The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 17, 1884, Image 3

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The Columbian.
.1, 0. Fltzputrlck Is assisting In tlia olllcc
of the Kxchatifie lintel this week,
Philip Collins anil 0. It. Mooro nro nt tlio
Kxchango Hotel,
M. B. Walker, Bsn.., of aiilckshlnny Is In
town this week.
Col. A. D. Sccley nnd Mnjor 8. 1'. Hun.
ly of Berwick wcro nmonj tlio visitors to
tlio town on Monday.
Headquarters for trunks, sutclicls, vn
Uses, robes, &c, nt David LowcnbcrK's.
iHTWu would cnll tlio attention of nil
our renders, wanting occupation, to tlio nd
vcrtlscnient of 1'. N. Nicholas & Co.
Wnshlnjitonvlllc Fnlr, October 21, 22. 23
hnd 24. A skating rink will bo open overy
day on tlio grounds during tlio Fnlr.
Crane's fine paper for ladles' correspond
encu, the best made, nt tlio Coi.umman
Tlio number of cases In tlio criminal
court nt Wllllnmsport Inst week was unus.
ually large. Sentcnco was passed upon
twcnty-llvo prisoners on Saturday,
Tlio number of shows following tho fairs
this year Is greater than ever before, and
many ot them were refused admission to
tho fair grounds, for want of space.
Mrs. Susan Boone, wlfo of Newton
Boone, departed this life on Thursday
morning, tho 0th Inst, nged 79 years. Sho
was burled on Saturday afternoon.
A word to the wise. Tho most complete
and varied stock ot Fall and "Winter goods
can now bo seen nt tho popular store of
David Lowcnbcrg.
Kccly's Motor has been recently tested
with satisfactory results. It Is posslblo
that In n few years nil machinery may be
run by tho power of "ctberlc vnpor."
A number of trotting horses havo been
In town for a week or more, la trnlning for
tho races nt tho Fnlr. Somo good trots
may bo looked for to-day and to-mor.
Tho Montour County Fair at Danville
two weeks ngo, was closed on tho second
dny on account of tho wet weather. It will
bo opened ngnlu on tho 28th inst., nnd con-
tlnuo four days.
Over and over again wo must repeat that
no communications will be published un.
less signed by sorao responsible name, so
that tlio editors may know where they
como from. All others co Into tho waste
Thoso who deslro to tako advantage of
our offer to sell 25 cent boxes of writing
paper for 15 cents nt the Columman store
should cnll soon, as they will all be gone
before 30 days nro up. They nvo not dam
nged goods, but wo desire to make room
or other stock.
A few special bargains can bo secured in
Photograph Albums, nt the Colu.muian
store. Albums worth one dollar, for CO
cents, albums worth two dollars, for 1.20.
We havo but few of them, and they cannot
bo replaced at the snmo prices. Those who
call tlrst will bo lucky.
lhoso who contemplato matrimony
should call at tho Coi.umman ofllco and ex-
amino our stock of wedding invitations,
cither printed or engraved. You will bo
astonished to find how Ilttlo it costs to get
n handsome invitation, with which to an
nouuee the coming event to your friends.
Ent Post U. A. 11. participated in the
festivities nt Shamokin on Friday last,
about seventy members going on the ex
cursion. They report a very pleasant time.
Much attention was shown tlio Bloom
band, nnd they were invited to escort the
speakers from tho hotel to the Opera
House. It was acknowledged to be one of
the best bands present.
A full supply of paper, tablets, pen:
pencils, ink, erasers, copy books, drawing
books, rulers aud everything needed by
school children, except school books, can
bo found at the Columbia:! store, very
Extensive nrrangomenta aro being mado
for tho Uenton Fair, which will be held on
October 29th, 30th, 31st and November 1st.
Tho grounds nro conveniently located, and
suitable buildings havo been erected for
tho protection of exhibits. Tiiero Is no
reason why tho Benton Fair should not he
a success.
Uco. W. Sterner Is an admirer of fine
stock. He is tho owner of un Ayrshire
lull, "All Baba," an Ayrshire cow, "Betty
lilalr" and a heifer of the same breed, nam
ed "Greenwood." These cattle have ex.
cellent pedigrees, and aro on exhibition at
the Fair, Mr. Sterner has also a fine lot of
choico poultry.
Through tho efforts of John M. Clark,
hsq., a considerable sum of money has
been raised in $1 subscriptions, and for
wnrded to tho Democratic National Com
mlttcc at New York, to assist In defraying
tho expenses of the campaign. Chairman
Lowcnberg has also raised somo money in
similar contributions to bo sent to tho
State Committee. Let tho good work go on
Suits made up In city style by cxperi
enced workmen, Cnll and see what to
wear nnd how to wear It, at David Low.
onberg's, tlio lino merchant tailor of
Tho town Is full of strangers, and among
thom there arc many rough characters who
annually follow tho fairs, nnd pick up
living with their wits. When these fall
they do not hesitate to pick up a living, or
uny thing else they can find, with their fin'
gers. Lock your houses securely at night,
ond whlloyounre at the Fair during tho
day-limo fasten all your back doors and
Wo cannot agree with our correspondent
from Dorr's, on ono point, to.wlt, that the
Democratic party of this county is divided
on local questions. There may bo hero
nnd there a few who nro not inclined to
nccept tho action of tho convention in nil
particulars, but tho great mass of tho party
will bo found on election day, standing
truo to their colors, nnd voting tho Demo
cratlc ticket from top to bottom, without
scratch, If there ever were any cause for
alarm It has passed, and there Is no danger
of anything like an organized bolt on any
part of the ticket. Tlio few who still
fuse to abldo by tho party rules, will feel
bo lonesome on November 6th that nobody
will over know but what thoy voted the
straight ticket. They'll never own to any.
thing else. Bather than bo left on tho los
Ing side, they had better drop back Into tho
ranks, before it Is too late.
Do not deny yourself the pleasure of ox
iimlnlng our now nnd great bargains In
clothing, Wo nro taking the lend In styli
fit, assortment, good and prlco. An ocu
lar demonstration will satisfy you. Cull
soon at thu popular store of h. Lowe
Oysters In every stylo ut I'lillllps' restau
rant. A pleasant resort for Indies.
