The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 16, 1885, Image 2

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The Columbian.
Q. E. Shrill, ! fiju...
"Fill DAY, JANUARY 10, 188.
Thero will bo ft mtjtliic of tlio Dem
ocratic Slato Committee liolil at liar
risburtj, on Wednesday next, Jan. 21st
at 4 p. in., (o elect a chairman nnd seo
rotary nnd members, of tlio executive,
The legislature was in session two
days last week, and then adjourned un
til last Wednesday. The pins have nil
been set nnd thoy will proceed to elect
Don Cameron ns his own successor to
tho United States Senato without do-
i "
lix-Vieo President Schuyler Colfax
' died suddenly in n tailroad depot at
Mankato, Minn., on tho 13th. He ar
rived on tho Milwaukee and St. Paul
ltoad from the East at 10 o'clock and
taking his satchel in hand he said ho
would walk to tho Omaha Depot, half
a milo distant. Ho was passing
through Mankato on a business trip, ns
ho has large business interests in llio
Northwest. On arriving at tho Omaha
Depot ho entered the waiting room, set
his satchel down and stepping over to
tho window looked out. l'eoplo in the
depot noticed that ho looked pale and
breathed fast, aa though he had walked
rapidly, but otherwise ho appeared in
excellent health. After gazing out of
the window a short time he returned to
his scat and sat down, crossing his legs.
In a moment tho agent and what few
passengers were in tho depot were star
tled and alarmed to see him fall sud
denly forward to tho floor. Tho agent,
assisted by passengers, di'i everything
they could for the unfortunate man,
but it was too late, and with one or
two short gasps be died without saying
a word.
Washington-, Jan., 13lb, 1884.
Tho monotony of the week that has
passed was broken by the celebration
of the anniversary of thcBattlo otNew
Orleans. "Jackson's day" as it is call
ed. Tho election of Jackson marked
tho overthrow of a corrupt party des
potism, and it was fitting that tho names
of Jackson and Cleveland tliould be as
sociated in celebrating the victory of
New Orleans when the oountry is re
joicing in the overthrow, though Cleve
land, of the gigantic and despotic oli
carchy of offico stealera and holders
known as tho Republican parly. The
celebration hero was Democratic, elo
quent and successful.
Another event was the adveut and
departure, all in forty-eight hours, of
Col. Laraont tho private secretary of
the president-elect. Col. Lamontcame
to loook for a home, and to scau the
field of bis future labor. He bad not
been in the city before. He has a wife
and children and must have a house.
He did not succeed in getting a house,
but will try again, after the fourth of
March, when n tew hundred residences
will doubtless bo vacated.
It is difficult to believe that only six
weeks more remain of President Ar
thur and a Republican administration.
Preparation is sleepless, and oxpecta
tion is on tip-toe for the fourth of
March. It is estimated that there will
be 250,000 visitors hero at the inaugu
ration. I cannot think that there will
be so many, but tho number will doubt
less bo large. As a usual thing the
interest of tho country in Washington
matters ceases with the adjournment of
Congress, but this year it will grow
with the inauguration of a new presi
dent, a new policy, the appointment of
a new cabinet, and numerous other
changes in all the departments of the
public service.
It is edifying to seo the desperation
with which a largo number of drones
and sinccurists are trying to get them
selves converted into real little civil
service reformers and democrats. Many
of them are shuffling over with an
alacrity, that is not graceful.
Congress is at work on the appropri
ution bills. The Navy bill has beon
passed by the House, and tbe consular
and Diplomatic bill is under discussion.
1 heard a JiepuDUcan statesman, so
called, bewailing tho fact that the train,
ed and improved consular and diplo
matiu persons), which he said had been
established in the last eight years by
Evarts and Frelinghuysen, must give
place to uemocratio bummer and
ward politicians. Well it will be n
pity if it is so, but if this noxious class
must have offices, by all mesns let's
send them to the foreign courts where
they will have nothing to do, and will
therefore be incapable of barm. Mod
em diplomacy is an anachronism and a
farce. X hero is not the wliu'.ilust no.
eessity for our sending representatives
to foroign governments, or for foreign
governments to send representatives
here, we have no toreign relations.
aienin ami electricity, and mo press
uavu made tho cmbassadonal establish
ments of contiguous states useless, then
how utterly needlees to keep them up
between our country and trans-Atlantic
powers. It would be better to retail
our flimsy ships, erusing in foreign seas,
exposing our weakness, and costing
millions annually, it would be better
to dismantle our diplomatic establish
menis in European capitals. The press
with steam, and the Atlantic cable will
furnish us prompter ami morn accuiate
lntormatlon than can possibly be ot
tained by our heavy representatives
abroad. We will state secrets as soon
as they are known by kings and their
ministers, for wo will gel them from
tho same source, the press.
I was walking on Connecticut aven
tie yesterday, which is tho failiiotmblu
Sunday promenade of the city, and
among other noted people was Mr.
jsininc the latu oanduiaie. lie was
walking with Miss Loring, daughter of
the Commissioner ot Agriculture, nnd
another young lady. J. he ex-candi
date, or, should I say tho perpetual
candidate, is looking pretty strong, but
be has a sinister face, a face in which
his vaulting, foiled ambition is darkly
written, a tnuo that seems to say, J
would rather be first In Hades thai
second in Washington.
The situation of the Blaine in this
city is not a happy one. Mrs. Blainu
is not magnetic, she is ropellant. Sho
bus taken occasion to snub many ladies
in society here, who openly rejoice at
i : A.., i ..,!. te
ller uiniii'puiuiiiimH anu iiiiiuiliuiiuil
now. Mr. Blaine a course since his de
feat has been such as to estrange many
personal friends that ho bad among the
democrats. In tho long years mid tho
new epoch that will date from the
fourth of Maich 1885, the capital of
the United Mates ought to be an tin
congenial place for malignant disunion
Ul like James G. Blaine.
Mrs. Grant Declines Vanderbilt's Offer.
Till. (IRNKIIAt.'s llK.UUS.
The Grant-Vanderbllt correspondence
in whioh the jrcat railroad millionaire
makes a proffer of n fortune to the ox
President's wife, and In which Mrs,
Grant makes n flat final denial of the
gift, was the subject of general com
ment in all parts of the city. Tho gen
eral verdict was that tho letters reflect
ed credit allko on tho man who made
the offer nnd upon the lady who de
clined it, nnd that that the nntcomo nl
thu correspondence! has been to cut off
a great deal of gossip, and possibly un
pleasant talk, wliich might havo been
started had such a sum of money beon
taken from Mr. Vanderbilt b'y tho
Grant family. A ctiriom fenturo of
tho case in the mind of tho public was
that tho final offer of Mr. Vanderbilt
to make n trust fund of thu proceed of
tho property sale for tho benefit of Mrs.
