The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 12, 1884, Image 4

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Winter Management of Beca.
A correspondent to the American
Jht Journal, writing trorn Hatllo
Ground, Ind., furnishes t!int niicr with
tho following useful hints :
It in iisiinl for tho nplnrist to look
after his eolonicH of bees mid sco that
each one U in good condition for win
tering. Wo will stiggcKt, ns n ink1,
that from Nov. 1 to tho iniddlo of
December is a good time to look after
tho bee, and sen that they havo a enf
ficienoy of honey to laU them through
tho winter. Perhaps in some seasons
it should be attended to eailier. A
good colony of bees should have at
least IS to 20 pounds of honey stored
in tho combs. It Is now a mooted
question as to whether it Is mlvisn
bio lor a colony to possess a very
great quantity of pollen in their winter
It has been asserted, w think very
justly, too, by some who profess to be
well versed in tho science of apiculture,
that pollen is tho li no causo of much
disease amoni bees dining the winter
months, nnd especially very cailyin
tho spring do wo often hear of com
plaints about tho bees having riiurrha'a.
As a remedy for this trouble, wo fur
ther suggest that salt water bo placed
in wooden troughs and set within a few
yaids ofthobges, and then wo think
there will bo but llttlo risk to run in
bees keeping perfectly healthy, if all
other things are m proper condition,
such as ventilation, good, puiefood,
and n comfortable shed, which should
always bo provided for them bv tho
beo keeper. Tito shed should havo an
eastern front, but if it cannot bo thus
made, our next choice would bo a south
trout. All bee sheets should Havo n
close-fitting back aud well-shingled
If these suggestions are attended to
at tho right time, and prepared with a
duo regard to comfort for tho bees as
any other slock on tho larm, we would
havo no causo for complaint. A good
farmer never thinks that ho has done
too much for his horses, cows, sheep
and hogs, bv building good barns, sta
bles and pcus, in which ho can havo all
his J arm stock protected from incio
mcnt weather.
Tho question has often been f.sked,
'Is it necessary to build good winter
quarters for bees 1" "Wo answer that
it is just as essontial as it is for any
other stock. It is true that wo do not
pay as much for a colony of beo3 as wo
do for a cow or a horso ; but it is no
less tho duty of the husbandman to
protect and caro for tho bees by pro
viding the proper sheds for them,
when they "board themselves,'1 and
often return a largo surplus of lion
Winter Care ofTowls.
For keeping fowls through the win
ter tho chief and most essential thing
is a warm hen house. It should be
built so as to afford as much sunlight
as possible and at the same timo givo
protection irom frosts and cold winds,
A southern exposure is, of course, in
all cases tho best. Where fowls have
no special quarters assigned them, as is
tho ease on many farms, they should at
least nave a dry and warm shelter tor
the night. If they havo a house of
their own they shonld be provided in
some way with a place for dusting. A
bos of ashes for this purpose is better
than nothing, a quantity of road dust
saved up during dry weather is better
still, and access to a spot of dry looso
earth is better yet than all.
If eggs aro to bo expected durin
cold weattier it is absolutely necessary
that tho hens should have not only
warm quarters, a place for dusting,
. and pure water, bat a variety ol smta
ble food and access to limo or bones,
As for drink it will not do to allow the
hens to depend upon snow water, or
tho pools that may exist about the
farmyard. They should havo pure,
iresn water day by day.
And in iho matter ot tood, lor a
steady diet nothing takes tho place of
tue common grains, buckwheat anil
corn being the best. It is not a mat
ter of kindness to feed poultry steam
ing hot food during very cold weather
They will need no snch "warming up"
ii they havo proper shelter, and it they
have not, tho hot mixture will afford
only a temporary relief and in the end
leavo them more susceptible to the
coiu man oeiore. .Much experience
proves that hens will not lay or thrive
us well in that way that are "allowed to
stint themselves with hot meals two or
threo times a dav. It is far more lia
ble to produce diseased conditions than
a simple but natural diet of cram
Neither is it a work of real kindness to
keep a supply of grain or other food
constantly before tho poultry. Where
an atttempt is mado to do this the food
is generally mixed with dirt or other
substances before it is all eaten, and
mado unfit for use. It is not relished
as well, nor docs it do as much good as
wnen mey aro led regularly at staled
periods and in proper quantities.
JVeu York Obterver.
florae vs. Driver.
Wo know a wise driver, who when
he observed while "hitching up" that
tho horses' heads were carried high,
and that they were feeling first-rate,
would say to hnnselt, "Ihere is a
good head of steam on to day, and I
shall bo able to get a good day's work
out of tilt-so fellows if I save it all to
be used to tho best advantage." There
fore ho would speak in as quiet a lone
as possible, would move gently about,
and aim to g.a his learn afield without
any rumpiiH or excitement, and would
bear with a few irreguluiities, such a
getting out of tho funow and pulling
by fits aud starts a tew times. Tho
consequence would bo that when they
were warmed up to their work, they
would move off smoothly and at tho
same titnoouickly, and at tho end of
an hour theio would bo a row of nice,
fresh furrows to show as an equivalent
for tho "steam'' which a more careless
man would havo used up in meio fret
and fume nnd worry and passion. Ex.
