in return received and feasted tho dem ocrats. At 8 o'clock tho Reception Committee, Miss Ilentiing, '8.5 s Miss Ureen, 87. nnd Miss urosiey 01 uie 'reparatory Department, took a stand in the middle parlor, which was hand somely decorated with Hags and pic tures of tho ox-rresiilenl and ot mo President and Vice-President. Soon Faculty, lenchors and students, repre senting all possible shades of political opinions, camo pouring in, when tho monotony ot the reception proper was relieved by dancing, 111 tho midst of which thero was a halt, when the Anti Cleveland Club sang a dirgo : And many n good Kcpubllcaa hurrahed for lllainc, And reviling the Democrat she said: "You're left ngnln!" So wo don't grudgo you or Cleveland your success to-night ; 80 take, pray, the good wishes that nro yours by right. Quickly lho Domocrntio girls in strong chorus responded ; Come, rally to-night my girls, Sing "Victory!" our (JJevelanil has con quered, Triumphant nrc we. We've eaten the crackers nnd nlso the stew Of humiliation, And now you must too. Wo know it Is hard Bui we did It before. You have our example, Do ns wo did of yore. For years twcnty.four you have lived at your caso ; You've staid at the White House and dono what you pleased. And longer your stay would surely have been, If not with a Jimmy you'd tried to get In. fter the songs a procession was formed, which proceeded to the dining room. Over the door an claborato dra pery of red, white and blue framed a picture ot Cleveland, toward which tho Republican girls glanced rather gloom ly. lint their display reached its height as thoy discovered themselves passing under a largo and formidable yoko suspended over tho inner door. 1 hey were appoased, however, by fla grant whiffs of the oyster supper, their generous tribute to tlio victorious Dem ocrats. Tho downcast Republicans wcro further revived with a stirring song from their glco club. The 4th of March has come at last, And p'raps you'll think to mid us All groaning over the defeat, Of which the day reminds ns. Tho chorus camo out with all tho ringing vigor of which "Yankee Dood le'' is capable. Cleveland's got it ; we don't care, Though he's inaugurated, And all yon valiant Democrats With triumph are elated. Tho hatchet's buried very deep. By this time it's quite rusty And portraits of the candidates Are very, very dusty. Then lho Republicans wero represen ted by a speech and President Caldwell made a lew remarks in his usual happy style. After lho supper with its gen eral hilarity all sang "America" from blue lettered, red-bordered cards found at tho plates and then dispersed well pleased with thq celebration of Inaugu ration Day. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Regular Correspondent. Washington, Mar. 10, 1885. To relate tho events of the past week in tlio space allowed for a letter, I am ilraid will require a power ot conden sation that your correspondent does not possess. Tho President was inaugurated witli well ordered pomp and pageantry, in the presence of a crowd unprecedented iu numbers and respectability. Tho weather attributed by somo to tho ar rest ot Gen. Ilazen, tho chief of tho Weather Bureau, was as perfect as it had been regulated bv a thermometer. Tho inaugural address was delivered in tho presence ot at least uu.UOU spectators, and owing to the strength oi the X're- sident's voice, a largo proportion of them were actual auditors. Tho pa rade that followed was such sis has never before been seen in this country, and it was reviowed by tho President, and muny distinguished personages around him, as well as by 250,000 pco plo who coverrd the sidewalks, tempo rary balconies, stands, and houso lops ot rennsyivania avenue. At night tho sky was painted red, whito and blue, witli fireworks, and tho gnat ball attended by the Prosi dent and nearly ten thousand persons was tho brilliant nnd frivolous finale of tho day. I gazed upon Mr Cleveland's pale, strong taco as ho rode to the Capt tol in tho forenoon, and wondered how ho would bo able to bear up thiough tho Hying ordeal. The mental, physi cal and nervous