THE COLUMBIAN AND bEMOCRATBLOMSWlfliG. COTuMBfl' CtfUNTY, PA. Sttfa for the Farm Garten. Tlio following selection of vegot.ibU-s for the frirm garden nru rooom hcipIihI by mi uxtioriunucil mjrioiiltiirist. Lot tlio fuels be kopt in niiiul In tlio soleo tlon of Hcetla for tho coming season. Uomnu'ncing with lettuce i n va riety which beooiiics curly lit for ue, is Blow in rimning to scc'il, wlilnli to tain ill tenderness nndBweuliu'Ps will, and form a largo and compact hi'ad, is tlio largo Wliitu Stone Summer. Quito a number of other varieties com bino theso qualities in scarcely loss uV eree, such as All tho War Hound, Whlto Chavlgny, and Tho , Deacon. For thojo who like novelty, the Prize Head, which is curled and tinged with red, and tho Golden Spotted, will find admirers. In tho pea, wo would recommend for lirst early, ono of tho popular "First and Heal" strain'. The old Philadel phia, Kentish Invicla, or Daniel O'ltourko will often provo nearly or quite as early. Thc.iuaio all smooth poas, and although excellent for a to ginning, should soon give placo to the wrinkled sorts, first ol which we would namo the American Wonder. Follow ing this, a number of varieties may bo recommended all of which are ac kuowledged excellence. The Cham pion of England, as an intermediato pea, is scarcely excelled in quality and productiveness, though it requires bushing, which, with some, is aoobjeo tion. Anions' tho excellent, dwarf in termediates wo may namo Prido of tho Market. Stratagem, jHaikct uanien, and Hair's Dw.irf Green Marrow. Theo are suflioiently dwarf to succeed pretty well without bushing, though it is better to bush when convemeut to do so. For a lato pea, McLean's Pro mier, although a tall variety, possesses tho Important quality of yielding its cron verv slowly. Last season it con tinued to yield peas fit for the table for thirtv-threo davs in succession, in which respect it was surpamcd by no Other variety tested. Amour: turnips, tho Purplo Top Strapleaf aud Jersey Nevct iiave proved oxccl.ont for autumn or early winter use ; for lato winter or spring use tho White or Bloomsilalo Ruubsira. Wo mention theso varieties because thoy are nearly or quite free from tho stroiv bitter flavor, characteristic of so many turmus and rutabagas. In onions we would recommend onion sets for eirly crop. Among the earliest varieties that may bo grown for seed, we would mention Well's Extra Early, and Extra Early Red. To thoso who desire a very mild onion, we recommend the Whlto Portugal, a variety that, is productive and keeps well. Tho Red WethersOeld and Yel low Danvera are productive and of ex cellent keeping quality,, but the former is a littlo strong ntvoreu. In cabbace we name Earlv Wake field. Nonpareil, and E'irly Oxheart, for carliness ; Winnigatadt and Soli weinfurth for intermediate, and Pre mium Flat Dutch for late aud for win ter use. Of cauliflowers, Erfurt Early Dwarf seems the best for early w, and the Imperial Largo Wliito French and Lo Normand's Short Stemmed for late. Of tomatoes, the Alpha gavo tho earliest supply for tho table last season Livingston's Favorite is very smooth and of excellent quality, lhu JHay flower may be also mentioned, and it would be ditlioiHt to decide between these in point of quality. In celery we bavo as vet tested no variety which we would prefer to the Boston Market. Iu squashes we havo found the Perfect (iem and Canada (Jrookncek verv hardy, productive, and of easy growth the former keeps well, and when fully ripe, is an excellent squash, but the Hubbard, Butman, and Essex Hybri would be preferrablo to cither of these were they not liable to bo destroyed by the borer. Of cucutnbciB, Tailby's Hybrid has proved reliable, and is of excellent quality. Early Russian and Eirlv Cluster are excellent early varieties, and the White Spine may bo named for n later use. The Christiana melon, among musk melons, is an excellent ono ; a reliable bearer, and tho hardiest of any that wo havo tried. Of water melons, Vick's Early has proved as satisfactory as any we nave grown. Of radishes, the EarlvLonsr Scarlet and the Early Scarlet Turnip rooted are excellent for early use, and tho Davton and Golden Globe for late use, Ex. The Position of Italian 'Women, It is quito curious to noto how young, aspiring, professedly liberal nation like Italy lags behind in the most important question of female ed ncatiou and social position. Tim rules for regulation thu latter the absolute seclusion and strict constraint of the young girls and the unbounded fieed om which they attain ns soon as they are married are the causes of much that impedes tho progress of this most intelligent people of tlio world's race Conservative England is, in compari son, tne land ot freedom and equality I remember Prof, Bonamv Price, of Oxford, telling me last winter when I met mm at me nouso ot a i rii'inl hero that the very beBt and most succint an swer to a question ho put in thu course oi ono ot ins tamous lectures on poltt ica) economy he received from a 501111" lady. It proved, he Baid, that she had thought, aud had, moreover, given her powers ot ratiocination full play bo fore answering. Well, this was not an overpowerinKly novel idea to me, but I know well if tlio Professor had told his story to Italian nuditors it would have boen received either with smiles of incrpdulity or with stares of blank amazement. A clever Italian friend onco said to me : "Oh 1 a woman who reasons is a horrible creature 1" But I thought to myfelf nt tho timo that hi would soarcely appreciate tho blessing ot an utterly unreasonable female in tho capacity of wife, siter or daugh, terl Luckily their practice is not nl ways quite so bad ns their profession i observe that a lady has iuK been ap pointed Professor of Latin and Greek at tho College for the higher education of Women at Rome, which is named after tho lato distinguished Siguorn Emilia Fua-Fuemito. This is the (iit appointment of the kind on record, and ills quito certain that nothing but the undoubtul capacity of tho fair candi tfate would have