THE COLUMBIAN AKD DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. This Qsart-j Tit SivA. Mr. lltniitrw. a Ms lV, "H PaMainx Paj, sas tfc a awl lo of firsa hef an? fi r-ulv red 1 by a. wial of pfr tmagtiMMi for juMor thens, , Aay Vio.1 of pte totr5d Jths ryyt Imi io ii oft thoazhi to l"ftwf eaa-3 and the air m nrn o srvj iron may floors tfe hira-si, it often rotted by it A horV hsags id (j eaa o, fH to suffer in sa aa al!SGpfr. wtin tanned teat&er and viraish are ipotk. Xo doab. a tr&l letl of di m! vtsm borsw is da to tJw cuua. A hm n on oa 'Id oely xilh cm& eye, and a yle fight from a win-don- strain lfc eyes aaeimiJly. Tt? light shotM ew tato a itabfe dirwetiy ia front of th lww at-d it sboeld t ! loa bright. If th viadoTr easat be on tfc rwnh ld it !oaH b cor trrf with Kmerah to rsteflox- tk fight ; but iff 'tabte onld sever ; wbolir dark. A stable "Hotld be airy Shi It Xakru! r i that acrnst titm TV owe- iomMaI tbtory Mint mlv im aVwri-! only la roeifjr fc e-Jiti. mk1 tltowil lav --riax of forge tv! hal, U ooVtiz'X letnfeir, i. Ike f-MjorXf f 'tis nctte' are aow BaVl araoa2 NtJrabuaat of eita and Voc ntitMl Vta.ttU. Bat "lajioz aside ali q-esliocn of liwj n ewrxt fiotto facevrkh tl vital ae-tVs. what rcaUra t aad kow u it to VesocsfaHy vaivjerHaed? To tfc Srt ttHjsiry we reply, a1 irw On1 air) lows waiea la! word is d-fv-L eipliim iM ehuieter ercily. Bid air take into th laotp asd di'ai Bat ed tfcrorzzb tbe txi, wom tk nHb tTiUBx. aw tTpboii ferr, tnah ml fTr. iievtbrU aad ot&; dan gtross follow. EqaaRr eSet reit froa cotxaai&iteo wiltr, txvl lraimse. or eotiUactd orer-ei- a-vl weH vtiuii:fI, bat nut abet to i cnioa. x tiny all eime km of Brr ilrafu; a draft ripoo a bon yet wiia j Bf, j of i&y-iet! eH vita rt win untur taixre am, a I tro-z if it da ootb'mg wor r, it wffl JMiTcn J Jfafe-isl powon eauwA be detected mmtaaler dart. A tv ach rat-1 bv etermeal utj. twlu onir kdotsi Uie- win rata aay hors. I by U etScctt ajrtn the tj'.lem. ing on tbe -vse tiKt ai Ajeut, aa of Kzbt ia Ut nbeitm prorideil for ctook ia wister w a point which boaM not fce orerkvollced, for larkoei4j U at inituie to aoioak a it if to plane. Iltntrn big3 sol ing much of tJsir time in dirk ten meol, are tale, MeUy, aad dwarfed. OiTifininj tb lorer aniaal4 ia du!c foarter,'bi a sinitir efxeet retard ing growth, and tedoeiog rigor. 3(ieft of the bfirin4 arrwng bones H eaa ed by tfeetr btisj brwgbt oddii!y from a dark nialAe into tbe strong aan lighv, which U wpdaDy tr-rnVben retlectJid frpm nj. The otxsaings in heltirs are dosed with board or suay. "to kcp oat the old," i anfortanately tbu kep oat the light alio, 10 that 3 majorily-of the stabtes ia Ujh ccoctrf are dark for tbrw-foartb of tbe time ilariflK which animal are cooSaed in them. ThU u all riht at niL'bl, bat 'dano2 tbe daT-Ume the stable thoaid be as tight i tbe dwelim?, and made to in the game way by gun timow. A few panes ol aad i.nh will not exx much, ana a more proataOie la- Teatment cannot b . . 1 . . . t rira bealgMtses Ssr 1624. The foraign iraralzntwo for tke year jsl etched kwiaJtenoff aboot twenty rcect. the arritac bg abtMt oe nowdred tboarid Ies than dotityg 1&S3. TM ai o bare bxn expect!, iatirTrnfthe eenral bnu tietM dtfittsiMm ib tbif eovntry and tbe grawiag jeiniiy of hl araflable for tettlement. An addkinn of more tkaa WfJ&y) 10 otr MaiatMa from far eiga soaree- iadientet rtry eiearly, howeier, that Ue Urketl Stated if Jtifl looked opoa a the mt desirable haTeti for oppred aad aafortnate bamiaitr in the world. Akkoozb tbe XA'.x. haA beea a eocaparalirtly dall year j i far xt Unrai'rtMym i ennereei, no otber eojtry can begin to 'so- n 'g a a aceeuion to its pip-rfa:i3 from for eign .oaree. A rte-r of tb Mioai5ty of tbe dtixa will not be wttfeoat ifv-ter-r. Tbe ompVle Sgirts eaa only be giren for eVi mostbt esdiog Xoresiber 30, bat they are oeat to how the drift. Germany farai'hed by loeg odd the rsot immigraaM, the tszmter reaching 150,551. Ireland ttnd cert in tbe Kt, whb 57,033. I England and famwhed 51,615 Oft '.f the wont esuesof mil i aad Canal 1 43.4 IS. Swelen stnd4 that of Mm. C. r'. Bhen, l 87 t fifth, with 23. 