The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 23, 1885, Image 2

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The Columbian.
0. 2. ElWOll, 1 TMU...
. J. K.Bltt9nb8nior.,rE1Ul1"'
Don Cnmcron wai reelected United
Stale Senator on Wedneoday, tlie
iemoornU .ill voting for Wallace.
Our Washington correspondent
thinks that Grant ought not to bo
placed on tho retired list of the nrmy,
with which view wo cannot concur.
Gen. Grant in broken in health nnd
ruined in fortune, and it is only an act
of common decency to put him back
where ho was when he resigned the
pencnilfliip, to accept tliu Presidency.
Tlie Senato has passed tho bill intend.
?ft for.his benefit, but leaving blank
the namo of the peison to bo appoint
ed to the lellred list, in order to over'
come the ditlicultics pointed out by
President Arthur in his veto of tho
Fitz-John Porter bill. The democrats
of tho House will probably, insert
Grant's namo and thus compel tho
President to sign it, or repudiate the
Porter veto, ft is true that Grant has
been very liberally treated by tho
American people, and it is also truo
that his foituue has been fooled away
by his utter want of business capacity,
but now that ho is in trouble, Congress
should try to relievo him, by reinstat
ing him in tho array.
If justice requires this to be done for
Grant, how much more does it demand
that something should bo douo for
Porter ! Grant brourjht on his trou
ble by his own folly j Porter has suffer
ed for twenty years under tho sentence
of a court martial composed of his ene
mies, which has since been clearly
shown to have been unjust and unde
served. The press irrespective of par
ty havo urged measures for his relief,
both branches of Congress passed a
bill at last session, which was vetoed
by a republican President on a techni
cality. If a bill for Grant's relief bo
passed, , a similar ono in Porter's behalf
should bo prepared and pushed through,
so that justice, though tardy, may be
done a noble and greatly wronged sol
. dier.
"Wasiunoto.v, Jan., lOtli, 1884.
During tho past week the debates
anil npt nf ( Innitrpufl h.ivn tnnohnd fl
. variety of subjects. Tho French Spo
liaUon bill, which was first brought up
eighty-thrco years ago, has passed both
houses, and the Nicaranguan Dill which
opens up the widest and gravest possi
bilities, has been debated. Jeffeisoii
Davis and Teouraaeh Sherman havo
both revisited the glimpses of the moon,
and tho Senato has voted to restore
Ulysses 8. Grant to his rank in the
army. Thero was considerable Bur
prise expressed at tho fact that Demo
emtio Senators voted .villi tho Iiepub
lictns to restort) Qen. Grant, but more
surprise will be expressed if the Demo
oratio House shall allow the bill to be'
come a law.
Human idolatry never reached ;i
more beastly depth thau in its worship
ot tirant. J.lie country does not owe
as much to him as it does to hundreds
of others. But because be has lost his
ill-gotten fortune through stupidity and
lraud, and his wonderful health through
prolonged dissipation, the Senate, a
portion of tho press, and a herd of
uilllionaiies dissolvo in maudlin pity
over an example of spurions greatness
to which history furnishes no parallel
There are decided objections asjainct
restoring lien, tjrant to Ins rank in tho
army. The last time he held power as
president of tho United States, he used
it to disperse southern legislatures and
to overawe opposition to Iho fraudu
lent seizure of the ptcsidenoy by the
concpirators of I87C. Tho Edmunds
bill proposns to place him only on tho
retired list of generals, but the Su
preme Court has decided that tho re
tired list is as fully a part of tho Army
a the active list, nud that the former
may at any time be called into ser
Suppose there should be another dis
puted election, as in 1876, or like that
which occurred only last November.
How easy and how natural (had an
other than Arthur been in the White
House) would it have been for Blaine
to summon Grant, as senior general, to
assume command. And with his namo
and prestige, and the fauatneism of his
idolators, tho crime and shame of 1S7G
might have bceu repeated. History
never repeats itself, butiollyand crime
aru perpetual. These dangers may bo
treated as ttivialties, since they are not
imminent, but it will be the part of
tolly to make them even remotely pos
sible by placing Grant again in the
Thero is a disposition on the Demo
emtio sido here in both houses to do
nothing at this short session except
pas the appropriation bills. Thu bills
still to be considered are so many that
ibis postponement to another Congress
of all legislation will bo easy to aexom
It is not among the impossibilities
that there mav be au extra session, and
for a number of reasons, it need not be
deprecated, As it is now, more than a
year intervenes between tho election of
Congressmen and the beginning
their duties. This fact has frequently
been commented upon as opposed to
wo spine oi our laws, uuu uojeciiuna
blc. The election and tho service
should be brought nearer together,
either by spring elections, or spring
ossions. Thero is certainly no reason
why of two men elected to co-ordinatu
public trusts nt the same time, one
should enter upon cfliuo on the fourth
of March and tho other on the first
Monday of the following December.
Hut apart from the abstract questions
involved, it will scarcely be disputed
bv those nt all familiar with thu woik
iiotv thrust upon Congrew, that its or
dinary sessions are of inadequate
length to enable it to cope with Us le
gitimato business. It is true that much
time is now wasted, and that more
would bo it the sessions wero longer,
but that does not argue that Congress
should not give itself a fair chance to
do its work.
Tho President's social duties hav
, kept him busy during tho past week
and ore ike v to c mploy bis eveningi
ior some time to come. Hu has aban
doned nil idea of visiting the New Or
leans Exposition in on official capacity
and lias to intormctl tue uoaru oi man
nuein. He expecls, however, to mak
a short visit niter tho 4lh of March
aud then, of couise be will go (is a pri
vale citueu. He had hoped to atteu
ilm Exposition duiing thu month o
KubruarVi and consequently refrained
from expending his e.'.gagefneuts into
that mouth.
William M. Kvnrts ha been elected
to the United States SenMo by tho
legislature of Now York. His
chief opponent was Lev I P. Morton,
whoso friends attempted to buy tho
placo for Mm, but failed.
There is a little unpleasantness In
the republican eamp just now over tho
dispute bnween Senators Emery and
Cooper. Emery charges Cooper with
using llio money given him m Chair
man of the slnto committee, to elect
representatives favorable to Cameron,
rather than for tho benefit of ibe Hla'uie
electors. Emery gave Cooper SoOt)
for campaign jmrposc, nnd says that
Cooper used it in his (Emery's) own
district endeavoring to defeat him.
