The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 30, 1885, Image 1

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    le dolunlDikq.
OjtnjiBU tisMociUT, rnorTn north, and C
lchbum, Consolidated.)
(miipI Weekly, every Prldny Morning, nl
ArTwonotUM per year. To subscribers out of
1 10 county tlio terms aro strtctlyin advance.
IWSa miner discontinued oicnnt at thn nnllnn
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lOnelnch, is co tw oo
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lOuarter column., ooo 8no loou
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1510 MO"
.SKI M(0
of tha publishers, until all arrearage's arc paid, but
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POsrAilKlsnolongcroxaclM from subscribers
Leu-al advertisements two dollars per Inrh for
thro insertions, and at that rate for additional
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tie county.
The.lobblni? Hepartmcntof the Cor.eitnux is very
complete, and our Job Printing will compare favor
ably with that of tlio Innre cities. All work dono on
short notice, neatly and at moderato prices.
Executor's. Adm ntstrator's. and Auditor's nollcet
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Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, reau-
0. .W, i,,,,,,,,,,.
lar advertisements bait rates.
Cards In the 'Business Directory" column, onr
dollar a year for each line.
Bloomsburg-, l'n.
Onlce over 1st. National Dank.
y u. fam,
oniceln Rut's Building.
urtlcv over Moyer Bros. Drug Store.
onico In llrower's bulldlng-.8ec.ond No. 1
Illoomsburg, I'a.
Bloomsburg, Pa,
Onloe corner of Centre and Main streots. Clark i
Can be consulted In German.
Nkw Coluvbuh Bui-dino, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Member of the United states Law Association
Collections made In any part of America or fiu
Offlco In coujhbi.n BmtDiNa, Room No. 8, second
flrstdoortotheleft. CorncrofMaln and Market
streets uioomB-urB, iu.
t83Ff nitons and Bounties CoUeckd.
Office in Mane's bulldUg, overBlllmcyer's grocery,
OfUco in News In- building, Main street.
Member of the American Attorneys' .Usocla.
CoHo'ctlons made In any part of America.
' Jnckson Building, Rooms 4 nnd 5.
Catawlssa, Pa.
Offlco, corner of Third and Main streeuj.
Attorncy-atLaw, Berwick. Pn.
Cm be Consulted in dcrmnn.
fire ;and life insurance
3"Onice llrst door below the post office.
li. UAitKLEY, Atiorney-Kl-Lav.
, onlce in Urower's building, sud story.Houma
li. McKELVY, M. D.,SurKeon and Phy
. flijlau, north aide Main street.below Markot
A L. FRITZ, Law. Office
In Colcuuun Building,
i lug Macnluosand Machinery of all kinds re
fllro 1. orxKk Hocus Building, liloombburg, Pa.
OHco, North Market Btreet,
BloomBburc, Pa
WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and
'hyslclan. Office corner of Hock una Alurket
JR. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and
.Physio an, jonico and Hesldencu on Third
Eluomsiiurg, Columbia County, Pa.
All styles of work dono In a superior manner, work
warranted as represented, Txktii Kxtiuct
u without 1'xin by tho ue of Uas, and
free of charge v hen artinclal teeth
are Inserted.
Jlllce in Columbian building, Snd Uoor.
Jo be open at alt hourt during the day
Nov. -iy
1 AGENCY. Mover's new bulldlnir. Main street.
uiuuuibuurg, i u.
A ssets.
.Ktna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn I7,07H,
Jtoyai oi Liverpool.
Fire Aeboclatlon, Philadelphia
l'lia nlx, or London
Ixindon LaucaslUre, of lUigland
Hartford of Hartford
bprlngtleld Flio and Marine
As the agencies are direct, policies aro written
for the Insured without delay In the office at
Ulootnsburg. Oct. SJ, 'HI-
These old corpoiutions aro well seasoned by
age and riuK TibisD and havo never )et had a
lots bottled by any court of law. Their assets are
all Invented In bOLtu SKCUKintd aro Habit) to tun
hazard oft ikb ouly.
Lobbes I'HomiLY and iiokkhtlt adjusted and
paid us boon as determined by Ciikihtun r,
KNirr, eriiciiL AOhNT anu AuJl'sriK HLOoMbiii'Ka,
The people of Columbia county should patron
Ire the agency where lusseslt auybiebcttlcdand
paid by one of tber own cltUens.
North American of Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania, "
York, of l-euusylvanla.
Hanover, of N, Y.
Oueeus, of London.
North British, of London.
OHco on Mr not direct, No, 6, Bloomsburg.
oct, 84, I"
arge and convenient sample roonvi mtli rooms
t una coM water, and all modem conveniences
Who always gives yon tlio latest
styles, nnd cuts your clothing to fit
yon. Having had thu cxperienco lor a
number ol years in tlio Tailoring Utisi
ncs?, has learned what material will
give his custotueis thu host satisfaction
for wear and stylo and will try to
plpnso all who give him a call. Also
on hand
Gents' Jurnishing Goods
Always of the latest styles. Call nnd e.v,
nmlne Ids stock before purchasing else,
Storo noKi door to First Nationa.l:Bank
Corner Main & Market St?.
