The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 17, 1884, Image 1

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In.ur.1 Weekly, orr-ry I'rl.lrty alornlnic. nt
AfTwonoM.ARs per year. To sulncrlbers nut nf
ll'n o''nty tho terms are strictly In a "vwiot.
JJ?..X.W discontinued except it the option
SJnf 0 Pu.o4l"i until nil arrearages nroM. but
long continual crpiiit wm nnt .;.. 1,1 alui uul
All papers sent out ot tho Htnto or to distant nnt
mccs inUSttMlialdforlnmlrnnPo
stblo person in Columbia county
Us county, '9 no longer exacted from subscribers
.X'l?i,2.i)bln?1'cnftrtm!ntof tho Colombian Is very
complete, and our .lob Printing will com nitrn fvnV
sbly with thator tho larito cities aii wnv2,??I
short notice, neatly o ATt moto(i 5SSiaoM on
Ofllce oyer 1st. National Hank. M'
oraeo In Snt'a Uulldlng.
UL00M8D0RO, l'A.
Offlco over 1st National Hank.
OOIch ovor Moyer Bros. Drug Store.
Olllco In Urowor'a bulldlng.sccond No. 1
llloomaburg, l'a.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
omco cornor ot ccntro and Main Streots. Clark j
Can bo consulted In German.
Nkw COT.VUBIAK Buildivo, Bloomsburg, l'a.
Member ot tho Unltod states Law Association.
Collections mado In any part ot America or Eu
rope. pAUL E. WIRT,
Ottlco In Columbian IJmLDiNa, Itoom No. , second
omco In 1st National Bank building, second lloor,
, nrst door to the left. Corner of Main and Markot
streets llloomsburg, 1M.
t'Fensiowi and Bounties Collected.
omoe in Maize's building, over lllllmeycr's grocery.
Olllce in his bulliling opposito.Court House,
2ml lloor, liloomsburg, Pa. npr 13 '83
OIUco In News Itkh building, Main street.
Momber ot the American Attorneys' Associa
tion. Collections mado In any part ot America.
Jackson Building, Rooms 4 mid 5.
Catawlssa, Fa.
Office, oornorot Third and Main streets.
Attorncy-ntLaw, Berwick. Pa.
Can bo Consulted in German.
ffODlco first door below tho post oQlco.
U. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law
, offlco lu Brower's building, 2nd story.Hooms
" B. McKELVY, M. D.,Surgeon and Phy
. slolan, north Bide Main Btroot, below Market
L. FRITZ, Attorney-at-Law. Office
. , in Columbian uulldlng,
uwing Machines and Machlnoryof all kinds re
nired. Oi-xka llccsi Building, llloomsburg, fa.
R. J. 0. RUTTER,
omco, North Market street,
nioomsburs. Pa
DR. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and
Physician, office corner ot Hock and Murket
JR. EVANS, M. D., Burgeon and
, Physician, (Office and Hesldenou on Third
& "lea ot work done In a superior manner, work
-ranted as repiesented. Turn Kxthiot
without pain by the use ot aas, and
'reeot chargo when arttnclal teeth
are Inserted.
OQlco i. Columbian building, 2nd lloor.
1r . at all hours during the toj
Largo and convenient Bninplo rooms. Hath rooms
not and cold water, and all modern conveniences
Send Ux centB for nostaee. nnd ro.
1 CTluiIrw. aeobllv box of foods w hleh
J,wlll help )0U to moie money right
All, ot cither box, bucceed from Mm hour. Tho
broadioad tofortuno oihiw before tho workers
absolutely buto. At once address, Tiiuk 4; Co., Au.
BU8ta,Malno. leol-jy
0, E.BIjWELL, 1 - , .
U9dical Sapjrlntoniont of tho Sanitarium.
Invalid's Home.
BloontHburgf, Pa.,
Devotes special attention to ( Epllopsy,
Morrons Affections, nnd Diseases of Women.
l'ntlcnts received nt tho Sanitarium on
reasonable tetms for lionrd nnd treatment.
P. 8. No charge for first consultntlon.
npr 27. '8y
ifr -'tvj v, a nun uuiiuillir, jjiuu bin'Vl.
lilnmnvTiiitf ln ' 1
-I'.tna Insuranco Co., ot Hartford, Conn
itoyal of Liverpool ,
llro Association, Philadelphia
l'hcenlx, of iimlon
I)ndon Lancnihlrc, ot England
Hartford ot Hartford.
Uprlngrlcld Flro and lnrlnn
as mo agencies aro direct, policies nro written
for tho Insured without delay In tho onico nt
lHooinsburg. Oct. S3, '81.
Tho most popular resort on the Fusmichannn
Itlver Is tho upwallopen Valley Hotel, Wapwal
lopen, Luzerno Co., l'n.
This house has been tnorougniy renovated nnd
Is fitted tin with every conveniences for ire
vejers, tourists, hunting nnd tolling parties. It H
delightfully bltuated in tho mldat of a beautliul
section of river and mountain scenery lu cloao
proximity to the famous
Council Cup -
nnd special Inducement aro offered to all who
deblro recreation combined with first class ac
commodations. Tho bar supplied only with tho
choicest wines and liquors, excellent stablo ac
commodations, boats to hire $e.
Iq Exjoetioje Rate.
