THE COLUMBIAN AJND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. iaTf)AY,No viiMHiiiF iTTa's i. Correct ltitilruntl Time 'ruble, Trains on tho Philadelphia & H. 11. lcavo lturct t as follows I MOUTH. (Km a. 111. I:IM p. III. south. 11:61 a. in. H:I3 p. in. Trolnson tho 1). I & V, It. II. lcavo llloomsburK U3 follows i NOKIII. SOUTH. 7.0.1 iu m. 8:asa.m. 11:17 a. in, 1;M a. in. .0.3(1 p. 1". 1:30 p.m. Tlio 8:41 ii. m. train connects nt Northumberland wan train on Pennsylvania ro.ul, rcachlnt: l'hlladelpul.iat3.1lp. in. Tho 11:03 train connects with Philadelphia and Heading road at lltipcrt reaching rniladcl plila ul 6.W p. m. Tho lliM train connects with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland at 1:W, reaching i'lilladelphla at iM p. in. Tho i-M p. in. train connects with Pennsylvania road at .Northumberland at 8.i5 p. m., ami reaches rmiadclihla at 3:v5 a. in. Trains on tho N. V. II. Hallway pass llloom Ferry as follows i MOIITII. SOCTII. 11:127 a. in. 12.01 p. in. aiw p. in. 4:19 p. in. IMItitlC HltlCN. John Kflclinur will soil reul estate in Hcott lownslilp on December 11th. See ml. vcrtlseincut. Tho administrator of John F. Hutchison will sell personal property on December 4th. See ndveitlsenicut. Tho administrator of Kvnn Wclllvcr will sell real cBlntc on November 22d. Seo ad vertisement. The executor of M. S. Applcmnn will sell nt public salo on Saturday, November, 22 ml, nt one o'clock, p.m., a valuable farm In Cooper township, Montour county, nnd n lime stone quarry. Seo advertise mcnt. The heirs of Jacob nnd Mnry Artley will sell real estate mid personal property m Franklin township, November 15th. J. M. Dewltt, Administrator of M. A. Ammermnn, deceased, will sell valuable real estate on tho premises in Flshlngcreck township on Friday, November, 21st. See advertisement. l'erHonal, Miss Bcclty I'lillllps is dangerously ill. Itcv. L. Zahner exchanged pulpits with ltev. Mr. Hall of Danville, last Sunday. Mrs. Judgo Elwcll nnd Mrs. N. U. Funk aro visiting relatives at Towanda. Miss Stella Sicklcr of Tunkhannock, Is visiting Miss Bessie McKelvy. W. O. McKinnoy nnd F. S. Kinports ore making a western trip. T. J. Vaudcrsllco of this town, and K. D. Leidy of Hemlock, started for the West on the morning of tho election. Paul E. Wirt, Esq., was appointed re. turn Judgo for this county to compute the voto in tho eleventh congressional dis trict, t Lewis Graham formerly of Light Street, now of Unionvllle, Mich., is shaking hands with his friends in this county. He Is still a Democrat. Wo observe Hint Mr3. 11. Kitchen of Mlllvillc, was awarded premiums on but ter nt nil three of the Fairs In Columbia county and also nt Wnshlugtonville iu Montour county. This is certainly an ex cellent record us a butter maker. Adjourned court on 18th. It Is evident that South Conyngham is not entitled to the prize Uag. J. J. Drawer's block has been connected with the sewer. John Savage of Espy died last Sunday from a paralytic stroke. There will be a shooting match at Fer ry's hotel, Sugailouf, on Thanksgiving day. Grand hop in the evening. W. W. Barrett, ngent for Chase, Bros,, of llochcster showed us n Klcller pear the other day. It was n beauty. Pretty suits for little boys ; pretty Kilt suits for children, u largo stock just re celved, nt D. Lowcnberg'a. Tho democrats of Danville had a celebra tion on Tuesday night. The Uloom band went down In Delly's four horse rig. Snyder's majority over Kintcr is 20S9. Cleveland's majority over Dlaine is 11)11. Snyder is thercfoio 1T8 ahead of the tick et. If you need any thing In tho lino of i silver or gold watch or nuy article of jew elry, silver ware, &c. Call nt L. Bombards, Jewelry Store, and get the best for your money. The Hupert M. E. Church will bu dedi cated, Wcdnasduy, Nov. 10th. Chaplain McCabo will preach at 10 A. M. and con duct a prniso service at 3 1'. M. Preaching at 7 I'. M. Public cordially invited. Mr. William II. lirookc and Miss, M. Burnettu Stilus were married at tho homo of the brldu's parents on Saturday after noon, byKev. Dr. Mitchell. Wo tender our congratulations. The children uro manifesting great Inter est In tho poliltlcal situation, nnd many of them uro weuring badges with the namo of their favorite candidate. This otllce has printed gratuitously over two hundred Cleveland badges in tho past few days. Robert Cathcart, one of tho oldest resi dents of this town, died nt his homo on Market street last week, Tuesday evening, aged 81 years. Tho funeral took place on Friday. Mr. Cathcart was an upright chris tian and n good citizen. The best of Daltlmoro oysters are kepi constantly on hnnd at Phillips' bakery, by the quart or hundred. At tho restaurant connected with the bakery oysters are served in every stylo. Ladles and gcntlo men will 11 ml It a first-class eating house. