The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 20, 1885, Image 2

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    ' The Columbian.
0. E. Elwell, I iif...
J. K. BlttanbWer.J E41ts'
Tho bill to put Gen. Grant on llioro
tired list ot tho nrmv failed in tho
House on Monday.
Mti. uniiiey, wno sunt uossa, was
arraigned in n, Now York court on
Monday, mid hold in 83,000 bail for
her appearance before the grand jury,
The contested election caso in the
Prothonotaryship of Lackawanna coun
ty lias just been decided, after two
thirds of the term has expired. Mo
Donottgli, democrat, and Dale, Ilcpttli
lican, wcro competitors in 18S2 and the
lormer was returned elected by 104
majority. Dalo contested, and Sum
mors who was elected in 1879 held
over, wicr mucn litigation it was de
cided in favor of Dalo.
Mr. Cleveland's Model Secretary,
f Vomlif sr. ioul Qlate-bemocra (.
Tho President-elect is fortunate in
having a privato secretary who knows
how to talk iluontly and agreeably
without giving anything away. Col.
ljamont nas a talent in that respect
which entitles him to bo regarded by
bis employer as a boon of tho first
magnitude. We do not know of an
other man in public life, in fact, with
tho possible exception of a fow mem
bers of Congress prono to mako speech
cs on finance, who can grant his mouth
full swing and yet impart bo littlo in
formation; and it is very clear that
Democratic politicians who think of
getting pointers from him concerning
omces and tho liko might as well listen
to the winds that fan their familiar and
obdurato cheeks.
Washington, Fcb'y. 17, 1885
Congress for tho past week has been
tho football of obstructive, dilatory and
mischievous cranks. Appropriation
bills and other important if not indis
pensable legislation have been delayed
and an extra Bession seems very proba
ble. Well, who cares T Let an extra
Bession bo called. A member of Coo
gres is paid $5000 a year aud whether
no legislates in Washington or vege
tates in his rural home, he draws his
' pay all tho same. We pay Congress
w mane laws, it is desperately dtiU
cult to keep them down to their work,
They are wretched shirks; they seldom
pull together oxcept on a motion to ad
journ, but since they are paid so much
per year let their alleged work be con
tinuous throughout the year. It would
bo better to pay them by tho day and
only wbon ther are in their seats.
When a member fails to answer to his
name on roll call dock hu wages. If
he is tardy, require him to bring a
written exouso from his wife. ,If these
wholesome rules were enforced there
would be less absenteeism, less skip
ping arontid the oorner, less solitary
ana iniormai adjournment to tho res
Uurants in the basement of the Capi
tol. Tho fact is, that tho people are
iuu easy anu lenient wnn Itiosu wno,
wiin vaunting hypocney, call them
selves "publio servants. These depu
tized legislative employes, to speak it
mildly, aro many of them bummers and
loafers, interesttd, chiefly in their pri
vate ambitions and pleasures, and lit
terly indifferent to, or ignorant of, tho
needs of the great interests which
they are sent to represent. Congresn
is not up with tho times. It is not at
all progressive. So far as I know par
liaraontary methods and procedure are
not much better now than when Rome
was a Hepubho 2000 years ago. A
plan has been devised to call the roll
by electricity, and thus register instan
taneously the vote of overy member,
but the old and tedious plan of calling
the ayes and nays is still followed, con
suming a great portion of the session.
An extra session will probably bo
called early in April. It is said that
tho democrats desire to avoid an extra
session on political grounds, but appro
hensions aro perhaps exaggerated, and
it is time legislators should rise above
mero party expediency and do their
duty without fear. In tho end this
would prove to bo the broadest and
highest expediency.
It will be remembered that eight
years ago tho petty Michigan accident
who coupled the Vice President's seat
in the Senate, assumed that he was tho
proper person to declare who was Pres
ident of the United States. Worked
by Zach Chandler, John Sherman,
Morton, and other desperate conspira
tors; this piippet had much to do in
making tho deplorable makeshift of tho
electoral commission possible. I will
mention that his namo was Ferry, for
perhaps tho reader has forgotten his
name, as has tho world his existence".
Senator Edmunds, tbo present Vice
President's recent much discussed an
nouncement of tho "appearanco" of tho
returns is a political denial of tho au
thority claimed by all republicans, Mr.
Edmunds among them, then in 1870
Mr. Edmunds was ready, by any means,
as he afterward showed, when a mem
ber of the court which mado Hayes
President, to porpctuato tho rule of his
party. This man is a profound and
able lawyer, but he is as conscience
less and as cunning ni James. G.
It looks now as If Mr. Thurman will
bo s member of tho Cabinet of Presi
dent Cleveland. Ho is earnestly urg.
ed by influential democrats throughout
tho country. Senator Pendleton does
not want a Cabinet portfolio, but asks
that Mr. Thurman may bo appointed.
The objection has been mado that ho is
too old. but ho is younger than Glad
ntone, Bismarck or Moltko.
Ho is tho ablest among the able. No
man is better equipped for tho portfo.
lios of State, I'inance, Justice or the
Interior. It is nt. disparagement of
otners to Bay that ho is tho most pro
found lawyer that has beep in publio
llfo since tho war : ho is thoroughly
posted In homo and foreign questions.
wiiiio a member oi tue benato ho ex
ercised without arrogance, and through
a voluntary recognition of his superior
ity, the functions of leader and coun
selor to tho democratic side. There
wcro able democratic Senators around
him. There were Lamar, Hook, V st,
McDonald, Pendleton, Voorheos, Hill,
Morgan and others who might have
led, had they uot with one accord
trusted to tho learning, tho wisdom,
eloquence and tho patriotism of "tho
grand old man."