Grant, after being ncceptcd on her be
half by tho General, should then have
been declined in the short, decisive let
ter of Mrs. Grant. To those who know
tho Grant family well and the peculiar
ities of tho sovt-ral members of it. there
was no groat surpriso felt at tbU cu
rious feature of thu correspondence. It
has frequently been tho habit of Gen.
Grant to allow a matter to grow and
seemingly givo it hU approval, and
then when the decisive moment came
to put his foot down and make a final
disposition of tho whole matter in such
a way as showed that ho was watching
tho whole case closely and had taken
the shortest way to make his view of
the matter felt.
It was in this way that ho allowed
tho recent effort of Messrs. Field, Drex
cl and others to run on even when ho
was informed of every movo made,
and when the thing had gono as far ns
he cared to have it, caina his letter nip
ping the whole scheme in tho bud. Ho
had given no previous sign or intima
tion that tho plan was not meeting
with his entire approval, but thero was
no mistaking the import ot his note.
So it was with tho recent bill reported
in the Senato by Mltchell.the chairman
of tho Pension Committee,which would
have given Geu. Grant a pension ot
$5,000 a year. This ho disposed of at
once by his letter of Deo. 5, in which
ho declares that ho would not accept
the pension provided in that way, even
though tho bill was passed unanimous
ly by Congress, and received tho ap
proval of tho President. He did not
in tbis note, give way to an expression
of opinion on tho "other proposition,
which has been suggested for the act
ion of Congress, providing for the re
instatement ot the General at tho posi
tion at the head of the army which he
left about sixteen years nito to enter
upon his duties as President of the
United Slates. The passage of such a
bill would be entirely in the line of
military etiquette and it is believed and
guardedly asserted by the few friends
who enjoy intimate relations with the
old warrior that he would accept such
a position, and then as a retired officer
of the Unitod States Army feel that he
occupied a position which would enti
tle hun to tlio pay coming with the du
ties of a retired officer.
The bringing about of such a result
would require very careful legislation
lest it should be used as a precedent
which might be extended to all branch
es and grades of tho army as well as
the navy service and open tho way to
no end ot complications in the luture.
It is thought, though, that the problem
can ba successfully solved and tho mat
ter disposed ot without bringing about
any hitch in the soni6What ueiicato ma
chinery of army codes and decisions.
Thero'is besides a Btrong popular feel
ing in favor of some such measuVc, in
stead of tho rather indelicate method
of making out-and-out donations to
the object of the nation's solitude.
1 he lietieral himseltisa very busy
man just now and spends a fair allow
ance ot each day at his desk engaged
upon his literary work in connection
with army remembrances. Ho has
found that writing is n very agreeable
way of passing the time, and it seems
to take his mind from the occurrences
of last spring, when the Grant & Ward
bubble burst into thu tace ot the world
and drew so much scandal about tho
Grant name. It enables biro, when he
wishes, to deny himself to all visitors,
and it was this excuse which met Tin:
Wokm reporter when be called to gel
the Ueneral a views of the act ot gen
erosity which Mr. Vanderbilt has bo
nearly succeeded in accomplishing.
ft is now estimated by tho author
that the first volume of his memoirs
will be ready for tho publisher by the
1st ot May. As yet no houso has been
selected to attend tn tho mechanical
part and business end of the book,
though almost every publisher in the
country has sent in a request that he bo,
accorded the exclusive right of putting
his imprint on the title-page.
An intimate friend nf the Grant fam
ily said of tho letters and the situation:
"I think that Mr. Vanderbilt has done
enough to make the old General moro
than ever his friend. The one thing
about which thero was solicitude on
tho part of Gen. Grant was that the
many gifts which he had gathered up
in his tour of the world should find a
suitable resting place under the caro of
the Government at Washington. There
was it narrow chance of this failing
after thu collapse of tho Wall street
firm, but tbis is now happily averted
and thero will bo no risk now of these
gifts, really presented to the United
States through Gen. Grant, finding
their way into private collections and
museums here and there over the
country. This possibility was really
worrying the old General, and now
that it has been disposed of he is in a
very good framo of mind, though ho
says little of the many troubles whioh
havo crowded upon him of late. Of
course I could not venture to question
Mrs. Grant in regard to such a matter
as that touched upon in hor letter to
Mr. Vanderbilt. That sho declines
ought to bo final without question and
I don't think that there was nny other
reason boyoud a sober second thought,
a full realization of tho entire import
of tho letter in which the entire sum
is accepted on behalf of Mrs. Grant.
Had his letter ended thu correspond
ence there might havo been much talk
provoked, nnd I think that it was with
tho idea of making tho salvation of tho
foreign gifts doubly sure that thu let
ter of acceptance was written,"
There were many who wished to
seo tho military method of disposing of
the perplexing problem of Gen. Grant's
suppoit tried, and opinion was very
outspoken in that direction. Assistant
United States Treasurer Thomas Ac
ton and Collector Robertson were in
favor of it, also President Simmons of
the Stock Exohango President Stew
art, of tho United States Trust Compa
ny, and President Dowd of tho Bank
of North America. As far as heard
from it is not likely that Mr. Vander
bilt will do anything further In tho
matter, at least for the present.
Tho following ktler from P. T.
linriium explains itself t
"HuiDdEi'oitT, Jan. 12, 18Bj,
"Oen. Utytte S' Grunt, twice J'rea-
ideit of the United States, Cc, cOc.
"Honored Snt i Tho whole world
honors iind t expects you. All aro anx
ious that you should livo happy and
freo from caro Whllo thoy ndmlro
your manliness in declining thu large
silni recently tendered you by friends
they still deslro to s?o yon ncblovo fi
nancial independence in tin honorable
"Of tho unique and valuable trophies
rtlh which you havo been honored we
havo nil read and nil have a laudable
desiio to see thesu evidences of love
and respect bestowed upon you by
monniclH, prince nnd people through
out, the globe. While you would con
fer a great and enduring favor on join
fellow men and women by permitting
them to see these trophies, you could at
the same time remove exltlngembarass
montu in a most satisfactory and hon
orable manner.
