V 1 I BWWllWIWWWIIWWWW't THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBORG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Location for an Apple Orchard. ' i'licro la iio jn6ro frcqtieiit cau'o of falluro in' npplo orchards, than uhcon. gonial Roll and surroundings. Thj sup ' position that any hpavy and black soil id suitable for npplo growing, simply becauso it is rich, is erroneous. "My soil is rich and rather loamy, and oven though it is low and rather cold, I can improvo it by uudordralning," said a farmer1 Who contemplated planting an orchard. Whllo I would not Ioksoii tho faitli in liberal uudordralning, I would nevertheless urgo thoimportanco of selecting for apple culluro soils nat urally well drained, in preference to tlioso artificially drained. It is rare, in deed, that nn unguent and cold soil is mgdo entirely Bultablo for applo grow ing by tilo draining. I iiavo in miml two orchards upon soils entirely opposito in their oharao ters. Ono is npon a rich, warm grav el, with no hard sub-soil within four or fivo feet of the aurfaoe, tho other upon a clay sub-soil. Tho former orchard has novor boon drained j it boars well of choicu fruit, is in good health, de mands littlo care, and lias been for some timo the premium orchard in tho Stnto in which it is situated. Tho lat ter has had similar treatment ns to pru ning and general cultivation, only more illlligontly and vigorously applied, and tho varieties aro nearly tho same. To this orchard has been givch a most thorough system of underdraw Neither timo or expenso Iiavo been spared to relievo tho soil of all unnec essary water in tho least posaiblo 'time; still this orchard is a failure,, its fruit is not abundant dor of good quality, and tho trces aro not vigorous. I havo heard its manager remark, "it is impos sible to mako good applo land out of a low and cold soil." A positive poor soil, if warm and naturally well drain ed, ia certainlo preferablo to one of nn opposito character. A poor soil can be improved by manuring. Of course, ap orohord on a oald soil is preferable Io no orchard at all, but if planted' with an idea to profit, it will likely bo a failure. Few farms lack entirely any high grounds. A few trees planted about on tho knolls will return more satisfaction than thrco tifnes tho number on an uncongenial soil; Good and naturally woll-draiucd wheat- land is usually good applo land. A rich ground is especially desirable. It must not.be supposed that apples are to bo expected to dwell on an unfertilo soil. An abundanco of vegetablo mat ter in a warm soil is always uccessary to applo culture. Lack of hardiness, . lata bearing, Bhy bearing, and poorly . -flavbred (fruit, aro commonly thoio suits of planting on' a low and wet soil. ' Asido from perfect drainage and warm soil, high1 lands present other ad vantages to 'tho npplo grower. Cold air is heavier than warm air, nud it settles into valloys and low Jplaces. A difference) of several degrees is often apparent between tho bottom of an or dinary ravino and tho land adjacent. Wo havo all had oxperienco to testify to this atmospheric drainage while traveling at night over hills. Trees on eminences escape latef rosts, , and, if given some protection from hard winds, endure tho winter better than similar varieties at low levels. Tho importance of atrnospherio drainage to the orchardist struck mo forcibly when oncd visitin; in tho mountains of Ver mont. A late frost had destroyed nil tho" appics in tho valleys had been so severe, in fact, as to kill all tho leaves on tho butternuts and walnuts. On tio, higher hillsides an'd"8'ummits, how over, and especially whero tho confir mation of tho hills allowed tho air to roll freely down their sides, tho apples were abundant and uninjured; Farm and 'Garden. Profits of Panning. IVoplo who think farming is a poor business for a young man to engage in dojjbbt'nlwaya figure correotly. It is t?niej as compared with the successful merchant or speculator, the profits look small. ' Ambitious yonng men, in hot hasto to be rich, consider tho slow pro cess of making money by tho growtli of tho s6il far too dilatory. Allowing tho farmer to take out of his produce ii-eaHOuablo wages; as a compensation for'his labor, and his' per cent, of profit op his laud, implements, etc., will not, probably, exceed three percent, per annum. "That is a very poor busi ness,'' says the merchant and the bank er, ,lI expect Jo mako fifteen or twen ty per cent, on my money.1' Lot us look a littlo into this fifteen or twenty per cent Every man cannot bo a banker, or a merchant, simply -becauso if nobody tills the soil, tho merchant will havo no onotojiuy his goods, , or the bank" to borrow ils" money'. Every ono has not tho capital to set up a store, or a bank, and therefore ho who commences, fre quently does it by borrowing and pay ing interest, six, eight, ,ten, or perhaps fifteen per cent. Wo do not propose that ovcty young .man, should try a ;fai m either." Farm ing requires special qualifications, tho lirst or which is gopd constitution the next, good judgment. He also re quires capital : .but tlio abovo qualifi cations constitute tho principal nart of it. It is found by statistical data that of so'inany merchants who count upon sudden wealth