April S3-ly
number and ga3 fitter. Hear of Schuyler's hard
ware store.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
All klndaof fittings for steam, gas and water
pipi-H consiiiuiiy un uanu.
ltoonng and spouting attended to atbhort no
Tlnwaro of every description mado to order.
Orders left at Schuyler Co's., hardwaio store
mil uu pruuipiij iiueu.
Special attention given to heating by steam and
y o-i y
TheSciencoofLife. Only$l
Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debit
iij, I iuuuLuiu nu ,i. .11,111. .nuiaui iuulu,
and the untold Miseries resulting from Indiscre
tion or excesses. A book for every limn, oung,
middle-aged and old. It contains US prescriptions
for all acute and chronic diseases, each one or
which Is In valuable, so found by the Author, whose
experience for 23 j ears Is such as probably never
ueiuru lea iu ine iul ui tiny juiysician. auu pages,
bound In beautiful French muslin. emboseif
covers, full srllt. cuarnntecd to bo a ttner work In
every sense mechanical, literary and professional
man any uiner wont soiu in iius country lor jj. ai,
or tho money will bo refunded In every Instance.
ITIco only $1.00 by mall post-paid. Illustrative
sample 6 cents. Send now Oofd medal awarded
the author by tho National Medical Association, to
uiu ouicera ui ,vuicu no leiers.
The Science of Life should bo read bv tha voun'
for Instruction, and by tho nnilcted for relief. It
will benent all Umaon Lanctt.
There W no member of boclety to whom Tho
Bcience oi i.ue win iwi uo useiui, wneincr jouin,
parent, cuaidlan. lnstructoror clenrvmau. .lr-
uuress mo i-eauoiiy .-ueuicai instuuie, or ur
W. 11. Parker, o. 4 liulflnch street, lloston, Mass.,
who may bo consulted on all diseases renulrlnir
skill and experience. Chronic nnd obstinate diseas
es and that nave bathed the n i . I skin of
another physicians a spe II Hi A I i clalty.
Such treated successful fit 1 1 V (J j? I V ly
without an Ins'anceof lXx X OJjljJjfall
ure. .Mention mis paper.
ilUU. IHff u
Infante and Children
Wliat plves our ChllJren roiy cheeks.
What cures their fevers, makes them Bleep;
Ahen Babies fret, nnd err by turns,
What cures their colic, Llllg their worm a,
What quickly cures Constipation,
Bour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion :
Farewell then to Slorphlno Syrurs,
Castor Oil and Paregoric, and
"Cattoria Is soirell adapted to Children
that I recommend it as superior to anyraedl
cine known to me." II. A. A Ft emit, M.D.,
IU So. Oxford St.. Brooklyn, N.Y.
An alitolute euro for Rhon
matiuiu, Sprain, Pain in tho
Buck.Burm, Galls, Ao. Auln
utantanooua Pain- rollover.
RICK, 8PI0I8,BI0iRB8ODi,40,,t0,
N, E, Corner Second and Arch streets.
Hoarders will receho irorart attenlln
Obtained and all patent business attended to for
moderato fees.
our onlce Is opposite the U. K. Patent Onlce, and
wo can obtain Patents In less time tluu llioso re
mote, trom Washington.
Hen i model o drawing, Wd" advlso as to pat.
enlablllty free of charge, and we nuko no charge
unless patent Is secured.
We refer hero, to the Postmaster, tho Sunt, of
Money o.iler Dlv., and to oniclals of the U. B.
Patent onlce. For circular, advice, terms aud
references to actual clients luyour own Hutu or
county, write to
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
an(Opposlle Patent Offlce, Washington, . V,
11 Great Medical Work on Mood
Tins Ojro'n emtio it big whito
Iioiimu set on it hill overlooking lliu vll
lnrrp, nntl it liml been n ilesuitetl catle,
until oiiu Htinnner the oh iut sinldcnly
appeared and took poinssioli IIu
lived in London, and had not been to
this (jniut ont-of-tlie-way place since
And now he kept HUigninrly seclud
ed, and the girN from tho Bcnitnary
called liim the Ogre. A party of them
passed thcio every morning nnd after
noon, but not once di i they sco tho
mjsterioun stranger.
'Surely ho has committed a murder,
and is in hiding,'' said Nelly lilakcly,
odo afternoon, peeping between the
bant of the gate.
She was a brown-eyed, brown-haired
girl of about seventeen, soft-voiced,
generous-hearted, and a very imp for
mischief. You would not judge from
her face, so demure and sweet j but
tlioso bright dark eyes were sparkling
with mischief, though they could be
very soft and tender, and oven fill with
tears when her sympathies were rous
ed. "Now, to-day you said you could
dare to do anything, Nell, ami jet 1
wager my ruby ring you would not
dure lo enter tho Ogre's Caitle," said
Sadie May.
"I would dare to do it."
"Prove it prove it 1" cried half-a-dozen
eager voices.
The eolor rose to Nell's fair cheeks.
"Now ?"
"Yes, now."
"Then tako my books, nnd I will go
iu and ask the Ogre for some of thos-o
roses blooming by that window ; and I
will go iu at the ono opened down to
the floor, and not run the rik of being
turned away from tlio door."