4M, wb's Aatri. :or- X IIaeHnfiereir . V.lV.SfVf,UTU' imm witJj .T-ry hnutetW for tke Aen Enmb Remedy ta acd des trr jtir. Oar care contracted eociamftioa. Aik fr ' DrartM, T. 1. Aa-Wrwa, rto-aasal. circalar. An eatlrely bw raedkiae, 1:S saraBtMd f "Hep Bitten lo ate. gcaraate-d. . 1 toyfc, : I ia eatirel cartrf, aad brarSy reorau -' lm h r- II I, Hr Nmnii IVfli.lbtllallt,llrM mr- r it John Herltr-rr, i, Kjo4, iow td 1 biife-4 oh tbrrr aetr and harretted 135 beuhet o. eeod wheat. Tbi M at ttr rate of fiat-Be bo.beU ' per acre, and atuety buhei fer every baibei of seed force. nfil Hop BtUeri tnmtj ser. tssexaer. jw. e. J. D. WU ' I write UrU ai Tokea o! tbe great tpaceetalaa I kite otjsur Hop EKteri. I-wiafcs-t . " ' wisa taioeunT rSKaatuiaat :! Jv4.ll. Jleicer state toat iadigeS' Twvtutr tion prepares every one fer dea.'e,bcV- ( S-rta jean, i4 at aiaJI-tae es-nl e eaarantees Meiers Unijet'ia liU'il itorseaar to enre all form. of iodiiretton. FITS . laiHl4inT L. a. j.wrt. w Wkb fat cattle at even eeat. per 1 a breeder Sad that in feeding tear poaail of corn and fodder togeth er, out fine, with two poccds ef Kaseed (seal to each iteer, tbe corn aloce bring abotit seventy ceaU per bosbeL AikJaintr-i IL ilereer alat Acker's Bloi Elixir, the only preparation gutranleed to cleanse the blood and remove all cbroaie dtaen. Uaia i tried two td! yaar Uep Bhten, aad to vsj snrprlw I m . well t- oar u ever l wu. 1 atce .t-natii at s-Mweii" "Ye mr have "la tail tTtat x&S" YJaaMeQe4teiv . Anjrose! wliW'ag taiao more aSyxii rnr care ? Caa leara bjr tMtvtfmt E.M. . Vnntua, IMt lath stmt, VaM-rSaa, D.C. 'I flfettrnMfif hraumr tke tmt nmer la eitea rr tairaas.ktsr toe pare air. Laxe a nnder the eaves. The Filth Sc, Tror, Y. Hr exp-tieaee, f tsvat Talae. m sirea, tbu ackers aviy reeetre like benefit. Sie siifttfrod aot oaiy from raalaria, ber complexioa beiag ol a soff roa ba. bat abo from c-alsrgeeMtu of Uw Kf er. Her appe tite was rareajo. peeiaJly for aetd. -Oae ilay, says Mr. Boten. "ray kysiwiia a,kei for a fnpte of flaid for cheniteal aalyi. 1 wai iJKrn parsing 7 oancfei a day, wburh be re porttd a verv bid,' aad that be coald do no more for tne, a I bad afl the iadieatknH of brishlN diea.e, I tSen went to x specfafMi- on Madbon Aye-, wbo recommended elerSrieity, saying I bad spioai dta. For sir months I did not have a natarai mov'satnt of the boTirel. I took in all 125 electri cal treaaaeot. I was roach bloated, aad hive weighed as high as 175 poands. I woald hare periods of semi- utcicioxos eenng my tneocs, bat being nnabte to converse. Hack ing piics pierced the base of my brain. I became so dixzr I coaM not walk tews the door without support. I made. Shotting I also to a crest extent lost my memory. also shots oat I then betran to use a preparation I had wide inside crevice trnpare air becomesi heated and lighter, as it becomes fool, and will rise and pa4 oat at this crevice, and theontnde, pare air, being colder and heavier sill enter. The animals will bave pare air, and no bUsts will strike directly frequently heard of. bat ronfe I bad bat Kttle faith in." At fimil nude me deathly sick. 1 bat after tbe bile had been eliminated I brrran to amend and dismissed my bhTiidan. AVhen 1 commenced the i new treatment i wtigaeo iwj poanas. In three mocths I was down to my n pan their bodirf. Learinjr oteniccs I natural weight. HO pound.. I hare in the roof, and botlding small hoa.'es I a good appetite, my liver perlorms its (often Improperly callfd enpotas), with I fancttons, my complexion U good, and way and Italy swelled tie aew popu lation aboat'l 3,000 each. It witt b eea by this statement thit the immi grants ofTectoaie of St roa origin comprise nearly 30QMX or two-thirds of the estire osmber. Hard as tinvs are thoagat to be in this eoHRSry tbee statistics of immi gration iiwiieate that they mast be maeh banlrin most other eocntrirt. Ilea don't leave borp an-1 fatherland by the botMireds of taoasnl for fan generally. They only leave when the strazgle for existence" has become too bard to be logger conlinaed with a hopeful chance of acce. Timtx. lattice work sides ores them, is a splen did war to ventilate b trcs and stabies. and improve the looks of tbe baud-kg- Jndgcg It7 Six V- no one wookl tmnK irom my appear aoce that I had ever greatly improved. 