The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 26, 1884, Image 1

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    Eajks op DCJISINq
ot.omiAniiiocniT.snnorTni Kontii. nd co
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(si'iml Wrdily.eVifjPrldny.llnrnlne, m
13 ft)
7 0(1
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lOnelncli 19 00
Two Inches sou
4 to
23 CM
Af rwo dolurs per year. To subscribers nut ( ununiy Wo term arc Mrictiyin udvai or
1O-M0 inner dUoonlluied e,cn, ,,,,,,,,',
Three incut.... 4iK
Four inches.,.. . fi)
onnrier column., boo
llnlfcoluinri .... 10 i
onenolumn 2)00
nt lftj publishers, until nil arrearage nro naTM;.,
I nr continued credits will not bo wfivpti. p'UJ'llUl
Ml UApCMMntlllltof the N'atOOrtO distantly.!
iiiines ni.ul, be li ild for liudvance, uulwT
s.olo noma lu ooluinbla eounty osiumosto ft.
tho inscription ilua on demand, 10
theolin'my llnnlf'!r"'lCl11 trnm MbMtri!
JO B "plilN'f INa.
Yearly advertisements pajuble quarterly, Inn
nlf m advertisements must bo pnld lor before lfcf 1 1
jed except where parties havo accounts
Lorat advertisements two dollars per Inch fo'
'trmss insertions, and nt that rote for additions'
'Insertions without reference to length.
I K.iecutor's.Admtnlfttntor's.nnd Aiidltor'snnllfi t
tbriodollars. Must be paid for when nserted
1 Transient or Local notices, ten cenlsntlne, rejsu
lar advertisements half rates
Cards In tho 'Iluslncss Directory" column. one
dollar a year for each tine.
oouiploto, ami our.Tob I'riMlngtvilicomn
Ably with thutof tho Urge 'cities. AlUvirk il.mJnn
short notice, neatly aud nt moderate ! rices
' (J, fS.BIiWEI.Ii, I ,.-..,,
umee over 1st. National livak, m'n''
vr u. punk,
orttcola "Int's Uallltng.
Ofllce over 1st National Hank,
j oitN"M.'"OLAUic,
1IUX M8I1CR0, 1'A.
(ID1W over .Moyer Pros. Drug stoic.
p w,
o TIM In urowcr's bulldlng.seiond nooi .room So. 1
Uloomsburg, Pa.
fit ASK ZrVRH.
Bloomsbiu'L', Pn.
Officii corner of Centre an J Main Streets. Clark t
Can bo consulted in Oerman,
01 EO. E. EL WELL,
NKW COLUMBIA!! llClLDIlfO, HlOCnlSbUrg, I'd.
Member of tbo United btstes Law Association.
Collections maao in any in u aukiku m
Offlco In Colombia;! BCH.MS0, ItOCm No. 1, second
Attovneys-at-Law. i
onico in 1st National Hank buUdlnir. second iloor,
nrstdoortotholfft. Corner of Miin and Market
Btroeta Bloomsburs, ra.
lG3-rensioni and IlourSiu Colkchd.
Offlco lnMalzo'3 build.'! g ovcrjimmcj era grocery.
Olllcu ill Ills liullilmg oiiposite Court Houf.o,
2nd lloor, Bloonisliurg, I'a. upr li 8u
Attorn vv .
omce In NBwa Itb bullj, Main btrect.
Member of the American Attorneys' AtaoclJ-
Uolioctlons made In auy part of America
AT TO It N B Y-AT-1 , A V .
Jacksoit BulliUng, Booms 4 ami 5.
omco.corntTot TDlrd tiad Mn'atrcei.
Attorney-atLuw, Berwick. Pa
Ctu bu Consulted in Ucrman.
20 OOMl'ANIKS liEl'liKsEXTEI).
iWODlco llrst iloor below the post olllce.
(i. BAKKLEY, Attorney-at-l.a
,omCo lu Broker's building, sndbtory.Kooa-j
11 MoKELVY, M. D.,Hurt!eoii anil Fhy
. ilelan, nortn aide Main atreal. below MarKct
L. FitlTZ, Attorney-ai Law. Office
, in Columuian Dullding,
ewlug Machines turn Muoniueryotall klLda re
aired. Orniu Houbb Huiidtng, iiloomiitiurg, I'n.
I'UVSIClAN ahlliKlKlih.
umee, Worth jlarKe' strut,
l;ocu ttti, . fR
DB. VM. M. BEBEB, SuRjeon and
i'hjslclan. ouico corner of Hock und .Market
Jtl. KVAS8, M. L nuk,'oii and
. I'hyslo.un, onlco and Itetilai' on Thlid .
ii house,
UloomsiicikCoi.ujiiiia County, I'a.
AH styles of work donu In ft superior manner, vorl
warranted as represented, Tyuru Kiikact
d without I'ain by tbo usa of (..Wi anJ
f reo of chargo v lien ariiaclal leetb
aro Inserted.
JUlcc In Colunibliin biilUliuji, 2nd tloor.
i1obeopen at all houn during the day
wanted ror Tho I.lveunr nil Hie l'resl
Odeutsoltlio U.S. The l.iweat. lund.
jsoinesi nest nooK ever tain lor iMiiun
"twlco our niiet. 'rim r.itot M'lllnir
book In America, linuicnso protlla to agents. All
Intelligent people want 11 Any one can become a
huccesful agent. Terms tree, Ham itt Hook Co.,
Portland; Maine. pec ''My
for Infants
"Caatorla Is so well adapted to children that
recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to ine." JI, A. Audita, M, I,,
111 So. Oxford St., llrooltlyn, N. Y.
An absolute euro for IthoumntlHin, Sjiralns, Pain In
tho Haul;, minis, Oalln,
rollovluc aud lloallni; Koinody.
Hard times, low vngen, sliritik
sigo of values nro all having
their ell'ect on prices. The
Clothing market feels the ef
fect so much as to reduce prices
to almost a give away point.
Now is your time to buy good
first-class Clothing, such as our
slock is composed of, at the low
est figures known to us for years
Notice Estimates furnished
to Clubs for Overcoats for the
G02, 00-1 & GOG Chestnut Street,
Health and Happiness.
lAro your Kidneys disordered?
3 'Klilncj Woit Inousht ino frnm my Ki"Vc, as it
J JftL'.RlterlJi.i.l ti ii Kite uui by I3lw dot torn til
2 Uttolt., JI. V. K-vtni:ii:. Ml-cLuiUc, Jonla.MJcti.
. Aro yowr nerves weak?