No money wns given the national committee-
by Coopt.r. The fiery-topped
senator denies Emery's charges nnd
thero tho matter reHs. Which ono
tells the truth will probably never bo
Tho Democratic State' Committee
met in tho parlors of the Holton House,
Ilarrisliurir on NVeilnesilny, and elected
the following officers s Cliaiimau, W.
U. llensel : Secretary, .1. IS. liiuhty;
Executive Committee, 11 P. Allen, of
iVeomini: : E. A. Uicler, of Clearfield :
B. I Myers, of Dauphin i W. J.
Brentmn, of Allegheny s E. 15. Ooxe, of
Luzerne i Gen. K. Coulter, of AVest
monland, nnd W. V. Hardly, of Phil-
I.t. II. II. llonglund I'ojt of this place
hare made tliu M. K. Church ot tills placo
handsome gift for their new church In
the shape of u bell which 19 to weigh not
leas than ono thousand pounds, unil to bear
tho Inscription : Presented to the Oatawls
sn SI. K. Church in memory of I.t. II. II.
Hoagland Post No. 170, Q. A. It. Catiiwls-
And now another one of our widowers
has bceu made happy by setting himself
helpmeet, and this tlmo nono less than
Mr. F. F. Mcrccron to Miss Sallio Harder.
A daughter of Mr. Oetkln of Sunbury
wns burled In tho Union Cemetery on last
A handsome pipe organ has been put
into St. Matthew's E. L. church.
Tlie sleighing has como and been and
gone and tho next will be mud, mud.
Wo understand the P. It. H. Co., intends
putting a depot In placo of tho platform on
Main St., which will add greatly to tho
convenience of tho public, as they now arc
compelled to remain in the weather.
I wonder whether tho Sec'y. of the coun
ty institute did not know that there wero
more districts than those mentioned. We
feel nomewhnt slighted and advise him to
tudy reform, local geography.
We seo our legal gentlemen wending
their way toward the county scat every
week. Thero must be no dull times with
Tho Item sooke last week about rents,
this town could use some of those houses
which other towns have to spare, as the
people hero havo quite a time to find a
shelter for the coming year.
This medicine, combining Iron with pure
vegetable tonics, quickly and completely
t'urra Urnpepslat indigent Ion WraUnrsH
1 m pure Illood, 31nlBiiR,ClilUu and Fe era,
nnd urnlic1n.
1 1 la an unfailing1 remedy for Diseases of tho
Klilneyn nnd Urer.
It is Invaluable for DIswm peculiar to
Women, and all who lead sedentary Urea.
It docs not injure the teeth, cause headache.or
produce constipation othr Ironmcdicinento.
It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates
the appetite, aids the REslmllatlon of food, re
lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength
en the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lack of
Energy, Ac., it has no equal.
4fV The genuine has above trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
va.Uoi.irhr hkohhiiikbicil to siLTiioaK. mb.
Absolutely Pure.
rowdor never varies. A marvel of purity
strength and wuiMosoineness. More economical
ttnnlna ordinary km is. and cannot be sold In
competition wltn the multitude of low teat, anort
welKlit, alum or pnospnatu powders. Hold only
Inciria. Kovau UtiiNci fowDKiiCo , 106 Wa!l-st.,
W.V. aueii-iy.
WHEIlEAS.thellon. William Elweii
President Judge ot the court ot Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail DeUrery, Court of Quar
ter Sessions of the Peace and the Court of Common
Pleas and orphans' Court In the 96ta Judicial Dis
trict, composed ot tlio counties of Columbia and
Montour, and the lions. James Lake and F. L.
bhuman, .UsclaU) Judges ot Columbia countr,
have Issued their precept, bearing date the 1 0tti day
otrwdn the year of our Lord ono thousand eight
hundred and eighty-four, and to me directed for
holding a Court ot Oyer and Terminer and General
Quarter Sessions of the 1'eaeo, court of Common
I'leas and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsburg, In the
county of Columbia, on the erst Monday, being
the Snd day ot Feb. next, to continue tor tiro
Notice Is hereby git en to the tho Jus
tlces of the l'eace, and the Constables of the said
County ot Columbia, that they bo then and then In
their proper person at 10 o'clock lu the forenoon ot
aald Snd day of Feb. with their records inqui
alliens and other remembrances, to do those things
which to their offices appertain to be done. And
those that are bound byrecognUance to proseiute
against the prisoners that are or maybe in the Jail
of tho aald county ot Columbia, to be then and there
to prosecute them as Bhall bo ujt. Jurors are re
quested to be punctual In their attendance,
agreeably to their notices. Dated at iiloomsburg
the Tin day of Jan. In the year of our
J LB. Lord one thousand eight hundred and
l-v J elghty-nve, and In the one hundred and
ninth year of the Independence of the United
butesof America.
Mierlit'somce. JOHN VOUnET,
Iiloomsburg, Jan. 7-to HLerin.
The foltowln
faltowlnff uldowfi1 aDDrabxunonli will be
prvhfnu'a 10 ooun. on me rim .vouaaj ot ja'uru
ry isss, ud ronnnaed ntst, and unlwn excepllona
are nldIUila four d tucreatitt vtlUkecon.
nruil aUolutul).
1. ItoburtCathcirUc.tato, daeta Iitiiit-
burg, I'onoo.ilty, j'loauu.
i a. tuobim stciienry, etute, dsveaiwi, ot Be.
- j T'
Jon. 13th, IStO.
jta it-it
Clark U. C.
DDmmr5 i
mm mm
ui 11 m ij i-
Ir-l 1-1 l-J
W a royal :wat
&5t nun matter's.
I'niMMtniu, January 1MU&
Whatever muslin you want,
whatever make, grade, width
ind weight, is almost certainly
here, where a very large
part of the muslin trade of
the region is done.
Now wc arc putting all the
muslins either at the bottom
or below the bottom of the
letail market. Not a make
ir grade to be got for less
than here.
.tiittitt from llif trntre.
hxamples of unprecedented
bargains in cotton dress
stuli's. Standard ralico, 8 cents for
4J. Standard means 64
threads to tlie inch both ways
,md fast colors. Furniture
alico, 8 cents for 6.
Foulards, 32-inch, blue and
brown grounds, 10 cents lbr
Going at calico price,
'hough calico is 25-inch and
Dress ginghams of fifty
;tyles or more, clmmbray,
stripes, plaids, checks and
figures, 12 cents for 8.