A very simplo and effective euro for
cinder in tho eyo is simply one or two
grains of flaxseed. These may bo placed
in tho eyo without injury or pain to
thnt delicate organ, and shortly they
begin to swell aud dissolves a glutin
ous substani'0 that covers the ball of
thu oyc, enveloping any substance that
may be in it. The irritation of cutting
tho membrane is thus prevented, and
the annoyance may booh bo washed
"Cholera!" exclaimed an old Ken
tuoky tanner. "Great Ciesarl mau,
don't toll mo that this country is threat
cued with cholera again I
"Yes, it'fl got into Franco, nnd may
roach America."
"It's terrible," lie groaned. "Why,
last year I lost four of the finest hogs
you over seo witli tho cholera!"
MBut this is not hog cholerai it's Asi
atic cholera."
"Old" looking much relieved, "I wits
nfroii it was hog cholera."
Cleverly Oanglitl
Jhtffalo, M, 3'., JVcia.
m mo (lend oi iitgni, .Mr. .i. J).
N. uiurv, h wiHMiPiiit' grui'i'i ui aiuj,
i ...i i i.. .r t rn...
Y,, was awakened by his burglar alnrm
nnnuncialor, which told him thnt his
house had been entered through the
roof scuUle. Ho hastily dresses, rings
for n policeman, hurries to tho up
per Btory, and hears tho burglar in the
servants room, tint ntening her with
instant death if she made a hum
lie was raptured, couvlctid and sen
tenced to Sing Sing pnsoii for ten
So said Mr. C. II. Vstfall, thu eleo-
tiiciau of Westfiihl, N Y., to our re
porter. "IJo c t r Mdi h ui-norii! n- bur
glar alarm V
i os, all lii t ol,is houses aro pro
vided with them and I hnvo never had
nny ilisnminxtlon Irom my customers,
many ol whom are the best known and
wealthiist people of Now York, Bos
ton, Philudi'lphlii, and other huge
"Do wealthy men have much fear of
burglais 1"
"As a rule, wealthy men do not keep
valuables in their house, and vet they
nre not sure that, they shall et-capo bur
glarious attacks, and thov don't feel
secure without n tirst-ciass burglar
darm apparatus in thir house. Lvory
door, window and scuttle is connected
with the annunciator, and it is quite
impossible to effect an entranco with
out the fact becoming at once known."
"Don t electricians run considerable
risk in handling wires T"
"liven the most cnrctul ot tnem
sometimes get a shock. A lew year
ago, while 1 was desccendiug stairs at
Elmira, N. Y., with a wire coil in my
hand, I felt as if I had received the
entire chargo from the battery. For
over a half hour I suffered the keenest
agony I did not know but what I
had been fatally injured. After com
pleting my business circuit, I returned
to Boston, and for eighteen months
did not get over tho shock. I lot my
appetite s all lood tasted aliko. 1 could
not walk across the common without
resting several times."
"iuy head whirled, and reeled iiko
a drunken man. I consulted tho best
physicians in a good many largo cities,
but none of them seemed to understand
my case. About a year ago I was in
lbany, and a physician there stated
that I would probably not livo tlnee
months. But to day,' said Mr. West-
fall, and ho straightened himself up
with conscious pride, "so far as I know,
I am in perfect health. I weigh 170
pound?,eat well,sleep well, feel wel laud
am well. One ot my old physicians gave
mo a thorough examination a few
weeks ago, and told mo that I was in
a perlect condition."
"Ion are a very lortuunto man, sir.
remarked tho scribe, "to have escaped
instant death alter an electrical
"0, it was not electricity that pros
trated me. It was a uremic convul-
. . . ii ... V
sion. r or an my pnvsicians toiu me i
was a victim of a very serious kidney
disorder. And when Ihey and a dozen
widely advertised medicines failed to
benefit me, warner's safe cure restored
me to perfect health. That prepara
tion is invaluable to every grade ot so
ciety, for it is a priceless blessing."
"Tnero is no need of death from
handling electrical wire if tho opera
tors will exercise care. In our burglar
alarm attachments thoro is no possible
danger Irom that source.
