The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 26, 1884, Image 3

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TTJtig Colurnbisin. '
l'MtUJAY, DECEMBER 20, 1881
Correct Kitllroiitl Time Table,
Tialm on tlio Philadelphia & It. It. lcavo Uupcrt
as follows I
0:lfl a. in. H:W a. in.
I.uti p. m. l:18 '. in.
Trains on tlio 1). la V. M. two llloomsburg
M follows!
7M a. m. B:S8 a. In.
ll.oi u. m.
0:30 p. m. P- in.
Tho 8:28 n. m. train connects nt Northumberland
with the :33 tram on 1'cuusj lvauu road, reaching
1'lillaitolplila ut 3.13 p. in.
Tho U:M train connects with l'lilladelphia and
Heading road ni Itupert reaching l'liitadel
phla m ti.ou p. in.
Tho h.M train connects Willi riunsylvanla road
at .Nuribiihibcihiiid nt l.W, rcuuilng Philadelphia
alt. a p. m.
Tho t.snl p. in. train connccta with Pennsylvania
roaa at Northumberland ul 8;u5 p. in., and mucin's
Philadelphia lit 3:v5 n. in.
Trains on tho N. W. H. Hallway pass Moora
l'erry as follows i
north. .?CT"1
U:a7a.m. 18.01 p. m. 4.15P. in.
Cltil) JlntcH lor 18H3,
lWl'KIt lit TIIK 00UNTKY.
The New "Vork World Is acknowledged
tu be tlie lending Uemocrntlc paper In tlie
Ut.l'.ul Slates. iJvcrybody ought to take a
cltv paptr In i.ti.lltlon to 11 local me. We
liave made nirargeinents with tho Weekly
ll'o.'W to club with tho Cui.umiiiax.
prieo of tho Weekly World Is i 1.00. On
receipt ot JJ2.2J wo will send th 1 two pa.
pers to any address In tho county, (or one
year. Clubs of live persons at 01m post of
lice can get them for $10,00 If oulered ut
onu time. This Ib a very liberal oiler, and
Is made for tlia purpose of extending our
circulation and not because there is any
money in it.
We do not believe in the chroino busi
ness. All the county newspapers are pub
lished at rates so low that the margin of
profit Is very small, and unless nil subscri
bers pny up, tho loss is nearly equal to the
profits. We consider that our renders get
tho full worth of their money out of this
paper tit S1.50 a year, and we cannot af
ford to give every subscriber n gold watch
or a piano, nt that price. But we will do
this 1 Every subscriber who will pay up
nil arrearages and ono year in advance will
receive for ono year, Good Cktir, a monthly
paper devoted to the Interests of home and
family, and containing much valuable
reading matter. A sample copy can be
seen ut tills ofllce. This offer will stand
ouly for a limited time, and nil who wish
to get $2.00 worth for.Sl.GO, should uttend
to it nt once.
A. G. Kimbcrly is no longer employed
on the Hazleton I'lain-Spcahr
Prof. W. II. Schuyler nnd family, are
spending tho holidays nt Dr. Schuyler's.
L, Wallace Evans, of Detroit, is visiting
his father, Dr. J. If. fcvans.
Jlr. and Mrs. E. A. Rnwllngs went to
Philadelphia 011 Tuesday.
Jllss -May A. Kuhn is hoaie for her
Cluistmns vacation fiom Darlngtou Sem
inary. Misses Annie and Ida Ucrnarl, and Miss
Annie Miller are visiting frieuls In Phila
delphia. Elmer E. Durns, a former Bloomshnrg
er, shook hands with Ills mnnj friends in
town over Sunday, lie intcils spending
Clnlstnias week here.
Winter Caps in nil styles nt Ioweuberg's.
The Normal School closed la I Friday for
a two weeks' vacation.
The Christinas services of tlie Episcopal
Sunday School will be held hls Friday
evening at half past six o'clock
The new town clock was completed last
Satuiday afternoon and at 5 o'uick it rfas
illuminated. The gas is turntion at S p.
m. and oft at 2 a. 111.
For Pretty Overcoats for llttliboys, go
to Lowenbcrg's.
All persons desiring to becomenembers
of the Columbia County Agriculiral So
ciety for the coming yenr, must urchaso
tickets before January 1st.
Garrison, who was arrested In uterne
comity for the murder of Calleuda was
discharged after 11 bearing, there btig no
evidence to hold him.
Tho largest Stock of Ilobes,
cts, go to Lowenbcrg's.
Lap Link-
Jonathan Troup Is still confined to he
house by tho Injuries lie received on 10
night of tho Democratic demonstration
town, by being burned with fireworks.
Hov. W, C. Hcsser will deliver a lectu
In tho M. E. church In Orangcville on Jai
uary 1st, 1885. All are Invited. Subject
"Success or Failure, Which i"
It you need any thing in the line ot a
sliver or gold watch or any article of jew
elry, silver ware, &c. Cull at L. Hernhards,
Jewelry Store, nnd get the best for your
Course tickets for the Teachers' Insti
tute, good for all entertainments, can be
secured nt McKinncy's store after eleven
o'clock, December 80th. Single admis
sion, 25 cents ; Reserved seat tickets 40
cents, except to the lecture of Robert Bur
dette, which will bo 35 nnd 50 cents.
Lost. By the subscriber, on the night
of the Democratic parudc, n certain crook,
cd cune ; whoever will return said cane to
the subscriber, or leave It at the Post Of
llce, shall bo suitably rewarded.
Nathaniel Speak.
