The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 09, 1885, Image 1

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    Tle dolunbiki.
lomdian, Uonsoltaateil.)
tiiieil Weekly, i-titt frlilnr Morning, ni
. . 1 8M SU Oil 1T
onolnch ttra uw pji t-iu tie.
Two lnclien. aw 40" six) 8 no isn.
Threo inches 4 oo c on too n do I8'
J'ourlnclies son 700 OOP Hon sag'
ousrter column,, 000 80s in 'J men hsct
llaif column.,,. ..torn loo 1700 rsoo Mr'
onccoiumn,,,.. coou ssoo sooo woo 1000
1 Yearly advertisement payable quarterly. Trn
slent advertisements must bo paldjorbeforelnseri
cd except w ucro parties liavo accounts.
Legal advertisements two dollars per Inch for
tlirro Insertions, nnd nt that rate for additional
Insertions without reference to length.
Executor's, Administrator's, and Audltor'snollcti
three dollars. Must bo paid for when nscrtcd.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents, a line, regu
lar advertisements halt rates,
1 Cards In tho 'Business Directory" column, ont
dollar a year for each line.
At two DotiAHS per year. To subscribers out of
lno nounty tho terms nro Biriciijrm auvnnco.
irsa paper discontinued except nt tho option
i)l the publishers, until nil arrearages are paid, but
unir cununui'ucri'uiia ,tih uuv uu kivi-u.
All papers sent out of tho stAto or to distant post
unices must bo paid for Inadvnncc, unless a respon.
Siblo person In Columbia county assumes to pay
the subscription due on demand,
I'OsrAdKlsnolonareroxacted from subscribers
me county, .
TheJobblnvDcpartmentot thoc'ot.UHBUNls very
oomplcle, and our Job Printing will compare favor.
Ably with that of the large cities. All work done on
Abort notice, neatly nnd ntmoderato prices.
Cl, E.ELWElili, l,..,i.4,r,
1 Z BITTENBENDEH,;p"rr,8tert'
r k. waIjLeh,
Dloomsburg, l'a.
omco over 1st. National Hank.
1 ' ATTO UN K Y-AT-L A V .
Uloomsboko, Pa.
nntce In frit's llulldlng.
ontce over Moyer Hros. Drug Store.
p . MUiliEK,
unioo In llrower's bulldlng.sccond floor.voom No. 1
Dloomsburg, Pa.
Bloomsburg, l'a.
Offlce corner of Centre and Main Strocts. Clark a
Can be consulted In Oerman.
EO. . ELWELli,
Nbw cotDMBiAH iwildixo., Uloomsburg, t'..
Member of tho United states Law Association,
iftllncilons made In any part ot America or Ku-
Offlco In Columbian B0ILD1N0, Room No.S, second
omco lu 1st National Bank building, second floor,
first door to tho lttt. Corner of Main and Market
streets Bloomsburg, Pa.
SSFPermont and Bounties Collccltd.
Dmoo in Maize's bulldJyfc over BlUtneyer'a grocery.
UI11CC 111 JUS UUUUlUj; Ui)WU5ii.c v" --
and Hoor. Bloorasburg, Pa. npr 16 a.i
Offlco In News Itku building, Main street.
Member ot the American Attorneys' Assocta-
collections made In any partot America.
K. OdA LD,
' Jackson Building, Rooms 4 nud 0.
Catawlssa, Pa.
ualce, corner ot Tnird and Main stroeta.
Attorncy-ntLaw, Berwick. Pa.
C'n be Consulted In Germun.
tffOfflcu llrst door below the post office.
Cu, HAKKLEY, Attorney-at-Law
, omce lu llrower's building, and btory,Uuotr.a
h, McKELVY, M. D.,8urKeon and I'hy
. slclitu, north sldo Main atreet,below Market
L. FRITZ. Aliornev-at Law. OiHce
, In Columbian Building,
vi-i.ij Macntnesand Machinery ot all kinds re
jiroa. ursui llocai Building, tlloouiBburg, Pu.
or.lco, Worth Market street,
Uloomsburi, Pa
D R. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and
Physician, omco corner of ltock and Market
Jh. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon and
. Physio un, (ufllc and Kesidoncu on Third
Bi.ooMsiiuitc., Cof.uMuiA County, Pa.
a 11 styles of work done In a superior manner, work
warranted as represented. Tsmn Kithact
bd wmiODT 1'AiN by the use of Uas, and
tree of charge nhen artificial teeth
are InBcrted.
JOlco in Columbian building, Snd lloor.
'Jo be ojen at all hours during the iaj
AGENCY. Moyer's new building, Main street,
imsburg, pa.
.Ctna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn s7,o?ti,?A
ltoyal ot Liverpool, i3,MU,ouo
ljincaahlro io,co,(W
Fire Association, Philadelphia 4,l,Tiu
Plwnlx, or London S,S6H,376
Iindon Lancashire, of England 1,T(W,U70
Hartford of llattford. 3,W3,usO
sprlngneld Plieand Marine 2,0tQ,s80
As the agencies are direct, policies are written
for tho Insured without delay lnthv omco at
Blooauburg. Oct. 2$, 'til-
These otu cohtouatiovs are well seasoned by
age and vihk testeu and have never yet had a
loss settled by any court ot law. Their assets are
all Invested In solid gcccKiftifs are liable to the
hazard of rum only.
Losses raoiircLY and noxtsTLr adjusted and
paid as soon as determined by ciikistian r.
