The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 31, 1884, Image 4

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The Columbian.
FRIDAY, OOTOHlill 31, 1881.
Correct Kitllrontl Time Talilc.
Trains 011 tho 1'IUIiulehihhi.t: it, it, leavo Hinierl
il:!M i. in.
l.wi p, in.
11:31 ik in.
0:111 p. in.
'I'iiiiiuoii 1 1 hi I), I. ,t V. It, It. lo.ivo llloomsuurg
as follows i
NOllTII. fOL'Tll.
r;0,' a. in. HiiH a. in.
11:17 ii. m. lliM a. In.
(Mil p. in. 4:.l p. in.
Tho 8:83 1. 111. 1 ruin connects at Northumberland
with t tic u.r train on iviui.iylviml.i road, roachltiK
rillliiui'liiuu lib alio li. in.
Tim republicans had a torchlight parade
Inst Saturtlny night. Tlicro were some
men In tho ranks who are voters now,
more hoys who will ho voters In 1883, ami
quite n number who may bo ho old enough
to vote for President In 1892. lly drawing
on tho Juniors they succeeded In getting
nut About ono hundred.
Tho Seatlntl calls democrats who itru lim
ing their fellows to stick to tho ticket,
"duffers who lire blaltlng this stereotyped
phnwe over Iho county lllto that many
sheep," and nays they aro the "llrst to boll
tho ticket when occasion rcnulrcs It.
Tho Sentintl must bu a "duller," whatever
that means, for only two years ago It was
crying "stick to tho ticket," and now It Is
Tlio 11:53 train connects with l'hll.iilcllihU anil
llrauintr ro.ui at unpen lenciitug rmiaucl- u:uo p. in.
Voto for Sterner and
cratlc ticket.
tho whole Demo-
Tho 1 1 :ta train connect s with Pennsylvania road
at .Northumberland at 1:50, reaching Philadelphia
at ,: p. in
Tho 4:30 p. m. trnln connects with Pennsylvania
road nt Northumberland at 8;ii5 p. m., and reaches
l'iillndelphla at 3:i'3 a. in.
18:01 p. m.
4:15 p. in.
Trains on Iho N. ti V. II.
Kerry as follows i
11:S7 a, m.
0.30 Jl. lit.
lMililIc HiiIch
Tho execiilor of M. S. Applcman will
sell at public sale on Saturday, November,
22nd, at ono o'clock, p.m., a valuable
farm In Cooper township, Montour county,
mid n llmo stono quniry. Seo advertise
Tho regular straight Democratic tickets
have been sent out to the respcctlvo com.
mlttceincn, who will seo that they aro nt
tho voting places on Tuesday. Any at-
Hallway pass "loom tempt to desttoy or mutilate tho regular
tickets will avail nothing, n3 u largo num
ber hnvo been printed, nnd distributed. In
caso any should fall to reach their dcstlna.
tlon tho committeemen will please notify
us on Monday.
A largo number of extra copies Of the
Sentinel were printed last week nnd circula
ted broadcast over tho county. They were
printed nt tho lltpubUean otllcc, nnd In sov
era! Items advocate tho election of the He-
rh. India nf .Tnrnli nml Miirv An W will Puhllcnn nominee for I'rotlionotary. Can
sell real cstato and personal property
Franklin township, November 15th.
I. M. Dowltt, Administrator of M. A,
Ammcrman, deceased, will sell valunblo
real estate on tho premises In Flshltigcrco k
township on Friday, November, 21st. See
Hon C. It. Rucknlow was In Philadelphia
this week.
Miss Wilbur of Bethlehem Is visiting nt
Dr. McKclvy's.
Mr. II. A. Smith nnd family, of New
York, nro at tho Sanitarium.
lion. J. B. Storm, our candidato for con
gress, Is making speeches In Now Jersey
nnd New York this week.
Mr. Gibbons who Is connected with a
paper in Kcnovo, was In town on Monday
lie was visiting his mother, who Is sick.
N. Z. Seltz. editor of tho Item, Glen
Rock, Pa., called at this office on Wcdncs.
Headquarters for trunks, satchels, vn-
llses, robes, &c, at David Lowcnbcrg's.
it be possible that there are nny Democrats
in this county who can bo Induced to votu
against their party by such menus ?
There was no meeting at Espy on Mon
day night I lie speakers were on hand,
and a crowd had gathered, but tho Rcpub.
Ilcan school directors of that district can-
not stand democratic truths, aud so refus
ed to allow the use of the school house, if
this same thina had been done by South.
crn Democrats It would havo been sent all
over tho country ns a "fearful outrage" on
tho rights of the people.
Tho Winter term of tho Okanokvillb
Academy will begin November 3rd. Only
a limited number will bo received during
this term. Instruction practical and
thorough. Expenses small.
Information nddrcss
Fhascis Hkck, A. M., Prin.
2w Oraugcvlllo, Pa.
Ono of tho most interesting features of
our town Is tho Model School, under tho
energetic nnd skillful management of Miss
Urowster. A glance down tho roll this
tcrnl shows children front Light Street,
Bnckhorn, Kupert, Catawlssa, E9py, Wil
low" Grovo nnd Llmo llldgo. Mils Ami
hind llngcnhuch, it horn, piltiiury teacher,
of extended training and experience, Is as
sistant Prof, Nllcu occupies ono period
dally In giving to nil lessons In vocal mu
sic, lie Is never more enthusiastic than
with n class of children, nnd they conse
quently enjoy tho exercise. Mrs. Gardner,
tho regular teacher of drawing, gives In
struction to the older pupils. A glnnco nt
tho penmanship' of even the youngest up
on the h1ackbnnrds, convinces the visitor
that great caro Is given to this blanch from
tho llrst day In school. The interest nnd
proficiency of these children In Map Draw.
lng, Arithmetic nnd Composition, branches
gcnernlly detested, nro remarkable. When
It Is understood that all these advantages
arc offered for twenty.tlvo cents a week, It
Is not surprising that wldo awake parents
In out neighboring towns nro Improving
them. Visitors arc warmly welcomed al
ways, nnd occasionally a mother spendB a
half-day there, sometimes with so much
Interest that she spends tho other half
there nlso. This visitation by parents, cs.
pcclally mothers, stimulates tho children to
better work, encourages tho teachers, and
not only allays that nnxicty every mother
feels for tho welfare of her Children, but
nlso chccis her, gives direction to licr ef
forts In helping at night, and contributes
powerfully toward a good understanding
between her and the teachers.
