The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., Correct Hnllrond Time Table. FUIDAY, FElTuUTAHY 20, 1885, Trains on the Philadelphia & It. It. leave llupett O8I01I0WBI NORTH M a. in. 9.42 p. in. B0VT1I. lt:5i a. m. 0:13 p. in. Trains on the I). L. A V. It. 11. leave liloomsburi; asiouowai NOHtll. SOUTH. inn a. in. 8:W . tu. 2.10 p. in. 1I:C3 a. m. o.3i) p. m. 4:40 p. in. Tho 6:V8 a. m. train connects at Northumberland with I lie D..T3 tram on Pennsylvania road, reaching I'nuauuipuia ut a:i- p. uu Tho 11.89 train connects with Philadelphia anil Heading road at Hupcrt reaching rmiauti. phla ai 0:00 p. m, at KurthumberUnd at 1:00, reaching Philadelphia alT:i p. m. The 4.80 p. m. train connects with Pennsylvania roaa ai nuriuwnwrmuu ut p. 111., huu it't l'Mliilelplila at 3:uS a. in. Train on tho N. bW. D. Hallway pass Bloom rerry as ioiiows i NORTH. SOUTH. 11: a. in. 1801 p. m. 0.80 p. m. 4:1 p. rn. Iiilillc BnlcH. T. J. Vnndcrallco will sell pcrsnnnl prop. crty nt his residenco on Slain Btrcct, Hloomsliurg, on Frltlay, February 27tli, at 1 o'clock, p. ra. Dnnlcl Miller will oflcr valuable personal property, consisting of farming Imple. mcnts ntul household goods nt public sale on the premises In Main township, on Tucs. day, March 10th, 1885 nt 10 o'clock, n. m. The administrators of Ellas Krumm, de ceased, late of Scott township, will offer valuable personal property at public sale, on the premise?, on Wednesday, Feb. 25 1835, at 0 o'clock n. m. Tho executors of John Kclchncr, decent ed. Into of Centro township, Columbia county, l'a., will expose to public sale per- sonal property nt the late residenco of earn deceased, on Tuesday, March 17, 1835, at 10 o'clock, n. m. William Whltcnlcbt will sell valuable personal property on tho premises In Fish. Ingcreck township, on Tuesday, March 3, Horses, cows, hogs, &c. A.. Z. Schoch, executor of M. S. Apple- man, deceased, will, sell valuable real cs. tato in Northumberland county, near De- wart, on Saturday, February 28tb. The ndmlnlstiator of Margaret Mclllck will sell real estnte In Scott township on Wednesday, March 11th. See advertise, mcnt. Reuben Fry will sell personal prop. crty on tho premises near Hetlcrvillo on Tuesday, March 3d. General farming utensils ; nlso horses, cows, &c. AlcmC. Van Ltew will sell personnl property on premises In Mt. Pleasant town ship, near Light Street on Thursday, Feb ruary 20th nt ten o'clock In the forenoon. Horses, cows, farming Implements, Ac. personal, Mr. J. 11. Skccr is seriously ill. J. K. Blttcnbcndcr is in Philadelphia this week. Dr. George P. Waller and family return ctl to their western home on Monday. Mr. James Freeze of Utah, Is visiting his relatives here. John Applemau of Buckhorn, is taking a trip iu the South. W. H. Hupcrt, engaged In railroading in the west, is taking in the New Orleans Ex position. Col. Freeze has been elected a corre sponding nembcr of the Wyoming Histor ical Society. George Zimmerman has sold his property here, nnd removed to Hopevillo, Luzcrno county. He is a first-class Bhocmnkcr. Hon C. H. Buckalcw was In tlarrisburg on Wednesday, as counsel before tho Hoard of I'm dona. Mr. nnd Mrs. (.'hnrles Snyder of Danville, New York were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Freas Brown last week. About six inches of snow fell on Mon day, making the best sleighing of the sea. ton, Tho Plttston skating rink was crushed 6y snow on Monday afternoon. No ono was In It nt the time. Loss 97,000. Isnlali Beers died on Tuesday about noon, of consumption. His age wus about 28 years. Foi! Sale. One full German silver frame, six foot show case. Apply to W. C. SIoKinney. Fifty women from the insano depart ment of Bleckley Almshouse at Philadel phia, have been removed to the Danville Asylum. The Hemlock mill started up on Thurs day morning, and is now in full operation. An expert roller miller superintended the starting. There ure rumors of severul caucuses held on Sunday last to make up slates on the town ticket. Our reporter failed to .learn any of the particulars. The town clock froze up on Monday, 'during the snow storm. If this is to occur often the glass faces removed by the last board of commissioners hud better be re. .placed. Thu observauco of t;t. Valentine's Day was not nearly so general as in past years. In Philadelphia only a little over half as many valeutines ai lust year, passed through '.ho malls. Tho regular annual entertainment given by the Fhllologlan Literary Society of the Normal School will this year be glveu on the 20th Inst. The entertainment will con sist of literary exercises, music, and a drama. Samuel Hagenbuch, for many years tho genial host of the Ornngcville Hotel, diod at his homo on Saturday evening, after a protracted illness. His remains were bur ied at Llghtstrcct on Wednesday. Ho leaves a widow, tlx sons,and three daugh ters to mourn his loss, A communication written in Dutch from Yacup Eiselbeiu is respectfully declined, lor tho reason that it takes up too much time of tho compositor to set such matter. Besides that, our dutch proof-reader is flick, and as wo aro a littlo rusty In that line