The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 19, 1884, Image 3

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' The Columbian.
Correct Itutlroiul Time Tnlil J7"
Trains on tho Philadelphia .t It- It, leavo Hunert
as follows i H
6:0 n. m. li-M a. m.
1:0(1 1. m. W3 i). in.
Tralnson tho 1). L. ii W. II. It loavo llloooisbuni
in follows i
T:03 ft. 111. Bros a. m.
11.01 a. m. ll:M a. in.
0:3(1 1). in. 4::io p. m.
The 8:38 a. tit. train connects at Northumberland
'villi tholh'tt train on renusylvauu road, rcaclilnir
Vltllauelplila at 3:lo p. tn. 8
Tho 11:03 train connects with Iluladclphla and
Heading load at llupcrt rcaelung rtillaael
plila ut COO p. m.
Tlio 11:59 train connects with 1'nmsylvanl.i road
at Northumberland nt 1:50, readily I'liiiadeliilila
nl?;S5l. in.
Tho 4:3(1 p. in. train connects with I'ennsjlvanla at .Northumberland ut 8:o5 p. In., and readies
nuiailclplila at 3:u5 a. in.
Trains on tho JT. & W. 11. Hallway pass Mooin
Kerry us follows I
NoiiTit. ' roini,
11.S7 a. m. 12:01 p. m,
6.30 p. 111. 4.15 p. in.
Cluli UntcH lor 18R3,
Tlic New York World Is ticknowlcdgcil
to be tho lending Democratic paper In Un
united States. Everybody oujlit to take a
city paper in addition to 11 local one. We
have mado arrangements with the Weekly
World to club with tho Columbus.
price ot the Weekly World is $1.00. On
reoclpt of $3.20 we will send the two pa.
pers to any address in the county, for one
year. Clubs of five persons at omi post of
fice can get them for 4(10,00 II ordered nt
011c time. This Is n very liberal oiler, and
Is made for the purpose of extending our
circulation and not because there is any
money In It.
We do not believe in the thiomo busi
ness. All the county newspapers nre pub.
llshed nt rnttis so low that the margin of
profit Is very small, and unless all subscri
bcrs pay up, tho loss is nearly equal to the
profits. Wc consider that our readers get
the full worth of their monoy out of this
paper at 1.50 a year, and wc cannot af
ford to give every subscriber a gold watch
or a piano, nt that price. But we will do
this s Every subscriber who will pay up
nil arrearages and one year in advance will
receive for one year, Good Cheer, a monthly
paper devoted to the interests of home and
family, nnd containing much valuable
reading matter. A sample copy can be
seen at this olllcs. This oiler will stand
only for a limited time, and nil who wish
to get $2.00 worth for S1.G0, should attend
to it ut once.
Col. S. Knorr has gone to Floiirta.
Willie lUshton took tho prize in the bar
rcl racu at tho rink last Thursday night.
lion. C. 11. Buckalow attemkd court at
Wllliamsport this wsek.
Judge Elwcll held court in Danville this
S. M. Hess va9 married on Tuesday
evening to Miss lluodn Lyons of this town.
Itev. 5Ir. Heller of Adamstowu, Mary
land will preach in the Reformed church
on next Sunday morning.
Itev. O. II. Strunk, bade farewell to his
many friends in this place on Monday
Winter Caps in all styles nt Lowenberg's.
HicriiT Mourey took Jones and Meyers to
tho penitentiary last week, Thursday.
Au exchange remarks philosophically :
If a man's religion is pretentious on Sun
day and obscure on week days, you had
better do business with him on a cash
Candles, Toys, and Holiday Hoods at
Large crowds attend tho skating rink
nightly, and It is getting to be a fashion
able resort. Excellent order is preserved,
good music is furnished, and there is al
ways lots of fun for everybody.
For Pretty Overcoats for little hoys, go
to Lowenberg's.
The Clymer Family, consisting of the
father ami seven children, gave tin enter
tainment at tho Opera House Inst Saturday
night. The performance was eood, but
the; audience was small.
Whitman's Fino Candies, the best in the
maiket, at Phillips'.
The choir at tho Episcopal church has
been enlarged to a double quartette, and is
now rehearsing Christmas music. Warren's
Te Demn and Wels' Gloria Palri nre Inclu.
ded in the programme The Christmas
.service will begin nt 10 o'clock, a. m.
For the nicest and cheapest Christinas
presents go to II. L. Low's Fancv store at
Tho work of placing the new town clock
in position is In progress, and it will not
be long beforu wu can tell tho time of day,
by alght. There Is nn automatic arrange
ment by which tho clock turns the gns on
, nnd oil nt tho proper time.
' Go to the Peoples' Drug and Book Store
to buy your presents for Christmas.
Remember the poor. While making
leudy for our Christmas festivities at home,
let us not forget that a little of our means
bestowed upon thoso who by reason of
lack of worldly goods arc unable to pur.
chase for themselves any of the luxuries of
life, may make their Uvea happy for a day
at least. It Is more blessed to give than
to receive.
The largest Stock of llobcs, Lap Blank
ets, go to Loweuberg's.
Tho demand for thu Paul E. Wirt Foun
tain Pen is constantly growing, and Its
success is limy esuiuiisneu. JSvcry one
who has used It testilles to Its excellence.
ami to Its superiority over all other fouu
tain pens. It is so simple In construction
that It cannot get out of order, nnd writes
Hko any ordluury gold pen. Tho lnvcutor
has done a good thing for tho public.
Christmas caudles, toys uud neauuls.
wholesale uud retail, at tho post otlleo at
Orangevllle. uieaper man tho cheapest,
At Methodist church, Stlllwuter, Decem
ber 24th, Christmas Eve, u cantata of St.
Nicholas visit to the school will bo given.
This cantata wherever rendered has re
ceived great comjieudatlon from both
press and people, there being solos of every
class uud character calculated tu please
and instruct ull that may bo present. They
a-lll bo assisted by Blind Charlie in hU
iiutnorous novelty performance. Do not for
ct thu place and date. Admission; adults
J5cts., children 10 cts.
425.00 Pjmsiwt Qivk.v AwAt, Wo will
give to every person buying ono dollar's
worth of goods from now till January 1st,
1835, a ticket -entitling them tn a chuuee at
thl. Immlsonio present, which will be given
nwuy on ubove date to thu person holding
.he lucky number. II. J. Claiik & Bun.