'I will give yen 8100,000 cash bo.
sides a proportion id tho mollis, ns
Burning nil risks mvself, If I may bo
permitted tn exhibit these relics to a
grateful and appreciative public, and I
will give satisfactory bonds ot S500,-
000 for thoir safo keeping and return.
These precious trophies, of which nil
your friends aru so proud, would bo
placed before ire eves ol your millions
of admirers in u manner and stylo at
once plensing to yourself and satisfac
tory to thu best elements of tho enliio
community. Remembering that tho
mementoes of Washington, Velliiig
ton, Napoleon, Frederick the Great,
Stephen Glrard and many other distin
guished men have given iinmenso
pleasure to millions who havo b,jon
permitted to seo llieni, I trut you will
n the honorable manner proposed
gratify tho public and thus inculcate
tho lessons of honesty, perseverance
and true patriotism so admirably illus
trated in your career."
South and North.
n impression prevails, mid tho idea
is frequently expressed with confidence,
that tho internal revenue taxation is
more burdensome and it is felt more
grievously in tho Southern Stales than
in the North. With a view of ascer
taining what the fact really is, we havo
examined tho records of tho Internal
Revenue Department, and find that
during the hscal year ending June 30,
1883, tho tobacco manufactured, cigars
made, and spirits produced in these
two great sections of tho country,
omitting unimportant quantities were
as follows :
Total Product, 163, 781, 4J0 Puiinas.
HUnoU 11,619,002
Massachusetts. H,718
Michigan 6,co9.ow
Now .icrsey.... 23.078,542
New York 15,17,'34
Ohio. ... 8,M4,WU
Delaware. .........l,"30,M7
Kentucky .......,i(i,4ro,TW)
ijuMaiw .........l.B.nsa
.Maryland 0,191,812
Missouri 20,ra.),Kis
North carollnal3,890,53
Tcnnesseo - MD.IH'J
Virginia . K,4lt),8l9
rennsylvanla. .3,111,018
Wisconsin 4,C',823
Total .
Total pomvla ofleafusea, 73. .V3, till.
California 3,555,575
Connecticut 719,151
Illinois . 3,712,883
Indiana 1,149,291
Iowa - 901.4 4
West, Virginia.
New Jersey.. ...1,429,125
NewYork Jii,294,ois
Ohio, ..0,3i4,w
Ifnnsrlvan ia.U.cot.i44
Wisconsin l,C9,330
Total 7,SiS,B09
Total ........ ..63,009.655
Total J'rtxliict, 74,013,308 Ualtong.
California 1,950,171
Wisconsin 046,150
Total 751,611,1511
Illinois 25,917,928
Indiana 5,122,04s.
Iowa 4,284,830
Massachusetts. .1.849.611
Kentucky .,
Maryland .
.... 931,440
Nebraska..., ,...1,216,407
Nw York and
New jersey ...2.020.191
Ohio 12,240,1148
i-cnnsyivnnia. . .2,333,442
Total 15.191,198
These figures show that, while in
manufactures of tobacco other than ci
gars and cigarettes, tho former slavo
States exceed the former freo States bv
about 30 per cent., tho production of
cigars and cigarettes in the North is
about 700 per cent, greater than in the
South, and of spirits about 280 per
cent, greater.
It is evident, therefore, that, wlulo
the taxes on these two great products
may bear more oppressively upon the
Southern States, by reason cf their in
ferior ability to pay them, yet in actual
amount thu contributions to thcievciuin
from theso sources are very much
greater in the North than they are in
tho south.
But the reason for abolishing these
taxes is national, not sectional, and
they ought to bo wiped out, without
regard to tho question whether they
aro more inconvenient- of pavment in
one part of the country than in anoth
er. N. Y. Sun.
Absolutely Pure,
powder never vanes. A marvel of purity
strength and wholesom-nesi. Store economical
thantue ordinary kin is. andoannot be sold In
competition wlta the multitude of low test, short
weight, alum or phonpuate powders, sold only
In cans. Haikh Hit ixn Po unit Co , 106 Wall-st,
N.V. autll-iv.
Notlco U berouy glrcn that tho following named
persons hato filed with the Clerk of the Court of
Quarter Sessions ot the peace of Columbia coun
ty, their petitions for License which will be
presented to the said Court on Monday, the second
day ot February 1883, at 2 o'clock p. ji.
Hlbby, James I!.
Liquor store.
Liquor More.
uurry, uaniei r.
Htlmore, Kred Jt.
(illmore, Win. II,
Olrton, Jacob L.
Hagenbucb, 8. If.
Heckman, George
Mann, John s.
Markle, M. A.
McBrearty, James
McLaughlin, Arthur
ivitfer, William
itamer, Daniel
Kobblns o .rtez JJ.
Ityon, .Michael
Tubbs, W. K.
Jan mu, 1885.
llloouisburg liquor More,
centralla Hestaurant.
llloouisburg Hotel.
Clerk J. s.
rj 1 1 1 1 i 'imninnn w
kJk H-4
Jan 16-4 tv
This medicine, combining Iron with pure
vegetable tonic, quickly and completely
Curm llrftitrptln, fmUffrntlon, Wrnknrft-,
Impure lllnoil, ,1!alarln,Clilll find Frvcrp,
itita Neurnliiln.
It U an uniallinft remedy for Dltcatci of the
Hblnryn nnd l.lvrr.
It Is Invaluablo for Pl.fne peculiar to
Women, and all who lead tedentary Urn.
Itdoes not Injure the teeth, cause hcadache.or
produce constipation othf Iron tnoi(rinr do.
ltcnrlchesand purines the blood, simulates
tho appetite, ntds the RMlmllatlon of food, ro
IIctm Heartburn and lklclilns, nhd strength
en the muscle and nerrca.
For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, tack of
Energy, Ac, It has no equal.
Tho Pennine has above trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other,
Mr !, I., niinn.1 timiciL to mmnoai, au.
QIIOUTIIANI). Pamphlets uisll'd freo l.lnjrlo's
ncomnendinin, $1. Lessons by mall, 13. IJnirlo'a
Collciro of Shorthand, 1131 Chestnut St., 1'hlU.,
I'a. J. M. I.INGLK. Jan 16-1 w r
AnVKMiSKIIS t send for our Select list of local
newspapers, (leo. 1". ltoncll&Co., 10 Spruce
St., N. Y. JanlO-rw r
Letters of administration In thoesta'oof ll.ivld
Achenbacli. lato ot oraniro township, Columbia
county, Pennsylvania, havo been granted by tho
iconsicr or saw county to ins uuuersurnca au
mlnlstrator. All persons having claims nif.Unst
tho estate of said decedent nro requested to pre
sent them for settlement, and thoio Indebted to
tho estate to make pavment tn the undersUrned
without delay. AI.UUllT C. AUIIENllAUH,
UUU2-11 - Auiuimsiruiur.