She raised the latch of the gale and
pushed it boldly open. It creaked
loudly on its rusty hinges, and the
girls hurried away "a short distance, all
but Nell. She stood her ground brave
ly and walked in. No one appeared.
The Ogre's Castle might have been de
serted for all tho sounds around it that
summer afternoon, nnd tho girl's light
steps echoed on the veranda, and her
heart beat quick in a sort of fi-ar when
she stretched out her hands to part the
lace curtains hanging straight down
over the window to the floor.
Tho room beyond looked so dark at
first, that she, just coming from the
yellow glare of the sunshine, could not
distinguish objects.
"Who enters I" suddenly inquire a
deep voice, nnd a man who was sitting
in a large armchair, with his bead bow
ed on his hands, raised up and turned
towards tlio window. INell grasped
her breath and retreated a step or two,
secretly wishing herself outside of the
gate again.
"'Tis Nell Ulakesly, a sehool-girl,"
she faltered ; then, plucking up conr-
nge, and stepping in, ventured to look
at the ogre.
Ho was Blender and handsome, with
a refined face, and mauly, well-cut
features, but something in his expres
sion puzzled ttie girl.
"Come in," he said, rising to his feet,
and speaking politely but coldly. "Ex
cuse mo lor asking you to get your
own chair, Jiiss lilakesly. 1 am
"Oh, how sorry I am, fcir I" cried
Nell, with the deepest pity in her
voieo and eye. "Pray pardon this in
trusion, Mr. Chichester; I came in sim
ply beuauso the girls said I would not
dare to do it."
"Ah yes; I am tbo ogre,'' he said
with a faint smile.
"Now did you hear that t" exclaim
cd Nell in confusion.
"Ogres havo many mysterious ways
of hearing, remarks particularly if
they are about themselves. Do not be
in haste to go. I am blind and harm
Such a look of gloom overspread Ii is
face, that, in pity for him, tho girl lost
her embarassmeiit. She longed to do
something for him to lighten, if possi-
Die, that darkness winch, niglit and
day must, envelop him.
"It has been a good while since 1 re
ceived a caller.''
What could she say to him a stran
ger that would comloit him 7 She
saw a new uncut magazine on the ta
ble. "Would vou like me to read a little
to vou 1" she said lather timidlv.
"If you are a good reader you mav,
unk'fS you have other ami more press
ing engagements. My aunt sometimes
makes an effort to read; but her voice
is weak.''
It was not a very graceful accept
ance, ami tor a moment -Nell telt the
color rise in her cheeks; but one glance
at the pain weary face of her ogre, and
compassion rose uppermost again. She
had a clear young voice, woll modula
ted, and read with interest in fact,
she almost forgot her listener, until a
ftately, elderly lady entered the room.
nr. Chiche-ter introduced her as Mrs.
Lanel, his nuut. Shu looked somewhat
surprised at his company; but, as
though he knew her thought, ho quiet
ly explained that Miss IJIakealy called
to gather a fuw roses, and kindly con
sented to read tor mm.
Nell lose to tfo, not writing to hear
the gentleman's courteous thanks. Sho
hastily pulled a handful of roses and
hurried away, hut iter companions had
gone on home.
JSext morning they gathered around
her to hear the news, but she gave only
a very brief, subdued account of her
"Girls, ho is blind."
"How does ho look t"
"Very pale and sad."
"Is ho handsome 1''
"Yes, I supposo co. Ho is a perfect
gentleman. It must bo a dreadful
thing to be blind," said Nell with a
That afternoon Mrs. Lantl stood at
the gate when the girls passed by, and
sho called Nell,
"Will you como iu again, my dear t
Eil ward desires it.''
The girl hesitated. She had no du
ties to call her home, and sho would be
willing to study her lessons at night if
tho slight saeiifico would benefit or
add anything to thu pleasure of that
poor prisoner. She went In.
"He talked of you last night, and
seemed more cheerful limn umi'i), Ho
thinks you are a little girl," said tho
lady, ht-r eyes glancing over the young
graceful figuro nt her side,
Xi1) Hinllfd.
"How long has he been blind V she
ventured to inquire
"Almost u year now. Tho doctors
think there is hope that hU eyesight
may be restored. It was a dreadful
blow to him, ho was so strong, so full
of life and the joys of life. IIo carao
here to get away from tho world and
I.: f..:...,.! i.... ti. l. is i.
inn .i, vim.-,, uui. liiu juuuiuii'Bs is icrii
She talked as one pleased to have a
listener, and JN ell looked .so fair and
" on '"ill not object to giving him
nt least ono hour occasionally, if ho de
sires your company, will you 1 I know
it is n great favor to ask, but anything
to amuse and interest mm, 1 will do. '
"It will bo a pleasure to mo," said
tho girl earnestly.
ii . , . . ...
itir. Winchester welcomed her with a
l on havo como to cheer the ogro's
loneliness again, havo you, little friend?
W nat is your uamo T Uh, yes, Nell.
I may call you Nell, may I not 1"
"Certainly, sir," and Mrs. Lanel nod
ded approval.
'Then come sit near mo Nell, ami
read in this book if you aro not tired."
So sho settled herself in a low chair
near him, while Mrs. Lanel took a seat
by tho front window.