"M'lUijW oil tuied mu from norvuus t aknr n
Ac ull-l I Wiii nut i xw tod to lie.'- Mrn. M, JI. ll.
UuoUvwu, Ld. Chtutian Monitor Clot eland, U,
Have you Brighi's Disease?
'Kli!ney X.nit r'irtd mu w den my water wasjuat
l.Ln dialiE uua tUtu llko Mo..l.'
Fiank Wilson, IV.ibody.Masa.
. Suffering from Diabetes?
"ki.ln-j.v-Wort lituolnot ucu -cfiil renuHl v I havtj
over UbK'ti. OitM lUiuovt tiiilncllatu relief."
Vr. 1'hlllipU, tallou, MouWton, Vt.
Have you Liver Complaint?
KMiuyWott etimi iuu it cbruuic LicrUiaeasta
or 1 ruayed to die."
floury Vtird, late Co). CJtH Nat. Guard, K.Y,
f Is your Back lnmo find nching?
t'u:i) I J..U to Ipll out t-t IhuW
O. M. TallnmSf.SIIInoUtcc.AVIi.
Havo you Kidney Disease?
"i liHy-ortlna(lt) tnenouiKl lnlWcr luiil kltloe).
; r" r )o.irs rf tlii!irriiibful ilni torlnff. II. worlli
I tJj .l Ikjx." bam'l UodM-e., Williiuil.tciMii, Went Va.
ti Aro you Constirmtod?
"Iv!fltlP.Voi t rn'itio rtr r.n untiotn nit rnrnl
liiia after lOjonri nj of other Mdlrlnetf "
..tion i-uu'jijuU) bi. Aiouns, i.
J ,IHilnfty.'ort tun dono Utter tltin any otlior
3 rom'.dy X Jiao cur used tn mr nractlri-."
nr. it. jt ,iaiu, douiu iiuro, i.
Are you Bilious?
"Ikldncy-Wort Iiah dcmoino mum trood than, nnv
gotlicr rcucdy 1 hivo er taktn."
sun. tit i. uiiuuj , i.ia. i iai, vrfffun.
Areyoutormonted "with Piles?
i "Kldnoy-Wort jvrmanentlp cvreit mo rf Mi-tllnff
I yllos. Dr. W. in.n ieo.m uc. ji d tt to me "
Are you Rheumatism racked?
i "KJdm y-wort ciind mo. niur 1 waj jrlvcn ti;i tu
( dio ty I'liyaiclam and I J.nd mitTf red tliln j con."
i UUrldjo Malcolai, VYcbt tatli, Maine.
Ladies, aro you miffering?
"Kltliii'f.Woi t on led mo df iiffuliiir trouLlea of
I' e eroi years btindint;. JIauv frumH uso and nmio
fclf you would Banish Disease
i ana gain ieutn, xaico w
Tiir. ULootJ Clcanscr.
ThcScicncoofLifo, Only $1
i M
llxliausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Debll,
lty, l'lviunturn Dttluio lu Man. Krrors or Youth,
and the untold miseries resultlnir from lnill-cin.
Hon or excesses. A book for i!irv innn. nmitr.
iiilitdlc-agi'd and old. It contains VX pieserlptluns
for nil ncuto nml chronic diseases, each one or
which U Invaluable, bo found by the Author, whoo
experience foril years Ufcucli us probably never
ui-iuiu u-u iu mu iul ui any iiiiyMci.iu. auu pages,
bound In beautiful 1'iencli muslin, embossed
covers, tull irllt. L'Uaranteed to bo a liner work- In
every sense mechanical, lltcrniy ami prolesstonal
than any other H oil; sold In this country rorfJ.50,
or the money win bo reiuuded In every liiitance.
l'rlco only l.oo by mall po,t-pald. Illustratlvo
sample u cents, send now (,ofd medal awarded
the author bv tho National Medical A&aoelatlon, to
the oillcers of which ho refers.
T hcselenco o Lire thould bo read by tho youn
for instruction, and by the mulcted for allcf. it
will benellt all Uimitm Ltuuvt.
There H no member or hoolety to whom Tho
rccncu ui l.liu m mil uu useiui, wueincr youui,
ji.ui.-ui, uaiiii.ui, insiiuciurm eieiv)m.iu. .w
autut ut.
Address tho Pcabody Medical Institute, or I)r
W 11 1,.i-Lie Kn .1 lliilt),,,,), w,.v. ,..UJ
who may bu'eonsulled on all llseasei re'iiilrin'i
skill and oxneilence. chionlo and obstinate Ulseav
es and that nave b.itiledthu i i 1.1 , skill of
another physicians n spo L'l lui li clalty.
Mich tiealed bucceaslul rp I i ' o i.y 1 ly
wltboulan Ins'nncout 1. 1 1 J rl rj 1 i V fall
uie. .Mcmiuu inij nanei.
dee. is iw d
A fYV.NTfi for Lucrative, Ileallhy, llunorable,
auun io,t Permanent busliufs apply to
devl3-lw a
and Children.
Caitorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Hour Ktoinaeh, IHarrhcea, Krucbition,
Kills Worms, gltea kkep, und promotes dl-
Without injurious medication.
&c. An IuHtiuitancous I'aln-
'k on Manhood
nnntii ( Inn..
TH Cnrltma Kre I How fast the yours
Hue up about the heart,
Choke with Ihclrilusl the fount of tears,
Ami kill life's better pari.
How (ait the lido of time devours
Yontli'n s'lluing fields ol morn !
Hoiv soon where onco wo dreamed of flow'ri
ltolls a gray sea forlorn.
Tl Cluhtmai I'.vo I The MciseJ tlras
When Heaven leans ancar,
Tu sliaro the inimlo of the elilmc
With earth's untuned ear I
The blessed time when children gucM
The truth of Heaven's Joys i
For tUula ciaus comes donn to bless
Their tiopc9 with eatthly toys.
Your dreami,dar child, of toy and rlay
Arc bright ai ilreami mijr be
And )le enough tlic coming day
Each wlsli fuiail'd may see,
When, with a heart adauco with Joy,
Your little bands unfold
The rapcr crl'p that hldci the toy
More coveted than gold.