niucty-seYcn out of every hundred fail in thecoursoof their .lives, and becamo bankrupt. I his pro ceas is by no means an aureeablo ono to go through. Only' seven out of every hundred dio rich. Willi ino3t men tho principal object; in acquiring money is to leavo something. Tho farmer may not bo ablo to uio nun j must be content to uvo comfortably, ami to die in comtortabio cireum Btatices. nut, to roturu to tno pro fits, i Suppose it is only threo per cent.' that is. he lias a tract, say one hundred ncros of wild Inn J, that cost $5.00 per acre, and tho clearing of ono-half of it, 10,00 j his buildings, implements, stock, eta, Si ,300 in all $2,500 or $3,000. After paying himself wages mid suppoiting his family, ho makes llirco per cent, on Ins investment, or S00. This does not look very initios- ingybut this, littlo sum ho can loan at tou per cent., making it a'J'J t and add iug tho uoxt year's profit, thcro is $189; loaning this tho third year, it swells to b-U7 i and by tho timo Ins children grow up, there is quito a snug little Hiim'salted away for thorn. Tho farm all this timo is increasing in value, and mora than likely by tno timo bis first born is of age, it is worth 850 per aero or $5,000, His merchant friend is probably, by that timo, twicq uiui sum worso man uuining. Two ounces of floda dissolved in quart of hot water will make a ready and useful sotutlou for cleaning old paiutod work preparatory to repainting. This 'mixture, in the abovo proportion, should bo applied when warm, and tho woodwork afterward washed with wa ter to remove all traces of the soda. A couutry seat tho milking stool. A Literary Wearing-House. It is tint generally known that tho Smithsonian Institution is tho greatest literary and scientific clearing-house in tho world, yet such is tho fact. Its scopo in this field is universal. Any person can send there any number of copies of a publication, addressed M desired, and tho institution sees that they are delivered without cost to tho Sender. An American editor can tints distribute an edition of a learned tren tiso through all foreign countries, near and remote, as well as his own, whllo foreign writers can, in turn, reaolt ev ery loarncd society and student in this country or in othor foreign countries, Practically the exchanges aro made in most oases between sooiotics, rattier tli. in individuals, and some idea can bo gained of the proportions of tho work from tho fact that tho institution has now about 3,200 foreign societies or ngpnts with which it is in regular cor respondence. Ten years ago thcro were only 1,985, while in 1850 tho in stitution was in communication with only 173. For tho sako of conventenco the 3,200 regular correspondents aro roached through thirty-eight "centres of distribution," as thoy aro callod, these being buroaus, societies, or indi viduals authorized to act as iU agents in tho various countries of tho world. Generally tho agent is a government bureau or a learned society of semi-official standing. In return for tho largo shipments of American publications tho exchango bureau receives copies of nearly all tho scientific works of tho world ns soon as printed, and distributes them as do sired among our own learned bodies and individuals. This constitutes tho second of tho functions of tho ex change. A thiid and final duty of great magnitude is what is called tho govern ment exchange. In 1863 Congress di rooted the Smithsonian to undertako this office, nnd tho work has grown until now, by act of Congress, fifty complete sets of public documents aro furnished the bureau for distribution among tho various governments of tho civilized world. It might bo surmised that tho cost of making such extensivo ex changes would be very great, but tho expenso is surprisingly small. Tho cost of boxing and wrapping is chiefly borno by thoso who send tho packages. J3y special arrangement tho parcels en ter this. and all countries duty free. And, through tho public spirit of tho great carrying companies tho boxes aro transported to aud from all parts of tho world freo of expense. Publish er's Weekly. Labor and Longevity. Ericsson, the veteran inventor, was 81 years old recently. Ho is in excel lent health, and works, it is said, six teen honin a day, an exception to the general rule, proving it, like many others that aro received without ques tion, a fallacy. Perhaps it might bo fairly asserted that busy men live lon ger than idle men ; that work is, after all, tho true elixir of life. Many note worthy instances whero longovitv coincides with remarkable metal acti vity will easily occur to tho read er. Was not Sophocles' more, than 90, when, to prove that ho was not in his dotage as his heirs claimed, in order to get his money ho wrote one of his greatest tragedies T Did not Hum boldt do more work at four-scoro than many bright men do at forty t Goethe, as every one knows, died with pen in hand at the ago ot nJ. von Jtankc, tho foromost of living historians, lias just published another volume of his Universal History: he will bo S'J years old next December. Carlylu ane Em erson lost none of their vigor until they reached three-score years and ten. And to-day, who imagines that Oliv er Wendell Holmes, already on the vergo of 75, is old ! Longfellow did