THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. CHE COLOMBIAN. S1 5 G. E, Elwflll, VAMnra BLOOMSBURG, PA. "fUIDAY, OOTOHKIl 31, 1884. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET. ion i'iiesidknt, STEPHEN QROVER CLEVELAND, OK NEW TOKK. FOB VICE 1'ItF.SlUENT, THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, OF INDIANA. DEM00EATI0 8TATE TICKET. Kt.KCTOIlS-AT-t.MtaK, Kioiiaud Vaux, H. J. McGiunn, II. D. Dlst. 1. John Slovln. 2. J. l'. J. senscnderfcr. 3. John W. Loo. . II. J, Iloran. 5. It U Wright. . J. II. llrloton. 7. Wm. siahlcr. H. c. K. llcutflchlcr. V. II. M. North. 10. II. (I Httlea. 11. A. (i. Uroadhead. 19. K. v. liockarellow. H. Itlclianl ltalm. H. ocorge II. Irnln. KI.EOTOIIS, Dlst. is. ocorgo a rurdy. 18. v. It. AcMey. IT. John 1'. Levan. 18. Krn 1). Parker. ID. K. W. Mnmina. 20. a. II. inn. 21. F. I'. James, ti j. k. i'. Durr. Si. Jolin Swan. 34. A. II. WlnternltJ. 25. John II. HllL sis. Wm. A. Forqucr. 27. A. J. UrcenllelO. County Cliiilriiinu'rt Aticnl. TO TUB DKMOCIIATS OP CUt.VMIlIA COUNTT. Once nf;aln I nsk your support mill nt(l on 1 destiny next. Ariiis wo nro called upon tocxcrclso tho right of recording our votes, mid to elect our Democratic cnnrll tlatcs, nml nt unity Is strength, 1 cnll you to aid anil naslst tlio caiiso of Democracy liy being vigilant, nnil untiring to elect tho electoral, congressional anil local tickets, which represent tho emiso of good Oovem incut. Ami In order to bo able to provont any Inronils on our usual majority of Col umbia county, It Is our duty to render nil possible assistance to each other on this occasion, therefore I appeal to all good democrats, to sea that them shall bo no unpolled Democratic vote Committee men, sco that you do your diity by getting every Democratic voto out In your town chip i do not forget that vlcllanco mid unity lend to success, our confldcnco that wo will nchlovo a vie. lory on Tuesday next but It cnu only bo won by tho individual and united efforts of all good and truo Democrats, ltcmembcr, the election district that will show the lar. gest Increase of voto over 1833 will bo pre sented with n handsomo Hag. ltally Dem ocrats, Is tlio watch-word of tho day. David Lowkn-iikimi, Chairman. (Jo lo tho polls cnrly tnko your homes mid spring wnjjoii pick up your Drinocratio friends nml linul tl)i'in itlong. All tiny, tin nils. ionnry work ninung the Voters Tlio present outlook is very hopeful for tho Democrats. Now York is sure for Clovplniul, nml there Is littlu doiinl of New J. rsoy, Connecticut nml In ilinitn. lleciiles tliese, California nml .'onnsvlvniiln. can bo uarrlcd for Nuvnda aro likelv lo tio for Clovelaml, Cleveland if every man will do his and a strong light is being made in II- duty. linoie, Wisconsin, -iliulilgan and unio. Let us solid urcetlni' our -Villi, ami i no Kcimu leans aro using tneir nitons ask our friends to do better Work, Is in New Jersey, Indiana and Connect! the order of tho day, nml work will eul, and if money eau buy tlioso statos win. wvo ouii nay to mo ionnity, and tho wliolu ticket. tlio wholo country." "In niaktng rediiet'iou in taxes it is not proposed to injure any do.mus tiu iNiit'sritins but rather to piio.moti: riiKiu iiKAi.Tiir (inowrii. Krom tlio foundation of this Government taxes collected at thu Custom-Homo have been tho chief soiireo of revcniio Siiuli they must continue to he. More over, nimy imliistiies havo eorno to rely upon , legislation or successful continuance, so that any chanye of "IT'S A LIE." DEM00BATI0 COUNTY TIOKET. CONaitESSMAN-AT-I-AllOF., W. W. II. DAVIS. FOIC C0NOIIKS3. nON. JOHN B. STORM, OF MONIIOK COUNTY. KOH nKFKESENTATlVF.. A. L. FRITZ, OF BLOOMHUUIIO. WILLIAM BRYSON, OF CENTllAIJA. rOK I'ltOTHNOTAJlY. W. II. SNYDER, OF ORANGE. rOH HEGISTER & IlECOHDKU. G. W. STERNER, OF W.OOMSUIJRO. FOB COUNTY TltKASUItER. P. A. EVANS, OF MONTOUR, TOWN311II. FOn COUNTY COMMISSIONER. STEPHEN POHE OF CENTHB TOWNSHIP. WASHINGTON PARR, OF FRANKLIN. VOn COUNTY AUDITORS, ELI ROBBINS, OF FISHINaCItEEK. E. M. TEWKSBURY, OF CATAWI9SA. STANDINO COMMITTEE. Thfl Chairman nf the Oftmoonitla County Com- mlttee, requests each member ot the standing committee to make an appointment ot a Vigilance cornmlttco ror his election district, borouch or township consisting ot at least two members, in addition to the member ot the standing Commit tee, and in the larger dlstrl.ts three or Jour, as mar do necessary, ana me memoers oi uic ctuuu lng Committee will promptly within not more man one wee sena tne name 10 me cu -iriiiuu. OI0. K. KLWlil.L, DAVID LOWKHBKBO, Tho lJopubllcan party is tho party of biiiotrv, arroi.inci', and lalse pio tenses. Their whole stock, in traiin consists in ulnliiiiiii! for themselves nil tlio virtues, all the Intelllijenee, culture and reliiieiuent of tho land, nml in Therols reason for oharging upon their opponents all the VICl'M IUIU -IHI lljllliMI liuiilliauiv. J iivii claim to have put down the rebellion is a false nroteuse. Show us a innn who assorts that then- were 110 Uenio- erais in the armv nml wo will snow von a man who never saw tho Bnioko of battle. Ho either hired a substi tutu or secured a fat ofhec that kept him out of reach of rebel bullets, aho w us a man who Hays there is no truth ih Democratic newspapers, nml wo win show vou a man who cannot disunm nato between truth and uNehoort in Has SoOO ot n Democratic majotity his own privntu nITairs. bliow us a if our vote is all polled. Does any man who says that Democrats ate all Democrat think of stavint' at home 1 scoundrels, and wo will show you a . ... - I . . . '.. . ... 1 , V. . Up, men, and at them I Think ot the ingot 111 politics, religion ami lousiness. pa9t as well as tho luture. Oo to tho The cry of thu Kupuuliuan party tor polls take your neitzhbor see that I years, when corruption has been traced Ids ticket is right and that it is voted, homo to them, has been ''It's a lie.' Mind, vote the ticket from top to bot- This is their argument, this their only . T. : .1... ...,...! I. I Wl... ..I, ...ill, utiifilinn iuiu. iv in kuu uuiv n.iiu uiiu ittaiiiy 1 auswui. it ijuii viiiiikv mm course. Don't throw a voto thnt will the Presidency in 187C. they say "Its not coutit for your principles. Meu a lie." When told that tho platform llinv will hi' nurehaseil at anv mice. Thu Ucpiiblieans real me that if they g , ut be at every step regardful out now, thev go to stay, and hence ! of the labor and capital thus involc- their great struggles. Hlaliiu is wav- ed thu irneiHS Ot reform uiii'U be lng tlTo bloody shirl, and endeavoring subject in thu eviculi mi t llm pl iiu to array the North against the South diutati of jusiiee. All t ix ilion shall In Ids piteous idea for votes. Clove-' be limlti'i! lo tlm riMiuir.'iiienis nl rco land is Attuiidlntr to his oflicial duties inmiiual uovoniiu.