Ah, shall wo neverfcel agalu
That bliss of early days,
When In the dusk, with eyes aslraln,
Their heads the children raise i
And dimly In the wintry light,
While Joy bolls nil the air,
Find each dear wish Is ii'ii.vered rlgbt
Upon tho bedside cii.ilr ;
But soon the dream of eajier weeks
Unprofitable seems j
And doll that blinks or lamb that squeaks
Must go tho way of dreams ;
And soon the restless love, grown faint,
No thrill of rapture feels,
In giaco of form, orglon of paint.
Or cunning work of wheels.
Yet at tho children's festival
Let them rejoice awhllo i
Though soon the new-found rapture U
Hcet Is the early smile.
And sweet It Is to heart" grown old,
That Ruch surpasilng Juja
Mill linger, alluudlinnied their gold,
About the dear old toys.
A Curious Christmas-Box.
"Tell Mr. Wnruo I wish to neo him,'
said tbo senior partner of Docket!, l'oola
and Co., to tho clerk who opened tho door
inretponso lo his ring. Mr. W'nrno np.
pcared lu n fow seconds, nud found his cm.
ployer Foinewhnt disturbed.
" Oh, 'Wnruo!" ho tnid, "read Ibis letter;
it contains nu uuprecodontod order, nud I
am afraid wo cauuot comply with it. What
say you ? "
Mr YVrtrne took tho letter without reply
ing, for, being n cautious man, ho never an
swered n question uutil ho was cerium of
tbo ground on which it was based. After n,
sileuco, during which Mr. Dockett regardod
him attentively, tho head clork bauded him
tho letter.
" Well," said Mr. Dockott, as bo folded
it, "can it bo douo?"
"I fancy wo can do it," replied Waruo.
' It's out of our way, cerlalnly : but thou,
you seo, if it can bo douo, wo'ro bound to-
do it."
"It will go out by the tirst couvouiout
mail. You bad bolter seo what you can do,
nlthongh you huve plenty of time. I'll
speak to Mr. l'oolo when ho returns, and if
ho sees no objections, wo'll forward it ia
duo courbo. Thoro'H no hurry. Thank you,
Wunie. It is for r Chrislmas-box, I sup.
Mr. Warns bowed ami smiled, nud was
just about to shut tbo door, when ho ro.
turned, and in a low- voico said :
" I bog your pardou, Mr. Dockott j but
about thoso diamonds "
"Ab', yes! Well, yon can taku them
next week; and bo sure uo ouo knows of
your charge. Do lis secret as tho grave.
I would not havo ouo lost for its value twico
told. They avo heirlooms, Mr. Wnrno.
Let ralkenbergs havo them for tho pros
eut." " Ybs, sir," replied Wnruo. " I thought
I'd mention it, for I'm a bit uneasy about
Ihoso stones."
'Oh! you need not bo ; they nro safe
e-iough. Hut you don't scorn ipiito well. Is
nuytbiug tho matter 1 "
"No, thank you, Mr. Dockott ; but I feel
n, bit depressed. I havo had a sort of pre
scutimeut a dulluoss of the heart"
"Liver, ray good friend, liver. Take
a fow days' loave ; go down to tho soa
sido. Well, perhaps chill October is not
quite tbo mouth for tho sea," ho addod.
" Hut let us seo how you nro noxt week,
and if not better, go away thon for n couplo
of days."
Mr. Waruo thauked his kind-hearted
chief, aud left tho room, Jonas Subwnyo,
the messenger, was passing tho door as he
went out. With an obsequious bow, ho
passed on.
"That follow always romiuds uie of
Criah Hcep ! " said Warne, to a fellow,
clerk. " Ho gives mo a cold chill when,
over I moot him, Suppose I am out of
" I told you that you wore as sensitive as
thoso Corsicau Brothers," returned his
friend. " Next timo you go to a theatre,
try something lively.
"Dockett thiiiks that I had bolter go
lo tho seaside for nuinsemunt," said Warno,
smiling, as be looked nt tbo fast-falling
"Must havo meant tbo annul, ' I
should think," retortod his lively frieud;
"that'H about my form, wheu I want to
' Brighten ' up.
Tho senior clerk stopped bis cars nud fled
Four d.'.ys passod, and tho head clerk had
not beeu idle. Tho commission from
abroad had beeu attended t but some dif
ficulty was oxporieuced iu carryiug it out.
Still, tbo matter was in train. Mr, Warno's
mind was more easy respecting tho dia
monds also, fur tho uoblo owner had ar
rived from abroad, and had requested thorn
lo be forwarded tu her resideuco iu '.ho
country by n safe baud. This took seme
responsibility from Ids shouldors; and an
other load bad boon lifted from bis mind
by the diMuissat of Jonas Subwnyo for
euvt'iir'qipiiig nud iusolouco when discor.
ori'd in tho net.
This incident occuired fivo days after the
conversation wo bavu related, and after
some nrrnugomenls respecting tho diamonds
bad been completed.
Jouin Subwnyo was loth to go, and vory
iusoleut wheu ho did go, It seems, bow
over, that ho tried tn obtain another situa
tion almost immediately, fur n gentleman
called upon Mr, Waruo, iu Mr. Dockott'fl
absconco, for a reforonco, Waruo, boing
unwilling to injuro tbu man, said nil ho
could In his favor, but did not disguise tho
Until, tin tho application failed. Tho would
bo employor, after some conversation on
busluoss, loft his card, aud soon afterwards
tbo ofllco,
This wai ou tho day beforo Mr. I'oole en.
trusted to Mr, Warne tho packet of almost
priceless stouos, nud the clerk's bplrits rose.
Uo bad permission to remain iu tho oouutry
over Sunday, aud on Friday morning ho
left tbo ofllce, his small but valimblo pack
ago lulug boouioly fastened undoruoatli Ida
vest, nud further ojucealod by the overcoat
ho wore,
"Oood-byo," ho said to his "funny" col.
league; "I'm oil. You will find nil the
documents ubjut that odd O.ipo cousigu-
meut lu the loft plgooii-hnlo iu my desk. It
wauled, write to mo ul W . Uood-byo.
Wo shall meet again soon."
"Good-bye," ropllod his friond. "1
hopo your trip will euro your blue 'At.
You'ro n rogular Oorsican Brother."
"I won't appear to you on tho sliding
panel with shivery music, nt nny into," ro.
torted Waruo. " How I should frighlor
you 1 Oood-byo."
' "No doubt. Tn.ta," replied tho oilier,
shaking Warno's baud warmly. "Good luck
to you."
