The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 07, 1884, Image 4

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Minnie's Lovcrn.
"For my iiart," salil Aunt Sylvin,
don't nrimlru tlio young limn."
Minnio Dnrtford wns n'il,
rosc-ohcckcd llttlo witch, willi perfect
ly nrohcd oyelirowp, and a mouth ni
fresh as tlie fieslicst rosebud in nil tlie
garden bowers, nnd her wliito dreaj,
shining fnlntly through tlio BUttimcr
twilight, seemed to float round her like
a cloud, m slio Hat there watching the
statu that glimmered indistinctly
through tho purplo deeps of tho sky,
nnd thinking how very unreasonable
Aunt Sylvia was.
"No' said tho elder lady, jerking
her knitting-necdlo Into its sheath with
nn emphasis, "I do not fanuy Herbert
"But now that ho is here, aunt, wo
must treat him witli courtesy."
"I've- no objection in life to treat him
with courtesy, child j but I'vo a sort of
an idea that ho would like you to treat
him with something warmer nnd moro
How thankful Minnio Dartford was
at that moment to the friendly dusk
which veiled tho crimson blushes that
suffused brow and cheek at Aunt Syl
via'rt cleverly nimed shot.
Had it, then, como to that f Win
she, indeed, learning to lovo Herbert
Arundel 1 And a thrill of strange, in
expressible happiness eddied through
her heart as her Inmost consciousness
mutely answered: "Yes."
Alas 1 poor Clarenco Lee 1 Tlio pa
tient years of dovotion, during which
he had waited patiently for tlio rose
bud of Minnie Darlfont's beauty to ex
pand into tho perfect blossom of wo
manhood how lightly they weighed
in tho balance against this Southern
stranger's easy address and dashing
fascination of manner. Tho way of tho
world unalterable, yet how strango 1
Aunt Sylvia remonstrated no fur
ther ; she saw quito plainly that it
would bo of no use. Minnio like many
another spoiled child and petted beau
ty, was determined to have her own
Meanwhilo Minnie, with her thoughts
and fancies drifting sweetly away upon
tho fathomless sea of a young girl's
reverie, sat at the window, still think
ing of one personage Herbert Arun
"Aunt Sylvia is foolishly prciudic
ed," she thought. "He is as true and
noblo as ho is handsome, and none but
the carping and envious could pick a
haw in bis character or demeanor.
How graceful ho looked on tho 'croquet
ground yesterday and how woll ho
rides 1"
Minnio's mind was absorbed in these
fancies when a knock came to tho door,
nnd tho old housekeeper put her' head
into ttio room.
"Mies Minnie, the shoots is ready for
tho linen closol I
"Tho sheets 1" Minnio shrugged her
shoulders a littlo impatiently. "Why
couldn't old Peggy have waited? Very
woll, l eggy, I'll seo to that present
"But they ought to be put away now,
miss, ' persisted tho obdurate old ser
vant "I'vo strewed sprigs of lavan
dor and dried roso lcave3 between all
tho iolds, and if you II pleaso to put
them on tuo shelves now '
Minnio roso with a scarcely suppress
ed sigh. She knew Peggy too well to
hope for any peace uutil her behests
were fulfilled.-
-Tho heap of snowy linen lay on the
nan tame, white and iragrant through
the toils of Poggy's skilled digits, and
tauiug a pile on her arm lUinuic JJart
ford went to tho linen closet, n small
room opening out on that allotted to
tho present occupation of Clarenco Lee
and Mr. Herbert Arundel.
She glanced timidly in before she
entered, tp mako sure that neither of
her brother's guests wero in the apart
ment, and then hurried through to
place tho linen in its nook.
Sho had scarcely reached up to de
posit tho piles on tho high shelf above
her head wheu voices and footsteps fell
on her ear, and with palpitating heart
Minnio felt that she was like a caged
bird, among tho shelves laden with
sheets and pillowcases. Mr. Arundel
had entered his room tho spicy odorof
his cigar already proclaimed tho fact to
her olfactories, even wero thero no other
witnesses and with him a stranger had
been ushered in.
Minnie stood quito still, hoping that
their incursion was but for a moment
and their withdrawal would presently
leave her freo to beat a retreat. The
doorot tho closet was partially drawn
to, and sho was at least euro of not be
ing discovered. Tho color roso to her
cheek at tho idea of thus involuntarily
playing tho part of ovesdropper ; but
what else could sho dot
"Sit down, Lowis," cried Mr. Arun
del, drawing forward an easy-chair ;
n "mako yourself at homo. Your cigar
lBn t out, l nopeT
'No, it's all right." said tho strango
voice. "I eay, old fellow, speaking of
making of one's self at home, it strikes
mo that you aro practicing tho tiling
yourself rather extensively hero!"
Arundel laughed.
"I am at home, he said," complacont
ly. "Why, blcts your heart alive, Low
is( tho good people hero think I'm tho
greatest man alive."
"They'll find their mistako after a
"Not until I've made a sure thing of
it," answered Arundel.
"What do you meant"
"I mean that I'm going to marry tho
"What, tho little heiress V echoed
tho man whom Aruudel had called
Lewis. ,
nitr it r tit
"vycii, yes, it you cnoosoiocaii ner
so. No great heiress after all : but I
daro nay I can find tiso for her 825,000.
And, to crown all, she's desperately in
love" with rao."
Tho other laughed hoarsely a sneer
ing" sound which mado tho blood boil
indignantly in Minnio Dartford's
"lou always did play tho dnco
among tho girls," ho enid. "So sho's in
lovo with you, eh t"
"Yes. It's quito amusing to watch
tho progress ot ner infatuation, an
swered Arundel. "I haven't proposed
yet, sirnpiy Dconuso i don t want to pro
cipitato tho moment. Bless you! eho'd
jump into my arm to-morrow if 1 wero
,to pop tho question I '
"Sho'd junip out again quick enough
if sho know you half as well as 1 do I"
jeered tho other.