Southern Sentiment.
Tho following letter was received
by n gentleman of this county froin a'
lricnd at I'ctcrsburg, n, shortly t
tcr tho election last fall, and ns
clearly shows tho patriotic spirityof
souuicrn democrats, mm contradicts
tho allegations of tho opposition, wo
give it a plnco here. Tho writer savs
'Although my health is grown so
wretched that I cannot oven atUnd to
the various matters that prossingly
claim my attention, I must take n Tit
tle timo nnd mako a littlo effort to ex
change felicitations with you upon tlm
recent great victory, which our "grand
old party," nftcr years of strenuous,
though aborlivo exertions, and, after
many glorious battles, though result
itig in disastrous defeats, liavo at last,
achieved. Wo havo "8111111011 tho Plums'-
tines, hip nnd thigh'' wo have "beaten
tho enemy down to tho ground" never
10 siaim ngam upon ineir legs, 1 irust.
Wo have rescued tli Government from
the piratical plunderers, which were In
an evil hour, permitted to soizo upon
11, oniy to ndyanco tho private inter
ests of its various ofllccrs, and havo re.
stored it to tho party to which it can
only properly nnd safely bo confided,
tho party which comprchcfids its the
ory, which respects its constitutional
limitations throughout nnd will drive it
back into and keop it confined within
thems which does not ally itself with
monopolists in their strtigglo with tho
masses, or sympathize with capital 111
its oppression of labor ; which will not
pamper particular industries nt tho ex.
ponse of others by taxing the many
for tho enhanced prosperity of the
comparatively few j which does not
consider that tho states have forfeited
alj of their reserved rights, because a
minority recently attempted to assert
oy iorco ot arms tho oxcrciso ot one,
which was questioned oven by those
wno strovo to mako it good; which ig.
nores geographical distinctions, and
recognizes tho co-equality of sister
States; which in a word, favors tho ad
ministration of national affairs upon
tno jetiersonian rather than tho Ham
iltonian principles; upon tho sound old
democratic anto-bellum methods, which
advanced tho country in all of its di
versified interests, to that high degree
of prosperity which it was enjoying
when the deplorable war broke out, a
war undertaken most unwisely nnd
wickedly to avert a danger imagined
to bo menaced by tho possession of tho
Government by a strictly sectional
party. Thero is no reason to apprehend
that our party, in tho long lapse of
time during which it has been exclud
ed from power has abjured any of its
doctrines, or unlearnt any of its les
sons. Tho great sages who havo il
lustrated its history and exemplified
its beneficent principles havo left their
memories to their followers, and wo
still havo our Randalls, our Bayards,
our Tildcns, our Seymours, our Tuck
ers, our Laniars, and a host of kin
dred spirits, to follow in the nath
which they glorified with their patri
otic footsteps, and to carry on tho
great work to which they devoted a
lifctimo of noblo endeavors.
There need be no dread that tho
South will embarass tho party in tho
administration of the Government by
any iniemperato deportment. We ful
ly understand and adequately appreci
ate tho delicacy and responsibility of
our position. Wo are awaro that we
aro watched by tho defeated conspira
tors, with a lynx-eyed eagerness, in
the forlorn hope that by our foolish
misconducts we may damage our par
ty and give them a little capital for
another campaign ; for at present they
aro utterly bankrupt of available is
sues,'' and nothing but howls of "rebel
insolence," "rebel yells," "rebel de
signs," and such sickening stuff, of
which tho country has had much more
than enough can help them. Wo shall
not seek to control the Government, or
take any active part, even in conduct
ing its operations. Wo feel thoimnru-
dence as well as tho indecorum of our
assuming such a part when we remem
ber how comparatively brief a period
has transpired since our desncrata anil
frantio attempt to subvert it, and the
trotiblo and tribulations, which wo oc
casioned our political allies nt tlie
North. Wo are contrite, modoi.. lov-
al (not to tho radical party, ho 1 ever,)
and patriotic. Wo aro satisfinc! to
know that our matters aro now in the
management of a party who have some
regard for tho rights, tho iuteiests, the
sensibilities of tho real Sout'ic-n peo
ple and do nat view our section as the
mere habitation of a vast horde of ig
norant black, partially reclaimed bar
barians, who can bo driven, by Federal
office-holders to vote tho "radical tick
et, litt ns reioice over thn Riinmw !''
o -
Congressional Apportionment.
1 he congressional districts in tho
new apportionment as agreed on by tho
senate apportionment committee, aruas
ioiiows : I'irst, 1'hiladelphia, 1st, 2nd,
7th, 2Cth and 30th wards ; Second,
Philadelphia, 8th. 9th. 10th. 13th. 14th
ana L'um wards ; Third, Philadelphia,
uiu, tm, oui, om, 11m, mh and I Mil
wards ; l-.ourth, Philadelphia, 16th,
24th. 97lli nml 90il, ,n-,l, . w.ttu
Philadelphia, 17th, 18th, 19th and 31st
wards, aud tho part of tho 28th ward
south ot .Lehigh avenue ; Sixth, Phila
delphia, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 25th
wards, and the part of the 28ih ward
north of Lohigh avenue ; Seventh,
Bucks and Montcomerv ! Kirrhth.
Chester and Delaware ; Ninth, Lancaa
ter ; Tenth. Northamuton. Carl inn.
Monroe, Pike and Wnvno : Eleventh.
Dents anu j,ehleh i Twelfth. s,,hnvl.