Notice It hereby trlven that Henry Ortwlno does
not own tho horses In his possession and that anv
penon buying them or trading for them will be
compelled to retoro them to mo, tho lawful own
Jan. 2-3 w
Rcs&I Instate I
Ilv virtue of an ordsr of the O.nhans' Court ot
Columbia county, the unnderslrned Administrator
of the estate ot Harriet VanLiew, lato ot tho
township ot Oranra In the said county ot Colum
bla, deceased, will eposo to public sile on tho
SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 1885,
at one o'clock In tho afternoon, tho following de
scribed real estate, to-wii : a certain messuage
and tract of land situate In tho township of orange
and county of Columbia aforesaid, about one mile
northeast of Light Street, and bounded by lands ot
cnaries joncs, jsaac uooue, ji ji. jjiiie, in. iia
genbuch, tho Joluison helre nnd others, containing
elghty-ono acres nnd scvcnly-ono perches strict
measure bo the same more or less. (It being tho
same tract of land tint Thomas Jiutlly and wile
uyinaeniuro oeanngaaio ini winoi aiarcn a. m.
1855 and recorded In tlio liecordcr's onicoofCo
luinbla county in Deo 1 Hook 2, pago 143, conveyed
to Harriet VanLiew the decedent,) on wnlcli Is a
two-story frame house, a now and commodious
frame bank barn and all necessary out-bulldlngs,
a largo and good orchard and a good spring ot wa
ter, with spring houso between the, house and
barn. About twenty acres aro well timbered ana
tho balance Is In good farming condition.
TKK.MS OP HALE. Ton percent, of ouo-fourtu
ot tho purchase money to be paid at the striking
down ot the property ; tho one-fourth less the ten
per cent, at the confirmation ot sole, and the re
maining three-fourths In one year thereafter, wlta
Interest from confirmation nisi.
White Att'y. AI.K.M. C. VANLIEW,
Jan 16-2 w Administrator.
KOU THE YEAlt 1881.
Ualance In hands ot Treasurer Jan. 4, '81.
Members dues
Proceeds ot mortgage
I'rocee la of noto
Hat- sold
Ad'nlsslon tickets sold
Grand stand tecelpts
stand rents
Horso entries
187 membership tickets
2SI 75
4 00
3000 00
491 CO
29 45
S3S9 75
141 .11
iU'J O'l
244 20
5 00
18? 00
(8576 18
Premiums paid
Police, Detectlvo and nssslstants
oniccrs' salaries
Printing, postage, c,
Labor fur Improvements
Note paid
1'ald on real estato
Balance In Treasury
186J 20
2G9 42
100 00
025 00
61 90
278 81
1471 15
500 (0
Sili 25
42 :ia
m oi
18576 18
Balance in lnnds ot treasurer Jan. 8, 1885.
102 C
c. Barton, agreement 500 ro
Mortgage 3 w oo
II. V. WHITE, Sec'y. J. C. UHOWN, Treas.
By virtue ot sundry writs Issued out of tlu Court
ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county and to me di
rected, wlllexposoto public sile at tho Court
House In Bloomsburg, on
SATURDAY, February 7, '85,
At two o'clock p. m., the following described real
estate, to-wlt : All that certain piece or parcel of
land situate in Beaver township, Columbia county.
and State ot 1'ennsylvanla, and known as Glen
City, bounded and described as follows, to-wit : On
tue west by Walnut street, south by First Street.
East Street, and north by Sixth street,
uccuriung to tne general plan of said Glen city, ex
eeptlnglots heretofore sold as follows, to-wlt:
:03. 1, i, 7, 8, 0, 10, it and 12 In Block No I ; Nos. 1 ,
2,8, 4, sand 0 In Block No. 2; Nos. 4, 10,'il and 12 In
Block No. 3 ; Nos. 1 and 2 In Block No. 4 : Nos. 0
and 7 tn Block No. 5 i Nos. 1, 2, 7, 10 and 11 In Block
No. 11 j N03. 1, 2 and 3 In Block No. 21 : Nos. 0. 7, 8.
0 and 10 In Block No. 31 : Nos. 7, 8, 0, 10, it and 12 In
Block No. S3 ; Nos. 1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, a and 10 In
MOCK NO. 41; Nos. 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8, 9,10,11 and 12
In Block So. 4J, and Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
anu u in mock no. 41, said lots designated by num
ber and Blocks according to the town plot of said
oien city.
seized, taken Into exocutlon at the suit of col
umbla County Mutual saving Fund and Loan As
soctatlon vs. C. It. Barnes and Almlra A. Barnes,
and to bo sold as the property otsald C. It. Barnes
and Aunlra A, Barnes.
Miller, Att'y. Iiv. Fa.
A h S 0
All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land bit'
uate In the township of Benton In the County o.
vuiumuia anu state oi Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows, to-wlt i Beginning at a white
oak adjoining lands burveyed In tho name ot Abra
ham Owen bout h fltty-four degress east onohun-
dred and sixty-eight perches to a white oak, thence
by land Burveyed for John Clayton south thirty-
six aegrees west one hundred and one perches to a
post, thence by lands ot Daniel Ashleman north
tlfty-four degrees west one hundred and sixty
el'ht perches to a Make nnd stones, thenco north
thirty-six degrees east one hundred nnd one per
ches to the place ot beginning, containing one nun-
area acres and eight perches, and usual allowan
ces ot 6 per cent, for roads, on which aro erected a
two-story frame dwelling houso and a log barn,
seized, taken Into execution, at the suit ot A. II.
Krtckbaum'a use vs. W. 11. Krlckbaum, and to bo
bold as the property ot ald W, 11. Krlckbaum.
Miller, Att'y. FL Fa.