A Whistling Sueier.
tbout this time of the year certain
Western newspapers habitually begin
the publication of divers stories of in
terest to students iu natural history,
their principal tendency being towards
singular and improving anecdotes of
fish, which are generously and errone
ously regarded as being exceedingly
low iu tho scale of intelligence. Wo
need not go to the West, however, to
find instances ot the power ot thought
in these creatures, as tho tollowing ac
count of an incident that lately occur
red m tins city will testify. A certain
livery-stable keeper, who is an enlliu-
iastio fisherman, has iu his office a siz
able aquarium, in which are placed an
assortment of tho principal fresh water
lood tisues ot :Now J!.ngland. Among
them is a sucker which ho caught
about a year ago. Now this stable-
keeper is fond of music, and is enntm
ually whistling, and when ono day a
customer looking nt tho peculiar mouth
of tho sucker, remarked jokingly that
if the fish only gave his mind to it he
ought to whistle better than his owner,
tiiu liveryman, instead ot being ouend
ed by the implied Blur, was struck with
tho idea, and forewith removing the
sucker from among his companions ho
placed him in a reccptucle by lumselt,
and began to give him lessons in the
art. Selecting tho famous air of "Hold
tho Fort" as within the averago suck
er's capacity, ho soon found that tho
suoker could render it with great accu
racy, and followed this up with "Pull
tor the ohoie, and patiently drilling
the subject by alternate rebukes and
gitts ot angle-worm', ho shortly doub
led tho resources of his repertory. Tho
hsh was then returned to tho general
tank, where his accomplishment is now
tin admiration ot all ; iu tact, the
touching manner in which the sucker
periorms the airs in question has so
touched the heart of an uugeneralo
hostler upon the premise that ho has
given up swearing, and has been
heard 'to express thu wish that he wcie
a better man. Jioston Journal.
Olay Builders in Arabia,
Tho aspect of Arabia is that of a tie
cayed country. While the ancient
Arabians bored deep wells in the rock,
walled them witli stone, and built somu
houses, their Moslems successors were
clay builders, and now the Bedouins
only dig shallow pits with their hands
and a stick. Among iho oldest A in
bmn residents aro huge oreet stones
such as would bo called uruidicul in
Britain, ami buildings of huge irrogti
Inr blocks, such as aiu commonly call
ed Cyclopean or Peliisgian. Monuments
of uncertain age, built of unhewn stone,
aro frequent in tho valleys and on tho
surfaco of the Harrat (or butte) el
Aneyrtd, near Medyin Salih. 'Ihey mo
snapeti iiko ueonives, ana nro nuout,
twolvo feet high and twenty-fivoaoross,
In one pieco 150 of them stood togeth
cr. Each is built over n sepulohro
cell, uccessto which is obtained through
a hole in tho top.
Tho splitting of u tree near Reddiug,
Shasta county, Cal., by lightning, re
eently, disclosed in tho hollow trunk a
skeleton. Three bullet holes were
found iu tho skull.
Natlvo 'Well, how do you like our
town t Visitor 'Very ' nice place.
Just consider i there nro twenty-two
trains on which one can leave daily.
Lard clieefc, which up to n lecent
! data was the lxtest adulteration of that
food, is now rivalled by chteso made
chielly from cottonseed or peanut
Tho second thimble centenary has
been celebrated at Amsterdam. The
firl thimblu was mado in October,
ICS I, by a goldsmith, Van Benschol
ten, who'e idea iu the manufacture of
tho pretty conceit was to protect the
fingers of his lady loo. The English
wcie the (list to adopt the new inven
tion. A novel suicldu was that of a beauti
ful equestrienne at Bobrliisk in Uusia.
Toward tho of an etching's pei
foinianco her turn came to tide ruiiinl
tho ling ns ttminl. She did so, and
went through with timet of her dur-ng
and d'llicult fo'iNlml Iuiiuedi.itel, fi i
jumping thmiigh tin lni hoop t-li
nourished a ieolvei, placed the muzzle
of it to her temple, and, while her
horso was still In full eateer, lired and
dropped dead upon tho sawijust. Tho
eausu for the act was attributed to em
barrassment and revei ses in love.
A youth who v: making a rather
extended call the other night was asked
by iho young lady if lie hadn't
been tending tho Oreely expedition
lately, and if constant reflection on the
subject hadn't lend him to imagine ho
wns now in the Artie regions. "What
makes you ask that f' said the surpris
ed youth. "Because you seem to be
under the impression mat tho nights
are six months long."
Things Worth Remembering.
Fruit stains may bu removed by
Save your cold tea ; it is excellent
for cleaning grninoil wood.
Mildew may be removed by dipping
tho stained parts into buttermilk nnd
putting them in the sun.
Table mats made of seine twino aro
exceedingly durable. They will wash
well, and two sets of them will last al
most a life time.
Common wheat Hour mado into
paste with cold water, applied dry, will
take out greaso Bpots without iejuiing
the tnost'delilcatu fabric.
A strong solution of carbolic acid
and water, poured into holes, kills all
tho ants it touches, and tho survivois
immediately take themselves off.
If you out tho back legs ot your
chair two inches shorter than the front
oucs, the fatigtio of sitting will be
greatly relieved, aud tho spine placed
in better position.
Leather chair seals may be revived
by rubbing them with well boalcn
white of eggs. Leather binding of
books may also bo cleaned by thin
method. Whito Roman bindings
should bo washed with a soft flannel
saturated in soapsuds.
By adding two parts of cream of
tarter to one part of oxalic acid ground
fine nnd kept dry, in a bottle, you will
find by applying a little of the powder
to rust stains, whilo the article h wet,
that tho result is much quicker and bet
ter. Wash out iu clear warm water to
prevent injury to tho goods.