we aro afraid to tuckle It. Tho District Institute at Benton will bo held Saturday, Feb. 21st, 1835. Dr. Wal ler and Prof. Noetllng from the Blooms, burg Normal and 'other Instructors will be present. All are.urged to attend, especial ly teachers uud school officers. "Dr. Walter will lecture In the evening on an education al subject. For seven years a Bucks county mechan ic mado a circuit of half a mllo twice per day rather than pass a powder house. The other day he learned that It had been empty for eight years, This Is u companion story to that of the man who wouud his clock up every day for live years, and then discovered that It was an eight-day clock. THE H, G. Eihlcman lias completed a con. tract for steam hent In the Montrose Hoiipo at Montrose, Servant Girl Wanted At O. A. ring's, East Street, Her. Tho town election was quiet, but very much mixed, there being all sorts of com. blnation tickets. The result appears else where. Fori Sale. A largo lot of good hemlock joint nnd lap shaved shingles. Also, n lot of part plno shaved and sawed, at tho lowest cash prices. Andrew Lauiucii & Son. Feb. I0-2m. An alarm of Ure nt tho residenco of 1. K, Miller on Fifth street brought out the Wi nnna nuu j-rieuusiiip noso carriages on Wednesday morning about 0 o'clock, hut their services were not needed as the fire was extinguished before their arrlvnl. Tho flames were discovered by Mrs. Miller In the cellar, and arc supposed to have como from a spark falling from a lamp used to thaw out a frozen water pipe. Our stock of stationery is so ticaily gone that wc shnll proceed In u few days to con vert our ptore room Into nn olllcc, whero we shall have plenty of room, nnd shall be glad to greet our friends from out of town, Mr. Elwcll proposes to devote most of his time to the practice of law, and Mr. Billciibendcr will give his undivided attcn tlon to tho paper. Every effort will be made to Improve the Coixmiuan, nnd we ak the hearty co.opcrntlon of our friends In our endeavors. A caucus was held last Saturday night at Evans' Hall for the purpose of nominat ing a town ticket to be voted for on Tues day. The following persons were named j President of Council, William Kobb ; Members of Council, Clinton Sterling, EH Jones, Frederick Schwlnn : Justice of tho Peace, Guy Jacoby , Constable, W. B. AI len ; Assessors, Thomas Webb, G. A. Her ring, Assistant Assessors, F. C. Ever, S. O. Shlve ; Judge East district, C. R. Ilou sel, west, W. W. Barrett j Inspectors, cast Albert Hcrblne, west, William Hhodomoy er. Communicated. Departed this life on Thursday morning, 12tli Inst., Maggie, daughter of Dr. Win. II. and Alllo House, nged 10 years. Mag. gle was one of the most Interesting and lovely children in this community. During the several weeks that she was suffering the most intense pains, no murmur csenp. cd her lips, nor was the least impatience shown. Once bIio said to ber mamma. mamma, won't it be nice when wo all get where there is no pain ?" Tho remark hav- ing been made "I hope, Maggie, you will soon bo out again," alio replied, "no, will not get well," and after a moment ad ded, ''it will be a long limo if I do," and then in answer to the Inquiry "do you love Jesus ?" she clasped her hands together ns if in prnyer, and said, with a smile, "yes. I do, and he loves me." A day or so before she died, she repeated a part of the twenty, third Psalm, "Yea, though I walk through tho valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil." Sweetly and calmly she passed away. Heaven has received no sweeter or purer spirit than hcr's. FuMIc Hale. T. J. Vanderslicc will sell at his resi dence on Main Street, his household and kitchen furniture, including beds, stoves, carpets, &c, on Friday, February 27th, at 1 o'clock, p. m. A Card. Idisrrcto hereby express my thanks to my Democratic friends of Blonmsbiirg who so kindly contributed towards repairs of damage dono by the accidental discharge of fireworks last November in the Cleve- and jubilee. The wagon has just been re paired, and is as good as ever, and I hope it will have occasion to join the parade in 1838. J. C. Tkacb. Hand ainttct'H. n appeal was made to the public by the Bloomsburg Band, through the medium of circulars, on election dny. As it shows the present condition ot the finances of tho band wc reprint the circular below as fal lows : The Bloomsburg Band takes this method of calling the attention of tho citizens nnd tax payers of Bloomsburg to tho statement glveu below as being tha sum necessary to pay-annual expenses of the Band. A part of this amount has been paid from year to year by proceeds of public entertainments given by the Band, the balance being con tributed from the private purses of the members individually. Various ways have been adopted to raise funds to pay current expenses by voluntary coutrlbutions, Jtc, but failed to fulfill the purpose, for the rea son that only n very small portion of tho amount subscribed being paid into the treasury of tho band. We now propose to ask assistance from the citizens in the way of an appropriation from the Town Treas ury, and In return for such appropriation