-m III" in'0"sarv 1 11. . . ...1.! 1 at munny, preparatory uj iiikiii; h his abode in '.ho White House. COLUMBIA COUNT! aro of a day, but principles aro eternal. of tho Democracy is as strong for pro. tcction as theirs, again comes tho an swer "Its a Ho. Democrats aro free traders, 110 matter what their platform Bays. Wo aro for protection because Another Republican of national prorainenco has abandoned the Repub lican candidate and come over to Cleveland. Tho latest convert is no our platform says so." When accused loss a pcrsonago than Hon. Matthow of having brought business to its pros llale, ot Albany, who was mo itepuu- ent condition oy maintaining a imgu Iican candidato lor luugo ot tlio su- surplus in tlio treasury, ana oy icgisin- premo court last yoar ann woo was ting soieiy in too iiuuiusis ui inuuupu' Workincr Renublioan in 185G and had lies, thev answer "It's n lie. Tho of voted for everv Republican nresiden- fort to pass tho Morrison bill last win tial candidato since. It would seem ns tcr was tho cause of tho present do thouch tho Rcnnbliean nartv will co nression." They forcet that tho de with a great deal 01 undignineu prcssion camo long ueioro tuo iuorrison haste. bill was thoticht of. They heap scan- nUI.vl a holt daLafte?1 "P ? '!Cl?.r foolscap at taverns and cross-roads v.- .. j j-- nosillR canoioates, aim wneii in ia;m.i- . . ..- . .. ,,. f J;,, ,.uf Vlllli lliu VUlltUlllO Ul lltjVO VI foolscap were derogratory to the charac- f T.. T.':l.l,... W..11 !f ...!.., "TjM..n " X T t ' indnnpn. " V l"? of that ? What had Snyder to do with , -o uu.w-vw j wilOU tlio Vjrcait iUOOllier. tuo iu.u 1.. Tf Oniplt his misvpiirpspnti'd Limit Airn n. nn inflpnpnilf lit candl- 1 .1.- ttri.i.i 1. !--. ' 11 VJUICk lias misiepreseiiiLii h i . . jr ; 1 irauersuiu iniuua, mu tuionv uk imai,.,,-, s. .i,-.. . r ri Hhentt when it was u-.,,- m-v , !U;um,rfl a,.uu.,u. ... ,,..a.B i iu.-rp rjr: """ . r ; , 10 is t he resnonsiu 0 nartv. ami i.rioK- y, ma poor, ncgioo eu, irona 8honId look 10 hi m for redress I DOlt I;nfl, nonrliilnf oa nnr w)mn in rntflllfl- 111 this county been successful. Unco ,;on unpleasant fact connected The Protlionotaryslilp. OltANOF.Vll.l.K, Oct. 21), 1881. Editor Uoi.ijjiiiian: In tho editorial colnmnof last weeks . . .. . . . . , t issue ot tlio iicntuiei, l noiico an aril- clo headed "Some of tho reasons why Wo cannot support Mr. Snyder for Pro- thonotary." I havo noted that uver since lliu Horn- iuating convention met, that paper has dealt in nameless charges and petty abuse of Mr. Snyder, nnd it now caps the climax by asking tho democratic voters to bolt the ticket, mid voto tor Ki titer. If tho Sentinel can mve no butter reason for its conduct and advice than thoso given in last week's issue it had belter bo quiet on thnt score. I quote their reasons ns they iavo them. Ilea- son 1st, "because Snyder used methods to securo his nomination such as no decent man would resort to." That is a very ambiguous charge I Why not tell us what these methods were f A nameless charge is a cowards resource and deserves no notice from honest men, but their contempt for the charge, and the authors. The second reason given is, that Snyder combined with Weirmnu and iiuckinaham "by tho aid ot letters, to injure and misrepresent tho character of Wm. Krickbaum.', I know from papers I havo seen that Krickbaum would have used Weirman, to do work for hi m less creditablo than that charged to Snyder. The third reason was that Matthew ljuick had read a mass of venom from several pages of 1 reduction in, tux tlinu can ami miiu bn WITHOUT DUIMMVING AMERICAN LABOR OK THE All! L1TV TO COMPUTE SUCCESS FULLY iVlTH FORUKIN LABOR, AND WITHOUT IMPOSING LOW ER RATES OF DUTYTHAN WILL B!i AMPLE TO COVER ANY IN CREASlil) COST OF PRODUC TION WHICH MAY EXIST IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE HIGH ER RATE PREVAILING IN THIS COUNTRY'." I'latformunanimoM' ly adopted by the National Conven tion of the JJemocracy at Chicago. Chairman Hansel's Hopes- Itlll.VISO UPON THE pr.MOOItATi or INTKIilOlt TO OVKUUOMK Tltl". city's vote. tiu: a manifestly improper nomination was 1 . . . ... made lor Associate judge, ana me with their candidate is tnado public dent. dato was elected bheritr wiien it was u- 1 strongly believed that improper means robbery and nnmina-1 -- " , , .,. i.n.. Miitn. or, nnin tin iininrn i n 111111111T. ..... ... . . " "" "v - r - niKt not sadd 0 the matter on onvder. -..,1. nil 41m iii.nilin ,n ,1mm l... ... . wibu ui. tu- Star Route iraud had boon used to secure the tion. lioth of these cases occurred ,.,., n ,., nnrrimt inn in t.lmm under tho old rules. In 1879 the jd t"o tho nepubliCnn party, tho ac- 'ck snouiu Know woe coi Or. nnb Pimliilitn wis elected No lracLU 10 lllu "tpuunum pii.y. n' je waa Kncbaum s clerk r.:Jl customed answer conies echoing back , man o know, of , ,i 4.... v-.-..-...-.- irora ail tne organs ano an tuo oigot -."-v x;..vv-- 01 tnat, party, "lis a 110. vo acuiisu , !.,,,., ir ..-,, ,,,, ,,,--,,- Jury yommxsswncr), tbcm o( cor;.Untin- the ballot in Indi- t t, ,.... . 1, ;:i' t . .w . , . Uill.C, kjl .iinivuv lib till.- l.ll. fJ. citizen of Benton, and Long man in chargo . ... 1 1- 1 siuauor ana iur uomnnssiunvru has ever been elected m voiumoia n 1880 b y the wholesale purchaso uuutuy. jmwii -v.. v 0f voters under tho Hand record Speakine of tho canvass of the Dera ocratio candidates before tho delegate elections the llepublican of July 10th says : "A combination of the old ring T.., o ,,loKl.. f - ..ui: IIUUUIUIV .Inn. l.nniiVilinrtn nml II 1 f( II t . . tl I N!.O.P I . . """" "r'" - m, 0 a davit that the 1V0U10 iniCT, Oteve uorsuy, aim uiey r, ateve uorscy, ami iney i f , ,.,,,, .,, , ,.,, m, ,. reply "You lie." Tho Associated Press ,md ,., a of wh,gk t0 Kl..k. dispatches aro controlled by the Ho- , !f ,,, , , ,, , :n!i publicau leaders and moulded to suit with their usual methods in vigorous their purposes regardless of facts, but ..1 ,:n .,-.i-..i,n,ii., i.:.nni. Ti.n when Democratic papers wlncli want c un a u c tho trui 1 ooiain tnetr lniormauou irom fall willhardlv carry the opposition more re mblo sources, and givo the through the present ordeal. But Pblio the benefit of their advices, the MUIUU uiu Ml V iii-ii ic ,1 . . . ; . secretary. nearer llcrwlclc K. Berwlclc W Hen ton Iiloora E. Hloom W. lirlarcreel: c&tawlssa centrsilla Centre Clialrman. Post Office. tho Democrats can afford to out the seal of condemnation upon corrupt w" rl taut ls; tl.10 Kel" I.. I., I ln 1, n..... ... II ilVM UL'UII 111 IUVYCI BKJ HMtti Vil 11IU III VUlUIHllli UUIIIIVV tlV I. . 