Knait, bi'ecul Aoentanu Anji'srciiBLooysui'Bo,
Thopcoplaof Columbia county should patron
Ire the agency where losses If any ura M ttled aud
paid by one of ther own cliLtens.
PllOMl'l'NEss, LQUITV, KIH Dh .-JN'fl.
North American of Philadelphia,
Kranklln, " '
I"eunsylvanla, 11
York, of lvnnsylvanla.
Hanover, of N. Y.
oueens, ot London,
North British, ot London.
un)co on Mtricei bireet, No, 9 Bloomsburg,
oct.jl, l" .
arge and convenient sample rooms. BatU rooms
t and cold water, and all modern comenlence
Hind times, low wages, slirink
agc of values are all having
their (.'fleet on prices. The
Clothing market feels the ef
fect so much as to reduce prices
to almost 11 give away point.
Now is your time to buy good
iirst-class Clothing, such as our
stock is composed of, at tho low
est figures known to us for years
Notice Estimates furnished
to Clubs for Overcoats for the
A. C. YATES & 10.
G02, (504 & GOG Chestnut Street,
U llir.nno It ncN 1111 tlid I.lVi:u. BOKI.Snnil
KlIl.NL'.S ut tl3 Knnio tiinr.
t 01 1 Uu-xortt this dsvclopo ia Kidney p-ad Uri
EooftURO it coiaasa tho BTitt-m cf tho no! -on.
,ry iJisoaBea, jJiujuanoBs, Jaundice, couatiift
. on, T Vs, or la lleumatlfld, Kcuralgtn, Ner-
t'ouo AJoraTfi una nil eraaio uonpiaiuic.
or solid ritooy of tuis.
By ciictrcr rr.It ACTION of all tlia crcaas
Q-cd, functions, thereby
h rostoila;tlicnzmal power to throw off dlseoso.
of tM n--t forms of theso teniblo Uptwrn
nai boa quickly rcUeved, and In a ehort tiaao
Trr cn bo Heat bv mall.
XT,3,3iJlCAHD30:r ; Co., UurlingKm, Vt.
II y s-id iMtip fur JJlu-y Almauae Ir
The Science of Life. Only$l
f, Ureal Mn Work on Manhood-
Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debil
ity, Prematura Dcclino Indian. Errors or Vouth,
ana the untold mliei les resulting from Indiscre
tion orexcebses. A book lor every man, young,
middle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions
tor till acute and chronic diseases, each one or
which Is invaluable, .so tound by tho Author, hoso
experience torsi years Is such as probably never
betoiofelltothe lot ot any physician, sot) pages,
bound In beautirul French muslin, embossed
co ers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a liner work In
every sense mechanical, literary and professional
than any other woi k sold In this country for $i.50,
or tho money will bo refunded In every Instance.
ITIco only 11.00 by mall post-paid, lllustratlvo
sample 6 cents. Send now tiofd medal awarded
the author by the National Medical Association, to
the omccrs of which ho refers.
Tho hclence ot Uto should bo read by tho younrf
for Instruction, and by tho atlllcted for relief. It
will benellt all London Lancet.
There Is no member of boclety to whom Tho
Science ot Uto will not bo usetul, whether youth,
parent, guardian, Instructor or clergjman. .lr
yonaut. Address tho Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr
W. 11. Parker, o. 4 Uulflnch Mreet, lioston, Mass.,
who may bo consulted on all diseases requiting
skill and experience. Chronic and obstlnato diseas
es and that liavo baffled tho 11 1,1 a I skill of
another physicians a sie iXJlirVlj clalty.
Such tieated successful m r 1 VC1?I
wlthoutan Ins'ancoof LXX I OIJIJIJ fall
ure. Mention this paper.
Jan. (Mw d
A fiWIiTrnQ for Lucrative, Healthy, Honorable,
xjai x u x l'ermaneni outness apply
Wllmot, Castlo it Co., Itochestcr. N. V.
dec Vl-ivr il
infants nnd Children
What gives our Children rosy cbeelcs,
What cures their fevers, makes them sleep;
Whe n Babies fret, and rrv by turns,
What cures their colic, kills their worms.
What quickly cures Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion :
Farewell then to Morphine Syrups,
Castor Oil and Paregoric, and
llnll Cantor In.
" Caatorla Is 1 well adtpted to ChllJren
that I recommend It as superior to any medl
clno known to me." II. A. AHCUtu, M.D.,
111 So. Oxford Et., Brookljn, N.V.
An absolute euro for Hliou
matUm, Sprains, Paiu in tbo
Hack, Barns, Galls, &o, An in
stantaneous Pain- rollover.
yAiNWiauiiT co.,
KICt, Sl'lCkS.BICAHBSOtlA.iC, .0.
K, B, Corner Second and Arch streHU,
Jtrorders will rcceno prompt attcntlu
Oim' mot Mint; I tiii'i into tlio
sliui of Mr, Colimard, my 'lonkb'itiilcr,
and Heuinj,' nobtidy in I'Xi-pt. Ids wife I
naki'd tier !
"U1.11 I liiive my li icih"? Tlicy who
to lin rendy for mo tn-day ''
"Tlii'y iln-htill Hiiilur Vw Mr.
Colltnai'il i'.it'tted In lnno llicill duiu
by lliis DVi liini!, but liu had to quit
work, lie was stiiniiioiicd bV 11 notary
to apnear nl bini'dici'. '
"A If i my, ! Htippoiu f
"Yu, "int'thiiii: of the kind, I
ngiiiu. It is iilmo-it, like u dit-ain. It
camo so uiioxpectcdly that wo hardly
daro think about it. It is really cilly
in mo to think about a legacy. Wo
may got a ring or somo little trifle as a
remembrance something not worth
talking about. " Tho deceased was un
der no earthly obligation to givo us
anything whatever, and it is really lu
nacy on my part to expect Anything
worth mentioning."
