The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 03, 1884, Image 3

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The Columbian.
TDAY, OCTOBER a, 13B1.' "
Miss Annto Bloan Is visiting friends In
II. 11. Clatk was In tlio cities buying
goods tills week.
Miss llottlo'Slouti Is visiting nt Sluncy
nml Wllllnmspoit.
Mls3 Slnmo Bellas of Philadelphia, was
married yesterday (Thursday) to Mr. Jo
seph It. Trimmer.
Mrs. John Zuiier ot Folks, started on
Tuesday to sco her son, A. A. Zancr, nl
Audubon, Iowa, who has had a relapse.
Mrs. Clinton Hughes of Catnbrn,nnd Mrs.
E. D. Dodson of Now York City, wero the
guests ot tho Uuckalew Uros. tho first ol
tho week.
Mr. Oscar Achcnbach of Wllllatusport,
was In town Inst Thursday. Ho had been
up to Forks to attend tha funeral of hit
father, David Achcnbach.
Prof. W. II. Schuyler has assumed
ohuige of the Acndemy at Wcstllloomflcld,
1'crry county. This Is tho 47th year ol
this Institution, it Is a boarding school
for both sexes.
Nov. T. II. Culleu and wife of Freehold,
N. J., were In town tho llrst of tho week.
Mr. Cullen preached at tho Episcopal
church at morning ami evening service last
Bunihiy. llo was rector of the parish for a
number of yeors, and they have many
warm friends hero wlip lire always glad to
welcome them back.
Headquarters for trunks, satchels, va
lises, robes, Ac, at David Lowenberg's.
William Chrismun Esq., has a large num
ber of properties for salo at his Heal Es
tate Agency.
Crane's fine paper for ladles' correspond,
ence, the best made, at tho Cowmuian
Pretty suits for little boys j pretty Kilt
suits for children, a large stock just re
eclved, at D. Lowenberg's.
On Sunday evening at 7$ o'clock, tho
Itev. D. F. Stiles will deliver an address to
tho Grangers, in tho Itohrsburg M. E.
church. All persons are invited to attend.
Mr. Connelly of Scranton, has been nom.
Inated for Congress by tho Democrats ot
tho Twelfth district. Judge Woodward
was his opponent in the conference.
Having decided not to handlo paper
bags, tho present stock at tho Columbian
store will be closed out at cost.
The Wushlngtonviltc Fair wilt bo held on
October 21,22, 23 and 24. Theic will be
races euch day. Between $1000 and $2000
are offered in premiums.
A word to tho wise. Tho most complete
and varied stock of Fall and Winter goods
can now bo seen at the popular store of
David Loweuberg.
Tho M. E. Church of Itohrsburg will
hold an oyster supper and ico cream festi
val In P. D. Black's hall on Friday and
Saturday evenings of this week. All are
Invited to attend.
Don't forp,ct to attend tho public sale of
personal property of Emellne S. Sopher on
Centre Street, this coming Saturday at 9
o'clock, where you can purchase almost
anything in the lino of house-keeping.
Three months' credit given.
A full supply of paper, tablets, pens,
pencils, ink, erasers, copy books, drawing
books, rulers and everything needed by
school children, except school books, can
ho found nt the Columbian store, very
I'. E. Wirt, Esq., has sold a large num
ber of his patent Fountain pens, and we
hear them spoken of in the highest terms
by all who havo used them. They havo
been introduced in one of tho departments
at Washington, and will have a large sale
all over tho country
The trial of Mr. Edson last week tor
hawking and peddling, occupied two days,
and resulted in a verdict of not guilty,
each party to pay half the costs. As this
case settles tho law concerning peddlers in
this county, we will publish the charge of
the court in full next week.
Ent Post 250, G. A. It., will attend
Grand Army Day ut Shamokln, Friday,
October 10th Tho Hloomsburg Comet
Dand will accompany them. All citizens
aro invited to go along. Tho train will
leave llloom Ferry at 7 o'clock a. m.,
leaving Shamokln at 10:30 p. m. Fare for
round trip, ijl.03.
""An alarm of flro called out tho lire com
panics on Thursday evening last week.
They ran down Market street to tho rail
road, and wero there informed by persons
returning from tho flro that it was extin
guished. It was a houso at Port Noble oc
cupied by Swank. It was fortu
nate that It was discovered before gaining
much headway, as the flro department
could havo done no good, there being no
water plug in that vicinity.
A. Wilkcrsou was indicted by the Grand
Jury for keeping abaudyhouse, and on
Thursday of last week wa3 convicted In
court. Ho'dld not put in an appearance,
however, and the case was tried In his ab-
scuce. Ills ball will bo called upon for tho
amount of tho recognizance, but It is re.
ported tltat ho Is worthless. No defenso
was attempted by tho defendant, beyond
the cross-examination of witnesses, nnd an
address to tho jury. Wllkerson will be
sentenced wheu ho Is enught.
Mr. David Achcnbach was born in
Northampton county, Pa., on tho 17th day
of Febiuary, 1807, died ut his late resi
denco lu Orange township, this county, of
diabetes, on September 22nd. 183 J, aged 77
years, 7 months and 5 days. Mr. Acheiv
bacli leaves a widow and six children liv
ing. Ho was tho father of nine In all, live
boys and four girls. Calvin, John and
Harriet Louisa aro dead. Mr. Achenbach
was a well-to-do farmer, and was beloved
by all that knew him. Ho was an excel
lent citizen, and n klud husband and fath
er. His funeral was larifoly nltcndcil, on
Thursdoy of last woek.
A game of baso ball for tho champion
ship of Columbia county was played at
Dauvlllo hist Saturday between tho llloom
und Ctitawlssa clubs. Tho gamo was an
exciting ono and resulted In favor of Bloom
by a senro of 14 to 4, When tho news was
received hero some cnthuslastlo friends of
the homo club got tho baud out and went
to the train to meet tho champions, Sov-
cral huudred peoplo gathered at tho station
and tho boys met with warm reception
They wero carried up Market street 011 tho
shoulders of tho crowd, nnd In front of
their quarters In Slclvlnny's building re
peated cheers were given, The baso ball
crnzo Is now at its height,
The newest and latest styles just rccelv.
ed in Full hats, lu stilt and soft uew,
nobby and nice, nt D, Lowenberg's.
The streets aro again torn up by tho dig
ging of trenches for tho purposo of maklnp
connections with tho sower. Pcrsom,
dilvlng In town nftcr night should go slow,
look out for danger signals, and thereby
avoid accidents.
Suits tnado up In city stylo by c.xperl
enced workmen, Call and eco what to
Wear and how to wear It, at David Low
enberg's, tho flno merchant taltor of
There was a crowd nt tho skating rlr.k
hist Tuesday evening. Tho band furnish
ed music, and every body had n good time.