procured her admin .:.. u .!.. i, ......... :.. .i... .n oiuii. ,ju unit a i pif f iii uiu rimit in rcotlon. Jlotm Letter in Chicago 'Jribimc. In ono of tho Philippine Islands it is C'UBtomary, when a young fellow asks tho old folks for their daughter, to end her to tho woods at sunrise, aud if the lover finds her before sunset she is his. If not, ho forfeits all claim. Tho girl is given ono hour the ttait. This gives her a fair chanoe, and she can um her own judgment nbout hid ing after she gels in the wood. De troit Free J'rei. Skunk at Pet. We 1'iive had xmii" encoimieiH with kunks, nnd sjci-ti various dogs debate whether lo open an attack upon the "lrishniaiis cat, but unvir made friends with them to any great extent Vo have Innu held to the opinion that tho only good skunk was n dead and buried one, and thnt far away. It is, therefnu', with pleasure that I givo the cxpeiieiico ol my lrielid, ur. U li. Merriam, tin related in hi-) Adliondack advcnltiK'S. Skunks, parlieiilmly when young, make very pretty pels, being attractive in appeorance, gentle in disposition, interesting in maimers, and cleanly in labils rare qualities indeed 1 They are plavlul, hOiuellmiH miscmcvious, nnd manliest considerable niTection for those who hao the earu of them. 1 have had, at different times, ton live skunks in confinement. Two summers nco I was the happy master ot the cleverest young skunk that I have thus far chanced to meet, f'oranaine, lie cccivcd tho title of his genus, and wo called him "Meph," for short. By way of precaution wo removed his scent sacs, and he made a rapid and complete recovery, niter a few davs ol tempo rnry indisposition. While diking about tlio country, in performance of professional dtttus, he usually slept in my pocket. Alter supper i commoniy took n walk, aud ho always followed close to uy heels. If I chanced to walk too fast for him, he would tuuld, and stamp his fore-feet ; aud if I per sisted in keeping too tar ahead, would turn about, disgusted, and make oil in an opposite direction f but if 1 stopped and called him, lie would hurry along at a sort of ambling pace, and soon overtake me. Ho was particularly fond of ladies, and I think it was tho diess that attracted him ; but uo this as it rnry, ho would invariably leave me lo follow any lady I hat chanced to como near. We used to walk thiough thu woods to t largo meadow, which abounded in grasslioppeis. Hero Meph" would fairly revel m his favo rite food, and it was rich sport lo watch his manoMivres. When a crass- hopper jumped, ho jumped, nnd I havo seen him with ns many as thteu in his mouth and two under his torts-paws at ono tune. He would eat so many that his over-distended little, belly actually dragged upon tho ground, and when so full that ho could hold no move, would still catch and slay them hen so small that he could scarcely toddle about, lie never hesitated to tacklo tho large and powciful beetlo known as the "horned bug." nnd got many mnart mps for his audacity, unt ho was a courageous little fellow, and it was not long nelore he learned to handle tnem with impunity, and it was very amus ing to see him kill one. Ero many weeks h ventured to attack a mouse, and the feiocity displayed in its do struction was truly astonishing. Ho devoured tho entire body of his victim, and growled and stamped his feet if any ono came near before the repast wa's over. His nest was in a box near tho foot of the stairs, and before he grew strong enough lo climb out by himself, ho would, whenever he heard me 'coming stand on his hind legs, with his paws resting on the edge of tho box, aud beg to bo carried up stairs. If I passed bv without appearing to notice him, he invariably became much enraged, and chippered and scolded away at a great rate, Btamping meanwhile most. vehemently, no always linen 10 uu carried up to my olb'ce, and as soon as strong enough, would climb up of liifl own accord. He was very sprightly and froliosomc, and used to hop about the floor, and run from room to room in search of something to play with, ami frequently amused himself by at tempting to demolish my slippers. I havo ofien given him a bit of old sponge, with a string attached, in order Jo keep him out of mischief. During the evening ho occasionally assumed a cunning mood, and would steal softly up to my chair, and, standing erect, would claw at my pants onco or twice, and then scampei off as fast as his lit tlo legs would carry him, evidently anxious to have me givo chase. If I refused to follow; ho was soon back, trying a new schemo to attract rnj at tention. Cor. American Agricultur ist. Little Uourtesies in Life. Tho littlo things of life havo far more effect upon our character, repu tation, happiness and friendship than the heartless and thoughtless aro apt to imagine, there are very few indeed, however, rough by nature, who are not touched by kindness and court esy. A pleasant word, a well-put compli ment, a friendly bow of recognition, all have an influence for good, while surliness and indifference tend to pro duce the opposite tesult. There are chances almost every day for us to practice the little courtesies of life on some neighbor or friend, yet we let the chance pass. Thus a friend ly call is not returned ; a neighborly visit is (Unregarded ; a t mile is met with a look of cold indifference j a cordial grap of tho hand is returned with reluctance '; a kind word is left unanswered. Still all this may mean nothing, yet the effect upon tho mind is not pleasant by any means. A person mav bo willing to confer a favor again and again, but unless there lie Bomu manifestation of gratitude unless, indeed, tho disposition to bo apparent to do something in returp, the party wiio confers tho obligation will iu r short time grow weary of welldoing, and seek for somo moro gra'.oful object on which to confer fa vors. Remember kind words cost nothing. I)MINISTHA.TOK'a NOTICE. ESTATE OP ELU3 KKC1IM, DECEASED. Letters at administration In the estate ot EUa-s Krumm, lato or boon lownsnip, uoiumou county, 1'a., deceased, have been grained by the Kegliter otHild county to the und rslfned administrators. All persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are requested lo present them for tettleinent, and Indebtetd to the estate to JACOll HAItl'MA ', Orovaula, MAHV KUUMM, Light Btrwt, Admtnlsirutors, HUOWN'S INHUH.VNOE ' Afiuvnv Mover's now bul.dlmr. Main street. loomsburg, I'a. ARseui. .Etna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn f7,ir(t,vj) Hoyal of Liverpool 13.m,i) Uucaslitro I0,ooo,ua Fire Association, Philadelphia 4,l ,7 0 I'hOBnlx, or Iindon t,SfS,Sta Ioudou Lancashire, ot England,, 1, m,V!Q Haittordof Ilailford 3.