Sho read a while, and then Mr. Chi
Chester asked her some questions about
ner scnooi-stmiies, and dually began to
tell her of places and peoplo seen
"I'm not over thirty myself, Nell,
and befoio this terrible darkness fell
on me, I loved life an ardently as any
one could.
Ho was a good talker, and Nell felt
that in listening to him, sho was repaid
for tho kindness
The ladies of tho village called on
Mrs. Lanel, but none of them except
Mrs. Ulakesly, Nell' mother, saw tlie
master of tho house.
She was a good woman and not giv
en to ambitious dreams, but alio could
not help looking forward to the future,
and thinking how this acquaintance
between her young daughter and Ed
ward Chichester might end should his
sight bo restored.
It was a summer never to bo forgot
ten by Nell lilakesly. From being ono
of tho wildest, most daring girJs in the
school, Bho became ono of tho quiet
The girls teased her a good deal,
but she only laughed good-hiimorcdlv
nt it.
Early in autumn the doctors ordered
Mr. Chichester abroad. IIo would
spend the winter in Italy and go on to
Paris in the spring, whero a famous
oculist had promised to try his skill on
ins oyes.
"1 wish I could . adopv you and take
you with me, Nell.''
"Wait till next year, and you can
come back for her,' Edward," said his
"Yes, if the doctors do me any good,
and oven if they do not, 1 feel that you
ought to belong to mo now. How old
are you, Nell ?"
Sho blushed scarlet, and looked up
pealingly nt Mrs. Lanel.
"Sho is seventeen, Edward."
"Seventeen,'' ho cried in astonish
ment. "Why, I thought her a child of
twelvo or thirteen."
He became silent, and, after wailing
a little, the girl approached him.
"You aro not angrv, sir, because I
did not tell you ?''
"Angry, sweet friend, no; but I must
adjust myself to the now condition of
things. I must plan a different fu
ture." IIo stretched out his hand grasping
ly, and Nell laid hor's in it. IIo car
ried the slendor fingers to his lips.
"Can I over repay you, Nell ?"
"Oh, sir, you have more than repaid
me already," she said, her tears falling.
They were tears of pity for him, and
tears of grief for herself. Thero was a
dreadful pain at her heart, and she felt
almost frightened at the gleam of the
future. What could sho do when her
occupation was gono 1
The Ogro's Castle looked very des
olate when ho went away, and Nell
often paused at tho gate lo loook in,
and to sigh for the time when the ogre
would return.
It was just a year from tho timo he
went away till ho came back. Nell
saw the carriage coming up the street,
and ran to the window, but its closed
windows made her heart sink. Alas I
ho onmo back as ho went blind.
Tho giil had developed wonderfully
in body and miud that year. Her
school-days weio over now, and she
might havo had lovers in plenty, but
her true heart remained faithful to that
friend so far away. And it did not
falter now when her hones wcro crush
ed. In tho ovening Mrs. Lanel camo
after her, and without a question sho
hastened to make ready for the visit.
Sho put on her prettiest white dress,
nnd fastened ro'ses in her hair, just as
though he would her.
"It is a foolish whim, but I cannot
lelp it."
Sho could not trust herself lo ask
how ho bore tho disappointment ot not
having his sight restored, aud Mrs,
ijauel, lor once did not mention his
mime. In fact, sho was singularly si
lent on tho subject, and ushering Nell
into tho parlor, went away,
A lamp burned softly on the table,
anil thero in tho armchair sat Mr. Chi
chester, his head bent down, a ban-
dago over his oyes. With throbbing
hcait the girl advanced townrds him.
"Mr. Chichester.'
"Nell I"
Ho raised his head and strotchnd out
his hands to her.
Oh, sir, I am so glad to sco vou
again 1"
"Ah, is ell, it has been the strongest
desire of my lifo to see, now for a
year 1 Como closer; let mo put my
hand on your head."
bho knelt down before him, and he
passed his hand slowly, caressingly
over her head,
"You are not a school-girl now. You
will not care to read or talk to tho ogre
any more."
His helplessness nut her shyness to
"I will always care to bo of servico
tcvyou, sir.
"Would you bo willing to sacrifice
your lifo for tho pleasure of a blind
iuan waste your youth in attending
to the whims and idlo fauciei 1
"It would not be wasted,'1 she said
iu a low 111 in tone.
"Will j on bo my wife, Nell?"
"Yea sir," unhesitatingly.
"Kiom pity i ah yes 1"
"No. biiV'
"Null, my love, my darling, klesmel
Ah, thero Is, after all. somo compensa
tion iu being blind," ho said, as ho
folded her to his breast.
Tears of initialed joy and pain gath
eroa lu the girl's eyes. It would bo no
sacriflco to her to marry him, to do
vote her lifo to him. bo eyes for him,
light to his pathway, but his regret
must bo hers also.
"Do not think ol being blind. Mnko
mo your eyes,1' she said softly.
"Noll, Nell, forgivo me dear one, for
thus trying you, Tho Paris doctor did
euro me. I can Bee, and I must see
you this moment.
He put her from him, snatched the
bandago from his eyes, nnd looked at
her with tenderness and love,
Nell shrank away, crimson with
limine, then palo as death.
"It was not right to play on my feel
ing and tnko advantage of my ignor
ance,'' she said. "Oh, sir, how could
you do it ?"