April 55-Gm
Tho undersigned having put his Planing Mil
ou Uallroad street, In UrsUcia&s condition, is pie
pared to do all kinds of work In his lino.
turnlsucd at reasonable prices. All lumber used
Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen
are employed.
furnished on application. Plans and speclllca
tionB prepared by an experienced draughtsman
Blooingburg, Pa
i.isii ueuKur. An
unfailing cure for
l-cmlniil W'oak
news, Sfpermator
rhcea, luipotoncy,
nnd nil llbcascs
that follow as a
tcnuenco of Sclt-
Abuso ; .13 loss ot
Memnrr. llnlver-
1EF0RE T&Klia.sal Lassitude.
Pain In tho Hack. Dimness ot Vision. Premature
Old Age, and many other diseases that led to Insa
nity or Consumption nnd a Prematura Orave.
Iikwakk of advertisements to refund money,
when druggists from whom the medicine Is bought
do wt refund, but refer you to tho manufactur
ers, and tho requirements aro htich that they
aro seldom, If tin; compiled with. See their writ
ten guarantee. A trial of one single packago of
dray's fepcclilo w 111 convince tho most skeptical ot
Its real merits.
On account of counterfeits, wo have adopted tho
Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine.
SfFull particulars In our pamphlet, which wo
deslrototeiulfieoliymallto every one. ciTho
Speclllo Jledlclne la sold by all diugglstsat II
Ecr package or B packaes for fs, or will bo sent free
y mall on tho receipt of the money, by addressing
Sold In Hloomsbnrg by all druggists.
Nov IMv
U.K. cornor second and Arch streets,
nrorders will recelvo prompt ntteutln
r A ATrni7T Energetic, reliable men
JVIN XShl t to boll Fruit Trees,
V urapo Vines, shrubs. Hoses, etc. Halary
' and expenses paid. Full Instructions
given to inexperienced men can soon learn tho
business. Addiess J. F. LKCLAltE, Hilghton, N. Y.
(1 mile east of llochester, N. Y.)
Blaine & IClevolaiul &
InlvolbyT. W. Knox.5;n 1 volbyllonAllarnum,
Tho Hist and Cheawst. Each vol., COO pa
ges, H.5U. 50 per cent' to Agents, outfit A ce.
Address IIAltTFOP.D PUilLiaillNQ CO., Halt
ford, conn.
stow xoris.
Plumber and gas fitter. Hear of Schuyler's hard
ware, btoie.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
All kinds ot llttlngsforbtcam, gas nnd water
pipes constantly on hand.
llooflug nnd spouting attended to nt short no
tlce. Tlnwaro of every description mndo to order,
orders left at Hchujlerfi t'o's., hardwaio btoro
will be promptly tilled.
special attention ghen to heating by sleam and
hot water,
y O-ly
AU kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof
ing niul Spouting promptly
attended to,
IfMrlct attention given to heating by steam.
Cornor of Main & East Sts.,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Our itictiN.iKf! In to every renti
er of till putter.
The liil'orimitlou IS liimor
tatit mid ItitciicSciS Cor evcryuue
In ncctl of Clothing.
TVo Iihvd stock, our iriccH
nrc tin; bottom HiritrcN of tlio
imirtict, our hlitiw rooms :iro
light a ul cheerful, mid your
examination Is all t nut In need
ed to make you a buyer.
Ledger Building, Sixth & Chestnut Sis.
Health and Jappiness.
Aro your Kidneys disordered?
"Mdnej Wort ln-ought tuo from my Rrafo, &slt
were, after 1 hail lit-cn Rlrrn un by 13 best tloetora in
DttrQlt," U. VV'.UoTiraux.AlothanlcIonU.UIoh.
...Aro your nerves weak?
Miiucy l.ort curoil mo frmii nervous wrakncM E
c.,nrtor I wm not ptimm'IciI to lTf,"-Mrfi. M. M. U.
i uuuuiiiii, c-ut vnriviiuTi Monitor vicvoiano, u.
' If ayo ,you Bripht's Disease? J
Mimev .ort cured me when my water was Juet R
iiUo cuai ftud thvn Hko btood." I
Fiank WiUon, reaiH(ly,M(U3. 1
ti, Sufforinff from Diabetes?
evtT mwl. Oho- almost immcdi.ito rHif."
l'r. t'JullIpO. Lalluu, MoiiLtoa, t.
Havo you Liver Complaint?
"Kidney-Wort curt d mo ot chronio Liter DlsoasoB
oittr J r.iajotl to tlio."
lleur Nurd, lato Col. C9th Kat. Guard, V.
13 your Back lame and achinc?
"UUjncy.Wort.d buttle) tured mo wbeu I waaso
L uo 1 had to toll cut of boil,"
i 0. ai. Tallmatro, Mllwaukou, Wli.
Havo you Kidney Disease?
KI l!ifyort mndo mo Bound in liver and kidney
i ' rifarH nt unauiTi-sjful dN torimr. Jts worth
4juU,"-Samt llodo, Wiutanifltovtn, West .
j Are you Constipated?
' 'ICldM'yWou taujoa coij ctacuatious nnd cured
;j mo alter 10 ycara ua nC other inodlnlncs."
tj IiVUon UlrclilU, fat. Albans, t.
j Havo you Malaria?
J "ICIdney-Wort 1ms dono better than any other
j luuedy I Iiaio over used In injr practlco,"
1 Dr. U. K. cfaxkBouthlloro.Vt.
(t. Are you Bilious?
J ".CJtlney-Wort ha dono mo nioro ifood than any
Ol .i.l umedy 1 liavt eev taken."