3Iy heaIachest and diznne-s have dis appeared." The ca-e of William "VaI h&i Loansborv, of 223 Itke St., Chi cago, ill. is another remarkable one He gay ' "I" n-dditioa to being dixzy Tee Jfairw FnrmtT uies a vervlawi bavin" a eallow complexion, my sensible view of the common plan of digestion was very poor and I suffered jodging live stock. It says that a almost, continually with sei-ere pains in scale of point has 2 fadnatioo for my bowel. Finally, 1 became too ill to Borne men, including some very com- leave my bed and called in an allopath petent jidges, bat that piper woald coant it general adoption a misior- tane. iKTarefnlly prepared -cale of the de sirable points in animals of different breed are valuable ; chiefly, as we think, as a help to inextenenced breeders or observers In familiarizing themselves with these point. Tbe as signment of comparative value to these pomuu neceABarjiy arnurary. One reanlt of jndging.solelv by a scale with fixed numerical vafoe 'for each point woald be, that an animal with nome glaring defect in an impor tant point might be placed over one without any striking excellences but fairly good 'all round, Toe first ani mal might be rejected by any intelli gent breeder, while the second might be valuable. Thus a draft hore might be admirable in every point except tbat it bad a very weak and badly formed back, or a cow might be nearly perfect model save that her udder wa o fyoor that no breeder woald care to rear a calf from her. Yet either of thece, judged Mrietl' by scale, might how a larger total than animal with out a single bad point and of average raent in all. -In selecting for breeding pnro;e, we belive it is at best, eoualiy as im portant to emphasize the undesirable Jiointa a to give credit for the good ones, ittn tendency is. to overioo weak points in admiration for unusual . ;. .t - t -..f w merit. 111 razne Kneciai cnaracierisuc lie PrefiU cf OreLirdi, physician of thirt-een years practice. ue preacnoeu quinmp. ziner uemg in bed a week without leceiving any benefit, acd having night sweats which colored my linen yellow, I concluded to take my wife s advice and try War ner safe cure, rromtne nrsi 11 neip- ed me, and after taking six bottles, with S3f mils. I was cured entirely 01 all pain, ioor digestion and bloody dis charge, a healthy color took the place of a aillow one. and I felt like a new creature. From the above it will l oteerved that malaria has no certain localities for its own. but lurk wherever bad air arid watr predominate. The only sure method to comteraet its poison ous effects is to check its first develop ments. Prefvictiny Trtes Proa ilice. Every winter thousands of dollars are lost bv the ravages of mice, and in ncarlv every ca.e wnere damage is done to tree, the owners acknowledge that ther neglected to tide any means to protect their orchards, loo m3ny ilepenrl upon tramping down me snow in the winter so that tbe mice cannot work beneath it : we do not deny bu this mode is effectual when thoroughly practiced, but the great trouble arises from not attecd'1112 to it promptly, and while off from iruard the datn3ge is done. It is said that by coatin" the trunks of the tree- a loot up Irom tne ground with eaual part ot ome-tar and nn oil. mite will not toach them. The remedy tbat we have always used, and one that never I3iieu, is to raaice a small compact mound of dirt an.und the bodies ol the tress, a wagon load "ftLt Laighatwa Will B A good Joke has leaked oat about the Inggagemaster on Coodactor Ben edict's train of the Xaugatuck road. The other aay he mournfully took on at Bridgeport a heavy casket box, and all the train bands supposed they had a corpse for a passenger. Some re marks were made that the box was rather light, and the bagEragemaiter declared that he believed the body was , a resurrected one. Soon after leaving ' Bridgeport, this