The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 09, 1885, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AJSD DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRa COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY !, 1885. Correct Ilullroiul Time Tntilc. Train!) on tlio Philadelphia 11. It. Icavo Ilupcrt as follows i NORTH. 0.39 ft. m. 4.utt p. 111. SOl'TII. 11:53 a. in. 0:13 p. in. Trains on the I). t 1 V. 11. 11. leave Uloonisburg s follow I xoiim. SOUTH. 7:05 a. in. 8:M a. tru ll.oi a. in. iuta a. in. 6:8 p. m. 4:86 p. m. The 8:28 a. m. train connects at Northumberland with tbe 9:34 train on Pennsylvania road, reaching Philadelphia at 3.13 p. in. Tbo 11:5 train connects with Philadelphia and Heading road at Kupert reaching l'hlladel phla at 6:00 p. ra. The 11:61 train connects with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland at 1:60, reaching Philadelphia at 7:S5 p. in. Tbo 4M p. in. train connects with l'enna) lvanla toad at Northumberland at 8.M p. ra., and reaches Philadelphia at3:us a. m. Trains nn the N. W. 11. Hallway rass Bloom rVrry as follows i wmtrtf. anlTTit. ll:7 a. m. 9.00 p. in. 12.01 p. in. 4.13 p. ra. Cltili Ilntun lor 1883, A CHANCE TO UET THE MIST DBMOCHATIO PAPKlt IN 11IK COUNTKV. Tliu New York World Is acknowledged to bo tho leading Democratic paper in tho United States. Everybody ouglit tn take a city paper In addition to a local one. Wo havo mttdo arrangements with tho Weekly llVd to club with tho Columbian. prico of tho Weekly World Is $1.00. On receipt of 2.20 wo will send the two pa. perB to any address In tho county, for one year. Clubs of flvo persons at onu post of fice can get them for $10,00 If ordered ut ono time. This Is a very liberal oiler, and Is made for tho purpose of extending our circulation and not because there Is any money In It. Wo do not bcllovo In tho chromo busi ness. All the county newspapers aro pub llshed at rates so low that tho margin of profit Is very small, and unless all subscri bers pay up, tho loss Is nearly equal to tho profits. Wo consider that our readers get the full worth of their money out of this paper at $1.00 a year, and we cannot af ford to give every subscriber i gold watch or a piano, at that price. But wo will do this i Evory subscriber who will pay up all arrearages and ono year in advanco will rcccivo for ono year, Oood Cheer, n monthly paper dovotcd to tho Interests of homo and family, and containing much valunble reading matter.. A Bampio copy can bo seen at this office. This offer will stand only for a limited time, and nil who wish to get $3.00 worth for sjsl.GO, should attend to It at once. rulillc HalcH. Lafayette Keeler, administrator of Thom as Mcllcnry, deceased will sell valuable real estate on tho premises, in Benton township on Saturday, January 21, 1885. Sec advertisement. J. Howard Kline, administrator of estate of Moses Everett, deceased will sell real estate an the premises In Orange township on Saturday, January 17th, 1885. See ad vertisement. Wesley Raup administrator of Daniel Itaup will sell real cstato in Locust town ship on the premises, on Monday, January 10th, 1885. See advertisement. I'erHonul, John C. Butter, Jr., of.Freeland, is vis iting friends at home. C. G. Murphy of Centralla and John P. Hannonof Ashland were in town Monday. N. P. Mooro of Iluckhom was in town, Wednesday. Charles Unnugst has returned to New York city. May A. Kuhu left for Darlington Semi nary, Tuesday moruing. Misses Annie and Ida Bernard have re turned from visiting friends at Swcdesboro and Philadelphia. Dr. E. E. Hlgbee, Superintendent of Public Instruction spent a few hours at tlio Institute last Friday morning. C. W. Scott of Wllliamsport auiUI. J. Phillips of Muucy Bottom, were In town last week, representing school publishing firms. U, P. Vunnntta who has been with Brad ley, Garretson & Co,, of Philadelphia for nearly two yearn, returned homo on Tues day. He will remain homo for somo time. Tho ticket drawing tho doll offered by L. Gross, was held by W. L. Moyer. Goods at cost n'. the Columhian store, to closu out. Willlainsport Gazette & Bulletin has issued a very neat New Year's Cresting for their carriers. Foit Salk Cheap. One sincle and one double set of second-hand hnrness, at J. P, Woodrlng's, in Shlvc's Block. lw Treasurer Evans was on hand with the rest on Monday morning, and took charge of the public moucy. Wanted. To buy for next season's breeding, live quail for which I will pay cash. Jso. W. Gums Tho work has becoms so great for tho Judgo of Northumberland county, that an application will ba made to the Icglslaturu for nu additional one. E. M. Low of Lime Bldge, was appoint ud Mercantile Appraiser for 1885, by the old Board of Commissioners. Ho Is a young man, well acquainted with moron, tile business, and fully competent to per. form the duties of his appointment. If you need any thine In tho line ot a sliver or gold watch or any artlclo of jew dry, sliver ware, &c. Call nt L. Bernhards, Jewelry Store, and get the best for your money. There was no change in tho olllco of ReKlstcr and Bccorder, G. W. Sterner being Ids own successor, Dr. Freeze is acting us asslstaut at present, and some new Bhelving Is being put In for tho better preservation ot tliu records. Messrs. Hurman & Hasscrt lmvo again enlarged their works to muko room for carrying on their extensive business. Theso men have been enlarging as neces sity demands and it seems to demand an enlargement about once a year. Tim County Auditors, Jlossrs. Bobbins, lewksbury and letter, aro eugaged this week In au examination of tho accounts of tliu Commissioners nnd Troasurcr, Every. thing will receive a thorough overhauling, nnd errors, if there bo nny, will bo dlscov. rod and corrected. No doubt they will nud tho accounts nil straight. EuiTOiis Columbian 1 Dear Sin. On tho evenlug of January 2nd wu were surprised by some fifty mem. berg ot Church nnd congregation taking possesion of our home, and lcavlur, be hind them tokens of hlndness by tho bushel, basketful and bagful, truly enrich Ins us, for which we aro correspondingly thankful. D. 3. It. Htiiayxii, Pastor Baptist Church, Mrs. John Dcllly, to whom refcrenco wn mado last week as having typhoid fever, died nt her homo on Monday morning, nnd was burled on Wednesday, Another lot ot robes Just received nt D. Lowcnborg's, now offered At 10 to 15 per cent, lower In price. Call at once nnd seo tho bargains. 