Warren Eyer took tho first prize, and S. F.
Peacock tho second, for graceful skating.
The rink Is well managed, nnd ought lobe
well patronized.
J. O. Ludlow of this town has been
working with Miles Alberlson tit Brugunza,
Oa., for tho last six months. He returned
from the South on Thursday of last wcuk,
and reports that Mr. Albeitsou Is doing a
good business lu lumber. Ho 1ms 46
mules, live miles of railroad track and n
locomotive, with which ho hauls lumber
to his mill. Tho mill has been Improved
recently by tho expenditure of about ijOOOO.
Three largo steam engines are used In the
saw mill and planing mill, giving a capaci
ty of about 00,000 feet n day. Over 100
men aro employed, Sir. Albertson's many
friends here will bo pleased to hear of his
success in the South.
The new laundry of Drown & Daldwln Is
now lu full operation. They occupy four
rooms on the second floor ot Dentlcr's now
Building, and have put In all tho necessary
apparatus to enable them to do their work
In Urst-class stylo. One room is fitted up
exclusively for Indies, where a line lino of
hair goods Is kept, and ladles' hair
dressed and heads cleaned by lady attend,
nnts. This Is a now business for this
town, nnd all those who deslro that kind of
work will find It a great convenience. The
gcntlcmeu who have opened this establish
meut como here well recommended, and
they deserve, and will no doubt receive, a
liberal patronage. They aro also solo
agents for Davis' French Dye Works.
It is highly amusing to read the earnest
nppcnls of our Hepuhllcnn contemporaries,
urging tho Democrats of this county to
vote for the Hepuhllcnn nominee for Pro
thonotary, because of the alleged unfair
ness by which Mr. Snyder obtained tho
nomination. There is not a man in tho
county who doc3 not know that these snmo
papers would havo taken a similar position
if Mr. Krlckbaum had been nominated.
They would have talked of corruption, of
tho unlawful use of money, of the lnllu
enco of liquor, and all that, and would,
havo quoted the published allldavlts as
proof of these charges. The Columhian
would huve supported the ticket, as it docs
now, and then these same papers that ac
cuse us of belonging to the clique that de
sires Mr. Krlckbaum's defeat, would havo
called us tho "Iting"' organ. Notwlth
standing this, Mr. Krlckbaum would havo
been elected, if nominated, just as Mr.
Snyder will be elected becauso he was
For 30 Bays
Wo will sell boxed paper at greatly re
duced prices. 100 boxes at 15 cents each,
reduced from 25 cents, excellent quality.
At the Columbian store.
I'rlHoner Escaped.
A. Swisher was convicted of assault and
battery in court last week, and was sen
tenced to three months' imprisonment and
1 fine and costs. The Sheriff took chargo
of him to conduct him to tho jail, and had
reached the steps of the prison, when
Swisher suddenly turned and ran up Iron
street, out past the car shops, and beyond
to the woods and escaped. Tho Sheriff
gave chase, but was unable to overtake
him. He has not been recaptured.
The coin is being cut.
Some of the farmers have threshed their
buckwheat and report a fair yield.
Mr. John Manning, who has been in 11-
Hnols for some time, is at home.
Mr. A. Murphy was in town on Thurs
Mr. Frank Cotucr attended tho Berwick
Mr. John A. Funston passed through
here Friday.
Mr. A. K. Smith attended court last
Sir. and Mrs. Yeagcr of Greenwood,
wero visiting friends here Sunday.
Misses Laura Smith and Iua Stout are
vlsltiug at Berwick nnd Wilkcsbarrc.
Mr. James It. Biddlo Is ngalu in the
store. Wo are glad to sco you back
Capt. Allen has been quite poorly, but is
slowly regaining his usual health.
Services will be held in tho 31. E. church
Saturday evening, Sunday morning, after-
noon and evening. L. Y,
31 r. and Sirs. Ilcedcr of Bellefonte, an
visiting Sirs. 31. W. Jackson.
Sir. Bittenbender, of the Columbian, at
tended the Fair last week,
Sir. L. F. Bower and family left for
Carlisle on Slonday morning.
Sir. aud Sirs. Wiederhold of Shenandoah
attended the Fair on Thursday.
Sir. C. A. Becker nnd son, Ernest, re.
turned to Wilkesbarre on Slonday.
Sir. J. Bent Lnubaeii of Hazleton, visited
this week In Berwick.
SIlss SIcCamcy of Espy, is visiting Miss
Bertha Ilarter.
Sir. J. 31. Sloorhead and lady, of Wat
sontown, visited his brother Georgo over
Will Wilson of Plymouth, was noticed
in town with his blcyclo last Saturday.
Sir. aud Sirs. Garticy of Scranton, were
the guests of Sir, and Sirs. Win. Fcnstc.
maker during Fair.
Sir. Isaac Hes3 of Duncausville, is visit
Ing Mends nnd relatives In this place.
Sllsses Ida Stoutdt and Laura Smith of
Jerseytown, visited friends in town this
Chestuuts ure very plenty this year.
Tho rolling mill has been stopped now
over a week for tho want of ore.
Tho New York Combination showed
above town last Tuesday afternoon and
evening. On account of tho rain tho
"Grand Parade" did not como oft.
Tho Fair turned out to bo a complete
success, as every ono had predicted. Tho
buildings of exhibition could not bo beaten
and tho stock was far better limn had been
expected. Over ten thousand tickets were
sold, and everything passed oil very nice.
)y. With tho enlargement ot several of
tho buildings tho Fair In this placo will, no
doubt, rank among the boat.
Tho O. L. 0. O. piesented their Presl
dent, Sir. L, F. Bower, with eight tine
volumes of Shakespeare, last Saturday
One of our esteemed citizens, Sir, S, II
Itueh, died very suddenly on Sunday
morning. Tho fuucral was attended by
largo number of friends and relatives, and
took placo Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock
.mmiilttH H. Apiileitian.
In tho death of Matthias S Applcman,
this community loses ono of Us oldest am'
most highly esteemed citizens. His qiiloi
unassuming manner prevented hltn from
becoming conspicuous In public affairs,
while It luado htm many friends, nnd gain
ed for htm tho respect of all who knew
htm. Though not taking an nctlvo leading
part In matters of public Interest ho wns
always ready and willing to follow others,
nil with his puiso and quiet lnlluenco he
ncournged overy progressive step In this
town during tho past twenty years. He
was the only son of Philip and Margaiet
iVppleman whoweio among tho earlv set
tlers of this county from Now Jersey, nnd
was born on tho homestead In Hemlock
township, on September Oth, 1812, and re,
sided thero until 18fl!5, when ho moved ten
Hloomsburg. Ho married Lydla Illlllg,
Jnuuary 0th, 1815, whoso teinatus he fol
lowed to tho grave about four mouths ago.