SlrJ. J. T.OaUomay, Elk Flat, Oregon.
; Aro you tormented with Piloa?,
"Kidney-Wort ivniWHently rureU ino of bleedlnir
'; r"--i. Ur. W, ('. liliiio iceuminctidid It to me."
uij, u. iiuir,iai.ii.erjJi. luini;, jajtl"atown, l'a.
fc Aro you Rheumatism racked?
h "liklm y-Wort curid me. after t wns rlea up to
ti d.o ijy j-JibiclatiH nnd I had un"t rl thirty ycar.',
r-iunujg Aiaiconu, wtstiiam, Mauj.
t - ,z: "H"T".- n
m Atuiii.-jrtuiii 1.-111-1:11 luu 1.1 peeuuar iruuiies oi
r .f vtralyvarsfctin.Iini.'. Alany friends ur-o bud ttuImj
t a." lira. II. Lnmoieaux, IblolA MUlv, t.
ill yoM would Banish Discaso
p Tlie 131.O0D CLEANSSrt. .
1 .. ."TV,.J.-n.1TM1T'jniT-T
Cares Rheumatism, Zum
baco, LamoBack, Sprains and
Bruises, Asthma, Catarrh,
Coughs, Colds, Soro Throat,
Diplithoria, Bums, Frost
Bitos, Tooth. Ear, and Bead
acho, and all pains and aches.
Tho lctt Internal nnl external remedy in the
orU. Every bgttlo guaranteed. Se-M ty litedMne
dealers evtry-hcre. Direction! in eight iantruases.
Trice 50 cents and,
CUrFALO, N. V..U. S A.
IMantsnnd Children
What Klre our Chlldreu rony cheeks,
What cun their fevers, makes them xlrep;
Tiea Ilables fret, nnd err by turns,
What curcH tbelr colic, Lllld their worms,
Wiat ftilekly ruren Constipation,
Hour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion :
Fnrowell then tn Monihlno fiyrups,
Castor Oil and l'arcRonc, and
llitllCARtnrln. '
"Castorla li so well adapted to Children
(hat I recommend It as superior to any medi
cine known to mo." II. A. Akcusii, M.D.,
111 Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. V.
An nlnolnto euro for Rhou-
mntlsm, Sprulus, Pain lu tho I
xiaoir, 11 arns, Uoils, cro. Auin-
Btaninnoouk I'ula- rollover.
a, week ntliomo. fa.ououtllt froc. I'ay nu.
TJmieij buiv, nuii&lC. UUpitUl UOMTimil'OU.
Keixln-. If you want, busluuns ntwhlcli iter.
irrcat ruy till tho tlmn thnv rnrk'. with nliittntii
i. 1 1, it "'""'"r pumcuiars to li. 1UM.KTI
v. , .v.v.u.tu, iiiuiuv.
'Saw 1
Aly husband wna a Hculntor in Now
Orleans, llo wns not a poor nrtUt,
but wcaltliy, and s)otit his tnonoy lav
ishly, so that our liotiso was crowtlud
with costly tnllcs, and our pinto tho
finest in tlio citv.
Often friends snoko of us. half in
jest nml half in earnest, of the tempt
ing unit uui dwelling oneieii 10 uur
glars or dishonest servnnts ; but Ludi-
vico laiiulied nt their warnintrs. and I
never knew fear when ho was by.
So wo lived fivo yenrs, lcaa careful
of bolts mid bars than many who had
liltlo save their four walls to protect,
and never suffering savo from somo
petty pilfering.
In tlio autumn of 18 , wo had just
returned from a trip inland, nnd Lud
ivico was busy on new work ; fresh
clay had been carried to his studio,
models engaged, mid everything pre
paicdfora busy winter. Iliad my
now duties nnd cares also, for an in
fant, not thrco months old, lay upon
my breast. And wo wero very proud
mid happy in our new treasuro j nover
in our lives had wo talked so much of
the future. Every hour of tho comiutr
winter was portioned off.
Ono night I put my babo to sleep
and went out to tlio kitchen to sco tho
cook concerning breakfast, but could
not find her. Our servants were for
bidden to remain out later than nine.
and it was nearly cloven. I felt ant'ry
witn the girl, ttio move so that she had
left an outsido door Bwiiming in tho
wind : and with an exclamation of
impatience I went to close it. As I
stood for n moment on the threshold,
I could sec tho garden still full of
flowers, nnd at its foot, leaning over
tho low fence, stood tlio trill, Jnne.
talking to a man.
Tho moon shone full upon them, and
1 saw the features of both plainly.
Jnne was a light tnulntto, but it was
impossiblo to tell whether tho man was
her color or a swathy white. But
white or black, tho expression of his
face was bnual, full of cunning j a
faco to be soon pinong felons.
I gazed ono moment, then cnlled out
sharply and quickly. In a moment
Jnne was with me, apologizing in her
servile way, nnd taking my rebuko
very quietly. I gavo her my orders
nntt sent her to bed, nnd then I went
up stairs and forgot all nbout tho mat
ter, though it was in my mind when I
was at tho door. For, onco in my
room, I iound my husband had brought
in upon a board a piece of wet clay
and set it at the foot of tho bed.
"To-morrow, the first thing, I am
going to begin can you guess what?''
asked Lud'vii-o.
"No," said I.
"Our baby,'' said my husband ; "wo
will make a sleeping cupid of him. It
shall bo my first work this winter."
I laughed with glee.