2w Governor Pattlson having been request ed by Director-General Burke of the New Orleans Exposition to fix n dnto for "l'eim. sylvanla day," lias selected Tuesday, March 10th. A marriage ceremony was recently per formed nt which tho bride stood In Jeffer son county, tho groom In Indiana county and tho 'squire on the hue. Wo suppose the bililcsmnld nnd groomsman had to sit on tho fence Monroe Demoeral. Foil Rent. A very desirable property on First Street In Hloomsburg, with or without lot adjoining, suitable for truck ing. Inquire of Kuorr & Wlntcrstceu or at Phillips' llakcry. At nbout ulna o'clock Friday nvnntnr tlin pcoplo of Frederick county, Maryland, experienced a severe shock, nud attribute It to rm earthquake. Theso dlstuibauccs appear to ba ipiltu freipient for tho citi zens nlong tho Atlantic coast. C 12. Mott, the artist, will remain u lit tle longer In town, ' and will take photo graphs at his gallery on the corner of Main ami Market streets cheaper then they were ever taken before In this town, 18 gems for 25 cents. Cloudy weather makes no difference. The Pennsylvania Central Musical Assn. elation will hold its twelfth annual festival commencing Monday evening January 20, 1880. and closlnc lriunv. January 30th In the musical college, nt Frceburgh, Snyder county, Pa. Hoarding can be had nt the College house at S2.C0 for the live days. Now is the time to lay In a stock of sta tionery at very low prices. Tho entire stock of the Columbian store will he sold out at cost, to dose the business. We need the store room for other purposes, and shall wind up our retail trade In order to give more lime to the practice of law, and our newspaper business. Ills expected that the stock of station ery and nil other goods In the Coi.umuian store will bo disposed of nt cost within 30 days. The room will bo occupied as tbo law olllco of the senior editor, and the bus iness o!Uce of this paper, as soon as the change can be made. The rink was chartered lust Friday night by a private party, and about forty couples indulged in skating nnd dancing until it late hour. The band furnished music for the skating and Mothcrell's orchestra play ed for the dancing. Ladles and gentlemen from Berwick, Muucy, Danville, Kspy nnd other points were among the party. At a church meeting the question of rais ing funds for an Indebtedness was dis cussed when one responded its fol lows : '-Now, brethren, let us get up a supper nud eat ourselves rich. Buy your food ; then give It to the church ; then go nnd buy it back again ; then cnt It up, and your church debt is paid. A creat difficulty has always existed among bakers to get a light into their dark ovens, so that the progress of baking micht be observed, but a recent trial of tlm electric light in an oven where the temper. nturo ranged from 400 to 000 degrees, proved entirely successful. A plate glass door is put in the oven, through which tho bread or pastry may bo seen. Burdette came hero from Altoona, nnd found he had bi ought with him the key to No. 8-1, his room nt tho Altoona Hotel. On Friday morning ho returned it by express, and on the tag which was tied to tho key he wrote these Hues : "Whero is the key to eighty-four" Exclaimed tho L'uest In wrathful net. The clerk looked up, "By Jove!" he swore, "trs gone away wltn 1100 mimetic." No More Defeats. At the County Cap ital what is known ns the Jeffersoniau Democratic Association of Northumber land County, has been organized. Tho second article says : "Tho object of this club shall be to lmvo a room or rooms to be open at all times, furnished with books nud tho newspapers of the day, tor the dis cussion of all questions nnd tho social en joyment of the members, and especially to advance the Interests of the Democratic party of Northumberland county. Ml Qimel Seat. A number of peoplo dropped into the Prothonotary's olllce on Monday morning to "speed tho parting, and welcome tliu comlng'ofllcers. At about ten o'clock Mr. Krlckbaum nnd his clllcicut deputy, F. B. Hartman, took their leave and delivered possession of the olllco and records to W. H. Snyder nnd his deputy, G. M. Quick, The outgoing officials, no doubt, have many friends In the county who are sorry to see them go, nnd the new incumbents will bo welcomed by their numerous ad herents. So it goes, "Times ennnge, and we aro changed with them." Wo have received from Hon. E. E. Hlg. bee his report as Superintendent of Public Instruction for tho year 1881, from which we glean the following, as reported for Columbia county. Tliu attendance of scholars during tho year was 4,492 males and 4252 tcmales, and the average cost per month for Instruction was 78 cents. Thcro were 225 teachers, with an average salary to males of 33.02 nnd females $27.58. Thlrty.slx of the teachers wero graduates of State Normal Schools and one a college graduate. Ten teachers held pro tcsslonal ccitlllcatcs and only six have per manent certificates. Somu of tliu enterprising citizens of Wilkes Barro lmvo organized a company to bo called "The Wilkes Banc Lace Mun ufacturlng Company," for the puipose of "manufacturing and dealing In lace goods aud hosiery." Mr. Jas, O. Atkins has been chosen Superintendent and General Manager, and will go to Nottingham, Eng. hind, where ho will securo machinery and the operatives necessary to curry on the work. The machinery is to bo placed In what is known as tlio Organ Company's building, aud It Is expected they will ba ready for operation by tlio inlddlo of March, This will be u new Industry for this section ot the country, and may bo the means ot starting many similar ones. Burdctte's lecture Inst Thursday night drew together at tliu Opera Houso llio lar gest audience ot tlio season. Every seat was occupied. Ills subject was the "I'll- grimugo of the Funny Man," and by his 11 lustrations ho showed how easy It' Is to ex tract fun from tho most commonplace oc currences, As the lecture occupied two hours In Its delivery, we must refrain from reproducing It entire. It was very fuuny, and the uudlcnco enjoyvd It thoroughly. The lecture was preceded by a recltntoit by Miss Emma Jones, which wns a mod ley of well known poems, runglng (rain tho subllmo to the ridiculous. Miss Jones Is an elocutionist ot considerable ability, and the recitation chosen displayed her versa lllo power to tine advantage On New Year day tho Joint conslstorlal meeting of tho Orangevllle charge of Hov. Houtr.'s pastorate met for annual settle. mcnt, nt the residence ot tho pastor. Though tho official business was dono In the Union church. In connection with the official meeting was tendered an Invita tion to tho cntlro membership