Ho leaves thrco daughters, viz i Mrs. A.
Shoch nnd Mrs. D. J. Waller, Jr., of
this town, Mrs. O. Unangst of New York j
anil one son,' L. P. Applcman, Esq.
Tho funeral took place on Wednesday
afternoon from tho residence, tho services
being conducted by ltev. F. Manlmrt, as.
slsted by Itovs. D. J. Waller, Sr., and 3.
Mitchell. A largo concourse of lelatlvcs
and friends wero In nttcudauco.
Dargntns unprecedented are now olfered
in Fall nud Winter clothing. Elegant
styles, new patterns, enticing prices. At
the popular store of David Lowenbcrg.
Sirs Ell Pealer
Is lying very
low with
Mrs. Charles Emery Is still getting worse.
There was a largo attendance at tho fu
neral of J. F. Hutchison on Friday last.
The different orders to which be belonged
were in attendance. After the regular
church services wero gone through by tho
ltev. Iloutz, tho G. A. It. and Odd Fol-
lows took charge, nnd paid their last trib
ute of respect to ono that was beloved by
all that know him. Peace bo to his nshes.
I received, this week, a copy of tho Ber
wick Imtrpcndcnt, speaking in most glowing
terms of 1). SI. Klntcr as a most excellent
pulpit orntor. I am of that opinion my-
self, aud If Brother Klnler has been called
and commissioned of God to preach tho
vcrlasting Gospel, ho had better stick to
It, and not meddle with politics. Tho In-
dependent rather thinks that the honest
Democrats will suppoit Sir. Klntcr. I
think not, but will say the sore-heads may,
but will vonture to say that no good, hon.
est, thinking Democrats, will vote for any
other man for ofllco but those put iu nom
ination by the Democratic convention.
Tho MqicmU-.U says there is but one squuie
toed Democratic paper that supports tho
ticket from top to bottom. In the county,
and that Is tho Columbian. I am happy to
now that there is ono paper In tho couuty
that has backbone enough to stand up for
tho rights of the people. Tho Ilepublicans
arc always on the lookout for just sucli
chances to mako u break in our party.
That was what put them In power lu 18C0
the split in our party. Democrats,
arouse up and let your minds run back as
far as Fort Slifllin, nnd then ask the qucs
tion "cau I support Sir. Klntcr?" or, in
plainer words, ono that has always been
in sympathy with tho party that dragged
my fellow Democrats to filthy dungeons.
Slethlnks I hear them say "no, not I."
We have seen enough of the elephants. I
must confess I was in harmony with Sir.
Krickbaum in the onset, but slues tho co-
vention put in nomination Sir. Snyder,
feel under obligations to support him nud
tho whole ticket, and give them my most
hearty support in every way. I profess to
bo a straight, out-and-out Democrat, and
have always stood up for tho right3 of my
party. I will say in way of conclusion,
Brother Klntcr, if you aro called to blow
tho Gospel trumpet, blow on until Gabriel
blows hi3 horn, and don't have the words
ringing in your cars : "Woo is to me, if I
preach not the Gospel of Christ." These
words are sufficient. Hoping he will
practice what he preaches.
Titus Blub,
The imprisonment aud line imposed
upon James SIcGuire, the repeater, was re-
ccived hero with general satisfaction. The
judge and jury were not impressed with
the insanity dodges as easily as our worthy
The Hungarian, whom the peddler is
languishing in Jail for shooting, has entire
ly recovered, and is ablo to appear mi tho
streets again,
Sirs. Klllceii and daughter, Mary, left
for Columbus, Neb., on Slonday. Part of
tho family wont thero several months ago,
and are delighted with their new home.
The collieries aro all idle this week, and
hundreds of men and boys are compelled
to act gentlemen of leisure.
Pole, named John Bollowsky, held the
lucky number which drew the organ
chanced off by Sir. Kllleen on Saturday.
Offers from 675.00 to $100.00 wero made
him for his prize, but the Pole would not
part with it for any amount. Inquiring
why he dldu't ncccpt a good oiler he
blandly replied i "Sle no sell my luck,"
Tho heavy rains of Sunday night were
badly needed In this scctlou, some of the
collieries wero compelled to haul water
from Ashland to enable them to work last
A lad named Wilson, living at Logans. '
villo, fell from a tree while chestnutlng 011 i
Sunday, and received Fcvcral deep cuts on
tho head.
Johanna, a six-year-old daughter ot 31.
Connor, died 011 Sunday, from a complica
tion of diseases. The lnncral took placo
on Tuesday, and was very largely attended.
Another batch of Hungarians left hero
ou Slonday for Hungary.
As the cars wero lauding on the coal
piano at North Ashland colliery ou Thurs.
day, tho rope broke, leaving tho wagons
run to tho bottom at almost lightning
speed. Tho piano was considerably dam
aged. A new set of dirt burners have been
placed in position nt tho Logan, and give
proof of being able to do tho work as satis
factory as tho old method.
Tho Duck Mountain vein has, r.t last,
buon reached lu the Continental tumid,
The vein Is about ten feet thick, and tho
coal Is of a fine quality,
Tho Lehigh Valley Coal Company has
purchased tho Slontana colliery, und will
commonco repairs at once, A tunnel will
bo driven to reach tho vein, nnd tho water
taken from tho slope, Tho company will '
not allow the running of tho company
store In connection with tho colliery,
Flaming posters on every available fence
nnd barn announce tho coining of tho
"greatest show on earth" to Ashland, on
Slouday next. It Is, of course, hailed
with delight by tho young folks.
The shipments of coal from tho Logan
mine oxceed thoio of any colllorv In the
anthracite region last month,
Curry's hostler wai married lust week to
ono ot Locust D.ilo's fair daughters. I'll
havo 11 llttlo , what's yours ? "Como
In out of tho wet," Yaleullno.
Hupt, Ed. liccse Is oft' ou hU auuual va.
cation, and will mako tho circuit from
Wllllamsport to Boston, New York, Sic.
Sirs. J, F. Kress spent last week among
Hlntltigtou friends.
L. A. ltlley fc Co. are making arrange
ments to open a meat market In connection
with their mnminoth store.