1 1 , t t ' " Z V
kill and Columbia : Thirteenth. Lu
zerne ; Fourteenth, Dauphin, Lebanon,
xnuruiumucriand ; iiiccntli. Laoka-
wanna, Wyoming. Susauehanna: Six.
teenth, lioga, Bradford, Lycoming,
Montour, Sullivan ; Seventeenth, York,
Attains, ivimibeiland ; Eighteenth,
Huntingdon. Mlfllin. Juniata. ITnion.
Snyder, Perry, Fulton, Franklin; Nine
teenth, Cambria, Blair, Somerset, Bed-
iont ; i wentieth, Ulanon Forest, Elk,
leariieui, Clinton, U'eutro ; Twenty
first, Washington. Green. Favetto !
Twenty-second and Twenty-third, Al
legheny ; Twenty-fourth, Butlor, Arm-
strong ami part of Allegheny ; Twen
ty-hfth, JelTersou, Indiana, Wostmoro-
land ; Twenty-sixth, Venango, War-
rou, McKean, Potter, Catneront Twon
ty-seveuth, Erie. Crfcwford 1 Twentv
eighth, Mercer, Lawrence, Bearer,
1 he districts aro thoso of th- Mn.
uracken bill of tho last session with
Blight alterations.
It will bo observed that the eleventh
district is entirely ohatiged, and Colum
bia and Schuylkill aro mado thoTwelfth.
Although our district is an oieotjonaule
one as nt present constituted, we con
sider it preferable to being annexed to
n mining county. Our interests aro
nil agricultural, and wo object to being
unnexed to a oounty rvith a largo float
ing population whero tho vote is uncer
tain. As the Republican majority con
trols the apportionment, however, Col
timbia county cannot expect to receive
many favors from them. Wo will havo
to take what we get.
Mr. Cleveland has been devoting
himself to, tho work of preparing his
'inaiftttiral 'address, and the selection of
a, cabinet There is 110 certainty ns
1 vet, who will be chosen. Nobody
knows, unless it bo tho President-elect
himselfi nnd if ho knows ho evidently
won't toll. Tho list of tho possible
cabinet oflircrs now includes Thurman,
rondlcton, .UolJonalil. Vilas, Wallace,
Manning, Whitney, Adams, Garland
and Bayard.
Eestriotinf Immigration,
A bill entitled "An act to prohibit
tho immigration of foreigners and aliens
under contract or agreement to perform
labor in tho United States, its Territor
ies and tho District of Columbia" was
discussed in tho Senate a few days ago.
Tht bill oiiginatcd in tho House, and
prohibits any person or company from
preparing tho transportation or encour
aging the Importation of foreigners un
der ngrccmeut to perform labor in the
United Statos, nnd makes void all con
tracts of that oharacter, whether ex
press or implied, parolo or special. A
penalty of $1,000 is fixed for infrao
tion of that provision. Shipmasters
aro forbidden under penalty of 500 to
bring emigrants who havo mado such
agreements. Citizens of foreign conn,
tries temporarily miioiirnitiir in tho
United States aro not amenable to tho
provisions of the bill bo far as related
to their private secretaries or domestic
servants. The bill does not apply to
tho cases of actors, professional sing
ers, fcc, nor is it so to apply as to pre
vent persons or corporations from en
gaging in foreign countries workmen
skilled In any industry not at present
established in the United States, pro
vided skilled labor for that purpose
cannot bo otherwise obtained. Tho
bill further provides that it shall not be
construed as to prohibit any individual
from assisting any member of his fam
ily or relative to immigrate to tho Uni
ted States.
Considerable debate arose on tho
bill. Mr. Hawlov thought parts of tho
bill in contravention of natural right. 1
Among tho millions of people that
came hero only a very smalt proportion
wcro not ready at oneo to demand sub
stantially tho same wages as were paid
to American workmen. All camo hero
to better their condition and very soon (
learned what wages they would bo en-,
titled to under tbo conditions of busi-.
Mr. Blair had supposed tho bill in
acoord with the principles of the Dec
laration of Independence and the
rights of mankind. It was aimed, he
Baid, not at immigration, but at slavery.
at the introduction ot servile labor.
Tho wages of the working classes, Mr.
tho effects of imported gang of lab.,,-
ers. In tho course of his remarks Mr. !
Blair alluded to tho recent disturban. 1
ces in the Hocking Valley which were
attributed to a class ot people that this
bill would exclude. These disturban
ces had resulted in a loss of S t,000,-
Mr. Ingalls said ho sympathized with
Mr. Hawley in his regard for natural
rights, but we wcro confronted with a
portentous exigency. We should soon
Dexalled on to decide whether 'every ;
man, woman and child on the face of
the earth, no matter in what condition
of physical or intellectual development
or moral standing, has a natural right
to como to the United States and do
and act as ho pleased to tho detriment
of those already here. There were at
this present moment, JHr. Ingalls said.