strain must have been intense. To go through tho prelimi nary etiquitto at tlio Whito House i to drive slowly to tho Uapitol, the oyno sure of hundreds of thousauds of eyes ; to appear tho observed and criticised of all amid thu distinguished throng in tlio United Mates tjenate Uhamber ; to deliver without reading, an address in tho vast presenco East of the Capitol to stand for four liours while n linn of 25,000 uniformed men passed beforo him, and then, at eleven o clock at night, to nppear in a stifling ball room, amid a mob ot nggressivejy curious women this was tho gauntlet with which Picsident Cleveland commeucid his administration on the fouith of March. He is alive I and wo thank neaven numaii ingenuity ami pageantry has done its worst. Since the fouith the Whito Houso has been boieged by delegations, but tht President manages to find time to eat mid sleep, lho Cabinet has qualified and gone to work. With tho exception of the Cabinet of thu Into ndminUtration none of tlio rascals hnvo yet been turned , out, but quite n number havo with the instinct of Davy Crockett's coon como down (gone out) of their own aecoid. Tho majority, however, will wait until Mr, CI voland shoots. Thoy txpeet to havo to como finally, but will defer their tumble as long as possible, Tho now president has given out that ho will not personally hear or per sonally consider applications for office, unless they shall como to him recom mended by tho Cabinet clllcer iu whose clennilmcnt lho (iflleo is f-ouglit. It is believed that Mr, Cleveland will liter ally ndhcro to this rule. At any rate it will be n literal impossibility lor him to considei one-tenth of the applica tions ho is receiving. Each' mail brings nn immense load of petitions which Col. Lnmoiit and his clerks look over, acknowledge with prcpand blank forms, and refer to tlio Departments to which they belong. Tlio President docs not see them, and no persistence on the part of tlio npplicaut will secure his attention. Miss Cleveland held the tmml recep tion on Saturday afternoon last, and hundreds went to tlio White Ilouse who had not been thero before, lirpay their tespects lo tlio president's filter. Miss Cleveland is not what, is known hero as a "society lady." She is want ing in the savolr aire, the graces, and the it no sah nuoi which ore charac teristic of great social leadets. But she has what is better than all these, iu a plain democratic country, nn air of sin cerity and amiability which impressed her guests with welcome. Her face is expressive of Intelligence and charac ter. GENERAL NEWS. Tlio largest strike ot coal mlnera In any ono district was comincnctd at Pittsburg on Monitor. General Wallace, Untied States Minister at Constantinople, lias resigned. Tho Governor ot Mississippi has appointed Ueneral Wat.h .11 to succeed Secrctarr Lamar in the bnltcd States S-enato. A millionaire Chinaman lUcs at ltocktord. He owns mines, United States bonds, horws and car- rlngo and a wash-house. Patent medicines nro estimated by a leadlns English medical Journal to camo tho death ot l.W,- 000 persons per year. John L. Sullivan has accceptcd Paddy llyan'a challenge to light with small gloves for fl300 of fSOOOaslde, a diamond belt nnd tho champion ship of the world. A two-year-olj child was burned near Lancas ter. Tho mother was absent from the room about ten minutes nnd on her return found her littlo boy had set lira to hU clothing. Ho died In about ten minutes. First Assistant Postmaster Ocneral crossby was tho nrst bureau offlccr to tender his resigna tion to Prcsl lent C eveland. He expressed his wl Hngness to remain In offlco long enough to In struct his successor. His offer was accepted. President Cleveland has selected Tuesday's and Friday's of oach week ns tho days for Cablmt Meetings. The commissions of CS presidential postmasters explro during tho present month, nnd over 550 of such commissions will expire betoro tho beginning of tho next session ot Congress. William II. Hill was arrested on Saturday for stealing an Insurance policy from Mrs. C'athnilno iiouck. Mrs. Houck had a benenclal policy In Quaker City Association or Philadelphia, ot which Hill was an ngeut. fcl Ton Cameron celebrated bis eighty-sixth an niversary of his birth, on Sunday at his residence In Harrlsburg. An old war-horso S3 years of ago, belonging to a Mr. Clarke, of Philadelphia, la being treated tor Insanity, llng brought on by Indigestion. 