-.T;l,ufvO bprlngtl14 Fl 0 aud Marine S.itU.iSO As then.'enclesare direct, policies are written for the insured without delay Inthv onice at Bloomsburg. Ocu SS, 'bl- ADVERTISERS Ily addressing 0"0. 1', HO WELL 4: CO., lOSpruco ht., Now Vort, can learn the exact cost or any proposed linn ot AUVmc I'JSIXO Iu Auiert.-an Newa-paiK.-ni. liriou-paxe pamphlet, lOu. (cO U 4wr UHtB f OlIDI ior IUO SOOT aiHiil (By lit thuau orc4i,r lb woil kind nuaol four t4adln(hrlnii-ed, 1 t-,l, uplroncu ,njll,i lulltaettrT,tlAIIW, 1 n4TWtl UJTrt,l,d FKEE. Inciter Willi V UU CI.KTUEATIsK vu tuti dlM ItfKaliaa-rvr, UI' ,rilraiBUtl' 11 uiir ti. jjk. r. a. slucuu,iii rwiii, r.u, febt-l w d Word if Witrntnic nntt Comfort. 'It you aro suffering from poor health or languishing on a bed ot sickness, take cheer Ifyou aro simply ailing, or It you feel 'weak and dispirited, 'wlthoutclcarty know 'tng why, Hop Kitten 'prill surely euro you. It you aro n minister, and havo overtaxed yourself with your ' pastoral duties, or a mother, worn out with caro and work, or a man ot business or labor, weakened by thfl Mralnofjour everyday duties, oramanot letters tolling over your mid rdght work.llop Hitters will most surely strength en you, If vim nro an (Terl in? from nver-catlnir or drinking, any Intllscrctlou nr dissipation, nr nro young nnd growing too fast, -ns is oflen the enec, "Or It you aro In the workshop, on the 'larm, at tho desk,- anywhere, and feel that your system needs el 'anslng, ton 'lng, or stimulating, without lntoxlcat' 'lag. If you aro old, blood thin and Impuro, putso feeble, nerrei uarto.vly, f wultPM 'wanlog, Hop Hitters Is what you need to 'givo you new life, health, and vigor." Is you ara costive, or dyspeptic or suffer ing trom any other of the numerous ills cases or tho 'tomach' or bowels, It Is your' own fault If you remain 111. if you are wasting away with any form ot KIdnoy disease, stopemptlng death this moment," and turn for "a'-curo to Hop Hitters. If ynu are sick with that terrible sick lies, Nervousness, von will Mini a "ISahn In 0 Head" in Hop Hitlers. If you aro a frequenter, or a resident, of, a nilasmitlc district, barricade your sys- tern against tho scourge ot all count rles -Malaria, Epidemic, Illllous and Inter- mlttcnt Fcvera by thousoot Hop Hitters. lfyfl'lhavo rough, pimply, orsallow skin, bad hrpntli. linn nitters will L'lvo vou Mr skin, rich blood, th sweetest breath and health, fitowlll bo paid for n caso they will not euro or help. A LADY'S WISH. "Oh, how I do with my skin was as clear and 'soft as vours," sa'd a lady to her friend. "You can easily make It so,"anwred Uio (rlend. llowj" 'Inquired tho nrst lady "llv usnslloD Hitters tint makes pure, rich b'ood and blooming hca th. It did It for mo as you ooscrvo. 7 ItrNono genuine without a bunen of green. nops on the whlto label, shun all the vllo, pol sonous stuff with "Hop"' or "Hops" In their name. jpXEouTorrs notice. ESTATE OF JOHN KEI.CIIS'EH, DECEASED. Letters testamentary In tho estate of John Kelchncr, lato ot centre township, Columbli coun ty, I'cnnsylvanla, have been granted by the lieg lsterots Id county to tho undersigned executors. All persons having claims against the citato of said decedent aro requested to present them for settlement and thoso indebted to tho tbtatoto mako payment to the underalgned without delay. II. U KKLCIINUIt, ' ) oeokorw. k LCIIKER, y Executors E. U KELCHNEIt' j Knorr & Wlnterstcen, atty's. FcUBtf IUIDQE ELECTION. Anelectlonforomceraotthe Catawlssa Bridge Company ror tho ensuing year' win be held at tho houscof .Mrs. Hester KIstlcr In tho Town ot Cata wlssa, on Monday, March 2, between tho hours of one and six o'clock p. m. of. that day. J. B. ROniNS, Jinlo-lw S,c'y., E. B. BR GAS FITTING & STEAM IIEATJNG. DEALEU IN STOVES &TINWAR15. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof ing and Spouting promptly attended to. Vff-Stiict attention given to heating by bteam. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloonisburg, Pa. THE OLD STAND, under the EtchAnffo HoteL still takes the lead Hair Dresilng, Shaving, Dyelny, Shampooing and uu wo'K in my uno promptly ana ncatiy aone. BILLIARD & POOL TABLES. JtimcH Really, Jan 30-tf Proprietor. SUBSOIUBE von THE COLUMBIAN, Slo.d A YEAH. gTATESJENT OF THE COUNTY FINANCES, From January 1st, IBM, to January 5th, ib85. STATEMENT SHOWINO TAXES ASSESSED AND UALAMJ153 bTILlj UUK. T1XE8 ASSESSED. Heaver. , ., lienton .... jejs 81 blS 21 jsaoo, 74 (i GO 60 (1S30 10 01) MM 1S8 05 CH43 6 6.1 licrwlcu... lbOisa 4O10 OS 1141 fiO iwaaa M 5 10,M SlisS 73 mt iu 11100m Hrlarcrcelc . 79 SO 78 60 C'atawLssa . Centralla centre .... 78 60 SI 15 Convnir h'm 60 1 00 Fbhlnir crk franklin.. Oreenwood. 83 00 27 2 Ml 37 4100 101 iki 40 00, 43 50 so ltOl 0!) 271 43' 110S67, IO04 4S CIS 90 101'kS is! 81MU! r4 , H5C7 S3 78 5 43 4 13 1140 27 03 28 58 SO 53 Hemlock. .iacKsn ... IKUSt Madison.. IW 50l 13 5 43 50, 7750 t41 50 5S50I 53 01) 58 50 4000 73 50 C3 00 ) 50 Main. Minim 43 50 7i 50 .Montour tsoso t4I 50 Mt 1'leasn't 0-anL'o .... line .. .. 19 53 3- 88 315 COO 74 S3 5S 60 53 (0 411! 38 m 60 ia 50 Hoarlngc'li 40-47 11 U 37 mmu ..... Gugarloat, 3OJ70i C3 00 23,515.18 ,&37.UO 7C8.53 11,591111 l,4(U.0O AMOUNT DUE FOR YUAHS TUEVIOUS TO 1881. Blstrlcta. Collectors. Yr. County Pog Yr. 1X9 1N1 1W3 lbHO Lcuiiauuii'itm null. centre, 1 Wm Shaffer, 3tvi 75 18! 