"It was cruel, but I could not resist
the temptation, l on did not know it,
but I took your picture with me, and it
was tho first thing I looked at when
permitted to see tho world again. Can
you not forgivo me, Nell ? Love, do
not turn coldly from me, lor what will
sight or nio bo if 1 must lose you 7
Ho stretched out his arms to her, but
she stood still, too proud ntid shv to
go to him now, and he went to her.
"Am I not to receive pardon, Nell ?''
Aim JNell hid her lace against Ins
shoulder. That was answer sufli
Mr. and Mrs. Chichester spent their
winters in London, hut every summer
they visited the Ogro's Castle, and
Mrs. Blakcly feels satisfied.
Some New Geography.
Of what is the surfaco ot tho earth
composed ?
Of corner lots, mighty poor roads,
railroad tracks, baseball grounds, crick
et fields, and okating rinks.
What portion of the globo is wa
ter? About three-fourths. Sometimes
tliny add a little gin and nutmeg to it.
H nat is a town T
A town is a considerable collection
of houses and inhabitants, with four or
live men who "run tho party' and lend
money at 15 per cent, interest.
W hat is a city 1
A city is an incorporated towu, with
a mayor who believes tho whole world
shakes whon he happens to fall flat on
a cross walk.
What is commerce ?
Uorrowing five dollars for a day or
two and dodging the lender for a year
or two.
Namo the different races.
Horse-race, boat-race, bicycle-race
and racing around to nnd a man to in
dorse your note.
into how many classes is mankind
divided ?
Seven Enlightened, civilized, half-
civilized, savage, too utter, not worth a
cent and Indian agents.
What nations aro called enlighten
ed ?
Those which havo the most wars and
the worst laws, and produco tho most
How many motions has tho earth T
That's according to how you mix
your drinks and which way you go
What is the earth's axis ?
The lines passing between New York
and San Francisco.
What causes day and night ?
Day is caused by night getting tired
out. Night is caused by everybody
taking tho street cars and going homo
to supper.
What is a map I
A mat) is a drawing to show tho
jury where Smith htood when Jones
gave him a lift under tho eye.
V hat is a manner s compass !
A jug hold'ng four gallons.
Picking up Driftwood
One of tho most interesting sights
on tho lower Mississippi is tho systom
of utilizing driftwood. A small saw
mill is erected on a steamboat mid this
vessel goes up aud down the river and
into each bayou picking up the valua
ble logs and at onco convtrting them
into inarketablo lumber, which sell at
the river towns or even deliver at a
planter's wharf. Now and then ono
may see tho black and brown saw mill
boat moored to tho bank, with fifty or
a hundred logs lashed alongside, and a
stream of fragrant yellow sawdust
swirling into the turbid current. Tho
led shirted negroes Blowly pull in a log
aud Mart it up tho inclined piano to
the whirling steel teeth that rasp it
into planks with ono long sweep nnd
sound; others pile up tho lumber beside
tho engine until tho deck is loaded.
Then tho boat is untied and moves
slowly down stream with its attendant
raft of logs. It is said that tho only
danger to bo apprehended is in finding
spikes or nails in float-wood, which
break tho saws and cause serious acci
dents ; but all puspicious-looking logs
aro eareiuiiy scrutinized bclore use. "Meroy, Bridget! what's
the matter witli the water ? This did
not cornu out of the filter, did ?"
Bridget "Indado it did, mum."
"That's strange ; I'm afraid you
havo not cleaned it lately."
"I did this very morning, mum, and
such a lot of stuff as I found in it.
sure. Why, mum, thero was most a
peck ot dirt, mum.
"Dear mo I What kind of dirt ?"
"Gravel and charcoal, mum."
In his article on "Shiloh,"' which will
appear in tho February Century, Gen
eral Grant describes tho anxious night
after tho lirst day of that battle.
Ho says : "Tho rain fell in torrents,
and our troops wero exposed to tlio
storm without shelter. I made my
headquarters under a treo a fow hun
dred yards from tho river bank. My
ankle was so much swollen from tho
fall of my horse the Friday night pre
ceding, and thu bruise was painful,
that l could get no rest. Tho drench
ing rain would havo precluded tho pos
sibility of sleep, without this addition
al cause. Somo time after midnight,
glowing restivo uuder the storm and
tho continuous pain, I moved back to
the log house on the bank. This had
been taken as a hospital, nnd all night
wounded men wero being brought iu,
their wounds dressed, a leg or an arm
amputated, as the case might require,
and everything being done to save lifo
or allevlato suffering. Tho sight was
more unenduiablo than encouutering
the rebel fire, and I returned to my
treo lu tho rain,''
A Dry Period is Oomlog,
Prof. Cookloy, of Now York, says
Most of the planets havo probably cool
ed down by radiation to a solid under-
crust like the earth. The sun owing
to his greater mass is still a fiery mass
not yet cooled down so as to havo a
solid crust. But our moon being a
body of small mass about one-clgietli
of the earth's mass, is supposed to nave
had timo to cool down to a solid globo
all the way from its surface to its ccn
tor. Its internal hent is supposed to
havo been radiated away into tho sur
rounding cold space. Now the hot In
terior mass of tho earth can, of course,
contain no water, and littlo or nono of
tho free gases that constitute an atmos
phere. But when the earth shall have
parted with all its internal heat, having
thrown it into tho surrounding cold
space as tho moon has done, then the
cold, solid but pototu mass within its
present crust, which is now incapable
of absorbing water or air, on account
of tho present high temperature, will
begin to drink up the water and air
just as the parched soil after a sum
mer's di ought drinks up tho rain, and
the ground is dry in n fow minutes
after tho shower. But you may well
ask, could the solid porous mass within
the present crust of tho earth thusdrink
up the whole of tlio waters of the At
lantic and Pacific Oceans and cause all
the waters of our globo to disappear ?