the Bloomsburg Band arc willing to enter Into an agreement with the town authori ties to furnish the citizens music free of charge for all public demonstrations in tho Town of B oomsburg, (political meetings, &c, excepted.) To ascertain if a majority of tho citizens favor the plan It h proposed to put it to u popular vote at the annual town election, Feb. 17th, 1835. Tho state ment showing the amount necessary to pay annual expenses of the Band, aro viz i For Leader, $150.00 " Hall Kent, C5.00 " Light and Fuel, 15 00 " Music and Incidental Expenses, 25.00 Total $255.00 This does not include the wear and tear of instruments and uniforms If tho citi zens will appropriate $100.00 of this amount In quarterly payments the Band will raise and pay the balance, and furnish music free, as stated above. The amount asked for would average about 10 cents for each voter. Unless some such arrange ments can bo mado with thu citizens wo cannot guarantee that thu organization can bo maintained another season. Tho majo. rity of the membcr are too poor to give the amount usually contributed by them. Hoping you will give this matter duo consideration, nnd vote for an appro priation, we remain, Respectfully, Rixjomsbtbo Band. The proposition to get nn appropriation from the town treasury failed, ns only 100 votes were cast for tho appropriation. This failure, however, Is no loss to tho Band, as tho council would have no au. thorlty to mako an appropriation, oven though a majority of tho people voted for it. But tho action of tho bund shows that In a town the size of Bloomsburg, such an organization cannot bo maintained without outside assistance There are very few occasions during the year when tho band receives pay for Its services, and the amount thus earned Is not sufficient to pay current expenses. If the Bloomsburg Cor net Band is to bo maintained It Is evident that tome assistance, by subscription or otherwise must be rendered by the citi zens. David Winner offers himself at crier at vendues. Aprl COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, Court Proceedings, Court was held on Saturday pursuant to adjournment. Marlon Helchard vs. Charles Hclchard Judgment for tho plaintiff by agreement or the sum of f 159.05. Adam M. JohnBon, Obadlah Tocum nnd J. J. Campbell appointed vUwcrs of n roail In Franklin township near Andrew Lohr. man's. Salo ordered In tho matter of real estate of fliomap Wampole, deceased. Boyer vs. Fcttcrmaii. Opinion of Court filed. Joseph Rouch vs. M. S. F. & L. Assocl atlon. Opinion of Court filed. In ro cstato of Jacob M. Bclshllnc, Pe tition for salo and opinion of Court Hied. Estate of Joseph Snyder deceased. Po tlllnn filed. Estate Jacob Uaumer deceased. Audi tor's report confirmed nisi. Petition for citation to J. W. Conner filed. Andrew Crcll vs. N. & W. B. Hallway vo. I'etltlon for special jurv filed. Citato of Wm. J. Ikelcr deceased. Pe tition for tho sain of real est ito and bond filed. Augustus Blbby and wife v. C. S. Kelt- moycr and wife. Judgment against Charles 8. Reltmcyer one or llio tlcfcndanls amount to bo deter. mined by the Prothonotnry with slay of execution for three months. An argument court will bo held on Frl- day, March 20th, to commence atO o'clock. In tho matter of sale of Bcishllnc's. par- llal return mado by the Sheriff and the money, $451.02, pala Into Court. In ro estate or Nathaniel Creasy, n minor child, of Nathan Creasy, deceased. On do. tttlon of guardian private salo of real es tate ordered. John I'. Hnnnon nnd Christian Lelller appointed overseers of election for South Conyngham township. nciitou. On last Monday a week it snowed, hail- cd anil rained all day and night. On Tues day there was slush, and on Tuesday nigin anil Wednesday morning It was air o, how far that Is from zero we don't know. On ednesday a week n two year old little girl of J. F. Ashletnan's spilled n cup of hot coffee over its arm, severely scald Ing It. They applied Taylor's oil which gave Instant relief. It Is a notable fact that Taylor's oil lias no equal for Boothlng and licaling Bcalds nnd burns. No family should bo witiiout this valuable remedy. During the severely inclement weather scores of teams passed and repassed on their way to and from Shlckshlnny haul' Ing tho black diamonds. The exhibition nt the Forks School houso last Friday night was enjoyed by tho largo audience. Tho Pino Grove nnd Forks Bchools united In the exercises. Of course tho children llko to be praised, nnd they did nonly and their very best. a ruzzLE. I am composed of 12 letters. My 7, 4, 0 is a toy. My 3, 2, 11 is a cooking utensil. My 7, 10, 0 Is a useful Chinese shrub. My 5, 0, 1 Is worn by a person. My 12, 8, 7 is to permit My whole is a mountain. cutawlHHa, Tho drama for tho benefit of the Public School library netted $77.75. The editor of the Catawlssa News Ikm is the happy man It Is n boy. He will call It Grover Cleveland. Valentine Day has just passed us, with its usual amount of low, vulgar and ob sceac daubs, and who can tell the amount of personal enmity nnd spite that has given vent to itself in this way. And yet wo claim to be