47 i 6 71 00 IlKlllUIl! llloom, ISam'l. Apppleman, lieuben Harris, 12 191 50 83 W J97U 73$ n A. IS. JOHNSON, THEASUUEIt OF COLUMBIA V-UUnil, l ALCOIINT Willi NAUI COUN' TV ON COUNTY FUNDS, January 1st, 1884. to amount uncollected prior to 1881 8 895 81 ' amount on hand at las', hottlement ., 2 93 33 " county tax assessed In 1881 28 sis is " tax on registry of voters , 103 ? " o w .Miller, old counter 2'o " WM Lemon rent old lull , wo " Jonas Kline " " 70 ou - i-urivcr Ki-sieroia piani; , .,, 2 5 " (t w hterner, old stove, ie 13 5 " V (1 Hartley pdd Polish Jako's note nnd Jury fee 453 " V M btokcr tax exonerated and since pau to Treasurer , 123 "OA Shutnan for samo i 00 " 0 LA 11 ley old luiuD r t m " Hamuel tshailer, J-., old plank t 00 " U II Fjit costs on writ vs. Jos. Weisa . 1 23 unarm Kindts oldUdlng OD -wuuii u iuuo suiuics xirusu alley bridge...,. 18 00 iviu-iiv iveucr aeea ueiu Dy commu slauere i-edeemed r os lienrv wmtenluht 1 stove 7 m " i' vi fcvea s sun i- 14 m " Harman & IlassertSbtoici 21 73 " W It cox 1 Move . . , . , u 23 " J J Jlciienri old bridge..., , 2 s' " Mm liarrci 1 1 stove .. mo ' The 'I own t lUoouisburg rent (or old lall stable 30 00 - uru 1 ivuiin-r ueeu neiu Dy commis sioners redeemed ....,.,,. 4 31 naniei oui old pianic ..,... 1 on - vuuuij uis on unseaieu land. B.W ri " counly tax on seated land 93 61 " road tax on seated land... 164 09 11 .1 11 unsoatcd land...... 813 811 " suiiuui vux ua , ,.,(- 839 ts ; M ' " seawa land ............ 23109 " poor tax " " " 137 19 " " " " Unseated Und ..... . , 43') pi " special poor tax on unseated land 60 20 - pi" iiui injur ax uu SL-atcu mnn. ... VI 97 " sptlil school uu on beated land . . a 1 0 " " " " " unsealed luiul 2 00 " ' road lax on unsealed land ... 123 9.1 " " " " on muted land .,, 61 50 " seated land tax since distribution . 12 23 " unsnated ian,l tux since dlstrlbut Inn 4 1 ra First National couutyoidi-r ". 7J9 not redeoincil . , , ) w " J U Larlih oldbrldge 6 00 ' liloomsburg Iron Oo, old plsuli ,., , , 13 03 " Z II 8hu.tio(d store . 1 2 113 I r : 1143 20 fbtui sta 32 74 00 616 6 1 50 2178 SS 79 50 149 39 76 5 47H3II G2 60 788 1" 50 1431 76 78 60 2S1 69, 50 6 6 14 83 00 91" 12 1 4 10 513 43 40 50 an ay 123 0 407 50 213 58 330 69 tl03S9 3.11 171 SIT r.'l 258 53, 478 33! 47 61 41 03 4 Oi 10 M Id 6 1 4 HI 1 M S'S OS stfisfso cn. HY COMMI'SION, KXONKHATIOSS ANI HK TL'HNS AM OWED I-OI.I.KCTOIIS 1011 1BSI AND l'HEVIOUH YEA KM. 1831. Districts, l'ranklln Com. Ex. Districts. Com. Ex. t ; t Jackson ti.'it9f&;o lioailngcr'k 20 (id 168'. so sj, in ta Locum f. fi o so I i9. i r.i Vndlson 49 R' 17 VI reaver Denton llerwlck H oom Hrtarcreek nl S3 SO' (U na m Main su ' o iu m aj Minim ot kh la m n to vontour so M fl bj Ii s 41 Mt, Measn't s uo u T 3 en Orango 43 m - M 11 S3 Pino 0 Bl 8 m s as' ivnvnghnm M 01 I'lshlngcr'K M isi Franklin Greenwood hemlock Jackson m i,.i r,i isi 4'J 85 1J Ctj ii 43 Hoailngcrk is vi i ur 13 OT Scott 09 M SI IS 4 to.fUgarloaf si C9 s 76 I I (IIS9 43)318 M Hy total commission llHi ia total exonerations and returns . 3'N si county orders redeemed amount duo from rnllcetora , discount on order No. t.TJ nmount paid to meet stato quota., commission totreasurer balance in hands ot treasurer ,11(H3 si 15503 0.1 39 17 41 43 1JI51 Hi 5 SI (47151 38 A. M. JOHNSON IN ACCOUNT WITH 1)00 FUND, JANUARY 1st, 1881. To amount due at last settlement $1,138 78 amount assessed in insi ., lavi m added tax Hemlock duplicate 50 amount on hand nt last settlement.... 103 63 13168 91 OR ISM. Kx. Dhtilcta. Com. Kx. t M Franklin 12 C5 Districts. Com. Jackson !2 17 Hoarliigcr'K- t w lbs3. 9 51 IWUst 3 0 .Madison 4 50 ,M iln 0 50 Minim Hearer lienton 3 07 3 '3 2 37 3 .17 3 50 5 M 3 50 2 12 3 ! 2 10 $ 0 50 4 00 1 (I) 50 .1 01 3 '0 2 50 0 00 50 IS SO 3 01 llerwlck llloom Hrtarcreek Convntrhun .Montour 0 3 on it. Pleasant 2 so nsuingcrccK 3 ui Franklin 1 81 (X) Orange 2 D3 2 62 2 10 3 43 3 27 iiu rino 3 l) Itoirlngcr'K 2 0 SCO t 60 sugarloaf Greenwood 4 10 Hemlock 2 10 Jackson 2 00 IC'J 58 $91 50 Ily commission to collectors,.... $ 63 0 exonerations aiimieu cunuuiurt, i " ' orders p Id ot P-84 5S- 25 ' amount paid to counly 813 34 ' amnun due from collectors lsis 1" ' commission to treasurer C9 40 Mtos 01 A. M. JOHNSON, TltKASUHEH. IN ACCOUNT WITH bTAlU FUND. DR. January 1st iftl. To state tax nssesed for I8jl $703 55 amount paid to meet state uuuia irom county funds 41 43 $749 97 CR. BY COMMISSION ON DUPLICATES SETTLED FOlt ISSI. Heaver lienton Berwick t 91 60 4 18 6 41 40 Hemlock Jackson so 93 1 33 t 43 1 53 1 01 ur 1 91 13 I:ust loom Madison Main Briarcreck Catawlssa Centralla Centre Conyngham i ; Minim 94 1 Montour 1 .Mt. ricasani Or.ingo fine ltoiilngcrcck scott 03 1 37 41 1 78 r isuinucrceK frank in 31) 1 Oreenwood $35 SI ; By commission to collsetora .$ ffl 33 ,. 707 49 ,. 7 1i amuuni, paid siiuo ipiot 1 lor iwm commission to treasurer , COMMISSIONERS' KXPF.NSES FOR WHICH OltDEKS WEllE ISSUED ON THE TltEASUHElL MISCELLINEOUS EXPENSES. .T.S.rirlmC3 bill for teachers Institute.... $ lot 00 (luyjtconyauaiungpuoiic nccuunm.... sa uu lluckalew Bro's hoio hire taking clectlau blanks to Berwick 2 50 Mover Bro's. oxpressago 113 W. C. .McKlnney expr- ssage .. 135 loun ."uourcy iaiaii'; j prisoner iu i-niia. i,u wi (i. W. sterner covering books ISO Wm. Krlckbaum recording n imea of twp. onicers 33 0) A. B. stewnrt taxes relunded on lands sold not in couutr 15 23 L. B. Kline ct al bill for pot, mono 11 case 55 00 John Mourey taking Cath. .Managhana discharged prisoner to centralla 5 (0 J. M, Clark acknowledging com. need.... 7i F. P. Blllmeyer treas. balance on sewer contract 1230 (0 A. i'. Johnson treas. loss on tr.ule dollars taken from col 39 ,10 J. M. ('winner et nl bill for post mortem case ... 20(0 John Mourey taking Mary Sullivan to nsylum 6 00 Wm. chnstman et al com. in lunacy case 15 00 John Mourey, taking two persons to 1'hlla. .!. 68 CO lohn Hoffman, costs tn case of county vs lloiver .1 50 Wm Krlckbau-n, prothonotary bill ... 189 01 First .National Bank, money luaned on or der No. 73J.,.. 