Thu Bhaipers nro hero In full force this
week. Don't be Inken In bv tho lotteries.
io bunko game, or nny other shnrn trick
thnt Is Intended to Imposo upon sweet In
nocence. Tho only safo way U to keep
awny from nil such places, nnd he very
careful whoso ncqunlnlntico you make.
if you need any thliur In tho lino of a
silver or gold watch or nny nrtlclo of Jew
ry, silver ware, &o .Call nt I. Bcrnhurds.
iTcwclry Store, nnd get tho best for your
Avondalo Coal Mlno Is hero In Miniature
to represent and Instruct our nnnnln In mm
f Pennsylvania's Orcatestlndustncs. Over
00,000 miners find omnlovment illLnrlnir
nml assorting tho dusky diamonds. Conl
Inspector Smith represents It, nt Mnrkct
square. School children can sco It Satur
day nt reduced rates.
Foit Sai.1!. At S. W. Hill's river nvenue
gardens Espy several thousand heads of
ell bleached celcrv of choice varieties
among which Is tho celebrated La Plume
chestnut that has been grown with so much
success In southern Iowa,
The Flora Myers combination aro playing
on engagement of three nights nt the Opera
House. I he company Is well spoken of by
tho press. On Wednesday night they
played "Enoch Arden," on Thursday
Ight, " Arrah-na-Pogiio " nnd to-nlj'ht,
they give "East Lynne."
Tho B. & O. Bed Book for Pennsylvania
ready for distribution, and lu more than
ono respect, Is tho most vnluablo of any of
tho editions hitherto based upon this State
As has always been tlio rule, tho forwnrd-
ngof a stamp toC. K. Lord, Baltimore, is
nil that Is necessary to secure n copy, and
In fact thu only way, as tho Bed Book is
sues arc all for mull circulation, The pre.
sent volume Is replete with political statis
tics and condensed data, not only as re.
gards tho latest Presidential. State nnd
Congressional elections In this State, but
relating as well to elections slncu admission
into tlio Union. It would bo dfl cult to
magluo a moro complete showing oi past
results In the State, or a more neatly put
together and printed little book.
The many friends of Ellen B. wlfo of'Dr.
Wm. B. Hawkins, and daughter of Mr
nnd Mrs. Wm. Boblson, (deceased) will
feci deep regret to hear of her sudden and
unexpected death. Born nnd lenred in
Bloomsburg, she married Dr. Hawkins
and went to Michigan, where they havo
ever since resided. Early In the summer,
Mrs. Hawkins camo east, and spent several
months with her sisters, Mrs. Pardee and
Mrs. Markle, When sho came, she seemed
well, bright and cheerful, but soon some
Insidious disease attacked her, and to it,
she speedily succumbed. The writer of
this notice, knew her from her earliest
years. We ever were linn nml laitntul
friends. We took sweet counsel together
nnd walked unto the house of God, in
company. Gladly do I testify to her gen
tlcness, purity and integrity of character ;
lie was truthful, sincere and charitable to
all j faithful as a wife, devoted as a moth
cr, true and loyal as n friend. Uniting with
tho Presbyterian church in her early yaars
she was ever an humble, faithful consistent
follower of the blessed Master. Enemies,
sho had none. "None knew her but to love
her, none named her but to praise." Sho
has gone from us, and much as we mourn
her departure, we can but rejoice that sho
has gained the victory over the last enemy,
and now rests in joy and felicity.
II. N. M.
For 30 Da H
Wo will sell boxed paper at greatly re-
dueed prices. 100 boxes nt 15 cents each,
reduced from 25 cents, excellent quality.
At the Colvmiuax store.
Tlie Sovcrnor nt tlie l-'nlr.
Tho officers at tho Fair havo received in-
formation that Governor Pattlson will
reach Bloomsburg nn Friday evening, and
will be on tho grounds on Saturday.
Democratic Meeting nt Cciitrnlia.
Thero will bo a democratic meeting at
Centralla on Wednesday next, October 22d
which will bo addressed by H. Fow, Esq,,
of Philadelphia, H. Cavmiaugh, of Easton
aud others. There should bo a largo at
tendance at this meeting, in order to assist
in tho election of Cleveland & Hendricks.
Tlie ItnccH.
The following entries havo been made
for tlie races 1 Friday at 1 p. m. 2.30 class,
Bobert Steel, Hambletonian Chief, Nellie
Tool, Frank S., Frauk Hull.
Saturday, 10 a. 111., County Sporting
List, Annie, Pet, Lucy and B. M. Pet.
1 p. m. Open to all, Dora, Hambleton
ian Chief, Pillott Boy, Frank Hull, Scot
land, J. P. Morris, Bobert Steel, Nclllo
Tool, Frank S., Troublesome.
Ah to Sleep,
That excellent authority, Hult'i Journal of
Health, says : Men who arc fastest asleep
when they are asleep, aro the widest awake
when they are awake. Great workers must
be great reslcrs. Every man who has
clerks In his employ ought to know what
their sleeping habits arc. The young man
who is up till 3 and 4 o'clock In the morn
ing and must put in his appearance at the
bank or store at 9 or 10 o'clock aud work
nil the day, cannot repeat the process many
days without a certain shaklness coming
iuto his system, which ho will endeavor to
steady by B01110 delusive stimulus. It is in
this way that many a boy begins his course
to ruin. Ho need not necessarily have
been in bad company. Ho has lost his
sleep, aud losing sleep l losing strength
and grace.
The Columbian olllco has been rushed
day and night this week with job work,
somo of It being dono at half tho prices
demanded by other olllccs, and still at a
fair profit to us. This is on account of our
excellent facilities.
Died at tho residence of H. D, .Manning
In Plttston, Luzerne county, on Monday,
October 0th, Abraham Manning, aged 70
years, 11 months and 24 days. Deceased
was ns well as usual, aud had partaken of
aheaity dinner on tho day above men
tinned, hut about 3 o'clock, p. m,, he com
plained of a violent pain, and about half
past four ho passed quietly away. Fuuer.
al services was held on Wednesday after
noon at 2 o'clock, p. in. 1 thu samu being
conducted by Bev. Furinan of tho Baptist
denomination who delivered tlie funeral
sermon, assisted by Bcv. Dr. Park of thu
Presbyterian Church, The deceased was
11 member of tho Baptist Church for nearly
sixty years. After services iho remains
were followed to their last resting placo
tho Odd Fellows cemetery by his threo
sons to pay tho lust tribute of respect to a
kind and departed father,
Thus another land-mnrk who hud nr.
lived at the ago of nlutost four-score years
passed, ono who cast his Hist vote for An
drew Jackson for President, anil us fur 119
our knowledge extends has voted ut all
general elections slncu. W, L. il
A bolleder has Just received nuothfr lino
lot of night singing canaries.
. Mojcrsionnuli.