1 ho owner prl7es tho horse very highly for the services rendered him during the war. A Mrs. Albertson ot Wllkcs-Barrc beca-no Intl. mote with a stranger from New York city who frequented tho rink at Wllkes-llarrc, and last week eft her husband and ono child and followed the stranger to New York city. Another victim of tho roller skating rink. saw mill belonging to Thomas W. Thompson, of Wllllamsport was burned to tho ground on Sun day morning, loss about J49,oon. A man by tho namoof Joseph Marque te, on a wager, last Saturday night ato 4tf lbs liver pud ding, a loaf ot brea I, and drank ten schooners ot beer, five ot water, three glasses of whiskey and two quarts ot pure cider. Ho was to cat with Henry Smith, but Smith In order to test himself for the occasion had eaten a thirteen pound tur key, and was 111. Marquette ale alone and took wager ot jeo. -Tne Methodist ministers of Chicago adopted a resolution that on Sunday next tho city churches make a special day of prayer for the spiritual and physical welfare of General Grant. General Georgo 11. McClellan has accepted an kivltatlon to deliver an oration on Decoration Day at Antletam, where he commanded the Union for ces on tho day of tho memorablo battle. A box seat was tendered President Cleveland for one ot tho operas during tho week, which ho promptly declined, saying ho would bo pleased to attend the opera, but preferred paying tho regular price of tho box scat. Qeneral Grant's condition nppears to bo about the Bamo that It was a week ago. There Is no In crcasoortho ulceration. Ho gets several hours good bleep each day, but mostly from stimulants. Iiev. Dr. Ilurchard has been retired as pastor of Murray Hill Church, New Y rk city, and given a salary ot (5,000 a year, In order to mako room for a younger and moro energetic man. Charles a Falrchlld, ot Now York has been np pointed by tho president as assistant secretary of the treasury, and John C. Block ot Illinois as com mlssloner ot pensions. Cholera has broken out In Batavla, Java. Miss Cleveland as hostess of tho White Hou e held her flrst reception last Saturday afternoon. There is f ul'y two feet of snow on tho moun tains ot Sull van county, while Eaglesmere lake is covered with Ice at Inches thick. At the skating rink contest at Madison Square uaroen, jjsw York, last week a lad eighteen years old named Donovan, from Klmlra, took first prize skating 19S miles in blx days. He Is completely broken up plus! , -ally, and uas been out ot bed on ly an hour slnco ho left tho rink. A hole was worn 1 1 tho hollow of ono foot, and ho was poison cd from tho coloring In his stockings. ecretary of Stato Iiayard has selected John Cadwallader ot Philadelphia as assistant secre tary. What U supposed to have been an earthquake shock was experienced by tho peoplo of Lancaster, Pa., on Sunday evening. Ilarnum will open tho season for his mammoth menagerie In Madison Square Garden, New York, on Monday next, March lth. Thogro t lioness In tho winter circus at Parts, attacked tho Hon tamer while he was giving his regular performance. The Hon tamer preserved his self-control and gradually ncared the gate of tho cage, his person torn and mangled and bleed lng from lunumerablo wounds. At a favorable moment tho door was opened and ho slipped out and th gate quickly closed. Tho moment ho touched the ground ho fell In a swoon from ex haustlon. Tho audience was thrown In a panic, and many wounded. Tho citizens ot New Orleans have named Sat urday March 21st, as tho day for formally acknowl edging tho courtesy of bending tho Liberty Bell to the Exposition. Application has been made to havo the l'enn sylvanla Anthracite Coal Company and New York, Susquehanna and Western HaUroad Company placed In tho bands of a receiver. POWDER