The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 06, 1885, Image 2

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    The Columbian.
0. S. SlwtU, -,!,.
J. X.81tUnbenbr.,f
Hist the bells, ting the bells,
lialso the Joyful shout,
When tho New U coming in,
When the old foes out 1
Though weary of corruption and the banded host
ol wronz,
The people waited patiently, but waited rather
Because they knew that truth wan great, and vir
tue still wai strong.
When patience was exhausted they no longer
stood In doubt,
But speedily and swlttly put corruption's crew to
And made them scamper to the tune of Turn the
ltascala out I
King the bells, ring tho bells,
liaise the Joyful shout I
lie the stirring chorous now,
Turn tho ltascals out I
The past has had Its glory, and has had Its nil of
When foul dishonor perched upon the gleaming
crest of tame,
And place and trust were treated as a gambler's
swindling game.
The Present brings Itapromlso, and the burdened
people pray
That all tho old abuses may be quickly swept
And cleaner, better times begin on this auspicious
King the bells, ring the bells,
Raise tho Joyful shout.
When the New Is coming In,
When the Old goes out I
jr. r, worm.
On Monday evening President Clove'
land and parly drove quietly to a sta
tion about three miles from Albany,
whero a special train awaited them,
and started for Washington, which
piaco tney reached on Tuesday morn'
tag at 6:30 o'clock. The party con
stated of Mr. Cleveland, his brother
and sistor, his niece Miss llastinea,
Col. Lamont and family, and Daniel
Manning and wile. Tho train con
sisted of an engino, baggage car,
sleeper and hotel car. The railroad
company tendered the free use of tho
train, but tho 1'rcsident-elect rejeotcd
the offer, and insisted on paying for it
On their arrival at Washincton
through somo misunderstanding the
committee was not at the depot to meet
tno President's party, but after a little
delay carriages were obtained and the
party was driven to the Arlington ho
tel wnero elegant quarters were prepar
ed for them. Mr. Cleveland received
daring the day and in tho afternoon be
called on President Arthur at the
White House, where he was shown
through every room. An hour was
spent in pleasant conversation and then
Mr. Cleveland returned to tho Arling
ton. Tho sub-committee appointed by the
inauguration tieneral Keception Uom
mittee to welcome the President-elect
to Washington called on him by ap-
uviutuicub at t u uii'UK linn uiieruuuti.
Their Chairman, Richard T. Merrick,
after introducing his fellow members,
expressed tho welcome in a few well cho
sen words, and Gov. Cleveland felici
touslr returned his acknowledgments.
Informal conversation ensued for some
little time, and the committee then In
dividually took their leave.
Washington was never before so
crowded. About 15,000 people went
from Philadelphia alone, tbo Stato
Militia numbered 7500, and this was
only from one btate. Crowds kept
pouring in on every train until tho
inrong was immense. Jbrom every
Stato and Territory, from every city
and hamlet, still they came and when
the procession was formed on Penn
sylvania Avenue no such scene was
ever before witnessed.
Precisely at 12:30 p. ra., on Wednes-
uay, me neaa ot tne procession appear
ed, coming out of the main east door
of the capitol. President Arthur step
ped to the front of the platform, fol
lowed by tho president-elect, Chief
Justice Waite and tho scrgeatit-at
arms of the senate. All uncovered as
they stood facing the crowd, and tbo
vast assemblage cheered again and
again for several minutes. The per
sons who were to assist at the ceremo
nies were seated on the platform in the
following order :
Chief Justice Waite and Senator
Sherman sat witb the president-elect.
Tho committee on arrangements oc
cupied seats immediately to the right
of the president-elect, ox-presidents and
ox-vico-presidenU and associate justices
ux iue supreme court.
The vico-presideut, secretary and
members of the senate occupied seats
imiucr uu uiu nguc.
Tbo diplomatic corps occupied seats
on the left of the president and the
beads of the departments. The retired
general of the army, the lieutenant-
general oi tne army, tho admiral of the
navy, and tho officers of tho army and
navy who had by namo received the
thanks of Congress, governors and ox-
governors of states and ex-members of
tho senate, took their seats just bohind
the president
At 12:40 p. m., the presidentelect
arose and began delivering his inaugu
ral address which was short and occu
pied only about 15 minutes in delivery.
At its close Mr. Cleveland turned to
the oliief justice and bowing to him
aid : "I am now prepared to take the
osth prescribed by law."
As tho chief justice roso to adrninis
ter the oath the vast assemblage oheer
ed again. Tn presidentelect stood
facing the chief jus lice, with the crowd
on his right. Chief Cleik McKennoy,
of tho supreme court, stood just to the
side of Mr. Cleveland and held tho
Bible- upon which the oath was admin
istered, the president-elect also holding
it with his right hand. Tho Bible used
is a small morocco-covered, gilt-edge
volume, pretty well worn. It is the
Bible which Mr. Cleveland's mother
gave him when ho left home as a young
man, and at his special request the
committeo of arrangements had it in
readiness for the ceremony. The crowd
preserved perfect quiet as tho impres
eive ceremony of administering tho
oath was taking place, but when it was
concluded, and after President Cleve
land laid down the Bible after rever
ently kissing ir, and shook hands with
the chief justice, who was the iirst to
congratulate him, tho cheering was
Jong and loud.