"But she don't, you 6eo 1" said Arnn
dol. "Whero ignoranco is bliss 'tis
folly to bo wise' you know tho old
saying. And the best of it is that Pvo
somehow contrived to cut out nnother
lover, who has been hanging around
after her ever sinco sho was a child in
bib nprons a man whom any girl
ought to bo proud to attract Claronco
"She a fool 1" was tho muttored
"(Jranted,'' said Aruulol, lightly i
"but thou you know all women aro
"Not nlways, Mr, Arundel," answer
ed a calm, voice i and Minnio Dartford
stood before, hi in, her wliito dress
shimmering liko tho robes of n phan
torn, in tho semi darkne.s, "for nt least"
the lesson of their folly may loach them
to Do wiser in time. '
"Miss Dartford," echoed Herbert
Arundel, dronping his cigar, as ho
started, aghast, to his feet while his
ionipnnlon looked on as if ho would
very much like to disappear thiougli
tho crackit of tho door.
"I havo unwillingly been compelled
to listen to your edifying conversation
of the last few minutes." Minnio went
relentlessly on, "and yourself can easily
iniagino how completely I havo been
onlightoncd thereby, I suppose I onjjht
to bo angry with you t but I can only
leel tliatiktnl lor thu late which has
been averted from me, Good evening,
Mr. Arundel, and good by."
And with n low inclination ot hot
head, Miss Dartford passed fiom thu
room, nnd Herbert Arundel never saw
her moro 1
He left town tho self-samo evening,
carrying with him tho interesting eon
sciousnoKS that ho had ovCr-played
his own part and thwarted his own
And Clarcncu hover know what had
opened the eyes of his capricious llttlo
charmer. 11') onlv rejoiced that alio
had once moro taken him into favor.
"Well, said Aunt Sylvia, on tho
morning of thu day which Minnie Dart
ford liecumo Mrs. (Jlarcneo im, i do
beliovo I'm the happiest old woman
"And I'm the happiest young one,
vum, rjyivia, laugneu Aniline, -oo
thero is a pair of us 1"
Agricultural Items.
A Maine farmer says his oxpenenco ;
has convinced him that ten good gratlo
Merino sheep can ho kept on tho samo
lecd that would keep ono cow and
nro more profitable.
To prevent sows ftom crushing their
young nail a board about ono foot wido
to the side of the pen. The board 5s
to be put on liko a shelf, so that the
little pigs can run under it to get out
of the way.
An ox will consumo two per cent, of
his weight of hay per day to maintain
his condition. If put to modcrato lab
or, an increase of this quantity to threo
per cent, will cnablohim to porlorm his
work and maintain his flesh. If ho is
to bo fattened, ho requires about four
and a half per cent, of his weight daily
in nutritious food.
Every month is a harvest season for
somo section of tho world, though the
harvest does not always consist of hay
or grain. Thero is a fruit harvest as
well as a wheat, harvest, and harvests
also of other products.
llocky forest land had beUer bo kept
in woods until tho rest of tho farm is
in tho highest possiblo stato of culti
vation. Thero aro millions of poor
land partly cultivated off. But when
farmers havo such land, think of sheep.
They will mako it valuable if anything
can. Also, think of the dogs, and
havo them exterminated, as far us pos
sible. In 1879 tho average of tho winter
wheat crop was 18)1 bushels per acre.
With the same average this year it will
yield a total of 3 13,000,000 bushels.
Last year it was 420,000,000. The
corn crop was 1,1)51,000,000 bushels.
This country does not need ns many
roots for stock as European countries
do in view of tho ease with which it
grows Indian com.
Tho stomach of tho horse is compa
ratively small, holding about threo gal
lons, whilst the ox possesses no less
than four stomachs, tho first of which
is larger than that ol tho horse. This
alTouls us a very important lesson at
tho commencement ; that while the ox.
is so constructed us to uotuuiuo large
quantities of food at a meal tho horse,
on tho contrary, requires a moro moder
ate quantity of amoio nutritious'natuie,
and to be fed oftener.
Wo have, says the American Agri
culturist, found milk one of tho best
kinds of diet for young chickens, soon
after thoy como from the nest, to pro
mote their health and rapid growth.
Indian meal, ground coarse, and scald
ed with milk, is a perfect feed for them,
As they grow older grass, cabbago or
onions may bo chopped fine and added
to tho daily rations. A portion of tho
milk on dairy farms, usually going to
tho pig trough, may bo diverted to tho
chicken coop with great advantage.
Eggs aro worth twenty-fivo cents a
dozen and poultry twenty cents a
pound when pork brings but ten couts
a pound.
A Chapter on Corns,
Nearly everybody in this country has
corns, young, old, high, low, rich, poor;
and thero appears to bo a special crop
of them at this season of thu year.
This corn ailment is assuming a serious
aspect ns tho population is coming to
be full of cripples. How many men
could do a day's march, say of twenty-
t! 1 1 . 1
uvo mues, 111 1110 snocs tnoy wear anu
not be completely used up at tho cud
of tho journey ! How is it that men
and women may exorcise good judg
ment in overthing else nnd be altogeth
er astray in buyiug a pair of shoes ?