All that messuage and tract of land situate at
Miniln Cross lioads In tho township ot Beaver, In
tho County ot Columbia, and State of Pennsylva
nia, bounded nnd described as follows i Beginning
at a gum, thenco by laud of Jno. Hauck and Scotch
Hun south blxty-slx degrees west 28 and
four-tenths perches to a stone, thenco along bldo
ot a public road leading from Beaver Valley to
Mlnilnvlllo south nine degroese ast eleven and four
tenths perches to a btono near the Danville, Ha
zletonand Wllkesbarre Itallroad, thence up bald
road north slxly-elght degrees east forty-niie
perches to a stone, thenco by land ot John Hauck
north etenty-elglit degrees west twenty-two per.
chei to the placa of beginning, containing two
acres and ono hundred and forty perchos.
hclzod taken Into execution at the bultof BoL
II. Bredbenner now to us.e of Catawlssa Deposit
Bank vs. Charles Ashleman and Jonas Bredbenner,
and to be sold us the property ot unld Charles Aslilo.
man and Jonas ilredbenner. Vend Ex. I
Miller, Att'y. JOHN MOUHEY, I
Jan ! Sheriff. '
, : -MSm
l'liiLAlittriin.Jmuarj-12, Mrs.
Bring back whatever you
buy to-day and hereafter, if
you would rather have the
money. Only bring it back
Half a million of goods are
going for what they'll fetch:
whatever we can spare.
Quantiticsoffirst-class mer
chandise, anil very little else.
Priccs.accordingto nothing
but the GO.
Over-garments for ladies
were fully treated last week
Read the account; see any
sort you happen to want; and
fudge the whole store by what
you see there.
In the same rooms are jer
. eys; silk and wool, plain and
! raided and bended jerseys;
..nd dresses of flannel, cloth,
i ashtnere, black and colored
silk; foreign dresses and
ethers; and shawls.
, iwxtilCltMlmtt.
Girls' over-garments and
'.lesscs. Newmarkets, Rus
sian circulars, cloth coats,seal
cloth coats, striped-jersey-llannel
Mother Hubbard
wraps; and dresses of flannel,
cloth, cashmere, satin. Every
thing new.
putt nni " Clreatnut.
Seal dolmans, ulsters, coats
and fur-lined circulars; small
articles more or less. There's
a clear $100 to be made on
a first-class seal garment.
IT03 uml 5
Muslin underwear, every
sort of garment; of the grades
we keep the year round.
Warm skirts. Baby clothing.
I !ut) and It Chestnut.
Guinet and Bellon black
silks all through, with all the
music out of them, and more
too. Guinet: $1.35 for $1 ;
$1.50 for $1.25 ; and so on.
Bellon: $1.25 for $1 : $1.35
for $1.15 ; and so on.
S.mlliwfst from Centre.
Dress-stuffsof everygrade.
Lupin's colored cashmeres,
for $1.25 for $1, $1 for 75
cents, 60 cents for 50, and
50 for 40.
French fine wool ottoman,
$1.50 for $1. A dozen such
stuffs ditto.
Wool poplin that began
at $1 for 50 cents. Tricot,
85 cents for 65. Bison, 75
for 50.
French novelties, a hun
dred sorts, very little of any
one, at a half, a third, even a
quarter of where they belong.
French combination stuffs,
several, $1.25 for 75 cents.
French plaids, fifty sorts or
more, $1 for 75 ; and others
for 50.
At the "low-price dress
goods counter" fifty different
stuffs are down a fifth to a
Black damasse Sicilian, $1
for 50 cents, 23-inch ; a doz
en patterns. Black damasse
sateen, $1 for 75 cents; 41
inch ; eight patterns. Black
armures, 44-inch, 50 cents;
three patterns. We consider
them worth just less than $1.
Black ladies'-cloth,$i for. 75
cents ; 54-inch. The same as
we have sold tons of. Black
the lowest, 75 cents for 50 ;
the highest, $4 for $2.50.
Black heavy silk-and-wool,
fancy cord, for wraps, $3 ; 6
was too much for it.
First-rate calicoes, 4
cents. Never did such a
thing. Cottons all the way
up to sateens are down.
Alt around thestore.twuor thrne tlrcleiany front
tu centre.
The list of cloths contains
the following and many
Seal-skin, $21 to $16; $18
t0 $l5' $H to $11 ; $10 to
$8; $8 to $6.
Plaid cloakings, $2.50 to
$2. .
Figured cloakings, $1.50
to $1.
Wool plushes, $2 to $1.50.
Stockinets, $4 to $2,
-Black beavers, $2.50 to
I ricots, 2 to $1.25.
Plaid cloths, 1 to 75 cents.
Corkscrews, $4 to $2.50.
Diagonals, 2 to p.
Brocaded velveteens, 75
cents to 50.
.Vrar Die 11,1 Ml j Muktt-tieet door
Will you go into the linens
a little way?
Napkins: 60 cents to 50;
75 to 65; 1 to 75 cents;
1.20 to 1 ; 1.75 to 1.35:
.2 to 1.65; 2.25 to 1.75 ;
.?2.50to2.oo; $3.75 to $3;
7.50 to $6.
Barnsley, Scotch, Irish and
German table-linens and
Barnsley, 3 to 2.25;
$2.50 to $2; $2.25 to $1.75.
Scotch double damask
81S vJl.
' .
SlitS .
15 to1tS
111 (W
7 tl 4 71
I 60
s an 7
lit bO H
7 to 111
60 t 60
a 60 a
11 7 60
to a
and 59 on.
We could fill the paper
with figures. Take the gen
eral statement instead:
Whatever we can spare is
going. As good as -we have
is gomg ai tne lower prices,
S"iilliweftt comer of the nifttn l.ttlldlof
White china plates, sec.
1 nds, 75 cents a domi:
value $225! but We so'iie
nmei (ell them for 1.25 ;
tlon'c lemcmber tver selling
them lower before.
Let these aland for many
things in crocki rv, fine china
and glassware going for fine
! ens of value,
t, ittittM tt,tiirtr tlie m it-etui.! bnwniriit.
Felt hats, brown and black.
5 third off, 85 cents. About
200 trimmed hats, a third
1'nrtof Arciule tfe, nnd un-tAlr
Hinialyan, Persian, beaver,
and long Scotch shawls, a
fifth off: Indias, a third off.
1 afl flu Mmit, M-i-nnd floor. Tnke e nr.
Do you get our meaning?
The most substantial mer
chandise is going at a rate
that takes one's breath away.
Jons Wan'am.wcf.k.
I li.-lt,ut.T!ilit-i.ll, nn I Mnrkilitrtrl
, it t ll--l il ,u-in-.