Mr. Warno nodded, and passed into the
partner's room for final Instruction, and tc
giro a receipt for tbo case of diamonds. H
took a oordlal farewoll ot Mr. Dockott and
his partuor. At eleven o'clock be entered
tho down oxpress from the Q station.
Ha was tbo only occupant of tho compart,
meut, nud congratulated himself upon the
fact. Tho expross wna duo at W nl
3:30 p. ni.
It arrived at Its first stopping-place with.
out nccident. At 3:10 It loaehed W ,
having been delayed by n widdou disclosure
of a red light by n woikiimulu tho long II
tunuol. A portmanteau, labeled for W
won thrown from tho van, nud the train
sped ou its way.
"I Bay, BilL whose is this?" said the
porter to the ticket-taker.
"I don't know; it ain't mine. Homo
one's lost the tralu, I suppose. Here's Mr.
Spencer, perhaps bo's got n telegrn.u about
The statiou-mnstor approached nud said,
"Where's Jeffrey ? "
f, Joffroy was the ganger for tho tunnel
which was situated ou that portion ot the
lino of which Mr. Spencer was " local " in.
Tho porters had seen blm just before, and
in a short timo Juifrey cauio up.
"Why did'nt you manage things bettor
than to delay the down expross 't " tiskod
" I didn't delay her," replied the man,
" Well, your men did, in tbo tunnel ; she
was teu minutes behind. You ought to
know better by this timo. I'vo n great
mind to report It."
"Iteport It, if you like, blr," replied
tho ganger. "Nouo of my gang have
boon lu B tuntiol slnco noon to-day,
I'll swear. They're nil ou tho up boction,
yonder, this afternoon. Yo can boo for
Tbo station-mailer was puzzled. He
tnid be would seo tbo cngino-driver on
bis return that evening. As ho turned
away, tho neglected portmanteau caught his
"Not claimed ?" be said. "Put it in
tbo cloak-room till called for by tho owner,
Mac; he'll follow it soon."
Macdongal did so, and thou went to his
But tho owuor of the portmanteau never
Tho same afternoon n telegram was
received by Messrs. Dockott, l'oolo it
Co., from the Countess of J , dated o
p. m. :
"Am surprised your messenger has not
arrived. Did bo leave town as nnauged?
lleply at once."
Mr. Dockett turned pale as ha read the
telegram, nud walked hastily to Mr. Poolo'a
room. His partnor was ustouishod at his
"Good heavens, Dockett I what's the
matter? " ho cried.
" Bead that," said tho other, hoarsely.
" Warno has beeu robbod, or murderod,
or " ho checkod himself nt onco ; bis part
uor finished the souteuce.
'I Or levanted with tho diamonds?
"This will ruiu tbo firm," coutiuuod Mr.
Dockott, with forced calm. "Poor Warne!
I'm afraid he's waylaid. We must roply to
this at once. I'll go down myself, aud tola,
graph to say so."
Mr. Dockett wroto out a reply, saying
merely that " Our bouior partner will wait
upon tho Countost of J this evening,"
aud thou bo seut a clerk homo for his bag,
witli a note for bis wife, and waited.
A tap at tho door aroused biin. "Come
iu ? " bo cried.
" Beg pardou, sir," said Wurue's frioud,
Jamison; "bog pardou, sir, but there's a
man bore about that consignment to tho
" What doos ho say about it?"
" Ho says ho cau do it fur 20, couiplote,
iprings and scrown."
" Very well. When will it bo re idy ? "
"in about a lu,, mil, sir, he says."
"Make a monior.mdnui of it, thou; and
if Mr. Warne "
"Yes, sir," said tho clork, as tho chief
"Never mind," mid Mr. Dochott, check-
iug himself, " that will do."
Tbo clerk retired, drew up tho ruemoram
duin, aud gavo it to tho person iu the
"Nice job this, eh? Don't ofton have
such articles to u.ipovt, I biipposo," said
"Not often. Wu'vo had only onn be.
foro; but bouiu likes ouo thing, aud
soma another. Wo mounts bears aud mou,
keys frequent, but them others itiu't so
" Somo morbid fanoy, I bupposo,"
contiuued the mau, us lie folded up his
pocket-book, in which ho had placod tho
" Wauts It for his i,troug-rooiu,;
aud wheu auyoua as don't know, or has no
right there, then hu'll be kind o' scared, I
expect. It's n curious Christmas-box to
eend out, Isn't It?
The man laughed at tho ccaoutrio idea,
and departed.
The next moruiug but ouo, people who
read tho "agony" columns of the papors
were startled by tho announcement of
for any information that would load to the
discovery of William Wirno (described),
who had travelled frnm Loudou to W-
by tho Grout Direct Hallway, and had last
beeu "seeu lit tbo train nt Aincriug Juno
liou, nt 2:20 p. iu,," and mi on. "No oue
noticed a follow.p.wseugor iu tho compart
But the advertisement called forth no ro-
spouse, boyoud tho Jllthi information that
could bo gleaned from tho officials. Tho
stoppnge in the tunnel was commented
upon, nud this was regarded us a rcnlly bus.
plcious clrcmiibluuce, as tho railway people
positively declared thai un work had beeu
ueccbsnry iu tbo tunnel lluit uftcruoun.
Some additional light wiw thrown upon
the subject by the losttinouy of n blaunl.
man, lie bald he fancied ho saw two men
carryiug Houiothiug across tho metals that
ovculug, but ou bolug crosK-cpiestloned be
confessed to being rather umfused at tho
time, tor ha had boon doimg till nwa.'coucd
by tho ringing of tin i-lecirie tram-bell in
his cibin, and it was just thou that ho
thought ho noticed tho dark figures on tho
lino. On tho ol bar hand, no ouo clso bad
tecu any strangers ab ml, and it was nrguod
that if robbery iii.m'oi.i had beeu tho men's
objoet, limy would not havo cnciiinborod
themselves with llm body of their victim.
Ilicro was mi traen of u mruiglo lu Iho car.
lingo in which the doooaod had beeu trav-
ding. His newspaper', and ouo or two
small parcels, wero unliiiiohod his bat was
uu Iho cushion, his utnliivlla in tbo rack. It
was us great a mystery as ever, nt tho ond
of tho inquiry. No ono cniuo forward to
claim tho reward, nor was tbo Oouutoss of
J likely over again to sol oyos upon her
magnificent suite of diamonds.