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of ex. ambling our now and great bargains In clothing. .Wo aro taking the lead hi style, fit, assortment, goods and price. An ocu. Jar demonstration will satisfy you. Uu" soon at thu popular store of J). Lowen. The compositors in this olllco displayed their patriotism on receipt of tho cheering news, by decorating tho windows of the composing rocm with American flags. Our neighbors of tho Jlepuiliam have not shown a flag either tit their back windows or front windows, Tho emblem of republicanism during the campaign has been n vluttfialher. Why not hang oue of them out of your front window, neighbor ? Mr. Dougherty, tho operator of thu Western Union, was very unjustly crltl clsed last week by Hcpiibllcuiis because ho did not mako known what pasted over tho wires favorable to Blalue. There was very little such news to tell, and what there was could Imvo been obtained if thu Republi cans had done as the Coi.vjmiuan did. Mr, Dougherty did not bring us the news wo went In and asked for new favorable to our side. The Republicans were so chag. rlned at their defeat that they had to vent their wrath on somebody, Dutlne tha MAN llM lost twn JMiWrli npprovo of our position on local politics. no nave, nowovcr, added about 100 now names to our list ill llm mitnn tlnwi. nmt still they come. Dangerous counterfeit nllvor flnllnra nrn circulating. They are described as so fin, ly executed as to almost defy detection. They aro of a whitish color, dated mqi. nnd liavo a fine, clear and nlmost perfect ring. l no die is excellent, and the slzu and thickness correspond with tho stan dard silver dollar. Et. On Wednesday nftcrnnon of taut wnrk n. test of tho sewer was made. Water was turned In from several tiro plugs nnd It was found Hint the discharging capacity of the main plpo is about 2,000,000 gallons per day. As tho town Is not using more thau 150,000 gallons of water a dar It Is nnnnr. ent that the sowcrage Is sufficient for n town many times tho size of this. Tho fait of the pipes carries off the water at n rapid rate. Surveyor Neyhard has had chargoofthc work from tho beginning, and its success is laraelv due to his cartful attention, nnd engineering skill. A ClIANCK TO VXIIT THE MONOTONOUS Stkak. Boiled beefsteak is a very good way of cooking an inferior steak. Take a round steak, beat It, nnd sproad with a dressing such as Is used for tioultrr. lie gin nt one end nud roll It neatly, tying it to Keep it in Sliapc. Put It Into a bnkepan with n llttlo water, and bako until the meal Is tender, basting it frequently. Thicken tho gravy in the pan with a llttlo flour wet with cold water, and season It nicely, nd ding a little catsup or sauco of somo kind. Pour It around the meat. Cut it as you would a berry roll, slicing oft tho end ncat- A word to tho wise. The most complete and varied stock ot Fall and Winter goods can now bo seen nt the popular store of David Lowcnberg. The fluctuations of public feeling last week were kept up until Friday. Every morning the Democrats were jubilant with the news confirming Cleveland' election, but towards evening their hopes went down when news favorable to Blaine was received. Hy Saturday morning the Menu ocrats felt satisfied of their success, nmt swung out their Hag to the brcezo across Main Street nt Chairman Lowcnbcrg's store. The Republicans were despondent, nnd generally conceded Cleveland's elec Hon, though some still clung to tho hope that there might bo some reason for the claim of the New York 2Vi6un and Phlla dclphla Prem that Blaine had a plurality in New York. No bets were paid, as it wns generally agreed that tho matter could not be positively settled until the result of the olllclal count wns made known. From the morning nfter election until Saturday night the Coi.umiiun bulletin board was a centre of great interest, as it contained tho latest news concerning the result. Most of the dispatches were re celved by tho Columbian direct from tho New York World and Sun and the Phlla dclphla JVmu In reply to private inquiries from us, snd all others were Associated Press dispatches caught on the wires at the telegraph ofllce. In many Instances Messages favoring the Republicans were received by telephone from Berwick, Ru pert or Danville, by other parties, which for the time contradicted our dispatches, but as a rule ours were confirmed by tho next day's papers. We gave the news just as we got it, and the only reason we can give why It was nil in favor of Cleveland is that whoever sent the telegrams told tho truth. Bargains unprecedented arc now offered In Fall and Winter clothing. Elegant styles, new patterns, enticing prices. At the popular stora of David Lowcnberg. l'or Decorating. Just received at the Coi.umiiun stnro a line of goods for hnnd-pnintlng, consisting of Brass Plaques, Papier Mucho Plaques, crescents, crosses, circles, trlnnzlcs, leaves, Holly-wood paper cutters and Photograph frames, Hammered brass plaques, &c. A Severe Winter, All tho "signs" according tothono versed in such lore, point to a severe winter. Country exchanges note tho fact that grapes, pcrtimmons, ncorns, and other nuts, etc., were never known to be more abundant than this fall, and according to our forefathers this indicates very cold weather. How the hornets build their nests is another infalllblo Indication and this year they liavo chosen tho top of tho tallest trees. They do this, It Is said, in obedienco to some Instinctive foreknowl edge of tho approach of a severe tempera ture j but why It would not bo Just ns com fortable down below is not explained. The Ccutralla Vote. Tho votu of Ccutralla for Governor In 18S2 was 180 for Pattlson and 70 for Bea ver, giving n democratic majority of CI. Tho voto for President last week was 149 for Cleveland and 109 for Blaine, a republi can majority of 20, nnd a republican gain of 71 over 1882. This shows that tho num erous republican schemes , to capture tho votes of tho Irish-Americans were success ful at least In Ccutralla. Perhaps tho speech of Dr. Burchnrd on "Rum, Roman ian and Rebellion" didn't reach that sec tlou. Wo nro sorry for thoso democrats down there who flopped over to Blaine just in timo to be on tho losing side again. Tho change must have been made by new comcie, as tho democratic voto in creased 10 over 1882. Tlie I'rlxc linuiier. Chairman Lowcuberg offered a Hug to the township nmklng the largest gain over the vote ;of 1882. Tho followlnr table shows the gains and losses of tho several townships. Wo givo the democratic votu In 1882 and 1884. 