Mr, Elmer E. Moycr of Ml. Cnrmel nnd
Miss Haltlo N, Menagh ot this town were
united In wedlock nt the residence of W.
8, Moyer on Frldny afternoon Inst nt two
o'clock, The ceremony was performed by
Bcv. H. Mitchell In the presence of about
fitly guests, most of whom wcro relatives
of the contracting parties. Miss- Jennie
Evnns was bridesmaid nnd Mr. Arthur A.
Ulark mo "best man." Tho Kills were
numerous nnd handsome, nmong them
being a full silver ten set, and n china din-
ner set. The bridal couple took a trip to
New York Slate,
Mr. M. B. Mnrgerum of the Qavltt, mado
a (lying trip to Danville, Saturday.
Mrs. S. II. Dlckcrinnn and Miss Llr.ztc
Eaton returned home Inst Saturday, from
n stay at Montrose.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bogart of Scrnnton,
were guests at thu Berwick House during
Quito n number from here took 111 the
game ot ball at Danville last Halurtlay
played between tho Bloomsburg club and
tho club at Dunvlllo.
Berwick will bo well reptescntcd nt the
Bloomsburg Fair.
Emanuel Frant. lost a lltto girl Sundny
morning through dlpthcrln, nnd Dcrrls
Mohartcr an Interesting boy of fourteen
years, in tho afternoon, of tho samo ills
The C. L. S. C. had their first meeting
last Tuesday evening at Mr. Bower's resi
Hiram Bower had rather a fair success as
a hunter last Saturday afternoon by bag.
glng six gray squirrels and two red squlr.
rcls, with a largo ground hog.
Tho Young Men's Bepubllenn Club had
n torch-light parade and a speech by Hon
J. II. Lnndls, of Lancaster, Friday night.
Illicit Horn.
Thursday afternoon. Oct. 9, while mas.
tor James Bennett was playing in Charles
Werkhciscr's straw shed, ho accidentally
fell to tho ground through an opening In
tho floor, thereby breaking an arm.
Mr. Joseph Hummer tnkes tho lend tor
plow boys this season. Ono day last wrek
ho had seventeen teams breaking tho turf,
Clinton Dewitt and daughter, Dorcas,
were tho guests of E. J. Old's and C." M,
Terwilligcr's 011 Saturday nnd Sunday.
Harvey llenrlo or urangovllle, gavo
Buckhorn a friendly call the 11th inst.
The church going people of this placo
were entertained last Sunday morning by
Bov. Sharetts with an Interesting sermon
on tlio subject or "Uoil dwelling among
men." In the evening Bov. Stevens
preached of "Pentecost, Its cause and ef
Mtss Addle Hartman ot Bloomsburg,
was home on Sunday last.
Messrs. Howard ond Arthur Ohl, and
Miss Annu Ohl spent the 11th and 12th
lusts, with friends near Orangevllle.
Drew Sharetts and Gen. Hartman of
Espy, hinlled In upon us on Sunday after.
Austin Ohl left to-day (Monday) for
Shickshinuy, where he expects to remain
about a month.
Boyd Winterstccn has returned fioin a
two years' stay in the West.
Mrs. Elmira Seers with her husband, of
Vermont, is visiting her parents, Chas
Dietterlck's, a few weeks.
William Pooloy has tho pleasure of en
tcrtalning his mother this week.
uur town tailor, Adoipnus Kcstcr, is
kept very busy. Tho press of work Is so
great that he has secured the assistance of
Geo. Bupert for a space of time.
Miss Ella Henrlo was with friends nt Bur.
wick tlio early part ot the week.
Messrs. Swisher and Philips, school-book
agents representing the firm of Porter &
Coatcs, Philadelphia, tried to introduce
their series hero on Tuesday evening. Tho
board of directors adopted their work on
language lessons, spellers and copy books,
Tho Valley school house Is near comple
Hon. Tho board meets Thursday- after-
noon, (Oct. 10), to see if It has been done
as per contract. Mr. Tetes of Bloomsburg
furnishes tho desks.
Clipped XtcuiH.
Thero is n new oil well called "Butler'
and the JMorristown Herald thinks it is so
called because It fiows so frcoly nt tho
Thero nro mnny and various ways of be
coming a man of mark ; but tl-o easiest
and most effectual way is to lean against
some newly-painted railings.
Probably tho tallest political pole .lu the
Stnto is located at Stouffers, Westmore
land county. It was crecteU by thu Demo
crats nnd is 212 feet high.
Why do they call Butler tho Greenback
candidate j Is his back green?" "No, my
child, there is nothing green about Ben
only ills backers are green."
In view of the exciting campaign and
the numerous hat wagers 011 thu result of
the election, it has been decided to extend
thu time for calling lu straw hats to the 5th
of November.
Don't bet on the election. It's the fool's
argument at best, and it proves nothing in
advance of tlio result. Gamblers bet to
win : amateurs and politicians feed tlio
It is to bo hoped no more Presidential
candidates will make their appearancu
this fall. Six nru now in the field nnd that
19 enougu to give every voter in tlio land a
show, no matter how badly hu may bo
mixed In his politics.
A dealer In lumber says there Is enough
lumber now stacked lu tho country to sup
ply tho trade from three to six years. No
attempt Is mado by the producers to re.
strict production anil their mills are kept
ruunlng busily all thu time.
Said n good sister in her testimony nt a
late camp meeting 1 ".My hiiBband oppos
cd my coming to this kacred spot, but I
can truthfully say that In coming heru I
have received a blessing ; and I know that
when I reach homo my husband wilt get
n blessing." No ono seemed to doubt her,
A prominent Now York agricultural pa
per offers ten dollars fer tho largest potato,
delivered at that olllce, postage or express
free, before November 1st. Great scheme
Thu paper has a very large circulation, and
tho notice Is alfo being copied extensively
In other papers. Besult i Suvcral hundred
bushels of choice tubers nt n cost ot only
ten dollars. These agricultural editors have
16ng heads,
The point of dllfereucu 1 "Well, we'vo
got 'cm, tiln't we ?" "You bet wo have,
"We're just going to mop the earth with
'em," "I should say we were." "How
much majority do you s'poso we'll get In
New York" "Oh, I put It down at 100,
000." "That's Just about my figure." "I
tell you Blaine Is tho best candldato wo
could have," "Blulnu! Why, confound it
I'm lor ueveianu." " 1 no duco you are,
I'm for Bhilno," Cn'ftiyo jVeu,
Wedding nnd Pnrty invitations und 11
fine lino of calling cards, at tho Columdian
Diphtheria has left our town with excep
tion of W. H, Snyder's child who was
stricken with It somo .ten days ago, but we
are glad to record tho child Is convalescent,
nt present writing.