somo of his best work shortly before his death, at 75, and tVhittieris now two years older than that. Tho vast energies, whoso sum in many direc tions are known as Victor Hugo, show no signs ot decrepitude, although it is now eighty-two years since Viotor Hugo was born. Historians, it may be remarked, have usually been long lived. Voltaire died at 84. Thierry and Michelet, at 76 ; Mignet and Guizot, at 87. Georgo Bancroft is now 84, and Gcorgo Ticknor lived to be 80. In pub lic life wo havo had several recent ex amples of great men whoso power for statesmanship did not diminish through age. Gladatouo is nearly 75, and Pal merston was Prime Minister at the timo of his death, two days before ho had completed 81 years. Benjamin Franklin, in the last ccntry, lived to bo 84. Planting a Ooooanut- In a letter from tho West Indies wo find tho following : To tho gentleman who lins written mo that ho read ot cocoanut growing nicely as a houso plant in Brooklyn, and that he desires to start one, and wishes to know wheth er tho nut should be planted with tho eyo up or down, I mast confess that of my own observation I do not know. I always took it for granted that of course tho eye and stem should be planted up ward, unless tho planter desired to iiavo his trco grow through to China, for tho benefit of tho Mongolian unbelievers. But I am surprised to find, in a trust worthy work on cocoannts, tho follow ing directions : "Thoy should bo planted as follows : Place tho rlpo nuts aboutour inches under tho soil, and about twenty feet apart. Caro should be taken to plant the nut that is attached to the stem downward, as tho milk inside tho nut will then cover tho eyo and germinato tho young sprout that produces tho tree.' But if you follow theso directions, my dear sir, anil subsequently find yourself tho prouu owner ot a cocoanut tree grow ing upside down, please don't blamo mo." Contents of an Ohio Mound. An Ohio mound was recently ex plored. It is located near the coutro of Morgan township, is nbout fifty feet in diameter at tho base and six feet high, tho top being a level circlo thirty five feet across. Tho investigation Jio- veaiou that tno mounu was tor mud chiefly of surfaco soil and made wholly on top of tho ground. At the depth of threo feet was found ring of ashes fivo feet in width and two foet deep, containing bits of char coal, llio diameter of tno ring is about twenty feet. In and about this wero found human bones that had evi dontly been burned. Insido this, lying at tho very bottom of tho mound on tho original soil, were found in a tolcrablo state of preservation the skeletons of four full-grown persons, ono of them a woman, upon whom lay the bones of a well-developed imnnt. tno bodies wero huddled together without an systematic arrangement. The skul fs wero of good size and shape. Only tho bones ot ouo snowed signs ot tiro, Water' Supply of Tarns. An "Agricultural Engineer" writes to tho Country Gcntteman i During tho past year, I havo taken pains to noto tho situation of mora tlinu n hun dred farm wells aud cisterns, nnd moro than half of them aro in dangerous proximity to ocsspoois, somo of which havo been in use for scores of years i most of them, however, havo been emptied every spring for tho manure in them but this, even, lins littlo effect in preventing tho inevitable pollution of tho water supply. A largo propor tion of tho farms havo wells quite close tq the ruanuro ynrds nud stables. In ono of theso homesteads, of a family of soven, but ono survived to 30 yenrs of nge, nnd tho survivor camo very near dying of an nbcess of tho liver, no doubt suporinduccd by tho unwhole some wntor supply. It is to bo hoped that these facts will give rise to inves tigation in such cases as may present suspicious circumstances, and in all oases a comparison with tho following points and tho condition of tho wntor supply may bo useful. 1. Thcro is no well safo that is not porfcctly well protected from surfaco wntor and tho cntranco of wormi, frog, toads nnd small insects and vermin. Tho well should bo curbod up nbovo tho Biirlace with bricks or stone, laid in cement, or well plastered outside witli liino mortar, so that the ground slopes in all directions, nud prevents any pools of surfaco water from re maining within 20 feet of tho well. 2. It is a common but mistaken be lief that a well should bo open to tho air for ventilation. The reason given is that carbonio acid or foul air will gather in tho well. No doubt at limes this gas gathers in wells, but in every caso it is in wells that aro open to tho nir, and are fouled with decomposing orgauio matter. Tho purest water comes from drive wells nnd nilesian wells, to which tho outer air cannot gain access. Carbonio acid gas, too, is only dangerous when breathed. Its prcsonco in water greatly improves it, and a person who drinks ono glass of soda water, or a seidlit. powder, takes moro carbonic acid gas than could bo taken in ten barrels of any well water. 3. A well should therefore bo tight ly closed in at tho top, and closely curbed to tho bottom, and every pos sible entranco should bo closed against worms and all other living creatures. 