le dolunbiii. ('OLOKIIUUKXOCIUT, BTAHOrTHI VOHTn. Mid CO mjmsian, Consolidated. ' lnunt Weekly, every Friday .MnrnlnK, nt IIUlOMSllUltO, COMJMMA CO., Pa. 1M in 3M fill H Onolnch IJW MM) WO is 0 two tiictipp i aim ii) tw mo no Three incurs,,.. tin nw 7ii inn turn four Indira.... 6on 7(io 91 inoti oooo f two DpM.An per year. To subscribers out of thoooiintythotcrrnsnrostrlctlyln ndvahce. riOtu piper dlicoiillnuod oxcoiil at ttiu otitlon pi tlio publishers, until nil nrrcarag,, nro pale . liii" (tinrirr column, a co soo lotio ism od) llalfCOlUlltll . . 'Otn 1400 Ifoo him Mlkl oucuoiumt K) ssou sow torn) 10110 All papers sent out of tho state or to distant post nmre, must, paid for In advance, tinier niiioti. s ulii person In Columbia county iiiiiini'n to pay tho Riitncrlntlon due on demand. 11 i. nT.-l,J'' 110 '""ifor exacted from subscrlboiH uo county. JO B PRINTING. Tho Jobblns Department of tho Colombian Is very oomplcto, and our Job Printing will compare favoi . VXtV i that 0,.fh0 laiK cltlC8- All work donoo Abort notice, neatly and at modcrato prices. Vpnrlv mlrrrllM'tnciitN namblenuunrt IJ. llaM deni nil w tlm-mi'jil muht lio imlJ for Ix-rotr I nri t iPXirpi hiipit pami'Hiiini'iiri'iMimii I in, 1. 1 A,l.f,rf luimnfitu livn .IntliirN nrr Ifilli till Hire. InirfTtlrtMi- nlirt nt that rnto for adtllllOlikl insertions without reference to length. Kccutor,Adrnlnliittnlor,a,niidAiidltorHiitillc thrco dollars. Must be paid for when rnwrtcd. Transient or Local notices, ten cents n lino, nut" (J. S.HLWELli, p,..,i.a J K BITTEMBENDBB,ProPrJet0"' BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1384. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XVHI.N0 4!! COLUMBIA DKMOOHAT, VOL. XLVllI, 0 lar advertisement half rates. Cards In the 'lluslness Directory" colun 11, on dollar a year for each line. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. WALLER, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, omco QTcr'lst. National Bank. m ' U. FUNIC, ATTO 11NEY-AT-L AW. omco In Itnt'a Uutldlnfr. UbooHSBURO, Pi, "1 K. UUCKALEW, J ATTORNISY-AT-LAW. ULoousnona, l'A. onico ovor 1st National Dank. J OIIN M. OLAUK, ATTO HNK Y- AT-L A W. AMD J UdTlCli Of THE PEAOB. llLOOMsDCnd, l'A, omcv ovor lloyer lire. Drug Storo, '1 W MILLER, AYTOltlf BY-AT'LAW omco In tlrower'a bulldlng.sct-ond noor,room No. 1 Ulootosburg, Pit. FRANK ZARR, ATTO RNE Y-AT-L AW. Bloomsburg, Pa. omco corner of Centre and Main Btroota. Clark Uulldlng. Can bo consulted In German. QEO. E. ELWELL, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW. Nw coicmbiak BnaDuia.Moomsburg, l'A. Member of tlio Unltod statoB Law Association. Collections made In any part of America or Ku rope. pAUL E. WIRT, Attorney-at-Law. onico In Coluxulan DoitDiKd, Itoom No. 9, sooond floor. BLOOM8BURG, PA. S. KNOUB. l g.WIKTlIlSTMK. KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, A ttornoy s-at-Law. onico In 1st National Bank building, second lloor. nrstdoortotholitt. Corner of Main nnd Markot streets Uloomsburg, Pa. tF Pensions and Bounties Collected. J II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Offloe luMalzo'a building, ovor Dillraeyor's grocery. Q 11. DROWOKAY, Attorney-at-Law, ai.ho NOTARY PUBLIC. Olllce lu his building opnosite.Court House, 2nd lloor, Rloomsburg, Pu. upr Vi '83 JOHN C. YOCUM, Attoi'ney-n,t-LaWi CATAW1SSA, l'A onico InNKwa Imu building, Malu street. Member of tho American Attorneys' Associa tion. Collodions made in any part of America. K. OSWALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and 5. BEUWICK.PA RIIAWN & ROBINS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Catawlssa, Pa. offlco, corner ot Tnird and Malnbtreets. E. SMITH, Attorncy-atLaw, Berwick. Pa. Can he Consulted in German. ALBO FIU8T-OLABS FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE OOUFANIES lmrjlKSENTBD. C"Oftlco first door helow the post ofllco. MISCELLANEOUS. Q. U. HARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law omoo lu llrower's building, and story.Kooma ' B. MeKELVY, M. D.,Burgeon arid Phy . slolan, north side Mam atreet.bclow Market l L. FRITZ, Attnrney.8t-Lnw. Ofllce , in colvhsiah Building, p M. DRINKER, GUN & LOCKSMITH owlug Machines and Machinery of (.11 kinds re tired, oriui HuuBk Building, lIloomsiDurg, Pa. D R. J. C. R UTTER, PHYSICIAN & SUKUBON, omce, North Market Btreet, Ulocmsburti t'a DR. WM. M. REBER, Burgeon and Physician, omco corner of Itock and Market direct. JR. EVANS, M. D.. Surgeon and , Physician, (Office and ltobldanco on Third street. r 11 HOUSE, DENTIST, Bi.oousuuho,Coi.u.muia County, Pa. All styles of work dono In a superior mannor, work warrauiuuua ruyioacutu. ii.i..i id without Pain by the use ot Gas, and tree of charge when artificial tooth are Inserted. , . Onico In Columbian building, 2nd lloor. 'Jo be open at all hours during the da Nov.ns-iy EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. JR. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOMSBUIia, PA. OPPOSITE COUItT HOUSE. Large and convenient sample rooms. Hath rooms hot and cold water, and all modern conveniences Send six centi for nohtntre. nnd re. celvu free, a costly hot of L'oods which J.wlll help you to more muney right All, of either toi, succeed from llrst hour. The bioadroad to fortune ojh'ih tetuio the uorkrru uusuiuieiy HUlv. av vuii' uuuii'M, -lima & in., au- gusta, Maine. DeoSl-ly L i wm, M. n. Uodteal Suparlnieniant of tno Sanitarium. Invalid's Home. ISloomsburg;, IPa., Devotes special itcntlon to Epilepsy, Norvsus Affoetlens, and Dlssasos cf Werner. Patients received tit tho Sanitarium on reasonable terms fur board mid treatment. P. S. No charge for first consultation, npr 27. '83 TjlREAB BROWN'S INSURANCE JO AOKNCY. .Mover's now building Main street, JiTooinsburg, Pa. ... . Assets Etna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn $7,orn,ssi) Itoyal of Liverpool i.i.mki.ckv) Lancashire 10,000,00; Fire Association, Philadelphia 4,im,7H) Phoenix, or London B,8(.n,3i) Iindou c Lancashire, of England 1,109,970 Hartford of Hartford 3,578,060 Springfield Klro and Mirlno 2,082,6W As tho agencies aro direct, policies are written for tho Insured without dol.iy 111 tho omco ft6 Uloomsburtf. Oct. 88, '81- Tlio most popular resort on tho susouchanmi ltlVr Is tho Wnpwallopen Valley Hotel, Wapwal lopun, Luzeruo Co , I'a. CWUioftislor. This house has been tnorouRnly renovated and Is lltted up lth every comenlonccs for tra velera, toiirhts, huntlnif and fishing part leu. ltu delightfully situated lu tho midst of a beautiful section of river and mountain scenery in closo proximity to I ho famous Council Cup and special Inducements aro offered to all who desire recreation combined with first class ac commodattons. Tho bar supplied only with tho choicest wines and liquors, excellent stablo ac commodations, boats to hlro Sc. ta ExTOrVpOflAJE fAJE. April 55-Cm BLOOfflSBURU PLANING MILL The undcrslirned having nut his Planlni; .Mil on Kallroad Street, la nrst-cioss condttton, U pre p.u'ed to do all kinds ot work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDSj MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. f urmsncd at reasonable prices. All lumber u.ied is wen seasoned ana nono but skilled workmen areempioyea. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plana and spcclflca CUARLES It RUG, DlooniNburg-, I'n CRAY'S H1KCIFIC mkuxcini;. TRADE MARK TnKGHKATKNd-TRADE MAnX ltKMKDV. An unfailing euro for Somlnnl Weak ness, spermator rhoja, Impotcncy, and all Diseases that follow as a scQucnco ot self Abuse ; us losiof Meinnrv. tlnlver. BEFORE TAKINO.sal Laasltudc,AFTR TAKIKQ. Pain In tho Hack, Dlmues-! ot Vljloa, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that led to Insa nity or consumption nnd a Prematura Oravo. liKWAHE of advertisements to refund money, when drugglstsfrom whom tho medlclnols bought do not rriiml, but refer you to the manufactur ers, and the requirement!) aro buch that they are pcMohi, iftver, compiled w 1th. SCO their writ ten guarantee. A trial ot one single pack.igo of dray's SpcclHc will convince tho most skeptical of Its real merits. On account of counterfeits, wo havo adopted tho Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. twKull particulars In our pamphlet, which wo desire to send free by mall to every one. s;y"Tho Spcclllo Jledlclno Is bold by all druggists nt H per package on: pnekaea f or f 5, or w 111 be beut free by mall on tho leeelpt of tho money, by addressing THIS QUAY .MEDICINE CO., Buffalo, N. Y. Hold In Dloomsbnrg by all druggists. Nov 9-lv "yAIN WRIGHT & CO., WHO LESA LE QJ10 OEMS, Philadelphia tbah, syitops, coffee, scgan, molassi18 KICB, SriCBS.BIOlHn BODA.SO,, 4C. N. E. corner second nnd Arch slrcots. fy-Ordcrs win rocclvo prompt attentln WA "TfTn,l'' Encivetlc, reliable men AIM Jill to bull lTult Trees, Grape Vines, bhrubs, ltosos, etc. Salary and expenses paid, mil Instructions given to Inexperienced men can boon learn tho business. Addi eas J. v. LkULAKE, Brighton, N. Y. (1 mile cast of Rochester, N. Y.) AQENTS WANTED l'or tho lives ot Blaine & Cleveland & LocanJ Hendricks. In 1 vol by T. W. Knox.ln 1 vol by Hon A Barnum, Tho Vest and CheapetU Each vol., 600 pa ges, 11.50. 60 per cent to Ageuts. outntAee. Addres.1 HAHTFOHD PUBLISHING CO., Hart ford, conn. STAFFORD'S Gives a MORE BRILLIANT SHINE THAN AMY OTHER. IN BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDS. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. S. S.STAFFORD, jnow xorJt, Octs-l w H. . EeMeiaaa, Ilumlwrand gas fitter. Hoar of Scliuyler'a hard. Uloomsburg;, Pa. All kinds of fittings for btcam, gas and water pipes constantly on uauu. Hooting and spouting nttondedto at short no nce. Tinware of ovcry description made to order. orders left at Schuyler Co'3., hanhvato storo wm uu promptly imeu. Special attention given to heating by btcam and '9-iy E. 6. SROWER, GAS VITTING tV STEAM HEATING. 1)E.LEU IN STOVES & TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Roof ing nnd Spouting promptly attended to. nrstrlct attention given to heating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts,, XMoomsburg, Pa. Our incftMnKo ih to every roml cr ortlils pnjior. Tlio Iftforiiiullon 18 lmiior tuttt anil Iittcnilcd Tor civoryono in neeil of Clothing. Wo Iiiivb tho nJo;Ii, oar prlcci nro (lie bottom (Ictiroi of tlio miirkct, our nhow ronniN nro lllit utiil cheerful, nntl your oxatnlutitlon In sill that In need ed to make you t buyer. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Sixtli A Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. SHealth and Jappiness. O nn AS DTHPRS j OSZOVP ? HAVE DONE. (Aro your Kidneys disordered? 