What is to blame for all these corns
and the human misery they entail 1
Tho responsibility is equally divided
between the shoemaker nnd tho wear
er. Corns aro caused by friction not
direct and immediate but gradual ; and
hero it Is that leather of a light texture
causes corns. When .a mau buys a
pair of boots or shoos of light material,
no matter how disproportionate they
are, how tioht, tho pressure at the time
is not sufficient to cause any direct un
easiness, owing to tho pliability of tho
leather. Tho foot fits tho shoo, and
not tho shoo tho foot. After a woek
or two of wearing tho foot has como
in contact with tho several sinuosities
of tho shoes tho corn has been grow
ing graduallly and tho cuticles be
come thickened, and circulation is im
peded and hence tho pain. Cutting
thu hard and thickened cuticle restores
tha circulation, and gives relief for tho
tirno only to bo aggravated again by
friction with sonic suifaec. Heavy
leather is tho best remedy for corns
and for this reason, having a greater
power of resistance, the woarerjs at
onco mado nwaro of tho pressure on
any particular part of tho font, and ho
instinctively throws thorn off, when a
finer texturo would delude him into
wearing, them until tho gentlo pressure
produces a corn. Firm, pliable leather,
with sufficient too room, nnd to know
1 "whero tho shoo pinches," is thu paua
cea lor corns. Jsonuon Mree J'ress.
When n coachman marries his mis
tress their positions become 10 versed
Before marriago ho drives her -, after
marriage sho drives him if sho is liko
most women.
A child with no brains has just been
horn in Nobraska. Wo mention this
tdiiiply to got ahead of thu paragraph
or who will say if tho child had hul
any brains it would havo known better
thnu to havo been born where it was.
A V'lteran of thu war, who wn4 not
particularly rental kablo for his bravery
in tho ranks), but 'who, nevertheless, is
in lcceipt of u couiforahU' pension, was
relating his experience as si soldier.
"Wero you ever tnken piisoher,'' ho
was asked,
"I guess I was," ho replied, emphati
cally, "I was a prisoner of war for
eight months and slept on tho ground
in the open uir nil tho time. Sonic
da I would get something to eat nnd
sonio days I wouldn't. 1 nearly starv
ed to death."
"It must lutvo been a ttnible exper
ience," remarked one of his listeners.
"It was, Indeed, a frightful expci
fence, but I tell you gentlemen," ntt'ct
hero ho lowered his voice and spoke
very earnestly, "it wasn't near as bad
as lighting."
Tho box tree, from sections of whoso
"trunk the blocks for engravers aro
mado is found in niaiketablu quantities
on the shores of the Mediterranean. It
grows very slowly nnd seldom reaches
more thnn twenty feet in height, nnd
tho pieces in commerce nru 'seldom
moro than fivo iuelirs diameter. The
increase of illustrations is said to he
causing a rise in the cOst, and we may
expect soon to havo a substitute which
tho engravers will denounce as tho in
vention of tho sous of Belial.
When n Chinese boy is onu month
old his head is shaved and a bladder is
drawn over it, and us his head grows
the bladder hoists mid the euu sprouts
forth. The first shave is mado thu oo
casioli of a magnificent banquet and
tho guests aro uxpeoted to mako the
lost n handsome present in coin for tho
,,..... B,nV0(1 u,., w,. w.0. i......
aCL.0unt is started is started to h!s uru.
dit. This is tho most plonsmt feature
of tho affair for tho baby, ns the razor
always pulls, and hp cannat take part in
tho feat.
Some of tho younger residents of
Horseheads, N. Y., desire to change
tho name of tlio town to North Elmira,
Tliis is objected to by the older inhabi
tants, because the present namo com
memorates the killing of a lot of sur
plus horses at. that place by General
Sullivan, on his return from an Indian
campaign in 1779. When the first set
tlers came to iho place, about 100 years
ago, they fOunp great piles of horses'
skulls piled in thu vicinity.
Tho new post office in Philadelphia
has thu largest single or isolated elec
tric light plant in tho country, ilio en',
tire work being conducted in tlie build
ing and ftirnishiug the 100 largo arc
lamps and GOO incandescent globes.
Tho Maxim system is used.
A company has just been formed in
England for tho purpose of pieicing
the African- coast and allowing the
Mediterranean sea to flow into tho des
ert of Sahara.
A genuine wild hog was lately kill
ed in a canon near Southport, Coos
county Oregon. It had whipped a dog
and attacked a man. It had tusks over
three inches long.
Over fifty horso lliievf-s havo been
lynched in Montana during the past sis
mouths. The balance havo been driv
en out of that Territory into Oregon,
Washington and Idaho.
Carrots, turnips and cabbages can
bo, raised in Greenland, but potatoes
never get larger than marbles, and at
tempts to raise other vegetables havo
not met with much success.
New Yorkers nio said to carry walk
ing canes made of bamboo, anil porce
lain lined, which they havo filled with
their favoiito liquor and use them be
tween acts in the theatre.
The cleanly 'whitit Persian cat with
coat as line as Unify cotton and pretty
blue eye-', is taking the place of tho
mouse-coiored Malted in many lami
lies where domestic pets aro tolerated.
A forth Carolina girl wears a belt
made of thu beautiful skin of a snako
she killed with hr own hands. A fail
exchange is no robbery. She probably
gavo tho snako ,1 belt over tho head
when the killed him.
Four sisters named Carr wero marr
ied at Jolictt, III., one evening iccently
by a clergyman who desires to bo call
ed a patent Uarr coupler.
.las. II. Mercer distinctly states that
Acker's English Remedy has and does
euro contracted consumption. Ask for
circular. An entirely now medicine,
Jns. II. Mercer states that indices
tion preparos overy ono for dieease,but-
guarantees Ackers Dyspepsia Tablets
to euro nil tortus ot indigestion.
.fas. II. Mercer will refund the price
paid if Acker's Blood Elixir does not
relievo any skin or blood disorder. A
now, but thoroughly tested discovery.