"Then ho was not related to you at
"Not in Ibo least. It is a strango
story. You know that Mr. Colimard
has tho table on which he works, close
to tho window. Ho needs all tho light
ho can get to do his work properly.
Every day from twelve to two o'clock,
a thin old gentleman who had tho ap
pearance of being a respectable poison,
stood in front of our window, anil
looked in. He seemed to take a creat
deal of interest in book-binding, for ho
watched every movement of my hus
band. At last Mr. Colimard got an
gry at tho old man for standing in his
light, and ho said : '1 wonder if that
animated old skeleton is going to keep
on coining every day to stare at me
while I am at work. I suppose the
old idiot comes hero to wait for tho
undertaker.' My little boy, Polydor,
who is an awful smart little chap,
overheard this remark of my husband,
and running out doors, said to the
venerablo old man : 'I say old Mr.
Skeleton, do you como here " every day
to wait for the undertaker t
"I can very readily imagine what
sort of a face tho old gentleman made
when ho heard that."
"You aro mistaken. Ho was not
angry in the least. Ho laughed until
the tears ran down his checks, and he
patted our little boy on the head, and
gave him a bonbon. Next day little
Polydor runowed his acquaintance with
tho old man who had bonbons to give
away. It is remarkable what a bright
little boy Polydor is. The old gentle
man gave him another bonbon, and
kissed him besides. At last, tu cut
things short, after innumerable bon
bons and kissen, the old gentleman
came into our shop and struck up an
acquaintance with us. After that, he
came every day, and sat for half an
hour or so, and chatted with us, about
the weather, etc Hero is tho very
chair in which tho poor, dear old man
used to sit, with our littlo Polydor on
his knees, eating bonbons. lie took a
wonderful liking to our littlo son, and
fondled him as if ho was his own. He
also took a great interest in our private
affairs. Every once in a while ho
would ask, 'How is business ? Aro
you getting along all right V And ho
never failed to encourago us, and tell
us to hope for tho best in tho futuro."
"And you s.y you did not know who
1 he old man was?"
"At first we had 110 idoa as to who
he was, but afterwards we made in
quiry, and learned that ho was none
other than the rich Uambriqttet, who
owned seventeen large houses from
which ho drew rents every month.
When' ;r ho encouraged us to hope
for better things in tho futuro my hus
b.ind would say, 'If I owned seventeen
houses, as yon do, I would not bu
troubled much about tho future. I'd
snap my fingers in tho future's face.'
'The old man would reply, 'My dear
childien, who knows but somo of theso
days a house may drop down into your
laps, when you ieast expect it.' ''
"Tho old man was right. Nothing
is impossible in this world."
"One day Mr. Uambriquet did not
put in his usual appearance. At tho
end of a week my husband became
very uneasy about tho old man, and
mado inquiries. IIo ascertained that
the poor, dear, kind old creature had
caught a severe cold and gone to a
land that is fairer than this. How
badly wo felt about it, for wo had
learned to lovo tbo old man for him
self alone, and on account of tho affec
tion which ho showed our link' boy.
110 had, moreover, a large number of
books which needed binding very bad
ly, and wo expected to get tho job.
We hud tcarcely begun to recover
from the phock caused by tho old gen
tleman being snatched away so prema
turely, when wo leceivcd a letter from
ho notary, requesting tho attendance
of my husband at tho opening of the
"That looks very much .is if tho oltl
man's prediction about the hoiifo fall
ing into your lap was about to bo re
alized." "Nonsense ! You may bo suro 110
such good luck is going to befall us.1'
"And why should not a portion of
his property fall to you 1"
"because tho deceased has.a wliolo
herd of nieces and nephews, and ho is
not likely to rob his own relatives for
tho 1 enelit of strangers,''
"Ono house taken from seventeen
can hardly bo called robbery." ,
'That's" what I havo thought to my
self. Hut tho dear old man, who has
been cut down so prematurely nnd un
expectedly, was not under the slight
est obligation to give us anything
whitover, as I havo told you before."
"That may bo so ; but when ho en
couraged you to hope for belter things
in tho future, did ho not compromise
himself, so to speak ?"
"I think he did. It would havo
been much more kind ami gentlemanly
in him to havo said nothing, rather
than havo raised tho hopes of poor
peoiile, who aro satisfied with their lot
111 life, only ' to dash them to pieces,
particularly as wo always tioitcd him
with tho greatest kindness nnd for
bcaranco." "And didn't you say tlint ho was
very fond of your little boy?'1
t'ljo was always patting him on tho
head and smiling at him, Ho could
not liavo petted tho child more if it
had bcon ins own grandchild,"
"If ho liked your boy so much, who
knows but that the old man in his will
niav not give the hov an equal chance
J with tho nieces and nephews, for whom
ho may havo a positive disliking?"
"Yes, such a thing is possible but
barely possible although ho lias never
seen any of those nieces and nephews,
who, for all I know to tho contrary,
may be unworthy of tho affection of
such a good old gentleman."
"How do yon know that you may
not inherit this very house in which
you live ?"
"It might be. It's not woith much
more thnn 17,000 franc-. Tho neph
ews and nieces wouldn't miss that
amount much, as the house needs to
pairs. Thuru nio also other tbiiigH
about this house that need improving.