That cold rain water and soap will
take out machinu grease, where oilier
means would not be advisable on ac
count of colors running, etc.
That turpentine in small quantitiis
may be used in boiling whit" goods to
a great advantage, as it improves llio
color, and tho boiling drives off all
odor. Resin in soap is quite another
thing ; it injures and discolors some
goods, and shrinks woolens. Soap
men argue that on account of the tur
pentine in tho resin it assists in the
washing. It is used fur it. til lor aud to
make the soap haid and cheap. It is a
fraud on tho consumer.
That kerosene will soften leather
belts or boots that havo become hard
from uso around the wash room. Good
for tho harness when hard from rain or
dampness. Wash with warm water,
then grease with good animal oil or
dressing like the following.
That tho government harness is
as follows : One gallon of Neatsfoot
oil, two pounds of Bayberry tallow,
two pounds of beef tallow. Put tho
above in a pan over a moderate fire.
When thoroughly dissolved add two
quarts of castor oil, then while on the
tiro stir in one ounce of lampbluck.
Mix well and strain through a fino
cloth to removo sediment, let cool, and
you have as fine a dressing tor harness
or leather of any kind ns can be had.
That baking soda gives instant ro-
lief to a burn or scald. Applied either
dry or wet to tho burned part immedi
ately the senso ot relict is magical. It
seems to withdraw tho heat and willi
it tho pain. Keep it in the ironing
That when acid lias been dropped on
any article ot eioiuing, liquid ammonia
11 kill tho acid, and then, by apply-
ing chloroform, you
will restore tho
color in most cases,
''What is mat wooden box for,
sir V asked tho new stockholder of tho
piesideut of the just organized bank.
"Ihatf Uli, that s lor thn securities
and money, you know. We niiisl have
some place lo keep them." replied the
practical president.
"Why certainly ; I know that." re
plied tho astonished stockholder, "but
nin'l you going to have a safe?'1
"No, theio is no uso going into fool
ish expeu-es,'' placidly replied the pio
"What, no safet"
"Why, no. When tho cashieiB go to
Canada they always take tho coin In tin
tion with them, nnd you cannot realize
anything on a second hand safe with a
busted lock.
Ore containing silver, copper and
other metals in paying quantities is
said to havo been discovered in the
Blue Hill, opposite Northumberland
Union county, Pa. Iho mountain is
between 300 ami -100 feet running
east nnd west. Fivo drifts have been
driven in thu sides of it, and n vein of
ore struck iu each. One shaft has
been sunk from tho top to a depth of
forty feet. Tho first drift is at tho
foot of the mountain. Silver aud cop
per oro was found nt tho surface. It
is driven 100 feet, aud shows the vein
of oro sloping or leading to the Sus
quohaiinu River. This ore, under an
nlysis. contains IG 60 to the ton and
70 per cent, copper. Iron World.
Conversation between a tondcrfoot
mid u native of the Lone Star state.
"I don't seo how you aro able to
raise any cattlo iu Toxas,"
"Why nott"
"On nccount of the Texas fever.''
"Thero is ono peculiarity nbout tho
Texas fever that you may not havo
heard of."
"What is limit"
"There has nevet been a cao of it iu
A Ciirons Elf-pliant iu a Rage.
Co t's hllii- e i Phil' t tvlililH m m-v
end his chains .it II nle), Idaho, icd
started to pulveiize his keeper, who
mado a hasty redout A cage ol lions
stood in the way of tho Infuilated ani
mal which he picked up and hurled to
one side, killing two hoics. The cir
cus people called on the crowd to
shoot tho monster, and a lively llring
began, but without .lppiec'uiblo effect.
Fnally a party of men micc eded iu
roping the beat and lie was quiot"l,
Tlnrt bullet hoi. s were found in hi
hide. The damage done by him
amounted to 10,000.
Jas. II. M re r tate lift if diges
tion prepare evert one fur de , bill
guarantees Acker's Dyspepsia T.ibh .i
t euro all fotms of indigestion.
T b.
In .ii a .'it I'.
s" In. i ne . If runt
tin ,., is ,.
"1'iru. i 'i'i
elasses of business
pioposcd Instead.
Ak James II. Mercer about Acker's
Blood Elixir, tho only pieparatlon
guaranteed to cleanse the blood and
remove nil ehionio diseases.
Tho first persons in the world to
protest against the negro slavery in
America were the English ooloni'tH at
Gerinanlown as eailv as 1G88.
Jas. II. Mercer distinctly states that
Ackei's English Remedy has and does
euro contracted consumption. Ask for
circular. An entirely new medicine,
Buffalo bones, gathered from the
Western plains, to make fertilizers of,
are said to bring more per cwt. at tho
lactones than wheat.
James II. Mercer wishes ii known
tli at, ho guarantees Acker's Dyspepsia
Tablets to bo the best remedy tor in
digestion ever made, they always re
lievo headache.
The administration of government,
like a guardianship, ought to bo direct-
to the good of those who confer, and
not to those who veceive tho trust.