Christians. Can not there bo something done with a certain class of would-be young gentlemen ana boys In this town ? A few years ago it was said that it was little better than a lawless mob. If so then, what Is it now ? What can be done to prevent it? Somo say, Incorporate. But will that help us to a better state of things, If so, let us have It at once. Wo heard It stated last week that the legislature is to givo us a special law. It that 1 tho case, wo will not get ono yet for awhile, at tho rate they pass laws. Mr. J. 11. Shuman has his new double house about ready for occupancy. Why Is it that when we wish to have work done we must send to other places to get men, when wo have just as good me. chanlcs at home. But it seems such Is thu case, and yet you hear thoso very parties say "palronizo your own town." Just so, but then what is the use of so many pre- tensions to light and so littlo doing right. Mr, Thomas E. Harder's benefit hop has been postponed to March 23. Dr. J. H. Vnstlno proposes erecting sev. eral dwellings In tho near future. Hon. F. L. Shuman has n few more houses In process of erection. Mr. Walter Billman is the contractor, and wo under stand that he has several more contracted for to he erected in tho Spring. Walter is good workman. Grant, oldest son of Mr, Nathan Knapp, Is seriously ill of consumption. Mr. G. L. Kostcnlmuder, our enterprls. ng clothier, has been sick the last week, but Is now convalescent. on the Penn'a. R. R. last Batur. day. Very cold last week, but 1 supposo that it is not as cold as the wave which will strike Washington City about tho 4th of March, when somo of our thieving officials will feel the chills. We wero informed last week that Dr. J. L, Bauer has some Idea of returning to Catawlssa in the Spring. There is to be a sectional County InstU tuto to be. held here somo time the begin, nlng of next mouth. Mrs. John Dent ot Shamokln, who Is staying with her mother, Mrs. Frederick, has presented to hor husband, a boy. They are doing finely, Tho Luther Union meets on Thursday a week. A rich intellectual feast Is being prepared for all. Come and ussist in the good work, A child of Mrs. Baum'a was burled last week. Tho new M. E. chuich was dedicated Sunday, and they at oico began a pro. tructcd mectlug. There is no other town ot its sizo that can boast of Its churches better than Catawlssa, and all erected within the last few years. The place Is growing rapidly, and In a few years will I .... I I.. I .. ! I . I . I wuiiaiu iiiTuiAui in aitu whii any town In the county, Mr, W. G, Yetter has bceu promoted to the position of Division Engiucer over tho tho Tmcon, S. S. & I(. and Catawlssa R. It., with office at Catawlssa. Tho railroads are drifted with buow up tho mountain, so as to make passenger and other traffic very unpleasant. Tho mother of our townsman, W. II. Perry, was burled at Moorsburg, on Mon. day. There was a lot of train hands suspend ed last week for leaving a part ot the train. Mimui. Wo had our share of the storm on Mori day and wind on Tuesday. Our roads weie partly blockaded. Will. Hess and sister of HubIicsvIIIo vlf. Itcd friends In town on Saturday. Tho boya of Hcllcrvlllo nro trying to start a band. Work In tho coal mine wns suspended on Monday on account of the severe weather, If tho faco Is the Index of the mind as has often been sntd then there must havo been a great variety of valentines received on Saturday, Llzzio Ynho ot Catawlssa spent Sunday with her parents at Hetlcrvllle. Another wedding in town next week. It Is rumored that two more aro to tako placo before the coming spring. Its n good thing Lenp Year doesn't como otlener. Sam. Hctlcr has quit selling ngrtculturnl Implements and has hired to Thos. Rlckcrt nnd will sling hais next summer. Mis. O. W. Welsh, Misses Mini and Ml randa Schweppcnhclscr nnd Annie Steely paid their Ncscopcck relatives n visit last week, Perhaps never In the history of tho ngc hnve hawkers nnd peddlers been as num erous In these parts as they havo tho past threo weeks. It Is said a Mr. Underwood of St. Louis, Missouri, has tho contract for carrying the mail from Hetlcrvllle to Mlllllnvllle. Answer to puzzle In last Issue, Chrlsto- flier Columbus. Tlic I'luctlnii In Town. The following Is the vote cast on Tuesday for local offices. Thoic marked with a star arc elected. rRESIDBNT Or COUNCIL. West. East. total. Hnpert 187 168 35.1 nabb 100 in ni Mostcller. 5 9 Millard 3 a HSMBEK4. Sterling 519 1051,' S3tlf Sterner, J. C. 191 5Sl tan Jones, Ell 72 157,1,' ml SChwIn 91 S9SX 392V iloyer 323 807 530 Hagenbuch jioj; 231 5Mf Sharpless 503 KO ltosenstock 175 401 573 digger e 0 SCHOOL DIRECTOR.. '..wall Si? 173 400 Wltn 185 90 S70 Kramer 100 in 319 Jones M 313 ssi CONSTABLES. Woodward 310 352 wi Allen ssi m Mi Winner 17 3 30 ltupert 1 1 JC8TICI. Rupert 162 151 sm JftCOby 181 57 C33 lirower 1 1 ABHBSS0RB. Herring lis 209 327 Wbb 93 100 S93 LUtZ S57 101 413 Orotz 100 117 e-vj Moan 3 j ABSlSrAKT ASSESSORS. Eyer, Y. C. 805 SOtl 311 BhlTO 10S 187 39 Sloan. 373 191 103 Webb 4 4 Jl'DUE or KLKCTI0N. Barrett. 