500,000 wage-workers in this country
who wero idle, but were willing to la
bor. With their dependent wometi
and children that would mako 3,000.-
000 of people, who amid tho extraordi
nary rigors of an unusually inclement
winter, wero suttcrtug for the necessa
ries of life. They needed shelter. They
needed tho clothing that might bo
manufactured from tho surplus produc
tions of our manufactories now stored
in warehouses nnd waiting for a pur
chaser. They wero in need of tho
corn that was to-day being used for
fuel on tho plains ot Nobraska and the
wheat that was being fed to hogs in
tho valleys of Kansas. Tho question
was, had wo a right to protect our
own citizens against a dangerous and
letrimontal competition, whether forc
ed on us by the ambition of thoso de-
iring to improvo their condition or by
tho oupidity of those groat employers
who were indifferent as to the means
they employed to Hwell their already
egregious gains, the nations of tins
earth, under this doctrino of natural
"rights, had been dumping their pan
pors and criminals and dangerous and
uneasy classes until, in Mr. IngalPs
opinion, m view ot recent events in
Now York, Cincinnati and Chicago
the timo had como to consider whether
we might not be called upon to mod
ify, in some degree, our views as to the
significance of the declaration of Amer
ican independence, and tho universal
rights of man. It was becoming n
very serious question, Jir. ingalls add
ed, how wo shou'd secure what we had
by exertion, religion nnd tho observ
ance .of tho' "rights of man" built up,
If we did not take caro tho dangers
that had threatened despotism would
with ruthless rago assail tho institu
tions of republican freedom. Another
financial crash might witness danger
ous assaults upon our institutions. As
to tho bill under discussion, while Mr.
Ingalls thought some of its provisions
not altogether unexceptionable, it was
a measure in the right direction. It
would protect our laborers from an in
famous Ireo trado in labor that wa
worse than African slavery, because it
involved an ignoble and degrading
competition ignoble and degrading
alike to those who mako tho contracts
and to thoso who accept them
Mr. Bayard did not seo tho present
direct application of Mr. Ingalls s re
marks. I'hoso remarks wero directed
against commuuistlo forces which pro
posed to array numbers against, prop
erty. It was not, however, by bills of
this character that such forces wero to
be met by measures amending our cri
minal law, so as to punish unrelenting
ly, (ho foes to humanity whoso doings
and threatening had been adverted to
Dy JHr. Ingalls. That was tho oh
vious duty of every stato as n means
01 seit-preservaiion. liut this bill was
not levelled at tho difficulties involved
in dynamite. Mr. Bayard then nna
lyzcd tho bill to show that its provis
ions were impracticable. It. was an il
lustration, ho said, of zeal without
knowledge, a quixotio attempt to re
lievo ovilw by scraping tho surface, llo
moved to strike out the section affect
ing ship captains.
Mr. Sherman, defended tho bill. It
was directed not against freo men but
against men who wero not their own
masters who did not como as freo in
dividuals, but wero imported In a body
at a prearranged price to compete with
freo and intelligent American working,
men. It wa not a raoo discrimination
Mr. Shermsn had votol against tho
Chineso bill, and woullhi e opposed
this bill if it wero a diacrliuinatiou on
account of raco. I
One of tho Boys.
rniK.Niis at hib tiii:ato:.
Washington PHpatcli to rittsburg Tost.
Governor Ctirtiu, who is quito a con
spicuous h'gnro here, either in Con
gress or the poclal circle, created n sen
sation nt tho theatro last night, be
ing tho object of much unsolicited nt
tciition. Ho has been anxious to sco
Henry Irving and told Mrs. Curtln
and their daughter, Mrs. Wilson, to
go and ho would meet them there.
"They need not engage a seat for him.
No, 110; ho would get a scat nnd bo all
right," ho said, as they parted. Tho
IIouso stayed in session on tho river
and harbor bill until it was quito lato
nnd by tho timo tho Governor
reached tho theatro thero was standing
room only and very little of that. Ho
wedged himself lu along one of tho
sido aisles and happened in front of
somo men who wcro perched upon a
window-sill. Ono of them touched
him on tho shoulder and told liim to
stand aside. Just then a big. double-
listed fellow, who was staiHlinir close
by, pointed his index finger at tbo thrco
window sill ornaments with the firm
inquiry ; "Do you know who you're
a shov'en 7 That's ox-Governor Cur
tin, our old war Governor." Then
etting louder, "Im one of the boys :
served under vou. Governor: nobodv
shall shovo you around whero I am ;
git down off that window sill." hn
shouted ;" git down quick,' and as
they slid from their ronst he yelled :
"Shlll I knock them down, Governor ;
shill I knock them down V and tho
lcllow fairly danced with excitement.
By this time tho doorkeepers had
reached the parties, when Curtin's pro
tector shouted, "Git tho old Governor
n seat," and pulling out a roll of bills,
"git him a sent," ho continued in a
voico that silenced all the actors on tho
stage. "Git him a seat ; here's tho
money for it." Thero was ono privato
box not yet occupied and tho mana
gers were glad to rush Curtln into it
to end tho scene that was not on the
bills. "Ono of tho boys," ns ho called
himself then took his station in tho
middle aisle, and for tho rest of the
evening gazed intently into tin private
box nt the old War Governor, who dur
ing tho melee was unable to avoid the
attention he was receiving. It created
more amusement nnd applause than
any sceno in tho play.
Anti-Silver Movement.
Wasiii.nt.tox, Feb. lfi. The J-Jven-in;
,Star says to-night : Tho purpose
in 1110 visit, 01 uiiainnan iiarnum and
ln, i1-" C.a,"lal Vs
!? V"? ,a mo iiwrtwl 11. the sundry
.1 "IT'"!'""1' "". ' proviumg lor
the suspension of the coinage of bilver.
In this it is understood they represent
ed Mr. Cleveland. They saw tho mem
bers of tho appropriations committee
and all tho leading members of tho
houso and urged tho pressing necessity
of action 011 tho proposition at this ses
sion. ( They left tho city under the impres
sion that their mission had been suc-
cessful, ami Mr. Scott is quoted as say
ing that the matter was all fixed. It
cannot be learned just what assurances
tney nave, nut the understanding that
they wero acting for Cleveland added
great weight to their arguments, and
the anti-silver men in the House claim
that if the question of suspending sil
ver coinage can begotten before the
House it will pass this session.