The cotton seed which is shipped
from the Mississippi Valloy to Ettropo
in a crude state comes back to tho
South as pure olive oil.
Boarding: Stable.
Having recently leased the Ex
change Hotel Stable, I am now run
nine it ns a boarding, exchange and
Hotel stable. 1 can oiler owners the
very best accommodation for their
horses. Mv looso boxes and single
stalls tor boardets aro largo and in
good condition, my prices reasonable.
shall always buy a good horso when
tho price is suitable, and intend to
keep such on hand for sale, either sin
gle drivers or matched pairs. Persons
in distant parts ot Iho country can
send their horses lo bo prepared for the
market. 1 he drives are good in all di
rections from my stable door, so that
thoso coining lieru willi fine horses
needing daily exercise can havo the
advantage of tho best roads to jog
them upon, the Exchange Hotel bta.
ble is so situated as to exclude objec
tionable persons, who not unfrequent-
ly interfere with sales I shall be
pleased to communicate with any gen
tlemen from the country who may bo
coming lo this place with horses for
sale. By permission I refer you to W.
K. l ubbs, Proprietor ot lixchango Ho
W, Hartsel
run (WKA Tt'nv a xi) run
Tho Large Doublo Weekly,
llcllglous and Socular,
(UMtUltllHllCfl l843.)
Evangelical, and
No paper In the country has a moro KXl'F.ltl-
llesldes the regular Editors, tho Ohterrer has a
host of paid contributors and correspondents all
over tho world, Including homo and f reign mis
sionaries, tmrelcrs, scholars, divines, poets, and
literary men and women.
Tho Departments ol Agriculture, Duslueas, Sun
day-school Teaching and Itellglous Work uro con-
ducted by expert s-wno wrlto clearly and to tho
pomi. me oaserver does not 1111 Its columns wuu
lotg tssays and sermons.
Tho N CW VOUK OIlSEItVEIt Is a livo Newspa
per, furnishing each week a lteUglous Sheet, full
ot Instruction, encouragement, nnd truth : and a
Bccutar Sheet containing all tho news.
l'rlco J3.15 per year. Special terms to Clorgy-
men. Specimen copies ttec. Address
New Yorlc
i n
Wholesale and Retail
And 1'roprlctor of IJlooinsburj; Laundry,
Solo agent for UuvU' French Dye Works.
For Holiday trade, call and seo the .noth.
er Hubbard bangs, and Lanctry front
pieces. Fine waves a specialty.
The undersigned having put his Flanlug Mil
on iiaurona Hireoi, in urscmss condition, is pru-
parea iu uu an uuiui ui worn in ma unu,
furmsnea at reasonable prlceu. All lumber utica
Is well seasoned and nono but skilled workmen
furnished on application, l'lans and specific.
viuus iiruimruu uy uu uiiiuneuceu urauitiusinuii
1Uooiiin1iii', lu
I tuv poittlr rtmu j for iht dot dlit t by tt
I huva a noftltlra rniftu r fur th fcttov dlian t b Its
blttQdlDKlmv t'ttucurad. 1 ud). to Krone It idt fulid
In ItnamcftCtf.tliiU I will koiul TWO UOl'ILKH ( tlV.K
totfttutrwitQft vr.UADiKi itb-tnuiGOii tiiiduai
la iui uiTrfr.
' n.r.
(JLveiirad anil I- U ndiir .
A, SLUCl'U,!!! fiwltl., Vw Toik.
A iJront lrollem.
Like nil the Kidney and I.lver
i iiue nil Die inniKi puruicm,
-Tnlie nil the Ittiuumntla remedies,
Take all tho Dyspert-laainl Indigestion
Take all the Ague, Fever, Mid billions
Take all Hie Urnlii nnd Nerve force
Take till the Orent health restorers.
Inslioit, take nil the best qualities of
nil these, mid the Lot
Qualities of nil the best nieillelnes
the world, nntl you will find Hint Hop
Ilillcrr luitc the best curative qunllti
nnd powers of nil rmitntmird
tn tlieni, anil thnt they will cure when
nny or all of these, singly or rnmhintd
Full. A thorough trlnl will give posi
tive proof i'f Mils.
IIAlimc.NM) MVKIt.
Five Venn iiro I broke down with khl.
upynml llvei complaint nnd rheumatism.
Hhioe tlit'ii I have not been nlile to he about
nt nil. My liver Im-piuhi! hard llkw wood i
in H "' i ' pulled rt nil Ip'-d with
A , i. In -I lilHMCI.UIS IIL'II l ll llilll notli
Ini! could em inc. I resolved lo try Hop
Hitters ; I have used seven bottles t tho
loudness nil pone from my liver, the
swelling from my limbs, nnd It has worked
a mlrnclu In my case otherwise I would
have hi'cn now In my grave. J. V. Jloit
kt. UulTnlo, Uct. 1, 1891.
I'nvt'i'rv and semtiii.NO.