Messrs. Dockott nod l'oolo wero at their
wits' end. Putliiig aside Iho tremendous
loss the Countess hid sustaluod, which they
endeavored in part lo lopalr, tho circum
stances wero so mysterious, and tho wholo
business so unprecedented Iu thoir export
rienec, that they could not bring thoir
minds to a calm consideration of tho mat
ter not yet, at lotst. The terribly suddon
death of thoir trusted cli rk, his poctlliar bo.
hat lor, bis presentiments, aud his troubled
nppoarauco about that time, gave them food
for thought. Sipposo that, after nil,
Warno had not bcou murdered that ho had
himself made nwny with tho diamonds, and
gone abroad with tho plunder I Descrip.
Hons of him had been seut to every sea.
port, and copies of his photograph, with
details, forwardod to Iho Colonics. Telo-
gropliio uoticos had boou soul to tbo Capo,
and other places iu Africa, Asia and Arnerl.
ca. The United Kingdom bristled with
amateur aud professional detectives, for tho
rownrd of ono hundred had beon supple
mented by another of live hundred pounds
tor tho jewels, or a portion of that sum for
information, witli pardou for any one not
tho murderer, if murder had been com
milled. It appeared impossible that Iho do-
liuqucut could oscapo. lint nil this wns to
no purpose, for no information could be
So tho more thnu nine days' wondor
died nwuy, nud tho mystery remained nn.
Business, however could uot wait, and
Messrs. Dockott ,t Poole 60iit nwny thoir
various consignments, and promoted Jnmi
sou to his old frieud's position. Jamison
felt Warno's death keenly, for ho nl
ways declared that Waruo had beon mur
dered for tho diamonds bo carried to
W .
About a month after his friond's disap
pearance, tho " Christmas-box," as Iho
clerks called it, was advised as being ready
for shipment, and was carried to tho strong
room ol Messrs. Dockett nud Poolo. Only
ono or two of the clorks wero in tho secret
of this curious consignment, which was no
less nu ornament than a human skeleton,
so arranged as to move upon springs, and
to clasp a person iu its bony arms, if the
fcot were trodden upon. It would shake
bauds if moved by a certain spring at the
back, nud moved its head iu assent or dis-
seut, according to tho wires touched by the
This ghastly toy was ordered by a firm in
South Africa, and considerable expenso had
beeu iucurred in ild production and nr.
rnugement. Tho figure was tried and found
to work, tho joints worn oiled aud looked to.
The skeleton was then left to itself iu the
immeuso safe, clo-rd by great iron doors,
which was built in the wdl at tho back of
tho partners' room in the house of Messrs.
Dockelt, l'oolo aud Company.
The writer wishes to stnto that this skolo-
tou Is no creation of his own brain. It was
rando to work as described, and is still iu
existence so to speak in tho owner'
All hopo of hearing anything concerning
Mr. Wnrno had bv this timo beon aban
doned. Evouts succeeded each other so
quickly iu tho world, nud in tho world of
London especially, that, except in the
minds of his rolativos, or into associates,
poor Warno was almost forgotteu. Cari
osity was occasionally moused by u para
graph, but lu less than u mouth after his
disappearance n now sensation had taken
tho placo of tho mysterious disappearance
and robbery of tho Countess of J 's ilia-
But wheu all offorts wero apparently un
availing, tho mystery w.i3 unexpectedly
cleared up.
On tho very day that tho niecbauieal
skeleton was deposited ill tho strong-room,
pending transport to tho ducks, Mr. Jonas
Subwnyo, late messenger at Messrs. Docketl
and Poolo's house, canio iu to mako in
quiries, ou behalf of his employer, as he
said, respecting cert tin bills of considerable
value. Tho young clerk in the couutiug
house, who had boon funnerly associated
with Jonas, readily gave him the informa
tion, 'and tho man walked away satisfied.
But instead of proceeding tu his supposed
employer's residence, bo took tho train n
short distanco out of town. Iu n small
house iu a northern suburb ho found n com
panion, who was waiting his return witli ill
concealed Impationco. A conference was
succooded by a complete chaugo of gar.
meats, und as night fell iho two men saun
tered blowly through tho stroets in tho di.
rectiou of the city. Ouo carried n small
bag, and tho o'.her a well-toimporedbut light
bar of Iron, which hung fiom it button in
side his coat. Thoy appealed to be Work
men connected with it telegraph company,
for tho caps which thoy wore horo corlniu
initials, which the uniniatod might con
strue into an ollieial guarantee of respecta
It was only eight o'clock whon thoy reach
ed L btroet, nud knocked nt tho dooi
of a houso it little from Dockett .t Poole'i
prcmibcs. A woman opened It, nnd do-
manded thoir business. The answer came
readily enough "To go ou thu roof, to ex
amino n loose wire." After a pauso the
woman consulted her hush md, aud ho offer
lug no objeo'.ion, tho ingenious pair us-
couded tho stairs and passod out upon tin
roof, Tbo woman seeing them safely out
of Iho houso was satisfied, and went dowr.
stairs again, whito our adventurers crept
cautiously along the parapet to tho roof o:
the huuso occupied by Messrs, Dockett auc
It perhaps Is scarcely necessary to inform
tho reader that those two goutleiuou wore
bound upon a very bold mission, it being
nothing less than tu take possession of th
bills nnd cash which, tu thoir knowledge,
wero nt that tlma depodled iu tho strong,
room ot Messrs. D.ukott nud Co, Thore
was no hesitation ou thoir part. Thoy
knew tho premises, upp'ireutly, and wer
determined tu add to Iho pluudor ulreadj
acquired, aud reuder themselves ludepoud
ent for life, Thoy had unde ouo good
stroke, uud now, lu thu true gambling
spirit, were rlbkiug nil iu Iho hope- of win
ning another substantial stake, From the
corner of uu ndjoiuiug houso they saw that
there was it light iu thu partners' room.
This Bttrprisod them.
"I hope the old man ain't g 1:114 tn up
there nil night," growled Joins SiImi).
"We can't stop porohod up hero li.'iu lum
" llo'll not bo long, I d irusiy," replied
tbo other. "Tbero! I told jo so.
put the light out. Wait n minute, you'll
hear the frout door shut,"
At that hour L stropt was al iiiMt do.
sorted, nud lu it few minutes the biu uf the
heavy door was beard, and Mr. Dookotl let I
tho house for his hums on Oiitpham Com.
" Now's our timo," said Jon-is. " Steady
and mako no noise. If the housekeeper
appears we'll tie her up. We don't want uc
lights, we dou't."