Certain nowspaiiors havo set a bad
example by constantly running down
tno united states .Navy. JSow any
old coal bargo can go out and run it
When a young man is fingering tho
cash loft him by his grandfather can it
bo said ho is rovelmg 111 his ancestral
Lincoln reached the ago of twenty
ono years without trade or profession
or m :n 1 111 1 sum 01 any kmd. Itu had
earned mero inboicrs pay at chopping
wood, running river ooats and doing
odd jobs around farms. Ho hail helped
.H. .tl .. .I f . ..
s un raps enougu to lenco 111 1110 now
Illinois homestead, and began what -was
to bo a career by making n stumi
speech on improving tho Sangamon
Uivor. Ho was umployed stibscittiont
ly to take a tlatbnat to Now Orleans,
his wages being titty cents a day.
When ho reached hisvlestiimtion lioob
tninrd his Hrj-t view of human slavery,
1 no oasouau oatcuer win shortly go
into retirement to grow a now crop of
fi. ...... f.. . !.... '
linger J") iiOAt yum Ciuiinwj;il.
sunsciar.u now von
Sl.fiO A YEAN-
AGENTS WANTED l'or tho lives of
Bluino & ICloveliiiul it
Lojmn,! Hendricks
In 1 vol by T. W. Knox
Tho Ileal and Chmimt.
Etch vol,, w nn,
Al'OUU. flufllr. fnp
w. I l.fiu. w per ct-nt to Agouts. outfit i ce,
ford, Conn.
wanted for Tho Llvosof an thnPrn.ii
dentHOftho U.S. Tim lar.r,ut. himt-
soniest iwsi oook o?er sola for loss than
lwicu our luiw). iiiu i.iAm-a huuih
iook 111 America, iinmmyj prune 10 agents. A
lutellh.'onl ueoula want 11 Any ono can lucoma
hucciailul agent. Terms froo, iui.iettHook Co.
j-uuiauu; amino. iog wi-jy
hm fur ri- lei-inn. Hioit in n'joo irr
mo. miulilllnt; mii'iJrnml M-it lilviorY,
I uiiiiiii-iiiiiI IK-i'ltlii- llMlllt'tol llirttoi'lii
ii 1 .i, J. I', .ni l mil; fc t ., l'niiiul(tiU, 1'.
maris-ly aid
Uy vlrluo of nn order ot tho orphans' Court of
Columbia County, tlio undersigned Administrator
of tho ostatool Martin A. Ammermnn, Into Ot tho
townstilp of l-'lsliln.tcreck tn tho said county cf Co
lulnbln, deceased will cxposo to publlo salo upon
tlio premises on
Friday, Nov. 21, 1884.
at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, tho following do
scribed real estate, to-vlt 1
No. 1. A certain messungo and tract of land sllu
alii In tho township of l'lslilncrcek In tho county
ot Columbia afoiesuld, and bounded nnd dcsctlbed
as follows, lo-wltt lilXllNN'IMl at a mono cor
ner in tlio Asbury publld road, thence by land of
W. W. sutlirr south and a ipiartcr de
grees Host ono hundred and lltly and seven-tenth
perches to n stpno corner by land of Joslau Hess,
thenco by land of said Ileus South sixty-tour and a
half degrees Wct, slxty-llvo porches tn a none,
thenco by tho same South eighty threo anil a half
legiees West, lltly nnd four-tenth perches to a
Btono corner by land ot Nathan Smith North twen-ty-slx
and a qu.uter degrees West, 0110 hundred
nnd sixteen nnd slx-tcnth perches to a corner by
land ot John Lnubach, thenco North thirty-eight
and a quarter degrees East, thlrty-four porches to
stouo comer, thenco by lands ot tho ostnto ot
Martin A. Ammennan and land of Oeorgo l'calcr
North Mxty-two nnd ft halt degrees Hast, eighty-
ono nnd four-tenth perches to a ptihllo roadtuo
place ot beginning, CONTAINING 0110 hundred
acres and eighty porcho strict mcasuio bo samo
moro or lcsss, on whlcu Is a two btory fraino
house, frame barn, horse stable, hay shed, good
orchard and 11 good spring of water. Thoru Is also
supposed to bo a vein of Iron ore on the sunc.
No. A certain tract, plccu or parcel ot land
situate In tho township aforesaid bounded and de
scribed as folows, to.wll s HGOtNNtN'U at a stono
corner in Asbury public road thenco by land of tho
estate of .M. A. Ainmerman North sixty-two and
half degrees IJast, twenty II vo perches to a stono
In said road, thenco by land of deorgo l'oalcr
North tweuty-uvo degrees West ono hundred
nnd forty-six perches to a stake, thenco by land
of li K Lemon South blxty-two and a halt degrees
est, vo perches to a corner, thenco by
and of John Laubich South twcnty-flvo degrees
last ono hundred nna forty-six perches to tho
place ot bcglunulng, CONTAINING twenty-two
acres and ono hundred and thirty porches strict
measure, bo tho sumo mora or less, on which Is ft
small peach orchard, and panotitis well tim
bered. No. 3. All that certain messuago and tract slt-
.Uo In tho township aforesaid, bounlrd and do-
bcrUxxlas follows, to-wlt: lUXUN'NlNCl at tho
Northwest corner ot a lot owned by said Jlartln A.
Ammennan thence South slxty-ono and ono-hall de
grees West, four and nvo-tenth perches to n stake,
thenco by land ot Albert Ammennan South twenty
klx and a halt degrees, six perches to a stake,
thence North slxty-ono and a half degrees, East,
four und nve-tcuth perches to a stako thenco by
land of said Martin A. Ainmerman Norlh twenty
blx and a halt degrees West six perches to tho
place ot beginning, CONTAINING twenty-seven
perches strict measure, bo tho somo moro or lcs3.
TKUMS OF .1AI.E. Ten per centum ot one-fourth
of tho purchase money to be paid at tho striking
down ot tho property ; tho one-fourth less tho ten
per cent, at tho confirmation absoluto; and tho re
maining threo-fourths In ono year otter confirma
tion nisi, with Interest from that date.