President Arthur hold his final re
caption at the Whilo House ou Tues
day night. The members of the Dip
1 -oiatio Corjus. iho Cabinet Ministers,
P'raonal friends iu tbj Senate and
lloute were prtneut,
The following bills passed both
houses at Washington and becntno
laws during the ten months' session of
tho forty-eighth Congress just ndjourit'
ed. BilN to estnbhsh n bureau of la-
bor : to establish a bureau of nnimal
industry s to prevent tho exportation of
diseased cattlo and to provido for tho
suppression mid extirpation of pleuro
pneumonia and other contagious dis
eases nmnng other domestic nnimnls j
to repeal tho test-oath of 1802 : to Inn
it to a period of three years tho time In
which prosecution may bo begun
against persons for violutionof internal
revonuo laws j to establish n bureau of
navigation in th" bureau of navigation
In the treasury department; to grant
letter-carriers at freo delivery offices
fifteen days' leave of nbjeneo with nav
in each year) to provide retired list for
soiuiors anu marines who navo served
continuously lor thirty years or up
wards ; to reduce tho ratu of postage
on newspapers ana otner periodical
publications of tho second class when
sent by other than tho publisher or
news agent to ouo cent for each four
ounces; to removo certain burdens from
tho American merchant marine (tho
Dingley shipping bill); to cqualizo tho
raiiK oi graduates ot tno naval acadc
my upon their appointment to the var
ious corps; to provido civil government
lor AiaKa; to prevent and putiisli
coiinterieiung in united states govern
mcnt bonds or security of foreign gov
ernments; to extend tho duration of tho
court of commissioners of Alabama
claims, to inako all public roads and
highways post-roads; to make it fclonv
for any person to falsely personate nil
officer or employe of tho United States
acting under tho authority of tho Uni
ted States or any department thereof;
to authorize the national academy of
sciences to rccievo and hold trust funds
for promotion of scifccco and for other
purposes; to relievo from clmrgo of do
sertion certain soldiers of tho late war.
who after having served faithfully un
til the closo of the war, left their com
mands without leave, to provido for
the location of a branch homo for dis
abled volunteer soldiers of tho Mexican
war and war of 1812, whoso disabilities
were not incurred in service against
the United States; to reorganize tho
corps of judge advocates of the army;
to declare forfeited certain lands grant
ed to aid in tho construction of a rail
road and telegraph line from Portland
to Astoria, in tho stato of Oregon; to
reorgamzo tho inspector general s do
partment of tho army; to provido for
the ascertainment of claims of Ameri
can citizens for spoliations committed
by the French prior to July 31, 1801,
by referring them to the court of
claims; to prohibit importation and mi
gration of foreigners and aliens under
contract or agreement to perform labor
in this country; to declaro the fofeiture
of land grants to aid the construction
of tho Texas Pacific railroad; to pro
vide for tho erection of a building to
contain tho records, library and mu
seum of tho medical department of tho
army; to prevent unlawful occupation
of public lands.
Cleveland on Silver Coinage.
A number of Congressmen favoring
a continuation of the coinago of silver,
recently wroto a letter to President
Cleveland urging him to refrain from
committing himself on the subject.
Tho following is his renlv :
"To the Hon. A. J. Warner and
others, members of the Forty-eighth
"Gentlemen : The letter which I
have had tho honor to receivo from
you invites, and, indeed obliges me to
give expression to somo grave public
necessities, although in advance of the
moment when they would become tho
objects of my official care and partial
responsibility. Your solicitude that
my judgment shall havo been carefully
and deliberately formed is entirely just
and 1 accept tho suggestion in tho same
friendly spirit in which it has been
made. It is also fully justified, by tho
nature of tho financial crisis which, un
der tho operation of the act of Con
gress of Feb. 28, 1878, is now closo at
hand. By a compliance with tho ro
quirements of that law all the vaults of
tho Federal Treasury have been and
are heaped full of silver coins which
are now worth less than 85 per ceut. of
the gold dollar prescribed as "the unit
of value'' in section 14 of tho act of
Feb. 12, 1873, and which, with tho sil
ver certificates representing such coin,
aro receivable for all public dues. Bo
ing thus receivable, whilo also con
stantly increasing in quantity at tho rato
of" $28,000,000 a year, it has followed.
of necessity, that the flow of gold into
the treasury has been steadily diminish
ed. Silver and Bilver certificates havo
displaced and are now displacing gold,
and the sum of gold in the Federal
Treasury now available for the pay
ment of tbu gold obligations of the
United States and for the redemption
of the United States notes called
"greenbacks," if not already encroach
ed upon, is perilously near such en
croachment. These are facts which,
as they do not admit of difforonco of
opinion, call for no argument. Thoy
have been forewarned to us in tho offi
cial reports of every Secretary of tho
Treasury from 1878 till now. They
are plainly affirmed in tho last Decem
ber report of tho present Secretary of
tho Treasury to the Sneaker of tho
present House of Representatives.
They appear in the official documents
of this Congress, and in tho records of
the New York Clearing-IIouse, of
which tho Treasury is a member, and
through which .the bulk of tho receipts
and payments of the Federal Govern
ment and of the country pass.
These being the facts of our present
condition, our danger and our duty to
avert mai uanger would seem to Do
plain. I hope that you concur witb
me and with tho great majority of our
fellow-citizens in deeming it most de
sirable at tho present juncture to main
tain and continue in use tho moss of our
gold coin as well as tho mass of silver
already coined. This is possiblo by a
present suspension of tho purchase and
coinage of silver. I am not aware that
by any other method it is possible. It
is of momentous importance to prevent
the two metals from parting company;
to prevent tho increasing displacement
of gold by the increasing coinage of
silver; to prevent tho disuse of gold in
the custom houses of tho United States
iu tho daily business of tho peoplo ; t'i
revent the ultimate expulsion of gold
y silver. Such a fiuanoial crisis as
these events would certainly precipi
tate wero it now to follow upon a per
iod of commercial depression, would
involvo the people of every city and
every Stato in the Union iu a prolong
ed and disastious trouble. Tho revi
val of business enterprise and prosper
ity so ardently desired and apparently
ho new would be hopelessly postponed.
Gold would bo withdrawn to its hoard
ing places ami An unprtccdented con
traction in tho actual volutin) of our
currency would speedily take place.
