Vle ColtLmbiki). jfJES Of DBIVTItlKq. B. vr nB nuniBi IDU v 1M 9M 00 l(0 8(11 -tOO IU 1300 son 1 HI 0(0 1000 17 CO MOO en l00 am 1100 ism 15.1(1 ssnn 6000 It isc? 80 0" !5 0 roio loo w lOnolnch. ... 'Two inches.',,, 'rhreo Itirlim..,. Fourlhchcr iquartcr column, llnircolumn lonccolumni.... RLOOMHIJUJiO. COLUMBIA CO . Pa. 4(1) son era eoo 10 (XI snoo roo SCO 1 4 r.d S5 00 inowmiv viiu 1,1.-11111 uiuau.uu; iu HUTUDCP twxii paper tJlwuntinucil except fit tho option Ail p,ipcra sent out of tlm Htate or to distant post I Yearly ndrcrtlEcmCntr rmJU'lPftiiiirtfrly. nej, llentilvcrtlscmenli mutt be paid rorbcforcthrrM ed except where parties have accounts Legal ndverttsements two dollars per Inch re tlire insertions, nnd nt that rata for addition' ilihlf nor.Hi In nnlmnhlf nnttntv naMMA. i .... - m niiu-HJiif'iiuu una uii ueiaanu. inscnions wunoui roicrcnco toirngio. nxectitor',Admlnlstrator'it,andAudltorsnollCf three dollars. Mustbepaldforwhen nsertcd. Transient of Local notices, ten cents a line, tegu lar advertisements halt ralcB, cards In the 'Business Directory column. oni JOB P HINTING. Tim .lobbing Department of the Coluiibi mis wry ooinplote, nnd our Job Printing will compare favor bly wli u thiit or tholargo cities. All work done on ittort notice, neatly ana at moderate prices. 3, E.EliWELL, I ,..!..,. ; K BITIEMBENDER,Prorrl,tc"' BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1885. Til K COLUMBIAN, VOL. X1X.NO 1) UMBIA DEMOOHAT, VOL XLIX, NO S COL dollar a year lot each line. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. WAXLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa umce over 1st. National Hank. VT V. FUNK, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW. Ill.OOMSBUSO, Vl. omco In Knt's Building. J OIIN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW. JUdTlOK UF THE PEAOS. BLOOMSBCKO, IU, bnica over .Moycr Bros. Drug Store. t W MILLER, H'ruHNKY-AT-LAVY , unci la Drawer's butldtng.sctond Uoor.room Mo. 1 Uloomsburg, l'a. 13, t'RANK. Z-VRR, ATTO 1 1 NE Y-AT-L AW. Bloomsburg, l'a. onija corner ot Centre andMaln btreots. Clark s Building. Can be consulted In German. G EO. E. EL WELL, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW. Nkw Oouimsian UCTLDiHo, Bloomsburg, P MomOur ot the United States Law Aesoclattoi, ij'olieutions made In any part ot America or Ku ril!),). pAUL E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law. onlco In Columbuh Iicildino, lloom No. J, second uoor. BLOOMSBURG. PA. . KH0RR. KNORR I.. B. W1NTIR8TIKH. & WINTERSTEEN, A ttorney s-at-Law. onice tu 1st National Dank building, second floor, nrstdoortoihol.ru Corner o Main and Market streets Bloomsburg, Pa. t&'I'fnsioiu and Bounties Collecttd. J 11. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW omce In Maize's bulldiyg over Hlllmcycr's grocery. JOHN C. YOCUJlj Attornoy-at-Law, CATAW18SA, PA. Office In Nsws Itsm building, Main street. Member ot tus American Attorneys' Associa tion. Collections made in any part ot America. K. OSWALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and 5. BBRW1CK.PA w II. 1UIAWN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawuma, l'a. Office, corner ot Third and SlaluBtroeta. w. E. SMITH, Attorney-atLaw, Berwick. Csn lie Con9ultcil in German. I'u. ALSO FIIiST-CLABS FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES llEl'ltliSENTKD. ttTOIllce first door below tho post oflice. MISCELLANEOUS. Cli, BAKM.Ei, Aiturnej-u-Law , oflice in llruwer's building, una btory.KO. ma s 6 " C. McKKLVY, M. I,rjurgeou and Phy . slclan, north Bide Main Mreet.below Market L. FRITZ, AUorney-at Law. t In Colcudun Uulldlng, Office c. M. I1UINKER, GUN & LOCKSMITH owing Machines and Machinery ot all kinds re alred. OriRi llocsx Building, liloouioburg, Pa. D R. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN iiSDKQBON, Office, North Marked Btu ct, Hlcomsburt , Pi. wir. M. RUBER, Burgeon and oaico corner of Kock and Mnrket byslclan. treft. JR. EVANS, M. D., Burgeon and .Physician, vunice and ltesldeiicu on Third II HOUSE, DENTIST, Bloomsiiuuo, Coi.umhia County, Pa. All styles ot work done In a superior manner, work warranted as represented. Tssrn Uxtiuct xd without Pun by the use ot (las, asd freeot charge w hen artuiclal teeth are Inserted. Jillcc in Columbian building, 2nd lloor, lo be open at all hourt during the dat Nov.SS-ly ' IRE INSURANCE. ;onnisTiAN P. KNAPP, BLOOMBBURQ.PA, HOME, OF N. T. JIEUCI1 ANTS'. OP NEWAItK, N. J. CLINTON, N. V. PEOPLES' N. Y. BEADING. PA. Theto old coKroRaTioNg are well seasoned by age and wag tistkb and havo never yet had a loss settled bv anv nonrr. nf iftw. Ttipi,. nuu.,. nM all invested In solid bkcckitiks are Uabletothe Loiaes rBOMPTLY and iiomsTLr adjusted and ald as soon as determined by cukistiim r. NiFF, SPkCHI. AORNT AND ADJUSWR BLOOJiSIUBO, Tjiepeoploof Columbia county should patron lie the agency where losses It any are settled and paid by one o( ther own citizens. PHOMITNKSS, EQUITY. KAIIt BKAUNO. for Infants and "CaatorU Is so well adapted to children that recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A, Ascutit, M.D., 111 So, OiorU EC, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wli ICentaurXinimentI An absolute cure for Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain In tho Hack, Burns, Galls, &c. An Instantaneous Paln- rclicving and Ilcallntr Itoruody. 