1 . w. I repeating tho dose administered last "Hu". "L""":"" , . 7 , , fall. Will they havo tho courage to do n!v. 110 "Bul lu ." :, r tneir e-travagani aummiBiratiuii. im; Tim .1,1 rinrr" r,.f..rr..l tn i Mr. act and talK .IS tllOllgll It Wl'l u u pieco Krickbaum and his allies, nml the above of impudence on our part to attempt to . ..... . 1 r "turn ton rascals out. Deaver vallley. . rierwlci Ilerwlclc. Benton. UloomsDun,. .T. Itlttenhouse, IsaUU Ilower, O. A. Carey, (. W. Illrleman David Lowenberg, oea K lwelL M. U UounecUt, Willow SprlnRS. w. 1. roasy D. V. Curry Samuel llldlav Conjnsham N. Jonn Drennan Conyngbama John .Monroe, yishlnecreelc L. M. CreveHng, uaniei loreman, I. P. l'atton. James Hams, s. W. Mcllenry, J. Snyder, Miles Smith J. W. Kelchner, I). II. Montgomery 0. A. Htongo Jacob Gilbert c. W. Ammennan O. H. OonlDer James Knlttle, O. I. Relglmrd, 1). Oelslnger W. II. Peterman, item urges his defeat because ot his "corrupt electioneering." Woll, ho was deteated, and now the Jlepuotican wants Snyder beaten because Krick baum wasn't nominated. Tho consis- 'turn the rascals out. But tho day of retribution is at hand The party of arrogance, bigotry, faUt pretenses, fraud and corruption KO. We think it sviu start next e must Tues- baum and it was to gn tn tho now jail. Now it is a fact not denied that there was placed a barrel of whiskev at the jail, and Krickbaum has not dared to deny that ho ever had a barrel of whis key there. Alter tho barrel was nearly empty ho swore "I have not got a bar rel ot whiskey at the jail. isow fellow democrats is there any sense in the noove reasons and any cause why you should bolt tho ticket and repudiate tho regular nominee of your convention 7 the truo taets ot the matter aro that the ling finds itself in it . Inst ditch, and tho defeat of Snyder is its last chance. Snyder's election means the end of tho Bloom ring ; while Kin tor's election gives them another chance. Honest voters, will vou help them to that The paM. week has been one of un usual activity at the room . of the Dem ocratic State committee at Philadel phia and the managers there feel greatly encouraged with the condition of thu party in the State, as it may be judged by the leque.ts for spankers and the reports from meetings that havo been held. Despite the confidence with which tho Republicans say that their majority in Pennsylvania will be any wheio from 50,000 to 7.,000, the Dem ocratic committee will concede no suoh figures, nor, indeed, any Republican majority. Chairman Hcusel declares with the greatest confidence that tho Democracy of tho State will come to Philadelphia with a plurality, and whether or not it will bo overcome hero depends upon the party in tho city. Recent local embarasstnent com plicate the situation in Philadelphia, Imt eventually tho Democratic Chair, man is hopeful that the city organiza tion's work will be effective in holding down tho Republican majority so as to make tho State doubtful. The attendance at Democratic meet ings in tho interior has been remarka ble, and the reports from them uniform ly tell of efficient organization, active interest and quiet but thorough work. During the closing two weeks of the campaign from seventy-five to 0110 hundred meetings will have been supplied with speakers from the Stalo headquarters and two score of cfTcetivo talkers, many of them young man, who aro making their mark in this cam paigu, havo been doing telling work on tho stump. Senator Wallace hav ing been disabled by exposure in Ohio, Mr. Randall. Mr. Doutrhcrtv and Mr. Stengel' having been taken out of the Stato by tho national committee, and I no outsido speakers being supplied by the committee to Pennsylvania, the work of thu canvass here has been heavier than usual on thoso who aro trying to boar it. Chairman Hensel hiinsjlf ha" had engagements every night ot the past week and will speak every night until election day in some part of the St ite, generally managing to get back to headqu irters for next day's work. i pJ jH m 11 1 -i u 1- catawSSa'. lency of thu Republican is not visible day for tho briny waters of Salt River, cimnco and undo tho good you did by to tho naked eye, FrankllD Greenwood Hemlock Jackson Locust Madl-on Ualn Himin Vontour lit. Pleasant orange lino lloarlngcreek West Scott East Scott Sugarloat Centralla. Light Street. Centralla. v.7 The complete ofhoial returns Pennsyi. recent elections in Ohio show that the nkiii total voto polled for Secretary of Stato waller's. Jloanngcreel., Jereeytown. Malnrllle. Mirmnvllle. Urovanla. cantiy. OrantrcYlllc. line Summit. Mill Grove. Light Street. Espy. Cole's creek. but if anv I.epublioau should h;.pon to read this ho will from force of habit of tho exclaim "It's a lie.' FbIbb Pretensions- was 70,073 in excess of the correspond iiicr voto in 1880. Of this increase tho Republicans claim 29,578 and the Dcm ocrats 37,5'J. Tho balance, ,H-b is 111 the Bcatttcring vote. llio Kepubli- . ,.. . carninKS l0 iivo i comfort, od- cast off tho galling yoke and v can increase is about eight per cent. .,, ,.ii... n,i nv i,v n rhIH- D. M. Kintor. a name of suotless Tn his letter of acceptance Mr. Blaino ..... ., 1 1 I C .1... ..... I wroto : "Wages aro unjustly reauceu 01 too oc.7ct, when an industrious man is uot able "if we aro truo voto is 392,800, tho Democratic voto 378,080 and tho scattering voto 12,201, giving too Republicans an average plurality of 14,1L'U and an average ma VIGILANCE COMMITTEE- -doom jr. A. V. Ilower, J. 1L Maize. C. II. Camp bell, J. a Casey, o. W. Jones, Kd. Yost, Charle. Ilaawrt. and Jas. Sterner. .'loom W.V. 1). Dentler, C. A. Klelra, Thorna oorrey, K. K. Llttlo. Clinton Sterling and w. w. B&rretu Xontow nenry n. Keltor, Kd Wheeler. K. Omvngliam Patrick Haley, Andrew Dona hue. nrninw.Wm. Tivpr. A. ... TV-it. J. P. DoWltt. BmcUte if. P. B. Hanley, A. V. seeley. Samuel Mority of 919 Chamberlain, Kroeman Hitler and James Dayman. Comparing tho averages of 1880 and JOiiii. ! U A TTIlft k V VHIt Win T lli-t- I ..... O . . . . ' 1884 it is found that tho uv Cntartssa-K. li. Tewk.bury, J. u. Kobbins, I publican gain is 29,42-1 and niu, uuuvm rttlilngcreele1. II. Edgar, Lewis Belshllnc, W, J. Kreamer, J.M. Ammennan and W. JJ. Hosier. Jfaln-John T. Ilowman J. J. Nubs, John A. Shu- in no. Orango. Wm. Mas teller, Isaao IC DUdlno, Amog Stnetck, W.-A.G. Klmberly, Will T. Snyder, C, II. luumm ,,iiui.iua. Stott, r, Isaac ltelchard, John Crawford, Mace mvuu jloarinQcrttx. wm. Yeagtr, Daniel Iing. CVntr . IL A. Sncppenhelaer, A. D. lirader, Lort Ksmley. increase not quite ..m01lllt fo,. tll0 necessities of old So." Go to tho crowded aud tho Democratic plfivnn iwr npnt The Republican candidate for sccre- ' fa ' tary ot Stato has a p ura uty ot 1 1,324 , , . 