"I shall prize it so," I said. "IIo is
lovely, is ho not?'' and I kissed tho
child softly as ho slept. An hour after
that 1 was sleeping also, tranquilly,
dreamlcssly. The lamps were out, all
was darkness and peace.
How long it lasted, I do not know.
I awakened with a start, and after ly
ing a few moments, I becamo con
scious that some one was moving
stealthily about the room somo ouo
with bare feet. Soon I heard a stum
ble and an oath, suppressed, but plain ;
then tho board on winch tho clny rest
ed seemed to bo pushed across tho
floor. My heart throbbed fearfully. I
knew that burglars were in tho house,
and I thought only of our personal
safety. They might take all, if thoy
did not harm my husband and child.
I watched and listened, holding my
breath until a ray of light shono in the
room, and I knew tho thief had a dark
lantern. I heard tho tinkle of the dif
ferent articles ho slipped iuto his bag.
I heard drawers and wardrobes stonlth
ily opened, nnd 1 prayed that his cu
pidity might bo satisfied, and that he
might go, leaving us unharmed.
Alas ! tho prayer was vain. Somo
noise louder than tho rest awoko my
husband. I strove in vain to restrain
him. He shouted, "Who is thero?'1
and mado for the dark shapo just visi
ble. In an instant tho lantern was dark
ened, and a struggle in tho dark began.
I shrieked frantically. Steps and
lights approached. A pistol was fired,
a heavy fall followed. I heard the
robber dnsh from tho room and down
the stairs, and the next moment tho
room was full of trembling servants,
nnd I saw, by tho lights thoy carried,
Ludivico lying upon tho floor, welter
ing in his blood.
I called his name. Ho mado no an
swer. I lifted up his face. Alas I the
truth was written thero tho bullet
had entered his heart. Ho was dead I
What need to dwell on that sad time?
Friends Hooked to my aid, but I oared
for nothing, notv that ho was dead.
Tho hoii3o had been stripped of valua
bles and money.
It was tho boldest robbery accom
plished for years said tho police, lint
despite all efforts all offered rewards
tho culprit was not found. Ho had
escnped as completely as though ho
had vanished irom tho earth.
When I had buried my darling in
tho strango city of sepulchres, where
tho dead of Now Orleans repose, and
waited many weeks in hopes that his
murderer might bo found, I took my
child and went homo to my kindred in
old Connecticut. I was wealthy, and'
in no fear of want during my life. But
tho only possession I now valued was
my child, tho boy who somo day might
wear his father's mein, and speak to
mo in his father's voice.
I had dismissed Jano. Sho had been
under suspicion, nnd examined care
fully j but sho appeared inuoccnt. Of
nil tho servants, I kept but ono to as
sist mo in pneking, nnd to travel North
with mo.
Whilo tho packing was going on
sho camo to mo and said :
"There's n quoor bit of clay on a
board under your bod, ma'am. Shall I
throw it away T"
I burst into tears,
"Tho last thing his baud ovor touch
ed," I cried. "Oh, no. I will tako it
with mo."
So tho dry- lump mado part of my
I found dear ones to grlovo with mo
nnd uiirso mo nt homo, but my hoart
wns broken. Tho only ono object I
hnd in lifo was to bring Ludivioo's
murderer to justico.
But how, when experienced doteot-
ives hnd failed upon tho spot, was I an
inexperienced woman, so many miles
away, to succeed ? Thoy treated tho
idea with indulgont pity, but I felt suro
Qod would help me. Tho faco nt tho
garden gnto was stamped upon my
memory. It was tho only cluo I had
but it was something.
Soon I had another. Ono day 1 be
gan to unpack my effects, and arrango
them in my present home. Almost nt
the Inst of tho work I camo to that
which was to be our sleeping cherub,
but whioh was now, like the hand
which thought to mould it, n mero cold
lump of clay. I laid it on the table
nnd looked at it I thought to weep,
but amazement checked tho tears.
There in tho midst of tho dry mould,
wa3 tho impress of a foot tho lower
part of a coarse, largo maimed man's
Tho truth burst upon mo at once.
Tho robber had trodden in tho clay.
I remembered that tho stairs and floors
woro spotted with it. I remembered
his ejaculation nnd tho thud of tho
clay against tlio bedstead. It was
plain. I locked tho door and sat down
with botli hands to my head. A fierce
joy possessed me. I knew not what to
do. My hands had dabbled in cast
making often enough. I found somo
Plaster ot Paris, and soon tho foot, up
to the instep, stood beforo me, with
two toes gouo tho great too and tho
next one to it and an incision in tho
side, as though it had been cut away.
When I had dono this, and though it
was a matter of somo time, I said no
more to anyone, I broko down, and lay
a while. The excitement had been
very groat and brought on a fever,
from which I nearly died.
Yet, despito all this, nothing oamo
of my discovery. I waited and hoped
in vain. A year passed five tho
sixth began and crept on until winter,
and yet, though 1 nnd written to in
fluential friends in Now Orleans, noth
ing was made of my discovery.
At last I said : "Tho secret is veiled
from human eyes forever. I must
givo up my hope." And I was calmer
after that.
My boy was now a comfort to mo
nnd I had gono to housekeeping with
a young sister for ray companion. Sho
was a beautiful creature and very
much admired. My house grew gay,
for I could not doom her to dullness,
nnd young voices and laughter and
music filled tho parlors almost nightly.