nnd friends of the ltclormcd Church throughout tho entire charge, consisting of 8t. James, Zlnn, Orangevllle nnd Hldlny Churches. On account of the bad condition of the onds many wcro not nblu to nttend, though a huge number wro present. Thu consistories resolved a year ogo that with annual official business meetings there bo simultaneously church donation Bociablcs, having for their object a higher develop ment of ncniialntnnecshlp and sociability of tho members of tliu different point?, and for beneficiary purposes, both for pastor and people. They gladdened the pastor and Ids wife with their presence nnd pres ents,' and particularly by suspending from their parlor celling, unknown tn them, n most beautiful hnuglng lamp, which cost about eight dollars. The whole party brought and prepared a sumptuous dinner, to which justice was done by nil. I'rlzc IlClMlH. Tho following Is the coircct solution of the rebus scut out by F. 1). Dentlcr 1 'Our new Hebus Is to Inform the public generally that In everything belonging to the Boot nnd Shoo trade, the undersigned stand A. Number Oue, In the estimation of thousands of ladles and gentlemen who purchase their supplies at our store. , The mystery of our extensive tradii can be easily explained 1 Our stock Is equal In nil respects to nny In thu market, small prof. Its nnd quick laics content us, and kind trentnent, fair dealing and strict attention to business are our rules. For Josh Billings' advice see lower right- hand corner. If you are handsome, cultivate your boots j If you are homely, hoc your brains." Dick Mcthcrcll Is the only person who gave n correct solution, to whom was giv en a pair's slippers. Jcrnej town. Misses Balllc Watson and Cora Lee who are nttending school at Bloomsburg, wero nt home during vacation. Misses Flcmmlng nnd Farnswnrlh of Itupert visited nt Dr. Swisher's last week. Miss Minnie Ilendcrshut of Trcumsch, Michigan, is visiting at M. C. lfieamcr's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eves of Mlllvllle, weiu in town on Sunday. Mr. J. It. Blddlo the genial clerk in tho Post Office, was away visiting during the holidays. Thu schools were closed last week, all the teachers attended the Institute. Mr. W. H. Christaln received a tvlcgrnm Saturday evening informing him of the death of ids brother, Harry formerly of this community but for somo years past a resident of northern Illinois. Mr. Christ ian's denlh was caused by the accidental discharge of a gun. His many friends hear with sorto w the snd story of his untimely death. Esquiro Welllver who cut his foot severe ly some time since, has so fur recovered that he is able to use it slightly. Capt. Win. J. Allen still icmains on the sick list. Y. ConiuiiSHloucrH Appointment. The now board of county commissioners, Messrs. Pohe, Parr and Mendenhnll, took possession of their office on Monday morn ing Inst. There was a large attendance of applicants for tho clerkship, and their friends, and the commissioners were sub jected to a large amount of pressure on every side, to Induce them to appoint this one or that ono. There wero twenty-three applicants for the place, but a number of them made 110 effort to securo tho Appoint ment beyond sending in their names. The real contest was between J. D. Bodlne, A. F. Tcrwilliger, J. B. Casey, W. Krlckbaum, G. A. Herring, M. F. Eycrly, W. B. Allen, and F. B. Hartmau. At tho first session on Monday no result wns reached, but on Tuesday the suspenss was ended by the selection of J. B. Casey for clerk, E. It. Ikelcr was appointed solicitor, and W. W. Banett, Janitor. For tho latter place there wero four applicants. It was a difficult thing for the commissioners to make n selection from so mauy, most of whom wero well qualified for the clerkship. Mr. Casey has filled the position for six years, and thor oughly understands the work of tho office. His retention was probably the best thing the commissioners could do, under the clr cumstanccs. llllcUllom. On Tuesday tho 30th ult., while Frank Pursel wns cutting down a tree on which another had lodged, he was caught by a limb of the lodged trco and violently thrown to the cat lit. He received severe injuries in the back, nnd it was first thought thai, his back was broken. From last reports he wa3 some better. Quite a number from this place wero at Bloom to hear Burdette on Thursday evenlnc of last week, and those that did not laugh heartily, hay they smiled occa slonally. Weldy Dent purchased a milch cow of James Harris on Saturday last. James is preparing for the west. Will C. Johnston of Jcrssytown, drove through town last week on his way home from Institute. At first we did not rccog. nize our old time friend, having removed his side-burns and wearing ono of Bcitsch's silk hats, which lie says he won iu a wager oil a friend in tho west over tho latu clcc. Hon. Hugh Winner of Stonytowu, spent Sat' urday nnd Sunday last with friends of this place. Edwin Smith and David Gruber were homo to see their mother on last Sun- day. William Harris of Hamburg, Pa., is vis ltlng iclatlvcs and friends In this bectlon. Miss Nora Foulk is whlllng away two weeks at Danville. Harvey Hartman has named Ids first new little boy for Grover Cleveland, while Thomas Sands equally as patriotic has named' Ids last new llttlo boy for James G, Blaine. As now reported, tho following aro some of thu changes that will bo made In the Spring 1 Fruuk Bomboy moves on the Leldyfaim, Aaron Nuss on the Wcldman place, and William Itambo farms for David V anliorn. E. D, Leldy, James Harris, John S. Hartman, William Shoemaker, Clark Blltcnbcnder and Abram Broat will ieck their fortunes In different parts of the west. Perclval Foulk has about sold his farm to William Hunt of Bloomsburg. Any other parties desiring to purchase farms will do well to call at A, U. lieagle s or Theo. Dcut's, ns both oiler their farms at reasonable prices. Protracted meeting Is in progress In the M. E. church. Humors are utloat that another connu blal ceremony will shortly bo the leading topic for table talk. Answer to last puzzle In Benton Items "Honorable- William Elwell." Faikt. 1 3 Tho above Is the number which drew the beautiful doll In Clark & Sou's store. At present writing tho person holding tho lucky ticket has not called for the doll. AiinwcrHlo Puzzle. The nnswer to tho puzzle by our Benton correspondent lust week Is "llonornblo William Elwcll," It has been correctly Bolvcd by Dr. C. W. Ammcrmanof Orange vlllc, W. Chrlsman, Esq., of Bloomsburg, Jos. Knclly and Andrew Mcllcnry of Still- water, A. S, Fritz of Colescrcek and .Miss Adda M. .Manning of Plttston, Pa. IMlZZtCH. 