Ciiuitcn Seuvicks. Tho Fourth Quarter
ly Meetlug services of tho Rohrsburg clr
cult will bo held at Rohrsburg, December
27th and 28th, Preaching Saturday even
lng nnd Sunday morning by the Rev. Dan
iel Motl 1 Sunday afternoon ut 'J o'clock by
the Rev. M. L. Smyscr, P. E. j evening
services will bo conducted by the pastor.
All are Invited to attend.
Lufuyelte CJilego lately Inaugurated, as
its new Prosldent, Rev. Df. J. II. Mason
Knox. An account of tho exercises Is
contained in 11 pamphlet before us. From
R wo find that nearly threo huudred arc re
celvlug Instruction at the present time. Of
tho tine buildings that crown the hill nt
Eusion, all but two wero erected during
the able administration of his distinguish
ed predecessor, Dr. Win. U. Cattell. Dr.
Knox states, that in the colleges and uni
versities of England there is one student
for each C,000 of population 1 In Germany
ne for each 2,131 1 In New England one
for each 1,028 j nnd in Scotland one for
t each 010 persons, which Is adduced to
prove that uu increased disposition fur
Scriptural training accompanies nnd be-
- gets zeal for education, The addresses
made by Messrs. A, Pardee, Prof. Ballard
- and the Hon. Robert E. James, Indicute u
hearty nnd earnest devotion to the Inter
ests of Lafayelto College, of tho bodies
whom thoy represented,
'0f 91lk at"fllcr8' g to wnbcrg'.
Editor Tubbs of the Shlckshtnny Eeho,
did not occupy a quarter of a column, nor
a tingle line, In declining the Post OlUce
when there was a chnnca of hit getting tho
appointment. He gobbled It. Of course,
he cannot understand how any other edi
tor can decline to take all the government
pickings that arc lying around loose.
Hy tho use of some steicotyped plates,
we arc enabled to give our compositors 11
few days' vacation for the holidays, and ut
the same lime furnish our rondels a full
sheet with the usual amount of rending
matter. Many of our exchanges will Issue
no paper tills week, nnd our local content,
pontiles who publish nt all, will Issue a
linlt idieet. The Comimiiian Is always
I'cnuo Ekutiiiib on Fkiitii.i.i:iis, Piof.
W. II. Joiilan State Chemist of Pennsylva
nia State College will dellvc r a Public Leu
ture on tho subject of feillllzcrs In Dent
ler's Hall, llloomsburg on Thursday 2
o'clock P. M. January 1st, 1885, to which
all are Invited so they may become better
acquainted with the Chemists una'yils, ami
experience on the practical and scluntlflc
results of different fertilizer and their in
greillcnts, II. II. Brown, J, II. Ecu,
Scc'y. Master Pomona Grunge.
Fur real Seal Skin Caps, go to Lowell
berg's. At this time llieie Is 11 certain
mockery in the suddcd appearance of one
and another seed catalogue. "Vlcks Floral
Guide" leads the van, and us usual, needs
no commendation, Its solid merit having
long ago given It a llrm place In popular
affection. The number contains the usual
lists of new seedlings In both vegetables
ami tlowers, and with Its bright flower
frontispiece, Is quite worthy a prominent
place on Hie table, while the
Illustrated Magazine has long been a faith
ful guide In all matters relating to the gar
den, James Vlck, Rochester, J. Y., will
scud the Floral Guide to any address for 10
cents, which, If seeds are afterwards pur
chased, may be deducted from the order.
Kill 10113 COIXMIIIAN 1
Now that the long nights of Winter are
here, wo feel guileful to jour Ilenton cor
respondent for furnishing us with his
sli ire of amusement. Tliu answer to the
enigma iu No. 51 of the Columbian Is "Ait
upright honest young gentleman."
I urn composed of II) letters.
My 1, G, 12, 8 Is a name of u garden vug
cubic. My 11, 13, 7, 10 is 11 place of deposit.
My 2, 0, 13, 4 Is that for which the Ho
mans were famous.
My 1, 3, 2, 8, 0 is the beginning of life.
My whole Is the poetical name of a city.
L. J.
Tht State Noimal School of tho Sixth
District, ul llloomsburg, Pa., will begin
the winter term Tuesday, January 0, 1885.
Again It announces that the attendance last
term was larger than In any other fall term
in the history of the school. The senior
class Is the largest ever enrolled. To those
preparing to teach, the school oilers u pro
fessional training unsurpassed, thorough
preparation in tlie common mid higher
branches of the course, unexcelled quar
ters, delightful surrounding, almost freu
tuition, and full professional standing to
graduates. Itecently valirible additions to
the library and extensive improvements In
the buildings have been made ; and drain
age of tho very best kind, through to the
river, has been provided nt grent cost.
Many students are prepared for college ami
for business. Students having a curd from
the Principal get half fare on the Delaware,
Lackawanna & Western It. it. Send for u
Dec 20-3w
Notice To Tax Collectors.
All uct of the Legislature nnd approved
June, 2nd 1881. (See pamphlet laws, page
45) requires tax collectors, township and
borough olllcers to make return of seated
and unseated lands upon which no pro
perty can be found from which te make
taxes, to the County Commissioner) on or
before tho first day of January next, with
u sulllclent description by bouudrles or
otherwise, of each separate lot or trad and
about the quantity of the same. Those
who full to mako returns by said day will
be held lor such loss. Tuxes so returned
become n Hen against the property so re
turned. We have blanks on which these
returns are to be made and will furnish
them upon application of collectors.
John B. Casey,
Coin's. Clerk.
Commissioner's Olllcc.
Nov. 14th tf.