1882 1881 Beaver, 103 203 gain 10 Berwick, 212 102 loss 20 Benton, 220 214 " 12 Bloom, E. 202 245 " 17 Bloom, W. 157 109 gain 12 BrlarcrceU, 132 147 " 15 Catawlssa, 224 270 63 Ccntrallo. 130 140 " 19 Centre, 173 177 " 4 Conyiigham, N, 75 03 " 23 " ' S. 83 03 loss 20 Flshlngcreek, 2(12 203 Franklin, 50 70 gain 11 Greenwood, 104 187 ' 23 Heialock, 145 128 loss 17 Jackson, 123 133 gain 10 Locust, 218 250 11 8 Madison, 108 174 " Main, ISO 133 loss 3 Milllln, 103 107 gain 4 Montour, 74 80 ' 0 Mt. Plcnsimt, 83 100 " 12 Orange, 115 124 ' 9 Pine, 07 130 " 33 Roarlugcreek, 70 77 7 Scott, W, 00 07 " 7 " E, 103 117 14 Sugarloaf, 107 172 5 Catawlssa shows tho largest gain and Is therefore the banner township. Conyng ham B. and Berwick show the largest loss, cs. Ilcttliiir no llnr to Votliiir. At tho polls In Philadelphia Gcorgo W. Clothier was challenged on tho ground that ho made n bet on tho result of tho election, and tho election o Dicers sustnlncd the challenge. Tho challenge was based upon tho act of 1839, which declares that any one making n bet on the result ot an election la disfranchised lrom voting nt such an election. There was no denial by Mr. Clothier that ho made tho bet n al leged, Judgo Allison promptly mado nn order to the effect that the election officers ot said division being satisfied that tha said (Jcorgo W. Clothier it a qualified elec tor under the Constitution, should rccclvo Ills vote Irrespective ot any evidence that ho had made n wnger upon the result of tho election. An act of Assembly which adds qualifications to nn elector's right to vote, not recognized by tho Con stitution, is unconstitutional, Notice To Tax Collectors An net of the Legislature and approved June, 2nd 1881. (See pamphlet laws, page 45) requires tax collectors, township and borough officers to make return of seated and unseated lands upon which no pro perty can be. found from which te make taxes, to the County Commissioner! on or before the first day of January next, with a sufficient dlscrlption by boundrlcs or otherwise, ot each separate lot or tract and about the quantity of the same. Thoso who fall to mako returns by said day will be held tor such loss. Tuxes so returned become a lien against the properly so re turned. We have blanks on which these returns arc to iio made nnd will furnish them upon application ot collectors, John B. Caskv, Coin's. Clerk. Commissioner's Office. Nov. 14th tf. Ilcrwlek. Miss Lou Hill of Gettysburg is visiting Mrs. L. T. Thompson. Miss Blakcslic nnd her sister ot Weather ly arc visiting Miss Nora Smith. Rev. nnd Mrs. L. M. Kumblcr returned from their wedding tour Monday evening- , Miss Anna Furmnn left Wednesday for Northumberland where she will visit rela tives. The physicians report no now cases of diphtheria in tho borough. Tho Jackson & Woodln Mfg. Co., uro furnishing an order this week of five hun dred car wheel?. The Y. M. C. A. building is now orna mented by n sixty foot flag staff. A very interesting lecture was delivered in the Methodist church last Monday even ing by Rev. Gilbert ot Emporium, subject, Man. The Berwick Cornet Band has been dis coursing some very fine music on thu street tho last few evenings. A Democratic jollification will take place this evening In Berwick and tho democra cy which has been bottled up for twenty, four years,.wlll have full sway. Mimm. Lots of happy domocrats. Pole raisings, ox roasts, torchlight pro cessions and victory is all the talk. John Kelchncr ot this place is employed at present ns night operator at the Sum mlt, on tho D. & H. R. R. Rev. Hasslngc held communion services in tho Luthcrnn church on Sunday. Mlfllln can boust of its huckster forco. About nineteen In tho township. Prof. E. O. Jones of Sayrc, Pa., has re sumed his work of teaching again. He holds forth at No. 3. Miss Bailie Miller is taking an extended trip through Lycoming nnd other Northern counties of tho state. Rev. W. D. Donat preached in tha old Reformed and Lutheran church on Sun day for the last tlmo. A new church will take its place soon. Tho old one has been used upward of seventy years. Tho Kikcndall school has been without n teacher until Monday last when It was opened by J. Naglc of Luzerne county- The supervisors liavo the roads In good condition. Tho work of dlggiug for coal is still under headway. Who says tho times are not good f Why n farmer drives twenty miles to market with a load of 25 bushels of potutoea. Ho gets forty cents per bushel amounting to 810. It if a two days trip. Reckoning S3 per day for team and self, $2 for toll and hotel bill, ho has $2 for his potatoes But then It 1b a consolation to know that his taxes amounts to only about $45. Jernejlown. Mr. C. II. Fruit Is visiting at Hazle ton. Mr. Chas. Smith, operator for the Tldu Water Oil Co., was at homo tho 4th and 6th, and received a number of dirpatches over the wire giving us an Idea how the election had gone. This was the first tlmo we were able to get thu election news so quickly. M r. Smith's efforts to secure the news were highly appreciated. Mr. Glngles has in ills store thu mon itrous cabbage head. It weighs elghteon nnd one-half pounds, was rulscd In his gar den. If any one can beat It we would like to hear of it. Election day dawned rainy and disagree able and continued so, yet thu voters were nearly all out and a handsome vote was cast for the wholo ticket. Tho efforts put forth by a few soreheads were of no avail as tho