1 HALF SQUA11E. 1, Pucillc, 2, bony, 3, n taker ot too much interest, 4, designated peilods, 5, garden Instruments, 0, hair, 7, pronoun, 8, a tetter. 2, BljUAUK WOKl). 1, part of an ncrc, 2, nil of roses, 3, oil of roses, 4, nn entrance. Ilcntoii. William Tubbs and Laura Conner, both of Benton, were mnrrled on Christmas, by his uncle, Rev. T. H. Tubbs, also of Ben ton. It never occurs to the young people that the sen of matrimony Is a boys-tcrous and a squally one, until their bark is fairly set on sail In tho voyage of life. They uivu the best wishes of nil their fi lends. Many citizens living by the highways and In towns nlong tho streets, seriously obstruct good sleighing by throwing coal ashes In thu roads during tho slippery sea sons. Heavily loaded teams are made to do double duty by drawing henvy loads over osh heaps. 'Soap wuld nnswer a better purpose. Wo miss your Centralla correspondent, and the correspondence from Buckhom, Welllversvllle, and other plnccs. Not froze up, wo hope ? They are prospecting for coal on the farm of Washington Ipher, a half mile above Cnmhrn, nlong the Berwick nnd North Mountain turnpike. Symptoms of coal have been discovered of Into In Fair- mount and Huntington Fiank W. B. Stlne, Frank Baker, Frank Keefer, J. Frnnk Knrns, Frank Wilbur Shullz, Frank Uriico Keefer, Frank Frcas Keefer, Frank Alonzo Buckle, Frank Charles Buckle, Frank Cloll Shullz and Frank Fans fired dilutes from guns and re volvers on Now Year's morn for tho neigh. bors, by traveling from house to house, their loud cheers nnd happy Now Year wishes were Highly appreciated by the neighbors, who treated the boys with elder, cakes and dainties. Call again, boys, when wo begin to wiito 18SG. This Item may be classed with the franking privileged, though all will not pass for Franks. a itzzi.e. I urn composed of twelve letters. My 1, 2, 7, 3, 0 Is part of the hand. My 4, C, 0, 7, 8, !), 10, 11 Is the name of a county. My 0, 3, 11, 12 Is a pod vegetable. My whole Is a Democratic weekly peri- odical. TenclicrH IiiNtltntc. WEDNESDAY'S SESSIONS. Dr. Monroe ti---n the morning session with a talk or For 'f" It is gc 's Education Good 'liferent things. 1st, It furnishes t. crniug our kes states 4th, It bred and butter. 2u men. 3rd, It awaken. prepares us for complet. It is a complete, harmonious, sy luc aud symetrical development of a human being, The means by which the human being Is so developed, or tho school, the press and nil kinds of human enterprise. He recom mended a good bit of hors sens to teachers. Prof. Noetllng thought that teachers spent too much time in teaching oue branch. He attributed tho failures of many pupils to the teacher's inability to reach their minds nnd awaken nnd build up mind power In the child. The succes of a teacher should not Jbo mesuicd by the amount of text book knowledg he crams into a child's mind, but by the amount of mind power ho developcs, The dul pupil he would cal Blow and attributes this slow ness to the teacher's Inability to reacli his mind. The tenchor must represent the same tiling in many different ways to dif- fercnt pupils. The succesful teacher is he who can teach slow pupils. Tho slow pupil becoms more prominent in public than the bright one. "lteview every day and let part of every recitation Ue a re view," Is one of the Prof's, maxims before his classes. He also spoke of punishment, nnd thought that the word "punishment" sounded too harsh. In its stead ho sug gested "correctly help." Do not punish through revenge. Let the child under stand that the punishment or correctly help Is for tho child's good. Be persistent Iu breaking up bad habits. Dr. Groff spoke of tlio value of tho llvo several kinds of food, The air ho called a food and the one about which wu wer least particular. Tho difference between air and other food is that thu former goes directly to the blood, while the latter goes first to tho stomach. Bad air has billed ruoro pcoplo than nny other cause. Wc cannot llv on one kind of food alone. Ho discussed the use, and particularly tho abuse, of condiments aud stlmulcnts. Thu teacher to Interest his pupils iu physiology must know thu entire subject first. Ho must know more than there Is in u school book. He said that In somo packing houses the sick hogs and those that hav died In the pens of disease, wer treated ns the healthy ones, Milk is tho only perfect food. Germs of diseases ur carried in milk. In families whero a contagious disenso exists, the disease can bo carried from there In milk. He careful where you buy your milk, Prof. Sanford resumed his tallcoufonlcs. They enable tho child to discover new words for himself and glv him the power of tho letters ot tho ulfabct. He udvUes the use of tho diacritical marks. The let. ters both printed nud script should bo parted in somo conspicuous placo in tho school room. He would continuo the word method til the child had lerned 150 werds. Tho words should bo frequently reviewed aud combined Into many sen tences. Let the child get tthe thought for himself. Thu first speaker ot tho afternoon was Prof. Wilbur, who continued Ids talk on civil government. He would teach thu pupil tho Umts, places and manner of electing nil tho officers of the township and tho length ot the term of office of each. He would also teach the sumo thing of the county and thu Stute. This should bu taught in all schools of the proper grade, Prof, Sanford then epoko on primary reading ami writing. He thinks the best way to tench wrltlug Is by having tho pu. plls traco the letters nt first. Tho Prof, was thcu called oft for rcrcs, after which Dr. Everett, private Becrstary to thu Gov. cruor, was Introduced. Ho epoko ot our public school system and of thu Interest tho Governor took In thu public school teacher. Prof. HarrUon, ot tho Lthigh Unlver sity,tclted"Into thu Valley ot Death Itodu thu Six Hundred," and was enthusiastic ally applauded. Prof, Sanford continued his rcmnrks on writing. He thinks that nil can becomo tpod writers. Tench your pupils to write their names first ot all, llav a caro to pen. holding. Copybooks 1 nnd 2 would be of 110 use In this system, Cut extracts from papers nnd have pupils write them 011 the hoard. Thus you tench reading ami writing nt ono time. Prof. Bnlllct, of Col. Parker's Normal School was then Introduced. IU spoke of machine education. Tho body should be come a machine. Tho hand makes letters nnd words automatically iu writing. Tho mind should