Let us examine this moro close-
While the interior of tho earth ro
mains as hot as it is at present it is no
more possible for the 'water and air of
our globo to penctiate to these fiery re
gions than it is for a drop of water to
remain on a hotetove. But the earth
is losing its heat day by day and year
by year, indiatiiig it out into the sur
rounding cold space. I know it has
been computed that tho earth receives
from the sun annually just as much
heat as it loses in a year by radiation
into tho surrounding space. Grant that
it bo so for tho present and for many
thousands of years to come. But the
trouble is the sun himself is cooling off,
and, therefore, will not be always able
to send us as much heat as ho does at
present. Tho time will, therefore,
surely come when wo shall lose moro
heat by radiation into spaco than the
sun will bo nblo to return to us. Then
it will bo only a question of timo for
the earth gradually to cool down, as
the moon has already done, from sur
faco to center. When that timo eomes
will not the dry but solid and porous
core of our globo drink up our oceans
and atmosphere, causing them to dis
appear, not into large cavernous pockets,
but into the minute pores of its sub
stance ?
The proposition appears to bo estab
lished by strict calculation that the in.
terior ot the earth when cold will bo
able to absorb moro than four times,
the amount of water now on its surface.
Now, it seems certain that in the man
ner first explained tho earth will con
tinue to lose both its superficial water
and its atmosphere. Tho earth, the
other planets, and even the sun him
self, nre regarded as doomed at somo
future day to tho same fate. Melan
choly fato I some will say. But why
complain of tho general law cf nature?
Everything in nature has its morning
of lifo, its high meridian of glory and
strength, its evening decline and its
midnight of blackness and death.
A Curiosity,
Probably one of tho most enthusias
tic and meritorious printers nnd en
gravers in the United States is S. S.
Waterman, living at Angel's Camp,
Calaveras county, California, He is
now twenty-seven years of ago ; was
born a cripple his affliction being a
nervous affection similar in result to
paralysis, but confined mainly to his
limbs. He cannot move any of them
without assistance ; ho cannot even
walk without aid. His goneral bodily
health is good, scarcely over being
sick, and then usually through his
bodily sympathy with his afllicted
limbs and want of physical exercise.
His speech is somewhat impaired,
otherwiso he enjoys good health and
spirits. His mind is strong, clear and
active. IIo has a good common edu
cation and has never been out of tho
towu of his nativity but once, and that
in search of medical aid to alleviate
his atllictioii, but without success.
Being of a jovial and communicative
nature, and, as he is unablo to writo,
ho had to dictate his coiicspondenoe
and ideas to others. This ho did not
like to do, and at an early ago ho con
ceived tho idea of printing his ideas
with tnoblo type which he set with
his teeth. This was slow nnd difficult
work at first, but by his untiring zeal
aud pcrseveranco ho succeeded beyond
his most sanguine expectations, aud as
ho progressed ho found a greater field
lor Ins labors, and was ono of the
founders of the Mountain Echo, a
small paper published at Angel's Camp.
lie sot a great deal ot tho typo on this
taper with his teeth, composing his ed
itorials and other articles as ho went
along. IIo also did considerable job
work in connection with las paper,
and being so far away from typo
foundries and printers' supply outfits,
ami Having occasionally to use large
block letters and emblematic designs
in his job work, lie, with his usual per
severance and enthusiasm, conceived
tho idea of engraving, Proem ing
three large-sized darning needles, he
had them ground to Uitlerent sizes and
proceeded with tho extra-diflicult un
dertaking of engraving on wood, hold
ing his tools (needle) in his teeth. This
effort, as in type-setting with his teeth,
was also crowned with success, and he
engraved block letters and emblems on
wood as lus business would require.
IIo also printed tho programmes, in vi
tations and posters for tho town, often
embellished, not with his handiwork,
but with bis teeth work. Mr. Water
man is now out of the nowspaper bus
iness aud confines bis wholo timo to
lob printing. Ho employs a boy to do
his presswork, tho only part of his
work that ho cannot do with lis teeth.
Tho writer of this lias in his possession
a photograph of Mr. Waterman at the
age of sixteen, also some specimens of
his engraving and poster printing of
later Hate, together with dictated let
ters from him verifying tho above
statements. Inland I'rinter.
Seven-pound sago hens aro killed In
How General Soott Ganged Deserters.
At the battle of Chcrubusco in tho
valley of Mexico, ono of thoso scries of
buttles which took place beforo tho cap
ital was eaptuced, occurred ono of tho
most Impressivo acts of tho entlro war.