4. A well cannot bo safe from un derground drainage, unless it is dug down below a bed of clay which slopes or inclines from tho well toward any barnyard, cesspool or other source of pollution, irrespective of distanco ; for whon a draiuago flow occurs through tho soil, it is only a question of timo when it will reach the well, although it may bo 100, 200 or moro feet from the source of the impurities, if the slopo of tho subsoil, grav5l, liardpan or clay, is from tho 6ourco of tho drainage to the well. In porous, sandy soil or gravel, tho deeper tho well, tho sooner it will become fouled by any drainage. 5. A cesspool or barnyard should always bo located on lower ground than tho house or the well, or any spring from which tho water is drawn. If this is not possible, the cesspool should bo mado with an impervious bottom of ce ment, saturated with gas tar or melted asphalt, nnd a drain made of glazed pipes, cemented at the joints, to carry tho liquid from it to a distant place where it may be used in making com post. C. A well should bo carried down to a permanent boiling spring which enters the bottom, and then linod witli cement tiles, the joints of which should lio carefully closed ; or the lining should bemade of brick, laid in cement, or if of wood, or hemlock plank, laid with closo joints. Nn other wood but hemlock should bo used for a well curb. The common system of boring wells by machinery is tho best and safest, and when a good supply of water is procur ed, tho oore should bo filled with ce ment pipe. Where water is near tho surface, a drivo well is tho best and saf est. In conclusion I would remark that the best timo to dig a well is in tho dryest part of tho season ; and when an existing well is dry in a dry time, it would pay to tako that opportunity to deepen tho well down to permanent water, oven if pressing work is put aside until this has been done. And lastly, considering the serious conse quences of any lapse in securing purity in tho water supply, it would bo better to spend 200 or $300 over it, and do without a parlor organ or piano, or a costly famishing for a parlor or a fancy road wagon, it both cannot bo nirord cd -, but a great deal of tho cost may be saved by going tho right way to work about it. The Dome of St. Veter's. An important pieco of work has just been brought to a successful conclusion in Homo, in tho commoto rcnownl ot tho leaden onvelope of tho domo of St. Peter's church in Homo. It has occu pied twelve yenrs, and lias cost over 200,000 lire (8,000 pounds sterling). Tho original covering was applied to tho domo in nn imperfect fashion, which mado continuous repairs a neces sity, and at last it was determined to strip off tho whole envelope and sub stitute a new ono on better system. Now lead was imported from Spain and mixed with tho old lead in the propor tion of ono part old to two parts new. The total weight of tho now cover is given at 354,305 kilograms, and if it were snrcad out flat it would ocunv an urea of 6,152 snuaro meters, or about an aero and a half. In stripping off tho old plates threo of them were found to bo of gilded copper. Chicago Times. An undertaker camo Into tho houso lookiug despondent, nnd presently tears swelled into ins oyes. What is the matter J asked his wife. Something gono wroug at the oiiicoT You knew that Ih. H. had boon sick for a day or two 1 Yes. lie died this morning. American tramps will bo pleased to learn that tho Kughsh custom of eating uvo meats in n nay is ueiug uurouuoeu into this country. Tho news may not be so great to tho farmer's poultry, now ever. A lawyer who can writo poetry is not necessarily a logal-tondcr writer. Jas. II. Mercer distinctly states that Acker's KiikUbii Remedy has and does cure contracted consumption, Ask for circular. An entirely now medicino, guaranteed. Jas. II. Mercer states that indiges tion nrcnaros everv ono for diseaso.but guarantees Acker'B Dyspepsia Tnblclu to euro nil Jorms ot indigestion. Jas. II. Mercer will refund tho price paid if Acker's Wood IClixir does not reliovo auv skin or blood disorder. A now, but thoroughly tested disoovery, Just like a Boy, Tho other dny tho driver ol a De troit horse-car saw n boy slip softly up on tho rear platform, nnd ho presently called to him to vacate. Tho boy rc pliod by making faces. "I tell you to git I" Tho boy clovnted his nose. Tho driver seized his whip, but tho boy winked at him. Whip In hand tho drlvor dropped oil tho car to mako good his retreat, but as ho grabbed for tho rear railing ho miss ed tt aud sprawled in tho street, whllo the horso jogged along at such a gait as mado it necessary to run two blocks to overtake tho car. Thu boy mean while indulged In ohuoklcs, grins, cack les, guffaws nnd gyrnlions, but as tho driver got within ton feel of tho car ho walked in, doposltcd his faro in tho box, nud camo out coolly to observe : "I'm n passenger now, and you lar rup mo if you want the company sued for $10,000 damages I" Tho driver didn't. To provont tho growtli of moss or weeds on gravel walks it is recommen ded to spnnklo salt pretty "freely on tho paths, (about a pound to tho squnro yard does for ouo year at least,) caro being taken not to let tho salt fall on tho box borders or tho edges of tho grass. A damp but not a rainy day is tho best for this operation. Somo ap ply n boiling solution of salt (about a pound to the gallon