not hu mado a machine. It should bo taught to think. Thursday's sessions. Prof. Harrison begnn the morning's ses sion with it talk on pronunciation. He showed how many people mispronounced through carelessness, as : God hlesh you, Let mo klsh you. Prof. Balllct was the next speaker. The following nrc a few of the things ho satd t Tho teacher Is of greater consequence than books and apparatus and fine buildings. The teachers are as a rulo unfit to teach. It is n wonder that thcro aro nny pupils that like school. Tho deslro for knowledge Is born with thu child j but Is crushed out of him by poor teachers. Teachers go on the plan that the child wns created for the text book and not tho text book for the child. Teachers give the child too mud. to lcrn and cajole them Into lcrnlng It by offering them tho choice of two evils 100 per cent or a less per cent. When this Inducement falls tho evils nr Increased. The child Is kept in. This fails, and Hogging Is the last resort. But the lessons become so re pulsive to tho child that he would suffer anything rather than learn them. The teacher Is n sort of caterer. Knowledg Is food for tho mind. Tho mind craves knowledg as eagerly ns the stomach docs bred and meat. If the child had Its food mcsurcd out day after day;as it lias its les sons nnd wer required to ent It all with the (nine regularity as Its lessons, food would become repulsive to the stomach and no amount of pcrsuaslst, such as keeping In and flogging could Induce the child to eat its food. Teachers ar bad cooks they cook too much nnd compel those for whom they cook to eat It nil nnd hecanso they cook food not suited to the condition of thosu for whom they cook. He thought It wrong to compel a pupil who was lit for promo Hon to wait til the regular time for promo tion. He should be promoted as soon us ho is qualified. The object of thought in gi'ografy wns too frequently the map. The map was lines and dots and colors nnd no more to the. child. The dots wer not cities and towns with streets and houses. The rivers wer crooked lines. Prof. Sanfoid spoke on geografy for ad vanced pupils. He thought that teachers taught too much geography. He thought It of little importance to know many places outsidu of one's own state, nnd the farther the placo is from one's home the les geo grafy need bo known of It. In his schools the dcscrlptiv parts are used as supplemen tary reading. Dr. Waller spoke on school discipline. The teacher must cultivate in ids pupils a habit of prompt obedience. To do this you must give frequent rccreatlv exercises to keep tho pupils busy. Reverence for par ents aud Buperiors'inust be developed. Pu pils should be taught mercy ; but the teacher must hav all the traits of .chnrnc. ter that he would develope on the pu-pll. l'rof. Heck was tho first speaker of the afternoon session. His subject was Local Geography nnd History. He snld that few young pupils were interested in the study of geography and history; because in geo grafy the object of thought was the map nnd not the real mountains nnd rivers and towns nnd oceans ; in history the event is too remote. The Imagination is the most important faculty by means of which we learn. rVu have followed the phonetic sucUinc of the Secretary. En. Xlie institute I.cclurcH. MONDAY EVEN1NO. Tho first lecture of I lie week was gtven by Dr. G. G. GrolT, en Hie Wonders of tho Human Body. Ho first gavo a In let de- tciiption of the formation of tho bones, llesh, blood, hair, nails, nerves, etc. In thispait of his lecture ho paid special at tention to tlio cellular construction of eviry part of the body. Ho next dissected paper niannkiii, accompanying the dis section with interesting explanations, He frequently touched upon the subject of by. glene. TL'EoU&Y EVENING, .Miss Gulo recited "Robert of Lincoln" and "Green .Mountain Justice." Dr. T. Everett then delivered a lecture on "Tho Men who Win," There is a place n the world for every person. The men who succeed do their best In little things as well as In greater ; they aro not vision nry ; they ns a rulo come up from the low er classes of society, honesty urging them to intense exertion. All things coino to him that is willing to wait ; honest plod ding perscveiing work must succeed. Hon- csty succeeds much better than dishonesty. Sympathy nnd grit am elements of success. Some men wait for.good luck, forgetting that opposition nnd difficulties make men. The men, who havlug found out their call ing concentrate nil this power upon it, sue ceed. In business, don't loose your individual ity ; don't worry ; advertise, but honestly . avoid rash speculations ; keep out of debt; be cheerful nnd make friends. If you have delicate sensualities avoid politics. Political scandal and slanders, however, havo no effect upon a mind that has the proper Independence. Tho tpeaker next Bald a few words to tho ladles, expressing li Is desire to see every lady hava u chance to demonstrate her ability. Hu held that to follow any continuous lino ot work for any consider able time, bIio must not marry ; women's position In society Is changing ; they have tho ability to bo self supporting and tlio tlmu is coming when they will havo thu op. poitunity. WEDNESDAY EVENINfl. Tho exercises of tliu evening wero opened by r rccltntiou, " I ho Miser's Death," by Prof. Harrison of Lehigh University "Education out of school" was next pro senttod by Prof. Thos. Balllett. Ho held that tho proper ciilronmeuts must bo placed around mind that it may educate Itself) nny thing that gels tho mind into habits ot thinking that It would not other wiso have gotten into educates. Therefore natural features ot a country, callings or profes slons, stututo laws, social contact, public sentiment, responsibility, bereavement, difficulties, In short most circumstances educate. As tho mind developcs Its voca. bulary means more to It. This lecture gavo evidence ot considerable originality of thought and tho thoughts wrc clearly aud forcibly stated. Ona thing that was espec. tally worthy of notice was thut when thu speaker had finished his themo ho stopped talking, something that not a few speakers forget, Prof. Currau next gava u tow lntcusllng experiments In electricity. Burdettu'ii lecture Is noted elsewhere. Cciitrntln, On Monday evening n number of nur en terprising citizens met In Geo. W. Davis' olllco ami organized n stock company, tho object of which Is tn erect an edlfico which enn bo used as a concert hall nnd skating rink. Tho meeting was very successful as regards money matters. A