A Christmas entertainment will be given
In Hie Lutheran church on Christmas Eve
(Wednesday) consisting of n cantata cn.
titled "Catching Kris Krlnglc."
leder has received another lot of Imported
Singing Canaries.
Tho Jury in tho caso of Hess vs. Putter
son, which occupied all of last week, gave
a vtrdlct for the plalntlfl of $212.75. The
costs amount to sovcral hundred dullnrs.
Jicoby sells shell oysters -10 to CO cents
n quatt. Tub oysters 25 to 40 cents 11
'purl, nccordlng to quality.
Blight change has been made recently
in the running of trains on the 1). L. t W. The correct time for Blooinsburg
will bo found at thu head of our loeal page.
The tahlo on tho 4th page will be corrected
next week.
U Gross & Co., opened a new store In
Sharpless' building, room lately occupied
by J. Keller, on l!Hh Inst. Lamps, china-
ware, notions, &c, will constitute the
James Klsnor of Miidlmu township, was
In town on Monday. He nnd his utices
tors havo always been on the right side.
Ills father was in the American urmy du
ring the Revolutionary war, nnd Mr. KIs
ncr himself Is a staunch Democrat.
A Goon Ciiiust.mah Pumhst. A Paul E.
Wirt Fountain Pen. Price $2.C0. Office
11 C'oi.uMiUAK building.
Dec 12-2 w
Tho remains of Paul Cndman, son of
John Cadmau of Orange township, were
brought hero from Plymouth nnd interred
on Sunday afternoon. An injury to his
foot resulted in gmgrenc, nnd then typhoid
fever set In, nnd he died on Friday. His
age was twenty.four years. Ills wife sur-
vlvcs him. She is a daughter of William
Lost. A small water Spaniel splayed
bitch, witli red cars and back, front legs
rliltit with small coiirh flnnln. Anv tn-rsnn
having, or knowing of such n dog will
please return or make known to
ksi.f.t Knoiu:,
Iiloomsburg, Pa
Toys t ToyH I Toys I
Thousands of them of every description,
size and price. Christmas tree ornaments,
confectionery, and lots of nice tilings for
the Holidays, at W. II. Gilmore's.
St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran
Church at Cntawlssn wits dedicated last
Sunday with imposing ceremonies, Rev. E.
A. Slmrrctts, of Espy ; Rev. M. L. Shlndel
of Danvlllo : Rev. F. P. Manhardt, of
Iiloomsburg ; Rev. J. V. Bodlne, of Fow
lcrsvllle, and Rev. E. A. Llscnring, of Lew.
isburg, were present and tool: part In the
services. Special preparatory services
were held since Wednesdiy preceding, and
sermons delivered by Kcv. R. E. Wilson,
ot the Methodist ; Rev. O. B. Dechant, of
the Reformed, and Kev. J. II. Nclrann of
the Lutheran uimrcli. 1 lie ceremonies
concluded witli a sacramental pennon by
the Rev. E. E. Lcisenring, of Lewisburg.
Somethim; now, call and see them, known
as the Flower Song Series also Mistletoe
Memories gotten up to take the place of
Christmas Card3, for sale at the People s'
Drug nnd Book Store.
We arc obliged to decline to publish a
set of resolutions ot condolence this week,
a they come trom a point outsldo of the
county nnd arc accompanied by no prop
osltion to pay for their insertion. As a
general thing such resolutions nre of no in
terest to the public. They nro always got
ten up in stereotyped form, commencing
with "Whereas it hits pleased an all-wise
Providence to remove from our midst,"
Ac., nnd winding up with a command that
they be published in the county papers
gratuitously. Newspapers nre always
willing to publish death notices under the
proper head, without charge, but to ask
them to give u quarter column or more to
the same set of resolutions, every time a
member of a secret society or a Sunday
school dies, is rather too much. Such res
olutions and obituary poetry nre inserted
In the Coi.u.MMAX at ten cents a line, and
the cash must accompany the copy.
'fake the ciilckctiM icicle.
Bentos, Dec, 10th 1884.
Mi:. Eiutoi: I Last week my chicken
coop was visited and about fifty chickens
taken. Tho parties are known nod If they
bring tho chickens buck, or the pay for
them soon, tho matter will not be"exposcd.
B. F. Savage.
For real Seal Skin Caps, go to Lowcn
Xlicy I.IUC tliel'uzzluH., Dec, 1 1834.
Editoh Columiiun :
The puzzles which appear in tho Btmton
correspondence In our estimation aro the
most interesting ns well m Instructive mat
ter to which the space they occupy could
he assigned. We shall bo pleased to no.
tico them in every issue. Solution to last
puzzle, "Cleveland and Hendricks."
Osn of the Boys.
A Gukat REDUonoit. C. C. Gallnnan of
the Opera House Stove Store, has still on
hand a few more lino heating stoves which
he is offering nt cost. Call and examine
Holiday IvxciirHloiiTIekctH, i-ciui
Nylvaiila Itullroiid.
As has been for jeurs customary, tho
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will placo
on sale during tho Christmas und Now Year
holidays excursion tickets between all
principal points on its main lino and the
Philadelphia. Wilmluzton nnd Baltimore.
and Potomac Railroad, Northern Central
Railway, and est Jersev Railroad. Those
tickets will be sold on December 23d, 24th,
25th, 30th, aud 81st, 1881, and January 1st,
1885, and will bo good to return until Jan
uaryGth, 1885, inclusive. For nuy addi
tlonal Information inqulro at ticket olllce
of the company.
If you need any thing in thu lino of
a. t,i. v. um t1ftll.ll Ul illlj IIIHUIU Ul JUTV
elry, sliver ware, &c. Call at L. Bernhards.
11... ..,.1.1 .. ..,.!. .!!.. ... J..
Jewelry btorc, nnd get tho best for your
Notice To Tax Collector).
An act of the Legislature and approved
June, 2nd 1881. (Seo pamphlet laws, page
45) requires tax collectors, township and
borough olllccrs to make return of seated
and unseated lands upon which no pro
perty can ho found from which to mako
taxes, to tho County Commissioner on or
beforo the first day of January next, witl
a sumcicni inscription by bouiiilriea or
otherwise, of cacli separate lot or tract aud
about tho quantity of the same. Those
who fall to make returns by said day will
be held lor such loss. Taxes so returned
becjmo it lien against tho property so re
turned. Wo havo blanks on which these
returns nre to ho made and will furnhli
them upon application of collectors,
John 11, Cabby,
Corn's. Clerk,
Commlsslonei's Office.