Sometimes, however, I was alono
there, whilo sho was away amidst gay
scenes and merry friends, and then 1
thought until thinking was a pain and
tlio hours seemed years.
Ono cold winter night I had been
thus alone, when my sister Grace came
home. She was in a merry mood, and
cast her fur wrappings from her glee
fully, as sho sat down by tho fire.
"I've mado a conquest, my dear," sho
"Is that anything now ?" asked I.
"Ho is. What do you say to a mil
lionaire 1''
"I should ask what is he besides a
millionaire !"
"Oh a Cuban, forty odd, I suppose,
and not a bit handsomo ; but ho
adores mo already. Its no joke, Ella,
and I nlwnys said I would marry a
rich man."
"Not without loving him V
"Bah I It's enough if ho loves mo.
How do lovo matches end ? Either
ono dies, and tlio other is wretched, or
they quarrel nnd aro divorced in a year
or two. Better not love, say I."
I sighed. She was half right, after
"Ho's n mystery, too," said Grace.
"No ouo knows nnything nbout him,
except that he's enormously rich. IIo
has bought tho Elms tho finest placo
here, you know and they aro making
a great pet of him all for his money.
IIo saw mo home, to tho envy of every
girl in the room, and ho will probably
call to-morrow and ask howl am.
Will you Bhut mo in my room and
send him away, cruel sister?"
I tried to smile and the thought
camo upon me that it might be better
nover to know tho height of happiness
if ono must bo plunged from it into
tho depths of misery.
I shall not turn tho Cuban away if
ho is a good man and ray sister likes,"
I said ; and Grace laughed and went to
Tho Cuban did call next day but I
was out and did not seo him, however ;
nnd he had bought tho great placo
called tho "Elms," and intended to bo
a resident of tho town- In a worldly
point of a viow it seemed a good
match for any girl, and I waited to sco
the man myself. Threo days after I
had tho opportunity.
Graco had been to ohuroh in tho
evening ; my boy was ill nnd I had to
stay away. When it was timo for ser
vico to be over, I sat by the window
watching for her. Tho bedroom was
dark, nnd tho moon outsido very
bright; consequently I could seo tho
garden very plainly.
Soon Graco camo up tho path on a
man's arm. At tho gate sho bad him
good-night, and stopped to say a fow
words. IIo leaned with both arms
folded on tho fence outsido.
I had seen tho picture bofore
whero ? with a leap my mind wcut
baok to tlio night beforo my husband
was murdored. I saw Jane, tho mu
latto cook, nnd her companion ; and,
oh, merciful heavens 1 tho man's faco
was tlio same. This was shaded by a
fashionable hat a fashionablo collar
and cravat, an elegant overcoat finish
cd tho costume ; whilo tho first faco
was set off by ragged garments, tho
persons wero tho same. I could havo
lain my hand upon tho Biblo and
mvorn to that fact upon tho spot. As
I grow posilivo of this, my senses dc
parted, as my sister, when sho entered
found mo in a swoon upon tlio floor.
v lien i reoovereu i uouutou my
own sanity. I laid what I had seen to
tho illusion of moonlight and distance.
1 argued with myself that until I had
soen tho Cuban I must regard the nf
fair ns n delusion. I waited not pn
tioutly, but silently. Soon I mot him
faco to faco in my own parlor. Tho
moment was a terriblo ono. I know
now I had made no mistake.
Thero had not been tho slightest
doubt in my mind that this companion
of Jnnu's had been at tho bottom of
that terriblo night. Thero was no
ttoiiht now that this was tho man j yet
my common senso tout mo unit to no
cuso n wealthy gentleman ou sitoh
slight grounds as the memory of a faco
seen uy moonlight, would ho absurd
I should bo called insano. But, if
, wero, this wns a bold, bad man, nnd
17, 1884.
Grace should havo no more to do with
him. I told her so that night, nnd sho
turned on mo nngrlly.
"You should havo spoken sooner,"
sho said. "It's gono too far. I'm half
engaged to him. It is n splendid
chance for n poor girl, and I'll marry
"Do you lovo him ?" said I.
Sho laughed. "No but, ns I said
onco bofore, lie loves mo, That is
enough. I shall get used to his ways
nnd looks, no doubt I nnd I shall bo
mistress of a splondid house, carriage,
horses, etc., and shall enjoy myself. His
only for hisuglylooks thatyouhatomy
Cuban. Don t you remember Shakes
pearo ? 'Misliko mo not for my com
plexion, etc' To bo sure, ho is sus
piciously dark but its Cuban noth
ing else.
And changing at onco from angry to
gay, she kissed mo.
"IIo has a horrible face," I said ;
but that is not nil, Grncc, this must
not go on. I will tell you n secret.
The faco I saw over thu gato on that
awful night, talking to Jane tho faco
of one connected, I am sure, with tho
murder, was this man's face ; nnd he,
Grace, is tlio man himself."
Graco answered with a laugh.
"You are wild," sho said. "That,
you havo already said, was a ragged,
wretched fellow.'r
"Yes, but still the samo man in
other clothes "
"A millionaire has no need to turn
"flow did this man make his money?
can you answer ?"
"Nonsense of corn-Be not. Cotton
or sugar, I suppose. I hope you aro
not going to havo another brnm forer,
my denr."
"My brain is steady, Grace. Heed
"That I can't j you will seo your
folly soon. Tho idea I Because tho
poor man is ugly 1 I'll mako him tell
how ho came by his fortune I Sleep on
it, and you'll seo your insanity."