The 10-ccnt ginghams are
much coarser.
Scotch zephyr ginghams,
black and white, 18 cents
for 10.
Scotch tennis-stripe skirt
ng, 39-inch (length of skirt),
40 cents for 25.
Japanese stripe skirting,
iray-and-black, 12 cents
for 10.
Printed lawns, i2j4 cents
for 7. Fast colors, even to
the tinted grounds, which is
rare. White grounds also
Cable cheviots, very heavy,
four quiet patterns, 10 cents
for 7.
French Penang shirting,
fifty good patterns, some of
them unique, 25 cents for 15.
American printed shirting,
5 and 6 cents for 4j4 and 5.
Nortl.wdit from Ibe itntre.
Examples of extraordinary
bargains in low-pricedress-stulls,
mostly cotton-and-wool.
Serge of extraordinary
ook and quality, 25 cents
for 15. Ottoman cord ditto
Printed cashmere, 18 cents
for 12.
All-wool Bison (Albatross
unly coarser and rougher)
20 cents for 15.
Pretty English plaids, 30
cents for 25.
Heavy all-wool serge, 25
cents for 20.
Ly Hit Tblrtee ntli'Btrect door.
Valuable dress-stuffs down.
Very wide-twill serge, with
i right cross-stripes and rows
of large embroidery-like dots
between; $4 for $1.50.
Serge with inch embroid
ery, dots of tinsel and woo'
six inches apart; $4 to $2,
A twill, more than a twill,
withobscurestripesand three
color groups of little embroid
ery dots, $3 for $1.
A twill almost covered with
little three-color bright loops,
$1.50 for 75 cents.
French flat-cord fine-wool
heavy Ottoman down from
$1.50 to $1. One of the
notable cloths of the year.
Epingle, a fine hard cord
like a pin, as the name im
plies, down from $1.25 to $1.
Figured silk-and-wool pop
.in down from $1.25 toi.
Plain fine-wool poplin, very
soft and thick, clown from
51.50 to $1.25. A remark
,ble cloth.
The same, less fine and
soft and thick, called Em
press cloth, down from $1 to
50 cents.
Rich fine-wool sateen with
splendid lustre, down from
fi to 85 cents.
Fine armure of soft wool
down from $1 to 80 cents.
Ftmlhrjut from th centre.
Fine plaids down.
Scotch plaids, five clans,
down from $1.50 to $1.25.
French small plaids oi
dull effect of fine wool, finely
spun and woven, one of the
neatest stuffs in the store,
down from $1 to 75 cents.
Several color-effects.
French large bright plaids,
cashmere fabric, down from
$1 to 75 cents. Twenty
five patterns or more ; seve
ral color-styles of each
German large plaids, some
of them bright, of heavier
effect, cotton-and-wool but
mostly wool, are down from
75 cents to 50. Twenty-five
patterns at least, and a hun
dred colors.
Htnthttit from tht'eentr.
Faille Francaise, all the
colors in favor, $1 for 21.
inch. We'd be surprised tc
hear of it anywhere else foi
less than $1.25.
Evening silks of ever)
Bcuthtut from centre.
Brussels carpets down to
a dollar. Bigelow, Lowell,
Hartford and other best
makes of five-frame Brussels
carpet for a dollar! a room
ful! Five-frame Brussels is tare
at a dollar a yard. Five
frame Bigelow, Lowell and
Hartford Brussels are rarer
still. A full stock of more
than two hundred patterns
of these at a dollar a yard
was never thought of till
now; and that is what we
are selling; they are- not
remnants, but full pieces ;
borders to match most of
Market etreet front, ieconl floor. Take car north
eet from the centre.
Seal coats for 75; 36
inches long. You think they
must be pretty bad coats
somehow, don't you ? Well,
the only fault they have is on
the outside. The skin is
perfect. The work wc
made them ourselves is
good enough for double the
money. The color is Lon
don dye, like all our seal,
Thefur is abundant and even.
Why $75, instead of double?
Because the hairs of the seal
were, some of them, left in
the fur; imperfectly taken
out in the preparation of the
skin; and they give the fur
an uneven look.
The finest long coats we
have are only $250 now;
and dolmans $300 ; just $100
less than you would have
paid us for them a little
while ago. Wc never had
finer seal or did more skill
ful and perfect work. It is
past the selling time. We
are making prices without
regard to anything but the
chance of having to keep the
garments over.
Do you want a $5 blouse
suit for a boy for $3 ? or a
$1.50 trouser for $1? or a
$6 overcoat for $4? or a
man's $14 overcoat for $10?
They are here.
Kear the middle Markct-elrect door
John Wanamaker.
riiestnut, Thirteenth and Market itrttU,
and City.hatl square.
On Monday, January 2Gth
. l Mm d Son
will put on sale 1,000 worth of
mces much lower than same
qualities havo been selling for.
The stocks of LIGHT CALI
I2S, occ., are now being
bought as fast its the goods are
offered for sale by the manufac
turers. HAMBURG EM
BROIDERIES, &c, are eheap
er than ever known before.
Jan 23 tt
(Ml kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof
ing and Snouting promptly
nltenilcd to.
restrict attention given to heating by bteam.
Corner of Main & East Sts.,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Manufacturers of
First-class work always on hand.
Mces reduced to tuit the times.
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds,
the several beautiful ttyles of Fence manufactured
For Beauty and DuraWUtv ther areunsuroass
set up oy experienced hands and warranted
to give satisfaction.
Prices and specimens of other de
signs sent to any address.
May 4-tf
urviitt ur junr, i.-isrLimc
Notice U hereby given that two mine Inspectors
are about to bo appointed by the Board of
tiers, o, e tor the First (or Vousvlle) DUtrlctand
r me ursi (or rousvne) uut
Second (orMalionor) HMrlctor
uua lur kuv rn uuu urtauiuiuy; jii-tinci or nChUyl.
and that the Board of Examiners Mill
meet on Monday, February Bih, 18-5, alio o'clock
a. m , la the second story iront room, toutb eldo of
theseltz building on Ci ntre street Pottsvllle
i cAtuuiue uiiuiuuit-u iur inebu omees. All can
didates are renue-ted to prusent themselves for
examination at this time. No previous notlllca
Hon of Intention to apply is required.
Ltll'18 I.OHE 7, of
JOHN W. MOUOAN, I Examiners.