Two young men of town, hcnilngol the
numerous flocks of wild fowl which visit
Brush Valley, determined to have a little
sport on Slonday. They accordingly set
out with dog and gun, and stimulants
tho latter was 1111 Indispensable article or-
ivlng at tho largo dam they Imagined
they saw ducks on tho other side. Pro
curing a boat they set sail -not for tin
other side, but for any placo the wind
could blow them. When about hnlf wa
across tho boat capsized, tossing tho gun
ners Into about 40 feet of water. Nelthci
ot them could swim, and but for tho as
sistance of seveinl men who wero close at
hand, they would undoubtedly havo becD
lost. As It was, both lost very valuable
guns, and aro laid up with n very bad
Will H039 of Ashland, spent part of the
week lu town.
SIlss Cnsslc Slaclnncss rctuined to her
home In Now York on Tuesday,
Stessrs. Smith, Brogan nnd Sluldoon of
Philadelphia, aro employed In fitting up
the steam apparatus In the Catholic church.
SIlss Anno Cain of Philadelphia, U visit-
lng her parents.
Court lroccvilttiKH
Com. vs.
Catharluu Siangan.
nnd battery. Atiuoblll.
Com, vs. It. F. Dnllmun.
true bill.
Com. vs. O. Lefkowltsoh. This Is tho
case In which defendant Is charged with
tho shooting of a Huuailan at Slontana.
Itccognlzance of defendant, G. F. Grady of
Slahanoy, and Jacob Gebhart of Hazleton
each In $1000, for appearance at next scs.
slou and defendant dlsch irged from cus
tody. In re. sale of real estate of Nancy Kali
er. Exceptions to the sale filed.
Tho following Sheriff's deeds were no-
knowledgcd : to C. 31. Crcvcllng for two
lots in Espy, sold us tho property of G. 31.
Baker, tor 540 j to P. A. Evans for 32
ncics of hind In Slontour twp sold as tho
property of G. 31. Quick for $516 j to W.
Knorr for laud in Slllllln township, sold
ns tho piopcrty of S. H. Wolf for $-22.50 j
to A, K. Walter for land sold as that of
Timothy Doliek for S100 : to P. Piatt for
land sold as Lnfnyettu Dribelbls' for $301;
to 1). C. Dlack for land sold as Win. II.
James for 800.
On motion of O. G. Barkley Esq., and ou
certificate from the court of Sullivan
county, G. W. Baitch was admitted as a
practicing attorney.
Com. vs. J. Bauer. Case continued and
lecognlzancc of defendant and Silas John
son each In $200 for appearance at next
Com. vs. G. Eiskamp. Case continued
and recognizance of deleudaut and Silas
Johnson in $200 encli for appearance nt
next session.
Com. vs. Emanuel Beltz. Nol. pros, al
John Splain and Samuel Williams were
On petition Stary liiumstetlor was np
pointed guardian of Charles and Eldora
Com. vs. B. F. Dallman. Case contin
ued and recognizance of defendant and C.
31. Vandcrslico taken in $200 each for ap
pcarance at next session.
The Grand Jury presented their report,
which was read :
The grand Inquest Inquiring lu and tor the body
ot the comity ot Columbia In tho Commonwealth
ot l'cuna. at September sessions 1684 rcspeclfuUy
report to the court ot quarter sessions ot tlio peace
ot bald county:
That In the discharge of their duty they hare
passed upon all bills and matters submitted to
them by tuo District Attorney and said court:
'Xhat they havo examined tho couuty buildings
and dud tho public uulldlugs In good condition
with tho exception of a tew repairs; wo would re
commend a new cap tor tlio register under tho
stairway on tho nrst lloor lu Jail and also two win
dow lights broken In Jail;
We also And the 1 coords and official papers In
tho register and recorder's ofllco covered with an
accumulation ot dirt and dust; for their better
preservation wo suggest they bo brushed ana
cleaned and that sliding doors bo placed In front of
tho shelving:
Wo also endorse tho action of tho commissioners
In complj lng with tho iccommcndatlons ot former
grand Juries In providing sewerage tor tho Jail nnd
Introducing water from tho Hloomsburg Water
Works, both of which Improvements aro now be
ing made. All ot which Is respectfully submitted
this Slth day of September, 1SS1.
Jno. O. Jacobv, foreman.
The Grand Jury, after being compliment
od for their dispatch in transacting public
business, wero discharged by the court,
Com. vs. Catharine Siangan. The caso
was tried and a verdict of guilty rendered.
Com, vs. J. It. Teitsworth. A jury was
adlcd to try the case but defendant plend
Com. vs, Chailcs Edsou, Verdict of not
guilty nnd tho prosecutor, A. Laubach,
and defendant each pay half the costs.
Com, vs. Charles B. Edwards, ltecog
nizanco forfeited to be respited on appear
aneo of defendant at next term.
Court adjourned on Thursday evening
until Saturday morning.
Lydla Dobbins vs. Jacob B. Stoker's
tdmr. Amendment of plea by defendant
Nehemlah Kitchen appointed guaidlan
of Emma A., Slary E., James A., and Ju
cob W. Kline.
Jnlm G. Quick appointed guardian of
Alice Fry.
1 In re. of sulu of leal estate of O. B
llrockway. Itiilo granteil to show causo
why sale to F. P. Kline should not be set
Estate Catharine Whltenlght. Citation
awarded for administrator to Hie account
Estato Catharine Slusscr, Petition filed
to strlko oil decrco awarding real estate to
SInrgarct Brown,
Com, vs. 1a, bmlth. Sentenced to pay
n tine of $10, costs of prosecution and to
pay to Eva SI. Ullliard, $20 lying in ex-
peuses and $1 per week for the support of
the child from tho time ot Its birth to this
time nud sauio amount for tho support of
tho child until It arrives at tlio ago of seven
years, and glvo bond In tho sum of $500 to
the poor overseers of Sit. Pleasaut twp.
Com. vs, J. 11. Teitsworth. Sontonced
to pay a lino of $15 and costs of prosccu
tion anil imprisonment in tho county jail
for three mouths and stand committed un
til scntcuco Is compiled with.
Com. vs. Catharine Siangan, Sentenced
to pay a lino of $5 and costs of prosecution
nud stand committed until sentence Is
compiled with,
Com. vs. Clcmuel Wells. Sentenced to
pay a lluo of $15, ami costs of prosecution,
restore tho goods and undergo imprison
ment In tho jail for three months and
stand committed until tho sentenco Is com
piled with.
Taylor vs. Taylor. Divorce decreed aud
formal decreo to bo filed
Estate Samuel Drum. Audit confiuncd
Osman vs. Osmau, Dlvorco ilccrecd,
Samuel Lewis and James Ituthbrldge
natuudizod lu open court.
Estntu of Samuel II. Hutchison, Audi
tot's report confirmed nisi.
Jjstuto Slary A. Conner, Auditor's 10
port continued nisi.