The good old man had unlimited eon
lidence in his janitor, who has been
swindling him for years whenever ho
got a chano';. The villain lives Itku a
prince, and pays no attention whatever
to the comfort nf the tenants of tho
house. IIo neglects his duties in a
most shameful manner. I'll bounce
him out of hero in three shakes of a
sheep's tail if I have nny thing to say
about it. The way I'll turn the ras
cals out as soon a I got in will sur
prise the country. Then, again, there
is that high stepping Madame La
Strange on the litst lloor, who carries
her head so high, and who looks down
on poor people who arc her beltcis.
Yon can just bet your dulcet existence
I'll lake her down a peg. I'll teach
her to put on airs to property owners.
Just let 1110 be boss of the shanty for
live minutes, and the promptness with
which sho will bo requested to hand in
her resignation will takn her breath
away. And tho best of it is, sho has
ju-t had new paper put up in tho room
at her own expense but sho has got
to go all tbo same. I'm going to
raiso tho rent, 011 general principles, of
every tenant in tho house.''
"Hut you said that business was dull
in this part of tho town, so I think von
should rather reduce the rents than
raise them."
"Not if the court knows hoiself, and
I suspect that she does.
"If I was in your ulaeo I would not
raise tho rent on the poor people. Why
not let them feel tho benefit of the
good fortuno that has befallen you ?"
"My dear sir, I am old enough to bo
able to attend to my own business
without tho advice of strangers," re
sponded Mrs. Colimard with somo as
perity. "Pi ay do not become excited, mad
am. Perhaps there is really tio occa
sion for it. On the other hand, who
knows but what tho good old man
may havo loft you that big house on
tho corner.'"
"Why, that's worth at least sixty
thousand francs.''
"Aud why shouldn't ho leave you
that house ? If tho old gentleman
took it into his head to do something
for your family why should he not
have concluded to do something hand
some ?"
"What you say is very reasonable,
indeed. 1 hadn't thought of that.
But now that I como to think of it, as
nobody compelled tho dear old man to
be yood to us, why should he pick out
the meanest of all his seventeen houses
for us ? Why should ho do less for us
than any of the other legatees ?"
"Why should ho? It would almost
look as if ho had a spito at you, if ho
poked off this house on you when he
had so many better ones."
That's so." But let us bo just. IIo
was under no earthly obligation to do
anything for us whatever."
"That's so. But what obligation
was he under to do anything for his
nephews and nieces whom he never
saw ?''
"While on tho other hand ho spent
wholo hours in tho midst of our fam
ily," said Mrs. Colimard, musingly.
"It is not relationship, but lovo and
affection that control men when they
como to make their last will."
"That's true. And he had a great
deal moro lovo lor us than ho had for
his nephews, who hid not tho decency
to hunt him up and make lite pleasant
for him."
"You see, then, that really you have
just as much right to his property as
thoso nieces and nephews, who for all
we know to tho contrary may bo very
unworthy persons, and who might do a
great deal of mischief if they had mo
ney.'' Mrs. Colimard bcemcd to bo absorb,
cd in thought for a few moments, and
then bIio sighed.
"If right and justice were only to
prevail in this matter "
"What then ?"
I say if right and justico were to
prevail why should not wo inherit tho
old man's sixteen houses, and the
nieces and nephews get this old tum
bled down barrack of a place for their
share '"
Just nt this moment tho shop door
was opened suddenly, and Mr. Col
imard entered. IIo was as pale as a
ghost, nud seemed to bo laboring un
der great mental excitement. It is im
possible to describe the nervous trenzy
with which his who oacuiateu :
"Well J"
Mr. Colimard was so much out of
breath that ho could not reply at
'Speak, then 1" sho fairly shrieked,
"lie has only loft tho boy thirty
thousand francs. '
Madame Colimard sank back into
the chair in a half fainting condition ;
but she revived almost immediately
and with blazing eyes and compressed
lips she hissed :
'J7tc old viper"
Poking the Fire.
Somo ono has written a long lottter
to tho queen teaching tho correct man
ner of treating tho tiro. It is nover to
bo poked, says this domestic Mentor,
as poking is a waste of caloric. 1 can
imagino that individual's house, con
structing it Irom this item ot iniorma
tion, as the learned constructed tho
statuo ot Hercules from tho foot. The
windows aro drawn up for fear of iliist.
Tho blinds aro wiver drawn up for fear
of tho sun. The chairs aro kept coy
ered inliollaud wrappors. When anyone
indulges in a nap thero aro layers of
foreign matter introduced between tho
sleepy head and the couch or armchair
on which it rests otdon Truth.
A eutloiis fact in relation to tho
Grtely Arctic expedition is not gener
ally known. According to Lieutenant
Uncly s account ol tho nineteen 111011
who perished, all lint ono weio eiho
kers aud the one was tho lust to die,
Tho roven BiirvloiH weie nonsmoking
Down in a Goal Mine Shaft.
A correspondent to tho Now York
Sun thus gives a description of tho
great coal initio shaft at Carbondale,
Pa., which has a depth of over a quar
ter of a milo :
"The candidate for the experience of
visiting fur the first time a coal mine
by way of the perpendicular shaft that
leads to the Cimmerian depths must
not pauso at the edge of the chasm to
consider tho matter. Tho rope that
slowly unwinds at the surface as the
car and platform aro lowered through
the darkness may pait bofoio the jour
ney is fairly begun, and the bottom of
tho shaft is a good quarter of a mile
below ; but if the visitor stops to pon
der over that possibility and lingers to
calculate its consequences tho chances
are that ho will never see the inside of
11 coal mine. If ho really desires the
expeiicuco he must step in offhand
like, ns the old minor said, and imagine
ho is going to a picnic.