Tho undersigned executor of Matthias S. Appel-
man, deed, in 111 sell at public Bile 011 the premises
Saturday, Nov. 22, '84.
at ono o'clock 1'. Jl.,
A Valuable Farm,
Mtuatoln Cooper township Montour Co., outho
road leading from nioom-.buri' to Danvlllo and
about equal dlitaucc from either plaoo. Sill farm
contain about
In a very good utatoot cultivation. '! hereon Is
erected a good two story frame house and ban
barn, wagon shed inrncrlb and all necessary
out buildings.
Henry ciirLstlau nsat present tho tenant on tho
farm which adjoins land of llcnry Wcrtman and
ickson meeker on tho East William -McMchand
Willi imMourer onthoSouth, Andrew Weitman
and I'hlllp Kellar on tho West nnd other lands of
decedent on tho North,
TKUMS OF SALE will bo 10 per cent, on day of
sale j ono third ot balanco on 1st ot Apill, 1SS5, at
which time deed nnd possession will bo given, and
the balanco In enuil yearly payments to bult pur
chaser. At the same time and plaeo will bo sold
limestone quarry containing about six acres
of land on which are erected two kllus nud Umo
,houso adjacent. '
TKUMS OP SALE. Ten per cent, on diy ot salo
and balance on Jan 1st, 18S5, when deed will bo
given. A. Z. SCHOCII,
Oct. ,3l.ts Administrator.
lly virtue of an order of tlio Ornnaus' court ot
Columbia Count", tho undurfclgnod Administrator
of tlio estate ot hvan Welllver, deceased, will sell
ui pmmu sum uii iuo premises, ou
Saturday, Nov. 22, '84.
at ono o'clock 1'. M., tho following described real
estate, to-wlt :
'J ltAUT -NO. 1.
Situate In tho townsnlp of Montour, Columbia
County, l'cnna., bounded and desclbed as follows,
llWilNNINCl nt a whllo oak grub and running
thenco by land ot Francis Evans North forty-one
degrees west one hundred and eleven perches and
one-tenth to a hickory grub; thenco by land of
James llarton, north sixty degrees Kait twenty
nine pcrones to a whlto oak ; thenco by land of
the estato of William Ivy, Muth thirty-two do-
trees East one hundred and eighty perches to a
whlto oak and thenco South fifty-four degrees
West eleven perches and slx-tenths to tho placo of
beginning, CONTAIMNIl thirteen acres four per
ches and allowance ot tlx per cent for roads, &c.,
moro or less.
TltACT No. 2.
futuata partly in Montour and partly In Hemlock
townolilpa, Coliimbla Co., bounded on tho North
nnd Kast, by laud ot Keuben Guild and on tho
Houth and West by land of John Walter CON-
TAININO about ten acres, mora or Icas.
On tract No. 1. thero Ha good two stbry framo
dwelling houso and n bank barn nearly new,
gooil well and pump at tho houso and a stream of
fresh water running through tho land, ft young
npple orchard and oilier fruit trees, alt cleared
land and In a good stato of cultivation.
Tract No. S part clear and part woodland.
TKUMS OF SAU- Ten percent, of one-fourth
ot tho purcliaso money to bo paid at the btrlklng
down ot the property i tho one-fourth less tho ten
percent, nt the confirmation ot sale, and the re-
malnlng three-fourths In onn j ear thereafter, with
interest from couiiroiation nisi.
joiin Ji-vi:i.uvi:n,
Oct !X, JHI. Administrator.
Oct 3l-:i t
Wii.lam mkaih, No. 131, Boptomber te rm,
vs. V IKS l. Fl. Fa. No. 4.'. Hen.
Ciudkn MiiAK.-O term lMl. Oct 1, iKSluu
motion of 11. 1. Zarr, money ordered to bo paid In
to court and 1'. 1'. lHIUneycrnpiiolnted auditor to
mako db,ulbutlan amoifg tho ll?n creditors.
certified fiom tho records Oct. 7, issi.
W. KIIICKIIAU.M. 1'fOtu'y.
In pursuance ot tho above tho auditor will hit at
hliolliuOlii liloointuiinron Friday. NoveinburH.
ilK1l, ul 1 o'clock, a. 111., to mforiu tho itutlmof
his appointment, or bo deluned from leeclvlug
uny biiuru ui soiu iuuu.
V, V, lHM.MKYWt,
Qsainry and llxponhoa. Address 1'. N. NICHOLAS
,cq., NuiM-iyinen, ilcneva, N. Y., growers ot all
tho now and old Fruits nud Ornamentals.
Oct Uiw
North American ot Philadelphia.
Franwiln, , 'j ,
Pennsylvania,, h "
York, ot Pennsylvania.
Hanover, of N, Y.
Oureux, of Loudon.
North llrltlsli, of London,
onino 011 MarKot snoot, No, 8, lllooinabuig,
oct, 31, I"
AclvortlHlnir clieatHtlt
"It has become so common to begin
nrui'ic, in nn eii'Hftiu, interesting style,
"Tlicn.nin It into some nilverlison
Hint Wo uvolil nil such.
"Ami simply call attention to the meilts
ot Hop Hitters In ns plain, honest terms,
"To Induce pcoplo
"To give them one trial, which so proves
tticir value that they will never use any
thing else,"
"Tholieinraly so favorably noticed In nil tho
liellsrlmis nnd secular, Is
"Ilovliw nlaigo Hale, and Is supplanting all
other medicines.
"There Is no denying tho virtues ot the Hop plant,
and tho proprietors of Hop Hitters have shown
great shrewdni-ss and ability
"Iiieomjioundliign medlclno whoso virtues aro
so pnlpablo to overy ono's observation."
nil) sur. iK ?
"No I
"She lingered nnd sulTored along, pining
nwny :tll the tlnto for year,"
"Tlio doctors doing lier no good i"
"And ul lust was cillcd by this llpp Hit
tors Hie prtpcia say so much about."