I mean ns to Its effect upon tho men of
army. It was ono of those events
which carried instant conviction to tho
minds of the soldiers that discipline
and allegianco to tho flag wcro of par
amount Importance. After a desper
ate struggle tho works wcro carried,
and among tho captured wcro found a
number of deserters, men who joined
tho Mexicans and served the guns
against their own comrades, and the
full force of their aid is apparent when
it is known that they were nearly nil
trained artillerists. On tho discovery
being made Intcnso indignation pro
vailed, and nothing but tho strictest
discipline and Prompt obedience to or
ders prevented tho men from dealing
out instant vengeance upon tho de
serters. But a drum-head court-martial de
cided with duo formality, their fate,
which was to bo hanged, ignominious
ly, in tho presence of all tho army then
nt that point nsserabled. It must bo
understood that a portion of tho forces
wore then engaged with tho enemy nt
Chepultepec, that almost inaccessible
fortress and very stronghold of tho en
emy, holding farther advances upon
tho city, and that the most desperato
engagement was then undecided. Tho
men were drawn up in duo order, each
with a rope around his neck thirty
deluded victims nbout to receive mer
ited punishment for basely deserting
tho flag and turning the cnomy's guns
against their own comrades. The of
ficer in charge, upon whom devolved
tho duty cast a quick glance in tho di
rection of Chepultepec. Suddenly a
thought seemed to impress him, and he
said : "Let thera stand till they shall
seo tho American flag upon tho heights
of Chepultepec." With breathless
anxiety they waited. It was a hard
foifght battle, tho final result being
doubtful. Many bravo men went
down to rise no more, and many a man
carried the wounds there received
through life to his grave.
The gallant Colonel Itauiom, of the
Now England regiment, yielded his
life ; Captain Mayno Ileid, whom I
know, and others, wero wounded, and
wero among the first to enter tho
Suddenly a shout went up that car
ried relief to some, at least, of tlioso
anxious watchers, and dismay to the
hearts of those men who stood await
ing their doom. The heights had been
carried and tho starry banner floated
to the breeze. All oyes then turned to
tho sad spectacle before thera. Tho
deserters stood motionless as statues
awaiting the doom they could not shun.
They had taken tho last look of the
flag thoy had sworn to protect, and
were sent "unannointed and unanneal
ed" to answer to tho "last great roll
call." -Boston Post.
Shorthand in History.
An illusion in an article of Mr. Irv
iug's Hamlet to the fact that the quar
to 1C03 was printed from a stolen short
hand report of the tragedy seems to
have provoked question as to the exis
tence of shorthand reporters at that
day. Why theio should be any doubt
on such a matter is surprising.
Shorthand, or somo method of repre
senting spoken words as rapidly as ut
tered is almost contemporaneous with
tho art of writing itself. Xenophon
(-144-354 B. C.) is supposed to have
been the inventor of the Greek system,
which he employed in recording the
memorabilia of Socrates.
''My tongue is the pen of a ready
writer" (Psalms xiv., 1) suggests the
practice of short-hand among tho Israe
lites at an early period.
A series ot 1,100 arbitrary signs was
invented and used in Rome by Eunius
(230 1G9 ii. C.
Iiro, the freeman of Cicero, perfect
ed a system for tho Komans known as
the Tironian. This was used by Tiro
himself to tako down nnd preserve the
great oration of Cato against Ciesar's
proceedings respecting tho Cntilnariau
conspiracy as well as Cicero's own ora
tions on tho samo subject.
So fast was this system that one of
Martial's epigrams, addressed to a no
tary, confessed that the tongue was too
slow for tho head.
Somo lines by tho poet Ausonius in
praise of an expert in the samo time of
the Emperor Gratiau have been trans
lated to read as follows :
O woudcrous art 1 though from my llpi
Tho words like pattering hailstones fall
Thine ear hath caught thera every one,
Thy nimble pen portrayed tliem nil.
My words no sooner are pronounced
Than on thy tablets they appear ;
My mind canuot keep equal pace
With thy light lingers' swift career.
Tho history of shorthand in English
dates back to tho sixteenth century.
How mnoh earlier it was practiced wo
havo no means of knowing.
In 1588 Timothy Bright published in
London a work entitled "Characterie,
an art of Short, Swift and Socrot Writ
ing by Characters.''
Two years later Peter Uales publish
ed another work on the samo subject
entitled "Tho Writing Sohoolmaster,
in Three Parts," in tho introduction to
ono of the parts of which tho author
says : "Brachygraplfy, or tho art of
writing as fast as a man speaketh treat
ably, may seem difficult, but it is in ef
fect very easy, containing many com.
modifies under n few principles, tho
shortness whereof is attained by mem
ory, the swiftness by practice, tho
sweetness by industry."
This was written somo ten or a doz
en years beforo the Shakespeare's
"Hamlet" was played." Our readers
may tako it for granted that in all
timo whenever there has been anything
worth reporting somo expert writer or
industrious lioswcu has been on hand
to record tho speaker's words.
Afnnftv nnver madn a man bnntiv
yet, nor will it i there ii nothing in its
nature to produce happiness; tho more
n ninti lina thn mnrn hn wnntu t inatnnil
of Its filling a vacuum It makes one; if
.. .... . ,. ,
it sausucs one want it uouuiea ana
trebles that want another way.