145 Klaker 130 Everett 1 H0U3A1 31 Cbaaiberlln w IHsriCTORS. Ithodomorer Hi Olrton 4 Everett 181 Herblne S33 Delttenck 74 There were 101 votes for a band appro priation In the west district und 0 In the east. Ccntralla. Among the aspirants for tho Mine In spectorship In tho Potlsville and Shenan doah districts, we noticed the names ot two citizens of town, namely, Arthur E. Jones and Isaac Jones. The examinations were conducted In I'ottsvillc last week, but it Is not yet known who the fortunate ones arc. Both tho abovo named gentle men nre thoroughly versed in mining mat ters, and would perform the duties of In spector in a creditable manner if appointed. James Brennan of I'ottsvillc, was mar ried to Miss Kale Mclntvro of town, last week. They will reside In Poltsvillc. The revival meetings in progress in tho Methodist church aro very well attended, notwithstanding the Inclement weather. Thu Logan and Ccntralla collieries start ed to work full time on Wednesday of Inst week. Thomas Mumford, of the Valley depot, spent Thursday in Mauch Chunk. The water pipes of tho Locust Mountain Water Company were frozen up last week, necessitating the use ot mluu water at the collieries until connections could be muue with the Centrulia borough main. Sunt. Reest. siuco his return from tho Slato capitol, has a pleasant smile. Evi dently the $102,000 appropriation asked for by the committee of the Miners' Hos pital trustees, was favorably rtcelvi'd. The rope In tho lower slope at Morris Ridge bioko lust Thursday, without caus ing any great damage. Michael Farrel of Dark Corner, buried an interesting child on Saturday lust. All the collieries in this section wcio forced to suspend operations on Monday, on account of the severity ot tho weather. Whilo walking along Locust Avenue one day last week, Mrs. Rowan fell on tho Ice, breaking an arm, and receiving an ugly gash on the head. This plainly shows the condition of our sidewalks. Richard Jones, who left town several years ago, for tho West, returned on Sutur. day. Ills nccounts of tho fur West nro anything but encouraging. W. O. Troutman, tho gentlemanly book. keeper In the Mammoth store, was on tho sick list last week. All the trains coming Into town wero de layed several hours by tho storm, on Mon- day. Tho following is the citizens' ticket, nominated on Saturday evening 1 Chief Burgess, Andrew Lenahani High Consta ble, Joseph Barrett 1 Council, O. G, Mur. phy and Georgo Troutman 1 School Dlrec tors, Edward Williams and J. M, RHey. As there Is littlo or no opposition, tho above ticket will be elected, Ben. Mllllngton, twin brother of J, T. Milllngton, was In town last week, Ben, lias been a student In a medical college In Maine, tho ptst few years. According to the Ashland Jlecoril tho borough ot Ccntralln contains but ono dug. Editor Barron has never passed through eur borough, or ho would never publish tha above. Now that wo have an abundance of tho beautiful snow, wo would not object to being one ot a sleighing party, PxiisOMAu. Miss Horan of Mahunoy City, Miss Williams and Miss Evans of Tamaqua, T. 8. McNalr of Huzleton, John Boddol of Erlo and M. E. Moore ot Ash. land, wero visiting In town tho past week. MUs Llzzio Learn Is visiting In Now York. BLOOMSBURG, JcrHcytown, Last week the wind blowcth, tho bliz zard cometh, tho thermometer goeth below zero, and many n ono fccleth his ears, nnd ohscrvelh, It wns h littlo cold, yea, verily. Quito n number of people nttended tho meeting at Derry, Rev, Mr, Murr wns In town during tho week of his meeting. Mr. Andrews of Danville was In town last week with new sleighs. Miss Beers of Bloomsburg, nnd a Miss Beers of Llghtstrcct were visiting at Dr. Swlsher'e. MUj Cora Lee wns homo from school last week, Eycr Allen of Mlllvlllc was In town, Sun. day. Georgo Wagner had 11 venduo lust Wed nesday nnd disposed of his property. Mr. Wngncr Intends going to Kansas whero lie expects to make Ids future home. LaRt Saturday n number of persons, In nil about sixty, assembled at the home of m. Shultz. It was tho occasion ot his birthday, and a party was gotten up by his children to celebrate that event In au ap propriate nnd pleasing way. Mr. Shultz received a number ot nlco nnd valuable presents among which was n fine Jersey cow. Friday evening ns Mr. nnd .Mrs. C. Krca- mer were returning from Bloomsburg, tho sleigh was overturned nnd the occupants wero Hit own out. Mrs. Krcsmcr, webc believe, wns not hurt, but Mr. Krcamer sustained n somewhat sciious Injury of the shoulder. Last Sunday Kev. Hughes after the ser- vices were concluded, was presented with a handsome scurf which n number of the members of his congregation hnd gotten for him. The scarf was presented, by D. A. Shultz with a few fitting words, stating that it was 11 token of the high esteem In which he was regarded by the members for his valunblo services. Mr. Hughes re sponded In 11 few brief, npproprlato re- maiks. On Saturday Jacob McCollum nt tho ad vanced age of eighty-four, passed away from these scenes of activity and strife. .Mr. McCollum hud lived for 11 number of yearR with his daughter, Mrs. M. A. Wat sin. Ho was .1 person who favorably im pressed nil with whom he came in