Tlio chestnut pnrty Inst Saturday was a
success 1 among tho participants wuio Mes
srs. Mrgarglo, Artley and Smith of town,
Peacock niidYorks ot Bloom, nml Mcllcn-
ry of Benton, MIsbcs Herring, Ella Htuw.
art, Jessie Fisher, Lizzie Uovenhovon and
others) their route was to Drakctown then
to gunner hill then bajk to Stony Brook,
down the brook to Flshtngcreck, then up
the crock to .las, Hcnrlo's, whero they took
11 burden ot elder upon themselves, nnd ar
rived home nbout seven o'clock reporting
ono ot tho best times of tho'scason.
J. B. llannan has nenrly completed his
commodious building which he will use
for a furnlturo room. When completed ho
will have ono ot tho best arranged fur
niture stores In the county.
We don'l sea how any squnre-hcaded
Democrat can lcavu his party for the satis
faction of ono or two individuals who aro
sore because they could'nt run tho primary
election to suit tlicm.
We hear a would bo democrat In our
county who Is named after ono of our great
Presidents, says, ho don't enro for tho
Democracy of Columbia county, he Is going
west) still he is now canvassing tho county
trying to maku Klntcr votes. Shamu on
such n man after tho democracy lias done
for him what they have, and sliamo on tho
democrat that will be governed to leave his
parly for a man of that kind or a tow soro
heads that dtdn't mnku their or his nomina
tions. X. Y. Z.
in Mimiu.
Tho people of Mifflin township nro prln.
cipnlly employed In farming, and their low
lands arc nmong the best lu the county
Their crops this season, throughout, ate
good. They will have a great deal moro
to sell It tho prices nrc not so high ns last
Wc found II. C. Hess sowing his tlm
othy seed on his wheat ground. John
Yohc, with a hulf dozen helping, was
turning his potato patch upside down. M,
il. llartzel was flailing out buckwheat as
fast as a pair of horses could haul it into
the barn. D. C. Bond had just returned
from "over Iho mountain" where ho had
been with a load of produce to get money
for tho Columbian. A. Hchwepenheiser,
who Is always busy, was In his npplc or.
chard, with hor3o and wngon, gathering a
load for the elder mill. Charles Steely has
liU hands full dressing up his newly pur.
chased land, and he's never Idle. E. L.
IClkendall just finished putting his buck
wheat through a four-horse power thresh
Ing machine. Henry J. Gcarhart, who has
a store at Hetlervlllc, Is In tho city replen.
Ishlng his stock of goods, which hu will
advertise. J. H. Heller Esq., Is taking
care ot things on and nbout his premises ;
Mrs. Hctler, who has been an Invalid for
several years, Is much better. Freeman
Artcr hucksters ns usual, and reports
trade not very brisk In the coal regions.
Hiram Creasy sowed his hist field of wheat
on Tuesday. Lots of the hill farmers were
just setting up their buckwheat. The far
mcrs on the flat lands were husking corn
and all talking nbout tho Bloomsburg Fair,
JluBincss in the village of Millliuville we
found unusually quiet. The tin nnd Slove
nian had some work. Tho clerks in the
stores were on tho counters. The black-
smith standing nt his shop door. Hess
tho landlord, was making preparations to re
build a shed, but he found time to bring
us a pitcher of water. Jacob Pelfer,tho mer
chant tailor, is ready to "fix them up" for
winter. He has, apparently, a little moro
than a living trade, Tho "pony men,"
Hartzcl & Mourcy, aro doing well in their
line of horse-dealing. The ferryman com
plains of low water, and so do other peo
pic. A good many of them aro drinking
Good-bye, folks, till we sco you again.
Court ProccccIlUBH.
Court proceedings crowded out last
Anthony York naturalized in open court.
Carr vs Can. Divorcu. Depositions
Phineas Smith vs N. & W. Hallway Co.
Verdict In favor of plaintiff for $1000.
D. F. Seybert vs Geo. Brelsch. Verdict
for tho plaintiff for the land In question
upon the payment of $100 and costs.
Estate S. B. Seybert and wife. Pet!-
tltion for sale of realty filed and sale or
Estate Seth llannan. Bcport of auditor
confirmed nisi.
Estate Elislia and Helen John. Invest
ment of funds ordered on petition of guar
dian. Beport of Inspectors of a county bridge
in Fishing Creek near Elizabeth Padcn's
Upon proclamation the following sheriff's
deeds weru acknowledged :
To Wm. Mears for land in Orungo for
$05 : to Silas Conner for lot In Ornngo for
$1895 ; to Geo. Buckcl for land In Center
for t?40 j to Pottsvillo Bank for land In
Locust for $700 ; to Wm. Shaffer for laud
in Center for 000 ; to Cyrus McHcnry for
land in Center for 8205.
47 treasurer deeds for land sold for taxes
were acknowledged In open court :
Deed of Clerk O. C. to B. F. Knrshncr
Wcckcrly's executors vs D. B. Frederick.
Verdict for the defendant. This caso was
tried In May and a verdict for tho plaintiff
for $458.83 was obtained. Judgu Elwell in
August granted a new trial.
A. J. Kvnns vs J, B. Boblson. Verdict
for plaintiff for $103.73.
John Maloy naturalized.
G. A. Bowman's executors vs N. it. W,
B, Bnllway, Judgment by agreement outer,
cd for plaintiff for $500.
A. J. Derr, William Purks nnd Dnntel
oung appointed viewers for a private
road in Pino township near Georgo Apple
Joseph W. Eves, Ba'uuel Klsncr, and
Amos Heacock appointed viewers for n
road In Mndlsou township, near Jaoob
James Klsner, John W. Smith aud Cyrus
Johuson appointed viewers for n road in
Greenwood near John McMlclmcl's.
John O. Lemon, W m. Davis and Wm.
Lawton appointed re-rovlowers for a ronil
In Jackson and Hugarloaf,
F. P. Taylor vs Mugglo B, Taylor, De
cree in dlvorco filed.
S. M, Hess vs D, F. Seybert. Judgment
for wnnt of a plea.
Catharine Carr vs James Carr. Divorcu
Petition filed for order or decree In pay
ment of damages in opening Light Street
.Michael J. Gerity, Charles Gallagher,
John J. Belloy, John Conor and John Cor.
ban naturalized in open court.