QIIOUT1IAND. Pamphlets mailed freo. I.lngle'H
Compendium, II. tessons by mall, 3. UnSle'g
college of Shorthand, 3I Chestnut St,, l'hlla..
l'.i. J. M. UXOLE. Jan 1W w r
EflTATa or oaoiwi iihm, dioisbs.
If ttirs of adutnhttratlon U the tktate of etorge
Hew, deceased, late of Hugarloax twp. colvia.
bla couutv.i ennaylf anla, hae teu granwd by th
Hu?lsler of aald cuuuty to the undartlgnl Aim In.
litralor. All pcraoua iiavlng clalma aAUit the
mute of the dMvased aru n-n,uewd lo iimvut
them for w'.lkinent, and those ladbtu to the at
tatutomakepaymtnttotue undnl(nd adaUA-
A. U Fritz, Att'r. I. ft GIUBOM4L
Ja--W AdiDUHtwaW.
I'riini Jiiti, 7, 8., to Jan. IX, 'Bs
JOHN K, Oltrm, Treasurer,
Tobal. settlement Jan. V, ISM f 14 11
" cash received of (Ireenvrood dun. 1S83 7
" " " liloom " iKfl Ml M
' " " " ftcott " 1HH3 8UO 10
" " ' " llrccnnood " 1BH.I 4HJ X7
" " " sugarloaf " inn w Kt
" ' " 11 -iluom " 1HHI coi M
11 " " ' flcott " NWI 1S8I0
" ' " (lreenooil " 8tl W 7S
" " " centre township S7 110
" " " Salem township for
Bttlla Turner 27 M
" cash reo'd. Oatharlno Heller 48 60
" " lsalati Kahrlngcr rorMrs.
Doan'a bill 1W H
" cash reo'd. rent Lonir property Vit
" county Treasurer tax le-
turned 41 HI
" cash ree'd. T. Jtcnrtde, ptoduco told "6 OJ
" " ' Jacob Heist Sr., Hannah
Uelatblll 0 00
" cash reo'd. Nusnrtoat rtup. 1M 71 15
" nmt. notes in I reosurer'B hands 120 oo
" uuo Treasurer on Settlement.... is M
liy ordeis ot km redeemed ...
" " 18SI " . ,
" postage
" percei.tniro
" uncollected notes
amt. run.
ten I II
391 (M
Vtt 78
tl 314
II 110 tt
13 S31 85
t 77 30
i I 480 01
Amt. out-standlnft orders Jan. T, 1881.,
" orders l-wued from .Inn. 7, 181,
Jan. m, Include
13 663 31
, S3 630 30
, 3 0,3 01
Amt, outers redeemed , ..
" outstanding Jan. l, 1881
(5 603 31
For year ending January 5, 1885.
Auditors and clerks' bill Jan. 7, 1881.
(leo A Clark, bl nk books
J U Brown surveying tor water
Abe snj der repairing pump at 1'. 11
T J Morris order of teller
K It Furtnan, coftln for .Mrs Low
33 00
3 IX)
7 tO
fl 75
1U (U
13 00
3 10
I 00
4 00
8 00
II 00
10 00
3 35
17 51
11 3i
7 f'O
3 01
.laeou Tern linger, order ot relief
V 11 Hess and John Dcrr, order of relief..
Const Klsner bringing 1-1 Ebner to I' II ..
w iuurria norue nire, two inps to sugar
loaf lor J Muuberman
Centre township expense, Hoselta Dod-
BUU ... .... ........ .. ..
K II Little, fees on suit Centre twp In the
sarah Wltmlmcase
W Krlekbaum fees on same case
joirn ji Clark, orders ot relief...
J 11 Kelm. Bintth work poor house.
E A itawiinga, beef for 1' II
ordered bv ll.irt.on o I)..
H Kleckner. leef. noor houso...
() W Hates, shoemaklng, poor tiouso
r iw it:Kei uorse nnu wagon vu i-ku
ivenr 10 uunvuie .... ......vdii
car fare .Mrs lletzto Uanvlllo .... 87
3 87
4 00
11 HO
S3 48
8 43
F V nets, order ot relief, uuzabcth Far
ker.TT. J M Clark taking depositions Bloom l'oor
uisinct vs centre lownsnip
Ellas Howell, county tax for 1S83
l'oor " " "
(0 5t
3 08
0 00
31 10
N Boone, town tax '83 on Long House....
i corrcii, cuum ior .nuumcr, ji u.
N" J Hendershott, medicine p h 5 74
" " od 147
John Klnports, " p h 3 85
" 'r blank books 1 85
T) V Black, lumber
5 )
18 10
C It. Slendenhall, lumber, S 33 08
A II White " 41 51
E Wolever
3 S3
K Eves & Bro
U 81
14 00
JIathlos Shaffer bill for tank and tower,
i u i.allLman. noor house. ,
11 15
Town ot Iiloomsburg, sencr plpo 9 71
Thomas H right, building tank 40 00
w M Alien, couniyiax Lwnguuuse, itw
J S Heltz, beef poor house,
5 00
4 31 to move EDierio jour-
Elnell Blttenbendcr
N H White, lime, poor houso
Samuel Shaffer, work at poor house
James Cadman, cradle for poor bouse. . . .
14 50
2 00
1 35
3 83
37 01
3 13
141 1
4 01
rtooawaru, coiecior, ncnooi iax imus
house. 1RHI.
s Knorr. bmlth work
UFalrmau, 3000 lb phosphate
c Krug. sash, Ac., poor house
Centre township, cost and expcnsoleW
L II Iiupert, orders ot relief
c It lilec, beef for poor house
Columbia County ltepubllcan
C K Hnrtman, tklng Em. ookto P. II.,
:i 50
3 00
1 50
1 60
1 00
50 00
iieoeKer, ream 10 eaKo .-unrvarei anu uur-
ouno iiawson ro poor nousu
A Laubach to J Fritz, order relief M.
V M ltcber, one year's salary,
J It Evans, " " "
Thomas McBrlde, " "
50 00
CM 50
75 OT
75 00
"5 CO
75 00
45 10
Wesly siorrls
lleeeo Falrman, " "
FWIledeker, " "
Lllllupcrt, " "
" postage and stationery
Four papers printing statement Jon '81...
wmnmsti.o .