1 ,-- over the Democratic candidate, but of tho city, ask the men who work ..11. ,.o ..1. -r t .1... all sorts of industries, inquire of iii 2,110 -uurt ul a iiiajuniy 01 inu , . . , - . t,,.,i, . . ' ... . . . J . I ,.0- rl. iwnr-a III l linin I-'IIISI! till! lCl'DIll) wiiuie vuie. xukiiiu uiu itveiuu ui . . ....!.. :.,i......t the three candidates tho Republican Hoans are just now so warmly nte.est- squelching them two years ago ? If it were possible to elect Kinler it will be due to the soreheads, and the Uov. candidato would be expected to bo grateful, and the ring would be in pow er again. In another article in the same issue he says it is time, to ourselves we will ote for record tenement-houses at tho ed, if they are ablo to live in and ono whom 110 true democrat need bo ashamed to voto for.'' Do vou Democrats find your supremacy in Col umbia county so hard to beaf that you need to elcot a republican to get rid ot it 1 That is what Vanderslico ifc (Jo., ask vou to do and evidently think vou comfort aro woak enough and foois enough to nml lav bv monev in the bank 1 ml .11 -.11 ..... ,t., .. a n ...rt L'. Tf I xnoy win icu yuu ii.ui.b.n in.i j and an insult to so represent tueir con dition. Go to tho mills, furnaces and work- do it. As for Mr. Kinterl have always had a groat respect for him, nud greatly re gret ho has listenod to tho voice of his ambition, nnd his misguided friends, - r . .. r . . . .. .1..... 1. .. .1 . .. erago Re- shops which havo cut down wages from tho M . qxq w)j,oh hftd tho aver- UU to a per cent. wm. . l' called him and lond himself. ago uomocrauo gam 7,3i rnese niouiu , -u uiu "um.i, ""ji ni-o nlmnut nvnul w I in onmn liirnrno no 1 IOr 1IR natlVO "CUIItllieillu. lull- aim ...... j v..w ni-A itiiiiii liv n nnmn.r lann nf flm vr.toa US lmilOrtCU lOW-DlitCU uu.nruii.iino fnr Spni-ntnrtf nf Stntn Tim nvnrnoo to thu manufacturing towns and tho lfnli-iilrn vntn a tnrofianrl frnm I mininf? districts, where men aro only 2. Hia tn 0...7L u-hiln tlm fii.nnlmp.lf oartiallv employed and where strikes .-"-I . , , . . vntn b ninUa him fi.HSin in 1 KHfl tn Have UCOIl lorCCU upon Ilium uy oiur 3.029 iii 1881. In 1880 tho average vation. and see whnt comfort labor will The Power Behiad the "Tribuue" Throne m 1880. In .tiny nud June, 188J, within a month previous to the National llepub lican Convention, at which General Grant and Mr. Blaine were the leading eandidaU'H, aud which resulted finally n the nomination of General Garfield, tho New York Tribune published a faeries of vigorous and striking articles attacking tho Stalwart clement es pecially Logan, Colliding, Cnneron and other leaders and doing the best possible to ruin the chances of all can didates except Mr. Blaine. The arti cles also derided tho group ot Massa chusetts men headed by Senator Hoar, and generally had no mercy lor anv Republican followers of Mr. Blaine. These in tides are now shown by fac simile repioduction of tho "copy'1 and nstruetion to have been written by Gail Hamilton (Mary A. Dodge), Mr. Blaine's relative, and now as then a member of his household, and printed in the Tribune by Mr. Blaine's author ity and at his direction. as a use less instrument to tho Sentinel eliquo's revenge against Mr. fjnydcr. Iho Sentinel has adduced nothing against Mr. Snyder s fitness for tho of fico to which ho was nominated by tho regular nominating convention of tho county. The wholo seoret of their animus to . -;; . "o i , , , , . j ,i . - i. I uu wiiuiu nuui-i. u. in-., iu- Republican plurality was 22,034 and derive by being .assured that it is much rf g . . , g - - .t.. .:... ,ii am it I iniiA. nir flxiii i. uinnlil lin in H.urntin I . T . ' . J. BrUmxMkk. lar. II. Croup, I. J. Adamt, Geo. MU. No man who has tho interest of the nation at heart, will fail to vote next Tuesday. No matter how much bus iness ho may have on hand, no matter if it is some inconvenience to got to tho polls, ho should lay everything aside, and givo ono day to his country. Cleveland will bo elected, and those who havo been voting in vain for the past twenty-four years, should not miss this opportunity to be on tho winning side. it seems that Blaino has been fol lowing an illustrious example. In the year 1880 he made nn attack on tho great Republican leaders, in tho Trib une, from behind tho breast-works of Miss Gail Hamilton, a cousin of Blaine's wife, or in somo way related to htm, and n member of his family. The Plumed Knight and petticoats I No wonder he is iu favor of protection. But Miss Gail can't savo him from tho 'gale' of popular fury which will uweep him from politics next Tuesday In 18G8 Mr. Blaino thought Cover nor Soyinour, on the stump, was con ducting himself iu a very undignified manner for a presidential candidato i that ho was making a fool of himself and disgracing tho high office to which iio was aspiring. Blaine's present dis gusting circus is tho commentary to Ids speech about Seymour. Seymour waa beaten and Blaino is already de feated. Tho votes aro ready pour them into tho ballot boxes, boys. Don't lenvo a man at home. Pennsylvania to tho rescue! Roll thu Keystone Stato lo tho front of tho Democratic column. tlm mnlnrltv i9.s..n nwr all. better off than it would bo in kuropo ... .... j . , ., . .. , i r,.i t .. i liko proportion ot Itopublicnn loss ami mat it nns -huso iu uu Ki..i,-.ui .ui would securo to the Democrats about Republican "protection. all of tho States now classed as doubt- "Republican protection," forsooth 1 ful. Ex. Where aro its advantages seen 1 In tho magnificent palatial residen ces built on the enormous profits of protected monopolies. In tho vast fortunes, reaching into "pro- In 1808 ex-Governor Seymour, of New York, tho Democratic candidato for President, was constrained against Wm iirntPAt. .ami linttnr .nilf.mnnt. tn make a personal campaign among the tens of millions, amassed by neonle. This is what tho Plum, d tectcd' speculators and jobbers. in tlio watered stoeK, largo proms and heavy dividends of "protected' pe Knight said of him in tho Brooklyn Academy of Music, October 31, 1808: "If wo needed any excuse for an ad ditional word on our side, it may be found and fin nished in tho extraordi nary spectacle pivsented nt this mo ment beforo tho American people, when railroad corporations. Look upon these evidences of tho blessings of Republican "protection" and then turn to "protected labor, with its squalid homes, its women aud clul- them in tho race for tho nomination for Prothonotary. Uertainly that is no reason wliv you democrats should bolt tho ticket and nrovo traitors to vour nartv. that thev may bo gratitied in their malico to wards bnyder. 