Ellas Drelblcbls vs. Henry Knorr. Pc
l.lltlou to satisfy mortgage filed,
Ilorwlck I? air.
Tho first annual exhibition of tho Lower
Luzerne County nnd Northern Columbli
County Agrlcullurol Society which was
held last week, Wednesday, Thursday,
Filday and Saturday, September 24, 25, 20,
and 27, fully met tho expectations of tho
malingers. On the opening day there wai.
a moderate number ot people, all Interest
ed lu arranging their articles for exhibi
tion. Thursday morning was cloudy and
betokened rain, so that tho attendance this
day was not what was expected, and
scarcely reached two thousand people,
Friday was btlght and clear, and eaily the
people began assembling nt the ground)
until noon showed almost four thousand
tickets sold that day, the afternoon In
creased this nuinbcr.a thousand more.
Tho managers profiting by tho Inconvo-
ulcnce of tho buildings used by other agri
cultural societies, havo elected those ot Im
proved designs.
Tin: main nxitiniTios
This building was completely filled with
exhibits, to enumerate all would bo to give
the chief features ot the exhibition. Among
those deserving of special mention were
the silk crazy quilts exhibited by Sirs. J.
SI. Llllcy (not completed), SIlss Lizzie
Whitney, Sirs, Amracrmnn nnd. SIlss Ger
tie Wilson ; tho silk cushions or sofa pil
lows by Sirs. Vnntnsscl and Sirs. 8. 11.
Heller; tho silk banners of crazy design
by Mrs. 11. F. Crispin, 31is. J. S. SlcSlur
trlo and Sirs. F. It, Jackson ; lino cm.
broldcred skirt by Sirs. F. It. Jackson and
Sirs. B. F. Crispin ; and SIlss Sallie Wil
liams 11 complete lady's white suit, finely
embroidered. Sirs. Ellsha Slycis had a
quill two hundred years old, which ciitno
from Holland, and recently passed Into the
hands of the seventh generation. Another
curiosity was a feather quilt exhibited by
Sirs. Doty, which was made iu South
Ameilca, aud composed ot feathers of
chlcken3 and guineas of that country.
Handsome embroidered mantle lumbrc-
qulns, window lambrequins, skirt, and
child's dress were tho exhibits ot Sllss Ida
Sponenberg. llulr work of wreaths, How
crs, &c, by Sirs. Peter Suit, Sirs. I. Dower,
Sirs. S. J. Hicks and Sirs. B. F. Drclsbach.
Sirs. Ash had some carpet woven with
heavy paper instead of rags. Oil paintings
on alabaster, macho, and tllu placques, by
Miss Liz.lo Whitney. Two vases of beau
tiful wax boquets by Sirs. Belle Cirey,
Besides these were n great number of
fancy goods, quilts, sofa pillows, &c. S.
C. Jayno exhibited a Bible 104 years of age,
printed in German, with prefaco written by
Slartln Luther; he had also a number of
other old volumes. There wero a number
of exhibits of line white bread, but tho
premium fell to Slary E. Stilt. In cakes,
also, there was quite a variety. Sirs. W.
B. Updyko being the most successful with
the cocoanut cake, while Sirs. John Sillier
was pronounced first for sponge cake and
gold cake. Sir. E. K. Adams made a fine
display of silks, ladies' cloths, Ac, and J,
E. Vannatta a display of jewelry and line
silverware. C. W. Brubaker was there
witli an exhibit of hardware. B. F. Drcis.
bach had the services of a New York gent
and Philadelphia lady In showing the
merits of the sewing machines for which
he is agent. J. Saltzer, our townsman,
was there with his musical Instruments
und sewing machines, nnd fiom tho styles
of work exhibited, and the work being
done on the machines, we should think all
were impressed that the Domestic machine
for which ho is agent is the best in the
market. W. II. Yettcr and Sir. Trathcn,
from this place, were also there with sew
ing machines. Sir. Julhu Hoft had a line
display of ilowci s, plants, vines aud ever
greens, and has shown that he Is well pre
pared to supply the trade with choice
This contained some very choice breeds
among which was a very largo hog (Jer
sey) exhibited by Enoch Itlttcnhouse, and
auother equally Hue one (Poland China) by
S. J. Conner. Fiank Evans had a fine
Durham bull 18 months old and weighing
1500 pounds. Dr. G. L. Itcagan brought
from his stock farm of Falrviow, Jersey,
graded and native stock of cattle. A well-
mated yoke of oxen by G. W. Case. There
were quite a number of sheep and horses
on exhibition.
This was piobubly the best building for
that purposo that could liavo been ar
ranged. A larco building was erected in
which was placed a great number of npart.
merits of sufilctent size for tho proper ex.
hlbition of perhaps 8 or 10 chickens ; the
front of each apartment wus wire, which
afforded nn excellent view, O. H. Zelin
dor and Theo. Fowler each had a flue dis
play of Langshans, Plymouth Itocks nud
The iigiieulturnl implements had their
proper place, and vaiious machines wero
placed on exhibition by Freas Bros, of Bcr.
wick, J. 31. Hulsldzer of Llghtstrect, and
Whlto it Conner of Ornngevllle. A fine
display of wagons and buggies was made
by W. A. Bobbins, Win. SI. Applcman,
Trescott Bros, and Alonzo Locknrd. In
tho dcpartnieut for stoves was found a neat
display by Young & Ent, nnd G. A. Buck
ingham of Berwick.
Till A 1.3 OF fVRMI.
In the nice for the three minute class
four heats were trotted. Dr. It. II. Llttlo
entered "Tom Sl'Graw," sorrel gelding
Henry Fox entered "John Henry," bay
gelding j S. W. Adams entered "Bay Ben,
bay gelding. "Tom Sl'Graw" took llrst
heat "lolin Hcnrv" took tho second third
neat, Join tiuir toou 1110 second, third
unit iiiiHtu iivma, aim nuu utu law, .imu
2.44, 3.47i, 2.53, 2,r3J. "Tom Sl'Graw
camo In second in each of thu threo latter
heats nud only a half length behind tlio
winning horse. It was a genutue blood
race. Tho aadlenco was very much en
tliused. Kach horso having about an equal
number of admirers.
In tho 2.30 class thero were two entries.
"Frank S." owned by W. II. Hughes, and
'Nclllo T,", owned by J. Toole of Shcnun
doali. Frank S. won thu raeo In three
straight heats. Tlmo i 2,47!, 2.42, aud
Tho Funnels' Trot brought out four
horses, "Jen," hay mnre, owned by Boyd
Freas j "Colonel," cream gelding, owned
by Samuel Sltler ; "Bay Dick," bay geld
lug, owned by Charles Wngncr, and
"Floin," sorrel rnarc, owned by C, K
Jless, 'ino raco was exciting nnd very
close. Bay Dick won tlio raco In tlio 8rd,
4th and Gth heats. Flora 8. won tho 1st
heat nnd Jen, tho eecoud heat. Tlmo i
3.10, 3,171, 3.18J, 8.1PJ, and 3.1(11.