She danced away, and 1 crept to bed
with a heavy heart.
Tho noxt day sho camo to me, glee
fully. "Mr. Cuban made his fortune in
trade," she said ; "ho took his father's
business, and gavo it up when his mil
lion was made. He showed mo papers
nnd letters and things I didn't under
stand, though I pretended to. Ho didn't
find his millions iu people's cupboards.
And ho has popped tho question, and I
havo accepted so tboro's nn end.
Come, I know you'vo had too much
trouble, but don't brood over it and go
out of your head."
She tried to kiss me, but I held her
"Listen, Grace," I said. If you
marry that man and I discover after
wards that ho knows anything of that
horrid night, I shall still denounce
"And welcome," said sho. Then
with n sudden childish burst of tears
sbo clasped mo and cried :
(Jb, lilln, don t go crazy uon t go
orazy 1 Try to tako comfort ; try to be
yourself 1"
It was useless to urge lurther, and X
left her.
So being betrothed to Grace, the Cu
ban, Mr. Zenzeo was his name, brought
his hideous faco to our houso every
I loathed it, but I determined to
watcli him. With this end I endured
tho sight and heard him talk. At last
I mado him contradict himself as to the
places he had spent ocrtain years, I
confused him by blunt inquiries con
cerning Cuba. I becamo convinced
that he was no raoro a Cuban than ray-
sell. Then watching him still closer, I
saw terror as well tis brutality in his
oye. I know tho man foared something.
Closer and closer my iaucied proofs
wero gathered nbout him, uutil I began
to net) in him tho actual murderer. The
man who had stolen barofoot about
our room, and tho clay impression of
whoso mutilated foot I had looked in
a olosct in my room. Could I seo his
foot I should be sure not else. And
that has now boeomo tho object of my
lifo i and all this while, despito of my
prayers and protostations, tho prepara
tions for my sister's marriage with Mr.
Zenzeo wero going forward.
Tho day wns set. Tho timo nnrrow-
cd. Before thnt wedding day I bad
sworn to mako my disoovery. I work
ed now with two ends. My old ouo
and that of saving Graco from becom
ing tlio wifo of a monster.
L watched tho loot as a cat watches
a mouse, but discovered nothing. Jny
agony grew greater and greator. Timo
moved too fast for mo ; I could havo
prayed for days and hours to lengthen
thoso months out. At last thero was
but ono day between tho present in
which I lived, and that in which my
Bister would becomo Mrs. ,enzeo. Un
that morning I awoke with' my plan
lully matured.
I said to Grace at breakfast : "Sinco
tho wedding is so near, invito Mr. Zen
zeo to pass tho evening with us."
alio looked up with n smile.
"You nro coming to your senses,'
sho said.
I mado no answer. After awhilo I
nsked again. "Do you lovo him V and
sho answered :
"I told you once, why I ncccpted
him. That is my reason still. After
nil, what is lovo worth?" But bIio
My heart had becu nt caso on that
Bcoro beforo. It was oven lighter now!
But how it throbbed with anxiety! Tho
day wore on tediously, and owning
camo with a murky ram ; but with it
camo Mr. Zenzee. IIo took tea with
ub and did his best to bo agreeable ;
but' somehow, in spito of tho remark
ably handsomo dress ho wore, he look
ed moro ruflinaly than over. After tea
wo had out tho card table, and ho Bhow
cd us somo strango tricks nt cards, and
played against us, and cheated us both
for fun, and laughed at Grace's wonder.
Then Grace sang awhile i then tlio
clock Btruck eleven, my timo had
"It's a cold night," said I.
"Bitter, said ho Bhuddoring. "But
thon, I camo from a warm climato."
"Soniothlng warm to drink would bo
a comtort, said I.
IIo brightened up.
"It would Buit mo," said ho.
"A bowl of punch, now," said I.
Grnco Btartcd.
"Puuch 1 I thought you "
I stopped her.
"Thin is a special occniion." said I
"and to tell tho truth I havo somo pro
"l'ond of a drop yourself of a cold
night, nnd nonotho worse for it ma'am"
said ho with n laugh.
I laughed also as I left tho room. In
tho kitchen I found my munch bowl
"Is it hot," said I.
"Boiling," said tho girl, nnd I seized
it on tho tray, with tho ladle. Then I
called John our coachman, a burly fel
low over six feet in height.
"John," said I, ''stay near tho door.
If I call come and do what I tell you."
Tho man started but obeyed.
I waited until I hoard him plant him
self upon tlio sill of tho door, then en
tered tho parlor.
"Tastoit, Mr. Zonzeo j Is it not fitie?'1
I said.
And then ai I stood near him tho
bowl dropped from my hands nnd tho
contents poured over Mr. Zenzeo'a
knees. IIo howled, for the boiling
fluid had filled tho looso shoes he wore)
and down I went upon my knees be
fore tho spot to which ho had spuing.
'Oh, what an unlucky thing. Aro
you scalded? Let mo see." And as
he Bat writhing with pain on the sofa.
I tore off shoes nnd stockings with
grcnt pretense of compassion nnd
Botli feet lny bare upon n cushion.
The right perfect. The left tho
maimed foot which hnd mado its im
pression in tho clay on the night of my
husband's murder.
I gave a yell of almost insano tri
umpn, nnd cried aloud for John.