9.T) W
Tl r- linn, iliffffln? nnd filling ditch 141 14
Vown tax on Ions house lb8l 1 ru
c W Ncal k llro, Coal p h 11 (
o A Jacoby " " 18 so
W F Uodluc, painting p h 10 13
John F l'urtcl. wnlth work 8 30
fl a k Mm mpnif np. n 11 s uu
" oil 1 00 0 90
V .T Tipnrtrrshntt. medicine n h 9 94
" " o d 18 00 2T 94
Aaron Boone, lime 13 65
lloyer Bros, medicine p h is 50
U U t O,
paid for tramp 1 18
43 rs
8 oo
V Snvder. kceolnc irainn ,
Jacob Dlellanbach, brooms.
3 00
10 00
ji c woouwaru, consume, ..
fleorge Fox
Mary HuUies
LZ Kauler...-.
Mary E Doan
Marenret Meti
JCKse Kelly
100 S5
us us
133 85
870 5'
Knndrr tiillt for rrnalrs and merchandise
for family and paupers 393 41
Susan Heln Bloom
Hannah staufer "
Jackson Earns "
Hiram Long "
A M Zimmerman "
Margaret Bower "
James Klstl r
Louis llelderbrand "
Fifd Wctmcr "
A J Russell "
Ellen Harriet Kinney "
Minerva May "
Hobert Morris - "
Marj'J. Vanllom "
Sarah Jones '
David llelderbrand "
Milton E Cox "
LucyDlggs - "
Jobeph Mnrrs . "
Margaret N Dawson "
Mrs James Mccormick "
Caroline Dennis "
MoryE Doan, Scott twp
Hannah Oelst, Montour tw
Bessie Dodson, Bloom
Caroline Dawson, Bloom
Matthias Shott, Sugarloat
Huth and Ellen Donley, Greenwood
Mrs Brown, Scott twp
John Boyer, "
John Jones, "
calvin Halfpenny
Daniel Ingold.
Mrs Charles Hamilton
William U:vU
Isaiah Holder ..
11 oo
1 Oil
ion o
73 50
5 IX)
1" (X)
40 113
53 01
23 00
15 00
S 00
10 00
l no
31 OO
r, on
it, 0
4 00
19 HI
4 43
5 no
7 53
4 50
141 80
15 13
17 55
87 53
1 1
13 00
11 4
3 eo
23 00
1 50
3 00
Tranaps .'
17 17
J54S8 01
We, the undersigned auditors or the townsuipi
romDrtklnir the liloom l'oor District metatth(
l'oor Houso on Monday, Jan 13th, 18hs,
Kiimtnoii thn flnronntsof the Treasurer and Di
rectors from Jan Jth, 18-4 to Jan 13th 1885, and the
voucners tor tne sau.e ana nna mem 1-urreei as c
forth abo e.
1K1BT. S. 1IOWEIX, Scott )
ADAM HTT, fireenwood Auditors.
F, D. DUNTI.EH, Bloom J
IKU TO 11L001I POOS PISTKICT JAN. 13th, 1883.
Farm and buildings
Judgment on Iwnuls property.,,,,,
Bal of liloom duplicate for
" " scott " " '
" " (ireenw'd " " "
" " Sugarloat " " "
13 100 00
loo oo
178!) 31
548 13
373 15
319 31
Less estimated
exonerations, nnd com-
3 horses
11 head cattle
3 shoats
1 breeding sow
131 chickens ,
Kami lmpieTcnts ,
Furniture In poor bouse ,
', " steward's house,,
338 bushel of wheat,
a " " rye
100 " " jnta'oes,
1030 bead of cihbage
35 bushel turnips
13 " beets
10 ton ot hay ,
1550 bundles corn fodder ,
uxi bushel corn ears
380 " oat
4 " onions
3cO) lbs pork and lard
300 " beet i
6 ton coal
350 lbs Hour..
iys bushel beans .
looibs packed butter.,
Sbbl cider lnegar ,,,
i uuisuur Kruui
Long projierty 50 oo
119 113
ruooccTiintiiiuON rAim.
306 bushel wheat
io " rye
331 ' oatx
1013 11 corn
173 " potatoes
4 " beans ,
30 " beets .,
30 turnips
6 " onions
3lt7 lbs pork and lard
3030 bundles of corn fodder .,
30 bundles ot loi.g stiaw..,,
1310 he d of cabbage
7 ahoata .
5 bbl elder
i! saur kraut
M lbs butter
339 53
6 eo
1M K
354 01
63 35
V 10
3 50
318 89
bO 80
8 00
M9 39
10 I
16 00
10 00
K7 U)
181 dozon eirirs
I n cffiKl
36 3
1) SO
f3 48(1 88
8;e w
771 9.1
21U 91
31 70
Number paupers remaining last report...
" " admitted during tho yenr
removed during the year
died " '
discharged " " "
remntnB Jan j v
V, IlliUUKIilt.
Jan S3 4 w
By virtue of sundry wrttslssued out of tho Court
of common I'leas of c llumbla county nnd to modi,
reeled, v, 111 cxposo to public silo nttho Court
House In Iiloomsburg, on
SATURDAY, February 7, '85.
At two o'clock p. in., the following described real
estate, to-wlt t All that certain pleco or parcel of
land iltuate In Beaver township, Columbia county,
nndstato of Pennsylvania, nnd known os men
nty, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt i On
tho west by Walnut Street, south by First Street,
EastbyCharejSlreet, andnorthby Sixthstrcet,
according to tho gencrat plan ot said Olen City, ex.
ccptlnglots hcTrtoforo soli as fot,ows, to-wlt i
Nos. 1, 3, T, 8, 9, 10, 1 1 and IS In Block No 1 ; Nos. 1 ,
S,3,4,5and0ln Block No.3; Nos: 4, 10,11 and is In
Block No. 3; Nos 1 nnd 3 In Block No. 4 : Nos. 0
and 7 In Block No. IS j Nos. 1,3, 7, 10 and 11 In Block
No. 11 ! Nos. t, 8 and 3 In tllock No. 31 ; Nos. o, 7, 8,
9 and '0 In Block No. 31 ,- N s. 7, 8, , 10, 11 and 13 In
Block No. S3 i Nos. I, 3, 3, 4, s, , 7, 8, and 10 In
Block No. 41 ; Nos. 1,3, 3,4,3, ft, 7, 8, 9, 10, it and 13
In Block No. 4J, nnd Nos. 1,3, 3, 4, S, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
nna 1 1 in iuock no. 41, said iota designated by num
ber and Blocks according to tho town plot of said
Olen city.
t-clzod, taken Into execution at the suit ot Col
umbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Low As
Nidation vs. Clt. Barms nnd Almtra A. Barnes,
and lobe sold asthe property of bald C. It. Barnes
nnd UmlraA, Barnes.