In tho Columbia County trot thero wero
two entries. "Tom Sl'Graw," sorrel geld
ing, owned by Dr. Llttlo, and "Llttlo An-
nle," bay niaro, owned by Samuel Prentiss
Tom Sl'Graw won tho raco In thrco straight
heats, Time i 0.61 f, 2,53 and 2,55.
In tho Blooded Colt raco, out of county,
there wero two ntilcs, "Bello of Glouch
ester," owned by W. II. Hughes, and a
black colt owned by J, Toolo no name.
Hello of Olcucliestcr won tho race. No
tlmo announced.
Tho Columbia County Colt raco brought
out four of tho six colts ontered. "Prince,"
owned by Klliott Adams "Henry Wnrd
Beeeher," owned by Daniel F, Seybert
'Harry," owned by Hugh Lamon, and
"Dan," owned by Wesley Bombay, This
raco afforded much amusement for thu
spectator.. Prlnco won tho race in twt
straight heats, no time announced. The
driver of Henry Wntd Deechcr Instinctive
ly claimed tho polu for his colt, 'TIs but
just to sny ho came In llrst, but was set
back fur running during the heats.
Tho Inst of tho trotting wus for n special
purse. There were three entries, "t runk
S.," by W'. H. Hughes ; "Nclllo T," by J
Toolo, and "Annie," by Samuel Prentiss,
Frank S. won the race In the 2nd, 3rd nnd
4th heats, Nclllo T. was awarded tho first
heat, though coming In 2nd, Frank 8.
being set back to 3rd placo for running du
ring the heat. Tlmo. 2.40, 2.43 and 2.43.
Ex-Sherlff W. P. Klkondall, of Luzerne
county, ono of tho judges, appeared upon
tho stand on Saturday In his usual grace
ful and dignified manner.
Do not deny yourself tho pleasure of ex.
nmlulng our new nnd gienl bargains In
clothing. Wo aro Inking the lend In style,
flt, assoittncnt, goods nnd pi lee. An ocu
lar demonstration will satisfy vou. Uall
soon at the popular store of D, Loweu
berg. Wedding nud Party Invitations nnd a
fine lino of calling cards, nt tho Columbian
New goods at O.
great bargains,
V. -uarr s nils weeK at
Como nnd see during tho County Fair
W. Hnrtlnan & Son's big stock of goods.
Asseis ovnn 8101,000,000. If you wish
n good investment with solid security, tako
out a fifteen year endowment policy in tho
Mutual Llfo Instirancu Company of N. Y.
Gno. 8. IloBiUNs,' Agent
Hloomsburg, Pa.
Hogs that weigh from 100, 110, 125, 130,
140 to 150 lbs., a piece a lot of nice clean
mriity nogs lor sale nt Wgut btrect by SI
las loung. Sept 5-4w
C. C.
Slurr pays 'i'c for butter, 20c for
Miuwls, shawls, finest assortment iu the
county at I. W. Hurtman ii Son's.
For tho next 00 days only, we will mako
cabinet photos at iU.OO per dozen. Best
work ; Lightning Process used.
Sepl2-it SIaoKillip & Ciioatk.
0009 1-9 spring chickens
8883 1-8 old hens,
7777 1-7 pigeons,
0000 1-0 ducks,
C555 1-5 geese,
4444 good calves,
!i333l largo shoats,
2222 lbs. pitted clienles,
iin lus. uneu raspberries.
All tlio nbove wnnted at Light Street, by
T..,.. n n it.. ... ..n.--l- -
jniy o-oiii niivAO iuuinu,
Long and short coats for ladles at I, W.
Uartmun & Sou's.
Floor and tablo cloths at C. C. Slarr's.
LU3II5EII. Plaulnir mill In lumber vnnl.
I have all kinds of worked lumber whlto
pine, yellow pine and hemlock flooring j
whlto pine nnd hemlock German siding,
surface boards, surface sldltig, wainscot
ing, moulding. All kinds of lumber in
rough, nt Llghtstrect, by
aug 22-3m Silas Youso.
C. C. Slarr is eetlinir u some of the
handsomest dress iroods lu this town. Call
and see them.
I. W. Hnrtinan & Son's stock of cash-
meres, sIIUb nnd all kinds of dress goods
win uo largo uuring mo i air.
Hemlock boards, ulniik 2 by 4. loice.
bill sluir, 10, 12, 14, It), 18 and 20 feet long
worked lumber, llooiing, German and bev-
i Biuuig, suiiuuu uoarus ami siuing, sawcu
shingles No 1, 2 and 3, chestnut, hemlock
ana pine, siungiu anil celling lath.
I havo made arrangements with a couple
of steam saw mills if there is any thing
uiai 1 nave-iii got 1 can get it at snort no-
nee ui L,igni oirect by
July 25-3 m SILAS YOUNG.
C. C. Slarr buys chickens.
Brine your baskets, carnct batrs. umbrel
las ami corns ior saio Keeping on each day
01 1110 r air 10 1. v. lianmau cs son's.
New goods at J. B. Sheer's.
All kinds of cotton and wool llnuncls at
U. C. fliarr's cheap.
I. W. Ilnrtmnu fc Sou's store during thu
inlr will be a resting place for tired people.
miseraoiu ny unit teinuie cougn.
Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you.
saiu ny -uoyer jsros.
can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure.
wo iiuarauteo it. For sa c bv Mover
'I felt weak and languid ; had palpita
tion of the heart mid numbness of tlio
limbs. Burdock Blood Bitters, havo cer
tainly relieved me. They aro most excel
lent." Sir. J. 31. Wright.
is what you need for Constipation, loss of
Appetite, imztucss and all symptoms 01
Dyspepsia, rrice iu and 70 cents per bot
tle, t or salo by -iioyer Bros.
HtBmsY. aKonaB it. tiiaybi:,
of Bourbon, Ind., says : "Both myself and
wife owo our lives to Shiloh's Consumption
Utirc." sold by -uoycr uros.
Free with c:
..,,.1, i.Mii,. si.llnl.'o P.iim rl, I great range ot work, and imnllty ot tho Whlto Shuttlo and Automatic sewing Machines."
.11.11 boiue 01 omioiis uiiairn T,. Wiihx sewino maciiinkis thu acknowi.kdord kino op am. victorious whus
Price 50 cents, bold by Sloycr uvuu IN computi'I'Ion, satisi'Autohy WHUKEVEU in usk.