Absolutely Pure. powdei never vanes, A mure! of purity strength and wUJlesomeni:6s. Jl ,te economical ttuntnii ordinary k-n . andcannot be sold In oompi-tltloa wltn the multitude of low test, short UC4Q8, KOYiLlUfclNUl'O.VDBKCu .lOUWaU-bt., ' AKIM6 MARRIAGES. KEEN BRYANT, At tho Lutheran rarsrmago at Dcrwle.k on Feb. 21, 1883 by Her. J. P. Ocrman, Mr. 8. W, Keen of Rrlggsvlilc, to Miss Millie Bryant of Kings ton. SEELY-SMiriL At the residence of the bride's parents on Feb. 38, 1885 by Rev. J. V. Gorman, Mr. Wm. J Bccly, to Miss Kllcn Sinllh both of Brlggsvlljo. ASH-WEHKI1EISER. At lho Reform, cd pnMoniigo In Orangevllle, on the 7lh Inst., by Kuv. A. Routr, Mr. Pierce V sh to Miss Susan B. Wcrkhclscr, both otf Flshhigcreek. SHERIFFS SALE. By vlrtuo of sundry writs Issued out of tho Court ot Common Pleas of O iluinbla county nnd to mo dl. meted, will bo exposed tn public sale at tho Court House in liluomsburg, on Saturday, March 14 1885. At 3 o'clock, p. m.. all that certain niece, narcel nnd tract Of tfind. Kllllntnln llontnn InwhiMn nnl- Uinbta COUntV. PA.. hntinrlM And itn.r-rllu. net mi. lows,to-wlti on tne east br lands ot Jonas Doty luminous oime csiato ot William Ilarrctt and others, on tho west by lands ot tho estate of John W. Belshllne, on tho north ty lands ot tho estate of John W. Ilelshllno, nnd on tho south by lands of F. M. I"ealer and others, containing co acres, more or less, n hereon nro erected a two-story frame dwelling house, barn, and other out-bulld. logs. Seircd. taken Into nn-iiiinn n n Jacob M. llelshllne, and to be sold ns tho property uuacou ii. iicisni ne. wi vr, Mllller, ChUman, Knorr Wlntersteen, att'ys. ALSO all that certain houso and lot situated at Buck Horn, Columbia county, 1-cnna, bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wlt : Commcnclhg at a stono In nn alley, thence by lot of Joseph Snyder on the north, south fifty-nine and one-tuurth east ten perches to a stone, thenco Main street ot Buck Horn south thlrty-threo degrees east seven and three-tenth perches to a stono by nn alley, north ntty-nlne and ono fourth degrees west ten perches to a stone, thenco by an alley and lands ot John Appleman noi th thirty-three degrcc3 west six nn U eight-tenths perehesto a stono to tho place of bo. ginning, containing seventy and ono halt perches oi iana Btnct measure bo tho same moro or less whereon Is erected a ono story and a half frame and other out buildings. seized, taken into execution at tho suit of H XV. Mclleynolds vs. William a .Marshall, and to be sold as lho properly of Wm. a Marshall. Buckingham, ntt'y, vend. Ux. ALSO all that certain messuage or tenement and lot of landsltuat in Cen'ro township, Columbia coun ty, Penna., bounded and described as follows, to wn: Beginning at a stono in the public road leading from Briarcrcek to Orangevllle, thenco by inna ot cyrus uoono south twen..y-two and flvo tenths perches to a stone thenco by land of tho heirs of Christian Muflley, east twenty-threoand six-tenths perches to a stone, thenco b,- land of ucorgo siumey north twenty-two perches to a stone, thenco a'ong said road north elghty-nve de grees wes- twenty.threo perches to the place ot beginning, containing thrco acres and torty.nve perches of land strict mensure, bo tho samo moro or less. . A I, S O alt that lot, piece or parcel of land situate In tho above named township described as follows, viz : Beginning at a pin tree, thenco by land of Cyrus Boone south thrco and a quarter degrees west twenty and live-tenths perches to east side ot plno stuu'p, thenco by lands ot Allen Shelhamer south eighty-eight degrees east, twenty-ono and two tenth perches to a stone, thenco north threo and a quarter degrees east seventy and one-tenth perch es, thenco by above named land north elghty-soven degrees wests venti-ono andtwo tenthi perches to the place ot beginning, containing two acres and ono hundred and ten perches of land strict measure, bo tho samo mora or less. Seized, taken into execution at tho suit of Alfred Bower vs. Wit'lam Ktsner and to be sold as the property of William Klsner. Levari Facias. Ikeler, atty. JOHN MOUliEY, Sheriff. t DMINISTKATOlfS NOTICE. 