30 YEARS RECORD. CUllES ux smuBza OT TBB KtCNXTB UTza SLADDZH AND tnuNAar OEOANa snopsr a havel DIADET8 BWOnT'B SISEASB PAnrs IN the SACS LOINB OB BIOS rrBavous EI3EASC3 ltjalclana' Teatlnsny. A. W, Brown, M.D., of Providence, R. I., say'si "I have Died Hnirr'B Kidney and Llif r ItixinT In my practice for tho past sixteen years, and cheerfully recommend It as being a toft and riUabli remedy." Another prominent doctor of Providence rays that "I am fre quently nrjfed to nae other prepare, lloni as inbstltntes for Htmi's Kid ney and Liter ItmiDT. I find on trying them that they are worthless In comparison to it." An Old Lady. "My mother, 78 years old, hat chronic kidney complaint and drop sy. Nothing has ever helped her llko Htnrr'B (Kidney and Liver ItmiDT. She has received great benefit from 8 bottles and we think It will tore her." W. W. Bonder land, Builder, Danbury, Conn. A Minister'- Wile. . Itcv. Anthony Atwood, of Phlla delnhla, as:-"UCM' (Kidney and Liver) ItsxicT has enred my wife of Dropsy lo its worst form. All say that It Is a miracle." H1TINTION oa NON. DETENTION or ttrinz. TEICB H.5S. Brad for Funphlet of Teatl monUU. IITOT'8 ItEMEDV CO., ProTldrnee, B. I. General Chace. Oeneral Chace of Bhodo Island says: "I always keep Horn's Kid ney and Liver Remidt In my house. Taken in email doses occa sionally at Bight, It rrevenls head ache, and regulates the kidneys, stomach and other organs." 10 'Disease soon shaken, by Host's Rexxdt taken." CniTTE!(TO!f, K. T., 0eral Art. GAIN Health andjappiness. JPit? DO AS OTHERS VSXrUr $ HAVE DONE. ArQ VOtir TTiHnntra AianrAnr-aA') mmn,.YT fc?uit m rrom mT k", " " weirolt." M, w,DeYeraui,Mecliialc,lonla,MJCB. ,.Ar,your nerves weak? a- ldn7,Wort cared mi from nerrou. wrakn.M OoodwlatEd.ckrO((anJ(on(lor CIgTauuid'.oi ' Have vou Bright's Disease? iiv?TiSSt i Vi!! V"a ,n' or wu jurt wik Hiuon.re4Dody.UAiw. . Suf f erinir from Diabetes ? iLilllriT.Wnrt ItftTiamrtit an fn I Mml avo you Liver Complaint? Ur ZprA7d to die," Henry wirt, loJto CoL tJth Nat. OuutI, K. T. Is your Back lame and aching? imo I Lad to roll out of bed." uavo you Kidnev nisnaHO? -waney.wort made me wmndlnUrer and kldaer. rtr Toarg of unjaereerfQl drwtorior. It. worth Kidney. 10aWi."-ua'l Uodget, WUllmutowii, Weet V, .Are you Constipated? mo ftitr 18 jkub uio of other mpdieinw." Have vou Malaria? Eldae'Wert baa done bettr than uir oUier romed I catb tTcr used In my prt;tice.,, " Dr. It. K. Clirk, ttoutta Horo, Vt. Are vnn 'Rili'nnnP "1Zi.ln.'Wn- ha HAnAMA MAH rwj tk.a .f "a.a Ikiawj OICI (UClla iln. J. T. OfcUowtty. 10k Flat. Orogon. Are you tormented with Piles? ''XMney-'Wort txrmanmtly cuml me of bloliii-r pllea, Dr. w, o. Kline recommended It lo nic." Geo. LL Ilonl, CtubJor U, Uaalc, Mjcnrtown, r. Are you Rheumatism racked ? 'Kidney-Wort curod mf. after 1 wm eiTn up to die bj plirlcltii and I bad suffered thirty j-mh." lUbildgo Me-lcoko, Wcet B&th. Ualce. Ladies, are you suffering? "Sidney. Wort curod tne ct peculiar trouble of eyeral jeJ tUndlnir. Uany t rtendt use and praUw Ik' lira, XL Lara o roam, Iil La Motte, Vt. If you would Banish Disease i and gain Health, Take THB BLOOD CLKAN8KR. Feb 0-3 mo I'gct the Best"! HOP PIASTERS Kill pain, eoothe asd lOmuUK the tired I IUTiaolaf, and wonderfully strengthen weak I parta. All tne valuable medicinal virtual of I IfreaU nope, oomblned with, Surgundj Fltoh I and Canada Salaam, Appliad to Baokacne, I BolaUea, stieumatlam. Crick.1 Stltohes. Bide- I Ache, Kidney Affeotlona, Sore Cheat or any of I tlie varloua palna and weakneeeee eo oonunon, I Initant relief U given. Cures Sy.pepaU and I Liver troubloe without internal dosing. Sold I everywhere. S5e. B for II. Mailed forprlae. I JIOF PULBTEH CO. , Frop'rs. Boeton, Uaas. I AWonderfut STRENGTH ENER A MONTH and BOAI1I) tor three llvo Toune M, n or Ladles In each county. Address I1. W, ZIEOLKH k CO., Prttiadelphla Feb 6-lw d B. F. HARTSIAN xirHasiNTS tub roi.i.owiNO AJtERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American ot Philadelphia, Franklin, " ' Pennsylvania, " " York, of I"ennsylvanla. Hanover, of N. Y. Oueens, of London, North British, of London. omce on Market street, No. S. Dloomaburir. wvu. ( Children. CaitorU cures Colic, Constipation, Hour Htomach. l)larrhua. llriiLtatlon. Kills Worms, give sleep, and promotes dl- Uiout Injurious modlcaUoD, eestlou. 1 s SELECTSTORY. AH AOT OF JUSTICE. "All, llil in tliu country I How titiiut it Kwiim ntUT the Icutlo of lliu city, and how (lcliclonxly friifjrtint tlio air if 1 lint Ha warm, though. I wonder 11 1 in near my (Itstitintioii." Pausing, the coliloii'iizor irnnefcrs Ills satchel from his tight IihikI to his left, while with his linmlkcruliluf liu wipes hl lirow. Just tlieii, uhiineiiiL' lo glance over tho low atonv wall ljt-Mltt hlit', lie sets a charming picture, SeaU'il ujion the ilniriicd grais bo nealh the shailu (if in old tu e, is a young girl, busily wreathing herMraw hat with rocq. A great cluster nestles 'at llm throat of her cambric, dress, whilu another fastens her belt. The delicate pink harmonizes with the lints of her own perfect complexion, while wound about her small head are a wreath of solt braid?, who?o purely golden hue would make a society girl sick with envy. After gazing until he is satisfied, the stranger coughs gently but audi bly. As the girl looks up and set h that she is observed she springs lo her feet. "I beg your pardon for alarming you," the young man hastens to say. "Can you direct me toBrierwoodFaunt I was told that it was a couphi of mile fiom the station, nnd as I havo been walking some tinio I thought ihal I must be near it." A charming smile breaks over the lovely face, as the girl recovering her self-possession, answeis him with the welcome announcement : "You thought rightly, eir. This Urierwood Farm.'' "With a light spring the young man clears the lence nnd conies lo her side. r must confess that I am very glad It is the essence of coolness and shad ow here, but out upon tho open road the nun is seorclnuglv not. Is .Mr. Ar nold at homo V "No, sir, but my aunt As they walked together to the house. Jinder tho welcome shade of the green trees, tho strangor aays, suul intr: "If Mrs. Arnold is your aunt, why, then, we must bo cousins. My name is Rupert Arnold, and my father is re lated to Mr. Arnold." "I am Itose May, tho niece of Mr. Arnold'B wife, the eirl replies as frankly. "Appropriately named," the young man says pleasantly, with a significant dance at the flowers that adorn so lav ishly his companion's simple toilette, "1 nopo you win anow mo tne menu Iv privileges of a cousin, even 11 wo cannot claim tho relationship throug ties of blood " "Havo you ever been lo tho farm be foicf Hose asks. "Yes. once, when I was a little chni (if Ovo years. But that's a long while ao. "It must !;," Roso answers deinutC' Bv this time they aro nt tho farm house door, which stands hospitably open, and, ushering their visitor into tho sitting-room, ltose hastens to a prise her a ant of tho arrival. "A perfect little jewel! How she will slime in tho goJden setting that awaits her. and how clad 1 am that 1 loll in with mother'ri views!" Rupert Arnold thinks as ho an.swtrs her smile anil lis tens until tho last echo of her light step dies away. "I am on my summer vacation, and remembering that my father and cous ins are out' this way, I thought I would look them up. Ho was speaking of your husband tho other day, lamenting that his busy life prevented him from keeping track of his relatives.'' Rupert explains, later. Tho cordiality of his reception leaves him nothint: to detue, and when war mer Arnold urges him to spend tho re aiaining weeks of his vacation at Biier. vv'ood larm ho willint'ly nsHents. Of course, in that time his acquaint aiuw with Rose makes rapid progress, and Rupert soon flatlers himself that ho has sounded tho height and tinpih of her simple mind. Her beauty is of a kind that could never jitill that he acknowledges; but to the habitue of society, the absolute truth aud candor of her character after tho first, cease lo interest. "However, do not fear, mother, doar, thai I am tioing to spoil your plans, Although I must confess that, after the uirls of oursel, this country maiden's attractions pale, still a hundred thou sand iB not to be picked up every day, nnn, if possible, I do not mean the tidy little sum to go to any other than your dutiful son, Rupert." Such is tho conclusion of an epistle Rupert dispatches to his mother during his stay at tho farm, and which brings a smile to tho receiver s faco ol mingled amusement and gratihcation. tint uoeo is not so transparent as Rupert deems her to be, aud has al ready formed her own opinion of tho visitor, who is so pronounced in ins ad miration of herself, and who has so eagerly availed himself of tho privilege tacitly permitted him of calling her by tho title of his cousin. She by no means disliked him ; his vivacity and coinpanionablcnesia would precludo that s but sho gauges rightly the vanity and shallowness of his char acter, and when she mentally compares film to some one elan who towers ai high abovo him in mental attributes us 1 iu does In stature, could Rupert lead t, ho verdict, chagrin would mark him K t its own. As it is, however, ho leaves th e fat in with his self-satisfaction un im paired. 'A season in town to complete what tho to two weeks have begun, and Ru pert, , eld fellow, your fuluro's assured. No i oore need to quail before tho goy ernor's eyes when tho dues como pour ing ii ;! As to fun nnd freedom n Bene dict i s as much his own master as a hacht tlor, if he phooses to bo." Sik th art' ihu thoughts that 1111 the younj mail's mind as the train bears him i ipon hi homeward iournoy. Tw "o mont.'is go by and then two let ters c omu to .Urierfrood farm, one ad dress ed to Mi Arnold, tho other for Rose. . Th .ey aro both from Mrs, Arnold. Rupi irt's mothf r, and contain an urgent Invit ition for Roso to visit her uncle's oousi n In their citj home. The letters aro wordod with such graceful tact and ench warm cordiality, i that oven had the wish to say no been strong, it would havo been difficult to do so. "Would you like to go, Rosebud, to see with your own eyes what tho won derful city is likut" Rose's blown eyes faiily shine. "Indeed I would!" sho cries. "And John what docs ho sayl" the old man askf, with n glanco in tho di rection of tho tall young man, who leaning against tho tnantcl-pieiv, is gazing with a world of ardent tender ncss and admiration at tho fairy gold-en-hnired girl, whose animated face turns to him at her uncle's query. "Tnat I shall bo glad for Rosebud to havo a chance to see tho gay world nnd its doings before she settles down into tho humdrum exitcnee of a far mer's wife," ho says, heartily. Aud so it is settled ; and Rose do parts for a three-months' visit to tho Arnold's home. At first the dazzling gaiety and constant round of pleasures bewilder and nlmot frighten the little country girl. Hut she "(ion leaisto takoeveiything as a matter of course, and to enter into and enjoy it all. Society dearly loves a setmtion something novel and out of the ordi nary and, were Roso less carefully trained in purity and truth, her head would surely be turned by the ndula tlon that her fresh young beauty creates wherever sho goes. But thosu who iovo Roso need havo no fear for her. Instead of spoiling, the brilliant scenes in which she is u participant only serve to amuo and di vert her, and to form matter for tlm voluminous letters that wend their wav weekly to Biiirwood Farm, aud to an other home in tho village tome few miles distant, where they are perused by manly eyes that grow soft and ten der as they read. One morning tho Arnold residence welcomes three now guests in tho