If wo can cure an ache, or a sprain, or a
lnmeness, or n burn, or a bruise, or a bite,
by U9lnB 'N'0111113' Kclectrlo Oil, let's do It.
rtfhomVj, :clcctric on u known t0 bc
i XCl 3 I TV It
A lasting and fragrant porfuine. Price 23
and 50 cents, Sold by Sloyer Bros,
"it would bo no vlo ntlon of tlio com
mandment," said John B. Gough, "if u
man wero to full down and worship tho
silk hat, for It is not mado iu tho likeness
ot anything in ncaven, or on enrtn, or In
mo waters wiuen aro under tlio eartn.
Besides it heats tho head and causes tho
hair to fall oil. Parker's Hair Balsam will
stop that and restoro tho original color to
gray or faded hair. Not oily, not a dyu,
uenenciai, ueiiciousiy pciliimeu, a per-
icct nair dressing, ouc. All druggists.
ocp iw-oi
How many waste their timo and resour
ces in foolish experiments, with nasty
worthless medicines that can never do
them a whit of good. If you aro sick nud
want ncip get a reputable remedy ot
established merit. Tho curative virtues of
Burdock Blood Bitters havo never been
questioned. For an enfeebled circulation
or a wcuk stomach they aro splendid.
FOli DVbl'El'BlA
And liver complaint, you havo n printed
guurniiicu ou overy uniiio 01 oniiou 3 Vital.
lzer. ooiu uy juoycr uros.
HIIILOIl'd couou
and Consumption Cure Is sold by us
guaranteo. It cures consumption.
on a
6ulo by Sloyer Bros,
A MONTH and IlOAlll) Mr throo llvo youth
jueu it iuuea iu uacii county, AUdrc'SS 1 ,
v, .n.ui.i.ii a cu., I'liuaacinma1
Oct a-tw d
" At n mcf tlnir of tho Hoard of Directors of
catawlssa bridge Co., held this day, a semi-annual '
dividend ot live per cent, ou the capital stock ot
said company wan declared, payable to stockhold
ers Immediately. J, J, UOIUNS,
CataiMssu, Oct. v, mi. Was.
1 !
111 i rdimpi
iPii I I 111 lWST g
This modlclnn. tomblnlnff Iron with tinrn
TptrptAhlft tnnlr. nulpVlr nnd mmfilelrU'
CitrcM llrMttepln, inillHratlnn, tVi-nUnr,
ItptiruIiloot1,IlInInrIn,ClillInnnd rvver",
linn iMrurniain.
Ittufin unmlllnp rmMv for IlfceaMtiinf llifl
Klilnrjn nnd Urrr.
H it lnvulufiblo for Placates vculinr to
Women, and all who lend sedentary lives.
It does not lnjuro tho teeth, cause hcadnche.or
produce, constipation other Jrcm medicine ila.
It enriches and tmrlfles tho blood. (tlmulnlM
tho aprctlto, alda tho nwlmllatlon of food, re
lieves ucarmurn nnu jicicning, ana eirengin
ens the muscles and nerves.
ror intermittent r overs, Lntsituae, lacicoi
Energy, ,to., It lias no equal, r .
" The Kouulno ha alwvo trurtu mark and
crot nod red lines 011 wrapper. Take no other.
BJte.l;bj Hlionil tUBIUCAL IU, lllLIHOHS, MD.
In the matter of tho partition and valuatlnnof
I (t,aA fntn nf t, rn,M, l til,.,,' Iitnn, Cr., , tnwn.
ship, deceased, to Wllsou I). Melllck thfi petition
er, reuuiug ill. auuuury, 1 a mrain 11. lemcK re-
sldlnir nt w 1 llamsnort. Lvcomlnir Co.. Pa., refer
II. Alelllck, resliUng at Lock Haven, Clinton, Co.,
l'a.. I'hoebo Oman Intermarried with Zeboath
Oman, residing at ilurr Oaks, St. Jo. Co., .Mich.,
Anna Margaret hhavo, Intermarried with Dan'L
Miavo, residing at. lfurns, lAcross. Co., WK,
Isaiah Jlelllck rcsldln t at liixon, lfu Co., 111., ,!.
cob It. .Mclltck residing nt Lyons city, cllnton, Co.,
jowa, ami uivin.i i. iiennnx inicnimrrieti nil n.
A. Hendrlx residing at Now freedom, Yorlv, Co.,
l'a., and tho tollnvrlntt crand children to-wlt ;
ltachel warring icsldlni at mchlnnd, Keokuk. Co.,
Iowa, who wan a child of Ituchel V. Warring a
daughter of decedent, l'eler Host reeling nt Atch
ison, Aiciuson co., nansas, u jiryun neat, ior
raerlv a resident of Atchison, Atchl&onCo., Kan but resldciicu now unknown, Mary Jlcfionald
Intel married with Geo. McDonald, Atchlron,
Atchison, Co., Kansas, Wnu liesr unmarried,
AtchNon, Atchlwn Co., Kairus, Nuttln Hoblnstm,
lntcmiairled with Geo. A. Ilohlnson, Kansas city,
Jackson Co., .Mo., Hie last IHe iiamo.1 litlng
children of Delilah llest, who died lyfoio her
mother, tnouocolcnt.
tuko nouco uowiu nunc
lite dwelling houso of said Jtaigaret Mclllck. de
ceased. In tho township of bcott, Columbia Co., ou
battirdav. Moiember n. 1S8I. between the hotmot
2 and 8 p. m., of said clay, for th purpose ot maU-
liur lurtltlon of tho estate of said deceased, lo
and among hischlldren and legul representatives,
u 1110 snmo can uoaono wimoui preiuuico 10 or
Bpolllngot tho whole, otherwise to aiuoand ap
nralso tho same accoulliii; to law. nt which thno
and placo you aro required to attend If you think
pi oner.
loomsbiirg. Oct. 1, 'M.
Notice Is hereby civen that tho regular annual
meeting ot Iho stnckboldci-s of the Hloomsburg
Water Compiny will bo held In Hloomsburg, Tues
day October nth. lssi. at tho omco ot F. 1'. ma
inover. Treos.. between the hours of two and four
o'clock lu tho afternoon, for the purpose of elect-
I year, anil for the transaction ot any other business,
ot tho company.
sept 56-i w.
F. Mack, Lieutenant Hoi ernor of
llr Chaimcv F.