Estate of Elliot E. Dowltt, a minor. Pe
tltion of guardian filed to give other secu
Samuel J. Kaso appointed guardian of
Pc tcr O. Knse,
Estnte ot M. A, Ammcriuan, Salo ot rea
lty ordered,
Estate of John Conner, Petition for salo
of real estate presented ami rule grnn'.ed to
show cause cte.
Thu services 111 thu M. E. church Ocl.
5th, were Interesting ami will attended.
Bev. Sinyser delivered nn nhlo sermon Sat,
unlay evening, nnd also, an excellent ceip
tcnary sermon Sundny morning. In the
iiflernoon the Sunday school was appro.
ptlatcly nddressed by Mr. G, W. Supplcc
nnd Bov. Hughes. Sunday evening Bev.
Hughci read nn Intel cstlng paper In the
Methodist church and Its work from Its
first founding hero down to tho present
time, giving a brief history of the members
most prominent In thu church from its car.
llcst day down to tho ptcscnt.
Prof. Keller of Milton opened n singing
school In this placo last Thursday uvcnlng.
The prospects for a good school aro mtst
favorable. Over twenty persons enrolled
their names as pupils.
Mrc, Dr. Fruit returned last week from a
visit to Pittsburg.
Miss Sadlo Krcamer of Wllllamsport Is
lit Mr. C. Kreamcr's.
Messrs. H. Hartllno nnd.Chns. Fenster-
maker of Montgomery, nro homo for a few
As usual a number of our people are at
tending tho Fnlr nt Bloomsburg this week.
.Mr. H. Q. Supplcc has begun his school
In West Hemlock township, Montour coun
ty. Mr. Wm. Glnglcs has just returned from
the city where he has been and, laid Inn
large stock of goods. Ho Is selling goods
cheaper than ever. Those desiring to pur
chase goods will do well to call on him.
Last Wednesday n trio of Patcnt-Medl-
cino venders passed through here on their
way to tho Turbottsvlllo Fair. The music
afforded by them was a sourco of much
amusement to tho crowd which collect,
Tho Dr. with tho shrewdness and clo.
quence of tho well known Falr.mau con.
vlnccd a number of our pcoplu that his
medicine possessed good qualities worth a
dollar, nt least. L. Y
Bargains unprecedented aro now ottered
In Fall nnd Winter clothing. Elegant
styles, new patterns, enticing pi lecs. At
tho popular store of David Lowcnberg.
Hard on buckwheat.
Drizzly weather.
Morn ruin coming.
On Wednesday night to weeks Mrs,
Judge Krickbaum's many friends gave her
a birthday party. The surprising host met
at a lane, crossing tlie main road west nnd
n short distance from her home. After the
preliminary nrrnngemeuts and completion
of plans, they took up a lino of march nnd
stealthily moved unobserved to tho door,
the servnntB Insldo making tho necessary
confusion preventing her detection of their
approach. A gentle knock was answered
by iicr. "Cumo rie." Tho door being
opened, the multitude rushed, lu to over
flowing, and completely storming her out
with their chatter nnd hilarity. Being In
her everyday uttlrc, nnd utterly unprepared
for such a reception, her surprise can bet
ter be imagined than described. But It
dhl not take her long to seu tho
situation, and don another suit, und tho
entertainment was complete. A long tablo
was soon erected in the open air, front of
the house, nnd the dainties so Indispcnsa
ble on such occasion were soon laden there
on, and n sumptuous repast soon greeted
and satisfied the nppetltc ot the plensant
crowd who more thau enjoyed thls.nnolhcr
demonstration of their regards to ono they
For the last few days .Nature's artist
slightly tinged the foliage. Thu selection
of colors is simply grand, and the paintings
remnikably beautiful. From ovcry hill
dale, valley and mountainside tho eye Is
greeted with red, green, yellow, purple
crimson, orange and gold, reminding ono
of nn historic coat of many colors. Tho
bcuutiful aspect of the diversified landscape
is picturesque aud romantic. This sombre
appearance typifies something moro than
thu pleasure of beholding and ndmiring It
for it is but of short duration, and precedes
the cold and chilling blasts ot winter. Ero
another mouth thu forest will be shorn of
Its leaves, for in a few days they begin to
fall. Many look upon the season nt hand
with gloom and misgivings, others wltl
hope and aspirations. This phenomenon
in nature together with tho bountiful crop,
nnd fruit of the trees and vines which fill
tho great storehouse of plenty, nt tho end
of this great harvest scasou a9 a rewnrd to
the sons of toll should gladden tho heart
beyond the power of expression. But with
all tho ailments of life, Infirmities of body
and mind, poverty stricken nnd discontent
ment, selfishness and greed dlshoncsty,and
pelf render the great bulk of the masses,
incapable of enjoying with heartfelt thanks
giving tho great temporal blessings the
Giver of all good bus vouchsafed to each
ono of us.
Thu mission ot tho Columbian Is to bind
up the wounds and pour oil on the soro
ftml sootll tllu lmlnB a,ul ftclles C!U18'
-' W 1110 uaS-'rs aim cuius oi uisappoint-
Tho Benton Fair Is rapidly being pushed
to successful completion, Let all tho world
como and sco our hlstorlo country nnd fa
mous valley of tho so called, "Confeder
acy," and a more productive section In
the lino of Democracy can not well bo
Tho Columiiias wns provoklngly neutral
before tho primaries. But sluco thu nomi
nations it Is admirably and fearlessly ex.
pllclt and out-spoken lu defining Its post,
tlou and thu duties of the party it represents.
Its decisive position is ono of influence,
and In whoso safe counsels and wlso lead
ership tho Democracy fully confide.
The friends of Peter B. Shultz, and wife
surprised them on last Saturday with their
numerous appearances and presents.
Bev. T. II. Tubbs of the M. E. Church Is
In dcllcato health, nml in consequence docs
not at present occupy tho pulpit, except on
funeral occasions or vacancy, neither has
the oversight of a charge hence moved on
his lot last spring, which hu farmed this
summer. On Inst Tuesday evening of last
week his friends and neighbors surprised
him, both in numbers and prcsentsdnclud
ing a purso of $10. On the following morn
ing ho Btnrted for Wtlkesbarro to assist
his brother-in-law, Wm. Burdc, who Is a
Mr, Martin Lutz and wlfo, and Samuul,
hU half brother nnd wife, from Bloomsburg
wcro visiting friends on last Saturday nnd
Sunday in this neighborhood and (.'umbra,
Wo knew Mart by Frauk, but ho did not
know us as ho passed us In tho road. But
wo did not know his wlfo by Charley, her
brother. Wo knew her however, by Mart
Wm. Hoover had bad luck last week
Ills cattle broke Into mischief nnd eat too
much grceu corn, and lost a cow, and it
wus thought ho would lose another. Ono
ot his horses also choked to death on oats,
Such losses nru almost financially fatal to
Thu newest nud latest styles just rocelv.
cd In 1'iillhnts, in still and soft new,
nobby ami nice, at D. Lowenberg's.