Many members who havo been in
clined to oppose tho suspension, but
who have not given the question much
Hudy, are said to be wavering, and the
list of names on the silver men's peti
tion has not grown much since Scott's
arrival. Tho sub-committee in charge
of the sundry civil bill lnvo not, how
ever, included the Sentt-B irnuni pro
position in the first draft of tho hill,
and it must bo added to tho whole com
mittee if it is to becomo a part of the
committee's bill. This, it is said, has
been arranged for, but if tho proposi
tion should fail in tho cornmittco it
will bo introduced in the commute of
the whole House.
fiHOEMAKEIt. Emma E. wife of Ed-
ward Shoemaker, Feb. 8th, aged 20 year?,
4 in09, and 17 days.
JONES. In llrlnrereek township, Jan
nary 7th, 18S,"i, Mrs. Eliza A. Jones, aged
03 years, t month and 3 days.
Absolutely Pure.
powder never varies. A marvel of purity
strength and wholesoim-ness. More economical
than the ordinary km is, and cannot be sold tn
competition wttn tbo multitude of tow test, short
welifbt, alum or phosphate powders. Hold only
... ius ii-i v.
KST4TB or Mia Kiimsi, becmsp.
Letters of administration In tho estatn of Ellas
Kruinm, lato of heott township, Columbia county,
ra., deceased, hae been granted by ihe Heglater
ofsau county to the und nJned administrators.
All ptTbons haWng claims agulnst the estate ot
Bald decedent are requested to present them for
bcttlement, nnd tho indebtetd to the cttate to
mako payment to the undend.ned w thout delay.
JACOll llAltl'MAV flrovanla,
MAUV KltUSIM, Light street!
uto m pwiiive retaoaf lor H adots dlMaat br ta
mo thoiiiaiiUo( llift worn klndudol four
uadtno:ritvteenrurff(l. Indted, oatroKRl. rovUlih
loltaulcacr,tlial I i I Band 'I vvo ItOTILtS kES
bulbar wllb a VA I DA TUKATI8K on ibla dlaaaaa
It auv IttlT.rar. (Jlveaapmaaand - il. addr ai.
Via. f, A, SlOlinw, 1,1 l.atl II., Kaw Tart.
febM w a
obtained and ail patent business attended to for
moderate fees.
Our ortlce la opposite tho U. a Patent Oftlce, and
we can obtain Puteuts lu loss time than thoso re
mote from Washington
ben I model o drawlnir. We advlui uinmi.
enUblllty free ot charge, and we make no chaive
We refer hero, to the Postmaster, the BupUof
Money o-der Dlv, and to olUiluls ot the U.K.
reteiences to actual clients In your own state ur
county, wrllo to
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
opposite 1'uUut omce, Washington, h. C,
any tt
1 notvuwim illl 3
pp qJj
Thf medicine, comWnlnit Iron with puro
vcKflnhle lonloi, qnlrlljr nd comtitctelr
I urr lprp,ln, Iiillrtlon, Vmlinr,
Impure lllooil, .IInlatln,L'bllla nnd I crf r,
und Nrnrnlftlre,
Il ls an unfallinff remedy for Dlscucsof the
Ki.lnryii nnd l.lvrr.
It Is invaluable for I)lce peculiar to
Women, and all who lead fedentarr lives.
Itdoct not Injure the teeth, cause
produce comtlpatlon oMt Jronntdtelneiilo.
ltenrlchcsnnd purine thoblood, stimulate
tho appetite, aids the awlmllatlon or food, re
lieves Heartburn and lielchlng, and strength
en tho muscle and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of
Energy, Ac.. It has 110 equal.
W The penulne ha above trade mark and
crowd red lines on wrapper. Take no other,
n.j..iri,, nnoixtiisnriKfl. jitiie,aB.
lly virtue ot sundry writs issued out ot tho Court
of Common rieas ot Culuinbt county and to mo dl.
rectal, n 111 be exposed to public 8.1I0 at the Court
House in iuoomiburt', on
Saturday, March 14, 1885.
At z o clock, p. m., all that certain piece, parcel
and tract ot land, Bltuateln Denton tow nshlo. Col.
umbla county, IM., bounded and dojcrlbed as lot-
lows, to-wlt ! On tho cast by lands ot Jonas Poty
anu lands ot tho estate of William Barrett and
others, on tho west by land of tho estate of John
w. nclshline, on tho north ty land ot tno cstato
otJohnW. DeljhUnc, and ou the south by landj
ot n. .m. l-eaicr and others, containing ca acre,
more or less, wnoreon aro erected a two-storr
frame dwelling house, barn, and other out-build-
Seized, taken Into oxccutlon as tho property of
jacoo jieisnune, and to bo sold ns tho property
uuacoo M. uoisuunc. Ft. Kit.
.Vllller, Chlsman, Kuorr Wlntcrsteen, att'ys.
nil that certain house nnd lot situated at Iluck
Horn, Columbia county, I'enna, bounded and do
scribed as follows, to-wlt: Commencibg at s
stone in an alley, thenco by lot of Joseph Snyder
on the north, south nfty-nlno and one-fourth east
ten perches to a stone, thenco .Main street ot Duct
Horn eouth tairty-thrco degrees cast seven and
three-tenth perches to a stono by an alley, north
ntty.nino and one-fourth degrees west ton perches
to a stone, thenco by an alley and lands of John
Appieman north thirty-three degrees west six and
eight-tenths perches to a stono to tho place of be
ginning, containing seventy and ono halt perches
ot land strict measure bo tho same more or less
whereon Is erected a one story and a half frame
dwelling house nnd other out buildings.