It is an exciting trip down a coal
mine shaft to a novice. Ono who is
nervous in nn ordinary elevator, sur
rounded by upholstery and light,
and with the monotony of tho trip
vaiied by frequent stops and constant
changes among tho occupants, would
simply dlo on the journey down a mine
shaft. Visitors who have the courage
to make tho trip aro not many. Hun
dreds go to tho colliery linn in tho in
tention to descend the shaft , but nine
tenths of them change their minds
when the clash and clangor and whii r
of tho machinery, the stilling dust, nud
tho hurrying, sooty workmen surround
and Hit about them. Somo visitois
who liavo kept their courago to the
sticking placo until they have entered
the car, lose it when tho descent into
tho depth's begins, and 'cower down to
the bottom ot tho car, motionless with
fear, and not infrequently lose con
sciousness. The space is narrower in a mine
shaft, and thq impenetrable darkness
makes it appear to be moro contracted
than it really is. Tho miners' lamps
are but as firefly twinkles. Water
filters through tho rocky walls and pat
ters upon you as you pass down, liko
uncomfortable rain drops from drip
ping eaves. Tho oscillations of tho
rope that holds your lifo aro painfully
apparent. The cheerful thought can
not bo driven away that somo ponder
ous rock, which has been hanging for
years from ono side of the shaft or tho
other, will more than likely bo giv
en tho jar this trip which will fetch it
thundering down upon tho car. Even
tho fact that the miners make this trip
twice a day, laughing and talking, and
even humming snatches of folk songs
but never whistling ; to whistle in .1
mine will fetch tho worst of luck, they
say fail to remove all thought of dan
ger from tho mind of the novice de
scending a mine shaft. There may bo
sensations of greater happiness and re
lief than thoso he feels when the car
reaches tho bottom, but I doubt it.
Every one who can road knows what
a coal mine is. Ono is liko another
the galleries crossing eacli other in all
directions, liko tho streets of a town
with many turnings a black and deep
city, a city of coal. Some of tho gal
lenes aie long and wide and well ven
tilated ; others are low, narrow and
tortuous, with air suspiciously fowl
and charged with danger. The laden
cars, trundling along the dingy tram
ways toward tho foot of the shaft, pass
tho empty ones going back into the
hidden depths for other burdens. The
noises Of blasts, the smell of powder,
tho rumble hero and thero of falling
coal, tho glimmer of lamps, whoso
feeble rays barely outline tho ghoulish
forms of tho miners at their toil ; tho
noise of water pouring from tho many
subterranean veins sundered by the
pick and drill theso are the sights
and sounds that sui round the life a
miner loads, by night and day, hun
dreds of feet beneath tho ground.
Work nover ceases in a coal mine
when it is being run to its full capac
ity. Ono set of men go down tho
shatt at daylight and como out at dark,
meeting at th" surface tho men who
are going down, and whom they will
meet coming out again next morning.
p ire damp explosions and falls ot
roofs and walls aro tho great dangers
tho coal miner fears. Tho one lias
been greatly lessened of lato years by
improved ventilatiou of mines an im-
provement that had to bo compelled
by law. Betoro Davy gavo to miners
tho safety lamp that canonized him
among them, it was the custom to
light tho fire-damp in coal mines every
night. It is within tho memory of old
miners yet when it was tho duty of
0110 man to tire tho gas 111 certain
mines, especially in Continental mines,
so that tho explosion might ho pro
yoked and tho mine made aeoessiblo
again for tho men next day. Wrapped
in a covering of wool or leather, tho
face protected by a mask and tho head
enveloped in a hood liko a monk's
cowl, this man entered tho noisomo
depths to perform tho dangerous task
imposed upon him. Tho tire-damp is
lighter than air aud floats abovo it. To
keep as much as possible in tho area of
respirauia nir, tho penitent, as tho man
was called, because 01 the rcsemblonco
of his dress to that of a religious order
ot tho Uatholio Uliurch, crawled on
tho ground, bearing bofoio him a long
polo with a lighted tapor on tho end
As ho made his way along, alono in
the poisonous mazes of the mine, his
taper came in contact with tho explo
sivo gas, and detonation after detona
tion lollowed ouo another until tho
noxious substanco had been cutirely
decomposed and the atmosphoro was
saie. frequently the penitent was
killed at his post, either by tho forco
of tho explosion or by coal and rock
dislodged and falling upon him.
j'irc-dauip explosions nro still very
frequent 111 coal mines, and in too
many instances tho responsibility may
bo traced to recklessness on tho pait o'f
tho miner himself.
It is remarkable that in tho confined
aud sunless atmosphere in which tho
coal miner lives at least half of his lifo
ho contracts but few maladies. Ho
never Biillers from fever. Still, in tho
courso of tlmo tho bad air works de
structlon to his blood, impoverishing
it, and makes him an easy victim to
lencmia. The dust mining from the
coal does its fatal work to ch'.-st and
lungs. If the miner is seen with tho
grimo of his labor washed from his
fuce, lis pallor will bo startling to tho
Ktranger. ills eyes o protiuding,
his lorm stooped, his gait uncertain
, and shamliling. IIo frequently works
in water up to his kneee, and he thinks
nothing of it, but ha is in constant fear
of taking cold when in tliu open air.
While tho out-door laborer in tho coal
legions congratulates himself that liu is
not subject to tho hardship ami expos
ed to tho perils that the miner is, the
miner rejoices that ho is sheltered from
tho Inclemency of the weather, from
cold and wind and rain, unliko his loss
favored brother, the out-door laborer.