"I wns dui'.ji'il down with debt, pover
ty nnd sullerilig for years, caused by u sick
dually mid Inige hills for doctoring,
i was completely tiiscourugetl, until one
year ugo, by the ndvlcu of my pastor, I
commenced using Hop Hitters, and In ono
mount wo were nil well, and none of us
I nve seen a sick day since, and I want to
say lo nil poor nu n, you enn keen your fn-
lilies well n year with Hop Hitters for less
one doctor's visit will cost. I know
It." A Woiikimimax.
llr-JCotlO ccnulnf! WIMinnl n litlnph nf i.rorn.
lions on tho white label, shun nil thn vllp nnl.
aonous slurr Willi "Hon" or "Hops" In their namo.
Manufacturers of
First-class work always on hand.
Prices reduced to suit the timet.
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
Public Grounds.
Tho followlne shows tho I'lnkpt Oothtp. nn nf
the tMveral beautiful stylesot Kenco manufactured
uy uiu uuuL-rhiijncu.
For llonutr and Durability they are unsurnasa
ed. Setup by experienced hands aud warranted
to give satisfaction.
Prices and specimens of other de
signs sent to any address.
May 4-tr
W or
Who always gives you the latest
styles, and cuts your clothing to fit
you. 1 lining had tho experience lor a
number ot years in thu Tailoring isusi
ness, lias learned what material will
give his customers tho hest satisfaction
for wear and stylo and will try to
pleaso all who givo him a call. Also
on hand
Gents' ?urnishing Goods
Always ot the latest styles. Cull nntl ox.
amine Ills stock before purchasing else.
(J iriMT Main it Market Sis.
April S5-ly
a week othome. 15.00 outnt tree. i'ny sb-
nsonuoiy sure. .oriMi. uapiuu not, required
y Header, If you want business at which per.
great pay all tho tltno they work, with absolute
certainty, wilto for partl'ilars to II. ihixhtt
uo., I'ornauu, .Maine.
110MK, OK N. Y.
I'EOPI,12' N. V.
Theso i lo couroiiATioNS aro well seasonal br
nifoundFiiiKiKHrKunud havo peter J it had a
loss settled br any court, of law. Their assets are
all invested In soliii sucuuiriis are liable to the
na.aru oi ruiK oniy,
I-osses niuuni.v and hovehti.y adjusted and
paid as boon as iieterinineu uy uiikistun r,
The neonlo of Columbia county should natron
lzo the agency where losses It auy mo settled and
pain uy ono ui luer own ciii.cns.
yAiNWRiairr & uo
N. K. Corner Sucond and Arch ttronts,
ivorders will reoolve vrotoct attrntln
t'u4Ml I'ujr Iui- Aitt-iiu. HlOtt In ft?uo ivr
no. HiHlfc-illuir mi i4 J ritntl Sm liuim-r,
riiiuUMiiiil Orrlaliri' llalili-aiii tlit-VVorlu
riiv iu .i. t ,ai'iiM-iij' v i., riiiuavijiuitt. .
muMS-ly aid
for the working clss. Rend 10 cents for
posture, ami wo win malt joii.rt-'', royl
vnliinblelioz of snmnln rnmln tint win .nut.
Ynu In tho wnvor maklticr mnrn innnpv in a
tew days than you ever thought, lxwilhle nt nny
business. Capital not required. W will etnrt
you. You can work all tho tltno Or In snaro tltno
nly. Tho workli universally adapted to botli
cieyounrnnilold. You can oosfiy earn from
SO cents to Movcry ovenlng, That nil who want
nay test tho business, wo make this unparalled
olTcr) to all that are not well satinied wo will send
l to pay ror tho troublo of writing us. Full partt.
culnre. directions, etc., uentfrco. Fortunes will bo
mado by thoso whORlvo their wholo tlrao to tho
work, (treat success nbsolutelrsure Don'tdelay.
Start now. Address HTivfON Co., Portland,
Maine. r.rc ll
The Place tn buy
The Place lo huy a Fine Suit.
The JPIsiec to buy Hoys9 Suits.
The pisiceto huy Oven'coats.
Tine Stock is
Fffflta liiii$fg Stove
C 1B
F&reigm mmdi BammtiQ
Of.imtiwi111(B5 Faa?
All kinds of Produce taken in excliango for Goods. Cheapest
llead Pay Storo in the county. Having opened a general store
I solicit a share of tho public patronage.
C3-. JP.
Oo4 3l- aioa
a nice Overcoat.
For the Celebrated Chlckerlng, Ivors &
I'ontl, anil Voso it Son Pianos. Worltl-re
nowncil Kstey Org.iiis, Violins, Aeconleons
and Sheet Music. Colebitited White, Now
High Arm Davis, New Home, Koyal St.
John, and Light Htnmlnc Domestic Sewing
Machines. Needles, oii nnd attachments
for all makes of Sewing Machines.
L$Uf V
Pennsylvania Hailrcad.