Seized, taken into execution at tho suit of II. W.
Jicueynolds vs. William S. Marshall, and to bo
sold as the property of Wm. S. -Marshall,
lluckingham, att'y, Vend. Kx.
all that certain mc3suago or tenemsnt and lot ot
land sltuat-In Ceniro township, Columbia coun
ty, I'enna., bounded und doscrlbed as follows, to
wn: neginnlng nt a stono In tho publio road
leading from Itrlarcrcelc to Orangevllle, thenco by
land of Cyrus Doono south twenty-two and live
tenths perches to a stono thenco by land of tht
heirs of Christian MulUey, east twenty-threo and
six-tenths perches to a stone, thenco by land ot
Cleorge MulUey north twenty-two perches to a
stone, thenco a'ong said road north elghty-llvo de
grees wes-, twenty-threo perches to tho place ot
beginning, containing three acres and forty-tlve
perches ot land strict measure, bo the samo more
or less.
an that lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the
above named township described as follows, vir. :
beginning at a pin-tree, thence by land of Cyrus
Boone south three and a quarter degrees west
twenty and flve-tonths perches to east side of pine
tump, thenco by lands ot Allan Khelhamer south
eighty-eight degrees east, twenty-ono and two
tenth perches to a stone, thence north three and a
quarter degrees east sov-enty and one-tenth pcreh
es,thenco by abovo named land north eighty-seven
degrees west s ventv-ono and two tenths perches
to tho place of beginning, .containing two acrea
and ono hundred and ten perches of land strict
measure, be the same more or less,
Stlzed, taken into execution at tho suit ot Alfred
llowcr vs. Wll'lam Klsner and to bo sold as the
property of William Klsner. Levari Facias.
Ikeler, atty.
John Motmr.Y,
ac ii i: us
Make sro to tlso ner month
& lilblcs. steady wori fortnrlntr and Summer.
hpllltc- nnr stnrnlird HniVa
Afldress J. c. McCUhin & CO., l'hila.
mar M-ly aid
Kcsafl Instate!
In pursuance of an order of tho Orphan's Court
of Columbia county, tho undersigned Administra
tor, ic, of Margaret Mclllck, deceased, will ex
pose to public sale on tho premises, on
Wednesday, March 11, 1885.
At two o'clock, p, in., of said day, the following
described lotot ground situate in Light Street.
Scott township, Columbia county, I'a, bounded
and described as tol ows, tc-wlt : on tho cast by
tho public road leading from Light Street to
llloomsburg, on the north by lot owned by the
heirs of A. J. Kyer, deceased, on the west by an
alloy, and on the south by an alley, containing
in width along said public road tfflfeet, and in
dfptu tcs feet, whereon are erected a good two.
Frame Dwelling House,
with kitchen attached, a stable and other out
buildings. 000,1 well ot water on tho premises
wiui pump.
TERMS OF SALE. Ten percent, ot one-fourth
ot the purchase money to bo paid at the striking
down of tho property i tho one-fourth less the ten
per cent, at the continuation of salo ; and tho re.
malnlng three-fourths in ono year thereafter, with
interest from confirmation nlsL
febia Administrator.
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
Tneiouowing snows the ncket Gothic, one ot
, u V wauinui&iyiesoi rence manufactured
For Beauty and Durability
ed. set up by experienced hi
they are unauroaM
anda and warranted
vo give saiismciion.
Prices nml spooimcna of other ito
signs sent to any .luYircsa.
By addressing o. 1. itoWELLfiCO., 10 Spruce
bt Now iork, can learn the exact cort of any
proposed line of ADVERTISING: In American News
paiwrs. layjoo-page pamphlet, lOe. jeb IKwr
The county CommUslonera will
BalsonMcnday Ihezird daror Kehntr-
receive proj
J8H5 ai o'clock, 1'. M., to rep int court room and
furnlih all material. Plans and spociacatlonj can
be seen at their omce. Commissioners reserve the
Attett i Joun il. Ciair, Clerk,
Commlatloneni Office llloomsburg, Wb. 10, is.
PHttAPUrHU, February 10, INU.
t This selling Gtiinct black
silk for three-quarters is at
puzzler. It is a puzzler. OA11
Philadelphia is wondering
what it means. The mer
chants are wondering, not
what it means, but how it is
done. Ask them Go over
toNewYork askmerchants
there. The black-silk trade
in this city is mostly suspen
ded. Of course it isn't
stopped in New York they
don't s-e Philadelphia adver
tisements over there. J
Wt; couldn't have picked
out a Muff, or any sort of
men handisf. that would have
lirenmorenf a Ivunl) to throw
into th: market, h vvas
exactly the sam- to sell Molly
Tree nuis'in below ih cost
of making it. t-xi-ept that
nobod) Knmv, in -iii" about
Holly Tree muslin
It was a stirring ,! viugh
event to sell th se cloths of
Lupin's below the wholesale
price, liy the way, the
aregtMu J Dm Lupin makes
a great many cloths; anil his
fame doesn't rest on any one
of them whileGuinet makes
nothing but silk: and all his
fame has come from silk.
When we sell two Lupin
cloths below the wholesale
price, we only touch a
trilling part of his product.
When we sell Guinet black
silk below, we sweep the
breadth of the. market as far
as we reach.
Why sell Holly Tree
inn 'in so? To introduce it.