thongnt preyed upon him, and immediately his olfactory nerves were offended in confirmation of his theory. Forthwith he opened all the doors of the baggage car, and at Ienirth betook himself for refuge to the rnoker, declaring tbat he could stand it no longer. Oecupants of the mail and express, corapnrtments also com plained of the odor. ViVn the train reached Winsled an undertaker called for the bor and ak ai permiision of the stition baggage master to leave it in the baggage room. A miid but firm protest was made against keeping a corpse in bis room over night. A similar apeal to the express authorities met with a prompt refusal. The undertaker smil ed a regular business styje, unscreweu the box, and showed a new, e-npty coffin. Boarding Stable. Having recently ieised the Ex- , change Hotel Stable, I am no w ran- ! Ding it as a bearding, exebange and . Hotel stable. 1 eaa offer owners tbe tery best accommodation for their bores. My loose boxes aad single t stalls for boarders are large and in eood condition, my price reasonable. ' 1 shall always bay a good horse when , the price is suitable, aad iatead to keep such on hand for i!e, either sin gle driver or matched pairs. Persocs in distant parts of the country can setnl their hordes to be prepired for the market. The drives are good in all di rections from mr stable dorr, so tbat those coming here with fine horses needing daily exercie can have the advantage of the best road to jog . them upon. The Exchange Hotel Sta-, Me is so situated as to exclude objec tionable person, who not unfrequent- ' ly interfere with sales. I shall be ' pleaed to communicate with any gen- ' tlemen from the country who may be coming to this place with hores for ! sale. By permission I reter you to TtV. "Aad nervmu deafflly. I bitc Jast" Ifeturaed "Fran the sooth ia a fraWrfs taireh far btaha, asd aad tbat ywar Btuen are fftiac me rare Gsod: This snylirfe: eke ! A month i;o I w nfttanty "Em.tcittA '. : : Aad scarcely aeie to walk. N'oir I ra Gilolc; streagtk ! aad "Flesh I" Acd hardly a Ait pisses hat whit I iub corapHraeated oe ray iraproved appear. nee, aad it Is all due t Hop Bittern : J. WtekliUe Jtetioo. .sS-Trx an'v. wtns 1 tiKtt X xt" Ikitfl on tic irTiXx LiV' sn9i tae vBe. po anovK stuSwi-Ji -Hoyor-BapTutietr juae. Wim nn&is-. v hrri ffmMvi M?r fcti.i in v t. A. JtlJJJWtX. S. K 743 tlSrr T. Jl3 MW & ALL KINDS OF JOB PRLSTIXG OK SHORT NOTICE AT THIS OFFICE. An Independent JJeirtpips-' c: Dem ocratic Principles, but not Controlled bf any Set of Polrtkians ot Manipulator ; Dertted to Collecting and Publishing an trse ffen cf the Day in the moit Inter- R. Tubbs ProprtePir of Excbanee Ho- : estincr Shace 2nd vrth the crr-atsii DOV " , i C9 t tel. ;M pMw(fl; Lrrrmr-i nA Imfvir. . ....f....., . . ....r. 1 tialrty; and to tise Promotion cf Demo cratic kfess and Policy in the affairs of Government, Societ and Industry. W. A, Hartzel, Hloomsbarz, xa. BL00Rli PLAHI11G MILL 1 The abandant supply of appless the i&ti season, and the low prices they have brouoht in market, batu indncr-d many anew to, hesitate in plant- of common clay will farnidi material in for fn(nr. un.Rt. knA ornp jichi-ii I for iirotectint: any ordinary sized or- prepared to cut down their trtt. Tnis chard, and but little time is required to result tt-atrlif a clwfnl ln-j-in'ti nlant I do no the 10b, U'm in number and giv.'i better cultiva- If gra-, leave, and other -ubitances tion. "ifanv hav n . mr to in which mice can find lodgment arc grow rich fa.1t, that they have extend- away from tree?, they will very ed their orchards beyond their ability seldom le meddled with. It is a very to L'ivt them the Irf-st manaternerit. creat mistake to manure an orchard in The1 crow have Uen large, bnt of mod- the fall with light compost, old straw, erat or rioor nnalitr. A certain or anything else in which vermin can amount of exten; mut alwavs be in-1 nest. cufredlii gathering, packing and ahi j ping the truit, and if the price obtain ed are sufficient only for coveriiiir all thtnu expenses nothing h gained, lfa'.f in duality and amaranct may sell for trV Kwo w '"t1" ? CMoT' ' , - - , '. . i aioignerprice, arm give pwnim ami 'Mtisfactory return. The man who Two Adveatuitasrae Ufrls. Durinix the last year occasional wen tion has been inadu of the horseback oa iuaroii street, la envrvuu cnslccL.u porM so ao U! mat o: vsrc 'a us uze. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. fin ii-ti reuoouis f rle. .sn loaKr zxa 1 weu sa5a ai tase u lira: vutait ' ireeapfojei. ' E3TIMA.T5S FOE BUILDINGS trailed ca losii-itias. ruu ti'l tzteaeL unjrsatrrl ts etrerltiseiliJr3rlUiia CHARLES KrtCC, Blouuiburjr, Pa raises fine fruit, carefully assorts, packs well, and mark his name on ali his package, will ultimately acquire a rep utation among purchasers by which he can always obtain a ready and good market when tho country is flooded with iitcontl 'rate produds. The aim for success should therefore be to a lect the best varieties, give the trt the best cultivation, prune to prevent a mass of brash, df-slroy imect, gather carefully, assort tho best, pack securely, and ship to intelligent and competent velidek wuo know the differenoe 1 tween th ffnt-st 4iid only mndium fruit, and who can take advantage of this difference in supplying purcha- serg J'rom the Uouniru lientl- man. A bpHtitiful dock is made ot ivory white OBtlieniie in long iMrllue ehap laid' in narrow pit ats down the cjnitcr of the bajk, lined with pink fatiri and bordered with white marabout fenther trimming. ' Unsolve one pound ot copperas In ,two gallons of wter, and add to it una .gill of .nulphuriu acid, then add ono oiiiio) of plioiphate ol noda. and tho name nutntity of common salt; Pour a tabteipootiiul of this niixturo in a quart of drinking water, nml you ui.l givttSo foils a p!t'iidid and cheap tonic. It invigorate and wards off ma and return, ingiegert J.arsnn, a well-to-do farmer, living two mile west of Marquette, Green Lake county, has two daughters, Emma and Ida, who 'ere possessed of adventuresome spirits, and in May, 18S3, they formed tho determination' to make a horieback trip to California. Mr. Larson fur nished them hordes and tbey started on their long and tirwome ride of 2,000 miles, unattended by male escort. They made the trip as far as Sydney, Neb., with two horse, but there they purchased an Indian pony for a pack horse. In the fall of 18S3 they reach ed Portland, Oregon, and went from there by rail to visit relatives in Call, fornia. Aftera few months' visit thero they started on the return trip. Emma came only as far on thu return trip :n Kearney, Neb., and will spend tue winter thre, coming home in the spring. Ida continued the journey aloue, and arrived home lait week. No adventures of consequence were en countered on the route, although they were several times overtaken by In dian, who traveled for miles with them, but showed no disposition to harm thern. Wild animals also cross ed their path, but they escaped all dan ger. People met thern as they came into town, and in pome instances enter tained them very nicely. H h id thai if apples are coveted with buckwheat chaff they will keep well, and do not freeze as easily as when straw, nawuusi or earth are TT-y Tins sr Wbv are there dall times Is it that people need less this year than in former years t Are there fewer peo ple in the countrr now than when last we enjoyed the teaents ot prosperity s Quite the contrary ; oar population is laraer and there is more actual busi ness in every way. Tbe troublo is to be traced not to the cons'imers, but to the manufacturer?. Three years a&ro there was a great boom, goodi could not be turned out fast enough, addi tions were built to shops that .weie loo small, larger stores were hired to ac commodate the increased stock order ed, and factories on the other tide were enlarged to cope with tbe de mands from America. In the ru?h and eagerness to turn out goods men did not stop to think that this could not last forever, and that the day would come when the market would be glutted. We have since bad time to ponder over the situation at our leisure, it is evident that the manufac turing facilities of tbe country, if taxed to the