per sons of Mrs. Arnold's sister and her two daughters. The day passed amid pleasant con versation, and, at length, in the hour between sundown and dusk, a game of hide-and-seek is proposed by ono of tho young people. Slipping quietly into tho library, Rose ensconces herself snugly behind the draperies of the bay-window. Hardly had she dono so when tho door opens and Mrs. Arnold and her sister outer. Roso does not stir, thinking that the room's sudden accession of inmates will ensure her own security, for, of course, both ladies will disavow having seen any of the hiders, They began at onco to conveise. "How handsome Rupert is," Mrs. Mooro says. "Maria, when is his en gagement to Miss Martelle to bo con summated!" "Oh, that was -oil six months ago," Mrs. Arnold answers, "Hit father tailed disastrously, and, of couree, with Rupert's ideas anil tastes, she was no longer a suitable wife for him. He seized the first opportunity to with draw." "In that case, Maria, I must ask yon if you consider :i country fanner's nieco tho proper person to "throw into daily association with a young man whoso fancy will be in great peril from her face, which, I must confess, is tho prettiest I have ever seen?'' "Spare youreelf any anxiety on that score, Sarah, dear. Let mo tell you something. That girl, although as yet no ono knows it but my husband and Rupert aud myself, is an heiress. You remember meeting :he old eccentric Hugh Ilaydon at my house 1 Well, In died three months ago and left my hus band the solo manager of his estate, tlio whole bulk of which he left, en tirely disregarding his only child whom ho had disinherited years "before, to tho daughter of a woman whom he had loved and been separated from in early youth. "Of course, as my husband was his lawyer and lonlidential mend, no one but ourselves as yet know the tenor of tlio will. I no sooner heard ot it than I saw at once this was just tho chance lor luipcrt. U'.s lather is in easy cir cumstances, but by no means able lo shoulder Rupert's "extravagances. Do not think that I am disparagim: my son ; he is only what his education has made him, and not ono whit wilder than others of his sort. Onco settled down with a rich wife ho will bo all that his relatives can wish." "lint the girl you do not seem lo think of her in tho matter," Mrs. Moore suggests. "Oh, she admires Rupert exceeding ly. Ho has played his game well." ' "Ah, I see!" And Rose, listening with Hushed cheeks and indignant eyes, roes, too. A few hours later, in the conserva tory, whither Rupert had led her apart 1 1 om ihe rest, sho listens wluio intones of well-stimulated ardor ho pleads his suit. Sho waits until ho pauses, then look ing up straight into his eyes, sho says quiftly, with an emphasis upon the fiist word : "Cousin Rupert, you surely would not havo spoken ns you havo iust now hud you known that tho girl you ad dressed was already betrothed. But to counteract any disappointment this kuowledgo may causo you, let me has ten to assure you that, although Roso May has recently been left a largo for tune, she will be in no wise benefited by it, for undor no consideration could she hu induced to accept a farthing that rightfully belongs to Another. You look amazed. Yes, I know all." Rupert's faco of utter astonishment and embarrassment is a study. When Roso rises with all the dignity of an injured queen, hu can onlv gazo nt her speechless, nnd when oho goes ho makes no attempt to detain her. Ho is foiled, and his mother's well- laid scheme is a failure thoru is no doubt of that. And with a portiubed mind ho seeks tho latter to confer with her upon the uiiplcasani surpriso he has just recoived. Ho hiids her prepared, lor, with her usual frankness, the instant she left his side Roso had gone directly to Mrs. Arnold. Never beforo in ail her Blunt life has the girl fell so nutiagcd in every liber of her being. She longs to fleo at once from an atmosphere where treachery and duplicity luik beneath the guise ot courtesy ami pretended affection. Ah Btvlltly ub it is pousiblu her ar- rniigemcuts for departure aro complet ed. Mrs. Arnold makes no endeavor to detain her. por onco her worldly deserts her, for by her own words sho has condemned herself. A few evouings later, with her hand clasped in her lover's, Rose relates to him u pail of the above only a part, for she speaks alone of tho inheritance that has eo unexpectedly been left to her. Sho means oh, subtle Rose! to try this lover, who seems everything that js noblo nnd just. Her iccent exper ience has raised our little country mai den from the unsuspicious trust and faith with which her young eyes havo hitherto regarded everything and every body. John's faco grows very grave as ho listens. "And as it possible, Rose," ho ex claims, "that you, with your high senso of honor, would accept an Inheritance that rightfully belongs to this man'B .!!!.., .11 UN UIMIIIIIITIICU Clllllll His tone of rebuke and remon strance is too unmistakable to bo mis understood. For a moment Roso remains silent ; then looking up with n gleeful laugh, she nestles closer to bis side. "I knew just what you would think and say, my good-hearted John, and J, too, quite agt'eo with you. I havo my fortune a richer one than gold mines could give. What care 1 for any nthciT And so, through tho nobility of char acter ot a periect stranger, a poor bus bund and wife in the far West have cause to give thanks when, in tho midst ot dire straits, a fortune, lifting them tor over beyond want and Buffering, comes unexpectedly to them. Poverty of Presidents. MOST OK THE NATION'S RULERS PYINO POOR. FINANCIAL CONDITION OP THE PRESI DENTS FROM WASHINGTON DOWN TO (1ARKIF.I.I). If you will look back over