Slowly nnd cautiously tho worthy pair de
scended tbo roof adjoining, and nflcr snme
time succeoded lu raising the trap of n sky.
light. This operation occupied somo time,
but porsovernuce, n lino saw, nnd n din.
niond, will accomplish tirmy things. A
rope carried by Joins was tlion lot down
nnd nindo fast tu it neighboring chimney.
The burglars then prepared tu descend,
Jonah first.
Hush I Hush!
Mr. Dockott loft his offlco aud milked
quickly towards Litdgite Hill S.atiuu, t
caloh it certain train, but had only reached
St. Paul's wheu ho was accosted by a doiec
tivo who had bocu specially active in
the matter of tho diamond robbery.
"Glad to moot yo, sir," said tho polico
mau. "I was hardly hoping to seo you
this evening, I think I've got n clue to
that diamond job, and was going lo your
oflico to loave a note."
" I nm dolightod to hour It," exclaimed
Mr. Dockett, eagorly, " When did you find
tho eluo?"
"Only two hours ago," roplied tbo detec
tive, "nnd I'd like tu ask you a fow ques
lions but uot bore," ho addod. "Cau
you make nu appointment fur tho moru
iug? "
"Nu timo liko tho prosout," said Mr.
Dockott. "Come iu horo," indie tting n
-coffee-house, "and wo cm talk it over."
They entered tho shop, and cnilcd
for coffee accordingly. Thou tho detective
said :
"Do you know n man named L .maruos,
or Leonard, sir? "
"Yes; ho'u a uiechanical nrliBl, or nir.o
matio machinist, I forget what bo csllt
"Very well, bo's dono n job for you,
luisu't ho?"
" Yes; by order of a cliout abroad."
"Has it beeu sent away? "
', Nu; not yet. It is in our strong-room
nt this momout."
"Can I seo it to-morrow ? "
" Certainly to-night, if you like. But
Tho dotcctivos smiled.
" Excuse mo, bir, but I'll tell yon why
nflor I've bcou tho skeleton," he said.
" Well, thou, coiuo with mo aud you slmll
too it uow," replied Mr. Dockett, who was
pelting Bomewhit uxoitud at tho turu
sivcuts wero taking.
Mr. Dockett paid tho moderate score de
manded, nud iu company with tho detoctive
jelrucod his bteps to L Btroot.
"Don't ring," baid Mr, Dockott, " I havo
n key, nud I seo a light within. Tho house
keeper is clenuiug up."
Ho gently inserted thu key in tbo lock,
tho door opoued noiselessly, aud was care
fully closed. Tho light had disappeared.
"Now, gently," said Mr. Dockott; "fol
low mo closely, for you may trip over a
Then the two men quietly aud cautiously
proceoded uloug tbo passago lending to
tho partners' roam nt thu back of the prem
ises. Just then a cry of hurror aud despair
hiuolo upon tiioir cms.
This partners' room often mentioned wns,
as already stated, situated at the rear of tho
premises. Opening from It was another
apartment lighted by a skylight, which iu
its turn opened upon n wall uud a chimney
bolougiug to tbo next huuso. A small
pioco of ground, with no visible outlet, lay
beneath the wall. It was a forgotten nud
forsaken piece of laud, aud neglected wheu
its surroundings had beon built upon, aud
uuw of a morose disposition had associated
itself witli broken tiles nud egg-shells, and
such outcasts from men's society. In tho
the back wall of tho partners' room woro
two largo black iron doors, which gavo en
trauce to a stroug-ioom, ub mt tlu-eu foot
deep and six wide, divided into several
compartiueuts, aud high enough for an or.
diuary muu to stand upright iu. Hero the
cash-box uud tho safe were deposited, tho
latter uu immovable aud everylhiug-jiroof
construction, supposed lo defy burglars,
tire, aud any force that nature or art could
biiug to boar upou it. When tho ,ifo was
locked, wheu the rigid irou doors woro fas
toned by it ponderous key, nud whun that
key was deposited in n secret roceptaclo
known ouly tu n belect fow, Messrs, Dockett
and Poole considered that their securities
wero safely socurod burglars or llro, perils
from lightning or tho boa tu the contrary
notwithstanding, as per bill of lading.
But the partners had not calculated upou
tho knowledge possessed by Mr. Jonas Sub.
wayo, sometime messenger iu their cslab-
llbhmcii. Tide astute person had, by va
rious iugeulous practices, managed to pos.
scss himself ut all the ui uebsmy infornm
liou, and although his sudden dismissal had
somewhat spoiled bis pluus, he had learned
sufficient respecting tho deposits in tho
strong-room to " try Ids hick," as he ex.
pressed it. The Imprudence of tho young
clerk, aud tho Information gaiuod ns to cer.
tain deposits that day, bud determined him
to mako thu attempt without delay, aud
he had cuirled out bis plan so far with sue.
Ho carefully descended through tbo sky.
light, nud dropped lightly ujion tbo round
table beneath it. lie wus safe now. Ho
kuow ovory corner of tho rooms, aud ut
onco made for thu small irou box lot iuto
the wall, Iu which ho kuow thu keys were
kept, Tliis door boon gavo way under his
vigorous pressure, nud tho key of tho bafa
wasroidy to his hand. Striking n match,
ho lit a fragment of taper, nud thou cau.
tioiuly crossed tho room aud llltod tho key
iu the lock. The heavy doors opoued 6low.
ly, but bolug utiublo to move them with
ouo baud, Jouas placed bis lapor ou the
tuble aud pushed them back, At that mo
incut tho light fell nud win eUiuguished.
"factor mind," muttered Jonas, "lean
feel my way. I ought tu know It, at auy
iuto. what's that ? "
Ills foot struck against something, and
pressed upon it. A horrible cracking was
heard, uud before bo could step aside two
uony ami powerful anus wore tightly clasp
cd around him, nud he was it prisoner I
II wus then that he uttoiod the cry of
mortal terror that Mr, Dockott aud tho do.
tivo had hoard,
They wero at that time iilmo.- t at tho doot
of tbo room, uud nt unco rustled iu, Thoy
could, ot course, distinguish nothing; but
Mr. Dockett, cloiely foltowod by tho dotcc.
lite, hurried towards Iho strong-room,
whence somo niuftlod groans proceodod.
Iu a fow seconds Jouas was a prisouor, nud
when tho housckeopor nt length appeared
with n light, nil Iho dotulls wore easily com.