3 'Udn.y Wort tuuuslit ino rrom my irrve, ult r. r'. ..vl .inu UITU Kirva UIl UV u DC( UOVVOm ID D.trolt." M. W.DtT.rm,hechtnlc,lonU,IUeli. ,Are your nerves vroak? "E1dau7 Wort cur4 Inu troin n.rroii. wrakntM tn,MlirI not firtnltoll.is"-!!. U. U.D. Ooudnin, YA. Chrlitlan Monitor. Cl.Tetuid, O. Hrtvo you Bright's Disease? "klilncy wort curpd mo whn my water was just llko challc and tucn llko blo.nl." Flank Wlls(.n,Pcabody,Uass. Suffering from Diabetes? "Kl Jney.Wc rt 1 4 tlio mont sucmiiriil rcmedr I tiaro ever usid. aives almo.t Immoillato lellof." Pr. rcilllp c. Dallou, Mjnkton, Vt. Havo you Liver Complaint? wort cured mo tf chroulo IA tr Vixaava MnrvA Ilenry Ward, lato Col. (Mb. Nat. Quard.W.Y. Is your Back Inmo and nchingt? after 1 nraved to dip ." limo I had to loll out ot bod." U. M. TaUmaio.MUwaukM.WIs. Havo vou' Kidnoy Disease? a niA iniimllnllTpr and H,lti fter Twn of unmwridful rtoctorimr. Its worth KlJn.y.w ort mado me soundl; n$lOftbox.',-Bun'i Uodgm, WliiltmutowTi, Wnt V. Aro you Constipatod? 'Kirt nty Wort camci easy evacuation! and cured mo after 10 jcars tis ot other tnMirtnet." Nclwal-alrchUa, SU Albnu, Yft. Havo you Malaria? "KitlLcy-Wort lia dono bettor than any other remedy I havo evtr used In hit practice." Dr. 1U K. Clurt.bwuUincro.Vt. Aro vou Bilious P "ldJncy-Woit Iiah tlonoino inoro tood tbon any other leucdy I luivo eer taktru" Mrs. J. T. Ualluway, Elk Flat. Oreeon. Aro you torniontod "with Piles? 'KldnejMVort vtrmantnUy nirr( mo of bleudlnff pUci. Ur. w. P. Kliiio ici'oiiiiniiidid It to me." Ueo. 11. llorat, CbJor M. iitiuk, Myerttown, Ta. Aro you Rheumatism racked? "Kidney -Wort curtti me. oittr l waa civni up to dlo by liliyulciaiiri nnd I bad luiren d thirty years." I'llMn Ualrobn UV.f IlnM, If.lnn KlbriJtfa MtMcolm. WceC liatli, italac. Ladies, aro you suffering? "Kldnej-Wtirt cured mo of ptrulLir truutiletnfl Fover u years at aim tnif. fiany triotununocnd t.rano It." Urn. IX. Laiiiortftui, llo La ll&tte, t. K you would Banish Disease x and gain Health, Tako Thb Blood Cleanser. Cures Scrofula, Erysipelas, Blotches, Bolls, Tumors, Toi-) ter, Humors, Salt Rneum, Scald Iload. Soros, KorcuriiXi Diseases, Female Weakness and Irregularities, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Juandice, Afiections ot the Liver, Indi gestion. Biliousness, Dyspop- isia and General Debility. Acumt.or numock nionii uitieri win i.mir tn. liie.l skeptical lli.t It If the Crcaleil Ulond t'urluer oa cuth. S..1 4 1 y mtdlcliie dealcil .very bcir. Uticcttoiil tn el.vca lin.u.i:ci. I'KICU, J1.C0. FOSTER, HILBUSN&CO., Prop's. Buffa'o, N.Y. RM ildi id a il IiVJ BSf i H15 sM Infants and Children Wnt rrtyes our Children rosy cbeeks, What cures their ferdra, makes them sleep; Caatnrla. Vhcn Dables fret, and cry by turns, What cures their colic, knit their worms. Caatnrlit. Vhtit miteilr cures Constlnatlon. Sour Stumacli, Colds, Indigestion : Castnrln. Farewell then to Morphlno fiyrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, and llnlirnatnrln. "Custoria II to well adapted to Children that I recommend It a luporlor to any tneJI cino known to me." II. A. Accuiu, M.D.. Ill So. Oxford St., DrooUjn, N.Y. ENTi IENT An nlsolnto euro for IUion- matisni, Sprains, Pain in tho Baoli, Barns, Galls, &o. Auln ktantanooua Palu- rollovor. a week at homo. is.00outllt free. i'av no. isoiiiteiysurp. KOiisic, capital not rc'iuiieu. Header. If sou w.ttit business at which tier- sons of either wx. vomit? or old. cun tnako great pay all tun tlino they work, ulth absolute lertnlnty, write for particulars to II, iUtLisTT & W., 1 Ultldllll, J1UIUV, Dccsi-ly SELECT STORY. LILLIE. "I will never marry it woman with red tinir, snitl Aubrey lunnavu. "Taki- enro what you nay, Aubrey," naitl hi couhui, Mai'L'firct Ashton. "All theso rcKolutioim iiivariably end in doing the vcrv tiling jiroteslcd against. I would not bo afraid to stako 11 considerable Bum that you will marry a rod hnired woman nftir all." "Not if hIio watt as handeomu as nn nngcl nnd as good as you arc, Mag gie." "Thank you, for writing mu down good instead of handsome, Aubroy and thero nro not many ladies who would thank you for it, cither i so I tuipposo it is another proof of my goodness. But your compliment dots not prove your nsgertion ; and your assertion docs not prove the fact: and my opinion is that you will marry one whom I havo in my mind now, al though you havo never peen her. "And pray who may that be, Mag gie V "My particular friend, Lillie Hoi brook. She is coinini' to make mo a isit, and I defy you to resist her, red aired though she be." "i dely her I berioiiBly, Maggie, it nn objection I never coulil get over. ' "Well, civc me vour worn that vou won't bo enlaced to any one till vou lave seen Lillie 1" "Very readily. I havo no thoucrhts of civinc up ray freedom vet." And the good-natured, indolent fellow threw himself into a luxurious chair, and with his feet in another ho pro ceeded to smoke his fragrant Havana in .lazy lornctiulncsn of cvervtlnncr else. "What do vou livo for. Aubrev 1" aHkcd his cousin, as sho watched his placid countenance. "lo tease you, Maggie "Nav. vou cannot do that. Aubrev. bocause I earo so littlo for your talk. But I am really anxious about your state. Young, rioh, not particularly good-looking but passably so : with nothing to employ your time after 2 o'clock, and no incentive to active and healthful toil for tho mind or body at least, no visiblo incentive I am afraid you aro passing away this sea son of youth almost too lavishly, and that by-and-by, when ago comes, you will have no resources against it." "What can I do, Maggio ?" "Read for one