A HiiorlHiiutti'M Milium!.
As tho autumnal cunning season draws
night n demand arises for Information con
cerning tho best ranges for game, nnd the
wnlcrways most prolific In fowl. For tho
purpose of supplying such a demand, tho
issctigcr department of thu Philadelphia,
Wilmington nnd llallliiHiro Railroad has
published n work entitled "A Paradise for
Gunners and Anglers." Tim llltlo volume
Is an exhaustive treatlso on tho gamo birds,
wiitcr-towl utid llshesof tho Dclnwaro Pen
insula, their haunts, habits, and character
istics. An excellent map of tho territory,
showing the location of streams, nnd the
means of ncccss, nnd lmndsomo Illustra
tions of thornier specimens of birds and
tlsh, serve both to embellish and lend In
terest to tho book. Information as to the
gamo " laws, tho tlmo when certain gamo
moH abound, tho procurement of guides,
boats, &ct and In fact everything which
would maku tho way of tho sportsman
clear. Is furnished In nmplo detail.
Tho hook Is distributed gratuitously, and
may bo procured by addressing James It.
Wood, General Pnsscngcr Agent, Phllndel-
Dhl'i, Wilmington nnd Baltimore Itnllrond,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Voto tho Democratic ticket, tho whole
ticket, and nothing but the ticket.
Democratic Meeting.
The meeting advertised for Mill Grove
will bo held nt Flvo Points Instead, on Sat
urday evening, November 1st.
Holirsbure. on Mondny.ulirht, Govern
bci 3rd.
Franklin, Swninpschool house, Monday
night, November 3rd.
Buck Horn, Dlcttcrich's hold, Friday
night, October 31st.
I'or Decorating.
Vote for Snyder and
cratlc ticket.
tho wholo Demo-
WAcain wo call attention of our unem.
nlovcd renders to tho advertisement of P.
N. Nicholas it Co.
Bend the advertisement of Lllley &
Slennv In another column. They have
something of importance to tell you.
While William H. Snyder has been kept
nt home by a terrible bereavement in tho
death of thrco children, his enemies havo
been active day and night in canvassing the
county against him. trying to defeat him
for the olllcc to which he was nominated,
fairly and honorably by tho Democratic
convention. Well nigh broken In spirit by
Ills great affliction, there Is added to his
burden tho fact that ho Is being defamed
without an opportunity to answer. Havo
politicians no hearts ?
Just received at the ColumiiIAN stnro
For further itno of g00d3 for immi.palntlng, consisting
of Brass, Plaques, Papier Mnche Plaques
crescents, crosses, circles, triangles, leaves.
Holly-wood paper cutters nnd Photogrnpli
frnmcs, Ilnmmered brnss plaques, &c.
Voto for Polio and tho whole Democratic
Ilcutou Meeting.
On Monday evening last tho Democrats
of Benton held a meeting In favor of Clove
laud and Hendricks. Tho meeting was of.
fleered thus s President, John B. Kceler
Vico Presidents. Bcnlamln Mcllcnry, Geo,
W. Poust ; Secretary, John A. Chapin
Tho meeting was addressed by J. H.
Mnlzo Esq., and John G. Freeze. Benton
will give a good account of itself for tho
ticket, tho wholo ticket, nnd nothing hut
tho ticket.
There was a very light fall of snow last
week. Thursday. In some parts of the
country it fell to tho dentil of flvo Inches.
Pretty suits for little boya : pretty Kilt
suits for children, a large stock just
eelved, ut D. Lowcnbcrg's.
Take no stock In stories told of any can.
dldnto at the last moment. Their falsity is
proved by tho fact that they are circulated
too late for denial.
Header, when you arc through with this
paper hand it to some voter who dots not
take it, and urgo him to go to the polls
next Tuesday and vote the Democratic
ticket straight through.
It you need nny thing In tho line or n
silver or gold watch or any article of jew
elry, silver ware, &c. Call at L. Bombards,
Jewelry Store, and get the best for your
G. P. Sillier makes an announcement in
this issue of interest to tho people of Or-
nugovlllo and vicinity. He is engaged in
a general mercantile business, and sells
very cheap for cash.
Seo that your tickets are right before
voting. Democratic tickets with tho namo
of D. M. Kintcr Instead of William H. Sny
der will bo circulated. If any body at-
tempts to palm oil on you such a ticket,
prosecute him at once for tho violation ot
the net of 13 Juno 18S3, which forbids any
ono from furnishing or supplying to nny
voter a ballot, falsely representing It to
contain names not thereon, with intent and
purpose of defrauding said voter out of ills
expressed choice. The flno for so doing is
not to exceed one hundred dollars, or im.
nrlsoument not exceeding ono year, or
both, at tho discretion of the court.
Democratic MectliiKit.
A meeting nt Evnnsvltlo was addressed
by H. Buckingham nnd A. L. Fritz on Inst
Friday night.
J. C. Yocum, Esq., nddrcsscd n meeting
nt Slabtown on Saturday night.
A. L. Fritz, It. Buckingham and II. E.
Smith, Esqs., epoko to a school liouiio full
at Jersoytown on Monday night.
J. G. Freeze nnd J. It. Maize, Esqs.
wcro tho speakers at BeiUon on .Monday
A, L. Fritz, It. Buckingham, 0. B. Mc
Henry and 11, B. Bclslilluo talked to the
democrats of Jackson nt Waller on Tues
day night
Tho meeting at CV.nby was addressed by
(I. W. Miller nnd W. Chrlsmnn, Esns., on
Tuesday night.