vote shows. These would be bull dozers are well known and should and will receive their just deserts should they ask for any pub. 11c favors in tho future. Tho preparations for going up Salt river are being made this tlmo with a marked degree ot sadness and reluctance. Last Thursday evening about forty young people assembled at tho residence of Dr. T. J. Swisher. It wns a party given by Mrs, Swisher to her Sunday school class Everything had been done for the enter tainment and comfort ot the guests. When all had assembled a gayer and happlor crowd could not bu found ; a common dis position for a good tlmo prevailed, and us plays wcru suggested by somo of tho party they were engaged In by all and with hearty good will, and nn enthusiasm which at oncu created universal hilarity aud cheerfulness. Refreshments wero served during the evening, and nothing wus left undone that would add to thu pleasure of thu occasion und It wns far in the night when the party dispersed. Friday evening of last week a number of our young people Mtended the birthday party of Miss May Smith. Shu received a number of handsome presents. Tho oven. lug was spent pleasantly and all hud a good time, so report thoso who participated. Saturday th' ,eoj.'.o thinking Cleveland'! election was no longer in doubt, unfurled thu stars and stripes. L, Y, Bulls made up In city stylo by expert enccd workmen, ('all and seo what tu wear and iow to wear it, at David Low cnberg's, thu linu merchant tailor of lllooiiuburg. Tlic CotntiiK IMglit Over Pclcr IIcnllc'H lCHIntc. Tho case of Clinton Lloyd of this city against William Wclghtman.tho Philadel phia mllllonalrc-chcmlst, and lits son.ln. law, ex-Congressman R. J. C. Walker, has boon postponed to .Monday, December 1, 1831, In tho Lycoming County Common Plens Court. This movo Is on account of tho denth of Mrs. Welghtmnn, which ot. currcd recently. It Is a trial Involv. Ing properly valued at $1500,000. In 1878, Peter Hcrdlc, as our readers nro aware, was hopelessly involved nnd lind all his valuable real estato wrested from him by United Wales Marshal's sale. Wll Ham Welghtmnn nnd R. J, C. Wnlkcr wcrn tho principal creditors. They bid in nnd ccurcd deeds for real citato amounting to halt a million dollars for Bomcthlng like $4,000. : mong this property li included thu famous Park Hotel then called Hcrdlc House valued at $150,000 1 tho Weight innn block, located on the corner of West Fourth and Campbell streets, valued at 9150,000; almost 10,000 acres of coal lands along Pine Creek, In this nnd Tioga counties, and about 14,000 acres ot timber land also along Pino Creek. Besides these more vnlunblo properties, a largo number of well-built dwelling houses on West Third street and elsewhere throughout this Ity wcro disposed of to Welghtmnn, In the amo manner. Thu matter was at rest from 1878 to tho beginning of 1833. In tho latter year Clin ton Lloyd, Herdlc's nttorney, had nil of his property sold nt n United States Mar shal's sale. He bought It In himself for about $4,000, the same price that Weight nun nnd Wnlkcr paid for tho property In 1878. Mr. Lloyd claims that he did tills upou the belief that the sales to Weight man and Walker wcro not legal, nnd that they liavo no title to the estate. Tho coming fltflit in court is to dechla ho really owns tin property. Wilfomt- port Sun nnd Ifanncr. About two mouths ago we mailed some items for the Coixmman which appeared in last week's issue. They played truant quite u long time, or traveled very slowly on the way. Wo never data tho Item lot, ns they date with the Issue m which they appc . Hence It would seem from the paper that thoso Incidents of two months ago to which they relate, occurred only last week. Intense excitement prevailed during the suspense between uncertainty nnd certain ty of tho true result, as both parties claim ed New York, tho decisive fnctor of tho Presidential contest. They died hard, but surely and without hope. The many friends of Mrs. J. C. Wenner didn't surprise her much on Thursday evening on her semi-centennial birthday, though nearly every room of her homo was filled almost to its utmost capacity. On last Saturday morning the Democrats at Cambra let tho Cleveland flag to tho breeze. They felt as though they had re turned to their former home after a long exile, and hardly knew tho place, and could scarcely appreciate their liberty. Their joy was unbounded, iso doubt our re publican friends will experience tho .same unpleasant symptoms of exile. It history repeats they will not return under a score or more years. Good bye. Now the peoples' attention can be drawn to other employment since they have re formed Columbia county and tho coun try. Soap was In good demand at tho Benton Fair and sold at n very high price. They bought ?5, $10 and .20 lots. It wns curse the steal soap. Protracted meetings will soon be In or. dcr. From present appearances somo people will get cold fingers husking corn. Blaine said the pivotal point on which would turn tho presidential election was the "tarift." Seeing it would'nt turn ho thrust It on tho "bloody shirt" pivot, and as that would'nt turn, lie crept Into his hole. Judgment was passed and tho books will be opened. Our peoplo are raaklnggrcnt preparations to take tip winter quarters. Tho Democrats of Benton and Cambra will havo a Jollfication this week In honor of their victory. Nicholas Ashclmau, wlfo and Mrs. Truck. cnmlllcr of Plttston were visiting friends in this neighborhood last week. William Stlnc wns one of the policemen at tho Fair. It is reported that several articles were stolen by the sharps that