Iteducecl RateH to tlie WorWl'H
iCxiioMltlou at iev UrlcaiiH,
via tlie leniittlvaiit(i
The World's Industrial and Cotton Cen
tennial Exposition will open at New Or
lcnns, La., December 10th, 1884, uud eon-
tluuu until May 31st, 1885.
The success of this grent show Is now
ssured, In tho vastness of its extent, tho
iilety of the Interests involved, and tho
Ulo Held Irom which lis features are
iiwn, it will exceed in magnitude any
tog of its kind ever held in tills country.
Bdes a full representation of the limit
Ictjndustries and lite unbounded resour
ce every state in the Union, every conn
trj'i the world will display something of
Its iiources, Its art, or Its handiwork.
ThejUuctlon of International exhibits will
be ciiplcte, nnd that, in connection with
all thrichuess ot America, will form an
cpitoi) of the advauce of civilization us
perfects it is unique. Agriculture, me.
clianic science, urt, commerce, trade and
every buck of human industry will muko
n pint o,he great fair.
Its loclon ut one of the foremost com
mercial ties of the South, us well as one
of tho mc attractive, Ilttid in every way
for tho ciinalnmeiit of 11 great gutheilng
of people, ends added Interest to tho en
terprlse. ic winter season at New Or.
leans Is thejost delightful portion of the
year, and tl Inhabitant of tho severer ell
mate of theorth would find u most grate,
ul change vtho geniality of Southern
winter. Acinmodations will be mple,
ranging Ineense from the comfortable
room of tho tltor of limited menm to
tho luxurious lartnients of tho wealthy.
It will be u wUr vacation where one may
And uot only huit and pleasure, but pro
fit and instruct!),
Forthd benepf the largo number of
visitors who wibe attracted thither, the
Pennsylvania Ruoad Coinpa'ny has placed
on sale at all tliijrlnclpal stations of its
system oxcursloilckets to Now Orleans,
good to return u. May 31st, 188.5. In
consideration of tl reduced rate at which
tho tickets nro soldlt.y uro subject to cer
tain conditions as limitation of trips
going and returnlv These conditions
are simple uud will explained In detail
by agents. Tho tick, nre of two classes!
Those covering tho tw route In both di
rections, and thosu iverlng ono route
going and different re returning. The
round-trlp rate of tlcki going und return
ing tho same routo fi, jjooni Firry to
New Orleans Is $11.43,jnd going by ono
routo and returning anter, 451,70,
A most InlerJ
fenturo of tho Phlln-
delphla Wcdly 1
thc "Helping Hand"
formation and ttj , ,".,
conducted by Mrs ,, , , , '
the '-Helping Hnnc'9(",Clrr 1,1
men nil topics of Y T
, , ,. It to women. It
bilngs its woman reii . ,
lead Isolated live,, m,w 10 T" y
short, It Is society, c'"' am .' In
education, without ll,110"' c." kt'
gives freely., ml gladly,'" 'T' 11
o.iqucMlonsofetlquett)'; ,ulvl,co
gives regularly many v,i , " 11
cooking, knlltlng and ? rtUlls ,"r
and fnncy work, and lls,ls ,?f n'
....1... ....1.. 1.. ... 1.1.. y thankful
Helping Maud.
The small boy rejolceth hi
porlunlty to coail
1111 op.
.Mr. O. II. Fruit
has iclurr,
visit to Hiizletnn.
Messis. E. & J, Brugler wero t,, .
father, dipt. Brugler, last week.
Mr. J. II. Axe, formerly of tin time n'resldent ofM, '
Is now ut home.
Mr. E. Hiinyan of Wllllamsporl
with ills friends lust weeU.
Mr. S. Allen of Milton, was In tow
beginning of tho week.
The schools will bo closed on Chrlstn
V Christmas entertainment at the MTftrv
Ison Baptist chuich Wednesday evening.
Some one who solvid the problem In tli.nco of the bride's father lu Welllvers-
Beu'.ou Items In the last Issue, says tbai,.
the Benton correspondent wns 48 years oldli,.,,,,! Mr. R. V. Vanliorn of Green-
on his last birthday,
thcreforu was born In
County IiiHtltute.
The Teachers' Institute will convene In
the Opera House next Monday ut 1.JJ0 p.
111. Tho iustructors uro Prof. Balllel of 11
lltiols, Dr. O. G. Grotf of Lewisburir. Prof.
Walker, Prof. Noetllng, Prof. San ford of
Mlddle'owu, N. Y., Dr. E. V. DcGrnll of
Washington nnd -Miss E. B. Gule. Prof.
Mies will conduct the music. The even
ing entertainments uro us follows 1 M011.
ouy, recitation, Miss hminu Jones j lecture
by Dr. Orolf, "Wonders of the Human
Body," Illustrated j Tuesday, recitation,
Miss Gule; lecture by Dr, T. T. Everett.
"Men who Win j" Wednesday, lecture by
Prof. Balliet, "Education out ot School :"
Thursday, lecture by R. J. Buidette, "The
Pilgrimage of the Fuuuy Man." The in
stitute will close 011 Friday noon.
Dr. Groft's lecture on Monday evenlim
will be iustrtictive, entertaining aud uuius
lug. In nil the world, there is nothing more
wonderful, or more worthy of pro to und
study, than the HUMAN BODY. By
means of 11 beautiful human Skeleton, pre
pared In France, a LIFE-SIZE MODEL of
the whole body, Imported from Paris nt a
cost of oyer 300, and by numerous large
Diagrams, Prof. Groll Is able to show to an
audience all tho varied and intricate mc
cliaulsms of the body, the contemplation
of which led the Psalmist to' exclaim, "I am
feaijullij and wonderfully made."