Tho miner, as everybody knows, is bu
Perstitious and credulous. He believes
in ghosts, in haunted mines, in myths
of nil kinds.
Quaker and Queen,
Tho Friends call no man master ;
they honor all men, and their courtesy
is free from servility. Queen Char
lotte, tho wife of George III., once
paid a visl to a rich Quaker widow,
who, on receiving notico that tho queen
intended to visit her, simply said she
would bo welcomed. How sho was re
ceived is desciibcd in the following
narrative :
The royal caningo arrived at the
lodge of the park, punctual to tho ap
pointed hour. No preparations ap
peared to have been made, no hostess
nor domestic stood ready to greet the
guests. Tho porter's bell was rung ;
ho stepped foith deliberately, with iU
broad-brimmed beaver on, and unbend
ingly accosted the lord-iii-waiting with,
"What's thy will, friend "
This was almost unanswerable.
I'Surely," said tho nobleman, your lady
is awato that her majesty, Go to
your mistress nnd say tho queen is
"No, truly," answered tho man, "it
necdelh not ; I havo no mistress nor
lady, but friend liachcl Mills oxpecteth
thine. Walk in."
The queen and princess wcro handed
out and walked up tho avenue. At
the dour of tho house stood the plain
ly attired ltachael, who without even a
courtesy, but with a cheerful nod,
said :
"Ilow'd thee do, friend ? 1 am glad
to see thee and thy daughter ; I wish
thee well ! Iiest and refroih thee and
thy pcoplo before I show thee my
What could bo said to such a per
son ? Some condesceutions were at'
tempted, implying that her majesty
camo not only to view tho park, but to
testify her esteem for tho society to
which Mistress Mills belonged.
Cool and unaweil she answered :
"Yea, thou art right there. Tho
Friends are well thought of by most
folk, but they need not tho praiso of
tho world. For the rest, many stran
gers gratify their curiosity by going
over this place, and it is my custom to
conduct them myself j therefore I shall
do the liko unto thee. Friend Char
lotte, moreover, I think well of theo as
a dutiful wife and mother. Thon hast
had thy trial, and so hail thy partner.
I wish thy grandchild well through
hers" sho alluded to the Princess
It was so very evident that tho
Friend meant kindly, nay, respectfully,
that offense could not bo taken. She
escorted her guest through her es
tate. The Princess Elizabeth noticed in
her hen-house, a breed of poultry hith
erto unknown to her, and expressed a
wish to possess somo of thoso raro
fowls, imagining that Mrs. Mills would
regard her wish as a lav ; but tho
Quakeress merely remarked with char
acteristic evasion :
"They aro raro, as thon sayest ; but
if nuy aro to be purchased in this land
or in other countries, I know few
vvomen likelier than myself to procure
them with ease.''
Her royal highness moro plainly ex
pressed her desiro to purchase somo of
thoso she now beheld.
"I do not buy aud sell," answered
Rachel Mills.
"Perhaps you will givo rao a pair ?"
persevered the princess, with a concili
ating smile.
"Nay, verily," repliod Rachel. "I
liavo refused many friends j and that
which I have deuied ray own kins
woman, Martha Ash, it becometh not
to grant to any. Wo have long had it
to say that theso birds belonged only
to our house, and I can make no ex
ception in thy favor."
Don't Whip Them.
Violence does not succeoJ with chil
dren. A parent who don't know how
to govern a child without whipping it
ought to surrender tho caro ot that
child to somo wiser person. Sports
men onco thought it was necessary to
whip colts to teaoh them to Btart on
tho spot at tho word, and pull steadily.
Thoy know now that an apple is bettor
man 1110 lash, and a caress better than
a blow. If dogs and horses can bo
thus educated without punishment.
what is thero in our children which
makes it necessary to slap and pound
them ? Havo they loss intelligence ?
Have they cold hearts ? Aro thev
lower in the scale of being 1 Wo
have heard many old people say : "If
we were to bring up another child wo
snouiii nover whip it. Thev aro
wise, but a littlo too late. Many chil
dren are of bucIi cmalitv that a blow
makes them cowardly, or rerkless, or
iiuvcaiiti, ui jiui iiiuueuiiv ugiy. v nip
ping makes homo distasteful makes
the boys run away, makes tho girls
seen happiness anywhero and anyhow,
Whipping is barbarous. Don't whip.
The Dog the Bravest Animal,
Peoplo speak of "bravo as a lion
Tho lion is not bravo ; ho is a coward
when tho royal Bengal tiger, regarded
as his equal is presented : ho hesitates.
makes a great parade, but does not get
very near. The dog, on the other
hand, will assail a lion, a tiger, a grs
zly bear, an elephant, a dog, or a man,
and ho does not stop to oount the b'iko
01 ins opponent, junny a man has
been saved because his littlo dog, who
is as quick as a flash, lias annoyed it
bear, behind, that was pursuing the
man to death j ho would turn to take
caro of tho dog. which would of courso
dodge back aud keep out of tho way of
tho bear, while the mau would bo gain
ing distance, and wheu tho bear turned
for tho man again, the dog was at his
heels'bitlng his ham-Btrings. Wo know
of nothing but a dog that will fight a
foo forty times his bigness, or ouo of
its own kind and bigness to death.witli
such unqualified and eminent bravery :
and, therefore, wo account the dog tho
bravest thing that lives. l'hrenoloyi-
eat ,ournai.
The Poaming of Oream, !