utmost, can turn out enough goods to overfill the market, and the reaction is bound to come- This is desienated as a fast ase : let us be a little slower and surer. lht Jlanv fivtluring Jtvetlltr. Co5a Handles, Ccfilo bandies bold a moiest place among IU,(KKJ varieties ot hardware al though the product is simply enormous Tons of. metal are consumed. They vary in size from the width ot the haud to the length of the coffin, Tbe variation in design is almost infinite. Some are chaste and plain ; others are chafed and ornate. Some are iilver plated : others are gold plated. Some are nickel plated ; others are covered with figured velvet. Whether it be for the coffins of the very poor or the very rich here, are handle- to suit, made by the ten and sold far and wide, not only in this country, but over all the world. The native of the tropics who sends in tropical units takes part ot his pay in lanitee couin uauuies. The great concerns that make hari cles by tbe ton eell to the jobbers, who in turn fell to the undertakers, who in their turn sell to the consume!. The business has grown rapidly of late years, and is yet growing. It seems to be a fashion that meets with favor to put on collia handles. The long han dles extending the whole length of the coffin are very useful as well as orna mental, where the good obi custom of having the pall bearers actnally carry the ixxiy is preserved. Farm Wotes. iNow that the new year is in, every farmer shonld keep strict accounts and also a dt3iy. The cellar should be kept strictly clean, as decaying vegetable is oiten source of disease. Warm and dry quarters aro a neces sity for the successful wintering of sheep in the northern fctaU-s. Wet weather injures hep more than any other (dock. boauic the wool retains the in-'idure. A common herd, well oared for, will ofteu yield better returns than a crado or pure-blooded one where the owner places more confidence in blood and pedigree than lie docs in good care an management. A writer in the Country OfntUnvm savs that it costs to plant, cultivate. mulch, !and get into hearing an aero of strawberries about $S0, and $50 to 00 to harvest and sell thu crop, sometimes leaving a profit of 250. The crop i however, subject to as many uncertain tie as n cr! of wheat, add the or penso is as large in proportion rhap DAILY, yx Tsar DAILY. Msy Tae inOmlntA oiTinr tut tu Plitlsr K;1 ' SUNDAY, pr Year DAILY asd SLTIDAY rr Year - ! WEEXLY, pf Ye2T - - AMmi. rt.ry. - SS CO . . so - - 1 00 . . 7 00 . . I 00 r,rfe CUM. OXti lORNAMTAL IRON FENCES. OF CAST CR WROUGHT IROX. Suitable for iYaros, 188.5. Cemetery Lots anil The Philadelphia Times Aims to cover the vthvte field of ts- progressive journalism. Xo sub- j ject is too great for it to discuss intelligently and without bixs, j and none so insignificant as to ; ocape its notice. It lays the worll tributary to its wants, and I everywhere its agents may be found, alert to gather the partic ulars of all passing events and end them bv telegraph up to the last moment of going to press. It is a brief and abstract chronicle of the time and con tains all that is worth knowing in the history of the world for the pant twenty-four hour?. S2.00 The Weekly Times $r.oo A YEAR. THE LARGEST, THE BRIGHTEST A5D THE REST. A .VfTWa PAI'ER FOR EVERY HOUSEHOLD. ruhlic Grounds. :o: I For ar.ii tnratCEr t W r Uisurpaj. i to. SetapbrreiperKKwt hirli ml vimiW j to g!re utl&icto- Price and specimens of other de sigss s-ec: in any adure. Address BLOOMSBCRG PA- JUT 4-U "THE WEEKLY TIMES" u toremost among the largest and best of the Family and Gen eral weekly papers published in tha country, and it is now ottered to single subscribers at One Dol lar a year and an extra copy given with every club of 20. It is the most progressive journal of its class. Its aim is to be the newspaper of the people of the whole country : to meet everr intelligent want in journalism, and to make it ?o cheap that all can allord to eniov its weekly . . - visits. "THE ANNALS OF THE AVAH" have been one of the distinguishing features of "THE "WEEKLY TIMES," and it is now imitated in that