Nov. 14th tf.
On Monday evening about fifty guests
assembled nt tho home of the Caswell Bros,
on Fifth street, upon Invitation ot Mr. J.
M. Staver. It appears nn agreement had
been mado that If Cleveland should bo
elected President, Mr. Mnvcr was to haro
tho privilege of entertaining Invited guests,
while it Ulalne was elected It should full to
Mr. E. C. Caswell. Of course the lot fell
to Mr. Btavcr, unit he gavo a grand Clevo
land oyster supper, A number ot Repub
licans were there, nnd some remarked
thnt they enjoyed tho lino Cleveland oys
ters, hut thought they were elegantly pre
pared by a Republlcnu cook. Upon In
quiry wc learned that It was not a Repub
lican cook. So wo must conclude that
they were lino Cleveland oysleis prepared
by an excellent Cleveland took. A very
pleasant evening wan spent, and the Re
publicans consoled themselves by encour
nglng Mr. Caswell to renew his agreement
for the next Governor's election, nnd they
thought they would enjoy dome oysters up
on his Invitation.
For Silk Mulllors, go to Lowenberg's.
Tiik Mechanical News for Dec. 15 con-
tnlns, among other features, a full-page Il
lustration nf the new Illustration of the
new tdeclrlc light ut llnllett's Point, by
which tho dangers of Hell Gate arc dispell
ed : and n nvip Is given, showing the
new route which It Is thought the com.
mercc of New York may hereafter take.
Tho Mechanical News Is among the oldest
nnd most popular Journals of Its class,
being now near thu close of Its fourteenth
year of publication. It Is a slxtecn-paec
paper, Issued twice a month, and every
number is replete with valtioblo matter nnd
choice Illustrations. Its topics nre of di
rect interest to mechanical nnd industrial
readers, nnd nre treated, not in a technical
nnd abstruse, but always In a plain and
practical style. The publishers liavonn-
nounced that every person who sends one
dollar (the subscription price of the paper)
before Feb. 1, 1885, will receive the Me-
chnnlcnl News ono year, aud cither n G00
page Dlctlonnry or an Cyclopedia,
whichever he may choose. The Diction
ary or Cyclopedia is a free gltt to the sub-
scrlber, who Is only required 'o send, with
his dollnr, seven two-cent stamps for pos
tagc for the book. Tho offer Is most lib.
eral, and every mechanic should send for a
sample copy of tho paper, which will be
mailed to him free, containing a full de
scription of the valuable books between
which lie is invited to make his choice.
Address tho Mechanical News, Jus. Lcffel
& Co., Publishers, 110 Liberty St., New
ClirlKtmtiH Uaoil-.
Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums,
Scrap Books, Scrap Pictures, Books for
children, Stationery in Plush boxes, Plush
mirrors, Picture frames, Shakespeare cal
endars, Plaquss, Pocket bosks, Purses,
Cigar casos, Ash receivers, Paper weights,
Inkstands, Games, Easels, Writing desks,
Work boxes,Glove and Handkerchief boxes,
Jewel case, Card cases, Thermometers,
Lutheran Book of Worship with tunes,
Episcopal Prayer Books and Hymnals, and
many other goods suitable for Chiistmas
presents, at very low prices.
Our line of CHRISTMAS nnd NEW
YEAR cards is larger and cheaper than
ever before.
Columbian Siop.e.
unicinl HotidH.
The newly elected county olllccrs have
all filed their bonds in the Recorder's of
fice, and they have been recorded.
William H. Snyder, Prothonotary, gives
bonds in the nggrcgato sum of $15,000,
with tho following sureties : Jacob Snyder,
J. B. Harman, O. A. Megargell, G. S.
Fleckcnstlnc, William Delong, A. B. Her
ring, C. W. Low, Samuel Zimmerman.
G. W. Sterner, Register & Recorder,
gives bonds amounting to $15,000, with
Ira Davenport, G. A. Herring and William
Krickbaum as sureties.
P. A. Evans, Treasurer, bonds in tho
sum of 525,000, with I. W. McKclvy, D.
Lowenberg, M. G. Hughes and J. A. Fun
Eton us sureties.
Stephen Pohe, Commissioner, bond in
52000, with J. S. Hngcnbuch aud G. A.
Herring ns sureties.
Washington Parr, Commissioner, bond
in $2000 with Jesse Mcnsch and Christian
Small as sureties.
Eli Mcndcnhall, Commissioner, bond in
S2000 with I. L. Edwards, I. W. McKclvy
nnd J. J. McIIcnry ns sureties.
J. M. Moorhcad Esq., of Watsontown, is
visiting relatives.
Lufc Fenstermachcr Is working nt Ills
trade in Harvcyville.
Mr. I. C. Deitrick, who has been teach,
lug school near Houtzdale, is onco moro in
his native place, and will remain during
the holidays.
Mr. Chas. Spelgelmycr of Iiloomsburg,
was In town Saturday.
Mrs, S. P. Ilanly gave a dinner party to
her many friends on Tuesday of this week.
The prospects in u very slim for uny en
tertainment ilmlng the holidays in this
The wedding of Mr. Chas. Fowler and
Miss Anna Frnntz, both of this place, took
place Wednesday.
Will Fruntz, Jim Clmmberlln and Hitler
managed to capturo about ona thousand
pounds of fish lust week after the water
was left out of caniil. Among tho pile was
noticed quite a number of line pike and
Small orders are still being booked ut
rolling mill, and by all reports the pros,
pects aro quite favorable.
"l'ootl l'mudM" I'txpliilucil.