Not waiting to examine Jonas, who ap
peared to have boon frightened litorally out
of his sousos, tbo dotcctivo rushed into tho
Inner room, whoro ho had noticed tho ropo
was dangling. Suspectiug nn accomplice to
be uot far oCf, ho cllmbod up tho ropo, aud
sought upon tho roof for Jouas' ciimpau
on. After a cautious look aroitud, lie
thought ho could perceive him, nnd imme
diately gave chase. Terror inspired Iho
fugitive, nnd bo fled over tho slates and
parapets, but, missing a leap, bo fell hoav.
Ily. Ero he recovered himself ho wan a
prisoner iu the dotecllvo's powoiful grasp,
nnd securely haudcuffed beforo he realized
his position.
'This ain't it had night's wink," inutlclod
Ihe officer. " I think wo'll make something
of you, my frioud."
"Moroihauyo think, if yo'll play me
fair," said tho shivering wiclcb beside
" What do you mean ? Speak up I " said
tho policeman, "or yo might drop from
frigid over this hero parapet. There has
been fatal attempts at escapo, you know,"
ho said, grimly; "so, speak up. I'll mako
it worth your while."
"Woll, I'll trust you," said Iho other,
witli nu oath. " 1 know alt about Hint dia
mond robbery, nud where tho swag ia.
Abt I can do it bit of good yet, if Jonas is
" Ho's caught safo enough very safo in
deed," repeated tho deleclivc, scenting n
Joke Boinowhere, but uncertain wheio it
lay. "Y'os, you'll have to give evidence,
and I'll look after yon. Where is tho dia
monds?" ho asked, roughly nud suddenly.
" Iu Jouas' crib ; but I'll tell you no uioro
till I'm safo."
'Oh! don't be alarmed ; I'll bo responsi
ble for your share," repllod tho policeman.
" Now, come along." Aud bo escorted bis
prisoner to tho office, nud thoy were admit
ted by n ladder to tho partners' room.
Hero thoy found Jouas Subwnyo iu n tcr-
riblc state. His mind seemed going. Ho
muttered and poiutod to tho skeleton, which
grinned at tho success it had achieved.
But it was uot till some days ntter that
Mr. Dockett kuow the full particulars of the
Skeiotou's Itoveugo, nud tho terribly din.
inatic retributiou that had fallen upon Jonas
That unfortunate man wns still iu tho
hospital ward, aud never likely to lento Iho
prison alive. Ouo day ho sent for Mr.
Dockett, and iu tho prescuco of tho chopluin
and tho surgeon, made a full confession of
bis guilt. Iu broken accents ho relatod
bow ha had takon to gambliug, nud tbcu lo
pilfering, to pay his debts ut play nud ou
tho turf. From bad to worso bo fell, til)
tho diamouds tomptod his cupidity, nud,
with tho assistance of his accomplice, who
had already turned " evidence," ho had
caused tho temporary stoppage of tho train,
and, disguised, had murderod nud robbed
poor Waruo.
A thrill of horror pervaded tho listoncrs,
aud tho doctor asked, inuid an nuxious si
leuco, " What did you du with tho poor
man's remalus 1 "
Jonas wns silent for n moment, but, bo-
iug exhorted by tho chaplain, roplied, iu a
tcrriiied whisper, " Wo sold it for tho skelo-
tou to " Ho slopped, lookod at Mr.
Dockett, and covered his face with hil
trembling bauds.
"Great Ilea veu! is it possiblo? " criod
tho chaplain. "Thon, that that mechaio
nl skeleton, tho cause uf your arrest, was
really tho remaius of your victim."
Tho mau rose to spo.ik, then oxtouding
his nrms, a look of horror ou his face, ns if
to keep off tho apparition he dreaded, ho
fell back dead!
"May tho Lord havo mercy upou him I "
prayed tho chaplain. "Tho ways of God
tire indeed past lludiug out."
There is littlo moro to add. Tho dia
monds wero found, thauks to tho assistance
rendered to tho police by tho accomplico ot
Jonas Subwayo, who, iu nccordauco with
tho promise, but very unwiliiugly, was per
mitted to go at largo with a sharo of tho re
ward, provided ho uovor returned lo the
United Kingdom. Messrs. Ooukott aud
l'oolo aro still alivo ; uud it was from tho
juuior partner that I, the writor of this
story, obtained the leading particulars of
this Curious Cliristiuas-Box forwarded to
South Africa.
Tin: ei(i.uti:i"ri: i.uxuky.
Wo havo tnkeu paius to tell onr readers
what cigarettes are made of. Tho state
ments wero bused on woll-kuowu facts,
wlticb nro coutiunally corroborated by inci
dental ovideuce liko tho following. Says a
Now York city exchange :
A littlo red-hoaded It-ilhu boy, who gavo
his iianio ns Frauds Chicabau, aud who said
ho was oight yoars nlil, was brought bofora
Justice Whito at the Harlem Polico Court
recently, charged with belug a vagraut. Ho
was barefooted nnd had ou ragged clothing.
He spoke English very imperfectly. Tho
ofllcor baid be found tho boy gathering
cigar-stumps from tho gutter aud sidewalks,
uud'showed Justice White a basket half
flllodwith tho butt of old cigars covorod
with mud and w.iter.suikod.
"What do you do with thorn? " asked tho
" I sell them to a mau for ton cents a
pound," replied tho boy; "but I don't
know his uamo, nud thoy nro usod iu
makiug cigarettes, llko thoy sell iu all tho
Tho ofllcor corroborated tho child's state
ment, nud said that there were many boys
and girls scouring tho city iu search of
stumps and half.siuoked cigars. Thoso
were first dried nud then sold to various
persons who used them lu making cigar,
ettes. Chicago Ky.
Thon raayost bo sure that ho who will in
prlvato toll thco of thy faults is Ihy frieud,
for ho advonturos thy disliko, nit doth haz.
ard thy lintred; for thoro nro few mon that
cau eudtiro It, every man for tlw most part
tlelighllug iu self praise, whiouis ono of the'
most uulversal follies that bowitcheth mau.
A crowd is not rompnuy, nud faces nro
but a gallery of pictures, and talk but a
thinking cymbal, whoro thoro is no lovo.
To bo perfectly Just is nn nttributo of tho
llviuo nature; to be so to thu utmost of oui
Abilities, is tho glory ot man.
Instead ol being no many grncoful
oHifimcnU at tho irmrrtago ceremony, as
nowadays, tho liridenmids lu olden times
had various duties nssigtiod to them.