"Hold him I" I said. Do not let him
go 1 IIo is a murderer 1"
I forgot tho other deta'ls of tho
night, or remember them only in a sort
ol a dream. I know emissaries of tho
law filled my house. I know my wild
statement slowly gained credence. I
had my proof in the clay and plaster
in my room above. At last tliM recog
nition of the man as a desperado of tho
Mississippi, and finally iu his own con
fession. His end was the ono ho merited, and
my work was done. Graco felt "no re
grets, and long since married a man sho
learned to lovo with her who'o heart,
and they aro moderately prosperous.
And I I am patient, and abide God's
Underground Berlin.
All telegraph, telephone and electric
lightning wires in Beilin aro now under
ground. A popular German magazine
furnishes somo details of the under
ground plant of tho city. The ga3 sup
ply of Berlin furnishes light for 14,000
street lamps and TOQjOOO privato burn
ers, and although gas lighting was first
introduced in that city in 1802, it has
been steadily improved, meeting the in
creased demand and furnishing power
for a great many small industries, so
that the use of electric lighting has
not diminished the production of gas.
Tho pipes aro laid under the Bidewalks,
and little inconvenience is caused ordi
nary street traffic for repairs or exten
sions. Tho water supply was intro
duced in 1854 by a privato company,
but since 1873 it has been owned and
managed by the city. Twenty-three
great reservoirs supply tho city by
means ot enormous pumps, though a
well devised system of pipes, and 17,
000 water meters measure tho supply
for as many customers, while a com
plete system of filtering the water has
eceutly been successfully introduced.
complete system ot underground
drainage, devised by tho Chief Engi
neer of Berlin, a recognized authority
iu hygiene, Ilobiecht, begun in 1873,
has been gradually introduced, provid
ing canals underground of solid mason
ry, and a supplementary system of
enrthfinwnrc pipes, through which all
city wastage is carried off to great
fields, where the drainage is recovered
and utilized. Every houso in Beilin is
connected with this underground drain-
ago by an approved system ot pipes,
and tho rainwater from the roofs and
streets is also carried oil through it.
Every house, too, must havo its wator
Bupply, and this is also regulated by
lnw, with careful couider:ition of tho
needs of tho inhabitants. '1 wenty-two
steam engines, with 31G0 liorso power,
in five stations, scattered throughout
tho city supply tho power for forcing
all tho waste of the million of people
tiiat inhabit Berlin out to n distant
point. Tho cost of the city gas works
in Berlin amounts in the nggrcgatu
to seven millions of dollais, of tho water
works to eight millions, and of drain-
ago to eight millions, nnd of course tho
great proportion ot tins largo capital
of over twenty millions of dollar?, in
vested in tho work under giound, and
yet it is not complete. Tho city of Her
lin has recently contracted with tho
German Edison Elcctrio Light Com
pany for n thorough system of tinder
ground wires, by which every street
can bo lit, nnd every house, too, if tlio
owner chooses to iutroduco it. Water
and light and drainage nro now fully
supplied, but Jieilin is discussing tho
American plans for heat and power to
be supplied from central stations
through underground pipes, under such
syBtern as may bo approved by its local
scientiho authorities. Dr. Werner
Siemens, ono of tlio' famous family, has
submitted a plan for supplying heat
from coal mines only n few miles from
The Oanals of Amsterdam,
The canals are nn unmitigated nui
sauce. thoy may bo all very well in
tho winter, it tho lrost bo hard cnougl
to freeze them, but ns soon ns the
wenther begins to grow warm they
givo an odor liko thnt which tho benp
tures tells us nro omitted by the deed
of tho wicked. Thoy cut tho city in
nil directions, nnd nro of courso only to
bo crossed nt regular intervals by tho
aid of bridges ; so that tho pedestrian
wanting to get lrom ono sido ot tho
street to tho other is linblo to bo sent
200 yards out of his way beforo ho can
do so. At night, in a dark street, thoy
aro to bo approached warily, for a falso
step or a stumuiu against tuo stono pu
lars to which tho boats nml barges nro
moored would bo npt to send one head
loremost into tho water. iut tn
quaint crafts that plv their sluggish
waters havo n character and interest of
their own, and tho mingling of town
life with tho lifo of tho rivor is curious
enough in the streets whero tho canal
nro found. Ttmuys Magazine.
You can keep your eggs fresh by
pneking them in lino salt, whero tho
temperature does not vary much, tho
house cellar usually
beiug tho coolei
tjES op ,DVErTi3iNq.
1M 111 3M
one Inch is oo fiw is en
Two Inches...... 3(io 4 Oil son
Threolnchc 4W 6 00 7 no
Pourlnches...... f,oo 7to oo
onnrtrr column., fi no six) low
llnircolnmn looi 11 m 17on
13 00
1ft 10 t00
ftooo 10000
onceoiumn.,.. . moo mm soco
Vfnrlr (irtrprlcmort. nntnWftntinrfrrlr. Trull
.lent adverllwments must bo paldfor belorelnwrt
od except where parties havo accounts,
Leital ndrertlsemcntB two dollars per Inch fo
thrrxi insertions, nnd nt that rata for additional
insertions without rcfcrcnco to length.
Executor's. Administrator's, nnd Audttor'snotlcel
thrco dollars. Must bo paid lor when nsertcd.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a line, regu
lar advertisements halt rates.
Cards In the "Business Directory1 column, on
dollar a year for each line.
Tilden Writes a Letter,
wnr in: is Hon iuovi:ii ci.kvei.amii.
New Yoiik, October 7.