Pretty suits for ilttlo boys i pretty Kilt
suits for children, a largo stock lust re
celved, at I), Loweubcrg's.
MlLLElt.-- At Lime ltldgc, Sept., 20,
1881, Carrie B. daughter ot Win. and C, A.
Miller, nged ntnu months and sixteen
days. '
MANNINO.-Oct. (1, 1891, nt the resi
dence of II. I), Manning, Pltlston, Pa,,
Abraham .Manning, formerly of Jackson,
Columbia county, In thu 70th year of his
PAUL BACHMAN. At tho Presbyto-
rlan manse, on Sunday, October 12th, 1881,
by Bcv. 8. Mitchell, D. 1)., Mr. Joel B.
Paul of Upper Mahanoy, Pa., to Sarah
Bachman of Bloomsburg
OBOVEB-lIF.TLEB.--On Oct. 2, nt the
residence of tho brides parents by J, P.
German, Mr. M. Grover, toMlssSallle K,
Hetlcr of Hetlersvllle.
parsonage In Shickshinuy, by Bev. A. M.
Bnrnltz, .Mr. W. E. Howland of Plymouth,
to Miss Emma Glrton ot Benton, Colum
bia county, Pa.
v.m.ii.i.i. rjii'imi i
In short, vou can ect tho best clothlnc
for tho least money at Gross' N. Y. Store.
0999 1-0 spring chickens,
8SS8 1.8 old hens,
7777 1-7 pigeons,
0000 1.0 ducks,
5555 1-5 geese,
44441 good calves,
3333i largo shoats,
2222 lbs. pitted cherries,
1111 lbs. dried raspberries.
All tho above wanted at Light Street, by
July 25.3m SILAS YOUNG.
With every six stiff hats sold vou draw a
good watch nt Gross' N. Y. Store.
Moro blfxk dress
silks and cashmeres
al Lulz A Sloau.'s
Mr. L. Gross of tho N. Y. Store, has lust
returned from New York and Philadelphia
with n lull line of Winter clothing. Give
him a call.
New goods at J. B. Skeer's.
Hats and cups, trunks nnd valises, best
and cheapest, at Gross' N. Y. Store.
I.UMIIRl: 1 LU.MllKlt ! I fob sai.k cheap.
Hemlock boards, nlank 2 bv 4. lolce.
hill stuff, 10, 12, M, 10, 18 and 20 feet long
worked lumber, flooring, German and bev
1 siding, surface boards and siding, sawed
shingles No 1, 2 and 3, chestnut, hemlock
nnd pine, shingle nnd celling lath.
I have made arrangements with a couple
of steam saw mills if there Is any thing
inai 1 nave ni got 1 can get it nt snort no
tice at Light Street by
July 25-3 m SILAS YOUNG.
iou can get ladies' dress cloths one yd.
wiuo at laiiz oi oioan s, lor ou cents a ya.
A fluo overcoat for $5.00 nt Gross'
N. Y.
LUMBEB. Planing mill In lumberyard.
I have all klnd3 of worked lumber white
pine, yellow pino nnd hemlock flooring ;
white plnu nnd hemlock German siding,
surface boards, surface siding, wainscot
ing, moulding. All kinds of lumber in
rough, nt Llghtstrect, by
nug 22-3m Silas Youso.
A splendid all wool suit at Gross' N. Y.
Store for 10,00.
1 on can cct a cood oualltv. full size.
all-wool double shawl at Lutz & Sloan's for
The finest and cheapest line of clothing
at Gross' N. Y. Slore.
At Mrs. Maize's Millinery Store you will
find u full line of Jerseys. Latest style of
uumioiK, nooas nun caps lor cuiiurcu.
Overcoats and suits for men nnd boys
chenper than over at Gross' N. Y. Store,
S1.25 buvs a cood ladies' Jersey nt T.ntz
. . , - .
You can save ut least &i per cent, by
uujriiig yuur cioiningai uross' JN. l . Store.
For lame hack, side or chest use Shlloh's
Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For Bale
by aioyer Uros.
A lasting and fragrant perfume. Prlco
uud 50 cents. Soid by Moyer Bros.
with Dyspepcia nnd Liver Complaint ?
Biiuoirs viiauzer is guarantees to cure
you. For sale by Moycr Bros.
health and sweet breath secured by Shi.
loh's Catarrh Bemedy. Prlco 50 cents.
Nasal Injector free. For salo bv Mover
T, - -
Bronchitis Immediately relieved bv
Shlloh's Cure.
ror saio oy juoyer uros.
it wouiu uu no violation ot the com
mandment," said John B. Gough, "if a
man were to fall down nnd worship the
silk hat, for It Is not made in tho likeness
of anything in heaven, or on earth, or In
the waters which are under tho earth."
Besides It heats tho head nnd causes thu
lialr to fall olf. Parker's Hair Balsam will
stop that and restoro tho original color to
gtny or faded hair. Not oily, not a dye,
ucnenciai, aeiiciousiy penumeu, a per
leci nnir uressing. ouc. All urugglsts.
Sep 10-5t
Cough when Shlloh's Ouro will glvo you
imineiuaio reiici. rnco iu ce
nnd $1. Sold by Moyer Bros.
1U cems, OU CCIllS
A positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria and
canner mouni. boiu iy Jioyer .uros,
Miserable by Indigestion, constipation, diz
ziness, loss oi appetite, yellow skin t Shi-
loh's Yltnllzer is a positive cure. Sold by
uuycr jrus.
Immediately reliuvu croui). whoonlm?
cough and bronchitis. Sold by Moyer
And liver complaint, you havo a printed
guaruiiieo on every uouio oi Billion's Vital-
izer, eoia oy aioyer uros.
can be so quickly cured by Shlloh's Cure.
nr. ... - ,
iyu guuranicu n. for sale ny .noycr
"I feel now. I was atHlctcd with sick
heail-achc and general debility, but Bur
dock Blood Bitters brought about an Im
mediate Improvement In my general health.
i consiuer inem tno nest tain v med e nu
in thu market." Adolph Lalloz, Bulfalo,
ami Consumption Cure Is sold by us on a
1'tlurrmten. It. nnrpa pnnmimntl,i fn.
suie uy juoycr nros.