of water) with a common wateriug pan so that a pound of salt will bo received by ovory square yard of walk. A much weaker solu tion will servo tho same purpose if it should be required again. Which, is tho most costly, a horse or a bicycle t Tho first cost is often about tho same ; tho difference afterwards depends on tho relative price of arnica aud oats. ri ENEKAL ELECTION .PROCLAMATION. I, JOHN MOUIibi, nign sheriff ot Co luinbia county, Commonwealth or Pennsylvania, do hereby mako known and proclaim to tho qunll fled electors of Columbia county thut a general election will bo held on Tuesday, November 4, 1884 bclnsr tlio Tuesday next following tho nrs-t Mon day of said month) for tho purpose ot electing tho sot oral persons hereinafter named, to-wlt: Thirty persons for electors for President nnd Vlco I'resldont ot tho United States from tho Stnto of Pennsylvania. Ono person for Congrcssmnn-nt-Lnrgc. Ono person for Congress from tho 11th Congres sional District. Two persons for Heprescnlntlvcs of Pennsylvn nla. Ono person for I'rothonot iry and Clerk ot the Courts of Columbia County. Ono person for ItegUtcr and Recorder of Colum bia county. Ono porson for Treasurer of Columbia county. Thrco poisons for Commissioners of Columbia county. Threo persons for Auditors ot Columbia coun ty. I also hereby mko known nnd glvo notice that tho places ot holding tho aforesaid election In tho several wards, oorouglu, districts and townships within the county of Columbia aro as follows, viz: Beaver township, at tho public houso of 1'ottor Smith. Benton township, nt tho public nouso of Hlrara Hess, in tho town ot Benton, East Bloom, at tho Court House, In Bloomsburg. West Bloom, at tho Court House, In nioomsburg. East Berwick, at the littlo onico of Jackson li Woodln In tho borough of Berwick. West Berwick, at tho ofUco ot W. J. Knorr, In the borough ot Berwick. Borough ot Ccntralla, at tho public houso of Wil liam I'elfer. Brlnrcrcek township, at tho public school houso near Evansvlllc. Catawlssa township, at tho Jpubllc houso ot W A. Yetter. Centre township, atthoschool houso near Lafay ette creosys. North Conyngham District, at tho school houso near tho colliery ot John Anderson & Co. South Conyngham District, at tho house ot Mrs Thomas Mouroe. Flshlngcreek township, at tho school houso near C. 11. White's. Franklin township, at tho Lawrenco school house. (Jreenwood township, at Uio house of I. D. l'utlon. Hemlock township, at tho public house of Chas, U. Dlettcrlch, In tho town of Buck Horn. Jackson township, nt thu houso ot Kieklel Colo. Locust township, at tho public house of Daniel Knorr, In Numedla. Minim township, at tho public houso ot Aaron Hess, In tho town ot MltUlnvllle. Madison townshln. ut the public school house In Jerseytown. iu. neoaant lownsmp, ut mu aiiueriuwu scuuui house. Montour townshlD. at tho Dubllo house of B. Laycock, at llupert. Main townsuln. ut tho nubile houso or Jcremlan . ujngenDergcr. I'oai Miller. I'oarTngcrcek township, at tho houso ot Samuel ntrenDerire Orange township, at a. Heckman's hotel In Or angcvltlo. rino township, at tho Centre School House, Sugarloat township, at thu houso ot Norman Colo. West Scott at tho public houso of F. C. Fred, oriel, In Llglitbircet, Dust Scott township, at tho public houso ot Jacob Miller, In Kspy. At all elections hercuttcr held under tho laws ot this Commonwealth, the election polls bhallbu opened at soven o'clock In tho forenoon, nud shall contlnuo open without Interruption or ad journment until seven o'clock In tho evening when tno pons wiu ue cioaeu. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That every person excepting Justices ot tho Peace and Aldermen, Notaries 1'ubllc nnd Per sons In tho mllltla service ot the state, who shall hold or shall within two months Iiavo held any omce or appointment of protlt or trust undur the tinned States, or ot this state, und city or corporated district, wlietlwr a commissioned onicer or otherwise, a subordinate onicer or agent who Is or shall bo employed under the Leglsla- ture, Executlvo or judiciary Department of tins state, or of any city or ot any Incorporated dls- inci, anu aisu, mat every uirmuer ui i;uuruss and ot the state Legislature, and of tho select or common council of any city, or commissioners of any Incorporated district, aro by law incapable of holding or oxerclslng nt tho same time tho onico or appointment ot Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election otthls Commonwealth, and tuat no Inspector, Judgo or other onicer ot such elec tion bhnu do eligible to no men voted ror. Tho Inspectors nnd Judgo ot tho elections shall meet nt tho respective places appointed for holding tho election In tho district to which they respectively belong, before beven o'clock In tho morning, nnd each ot suld Inspectors shall ap point ono clerk, who shall bo a (punned voter of sueu uismci. Tho nualUled voters of tho several districts In this county nt nil general, township borough and special elections, are uereby hereafter author ised and required to vote by tickets printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classltled iw follows) One ticket shull embrace tho names ot all Judges of Courts voted for, and labelled, outside, "Judiciary;" ono ticket shall