Tn a ivertise it. To quickly
force attention to a stuff you
ii'.dn to know about. To
i'nniiit. r a market.
Why sell Lupin's dress
stuifs si i? Hccause we could
stir up trade by the means,
du nobody harm, and scatter
lu ::nty-thousand yards o(
people who ( oinmonly buy
a iower erade. Surelv
nobody is going to complain
of that.
Why sell Guinet silk so?
Do you really want to know?
For some leason, trade in
silk is slow to change its
channels We want five
times as m.tch as we've got.
We don't see any reason
wli) this store shouldn't be
tli - first one to think of,
wheiwer silk comes into
the thoughts of everybody
within trading distance. So
we make you think of it
think of it and silk together
tninK oi it, ot silk and oj
saving $5 or $io on tlu silk
for a single dress by buying
it here.
If we were only selling a
ion or two of Guinet black
si!': at three-quarters,' to
gather trade, and meant to
make, up our losses now by
extra profits by and by
that would be one thing.
That isn't our way ; or, if it
is, we haven't got to it yet.
Guinet 1.65 black silk
for $1.25 and $2 for $1.50;
guaranteed to wear as well
as the average of Guinet
black silk. And you will
never see the time when we
shall be above the lowest
We want the trade; and
that's ihe whole of it.
-)iilliuM from the center.
Dollarladies'-cloth of abouti
fifty colors and mixtures fori
seventy-five cents a yard;'
50-inch; $4.50 for an average
'ress. And that is just as
U14 an event as Guinet lor
t'lice-quarters; Just as big.
Oi Guinet the dollar quality
is gtyit; already ; the 75-cent
quality is only 10 cents off;
the 95-cent quality 20 cents
off: the $5 quality $1.25 off;
collie of the higher qualities
not so much off. Of this
dollarladies'-cloth every style
is 75 cents. About fifty
latlies may each have a dress
of it. no two of a color.
''.utherat Iroin the center.
More of those 90-cent
black arm 11 res and serges
for 50 cents the figures, 90
and 50, tell the whole story
a doen styles; about 42
inch. 5ouil,ftt from tho renter.
Little-check dress-stuffs,
half wool (and good wool),
for 12 cents a yard. The
wholesale price is 21 cents.,
Three sizes of checks, forty
to the inch, twenty and
t wel ve. Twenty-thousand
yards of them,
The wool isn't fine, but
long and strong.
ouihcat fruin the center.
liest Ingrain, 60 cents;
best Tapestry, .75 (inferior
Tapestry, 50); best Velvet,
$1 (inferior velvet, 90 cents);
best five frame Brussels,
$1; Smyrna, $1.15; best
Moquette, $1.25.
A roomful of Brussels,
another of Moquette, a part-of-a
roomful ot Ingrain, and
still another room is full of
Tapestry and Smyrna.
Jl.rnl .licit Iriuil.aiconit tlgor Take rir
lull -lliMiiiheteuutiif IhuHore.
John Wanwmakek.
I' '' -'Ii il,i-iili and ilarLvt tlrteta,
1 it Hi amuin. '
DiCA I.l:il IN
All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof
ing nnd Sionting promptly
tittunded to.
tafptrlct attention given to heating by steam.
Corner of Main & East Sts.,
llloomsburg, Pa.
lyAmwmaaT uo
eics, Br;cie.BicBB sod,4c, Ao,
K. E. Corr er Second nnd Arch streets,
tr-ordon vIU rrcelvo nrompt attrstlu
To the Renders of
Western Washing Machine
Which is now being intiodticed in thn
section, and is altiady largely in use it
almost every iritato in tho Union, com
mends itself by tho simplicity and can
of its operation, and by the good wot)
that it does. Tho mactiinn is easilj
handled, and makis no slop, whatuvcr.
Tho following ttfctimony to its merit
wilt be of intetest to tho ladies of
Bloomsburg and Vicinity,
and all who are interesled in an im
portant improve merit :
Ui-ooMSHUBO, I'a., Dec. 8, 1884.
Vunderp-ift Mg. Co:
We bought from your ngent, Mr. C.
Hears, one ot your New Improved West
ern Washers. Have used it for three
wccks nnd lire much nleased with It. It
saves labor, washes cleanly, does not wear
uut me ciouies anu worus cisuy. We can
heartily recommend It to everyone who
has washing to do. Kesp'y. Yours,
Mns. P. M. Thais.
llLoousiinia, Pa., Dec. 8, 1881.
Vaiultrgrift Mfq. Co. .-
Camden Hears, Agent : I have been in
the laundry business constantly during the
jjuoi icu jeurs, anu uavc trieu very ninny
different kinds of
family washing mu-
chines, ono of which is the New Improved
racsicru nnsuer, som oy you, anu I cheer
fully recommend it as being tho best oi,e
for my work that I have ever tried. II
gives perfect satisfaction, and I would not
part with it for double the amount Ipali,
for It if I could not procure another one.
Any person wishing to see It In operation
can do so, by calling at W laundry.
Yours Itespeclfnllv,
C. II. Brows,
Proprietor Bloomsbmg Liiumy, Dent
ler's new block, Main Street.
Blcomsuuko, Pa., Dec. 8, 1884.
Vandergril Mfg. Co. :
Gentlemen : When your agent, 3Ir. C.