1 wish some ono moro able than 1 would have canvassed thesii facts for you, but when a paper caning itseit a democratic paper nuvijes tuo ueuiuui-it-io voters to bolt aud defeat the tiuket it is then time every honest democrat expresses his opinion of them nnd their sentiments. L. M. Si.kpi'V tlio candidato ot the Democratic party, " lia,f W d "M. t" n.tscry in wild despair at the result of tho Stato elections, is travelling through tho country on uxprcss trains at the rato of thirty miles nn hour, with dis hevelled hair and wild companions, en gaged in tho hopeless task of reviving tho impaired constitution of tho Demo emtio party. And no sooner had lie started on this most extraordinary jour ney than you found Democratic papers in tones of impudent definilcu daring tho Republicans to send General Grant on a trip of tho samo character. No, thank you, gentlemen i one Presiden tial candidato making a fool of himself at tlio rato of thirty miles an hour is quite enough t and General Grant, iu tho garb ot a plain citizen, is quietly awaiting thu verdict of tho nation in his modest homo at Galena.'1 Mr. Blaine is now iu a position iu which ho can mako another prediction about a Presidential candidato making a fool of himself at tlio rato of thirty miles an hour, ami -..bout a plain nud honest Governor quietly wijifing tho verdict of the people in Albany, N, Y. nud despondeucy under incessant toil and insullieiont food. Walk up Pifth Avpiuio and through tho Central Park and seo tlio RepublU can "protection" of capital illustrated uy tuo luxurious carriages wan tueir- blooded horses, their mountebank liv eries, their gaudy coat-of-arms and their tat poodles. A Pair Proteotivo Tariff. Till'. NATIONAL DKMOCU.VTIU I'l.VlTOIOI INIKIItSlill )1T lI(OYI PI.1.YKUKII. "Wo ueiiove that i.auok is ic. t re warded where it is freest and must eu lightened. H should therefore be ras- tkkkd and cherished." "The Deinooiatio party insls'.s that it is tho duty of this Government to Seek tho narrow, pestilonccbreeding PROTECT with oinial fidelity and vig teuemunt-houso streets of tho city nnd janoe tl0 ,jKll8 0 iti, citi(.n!Jl imtjvo see tho Republican "protection of la- ami naturali-ed, at liomo and abroad." hor shown in the wasted forms shiver- Vo domain! in behalf of tho Do ing at the doors and the sickly children mocraoy freedom for AMERICAN playiug iu tho gutters. LABOR by reducing taxes to tho end After tweuty-four years of Ifopubli. ,nl ti.H0 (j'lt0(i Suxlca may compete can rue, with absolute iiower, hun- ith unhindciod powers for the prima- dreds of thousands of willing men are oy amon nations iu nil tho mts of starving lor want ot work and other pcaeo nnd tho fruits of libeity." htiudreds of thousands aro earning only Tho great isuo of reform and change enough motioy to keep body and soul in administration is submitted to tho togetlior. Wnges, wluoh have gone p00po in calm confidence that thu pop steadily down for fourteen years, nro iar Voico will pronounce iu favor of getting lower and lower o very day. 1U)W me ami l)UW aud moro fuvoiublo What a gross lraud and humbug, conditions for the growth of industry, then, for a corrnptionist who bus made ,, extension of trade, the emnlou S2.000.000 ill Congress to claim the mcnt and due reioard ot T.ahor nnd woikjngnMn'ij support 1 World. I 0f capital aud tho general welfaro of liana Coutc-Ht. In tho bund contest at Wnshlngtonville fair on Thursday of last week, our boys took ono of the prizes. Four bands en tercd the contest, viz i llepnz Hand of Wil. liamspoit, Shainokln. liloomsbnrg mid Cit. Izens' Hand of Danville. The arrange. ments for the coutest was for each band to play two pieces of music, viz i ono March and ono Selection. The Uloomsburg hand played first, playing Tanhauser Grand Murch by lilchard Wagner, following in turn with Grand selection from tho Opera of tho Ilohemlau Girl by Haifa ; the Uloomsburg Band wns tho only band that played strictly to agreement, the licpaz and Shainokln bands played Quicksteps mi il Overtures. The liloomsbnrg Hand had both Overtures that Wllllainsport aud Shainokln Hands played and Intended to play one or the other ot them hud the agreement not been otherwise Ut prizo, 200, Hcpaz Hand i 2nd prize, $150, Sham olcltt Hand ; 3rd prize, $100, liloomsbnrg Hand, POWDER Absolutely Pure. Upowilci never varies. A marvel ot purity streiurih anil wholoomeness. More economical thin thd onllnary.kliiuu. andcannot bo sold lu competition with ilia multltuilo ot low tett, etiort weight, uluni or phosphate powders. Horn only means, itovii. 11-Kinu I'owuhk Co., loaWuU.fct.. N.V. autrll-lx. -THE BEST TONIC. i it IlVM C lis This medicine, combining Iron with pr veitftahle tonlri, quickly anil completely Curra llynprpiiln. Intlljt.ttloi. Wrnunr linpiirnlllnnil,. I-lnrlniC'hUlaatiiIl.ivrr, uml Nr urnlaln. . It linn unfallinf remedy for ultcaaeioftlio KttlncyA unit l.lvrr. ,, It 1 . invaluable for plsee peculiar to Women, and nil who lead sedentary llvei. It doos not Injure the teeth, camo hcndncho.or produce constipation cUin Iron neilMnti ilo. Itcnrlchesand purines theljlood.itlmulatcs tho appetite, alda the aMlmllation of food, re lieves Heartburn nnd Ilelchlng, and strength, ens the musclos and nerves. ..... For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, tack of Energy, Ac., It has no eqtial. The genuine has ahovo trade mark and crossed red llnca on wrapper. Take no other, n....i,Vr mionsciiMiciL to, iitTiiou. bb. rWnnamnUrr. l'lltHIHPI!IA,OCtolt 27. 1 upfn's merino stands as i in all tho markets of the world as Lupin's cashmere; l.n t for some reason un known to us nobody else in Philadelphia keeps a general assortment of it There is no wholesale stock of it in the U. S. to draw from ; and nobody can get it without order from Paris. But that is no reason. Merino is wanted : Lupin's of course. The only reason we can see for not keeping merino is that ladies who want it will generally take , cashmere. 