embrace tho names of all tho State omcers voted ror nnd to bo labelled -'State:" ouo ticket shall einbraco tho names of all county omcers voted for, including the onico ot Senator, and Members of Assembly, U voted for, and members ot congress. It voted ror, and no label led "County ;" one ticket shall embrace thu names of all township oSlcers voted tor, and be labelled "Township :" one ticket shall emorace tho names of all borough oUlcers voted for, and bo labelled "Borough." ballot boxes. Ana uacu class bnau do neposite a in supuxuiu JOHN MOUltKV, bopt Bii-tt Sherlh. aoincy or WILEY & HUSSELIS UUOll SAVING TOOLS MACHINERY. HcadQaurtcrs for Iron, btccl.llorbCbhoos Nails and Wagon Makers' and Black smiths' Supplies. Israel Blltenbender, Storos Warerooms vsKninkllnAvo.,alhO warerooms 111 Frank lin Ave., and 1(5 Cen tra btreut. SOItANTON may 23. ly PA. A (HINTS WANTED For tbOllVl'SOf Blaino & IClovolnnd & Logan,! Hondi'icks In 1 vol by T. V, Knoxjln 1 vol byllon Allarnum. n... n.. nH V.dll vnl KHrt nn 1UU J.ritfr Hut, v.,r.., ,iw.u ,u,i. , irm-fi.M. w ner cent to AirentH. outntJVer. Address IIAllTl'OH 1) 1'UilUSIHM) CO., Hart ford, Conn. A IIVKtlTISKItSI semi for our Select list of local XI now spa per. uco. r. itowuu x Co., iu tjpruco wanted tor Tho Uvea ot all tho Vresl iipntHoflho V.H. The Uru'Oht. hand. .Boniest best book ever sold tor loss than Imnk In America. Immense nrollls to live 111 8. At twiou our nrico. in lastest sei nil Intelligent peoplo want it Auy ono can become a succestful agent, 'icrms irce, juli.ht hook co, I'ortlandi .Maine, Deo si-ly Ailvcrtlnlitc CltontHltt "It hai becoino so common to begin nn nrllclc, In nn elegant, Interesting style, "Then run it Into some nilvcrtisoincnt that wo nvolil nil such, "Anil simply call nitentlon to tho merits of Hop Hitters In as plain, honest terms, possible, "To lmluco people "To jtlvo them ono trial, which bo proves their value thut tliey will never use any thing else." "Tho ltcmedy so favorably noticed in all tho nnners. you, lleiigious nnd secular, is JlllVlll othor mci Them I Having a largo sale, nnd Is supplanting all ior mod elncs. "Thf ro li no denying tho virtues ot tho Hop plant, Id tho nronrlfitnra nf linn uiitrm hnt. .Uwii and tho proprietors otnoi great shrewdness nnd ability "In compounding a medicino whoso Mrtucs nro so palpable to every ono's observnt ion." DID SIIR DIE ? "No 1 "Slio lingered and suffered nlonir, pining nway nil tho timo for yenrs," "Tho doctors doing licr no good t" "And ut lust was cured by this Hop lilt, ters tho papers any so much nbout." "Indeed 1 Indeed 1" "How thankful wo should bo for Hint medicine." A DAtHllITKIl'rt MtSKRV. "Eleven years our daughter fullered on a lied of misery, "Erom n complication of kidney, liver, rheumatic trouble nnd Nervous debility, ''Under tho caro of tho best physlclnns, "Who gave hor dlscnso various names, "llut no relief, "And now she is restored to us In good hcnlth by ns simple n remedy ns Hop Hit lers, that wu had shunned tor yenrs before tHlng It." Tho Parents. FATimil IS OCTTIKd WKLI- "My daughters sny i "How much bettcrfathcr Is slnco ho used Hop UitlOTO." "He Is getting well ufter his long sufTer ng from n dlscnso declared Incurable." '.'And we arc so glad that he used your Hitters." A Lady of Utlca, N tTTNono gcnulno without a bunch of green Hops on tho while label, shun nil tho vile, poi sonous stuff 1th "Hop" or "Hops" in their home. ffl. C SLOAN & BR07 BLOOMSHUKG, TA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. First-class work always on hand. REPAIRING NEA TL YDONE. lYiccs reduced to suit the timet. LUADINQ GUN. nuiniineT mm JligniUOl UUIJrortholtaittaoncy ever offered, to the public. For n!e by nil flrtt-claii Gun Draleri. At Wholesale only by (lesdforCatalogut) 8GH0VERLING, DALY & GALES, 84 & 80 Chambers St., Now York, , Oct 10 4 w r ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES. OF OAST CIl WROUGHT IHON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. Tho following snows tho Picket Oothlc, one of tho several beautiful styles of Fcuce manufactured by the undcrsJgned. For lleautv nnd Durability they aro unsurna&s 1. Set un by exneileueod hands and warranted io givo saiisiaciiou. Prices and Hpecinicna of other de- signs sent to any address. Address BLOOMSBURWA- May 4-tf CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! THE ARTIST 1 AND MERCHANT TAILOR, "Who always gives you tlio latest 6tyk'B, nnd cuts your clothing to fit you. Having hail the experience lor n number ol years m tho Tailoring Uusi nehs, has learned what material will ;ivo his customers tho best satisfaction or wear ami stylo anil will try to pleaso all who cive him n call. Also on Hand Gents' Furnishing Goods OF ALL DESCI1IITION8. HATS, GAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Alwuys of tlio latest styles. Call nnd ox limine his stock before purchasing else where. Store nel door to First National Bank Corner Main & Market Sts. Fa, April sa-ly CatarrH Tell Hid World. I deslro to tell tho worm my otnerienco with Kly's Ore am lialm-havliiif turf erca from a very offensive cuturrh. I Imil tried powders and lujectlons Ixlt to no uvuil but after iinnlylni; Cream Halm a tew times It removed everything, ana tho remedy U bo Mmpie. Mry resp'j Junl.uta