W. II. Bbawn aud J, C. Yocum, Esqs.,
spoke nt MllUlnvlllo on Wednesday night.
C. O. Barklcy, Esq., nnd I). Lowenbcrg
went to Pino Summit on Wednesday night,
You can cot red. white or crnv blnnkcts
very cheap nt Ltitz it Slonn's.
New Dress Goods at 0, 0. Mnrr's, very
;hcap, t
Merino underwear for ladles, cents and
children, better and cheaper thnii ever at
l.iltz iV Sloan's.
Go to C. 0. Marr for chain comforts nnd
Hemlock boards, iilank 2 bv 4. lotcc.
bill stuff, 10, 12, 14, 10, 18 and 20 feet long
worked lumber, iloorlng, German nnd bev.
1 siding, surface boards and siding, sawed
shingles No 1, 2 nml 3, chestnut, hemlock,
and pine, shluglo nnd celling lath.
I have mndu iirrnngciicnts with n couple
of steam snw mills If there Is nny thing
that I hnvo'nt got I enn get It nt short no
tice nt iiighl street by
July 25-3 in SILAS YOUNG.
0. 0.
There will be bogus democratic tickets
at tho polls next Tuesday. Seo that your
ticket is straight before you voto. Don't
take anybody's word for it, but look for
A very ardent republican of this town,
ono of tho reg'h'.r "loyal" kind, you know
we mean ono of tho kind that was draft-
ed and got excused, or sent a substitute, or
something of that sort, and who now tells
how "we" put down tho rebellion, and
who calls democrats traitors, and liars and
other pet names, oxpresscd a desire to
choke nil tho democrats. Ho had better go
to New York, Indiana. Now Jersey and
begin operations. His party is greatly
worried over the suspicion that there aro
altogether too many democrats In those
states. By choking a few thousand the
democratic majorities might bo diminish-
Voto for Bryson nnd tho
cratlc ticket.
wholo Demo.
Diphtheria is making fearful ravages all
through this section. As yet wo havo
iicnru oi no cases in this town, but it is
likely to coine, and every precaution should
bo taken against it. Clean out your cellars
nnd whitewash them, and remove all lefusc
from the premises.
Posters announcing tho meetings In tho
noveral townships wcro printed and mailed
to the committeemen In plenty of time to
advertise tho meetings. It the posters were
not put up it is no fault of tho Chairman
of tho county committee Ho fully per
formed his part.
Do not deny yourself tho pleasure of ex.
amlulng our now and great bargains in
clothing. Wo aro taking the lead In style,
lit, assortment, goods and price. An ocu.
lur demonstration will satisfy you. UU
soon at the popular store of D. Lowcn-
A republican newspaper urges tho elec
tion of L. 1). Knso for Itcglster and Rccor-
dor, and calls special attcution to his mil
itary record. If tills lias anything to do
with the Issue, Mr. Sterner, tho democratic
candidate, can show just as honoiablo ser
vice for his country as can Mr. Kaso.
Tho Setilincl, now the organ of tho rcpub-
llcau nominee for I'rotlionotary, asks dem-
ocrats not to tako any stock in tho cry of
"stick to tho ticket" It was only two
years ngo that this same paper was beg-
King democrats to "stick to thu ticket,"
when tho brother or tho editor was a candl-
date for tho legislature.
William H. Snyder burled another child
last Friday. That fearful disease, diphthe
ria, entered his household nnd robbed him
of his oldest boy, the prldo of his homo,
only a few weeks ago, and now his second
and last son has been taken from lilm.
There arc many who nave been called upon
to undergo the same great atlllctlou when
this terrible scourge has come upon them,
but not only these, but everybody who
hears of this bereavement of a loving father
and mother will sympathize most deeply
with them.
Sluce tho above was written u daughter
10 years of ago, tho third and Inst child,
has died.
In vlow of tho fnct that about ono.thlrd
of nil tho Republicans In tho United States
repudiate tho nominees of tho convention,
while they profess themselves to bo tho
truo Republicans, It scorns proper that tho
other fellows should call themselves aud
their place of meeting "Tho Blalno & Lo-
gun Club Boom." Heretofore It would
havo been tho "Republican" club room
but they nro now "Jlliilncitcs." Tho glory
of tho G, O. P. has departed.
If James Welrman did not tell tho truth
In his allldiiTlt concerning Wm. Krlck
bivuin, why does not somebody nrrest hint
for perjury? Nearly three months have
passed, nnd yet the only vindication sought
bv tho Interested parties is tho defeat of
Mr. Snyder for making uso of Welrman'
nllldavit This proves conclusively that
tho opposition to Snyder Is actuated solely
by personal revenge. Will Democrats of
Columbia county lend themselves to any
such n movement as this ?
Voto for Fritz and tho wholo Democratic
Bargains unprecedented nro now offered
in Full and Winter clothing. Elegant
styles, new patterns, enticing prices. At
tho popular storo of David Lowenbcrg.
Professor W. T. Grier of the Lcwlsburg
University committed suicide last Sunday
Ho had been sick with typhoid fever for
a fuw days. During tho day a number of
visitors called nnd overtaxed tho patient's
strength, so that when night came ho was
much worse. In the evening ho asked lor
his penknife to trim his nails, which was
given him. Later in tho night ho asked
his wife for somo milk nnd when brought
ho received It In a somewhat gruff nnd
savage manner. This alarmed his wife,
who called up somo of tho professors,
Upon returning to tho room her husband
was found lylug across tho bed and cover
ed with blood. During tho wife's absence
bo had cut gashes with tho knlfo on both
sides of tho neck and across tho abdomen
and had then plunged tho knlfo Into tho
left breast, over tho heart, where It remain'
ed when the watchers camo In. It Is
thought that ho was temporarily Insane
Suits mado up in city stylo by experi
enced workmen. Call and seo what to
wear and how to wear It, nt David Low
cnberg's. tho line merchant tailor of
A roport has been circulated In Hemlock
nnd other townships that W. H. Snyder of.
fercd William Krlckbaum fifteen hundred
dollars for lilssuppoit slnco tho convention,
nnd it Is said that such a charge will bo
mado In tho Sentinel this week, As Mr.