committee was appointed to visit the rinks at Ashland nnd Shnmoklu nnd report on Saturday. Tho building Is to be ono hundred feet long by fifty feet wide, nnd will be erected on thu vacant lots opposite tho Mammoth store, on Lociist Avenue. Isaac Jones, who wns severely Injured by a fall of coal nt the Continental mlno n few weeks ngo, Is slowly recovering. A fakir, selling worm powders nn our streets last week, disposed of his stuff nt a very lively rate. The ball held by tho young men of Dark Corner, for tho benefit of Martin Gauglmn, of baso ball fame, who has oecn 111 lor sov eral months, was n grand eucccss. Edward Burkhart and Miss Jettlo La vello wero married In St. Ignatius' church on Wednesday morning, by Her. J. J. Busscll. George Benson of town, Is again on the road, In the capacity of 11 drug agent. Ocorgo Mnlcy has resigned ns engineer nt Centralla colliery, and will take charge ot the engines at the Continental. Tuesday being a holyday nmong tho Catholics, the collieries were all Idle. Tho new skntlng rink In ABldand Is well patronized by the young folks of this bor ough. Ono of the "Lakes" near the Logan Ml- llery Is overflowing with happiness It's to be married next week. John Focller, while cutting Ice on tho Hazel Dell dam one day last week, slipped and fell Into tho wnter. Ho was taken out more dead than alive, and has been unable to leave the house since. Uakey, Ball nnd Lynch, ot Dickinson Seminary, who spent tho Holidays with their parents, returned to school on Mon day. Dan Dougherty knows who will be our next Postmaster, but he will not tell every one. John Cumin Is smiling again, this time Its a fifteen-pound boy. T. S. McNnlr of Huzleton, Assistant En gineer of the L. V. Company, was In town tlio fore part of the week. Pbusonals. Lizzie Young of Philadel phia, Miss Tully of Columbia, Hugh Sweeny of Chicago and Mr. Larned of Willlamspoit, wcro in town last week. Joint Hnyder'H Annual Report. EnnoiM CoLUMniAN: Friemh and Mlow CidVns : As the year of 1884 has closed upon 111 witli all Its cares, turmoils and strifes, nnd through tho tender moreles of God I have again been spaicd to transmit to your many readers my annual report ot the Borough of Bloomsburg. I did not expect, when I gave you tue report of 1883, even to ad dress you again on this subject, as I am now living on borrowed time I have en entered my 82nd year, und standing on the verge of Jordan waiting tho Master's call. This has been nn eventful year, tho Prcsl dcntlal contest lias been an exciting one and a close ono. It now remains for the minority to submit to the majority ; let tbe true followers of the meek and lowly Jesus take tho President-elect with thorn to the throne of Heavenly grace, that ho may bo guided by the Divine Spirit in all his of ficial acts the greatest good to tho greatest number. The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much. The great question of our country may bo summed up in two words, "Capital" and "Labor." Each ono should havo their respective rights belonging to them. I would say that in a life of 81 years I have never seen tho Industries or our country and foreign ones so pnralyzed as at the present time now, there is n cause for all this being entailed upon the toiling thousands In our Industries throughout our land, and that cause is combined capital. Party spirit serves always to distract the public coun cils and enfeeble tho public administration it agitates tho community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms kindles the an imosity of ono part against another, for mcnts occasional riots, insurrections, and opens tho door to foreign infiuenco and corruption which finds a fasllated access to the government Itself through the chan nels of parly passlous ; thus the policy aud will of the country are subjugated to the policy and will of another. Tho good Lord 11113 bestowed upon us ns a nation an abundant crop, said to bo the largest yield we ever nau, and it benooveth us as a na tlon to give Him our united thanks for His mercies and blessings conferred upon us as n people and a nation. It has been a year of disasters with great loss of life, but not so large as that of 1883. The flro rec ord of 1884 surpasses anything on record except tho Chicago fire. It Is computed tliu actual loss by tire In 1884 amounts to over sovcnty.four millions of dollars, l'hero 1ms been somu slight shocks of earthquake ut several points, without nny serious damage. As a nation we nro at pcaco with all foreign countries. May tho blessings of God rest upon us as a nation, and direct our rulers In authority, in what ever they do. Do It with an eye single to the glory of God, nnd the welfare of the nation ut lnrge. Our town Is Improving, notwithstanding tho depression ot bus! nc6s. Three substantial brick buildings and four frame houses have been erected ; tho main sewer of tho town from the Nor mal School to tho river has been completed, also many connections havo been mado with the main sewer, all of which works well tor tho sanitary condition of tlio town in thu future. Tho temperature of the month of January, 1884, tho highest point of tho thermometer was 403 nbovo zero, lowest point 03 below zero, on tho wholo a cold month ; the snow fall for January was 20J Inches. Thermometer for Feb. ruary, highest point GO above, lowest point 4 abovo ; the month of February was stormy with n heavy rain fall ; It was rather a mild month ; tho snow tall was 11 Inches. Thermometer for March, highest point 72J above, lowest 40 above j there was n great deal of rain fell this month snow fall for March was 0 inches, Ther mometer for April, highest point 82 above, lowest 30 above ; thermometer for ten days stood from 303 to 40 abovo zero, It was very cold weather for April tho suow fall wns 0 Inches. Thermometer for May, highest point 00 In tho shade, lowest point 38 abovo 1 for nine days the ther mometer ranged from 80 to 00 in tho shade, with two heavy frosts 1 It wus al together a pleasant month, vegetation tine Thermometer lor June, highest point 00 In tho shade, lowest point 50-' lu thu shade; tor ten days tho thermometer ranged from UO- to 0o in tho shade, and for nlno day the thermometer ranged from 80 to 80 In thoshndo; It was a warm, dry month two timely rains fell to refresh thu earth Thermometer for July, highest point U4 lu shade, lowest point 34v a shade; It was as dry and cold n month for July as I can ro. member of in my life. Thermometer lor August, highest point 1WP in lhado, low. eat point 61J In shade ; lor seven