Infested our fair Hereafter turn thu rascals out. Centralln. Thu political excitement has partially subsided in town, though wti have still a few who persist In giving you their views on tho situation. The Republicans who did tho blulling on election day, arc mum" on the subject, nnd aro quietly packing the dried herring, preparatory to going up the river. Tn, tab, Sammy, your "Invincibility" must take you nlong. Centralla, in proportion to its size, has wugercd more money on tho result of the election than any town In the State. Thu palace car Mlncrvu, passed throng! here on Saturday morning, with President Wilbur Mid several prominent otllclals ot the Lehigh Yalloy Railroad on board. Another accident occurred at Ccutralla colliery on Monday, which caused n sus pension of work. Thu empty wagons jumped tho track on thu slope, and beforu it wns discovered over one hundred yards ot rope was colled among tho timbers They resumed work on Wednesday. Ono of tho employees in the Mammoth Btora accidentally set lire to a barrl o: gasoline In the cellar on Saturday evening, whloh caused quite a commotion among tho hundreds who wero iu tho building at the time. An abundance of water being close at hand, tho lira was speedily cxtln finished, thus preventing nny serious loss, James Curran nnd Mary Gnghngan wero married by Rev. J, J, Russell, aud Samuel Fahrltiger nnd Mary Williams by Rev, Griffith of Ashland, last week. May theirs bo smooth sailing o'er thu sea of life. Tho Young Folks' Social Club will bo en tcrtalned nt tha residence of Mrs, Joseph Mllllngton ou Thursday evening, It Is needless to say that a pleasant time awaits those who will attend, Hanora Grant, an estimable young lady of town, died on Sunday lust, nfter u brief illness. Her death was wholly unexpected nud is a soru trial to tho allllctcd parents. Shu leaves a largo circle of friends who mourn her untimely demise. William Eycr, of town, has resigned his position under thu L. V. Ruilroud, to nc. cept n position in Mt. Curmel. John Tullcy, engineer for .Mr, Troutman tt Co., has also resigned, and will be suc ceeded by Mr. Clark. A young man of this borough, nn aspl- rant for pugilistic honors, by tho way, un dcrtook to thrush one of our model young men a few days ugo, and received sucli a sound drubbing in return that hi has given up all liopus of entering tho rlug. Tho biter bitten, and badly bitten, Tho notorious "Bill" Crawford mado his way in to Mr. Curry's cellar on Saturday night at an hour when ho thought all good people were abed. Finding n bucket In tho cellar, ho filled It with wh!key, itltd was about to mako a dive for tha alley, when Mr. Curry caught sight of him, and lively rnco ensued. Wo do not know what followed, hut BUI says he feels ns though somo ot his ribs wcro broken, nnd swears he mado his last visit to Mr. C's. cellar. John James, n very old resident ot town, died of miners' asthma last week. Ha was Interred at Ashland, on Sunday. Tho funeral cortege wns very lnrgc. The Democrats will havo an ox roast on Monday evening, and every Democrat In town is expected to bo present. Somo of our "wits" proposo a "fly" roast for tha Republicans, to ba held somo tlmo next August, when thu flics arc plenty. Tho plumbers are busy putting In tho ntcr pipes in tho new buildings opposite the depot. Tho fault In the Logan tunnel has been driven through, nnd a lino quantity of coal found, PkksoXai.8. Miss Edwards of Glrard- vlllc, Mr. Burns of Philadelphia, Ella Bakcy of Wilmington, Mls3 Nolan of Phil- ndclphlu and Ed. Askew of Pino Grove, were in town last week. MARRIAGES. KLINER COAGLE, At thu Lutheran parsonage In Berwick, October 25th, 1884, by Rev. J. P. German, Mr. Wm. W. Kll- uer to Miss Matilda Coaglo, both of Con yngham township, Luzcrno county. LOCAL NOTICES. O. c. Xarr takos trndo dollars for dry goods. For blankets. good and cheap, go to Lutz & Sloan's. C. C. Marr wants pop corn. Heme jiber that Lutz & Sloan are head quarter for shawls of all kinds. Floor and table Oil Cloth at C. C. Marr's. A few colors of the 60 cent, nll-wool la dies' dress cloths yet, at Lutz & Sloan's. C. C. Marr wants dried Raspbctrles und pitted Cherries. New goods at J. B. Sheer's. For cashmere or dress goods of any kind go to I.UIZ & sloan s. C. C. Mnrr nays 24 cents for Eggs nnd 30 cents for choice butter. For velvets or plushes go to Lutz & Sloan's. Go toC. C. Marr's for very lino and cheat) blurts. Birthday and Wedding Presents, in large lots at l. v. nartmau cc sou's. C. C. Mnrr has nice geese feathers to sell. LUMBER. Planing mill in lumberyard, I havo nil kinds of worked lumber whlto pine, yellow pine and hemlock flooring j white pine nnd hemlock Germnn siding, surinco boards, surtucc siding, wainscot ing, moulding. AH kinds of lumber in rough, at Lightstreet, by nug 22-8m Silas Yocno. See the New Hanging Lamps at I. W Hartiunn & Son's, before you buy. Ladles and ecnts uuderclothlng at C. C. Marr's. A look at I. W. Hurtman & Son's Black Silk will convince you of its cheapness. New Dress Goods at C. C. Marr's, very cheap. EGGS. Highest market price paid, cash, lor eggs, ot J. F. Caldwell's. In Go to C. C. Marr for cheap comfort9 and uinnKcis, I. W. Hnrtmuu A: Son's largo stock of Shawls just in fiom the West, bring custo C. C. .Marr. buys Corn, Chickens und Lard. I. W. Hnrtmnn & Son's offer the best lino of llannels In the town, 7c. to 70c. Ranges, cook and narlor stoves and all Kinds ot stove repairs nt biiarpicss' r ound ry. Oct 31-4 w The rush these fine days to I. W, man & Son's for their new Shawls. Hart Coats &c, &c, is great. Go to C. C. boots. Marr's for good