In lesponso to tho resolutions pro
sentcd to him from tho Democrntio
National Convention, Samuel J. Tilden
has written tho following letter:
Giiki'stonk, October 0.
Chairman nnd Gentlemen of tho
Committee s I thank you for tho kind
terms in which you havo communion
ted tho resolutions concerning mo
adopted by tho late Democratic Na
tional Convention. I share your con
viction that reform in tlio administra
tion of tlio Federal Governmont, which
is our great national want nnd is in
deed necessary to tho restoration and
preservation of tho government llsoli,
can only bo achieved through tho
agency of tlio Democratic party nnd
by installing its representative In tho
Chief Magistracy ol tho United States.
Tho noble historical traditions of the
Democratic party, tho principles iu
which it was educated and to which it
has ever been in tho main faithful, its
freedom from tho corrupt influences
which crow up in tlio prolonged pos
session of power and tho nature of the
elements which constitute it, au con
tribute to quality it for that mission.
Tho opposlto characteristics and con
ditions which attacli to the Republi
can party mako it hopeless to expect
that that party will bo ablo to givo
better government than tho debasiug
system of abuses which during its
ascendancy has mtectcd othciai and
political lifo in this country.
Tho Democratic party bad its origin
iu tho efforts of tho moro advanced
patriots of the devolution to resist tho
perversion of our government from the
ideal contemplated by tlio people.
Among its conspicuous founders are
Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jef
ferson ; Samuel Adams and John Han
cock, of Massachusetts, Georgo Clin
ton and Robert II Livingston, of New
York, and Georgo Wythe and James
Madison, of Virginia! From the elec
tion of Mr. Jefferson, as President, in
1800, for sixty years tho Democratic
party mainly directed our national pol
icy. It extended tho boundaries of the
republic and laid the foundations of all
our national greatness, whilo it preserv
ed tlio limitations imposed by tho Con
stittiion and maintained a siraplo and
pure system of domestic administra
tion. On the other hand, the Republican
party has always been dominated by
principles which favor legislation for
tho benefit of particular classes at tho
expense of the body of the people. It
has become deeply tainted with the
abuses which naturally grow up during
a long possession of unchecked power,
especiallv in a period of civil war and
false finance. The patriotic nnd vir
tuous elements in it nro now unaole to
emancipate it from tho sway of selfish
interests which subordinate public duty
to personal greed. Tho most hopeful
of tho best citizens it contains despair
of its amendment except through its
temporary expulsion from power.
It has been boastingly asserted by a
modern Massachusetts statesman, strug-
hng to reconcile himsell and his fol
lowers to their Presidential candidate,
that the Republican party contains a
lispropottionnto share of the wealth,
the culturo and tho intelligence of tho
ouutry. Tho unprincipled Grafton,
when taunted by James II. with his
personnl want of conscience, answered:
Ibat is true, but 1 belong to n
party that has a great deal of con
Such reasoners forget that tho samo
claim has been mado in all ages and
countries by tho defenders of old wrongs
tiainst now reforms, it was alleged
by i ho Tories of tlio American Revo-
ution against tho patriots ot that day.
It was repeated against Jefferson and
titer wards against Jackson. It is al-
egeil by tho Conservatives against
thoso who, in England, are now en-
leavoi iiig to enlarge tlio popular suf-
All history shows that reforms in
overnment must not bo expected from
thoso who sit serenely ou tho moun-
mn-tops enjoying tho benefits ol the
existing order ot things. H.ven tho
IJiviiiu Author ot our religion found
lis followers not among the self-corn-
lucent rhnnsees, but among lowly-
niiultil fishermen. Tho Republican
larty is largely mado up of thoso who
ivo bv their wits and who appear in
polities to advantage over tho rest of
mankind similar to that which their
daily lives ai e devoted to securing in
privato business. Tho Democratic
party consists largely ot thoso who livo
tho work of their hands and whoso
political action is governed by their
sentiments or imaginations. It results
that tho Democratic pnrtv, can bo
moulded to tho support of reform meas
ures which involvo a sacrifice of selfish
Tho Indispensable necessity of our
times is n change of administration in
tho great executive offices of tho coun
try. This, in my judgment, can only
bo accomplished by tho election of tho
Democratic candidates for President.
To R. II. Hknkv, chairman , H. B., nnd others of tho specinl
comtnitto of tho Democratic National
Freaks of Watohes.
Watches aro queer things. Thoy pos.
sess some unaccouutabln peculiarities.
For instance, somo time about tho be
ginning nt last summer, when thero
hnd been a succession of lino displays
of nurora borealis, it was estimated
that in a singlo night in tho City of
Now York tho mainsprings of no less
than 3,000 watches broke. This esti
mate is based on actual inquiries. Fine,
sensitivo watches nro particularly liable
to bo affected by electrical atmosplierio
disturbances. During tho mouths of
June, July nnd August, when theso
phenomena nnd nro moBt frequent,
thero nro moro mninsprings broken than
during nil tho remaining months of the
year. They break in a variety of ways,
sometimes snapping into ns many ns
twenty-seven pieces. It is a fact thnt
sinco tho introduction of tho elcctrio
light has becomo bo general a large
number of watohes, somo of them very
lino ones, havo becomo magnetized.
Whilo in this condition thoy aro useless
ns timekeepers. This defect used to bu
incurable, and because of it thousands
of watches havo been thrown away
after much money has been spent on
them in vain attempts to pcrstindo them
to keep good timo.