Meara, solicited mo to purchaso ono ol
your Western Washing Machines, uothlnj;
but a desire to be courteous prompted mi
to give one moment's attention to it, as all
the washing machines I had ever seen had
pioved utter failures. But when your
aj.ert, in a com-ncndablo spirit of fairness,
offc-ed to sell jou- mac'iinc on its merits,
I could not rcf us to give It a fair trial. 1 1
has now done service In my laundry thru
months, and I must say that it is perfect it
every respect, doing its v ork thoroughly ,
and with it one girl can do tho work ol
two, without fatigue. It Is simply match
leas. .Very Truly Yours,
L. A. Biiattuck, M. D.
TRY" ONE! And if vou aro not
saliefied after giving it a fair trial hi-
turn the machine to ;onr agent, and lie
will refund your money.
Vanilergrift Jfjff. Co.
I would say that I have secured the nsency for
the bale of tho aboie Popular Washing Machine,
American Hand Planters and other inanutactuies
of the above tlrm, for the counties ot Columbia.
Montour, Luzerne and hchuilkill, and would bo
pleased to dollver, and Instruct lnthouse of the
washer anyone who desires to buy one.
C. MEAES, Agent.
Salesroom, D. StiQup's old giocery itand, Jlaln St.
1 2.12.3m W.OOMSBURG, PA.
- -d" 1 n .iwmi
Now is tho timo to buy your
evor brought to Bloomsburg and they aro very mUch
than lapt spring.
Very handsome Wilton Velvets,
designs and some as cheap as Tapestry Brussels.
A very large .slock of
at urices lower tlmn nvnr wn
ard widu Ingrains as low as 20o
A large
Cocoa Rugs, Cocoa Matting all
oil cloths of
WM& mil HALL CAlFIf 1
in largo quantities, also Nickel end ami
best inuko, "
Urowcr'" nnaiB, next to court House, litoojifauita rju.
Hm-arpet ltas- taken In eichaaife tor t'arneu "warn wiu, i
1 fen in wo
ntaOOMsnutto mahkut.
Wlicnt per litislicl ,
Ityo " "
Corn " "
Oats " " tier barrel,. ..i Mttltltl Ml
n oc
8 Ola
ir, 00
Clovenccd ilttllllHIIIHIIMIIII
Potatoes new.,
Dried Apples i
Hides nnd shoulders..,.
Chickens ..........
I nrkevs
I.ard per pound
May ncr ton...
llceswnx , ,
lluckwlieat flour per hundred.,
Hides per lb ,
Veal skins per lb
, 3 00
, Cto7
Slicep pelts, each
Wool per lb... ,
Philadelphia Markets.
FEED -Western winter bran, spot, 16.S3 It
VLOUIL Western extra's 2.?&a 3.t2tf- J'pnn'
family, 8.M) (4. Ohio clear, 4.100 4.50; winter
patent 5.00 w M0.
vt iiiwvi rennsyivania reu, r,o. 1. V3: iso. s. V2.
1-011N.-47 (SO'.
OA18. No. 8 whlto a 33 No. a. m.
HAY AND STltAW 11m' thy cholca Western
and New York, 1G. fair to Rood Western and
New" York, 13. $ 15. ; medium Western and New
YorK, 10. is. : cut hay as to quality 15. ir.50.
Ityo straw vo 81, Wheat straw, 9. M lo. oat
btraw il.
Eoos. Pennsylvania 31 i western 12 c& 18.
IlUTTUlt. Pennsylvania creamery prints ai ra at
West ern ex t ra 24 o 85.
LIVE puliL'l'ltY. Fowls, lOtf It mixed lots
7)i ( 10 roosters old n.
DltEssEl) POULHtY. Chickens extra 9tf a
10 drewed turkeys, extra, 15, choloo, I3r,l4.
middling 11 is. " '
Who always gives you tho lalesl.
tyltf!, and cuts your clothing to fit
you. Having had the csperiem'H lor a
number oi jeais in the Tailoi ititr Utini-
ne9s, has learned what material will
j,ive his ciistomeis the best satisfaction
lor wear mid Mylo and will try to
please all who givu him a call. Also
on hand
Gents' burnishing Goods
Always of the latest styles. Call and ex
amine his stock b.tore purchasing else
where. n
Corner Main & Market Sts.
Bloomsli'g. Fa.
April !.viy
The iindorftlenffl ha vino- not i,b ni:i. ,,,r
on llallroad street. In Brst-ciaas condition. Is Die
pared to do all kinds of work In hla lice.
furnlanea at reasonable prices. All lumber uwa
is well seasoned and nooo but skilled workmen
furnished on application. Plane and Bpeclflca
jua prepared by an ovperlenced draiitUiKnaa
CnAftK.1,6 KIU'G,
KliinniNl.tirK, Fa
CATA RRH ci,I!0N,c cataiuih.
, ineurnigeor divis
ion of my nose was
about halt (tone, the
result ot as ) ears' ca.
tarrh. 1 obtained a
bottloof Elj's Cream
Balm; have used four
bouls, which has
about cured up the
no trtls. I had pre
viously tried another
remedies on tho mar
ket without perma
nent relilet. j. a.
wood, us No th High
trect, Columbus, o.
1 am cured of ca
tarrh and deafness by
Ely's Cream Halm, sij
aim- - auuu mus ueai, n re-
htoied Jier hearing.-!'. l. Jlorse, insurance, Eliza-
n,iileri?Jria,1i,,:.1''a Cream Balm causes no
GS ft.i,hVA."i.m.Snw- A thorou.h treatment
will eiire, Not a liquid. Not a snuff. Apply Into
'"'iiimtb, iirusr.-istsj owibo, n. f.
uirnotn. I havo tlm lnrnat
Body Brussels nf l,nn.,..v..i
- Rag Carpets at- 35, -If, and 50
stock of
widths, Floor, Table and Stair
all L'nuW