and cheap BUSINESS NOTICES. SIIH.OH'S V1TALIZK1! Is what you need for Constipation, loss of Appetite, Dizziness aud nil symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per hot- lie, n or salo by atoyer tiros. ITS UqrjAr. YKT TO HEAlt FIIOM. The movements of n roulu's hind legs aro very variable aim uucertatn. but Dr. Thorn as'Etlectrlc Oil takes but ouu course It heals and cures, Us equal for asthma. diphtheria, catarrh, cold aud sore throat has never yet been sold. CSTWell Dressed People don't wear clingy or laucu tilings wucu uiu luc. aim guarun teed Diamond Dyu will make them good us now. iney are nenect. uet at uruc gists und bo economical. Wells, Richardson & Co., Buillngton, Vt. TUB IIUV. aKOliQK II. TIIAYKII, of Bourbon, Ind., says : "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shlloh's Consumption uure." soul by jioyer tiros. A NASA!. INJECTOi: Freo with each bottle of Shlloh's Cutarrh Remedy. Price 50 ceuts. Sold by Moynr uros. AN EXPLANATION. No ono medicine will euro everything, but it Is an incontestiblo fact thot Thomas' Eclectric Oil will cure a sprulu, a bruise, a bite, or un uche, and is also an uctlvo and pronounced euro for neuralgia and rhou. raatism. For lamo buck, sldo or chest use Shlloh's Porous Plaster. Prlco 23 cents, For salo by Moycr Bros; "llAOKMKTAOK," A lasting and fragrant perfume. Prlco 25 und CO cents. Sold by Moycr Bros. WILL YOU SUn'HIt with Dyspepsia and Liver Complnlnt ? Shlloh's Vltallzer Is guaranteed to cure you, ror biuo uy Jioyer liros. FIltbT HEVIVKU ANP THEN UllEI), "Wns troubled for n vear with tornld lit. er and Indlnestlon. niul nftir trvlm. nvpru. tiling imaginable uscil llurdock lllooil Hit. .. . . r . . .... . ters. mo tirst bottle revived me and the second cured me entirely. J, S. Wllllitin. son, Itochester, N, Y, UATAllltlt OUliEU, health nnd sweet breath secured by Shi loh'a Catarrh Hcmcdy. Prlco CO cents. Nasal Injector free. For salo by Moycr iJlua. onoui', wiiooirxo. oouau nnd Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shlloh's Cure. For salo by Moycr Bros. W1IEK DOOTOIiS I118A01I1.U It will bo tlmo enough to doubt tho rellabl my ot Kiunoy.N ort. uoctors all agreo that It Is a most vuluublu medicine In nil uuorucrs oi tno i.iver, KUlueys nnd Bow els, nnd frequently prcscrlbo It. Dr. P. O. Ballou of Moiiktoti savs t "Tha mist vear 1 havo used It inoro than over, and with tho best results. It Is tho most successful rem. eiiy i havo ever used." Such n rccommen. datlon speaks for Itself. Sold by ull drug. Kioto. OCU IIUVI, "itouQH on couans." Ask for "Rouch on Concha." for concha. colds, soro throat, hoarseness. Troches, toe, Jiiquiu, zoc. "iiot oit ON IIA1H." Clears nut rain. mice, macho. Illrn. ntiU. bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists, IIKAIIT I'AINH. Palnltallon. dronalcnl. dizziness. Indices. Hon, headache, sleeplessness cured by Wella' Health Rcnowcr." "HOUGH ON O0K8." Ask for Wells' "Rouch on Corns. 15c. Quick, completo euro. Hard orsoft corns, wans, bunions. "KOtlOII ON l'AIN" I'OnOUSKD rl.ASTKIt Strengthening. Imnrovcd. tho best for backache, pains in chest or side rheuma tism, neuralgia. THIN l'EOI'LB. "Wells' Health Rcnowcr" rostores health nnd vigor, cures dyspepsia headache, ner vousness, debility, tfi. witooriNO ooton, and tho mnnv throat affections of children. promptly, pleasantly and safely relieved by -uougu on won j ns" trocues, loc. balsam, 25c. If you are falling, broken, worn out and nervous, irvous, use "Wells' Health Rencwtr." $1. Druggists Lira i'iip.8KnrEK. If you aro losing your grip on life, 'Wells' Health Rencwtr.'' (loos dire try direct to weak spots. "kocan OX TOOT1IAOHI." Instant relief for neuralgia, toothache. laccache. Ask for "Rough on Toothache." lb and 'JO cent. l'KBTTT WOMKX. Ladles who would retain freshness and vivacity. Don't fall to try "Wolls' Health llcncwer." CATARRHAL THROAT AITIECTlOXi), llacKlng, lrrltntlne coughs, colds, sora throat, cured by "Rough on Coughs." Trocues, luc. Ldquid vac. "Koi'dit ox rrcit." "Rough on Itch" cures humors. erup-frost- Hons, rlug-worm, totter, salt ihoum, ed feet, chlllblalns. Tilt IIOl'E OF TU It NATION. Children slow In dsreloiinitnt. minv. (crawney, ami deilcue, use Henewer," Wells' Health W1UK AWAKE three or four hours ererr nlcht counhlnc. Get Immediate relief and sound rest by using Wells' "Kough ou Coughs." Troches, io. ; ii&isam, voe. "BOt'On O.I PAIS" ronOL'BKD I'LASTBII i StreiiElhenhiL', Improved, tho best for backache, pains In chest or side, rheuma tism, neuralgia. HIS SL11TKKY GLASS BYE. luu uuii, EHijn ttiu nutuui vl a uu Hoosier Schoolmaster," woro ono glass ovo nnd n wig. Tho glass eye was constantly slipping out of fecus, nnd tho wig turning around sidcwlse on his heed whenever ho addressed the people of the Flat Creek UTt.n Cn,,l n it... ni1.n ..f ll-rt. District." Sad spectacle. Parker's Hair Halsam preserves nnd promotes tho croth of the natural hair. It also restores thu natural color to hair which has faded or become crav. Clean, clccant. beneficial. mglily pcrlumcu. Sept 20-com St Mil. QOCUIt OS SIIK HATS. 