Saddest of all, in every workshop, mill,
factory, store and on every railroad and
farm, tho wages of labor, already do-
Dressed, would Riiffrir still fiii-limr ,1n
prcwion by a Healing down of the titir
chining power 6f ovory so-called dollar
paid into tho hand of toil. From theso
impending calamities it is surely n most
patrlotio and grateful duty of the ren-
resciitativcs of tho people to deliver
thorn. I am, gentlemen, with sincere
respect, your iciinw-cilizen. Ci.kvki.anh.
Albany. Feb. 21, 1885.
(Prom our Regular Correspondent.)
Wasiiisotox, Mar. (J, 1886.
i lie streets nt Washington aro
crowded with visitors who havo como
to tho inauguration, and who improve
.I.-!- .T.I.!, .1 1
mi'ir uinu wiiuu waning ior inns event,
by visiting tho museums', nrt galleries,
Departments, and other places of
interest that this city, more than any
other, nfFoids. Old men may be seen
nmong thm, those who havo not been
in Washitigion since the inaugural cor
omonies of tho last Democratic l'res
ident, and who look with admiration at
the improvements that luivo taken
plaeo Binco then, and at tho cxtcnsivu
preparations that aro going on. Tho
streets, tho hotels, tho shops, and the
faces havo a holiday appearance, and
ot course, the festivities on tho fourth
of March aro tho all absorbing topic.
Tho President-elect will arrivo to
morrow night, and will be escorted to
tho Arlington hotel by an appointed
committee. His Hist glimpse of his
future home on the mottling ot tho in
nugiiratioii will ho pleasant, for, from
tho windows of tho Arlington, beyond
trees, fountains, and Lafayette patk,
an excellent view ot tho White House
can bo obtained. At about ten o'clock,
Mr. Cleveland will proceed to tho Ex--
ecutivo mansion, accompanied by
committeo of Senators where ho will
bo introduced to President, and they
will go together, in an open carriage,
I.. .1... f , . , . .,,
in uiu iiiiusi, ui n gr.'iuu uiviu anil mm
tary procession, to the Capitol.
a oroaa Biami has been erected on
tho Eastern front of the Capitol, and
there the President elect will tako his
oath of office, and tho President will
deliver his inaugural address. Only
few hundreds will bo nblo to hear
his voice, but tens of thousands can see
for tho first time a Democratic Presi
dent. After tho ceremonies, President
Cleveland and ox-President Arthur
will quickly proceed to tho Wbito
House, and after lunching, will take
their places on a covered stand that
has been erected in. the grounds of the
Presidential mansion, and review the
procession. Tho latter will bo five
miles in length and cmbraco about
twenty-fivo thousand. It will approach
tho Presidential stand from different
routes Its lino of march will include
portions of Pennsylvania avenue, Twcu
ty-seeond Btrect; Connecticut, Iihodo
Island and Massachusetts avenues, and
K street. During tho progress of the
procession, i'cnnsylvania avenue will
be kept entirely clear from curb to
curb, both from vehicles and people,
and the police have orders to arrest
any one incroaching upon tho street.
This will prevent crowding tho lino of
inarch and will add greatly to tho ef
feet of tho spectacle.
If it is a pleasant day, tho pageant
will be grand. The bright uniforms of
the soldiers, tho martial music, tho
thronging crowds, the gay draperies of
bunting, red, white and blue, and the
numerous decorations will make th
panorama one long to be remembered.
Tho ball room is at last in readiness
for its many distinguished guests. At
least ten thousand are expected tot
tend, and under tho dazzling elcotrio
lights tho scene wilt bo truly brilliant
Tho walls are draped with velvet bor
dered with gold, elegant silk banners,
and patriotic designs. Hugo plato
glass mirrors are placed here and there,
and flowers will bo everywhere. A
mammoth floral chair will be placed at
ono end ot the hall for the l'lesiilcnt,
and a superbly finished room has been
prepared for his temporary use. The
ventilation, heating and lighting capa-
l.'i:.' - r .1.. i ,i . , ,
mimes ;ii mo u:iu room navo neen tes
ted, and found nearly perfect. No
matter how many persons atteud, tho
hall will not bo crowded. Tho gallery
alone can seat three thousand persons,
and five thousand can easily waltz at
once in the space allotted tor dancing,
and thero will be abundant room for
. 1 T. . 1 . . .
promenaoers. it is estimated mat six
hundred persons can bo served at tho
same time in the tiupper rooms. A fire
company will bo kept constantly on
duty iu the building.
Thero is somo talk of opening tho
ball room on the fifth ofMaichfora
small fee, so that those who felt unable
to pay fivo or ten dollars for admisssion
to the regular bill, might at least be
gratified with a sito of tho decorations,
and wander around in the "banquet
hall deserted.''
Republican Partisanship.
Tho practical defeat of Mr. Randall's
proposition to give tho Secretaty of
tho Treasury tho power to suspend the
coinage of the silver dollar in his dis
cretion "cannot of courso bo fairly re
garded as tho woik of either party. In
the vote Democrats and Republicans
were found on both sides.
But tho proposition came from tho
Democratic side. Tho Republicans
could havo secured its anoption if they
nan cnosen to do so. i ho volo stood
145 against Mr. Randall's motion and
118 in its favor. Of the 144 Repub-
lican members 33 voted against it and
i i ran away and dodged tho vote.