WTLndles. Attention 1
In the Diamond
Dyes moro coloring is clvcn than In any
known dyes, and they glvo fasterund moro
nriiiiani colors, jue, al all
Kvcrybody praises them.
i, Bich
son & Co,, Burlington, Yt.
made mlsernlilo by that terrible couch.
bhlloh's Cure is tlio remedy for you, For
sine uy .iioycr uros.
We especially Invito a trial by nil thoso
Batterers from Kidney and Liver com
plaints who have failed to obtain relict
from other remedies and from doctois,
Natures great remedy, Kldncy.Wort, has
effected cures lu many obstinate cases. It
acis at once on tho Kidneys, Liver and
Bowels, cleansing the system of all poison-,
ous humors and restoring u healthy condl-.
lion of those Important organs. Do not be '
discouraged tout try it.
If you nru In trouble look up, hold on,
clvo the blues good by. If you are In pnln,
liavu 11 Inmuicss, havo nn acho of any kind,
go to thu druggist Hnd ask him for Thomas'
Kclcctrlo Oil. It will do you good ovcry
bmii.ou'm vitamzmi
Is what you need for Constipation, loss of
Appetite, Dl..lness nnd all symptoms of
Dyspepsia. Prlre 10 and 75 cents per hot
tie, For salo by .Moyer Bros.
of Bourbon, Ind,
says 1 "Both myself nnd
wife owu our lives to Shlloh's Consumption
Cure." Sold by .Moycr Bros.
"llOMi: HUMtT HOMK."
This song Is very good In Its wny, but Is
thero any sickness In tho household ? If
so. homo cannot be always pleasant. Wo
take especial pleasure In recommending
Burdock Blood Bitters, n bona fide nnd
certain euro for dyspepsia, and all diseases
of the liver and kidneys.
Free with each bottle of Shlloh's Cntavrh
Bemedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by Moyer
Bough on Bats" clears out Bats, Mice.
"Bough on Corns," for corns, bunions,
Thin people. "Wells' Health Bcncwcr"
restores health and vigor, cures dyspepsia,
&e. $1.
"Bough on Toothache," Instant relief.
Ladles who would retain freshness nnd
vivacity don't fall to try "Wells' Health
"Buchu palba," great 1
Idney nnduiluary
Flies, roaches, nnts. bed-bucs. rats. mice.
cleared out by "Bough on Bats," 15c.
"Bough on Coughs," troches, 15c; liquid,
For children, slow in develomnent. minv
and delicate, use "Wells' Health Bcnewer."
"Bouch on Dentist"
tooth powder. Try
It. 15c.
iNcrvou8 weakness, i vsnens a.
dyspepsia, sexual
debility cured by "Wells' Health Bcnewer."
'Mother Swnn'aWorm Svruii. for fever.
ishness, worms, constipation j tastelcss
25c. Stincine. Irritation, all Kidney nnd Url-
nary complaints cured by "Buchu. palba."
Night sweats, fovcr, chills, malaria, dys
pepsia, cured by "Wells' Health Bencw
er," '.My husband (writes n lady) Is three
times tho man slncu using "Wells' Health
If you nro falling, broken, worn out nnd
nervous, use "Wells' Health Kcucwcr.
l'revnlenco of Kidney commaintln Amer
ica "Buchu-palba" is a quick, complete
cure. 81.
June 10-ly cow
Tell tho World.
I desire to tell the
world my experience
with Kly's Uroam
Balm having suffered
from a very octenslvo
catarrh. I had tried
powders and injections
bdt to no avail but
after annlylne cream
Halm a few times it
and tho remedy is bo I
mui),iv. tcij leap
(icorgo Adams. 1430
.luniatta st., puna. Pa.
Ely's Cream Halm Is
worth Its weight la
fAX"fcEVER tarrh. Ono bottlo
cured me. S. A. Lovell, Franklin. Pa.
Give It a trial. Kly's Cream Halm causes no
pain. Olves relief nt once. A thorough treatment
will euro. UL u luiuiu. iui. u uuuii. Apply UltU
nostrils. Prlco 50 cents nt druggists; no cts. by
mall, registered. Sample bottle by mail 10 cents.
il., ,V' VJ
1.1.1 nuu, uruKfciiMs. uniu, n, i
I wo. ' - '
USalary and Uxpenses, Address P. N. NICHOLAS
S Co.. Nurserymen, uenevn, N. Y.. growers ot all
the new and old l-'rults and ornamentals.
Oct 12-4W
Carried off all
I lllUAUBM-lllA, OC-IJll'IUUUr 13111, irvl.
to Sewing Machine Co., C1oolnnd, O.
i "WHITE W KINO" In Philadelphia. Wo havo received tho highest honors at tho staie Fnlo of
sylvnnlo,flrst premium to tho Whllo Simula Sewing .Machine. First premium to tho White Auto.
.Llnnla.il1NiA. ,..lilr.n Clli-n .(mint In ,. n til........ l , n t. I t M ..... . ,w, n , n
im OL-,v in .Macmiiu u., i.iui'i!iuu, yj.
matlo Mnclo 'I hi-eail Machine. Silver Medal to
uruat ramrn of work-, and oualltv of tha Whlto
mis wiiiic anni.-u is tiik auk.miu i,iiu(ii:u kind Or ALL. viUTUmuun wiiKji-
Good black dress silks, 70c. yd., up.
Black cashmeres, -50, GO, Go, 70, 7o, 80, So, 90 and 1.00.
Ladies, goals and cliildrcns underwear in scarlet and white.
Ladies and childrons ready made coats very low.
A largo line of cloths for coats to make- up, al,o Astrachans.
Blankets, blankets, blankets, blankets, blankets.
Plaid dress goods, plaid dress ilannels, Trecos.
Sebastipool cloths, Ottoman cloths, Drap 13' Almas.
Corsets, corsets, wool hosiery for ladies and children.
Prints, 5c. yd., shirting, 8c.
,wl ,m tlnl-ino-a
u 'i UlMllns,
-I .T . 11 1. fk 1
lOUOU lliUHieiS, UU. VU,,
ytl' 11,1(1 "P-
Broche shawls, Persian shawls, singlo and double wool shawls
very low.
Columbia Gormnntown, Saxony, Shettland wool and stocking
Largo lino of velvets and velveteens all colors, corsets.
Tablo linens, towels, napkins, doyles, crumb cloths, &o.
Domestic dry goods cheaper than ever, como and -sco.