Thus ono of tho principal tasks was
dressing tho brido on her woddinp; morn
ing, when nny omission in tier toilet wns
laid to their charge. At a wodillug, too,
wliero it was nrinngod (hat tho brido
should bo followed by n numerous train
of her lady friend, it was tho llrst brlda
maid's duty to play tho part of a drill
mlstrcsK, "sizing" I'.icm eo that "no
pair ia tho procession woro followed by a
toiler couplo." Him vtw also expected to
reo that each bridemuM wan not only
provided with n Hjiriir of rosemary, or o
floral posy pinned to tho bratstfolds of
her dross, but had n symbolical oliaulot
in her hand. In many parti of Germany
t is still customary for tho bridemaids to
bring tho myrtle wroatb, which thoy
havo subscribed toiretlior to imrchaso on
tho ntipti tl ovo, to tho houo of tho brido,
nnd to removo it from her head at tho
clofse of t.'io wedding day. After this had
ten done, tho brido is blindfolded, nud
tho myrtle wieath being put iuto her
hand sho trios to placo it on tho head of
ono r.f her 'bridpmnid't as they dnnco
mound her; for, in neoudatico with nu
old bolirf, whoever sho crowns is mtro to
bo married within it tear from that date.
b may bo imagined tint ceremony is tho
sourco of no small axcitcmnut, each
bridemnid being naturally nnsious to
follow tho cxnnipln of tho bride. Re
furring ouco moro to tho bridal wreath
nml ohaplet, i is ntill n current notion in
many jiarts of our own country that tho
biido m removing these must tuko
special caro that her bridemaids throw
nway evory pin. Not only is it nfllrmod
thnt nnsfortuiio will overtake tho brido
ho retains even ono pin usod in hor
mniringi! toilot, but woo also to tho
bridemaids if they koep auj- of them, ns
their prospects of mm l ingo will bo thero
by materially lessened.
Tho extremely nu'ri'iv qualities of the
coconnut nro compara'ivcly littlo under
stood, yet for sust:vniig Hfo nud vigor it
will compare most favorably with tho
best known food products of tho vegetable
garden. Tho Fiji 7'"ie, in calling at
tention recently to thi fact, rotates nn
instance of a vessel which onco left San
Fiaucisoo with -100 passengers for Syd
ney. Running short ot stores they wero
obliged to put iu nt Samnfv wliero n
largo quantity of eocoaiiuts waro ob
tained ; tho remainder of tho passage
was attended witli heavy weather, nnd
tho vessel became water-logged, only
reaching Sydney after n perilous journoy
f eighty days. Owing to tho oxlremo
length of tho voyaqo their provisions ran
out, and men, women nud children wore
reduced to an exclusive dint of cocouuut ;
and owing to tho scarcity of thoso tho
quantity apportioned was in tho ;ro-
portion of ono cocoanut to each ndult.
Notwithstanding this diet, wholly un
relieved by auy change, not it lifo was
lost and not n single c.vo ot illness oo
curred, all tho passengers landing in u
healthy nnd well-nourished condition.
Another instance is mentioned in which
two men drifted in u whale-boat upon
Quario Island, whero they remained for
seven years befoio they wero rescued.
Thoy had no food exenjit coeoanuts, varied
by nn occasional ilying llsli, mid yet,
when rescued, weio in nxoellent con
dition, and had gained iu weight.
snts. liovrirs uaiti.i: hymn;
Tho greatest poem of thu war was writ
ten nt Washington by Julia Ward Howe,
under thotitlo of "Tho Battle Hymn of
tho Republic." It is sung t thn tutio of
'John Brown," and eommoncos, "Mine
eyes havo seen tho glory of tho coming
of tho Lord." Mrs. IIowo wroto it early
ono morning, and it is said bIio penned it
with her oyes shut. Tho night before
sho had beeu out riding iu tho country
near Washington aud her party had nar
rowly escaped being captured by a troop
of Confederates. As they camo into
Washington they sang "John Brown's
Body," nnd thotuuokopt ringing iu MrR.
Howe's head nil uigbt- When sho awoke
befoio daylight alio begun to tnnko verses
to it, and iu tho fear that she would for
get, them sho wroto them off, nccording
to n habit she had formed to save her
eyes, without looking nl thu paper. Mrs.
Howo is Btill living and sho ranks among
tho leaders of tho woman's rights move
ment. Speaking of "John Brown's
Body," tho tuuo itself is nn old Methodist
camp meotiug tuuo and tho words were
adapted to it by a gloo club of Boston in
1801. It was first published at Charlos
town, Mass. Captain Jamos Qrecnleaf,
an organist of tho Harvard Church, sot
tho notes for mti3io nnd it Massachusetts
regiment mado thorn llrst notod by sing
ing them at Fort Warren iu 1801.
jai'am:si: risii.
At Numnta, n town of about four
thousand iuhabitauts, wo scoured spooi.
mens of tuo "nl," n celebratod Japanese
fish belonging to tho Salmouidto (the
Saimo nl'i'2b of authors.) Thoso fish nro
caught in a peculiar manner. After
whipping tho stream with Hies, ns for
trout, nnd securing n fish, n flue gut line
held in tho hand ; trailing behind tho
fleh, thus fastened, which is simply a
decoy, aro several bright hooks, which
flash in tho sunlight ond attract other
Sfih. Tho decoy is now gontly led up
tho stream, nnd tho fish, in dartiug after
It, Ret snagged on tho hooks.
CKcintMAituiAoi; i.v cousins.
The yinrvnlcut idiu that tho offspring
of tho iutormnrriago of first cousins nro
specially Ihblo to bo bolow tho nvorgo,
intellectually and physio-illy, is not found
to bo sustained by good ovidonce. Mr.
Q. II. Darwin, iu a vory carefully pre
pared paper, road beforo tho Statistical
Socioty, comes iu the conclusion, ns tho
result of closo comparison of all tho
records available, that tho evidence will
uot "ouablo auy ouo to say positively
that tho marriage of first oousiiis has any
offset iu tho production of insanity or
idiooy With rosjioot to deaf
mutes, thoro ia no ovidonoo whatovor of
any ill results neoruing to tho offspring
iu consequence of tho consulship of their
paients." And again; "It teuds to in
validate tho ttlloged excessively high
do.Uli-rato among tho oflspriug of
cousins." Aud ouuomoro; "Tho safest
verdict sooms to bo that tho chargoM
against oonsauguiucous marriages ou this
head is not proven."