tho list, writes tho Washington correspondent of the Cleveland (Ohio) Jjcader, you will see that fiom tho beginning most ot our J residents havo been poor men George Washington was, perhaps, tho wealthiest ol them and Kuthertord is. Hayes will perhaps rank next. John Adams, at the ago of CO, after twenty six years of continuous public service, retired to his little eslato at Quincy, Muss., with barely enough property to give him the needs of li lo on a larm. Thomas Jefferson had to borrow some thing less than $10,000 of a Richmond bank to pay his debts before ho left the White House, and the history of the last seventeen years of his life is one of almost constant financial em barrassment. President Madison left some property at tin time, of his death, but his widow, tho perless Dolly, was for a time dependent on the bread nod meat furnished her by an old negro servant, and her last days wcro in ado easy only by Congress buy ing of her lor !jtf(j,UU(J the manuscript notes ol tho debates of the Constitutional Con vention which Madison had taken. President Monroe, though he declined, it is said, $3.')S,000 from tho govern ment for his public services, died very poor in New York. John Quincy Adams mut have received over half a million dollais in government salaries, and he is ono of the fow Presidents who again took up public life after he left the Wh.tH IIoue. Ho lcmained in re tirement only about a year, and then en tered the Lower House of Congress. After about sixteen years of service there ho died in tho Capital in 1818, exclaiming, "This is the end of earth, I am content." Andrew Jackson gain ed nothing in wealth from his White House salary. It cost him, ho says, every cent of it to pay his expenses, and the most of tho proceeds of his cotton crop iu addition. Ho returned from Washington at the close of hia second term with jti3t 800 iu his pock et, to find his faun going to ruin, and himselt so deeply in debt that ho had lo sell part of his land to get out. Van Huron was a close, cautious, money making fellow. He got good law fees and began to learn economy while sav ing enough as a young man to get married. At his estato at Liudenwald, where ho lived during his last years, ho was surrounded with comforts! Pres ident Harrison owned a farm in Ohio when ho was inaugurated President. It was safe to say he was poor, for he had been lately doing the drudgery of a clerk of the courts at Cincinnati. President Tyler supplied much of the money which ran tho White Hou-o out ot his own pocket, and Congress would not pay the salary of his own private secretary. Moderately wealthy while hero at Wellington, ho left little to his childieu, and one of his sons is now a clerk in tho Tieasury Department in Washington. Zach Taylor was by no means wealthy when ho died in tho White- House. James K. Polk left a big house and enough to keep his wid ow, and .Millurd Fillmore, who started life as a wood carder, died ten years ago with enough of an estate to create a lawsuit over tho sanity of his second wife. James Buohanau did not leave such an estate ns enabled Harriet Lano to keep Whcatlauds, and within tho past year it has been advertised for sale. Buchanan spent all his salary as President at Washington, nnd what he had left, after paying his White House expenses he gave in charity, Abraham Lincoln died poor, and it was duo to Congress that his family was provided for. Andrew Johnson went back to his house nt Greenville, Tumi., where ho started life as a tailor. Ho died by a stroke of paralysis, and left no for tune behind. Of tho other Presidents flrant'H necessities are agitating the country to-day, and Garfield's family is wealthy only through tho voluntary subscriptions of tho people. Truly, as Sidney Smith used to say, "There is nothing so expensivo as glory." Au astronomical observation of an earthquake was lately mado by the di rector of the observatory at Nice France. Ho was watching one of Sa turn's moons at the moment of the shock, and the motion imparted to his telescope caused tho celestial object to appear to move soih-j fifteen or twenty seconds to the right. After ten vears of uxnernnpnt. tlm fluperintendant of the porcelain factory ui ouvres, jions. i.nuiii, thinks ho has produced n porceluin Identical with that of China, and far eiiperwr tc the famous old Sevres. The Father at Home. Sonio fathers fail to gain their chil dren's confidence by an apparent lack of sympathy. On tho other hand, low young people ever lake tho trouble to put themselves in their father's place imagine how ho must feel this or that behavior, how a disrespectful word or look Insults him, or how it voluntary confidence is prized by him. Theru aro many things, no doubt, which boys nnd girls do not care to speak of be foro their father j but they do not know how hurt paler familias feels when a conversation is stopped upon his entering tho room, when ho is made to feel that he is not one of tho circle that he is a power to be respected and propitiated, bnt no more. Very often a man has himself to blame for this state of things, but not always. Often it is more love of secrecy which mako girls especially excludo their father as much as "posslblo from a knowledge of their doings, their fears and hopes. With Borne this reticenco must bo necessary. Confidences would only bo met with suspicion or blamo or ridicule. But most men havo 9. tender spot in their hearts, even for tho weak ness and foDlishness of "their own flesh," and feel pained when they arc silently condemned as unworthy of confidence. Pater familias may bo too proud to show that ho feels hurt. Ho may wrap himself up in dignity and affect a contempt for the trilling concerns of the