"Indeed I Indeed 1"
"How thankful wo should be for that
A IUUIIltTKll'S Misuitr.
"Eleven yours our daughter suffered on
u bed nf misery,
"From a complication of kidney, liver,
rheumatic trouhlo nnd Nervous debility,
'Under thu euro of the best physicians,
"Who gavo her disease various names,
"Hut no relief,
"And now sho U restored to us In good
health by as slinnlu u remedy as Hop Hit
ters, Hint wo had shunned tor years before
using It." The Parents.
"My daughters say i
"How much bettcrfutliur Is since ho used
Hop DlllcM."
"He Is getting well after his long sulTor
ng from n disease declared incurable."
"And wu nro so glad that lie d your
Hitters." A ot Utlca, N
rr-Xono genulno without a, bunch of green
Hops on the white label shun all tho vile, poi
sonous stuff with "Hop"' or "Hops" in their name.
' Manufacturers of
First-class work always on hand,
Prices reduced to tuit the times.
Suitable for
Cemetery Lots
, , anil
Public Grounds.
Tho following shows tho Ticket Oothlc. ono of
tho several beautiful styles of l-'enco manufactured
by tho undcrslsned. ,
Vor Iieauty and Purabillty they aro unsurpass
1. Set no by experienced hands and warranted
to giro batlsfactlon.
and specimens
lo nnv ad dross.
of other do-
signs Hen!
-May i-tf
LOTKifiG !
Who alwnys gives yon tho latest
tylos, and cuts your clothhizr to fit
you. Having had tlio cxpcricncu tor a
number ol years in tlio Tailoring unsi
ness, has learned what material will
givo his customers tho best satisfaction
for wear anil stylo and will try to
nlvaso all who civo him n call. Also
on hand
Gents' Furnishing Goods
Alwuys pf tlio latest styles. Cull and ex.
amino JiU stock buforo purchasing else.
Storo nQHt door to Tirst Haiional Bank
Corner Main & Market Sts.
Elooili'g, Fa.
April 25-ly
Trll tho World.
I dcslro to tell tho
world my experlenco
with Kly's O ron in
llalm having suffered
from a very olfenslvo
cat a nil I had tried
nowders and lnlectlons
udt to no nvuil but
utter applying croam
llalm tv few limes It
removed evervllil n g,
and thu remedy Is so
tdm pie. Very rep'y.
deorgo Admin, 1190
.lunl.ttta St., num. rn,
KlyM Cream Halm Is
worth Its vvuight In
HAY-FEVIlR tarrh. ono bottlo
' m
cured mo. 8. A. Lovell. Franklin, l'a.
(Uvo it a trial. Kiys cream naini causes no
pain. Olvesiellcf at nuco. A thorough t re anient
will euro. Not a ltipitd. Not a s iurf. Apply Into
lio-t ills, l'i ico W cents at druggHls:
mall, legutert'd. sampio uoitlu uy man luceius.
1CLY liltoi'llLlw, Ihugghts. owego, N. Y.
Oct. lt-1 w d
nth St. south of Chestnut, ono snunrn south of
the New l'ust Ollleo. one halt wiuaro fiom Walnut
St. Theatro und in tho very business centre ot tho
city, on tho Ainerlcau and l'.uiopean plans. Good
moms fiom &0o to .iui per day. itemodelleU and
newly furidahcu,
W. Payne. I. .,
noy 30-1 y Owner a Proprietor,
for tho workltisf rtafss. Pond 10 rents for
postage, and wo will mall juiree, a royal
valuable Ikit Mjiamplo goods that will , put
,u'i in iiiu tij ui limiting juuru iiinnrr iniv
row ilarsthan you nverthought pwdhlont any
busliiesfi. capital not required, Wa will Mart
you. You can work nit tliotlmoorln np.iro time
only, 'iho work Is uuhersnlly adopted to lioth
Soxes, yountf and old. You eatl easily earn from
60 cents to ts every ovenlrur. That all who want
may teittho business, wo mako this llnparallcd
offer to all that aro not well satlstled wo will wwl
tl to pay for tho troublo of writing ui. Full parti
culars, directions, oto., sent free. I'ortunos will bo
mndobyihoso whoglvo their wholotlmo to tho
yvoik. (treat success absolutely sure Don't delay.
Start now. Address MmtON Co., Portland,
Malno. rrt-ul-1
w mvmmmm
Will present Threo Handsomo for tho correct rotation of this llcbus :
Fiust PmzK. Ono pnir of lino Bicyolo Shirts.
Second Piuze. Ono Go3smnor Coat.
Tinno Pki.e. Scarf and Breast Pin.
a... M ChLXD-
nLOOJiLiiuito, i'A.
l'nterv.l ftecurdiiif to Act of Conurm, li thv jut
171, jr Natiokal AhvthTlilia Co., In Ilia c of Ibo
Lib, arun of Cotigret. W tibkogtou, ll. C
The answers to this Kobiis must lie enclosed in sealed cnvelones. marked "Kelius."
nnd returned to my store, where thev will bo
when the envelopes will bo opened, and prizes
awiirncu in tuo same lamily.
If: H
Fozeilgm aimci MammMa
Wc iat'c g'oiin
iBisnisfiirsiliii sn
gCBBei'al pB'iecs lo
Wa will, from that (Into sell
boon sold in Orasift-cvillc.
chants tiro given to exaggeration
this is our genuine oiler and we
Ginghams from
Grandmother bluo Calico
Other Calico from 5 to 7 "
Cotton Shirting from 7 to 10 "
Woolen Shirting 20 to US
Ked and white Flannels, a drop of- to 10 "
Cotton Flannels 8 to 12 " .