The manikin can bo completely dissect
ed, and the exact position and structure of
every organ lu the body shown. The op
porlunlty of seeing this display may occur
but once in n lifetime und should bo em
braced by nil.
On Tuesday evening, Rev. Dr. T. T.
Everett, private secretary to Governor Pal
tison, is tho lecturer. His subject is "Men
who Win." Of him the late John W. For
ney said i
"I call my friend, Rev. Dr. Everett, ot
Trinity M. E. Church, tho American Lacor
dalre, because he began life as a journalist,
and like tho popular French preacher, does
not forget his duty to live questions after
entering the ministry. It is pleasing
uud prolltable to hear him nt nny time and
on any topic.
Prof. Balliet, the lecturer for Wednesday
evening, is n well known Instructor, and
has assisted at Institutes in thirty-eight
counties iu this slate. He is a pleasant an
forcible speaker.
On Thursday evening, R. J. Buidette,
the well known humorist, will Jesciibo the
"Pilgrimage ot the Funny Man." He has
been here before, nnd all who heard him
were greatly pleased. It Is unnecessary
for us to introduce him here. Reserved
scats for the lectures can be secured ut Mc
Kiuny's nny time ufter 11 o'clock Monday
Why Seih Green Believes in Governor
Seth Green says President elect Clove
land is a truthful man. IIo was ask
ed by a reporter liftw ho knew it. IIo
said :
"One year ago last fall Governor
Cleveland was Hpendini; his vacation in
the North Wcodn, nt Woodliull Lake,
shooting aud lishiug. The dogs were
put out ai;d a deer btarted. The Gov
ernor was put on a favorite runway ;
bo heard the hounds j they were com
ing his way, my word for it. The
thought of otlico-i'Cekci's ami political
enemies went out of his head and tho
blood went tingling through his veins j
lie did uot think ot any of his friend''
not even Hill Howiuan nor Hob Roose
velt, nor II, U. Sherman. IIo is naitl
to have great affection for all his
fiieuds. but as the hounds ncaieil him
I knovv it was the best musiu be had
ever heard. I huo been there, and
my opinion is that the blood went Hin g
ing in and out of his heart. It sound
ed as loud to him as n bass drum, aud
the only thought hu had at the lime
was to bee the deer and keep that heart
still so that it would not scare him be
fore he eanio iu f-iuht. Well, tho deer
came and stojipul broadside, within
six rods of the Governor. Ho stopped
for some cause j I do not think it was
thumping of the Governor's heart that
stopped the deer, but the Governor may
have thought diiierenl. Well, tho ileer
stopped. I didn't think the Governor
lost his head, fur he had a gun, und he
fired it off, and the deer ruined his flag
uud bounded off without a scratch.
That tlag looked as largo to the Gov
ernor as a good-sized sail us the deer
went hounding oil. If tho Governor
had had it little talk with inu before ho
went, ho would not have missed the
deer. I would have told him to not
shoot at the whole deer, Initio pick out
a little spot just back of tho shoulder
aud draw a head on that spot. IIo
would have killed him. Soon after tho
Governor had got tho shot, a friend of
initio thought to screen him, aud wrote
11111 Irom Woodliull that the Governor
eamuveiy near getting a shot at tlie
doer there was only a little point of
rocks that hid tho deer when ho passed!
ami when I met tlio Governor, I told
him I heard ho came very near getting
a shot at tho deer. His "face lit up as
ho Raid, 'I did get a shot nt a big buck
standing not over six lods front 111c and
I missed him.' Now the man, and an
amateur nt that, who would not tell a
lie under tho circumstances can bo be
lieved at all times without putting his
hands oil tlio Bible."
A Tennessee woman gavo birth to
two sets 01 triplets during IHH4.
Tln TieliboniK claimant wants to
Hnrnum'N circus nil n ciii!oity.
great tliowiiriu k.ijh ho would not
nttrnctivo In tll" country.
Tho body of Pniiiuk Hcddy, who
was drowned In Mukumy ureok 11 week
nio Sunday, wan found on baturday,
nfiotit n mile- lielnw where hu foil In tlm
Thirty or more men woro drowned
in lie nioiilli of tlio llnppnliaiinnck
ricr l.'iit wiek, tuo-a of I In 111 In-inn
coloifd iiu'ii lliuv wt-r.' I'lifxngid in
tlie ojster trade, nnd their lionts weru
cnpsu.i'il by :i KUiill.
MERICLE - YOST. - O11 Dec. 13, 1884,
the home of Hie bride by Hov. O, H.
'Stiutik, Mr. Edward Merlele to Miss Dora
Yi .st both of llloomsburg, Pa.
GIRTON WAGNEH.- -On Dec. 13,1831
by Rev. O. II. Strunck, Mr. Asber Olrton
to Miss Mary M. Wagner, both of Hemlock
township, Columbia county, Pa.
HL'NYAN HILL. On December 20th,
1883, by Rev. 1). J. H. Strayer, Mr. Geo.
M. Huiiyan and Mis. Charlotte Hill, nil of
BOEHMER-RUPP.-In Centrnlla, De
comber 13th, 1881, by Rev. G. M. Lamed,
Charles Boehmer of Ashland, nnd Miss
E. Huim of Coutralia, Pa.
VAN'HuHN FISHER At the resl-
December 18th, 1884, by Rev. E. M.
lid, to Miss Laura Fisher of Welllvers
both of Columbia county, Pa.
'.KENBROWN. In Bloomsb'urg,
1 4lh, 1884, by the Rev, A. Brit tain,
JI,ohn Green of Salem township, Lu.
7u-eounty, and -ulss Mary Brown of
nilburg, Pa.