'I hat's a very bad mcrcan tile reason, in our opinion. You want a merino dress, or wrap, or baby cloak. You auk. a merchant for it. He ro'ii.b'.y hasn't any; he may 1 vt: two or three two-year- i (olnrs. or black, too fine ii io i' Kirse; not a mer i' "t '.. tin- city has twenty t - r : i il -even qualities nit WanamaUer. ' or hotKe in the ! rovides anything u m.iny colors and quali n d makes of cashmere. !1 more of evening ..iutie than some of the fev-1 nouses sell ot all; l the costlier qualities t!i..:i almost any other house of coarse and line together; more of Lupin's, doubtless, than anybody else of all the m.ilcf.s Hut this wouldn't be worth the saying, if the reason were not worth your knowing, too, We have all the colors in use, all the qualities made by approved r.,;ikt-rs. and several makes. The reason for many is that people come to expect them here; they all want Lupin's ; but they are better satisfied with whnt they get if they see others There'd be no loss to buyers, if we kept only Lupin's cashmeres and meri nos, ;ind no others ; but peo ple wouldn't continue to be satisfied with Lupin's even, without constantly comparing with others. And the only way other makes can be sold at all is by putting them a trifle under Lupin's price. It is not superfluous to keep them. We sell possibly a tenth as much merino as cashmere. It costs a trifle more and looks exactly the same ; but it is heavier, wears longer, be turned wrong side and made over. It is dresses in one. Per haps ladies are not generally good enough economists to buy two dresses in one. Cashmere we're speaking of all-wool cashmere, of course costs 50 cents to 1.25 a yard ; merino, 60 to $1.35. The colors and quali ties of cashmere are too long a list to think of; of merino not so many, but all the uses are provided for. And this is about the whole story of all-wool cashmere and merino here; and here is the better part of the cash in re and merino world at on" -owner. I iin Wanam a it r it. having so have can out two DMlNlSTltATOlt'S NOTICK. ESTATE OP HANIM. HAUf, PKCnASKtl. U'llrranf nilinlntstr.itlnn nn llu'r-itfttuof tl.tltlol Kami ilecc.iod. Intr of lvust ttmnililn. 1'oltnnbla county, I'cnnsjnnnl.i, d.r.,i0(llini! linen grunted by llio ItpglMcr of suld county to tlm undersigned Administrator. All prrsnns having claims against inopBtato or tuo iiccenscilnroiTqucsteii to present them for ftpltlcinpiit. nnil tho-in Itiili-lited tn thn ratalo in mnko payment In llio midcrnlgncd nd- ininistrmor wmiouiiiciay. WI'ti.HV IlAfP. Oct ill Administrator. UMTOR'S NOT1C1.!. :ui. Mar Ul tlicc-,., .ii ijarb. lisl'ATU 01' Tho Mlll.ll' It.NA.KM-, mil EAsr.I). unilersl-ni'd fliiilitnr niitinlnleil bvlbo (T plians' court 01 I'olumbli County 10 inakoilhtit but Ion of Hie futuli in ilin ImmUnf tlin.i-Duntp.lit tn and among tho parties entitled thereto, will Mt nt his oftlco In liloiiinsbuig, on l'rld.iy, jiovcmlxr Hlli, lssi, nt 10 o'clock, n, tn,, when nnilvvlicro all lumps having claims .tgnlnst n.itddocedcnt, tinist nppcnr nnd present thu biiiiiu or bo lon ver dehor- nn irom coming in on Iiliiu. , I'Cllllu V. U. Auditor. MtlMSTKATOU'S JiOTlCK. SSTA1K OF JOIIK F. llinCIIISOX, t.ATB OF FISH- INOCIIEKK TOWNSIIII', 1IKCKA8KII. letters of ndmlnUtrntton on tlio nf .Inbn F. Hutchison, lateof Fl.xlilm-crpck tnwnshln. do. ccAsed havo been grunted by tho Iteglslcr ot said county to tho undersigned Administrator, All persons naving claims ngain.t tuo estate or tlio deceased nro requested to present them ror settle ment and tho -in Indebted to tho ctalo to make payment to tho undersigned administrator with out delay. KLMorr I. I.H.MON, OCHl-IIV OI.WfANS' COUHT SAL12 01' VAI.UA1II.1! Something Me wl - jot Wowmitd le-tprt'tnilly nnnouncii In tliei-ripm if llloonisbiirif nnd vii'lnlty llintwo lino crri'id l llrst-c'fU-M hdihdry nnd Indlrst luilr cccds Mnin. HloomsbuiK, la., In licntlers new .imp, Man sinet Lniilrs' pan han their combings inaitu tin into wales, switches, lil.zcs, fte. Iliw cut. represent , our very nopuu. Victoria Wave. Tbl, W dressed with the hair ruling nn tho run" head, 11 n , tho ll II (I., 111 -del u .MontngiioH O ft Ii b ii d rosso d plain. . JVo ban. 'I to all styles and vnrlet 1 0 s. Hut t li 0 llrown A Il.ild win Warn with our clo- parting Is unsurpas.od nnd ncknowl. edged b nil toc.vel an oilier wavu made. There 1. a pan. 01a so maun mni, mo iac; noes not snow, thus nvoldlng tho wl? llko appearance of nil other waves. I.imttrvs nnd lleruhnrt's Wniranml i:n. gllsh llangs nro very lino, made in nny sljle. six ,iein swill-lies mane 01 ino iiiicbi ipiauiy, nu long hair. Natural gray hair n specially. Ladles' and dents' Wigs, Toupees nnd ono-half Wigs mado to order. aves dono tiji nnd oxchanged. All our goods inadoot natural curly hair, nnd nro warranted, .samples cheerfully shown, ha. dies' hair dressed nnd head cleaned by lady atten dants. Wo also have n Uno lino of Face Powder and shampoo. I.adlcs will una It to their ndran tngo to deal with us a. wo ibe.. our waves and front pieces to suit tho wearer. ny vlrtuoof nn order of tho Om.ians1 court of t'olumbl 1 County, tho undersigned Administrator ot tho estnlo of hvnn Welllver, deceased, will sell at puuno Bale on the premises, on Saturday, Nov. 22, '84. at ono o'clock 1. it., tho following described real estate, to-wlt i THAU- no. i. Slttiato In tho townsnlp of Montour, Columbia County, I'enna., bounded and dcsclbed as follows, liEOINNINO nt a whlto o.ik grub nnd running thenco by land of Francis Hvana North foity-ono degrees w est ono hundred and eleven perches and one-tenth to u hickory grub j thenco by land of James llarton, north sixty degrees Kast twenty' nine perches to n whlto oak ; thenco by land ot tho estato of William Ivy, South thirty-two do- grcca East ono hundred nnd eighty perches to n whlto oak and theno South lltty-four degrees West eleven perches and six-tenths to tho place of beginning, CONTAINING thirteen acres four per ches nnd nllowanco ot six per cent for roads, &c, moro or less. TltACT No. 8.. BItuato partly In Montour and partly In Hemlock townships, Columbia Co., bounded on tho North and Kast by land of lteuben Guild nnd on tho South nnd West by land of John Walter CON- TA1NINO about ten acres, moro or less. On tract No. 1. there Is a good two Rtory framo dwelling houso nnd a bank barn nearly new, n gooii well and pump at tho houso nnd a stream of fresh water running through tho laud, a young apple orchard and other fruit trees, nil cleared land and In n good stato ot cultivation. Tract No. S part clear and part woodland. TEUMS OF SAI.K. Ten percent, ot one-fourth of tho purchaso money to bo paid nt tho btrlklng down of the property j tho one-fourth less tho ten percent, at tho confirmation of snle, nnd tho re maining three-fourths In ono yenr thereafter, with Interest from continuation nisi. John r. WF.r.uvini, Oct 25, 1831. Administrator. Oct 31-11 1 SOL. AGENTS FOR daw mm m wsl THE -LAUNBRY cnnslfcta of lino polished work dono up on short no tice. Family washing nspi-clalty. tloods called tor nnil delivered. Soliciting yourfaiorswo aro respectfully Sept 5(1 Brown & Baldwin. UlHTOU'fci iNOTlCJi. KsTATK OF CASI'EK IMIAW.N, DECEASED. Tho undersigned, nppolntcd Auditor to distrib ute tho fund In the hat. 1 of Clinton Kills nilmlnls t rntnr ot Casper lihawn deco.iM'd, as shown by his Ural nnd partial account will meet tho par ties InleiestPil at tho niiicoot lihawn nnd liotlns In tlio lowiiof Catnwlss.i on Thursday, tho thir teenth day ot November A. I)., IK. I, nt ten o'clock a. in., nt which tlmo und pla o nil panics having claims pgalust said fund nro hereby notltled to np- . ...... ., n.uuu in uu ill uuill-ll nuill ID ceiMng ,i share of said fund. . . JiUIU. liUUKlMUIIAai, octl.