Philaclo'plna & Erio R. R. Divis
ion, and
Northern Central
In edict Nov. 17th, 1681. Trains Icmo Isun
. 10 n. in., Sea Shore Express (dally except
Sunday), for Ilarrlsburn nnd Inleiinedlalestatlotis,
arriving at Philadelphia 3.15 p. m. ; New Vork ,
6.M) p. in. i lialtlmoie, B.l() p. in. ; Washington
u.ani. in,
COIlUvLlliiK i iiiiimi -ima iui uu reu
Mioro poinis.
Through passenger
coacu 10
5.00 p. m. nay express
(dally p.ce,t Sundayl.for llarrlsburi; nnd interme
diate stations, arriving at Philadelphia
7.83 p. w. ! New York, 10.50 p. m. ; IlalMmoro
r.'JO p. in. i WashliiKton, 8.J5p. in. I'm lor ea
throuk-h to Philadelphia and passenger coacho
through to Philadelphia and Ilaltln ore. p. ni. Wllllaiiisport Accommodation (dally
fni- liiirriOiuu'iiml nil Intermediate stations, an It
Ing at Philadelphia Sinn. m. ; ;cw York U.10 a. hi
Sleeping ear mcoinmodattons eanbu secured at
ilan Isburg for Philadelphia ami J New York, on Sun
days nthioufrli tlecplngcir will be run: on this
train nomUtlilanisp'UM Philadelphia. Philadelphia
f assengeis can remain In sleeper undisturbed untl 1
2.30 n. m. Lrlo .Mall (daily except Monday
for llarilMlnirg mid Intermediate stalloin
arriving at 1 hll.ulclphl.i 7.D0 a. in. NcwYoik
ll-a) n. in. ; llaltlmore T.-to a. m. ; Washington, 8.5
n. in. Tluough Pullman sleeping cars ate run on
this train to j'lilladelplila, llaltlmore and Washing,
ton, nnd ihioiish passenger coaches to Philadel
phia and llaltlinoic.
6.20 a. m.i:rlo Hall (dally except Sunday), foi
Krle mid nb Intcimedlatc stations and catiaudal-
fua nnd intermediate stations, itocnesier, nun i
nnml MiiL'.mi I'nlW. with 111 ou'.'li Pullman Pal.
nco cars and passenger coaches io Krle and ltoch-
U.W-News Kxprcss (dally except Sunday) for
Lock Haven and lntcimedhite stations.
1.10 p. in. Niagara Express (dally except Sun
day) for Kane and Intel mediate stations and Can
aiidalgua and principal Inteimecll.ue stations,
lSocht'stcr, llulhilo and Nlagaia Palls with
through pac!iger roaches lo Kane and Kochestcr
uiid Put lor car to lllllamsport.
o.i!5 p. in. l'nst Line (d.illy except fiunday)for llc
noo and Intel mediate stations, and l.linlr.i, Wal
klns nnd lnleiuiedlale stations, with through pas
benger eoaclict to Itenovoand Watklns.
u.ain. iii.-hunday mull lor ltcnuo untl interme
diate stations
Sunday mail leaves Philadelphia a. m.,
IlaiiUburh i.ioniilviugut !?iinbury ll su a. m. with
tluough bleeping cur lioin Philadelphia to WH
lUimsport. News Lxp'ress leaves Philadelphia -1.30 a.m.
dally, lluiil.-burg, s.lii a. in. dally except, Sunday
urilvlng at sunbuiy U.S.). a. in.
Niagara Express leaves
Philadelphia, "40 a. m. ; llaltlnioie 7.:;u a. in. ulnlly
except Sunday nnlvlng at hunbiiry, 1.10 p. in.,
with through Parlor car Irom Philadelphia
and through passenger coaches from Philadel
phia anil llaltlmore.
Fast Lino hoea New York 8.00 n. in. ; Philadel
phia, 11. 10 a. in. ; Washington, u 10 n. in. ; K.illl
moie, 10.5 n. m., (dally except Sunday) urilvlng a
suubury, S.'.'O p. in., with through passenger
coaches Irom Philadelphia and iiuliimorc.
Krle Mull leaves New ci J: 8.00 p. iu. ; Philadel
phia, ll.'-!U p. m. ; Washington, p. m. ; Haiti
more. 11.'-' n. m.. (dallv excenb Mliidail arrlvlnsr
j at suubuo M5 a. in., with tluough Pullman
met'i'inn eaio iiuiu i iinuueiiuiiu, iusuiiiuiuu uuu
lialtlmoie and through passenger coaches from
i;Sm uv, ii.,i,t;To. iV ii,
lt.lll.liOAl) AMI NO It'll I AM) U'IT
(Dally except Sunday.)
WllUealiaire .Mall leaves hunbury 10.30 n. m.,
urilvlng at llloom l-'eiiy 11. 'Jr a, m., Wllkcs-barie
l.'5 p. in.