feature bv .. . ... . r many ol the leading journals and periodicals of the country Hie best writers from the active participants of the great struggle on both sides will continue their contributioas to the unwritten history of the war in every num her, and make the pa per special ly entertaining; and instructive to the veterans of both the Blue and the Gray. Twins 01' sdiischiition i "THE "WEEKLY TIMES" is mailed, jKiatpaid, for One Dol lar a year. Every club of 20 will lie entitled to an extra copy. Address, THE TIMES, Time.1 Ik'iLMN-G, Philadelphia.. UecM. CONSUMPTION, I fct po-tltlv resuxlf tut Ih4 ibor tlUu t by U ttv-uaav fib ni klBdid( btf iulib4tar4. ItMiMMt. 9iirMiftMjfAitC sHl-.aOU7,laUl wi 1 4T'0 UOttLZ FfttC bftthr-ttIlftlLUABLBTR.ATK(, llUtdsu- hU. r. A, MLUCL'V, III N.rl L, v Ttk. E. B. BROWER, EPJLmiBING, GAS FITTING 4 STEA31 IIEATJNG. D5L1LEB IX STOVES &TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof ing and Spouting promptly attended to. rvstdct itteatton srlw-tx to b&iimz by sxam. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg-, Pa. 10 A REDUCTION OF PER W CENT orv ALL WINTER GOODS TSic JPSaec to bur a nice Overcoat. Fenr-syivania P.ailr:ad. Philadelphia U. Erie R. R. D,v s ion, and Northern Central Railway. Ix TIME TABLE. la atet Nar. tna. It. Trslas Kate &us I os. a.. JH5TWAKD, The Place to bsiy a Fine Suit. The Place to hnv Kovj?' Suits. i ---itiin Mr Him-lwr nMii-' -i : uttna; rvmimaxa. ecu p. ss-; BumBoen, i.n The iilace to buy Overcoat?. -AT THE- OF BATO IiOWlKBIffi. HL C. SLOAK & BRO , HLOOMSI5URG, PA. Mutilietarersor CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS. SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. IVst-cUss work ilwiji on band. REPA 1RISG SEA TL YD0XE. Price rtdutedto tuil the titnti. Tot the Celebrated Chickeria;, Ivers & Pond, and Vose & Son Pianos. WorW-re nowned Estey Organs, Viofins, Accordeons and Sheet Music Cekeraled White, ew Hizh Arm Divii, New Home, Royal St. John, aad Lfcbt Running Domestic Sewing Machines. Keedles, oil and attachments for all mixes of Sewing Machines. 5w V ft pasaestr ecu. i t ss&T exceft Smtsr-fo; Ii.-ntnr; za Is'-ci. mm suttees, intm; u rniiiaeipiii p. a. : Sew T. iaaJ p. el ; Bai!!. re 72 b. K-: SliHmseK, S.U p. m. fi'.-T - j SB 9. a. wjnisjoipjrt Acco&a-Ati.-y, a tu.. tr uurfcto; ajd ill UMrrsetUU itat.'ws. srr.r tsjil DsfMa6-ia.;ew .rtt. . . c irrt.iB7tartUU.StBbUUKlKicTurx. dr .arsft kia?er'ill lerji to 'i igte&stnafiRBiifiuuKiriuud-.uucu .i iJO a. a. Ertf JSsfl (ar ex"?pt Si xir tar Uirrbmrc ju iatersdu;e sr-. -1 a s. Ytewsgft l-cnnisn sieptt?anAr ru u taatriiiarallilrI. MlHiTjice lag KisLxf.j. IK, st lSio?a paaceiiw coaches ;o lUilci patt sal aiiitmnre. WESTWARD. rwa lUlMenaeCUle uiIud iA ijuJl- isi Bltresrt- iie sitm. Moebster, fc.-.r U lll Stazzrx FUs. TO lhix;h rciuus ha. u ears ul jassreaztt csacaea 10 Erk uul Rca-esser. J3 sen express iimr excrpi eecui r r Lod Biin ud taurateataie tuuems. I.ip.m. Mrn Express 4uiu xop' S.a. iVi tor Km aAtuenaiUteiatiiibi oJ i w aBditts napnactp.1 tBieistuie y-iii &ttaser, ISaSik) aiA .Nttjan Tli m-i itixjrrn pafstsftr meas to kase and hcchs'.cr ruiarcir to WUUunupon. B. Fa Ubt -UUT -Ipt SoiUj ft ? tan aad rstoBaeUiate itatfeo&s. aad i2mira.YV... kt&s asu tauranliaie itauocts, with tLroca pas itiCfctoxtStea to Heotto aad Wauias. Via a. m. tudv Ball lor Besot 9 ard ifi-ercit-iXUte itatMss. THEOCGn TBAKS rOKSTSBCKV I'KOilTHE HAST AND SOUTH. SszOit call Scans rtiHilIptll Ol a. a. Rirrr I. u unnt; at jcaturr -20 a. m. wtt a taronsa sfcp2t;or twra Itnati'lpbu to wu. e-as Express Snxa Illadelptu L3 a. in. daQr, Harrss6irT, J a. m. daltjr except SiiLCar amitj at ssatnrr YI&. a. bb. Mx?ara Express traits FSBailsipkta, T.lOx as. ; BaUtrafcTe 1JU a. Ci. .li&Ujr exrep ccaaar arrtrtaj as Mutuary, LIS p. bv, vita tknea Fuk ear troca ltuidrpLU at tirtwrj po&esgcr coaelie Ircta PM Uriel, pau am feltlmnre. ast Use ifciwa Se Vort 3. CO a. ix : roiLuie. pata,ll.Wa.m. ; Waitosoo, s 40 a. m. . sre. a. m ,(tiur exwpt ssuUr; antrum a sezlorr, 3L3p.a na tfcnxiU pjiacijf r ctit troca itu-nielHili aad Kiluocre. trto leaf- w lort.