'It would be no violation ot the com mandment," said John 15. Couch, "if a man were to fall down and worship the silk hat, for it is not made In tho ltkcncss of anvthluir In heaven, or on earth, or in the waters whlrh nro under the earth." Uesldes It heats the head and causes the hair to fall oil. Parker's Hair Bulsam will stop that and restore tho original color to gtny or laucu nair. JNot ouy, not a uye. ucnencinl, uullclousiy pcrlumcu. a per fect nair dressing, cue. ah druggists. Sep lu-ot When baby was sick, wo gave her CAS- I U1UA, When she was a child, she cried for OASTOUIA, When she became Miss, she clung to CASTOIUA. When she had Children, sho cavo them CABT01UA. WHY WILL YOU Cough when Shiloh's Cure will clvo you Immediate relief. Price 10 cents, 80 cents ana si. tsoiu uy moyer liros. SIIILOU'B CATAUIIU VEMEDY. A positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria and canKcr moutli. Soul nv Jloycr tiros. AltB YOU MADE Miserable by Indigestion, constipation, diz ziness, loss of appetite, yellow ekln ? Shi-1 lob's Vltallzer is a positive cure. Sold by oioycr tiros. SlIILOlt'S CURE WILL Immediately relievo croup, whooping cough and bronchitis. Sold by Moycr liros. t'oit DYsrai'siA And liver complaint, you havo a printed guarantee on every uottle ot billion's vital- lzer. soiu oy aioycr liros. THAT IIACICI.NO COCOII can bo so quickly cured by Shlloh's Cure. wo guarantee It, Bros. For salo by Moycr SlIILOIl'S OO COU and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee, it cures consumption sale by Jloycr Bros. For SLEEPLESS NIOIITS, made miserable by that teirlblc cough Ul.tll.t n i. i.. .... UA, For salo by Moycr Bros. JEOISTER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby KHen to all legatees, creditors and other pontons Intcrcbted In tlie c&tatea ot tlie respective decedents and minors, that the fol low lot; administration and guardian accounts nave been nleu in the onlco of tlie lteglster of col - umbla county, and win be presented for connrroa- tlon and allowance In the Orpliaui' Court to be held In l)loorabunr. on Mondai uiooruBburp, on Monday December 1st, No. 1. Tlio first nnd nnal account ot OeorfOM. E"1" llrlarcrek township, deceased. ( No. a- The account of M. 1- Seybert, adinlnlv rteybert, late otoranee township, deceased. Leiby, executor ot Daniel Lelby, lato ot Locust no. 4. 'me nn&i account ot John Tanco. fuar . . . tuau oi ucorco yi. liime, u minor cuiut of Harmon nunc, iaie oi acotv townsnip, ueceascd, NO. S. Tho nrst ftml flnul ntvnunr. nt John Annleman. guardian or Phnrics lturria. n. mi. nor cjuiu ana neir ot jacou Harris, lato ot Item- no. c Tho Hocond and nnal account of fi. tl. Jayno, administrator ot Ljdla W. Dodaon, late ot iuo ..uiuusu u. uvitriux, uwvunu. NO. 7. The first and nnul Avrmnr. f Alleu Mann, eiecutor ot i-eter Oearhart, late ot NO. n. The nrst and nnal nrrmint nf Hamnnl Musifrave, administrator of Mary c, .Mukj;raT8 iithu ui umunuuu luwusuip, uuccubtxi. No. 0. Tlio first and nnal nrrannt. nf Wllllitm J. Knorr, admtnUtrator of Hannah Kuorr, late tX tho No. ia Third and Onal account of William Kwr and Catherine Hitter, administrators ot John lUt- wt. ialvui wainuubaiuwn&uip, ueccaseil. No. 11. The nrst and nnal account of Oeorife Uou, administrator ot Rebecca Llnu, lato ot Mon tour township, deccued. O. W. HTEItNEll, lteglster & lteeorder. UDITOU'S NOTICE. 1A3TATB Or XLIZ1BXTII WALTZI, DtCEiSED. The underslsnod auditor appointed by tho Or. E bans' Court of Columbia couuty to mako dlstrl ullon ot tho funds in tho hands ot tho admlnutra. tor lu tho estate ot Elizabeth Walter, decoassd. will ult at the onico of Knorr Winter jteen U llloomsburtr, on Tuealay. Nov. l-tli at 10 a. m.. when aud whoio all parties IntcrvbtiHt In said im- vio iiiusv upiieur uuu pruseut ineir claims. U S. WINTKlt8VrBi:N, oct!7-tw Auditor. AQKNTS WANTED For tho Uvea ot Blaine & ICloveland & Logan,! Hendricks. In 1 vol by T. W, Knoxjln i vol by lion A Harnum, Tlio vest and Cftfiijjcjil. Jtacli vol., W0 pa. gH, W per cent to Atrents. 6utlltie, AUdresa llAltTiOItl) I'UllUSlllNO CO., llart- luru, cuuu. H A T.k,QM'J?Kr Tlf A Mrm?r LlberalCom VUUUU1UU11 liaillllU. nUI,in UHalary and mpenseri, Address 1. N. Nicuows "A: Ca, Nurscryiueu, iltneva, N. V Browers ot all tlio now aud old Fruits aud OrnauieutaU iMARKET REP0RTS. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wheat per bushel 9 00 uyo ill Com " " CO Oats " 40 Flour her Imrrcl.o 5 0C Clovi'Mccd it mi Mtttiti 8 (h I til tt(7TM II II M4M M I Ml llllllllllilMII ArS llSffSlMM III Ml IIMM II MM II MM II MM Ml Tallow 00 Potatoes now 30 Dried Apples tMIIIMMIMMIIMMMMIMMM 00 nams 14 Hides nnd shoulders ,,. 10 Chickens 8 Turkeys 10 i.aru per pound u Hay per ton 13 00 Beeswax i 25 Buckwheat flour per hundred 2 00 Hides per lb 6 to 7 Veal skins per lb 03 Sheep pelts, each 70 Wool per lb 'M jg F. HAHTMAN XirRISXHTS Till rOLLOWINO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES Kortli American ot I'lilladelphla, rT&nKiin, rnn!tvlVAnl&. ' York, ot Pennsylvania. iiaaoTcr, or ?, t. Queens, ot Ijiiclon. North nmisli. ot London. Ofllce oa Market Stroet, No. t, Illoomsburg. OCl. V4, I" AS 4fk TWETY-SDI SHOT f2ffl ffO m . trim it CHOOTC GOOD WITH EVANS' 26-SHOT SPORTING MAGAZINE GUU SHOOTS TWENTY-SIX With Ettbtr Mll or Shot Cartrldrn, It is tho Best Gun in tho World EIcd"srlJu.yliiofVltutr'J,,;: HO HAMMER IN THE WAY. THR0WINQ DOWN Th I. wlthnilt A.r.nllAn it.