Wo do not desire to removo tho re
sponsibility from tho Democrats who
voted against tho proposition. But
tho Republicans, Mugwumps and case-
hardened, havo proteased intense anx-
ety to suspend tho silver coinage, and
they aro in harmony in the poor excuse
they make for not adopting a method
for doing so when tho opportunity of
fered. The Mugwump 2 imes asserts that
theie wero a ceitaiu number of Repub
lican Ropicsentatives who would not
consent to leave the Husuonsion "to the
discretion of the next Socretary of the
iho case-hardened Tribune sava
that enough Republicans could not be
found who would vote "to put (he
thing entirely in tho bands of an un
triedPresideiit'' and to "trust an abso
lutely unknown man with such a pow
This excuso is ridiculous. If tbo
power to suspend had been put into
the hands of this "absolutely unknown
man," pray how could he havo used it
to the public detrimentt
If he had refused to exercise tho
power, tho coinage would simply have
gono on as it will go on now that
Mr. Randall's proposition is defeated.
If he had exCrcisod tho power he
would havo done juK what tho Repub
licans who make the excuso profess to
The conclusion is inevitable that the
Republicans are bettor paitlsars than
patriots. Thoy would rather embar
rass Mi Cleveland's Administration
than do what they believe would be a
great good to the country, - World.
It is quite certain that th Cabinet
portfolios aro nil disposed of. Tlici
may possibly bo some changes from
the generally accepted slate, but thi
Indications are thnt tho following per
sons will bo President Cleveland s ad
vlscrs ! Secretary of Stnte, Bayard of
Delawaro; Secretary of Treasury,
jHaniiingotiNew lorki Attorney Ucn
oral, Garland of Arkansas ; Secretary
oi interior, iiamar ot M'sstssippi t Sec
retary of Nnvv. Whitney of Now
York; Secretary of War, Kndicott of
Massachusetts i Postmaster General
Vilas of Wisconsin. As tho nomina
tior.s will not bu sent iu until after w
go to press it is impossible to slnto
more definitely who they will bo.
The volo on the silver bill last Fri
day lesulted in a defeat of the propo
sition to give Secretary of tho Treas
ury power to suspend tho coinage for
one year, l'ho opposition was mado
uii of both parties. Tho letter of Mr.
Cleveland which wo print In full, givi
many satisfactory reasons why the
coinage should be suspended. Mr
Randall led tho anti-silver party, Mr.
Storm voting with him. Congress has
blundered in tho failure to pass tho
The bill prohibiting tho importation
ot foreign labor tinder contract has be
come a law.
Pennsylvania Soldiers at the Capital.
It is said that ono of the grandist
martial displays in Washington was
tho parado of tho Pennsylvania Nation
nl Guards, who. iu a uniform that lmvh
them the appcaraiieo oi regular troops.
turned out upon Pennsylvania aventio
H.UUO strong. Their liearmg, in spite
ot a necessarily uncomfortable, night,
was lino and soldierly, and as column
after column marched with swinging
stride up tho flag burdened avenue to
wards the (Japitol something of thu
splendor of tho morrow's pageant was
foretold. Arrived at tho Capitol, tho
troops wero drawn up in line and ui
the" presenco of a number of tho Sena
tors went through tho manual ot arms.
their gun stocks ringing as tho Bound
of n ainglo blow at the command to
order arms.
Gen. Grant's Condition.
A special despatch fiom New York
dated 1'eb 27th, and based on re lablo
medical authority, says :
"Notwithstanding tho rosecnlored
report of General Grant's health, re
ceully given in a medical journal, tho
truth is that General Grant is a very
hick man, and ins death apparently not
far distant. Tho public has noooncep
tion of tho shattered condition of his
physical system It is honed that tho
affectation of tho tonguo may not
prove fatal, but thero is as yet no an
pearauco that it is not the develonment
ui u inaugnaut anu iatat disease. Al
though somewhat better now than
some weeks ago, tho large and inllam
od tongo continues, making it painful
to speau or swanow fluids, tho only
nounsnment nu oan take. In addition
to this distressing malady, General
Grant is a terrible sufferer from neu
ralgia and it seems to havo taken nos
session of his whole system. He has
had most of his teeth pulled to lessen
neuralgic torture, and his injury in the
hip caused by his fall a vear ago is still
the source of great suffering and for
bids physical exercise.
"It is a tact that should no longer be
conceaicu irom the country that Gen
Grant is rapidly breaking down, and
apparently without hope of reaction
and unless thero should bu somo unex
pected relief he will not be Inner amour
the living. Ho is wonderfully patient
uu., uucuiupiaiiung, anu no proioundiy
appreciates the expressions of ryinpa-
uiy which nave neen called out by his
recent appalling misfortunes Ho
works every day with bandao-ed head
and an unremitting pain to finish hi
military autobiography or history of
tho war and hopes to complete it this
spring, ino nrst volume is entirely
unisueii, out not revised, and the see
ond volumu is more than half done. He
has not taken the lima to rovise the
first volume because of his auurehen
sion that he may not be able to finish
us second volume. '
A six days contest in roller-skatini?
was sinned at .uaiiisou oauaro Uarden
r. i., on aiondav morning at 12:05.
Thirty-three cult rid the lace.
Hon. F. E. Warren of Chevonuo
I 1 , n X ..r
nas ueen ujipoiuied uovernor ot Wy
oming territory. He is the first citizen
Governor the peoplo of the territory
have had.
Tho college which has' tho largest
number of graduates iu thu Fortv-
ninth Congress is tho University of
Virginia. Harvard Btands second. Yalo
William E. Mosee. Phila..has sued
tho Bell Telephone. Company for rent in
using the building as boxes for their
overhead wires. A jury will be called
upon to decide the matter.
A bill has been introduced in tho
Minnesota Legislature providing that
males and females shall not be allowed
to uso or occupy the floor of any roller
skating rink iu the stato at tho same
Mrs. Eliza Blaine Walker, only
sister of lion. James G. Blaine, died
in Baltimore, Md,, Tuesday morning.
Her romains wero taken to Browns.
ville, Pa.