-.iup. m. ; llllid l ptla, 1USJ p. e. ; S iihlaot, lino p. m. ; more, lL3F.E.tlill'ex.-pt iozOAj arrlrji; at naaeiT 3vU a. au, wtta larocb 1-uliii.n film PViP ntl , . ; - ( r T . , -. . , t iBainsoreaMtaroca pK:gtr coucaes Ir.n dbcbv, lu.urro.v a.- lUtlLUUAU AM) .NUltTll A.NU IVtT KIClM'll 111. I.WAT. .DHj- xcfX Ssciiir.) arrtno at Bloom yerrr a. ti., w lUes-tiine ti. p. cc EXKa Eaa lat fezbsrr d. m.. arrlTli.j a: fllooci I mr p. m nilkn-rum j.oi p. iu. SHatsrT ilan taim v tResbarre icu.- a. m. am i tsy it Mown Ferrr li--l p. utbuiT lisi jprev est team V tlieb-barre iiip. Wts at BIOX3 rVrrr l.u p. is., suubary s.1 CHAS. E. PCGU, . K. WOOD, Oec XaEaser. Go. Paesfer AeLt MAIN STREET, DEALER IN Foreign and Momestio WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BL00M.SBURG, PA. KEABY PAX STO1H. JIASITACTI UEIt OP, AKI) Wholesale and Retail DEALEK IX G. P, STIHEB, DEALKR IN GENERAL MEEGMAN3ME, And I'roprlctJr of Illoomtbur;; laundry, MAIN STREET. GENTLER BLOCK. Sole azent for Davis' French Dye Works. For Holiday trade, call and see tbe .Moth, t er Hubbard bangs, and Langtry front ; pieces. Ftnu waves a specialty, dec3 UNDER ODD FELLOWS' HALL OPPOSITE OLD CENTENNIAL HOTEL. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Cheapest Keady Pay Store m the county, Having opened it general store a solicit a snare 01 tne puuuc patronage. GK IP. STUnTIEIR,. pHIL-lDELPHA xsd READING P.C D ABRAXGEM EM OF PA&E 0 K h TP.A1NS "0T. 16, lsS-t X(Crrs. Por " To,plinav3fl;aia.Hillsc.Po'tTI T&saqia, tc, 11, a. b Per t'aurtisa, II,;: i. ts. t.n 9.J0 p. . ForWaSasapcrt,t,Ul.lia.caads.ui v. l. Pjt LewtiSci; ana Sattorj, l.K p. c Taatxfo aCfiil uuvc as rauua l--r isnrrxs.) Leara Sear Tori, Ha. Tacuqtu s U . xi na. Bocad BrooSc Koate :,u a. a. Leave PtJladelpSla, f,M a. ts. Lent ka.ilrr, r.i a. c, roun;:t. is . asaTasu.u,l,tF- a. U'tTt Cauvlsja, l,U IS.SQ u a. aso ,ta l.. Leare wnaaasrort. !.: a.m, 1.61 al p. n . Leave Soslmij- 111 p. a LentUwr; (.41 p. ra. raswarsrs to and froa PtUa "-lyJOiso ttibsc vttaoa: aiasie ot tars. J. S. WGOTTlt. O'aerslMaugei C. Q. HAJ.COCK. General PasaeLger ana Ticket A rest. Jaa.10.Hil tr. JJELANVAHE, LACKAWANNA AXD HTSTERX KAILROAD. BLOOMSBCRG DIVISION. NORTH. p. EL I 91 M I St S 4S 11 swill s is isui; ianie 5 1 If 41 i IS M tO tfcB soii:4 7 KM r ii 13 aj 7 SO It 15 T-KltK rn as 7 is it 7 11 11 S 76 11 S tMUS 6 II It IS 6 0 11 13 IlillW 6 M 11 IM 5 SO 10 S4 6 35 10 M S ( .!) 35 ( OJ 10 SW 5 it, lo SI 1 ) 10 10 p.m. a. to. a.ra.1 Siil. 9 19 S 1.1 STATIONS. Serialon... ....IkSlvae... ...Tajrlorrtlle. . s OS .. Lackawtnaa. W, PHtdotL... s M ..Wtt Piiutua s U....Wromlar.. . H- ..MaMbj 6 Ianrtt S .. ..KlogjUjo ... S tS; a st 9 17 SOfTU. a.m. a.m. D.m ! a s to i so C 01 V 10 X 31 09 8 57 t IS t II 10 01 3 6 S3 10 l S 51 IS 10 It S M I Ad tu en a m Imioarw I e 3 u ; S l r H 7 tr 7 41 7S4 1 ST 7 S1 7 U T 11 7 m r oo Pljmouth June1 6 SO 10 w s 11 Plrmoath.. ....ATOcdsle. .1 ... Natitlccae... s istliunKck'i creet s-racLsblD nr. . iik s errr. .Ueacb lliTen. ....Benrjcx... .Briar Crwx. .WinoT Grove. ..Lllte IUJ;o. Espy ..Bloomsbunr S 15 10 53 3 15 7 IO 10 37 3 5a 7 US 10 1 J 54 7 14 10 4 X SJ I l 10 III 3 3 7 47 11 10 3 IT 7 S3 II IS 4 te I 8 CO 11 S 4 10 b US 11 34 4 1 I b 10 11 47 4 1 I M 14 11 40 4 S3 K 21 11 t 4 Sj Rumrt S 61 latawl'4 brlds-e wwii. X'OaS i gux .... 6ta...chalaal:r.... 6 al . . . CamrQ. . . lojxonbtuuu-rlacd a.m.1 W. P. UALSTEAD, upt. Sapertntendenfs orace, Scrmton, Feb. lit, ISCS b ai 11 ss 4 18 6Si:is;i b W It IB 4 4. U IS SO s w y m It S3 5 14 u oi-ii at a is g ai it a so a.m. p.DL JAMES REILLY, Tonsorial Artist. HaivDHoU stand under EXCHAKCE flurBUaaJ bas as uutl a FIKST-CLAfcS bKHKK shop. II reipectrallr solicits tto patrjaae otaUOMcustomersaiid ot tha pnbllc cencrally. mm, aotKcv or WILLY t RtJgSELL S UMK S1TIX0 TCOli MACHINERY. Head Qaurters tor Iron, MeeL Uorieshoea Nails and Wicod Maters' and Black. tmltbs' Eupplles. Itrael Blue&bender. - btores Warerooms lis iTJLtun Ave., abo Huvimuui 1 tlUEK. 'JUn Ave., and USCo- I iretirtet. SCRANT0N l'A may 23 ly diicase. used. In one case as in the other. Oct l 3 too