girls ; ho may even repel the first advances, but his heart may bo exclaiming bittcrlv aga'nst tho coldness and hardness which excludes him from tho kuowledgo of his daugh ter's mind and heart which is given to half a dozen school girl friends. A girl owes much to her father, even if ho lias not been to her all that a parent ought to be. Ho has had to work hard, very probably, that her bread and butter might bo secured. Ho has borne cares, anxieties, struggles, temp tations, at which she can but guess of which she can form no real concep tion. If ho is hard and unsympathetic sonio allowance for tho nervous irrita tion of an ovcr-woiked or anxious man may surely be made. And a girl nev er, we believe, has conception how precious she is in her father's eyes. Rough worJs and cold or angry looks may seem to disprove it, but it is true, nevertheless. More, cyen, in a sense, than his wife, sho appeals to his pro tective care. He may scold or slight her, but let any real harm threaten her aud sho will seo that to touch her is to touch the apple of his eye. The day comes, no doubt, when her allegiance and sympathy aro transferred to au other in right of a still higher claim. Thero is little wonder if poorpor fa milias looks askance on him at first and is slow to admit that he is tho one at whoso coming his reign must end. It is the way of nature, aud it must be so. But it is hard. A father often loses more on his daughter's marriage than her mother does. "My daugh ter's my daughter all her life." But a father's right changes entirely whon the ring is pat on the finger. Till the fairy prince comes; then, let paterfa milias bo considered and deferred to, nnd, if necessary, humored. Let him uot be mado to feel that baro duty is to bo paid to him. Let him not feel himself a stranger in his own house. For many a littlo sacrifice, many a gen tle or patient word, unnoticed, unac knowledged at tho time, and booh for gotten by her who renders it, lives in tho memory of him who receives it. Wavcrly. Jefferson's Piist Inauguration. Down at tho Congressional Library in Washington, is a musty old file of tlm National Intelligencer, from which the following account of Mr. Jefferson's inauguration is taken : At an early hour on Wednesday, March 4, 1801, the city of Washington presented a spectaolo of uncommon an imation, occasioned by tho addition to its usual population of a largo body of citizeus from tho adjacent districts. A dischargo fom tho company of "Wash ington artillery ushered in tho day, and about 12 o'clock the Alexandria com pany of riflemen, with tho company ar tillery, 'paraded in front nf t.hA Trnut dent's lodgings. At 12 o'clock Thom as Jeitersou, attended by a number of his fellow citizens, amnmr vehnm u-nrn many members of Congress, repaired io iuo uapuoi. aa dross was as usual, that of a rilaiu citizen, without, anv Hia tiuclivo badge of oflice. lie entered uio capital under tho dischargo of ar tillery. On his entry into the Senate chamber, where were assembled the Senato and the House of Representa tives, tho members rose, and Sir. Burr left tho chair of tho Senate. wli!b Mr Jefferson took. After a few moments of silence, Mr. Jefferson roso and de livered his address beforo tho largest conconrso of citizens over assembled here. Having seated himself for a short period, he again aroso, and ap proached the Clerk's table, whero tho oath was administered by tho Chief Justice, after which In- rntiirnml in 1,!. lodgings, accompanied by tho Vico Pmu!,l ,u m.:..r v.. ..r , . - ivoiuciu, uiu vyiuui u uBiice, ami iuo heads of department!, where ho was waited unon bv a number nf HUlin. guished citizens. As soon as he with drew, a dischargo of artillery was made. The remaindr-r nf lhn ,lnv uroa dovoted to purposes of festivity, and ingiii, mere was a pretty general il lumination. Tr. nftnn uni-a 1r ,iotr,,1A l.n...n . .v. ,,.,iv,!i.u iiuuiu in dustry. A Bradford man has just dis covered this. Ho sent all the way to Boston for a suit of furniture, and wnen it arrived it proved to havo been manufactured in Bradford nml ol.in,,n,l to Boston to sell. No one has a right to ask patronago for an inferior article simply because it is home-made, but tho man who goes nway from hishomo placo to buy without Inquiring wheth or ho could get as good and as cheap an ititiclo at home deserves and gets very littlo sympathy when he loses lummy uy tue operation, Tho valuo of sulphate of iron as a plant food has been teBted by an Eng. llsh ohomist, Mr. A. B. Griffiths. The mo of fifty pounds per aero increased the yield of beans from 28 bushels to ii, of turnips trom 13 tons to 1CJ, but produced littlo effect on cereals. Dynamlto Is mado of glycerine-oil id nitric acid mixed iu sawdust. Any. 'J " ,v HUM lliriu 0 UU IU)T to prevent it, nor is there a law re stricting the sale of it. The Sub-Treasury Building. Tho following account of the Sub Trcasnry building on Wall Slicet, Now ork, is taken from tlio World : It is generally supposed that the enormous building which the sojourner in Washington sees on his right as ho steps out of Willard's hotel, upon Pennsylvania avenue, and which tho courteous native explains is the United States Treasury, contains tlio great bulk of Uncle Sam's wealth and is tho bank from which disbursements are al ways made. Nothing could be moie erroneous. Tho Government of the United States does tho principal bank ing business, not in tho provincial town of Washington, D. O, but hcio at tho money centre of tho country. Ninety per cent, of the cash payments nude by Undo Sam during tho year aro from the old granito builddiug at the northeast corner of Wall aud Nas sau streets in this city, where Wash ington was inaugurated as