This is caused usually by incorrect
tcmperntuii', but ng.tiu foiiio unknown
dillicully may bo in tho way at tho
time of churning, 110 opportunity bo
ing affoided to removo it during the
peiiod of making thebutter. It is tho
opinion of an experienced dairyman
that tho cream is usually kept too long,
which sometimes generates carbonic
acid gas, in which, if any largo ninouut
of gas. has developed, it will ceitainly
foam, and no butter will form. Va
rious things and conditions will aid in
developing this ga, all of which
should be avoided. The character of
the milk, tho food 'of the cows, their
treatment, especially in diiving thom
in hot weather with" full udders ; the
utensils in which milked or set, if not
perfectly sweet nnd clean, will in a
very few hours in hot weather develop
this gas. Sometimes this gas can bo
seen, or at least itsleffccts, in the cream
jar before tho cream is- put into tho
chum, in its swelling and bubbling
liko yeast. Somo impurity in tho milk,
whether from foul water," partaken by
the cow, sour food, or food partaken
by the cow, sours beforo digestion, the
high temperature of the milk, impure
air, etc., are probable causes of foaming
of cream. When milk is set in a warm
place, and the cream raises above a
stratum of sour liquid whey, or when
it has been kept in the cieam jar until
this occurs, thero may bo expected
trouble in difficult chaining. There
ore also troubles in the winter about
the butter coming. But that is from a
different caii'c. Which wilt 1 ie a prop
er subject of discussion at the right
time. Thus the causes naturally point
to the remedy. The cows must not bo
overheated by fast driving or other
wise. Their food and water must be
puro and clear of all filth or scum.
Thero has yet been 110 crucible dis
covered which can convert lead ore in
to gold. Nor can the cow, one of na
ture's laboratories for converting water
and vegetation into milk aud cream,
convert impute food and water into
puro nnd sweet milk and butter. And
if tho milk is pure when it is drawn it
may be soon polluted by milk pails
which have been half washed, and the
milk which soaked into the pores or
cracks permitted to sour and ferment
in tho heat. Or tho milk may bo set
in a damp cellar. This can be when
the cellar has been cleaned with the
most scrupulous care. There is not
ice enough used by the farmers in the
caro of their milk, cream and butter.
And thero is no excuse for this, as any
farmer can build an ice-house and fill it
at almost no cost, except putting in
time which is generally wasted. Milk,
cream and butter should always be
kept at least as low as 02, at or below
which point seldom if ever carbonic
acid gas develops. With pure food,
cews rightly treated, clean vessels and
Bet in rooms whero the air is devoid of
all impurity, and churned as soon as
tho cream is ripe, in a cool room, nnd
tho temperaturo of the cream kept
down during tho friction of churning,
vo think thero will be littlo danger of
foaming, and no troublo to get the but
ter to come. Farm, JTlcld and Fireside.
Washington Uhurcli-Goers.
Mr. Beck, of Kentucky, is a Presby
terian. Mr. Teller is a Methodist, as is Mr.
Commissioner Loiing is n congrega
tion alist.
Ma. Blaine and family aro Congrega
tionalists. Senator Dawes and Hawley aio Con
gregationalists. Mr. Plumb, of Kansas, is a icgiilnr
attendant at church.
Senators Ingalls and John P. Jones
aro unknown! ns church-goers.
Senators Logan, Colquitt, Cockrell
and Walker aro among the Methodist
Senators Hale, Frye, Hoar and Gov
ernor Cong nro Unitarians, as is Sec
retary Chandler.
Thaddeus Stevens almost invariably
remained in the cloak room till prayers
wore over.
Senator Edmunds is nn active mem
ber of tho Episcopal church. So is Mr.
Bayard, of Delaware.
senator isrowii, ot ueorgia, is a
close-communion Baptist. Mr. Wil
son, of West Virginia, is also a Bap
President Arthur is an Episcopalian,
and so aro Secretary Frelinghuysen and
Attorney tieneral Brewster.
A majority ot iteiiresentr.tives aro
cported to be church members. In
rural districts this is a necessity.
No public mention is made of Mr,
Ilatton's church associations. His
predecessor is fond of "Bob" Inger-
Chaplains arc reported as being sur
wised at so many membeis preserv
ing a devout attitudo duriug prayers,
hat did thev expect?
Among tho Uatuolic-i aro ueneral
Rosecrans, Senators Fair and Farley,
O'Hara, tho colored Representative,
ami ueneral i.otovre, ol Uhio.
Hugh McCulloch is n Presbyterian,
So are Representatives Breckenridgo,
isucKiier, uandoipii, i ucker (who is an
ci.i.. -1? .1 1 ... 1 , ,
umur 01 too ciiuiciii aim ccaies 01
North Carolina
Senators Pendleton. Hamilton and
Butler, with RppresontativosDorsheinv
er, Hunt and King, of Louisiana 1 Ba
ley, Mabury aud Gunner, of California,
and Mr. Broadhead aro among tho
Episcopalians. Edmunds nnd Hunt
belong to the General Convocation
Mr. Mabury Is a member of the Bisl
op's Council in his State.
Mr. Madden surprised tho British
jiedical assDciiuiau at their last meet
ing by showing now common among
children was the habit ot liquor drink
ing ami how many cases ot juvenilo
alcoholism he had been called upon to
treat in his own practice. Tho cases
aro found chiefly among peoplo who
scud small children to public) saloons
for liquor. On their way homo the
take draughts of tho liquor, and tliu
aro sown tno seeds winch may gcrmi
nato into an irresistible desiro for alco
hoi. 1 ho doctor has lately treated
caso of "well-maiked chronic alcoholism
in a boy of eight and ouo of delirium
tremens in a child ol the samo ago,
"Havo vou got quail 011 toast
asked a scidy-looking party, as ho cn
teied the lestaurant tho other dav
"Havo you got nn caglo on fcilver
asked the proprietor- And the con
ferciico adjourned sine die.