contact being a kind, generous and upright man, a good and obliging neighbor, and a stanch democrat. Although Mr. McCollum had been very feeble for a long time, yet at the election lust Nov. ho went to the poles and cast his ballot for Cleveland nnd Hend ricks. On Tuesday his remains were fol lowed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends to their last resting place in the Derry cemetery. Mks Mamie Sheep solved the puzzle lu the Benton Items of two weeks ago, und got for the answer Georgo Washington. Answer to last week's puzzle Christopher Columbus. Mis9 Sheep offrrs tho following puzzles: No. 1. I am composed of 17 letters. My 10, 11, 5, 3, 14 is a favorite nnme. My 15, 7, 0, 12 Is a city In S. A. My 1, 2, 12, 8 Is a vegetable. My 4, 0, 17, 13, 10, 2 is .1 girl'.j name. My wholo is the namo of a philosopher. No. 2. 1 11111 composed of 18 letters. My 4, II, 10, 17, 18 i3 what many persons deslro to be. My 1, 13, 3, 12, 8 is a fruit. My 5, 8, 0, 11, 13 is n sea. My 15, 10, 17 s what we nil do. My whole is a verso in the Bible. L. Y. IlecclM Kccorded. Michael I). Rcmlcy and wife to Albert W. Seybeit, Orange. Albert W. Scybert and wifo to Michael D. Rcmlcy, Berwick. Ellas Diety and wife to Mutbius Fritz, Sugailoaf. James Long and wife et. a', to Andrew Hensiuger, Beaver. O. B. Millard nnd wife to Adam K. Menscb, Ccntralla. A, W..Kiinmcr to Lewis Fetzcr, Con yngham. Catharine Bitter, administrator ct. al. to Jacob 11. Creasy, Catawlssa. Locust .Mt. Coal & Iron Co., to Miles MrNully, Centrulla. Bridget -McNully to Sarah Walsh, Cen triilla. William MoKelvy, ct. id. to William Mc Kelvy, ct. al., Montour. William Neal and wife to Clinton W. Ncul, et. al., Montour. James Quick and wife to Hugh D. Qutck, Montour. Win. Neal and wife et. al. to Harriet Neyhurt, Montour. A. M. Johnson, treasurer to Abraham Slruusscr, Cat.iwlssu. Abraham Struusaer nnd wife to Wm. W. Prry, Catawlssa. Franklin L. Shumnn to .Mary Fortner, Catawlssa. Moses Schllcher and wife to Joslah Fuller, Beaver. Joseph Mo9tc1ler and wife to J. B. Nuss, Milllin. John P. lle8 and wifu to Henry Car ruthers, Jackson. John McHeury and wife to Edward J. Sones, Jackson. Philip O. Derr and wife, et. al. to De borah Murphy, Madison. Isnuc Culp and wife toJohnCulp, Mt. Pleasant. John Culp and wife to Hester L. Shaffer, Mt. Pleasant. Locust Mt. Coal & Iron Co., to Hugh Conway, Ccntralla. Samuel II. Hagenbuch and wife to Al plienns M, Dewltt, Orunge. Solomon Straus9cr, executor to Martin L. Raup, Locust. Thomas Mcllrldo and wife to B. F. Red line, Greenwood. William Eckroto to Hannah Smith, Mif flin. J. H, Crevellng and wife to Andrew Crcvellug, Scott. Charles I. WIdger nnd wife to P. A. Nou guirt, Briurcreek, Georgo Beaver and wifo to Georgo W. Billman, Conyngham, O. M. Vunderillce, executor et. al. to William Leldy, Hemlock. , Andrew Fowler and wife to O, D, Fow. ler, Berwick. W. 8. lllmwn und wife to David Hoi. llnshcad, Catuwlssu. William N. Henstnger, administrator to J. M. Wenner, Fishlngcrcek. Walter Scott nnd wife to Isaac H. Sees, lioltz, CutuwUsu. Henry Ilollinshcud, executor ct. al. to Sarah (J. Seesholtz, CatawUia. C, B. Seesholtz nnd wife to Isaac H, Seesholtz, Catawlssa. Benjamin Hall and wifu et. ul, to Joseph Fry, Cutawlssa. Benjamin Hull ami wifo ct. al, to Mar tha P. Seesholtz. Lloyd p. Applemau, et, nl, to Mary C. Unungot, Bloomsburg. A. Z. Schoch, ut, al. to Lloyd P. Applo. man, Bloomsburg, L. B. Applemau ct. nl. to B. Margaret Bcuoch, Bloomsburg. L. P, Applemau, et. al, to Anna Waller, Bloomsburg, Reuben Fuhilnger and wife tu Daniel Btlue, Lociut, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Si - lis; a a g 03 u S " tu 4) - P SA " 2 H&3e taw (JO Charles Btlne nnd wife to Daniel Btlne, Locust. Daniel Lelby nnd wife to Daniel Stint, Locust. Jacob II. Stlno und w lfe tu Daniel Stlne, Locust. John Perry anil wife ct. al. to George Shcapcrt, Ronnngcreck. William Savldgo nnd wifo to Hannah Young, Madlion. Henry M. Evans and wifo to Jarcd 11. Bclford, Briarcrcck. Jarcd II. Bclford nnd wife to Henry M. Evans, Briarcrcck. John E. Ricllcy and wife to Mnry Cur ley, Ccntralla. Eliza Bredbenner to Catharine, Fry, Ben ver. Columbia county M. I. F. & L. Associa tion to Rosalinda Kiniey, Scott. Charles M. ('reveling to Rosalinda Kin. Icy, Scott. Miles Martccney and wife to John 11. Lorknrd, Berwick. John Mourcy, Sheriff to William Shaffer, Centre. C. C. Trench and wife to Goorgo E. Grimes, Scott. Georgo E. Grimes and wife to Emma D. Ranck, Scott. Robert Buckingham, administrator to John Walter, Montour. Michael Whitmoyer and wife to L. S. Winterstccn, Bloomsburg. Jacob B. Bomboy to L. S. Winterstccn, BloomsDiirg. U. H. Ent, Sheriff to Elizabeth Monroe, Catawlssa. Samuel Knorr and wifo to Lloyd B. Knorr, Briarcrcck. Adam H. Kcstcr, et. ux. to Bevllla Knorr Briarcrcck. John Kisncr and wife to Bcvilia Knorr, Brlarcreck, John L. Hosier und wife to Charles J. Hosier, Briarcrcck. L. P, Appleman, et. nl. to thi town of Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Pa. I.llClitHlrcct. The ladles of our town have taken a step in the right direction by way of a petition 1 to the law making power ot Pcnna., ask-1 ing that a law be passed causing the teach ing of physiology, hygiene and temperance In our common schools. 