thing. Those vile cigars stupefy your brain, when you ought to be storing it with knowledge. lou nave talents, Aubrey, but you will not uso them ; and I believo the best wish for you from those who love you would be that you should loso your property and your present situa tion in tne uaiiK, ana become a uu pundent upon your own invention for support.', "1 hank you, dear? lour wish is very benevolent, but I cannot say that I respond to it." "Very likely ; and yet I believe your character would increase in value a thoiisana loltl. IaIo lias been too easy to you, Aubrey. You have never the 'uses or atlvcrsity your bpirit needs uplifting, and it can never be uplifted while theso indulgences of life lie so thickly around you. You have never mastered a difficulty never earned an enjoyment. Margaret was right. Aubroy Kin- nard needed discipline tho discipline of sorrow or of poverty, to bring out his interior resources. lie had talents, but they lay dormant because there was no outward necessity for their uso. He had not genius for that will nia'-e itself known but he really had tnlcnts, only that ho did not see why he should trouble himself with application to any pursuit when tor- tuno had saved him tho anxiety of providing for tho future. lie had benevolence that transient, sympathetic benevolence which can not bear to look upon apparent suffer ing but no nau not that deep and wide-spread feeling which prompts to acts of self sacrifice, and which seeks for objects on which to expend its en ergies. That was tho benevolence which Margaret Ashton would have l icouraged. Aubrey had seemed to her as a brother. His father's house had been her homo from childhood, and as he had no sister ho enmo to think of Margaret in that light. Sho was rich, too, in her own right, hho was richer, too, in n Btrong and active mind, a firm will, a steady, iufloxiblo sense of right, and an aotivo and self defying benevolence. J.ulie ilolbrook was her dearest friend, and sho had often wished that Aubrey could know her. Sho was just such a woman as he ought to marry, and although averse to match making in general, shu determined in this particular case to throw them, if possible, into each other's society. ubrey was out ot town lor a tuw days, and when ho returned, it was to finil Miss Ilolbrook fairly installed for ajong visit. Sho was all, and more than all, that Margaret had so often painted to him, nut nlnsl sho had tho obnoxious colored hair 1 True, it was long, and soft and glossy, and hung in rich curls on her neck and shout dei 6, and in all other respects sho was a lovely nnd nttractivo girl ; but ho never, no nover, could get over that objection, ho told Margaret. Ho begged of her not to talk of him to her friend, for he could fulfill no hopes that sho might raise, "Aubroy 1 l.tllio Ilolbrook would nover many a man who was so indo lent and purposeless as yourself. Shu told mo so hcrsclt.' "Then yon havo already talked mo over. Was that kind or dolicato, Mug giul" "JJnn t bo so nasty, Aubrey. lou havo never been mentioned m any way, but wo often converse upon pref erences nnd tho very charaoter which you possess was this morning uncon sciously described by Lillie, nnd her opinion given. ' Aubrey was piqued nnd fretful, and as it was a rare mood tor him to bo in Margaret rather cnioyed it. Sho did not irritato him by words, but she looked an that siio leit, ami no saw alio was thinking of his life, so un worthy as ho know bIio thought. At that moment it mado him uu lust to both Margaret and her friend, although ho could but acknowledge- when Ills temper cooled that they were so different to tho common olass of young ladies. Thoso with whom he had been acquainted had flattered rather than found fault with him, nnd he found(a tileasant variety from the fiweets with which ho had been po often cloyed, in this independent lady who dared pick Haws in characters which, no doubt, sho compared to hU. At any rate it mado him resolvo to cultivnto her acquaintance more full. But how should ho do it? Lolling in his cousin's room nil tho afternoon hours, whilo they snt nt work, would not, it seemed, recommend him to tlioso utilitarian ladies. What exploit should ho attempt? Ho applied to Margaret, but she couhl not mark out any path for him. Ho must think for himself. There was a long timo in which he forsook his usual scat in Margaret's room. Sayings that dropped from her, and harder still, from her friend, boro such reproachful bearing upon tho indolence nnd uselcssuess of his life, that he felt displeased nnd irrita ble. "A gocd sign I" said Lillie. "Your cousin will bo something yet. I knew there was good metal there, if you could but strike the right spot." She had been talking to him of the grandeur of a life devoted to the in terests of humanity, self-sacrificing, active, fearless of rebuke. Sho paint ed the glory of such a life, as compar ed with one given up merely to selfish enjoyment or inactive indolence, lie applied all her sayings to himself, and was vexed with himself and with her whilo he could not but acknowledge that he deserved it, when his life was so aimless. Ho could not but own that his chief purpose was to livo for his own enjoyment but purely tho enjoyment of the senses. And now in his few and transient visits to his cousin's room, whore tho two sat in conclave, ho laughingly told them, upon his faults, ho began to feel that Lillio Ilolbrook was a wo man