Bloom. Harvpr flrlcrer. npnnrn Kllrl,p, M,v,ra
Quick. ' " '
Benton. Samuel Armleman. Jnnnq Vnnir. tjifn.
yetlo Kecler, Jacob timer.
jinar i;recK.-ji. u Houseknecht, John II.
Smith, James Sponcnbcrger.
vnuini-oui. j. it, incmer, ,ionn p. s iuinan,
t entralla. Edward Williams.
Hshlnci cek. Tliman Hunyan.
Jackson. Francis Alliertsou.
Ixicust. Thomas HoITman.
Jialn.-F. 1'. drover, W. c. Hlchanl.
Miniln. Horace Creasy.
Montour.-Bcnncvlllo ithoads.
Jit, Pleasant. Wm. JUIler.
Orange. Vm. Fisher,
sugarloaf.-cyrus Lnrlsh.
Bloom. Ionard Ilombov. Dennlsnn llrinlr. Ifnn.
ry ohl, Charles ltlco, 'Ihos. vaiinatta, das. Walter.
itemon, Aiueri .ticiicnry, ueorgo roust.
Beaver. .loslah Fisher, Joseph KUngerman.
Briar creek. tVm. Ijmon, S, 11 smith,
catawlssa. Chas. Kfahler.
Centralla. Chas. Daros.
Center. Frank Wagner.
Conynghatn John L. Kline.
Flshlngcrcek. I,en I Crevellng, D. I). Eteland.
Greenwood. Frank Kves. Jacob Hart?. Jos. nod.
line, Jos. Trlvelpiecc.
iii-intucK. uiigu i. .ticitnue, mas. Mtaner.
Jackson. Samuel I'. Hess.
Locust. Wm. Snyder.
Minim Stephen Oearhart.
Montour. Dat Id Jlouser, II 8 Hcay.
Jit. Pleasant. John Melllck.
l'lne, Ell Trlvelplece, Hlas W.ttts.
ltoartng Creek. llcnry Lclby.
Scott, Thomas Ilombov. Col. Wm. Carbon.
Heeso Falrman.
Bloom. Samuel Jletz. Charles Sterner. John
iterwick. Kinney Adams, it. s. Bowman, josian
Clewcll, John smethere, Jr., 11 A. Wilson.
itcaver jonainan jtreuoenaer, bit .tucnaei.
Benton A -M Mcc'ollum.
Otary, Mlnnerllllo, Fi-ed Ilai'initn, Lloyd inner,
John Nousteln.
centre Kdward Haitman.
Flshlngcreek C B Mcllenry,
Franklin David ueeder.
oreenwood Wm I" Ikelcr.
Jackson ueorgo W l'arver, T O Smith.
Locust David Krclsher, Solomon Hlder.
Jladlson Joseph Shoemaker, (leo. Whltcnlght.
Jlaln-J 1) Bodlne.
Jliniln Wellington Jlowrer.
Jit Pleasant 1 K Applcman.
Itoarlngcreek Wm llouck.
scott-H N White.
Sutrarloaf Xntman f'nle. ritiln T. IIphm. .Tnlin .T
To the Readers of
Western Washing Machine
Which is now boing introduced in this
section, and is ulready largely in neo in
almost every fctiite in tho Union, com
mends itself by the simplicity and eas
ot Us operation, ami by tlie gootl work
that it does. The machine is easily
handled, and makes no lop, whatever.
Tho following testimony to its merit
will bo ot interest to the ladies ot
Blooms"burg and Vicinity,
and all who aro interested in an im
portant improvement :
Hi.oo.isni'p.a, Pa., Dec. 8, 1831.
runJerjfi-ii Mftj. Co :
We boticltt from vour agent. Jlr. C.
Slenrs, one of your New Improved West-
era wuslters. lluve used It for three
weens mill tire much pleased with It. It
saves labor, washes cleanly, docs not wear
out tlie clonics nnu works easily. We can
heartily recommend it lo everyone who
litis washing lo do. Itesp y. xours,
Mas. P. JI. Teats
IlLOOMSitpua, Pa,, Dec. 8, 1884
runaVrril Mfy. Co, ;
Camden Jlears, Agent i I havo been In
the laundry business constantly during the
past ten vears, uml have tried verv inanv
different kinds of family tvnslilng mu.
ciunes, unu tn tvuicu is mu .tuiv improved
Western Wnsbcr, sold by you, and 1 cheer
fully recommend it ns being the best one
for my work Unit I Imvu ever tried. It
gives perfect satisfaction, nnd I would not
part with it for double the amount I paid
tor it ii i could not procuro unoincr one.
Any person wishing to seo it In operation
can do so, by calling nt my laundry.
Yours Respectfully,
C. II. UltoWN,
Proprietor Hloomsburg Lautlry, Dent
ler's new block, Mtdu Sheet.
11i.oombiiui:o, Pa., Dec. 8, 1884.
Vandergrifl MJy. On. ;
Gentlemen : Wliea vour ncent. Mr. O.
Mcars, solicited me to purchase one of
your Western Washing Machines, nothing
but n desire lo be courteous prompted mu
to give one moment's attention to It, ns ull
tlio washing machines I had ever seen hud
proved utter failures. Hut when your
agent, in u conunenuauiu spirit oi tairiiess,
olfered to sell vour machine on its merits.
I could not refuse to give It n fair trial. It
iins now tiono service in my laundry tnret
months, uml I must say that It Is perfect It
every respect, doing its work thoroughly,
and with It one girl enn do tho work ol
two, without fatigue. It is simply match
less. Very Truly Yours,
Ij, A. SiiAnucK, JI. 1).
THY ONIil And if you aro not
satUtied alter giving it a fair ti ml ro.
turn tho machine to our ngent, nnd hu
will relimd your mouoy.
Vamlergrift MJy. Co.
I would say that I have secured the agency for
thesaloof the above Popular Washing Jlachlne,
American Hand Planlera and other manufactures
of the abotetlrm, for the counties of Columbia,
Jlontour, Luzerne and bchutlkill, and would bo
ploased to deliver, and Instruct In tho use of the
n astier au) one wno uteres to buy one.