23 00 $4189 80 COUItTS' JUItUIVS PAY AND CONSTABLE'S HETUltNS. John Mourey serving Jury notices 01 CO (Iraud Jurors during . ear 781 14 Travervijuiors " " 5177 43 Constablo-a re urns during year 26197 court crier during yoar .... 147 50 Tipstaves " " 16' 50 S N WalK r, stenographer, $10 per day.. 4 0 00 Hw.inu va N & W a H It 33 10 " Helfrlck vs Frlck :i 00 " ora v.sSeybi-rt 8 5J " OrangevlllaSFundvsHenrlo 8 10 " Bevan va lieilly 30 00 " ComvsEdson , 5 50 " Com va Lefkowlcs 6 41 " Loughlln vs .Miller 21 3j neo W Derr, Jury commissioner 43 71 Abraham lllce, " " 61 7i John B casey, clerk, to samo 20 00 $1581 1 COSTS IN COMMONWEALTH CASES WI1EHK THE COUNTY BECAME LIABLE Justices constables nnd witnesses 917 51 it It Little, lato District Attorney 20 00 It Bucklngh im, " " 137 U) Win Krlckbaum, Clerk ot Court 137 15 t 211 01 HOAD AND BKIDQE VIEWEHS AND IIOAD DA MAUL'S, Sundry ptrsons as viewers $311 40 JohnllutTord damage. Flshlngcrcek .... 10 eo .1 M Hewitt " " .... 50(io DAMunson " Franklin 50 00 Winliohrbach " " 9300 Jacob Artley " " , 13 (10 I'cter M Karshner " Montour 23 00 A K Olrton " Blue 10 00 T W Kai nes " Flsntngcreeek . SO 00 John Jouathan Lemon, damage, urcen- enjs Iner, dam'ase, e'e'n're. 24 CO Joshua Fetterman, commLuloncr attend ing road views .... 1 'harlea lielchart, commissioner attend ing road views B F l-ilgar, commissioner attending roa-l views. 41 00 32 10 46 40 $1051 90 COMMISSIONED' OFFICE AND COUHT HOUSE. LJ Adams, auditor O W Hess, " fib. rick Mattery, auditor Bloomsburg water ca, water rent I' K Vnnnattu, palntln J B C sey stating accounts for 1883 C u Galllguan, repairs nt Court llouso.... James t'admau, agent, stand . Patriot InbllshlnK Co , Phebe Cox et al cleaning court House John F Purse), blacksmith bill S w Garrison carpenter work C WNeal & Bro., coal lof Court House..., Geo A Clark, stationery .Meuagh and Cotfman, frosting windows.. Dennis Donovan, work nt com t house . . , Wm chrlstnun, wort at oltlco II L Thomas, pens , Fred ksmwlnn, hauling ,. It Houst'L work at o ilea , J W HaiKler, blndlug Columbian w it Allen, work ut onice .IBS (cer, bill rendered L llunyan t: Co., hardware 0 K savage, tending town clock Grant 8 Herring, work at o:uco John s Mensch, lime , ,,, J llichmsn worknt court house ... . it. B Urower heating and plumbing as per contract . n It colfmau work at rourt house Whlto Wins work at com t house A V lloiver work at court house ... . John Whltenlgnt stone for court house . ( lurlcs Krug lumber, to 7. It Miulti work ut court house ... -U E Cox work at court house . ... Vm Glger hauling brick eto 1 w McKclvy, bill rendered., , F 1' Illlhneyer bill rendered ITeas in-own Insurance on court house, . . It rman J: llassert repairs John w Kramer carpenter wrk at court house W J Correll looking glitki .. Hie ii lloftard Wutcn aud clock Co., new town clock as percontract Bloom Gas Co Jorgas ,,, J B Kllnger work ut court houoe OA Jacobys one Bloomsburg lion Co. Iron for clock weights Samuel .iietz tvork at court house KB Urower n-pjlrs, em J ' Brower minting cou'tioom Moyer Brod pulnt, eto I houas (lorrey repilrlng Iteglster'a otllco 0 Jl anl J K 1ickard hi'nbi-r . .. ouls Bernhard working ou old clock, elo Knorr 4 Wlntcrstecu drawing Bpecldoi lions, cto , 1 ,. T, It ikelo attorney tor commissioners,,, Johhua ie lennan commissioner B I-' Edgar eoinml-loner ,., Charli-s Helchard commissioner John 11 Casey clerk $ 23 00 23 00 25 00 4 50 11 47 25 00 II 50 3 50 II no J7 od 8 2.1 23 41 152 79 5 50 40 37 1 88 4.1 25 8 00 7 00 6 00 4 0 34 00 23 63 10 Vi 10 (JO 18 (10 8 00 1SS 3J 2305 00 67 82 20 61 7 50 6 13 31 26 193 12 21 VJ SO 21 HO 81 1" 106 27 65 II 21 23 5 00 700 00 131 II 123 03 31 41 6 CO 1 01 8 15 11-3 IM 18 61 20 01 68 1-3 25 U) 8 00 100 00 403 00 401 00 878 00 bOO 0 ttmTh COVNTV JAIL, o A Klelm medicine for prisoners Thomas Gorrey vt ork at jail , . . O o GalUguan repairs at Jill U F (Unlner tendlug prl)aer for 186. Holmes H sehuyier liaid'Vttre n W Nejl Bro. coil ., O W B 'UMiep.ilrlug pilsnnOH'fchoea.... f 6 73 6 75 161 M li CU 4 01 40 J .1-1 8 20 10-1 93 147 31 6 00 2t ij'iiiuiiia iiasnri b IV, lira ii II .ikt-erblU reudered ,. OM Drinker repalnng locks Nathan Chromls hauling u.Ucs. ,......, " Wm ittlcktnum Jury fees . " KW M low od plank .. " redemption money on Abraham Ileo cer tract lirnrcrcek . " redemption money oa t ItSchweppcn, helser tract Heaver " icdemplton money on Abraham Sny der tract Mtn ....... " Wm Krlckbaum fees for registering dogs " nmount received from dog fund Elijah Slmtt trimming trees t oo (I It Mendenlmll lumber 91 73 IhomiStledllswork atlnll .... H9 67 M H M1II roof ... .. . 13 m John M iurey cleaning up around Jsll 13 to I, Itunyan ft (Jo. bill ren.lerM 4 4S K H Mower r pairs ,. SSI SO 8 V Harrison work nt Jail 3 3" Fi-ed schwln nnullng ... ... 310 . II Hliultt work nt Jill 6 73 Wm Ferguson cleaning cesspools .... 14 01 1) It enmnnn work at Jill 6 so J 11 Kllnger work nt J ill 41 67 Daniel Hall, et. at., ulgglng ditch for wa ter nlpo 21 S3 .1 It Whlto cord wood 6 00 II F Illcks pilntlng and material il9 03 .1 0 Drown surveying 1 ku WJCorrel Iron liodsl"ads ... SI 00 David liwenlicrg clothing s 45 Charles Knig lumber 3 00 DoomsburgW tcrco. meter for jail.,... so is I V McKehy bill rendered - 34 01 F I' Hlllmcser bl 1 rendered 7S II Funrdnertcdlng prisoners for 1891,,. is no HI omsburg Oas Co., for gas 13115 John Mourry boarding prisoners 75(1 00 John Mourey work nbout prison JW no John Mouror, washing, Ac, ,... 113 wo John Mourcv turnkey fees ,. 3d 00 N.I llendershott med clnes 18 10 J Hachman building bake oven S3 no llloomsbiirg Water Co. water rent Jail ... 