whom n man might both love and reverenco ; love, for her bounty and genuine kindness of heart, nnd roverenco for her noble independence of mere show and fashion. "Is not Lillie's hair darker siuco sho came hero?'1 he asked Margaret one morning, when, for a great wonder, ho found his cousin alone. "Much the same as usual, I think ?" said Margaret. "Quito red, isn't it ? And what a pity it is when she is so handsomo otherwise" "It does not strike mo as being so very red, Maggie. At least, it is not the color which I dislike so much. It seems to me that it is of that shade called amber by the poets." "No, Aubrey, poor Lillie's hair is decidedly red and sho calls it so. She does not like it any better than you do, but sho is too wise a girl to quarrel with nature about tho shado of her hair. It was all in vain. Aubrey grew deeper and deeper in love with Lillie anil one day he made a desperate oiler of his heart and hand, and was rcfus od! Kindly and gently, it is trtio, but decidedly. And she was tlio onlj woman to whom he had spoken those words, and she, too, had tho very ob noxious hair, and had refused him 1 J-le was absent alter this lor some time. iU'en his father and mother did not know where he was gone, and Margaret was quite uneasy. Lillie nuver disclosed to her friend what had passed between them ; nor did Mar caret suspect, when ho returned, hag- ird ami miserable, that her Iriend was the cause. ubicy had other causes, too, of trouble. A clerk in the bank with which he was connected was suspected of wrong. Aubrey had not left town ns they supposed, but wns watching him unsuspected, night and day, and yet the man escaped him. The em be.zlement covered the whole amount of Aubrey's property ; and when he atosu mu next morning ue was a ueg- gar. Much ot his lathers property in tho same connection, anil ot his bare ly enough was left to secure the old people against tho chances of poverty, I' ortuuately Jiargarct s lortuno was in vested elsewhere. Such was the nows which he had to communicate ; and he sullercd severely in doing so. 'llio next morning the bank declared its inilurc. llio embezzlement was only one of a series of enormous frauds, practiced by this clerk and an accomplice, in which thoy wero sue oessful enough to escnpo detection tin til it wns too late. "Where aro you going, Aubrey ?" asked Margaret, ono morning, a week after the affair, as sho saw him como down stairs with his cloak on his arm and his valise in his hand. "I sail in tho next steamer to Cali fornia, cousin. I'm going to Now York this afternoon." "And nover told mo until now, Au broy I I would not thought it of vou. "I could not bear to talk about my resolution, Margaret, especially as it was the hrst ouo that 1 ever mado m regard to business. I havo not yet told my mother." "l'oor auntie i now will sho bear it?" "Poorly enough nt first, but sho will get reconciled at last. It was no uso to prolong her suffering, to I am going away, and shall then write her just beforo I sail. I must not havo her tears shako up my purposo, as I fear thoy will it 1 tell her now." "And this Is to bo our good-by ? ' said Margaret, as her coimin pressed hor hand. "And do you say nothing to l,illior "Whero is sho ?" "In tho drawing-room, alone." Aubroy mado n movement forward as if ho would havo gouo in, but ho camo back to Margaret and charged her with a bimpio tarowcii. "I shall return in si year, Maggie Take good caro of my mother, nnd write mo every mail." Ho was gono beforo sho had recov ered her surprise How lonely seemed tho houso with' out Aubroy 1 Lillie, too, was about departing, and urged Margaret to no company her, but bIio would not lonvt Mrs. Ivinnnrd alone. Mnrgnrct was ever self-sacrilicing, nntl she remein bored Aubroy's words. So sho stayed and Lillio departed with tho promise ot another visit soon. Aubroy's first letter was calm and composed. Ho was looking around for Homethiiig lo retriovo lus fallen fortune Tho noxt told of his success) and still another of discouragement Ho had been seriously ill, but now ho , had recovered. Mnrgarct noticed that over after ho id written ouo of despondency, hit followed it up quickly with one of strong anil hopeful cheer. There was an evident growth in his mint), which she rejoiced to think wits genuine niid rogressive. l.illlc came again, and io letters wero duly shown to her. o read them quietly, without com ment. "Why, Lillio I thuro is some mystery here with which I am not to be matlu acquainted, It seems." No mystery at all, Margaret. Aub rey wanted to marry mo when he was rich and prosperous and indolent. I refused that Aubrey but hero is an ther Aubrey, who writes these letters and who seems to bo altogether of n ifferent character. Ho Is poor ntid struggling, it seems for a living but I tell you, Margaret, this Aubrey would nvo a (intercut answer from mo now." Margaret sat speechless' with won- ei. olio did not dream ot it belore She fat so long without speaking or raising her eyes, that Lillio began to think that sho was offended, but her blight and satisfied look when sho did ook up was sufficient. "Just what 1 always wished, I. lllit1, nnd yet 1 am vexed that neither of you told mo before." "What was tho ute, when nothing as to come of it, Maggie? Of coursi iubroy would not trumpet his own re fusal, and you would hardly expect me to boast of his offer." "Kight, Lillie; I sro I was foolish to xpect it; but Margaret puzzled hor tin about Aubrey s ottering lntnselt o Lillio. Had ho not always disdained red hair, and Lillie's was indisputably red. Another letter from Aubrey 1 nnd Lillie was as anxious to hear it as Mag gio was to read it. 