1 K3T1TK OF LVPIA VETKKMAN, VECK1SBU. Notice Is hereby irlven that letters of adminis tration on tho cstaiu of Lydla ivterman, late of sugarloaf township, deceased, have beei granted uy iou uegisier oi wius, etc., 10 ueorge w. reier- ihuuui aiuncy uree:c lownsmp, ycoining county, to whom all persona Indebted nrc remilred to nav : nnd all creditors rcuulred to urebent their claims uuiv Kuiutruiicuivu. OLOHOn W. PETEUMAN, Administrator, Feb ar-ct Muncy, Pa. UDITOIt'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF THOMAS TOUNO, DECEASED. Notlco Is hereby irlven that tho undersigned an pilntcd an auditor by the court, "to ascertolu and report amounts due the respectlvo heirs nrlsln? from allotments ot different purp-.rts v ldcr pro- ceuaings in partition,' wm aitenu at jus oiuce in Hrowers llulldln?. llloomshuw. on Tuesday the Slth day of March, A. I). 1SH5, for tho purposes of his enpolntment, when nnd where all persOus In terested ore notuicd to attend and establish their Claims. JOHN U. FltEEZK, Feb 85 1885 Auditor, Feb W-3t OTICE IN DIVOUCE. IN THE COMSION PLEAS OF COLUMBIA COUNTY: Mary A. Hill, by her next friend, William Yohty vs. Auranam 11111. bur uoei in aivorce. To Abraham 11111. respondent above named Whereas upon the 1'bel of the said Mary A Hill a hubooena was Issued out ot the Bald court com manding you to bo and appear at the next regular term of said Court to bhow causo why the said li belant should not bo divorced from the bonds of matrimony contracted with you: and whereas upon return of said subpoena duo proof was made that you could not be found In the ball wick of tho bherin of said county, whereupon an nlfiMsul p ena was awarded by said Court com- andlng you to appear at the then next term ot said court to answer as aforesaid to which the same return wasmadobythe Sheriff. You are therefore re quired to bo and appear on the nrst day of the next term ot said Court to bo held at Bloomsburg tor saia county on me nrst Monaayoi Aiay next, j. ir. low, iu answer buiu uuiuinuiuu JOUN MOUHEY, mar 18wl Sheriff. TIRED OUT. TbedUtrei lng feeling of weartoeE, of exhaustion without effort, which makes life a burden to so many people, is due to the fact that tho blood is poor, and tho vitality consequently feeble. If you are differing from such feellngf, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is just what you need, nnd wilt do you Incal culable good. No other preparation bo concentrates and combines blood-purlfytng, vitalizing, enrich ing, and Invigorating qualities i Ayeu's SAn&APAIULLA. rnsrABim uy Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mats. Sold by all Druggists; SI, six bottles for S3. "TTnjRifFiTS! ' When I say I euro I do not mean merely tn ntnn them tor a time and then have them return airain. 1 mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FtlS, EPILEPSY, or FALLING SICKNESS a life long study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cnhes. Because others hare failed Is no rea. nou for not n w receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle ot my Infallible remo r. dive Express and Post Offlce, It costs you ni'tMog ror a trial, and I lll cure you. , Address Dr. 11. O. HOOT, la Pearl St., New York, MarlS-tw r I WILL PAY $2.50 PER DAY To all who work for mo at homo. To many 1 can afford to pay irore. If-STKADV EMPLOYMENT. Light, Pleasant Work. Send postal card to W. w. lUdout, Louis vine, Ky, Mar 13 4 w r rpo ADVEllTISEIlS. Lowest Hates for Advertls 1 lng In KtW good uwspapers sent free. Address GEO. P. HOWELL CO., 10 Bpruco lit., N. Y. A BIG OFFER ! ZT, are going to give away 1,000 Self-operating uauiuu .uuiiu ia. iijuu nnui una bt'jm lour name, address and express onice at once. It is a great labor-saving lu entlon. Address Nat ional Co., Si Dey, bt., N. Y, March -tw d I A lif adlnffljondoiil'hr Fnm Am. Jonrnif olid!, k "lr. Ab. MftMmU, who ImtkiM ipcUlty of EpUp Ibu without doobt trMUi fcoj oiliarlifTnt pEJJIcUn. ills tucoeM feu ilmplr rg txittlo and TrettlM cct fr, Oi F,0. tod .tirfaidrMi to r. AH. lifcLUOLE, No. M John St.,Nw YcnrH Muicli 0-4w d RITimniMltl.' l,Vlf uiwu"' ' ,,,,,,, rr,T mln, . ,T 16.iJ A YKAIt. BEST TONIC. ? This medicine, combining Iron with rro vegetable ton!c, nulrkly and completely I'lires llTprplm lnillrllon, Wrnknro, Impure, llloml, ,1Inlnrln,l'hllln nnd l'r rrn, nnd Ncurnljtln. , . His an unfailing remedy for Diseases of Ihe Kidneys nnil l.lvrr. ,, It Is tnvnlunblo lor plfcci peculiar lo Women, and all who Icml tedentary lives. Itdoes not Injure the teeth, produce constipation PlA'f Iron medlclnt tlo. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates tho npprtlte, aids tho Assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles nitd nerves. , . For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, Ac, It has no equal. - Tho genuine hss rIjovo trnrto mark and crossed red lines on n rapper, Take no other. ii .d, ..i, k, snows iisiini 10. liLTi'uux, i. Orphans' Couri. & Admiiusiraior's Sak OF VALUABLK Personal andReal Estate I In pursuanco ot tho last will and testament ot William J. Ikeler, lato ot ML Pleasant township, Columbia county, deceased, the undersigned ad ministrator w 1th the will annexed, will sell nt pub lic sale on tho premises, on Tuesday, March 2-lth, 1SS5, commencing nt ten o'clock A. M., tho following de scribed real estate, to-wlt : All that certain tract of land sltuato In Mt. pleasant township, Colum bia countv, Pa., bounded and described ns follows: On tho north by lands of A. .1. Ikeler, on tho cast by lands of Erl and Joseph Iki ler, on the south by lands ot Paxton KUno and A. K. Hcacock, nnd ou the west by land of Thomas Loro, containing 130 ACRkS. of land, more or less, a po- Hon of which Is well timbered n lib oak and chestnut. Tho land Is In a good state of cultivation and well supplied with fruit trees of all kinds, being tho homestead of tlio deceased. Tho bulldln.'S consisting of a Urgs FKAMK DViil,UNU HOUSK, and largo bummerUtchen, lirgo bank barn, with BtrawBhcd attached, wagon hous, hog pen, large spring houso with upper storv for shop use, nnd other contcnlent out-bulldlngs, a n vcr falling Bprlng of puro cold water In said spring houso nnd good well of water near tho house, and flowing strenmsof water through tho field?. Thero will also bo Bold at tho samo time nnd placo the personal property of said deceased. stoves, carpets, looking-glasses, beds and bedding, stands, sofas, chairs, and household nnd kitchen furniture too numerous to mention. Also farming Implements, sleigh hayrake, har row, cultivator, bled, buggy, harness, lot of turn. ber, chickens, grain In the ground and fanning utensils generally. Terms of sale ot personal property wl'l bu mado known by the undersigned on day ot sale. In sell ing tho real estate all grain In tho ground and 1 cr- sonal property on tho premises nro reserved. Pos session given tprlllst, 1883. Deul nttho expense ot purchaser. Terms nK Sale of Heai. r state. Ten per cent. of tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking down of th property, ono fourth less tho ten per cent, on tho 1st day ot April, 18S beforo taking possession, and lho balance In ono year thereafter with Interest from .April 1st, 1SS3. EIII lKELElt, Administrator. Ikeler a Herring, Att'ys. feb. S7, ts. A DJIINIIsTKATOK'S NOTICE ESTATE Or SAMUEL II. II AdKN'RUCII, DECEASE:). Letters of administration In tho estato of Samuel H. Hagenbuch deceased, lato ot orange twp. Colum bia countv, 1 ennsylvanla, have been granted bv the Keglster of said county to tho undersigned Admin istrator. All persons having claims against tho estate of tho deceased uro miuested to present them for settlement, nnd those Indebted to tiio es tate to mako payment to tho undersigned ailn.m lstra'or without delay. ElwelL Att'y. V. It. HAOHNHUCH, FebS7-8w Ad'-ilmstrator. tU mi i i i r i Our (Red Star) Jilack CashiitcrM am not tiiiinh'd fur tho pi ion SO cts. to 1 40 a yard. Tho Dress Cloths and Tricots nro not mado of shoddy wool. Wo nro receiving now Dress Goods every week. Now is the timo lo buy when you can find lho just Shade, Quality., Ac, that you want. Wo aro imkiutj it an ohject with very lady in Uoliimh'u County to buy their Dress Goods of us, either by lower prices, newer wtyle", liner qualities, prettier shades, fcu. Try and see what wo can do for you, I. W HartmaiM & Sim. CARPETS I au Now is the timo to buy your carpets. 