P,irs'.e, In Ceutralla, Dee. 2nd, 1884,
l,jr M. Larncd, Mr. Meyrlck Jones.
a"'1 JMiiry Alice Strainer, both of Ccn
tralla, )ml)a contltyt jn.
,laine-i Jioiecr wishes ii known
that he f..t,,t. Ackei's Dyspepsia
""" Y l- the best reined v lor 111
digestion mn(lli ,.v :xwlxyii ,e.
lieve beads,
Kinus rcsioreL, lllulr original beauty by
Diamond Dye.,. imil simple. I0o.
111 a urnggisiWuig Klclmrdson & Co
Buillngton, Vt.
i.t. (,'' ON" 8H.K HATS.
"It won d bo violation of the com
mandment,' salioIlI1 n. Gougll ,.lf a
man were to fal0W11 iui wolsi,ip the
silk hut, for it is llmdu ln th0 likened
of anything in lie roncnrtli, or in
the waters whirl re midur the euith."
Besides it heats tlll;iul llnd causts ,le
hair to fall oft. Par.s nuir i.dsam will
stop that and re3tohc original color 10
gray or faded hair. s-ot olly not ,lvL.t
bene 1c al del cloti8lu.rflln-;edi A r.
feet hair dressing. 0 All druggists.
Sep 10-Ct
WllS!?, !inl'' was 9lclie gave her CAS
1 Ultl A,
When she was a chi i, r,P,i fr
When she became Mis -i,. nl,,,,!? to
When she had I hltdrcu
die gave them
nauiiKs won't 1.,
The (Inures showimr '.he e; .,,,. ....,r,
ly sales of Kidney-Wort, dc,n9trntu Us
value us a medicine beyond dmtu. It is
a purely vegetable compelling certain
roots, leaves and herrlcb kno, (0 lllvu
special vaiue in Kiuncy trouo, Com
blnul with these are remedies 'ting ill.
rectly 011 the Liver and Bowels. 11 u i.
cause of this combined action thaCiiliu'V.
lVrl I,.. VIUIII3
iv., inn iUM.u 01,1.1, uu iiuuiiuiuii rem
cdy In all diseases of these organs.
.las. II. Mener distinctly statethul
A, ,Y V.w.ltl, 1.... 1 1.
a,, i,Uiiui( iinuioes
cure contracted lonsuniption. Anifor
circular. An euurely new medieie
"nounu ok-joi-oiis."
,sk for "Rough on C.jghs," forcougli
colds, sore throat,
ness. Troches
10c. Liquid, ysc.
"KOfflll OX ItAT.n
Clears out rats, mice, roacl mes lnlll
bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunk nniii,ra
lGc Druggists. 1 hP"Lrs.
Palpitation, dropsical, dizziness, , ,KC3.
tion, headache, sleeplessness cm.i8ily
"Wells' Health Renewer." '
"uoL'Oii ok eouxs."
Ask for Wells' "Hough on Corns, li
Quick, complete euro. Ilurd or soft coi ns
warts, bunions.
StrciiRtlienlni;, improved, the best for
backache, pains In
cheat or side rlieuma-
llsm, neuralgia.
"Wells' Health Henower" restores health
and vigor, cures dyspepsia heudache, ner
vousness, debility. $1.
witooi'ixa coucui,
and tlio many throat tilTectloiis of children,
promptly, pleasantly and safely relieved by
"Hough on Coughs" troches, ISc. j balsam,
If you uro falling, broken, worn out aud
nervous, use "Wells' Health Hcnewtr."
$1. Druggists.
l.ll'K 1'ItKSKP.VKIt.
If you are losing your grip on life, try
"Wells' Health Henower." Uoes direct to
weak spots.
Instant relief for neuralgia, toothache,
laceache. Ask for "Houuh on Toothache."
in und 2.1 cents.
I.ndles who would retain freshness and
vivacity. Don't fail to try "Wells' Health
Hacking, Irritating coughs, colds, soro
throat, cured by "Hough on Coughs."
Troches, 15c. Liquid 25c.
"iioi'tui o.v iron."
"Hough on Itch" cures humors, erup
tions, ilng-worm, tetter, salt ihoiim, frost
ed feet, chlllhlalns.
Children slow In development,
scrnwney, and dellcUc, uso "Wells'
threo or four hours every night coughing,
Oct Immediate relief and sound rest by
usln; Wells' "Hough on Coughs," Troches,
15, i llalsiim, 25c.
rllrciiglhenlng, Improved, the best for
backache, nnins lu chest or side, rheuma
tism, neuralgia.
Tho Squire," says tlio author of "The
Hoosler Schoolmaster," wuro ono glass eye
and a wig, Tho glass eye was constantly
slipping nut of focus, aud the wig turning
around sidowiso on his heed whenever he
addressed thu people of the flat Creek
District." Bad spectacle. Parker's Hair
llalsam preserves and promotes tho groth
of the natural hair. It ulsu restores the
natural color to hair which has faded or
become gray. Clean, elegant, beneficial,
highly perfumed,
Sept 20-com 5t
New Year's Gift
lei Advance.
We Ban Them
Jn prices from
Ehvsll & Dittonbondor.
G 0 L U M 3 1 A S S TOP.E,
Tho Philadelphia Times
Aims to eovor the wbolo field of
progressive journalism. No sub
ject is too great for it to discuss
intelligently and without bias,
and none ho insignificant as to
escape its notice. It lays the
world tributary to its wants, and
everywhere its agents may be
found, alert to gather the partic
ulars of all passing events and
send them by telegraph up to
the last moment of going to
press. It is a brief and abstract
chronicle of the time and con
tnins all that, is worth knowing
in the history of the world for
the past twenty-four hours.