'Where do you think I am nt tins moment, (Jousm Margaret? At the mines, where, for tho last fortnight, I avo been hard nt work, digging. 1 am writing on a leaf of a book which brought with mo to register my day's work. I have been successful beyond my sanguine hopes. I work hard. cop hard, and our eating is of tl it- very hardest description; yet I am per fectly well, and yon would be aston ished to hoc me I have expanded from a small man to a large one. Sono and sinew Stem to have enlarged, and I breathe so easy here 1 Not a single cigar has profaned the lips which ott kissed at parting. Maggio, I did not toll you that I offered myself to your trientl, and that nho relusod mu with a sublime indilferenco that was anything but complimentary. Well did, notwithstanding that 1 did not llko her hair I But she is a noblo girl, and when I return who knows if I may not meet with better success with her. know that alio despised mu for my udolcnt life I wish she was here now to admire mo, as I tako the lead in our lard enterprise here "1 wear a hunting shirt and Irons crs ot a course, strong material, a leather belt in which is my knife With this I cut all my food, holding bread, meat, etc., in my left hand. Boots of soles two inches thick or near that, adorn my lower limbs, and .". hat of almost fabulous size covers my head. Nothing btipertlous no cravat, suspender, vest, coat or stocking fet ter 1 I havo a blanket which 1 throw down on the grass, sometimes on a ock nnd sleep so soundly. Life is worth something here Sometimes I think I shall never go back, but 1 yearn for homo and friends, for cous in Maggie, dear girl, and for Lillie. She Hhall love mo when I go home. 1 am worthy of her uow. 1 feel that 1 am worthy now of tho lovo of woman. No wonder that sho did not lovo such an effeminate, selfish fellow as I have been. lou sec now, Maggie, am carrying out what you said of mo. You encouraged mo when you said that 1 had talents. 1 am thank fill for the help you havo been to me it women only knew their lnlluence, and would direct it aright, we men would bo all tho better. Now for hard work a few months longer, and then for Lillio ?" "You may write him all that I said to you about him, Margaret, if you wish. 1 havo noeobiection." And Margaret wrote ; and with it camo a picture, taken in his miners dress, and which, had they not known that it was tnkeu for Aubrey, would havo been perfectly indistinguisha ble, were that llowing hair, that hip menso beard and thoso broad shoul dcrs, tho adjunct of the small, delicate looting youth, whoso white hand ri valed a lady s nnd who nover lifted any burden heavier than his cloak beforo ho went away. Uo you ,want to know if Aubroy returned and married Lillio ? Of courso ho did. Did you over know anyono to havo a fixed purpose in any thing and not carry it out ? And Margarets sho is not married yet, for how could the two families get nlong without her ? oho lives to couupcl, to aid and support their courage and strength in tho great battle of life, She lives nn arch jest at Aubrey about red hair ; but ho declares that Lillie's is not red, and that her jests fall pow eness. bun, she can well perceive that ho is daily examining that of his littlo Margaret to seo if it will bo darker than her mother's. "I hope it will, Aubrey," Margaret says maliciously, "tor it is an 'ob iection you nover could get over,' you know. Tho stem of a genuino mushroom is short thick and white, marked under tho head with a prominent ring. The head is whito and regularly convex. tlio edges aro bent mwurd, the tlesh is whito and firm, tho under leaves are Jeep pink, and soparato as they ai proach but do not touch tho stem When the mushroom grows old tho net-like shnpo changes ; it becomes brown, fiat nnd scaly. Tho under leaves also turn brown. It is butte when oaten young. Spurious mushrooms havo their heads coverod with warts and other membranaceous substances, which adhcro to tho upper mu face j thoy aro heavy and spring irom a species ot bulb ; thoy general ly grow in bunches. When tho mush rooms aro doubtful sprinklo a littl salt on tho under or spongy part. If it turns yellow they aro poisonous, black thoy aro good. Some one says that tlio most direct way to some men's pocketbooks is through their stomachs, Tho doctors evidently discovered this somo time i ago. Seals of the States, Tho New York Mail and Jtitpreis nsscrlH that trade or industry Is qtiito generally recognized In tho coats-of-arms of tho various States of tlio Union, ami proceeds to illustrate as follows : Mnine has her supporters a husband man leaning on his scythe and a sailor resting on his anchor. , New Hainiishiro shows a ship on tho stocks with American banners display, ed, and a group of busy shipwright as yet unconscious of tho benefits of pro tection. Vermont places beneath her tower ing pine tree three orcct sheaves and n red cow a nobler beast than any of tho lion, grillins, boars and bears that rami) nml rom' through tho forest of European heraldry. Massachusetts has a decidedly war like coat-of-nrius, with her belted nnd nioccasincd Indian, and her "dexter arm clothed ami grasping a broad sword," and Ithodo Island's "anchor" has no reference