fet., t'hlla. 1'a, Ely'u Cream IUlm U woriu lis woik'iiv in rapvwrm t'u1'' as a tun) (or L'a. HAk-EEVEK farm, ono bottle (Uvo It a tilal. Kly's Cream lialm causes no pain, (lives relief at once. A thorough treatment will cure. Not a liquid. Noiasiiutr. Apply into nostrils. I'rtco W cents at drumi'sts: to tin. by mull, rt'tusieicu. caiupie- uouiu uy utiii iui'duis. kct lmoauKits, DruBgist owejo, N. Y. buy f& kwifltat c o c o Boomsbii YFEVERiyj for tho working class. Rend 10 cents for postage, and wo will mall soufrer, a royal valuaolobox of sample moils that will .nut you In tho way ot making moro money in n buslnmi. capital not rooufrcd. We will Mart loucnii work all the time or In uparo timo only. Tho work li universally adapted to both hoxoh, young and old. ivcrsauy adapted to both You oan easily earn from oO cents to every evening. That all who want may test thn hiiRlnnsa. wn mara thu unnnrAlliM offcri to all that nro not well satlsnod we will send II to pay for tho troublo ot writing us. Full parti culars, directions, oto sent free. Fortunes 111 bo mado by thoso who glvo their wholo timo to tho work, orcat suecesa absolutely sura Don't delay. Start now. Address htinhon Co.k Portland, Maine pec m-1 ALL KINDS OF JOIi PRINTING ON SHOUT NOTICE AT THIS OFFICE. EIRICIHIAINIT (9. MWBNBM, Mil present Three liondsomo Drta for tho correct solution ot this Rebus I Fiiist Pmzk. One pair of Fine Bicycle Shirts. Si:coni) Pjiize. One Gossamer Coat. Timti) Piwzk. Scarf and Breast Pin. ojaataof' H1E3 fillip ji DAVID LOWENBERG, iMEROIIANT TAILOR, AND GENTB' OUTFITTHU. . BLOOMSnUKG, PA. Xnttrvrl Recording to Acl ot Congms, In lti year 1971, by iTI0HiL AliviHTIMlxu Co., hi lliu titUc of lb l.)brri4u of CoL2rbi, WiubJogtou, D. O. The nnswers to this Itebus must lie enclosed in scaled envelopes, mnrhed "lteljus," nnd returned to my store, where tliey will be numbered tis received until December 1st, when tho envelopes will bo opened, and prizes awarded. Not more than one prize to be nwnrded in tho same family. mmmmm QMAIN STREET,) 0 B, MBBM, DEALER IN Foreign amd Mazaestic WINES AND LIQUORS, MO JOBBER IN CIGABS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. MEET METAL WOU IK ALL ITS ESPECIAL PAID 0k TIAIIILIOIR bury. o.aop. Nioio i anil S.to for For tho Celebrated ChieUcrlng, Ivors & l'ond, nnd Yose & Sou Pianos. World-re nowned Estey Organs, Violins, Accordeons and Sheet Music. Celehniled White, Now High Arm Davis, Mew Home, lloynl St. John, aud Light Running Domestic Sewing Machines. Needles, oil nnd attachments for nil makes of Sewing Machines. p.m. a 00 K 51 8 4S H 40 8 Hi H 27 8 !M BRANCHES. attention; TO in in re m it m 1 2 Ail' V.'V: x, Pennsylvania Railroad. u Philadelphia & Erio R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. IMi TIME TABLE. In effict 3!ay isth, IN)!. Trains leave bun. KASTWAHI), o.ir, n. m Fea Shoio Kxprcss (dally excer Hnrrlsburi? and liiuimedlalestallons. Kumlnvl. for arrlilnirut rhtmilelphla3.i!ip. in. n.i!0 li. in. : Ualtlmoie. 6.10 n. in. ! New nrL- Washington in., conticctlii!? ni l'hliadelplila lor nn sea noinib. imoiigii pa&totJKcr coach to iiiiuueiiiui 2.UUII. 111. n.-Diiy expiess (ilnllj), for llarrlsbure ledlulo stntionj.nnlvlinf at riilladclnlila I rcw oik, iasiU i. in. ; li.utimoro lntermedl m v. m. . r von. in. : wnshlnctou. 8.40 n. in. Pnrinr ( throujrh to riillaUeljihU and passenger coachc through toriilludelpiila nnd Daittinoie. orwp. in. iwiiuiiii!i'un. .UTuininouauon (dally for Ilnrrlsburg and all lntrrmedliito stations, nrrlv lnirul riilladclnlila 3 ID li. m. i Sew York 11.111 n. m Mccplutf car accommodations can bo hecured at HaiiUburBforl'lillndeliilitauiidNciv Y01R, 011 sun. days nthiougli tleeplnir car win bo inn; on this truintrom vumainsp iioi'iiuaueiimiii.riiiiadeliiUln juswngci scan lem.ilu In sleeper undlslinbed until a. in. i:rle Mall (dally except Monday) llaulibuw nnd liileiimdlato station..: nrrlUug ot Philadelphia 7.M iu 111. New oris li.-u iu 111. ; uuiiiiiioiu 1.4U 11. 111. ; vt usiiiiikion, H.'M 11. in. 'lhrouKh I'ulliiinn sleeping carsam runon this train to Philadelphia, llalllmuro and Washlnir. ton, and through paBaeiifer coaches to Philadel phia nnd llaltlinoie. VvTSUWAltD. 6.15 a. in. Krlo Mail (dally excent fiundavl. toi Krlernd nil Intel inedlato btntlons with thruiiK rulliT.an l'alaio car und through iinssenuer coaches to Die, und thiough l'ullimiu 1'al.ico carsto llurralo vlaDiipoilum. on Sundays U1L1 trulu ruus 10 HcnoMi, with l'ulliiian l'alaco car to iinamspoi 1 anu pa!bcngcr coacnes 10 ucnovo. mid Intermediate htatlons. ltochesier. llulTdTonnd Maiturn Kails, (dallv excent bundays) with tliiough Pullman l'alaco car and passenger coacnea 10 itocncsier. iu.1.1 isena r.xptcbi uiauy except hunuayi ior Ixxk Haven and Intermediate stations, (in Hun. da) s this tram runs only to Wllllamsport. 1.10 p. m. Magani Expiess (dully o.xcept Sun day) lor Kane und liilcrmedtutu btatloua with thioughpasfengercoaclicsto Kane, rort'iuun dalguu and principal Intermediate hlallou-, icoeiiehtcr. iiuiiiuo anu piiagara irans Willi ihiougliiMsscnger coaches to hochester and Par lor car to WatUns. 