SB .00
The Weekly Times
$1.00 AYEAR.
is forumost ninoiig tho largest
and best of the Family and Gen
eral weekly papers published in
tha country, and it is now ottered
to single subscribers at One Dol
lar n year ami tin extra copy
given with every club of 20. It
is the most progressive journal
of its class. Its aim is to be the
newspaper of the people of the
whole country : to meet every
intelligent want in journalism,
and to make it so cheap that all
can ail'ord to enjoy its weekly
WAR" have been one of the
distinguishing features of "THE
WEEKLY TIMES," and it is
now imitated in that feature by
many of tho leading journals
and periodicals ot the country
The best -writers from the active
participants of the great struggle
on both sides will continue their
contributions to the unwritten
history of the war in every num
ber, and make the paper special
ly entertaining and instructive
to the veterans of both the Blue
and the Gray.
is mailed, postpaid, for One Dol
lar a year. Every club of 20
will bo entitled to an extra copy.
TiMia Buildixo, Philadelphia.
dec an.
Harper's Young1 People.
Tlio serial ana short stories ln Harper's Younif
l'eople have all the dramatis Interest that Juven
ile nctlon can possess, wlillo they are wholly free
Irom what Is pernicious or vulgarly sensational.
Tho humorous stories and pictures arc lull or In
nocent tun, and the papers are natural history
and science, travel, and the facts of lite, araby
writers whose names Rlvo the beit assurance, ol
accuracy and valuo. Illustrated papers on athle
tic sports, Raines, and pastimes git e full Informa
tion ontheso subjects. Thero Is nothing cheap
about It but Its price.
An enltom e of ercrvtlilnir that Is attractive and
uebirauio lu juvenuo iiicraiuru. ausion I'ounir.
A weekly feast of Rood tlilnes to the boys and
clru iu every family which It visits. lirooKiyn
t Is
It is wonderful ,ln Its wealth of pictures, Infor-
nation, and Interest,
Terms: Postage Prepaid, $2.00 Per Year,
Vol. VI. commences Nov. 4, 1881.
Single numbers, Klvo Cents each,
ltcmlttanccs should bo mad by l'ost-onice Hon
ey Order or Draft, to avoid clianco of loss.
Xeicspaiiers are not to apv adwtlsement
Kltham the etrpreti order of 1Urit.ii Biiotiieks.
Address IIAItl'F.K t BltOTIIF.ItS,
New York.
FOIt 1SS5.
Tlie i'mncomestotne new year with the lar.
get circulation, tho best ecinipmcnt, nnd tho full
est reuutreracnts of th'j complete newspaper
which It has ever enjoyed. Tho past year has
been ono of great growth. These Increasod faclll
ties and resources give It tho means ot being even
a better newspaper than ever before,
Tho political change lvnds added Interest and
obligation to the future. The rrean faces new du
ties with undaunted spirit It Is llepubllcan lu
principle, untrammelled In expression, with faith
in tho Intelligent and fealty to purer poll
tics. It is especially devoted to tho national pot
Icy of Protection as tho bulwark of American In.
tcrcsts and Industries.
Above all, it will maintain its pre-eminence as a
complete General and Family Newspaper.
The llVeWi i'rcstf excels In nil tho elements ot a
first-class Clencral and Vamlly weekly new spaper,
It Is especially adapted to tho wants of all who
dcslro a concUs and comprehensive presentation
of tho news ot the day with Interesting and In.
tructtvo reading tor the home and thu fireside.
Its Agrictilt nral and Househo'd Departments are
among tho best any whero printed, and good sto
ries, graphic correspondence nnd choice intscel
uiy complete a paper which Is unsurpassed. It
luitrated fepeclal aitlcleson live topics will be a
prniinenl feature ot tho coming year. Send for a
specmen copy containing largo and attractive list
ot boiku offered as premiums to subscribers nnd
eino nisirs.
DAILY, Including Sunday, ono j ear, 17,50 ; ono
inoiuii, intents.
DAILY, exclude ot Sunday, ono year, Jfl.CO;
ono month, w cents.
SUNDAY edition ouly, ono year.tS.OO
Served by city Carriers, M cents a w eek : inclu.
dlDg Sunday, 16 cents a week.
TTw Wetklu lYens, one dollar a j ear.
Drafts, checks, and olhir remittance', should
mauo payable to
TIIK VltKSS CO., l.lmltnl,
dee smw Philadelphia, I'a,
$1.50 A YKAU
I'm 1 tftmiiA. IWi ' .1.
u: peculiar weather, fcli in
m .dst of winter, cuts
sliort tlie sale 01 wanner
clothin of every sort. No
matterliow cold the end of
December and January and
February and March may
be, the fact is fixed already
by the warm beginning that
thousands of people will Ifcar
the cold with less proiv.ution,
because it comes so slowly.
We arc hardened to the win
ter by long expecting winter,
and by its slow appro ich.
We' therefore change me
condition of trade by making
prices so low as to attract
unwilling, buyers. The
change is gradual, very grad
ual. Indeed the change is
less, because we made" low
prices months ago ; lower
than ought to be made in
proi-.perous times ; lower than
can be made in any but
calamitous times.
There is every reason to
believe that wholesale prices
have got to the bottom. Raw
materials of several sorts
have begun to be firm ;
and some have begun to rise.
The prices of nothing in trade
have risen. Prices are there
fore at the very bottom. The
only further downward move
ments are reasonably sure to
be exceptional. Chances arc
overwhelmingly the other
way on everything.