-lw Auditor. 11.TATE Of EI.IZAIIETII WAI.TEU, DECE VSED. Tile UlldCrs!IH-ll nitfllfnr nnnMntml lit- Ilin nr. ihaUS' Court. Of Cnlllmtilii rmititv In irinl-n ill-trl. bUllOll Of tllO tlln.N til till- ImnrU nf tlinmlintnl-t r. tori" tho estate of F.ll.a1icth Walter, docoiisod, will Bit at tho ollico or Knorr tc Wlntersteen lu iiioomsuuig, oirruesd.iy, Nov. at 10 n. m when nnd wlicro all D.utles Intpnstoii in fii.i . tato inv.t appear and present their claims. .... ia. vin-ii;i;..ti.i;n, octli 4w Auditor. in application will j . taio oi rcnnsyi- EXECUTOR'S SALE. OF VAI.UAllLi: QlIAllTiJlt NOTICE. Nolle Is llprpliv lllvi-n lint nil be luad'i to tho (.o.vrnnr of tho St vanla on Fi Idav November Tth 1SS4 under thn Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, enutii'U "An act toprinlito for Iho Incorpora tion und regulation of certain corporations" np- luui.-ii aiih it., i aim inesuiipicmcniij lucre- iu, uir u ciiancr oi au imcmieu cmporuiion to lie i-alled. "'Iho Farmers' MIIHiil- ivimti.inv. nr Uloomsburg, 1M.," tho character nnd object ot which Is tho lnnnufactuio of Hour and feed, bcjltiT, selling anil slilpplng grain, Hour nnd feed, lo hold real estnUj by purchaso Or least, for tho erection ot buildings, for storago and manufacturing rvnulred lu con ducting said imsliioss und of maintaining and oiHTatlngorleailngthosaine, and ot doing all tilings miuisiio io maintain anil operato or leaso tho Mine and for theso purposes to havoniul possess nnd enjoy nil tho lights, bcnellts, and prlillegescontericd by said act of assembly and Its supplements. C. W. JlII.LUlt, soucuor. The undersigned executor of .Matthias S. Appel man, dee'd, wlU sell at public salo on the premises on Saturday, Nov. 22, '84. at one o'clock I". M., A Valuable IFarisii, sltuatoin Cooper township Montour Co., on the road leading from Uloomsburg to D.iuvlllo and about equal dlstaucofromeltherplacc. ball farm contain about EIGHTY ACRES OF LAND In a very good stato nf cultivation, Thereon Is erected a good two story f houso and barn, wagon shed corncrlb and n'l necessary out buildings. Henry Christian as at present tho tenant on tho farm which adjoins lands ot Henry Werttnan nud Jackson Meeker on the Kast William McNIchund William Mourcr on tho South, Andrew Wertman and Philip Kellar on tho West nnd other lands of decedent on tho North, TERMS OF SAL I. will bo 10 per1 cent, on day ot eaio j ono third of balance on 1st of April, 1SS5, nt which tlmo deed and possession will bo given, and the balanco In equal yearly payments lo suit pur chaser. At tho samo tlmo and placo will bo sold A LIME STONE QUAllllY, a limestone quarry containing about six acres of land on which aro erected two kilns and Umo houso adjacent. TERMS OF SAL1- Ten per cent, on day of salo and balanco on Jan 1st, lSsS3, when deal wjll bo given. a. z. sciiocn, Oct. 01-ts Administrator. ORPHANS' COUIIT SALE OF VAI.UAI1LI! UDITOn'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK J03rll OAUUEH, DHCEABKD, Tlia undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or Phans' Court ot Columbia County lo mnko distri bution ot tho balanco In accouutants bauds, will Bit nt his onico tn Cutawlssa, on Monday, Nov. 17, issi at 10 a. m., when and where all persons having claims against said decedent, must appear and present tho samo, or bo debarred from any duuiu ui sum imiu. vi, l.. Jbl-.iu,i, Oct. St-tft Auditor. 1SS0LTI0N NOTICE. Tho co-nartnershlo heretofore cxUtlncr between tho undenJgncd has been dissolved this day by mutual consent. AU bills for collection and bills payutiio win bo settled uy u, ll. iiamwin. C. II. llllOWN. O. II. lui.mviN. Uloomsburg, Oct -v, ISSI, Out9l-tt UDITOIVS NOTICE. Wu.tAit Meaiis, 1 No. 11, September term, vs. . issi. ll. Fa. No. . sep. Cauiun MKtus,) teraiisst. oat 1, IhSlon uiotlon ot U. F, Zarr, money ordered to bo paid In to court and F. lMllllmoyer appointed auditor to mako distribution among tho lien creditors. llYTM-COmtT. f. rtlned from the rfiCordH Oct. T. 1HSL W. KltlCKllAUM. 1'roth'y. In purtuanco of the nbovo tho auditor w 111 sit at his oftlco In Uloomsburg on Friday, November 1 4, issi. at I o'clock, n. in., to perform tho duties ot his appointment, or lw doburml from receiving -ny"".1 V.KllIUMErill. Auditor. SALESMEN WANTED. tiZTr USalary atul tJxitflii., Address 1', N. NICHOLAS "X Co., Nwrseryuien, iieuevu, N. Y., growers of all VW uovr nnu old t ruits iuiu urnauieuiuis. oot is-lw uy virmo of an order ot tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia County, tho underslgued Administrator ot the estate ol Martin A. Ammennan, lato of the township of Flshlngcreck In tho said county ot Co lumbia, deceased wUl cxnoso to imbllo salo uuon mu premises ou Friday, Nov. 21, 1884. at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, tho following Uo- scriuea real estate, to-wlt : No. 1. A certain mcssuago and tract of land bllii ato in me township of Ftshlncreek in tho couuty of Columbia aforesaid, nnd bounilednud descilbed as ioiiows, to-wlt i liEOINNINO at a fctono cor ner in tho Asbury public road, thence by land ot . w.hutllir bouthlwciity.sU and a quarter de grees East ono hundred and liny nnd soven-tenth perencs to a stono comer by land ot Joslah llcss, thenco by land of bald Hess South blxty-four and a nan degrees West, blxty-nvo perches to n stoue. thenco by tho same South eighty three nud a halt degrees West, ntty and tour-tenth peiches to u Biono corner by land ot Nathan smith North twen ly-bix and a quarter degiees West, otio hundrcu and sixteen nud six .tenth perches to u corner by lanu 01 John uiubach, thenco North thlily-elglu and a quarter degrees East, thirty-four peiches to a blouo comer, thenco by lauds ot tho estate ot Martin A. Ammennan nud laud ot ocorgo l'calci North blxty-two and a half degrees East, eighty ono unu four-tenth perches to a publlo road tho place of beginning, CONTAININ'U ono hundred acres and eighty perches stilct measure ba amo more or lesss, on whlcn Is a two story framo houso, frame barn, liorso btablo, hay bhed, good orchard and a good spring ot water. Thero U also supposed to bo a vein of Iron oro on tho bame. No.!!. A certain tract, pleco or pared ot land bltuato lu tho township aforesaid bounded nnd de -crlbcd as folows, to.wlt t llEdlNNINU at n btono corner In Asbury publlo road thenco by land of tho estato ot M. A. Ammennan North Blxty-two and a half degrees East, twenty tlvo