days the thermometer ranged Irom 00- to 100 1 In the shade 1 th 20th was thu warmest day of tho year; tho most of tho month was cool nnd dry, very llttlo rain fell. Thermometer for September, highest point 100- In tho shade, lowest point 45 In the shade) for nine days In succession the thermometer ranged from l)23 to 1003 In tho shade, nnd for two days 100 3 Iu shade, nnd one day 09- In ahado 1 it was the hottest month of tho year, very Blight rain fall. Thermometer for October, highest point 00 In tho shade, lowest point 34- lu shade ; thu first part of thu month wns mild and pleasant, tho rest was rough and cold and rainy with severe frosts. Thermometer for November, high est point 08"' above, lowest point 20- nbovo 1 was smoky for four days, which was our Indian Hummer) It was a cold, rough nnd stormy month ; tho snow fall wns 4J Inches. Thermometer for Decern b cr, highest point 60 above, lowest point, zero 1 tho first part of the month wns mild and pleasant for tho season, the nftcr parts cold and stormy ) tho biiow fall was 1G inches. The temperature ot 1884, on the whole mild. January was tho coldest month of the year, nnd the month of Sep tember the hottest of tho year. There wcro 173 clear days, some of them partial, ly so. Thcro wcro cloudy days 131 ; rnlny days, Including nights, 40 ) snowy days, including nights, 31. Thunder showers In 1884 1 2 In April, 7 In May, 10 In June, 7 In July, 3 In August, 4 In September, 3 In Oc tober, and 1 In November total 37. The deptli of snow-fall for 1834 was G feet 10 Inches. The mortality within the Borough limits of Bloomsburg during the year 1881 Is us follows! adults 30; tho united ages of the following adults amounts to two thousand, onu hundred and thirty-six years : 2 between 00 and 05 years, 4 be tween 80 nnd 00 years, 7 between 70"and 80 years, 0 between CO nnd 70 years, 2 be tween GO nnd 00 years, G between 40 nnd GO years, 4 between 30 and 40 years, 4 be tween 20 and 30 years, 2 between 18 and 20 years. From the cradled Infant up to G years, 10 j making in nil 40 deaths from January 1st, 1884, to December 31st, 1884. Now, my friends, ns tills may bo the last time, perhaps, that I will address you, I would now say to ono nnd nil, set thine house in order lor thou shalt die, nud not live. All of which Is lespcctfully submit ted by your friend nud well wisher in Christ. John Snyder. Bloomsburg, Jan. 1, 1885. LOCAL NOTICES. Cleaning up Sales have begun at I. W. Hartman & Son's, all kinds of Remnants cheap. C. C. Marr wnnts lnrd. The person holding ticket No. 1313 will please picsent same nnd receive present Clark & Son. C. C. .Marr is selling men's boots nt cost. If you arc in debt to I. W. Hnrtman & Son's you will receive a statement unless you call nnd pay up. Go to C. C. Marr's for geese feathers. You can save money by buying your Table Linens, Towels. Napkins, 10 Sheet ing .Muslins, j'rlnts, Ulngliams, nil Kinds ot jiuBiins away uown ni jiarn cc Don s. Trade dollars at par for dry goods at C. Marr's. Look at the Embroideries when you go 1 I. W. Hurtman & Son's huiie all over ic store In short pieces Willi snort prices. Call and sec the blankets that 1 C. Marr offers at cost. Wu have a few Ladles' nnd Children's Coats to close cheap, Claik & Son. Ed. V. Hartman of I. W. Hartman & Son has been to New York this week. In few days call and seo his early Sprlnc goous. O. C. Marr wants oue or two ton of cood limotliy nay tor goods, or on account. Best heavy Muslin ncain at I. W. Hart man te Son's, 7c. yard by bolt. MARRIAGES. TUB11S.-C0JNNER.-At Hamline, Dec. i, 1884, by Rev. T. II. Tubbs, Mr. Wil liam A. Tubbs to Miss Laura M. Conner, both of Benton township, Col. Co., Pa. BENSCOTER EDWARDS. On Dec. !5th, 1884, by Rev. G. V. Savdlge, .Major . Bcnscoter of Muhlenberg, Luzerne county, Pa., to Miss Edorah E. Edwards f Sugarloaf township, Columbia county, Pa. BUSINESS NOTICES. Mlt. OOIUH ON SILK HATS. It would bo no violation of thu com mandment," said John B. Gough, "if a man wero to full down and worship the silk hat, for It is not made in tho likeness of anything In heaven, or on earth, or in tho waters which aro under the earth. Besides It heats the head and cnuscs the hair tn fall off. Parker's Hair Balsam will stop that and restoic the original color to giny or laded liair. jNot oily, not a dye ueneticini, ueliciousiy penumeu. A per- lect nair dressing, ouc. All druggists. scp lu-ot T.OUUII ON OOfOIIS." Ask for "Rough on Coughs." for coughs. colds, soro throat, hoarseness. Troches, 15c. Liquid, 25c. "ilOUUU OS I1A1S." Clears out rats. mice, roaches, files, nuts. bed-bugs, skunks, chlpmuuks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. IIEA1IT PAINS, 1'ulpitutlon, dropsical, dizziness, indices. tlon, headache, sleeplessness cured by wens1 Health itenower." "ltcroii ON CORNS." iVsk for Wells' "Rouch 011 Corns. 15c Quick, complete cure. Hard orsolt corns, warts, bunions. "llOfQII ON PAIN" I'OISOUSED PI.ASTElt j Stiennthculmr. Imnrovcd. tho best for backache, pains in chest or tide rheuma tism, ne.uralgia. THIN PEOPLE. ''n ells' Health Renuwer" restores health and vigor, cures dyspepsia headache, ner- vuusuess, ueuiuiy. iji. VtMOOl'INO OOL'OII, and the many throat uffectlons of children. promptly, pleasantly and safely relieved by "Rough or. Coughs" troches, 18c. ; balsam, MOTIIEUS. If you aro fulling, broken, worn out nervous, uso "Wells' Health Renew t. Druggists. nud tr, LI FE PHKSKIIVKII. If you aro losing your grip on life, try "Wells' Health Renower." Uocs direct to weal; spots. "Koran on tootiiacue," Instant relief for ncuralcla. toothache. lacenche. Ask for "Rough on Toothache." 10 anil .'.) cents. Ills SLIITEUY (I LABS EVE. Tho Smilro." savs tho uuthor of "The Hoosicr Schoolmaster," wore one gluss eyu und a wig. Tho glass eye was coustaully slipping out of fecus, und the wig turning around Bldewlso on his heed whenever ho addressed thu peoplo of tho Flat Creek District." Sad snectacle. Parker's Hair lialsam preserves and promotes tho groth ot tho natural hair. It also restores the natural color to hair which has faded or become gray. Clean, elegant, beneficial nigiiiy I'criiuiieu, Sept UCeom fit james 11. iucioer guarantees post tivo relief foi any cougli, cold, croup, or liiiii: coinnlaiut liv ntliii' Arki r', T II 11 Kiiglith Remedy, or will refund money, ITKTTY women. Ladles who would retain freshness nnd vivacity. Don't fall to try "Wells' Health Rcnewcr." OATAltllHAL TltltOAT AFFECTIONS, Hacking, Irritating coughs, colds, sore throat, cured by "Rough on Coughs." Troches, 15c. Liquid 25c. "iioroit ON ITCH." "Rouch on Itch" cures liumor."erun- tlons, ring-worm, tetter, salt ihcum, frost cd feet, chlllblains. THE IIOrE OF TUB NATION, Children Blow In development. nunv. scrawncy, nnd dcllcuc, tiso Wells' Health llcnewer." WIDK AWAKE three or four hours every night coughing. Get immediate relict and sound rest by using Wells' "Rough on Coughs." Troches, l.i. ; llnlsnm, mc. 