The articlo entitled "Food Frauds" clr
dilating through the newspapers nnd in
tended to appear as thu vlows of the press
is an advertisement of tho, Royal Baking
Powder Co. Its object Is to divert tho at
tention of tho public trom tho recent ex.
posura In tho publication of tho cortltlcatcs
of some of tho leading chemists in tho
country showing tho presence In the Roy.
al Baking Powder of Ammonia, u drug of
disgusting origin und unlit for tiso In
Cleveland's Baking Powder is made only
of strictly pure Grape Cream of Tartar,
Blcurbonatu of Soda, and a little Hour to
preserve the strength of tho mixture-, and
It docs not contain Ammonia, Lime, Alum,
or uny adulteration whatever. Were there
anything used lu Us manufacture in tho
slightest degree objectionable, it would be
nn easy matter to obtain the bona lido ccr.
tlncutcs of chemists to that effect, and the
Royal Co, would bo only too glad to pub.
llili them over tho chemists' signatures,
and not be obliged to resort to this nuouy.
mnus und contcmptlblu attack upon goods
known by themselves to bo perfectly pure.
The thousands of families throughout
the country that havo used Cleveland's
Baking Powder during tho past fifteen
years with such satisfactory results and
perfect nssurunco ot Its purity and whole.
somuo88 will not only not bo decolved by
attempted Imposition, but will bo glad to
know the source of this attack and tho
cause of it. Cleveland Dkotiikrs,
Albany, N. Y.
It is I run Hint nil nlong the pathway ot j
human progress some obstacles will como
In contact with our fostered hopes. They
nre always presented In a formidable man
ner. To some, the fortifications nro so
nearly perfect that a fit of despondency
steals over the weak, and blasts all future
endeavours to others, nil signs and pre
tenses that seem impassable, aro hut mere
shams. This class leap over thobnttlo
mcnts as though nothing wcro there. Mark
theso men who seom to lead n calm peace
ful life. Apparently, there nre no waves
to rulllo tho slumbering seas, nor rocky
peaks to exhaust the climber. But Is such
n llowcry Ufa rsal, or Is it apparent 1
It Is apparent. The fallen, who fell
through weakness, believe lt the despond
ent receive eomfort from admitting it ( and
the Biice'tisful mnn will levcal to Ids bosom
friend startling Illustrations or sorrow
caused by discouraging events, nnd of
hopes that hang on tiny supports which
seem to draw out for the formation of
themselves, the life of his being. Go to
his Held of labor, thero you will see the
sternness of tho man who conquers. Do
nppears beforo thoso who view him or so
licit Ids counsel as n man of I mil Here no.
But view him nt his lire side. Oh 1 what n
change, our stern victorious man has de
scended from the position lit which wo
saw him until he is dependent upon the
love nnd affection nf Ids wife nnd children.
Ills face now shows to be careworn. His
speech, his wnlk, and nil his attitudes arc
lutiquld. Why Is this 1 because his caloric
Is burning out, nnd soon the mnn will be
Still he strives against man nnd manly
thing, und struggles on. .Many years ho
may thus continue to fight the battles of
life, but at last, what Is It that confronts
him ? Why docs he stop and stagger back
ward ns If grasping fcr the past ? It Is be
came of the Inevitable that commnnds that
his dust shall be returned again to Its par
ent, the earth. L. J.
A Good Chuistmas Piibsknt. A Paul E.
Wirt Fountain Pen. Price $2.50. Offlce
In Columiiiax building.
Dec 12-2w
Benton was uo represented on the jury
list nt the court, but it was pretty well re
presented last week on a caso In lltlgntion.
Thu town was literally deserted on Mon
day. Hardly a quorum left to do business.
A great many liavo dum'd that mill dam
nnd will continue to dam It, we fear, until
Uie town will be inundated.
If Bruce Carey and Ira McIIenry sell as
much furniture every day us they did on
Monday a week, they have a rushing bus!
ticsi. They nre good business men, and
capital mechanics. We hardly think that
Bruce will skin his hands ns much making
furnituro us ho does catching rabbits. Ho
Is a better tradesman than sportsman. Rah
bits won't bite, Bruce.
Some farmers In this community have
done a great deal of fall plowing. From
present indications farmers can plow all
winter. Whero are tho signs for a hard
winter ? Don't they sometimes fail?
Some talk of an ox roast at Pine creek.
Save your beeves, the republican funernl is
over with long ago.
No telling which cost most, dead or live
dogs. For an experiment Hhoot one and
see. A great deal of interest may attend
the circumstance, and with as prolonged a
courtship as that which precedes a mar
Samuel Krickbaum was elghty.tlvc years
old last Monday. He is quite feeble now
in body and mind. He failed wonderfully
within n week, "Thou shnlt honor the old
Your correspondent Is frequently asked
Ids age. The readers of the CoLUMnu;
may learn it from the following i If to my
age, (on my last birthday, April 10th,) you
add i plus i plus plus plus : of my
ae, nnd 04 years more, tho sum will be
4 5-0 times my age then. Row old will I
lis on Christmas morn ? In what year was
I born ?
Frank Reefer's horiu broke loose at Cain
bra on euneselay of lust wccle, and was
homeward bound with the buggy. It was
met nnd captured, nnd taken back for
I am composed of twcnty.nlne letters.
My 1, 3, 7, 18, 14, 15 Is the name of
My 27, 23, 0, 29, 20 is thu name of a
My 17, 10, 0, 11 is also a state.
My 3, 14, 7, 5, 28, 12, 24 was President
ot the U. S. A. and Military chieftain.
My 4, "J'J, 23, 14, u, 17, l'J a great many
receive from the Government.
My 1, 25, 25, 13, 20, 8, 28, 2, 10 Is a moun
tain system.
My 20, 22, 17, 5, 21, 0, 28, 29 Is a bay or
arm of Lake Huron.
My 9, 8, 11, 27, 1, 14 wus a general in tho
My 14, 10, 13, 5, 27, 23, 29 wus alto
geneial in the army.
My 4, 5, 20, 19, 15, 0, 14, 14 was llkewlso
a general In the army.
The subject of this enigma Is admired by
all young ladles, and Is au ornament to
any community nnu to society. We en.
denvorcd to mako this nn easier puzzle
than the precedlnj ones.
John Belles lost a valuable horse on last
Friday whllo on his way home from Ply
mouth. He Is a huckster.
There Is no diphtheria in our town nt
present and wc hope the disease has sub.
sided not to return again, as thcru Is
nothing so much to be dreaded among
.Mr. Samuel Hagenbuch, proprietor of the
OriiiiECVillo hotel has been confined to his
room for several weeks by sickness. At
present wo learn he is improving slowly.