16 47 (1 11 a J K IjJckard lumber 3 OS ta 233 96 rni.NTIN'O, STATlOSEtlV AND roSTAdB. Klwell IMtcnlvndcrCo. statement .. " " election procla. matlon .... KJwell blttcnt'nder blanks " " advcrtlMng O M Vnndcrsll.'o county st itement " " election proclamation.... " " court proclamation ...... " " blanks ... " " advertising ,,. J 0 Brown county statement " " election proclamation,., " " blinks " " ndvertMng ... ... ... . ft A Potter court calendar " " alvertl-Ing (1 r. Myers county u temcnt J II Dletcilck ndvertWng I) A Heck ey posing" ami box rent Alt-musftco. enveiope-i Mwell HI lenliender stallonery It R Honrnan county statement " " advertising o-o A dark stationery A M Johnson postage stamps t 40 CO 26 m 14 73 10 -5 40 00 26 00 S 23 39 Hi 15 50 40 01 5 (0 40 in 12 60 40 00 1 50 40 (X) 4 50 12 15 6 IM 21) bl) 40 00 .3 OU 14 08 1 10 9 51 INQUESTS, sundry persons for Inquests .... X33S 79 HltlDOEl-IIUlLDINd AND ltEl'AIIlS. BHAVKIL John Applemnn Brelsh bridge - John "cliell Dtvlabrldgo John Kchcll KUnge mm brldgo J Itaelnna Beaver Valiev brtde 0 S lielchart Iljaver Valley brldgo 1'harle.i Helchir Davis midge Wm II Bright lieiver Valley bridge .... David Fink, et al., Davis bridge 1 lavld Fink, et. ul.. Bo iver Valley bridge Charles lielchart. Beaver Valley brldgo . Low Bro Co. lime Boiver Valley brldgo emu les lielchart Bifish bridge ...... Charles lielchart Kllnger nan bridge BENTON. Oeo KeelerBcntou brl 'ge (loo KCeler Cole's bridge 1 J Thorn is Kimble .Mill brldjo Daniel II Karns Kams brldgo 1 ra I less Benton bridge Samuel Appleman lienton bridge ..- Samuel Applemau cole abridge Samuel Appleman Mendenhall brldgo Samuel Appleman brldgo wcat ot Benton BLOOM. TBaclimin Itupert brltge Daniel Yocum Itcd Ho k bridge John Delly Hupcrt brldje John Delly Birtnn brdge Wm Levan Shalter brldgo Isaiah Howell Shaffer bridge , Lll Jones Itupert brldgo (contract) I. llunyan & Co. Bed nock brldgo L Hunyan Shalter bridge L Hunyan Barton bridge Samuel Mi'iUer haUerbildgo .... Luther B Jones Itupert bridge 4 00 4 r,s 1 00 191 OO 38 05 161 14 113 60 O'l 80 lir? 81 53 OJ 9 (0 3 40 31 41 1 50 1 50 1 50 76 0 2 00 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 COO 8 03 73 8 23 2 60 3 50 331 0 4 75 1 75 6 10 5 fO 5 (X) 3 00 17 62 34 31 .lonn u .jones uarion unuge ,. . Wm K cox Sh Hler bridge KB Jones Hupert bridge lieuben Hess Hupert bitdge .... Ell Jones ShatTer bridge CATAW1SSA. L Hunyan uo. Dridgo near mouth Cata wlssa creek Charles Kr g paper mill bridge Stephen Bailor near mouth dtawlsa crk CFHardr " " CONYNOHAM. John I. Kltuo Brush Valley bridge John S"Mensch Brush Valley brldie J B chman Brush Vulley bridge J B Kllnger Brush Valley brtdjo Wm 11 Bright Brush Valley bridge lTSHINQCHEEK. CasDer Hess, ncss brldire IS 0 V9 01 2 50 2 MS 5 73 211 63 19 60 233 03 19 18 103 00 3 00 Joseph Knelly brldgo near Mcllenry's mill 15 1 Bender bridge near Jonestown W C l"cnnlngtoii l'aden brldgo (contract) " " " " extra al lotted (1 W Labor Ammennan bridge Chailes Klndlg et al Stillwater brldgo ... J F Mclleurj' t-tlllwater bridge J J Mcllenry bridge near Jonestown (con tract : . J J cllenry bridge near Jonestown ex tra allowed ..: Thonva clsfrled Stillwater bridge FHANKLIN. C L Artley Mendenhall bridge " " Parr bridge OHEENWOOD. c W Eves bridge near Mcllenry's mill.... Daniel DM Ed Mcllenry brldgo It M Mclirido Iola brldgo Win it Demon near Kjpr's drove bridge.. " " 2 bridges above Eyer's Orovo S B Ulsner Mlllvllle Iron brldgo w 11 iiayman Iola bridge B V lledllne Iz-niau bridge A H Clrlon i:ckmin bridge HEMLOCK. L Hunyan Co. l'ursel Bridge " " Danville bridge JACKSON. Wm A Kilo nun brldgo J M Larlsh Llk Hun brldgo (contract) 7 00 4 38 693 00 25 00 63 15 M H 81 38 513 (0 25 00 13 00 103 13 31 97 913 75 11 87 8 00 19 53 4 75 in 00 5 OO 91 77 3 00 45 3 00 25 80 418 40 30 00 LOCUST. Jacob Walter WILson bridge John Evcland Slabiown lion brldgo Kllas Thomas A M Johnson bridge Jacob eager et al Slabtown iron bridge . Solo non Strausser " " " James Bin' Krlckbaum bridge 37 03 25 00 50 19 50 103 00 50 MAIN. J Barhman Malnvllle Iron bridge Charli3 lielchart Malnvllle Iron bridge., " " Forgo bridge Mr. PLEASANT. A P Kester Wilson brldgo (above) TO Wilson Wanlch "ridge " " Sand's bridge " " Wilson budge (above) " ' " " (below) Matthias Kindt S ind's brldie Samuel Shaffer Wanlch brldgo " " VandenJIce bridge Win U Cox Wanlch bridge " " Wilson bridge (above) " " " " (below) , II II Sands Smith's bridge George Unmet Wanlch bridge J 1' Sands sand's bridge OUANOE. 2SI 00 53 4T '3 15 23 00 1 61 1 64 1 63 1 Al 10 00 ! 4 50 4 34 13 38 It 60 18 83 1 50 1 W 5 01 W F Crawford Vance bridge J B DeLong Iron bridge Jacob Snyder et al Vance bridge...., A 11 Kltcheulrou bridge PINE. Jacob Colo Shoemaker brldgo John Leggott lolu brldgo Wm. Harlan Shoemaker brldgo Win. Harlan Master's brldgo SUGAIiLOAF. F. I. Golden, A. Cole bridge John W. Kile, Joi O. Hess brldgo... J.B. lies, J. B. Hess brldgo Kira Stephens, John Colo bridge u.J, Lewis, D. Lowu brldgo 1 51 33 00 51 67 8 10 2 Ofl 15 19 3 00 2 00 2 74 1 51) .1 00 i () 5 10 M.J 08 l'ENITEITIAHY AND ASYLUJf. Convicts In Eastern l'enltentlary for 1883 $350 40 Support ot Lizzie Hawley Warren 1S7 t"J H77 CD AS-SESSOHSv I'AY. Beaver f?7 00 Jackson t 15 S5 K"nton si U) locust J l 75 llerwlck 40 so Mmllaon 21 us Bloom 51 00 Slain II 7i Briarcrcel; so oo Mimin 17 ro Catanlssa 20 50 Montour 1125 Centralla i!7 88 mu Pleasant 11 fa Centre 18 0 Orango 15 CJ Conyngham 33 00 line 15 Nl Kishlngcreek :il 75 Hoarlngcreek is ,5 Franklin 8 9 Scott us 45 ilreennood 20 40 Sugarloat 13 00 Hemlock 18 50 I'M 44 Assessors for fall registry ot voters 117 oo $971 41 j SCALPS roil FOX AND WILD CATS. Paid sundry persons ,. ft: i I ELECTION EXPENSES. j l'al 11 spring election officers MOS 11 561 SO 141 01 H i !H lau i-iuciionomcers, ...,, ..,,, . spring room lent fall room rent constables adv.aud attending spring election constables attending fall election. ., 1' L nutter election blanks Johu crano overseer fall election ,. W ii llaudenDush ovcrsoei- fall elec tion l'anl E Wirt Conirewdonal Iteturn Judge , iss ro 5Q 00 51 l!.1 3 00 3 00 17 00 It no ov TAXES IIEKUNDED. Amount ot township taxes refunded..,, M 363 s BLANK BOOKS. Alt'-tnus & Co. 2 docket Prothv'a. omee en as Wia F Murphy sons S dockets Hog. onice S3 00 I wm .Maun i uocketi Ktiruier a omce,,.,, 13 11 f I, Hutler registry books , 8150 John Mourey 1 bet books bberuTa omce.. ja ou 1m 10 1NTEIIE3T ON COUNTY BONDS. Amount ot coupons on 0 unty bonds pal 1159 00 Amount Inteiest paid on overdue boadi S5J U) 1417 00 14 4S1 80 4 51 II 1 HI 50 1 057 J 7 OJ) 81 3 UU 539 53 m 7V OU IM ItECAl'ITULATION. llfscellaueoua,,. ,. Courts Jur ra pay, constables' re urns t Cccts In 1 0 nmoaweallh cases Huad und brldgu viewers and road dim. agea Coiamis Jm-.