Snyder cannot now bo consulted on politi
cal matters, being utterly prostrated by tho
loss of his third and last child who now
lies dead in his house, wo tako the respoir
slblllty of denouncing this report us false.
In tho first place Mr. Snyder has no $1600 to
offer. In tho second place, he Is not foolish
enough to placo himself within tho power
of his worst enemies by making such an
offer i and in the third placo, why Is this
chargo kept until tho last moment, when if
an offer was mado it was more than two
weeks ago ? may bo sure that
this charge, mado when there Is noopportu
nlty afforded for denial, is a desperato
move on tho part of tho bolters to deceive
you. Heed it not.
Voto for Evans and tho wholo Democrat
ic ticket.
Mr. Thos. Miles of Mllcsburg is visiting
relatives in this place.
Miss Annie Kochtr of Danville visited at
Mrs. Sam'l. Martecny's during Suuday.
Rev. L. M. Kumler left for Gettysbur
Clem W, youngest son of Uey. W. W,
Evans died Monday morning nt eight
o'clock of diphtheria.
Mrs. L. T. Thompson Is visiting relatives
in Gettysburg.
Tho C. L. S. C. had a very Interesting
meeting Tuesday evening, all members
being present.
Miss Annlo Adams died of typhoid fever
last Friday. Other members of tho fam
ily aro dangerously ill.
Miss Ida Spone'riburg entertained a num
ber of Berwick's young folks at her homo
last Thursday evening.
A little snow last Thursday followed by
n few cold and windy days.
Miss Sadlo Kreamer returned to her
homo Friday.
Dr. R. Fruit and wife of Hazleton, were
visiting hero last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson McKeo wcro witli
their friends on Sunday.
H. Smith, Esq., of Bloomsburg, was at
torney for a party that bad a suit at Esqulro
Wclliver's Saturday. Mr. Smith Jremalncd
over for thu Democratic meeting Monday
Mnny attended tho Wnshinglonvlllo fair
and reported n nice time.
Saturday tho showmen, the gamesters
and tricksters, and tho trotting horses,
passed through hero from Wnshlngtonvillo
on their way to Benton.
Notwithstanding the inclemency of tho
weather Mondny evening the Democratic
meeting in tho school house wa3 well at-
tended and altogether a success. Dr. T.
W. Swisher presided. Addresses wero
mado by Dlstrict-Attornoy Buckingham,
Messrs. A. L. Fritz and H. Smith.
Madison will poll her usual vote for tho
wholo ticket. But fow bolters In this town'
ship i perhaps none L, Y.
Voto for Parr and the wholo Democratic
At tho residence of tho bride's parents in
Orangeville occurred tills morning. Octo
ber 29th, tho wedding of Mr. Geo. W,
Bcrtsch, of Bloomsburg, to Miss Clara D
FIcckcnstlno. On account of tho recent
bereavements in tho bride's family tho
wedding was much moro quiet than would
otherwise havo been. Nevertheless,
largo company assembled. Rev. F. I
Manhart of Bloomsburg, performed tho
ceremony. Among those present wcro Mr,
and Mrs. D. G. Bcrtsch, parents of the
bridegroom, Mr. and Miss Bcrtsch, Mr,
and Mrs. W. R. Btroli.ull of Munch Chunk;
Mr. H. Eshleman, Miss Lllllc Wolf, Mrs. I.
S. Kuhn, Miss Agglo Hess, Mrs. Koto
Sheep of Bloomsburg ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Ehrlg
of Wllllamsport, together with many
friends from Orangevlllo and vicinity. Tho
following nro somo of tho very beautiful
and valuable bridal presents received. Cash
fj-lGO.OO, from parents of bridegroom, gold
watch and chain, it present from the bride
groom to bride, two sets silver teaspoons
a set silver tea knives, sliver fish knlfo nnd
fork, gold thimble, silver cake basket, fruit
snoon, spoon holder, card receiver, two sll
ver butter uisues, iwu pieiu auuiiis, sci
silver forks, it carving set, water set, Ico
cream set, two dinner, breakfast and tea
sets, n frencli clock, elegant mirror, silk
quilt, easy chair, blblo stand, together with
many flno table cloths, napkins, bed
spread, &c. The magnificent bride's enko
which graced tho occasion was tho gift of
Mr. & Mrs. Ehrlg, of Wllllamsport
Tho wedding breakfast that was served
Immediately after tho ceremony was all
that could bo desired and showed that noth
ing had been spared that could add to tho
enjoyment of the occasion.
Directly after tho refreshments tho bridal
party left for Philadelphia followed by tho
usual shower of rlco and old shoes, togeth
er with tho good wishes ot tho guests,
What Oiangevlllo loses In Miss Clara
Bloomsburg will gain in Mrs. Bcrtsch.
A Uuust,
Don't Hpoll tlie Record,
No regular republican candidato has ever
bcou elected lu Columbia county, except
commissioners, auditors and jury commis
sioners ns provided for by tho new con
stltutlon. With lhesu exceptions no re
publican hns held it county olllco except
by appointment of rcpubllcnu governors to
fill vacancies. For 33 years we have had a
democratic President Judge, except ono
year when Mr. Peckham was appointed to
All tho vacancy caused by Judge Wood
ward's resignation. For a longer tlmo wo
havo had democratic ussoclato Judges, with
tho exception of Judge Monroo who was
appointed to fill vncancy caused by the
death ot Judge Mnnu, In 1870, nnd who
was subsequently elected as an Indepcn-
dent. Judge Hughes was nppolnted in
187l! to fill the vacancy caused by tho death
of Judge Monroe.
Since 1831) uo republican has filled tho of-
llco of Piothonotary except R. It. Rtngler,
who was nppolnted In placo of W. II. Ent,
deceased. For forty years and moro this
olllco has becnfillcdonly by democrats, ex
cept a few months.