to maritime interest. Nor do Connecticut's three vines, sup ported and fruited, relate to vinticul ture, bnl, instead, to tho three original plantations of Hartford, Windsor, and Weathcrslield. Now Yoik's arms have no recogni tion of labor or trade, if we except the two vessels approaching each other on the Hudson. Now Jersey, however, displays three plows in an escutcheon, makes Ceres ono of tho Hiipportors, and takes ns crest a noise s head. Pennsylvania's stipportiinr horses arc oi tne rampant "old war-hoise breed, .. . c .. . mu ner siueid is charged with peace mi omuiems a piow , on a sea navy ... it proper, a snip untter tun sail ; and a stalk of maize This coat-of-arms was taken chiolly from tho old soal of the City of Philadelphia, adopted in 1701, which had in three of its quarters a oaiance, a wheat shoaf, and a ship sail ing upon an ocean. Delaware shows in one division of her nzitro shield a cow, and in tho oth er a shoaf of wheat and a bundlo of leaf tobacco. The oroit is a shin under ,, ... r . mu saw, ami mo supporters aro a man ner and a hunter. Maryland in adnntintr the arms nf JiOrd lialtimore, was so fortunate a3 to obtain as supporter a fisherman and plowman. Virginia, on the reverse of her creat oal, which is nothing if not classical, hows Cores, with her cornucopia in one hand and an ear of wheat in the thor. West Virginia has an encyclopedic coat-of-arms. On the dexter sido of ler ivy-twined rock is a farmer, cloth ed in the traditional huntintr shirt of io mountain region, his right arm resting on the plow-handles, and his left supporting a woodman's ar, with, at his feet, a sheaf of wheat and a corn-stalk. On the sinister is a miner with a pick-ax on his Bhonlder, and barrels of lumps of mineral at his feet, hilc an anvil, on which retU a, sledge aminer, is partly seen. North Carolina has on her shield r ..i . ueres wun mo cornuconia on one and and in the other throu wheat ' ! oars. Georgia has always celebrated trade uid industry with elaborate enthu- Biasm. hen Ucorge II. chartered tho colony, in 173" one faca of the seal represented a provident and la borious colony of silkworms, sericul ture being the special object of the now settlement. When it became a crown colony, in 1751, its seal showed on one side the genius of the colonv presenting a tkein of silk to the king. The convention of 1777 adopted a sea whereon was shown "an elegant house and other buildings, with shcup and cattle, a river running through the same with a ship under full --ail" a description leaving not a doubt as to whether the river ran thiough the ele gant house, or the sheep. The pres ent beal, adopted in 1798, bears tho following elaborate derive : "A view of the seashore, with a hip bearing the .flag of the United State riding at anchor near a wharf, receiving on board hogsheads of tobacco and'halcs of cotton, emblematic of tho expo-ts oi tne otato ; at a small distance a boat landing from (ho interior of the State with .hogsheads etc, onboard, representing her internal traffic ; in the back part, a man plowing, and at i small distance a Hock of sheep m lifferent postures, shaded by a nour ishing tree ; tho motto, 'Agriculture and Commerce' " Not a bad coat-of-arms for the thriving Southern com monwealth. Florida places a sido wheeled steam boat on tho river in tho middlo ground of her coat-of-arms. Arkansas crowds tho shield noon tho bosom of her caglo with a steamboat, beehive and plow, aud a shoaf of wheat. Tennessee places in one division of her coat-of-arms a plow, a wheat sheaf, and a stalk of cotton, with tho word, "Agriculture" Tho lowor half occu pied by a loaded barge, with tho word, "Commerce" Minnesota shows a farmer nlowimr. Ii'ib gun resting on a stump, whifo an Indian recedes beforo him "to ward his bright homo in the setting Hill). California blazons upon her Bhiold r, hardy miner, with his pick, seeking for fjoiu, miii two cupper snips upon tno bay. Oregon has at the base of her shield sheaves of wheat, a plow, a rako and a pick. In tho upper half is a land- scape with an emigrant wncon. and in the background a sea bearing a steam- 01141 mm it ong uying tue American colors. Kansas displays a river and a steam boat, a settler's cabin and a man plow. 1. , . ing, nnu a train ot ox-wagons moving wuNiwum, Nevada has a befitting coat-of-arms. Its hows a quartz-mill, a tunnel from which it miner is pusiuug a car 01 orei a plow, a sheaf and a sickle ; a train of .1l I i . miiroau cars passing n mountain gorge, ami a teiegraiin 11110. Ohio, which was without any IolmI ized seal for moro than half a centurv. places the familiar wheat sheaf 011 her shield, and has as supporters a fanner with sheaves of wheat and implements of agriculture, in tho distanco a looo motivo and train of cars and a smith with anvil and hammer, and also water and n steamboat. Indiana s bulfalo is being scared over the prario by tho resounding ax of a lusty wood choppor. 