C. MEARS, Agent.
Salesroom, I), stroup's old grocery stand, Main St,
lU-iy-Hm Ul.OOMSUUUH, l'A.
m- - hi
By virtue- ot sundry writs Issued out of the
Court of Common ricos of Columbia county nnd
to mo directed will bo exposed to Public Sale at
tho Court Houso on
Monday, February, 2, 1885,
atSo'clockp.m.,lhofol'owlngdMorlbed ileal Id"
tate, to-wlti
A lot of ground situate In oreenwood township,
Columbia county, Pa., bounded nnd described ns
follows, to.wltl Adjoining lands of John tllllaspy,
Hartley Albertson, Sylvester Albertson, nnti lanus
belonging to tho estate nt Isaiah Kline", containing
two acres inoro or less whereon nro erect ed n dwel
ling house, barn and out buildings.
Selod. taken In oxecutlon at the suit ot n. n.
Young's uso tn. Jonas Hess, nnd lo lK sold nt tho
ptoperty of Jonas Hess. AI. tend. Ex.
Brockwny, att'y.
A lot or pleco of ground situate In
tho town of Hloomsburg, county ot Co
lumbia and state ot Pennsylvania, on tho north
tldo of Third 6treet between Centre and Iron
streets ot said town, bounded nnd described as
follows, to-wlt i Beginning at n corner on eastern
sldo nt rhillp Unangst's houso on Third street,
running along lino of lot ot Philip Unangst, Itortli
108 ft to lot of I. S Kuhn, thenco eastward!? 37 ft,
thenco north nlpng lot of 1.8. Kuhn 104 feet to
Pino Alley, thenco easterly 8-1 feet to the lot of C.
M. Chrismnn, thence south along lots ot C, M.
Chrlsiuan nnd T. 11. Jlltler to Third street Slo
feet moro or less, thenco westerly 70 feet more or
less along Third street to place of beginning, and
on which Is a stable, wagon nnd hay shed, being IS
ft high, cono shlnglo roof, wooden building, 17 feet
wide along nne alley, on tho north side Da feet S
Inches long on tho wes' side, . teetwldoon tho
boutli nnd 13 feet long on the cast side.
seized, taken In execution at tho suit ol John c.
Jones vs. Dennlson Brink nnd lo bo sold ns tho
property otl'ennlson Brink. Lev. Fa.
lkeler, ntt'y.
a l a u
All that certain lot of ground situate In the Bor
ough of Centralla, Columbia county, Pa., bounded
and described ns follows, to-wlt i Fronting on
Locust avenuo on tho cast, an alley on tho west, a
lot ot Jlartln Cain on tho South, a lot ot Patrick
Hrcnnan on tho north, lot being about twenty-flvo
feet by about thirty-feet, whereon aro erected a
two-story framo dwelling houso and other out
buildings. Seized, taken In execution nt tho suit of Thom
as Oorrey vs. Thomas Farrcll and to bo sold ns tho
property of Thomas Pari ell. Vend. P.x.
Brockwny, att'j-.
All that coitaln tract or piece of land sltuato In
nno township, Columbia county, nnd Stato ot
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows,
to-wlt: on tho north by lands of JoiJphand
William lttrsell, on tho east by lands ot Wm. Pur
sel, John Johnson and Ira Pursel, on tho south by
lands otc W. Kves, and on tho south by lands
ot A. J. Pino nud JIargaret Warner, contain
ing ono hundred and sixty acres more or less,
"whereon Is erected a dwelling house, barn,
r.nd other out buildings.
Seized, taken In execution nt tho suit of A. r.
Heller, administrator nf Benjamin Kves, deceased,
vs. Joseph Cole, and to be sold as tho property o
Joseph Cole. Vend. Hx.
Ikeler, Att'y.
sltuato In tho town of Hloomsburg, bounded and
described as follows, to-wlt : Commencing nt al
ley In said town being tho alley next south ot and
parallel to Third street and' a corner of land ot
.Matthias S. Appleman thenco southwardly along
tho land of said Appleman about two hundred nnd
fourteen feet to Fourth street, thenco eastwnrdly
along said Fourth street about llfty-tlx feet and
nine Inches to land ot N. V. Waller thenco north
wardly parallel to tho tlrst mentioned lino to alley
aforesaid about 511 feet, thenco westwardly nlong
said alley about S1 feet 9 Inches, to the place of be
ginning whereon aro erected a two story framo
dwelling house, Hnblc and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit of Ithaca
Organ Co., to uso of O. W. King vs. W. H. Yetter
and to bo sold ns tho property of W. II. Yetter.
-Maize, Att'y. Fi. Fa.
All the right, title and Interest of the defendant
'cter Uogttrt In nil that certain trnct orplantation
ot land sltuato In Flshlngcreek township, county
of Columbia, btate ot 1'ennsylvanla, bounded on
the north bv lands of Isaac Jlcllenrv. Washington
Heacock and John llrlght; on tho east by lands,
of Catharine Pealer, Wllllts Patterson and E. JI.
Laubach; on tho south by land of John Henry,
and on tho west by land ot D. H. Albertson, con
taining one hundred and twenty-seven acres of
land moro or less whereon aro erected it two
story framo dwelling house, bank barn and other
Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot Aaron
liogartvs Peter llogart, and to bo sold as tho
property ofsaidPeterllogart. Vend IX
Ikeler, oU'y. JOHN JIOUHEY,
Jan ots Sheriff.
Real 13 state.
Bytirluo of an order ot tho Orphans' Court of
Columbia County tho undersigned Administrator
of ths estato of Jloscs L'verett lato of Orango town
ship, Columbia county, deceased will expoao to
public sale upon tho premises on
Saturday, January 17tli, 1885
at two o'clock In the afternoon tho following de
scribed valuable real estate, to-wlt: A certain
mcssuago and tract of land situate In the township
of Orango aforesaid, adjoining lands of James Pat
terson on tho north, Aaron Patterson anil Abner
Welsh on tho cast, Parah Welsh and others on the
south and James Eterctt and Hobprt Stilton tho
west, containing
.115 AenNes
moro or less tt 1th tho appurtenances, on which art
as good as new. Hantc barn and other out build
lngsagood orchard ot all kinds of fruit, ttellot
water nt the houso.
TEHJIS OF SALE. Ten percent, of oue-fourlh
of tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking
down.ot tho property ; tho one-fourth less tho ten
per cent, nt the confirmation ot sale j and tho re
maining three-fourths In one year thereafter, with
Interest from connrmatlon ulsL
Letters testamentary in the estate ot Frederick
Wilts late ot Jackson township, Columbia
county, FrnnsylvaUa, hate been granted b tho
lteglster of said county 10 tha undersigned execu
tor. All persons having claims ugalnst, tho estate
of said decedent nro requested lo present them
for settlement and thoso Indebted to tho e-tate to
make payment to the undersigned without delay.