Miss Aggio Mcllck and Mrs, Davenport
are both at presont lying very dangerously
D. K Sloan has built nn addition to his
trout yard; It is a hole to go -.'.own cellar
On Thursday evening of last week Mrs
J. J, Yocuin, Mrs, E. B. Johnson, Mrs
Geo, Herring, Mrs. Hello Coleman und a
few moro of Mrs. Dr. Stoddurt'8 most lull
matt) friends gavo her a party It being her
Oysters have been selling on our streets
at tweiity.flvo cents per quart.
Thtro U just eighteen feet of mud in our
sheets llatwlsc.
Thu town is full of mugwumps made so
by forcible conviction.
'Hie merchants of our towu havo all
posted notices on their doors thut they will
not keep open on Christmas, This is an
act that deserves credit, us such a thin
has never happened in the history of this
Miss Gertie Stewart has returned homo
from Now Jersey where she hud tieeu ut
teti ding school.
The buckwheat cake season Is now
full bluet, nnd It is rumored that it Is not
exactly tho II. W, scratches thut nro around
but something a little mure genuine.
itacKets nro plenty. It was only n fow
nights ago thut hats were lost, shoes soiled
nnd tho Tonsorinl man had to defend his
rancho with n Smith & Wesson. It seems
Ornngcvlllc Is ahead.
Our mcrchnnts nppcar to bo busy nnd
our streets onco moro bear the nppcarnnco
of Hie- olden times. Crowded with wagons
to bo sure.
There will bo Christmas trees for the
children nt both churches. Tho Union
church please their little ones on Wednes
day evening und tho M. E. church enter
tains their little ones on Thursday night.
Tho rabbit has had :i season so far nf
comfurt in this vicinity. The glass ball
shootlsts have tried to worry them, It has
been expensive to tho boys but fun for the
Mr. Parvln Kitchen met two benrs In the
road near Mr. David Achcn bach's n few
nights ago; he says they were jolly looking
The deer hunters from our town were
not successful, They wcro obliged to come
home without venison, but then, that Is nil
right; almost anybody can miss n deer.
The Illstoiy of Columbia county will be
sold for $1.1)5 until January 1st. COO pages,
Illustrated, well bound, on heavy tinted
paper. This Is less than cost, but they
must bo disposed of. Sent by mall on re-
oelpt of price. Address, Tho Coi.umiiian,
Iiloomsburg, Pa.
Nov 23-4w
Court I'rocuvcll ikh.
Peter Helwlg's executors vs. Peter llel.
wig. Ejectment. Judgment for plaintiff
for lauds described In tho writ, &c, as per
paper filed.
Prothonotary's accounts of Conyngliam
twp., and Conyngliam and Centralis Poor
District confirmed nisi.
Five Treasurer's deeds were acknowl.
edged In open court.
Th'i following Bhcrlft's deeds were ac
knowledged i To Francis Evans fof lot In
Berwick for $25, sold as land of George
Drake i to I. W. McKclvy, for lot In Bloom
for $50, sold ns land of Mary Lewis ; to
same for two lots la Bloom for $200, sold
as hind of John Hooper; to B. F. Zarr for
5 tracts of land for $222, sold as thu prop
erty of U. ,1 Campbell ; to M. Kindt for
lot In Bloom for 408, sold ns the property
of John J. McCormlck.
On petition Samuel Knorr appointed
guardian of George A. Bevan.
Estate Milton Mostcller. Sale of realty
A. M. White, John W. Hoffman and Ja
cob Terwllllger appointed viewers for a
road In Mt. Pleasant near C. II. Mason's.
John Leggot, John Loro nnd Joseph W.
Eves appointed viewers for u road In Pino
township, near John BcnlleliVs.
Rebecca E. Wilson vs Jesse W. Wilson
Divorce decreed nnd amendment of reco-d
In. rc. Investment of money In estate of
George A. Bevun a minor. Court ordered
thu investment ns prnyed for by guardian.
Estate of Geo. Sliumun, Exception to
auditor's report withdrawn and report con
firmed nisi.
Rohr McIIcnry vs Wm. E. Putterson,
In thts caso n jury was drawn and tho ju
rors not impnnnellcd were discharged Fri
day morning.
Guy Jacoby appointed auditor of the
public accounts of Prothonotary and Clerk
of Courts, and Reglstor nnd Recorder.
The jurors in McIIcnry caso were ells
churged Friday evening as case was con
On Saturday morning the jury In the
caso of Ira D. Hess vs. Win. E. Patterson
rendered a verdict for plaintiff for $212.75,
Commonwealth vs A. Delley. Court
sentenced parties to pay costs us ordered
by thu jury.
II. C. Hess, J. B. Hess, D. Kocher, A.
Lnubach, E. Petcrmnn, and John W. Kile
appointed inspectors of the workmanship
of a bridge over Elk Run.
Estate Thomas McIIenry. bale of rea
lty ordered.
Estate of Daniel Raup. Sale of realty or.
Estate Thomas McIIcnry. Petition for
specific performance of contract tiled uud
citation ordered.
Margaret A. Baker vs G. M. Baker. Li
bel In Divorce. Subpoena awarded.
Eli McIIcnry, Abram Hartman and Ja-
cob Wellivcr appointed viewers for a road
In Greenwood near Millvllle.
Citation on administrators of estate of
Levi Miller awarded.
Estate Moses Everett. Sale of realty or
On application of the Dlstrict-Attorncy,
A. D. Seeley of Berwick was nppolnted a
special detective forColumbiacounty,attwo
dollars a day and mllengo while employed,
ilch is to be under direction of Court
of Quarter Sessions when sitting or by di
rection of President Judgo in vacation.
Cutawissa Deposit Bunk vs James Carr.
Judgment upon proclamation.
Estate Jacob Yohe. Petition of executor
filed to invest funds.
Now, Dec. 13, 1831, ordered Unit a ven
ire bo Issued In the Common Pleas for 30
jurors returiiablo on Tuesday tho 3d day
of February at 9 o'clock In tho forenoon.
Ordered that twclvo eauses of thoso ruled
for trial at February term aforesaid shall
bo set down for trial during tho first week
of said court. Tho subpoeuus being re
turnnble on Wednesday, the 4th day of
February ut 2 o'clock p. in. Tho causes
to be placed on tho list according to their
seniority. Causes set down for the first
week not to be ctntlnticd to tho second
week except by leave of Court. Causes
not tried or continued during tho first week
will have their place on tho list for the
second week, too same as If they had been
set down fur trial in said week.