the first President. If so large a percentage of the country's monetary obligations are met at the New York Sub-Treasury, it follows of necessity that a ( correspond ingly largo portion of tlio country's wealth is stored here. As a matter of fact there was in the building at Wall and Nassau streets on tho first day of tho present year a cash balance of" ex actly 8141,284,033.89, and thero is to day a still larger stock of gold, silver and paper money on baud iu this iu pository. No building in the country is better adapted to tho safe-keeping of this wealth. Very few New Yorkers have any idea of the gloriotm strength of this lino old edifice, which, up to tho year 18G3, served as a Custom Ilouse, and which since its conversion into a Government treasury has been transformed by skillful army engineers into a veritable fortress for" the protec tion of the nation's money. TOM ACTON AT WORK. On tho left of the main entrance is tho private oflice of Sub-Treasurer Thomas C. Acton, a gentleman whose hair is snowy white, who seems to ro alizo the tremendous responsibility that is placed on his shoulders in bting made tho custodian of such a tremen dous storehouse of riches, but who evi dently feeds and sleeps well, notwith standing, and whose affable manners, as well as business-like administration have gained him many friends. The officers on the right as you enter from Wall street aro occupied by Deputy Assistant-Treasurer William Shearer, and Messrs. P. P. Chew aud U. S. Grant (tho latter a nephew ot tho Gen eral), who havo chargo of tho bond di vision. Iron railings divide tho main building under tho shapely rotunda into two parts, leaving tho broad space between for visitors. Back of the left hand railing arc the officials who pay out Uncle Sam's enormous ro venue. Tho Cashier's department proper is superintend ed by J. M. Floyd, whilo the pay di vision is in chargo of William B. Bancker and E. AV. Hall. On the oth er side of this main coiridor, securely ensconced from burglars and would-be thieves, are tho officials whose duty it is to rcceivo the car-loads of money which the Government from all sour ces daily receives. Mr. F. C. Field fills the responsible position of superin tendent and Mr. II. B. Burr is head bookkeeper. It needs only the state ment that all tho receipts of tho New York Custom House, the Now York Post'Oflice, Internal revenue offices all over the Eastern, Middle and Atlantio States, together with about twelve hundred of the principal post-offices aud custom-houses of tho country, turn their cash receipts into tho New York Sub-Treasury, to show the enormous revenue that is received. Till'. INlEHIOIt VIEW. On the other hand, thero is paid out from this branch treasury millions of dollars in pensions, for interest on bonds and for tho Bilaries of Govern ment officers civic, military and na val. Tho checks quarterly given to holders ot United Slates four per cent, aud other bonds are almost invariably drawn upon the New York Sub-Treasury. Mr. Vanderbilt recives his enor mous quarterly oheck direct from Washington, deposits it in his own bank, from which in course of tirao it finds its way to this establishment. THE TURRET ON THE ROOf. Double doors separate that portion of tho Treasury Building which is roofed by the rotunda from the rear portion of the building testing upon Pino street. Tho same broad corridor extends from theso doors to tho Piuo street entrance, and opening upon this hallway, behind massivo iron railings, are the two divisions of the coin de partment, uuder tho supeiintendence of Mr. George Ashley. In this depart ment all coin received is counted, weighed and put in canvas bags for deposit in the vaults. Tho first divis iou deals only with silver dollars and gold coin : in tho second ditision small er pieces of silver aro carefully hwidlcd. From Texas in the South to Minneso ta in tho North great packages of sil ver dollars arnvo daily by express, for which is given in interchange Mlvor certificates. The Gouernment has coin ed about $110,000,000 worth of silver dollars, for which silver certificates havo been issued up to within $40, 000,000 of the total amount. It is a grievous error to suppose that tho im mense volume of coined silver in the United States is the property of tho Government. In tho offices on tlio right of tho hallway abovo referred to coin in small amounts is received. For sums of $20, or its multiple in bilver, silver certificates are exchanged, aud a multitude of clerks are kept busy in this task, the elevated and surface railroads and the larger retail stores furnishing them most of tho business. Many columns would bo necessary to give anything like nil accurate de scription of the money vaults with which tho New York Sub-Treasury is supplied. Tho "silver vault," which is under tho ooin department, is 30 feet long, 30 feet wido and 12 feet high. Tho passageway, gained only by the opening of the tremendous steel door, leads through the vault, with twelve colls, having grated iron doors opening from It on either Bide. There are $85, 000,000 in silver stored in this vault, tho weight of which treasure is 1,000 tons. Tho money is put up in cotton duck bags coutaining $1000 each. This vault was built in 1878. The gold vaults are on the floor above. Theio aro two'fif them exactly alike, 18 feet longl2Teet wido and 12 feet high. They nro approached through vesti bules 10 feet long nnd 8 feet wide. At the entrance to each vestibule nro two chilled-steel doors provided with time locks, two doors of the samo character being placed between the end of the vestibule and the opening to the vnulti proper. These invulnerable storehouses were built iu 18G3. Their floors consisting