- mn n , on , it. Jtrnrtn.1, ilmplffRt And mfiit pcrfc-l Irewh loiidtnr snn In th utii unrrn, i.nBra.ra mui ,yidui niouK, -tia iignu-a CJond for nil I.nrffr CninoM Oftrh with Hull C'nrlrldEt- ul 1.2UU xaiCtS I WHAT 18 SAID OF THE EVANS. - The KYnt & ren in; conitnnt rompAnlon rcr tirn r.ri, I hvo hot miit inualopi at a pit), tnd rpnr.lp. riom itwfpii my wlfe-i finreri at 4d !iri," KM fnrfHlll. ,Ir. "I hT d the Ktan. In coiort..lm lili the harp Witieheiiler and Uallard, It beatilhrra all." J. Frank I,rk6, nnrnhamtfllle. Minn. " it thont. HXa A hnne a fire 1 I can clean ont a whola Land of Indiana alone itllb It. I tiall ree-oromend thfm wherever I po." TrxnA .llirl.. "It ia ine iiroDreii t,Dooiinr Iran I ever Tint to mr itifttilrifr. nnd TnrliT'itie)iiBfnrMrMnntn(al a-i un in uic mint j, a, iinyn, or laifi aoiiuirt uarrri iruns wnjr nut a perfect la etery reipert. We will pell thli Milendlrt rer eallnir f la.uu li ora.rea oetore .January ir-i, mien una tot pon't mill tfata rhtnee bnt bny the gun at once. Cut Advertisement will net appear aitaln. We will lend the w pan at trie r.ipre.a uiuce wneu yon receive tne rnn. ir vou eni inn amount or cam wiiu oraer, we wui eena i All and U shot eartrMrea free. Trice of Knot Cartrldgei Sfl.00 per hundred. Hall CartrMftee S 1 .30 per hundred. Ye are able to make this eitraordlnarv offer beean.e we have leenred twentv dollare worth of there truna at ne-thlrd the aetoal eon ', you will never get another inch "'""'''""IWnrlfl TVTf'rr f!n r ion uuco Mouoy viaor , n v.w . wwe hmkl Look!! M!!l 1 HI CgOF OPERA Is now offering his largo Stock of Heating Stoves and Ranges AT COST. Please call and examine Slock Before Bnyiiiig Elsewhere. TjESsr1' The largest stock on one floor in the County. WE ADVOCATE THE USE OF PRINT EiVSINK. SIB IB IBIBILjO'W". - lltolll Now do yon want to know over one hundred and seventy ready-made Coats, Mussuui circulars, llaverloclis, Aeivmarliets, Q'C., all tailor made newest styles (no old stock) all new and will he sold at the very lowest prices. Prices $2.00 to $5.00. Well our dress goods stock is larger than usual having our annex room of seventy feet in length which is devoted to JJress Goods, Dress Silks, Lin en goods, &c, Shawls in Paisly, Broclie, Blach Thibet, both long and square. In JJlaillieb oliawis we have the best makes at prices not to he undersold by any. Ladies' Cloths to mako coats from with Fur Trimviings, Plushes $' Astra chans to trim with, large line. Our stock of black and colored Silk Velvets and Silk Finished Velvet we have them in all lead- 1 111 j-i-vt - -r lllg SlUKlCS, lOWCSt pi'lCCS guaranteed. JSoWOUr jVotlOll KOOllV 7 T-t . ln ti mi l -N 11 HIUl. UOlllCSVLO MlOOlll lw I ui iimauua, x nuiuuin, a. TColinnH Hrwinvv I 't.nL jut I nillbiil W( uinum Wools, baxonv Wool. Kid GloVCS, Cashmere GloVCS, Illindkercllicls, llCS, Hand bags I finer I Amn ntwl enn .ill im I - 1 a. v.umu umi aw, tin xiuiiajimi;. H J CLA 1EAB1 PA Sf Oil. DHALKR IN )raMgwfiM(B9 Fa.9 UNDER ODD FELLOWS' HALL OPPOSITE old CEfrrEHHL hotel. All kinds of Produco taken in exchange for Goods. Chcai-oet. Ready Pay Store in tho comity. Having opened a general stor I solicit a Bharo of tho public patronage. UDITOR'S NOTICE. Wim.ah Mkakp, "I No. m ffplemberterin, vs. - 1H3I. I I. fa. No. a. nop- ClHMJN MKAUS,) tcriiisni. Oct 1, fusion motion of 11. 1'. Zarr, money ordered to bo paid ln to court and r. 1'. lilllmcyer appointed auditor to mako distribution among tho lln creditors. Br TIIKCOCBT. certlned from tho rceol,)ct. 7,.. tn nimnnm nf llm fthnvn thn auditor Will Sit It his ohico in llloomsburK on .Friday, r,ovcmber i . 1 mi, at 1 o'clock, a. m., to perform tho duties i.t his appointment, or be debarred lrom recclflng any share ot said fund. , tv, Auditor. UDITOR'8 NOTICE. ESTATK OF FIIANCKS KOSTKNDAVDKn, nSOElSIU. Tho undersigned auditor nppolnted by the Or lhan's court of Columbia County to mako dlstrl' nitlon of tho fund In hands ot the AdmlnLwratot to and ainons tho partlc-i entitled thereto, In to estato of Frances ICostcnbauder, deceased, wUl Mt at his omco in juoouisuurg, on Haturu.iy, hot. ia, 1SH l, at 10 o'clock a. ru., when and whero all par ties Interested In said estate must apjicar and pre sent their claims. 1. Jm wai.ij.iv, OctlO-tn Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE or JOSEl'lI IIAHTMAN, UECIASBO. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the Or. Chans Conrt of Columbia county, to make dlstrt utlon ot tlio funds in tho hands of the executor ot Jovph llnrtman, deceased, to and amoiif the parties entitled thereto, will sit at tho oflfca of .lohn O. Yucum Ksq., In tho town of Catawlsa, on Friday, November 14th, iwi, at halfpsst, on o'clock, p. m., of ft.ild day, to attend to tho dutlea ot his appointment, when and whero all peion having any claims upon said fund will appear and provo tho same, or bo forever debarred from any Bharo of tho namo. J. It. JUir.n, Oct. 13, 1881. oct 17-U Auditor. Lcnuin ur Dnnncb 44 iu -j Mini.. ACCURATELY UP TO I20O Y.trac. SHOT AT 100 XARDIU SHOTS IN SIXTa SECONDS, Without llouiOTldir from tlio Mlinulitrr. THE GUARD EJECTS. LOADS AND COCKS. fan A..I..I nnlrW.t flr.ri t.t nn. world. Itli . 1 rnllbrr. ri-nlro Are, liij toUH Wlin Kraaaniea iirmt up to ijii f arus, I tlnni! for nil Smnll Olimo -t ff TT. nllli Mini Cuitrlilt-n lit 1UU XartiS. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS. Ira 8harpi,o9lrr. Thin Itrprntlnff t.un Ia Aiiprrlol- In nil otlirra. It rnn 1m tlaril fnr nil kind nt'unmi. Inrso or aiiiiiII, mill ptiM i'mId-Ii, I, iv .iitlrk mill nllwl I v. alinnttnp. W a euarantae ee.rv enn ror arenrarj It ran l re mm. i Know it io r, ihe tie- pnn 32 Inch barrel fir 012.00. or the 2 inch barrel for i. .old iney cannot do Donrni lor ie-i man vj orvweacn. till" Out and mention IhU parer when you order.aii Uil tnin O. O. P., If yon tend 84.00 wllh order, tho balance can bargain and you can readily lell It from $30 to 9 in. Feud 1 9.9. Tffnaertii Strnnt. Watit Vnstr. ww .imwwmm mmwvvj aivii wao if THE'gD f HOUSE l es. well we have now in stock Ladies', Misses', and Children's ICCt, ions' IS lllietl AVI 1 11 ail leatlllltr 111110, vjjiui iuuj, x mivinys, txu,, itt Wnnl mwl fWrrm ' Pnl Zcimvrs. Urauls. JJress KibboilS, Coi'SCtS, Underwear, and till Small HOtlOllS fllld HOVOl- OCt 1J-4W Oct 31-1 inos