1 On Tuesday night, Feb. 10th, Messrs. House and Crevellng of Mill Grove drovo to town to church. After tying their horse, wishing to make him comfortable, they used both robe und blanket as a cov ering, but some one was kind enough to divest him of his covering. It went from ' the horac to tho road us one of our towns men was coming up street and picked the blanket up out of the road, but tho robo Is still missing, upon which a reward will bo given. Mr. Will. McDowell, teacher of Light Street school, No. 1, met with a serlo3 ac cident on about the Ctb Inst., slipping and falling down the steps, from the effects of which he has been laid up during the past week. Tho Bloomsburg Paper Company havo had quite a time in regard to slack water causing extra work on their dam durinz the recent moderate weather. Tlnk seems to be doing well with his shop of stoves and tinware, considering the Into start up that be took last fall. All persons wishing goods In his line will llnd him obliging und ever ready to sell. Mrs. Clem Ilarmau at the Cross Roads farm who lias been sick for some lime past Ih Btill suffering from that much dreaded disease, consumption. Farmer Zclglcr now sports a tine teom. They arc long-cared of course. What was once a Bcaro iu Bloomsburg lias now put in its appearance here by tho way of a cloak man during tho protracted meeting, but we seem to think that he will not carry on his pranks hero as long ss ho did iu the former place, until he gets a warm reception. j On Saturday evening n party consisting of the following, viz 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hip- penstccl, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Relchart, Mr. and Mrs. Rodor, Sir. and Mrs. E. D. Hagen buch, Mr. and Mrs. A. Crevellng, 8r., Mr. and Mrs. Young, Sir. and Mrs. B. F. 1 Rclgbnrd, Mr. and Mrs. Kelm, Sir. and 1 Sirs. Petitt, .Mrs. Hutchison, Sir. and Mrs. I Pugh, nnd daughter, Sir. and Sirs. Heck ' and family, A. F, Terwllllger and family took possession of the homo ot Sir. and Sirs. Isaac Relchart whilst Sirs, Relchart was calling on her near neighbor, and gavo her quite a surprise, It being In hon or of her birthday. Tho next tblng In order, as is tho custom, was to devour the good things, to which, we think, we did amplo Justice. J. SI. C. Knock, who has been confined to his homo during tho past two weeks is now able to be out again. ( GENERAL NEWS. Dr. Damrosch, the celebrated musician, died In New York on Sunday, Slajor-General W. S, Hancock was 61 years old on tho 14th. A 110,000 Are at Slahanoy City last Sat urday night, 200 Bhccp and 60 lings were killed by the wreck of u freight train on tho Pennsylva nia road near Huntingdon, ou Sunday, F. A. Drcxcl, ono of the richest men In Philadelphia, died suddenly on Sunday of tcrnoon. He wus ono ot the great bank. Ing firm of DrexlU & Co. ACcutralln dispatch says that Reubeu Ball a miner, was killed while working in 11 breast at Ccntralla colliery by a fall of coal. Tho town of Altu, Utah, was nearly wiped out by au avalanche on the 13th, It had been snowing for a week, and the tuow was 13 feet deep ou tho level, Slost of tho houses wero deserted for tho winter, but a boarding house was swept away and twenty-elgbt people burled, "2 i lt ?2 .0. Co a 3 O 43 a & 86 K 8 - !5 B"g Hg O "it S 0 IA 5 S3 la 3 5 s.s 12 - 31 6 a - M 8 UCI J; - bCI O r 1 0 " 05 9h OO Look I lUlk OIFIE-A. HOUSE T'W (8 SI? I& IS ? Ih now offering his large Stock of Heating Stoves and Ranges AX COST. Please call and examine Stock Before Buying Elsewhere UCe- The largest stock on one iloor in the County. Buck-Thorn fence EffoaMve. Stfa and Strong. Cast to build. Simple to repair. Any bright "Write fee Sample, and circular. Jan 31 4wl A fatal boiler explosion occurred at North Slahanoy colliery about eleven o'c'ock Saturday night. There were 12 boilers in tho house. Joseph Lloyd, lire man, nnd James Swank, helper, were both killed. Jho Glcndower Iron works at Danvlllo started up last week, employing 150 men, who have been idle siuco last summer. The property 1ms bceu purchased by tho Dan ville furnace company, owned by Creve llng, Miles Si Marin, ot Danville ; Whitmcr, of Sunbury, and HeynohK cf Wilkes barrc. Auntie Wllmnrc, 11s she was familiarly called, or Nancy Cass Wllmore, ns her real name is (aid to have been, died in Wil mington, Del., Inst week, at tho age of 110 years. She wus undoubtedly the oldest person In that state, if not in the United StBtes. Her early history was not clear to her until on her death bed, when her wholo life seemed to pass In review before her, and a person who wns present wrote down her history as shn related It. Experiments made on the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad have demonstrated the possibility of maintain ing telegraphic communications with mov ing trains. The principle upon which It is done Is that of a wlro electrically charged, which affects another wire similarly charg cd when brought In cloc proximity. Tho plan is