Commissioner Buttcrworth. of the
latent office, has rendered his decision
n the great telephone case, grantim?
the nrioritv of the invention in" AIrv.
ander Graham Bell in all claims of im
-As tho train conveying Now Yoik
county democracy emt rged from the
tiinuel at Baltimore Tuesday eveninrr.
somo villiain fired a shot at tho train.
fho ball passed through the window
and through tho hat of ono of the pas-
-A clerk in a pawnbroker's office in
Boston was fmed $10 aud costs a few
lays ago for selling rifles to two bovs
who had fallen victims to cheap litera
ture, and wanted to go West and shoot
An anonymous letter was sent to the
Mayor and Post Office offioials nt Phil-
felphla last week sav ng that a dvun.
mito machinu would bo placed in posi
tion to blow up the Post Office on Fri
day evening last.
Thrco thieves entered a urooerv
stnio in Wheeling, W. Va., on Satur
day night and attempted to rob iu the
presence ot tno owuer and his wife,
Ono man attempted to beat tho owner
over tho head with a poker, whilo an
other pushing his wifo aside rilled thu
money drawer of about thirty dollars.
Tbo thieves mado their escape,
The freight houso of tho Albany
and Susquehanna Railroad Company
at Albany, together with a number of
freight cars wero dostroyed by firo
Sunday morning. Loss estimated nt
Prcsldont Arthur, according to tho
London Truth, is going to Europo
early in July for sovcral months. He
Intends to stay for some weeks in Eng
land beforo proceeding to thu Conti
ncnt for a tour.
Tho latest discovery about Daniel
Webslcr is that ho nuvtr used a pro
fane word. Ills greatness was what
his contemporaries admired, but n Bos
ton scoffer opines that his goodness is
what tho next generation will bo nsked
to roverenco him for.
Tho last reception of Mrs. MoEI
roy ns hostess ol tho Whito IIoiish was
given Saturday afternoon the 28th of
February. Tho house was so crowded
that n number ol women fainted. Pres
ident. Arthur was present tho last quar
ter of an hour of tho reception.
The Military Committeo nt Wash
ington havo made some important dis
coveries in connection with tho man
agemont of tho National Soldier's
Homo at the timo Gen. B. F. Butler
was President and Treasurer of the in
stitution. General Butler has been
called on for an explanation.
1 wo freight trains were passing
up tno grado near lumira Saturday
last Tho first train parted in the mid
dle, and the second ran into tho ca
boose of the first train crashing through
it. and into a ear containing ten tons
of powder, causing a frightful explo
sion. The employes of the train fell
flat upon tho ground and escaped un
hurt. They know thero was ponder
in thu car.
Tho jury in the Wainwright mur
der trial at Tom's River, N. J., an
nounced their verdict on Saturday last,
acquitting Mrs. Wainwright, and her
children, George, Charles and Mary :
and convicting Elson K. Rockwell of
murdor in the second degree When
the jury first retired it stood 8 to 4 in
favor of murder in tho first degree.
The judge pronounced a seutenco of
twonty years in stato prison at hard la
bor. It is written of Col. Ingersoll that
ho likes to go in a gorgeous barroom
and spend an hour or two in sitting by
one of the tables, "indulging in a mad
doning succession of drinks of Vichy
water." He never takes a dron of al
cohol in thesu days. There was a lime
early in his career when ho did it, but
immediately after his marriage ho
stopped, and has seldom so much as
touched a glass of wine since. Ho
seems, however, to havo just as good a
time in the barroom as the men who
ncompauy him and who quaff tho
toaming champagne.
In one column of tho Lawrence
Itnerican is a paragraph about tho
Germans of that city who have been
out of work this winter, and in somo of
whoso families there is much destitu
tion. In another is a letter fiom a
young man in the Concord reforma
tory plison tn a fiiend, iti which ho
says : "this is a hue place. You do not
know what sport wo have, nor can you
realize how wo aro fed." Tho editor
thinks it lucky that virtue is its own
reward, or such comp.irison .v might
bo made between the poverty of thu in
dustrious worker and tho comfort and
contentment of the criminal might
have a bad moral influence.
In one of his speeches, delivered
u New York, Mr. Webster said : "It
las bo happened that all iho nublic
services which I havo rendered in tho
world in my day and generation havo
been connected with the general Gov
ernment. I think I ought to make an
exception. I w.s ten days a member
of the Legislature, and I turned my-
thoughts to the search of some good
object in which I could be usolul in
lat position ; and, after much reflec
tion, I introduced a bill which, with
thu general consent of both Houses of
tho Legislature, passed into a law, and
is now a law ot the State, which en
acts that no man in the Stato shall
catch trout in any other manner than
with the ordinary hook and line.
A distillery has lately been put in
operation in Charleston, S. C, for man
ufacturing oil from pine wood. The
material is subjected to intense heat in
sealed retorts, and one cord of it is
said to yield fifteen gallons of turpen
tine, eighty gallons of pine-wood oil,
fifty bushels of charcoal, 150 gallonsof
wood vinegar, ami a uuantitv of in-
flamable gas and vegetable asuhaltttm.
Tho oil alone is worth about " twenty
five cents a gallon, aud is used by
winters and shipbuilders. Apart from
its commercial value, the process is in
teresting as showing how modern
chemistry is ablu to supplant those old
destructive chemical prouecses by which
a single article was produced from a
given material and ail tho rest wasted
or ruined.
The Dcutli that llieApoHllen Died,
Towards the latter end of tho reign of
Nero, St. Peter was crucified but with his
head downward, affirming that ho was un
worthy to suffer in the same posturo In
which his Lord had suffered before him.
St. Paul was beheaded consequently al-
lowed the privilege of a Itoman citizen.
St. Andrew suffered martyrdom, ho was
first ecourged, and seven lictors success
Ively whipped his naked body.