perchos to a stonu in said road, thenco by land ot Uoorgo Fouler North tweaty-tno degrees Wist ono hundred nnd forty-sU perchos lo a btakc, theuco by laud of li L. U'lnoii south blxty-two nud a half degrees Webt, twonty.nvo peiches to a corner, theuco by land of John Lnubach south twcnty.ilvu degrees uast ono nunureu ana torty-bix perches to tho placo ot beglunnlng, CONTAININU twenty.two acres and one huudred aud thirty perches strict measure, bo tuo Bamo more or less, ou which la a .mall peach orchard, and part of It Is well tlm bored. No. 3. All that certain mossuago and tract slt uatoin tho township Aforesaid, bounded and do- -cnoeuus ioiiows, to-wlt i IH.tUNXIKf.ut tho Northwest corner of a lot owned by bald .Martin Amtnerman thenco sout h hlxty.ono ami ono-lult do grees Weal, four aud llvo leuth perches to a stnke inenca uy lanu ot Albert Ammcrman south twentv Biuiimiuuiii-greesiisi, ux perches to a Blake tnenco ortii bixty-oao and ft halt degrees, East, four and ftve-lenih perches to n stako thoncoby iuuu 01 Bam jianin a. Atumerman Noith twenty. six and htilf degrees West ilx perches to to placo ot beginning, CONTAININU twenty.bovcu percne s unci measure, uo tho bouio moro or lebs. Tl'.llMS OF SALli Teuporccntuinof ono-tourth of tho purchobo monoy to bo paid nt tho btrlklng uown ot 1110 property I the ouo-fourth less tho ten per ceut. at the conllrmatlon nbsoluto I nud tho re maining three-fourths In ono year otter conllrma tlon ulsl, wltu Interest troai that date. J, M. DUWITT, Administrator, lMTOH'S NOTICE. Qll. lUTEK NOTICE. Notlco Is heiebr irlvcn that nn nnnllentlon will lie mado to Iho Governor of tho Stalo of I'enna., on 1 riiiav, .ov. 1, ism, uiiiier me Act or Assemuiy, or tho Commonwealth ot I'enna.. entitled. "An Act to provldo for tho regulation and Incorporation ot certain corporations," npprnvi d April stl, 184, nnd nu suiiiHi-inenis increio, ror mo cnarieroiauin pndeil corporation, intiupnllt'd "Tho Citizens' i:i:elili' Co., of Uloomsburg," tho character and nb- ect ot which Is to produce and furnish to thu pub 1c cb el rlclty, heat, light nnd power, by menus of lectrhlty In tho town nf llloomsbim.'. I'enna.. and to no such other buslno-s ns may bo Incident and necesary tothvcamlng outot said object. nndfoi tlu-u mirKwsto Iium', possess and enjoy nil tho lights, bencllts ami privileges conferred by s.iui ai l oi Asseinoiy Oct 17-1 w ' nud Us bupplements. C. W. MII.LKH, .ollcltor. N TOTICE IN I'AItTITION, IN Till: OIll'IIAN.S'COUItTOFCOI.U.MIlIA COUNTY, III the matter of tho nartltlon nnd valuation of tho est de of Maigaiet Melllck late ot bcott town ship, deceased, to Wilson 1). .Melllck tho petition er, residing at sunbury, l'a., ll. .Melllck ru siding at Wllllauisiuit. M-eomlng Co.. Pa.. I'ctcr 11. Melllck, residing nl Lock Haven. Clinton, Co.. a., I'hoebo Oman lnlermnriled with Zeboath Oman, ti-sldliignt Ilurr Oaks, St. Jo. Co., Mich., Anna .Margaret Shae, rltd with D.n'L Sh.ive, residing nt Hums, Laeioss, CO., Wis., Isaiah Melllck residing at Dlxo'j, l.eo Co., 111., Ja cob II. Melllck residing ntl.yuns City, Clinton, Co., Iowa, -nil Ijivina I. Hendilx Ii tct married with II. A. Hcndrlx residing at New Freedom, York, Co., l'a.. and the followlm- erraml children to.wlt; Kachel Waning residing nllilchlnnd, Keokuk, Co., lown. who whs a child ofllachcl V. Warring a daughter ot decedent. Peter llest residing ut Atch Ison, Atchison Co.. Kansas, I Ilrynn llest, for merly n resident of Atchison, Atchison Co., Kan sas but rcsldenco nuw unknown, Mary Mcliounld lnierminuil with ceo. McDonald, Atchison, Atchison, Co., Kansas, Win. Host unmariled, Atchison, Atchison Co., Kansas, Nettle Itoblnson, Intel m tilled with Geo. A. itoblnson, Knnsasclty Jackson Co.. .Mo.. Tho hist llvn naincil beln children of Delilah Jlest, who died beforo her mum. , L11U 11.1.U U'lll. Take notice that nn Inquest will bo held nt tlio late dwelling houso ot sulil Mnnraiet Melllck. do- ceascil, m tlio township of Scott, Columbia Co., on Nitunlay, November is, lbSl between tho hoursot 2 und4 p. m , ot said day, tor llio puiposo of mak ing paiiiiiou or ino real estateof b.tld deceased, to and among herchlldreu nnd legal repn-hi'iitatlies, It Iho hjinocnu Ixidouo without prejudlcu to or .polling ot ho whole, otlierwlso to vultto and np. pralso iho samo aeeordlngto law, nt which tlmo and placo jou are rcquhed to attend It you think proper. JOHN MoUHEY, iiiuomsourg. oct. l, 'si. suo.irr. TheScieDceofLife. Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID. KNOW THYSELF, 11 Oreftt Modie&l Work on Kantai. Exliansted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debil ity, Premature Decbtio In Mail. Errors ot Youth, und the utitold miseries resulting from lndlscro lion of excesses. A bonk fur ou-ry man, young, iiilddle-aged und old. It contains IM prescriptions for aii iicuto and chronic dlM-uses, each ono ot W'liichls.lnvnluablo. so found by tho Author, whoso experience torti! years Is buch ns probably nover beioio ioiitotho lot ot any phjbl.lan. auo pages, bound lu iM.iutltut Fieneh muslin, embossed coers, tun gilt, guaranteed to bo u liner work in every sense mechanical, llier.iry und professional -than any other w ork sold in thlscounlry for tiM, or tho money will bu refunded In oi cry Instance. Prlco only $1.00 by mall post-iuld. Illustrative sample ii cents, bcwi now. Gold medal awarded ho au hor bj; tho National Medical Association, to tho oiili-crs of which ho refers. Tho sclencoof Lira hhould bo read by tho young for Instruction, nud by tho utillclcd tor relief. It will benellt all homloii Uiuwl, There Is no member ot society to whom Tho Sclencoof hire will not bo u,etul, whether youth, p.ireut, guaidlan, Instructor or clergyman.-.!. - ,i.A','.'lr,',f I'bod y Medical Institute, or I)r- . II. Parker, No. 4 llulilnch street, llostou, Mass., IViP, 'W bu tpnsulteit on all illeases reiiulrlng skill nnd eMieilcnce.Chrimio andobstlnalo illseas es mid that havo bathed tho ii I a I Bklll ot all other physicians a spu rlliiA lj elalty. hitch ti-aled successful in I vo Vi iVly Mlthomun lnsiuucoot L Jl 1 S 111 li V full ure. .Mention this paper. J-ijaja Oct 17-lw j A Magnificent Holiday Book For tho season ot ibsl-5, LADY AGENTS WANTED tp bell tho most altractlvo and popular book for ho Homo and Flresldo to bo Issued during tho hoi. lnH!.,il':01."I.,8S'-,5- 'nu bo aVpl.ndldop. PSMW idV.,,n8',,l,u hoxttwo months lo mako in. . '? 1ai0!l ' "siring pleasant aud luoiltablo lars Addiess, for nil descrlptlvo clreu- liHVAN,TAVioui-co,, k;u liroadway, N. Y. city. 0,'t 31.IW I -3 O-PORTES. l'NE(.UAI.Li:i) IN Ton1, Touch, Workmanship & Durability, WILLIAM KNABE & CO. .t.i.Nelvl?-1,?r sunsuiauE eou THE COLUMUIAN, 1C0 A YEA1!.