Wild Honey Gathering.
There is something fascinating in
tho life of tho backwoodsman ; wheth
er ho sponds his time in trapping and
shooting wild animals or in bco hunt
ing, there is always moro or less ad-
venture attending tho enterprise, lleo
hunting is carried on most extensively
lato in autumn, but many bco trees arc
discovered in winter and spring while
ight snow is upon the ground. On
brighter days a few bees will como out
from their homos enticed by tho warm
sunshine, and when coming in contact
with tho cold air aro dulled aud fall to
tho roots of the treo whero thoy are
easily discovered on the surfaco of tho
In former years tho common method
of obtaining tho honey was to chop
down tho tree, and as soon as it strikes
tho earth, rush to the spot whero tho
ileposit of honey was made with bun
lies of burning straw and smudgo the
bees out nnd secure their Btorc. This
method is generally attended with loss,
as the falling of tho treo is liablo to
smash tho honey and often to scatter
over the ground. Of lato years climb
ers have been used which are worn
pon the boots so that a man can work
his way up a tree with tho dexterity of
bear, and not only secure the nonoy
11 good condition, but save tho bees by
Iriving thom out into a box or sack by
blowing in sinoko at a point below tho
place ot general entiancc.
inother method practiced by somo
is to chop a treo standing near the ono
avmg the treasure, and lodge it upon
the limbs of'the last mentioned, and
then go up 011 the incline, but this is
not n sate plan, ns the support is some
times insecure and the honey hunter is
carried with violenco to the earth after
nearly reaching his goal.
Unless a treo is well supplied with
branches reaching low upon tho trunk,
the safest way islo fell tho tree. Land
owners will generally consent to this,
at least for a small consideration.
When tho treo is alive and sustaining a
heavy top, there is not much danger of
losing any of tho honey as tho limbs
will prevent n dead fall upon the
By going to tho place whero the
honey is deposited as soon as the treo
has fallen, and throwing a blanket over
the placo of exit until tho proper prep
arations aro made, tho bees may be
saved alive. As ri rtilo they should
never bo killed where thero is any
means of preventing it. A smudgo of
rotton wood is tho cheapest and most
convenient method of stupefying thom,
so that thoy may bo handled with safe
For The Ladies.
None but brides wear whito gloves.
Gold ornaments aro no longer in
Black laco dresses aro worn at balls
and evening parties.
Chinchilla is the correct fur to put
on gray satin garments.
Tullo forms all or a part of nearly
every ball dress this season.
Silver spangled tullo is a much ad
mired tissuo for ball dresses.
Evening shoes aro of the color of
the dress or golden bronze.
Tho ragu for bisque dogs and cats
f all sizes is on tho increase.
Fur-trained trimmed cloth suits aro
tho correct wear for January.
All shades of browu up to ecru look
ell with gold tiuscl trimming.
Velvet flowers on gauze aro the la
test fancv in ball dress fabrics.
There is a revival of French taste
for minors in artistic interiors.
Flowers are again in vogue in Paris,
t least for trimming ball toilets.
Fur trimmings hhould match tho
material on which thoy aro used in col-
All jewels are worn, but tho favor
ites aro pearls and diamonds, espeoialy
uio last.
Cream whito and palo roso aro tho
colois preferred by young girls for
evening dress.
Steel and silver tinsel are tho correct
metal trimmings for gray stuffs of all
kinds and in all shades.
Jay Ciould,
In his stock operations Mr. Goald
Fomctimes loses and more often makes.
It is a popular mistako to regard him
as a roaring bull at all times and on
ill htocus. As a matter of courso his
interests 111 the mam make him desire
higher prices aud an active de
mand tor his properties, but it is also a
fact that ho often operates on tho bear
side of tho market whenever ho sees a
profit there. IIo separates each trans
action and is often called a bull and a
bear at tho samo time a bull on one
ino of stocks and a bear on tho other.
He carries on his manifold operations
as Paul Morphy played ten games of
chess, carrying each garao separately
111 ins inimi in ono leauiug an nuacK,
in another on the defensive. But Mr.
Gould, unlike Morphy, never plays a
blindfold game. IIo keeps his eyes
open all tho time. Tho great operator
uses Ins immense income in carrying
011 his stock transactions, in making
further investments and in providing
his family and himself liberally with
the good things of this world. It is
said that ho has for some timo been
making largo investments in the name
of his wife. He does not coufiuo him
self to stocks, but is investing in real
estate, coal mines una other kinds ot
substantial properly.
Fully Pi:ei'auei. At 11 late meet
ing of the operatives of a neighboring
city the chairman gavo Ins hearers a
littlo sound advice on tho need of sav
ing money against tho timo of old ago
and sickness.
'In Bpito of the goodipay you have
received,' eaid he, 'I'll venturo to hay
that half the men present have not
saved anything this summer,':'
To test tho correctness of his state
ment, ho asked several, from whom he
got less satisfactory answers. Fiually
he looked over to whero a well-to-do
Irishman wna silting aud said ; -
'Well, Patrick, how much havo yon
got laid up ajjainst a rainy day V
A11 owld iniibrilly in tho attic, be
gorra, anil that's euough for a workln'