'liOl'Olt O.N I'AtN" 1'OliOUSEIl l'LASTEIl ) Strensthcnlnir. Imnrovcd. tho best for backache, pains In chest or side, rheuma tism, neuralgia. When baby was sick, wo gavo her CAS TORIA, When she was a child, she cried for (IASTOIUA, When bIio became Miss, she clung to CASTORIA, When she had Cldldrcu, she gave them CASTORIA. ORPHANS' COURT SALK OK VALUA1ILK Real Estate! liy vlrtuo of an order Issued out ot tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, tho undersigned admin, lstrator ot Thomas Mcllenrj', late ot Ucnton town, ship, deceased, will cxposo to pubUo sale on th premises on Saturday, Jan. 24, '85, at s o-clock p. m., tlio following real estate In Denton township, bounded and described as fol lows 1 Iieglnnlny at a post on tho north side ot a pub lic road thenco by land ot Jacob Woolever and John Young north degrees, liist 80 and four tenth perches to a post, thence by land of J. J. 1 oung nnd J. M. KUngcr, and land ot I. E. Patter son, south M)tf degrees cast 75 and elghMenttt perches to a post, thence by land ot Dr. 1. 1. Ed wards south S0 degrees west 81 perches to n post, and thenco by a publlo road and land formerly of I'.ll Mendenhall north tHU degrees west M perches to tho place of be ginning, containing forty acres more or less, on which aro erected a two story frame dwelling liouae, and large bank barn and out buildings. TEHMS OF SAI.U Ten per cent of one-fourth of tho purchase money to bo paid at the striking down of tho property ; tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent, at the confirmation of salo ; and tho re malnlng three-fourths In onn year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation nisi. LAFAYETTE KEELER. Administrator. Fritz, Att'y. Jan 2-ts fx mm 1 was troubled with lATA n n n chronic catarrh and KULUUUUK IU 111 UUUU. was very deaf at times, and had dis charges from my ears, besides being unable to breatho through my nose, lieforotho sec ond bottle of fly's Cream was exhausted I was cured, and to day enjoy sound he'lth c. J. Cor bin, gsi Chestnut St., 1'blla., I'a. My son was afflicted with catarrh ; the uso ot Ely's Cream Balm effected a complete cure. W. E. ltamman. HAY-FEVER Druggist, iiaston, ra. Olvo It a trlaL Ely's Cream Halm causes no pain, (lives relief at once. A thorough treatment win cure. oi. a liquid, f.omsnuu. ApjJia uilu nostrils. Piico GO cents nt drugglbts: w cts. by mail, registered, bampio uottie ny man iu cenia. dUU, t W U FOR 1SS3. DKVOTEIl TO TOTECT10N AND EA11SESTLT r.El'UM.lOA. THE CHEAPEST AND llKST SEWSPAPKIt. The Vress conies to the new year with tho lar gest circulation, the best equipment, nnd tho full est requirements of the complete newspaper which It has ever enjoyed. Tho past year has been ono of great growth. Theso Increased facili ties and resources glvo It tho means of being even a better newspaper than ever before. The political change lends added Interest and obligation to tho future. The Press faces new du ties with undaunted spirit It Is Republican In principle, untrammelled In expression, with faith In the Intelligent masses nnd fealty to purer poll tics. It Is especially devoted to tho national pol icy of Protection as tho bulwark of American In terests and Industries. Abovo all, It will maintain Its pre-eminence as a completo General and Family Newspaper. IS The Weekly l'ress excels In all tho elements ot a Ilrst-class General and Family weekly newspaper. It Is especially adapted to tho wants of all who desire a concise and comprehensive presentation of tho news ot tho day with interesting and in tructlvo reading for the home and the fireside. Its Agiltulturaland Household Departments are among tho best anywhere printed, and good sto ries, graphic correspondence and choice miscel lany complete a paper which Is unsurpassed. Il lustrated special articles on live topics will bo a prominent feature of the coming year. Send for a specimen copy containing large and attractive list of books ortcredns premiums to subscribers and club raisers. TEUSIS TO MAIL SUIlSCltlllEltSl (lstpatd.) DAILY, Including Sunday, one year, I7.S0 ; oue month, H3 cents. DAILY, exelusho of Sunday, ono year, to.oo; ono month, M cents. SUNDAY edition only, ono year, 12.00 Served by city Carriers, 14 tents a week : Inclu ding Sunday, 10 cents a week. The Weekly l'ress, ono dollar a year. Drafts, checks, and other remittance', should be mado payable to TUK I'll ESS CO., llmttnt, dec Mw l'hlladelphla, l'a. ORPHANS' COURT SALK OF VALUA11LE Itcal Estate. Ily Wttue ot un order Issued out ot tlx Orphans' Court of Columbia County the undertlgned admin istrator of Milton Mosteller, deceased, will oxpca to salo on the premises ou Saturday, Jan. 17, '85. At S o'clock p. in., tho following tract ot land sit uatoln Hrlarcreck township, Columbia couity, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt 1 On the east by land of J, W. Iiowman.onthoSouthbyth road leading from llerw lck to ltlttenhouse'smtll, on tho north by road leading to Berwick, contain ing 4. Acres, on which aro erected a FltAME DWELLING, STAULE and outbuildings. A good blacksmith shop on tht premises. TEHMB OF KALE. Ten per cent, ot tho one fourth ot the purchase money to bo paid at tht striking down ot the property ; tho one-tourtn less the ten percent, at tho confirmation absolute; and tho remaining three-fourths la one year after connrmatlon nisi, with Interest from date. A. 11. CHOOl', Administrator. Jackson, Alt y, D00NM w INTENDING ADVEHTISKltS should address GEORGE P. ROWEL &CO., 10 Spruce Street, New York City, Vor SELECT LIST Or' 1,000 NEWfepAFEltl doe 13 it ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. KSTATE Of UKOKUE 1IESS, WKiBUJ. I'U-ra of administration tn the estate ot George Hess, deceased, late ot hugarloaf twp. Colum. Ma county, IVnnsylvanla, hav e bouu granted by tho lleglster of said county to the undersigned Admin, lstrulor. All persons having clalu. against the estate of the deceased are requeetcd to present tho 5ftVtJ&taSa?JSSS,., unJeaiawa Mimia. mrui iur aviut-iurui, ujiu lliubo lliueuieu 10 1110 - A. U Fritz, Airy, I. II. tilllHOXH. dUll. v-ii Administrator,