Express Has', leaves suubury S.Sj p. in., nrrlvlng
at llloom Perry B.30 p. m., llkes-bario 8.ui p. in.
sunbun .Mallluaesilkcsbari010.3 a. m. urilv-
lngnt liluoinPeny V,'.(il p. m., sunbuiy is.55 p. in.
likes bane 3.4r p. in.,
riving ut llloom Perry
j;x)ieas weal leaves
-1.15 p. in., bunuury o.iu
J. It. WOOD,
lien. Passenger Agent
CIIAS. V.. PL'dll,
lien. .Manager.
Tli A INS.
Nov. 10, 1881
TllilS'J LS1VE KCrEKT AS rOLI.01V8(S(,'NI'Ar
For Now YorU.PhllaaelpUln.lteadlng.I'dttsvill
Tamaqua, ic, 11,57 a. in,
For Catawlssu, 11,67 a. m. 0.13 and V.5U p. u
For wauairiaport, 0,5.) 10.15 a. m.. inn J,M8 p. ia
For I.uwhburg and suubury, 4.uii p. in.
1KAINS?0K UDrXri'l' LKAV'S AS IMt.l.O W (Ht,M'V
Loavv How York, via. Tamaijua 8.45 a, ia, and
via. nound brook Houto 7,45 a. m,
Liuvv Philadelphia, 0,50 a. m,
Leave heading, ll,! u. m pouuvuii-, -. 85 '. 'i
and T.imiiua, 1,41 p. in,
lieuve Ctitawlssa, C,10 10.Ul a. m. ana 4,vu p. m.
U-avK w illbunsriort. o.toa.m, 4.C5 and 5.40 p. ni.
Leave suubury 4.10 p. in.
" Lewlaburg4.4J p. in.
Passengers to and from Phtla lelphla go throuh
without change ot cars.
Clenuml Uatmgm
General Passenger and Tlckot Agent.
Jan.'0. 1-61-tf.
. .Tnylorvllle..
. I.iiekavvanna,
a.m. a.m. p.m
5 60 U 40 3 SO
11 u.i
8 m
8 4S
8 40
8 .'11
8 7
1 '10
l a
i vo
v 16
0 10
o 14'
6 63 0 4) S S5
I! 01 0 60 S 30
11 Oil 0 57 S 38
11 17 10 Ol S 4U
0 S I 10 00 S 51
fi SH 10 113 50
II 31 10 17 3 00
0 3tl 10 20 3 (13
Ii 4') 10 S3 2 00
tl 48 10 Si 3 08
0 50 10 SO 3 11
0 65 10 .11 3 15
7 Ml 10 37 3 SO
7 t3 10 41 3 S I
7 IS 10 48 3 3S
7 SI 10 IU 3 43
7 47 11 10 3 57
7 53 11 10 4 03
8 00 11 SS 4 10
8 OH 11 3(1 4 Hi
8 10 11 30 I 10
8 11 11 44 4 23
8 SI 11 48 4 30
8 S8 11 6.1 4 30
8 31 11 67 4 IS
8 30 IS IK 4 47
8 63 IS SO 6 113
U O,' IS S8 3 U!
U 01 IS 33 b 111
U SO 13 60 6 30
1 VI
l to
l no
8 6!l
N m. .West Pulsion.
8 lSi ....Wyoming.. .
8 41. ...Mallby
8 10 Dennett
8 33 ....Kingston ....
8 35 ....Kingston
8 Si 1'.'
8 111 a 18
8 OS IS 11
8 til IS TJ
7 Ml IS '13
7 51 IS JJ
7 50 IS SO
t 4-1 IS 10
7 L0 IS 01
7 18 11 50
7 11 11 50
7 03 11 11
0 58 11 -at
tl 54 11 'i
U 60 11 HO
n ii ll s.i
0 30 11 17
(i 30 II 1-'
II S3 II 08
(i 118 10 M
0 00 10 17
5 53 M 11
5 40 10 ,10
p in, a.m.
:io. Pi) mouth June
8 S3
8 SI
8 17
8 10
7 68
7 47,
PI) mouth.
.. Nantlcoke
llunloek's Lieek
. Milckshlnuy..
. Hick's l'eiry.
..lieach Haven..
Herwlck ....
.Drlar Creek,.
..Willow (liuve..
. .. llupert.....
Calawla llrldgo
. . Danville....
.... Cameron,.,.
T 41
7 31
7 S7
7 SI
7 ll"
7 11
7 05
7 00
0 61
I) Utl
U S'J,
a ss!
u 10.
u.iii. p.m. p-in
W. F. HALSTE.U), BUft.
onico, scratiton, Feb. 1st, isos.
"AMES Iir.II.lA',
Toiisorinl Artist,
Ai no it his old stand under exchange
HurKI., and has ns usual a FiliST-CLAbH SHOP. Ho respectfully solicits tho
pitronuo otUlBOldoustomorsand of tho public
generally, Julyie.'so-tf
Head oaurters tor
Nails and W agon
Makers' and llfiick.
sinlths' Supplies.
Ibiuel liluenbendcr,
btoro a- arerrmms
1'ruiiUlln Ave., also
tnureioomsi i rrauK.
uu Ave., iinu no cen
tre street.
lit 1.
S( It-Als'TON
limy 28. ly