-ra' unico ,i.U court h iuse Couatyjill Pilutlni, bUtljuery und putaga. Inqulaltlona.... ,.. , Bridges building nd rspalu 477 69 671 41 91 IM 15 0 m 23S.1 43 113 10 417 00 "vw?rui n iiily . , 1 1... 1,.. .... Fox and wild cat scalps ..... UtMllnn...... 1 ..... ..... v,IUIIVA,Eini1, , .... Taxes relunded iwanK cooks ... Coupons and Interest on county bond's pd (.11145 HI 'com nmount of orders Isssued deduct J33M.43 tax- redemption money.ii so loss on trndo dollars taken from collectors nnd 33 n. county order No. 739 not redeemed leaves I3S7U0.S) which Is tho actual or dinary expense for tho j car A. D., issi. snnnp oiunsits issued. Denton II larcreck renltet'Mjry and asylum M $15 50 Madison $103 '0 s 00 Main 43 00 43 on Mtmin 6 en 6.100 Mtrioasint ! no .10 00 l ine 37 00 68 si Scott 8'0 si 00 sugarloat 17 23 9 00 $589 23 Cntawlssa Flshlngereek Franklin Oreenwood ncmiock Jackson STATEMENT OF Doa TAX AND SHEEP FUND, Dox tax duo from collector's , I'robablo com and exoncratlonsort.. $1673 76 220 00 $1333 76 COUNTY FINANCES. ASSETS. Tax In handsot collectors dup $USW 63 iTooauie com exonerations ami returns. . sow iiu $IOtr.1 6$ 5 51 93 00 31 31 18 ,11 Add amt In handset Treasurer Balaneoduo on Ocra I lower note. one doublo set assessment books. . . . uno s-'trtup $10317 50 LIABILITIES. Cost In commonwealth cos"s $ 66 68 Aut tax due tho several districts 1090 37 tint roiu ana brldgo Mowers duo on b oks 102 63 Amount county prison bonds unpaid Deo 1st IKS 6,101) 00 Int on Co bonds uno ild HI 00 Amt road dimtges asunsed and unpaid esiiiiuicu 10 ,ian am nsa uifw ' B1I unpaid on bridge contract 4-c.i S9 County order No 7J9 not redcemrd 2500 09 $19751 01 10317 50 Actual Indebtedness of tho county Jau oiu is?a .,...,. t VHl HJ We the linderslffned CftmrnUclnnnpra nt Cnllim- bl Coumy do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a correct statement ot accounts of said county for the year A. H., issi STEPHEN POIIE, ELI MENDENHALL, WASHINGTON I'AHIt, Com idssloners of COiitmbla Countv. Attest : John B. Casey, cleik. Wo the undersigned Auditors of Columbia eoun- ty having been duly elected 0 adjust nnd settle thenccoun sof the Treasurer nnd Commissioners ot Columbia county do heieby teiiliy Hut wo in't at the onice ol the Treasurer and commissioner m 11 ooinsDurz ai a caretu iv examined the nceounts nnd vouchers ot the same from the 1st day ol Jnn unry A D 1881, to the 5th il,iy 01 Januaiy, a. D., IBS"., and Und them correct m iiboie sta. ted, anil we tlnd n balance due Columbia counly, on county fund of live doll rs and twenty one. cents from A M Johnson, Treasurer of Columbia county. Given under our hands nnd seal this 15th day ot January A 1) PS5. I-LI IIUIIHIN, J. 11. YiriTEIt. .) V M. THWKSUUBY, JsbI. j. I'ald before settlement tAll thoso marked Ihus havo settled their dup.lcatcs in full since January Dili, ALL WINTER The JPBae to buy a hebcc sOviircoHt. The JPflsace to hny sa Fasbc San Eft. The FSlsaee to The 5Baice t The BitoA Is Complete Prices Low -AT 'JLiiS.J ri ii GMAIN I DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JO'SBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. EXCHANGE HOT33L. AT. K,. TUBB3, PROPRIETOR S'-iOSMSSUnS, ?A. i,l,istrFi-M(fliT HOUHl! nrgo nut convenient simple roomi. Illth rooms t and cild water, an 1 all modern conveniences ALL KINDS OK .1015 i'KINTINO ON SHORT NOTICE AT THIS OKFIOK. ffl. C. S1.0A1I & BRO., IlLOOMSnURO, I'A. .Mauufacturereof CARRIAQES BUQQ1ES, PHAETONS. SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAQONS, &C. Plrst-class worl. always on hand. il EPA IIIIKQ JS'EA TL YDONK. Prices rediicedto suit the times. BE., Q. Dshleiiian, number and gas fitter. Hoar of Schuyler's hard ware ttorc. 2Sloombuii't All kinds of nttlngs for steam, gas nnd water plres constantly on hand. Hooting nnd spouttug attended to nt short no tice. Tinware of every description made to order. Orders left at Schuyler Co's., hardwa.o store will bo promptly rilled. Special attention given lo heating by steam and hot water. yo-iy EM'S MANILLA iftii: Missis Vjtii 5" IXVV&Vv e,BgC "tiSinO, W ATEn PHO 0 r JSS "ii orrttt. Ii fclto A HUB6T1TUTK forl'LAHTKH tllairthet'oft, OutUttn tho boHJlnf. CAHI'KTt tod KL'UH of inii, double th wen of oil ololti, Ctlofa p..".tW.H.FAY&CO.CAMDEN,N.J. leb 6 4W u bny Hoys9 Swi-ls. buy Hves4sails. TISJE - OF- ttKMi(!UAiirj!,.s I'ot tliu Celcbrutcd Clilcltcrlng, Ivors & I'oiul, and YosoA Son I'lanos. Worlil ru nowueil Kstt-y (Jig us, Violins, Accorilcons und Sheet -Music. Celebrated While, New High Aim Davis, .New Home, Hoyal Hi. John, und I.lijlit Huiming Domestic Sewing Muclilnus. Nic'illi-8, oir und attachments for all makes of Sewing Machines. STREET,) U1 ; CEHT. g f$tf obtnloed and all pal cut bu'lness attended to for "Suronice is opposite tho U. H. Patent omce, and we can obtain Patents In less time than thoso re mote from Washington ... , , , yen i model ii drawing. We ndvlso nstonat. entaDllltyfreoot charge, nnd worn ike no charge unless patent Is secured. Wo refer here, to the Postmaster, tho Supt, ot Money oiler Dlv, nnd to onicl.ils of tho U.S. Patent (idlco. I'or circular, ndvlce, terms nnd reierences to actual clients In your own stato or county, wrlto to . A. SNOW &. CO., opposite Patent tlttlce, Washington, (). c. nnd ti Snamtal iron mm OF OAST CU WUOUOHT IllOK. Stiitiiblo for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. :o: The rollowlng shows tho Ticket tlothlc, one of the several beautiful ttylcsot I'enco manufactured i,w t,ntv nmi iiiirnhllllv tbnv nreunsurnasR ed. hands nnd warranted to give saiisiucniin. I'ruicrt and sppoimi-iis of otlier signs sens to any .'uhirw. Address BLOOMSBURG PA- aiar 4-tr tarn Pennsylvania Hailroad. v Philado'phia & Erie K h. Divis ion, and No them Central Railway. Wl TlrV.E TABLE, In ctlict Nov. lith, 1681. Trains leavo Sun bury. EASTWAKD, ' 9.11a.m., Sea Shoro Express (datly excep Sunday), for