1 lmve tho lm-'est atock over brought to Bloomsburg and thoy are very much LOWER IN PRICE than liit-t spring. Very hnmlsomo AVilton Velvets, Body Brussels of beautiful designs and some as cheap as Tapestry Brussels. A VCBV ISSD'&W SlOdilk (Hrf at prices lower than over were known Yard wide Ingrains as low as SOc-Rag Carpets at".15, -lo and' SO" cents (Wool Stripe.) A large stock of Cocoa Bugs, Cocoa Matting all widths, Floor, Table and Stair oil cloths of all grades. STAIE nnd MALL CIAEPET iu large quantities, also-Nickol end nnd PLAIN WALNUT STAIR RODS, CARPET SWliEPERS, best make. J. J. BROWEHl, nrowcr'H liiilldliiK, next to Court Howe, HLOOJlSIltmo, r. lCarit ltsgst alu In exeliange for Carpetl. rut3 lino MARKET JEP0RTS. IILOOMSIIUIIO .MAHK17T. Whent per btisliel ltyo ' " , Com 14 11 () 11 .,...,.,,..,...,..,. Flour lier Imrrel. Clovcrsecil Ilutter, ..,,.. ,,,.,..,,.. Kgirs,. ,.,.,,....,., Tallow ,4i DO 70 B0 S'J , r oe 8 Ou 2 20 00 1)0 05 13 0 8 13 10 14 00 85 , 2 00 . fi to 7 08 75 no Potatoes new , Dried Apples I Hrims ......,. Sides and shoulders..., .1 Chickens , 1 utltcys I,nm per pounu Ilnv ttcr ton. ilccswnx Hiiekwlicnt llour per hundred...., Hides per iu Vt:t! skins lirr 111 ., Hlieeii pells, each Wool per Hi Philadelphia Markets. COIMIKOTKIJ WEKICJA'. FEED' Western winter brnn, spot, 10.S3 ft 1 FI.OU1L Western extra's S.T3 3.13M 1 Penn'a family, ano 14$ sr Ohio clear, 4.(0 9 Ltd, winter patent B.00 1 R.W. Y II 1 H-Illlljl,illim nn, il1, 1, t. , COll.N. 17 IA 0'. oath. No. 3 while a as No. , .",11. HAY AND STItAW Tim thy Choice Western nnd New York, tin. fair to good Western and New York, M. e 15. imedlum Western and New York, 10. w 12. : Cut liny ns to quality 13. 14 17,30. Bye straw eo 21, Wheat straw, v. 10. oat straw 11. r.(Kis. Pennsylvania .Hi western IS H 1R. BUTTEH. IfiinsyHniJl.icieamery prints 03 !H Western extra 21 w vs. LIVE poui.THY. Fowl?, 10,v II mixed lots 7,W ( 10 roosters old 6. UIIESSF.I) lOL'L'IHY.-chlckens extra 9.f (H 10 rtre.ed turkeys, extra, 13, choiiV, 133,H, middling 11 IS. E. B. BBOSER, (JAS FITTINfl A' STKASI IIKATIXO. 1JEALF.K IN STOVES &T1NWARE. AH hinds of work in ijlieut Iron, Woof lng ami Spouting promptly lUteinled lo. ssrstrlct attention given tohe.utngby ste.iu. Corner of Main & East Sts , USloorufiburg, P. A MllNISTUATI )KS KOTICl:. ESTATE OF El.IAS EUt'MM, hECKASKH. Letters of administration In tho estate of Ellas Kriunin, lato of Kjolt township, Columbia county, Pa., deceased, hao been graiilcd br lho Keglster of tald countv to tho mid rstgncd administrators. Allnersons h.iMnz claims nirjlnst lho estnto or said decedent nro requested to present them for sf'ttlemcni, nnd thou lmlebietd to tho estate to make payincnt to the unrtersl ned wthout delay. , JACOB HAUT.MA , OlWnnl.l, I JIAKV Kill MM, Light Street, Administrators. ! SUPERIOR ! SPEGTAGLESAND EYE-GLASSES I I , MICROSCOPES, TELESCOPES. FIELD-GLASSES, MAGIC LANTERNS, BAROMETERS, THERMOMETERS. Drawl tiff Infttriiinriitfl, riiUosopIilcnl nnd Chemical AppnrntuH. Ltot and Description of our Tun CodJofUin rent HtLKon AppIU'atiun. QUEEI 924 Chutnut St. PHILADELPHIA. lib'iy The Busy Corner. "The Devil looks In upon the busy Juc,t for compll mcnl, oiut pafctes on to the hous-o 01 lho Idle." t.fl itv.v .Smvutltf. If nil thu Kin's ntnl piovi rhs nliout iilleniKK mo trtu it is q'liik- (eitnin tlisit liis iniijt'sly o! limit's ;ii,il Iioiiih lias no iLw .u 1. W. IIAllT.MAX & SON'S. Wo 1110 loo !iuy for anytliiiifj lint short nlk on important itfins. Seo tin- new S-l.OO Jiroche Shawl, al-o new Sprint) Weight Shawln, The 12i tent J'lain aid J'lgurcd )resn Goods art- n mnr vel of i heiiini-i-s. Our new I'laid J)ress Goods fiom 10 ocntb to Sl.lo jim- ynnl inn jilcnsiny all tho latins. See the new t-lmdu liroien L'ushmere willrvtlvet to inaleh. It U a novel tihadn.