Ladies' cloth down from 1.10 and 1.20 to 00 and 1.00 "
and our wholo general. stock in proportion to above figures,
Now this is not brag to got you hero and then ask big
but it is u genuine oiler and ono wo will sell by.
m mm
numbered :ts received until December 1st.
awarded. Not more than one prize to bo
For the Celebrated Clilckering, Ivors &
l'ond, and Vose& Son I'iuiios, Yorldre
nowncd Estry Organs, Violins, Accordeons
und Sheet Music. Celebinted White, New
High Arm Davis, New Home, lloynl St.
John, and Light Kuiining Domestic Sewing
Machines. .Needles, oil autl attachments
for all mnkes of Sewing Machines.
T1AI1 1
to 1&'4V! Hois
big b'cIbbcIhobb Ibb
go iisfio eil'ecil,
(roods lower than they havo
Wo arc woll awaro that
in advertising their wares.
will sell wo advertise.
to 10 cents per yard.
n A.
111 1 1 nil 7"
a " II I ITT
Pennsylvania Railroad.
. lxlT
Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effict .Mny IStli, 1681. Trains leave fcun
bury. UASTWAltl),
U.I.", n. m.. Sea Mioro llxnress (dally execnt
gunrtny), for llnnNbuiB nntllnteimeillalottiitloiis,
nriivlnunt riillmlclplilii a.15 p. m. j New York,
.) p. 111. ; inuiluiore, B.10 p. m. ; Wnslilngton
c.'O p. in., cunuectliiK nt 1'lillnilelplil.i for nil en
W1010 liolnts. 'lluougli jusseiiKer coach to
e.ui' p. in. Hay cxpiess (dally), for llarilsburg
nnd Intel iiieillalofctniIons,arilvliiK nt l'lillndelplilu
i. 111. ; icw iuik, iu.-u 11. 111. ; jiaiunioro
7.-20 11. 111. 1 mdiltiu'toii. 8.J5 11. 111. 1'arlor vn
tin O'iH 1 1 to 1'lillaUeliiliki anil passenger coacbo
iiiioiigii loi'iiiiaucipiua nnu iiauiuioie.
n,uu p. in. Wllllam-poit Aceommodatlon (dally
for llarrl.-liurir nnd all lntcrmedlnto btntlons, nnlv
lnKntriitladelplila.'U5n. m. ;M-w lurkG.iun. m.
Sleeping car iiiioiiiinod.itlona can bo becured lit
llanKburtffor Philadelphia and New York, on sun
d.ija ntluouith tlirpliiL-enr will be run; on this
train from Wllllnmsp'tlol'lilladelphla.l'hlladelphla
passengers can lemulnlu sleeper uudistuibed until
f n. m.
s.a) n. m. Krla JIall (dally except Monday)
for llanlsbun; nnd lnlermedlalu stations,
aulvlnt' at I'lillndelplila 7.6U n. 111. New York
11. '.U a. in. ; llaltlinoru T.4U a. 111. ; Washington, aso
a. m. 'lluoUKh I'ulluian sleeplnj; earsaiu lunon
this train to l'lilladelphla, llalllmoi-e nud Waahlm;
ton, and through passenger touches to Philadel
phia and lUHlinun.'.
MDn. in. i:rle JIall (dally except Sunday), foi
i:rleaiid all lulermcdlalo bullions Willi tluuuU
l'ullnmii Palace car and through passenger
coaches to i:rle, nud thiougli l'ullmun l'uluco
cars to lluffnlo via lUnportum. On bundays this
train runs to llenoo, with l'ulliiiun l'at.ico car to
W llllnmspoit and passenger coaches to itenovo.
Kor Canandalgun nnd Intermediate btatlons,
lioehes er, lmffjloand Niagara l-'ulls, (dally citeepi
wmclaj-.-) with ihiougu l'ullinau l'uluco ear and
passenger coaches to ltochcster.
10.15- News Express (daily cxcejit Sunday) for
Lock Haven and lutennedlate stations. 011 bun.
days this train ruin only to llllamiport.
1.10 p. 111. Niagara lixpiess (dally except Sun
day) lor Kane und lnteimcdlalu btatlous with
thiougli passenger Coaches to Knue. l'or Ounan
dalgua und principal Intel mediate stullui,
ltochestcr, liunnlo nnd Niagara rails with,
thiougli p.. sscngcr coaches to l.ochester nud Par
lor ear to Walking.
B.S0 p. m. l-'nsl Line (dally except Sundayjfor llo
noo nnd lutermedlale stations, und nmlru, Wut
kins and Intermediate stations, with thiougli p,is
bengcr coaches to llenovo and Wutklns.
News Express leaves Philadelphia 1.30 a. in.
Ilurrliburg, S.10 u. m. dally, arriving at bUUUuiy!
Niagara Kxpi ess leaves
Philadelphia, T.40 n. m. ; ISaltlmoio u. 111. (dally
except t-uuday) urrUlng lit sunbtiry, 1.1U p. 111.,
with lliiuugh l'ailor ear from Philadelphia
nud thiougli passenger coaches rruni Philadel
phia und lialtluioie.
Fust l.lno leaves New Y'ork aoo n. m. ; Philadel
phia, 11.10 a. in. ; Washington, U 10 a. in. ; Haltl
inore, iu.Sj a. in., (dally except Sunday) urilvlng u
bunhuiy, D.SO11. in., with thiough passenger
coaches from Philadelphia and llalifinoie.
Krlo .Mall leaves Now Yoiks.uop. m. ; Philadel
phia, 11. ill ;. in. ; Wnshluglon, 1U.IU p. in. ; Haiti
more, p. m., (dally) aulMiig at Minbury 0.1
11.111., wltli tluuugh l'ulliiiun hlecplng cars
f 1 0111 Philadelphia, ashlngluu mid Ualtlmuro und
thi-uugh iiasscnger euaches from Philadelphia.