St. James the Urcat was beheaded to
gether with his Informer, who confessed
tho Christian faith and both wero beheaded
at the same place.
St. John tho Evangelist, died a natural
death after being thrown Into a cauldron
of boiling oil. But tho Almighty, who re
served him for further service In tho vine
yard of his son, restrained the heat, as lie
did the fiery furaaco of old; ho was trans,
ported tc an almost desolate Island In tho
Archipelago, called Patmos, and thero
wroto tho book of Revelation, St. John con.
tlnued to labor In the vineyard of his great
master until death put an end to all liU
sufferings, which happened In the begin-
ing of Trajan's reign, in the ninety-elghlh
year of his ago.
St. Philip wus martyred, ho was scourg
cd and afterward being bound, was hanged
against a pillar until dead.
Biulk Readeii.
llccds Hecurdcil.
Locust Mt. Coal and Iron Company to
Odd Fellows Lodgo No, S80 of Ctntralla,
Firkt Presbyterian church of Blooinsbiirg
to town of llloomsburg, Blooinsburr,
E, R. Ikeler and wifo ct, al, to town of
llloomsburg, llloomsburg.
U. H. Ent sheriff to Samuel McKamey,
John W. Hoffman to Jl. E. Jackson, Brl
arcrcek. Alexander L. Smith to M. E. Jack ion
Wilson Ycager, executor to Elizabeth
Marks, Locust.
Phillip Heffron and, wife to Joseph LInd
aey, Ccutralla.
Matthias Troniue to Nelson Troniue,
Nclion Tronsuo to 1J. Frsnk Z&tr, Scott
K. A. Slinrrctts ct. nl. to Elltlia Bagcii
hiicli and wife ct. nl. Ml. Plcnjant.
11. F Hower and wife in Samuel Mcl
lick, Orange.
John A. Funston, ndmlntstrntor to Con
rail K reamer, Madison.
John 8. Mann and wife to Thomas
Drobst, Centre.
M. M, lllcks, et. nl. numlmstrator to
Thomas Kocher, Centre.
11. M. I. F. Association to Samuel llldle
mini, llloomsburg.
Win. J. Uldlcman, executer to George
limicinan, et, nl., Dloomshuri;.
Ocorgo lthllciimn nml wife, ct. nl. to Win,
J. Dullcman, Itlonnisburg.
Ellslia llngenbuch and wife to Illrnm
Thomas, Mt. Pleasant.
John Zimmerman and wife to Thorans .1
Hoffman, Locust.
F. M. Hales to'Lnura M- Vandersllce
Moses llower and wife to I.ucus .V. Fall
ringer, Cutawlssn.
The citizens II. & L. Association of Con
tralla to John Moran, Centrnlin.
David Lclby unil wife to Edwnrd Krem
cr, Franklin.
V. M. llrcdbenner and wife to Hebccca
Martecncy, Berwick.
Hctiecca Martecncy to M. llrcdbenner,
William Itucklu and wifo to Stowart
Poust, Denton.
Samuel Bwoycr nnd wife to Stephen
Swoycr, Mlfnln.
Henry Wnntcli and wife to Joseph Ln-
mon, Berwick.
Hiclmrd Thompson to Elizabeth A. 11111,
Joseph Cole to Abigail Cole, Flue.
IJoyd T. Conner, administrator to Philip
Creasy, Centre.
Absolutely Pure.
liow.leinavervarle. A rairvel ofpurltv
BtrenKthand wtiulesomeiieai. store economical
taaatue onUnary k'lns. and ennuot be sold In
comp-lltloa wllti tho multitude or low test, short
wttfiit, alum or pliospuiite powders. Sold only
mo ai. uAiiiRu ruwnKR i;o , km, wau-st.
By virtue of sundry writs Issued out of the court
of Common l'lcas of Columbia county and to me dl
rected, will bo exposed to public salo at the Court
nouse la moomsburtr, ou
Saturday, March 14 1885.
At 8 o'clock, p. m., all that certain piece, parcel
and tract ot land, slluate In Pcnton township, ColJ
umuia county, ra., bounded and docrlbeU as rot
Iowb, to-nlt : On tno eat by lands ot Jonas Doty
and lands of tho estate ot William Uarrett and
others, on tho west by lands of tho estate ot John
n.IicMillne, on the north ty lands ottueestato
of John W. llclihllne, and on the south by landu
ot t. si. realer and others, containing CO acres,
moroor loss, whereon are erected a twft-story
franio dwelling house, barn, nnd other out-build,
Seized, taken Into execution as tho property of
jacoD M. llelshllne, ana to be sold as the property
of Jacob M. llelshllne. Fl. Fa.
Jlllller, Chlsinan, Knorr Wlntcrsteen, att'ys.
an that certain house and lot situated at Iluck
Horn, Columbia county, l'enna, bounded and de-
benucu as ioiiowh, lo-wit: Commenclhg at a
btono ln an alley, thence by lot of Joseph Snyder
on the north, south tlfty-nlno and one.fuurth ast
ten perches to a stone, thenco Main street of buck
Horn south thlrty-threo degrees cast seven and
three-tenth perches to a stono by an alley, north
flfty-ntno and one-fourth degrees west ten perches
10 a stone, thenco by an alloy and lands ot John
Appleman north thlrty-threo degrees west blx and
eight-tenths perches to a stono to tho place of bo.
ginning, containing seventy and one half perches
of land strict measure bo the same more or less
whereon Is erected a ono story and a half frame
dwelling houso and other out buildings.
Sefred, taken Into execution at tho suit of If. W
Mclteynolds vs. William S. Marshall, and to bo
sold as the property of Wm. S. Marshall.