On the other hand the
probable behavior of retail
merchants with bills to meet
and stocks of goods on their
hands is worth your thin Jng
of. The instant the stay of
holiday trade is over there is
sure to be a general scram
ble. Had you better wait
for the chance of buying for
. 5
That is your question.
W c have answered it already;
and this is only to keep the
nnswer in mind.
In tlie midst of holiday
.fade upon goods adapted
for j;ifts, when thu store i
looking uncommonly bright
with the glitter of gilts, wlieu
thousands of givers arc
thinking of bric-a-brac (Ev
erything is bric-a-brac to us
that belongs to a month bf
fore Christmas), when peo
ple throng the store to set:
the spectacle, we are think
ing of the solidest merchan
dise we deal in.
We advertise cloths aiu'
dress-stuffs, dresses and
wraps, furs and overcoats
clothing for man, woman rim
child, gloves, hosiery, und'."
wear, neckwear, laces, han 1
kerchiefs, linens in gener. '
bedding, mattresses, fur.-,
ture, carpets and rugs, hotis
keeping conveniences, chir
lanijs.' upholstery, bool.
writing-papers, stationer
wares, pocket-books, bag
iiats, shoes, umbrellas, Japai.
(se wares, baskets, toilet art'
cies playthings, and a thoi
;.nd mure.
Why? Because we an
elling these things. Br
, i .
cause people are utiyin;
them. We are giving tin
news of things that peopl
. 1. i
are eager to near nutmi
such news as develops lVo
day to day in the store.
The great majority no
only of people but of pro
perous people are buyin.
substantial merchandise
Everybody seems to think i'
the time to buy.
And this is our answer
it is a good time to buy. W
know it from you. We h:u
done what we could to maki
it a good time to buy. W
did it, first, by gatherin;
bravely when most of th
merchants were croakin
about hard times. We d't
it, next, by selling for cos
what we'd rather sell wiilum
profit than not sell at . :
We did it, third, by f'::n
out of the market
was tumbling. It-is a goo.
time to buy.
John W,n.m v."".
CiHiinul.ThlrU'" "l Matl.nmn.
inJ City-lull M'lirn.
by any man or woman, u'lrl or boy who will organ
f any man or
o clubs for T
inn anil homo
Ito clubs for Till: WXKKI.Y WOULD Tlio
iarm anil noiuo newspaper, euiupinn in nil us
ABentspald. tl M 1 n ll for in. M.crl- ft!" .",u ". PmP,1'
jrs at 11.1 H P. A H pa til will ml 1 ias,r"ruiient'8 utteutlon to It,
a l'.",1',1 ' IZ ' V it U III SV B",!,?Arlb- I' BVU '.'"riunelihii'S 1 had ever sc.
ers.'l!!i for' -" " " " hUtscrlbers.
i i
t:forl5 subscribers, ii ; for 10 subscrlliois,
lorosuoseniiers. ti.
Agents wnnietl in overy town or vlllago. t
lars and sample copies lice, bend lor them.
Till: WOHI.
.! lit
the Banner Democratic
paper ot the union. Kery Deiim-rat should
Dally. 6: seral-Weckly
iveoKiy, ii peri ear.
i.r a rn-t
dec l'.'-lw
11 l Utk XWJ
Many per"
.l.i Im
Mm 11
, Kiniuil lib
h freu
alarrli '
lauy is
tlio ll
uot cnjojeil
'or '', '
... ..iw
l,!1. ,.:,
ins It very hlnlily.
,vas cured of a
Ely-; t'ream Balm
ciuTil me of atarili
rihtored my wnm of
sinelL rur cold In i
head It works
jmaisic.-tt. Il.hherwoo.1, Banker,
fciuauiiii, si.- f.,,,un llalm I'allkM
nam (lUei ATef at on, e. A thoi-olinejUliwut
IvlU bure.t a IlifuUt. Not muft. At'l'lT, Ittto
nuRtrll. Alco BO eeulH ai ui '''
nun. rcjrii"vu. n m m.i u.
,tercd. Hi luii'.e b Jiuo uy iimu iu wm
lW0rilt;itB, DruugWH, Owego, N.
Mi w "
fl&enfl Estate I
The tindewlgned executor of the esUtc of J.
cob J. Ilartrell, late tf Heater township, deceased,
will oxposo to public stto on tlio premises ot Mrs.
.laeos.J. Itaiwllln Heaver township on
Saturday, Jan. 3, 1885,
at 1 o'clock r. M. tho following described rel ft
tale, lo.nltt
Hrst. Atractoflandl)lnir and being ln Bea
ver township aforesaid, being n purt of ft tract of
land In tho warrantee namo of Wm. (irayi and
dmcrllxKt as follows i Beginning at a stono for a
corner on tho lino of land sold to John lirfUbach,
thenco north, 11 degrees west V) rods to a polat In
the mldilloot tho old road running alonir the foot
of tho mountain, thence along tho middle of Mid
roail tho four following' corners nnd dlstancei
north 77 east IS rods, north tin east, ' rod", north
tilX past SH rods, and north B7 cast Mrods, thtnw
along the lino w said land sold to ls&ac jireisoaen
Kotilh 1 vcttM rols to a Btono corner, tnene
along tho lino ot said la-id sold to John Drelsbnck
south 8'4' west r,x rods to n stono corner, th
plncoof beginning, containing IT Keren, strict
Second. A tract of land lj log In the same Hea
ver township. Columbia county, being a'w a part
ot tho Wm. tiny tract of land, and bounded and
descrllied as follows : Beginning at a stone on th
lop of tho mountain, tlienco south 1 east, 1 JJ rods
by land ot Adam Miller, to tho mlddlo ot tho old
road, tlienco by the same north 57 eastiaroaa,
thence north oo ,v east, al rods, thenco north MX
ast ;s rods, t henco north 5t oast 51 rods, inenc
north 1 easts rod by other lands or said j. J.
llsruell, to lino ot lands of Isiac DreUbach,
I hence by the smo northwardly to tlio top ot the
mountain, thenco south TStf west about 185 rod to
the place of bejlnulng, containing about to acres.