to lay a wire between thu trucks and the moving train to curry another wlro below the car axles and within a foot or less of tho ground wire, Whether the new plan will come Into gencinl use Is some what doubtful on the score of economy, ns It will require un operator on eacli train In addition to those ulready required nt tho stations. The success of the experiment, however, shows thnt thero ure practically uo limits to the possibilities of the tele, graphic Invention. MARRIAGES. HARTSIAN KNOUSE. At tho resi dence of William Hippenstecl, Centre townBhlp, Feb. Oth 1885, by Rev. J. V, Bo dine, Sir. Freas L. Hartman nnd SIIss Em ma Knouso both of Benton nnd nil of Col. Co,, Pa. HAGENBUCH, Near Orangevlllo 011 the 12th Inet., Hiram Clark Hagenbuch, aged 8 years, U months and 0 days. HARBISON. Near Jonestown, on tho 13th Inst., Mrs. Jano Harrison, aged 72 years and 8 months. LOCAL NOTICES. For tho next 60 days I will make line cabinet photos at $3.00 per dozen. Llcht- nlnir nrnceHB. Ontnk ne wlnl- A f.,11 linn 01 iramcs on liauil. SU'lviLuv. Jan 10-3 mos BUSINESS NOTICES. I was afllicted with kidney disease, nnd suffered Intensely, I was Induced to try Hunt's flflllnpv 11ml I.lvr1 ll,.mn,l ,,.l before 1 hud used two bottles I was entire- iv cureii. uiclimonil tlenslmw, Provi dence, R, I, The use of Iodoform or Sbrcurlals In the treatment ot cumuli whether In thu form of suppositories or olutuients should bo avoided, as they aro both Injurious uud uaugcruus, iouoiorni is easily iltlccteil liy its offenklve odor. The onlv reliable, m. tarrh remedy on the market to-day is Ely's Cream Balm, being free from nil poisonous drugs. It has cured thausuuds of chroulo and acute cases, where nil other remedies havo failed. A partlclo Is applied Into each nostril 1 no palu j uggrcvablo tu use. Price titty cents; of druggUtt. Feb. 30th.lw d 4 it o o s 1 3 a Erf". 8 . 3 set 5? MS it .s g MM tu f o 13 C7 CO 3 CO S-.-h 8 J 5 X o o r -l 71 t; ci 5 K3 1 1 Look ! ! I Solid Bteol. Small Barbs. TTo Wire. BEST IN TUB WOULD. Handsome, Lasting and Cheap, farmer! boy or imart farm hand can bote the job. The Buck-Thorn Fence Co., Trenton, N. J. AN OFP YEAR. This Is going to bo an off year. No poll tlcnl booms for "Plumed Knights" or "Re. form" will help keep up tho health and strength ot mc vast muitiiuues wnose until Is pinned on the glowing party promises of election year. Multitudes of such will need a reliable tonic to tone up the system, n purifier to work off tho bad blood, and u suro remedy lor iiimo uacK rueiimaiism, biliousness, etc. Such a remedy Is Kidney Wort, It has lone stood at thu head ot the list of kidney remedies, and It receives the highest praiso from all that lisc it. When baby wns sick, wo gave her CAS TORIA, When she wns n child, she cried for ('ASTORIA, When sho became SIIss, she clung CASTORIA, When she bad Children, she gave them CASTORIA. The powerful curatlvo properties of a Hop Plaster arc irresistible when applied to Backache, Swollen Joints and Muscles, Sciatica. Pleurisy , riharp Pains, or any sort of soreness. Tho best and strongest porous plnster inane. A trial win demon strate It. 25c. "ltouau ON OOUUI13." At,k for "Rounh on Couchs." forcouehs. colds, sore throat, hoarseness. Troches, loc. Liquid, 20c. "r.ocon ON HATS." CUura nut rats, mice, roaches, Hies, autr, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c, Druggists. HEART TAINS. Palpitation, dropsical, dizziness, indiges tion, headache, sleeplessness cured by "Wells' Health Renewcr," "ncriw on ooi'.su." Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns; 1 6c Quick, complete cure. Hard orsoft cor ns warts, bunions. "norait on i-ain" i-okouskd i-laster ; Strengthening, Improved, tho best for backache, pains in chest or sldo rheuma tism, neuralgia. thin "Wells' Health Rcnewer" restores health anil vigor, cures dyspepsia headache, ner vousness, debility. $1. wilooriNH oornit and the many throat affections ot children, promptly, pleasantly and sufely relieved by "Rough 01. Coughs" troches, 15c. balsam. 25c. If you nre fulllnc, broken, worn out and nervous, :rvous, uso "Wells Health Rene tiewtr." $1. Druggists. Ull riCESERVElt. If you nre losing your grip on life, try "Wells' Health Renewcr." (Iocs direct to weak spots. "KOUQII ON TOOTUACUK." Instant relief for ueurulglu, toothache, Inccache. Ask for "Rough on Toothache.' 15 and 25 cents. I'llKTTV WOMEN. Ladies who would retalu freshness and vivacity. Don't fnll to try "Wells' Health Renewcr." IMTARIiUAl. TIUIOAT AmOTIOKg, Hacking, irritating coughs, colds, sore throat, cured by "Rough on Coughs." Troches, 10c. Liquid 25c. "r.ocait ON ITCH." "Hough 011 Itch" cures humurs, crup. tlons, ring-worm, tetter, salt iheum, Irosl ed feet, cliillhlalns. thi: iioru or hie nation. Children slow in development, Puny, Bcruwney, und, uso "Wells Health Rcnewer," UIDK AWAKK three or four hours every night coughing. Get immediate relief und sound rest by usliirf Wells' "Rough on Coughs." Troches, 15, : Balsam, 25c, -ItorOlt 0 I'AIN'' ronortSEU I-LASTIK rjtrengthciilng, Improved, tho beBt for backache, pains In chest or side, rhuuiua. tism, neuralgia.