By tub Coukt,
Camclla E. Rabb vs I. L. Rabb. Divorce
Clara Faust vs A, Hughes Fuust. Di
vorce decreed.
HOPPER.-Ou tho 7th Inst., ut Alton,
Lillian Hopper, aged 5 years, 10 months
and 10 days,
A full lluo of Tinware
Variety Store.
very low at the
Go early to I, W. Hartman A; Sou's if
you wish to mako a good selection for a
ihrlstmus present,
Stone. China aud Glassware of all varie
ties, at less thun hulf price ut tho Variety
Buy your wife a bluck Silk dress at Lutz
cu Dioaira tor a uiristmus present.
Beautiful Glass sets nt tho Variety Store
iroiii ii.i to uucis.
You will find nt .Mrs, Mulze's good bar-
gums in uie very iiuesi stylo iclt nuts ut a
reuueeu price, uiui anil see.
You can buy your Chrlstmus toys ut half
i'hku uv uie variety oiorc, uioom.
The crowd is ut I, W. Hartman A: Son's
every day looklug up presents.
Overcoats for men, boys und children at
a sucrltlco nt OrosB1 N, Y, Store.
Tt'liui Kiiklniiia ni i nn ..... .in. n..ti.
I - ....... . " M S.W.VV t'V. V H.
us wiuk. New lot fancv frames vorv eVan
ut MacKUHp & Choato's,
Wn have lust received another lnrco Una
of Ladles' Russian Circulars nnd Newmar
ket coats witli Chlldrcns' coats to bn sold
at greatly reduced to close, at Clark is
Chiistmas I Christmas I I Christmas I 1 1
will seen bo hire, nnd beforo you scluet
your present do not fall to stop at the Peo
ples' Drug and Book Store, and seo our
1,500 Hatidkeicldefs, 5 cents to (il-SS, at
W. Hurlmnn & Son's.
It you wnnt to bnv something to please
your wife go to Lutz As Sloan's and get a
Broche Shawl for her n Christmas present.
Do not fall to iro seo Clark & Son's dis
play ot Christmas goods.
Laritu stock of
Fine Shawls nt I. W.
Hartman & Son's,
Nlco lot enndv inrs sold cheap at J. B,
Eight salesmen this next week nt I. W.
Hartman Ss Bon's you are sure to be
waited upon: take vour time In lookinc
Silk umbrellas, silk handkerchiefs, linen
handkerchiefs, sowing stands, Ac, at Clark
ct son's lor presents.
Lutz A; Sloan have a largo stock of line
Jewelry for Christmas presents.
If you wish nn early choice, go soon to
I. W. Hartman it e-otrs, nnd have the ar
ticle laid away for you.
Suits for men nnd boys, hat: and caps,
trunks, Ac, will bo sold cheap nt Gross'
N. Y. Store.
Yoticnnlmvnll useful nrtlcles for pres
ents, such ns Shawls, Coats, n Silk Dress,
llhinkcls, Arc, ul (.lurk & bon's.
New nnd cleeant Christmas cards,
Prangs nnd others, at the Peoples' Book
I. W. Hartman & Son's stock of Christ-
mas goods are attracting people far and
Mr. Gross the N. Y. clothier In order to
reduce his stock has marked down nil win
ter clothing 25 per cent, and don't you for-
gel It.
New goods at J. B. Skeer's.
A nice pair of Blankets from Lutz &
Sloan's will make a useful Christmas pre
sent. An nil wool overcoat scllinir for $11.00
reduced to $7.00 at Gross' N. Y. Store.
You can como in the early train and
have hours to look throneli I. W. Hartman
At. Son's stock, and go home lu good lime.
Heavy ensstmero suits reduced from
$10.00 to $5.00 at Gross' N. Y. Store.
Christmas presents to be found at Mrs.
You can buy anything you want for the
house at prices that will astonish you at
the Variety Store.
"It would be no violation of the com
mandment," said John B. Gough, "if a
man were to full down and worship the
silk lint, for it is not mado In the likeness
of anything in heaven, or on earth, or in
the waters which nro tinder tho earth."
Besides It heats the head nnd causes the
hair to fall off. Parker's Hnlr Balsam will
stop that nnd restore tho original color to
gray or faded hair. Not oily, not n dye,
beneficial, deliciously perfumed. A per
fect hair dressing. 00c. All druggists.
Sep 10-Ct
When baby was sick, we gave hr CAB
TORIA, When she was a child, she cried for
When she became Miss, she clunr to
When she had Children, she gavo thttn
C-3"PcrfccUon. The Scarlet, Cardinal
Red, OldOold, Navy Blue, Seal Brown,
Diamond Dyes give perfect results. Any
fashionable color, 10c, at druggists. Wells,
Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt.
"liocoii on oocuns."
Ask for "Rough on Coughs," forcouzhs,
colds, soro throat, hoarseness. Troches,
15c. Liquid, 25c
"liouou ON HATS."
Clears out rats, mice, roaches, files, ants,
bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers.
15c Druggists.
Palpitation, dropsical, dizziness, indlges
tion, headache, sleeplessness cured by
"Wells' Health Renowcr."
Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns. 16c
Quick, completu cure. Hard orsoft corns
warts, bunions.
"HOUGH on pain" pop.oused plastei. ;
Strengthening, improved, the best for
backache, pains in chest or side rheuma
tism, neuralgia.
'Wells' Health Renewcr" restores heoltk
nnd vigor, cures dyspepsia hcaducho, ner
vousness, iicuinty. tjii.
whooping tocan,
and the many throat affections of children,
promptly, pleasanUy and safely relieved by
iiougn on uouniis" trocutu, loc. ; nalsmi,
If you nro falling, b
nrvnus, use "Wells'
iroken, worn out and
Health Itencwtr."
$1. Dru
If you aro loslne? vour crln on life, trv
"Wells' Health Reno'wer." Goes direct to
weak spots.
Instant relief for neurulcl.-i. toothache.
luceache. Ask for "Rouch on Toothachs."
10 und 25 cents.
rnnwT WOMEN.