Buckingham, att'y, Vend. Ex.
all that certain messuage or tenement and lot of
land Bltuat" In Centra township, Columbia coun
ty, l'enna., bounded and doscrlbed as follows, to
wit : beginning at a btono ln tho public road
leading from Brlarcrcck to Orangovllle, thence by
land of Cyrus lioono south twenty-two and five-
tenths perches to a stone thence by land ot the
heirs of Christian Munley, east twenty-three and
slx-tcnths perches to a stono, thence by land of
(Jeorgo Munley north twenty-two perches ton
stone, thence a'ong Bald road north elghty-dto de
grees wes twenty-three perches to the place ot
beginning, containing three acres and forty-llve
perches of land strict measure, bo the same raoro
or less.
all that lot, piece or parcel of land situate ln tho
above named township described as follows, viz i
Beginning at a plnf tree, ihence by land of Cyrus
Iloone south thrco and a fuarter degrees west
twenty and five-tenths perches to east side of pine
Btump, thenco by lands of Allon Shclhamer south
elghty-elght degrees east, twenty-ono and two
tenth perches to a stone, thence north three and a
quarter degrees east seventy and ono-tenth perch-
es,thenco by above named land north eighty-seven
degreeswests venty.onoandtwo tenths perches
to the place of beginning, containing two acres
and ono hundred and ten perches of land strict
measure, bo tho samo more or less.
Hrlzed, taken Into execution at the suit of Alfred
Bower vs. Wll.lam Ktsner and to bo bold as tho
property ot William Klsuer. Levari Facias.
Ikeler, atty.
Notice Is herebyglven that letters of adminis
tration on tho estate of Lyata I'cwrman, late of
bugarloat township, deceased, have been granted
by iho neguier ot wills, eto., to George W. I'eier
man of Muucy Creek township, I ) co.olng county,
to whom all iicrsons Indebted are required to pay i
and all creditors required to present their cUlras
dulv authenticated.
, Administrator,
FebSMt Muncy.fa.
To Induct
them wo
oeolnc tot-lva awav l.ono Hei
ashing Matin es.
tour name. addrehS and e
Is a great labor-saving Invention. Addrc3 NuV
lonat Co., Si bey. bt., if. V.
March e-tw d
From Am. Joanulol Mod.
i "Dr. Ab. Mm rote, who
I mtkM ft ils&cUUj of KpUp
tuut without doubl truUa
V Ana nnnt mnr. aua Kan
an oUiBi-liTiDtf fbicUn, Ilia laccui bu ilniply
UnMUihuLitwhiTe bMrd of MMAofOTtrU
r MraiUDdlDg cumt 1T him. U vurinUei a cum.
Urg bottle And TtmUmi ent lit. Uiv O. Ud
r ipnwtftildrrMi to
Dr. AU. MKKKUOLE, No. 96 John6t.(Nir Tortu
March 0-4 w h
Notice is hereby Wren that the undersigned ap
piloted an auditor by the court, "to ascertain aud
report anouuts due tho renpeetlre heirs srlilnr
from allotments ot different purparts under pro
cwdtnes In partition," will attend at hlsofflcoln
nrowers llulldlnir, BloouisbuiY, on Tuetjday tho
SltU day of March, A. li. lbsi, tor tie purpotcs ol
UU appointment, when and wheie all persous la
trresled are uotllled to attend and statllsli thtlr
cliUS.sL . ... J011N - rilKEZK,
wbiisisiB Auditor,
W Troyau rsti'jit
p fey---1
jnl i TlfllE laP a
This medicine, combining tron with puro
eitctable tonlci, aulrkly and completely
t. urn iFYpprpin iniiiHrHiinn, , rnKn.-n",
Impure lllonil, .llalnrln,tliltlnd l'v rrs,
Jure Jiionti,,
:1k an unmllit
tin ncornitm.
Itlsan uumlllnir remedy for DIscMCiof tho
It la Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
Women, anil all who lend sedentary lives.
Hdocs not Injure the teeth, cause hcnrtachc.or
prodiiro constipation o(Ar Iran medicines vo.
It enriches anil purifies the blood, stimulates
the appcllte, aids the osjlmllatlon of food, re
lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength
ens the muscles and nerves. .....
For Intermittent Fevers. Iisltuao, Lack of
Energy, Ac., It has no equal.
49 The ppnulnc has above trade mark nml
crossed red lines on w rapper. Take no other.
u.j,et.i;kj noi"iiiitriL to. miTnoni, id.
itt.i.... ...i 1 1 . .. -
Orphans' Courts Administrator's Salo
Personal andE,eal Estate I
Inpursuaneootthe last will and testament of
William J. Ikeler, late ot Mt. rieasnnt townhlp,
Columbia county, deceased, tho undersigned ad
ministrator nltb tho wlll.annexcd, Mill scllat pub
lic sale on tho premises, on
Tuesday, March 24th, 1885,
commsnclag at ten o'clock A. M., tho following de
scribed real tale, to-wlt : All that certain tract
oflandsltuatoln.Mt. Pleasant township, Colum
bia countv, I'.i., boundod and described as follows:
On the north by lands of A. J. Ikeler, on tho east
by lands ot Erl and Joseph Ikeler, on tho south by
lands of Taxton Kline and A. K. Heacock, awl on
tho west by land of Thomas Loro, containing
130 ACRhiS.
of land, more or less, a po' tion ot which Is well
timbered with oak and chestnut, The land Is In
a good stato of cultivation nnd well supplied with
fruit trees of all kinds, being tho homestead of tho
deceased. The buildings consisting ot a largo
and largo summer kllclicu, brgo bunk barn, with
straw shed attached, wagon house, hog pen, large
spring house with upper storr for shop use, and
other convenient out-bulldlngs, i n "vcr falling
spring ot pure cold water ln said spring houso nnd
good well of water near tho house, and flowing
streams of water through tho fields.