of tcmpeied steel, rest upon thirty feet ot tolid masonry ; their walls and roofs are composed of two sets of steel plates, three-eights of au inch thick. Between theso inner and outer steel walls is n space of four inches, which is filled up with loiitnl iron balls. A burglar, even though he should have abundant time for operations, would on driving his drill through the outer steel wall, encounter u spherical tnnss of iron which, when pierced, would naku room for innumerable other iron balls, rendering his progress towards vast wealth slalo and unprofitable. Each of these gold vaults is provided with 120 iron chests set int.) the walls. One hundred and five of theso chests have a storehouse capacity each for $."K)l,000 in gold. Fifteen of them being able to accommodate 1,000,000 in gold each. A little vault on the main lloor is devoted to the eafe-keep-ing of pennies. Theso much-abused coins are as carefully wrapped up ns thuir golden and silvery cousins and thero is to-day $300,000 worth of them in this repository. Immediately over the coin depart ment is tho coupon interest room under tho superintendence of Mr. P. II. Bound. It is in this room that checks nre diawn for those foitunate individ uals who .villi the simple aisiatanco of a pair of shears are able lo provide broad for their suffering families. Mr. C'io?ub Jones tears a coupon from bis 4 per cent bond. Mr. Bound receives it with a sinilo and hands him what is known as a memorandum check for tho amount duo. Mr. Jones presents it on tho lower lloor and gets his money. Across the hall from the coupon de partment is a room full of busy clerks, wherein tho accounts ot all the disburs ing officers of the Government nro written up and balanced. Mr. George W. Yates has charge of this depart ment, asisted by twelvo clerks, and it is a pretty1 commentary upon the de gree of efficiency to which system can bo carried that Sir. Yates in thirty sec onds can lay his hand on any draft, check or memorandum given by any Government disbursing officer upon the Sub-Treasury within the past twen ty years. " In the top story of the fine old 'gran ite building thero if au armory. Re peating rifles, Gatling guns, Colt's re volver, baud grenades, with many rounds of powder and ball, fill a firo proof room which is presided over by a good ld6king young 'man whose chief grievance with life seems to bo that as yet no bloodthirsty and avaricious mob has nttacked tbi? particular olio of Un do Sam's treasuries. It is the opinion of this gentleman that not eVen tho Seventh Regiment backed by the gal lant Sixty ninth, were they wo unlawful ly disposed, could tako tho treasure from the hands of tho clerical force employed therein. To the bewildered reporter he pointed out strange caso nv tits with mock shutters which in case of necessity, could be pushed be yond their frames out beyond the wnlls of tho building, providing famous perches for valiant riflemen. Tho roof of tho treasury which is composed of solid stone block, is provided with iron turrets from which Gatling guns, hand grenades aud repeating rifles could bo used with great efficiency. It is probably not generally known, but it is: nevertheless a fact, that an immense number of dirty and other wise dilapidated bills is destroyed monthly in tho New York Treasury. That is, holes are bored through them, and in this punctured condition they are shipped to Washington for destruc tion. On an avei ago threo millions of legal tender, ono million two hundred thousand of silver certificates, six hun dred thousand of national bills and fivo hundred thousaud of good bills are in this way put out of existence every month' The largest bill manufactured by the Government is of the denomination of $10,000. As thero are perhaps a fow readers of this paper who have never seen a bill of this description, it may properly be explained that in tho cor ner is the picture of Andrew Jackson, and that it is no larger or more beauti ful iu any respect than tho dollar which one freely Bpends upon an ac cidental meeting with several thirsty friends. Some Spring Noveltici. Tho coming waterproof will no long er bo the disagreeable and ugly black India rubber covering of tho "present time. It is of English manufacture and is lo bo had iu many now shapes and colors. It resombleB a beautiful silk traveling cloak, sheddiug dust nnd rain alike. There is no suggestion about it of tho waterproof paper used for protecting goods sent from a dis tance. This uew garment is not a cheap article, but as it combines water proof, duster and traveling cloak it is perhaps fully worth tho price asked for it. Among tho novelties in jerseys aro those with roveis extending the entire length of the front, tho combination of vest and squaro neck effect and the coat shape high nt tho hipi with pleat ed back. Bui in spite of the great va riety iu tiieso useful garments the ten dency is toward a return to that plain ness which originally characterized them. In trimmings for jerseys tubu. lar aud flat braid, intermixed with gold nnd silver tinsel, is a new feat ure. A new and beautiful imported ma terial for women's underwear is crepe do saute. The mnteiial is either silk or wool, has tho appearance of the finest China crape, is quite elastic, thus nceomnioduing itself perfectly to tho figure, but is tbo expensive, in spite of its particular merits, lo come into gen eral use. Among the advantages which the material is said to possess is its not-liability to nhrink in wasli ing. One fealuie of spring millinery is tho appearance of designs aud colors of tlio middle ages. Woolen goods for spring wear have stripes of flowers or leaves. Narrow flounces aro giving placo to deep ones.