Mcepei Hum Wushlngtou tuns dally except sun
day. fttiNiU'itv, iiazi.i;t(in .v vii,Ki:.-.u.i;iit:
llltAM'II ItAlI.WAV.
(Dally except hunday.)
WllkCshane .Mull leaves bunhuiy 10.30 a. m..
nrilvln'nt Uloom ferry ll.S?, Wllkes-bane
p. 111.
Express East leaves isunburr 5.33 n. in.. nrrlvliiH
nt Jtluoiureiiyu.3Up. m., Wllke.vbaiie B.0J p. m.
bunbury .Mall leans WilkcsljArrolO.s.i a. 111. anlv
lngut liloom l erry K'.ui p. in., hunbury K'.M p. m.
Express w est leaves llkes-bane S.-15 p. m
rlvlngnt liloom Ferry 4.15 p.m., bunbury 5.10
CHAN. 1". rUGII, J. It. WOOD,
lien. -Manager. lien. Passenger Agent
JIaylO 1884
Vor New York.PhlladolphU.Koadlng.I'ottsvlll
Tmaaqua, ic., 11, So a. mi
I'orCatavflssa.ll.Wn. m. 0.13 and 10.S8 p. m.
I'or Wllllamsport,6,3l 11.43 a. in. and 4,es p. ia
Yor Levvlsburg and bunbury, l.oo p. in.
LouvuKow York, via. Tamaima 9,uo a. ra. una
v la. Bound Brook Itoutu 1,43 a. m.
Leave 1'hlladclphla, 9,50 a. a.
Eeavo Heading, 11,S5 a. in., I'utisv ille, -. tfj p. m
and Tamwiua, 1,36 p. ra.
Loave Catawlsta, 0,50 11,15 a. m. tiid p. it,.
Leave Wllllamsrort,9,45a.m, 1.C5 p. m. anil 8.10 r. m
U-ave suubury l.iu p. m.
' Lewlsliurg 4.4a p.m.
Passeugors to and from l'hllalalphla go throuli
v. ithout ehnngo of cars.
Qenerul Mange.t,
General Passenger and Ticket Agent.
Jmi.tu. ls81-tf.
,. Lackiivvaiina,.
..West Plttston.
...Kingston ....
. . . , Kt!ii".!nii .
l.m. p.m. a.m
a-ia. U.IU.
. p,m
li oil
a ui
H 51
8 4S
8 40
8 sr
l .m
1 25
l su
1 PI
1 U3
l no
'J V5
U 14
M U 411
5 65 45
11 (11 II 50
S S5
it HI)
U till1
8 Ml
H Mi
H 4S
8 41
8 Ml'
8 33
8 35
h 311
H S3:
8 SI
H 17
8 1U
7 5S
7 47
7 II
7 31
7 S7
7 S3
7 111
7 11
7 03
(i U'J tl 57 M 38
0 IT 10 Ul S 411
li S3 1U UU S 51
(I S8 10 14 S 5U
li 33 10 17 b Ul)
li 3S 10 SO 3 Ul
(i 41) 11) S5 V Oil
II IX pi 3.1 .1 Oti
li 6tr 10 St) 1) 11
li 63 111 33 3 15
7 00 ID 37 3 SU
7 05 10 41 3 SI
7 IS 10 48 3 33
7 SI 10 tt) 3 45
7 4T 11 11) M l7
U 55
8 II li 51
H 15 i!.' IS
8 US 13 41
8 OS li 41
8 111 IS 3'J
1 6'J l i 35
7 61 li 30
7 5U IS SO
I 43 IS 11)
7 tu IS OS
7 18 11 5l
7 11 11 51)
7 05 11 41
II 58 11 mi
U 51 11 33
0 MJ 11 .10
I) 1'J 11 S3
U .'111 11 17
(I 31) 11 IS
li S5 11 OS
li OS 1U 53
ll 00 10 17
5 55 1U 43
5 40 10 SO
11.111. tt.ll,
I'ljinouih Juno
....I'D mouth..,,
....Avundulu, .
.. Nuntlcoku ,.
llunloek's creek
. lllck's lerry.
licrwlrk ....
.Hilar I'icck..
..Willow (iiove,.
...Lliuo llldgu. .
ltunii-t .
7 M 11 Hi 4 IU
8 Ul 11 S3
! 4 1U
8 UU 11 Sli 4 111
8 10 11 3!) 4 ID
8 II 11 43 I S3
n el ii as i :ul
8 S8 11 63 4 33
8 31 II 57 4 43
8 3D 13 03 4 41
8 55 13 SO 5 03
tl 03 13 SS 6 13
U Oil 13 33 b 111
i) SU IS 50 5 SO
7 no,
u 51
II 31
U St)
0 S3
.Catmint IHldge
. .. j'aiDitii-,,,.
.... caineion,,..
II 10
ii.ui. p.m
W. l' IIAI.STU.M). sunt.
oillce, scrautou, l-'eb. 1st, 1B0S-.
'iiwi.irtMmwiw.n.iiiinii. r,
Tonsovial Artist.
urnn t nn oil stand under EXCHANOE
lloi'KL, ana has as usual u Kltlh'l -CLAHb
llAlillhUSIlop. Ho respectfully solicits tho
patrooiwo of alsoldcustomersand of tho publlo
generally, lulyie,'
AoiNur or
W1I.11V ItUbijllMVB
Head (jaurters for
Iron, btcel.llurboohoes
Nails and W agon
.Makers' and lUack
hinlllis' Supplies.
Israel lilttcnbcndor,
storo & Wureroouis
S8 franklin Avo., also
wureroouis 111 l-'rauk. H!'""?,
till Avu.ul 103 Ceil- ffT.fc.rV
no btrecf? (ivflK.9
limy 23- ly