Stiller, Att'y. Lev. Fa
A L S 0
All that certain tract, piece or parcel ot land sit-
uatclnthe township ot Benton In tho County ot
Columbia and Stato of Ponnsylvanla.(bounded nnd
described ns follows, to-wlt! Beginning at nwldto
oak adolnlng lands surveyed In the namo of Abra
ham Owen south flfty.four degress cast ono hun
dred and sixty-eight pcrchoi to a whlto oak, thenco
uy land surveyed for John Clayton south thirty-
six degrees west one hundred nnd one perches to a
po-t, thence by lands ot Daniel Ashleman north
llfty-tour degrees west one hundred nnd sixty,
eight perches to n Make and stones, thenco north
thirty-six degrees cast one hundred nnd one per
ches to the place ot beginning, containing ono nun
dred acres and eight perches, and usual allowan
ces of 0 per cent, for roads, on which are erectod a
two-story frame dwelling houso and a log barn.
t-cireci, taken into execution, at tho suit otA. 11.
Krlckbaum'a iijo vs. W. H. Krlekbaum. and to be
sold as tho property of said W. H. Krlekbaum.
.Miller, Att'y. jr. Fa.
All that messuage and tract ot land situate at
Minim Cross Iioads In tho township of Beaver, lu
the County of Columbia, and Stato of Pennsylva
nia, bounded and described as follows : Beginning
at a gum, thence by land of Ino. Hauck and Scotch
Itun south sixty-six degrees west 33 and
four-tenths perches to a stone, thence along bldo
oi n public road leading from Beaver Valley to
jiiniinvmo south nine degrees cast eleven nnd tour
tenths perches ton stone near tho Danville, Ha-
zleton and Wllkesbarre llallroad, thence up said
roau north sixty-eight degrees east forty-nlLO
perches to a stone, thence by land ot John Hauck
north seventy-eight degrees west twenty two per
chesto tho place of beginning, containing two
acrea nnd one hundred and forty perchos.
seized taken Into execution nt the suit of PoL
H. Bredbenner now touo ot Catawlssa Deposit
Bank vs. Charles Ahleman and Jonas Bredben ier,
and to be sold as the property ot said Charles Able
man and Jonas llredbenner. Vend Ex.
Miller, Att'y. JOHN J101IKEY,
Jan 10 sheriff.
Real llsisslc I
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court ot
olumbla countr. tne unnderslirned Administrator
of the estate of Harriet VanTlew, late of the
township ot Orange in the said county ot Colum-
oia, ueceaseu. wiu expose u puuiic sue on llio
SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 1885,
at one o'clock In the afternoon, the following de
scribed real estate, to-wlt : A certain messuage
and tract of land situate in tho township ot orange
nnd county ot Colu - bla aforesaid, about ono mile
northeast of Light Street, and bounded by lands of
Charles Jones, Isaac Uoone, E. II. Little, Wm. Ha
genbuch, the Johnson heirs and others, containing
eighty-one acres and sevenly-one perches Btrlet
measure be the samo more or less, (It being the
same tract ot land that Thomas Jiuniy and wife
uy luueuiuru uuuntjg uaiu in- aim or .warcu A. i.
1855 and recorded In the llecorder's Office of Co
lumbia county In Dee I Book 3, page 118, conveyed
to Harriet VanLiew tho decedent,) on wnlchlsa
two-story frame house, a new and commodious
iramu unas uarn ana uu necessary out-Dunuings,
a largo and good orchard and a go -d spring ol wa
ter, with spring houso between tlie house and
barn. About twenty acres are well tlmb ed and
the balanco la in good fanning condition.
TEItMS OF MALE. Ten tier rent, nr nnp.fnnrth
of the purchaao money to bo paid nt the striking
down of the property ; the ono tourth les3 tho ten
per cent, nt the conllrmatlon ot sale, nnd tho re
maining three-fourths In one year thereafter, with
latci t from conllrmatlon nUl.
White Att'y. ALKM. C. VANLIEW,
Jan 10-3 w Administrator.
Notice Is hereby given that tho following named
persons havo tiled with the Clerk of the Court of
Quart"r Sessions ot the peaeo of Columbia coun
ty, their petitions for License which will be
presented to the said Court on Monday, the second
day of February 18S3, at 8 o'clock P, M.
Blbby, James It.
Liquor Store.
Liquor -tore.
t-urry. i-nniei r.
Ollmore, Fred M.
Ollmore, Wm. 11.
(llrton, Jacob L.
Ilagenbuch, S. II.
lleckman, George
Mann, John s.
Mnrkle, M. A.
McHieartv, James
Mo1 aughlin. Arthur
Pelffer, William
ltamer, Daniel
llobbtns, U rtez II.
I" yon, Michael
Tubbs W. 1L
Jan 13tli, 1885.
Jan 10-tf
Iiloomsburg Ltouor Store.
central'a ltestaurant.
Bloomsburg Hotel.
Clerk ll s.
Letters of administration in tho esta e of David
Achenbach. late of Oraneo townslitn. Coluinhi.i
county, Pennsylvania, have been granted by the
KCKisier ui saia coumv iu me unuersinen An.
jnlnlstrator. All persons having claims airatnst
tne estate or said decedent are requested to pre.
sent them for settlement nnd those indebted to
mo estate to mane payment to the undersigned
without delay, ALI1EHT C. ACHENBACH,
Jan s-tf AdmUiWrator.
C:lr':;":i"v; Agricultural Society
FOlt THE YEAR 1881.