No republican has ever held tho office of
Sheriff, or Register nnd Recorder by elec
tion. No crookeducss has ever been charg
ed upon the party In nny of these olllces In
all Iheso years.
With this record, what excuse can tlicro
bo now for tho attempt on the part of cer
tain democrats who nro uniting with the
republicans to secure the election of D. M.
Kluter, the republican candidate for Pro
thonotary ? Having kept the republicans
outalmoit slnco tho organization of tho
county in 1813, shall wo now iu this Presi
dential year of 18S4, with every prospect
of success before us, open the gates, and
allow them to walk in and capture one of
the most important county ofllces, just to
gratify the personal splto of a few disap
pointed politicians ? Who is running this
county anyway ? Is it the people 1 Or are
they only puppets lu tho hands of a fow
dictators ? If the former, they will elect
Mr. Snyder by such n majority as will bo
a standing robuko to bolters for years to
come. If tho latter, then tho democratic
party may as well hang lis harp on tho
willow, for should tho bolters succeed a
nomination In this couuty will bo of llttlo
value lu the future. Ten years will not
heal tho breach that would bo mado by the
success of tho republicans and their bolting
allks. We believe that the Democracy of
old Columbia is made of sterner stuff than
to bo turned from its puth by such Influen
A Democratic Itully.
Tho Opera House wns well filled Inst
Thursday night to listen to Hon. R. E,
James of Easton, and J. II. Fow, Esq., of
Philadelphia. Both of those gentlemen are
fine spenkcrs and the constant outbursts of
applause Indicated that they had the audi
enco with them from tho start. Their tell
Ing hits wcro right from tho shoulder, nnd
their discussion of tho tariff question was
elenr and convincing. They showed how
republican protection hns fulled to protect,
and that not ono of tho promises made by
the republican party four years ago, has
been kept The nucilcnco sat until half
pnst cloven, nnd would have gladly remain
cd longer. There wns no torchlight pro
cession to enthuse tho crowd. T licro was
enthusiasm enough without It Tho meet
Ing was organized by Iho election of C. G
Barklcy, Esq., as chairman and tho follow
lng vice-presidents t J. K. Grotz, Elijah
Shutt, John Mnnn, J. K. Glrton, M. Jill
lard, W. Krlckbaum, P. 11. Wirt, John
Turner, C. M. Vandcrsllcc, David Golsln
ger, Michael Casey, F. Eycr, Patrick Mc.
Fadden, Ueorgo Bates, Dr. Gnrdncr, Ell
Jones, nnd Charles C. Campbell.
Marr, buys Corn, Chickens and
Ranees, cook nnd tiarlor stoves and all
kinds of stovo repairs at Shnrpless' FoumU
ry. Oct U1.4w
Go toC. 0. Marr'sforvervXluo und cheat)
LUMBER. Pinning mill Inlumbcrynrd.
I havo all kinds of worked lumber white
pine, yellow plno and hemlock flooring i
while plno nnd hemlock German siding,
surfneo bonrds, fcurfneo siding, wainscot
ing, moulding. All kinds of lumber In
rough, nt Llghtstrect, by
nug 22-3m Silas Youko.
Go to C.
U. Mnrr's for good and cheap
That COet, all wool ladles dress cloth nt
Lutz & Sloan's Is a bargain.
Ladles and gents
underclothing at C. C.
CtTDlfttnond Dvcs will Color Anvthlne
any color, and never fall. Tho easiest and
best wny to economize. 10c. nt nil drug.
gists. Wells, Richardson & Co., Burling
ton. Vt. Kninpto Card, 82 colors and book
of directions for 2 cent stamp.
SOfllCES or Mt6F(T.
Tlicro aro many sources of profit to thoso
who uro Ingenious nnd cntcrnrlsln?. Bur
dock Dluntl Bitters aro a source of profit in
every wny. nicy .uuiiu up tho licnilii
surely, speedily, nnd effectually, which Is
saying a great denl.
Ritii.otiM cum: wn.r.
Immediately relievo croup, whooping
cough and bronchitis. Sold by Moycr
And liver complaint, you have a printed
guarantee on every nottio or uiiuoirs yum.
Izer. Sold by Moyer Bros.
Lotllo Howard writes from Buffalo. N.
Y., "My system became greatly debilitated
inrougn nniuous proicssionai dunes, ant
fcred from nausea, sick headache, nnd bll
lousncss. Tried Burdock Blood Bitters
with tho most beneficial effect. Am well
ns ever.
can be so quickly cured by Shtloh's Cure,
Wo guarantco It. For sale by Moycr
hhilom's oocoit
and Consumption Cure Is sold by us on n i
guarantee, it cures consumption, for i
sale by Moycr Bros.
Insure with Thomas' Eclcctrlc Oil. It Is i
tho cheapest and best method of Insurance
wo know of. By lis use you nro suro to
escape many grovious nches nnd pains.
l'ollcles nro outamablo at all druggists in
the form or bottles nt CO cents and 1
each. 1
0 00
8 Ou
Wheat per bushel $
C6rn " "
Onts " "
Flour bcr barrel
Potatoes new
Dried Apples
Sides and shoulders
T.nril nrr nound
Hay per ton I8 jXj
Buckwheat Hour per hundred 3 00
Hides per lb 0 to 7
Veal skins per lb 08
Sheep pelts, each 78
Wool per lb SO
Tho underfJfrnod auditor appointed by t" Or
phan's court of Columbia County to malco distri
bution of tho rund In hands ot the administrator
to nnd among tho parties entitled thereto, In the
cstnto of Frances Kostenuaudor, deceased, will sit
nt his omco In Illoomsbunr, on Saturday, Nov. IS,
1H8I, at 10 o'clock a. tn., when nnd where all par
ties Interested tn Bald estate must appoar and pro-wntthf-lrclolmR.
I. K. WALLKll,
Octio-ta Auditor.