Thero will also bo sold at the same time and
place the personal property ot said deceased'
stoves, carpets, looking-glasses, beds and bedding,
stands, sofas, choirs, nnd household and kitchen
furniture loo numerous to mention.
Also farming implements, sleigh hayrake, har
row, cultivator, sled, buggy, harness, lot of lum
ber, chickens, grain tn tho ground nnd farming
utensils generally.
Terms ot sale of personal property will be made
known by the unden-lgncd on day ot salo. In sell
ing tho real eslato all grain ln the ground and i er
sonal property on tho premises aro reserved. Pos
session given April 1st, 1SS3. Doert nt tho expense
of purchaser.
Tkkhs or Sale of Keal Fstatb. Ten per cent.
of the purchabo money to bo paid, at tho striking
down of th 1 property, one-fourth less tho ten per
cent, on tho 1st day of April, 1RS before taking
possession, and the balance in ono year theienfter
with Interest from Apill 1st, J85.
Ikeler & Herring, Att'j s. feb. 27, ts.
Letters of administration In the est ate of s.imuel
H. llagcnbuch deceased, late of Orangotwp. Colum
bia counn , 1 eunsylvanla, have been granted by 1 he
lu'KisitT ui sum cuuuiy iu um unuuruigm'U -umiu-lstrator.
All oersons liavlnir claims niralnst tho
estate of tho deceased aro requested to pnisent
mum iur sciuemcni, uuu uiuHu inucuicu iu 1111' es
tato to make navmeut to tho undersigned admln-
lstra'or without delay.
itlwelL Att'y. W. It. llAflUNHUCH,
Feb w Administrator.
sat w
Is now offering his largo Slock of
Healing Stoves and Ranges AT COST.
Please call and examine Stock
Before Biayiiiag
tiCSr1- The largest stock on oue
Now is tho time to buy your
ever Drought to JJJoonishurg
than last
Very handsome Wilton Velvets,
designs and somo as cheap as Tapestry Brussels.
A very Invge sUteh f
at nrices lower tlmn nvm- wn..
ard wtdo Ingrains as low as 20c
cents (AVool Stripe.)
A large stock of
Cocoa Bugs, Cocoa Matting all widths, Floor, Tahlo and Stair
oil cloths of all grades,
... migu tjiiiinuues, also .Nickel end and
hest make.
lirower'H llullrtliiL'.nejtlo Court House, llLOOStSllUHO. 1'A.
l"Carpt Me totsn In exekaniro for rarneu.
1 Fb!S3xau
Wheat per bushel
Ryo ' "
Corn " "
Oats " "
Hour ber barrel,,.
Potatoes new , ,
Dried Apples ,
Sides und.tliotiltlcrs
Turkeys ,.
I.nrtl pur pound
Hay per ton..,.
Huckwlient Hour pur hundred
Hides per lb
Veal sKlus per lb
Sheep pells, each ,
Wool peril) ,
. fl 00
8 0,
. 30
14 00
3 00
Philadelphia Markets.
FEED' Western winter bran, spot, lo.M 17
FLOUR Western extra's S.73 a 3.13.V j Penn'a
family, a..v a 11 sr Ohio clear, l.i0 4.60; winter
patent 5.00 5.W.
WHEAT Pennsylvania red, No. 1, 03; No. 2, 9.'.
coitN. I? 5'.
(IAI S. No. 8 whlto a 3SNo. s, nu.
HAY AND HTIIAW 'linn thy-t'liolco Western
ond New York, $11). fair to good Western nnd
New York, IS. t 15. 1 medium Western and New
York, 10. w 12. s cut hay ns to quality 13.
Ityo straw aotj 21, Wheat struw, 'j.htiu. oat
straw 11.
K()(is. Pennsylvania sit western is ) 19.
IirnL'lt. Pennsylvania creamery rrlnts S3 J4
Western extra SI ( S3.
i.ivii ruuLTiiv. iowis, low (4 11 mixed lots
? ii 10 roosters old 0.
imn&sini run 11 ky. iiicuens
extra Ow a
10 dre-sed tntkeis. extra.
choloe, 13 o 14,
middling 11 (i- IS.
or vali'auli:
i84iSfiB 5 state!
In pursuanco ot ail order of the Orphan's Court
ot Columbia county, tho undersigned Admlnlstra
tor, &c, of Jlargarct Mclllck, deceased, will ex
poso to public sale on tho promises, on
Wednesday, March 11, 1885.
A t two o'clock, p, m,, of said day, tho following
described lot of ground situato In Light Street,
Scott township, Columbia county, P.i, bounded
and described ns fol ows, to-wlt : on tho Cast by
tho public road leading from Light Street to
llloomsburg, on Iho north by lot owned by the
heirs of A. .1. Ejer, deceased, on tho west by an
alley, nnd on tho south by an alley, containing
ln width along said public road bttfoct, and ln
d-'pth ICS feet, w hereon arc elected a good two.
Frame Dwelling House,
with kitchen attached, a stable and other out
buildings. Good v ell of water on tho premises
with pump.
TKIt.MS OV SAL1'. Ten percent, ot one-fourth
of tho purchase money to bo paid nt tho striking
down ot the property ; tho ono-tourth less the ten
per cent, nt tho continuation of sale ; and tho re
maining three-fourths ln ono year thereafter, with
Interest from continuation nisi.
feblS Administrator.
Drawing Iiittrninrnll. 1'lillnsophlcal and
C'liemlrnl Anpnrntun. .
List snd Descriptions of nur Ten Catalogues seat
FliUE on Implication.
024 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA.
Look 1 1 1
SJ JB ss
floor in tho Countv
carpets. I have tho
largest stock
and they are
very nu j eh
Hody Brussels ne i.n,.:r..i
Ra- Carpets at H5. 4fi n,l m