910 lbs beef.,
Balance In bauds ot Treasurer Jan. 4, '84. K84 73
Members dues 4 U)
Proceeds ot mortgage soou oo
ITOcoiKotnote 491 S3
Ha- BOld 39 4.1
Admission tickets sold 3389 75
(irand stand receipts 141 Si
Stand rents 190 oi
Horse entries 344 30
Fine i ui
187 membership tickets . 187 oo
Premiums pall 1843 so
Police, Detecllvo and ussslstants st9 43
Music 100 oo
onicers1 salaries , on
Taxes 64 90
Printing, postage, Ac., 378 8a
Laborlorlmpiovementa 1174 15
Materials 0i to
Note paid soil to
Paid on real estate aiu sa
Miscellaneous a ;us
Balance I n Treasury 103 o,
18370 18
Balance In hands ot treasurer Jan. 8, 1883. 103 17
c. Barton, agreement 900 eo
Mortgago 3 ill 00
J. C. 1IHOWN, 'Jreas.
II. V. WHITE, Sco'y.
ABVEHTISKIIS ! send for our Select list of local
newspapers, tloo. 1'. Howell I LU, 0 Spruce
bu, a. V. Janm rw r
Nouilnif aitf r, more dura
ble or more prompt. Vor
furtner Uitonnatlou and cir
cular, addrea
JOH. A. Mtltllti;,
SI Kan Jlarlet fctreet, ia
dlanapoll Ind.
Jan lMw
By virtue of sundry writs Issued out of the
Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia e ounty and
to mo directed will bo exposed to Piibllo Sale nt
tho Court House on.
Monday, Fcbrtiury, 2, 1885,
at 3 o'clock p. m., tho fol'owlng described Heal Es
tate, to-wlt I
A lot of ground situate lit Oreenwood township,
Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described ns
follows, to.wlti Adjoining lands of John Olllaspy,
Hartley Albertson, Sylvester Atbertson, nnd lands
belonging to the estate nt Isaiah Kline, o -ntnlnlng
two acres moro or less whereon nro erected n dwel
ling house, barn and out buildings.
Sebtd, taken In execution nt the suit of H. n.
Young's uso vs. Jonai Hess, nnd to bo sold n' the
ptoperty ot Jonas Hess. At. Vend. Ex,
Brockway, att'y.
. lot or pleco of grouud situate In
tho town ot iiloomsburg, county ot Co
lumbia nnd State of Pennsylvania, on tho north
Mdo ot Third street bctwwm Centre nnd Iron
streets ot said town, bounded nnd described ns
foil iws, to-wlt i Beginning nt a corner on eastern
sldo ot Philip Unangst'a houso on Third street,
running nlong line of lot of Philip unangst, norm
108 ft to lot of 1. 8 Kuhn, thenco eostwnrdly 3 ft,
thence north along lot of I. S. Kuhn 103 feet to
lino Alley, thenco easterly 33 feet to the lot oft'.
M. Chrlsmnn, thence south along lots of C. M.
Chrlsman nnd T. B. Miller to Third street 316
feet more or less, thenco westerly 70 feet moro or
les4 nlong Third Street to place of beginning, and
on which Is n stable, wagon and hay Bhed, being IS
ft high, cono shingle roof, wooden building, 17 feet
.wide along line alley, on tho north bldo 39 feet 8
nches long on tho west side, 33 teet wldo on the
south and 13 feet long on tho cast side.
seized, taken In execution nt the suit ot John C.
Jones vs. Dennlson Brink nnd to bo sold as tho
properly of Dennlson Brink, Lev, Fft.
Ikeler, att'y.
All that certain lot ot ground situate In the Bor
ough of Centrnlla, Columbia county, J.M., bounded
nnd described ns lol'ows, to-wlt! Fronting on
Locust avenue on tho cast, an alley on tho est, a
lot ot Mi run Cain on tho South, a lot ot Patrick
Brennan on the north, lot twlng about twenty-live
feet by about thirty-feet, whereon are erected a
two-story frame dwelling houso und other out
buildings. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Thom
as Clorrey v-i. Tho lias Farrell nnd to bo sold as tho
property ot Thomas Fanell. Vend. Ex.
Brockway, nlt'y.
All that ccita'ln tract or piece of Und situate In
line township, Columbia county, and Stato ot
Pcnnsjlvanla, bounded and described as follows,
to-wlt : On tho north by lands of Jos ph and
William Pursell, on tho cast by lauds of Wm. Pur
&cl, John Johnson and Ira llirsel, on tho south by
lands of 0. V. Eves, and on tho souih by lands
of A. J. Fine nnd Margaret Warner, contain
lngone hundred nnd sixty acres more orless,
whereon Is erected n dwelling house, barn,
nnd other out buildings.
Seized, taken In execution r.t tho suit of A. P.
Heller, administrator of Benjamin Eves, deceased,
vs. Josepn Cole, nnd to bo sold us the property o
Joseph Cole. Vend. Ex.
Ikeler, Att'y.
Slluato In tho ton n of Iiloomsburg, bounded and
described as follows, to-wlt: Commencing nt al
ley In said town be lug the alley next south of and
parallel to Third street aud;a corner o f land ot
Matthias S. Appleman thence southward nlong
tho laud of sa'd Appleman about two hundr d snd
fourteen feet to Fourth street, thenco eastwnrdly
along said Fourth street about llfty-slx feet and
nine Inches to land ot N. W. Wnlier thence north
wardly parallel to tho llrst mentioned lino to alley
aforesaid abo-it 311 feet, tnence weslwardly along
said alley about to teet 9 inches, to tho place ot be
ginning whereon nro erected a two story frame
dwelling house, Hable nnd other outbuildings.
Seked, taken into execution at the suit ot Ithaca
Organ Co., to use of (1. W. King s. V. H. Yetter
and to bo soid ns the property ot W. II. Yetter.
Maize, Att'y. Fl. Fa.
All the right, tltlo and Interest of tho defendan
Peter Bogert In all that certain tract or plantation
ot land slluato In Flshlngcrcek township, county
of Columbia, stato of Pennsylvania, bounded
tho north by lands of Isaac'JiicIIenry, Washington
Heacock and John Bright; on the cast by lands
of Catharine Dealer, Wllllts Patterson and E. JI.
Laubach; on tho south by land otJohn Henry,
and on the west by land ot I). It. Albertson, con
talnlngone hundred and twenty-seven acres of
land more or less, whereon are erected a two
story framo tin clllng house, bank barn and other
Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of Aaron
Bogart vs. Teter Bogart, and to be sold as the
property ot said Peter Bogart, Vend Ex.
Ikeler, at y. JOHN MOUItEY,
Jan 9 ts Sheriff.
By virtue otau order Issued out ot tho Orphans'
Court of Columbia county, the undersigned admin
istrator ot Thomas Mcllenry, lateot Benton town-
ship, deceased, will expose to public sale on the
premises on
Saturday, Jan. 24, '85,
at 3 o'clock p. in., tho following real estate in
Benton township, bounded and described as fol
lows : 1
Beginning at a post on the north side of a pub.