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the Or-
Chans' conrt of Columbia county, lo malco dUitn
utton ot tbo funds In tbo bands ot iha executor
ot Joseph Ilnrtmnn, deceased, to and nrnonir tho
parties entitled thereto, will sit at tho onice of
John C. Yocum Ksq., in tho town of Catawlma, on
Friday, November lltli, 1881, at hair past one
o'clock, p. m.t ot said day, to attend to the duties
ot his appointment, when and where all persons
Is what you need for Constipation, loss of
Appetite. Dizziness and nil symptoms of
uyspeiisia. rncc lu ami ia cents per uot
tic, For sale by Moycr Bros.
made miserable by that terrible cough.
Shtloh's Cure Is the remedy tor you. For
snle by Moycr llros.
having any claims upon snld fund will appear and
proc mo same, ur oo ioruver ueimrreu iniui nut
Blinroot the same. J. It MA1.K,
uot 13, im. oct 17-ia Auditor.
"Tho Squire," says the nuthor of "Tho
i Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tin or-
Minns' court of Columbia County to make uwtrt-
outlon ot balance In accountant's hands under tbo
of Bourbon. Intl.. savs : "Both mvself nnd
wife own our liven tn Shllnh'a flnnsnninilnti ailurcSSI
Cure." Sold bv Mover Bros. . District,
Hoosier Schoolmaster," wore ono glass eye
-.ti.l .1 ti-t-. Tli.i nt,,.. nvn w,ia nnnalantk-
oll.,tr,.. n,t nf f.,S,,o n.;.l Hio win- lllrnlnT. Provision Of tllO Will, Will Bit St BIS OfflCO In
slipping out of fecus, nnd the wig turning l fooouu on Thursday, November nth, at ten
uruunu niuuiviBu uu ins iiueu huuiicvci uu o ciocK in mo lorenoon, wnen ana wncro an pr-
addresscd tho people of tho Flat Creek ties having claims against said decedent must ap-
,iil ertur-ini-ln i'ii,-1nr'a TTiilr 1 pear uiiu present, iqd Haniu. or uu lorevcr ui-uiutuu
-j.... ct. ...... mninnvih.Mn,.. HMnri
As a neighbor was driving in with a load
of corn tho other day, his geese flapped
their wings, cheered and applauded vo
clferously. They mistook him for a Blaine
hippodrome. On seeing their mistake
they hissed like Sam Hill.
Our people arc busy busking their corn.
It Is n very good crop, not overly abttn
limit, but of excellent quality. In exceed.
ugly dry nnd rainless seasons tlicro ap
pears to bo fuller nnd sounder crops than
lit (.casons ot tho other extreme.
Both parties aro solicitous und anxious
ns to tho llnal result, and impatient icr
election day, and both sanguine of victory.
How Is It?
Wm. R. Campbell, from near Orange
ville, a gradunto of Lafayette college, and
now it student nt the Presbyterian Theo.
logionl Seminary In New York City pre
parutory for tho ministry, wns visiting
friends In this neighborhood last week.
Ho Is n sound Democrat, nnd very san
guino ot Cleveland's success.
Voto for Cleveland, reform, roast beef,
and two dollars per day. Protection i
Everything high wo buy, everything low
wc sell. Result: millionaires and paupers.
Pealer, the undertaker, has broken
ground for a new mansion in tho town of
Cambra. This enterprising town Is quite
a business place.
lfred Mcllcnry of Cambra, and Boyd
Mcllcnry of Benton, just received a largo
lot of tine uew slelgli6. It is u sign of a
hard winter" They nro for sale.
Wo believe that Kintcr is beaten. Tho
Gospel und politics nro not twins. Tbo
former is sound aud pure, tho latter rotten
and deceptive.
Wo bellovo that Blaine is beaten, for tho
Plumed Knight' is getting pretty well
picked, and ho will not lly quito so high
after tho 4th of November.
Much as wo like to see rain, wo regretted
Its coming on Monday evoulng, ns It pre
vented us from attending tho Democratic
meeting nt Benton.
Everybody feels Jubllnnt about our now
enterprise tho Fair.
Tho weather permitting Benton will bo
a lively placo this week. Bloomsburg may
well boast for being so nearly located to it.
Tltcso towns should bo connected, either
by railroad or telephone, or both,
Stick to tho ticket from top to bottom.
Whoso ox Is gored this time 1
Van Camp, In Flshlugcreek, Is n small
hamlet containing a Post Olllco nnd Store,
whoso Post Master Is moro fortunate than
ouo in ten thousand. No matter how of.
ten tho administration may change, ho
will hold his Post, Tako Vnn Camp for
tho centre nml strlko n circlo from a point
a mllo distant, nnd not a Republican will
fall within that limit.
There should be a reading room nt Cam.
bra. The pcoplo hunger and thirst for
news. To our certain knowledge-there
comes to that Post Ofllco tho Columbian,
"Sentinel," "Republican," "Cntawlssa
Nows Item," "N. Y. Sun," "N. Y. Her.
old," "N. Y. Tribune," "Philadelphia
Times," "Philadelphia Picss,'' "Phlladel.
plila Post," and "Toledo Blade," besides
tho religious periodicals, Some pcoplo
hern read nearly nil theso papers, and yet
inqulro "What's tho nowsl"
Tho streams are so low that many flour
ing mills work on half tlmo,
Many springs havo failed, aud elder Is
sauce too, somo drink whiskey.
If your stovo pipe don't lit, don't swear.
A Ilcrviivcil l'amlly.
Die d of diphtheria, Oct. 0, Charles Jo.
soph Snyder, aged 13 years, 2 months, nnd
2 days. Died, Oct. 24, George R. Snyder,
ngo 1 year, 10 months, nnd 21 days. Died,
Oct 28, Jennie C. Snyder, ngo 10 years and
a few days. Tho melancholy Intelligence
of tbo death of theso three children of Wll
llnm II. and Sarah Snyder lias cast a gloom
over our little village. Scarcely had tho
earth closed upon tho little boys and tho
golden gate closed after admitting them,
until It opens to admit tho sister, the only
remaining child. Wo mingle onr tears
with this bereaved family and if the death
of theso thrco aro so deeply felt and so sin
cciely mourned by others how robbed and
desoluto must bo' tho hearts of tho father
and mother. Desolate but not without
comfort that the flvo little ones nro all :
"Safe in tho arms ot Jesus
Safe from corroding care,
Safo from the world's temptation,
Sin cannot harm them there."