llarrUburg and liilennedlalebtatloii anlvlngat Philadelphia 3.13 p. m.; New tor 6.wip. 111. ; Baltimore, Mil p. m. ; Wiishlngio UAOp. m coiinctiliig at Philadelphia lor all S shore points. Through passenger coach Philadelphia. SOOp. in. Day express d ally cxcei t Sunday),fur HarrUburg nnd Interme diate stations, ai riving at Philadelphia 7.S5 p. m. ; New Yoik, 10.50 p. ra. ; Haltlmoro 7.i;0 p. m. i Washington, 8.15 p. ra. Parlor ca thiough to Philadelphia and passenger cojch thiouirh to Philadelphia end Halt! oie. 8,S0 p. m. W llllauisport Acco.i mcslatlon (dally for Jlairh-burg und all Intermediate stations, anlv Ingut Philadelphia 3 , 5 a. in. ; New York 0.10 a. 111 Sleeping car . ccoinmodallons eun be secured at llnirlsbuiglor Philadelphia ondNcw York, uusuu days a through sleeping cr will be 11111; on this train from W llilamsp't to Philadelphia. Philadelphia iiasscngeiscan remulnlnslccperundlstuibed until 7 S.SJa. in. Eilo Mall (dally except Jlonday for llarrlsbuig and intermediate stations nnlvlng nt Philadelphia 7.50 a. m. NowYoik 1 1 .vu a. in. ; Baltimore 7.40 a. in. ; Washington, 8.5 11.111. 'Ihrouirh Pull , an sleeping ctunaie runcn this tiain to Philadelphia, Baltlmoie nud Washing ton, nnd through puhsengcr coaches to Philadel phia nnd Baltimore. WESTWAHD. 5.S0O. m. Eilo Midi (dally except Sunday), foi Eiloiindnl lnteimedlate Matlons and Cnnandal- gua aud intermediate statlous. KocneMer, buna lonndNliigaral'alls with th otiKh Pullman I'ol- nee curs unu pa&engcr cuacues iu j.i iu uuu itucn esler. u.M-xcws Express (onny except sunuay) lor Iflck llaveu and Inlermidlate stations. 1.10 11. ul EMiiets idallvexcent Sun- daj) lor Kane nndlnttiiueuiatestatlous und Can tnidal;ua und piluclpal liiieiiaedlate suillcns Hoclicsler, Lulinlu and Maguia Fulls with thiough passenger coaches to Kane and i.ochester and I'urlurearto Mllllam.sioit. 0.--J p. 111. i'Ubb 1411U 111.111 CAicpi, suiiuiiijiur litr no 0 unci intei 1,1111 Ions, and l.linlrn, w at- ,1111.1 illlCllllUl.lLV QIU11U1IB, IUHI IlllUllJiU J'UD. benger coaclu-H to Iti.-nuvu and waiklns. u.-m a. in.- bunuay man lor iieuoio anil Intel me dlato stations. TIIHOUall THA1NS 1011 SUNBUHY 1'ltOM THE K-iST AND SOUTH. Sunday mall leaves Philadelphia 4.C0 a. m. Hani-burg 1.40 aulvlng at sunbut) u iiu 11. m. with tuiuugh sleeping car 110111 Phl.udolphla to M1 llamspoil. News Expiess leaves l'klladelphia 4.30 n. ra. dally, HuiiUburg, 0. m. dally except Sunday arrl lug al sunbur) 0 53. 11. iu. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. in. ; Baltlmoie n. 111. (dally except Sunday arriving nt suubury, 1,10 p. m., ulth llnuugli parlor car Hum Philadelphia and thiough passenger coaches Horn Philadel phia and Baltlmure. Fast Line leaves New York 8.00 a. m. ; Philadel phia, 11.10 a. in. i Washington, it 40 a. in.; Balti more, 10.5i a. m., (dally except Sunday) anil lug a hunbury, p. m., with through pabsenget coaches from Philadelphia und 1ml lii,ore. tile-vnill leaves New i ork 8.00 p. m. ; Phlladol. phla, p. m. j Wnshlngluii, 11). 0 p. in. : Haiti more, ll.'J-p. m., (dally eiiept bunua ) arriving at sunburj 5.15 a. 111., with thiough sleeping curs fiom Philadelphia, Washington and Baluiuuie and thiough pabbtnger loaches Iron Pi.lludclphla. MIMU.'liV, IIA.l,i;TON iV M II.ICINII.lltlt. KA1 1.ICOAI) AMI MIH'I'II AND Wli.s-p IIKAM'II ICA I. WAV. (Dally except Sunday.) Vvllkesbarre .Mall leuves suubury ln.SOa. m. arrlv Ing ut bloom Ferry 11.37 a. iu., llkca-barra 1S.15 p. 111. Express East leaves Eunbury 5.i p. m., arriving at Bloom Fen y 0.30 p.m., Wilkes barro B.01 p. m. sunbury .Mall leav t vv llkesbarro 10.3 a.m.arilv lugut Bloom Ferry iu.01 p. m.,hunbury lii.55 p. in. Expiebs West leaves likes barro s.45 p. in., rlvnig at Bloom Ferry 4.15 p.m., sunbury 5.10 CHAB. li PUfiH, J. It. WOOD, Ociu iianager. Ocu. l'ascnger Agent jy.LAvVAKE, LACKAWANNA AND WISTEUN HA1LUOAD. UI.OOMSUUJiG DIVISION. SOUTH, p.m. p.m. a.m. STATIONS. bytuo unuersigncu SOUTH, a.m. a.m. P. in s Ul u 40 2 20 6 55 0 43 2 25 II 01 U 50 2 30 OU U 67 2 Ul 1 til. 10 Ot 2 46 I 0 23 10 09 2 61 0 Ih 10 14 2 M 0 SS 10 17 3 (XI U 3u. 10 20 3 03 Il 4i. 10 CS Mi u OJ 1 30 K 1,1 1 SI 8 4S 1 ID 8 40 1 11 8 3.1 1 03 K 27 li 57 H IS li W 8 17 ti 41 B 14 a 41 8 08 r; 40 8 08 B! 3, 8 bl 1'.' 31 7 59 1.' SO 7 51 13 SO 7 60 Hi 15 I- 43 li 01 7 tO 11 55 7 18 13 U 7 11 11 15 7 05 11 2a G 58 11 22 H 51 .1 18 U 50 11 15 I) 3 ....Seranton.,.. Hellenic... .. 'layluivlllo. ,, Lackawanna., PlllklOll ..YW'bt Piitbtou. II l'J, U 14 Oil s m 8 53 8 481 8 43 8 .' 8 85 .,,.vv)oiiiing, , . ..Jialiby Bennett ....lilugstnn .... Kington .... l'ljmouih Jui.c .. .PI) mouth. ,. .....Wondule. . NnntlfiiLn 8 15 Ml 8 25 8 21 1 8 17 8 1(1 7 58 7 it 0 48 1 2 3 00 (1 50 10 29 3 11 65 10 33 3 15 7 141 10 37 3 20 7 05 10 41 3 21 1 v.i ill .H It h lllllllock's ticelt MIlCLbUIUIiy,, I 7 24 10 IU 3 45 I 7 41 II 10 3 57 im-iib reny I 41 7 34 7 27 7 23 7 IV 7 It 7 05 .utiacii naven. ....Berwick .,, .Brlur Creek, Mlllow drove. , Liu e Kldge I P 1 I IU 1 V 8 00 It 18 4 10 8 03 11 !4 4 13 8 10 11 S7 4 19 , H 14 II 40 4 2J 8 21 11 40 4 30 0 42 II OS 8 311 11 01 11 an 10 si 0 25 10 51 (I 08 ,0 35 II 00 10 SS 5 5.1 M 21 5 40 )0 10 ...Blnomsburg" 8 28 II (2 4 so 8 34 11 67 4 42 8 1.9 12 (K 4 41 8 55 13 20 5 (5 0 02 12 28 6 12 0 0 12 33 t 111 0 SO 12 60 5 30, p.m. p.m 700 0 51 (131 (I 29 0 25 il 10 ,. uupert catawu Bridge . . Danville.... ....Chuljrky .. ... CUIIKIOII.,., Northumberland p in. a.m. a, in. I W. I. HALSTEAD, SU. onice. sciauton, Feb. 1st, 1808 Superintendent's ioii,CY or WJILY i l.VHEl.l B liicaieivihaicois MACHINERY. ; Ht'tu (.mitit lor Hii', Um, ). (inn Nuib ut M 1, t on 1 -V'S" . -' JlUk. 11.) 1 uu. lnuil 1 11 11 1 It 1 ctr, ; tun & v uniiiu s IlibHuuiinAM., iiiio iwuiuocuiblil iruia. l1.Uee.:"U,lStul- J SCItANTON Hiaj' S3 Jy a. '.uj'O'i'ii'iii ii' J ,,.'l''"4,,l'l''""l''pu . i ;j Am. Jsirilolt!rit, .... M1M,I1, . uu 3"" "IMcla'tiPofl nlnar ..iirffls"! .7.!? w ' V H114 tu'im can 1 limit ana c.-w Lu dimply . a ii 1 jw 'tuv.iry q autoaitihiciii u ' -mt- innirpr tv-w, Svivei'.o, ami 3 I VA.