Palo tinted brocades velvets aro In
favor for making costly wraps.
Newspapers and their Fnces-
A newspaper, llko every other busi
ness enterprise, is run for profit, nod
unless it yields a revenuo it eventually
ceases to exist. Now, If obtained in
an honorablo and legitimate way, this
profit must be derived from cither the
reading or advertising patronage, or
both, and tho better grade of journals
find littlo difficulty in o regulating
their patronago as to fairly and equi
tably divide the burdens of support bo
twecn all their patrons. A paper, how
ever, that sells its issue nt a positive
loss and expects in advertisors not only
to raako up tho deficit but in addition
to contribute a sufficient sum to sustain
it and afford a reasonable profit on its
investment, is manifestly dealing un
fairly with its best customers.
A newspaper is a peculiar commo
dity. It is not liko n pound of nails or
a bushel of salt. People don't shop
around to find out where they can save
a cent on a newspaper, but thoy buy
the one that suits them best even
though they have to pay moro for it.
They find out pretty soon whether they
get tho valuo received or not, and
hence, a live, enterprising paper is
never required to resort to such shoddy
schemes as to reduce its prico to se
cure tho patronago of the intelligent
public. It is only tho sleepy, badly
managed and worthless papers that
aro driven to such extremities. And
let mo say ono moro word, and that is,
the readers who would buy a poor pa
per simply because it could be obtained
a trifle cheaper than a good ono would
bo of littlo advar.tago to advertisers.
Liberal minded and intelligent people,
who buy according to their judgment
and know tho difference between legi
timate wares and absolute trash, are
tho class ot readers that the liberal ad
vertiser wishes to reach, and ho is
generally shrewd enough to reach
Points About Parrots.
"To teach a parrot to talk," Baid a
parrot fancier the other day, "it should
bo kept separate from other parrots,
though they often learn from each
other. Tho way I think best is to
keep it iu your bed-room, and ovcry
night before you go to bed put a cloth
around the cage and say something to
the bird. It will ponder over it all
night, and when you take the cloth off
in tho morning the parrot will say
what you said the night before. For
cxamplo, if you say 'Good morning'
tho night before, the parrot will say
'Good morning' when it sees you the
next morning. After a parrot gets
started talking it picks up lots of
things. Yon can teach one to talk in
six weeks.
"Parrots naturally would all be cen
tenarians. Bringing them bore short
ens their lives to fifteen or twenty
years on tho average. I never knew
ono to die of old ago. When they aro
first brought hero many of them die.
Inflammation of the lungs or colds kill
them usually. Tho oldest one I know
of is owned by an Albany family. It
is a gray African, 109 years old. It
has been handed down and treated
with tho best of care. In Mexico they
often get to bo 100. Families hand
them down as heirlooms, and they are
spoken of as 'our family parrot.' Par
rots do not propagate in this climate.
A gray ono has been known to hatch
out young ones in Europe, but never
here. Paroquets born in Australia
will propagate here, but not often.
Tho proper temperaturo to keep a room
with parrots in it is seventy-two de
grees. 1 givo them tepid water to
drink. It might give them a cold to
drink hydiant water."
Woman's "Won't" in Oreenland.
vYhen the Danish missionaries had
secured thu confidence of the Green
landers, marriage was mado a religious
ceremony. Formerly tho man married
the woman by force. One of tho mis
sionaries, writing in his journal, do
scribes the present stylo as follows :
Tho hopeful suitor coming to tho mis
sionary, says :
"1 should like to have a wife.
"Whom ?" asks the missionary.
The man names the woman.
"Hatt thou spoken to her ?"
Sometimes tho man will answers
"Yes : she is not unwilling.
thou knowest womankind."
Moro frequently tho answer is :
"Why not t"
"It is difficult ; girls are prudish.
Thou must speak to her."
.llie missionary summons too girl,
and after a little conversation, says:
"1 think it is time to havo the mar
"I won't marry."
"What a pity I I had a suitor for
I'Whoiu ?"
Tho missionary names the man who
sought his aid.
"He is good for nothing ; I won t
have him."
"But," replies the missionary, "ho is
a good provider ; ho throws his har
poon with skill, and loves thee.''
Though listening to his praise with
evident pleasure, the girl answers :
"I won't marry him.'"
"Well, I won't forco thee. I shall
soon find a wife for such a clever fel
Tho missionary lemains silent, as
though ho understood her "No" to
have ended tho matter, At laat, with
a sigh, sho whispers :
".hint as though wilt."
"No," replies tho olerevman, "as
thou wilt ; I'll not persuade thee."
i lien, with a deep groan, the
says :
"Yes 1"
And tho matter is settled.
It 1b necessary to hope, though hope
should bo always deluded j for hopo it
pelf is happiness, aud its frustrations,
however frequent, aro yet lets dreadful
than its extinction.
Black laco dieeses aro mado up for
brunettes of jetted net in combination
with black mtin and pale jelloAV vel
vet and eloborate gronituro of yellow
Tho newest and prettiest of brider
maids' bonnets aro of whito uncut vel
vet, with a puffiug of cream satin
around tho edges nnd a wreath of whito