Ladles who would retain freshness and
vivacity. Don't fall to try "Wells' Health
Hacking, Irritating coughs, colds, sure
Unout, cured by "Houiih on CoukIis,"
Troches, 15c. Liquid 25c.
"irouou ON 1TOH."
"Rough on Itch" cures humors.a"crun-
tlons, ring-worm, tetter, salt rheum, frost
ed feet, chlllblalns.
Children slow In development.
scrnwney, and deltciOo, use "Wlls'
three or four hours cverv nleht couehlnir.
Get Immediate relief and sound rest by
using wens- "itougii oncougiis." Trooues
15. i Balsam, 25c
Strengthening, improved, tho best for
uacKiicne, pnms in cnest or side, rncuniv
tlsm, neuralgia.
lonu beforo thev reach mlddleaire frcouent,
lv llnd, themselves suffering from some of
the complaints and weaknesses peculiar
to their sex-. For all such Kldncy.Wort is
a great boon. It induces a healthy uctlon
of tho Kidneys, Liver uud Bowels, cleanses
the system, und strengthens and gives new
me io an uiu important organs oi tint iindy.
It is nature's great assistant in establishing
nun biisiiiiiuug iicaitu, snui uy an drug
"The Squire." savs tho author of "Tho
Hoosler Schoolmaster," woro ono glass eye
and a wig. Tho glass eyo was constantly
slipping out of fecus, aud Uio wig turning
around sldowlso on his heed wheuover ho
addressed the people ot the Flat Creek
District." Sad spectacle. Parker's Hair
liiusam preserves and promotes tho Broth
ot tho natural hair. It also restores tlin
natural color to hair which has faded or
uccoino gray. Clean, elegant, beneficial
nigniy pcnumcd.
Sept 20-com Ot
riiiLArri.rnM, prccmlr 15.
For n fortnight wc have
lived in holiday air, seen holi
day sights, and felt the in
spiration of the holiday spirit.
The store began to put on a
holiday appearance as soon
as the gift-goods came.
A part of the store has
conic to be known as the
gift-quarter, because of the
glitter of gifts there for
several weeks before the
giving-time ! It is full of the
light of silver and gold and
brass and bronze and spelter
and glass, made even more
brilliant with leather and
plush and wood.
Gifts at Christmas by no
means stop at these gorgeous
things. If you look beneath
the surface, even under the
glitter of Paris, Herlin, and
Vienna bric-iVbrac, you will
see provision for a far more
serious giving.
"Look at the silk and dress
goods quarter, which puts a
double girdle almost around
the store. It is larger and
fuller of things and people.
Multitudes satisfy the giving
propensity with the stuff for
a dress.
Look at uphoh'.tery. The
giving-time suggests new
curtains, cover for lounge,
lounge itself, or whatever
may be wanting at home.
The southeast corner is full
of people; and never were
the stuffs of upholstery so
Look at laces. This dainty
merchandise of little weight
and bulk is commonly kept
in a pleasant out-of-the-way
corner. A little room is
enough. But so many peo
ple are here ; and people
must have room. Those
rows of people southwest of
the centre, a hundred at once,
are looking at laces. Gifts
of laces arc rather rare, per
haps ; but a million or two of
people are coming. All that
room is needed.
Look at linens, handker
chiefs, blankets, things to
make the bed pretty as well
as warm, down quilts, and
quilts not down. That whole
southwest corner is rich in
more than merchandise; it is
rich in rare honesty of linen.
No cotton for linen there.
How many handkerchief
stocks in all America do you
think, are free of cotton ?
How many in all the world
so rich in linen ? One would
think there had been a famine
of handkerchiefs. Only
Christm.i. . cuinmg; and
people know that where a
quarter goes furthest an
eagle is safest. Skip blankets
if you like ; but not those
quilted and tufted quilts of
chintz, sateen or silk and
down. Winter is coming as
well as Christmas. Under
that imponderable down
what lightsome dreams may
lift the burden off the com
fortable sleeper!
U we mention glass and
china, think you only of what
enriches the snowy linen of
the table? Walk a mile or
two about those islands of
beauty in the northwest cor
ner yonder, above and below.
If a gift must be useless, here
are plenty. If useful, plenty.
If rich and beautiful beyond
your thinking of use, what
better than clay ?
A book is the kindest of
gifts. It pleases, enriches,
praises; all over its innocent
pages are signs of feeling too
subtle for written or even
spoken words. Are you
thinking of gift-books ? W e
are thinking of history, poetry
romance, philosophy; the
solidest, truest, wisest, deep
est, loftiest signs of human
worth. Do you see the ta
bles and shelves and roof
above the shelves overfull
and straining under the
weight of books ? It is paper
and binding that bends the
boards. Not all book-gifts
arc weighted with kindly
meaning. A gift of a book
is the richest or poorest of
gifts according to the read
ing between the lines. A
book that is chosen only for
Christmas is empty.
Shall we turn to carpets
and rugs, and tell of Christ
mas preparations.
Shall we tell of that piece
of furniture the place for
which you are thinking of?
Of gloves ? of snug and
cheery hose ? of shoes ? of
overcoat ? of wrapper ? of
dolman ? of sealskin , beaver,
and lynx? Men do not know
what is good for them. Do
women ?
Wherever wc turn, the
gifts that bear most of the
giving spirit are gifts of use;
they may be even gifts of
homely humble use. They
are meaningless gifts that are
nothing but gifts.
The store is full of mer
chandise. It is your giving
spirit that is to make it shine
with the kindly light.
John Wanamakek.
CliMtnut.Tlilrtttnth tuj Mtuhtt llrvlll,
uj Cllr-Ill Kiuirt,
Tho tindcnIgnl executor of tho estate ot Ja.
cob J. llartzcll, Into of Heaver township, deconsedi
will expose to public silo on tho promises ot Mrs.