Thanks for tho comforts of the Gospel
and faith In Jesus Christ, tho children's
Friend nnd Savior. They perceived like
Eli of old that tho Lord had called them
and they were willing to go. They felt
that the eternal God was their refuge and
that underneath wcro the everlasting arms
ot love. May the vacancy tints mado In
the hearts of these parents bo moro than
filled by tho Indwelling of that same licnv.
enly Father who has seen fit thus to bereave
them. Sister Jennie wus a young lady of
very promising character. Sho gave her
heart to the Savior a few years ngo. She
wns received Into the Reformed church by
the solemn right of confirmation and has
ever endeavored to lead a useful and con
sistcnt life. Sho was an active Sabbath
school teacher and a regular attendant
upon the means of grncc. Sho was one of
the few who regulnrly attend the Wednes
day evening service.
May the Lord speedily fill up the waste
places In Zion. True wo live lu a world
where solemn shadows nro continually fall
lng upon our path. Shadows that teach
us the Insecurity of all temporal blessings
and warn us that hero "There is no abid
Freo with each bottle of Shlloh's Catarrh
Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by Mnysr
preserves nnd promote tho croth
of the natural hair. It nlso restores the
natural color to hair which has faded or
become gray. Clean, elegant, beneficial,
highly perfumed.
Sept 20-eom tit
from any share ot sold turn
A MONTH nnd llOAIlD for thrco live vounr
Men or todies In each county. Addrom lT
For lame back, sldo or chest uso Shlloh's
Porous Plaster. Price 23 cents, For salo
by Moycr Bros.
A. lasting nml frucmnt perfume. Price 25
nnd CO ccnt3. Sold by .Moycr Bros.
with Dyspepsia nnd Liver Complnint ?
Shlloh's Vltnlizer is guaranteed to cure
you. For salo by Moyer Bros.
health nnd sweet brenth secured by Shl
loh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 cents.
Nasal Injector free. For salo by Moycr
ououi', wiiooi' oouau
and Bronchitis immediately relieved by
Shlloh's Cure. For salo by Moycr Bros.
'It would bo no violation of tho com.
inaudmcnt," said John B. Gough, "if a
man wero to fall down and worship tho
silk bat, for It is not made In tbo likeness
of anything in heaven, or on earth, or In
the waters which aro under the earth."
Besides it heats the head nnd causes tho
hair to fall off. Parker's Hair Balsam will
stop that nnd restore tho original color to
gray or faded hair. Not oily, not a dye,
iieneiiciai. (leiiciously perfumed. A per
fect hair dressing. GOc. All druggists.
Sep lu-ot
When baby was sick, wo gave her CAS-
When she was a child, sho cried for
When she became Miss, she clung to
When she had Children, sho gave them
A word to tho wise. The most complcto
and vailed stock ot Fall and Winter goods
can now bo seen at tho popular storo of
David Lowenbcrg.
Tlie ncrwlck Meeting;.
Notwithstanding the rain, the meeting at
Berwick on Tuesday afternoon was largely
attended. Speeches wero mado by B. M,
Ncatl Esq,, of Htinisburg, and N. Z. Seltz
of Glen Rock. An evening meeting wus
held at which speeches wcro mado by C.
G. Barklcy aud J. C. Yocum Esqs.
The newest ami latest styles just rccclv.
cd In Fall hats, in stiff and soft now
nobby aud nlco at D. Lowcnbcrg's.
For salo cheap, a flno lemon tree, cnll on
Mrs. C. B. Brockwny.
Cough when Shlloh's Cure will give you
immediate relief. Prico 10 cents, 60 cents
nnd $1. Sold by Moyer Bros.
sniLon's cATAitmi uemedy.
A positive euro for catarrh, diphtheria und
emitter mouth. Sold by Moyer Bros.
Miserable by indlgc.ion, constipation, diz
ziness, loss ot nppctltc, yellow sum t out-1
loh's Vltnlizer is a positive cure. Sold by
Jioyer tiros.
It is worth more than riches, for without
it riches cannot bo enjoyed. How many
peoplo aro without licnlth who might re
gain it by using Kidney-Wort. It acts
upon the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys,
cleansing and stimulating them to healthy
action. It cures all disorders of these im
portant organs, purifies tho blood and pro
motes the general health. Sold by nil drug
gists. Seo advt
"itouoii ojf couam."
Ask for "Rough on Couchs." forcouchs.
colds, soro throat, hoarseness. Troches,
toe. Liquid, aoc.
"nouou ON HATS."
Clears out rats. mice, roaches, flics, ants.
bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers.
15c. Druggists.
Palpitation, dropsical, dizziness. Indiges
tion, hcndiiche, sleeplessness cured by
-wens' iieniiu itcnowor."
You will find tho lamest and best
assortment of Black Dress Silks at tho
lowest prices.
11. J. uiaiK. cc &on.
You will find at II. J. Clark &
Son's, llio largest bent and cheapest as
sortment of Plaid Dress Cloths, Plain
Dress Cloths, &o
1'ou will find a lnrge asiortmentof
IJlack Cashmere, Black DoAlmas, So
baetipol, Silk "Warp, Henrietta Cloths
at II. J. Clark & Sou's at lowest prices.
You will find tho best assortment
of Prints, Ginghams, Tickings, Mus
lins, Shirtings, Nino Quarter and Ten
Quarter Sheetings, at lower prices than
over at
II. J. Clark & Son.
You will find at H. J. Clark & Son
tlio best .assortment of Flannels, both
White and Red, also Blankets at prices
which defy competition.
You will find at II. J. Clark &
Son the best assortment of ladies and
children's Underwear in both Scarlet
and White at lowest prices.
You will find at II. J. Clark &
Son's the best assortment of Striped
Jersey Cloth, Striped Dress Cloths,
Plaid Cloths nt lowest prices.