Jan 2-tf Lxecutor.
hmk I Lmk
0. fj. WH,
ib stomas
Is now ofl'ering his largo Stock of
llcatixig Stoves and Ranges AT COST.
Pleaso call ami examine Stock
Before Buying Elsewhere.
$35" Tho largest stock on ono iloor in tho Coimtv,
nLooMsnima maukkt.
Wheat per bushcli. ,.... ." $ 80
Hyo 11 11 ......,. .... 70
Com " " 60
Oats 11 11 i,ii.i, 2fc
Flour her barrel " 6 OC
Clovcrsced 8 Ot,
lltillcr 25
Kggs, ,,,,,.,, . .,ti,. 24
Tallow ,,.,,, ,,,,,,,,,, , Ml ,.., 00
Potatoes now 80
Dried Apples 05
Hams 18
Hides nnd shoulders.., 10
Chickens 8
Turkeys i IS
I.nrd per pound 10
liny per ton . IB 00
llceswnx ,..., 25
Uiickwhciit Hour per hundred 2 00
Hides per lb C to 7
Vcnl skins per II 03
Sheep pelts, ench 75
Wool per lb 0
Philadelphia Markets.
1'J2ED'-We3tern' winter bran, spot, ic,
JIACKT.HKI. F.xtra mess 33o. largo l's, 88 aoc.
extra shore l's S5 ( soe.
VI.OUH. Western extra's 8.7.1 a .ISf : Penn'n.
family, 8.87 S.7S
patent 4.75 c 8 'J5.
a onio cicar, a.o, i.;,, j wiator
ennsylvanla red. No. 1, 05: No. 2. dot..
UUILt. 41 I O'.
OATS. No. !1 whllo ( M No. 2. 89.
HAY AND STHAW Hmothy-Cholco Western
and Now York, 1C. fair to good Western and
NewYork, 13.(4 15. j medium Western and New
York, 10. (412.: Cut hay ns to quality 15. ir.50.
Hyo straw 20 Q 21, Wheat straw, II. Qlo. oat
straw 11.
1:1(18. Pennsylvania .HI western SI (H an
HUTTL'K. Pennsylvania creamery prints 8.1 34
Western extra 21 w S3.
livk rtiULTitv. towis, iu.!j m ii mixea lots
7U (At 10 roosters old 8.
Hi:sHi:i) P0ULT1IY. Chickens extra 9U a
10 dressed turkeys, extra, 15, choioe, I3(;li,
middling 11 12.
Tho undersigned appointed Assignee of c. II.
llrockwny. of lltoomsourg, Columbia Co., Ph., will
offer nt public sale, at tho Court House,
Saturday, Jan. 24th 1885
at 10 o'clock a M., the following valuable proper-tl-
s, vl. :
FllihT. A to and n half Morybilek houso on
Third stiect adjoining nn alley on tho east and
another lot of c. H. llrockwny. on tho tt est, con
talnltign front ot 40 feet, nnd a depth ot 2"2 feet
more or less, tho said houso being lumlslted In all
Its rooms with gas fixture, water, a bath room,
Haltlmoro heater, ic, a good stable and other out
HKCoNH. A vacant lot adjoining tho itbote,
nndadjotnedontho west by property ot JI p.
Lutz, being, forty feet In front, and Oli feet more
or less In depth.
NOTH, Any of tho above premises can bo exam
ined nt any reasonable time, by calling upon
either JI. P. I.utz, Assignee, ore. II. Hrockway.
TIIIIII). A tract of timber land In Heater town
ship, formerly known ns ths Charles II. Troy
tract, bounded by lands of Aaron Johnson, Thom
as Downs Isaac DavH warrantee, cox lands, and
others, containing 103 acres moro or less.
FOUKTII. Three building lots In tllen City, Ilea
ver ton nshlp, formerly In the naino ot Charles It.
FI FT I. A tract of timber land In Heat er town
ship containing tt acres, moro or less.
hlX I'll. A t ract ot Umber land In same township
containing lis acres, mora or less.
MEVHJCTH. A tract ot timber land In samo town
ship, containing 51 nen s, more or less.
EK1IITH. A tract of timber land In samo town
ship, containing 31 acres, uioro or less.
NolH Tracts 5, 0, " and 8 are contiguous
bounded by tho Schuylkill county Hue, Hoar
In creen township line, icon William Stewart'
.Iame3 JlcNeal, Henry and other warrants
and were commonly known as tho Vanducem, Ml
ilman Co. tract.
NINTH. A tract of timber land In Heaver town
ship, contfllnlng(j.lacresof land moro orlessln
tersected by the P. X It. H. Co., the Catawlssa
creek, adjulnlng Aaron Johnson, bvhell, and oth
ers. TENTH. A tract ot timber land In 1 ocust town
ship. In tho warrantee name of John Kverhard, con
taining 400 acres more or less.
KLEVKNTH. A tract of timber land In Itoarlng
creek and Ixtcust townships In the warrantte
name ot Thomas Harnes Jr., conlalnlcg CO acres,
moro or less.
Tho above properties will bo sold In tho order
named, the Assignee reserving tho power to ati-
Journ thosale from time to time, as circumstances
may require.
TEH JI OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth
of the purchaso money to paid nt the striking
" "pr "l "; a" 'S8
less iu, mi
remaining one-half In three, months t:
and tlie
lulng one-hnlt in three months thereafter.
tt 1th inHrest from confirmation ttf.t.
Jans-ts Assignee.
"Will bo Inaugurated March S8r.
The Hanncr Democratic Newspaper.
Tho only Democratio Morning News-
paper published in Mow York.
Daily, $0, Semi-weekly, $2 ; Sunday
Sl.oOj Weekly 1.
Weekly and Tim Colujiihan S2 20
per year. ,
By any Man or Woman, Girl or Boy
who will Orgaiii.u Clubs for
The Great Farm and Home
Newspaper, Complete in all its
agknts"paid1n cash.
Vor 100 Subscribers at 1 oach 25
will be paid ; for ,10 Subscribers,
S12 , for 23 Subscribers, SO j
for lfl Subscribers, $!i ;
for 10 Subscribers,
S2 j for t! sub
scribers, $1.
Agents wanted in Eveiy Town and
Village. Circulars and Sample
Copies Kroc. Send
for them.
Try It. Trylt. Try It.
dec 13-4W
! ! Look ! ! !