6.56 n. in. Fast Lino (dally.cxccnt Sundaylfor llc- noo and Intel mediate hliitlona, and hlmlru, Wal king and lntcnncdldto statlonK, Ith tluough p.is seusi r coaches to Ucnovo and Walklns, TllltOUOlI TUAINS I'OH BONUUltY I'llOM T11U liVSTANU SOUTH. News Uxprcts leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a. in. . llarrbburt', S.10 a. m. dally, urilHiitr at suubury' 10.16. Niagara Express lea ts rhlladclplil.i, 7.40 a. in. ; Ilaltliuoio 7..'1U a. 111. (dally except bunday) uniting at bunbury, l.iu p. in., with thiough Parlor car Horn I'hllauelplila and through passenger coaches nom Philadel phia and Ualtlmoie. Fast Lino leaves Now York 8.00 a. in. ! Philadel phia, 11.10 n. in. j Washington, U.40 n. 111. ; tialtl. moiv, 10.5J a. m., (dally exi ept Sunday) 111 riving a bunbury, B.up. m with through passenger coaches from l'Ulladelphlit and Ualtlmoie. Krlo .Mall leaves New York S.ou p. m. j l'hlladol. phla, ll.vop. in. ; Washington, 10.10 p. in. ; Haiti more, 11.3" p. 111., (dully) 111 rlt lng tit buubury 5.1 a.m., with thiough Pullman Sleeping cms Hum ruuaucipiua, tt iismngion una li.iuniioro nna through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. Sleeper tiom t athlugton runs dally except sun day. stiNiiuitv, iiazi.i:tin it vn,ui:siiAititK U.tll.ltDAl) A.N I MIRTH ANI WlisT IIIt.VNCil ItAIIAVAY. (Dally except Sunday.) Wllkesbarro .Mall leates suubury lO.aOa. m.. anltlng ut Uloom l'erry 11.S7 11. 111., W'llkes-barro w p. in. Kxnress Kast leat es Suiiburv S.M n. nrrlvlng nt llluom Feiry 0.S0p. m., Wllkeh-burre b.0up. Sunbuiy .Mall leatesW hkraliarin lo-'iu a. 111. nnlv. lngnt liiooin retry l:!.0l p. in., sunbuiy l-.'.M p. rn. KMil'esa est lfinc U llkes.li.irro u. ir. 11. 111.. living at IJloom l'erry 1.15 p.m., Sunbuiy5.lo in. CIIA8. L. PUdir, J. It. WOOD, Gen. Manager. Ocn. Passenger Agent j) JIILADELPH A and HEADING ROAD AKI'.ANGEMENT OF PASaENGEfi TUAINS. MaylO 18B4 IISAlUa LHAVK UOrSllT AH rOLLOWS(flONI)Ay xickrvuD. For Hew York.Phlladc'.phla.Ileodlnir.l'ottsvtll Tamtaiua, fie, 11,50 q. m, For catawlssa, ll.to a. io. 0.13 and ld.'.'S p. m. For Wllllamspoit,o,33 11. ir. a. m. ana 4,09 p. in For Lewlsburg nnd Sunburj , 4.01) p. in. TKAItiayOH KOVaUT L8AV3 AS iOLI-OWb, (BCNPAV I.ouvo Now York, via. Tamaciua 9.00 a. ra. and via. Bound llrook Uouto 7, 15 a. m. tone Philadelphia, o.to n. ta. Le.tvo Heading, 11,6a r. m., t'ottiivllle. ia.3) p. u and'famarp:a,l,35p. m. Leavo Catawlssa, 0,80 11.15 a, m. ana 4.00 p, m. Leave Willlnnisrort.9,4sa.u,4.C5p,u, and tl.10 p. m ' Lewlsburg 4.41 p.m. 1'ivnengers to and from I'blla telphln uo throuh ttlthcutchansool cars. 3. E. WOOTTF.N, CO. Hancock, oonerul Manager .i0?!;r'7l i'asseaecr and Ticket AKent. Jan.io, lsSl tf. JQELAWAllE, LACKAWANNA AND WK&TEKN ItAlLHOAD. Iil.OOMSBUl'iG DIVISION. KOItTII. STATIONS. SOUTH. P.in. a.m. I It V5 J iu! U H II (Hi 1 30 1 S3 1 SO 1 13 1 U.1 1 UO a.m. 11.111. p.m ...Scrnnton.... ....Hello 110.... ..'I'aylonlllo... . IjH'kilwitimn 5 61) U 40 2 20 5 65 I) 45 2 25 01 U 60 2 30 0 0!P 0 57 2 38 0 17 10 Ol 2 4li 0 23 10 00 2 61 li 28 10 14 2 61 li 33 10 17 3 00 U 3i 10 20 3 01 (j 40 10 25 a Wi 0 18 11) 21 3 00 0 60 10 29 3 11 0 65 10 33 3 15 7 00 10 37 3 20 7 05 10 41 3 21 7 13 10 48 3 33 7 21 10 tU 3 45 7 47 11 10 3 67 7 63 11 10 4 03 8 00 11 22 4 10 8 00 11 311 4 10 8 10 11 311 4 ID 8 14 11 43 I 23 8 21 11 48 4 30 8 28 11 63 4 SS H 34 11 57 4 43 8 S'J 13 03 4 II 8 63 12 20 5 1)3 II 03 13 28 6 13 0 Oil 13 33 t HI U 20 13 60 5 SO a.m. 11.111. p.m "i' I'lUSlOll B63,.West l'lttstoii. H4S.... Wyoming..., 4I. ..Maltby 2 M llennett " 83 ....Klngoton .... 8 351. ...Kingston.. . 1 55 a 17 1 51 8 11! 11! 48 8 (18 13 41 8 08 IS 41 8 0.) 13 S'J 7 fit) 13 .'15 7 51 13 30 "O.l'lymoutli Juno 8 25 8 31 8 17 8 10 7 58 7 47 7 41! 7 311 7 27 7 2) 7 11) 7 li 7 113 ....Pit mouth. 5U 13 11 .... .Woiiilnle. . ....Niimicoku... Ilunlock'H cieek ..shlckahlnny., . Hick's Feiry. ..lieachliaten.. llerttlck.... .lirlar Creek.. ..Willow (iiotc. ...LlmoKldgo... 7 4.1 13 IU U) 13 IM 1 18 11 61) 7 11 11 6U 7 03 11 41 0 58 11 till 0 51 11 31 0 60 It UU U 43 It l!l U 311 11 17 0 30 It 13 0 25 11 OS 0 (18 10 53 II 00 10 47 B 55 111 43 5 40 10 30 p.m. a.m. i.Kw., 7 00 ... liloomsburg ... .... llunert 0 51 li 37 II 20 (1 25 Catattla llrldgo . ...iftuivinu. ....Chulasky, .... Cameron. u 10 Norlhumbeiland II. Ill W. F. HALSTKAD, fenpt. onico, Scranton, Feb. 1st, 1B02. Supeilntendent's JAM KB UEILL-X, Tonsovial Artist. ifWr? "ils,OIJ "'and undor EXCHANUK IIU I I.I.. flnil lulu itanol n uiiikp. m ,uu m?1 "9 respectfully sollelts the BJJ,r.li?,,fJ oiB'ioiaoustomeriana of tho public gonerally, lnlyie.'60-tt P EMBODY HOTEL 1'llIUDF.Ll'WA. .i,H!h.s.t,.'?u,."Hf Chestnut, ono squaio bouth ot L .fittW.1 0,1 (inlcei n"e halt wiuaro irom Walnut St. 'theatre and 111 tim if.ri. im.li...du i.,,a nt 11m city, oil tho American and Kuioneiin nlans. Good 100ms 11 out so 0 to J3.O1) per day. liembaelleJ and nottlyiurulshed. "' W. Payne, M. B., , novao-i y ott ncr S rroprletor, A'l'Mi'-Ladles and Ocntlemcn to tako nlco M light, pleasant work at thelrownhomes(dls. tanuod no objection). Work wnt by mail. f."to$5 'y oan bo uuletly mado No canvassing. I'looae nddieM at once, ulobo Mfg Co,, lloaton, Mass., 00X6111. (,ct. ie-1 v r ..,Vlt!'., V"J Vt ifiii". an"' i '4o i.er ..',' ''' J t'Blll UriKHlN. il IIUlHi r, ..""""''' "Vu',,',,"'"'"'lli'Vrlii it li. f.J.i', Mi-t'urily kf,, fiiilaUvljptas.t'tu iQiirtS-ly aid