You will find at II. J. Clark it
Son's the best assortment of German
town Wool, Saxony, Shetland, Zephyrs,
Stocking Yams, Crewels, Chonillcs,
Silk Floss, Filling Silks, Canvass, Bur
laps, Felts tfce., at lowest prices.
You will find tho best nssortruont.
of Ladies' and Children's Hcady-mado
Uoats, consisting of .Newmarkets, litis
sian Circulars, Ilaverlock's, &c, at tbo
lowest pi'icesat
II. J. Clark & Son'i.
You will find a largo assortment
of Ladies' and Children's Wool Hos
iery, Wool Hoods, Plush Hoods, Baby
Cloaks, &&,
H. J. Clark & Son's.
You will find tho best line of Cor
sets, Stocking Supporters, Hoops, Bus
tles, Ac, at II. J. Chirk & Son s.
You will lind the best liuo of But
tons, Braids, Fur Trimmings and Dress
Trimmings at II. J. Clark & son.
That Columbia Wools aro tho best.
HUPFXAGIiE.-Octobor 18th, 1881, In
Milllin township, Columbia county, Pa.
Dora, daughter of Silas C. and Emma J.
Ituflnagle, nged 3 years, 9 months nud 15
"nouoH o.v uonss."
Ask for Wells' "Rouch on Corns. 15c.
Quick, complete cure. Hard orsoft corns,
warts, minions,
PATTOh KLINE. At tho bride's fath
cr's, lu Greenwood, October, 23d 1881, by
itcv. tj. -it uniicoat, Mr. uuuries jj. rat
ton to .Miss Hettlo S. Kline, both of Green
wood, ty'oiummn, uo., ra.
t. V. Ilartmun & Son aro tho leading
grucers m Dioonisuurg.
Strcngthenlnc. Improved, tho best for
backacho, pains In chest or sldo rheuma
tism, ncurnlglu.
thin ruoi'LH.
"Wells' Health Rcnewcr" restores health
ond vigor, cures dyspepsia headache, nor
vousness, debility. 1,
We sire going to prore this by
in a ii gu rati Big sn big reduction in
general prices to go into effect
Oct 27, 1884.
We will, from that date sell goods lower tlmn they have ever
been Hold in Orangeville. Wo are well aware that mer
chants ai;e given to exaggeration in advertising their wares. But
this is our genuine oiler and wo will sell as we advertise.
Ginghams from
Grandmother blue Calico
Other Calico from
Cotton Shirting from
Woolen Shirting
lied and white Flannels, a drop of
Cotton Flannels
7 to 10 cents per yard,
g 11 11
5 to
7 to
20 to
5 to
8 to
Ladies' cloth down from 1.10 and 1.20 to 90 and 1.00 " "
wiiooi'ino oouau,
and tho many throat affections of children,
..1. ......... 1 1 r..l.. 1 1...
"Rouch or. CoiiL'hs" troches. 15c. i balsam. 1111(1 OUl' WllOlO ironoval Stock 111 nrnnnrtinn tn nhnvn fimirpfl.
25c. TNTrmr fl.Ju to 1,,. i i ,... !... . 1 ..1 ..1 1 .- .....
"''i ii iu juu jiutu aim ttit'u hsk uig prll;ea,
hut it is a genuine offer and one we will sell by.
takes trade dollars for dry
C. C. Marr
A Positive Fact. You will lind tho lar.
gest and best assortment of Heavy Cloths
for coals at 11. J, Clark & Son's, nt lowest
If you are falling, broken, worn out aud
nervous, uso "Wells' Health Renowtr."
SI. Druggists.
Golden Flecco Yarns, tho best
sold by I. W. lliirtmiin & Son,
Now Is tho time to get a llrocho or Pals-
icy suawi ut J.utz M Sloan's.
See Clark & Sou's advertisement.
I.IFB l'lillSKI'.VKK,
If you aro losing your grip on lire, 'try
"Wells' Health Rcnower." Goes direct to
weak spots.
Instant relief for ncurnli:la. toothache.
laccacne, ask ior "itoucu on Toothache.1
15 and 25 cents,
oct 3i-tr
A Positive Fact. You can buy all kinds
of domestic Dry Goods ut II. J. Clark &
Son's, ut lowest prices.
Floor and tablo Oil Cloth at C. C. Man's.
I. W. Hartman & Sou sell tho best don.
bio blanket shawls mado. Prices tho low-
est. L'ull ami have It proved,
Ladles who would retain freshness and
vivacity. Don't fail to try "Wells' Health
G. P.
Hacking, Irritating coughs, colds, soro
throat, cured by "Hough on Coughs."
Troches, 15c. Liquid 25c.
"uouiiii ox iron."
"Rough ou Itch" cures humors, erup.
tlous, ring-worm, tetter, salt ilieuni, trost
ed feet, chlllblalns.
0993 1-0 spring chickens,
8888 1.8 old hens,
7777 1-7 pigeons,
OUQO 1.0 ducks,
5555 1-5 geese.
4144 1 good calves,
tl3:i3J largo shouts,
2223 lbs. pitted cherries,
1111 lbs, dried rusnberrles
A", .MS WR,Ucd StMJftSSb. three or four hours everv
UUIJ..1.GIII 1UIWU, fJnt Inimrlllntn r..l,.f n,T,l
using Wells' "Rough otiCougl
Children slow lu development, puny,
scrawuev, ami dcllcitc. uso "Wells' Health
0. 0. Marr wants dried
pitted Cherries,
Raspberries and
15. llalsam, U5c.
Now goods at J. U. Skccr's.
0. C. Marr nays 24 cents for Hues und 30
cents ior cuoico miner.
Strengthening, improved, tho best for
backache, pains In chest or sldo. rheuma-
1 tlsm, neuralgia.
k-b All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Cheapest
Xinl8ouurt'iDify lady Pay Storo in tho county. Having opened a general store
Roughs." Troches, 1 solicit a share ot tho public patronuge.