TKHMH OF. SAI.K. Ten percent, of onc-founn
of tho purchase money to be paid at tho striking
down of the property i the one-fourth less the ten
per cent, at the confirmation or sale, ana me re
maining three-fourths tu one jear thereafter, with
literest from continuation nlst
n. w. zciixiat,
dedS-ts Kxecutor.
atofiB Kstsitc.
lly Mrtue of an order I.vsued out of the Orphans'
C ourt of Columbia County the undersigned admin
istrator ot .Milton Jlostellcr, deceased, win expcue
to sale on the premises on
Saturday) Jan. 17, '85.
At S o'clock p. in., the following tract of land sit
uate In llrhitcreek- towinhlp, Coumbla county,
bounded and described as followH, to-wlt : On the
eat by land of J. V. Bowman, on tho South by tht
road leading from Berwick to rtlttenhouse's miu,
on tho north by road leading to Berwick, conUlft-
on which nre erected a
and outbuildings. A good blacksmith shop on uie
TKHMS or SAI.I- Ten per cent, or mc one-
fourth ot tho purchase monoy to bo paid nt tha
striking dow n ot the property ; tho one-fourth lesa
tho ten percent, at tho connrmation absolute;
and the remaining threo-fourtns in ono ycaraucr
confirmation nisi, with interest from date.
A. v. citoor,
Jackson, Att y. Dec 19-4 w
To tSic Jlciiders of
resloni Washing Machino
Which in now boiny inttodiiced in this
HPCtion, nml ih nlii'iiiiy largely in use in
almost every Slate: m tlm Union, com
motio's iisi'lf by tlio simplicity and ease
of its operation, and by the good work
that :t does. Tlio iiiaciiiii" is ensny
handled, and makes no wop, whatever.
The fallowing testimony to u merit
w ill be of interest to the Indies ot
Blooms'burg and Vicinity,
and all who are interested in an im
portant improvement :
lli.ooMSiiri:o, I'a., Dec. 8, 1881.
Vandtrgrift Mfy. Co :
Wo luiuglit from your agent, Jlr. C.
Meaii", one of your Sew Improved West
ern Washers. Hnvo used it for three
weeks mid arc much pleased with It. It
saves labor, washes cleanly, does not wear
nut the clothes uud works etsily. we can
heartily recommend It to everyone who
lias wnsiiin! to do. iiesoy. lours,
.Miss. l M. Teats.
Bi.ooMsiiunu, I'a., Dec. 8, 1884.
Vanderyrift Mfl. Co. :
Camden Menrs. Auent i I have been in
tliu laundry Inisiiicss constantly during the
pan ten years, and have tried very inanv
Ulllcreiil Kinus oi iHinuy vvasiung in
chines, ono of which is tho New Impro;.
western Washer, sola uy you, anil l ehe
fully rccommenil It as being the bes n
for my woil; Unit 1 have ever trie ,l0t
gives pet feet sallsfnclloii, and I wi
pun wiiii n mr uoiuiio inu uiiiuicj. one.
tor it if 1 could not procure nQneratlou
Any person wishine; to see U.iry.
can do so, hy calling at my litully,
iimrs nes; UuowS.
. . in , Ci-audry, Dent
l'ronrletor liloomsbiir..
ler's new block, Main 8'"
I'a., Dec. 8, 1834.
Vandenjiift Mfg. Co
.. ..icn your agent, Jlr. t.
tiEMLCMEN i nu to purchusu one of
'Mt'"rv'v sollt:U,iishiiig Machines, nothing
it. as all
scon h&d
the Vubhlr unurt.s, lint wheu your
proved ..oimnunilablo spirit of fulrness,
lrcu -
uCVel"'io e)l your inachliiu on Us merits,
?"L'r!i not retire to give It a fair trial. It
f l'ow dono service in my laundry thret
News -
" "itlis, and 1 must say llial ll is perieci u
IV . ,., .I,.1,,. lla wnrl: I linrnltpllW .
I eiy ieiii-;i, ,,",., ,w n,
tnd with It one gill can do the work ot
two. without fatlpue. It Is Mmply match
less. Very Truly lours.
I.. A. biiA'nui'K, M. D.
THY ONE I And if ou are not
I eatibliiil niter giving n a mn mm
tin ii Iho iiiaehino to ,0111- ngent, ntio no
will it iund otir moiiev.
VuuUrjrift Mjy. Co.
i i i i, niibi L,ie inn im i n hwii nti tuu uuvuu iui
; , "".'i, nu v : onular WabhluK Jlaehlne,
i v:.,.7.,;.....iit.n,i ihiiiiiT and other manufactures
" :.i.r. .. niu nt fv,iuiniii.
ill . li i uu liuu,u mii , t . ",-,'- -,-, ,, ,j
unlock law. contour, l.uei ne "u,,'i "!",, "Y"";,,
I i thai he1 nleahed to deliver, and lustruct In the use otthe
partial . w usher ai.j one who desires to buy one.
1 HEARS, Ajjcnt.
salenroom, D. Micup'h old giocery stand, llaln ft.
Hi "Bpiuto Street, Now Yoik City,
lice 13 W
W 1,1"' .l.vtni l -mim
'rKiflu& &0i4mK tMun6itJMti& MWMKWhijUv i