He road thenco by land of Jacob Woolever and
John Young north 3I; degrees, East SO snd four
tenth perches to a post, thenco by land of J.J,
Young nnd J. M. KUnger, and land ot I. E. Patter
son, south ssif degrees cost 75 and elgkt-lentn
perches tn a post, thenco by land ot Dr. I. L. Ed
wards south degrees west 81 perches
to a post, and thenco by a public road
and land formerly of Ell Mcndenhall north
B84" degrees west 83 perches to the p aco of be
ginning, containing forty acres moro or less, on
which are erected n two story frame dwelling
house, and largo bank barn and oat buildings.
TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent ot one-fourth
ot the purchase money to be paid at the striking
down of the property ; tho one-fourth less tho ten
percent, at the conllrmatlon ot sale; and the re
maining thrte-fourths In one year thereafter, with
Interest from confirmation nisi.
Krltr, Att'y, Administrator.
Jan 3-ts
Buck-Thorpe Fence
Effective, Safe nnd Strone.
V for Sample and Clroular,
Jan 3J-4WD
Leak ! Look ! ! ILook ! ! !
Is now oflbriiii,' liis largo Stock of
Heating Stoves and Ranges AT COST.
Plcnso call and oxamino Stock
Before Buying Elsewhere.
TSCair Tho largest stock on one lloor in tlio County.
liLOo.Msnuita mamckt.
Wlicnt per btinlicl $ 80
Hye " " - 70
Corn ' H CO
Oats " .j,,,,., ,,,,, 8g
Flour bcr barrel., fl Of
Cloversccil SStSSSf4SSltStSSISSSSSSSttS 8 ft,
Duller i SS
EcKS., ,,,,,,,,,,, . .,,,,, !24
Tiiiiow, ,,,,, ,.,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, 0(1
I'otntocs now i 30
Dried Apples .,,.,,,. ,, , 05
Hnms i 13
Sides and shoulders 10
Chickens 8
Tillkoys 12
Lard per pound 10
II ny per ton 115 00
1ti(flwn.. ,,. ......... 2.1
Hnckwlicat flour per hundred 3 00
Uldua per lb o to 7
Veal skins tier II) 03
Sheep pells, encli , 7S
wool per in :)
Letter testamentary In tho estate ot Frederick
Wilis, lato ot Jackson township, Columbia
county, P nnsylvai.ia, have been granted b the
HecUter of Raid county to tho undersigned cxecu.
lor. All persons having claims against the estate
otsald decedent nro reiiuested to present them
for settlement and thoso Indebted to tho e tntc to
make payment lo the underslgi ed without delay,
DANIEL Fliirz,
Jsnt-tf Lxccutor.
Tim underpinned appointed
Assignee of c. B.
Brockway, ot Hloomsourg, Columbia Co., Pa., will
offer at public sale, at the Court House,
Saturday, Jan. 24th 1885,
nt 10 o'clock A. M., tho following valuable proper
tl n, il. I
FillsT. A two nnd a half story brick houso on
Third sfect adjoining an alley on tho cart and
another lot of c. B. Brockway on lhoweit,eon.
tabling a front ot40 feet, und n depth ot 3 3 teet
more or less, the said houso being furnished In all
Its rooms with gas nxturee, water, n bath room,
Baltimore heater, &, ngood stablo nnd other out
SECOND. A vacant lot urtjoinlny Iho above,
and adjoined on the west by property ot .M p.
Lutz, being, rorty lectin fiont, and 303 feet more
or less in depth.
NOTE, Any of tho above premises con be exam,
lncd nt nny reasonable time, by calling upon
either M. P. Lutz, Assignee, ore, II. Brockway.
T1I1IID. A tract ot timber land In neater town
ship, formerly known ns the CharleH 11. Troy
trui l, bounded by lands of Anron Joh son, Tliom
us Downs, Isaac DavH warrantee, cox lnnd-s and
others, containing lW acres more orless
FOUKTll. I'hreo building lotslndlen City, Baa
vertownshlp.formeilylnthe name oi Charles It.
Barn -s.
Fill II. -A trnct of Umber laud In Boaver town
ship containing SJ acres, more or les.
SIX I'll. A tract ot timber land In sametowmhlp
containing 1 8 acres, moro or less.
bEVENUI.--A tract of timber land In samo town
ship, containing 31 ucn s, tuoreor less.
KIUHTII.-A tract of tlnilierland In same town
ship, containing 3 1 ac cs, more or less.
No i E Tracts 6, 6, 7 and 8 are contiguous
bounded by the Schuylkill county line. Hoar
In Creek ownshlp line, Ac., nn William Stewart,
Jumes Henry Noar and other warrants,
nnd were commonly known as the Vanducem, Ml
Hman K Co. tract,
NINTH. A tractof limber land In Beaver town,
ship, contdnlng m acres of land more o-less,ln-tersectedby
tho 1". JC It. II. Co., the catawlssa
ctcek, adjoining Aaron Johnson, Schell, and oth
ers. TENTH. A tractof Umber land In locust town
ship, In tho warrantee namo of Johu Everhard, con
taining 400 acres more or less.
ELEVENTH. A tract of Umber land in Itoartng
creek nnd Iicust townships, In tho warrantee
namo of Thomas Barnes Jr., coutalnl g 60 acres,
moro or less.
'Iho above properties will bo sold In tho order
named, tho Assignee revrvlug the powertoad
Journ thesnlefrom time to time, as circumstances
may require.
'lElt.M OF SALE. Ten per cent, of tine-fourth
of thepurchaso money to paid nt tho stilklng
down of tho property, the one-halt less th ten
prrcenL attlioeontlrmatlou otthc -nlo, nnd the
lem lining one-half In three months thereafter,
with Interest from conllnnatlon uM.
Jan 3-ts Assignee.
mmm mmm
Will bo Iniiugiiratud JIaivli itli, 188.5.
Tliu Untiiier Dcmourntio Newspaper.
I Tho only Democratic Morning Kews
! paper iiiiIiIImIiciI in New "i ork.
Daily, 0, Semi weekly, : Sunday
Sl.r.U; wi'i'Uly Si.
V't.- kly find Tin: . Columbian S2 '20
per year.
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