1 Iowa has on her arms a sheaf and field of standing wheat, with a sioklo and other farming implements, a lead furunco and a piiu of pig lead, a plow just loft by a citizen soldier, nnd In tho rear of nil, a steamboat upon the Mis sissippi. Wisconsin has upon her shield an anchor mid a mechnnio'ii nrm, graspii g a hammer, a plow, a npado and picl-i-ax crossed, nnd two Btalks of grain Tlio supporter aro a sailor and it shirt slroved laborer with a pick-ax. Nebraska skows tt blacksmith at work at his anvil, a jheaf of wheat oi his right hand ami n tree on the left ; in tho middle ground arc a wheat field, a log cabin, and a river bear ing a steamboat, with, on the fur ther bank, a locomotive and train of cars. Colorado bears on tho lower half of her shield n miner's pick nnd innllot crossed. Of tho Territories, Utah hns a boo hivo on a stand surrounded by flowers, with bees hovering near it. Washing ton's "female figure with flowing tress es" has an anchor by her sid ; to her right a city with spires and domes and a stream vessel ; on her left a log cab in and a pino forest. On Dakota's shield nn anvil and agricultural imple ments appear in decidedly incongru ous juxtaposition, with nn Indian spearing a buffalo. Arizona is repre sented by a miner, droned in shirts and tromers and a broad leaved hat, rest ing on pick and spade. Montana shown plow, pick, and spade in the fore ground of her shield. Wyoming dis plays in one compartment of her es cutcheon a railroad and a train of cars ; in another aro agricultural im plements. Thus aro labor nnd commerce repre sented in American heraldry. The Bioliest Redskins- Of all the Indians in thu United States says a correspondent, the Crows are perhaps the richost, ns thoy eor tainly arc the laziest. According to their own estimate thoy number 1,100 women, 770 boys, and 070 girls 3,500 in all, about 300 in excess of what tho interior department in Wash ington has it. The Crows have 4,713,000 acres re served to them, which comprise somo of the very best agricultural and graz ing lands 111 the United States. Tlmir reservation is in Custer County, Mon tana, and contains more , land than Borne of the States of our Union. Itis situated on the south bank of the Yel lowstone river, with n frontage of nearly one hundred miles on that stream, and takes in complete and beautiful valleys of the Little and Big Horn rivers, beside many other rich meadow lauds made fertile by the nu merous streams which tako their riso in tho Big Horn mountains. It is in deed a beautiful country, and the In dians know it as well as tho whites do; for it was in the same beautiful valley of the Little Horn, eight years ago, that Sitting Bull and his thousand warriors; rather than give up their birthright to the pale faces, fought Ooneral Custer and his foldiers until ll'0 'nst cavalryman lay dead on the , 1.1 I. !. ... -1 ..... . , , , neiu ever since Mini memorame day in 187(5 the Sioux have had no home. Thoy were hunted by the United States troops aud renegades of their own tribe, wero driven about fro -a point to point all over Northern Mi.;i tnun, and finally compelled to capitu late to Colonel Ilges and the military at Poplin river on June 7, 1880. As soon ns the lust Sioux Indian was made a prisoner, Congress took in hand the matter of their inheritance, and by nn agreement made with the Crows on June 12, 1880 (five day af ter the surrender), and approved by Congress on Juno 11, 1882. the Crow Indians fell heir to the very lauds .tho Sioux Indians had forfeited by reason of their being at war with tho United Stales government. This was the bit terest pill the Sioux had ever been forced lo swallow. It distrei-sed them far mure to me their hated fots estab-Ui-hcd in their own beloved homo than all the losses they had sustained in tho Little Horn fight. But tho Crows are there, frco to roam at will over four million acres of leaiitilul mountain and river lands. while iheir ancient cnumies, the unfor tiin.'i'r Sioux, arc penned up nt Pine Uidge, Standing Bock and other agen cies, under the surveillance of the mil itary, virtually prisoners of war. Of theso four million seven hundred and thirteen acres belonging to tho Crows at least ono million acres nro capable of tho highest cultivation. Yet, during nil of last year and up to tho present date, there were but leu acres cultivated by tho Government for tho Indians.and 0110 hundred and twenty acres tilled by tho Crows them selves without assistance from any body. From tho ono hundred and twenty-five acres handled by the red men wero obtained about one thous and five hundred busheU of vegeta bles, which were consumed entirely by themselves. Last year tho Crows put thirty-five tons of hay and out over inrco Hundred cords of wood. The winter months, as is the custom among all tribes, wero spent in hunting for gamo among tho mountains nnd on tho pla'uiB. lint tho Crows, with a keener in sight than is possessed by ordinary redskins, have always kept tin eye to business ns well as to pleasuro, and in consequence thoy returned from their last, winters hunt with not only a good supply of meat for their squaws nnd papooses, but also with nine thou sand dollars woith of robes, furs, pel tries and skins, Tho principal wealth of the Crows lies 111 their lnrgo and lino herds of ponies, which aro un equalled on the continent for mettle and endurance. A girl only 17 years old was arrest ed in Boston a day or two ago for big- amy, and sho admitted that she hud two husbands, both living. Tho Falls of Floyers, in Scotland, is 200 feet high, and Niagara 101 feet. The highest in tho world is thu Fall of Oreo nt Monto Bosa, 2,400 feet. A kite, 1G feet high and II feet wide, whoso covering required 04 yards of muslin, was raised from a Grand street, N. Y. houso top recent ly, It took four men with gloved hands to hold it. Chinese fishermen use ginnt powder to kill fish in thu Sacramento river,