JncoDJ. llartzcll In Beaver towniiilp on
Saturday, Jan. 3, 1885,
at 1 o'clock I. St. tho following described real es
tate, to-wlti
First. A tract of land li Ins and bolns In Hea
ver towniiilp aforesaid, being a part ot a tract ot
land In tlio warranteo namo of Wm. (irayi and
described as follows I IlCBlnnlnp at a stone for a
corner on tlio lino of land sold to Jolin DrUsbnch,
thenco north, It degree) west su rods to a point In
tlio mlddlo ot tho old road running along tu foot
ot tlio mountain, thence alonir the mlddlo ot said
road tho four following cornra and distances
north 71 cast 13 rods, north ns east, si rods, north
tv,i east ss rods, nnd north 67 cast Mrrxls, tnsnos
nlong tlio lino of said land sold to Isaic IiroUbieli
soutli I west M rods to a stono corner, ttaenct
along tlio lino ot said lm.d sold to John DrtlibAch
outli 87'4' west 67 rods to a stono corner, tho
placoof beginning, containing (7 acres, strict
Second. A tract of land lying In the aiuio r.ei-
ver township, Columbia county, being a to a part
of tlio Wm. Uuy tract of land, ml bounded and
described as follows i Beginning at a stone on tho
top of the mountain, thenco south 15 east, 12! rods
by lands of Ainm Ultlcr, to the middle ot the old
road, thenco by tlio samo north 67 oait 13 rods,
thenco north TO y, east, St rods, thence north tZH
cast S3 rodi. thenco north 51 cast SI rod, thence
north 1 casts rods by other l-inds of said J. J.
llartzelt, to lino of lands of Drelnbach,
thenco by tho same northwardly to tho top of the
mountain, thenco south tiyt west about h rodi to
tho place of bog Inning, containing about M a'cim.
THKSlft OF sai.K. Tan percent, ot ono-faurtn
ot the purchase money to bo paid at the itrUlag
down of Ihe property j tho one-fourth 1ms tho ten
per cent, at the confirmation ot nU, and the r
malnlng throe-fourths In ono year thereafter, wrtta
lnlereat from confirmation nisi.
1). W. ZEIINKIt,
dec IS-ts Uxecutor.
lly Tlrtue ot an order Usued out ot tha Orphaa'
Court of Columbia County tho undengncd admin
istrator of Milton Slirtcller, deceased, nIUaioe
to salo on tho prctnUes on
Saturday. Jan. 17, '85.
its o'clock p. m., the following tract ot land alt-uate-ln
Urlarcrcck township, Coumbla county,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt ! On tho
east by land of. I. W. llowman, on the South by tha
road lending from icrwlck to Rtttenhouso's mill,
on tho north by road leading to Berwick, contain
ing 4 Ac5B'e5.
on which aro erected a
and outbuildings. A good blacksmith hop on Un
TEH.MS or SALE. Ten per cent, ot tho one-
fourth ot tho purcU.iso money to ba paid at tha
striking down ot tho property ; tha ono-fourtlt less
tho ten per cent, nt tlio connrnmlon of salo ; and
tho remaining threo-f ourths In one year thereafter,
Ith Interest from continuation nisi.
A. 11. CUOOP,
Jackson, Att y. Dccis-l w
To the Readers of
Westei'u Yfashing Machine
Which is now beinc introiluceil in this
apclion, and is already largely in tiso in
ilmost uvory otate 111 thu Union, coni-
mentlij itself by tlio Kiniplicitv anil caso
of its operation, anil by the good work
that it does. Tho tiiacliinn is easily
hamlli'd, anil makes 110 slop, whatever.
1 ho lollowniR testimony to its merit
will be of interest to the ladies of
Bloomsburg and Vicinity,
and all who are- interested in an im
portant improvement :
15i.oo.tsiiiT.o, li., Dec. 8, 1884.
Vuntltrgrift Mfg. Co :
We hoimht from your nsicnt. Jlr. C.
.Meat's, ono of your Kew Improved West
ern abhors. Have used it for threo
weeus anil nio much pleased with It. It
saves lahor, washes cleanly, does not wear
out inc clonics anil wonts easily, wo can
heartily recommend It to cveryonu who
has washiiii; to do. ltosp'y. Yours,
Mi:s. I'. 51. Teais.
llLooMsuuna, Pa., Dec. 8, 18S1.
TiinaVr-yrift Mf, Co. :
Camden 5Iears, A cent : I hnvo been In
tho laundry businc-si constantly during tho
past ten years, anil have tried very many
illfferent kinds of family washing ma.
chines, ono of which is the Now Improved
W?M$ fit
western W nslicr, soul ny you, nnu 1 cheer
fully recommend it ns being tho best one
for my work Hint I have ever tried. It
gives perfect satisfaction, nnd I would not
part with it for double tho amount I paid
tor It if I could not procure another one.
Any person wishing to seo It In operation
can do so, by calling ut my laundry.
Yours ltcspectfully,
C. II. llnowN.
Proprietor Iiloomsburg I.nudry, Dent
ler's new block, 5Ialu Stieet.
Hloomshui'o, Pa., Dec. 8, 1S84.
llmiffr-ynyi Mfij, Co. .-
Gentlemen i When your ngent, 5lr. C.
Mears, solicited mo to purchase one of
your Western Washing 5Iuehlues, nothing
but a dcslro to be courteous prompted mo
to give one moment's attention to It, us all
tho washing machines I had ever seen had
proved utter failures. Hut when your
upent, lu a commendable spirit of talrucss,
allured to sell your machine on Us merits,
1 could not rctiisc to give It it fair tilitl. 1 1
has now douo servlco la my laundry three
months, and I must say thut it is perfect I
every icspect, doing Its woik thoroughly
und with It ono glil can do tho work ol
two, without fntlgiie. It Is simply match
less. Very Truly Yours.
I.. A. Siiattuck, 51. 1).
THY ONE! And if von nro not
satit-litel after givint; it a fair tiial re
turn tlio machine to Jour aj;ent, and ho
will refund your money,
Vumhrrjril Xfyy. Co,
I would say that 1 have seemed tho agency for
the t.ale of tho ubove Popular Wnkhlng Siaehlue,
Aineilcau Hand l'lanlers uud other uunufacurrii
ot tho above nun, tur tlio counties ot Columbia,
.Montour, l.uei no and Wluijlkill, und would bo
pleased to Hell, er, ami lust run lntheute oithu
wuthti' mi) ono Mho detlres lo buy oi.e.
C MEARS, Agent.
Bain-room, 1. stroup's old gioccry stand, Slain It,
l!-l-!)ni HLOOMSnUKG, PA.
10 Spnico Stieet, Now York City,
Vor SELECT LIST Ol' 1,000 KEWt-Sl'AVlilt
dec ia-4w r