New stylo buttons, loops and braids for trimmings.
Fur trimmings, ladies linen collars, gents neckwear.
Linen handkerchiefs, felt and cloth skirts, ruchings.
Bibbons, colored eiushmcres 'ioc. yd., aud up, soaps.
JToop skirts, bustles, an elegant line of gloves.
Colored dress silks, 0-1 felt, Eighmie shirts, ribbons velvet rib
bons, jewelry, txc,
Come and hoc. All Invited,
mrlln(-nf tlm Itnuril nt lllrr-f-lorH f)t the
Cntawissn IirhlKOCa, held thlsilay, iiw inlnntiiial
(HtlrtrtHl nf nvn per cent, on tlio capital sl'k nt
said comniuiy was tUclarcil, paj'ablo to stuck hold
crs immediately. J, I). ItoniKS,
Catawlssa, Oct. 8, 1881. Trend.
m tiii: oiiPiiAN.s'
In tho matter of 1 ho partllton and vnluMlonnt
tho estnto of Margaret Jtclllck into of Scott town
ship, deceased, to Wilson 1). Jtclllck tho petition
er, rcsldlnir at Banbury, Pa.. Hiram 11. Mclllek ro
sldlnu at Willlfimport, Lycomlmr Co., Pa., I"etcr
11. .Mplllok, n-strtlnir at lock Haven, Clinton. Co.,
Pa., PhnrlOT oinnn Intermarried with Zehoath
Oman, irsldlnir at, llurr Oaks, hu. Io. To., JMIrli.,
Anna Margaret siine, intcrinan led with Dmil.
nhac, rtttldlnir at Hums hncrof", Co., Wis.,
Iwl.ih Moliick rcildlni? at, lilxon, Leo Co., 111., Ja
cob 11. Mclllek nnldlnir at Lyons I'lty, Clinton, Co.,
Iowa, nnd Ijivlna I. Hrndrlx tntermarrlrd with II,
A. Ilcndrlx i-OKldliiK nt New Freedom, York, Co.,
Pa,, and tho following grand children to-wlti
Itnchcl Warring residing at Ittchland, Keokuk. Co.,
Iowa, who was a cnlld of ltnchel V. Warring a
daughter of decedent. Peter llcst residing nt Atch
ison. Atchlsoa Co., Kansas, I. liryan IicsU for
merly a resident of Atchison, Atchison Co.. Kan
sas, but residence now unknown, Mary Mciionnla
Intcrmnrrled with Oca. McDonald, Atchison,
Atclilson, Co., Kansas, Wm. Host unmarried,
Atchison, Atclilson Co., Kansas, Nettle HoMnson,
Intennarilcd with Geo. A. lloblnson, Kansas city,
Jackson Co., Mo., Tho last Ilvo named being
children of ilelllali I lent, whodled beforo her
mother, tno aeco lent.
Tako notice thnt nn Inquest will bo held at tho
Into dwelling house of said Margaret Melllck, de
ceased, In tho township of Hcott, Columbia Co., on
Saturday, November is, ihsi, between tho hours of
3 and I p. m., of said day, for tho uurposs of mak
ing partition of tho real cstatoot snlcf deceased, to
nnd among her children and legal representatives,
if the samo can bo dono without prejudice to or
spoiling o( too whole, otherwise to valuoand ap.
prnlso tho snmo according to law, nt which tlmo
and placo you nru required to nttend If you thlnJc
proper. JOHN MOUHKV,
oomsburg, OcU 1, '84
ThoSciencoofLife, 0nly$l
Ilxhaustcd Vltalltv. Nervous and Physical Debil
ity, ITemnturo Declmo in Man. Krrors ot Youth,
and tho untold miseries resulting from Indlscin
Hon of excesses. A book for every man, young,
Inlddle-aged and old. It contains 135 prescriptions
for all acuto and chronic diseases, each ono or
which is Invaluable, ba found by tho Author, whose
experience for a years Is such as probably ne er
ueioru ieu to mo lot oi any pnysiLinn. suu pages,
bound In beautiful French muslin, cmbos.vd
covers, full gilt, guaranteed to bo a nner work In
every sense mechanical, literary and professional
than any other work sold In this country for J2.G0,
ur uio luuat-y m iw rfiuiiucu m every lnsiuiiuu,
Prlco onlytl.ou by mall post-paid. Illustrative
bnmplo 0 cents. Send now. uofd mcdnl awarded
tho author by tho National Medical Association, to
tho ontccrs ot which ho refers.
Iho Science ot Uto should bo read by tho young
for Instruction, nnd by the anilcted for roller. It.
will bencttt all Lonaon JmiuvI.
nierois no member ot society to whom mo
Science of Llfo will not bo Usetul, whether youth,
parent, guardian, instructoror clcrg) man. Ar
yonaut. Address tho Pcabody Mcdicat Institute, or l)r
W. 11. Parker, No. 4 Hulflnch street, lloston, Mass.,
who may be consulted on all diseases requiring
skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate diseas
es and that ltavebalUed tho i i n i skllt of
another physicians a bpo lJLl2ir.JLj clalty.
Such treated successful fH VL!I?I Ij1
without an Instancoot 1.JLL I 0 1 J fall
ure. Mention this paper.
Oct 17-lw d
COTT A rjT?C! . or, Hints on Kconoml
WllAULiO , ca ll0Ua0 Duikllng.
' ContuIningSl plates of
Cottages costing from ISOO to W,iO), with de
scriptive letter proa?. 1 8 vo. vol., hnudsomely
bound la cloth, mailed on receipt ot $1.
WM. T. COMSTOCK, Pub., 6 Astor Place N. Y.
Oct 34w d
Wheat per bushel 90
llyo " " 70
Corn " " 05
Oats " " 40
Flour bcr barrel 0 Of
Clovcrsced S 0i,
Butter 21
Eggs 1H
Tallow 00
Potatoes new , 1)5
Dried Apples 00
Hums 14
Sides and shoulders 10
Chickens 12
Turkeys 12
Lard per pound Ill
Hay per ton 13 00
Beeswax 25
Buckwheat Hour per hundred 3 00
Hides per lb 5 to 7
Veal skins per lb 08
Sheep pells, each 75
Wool per lb 30
tlio Honors at the
Piin.ADKt.enii. fientembor lsth. 1KS1.
tho Whlto simttin snwlnir Vnchlne. silver modal to
Shuttle unit Aiitnmatln smii- Machlnm "
for Mm
yd., and up, good muslins, flo. yd.,
all wool Twilled red'ilannel