Pennsylvania, our book will contain facts to bo
found in no other, besides a complete history of
tho Democratic party, with am. Its platforms;
sketches of tho live, of all tho Presidents ; the
women of tho Whlto Houso: nrotectiio tnrilt
rovenuo reform ; electoral voto ; homo life of tho
President, and a full 1 to of IIH-MIMtlCICH
Ours Is tho best, mo-t accurate, cheapest, and sells
most largely, send 51) cents for outtlt at once., MEItKIAM & CO., BJ) Arch St., Fhllud'a.
Wheat per bushel
Rye " "
; Coru " "
Oats " "
Flour her barrel o
Cloversced 8
g"" Is
Taliow.V''.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.,.'.'.'.'.'.'.,.'.'.''.' 00
Potatoes uew 3
Dried Annies 00
llams , m
Sides aril shou'ders 10
Chickens 1
Turkeys 1
Lard per pound 13
Hay pei- ton 13 00
Buckwheat Hour per hundred 3 00
Hides per lb 5 to
Veal skins per lb 08
Sheep pelte. each.,..
wool per lb nu
Carried oil' all
"Whlto Sewing Machino Co., Cleveland, o.
Tho "W HITE is KIM)" in l'Miaoeipiiia.
lelnhla. Wo
rcnnsvlvanla.ilrst premium to tho Whlto Simula
matic slnglo I bread Machine, silver .Medal to
tho Whltu Automatic Slnzlo Thread Machine.
II. M CEsafi'rk
Isayiaag Sm&
Un the
hm'k mvi
-nt "im "r nn
t, JOHN MOUHKi, nigii Sheriff ot Co
lumbia county, Commonwealth of rennaylvanla,
do hereby tnoko known and proclaim to tho annu
lled electors of Columbia county that a genera 1
election will bo held on
Tuesday, November 4, 1884
being tho Tuesday next following tho first Mon
day of said month) for tho purposo of electing th
several persons hereinafter named, to-wlt!
Thirty persons for electors for President nnd
Vice I'rcsldont ot tho United states from tho Btaw
of Pennsylvania.
One person for Congicssman-nt-Large.
one person for Congress rrom IholHliCongtcs District.
Two persons for l'cpicsentntlvesof PcnnsyWa
Ma. One person for ProthonoUry nnd Clerk ot the
courtB of Columbia County.
one person for lleglster and Itecordcr of Colum
bia county.
Ono person for Treasurer of Columbia county.
Three poisons for Commissioners of Columbia
Thrco persons or Auditors of Columbia coun
ty. t also hereby miko known nnd glvo notice that
tho places of holding tho aforesaid election In tho
several wards, boroughs, districts and townshlpa
within the county of Columbia aro as follows, mi
Ileal tr township, at tho public house of Fottsr
Denton township, at the public nouso ot Hiram
ltc&8, lu thu town ut llenton.
East llloom, at tho Court Uou3c, In Hloomsburg.
Weit llloom, at tho Court House, In Hloomsburg.
Kast Ilervick, at tho llttlo onicoof Jackson
Woodln In the borough of Ucrwlck.'
West Hcrwlck, at tho ofllco of V. .', Knorr, la
tho borough ot Hcrwlck.
Uorough of Centralla, at the public house of Wil
liam I'eiier.
llrlarcrcck township, nt the nubile school house
near Jlvansvlllc.
Catawlssa township, nt the Snubllo houso of W
A. Yetter.
Centre township, at tha school houso near I-atay.
:tto crcasys.
North Convnirhnm District, at tlio- BChool house
near iho colliery of John Anderson & Co.
South Conmsrham District, at the houso of Mrs
Thomaa Monroe.
11 ihlnecreek townshin. .it the school hotiae near
C. II. White's.
Franklin Hwhshln. at tho Lawrence school
Greenwood townshin. at tho house Of t. D
Hemlock township, at tho nubile houso of Clius.
11. niet'crlch. In thu town of Duck Horn.
Jnciuon townsmp, at mo nouso ui uzekici coie.
locust tho DUblle house of Daniel
Knorr, In Numcdln.
Minihi township, at tho public house of Aaron
Ilovi, in tho town of Minitnvllle.
M.u If on townshin. at tho mimic school nouso
in .lersejtown.
mi. 1'ii.asani. luwnMLip, ut uiu -Miueruiwa bciicui
Montour townshin. at tho jvimic house 01
1). Layeock, at ltuperu
-i Jin lownsiup, at l-io pnuuu uousu ui .jcromiaii
HoaiTugcreek township, at tho houso of Samuel
Orange township, at O. Heckman's hotel la Or
Pino township, at the Ccntro School House,
sugarloaf township, nt thu houso of Nonnan
west scoit nt 1110 nun 10 nouso or r. c. 1 icu.
oriel, lu I.lghtstreci,
hast Scott township, nt tho public houso of
Jacob Miller, In Kspy.
At an elections uereniier nem unaer mo laws 01
this commonwealth, the election polLs shall bo
iDcnca at seven o clock in 1110 forenoon, ana
shaU continue open without Interruption or ad
journment until seven o'clock in tho evening when
1110 puns win oc eiosea.
That every person excepting Justices ot tho
reaco and Aldermen, Notaries Public and Per
sons in tho militia semee 01 1110 htato, who
sli.Ul hold or shall within mo months navoheld
any oinco or appointment ot pront or trust undur
tho tinned States, or of this State, and city or
corporaieu uisinci, wueuivr u eouiinissiuneu
officer or otherwise, a subordinate oniccr or agent
who Is or shall bu employed under tho Leg
iyea under tho Lecb
ture. Executive or juiUciary Department of this
state, or of nnv city or or any incorporate
of any fucorporated dls-
tnct. nnd also, that every member of conorcss
ana 01 me huiio lA'gisiamre, iuiu ui 1110 select,
or common council ot any city, or commissioners
ot any Incorporated district, are by law lncapablo
of holding or exercising nt tho samo tlmo tho
orilco or appointment of Judge, Inspector or clerk
of nny election of this Commonwealth, nnd that
liu luspeciur, uuuku urumei oiuvci ui autu i-iuij-
tlon shall bo eligible to be then voted for.
Tho Inspectors and .ludgo ot tho elections shall
meet at tho respective places appointed for
holding the election In tho district to which thoy
respeciucly belong, before seven o'clock in ttm
morning, and each ot said inspectors shall ap
point ono clerk, who shall bo a iiuallllcd voter of
such district.
Tho auuiuied voter i ot tho several districts In
this county at all general, township borough and
special elections, aro nereby hereafter author
ized nnd required to voto by tickets printed or
written, or partly printed nnd partly written,
soerally clasollled ns follows: Ono
embraco tho names of all Judges of Courts voted
for, and labelled, outside, "Judiciary;" 0110
ticket shall embrace tlio names of all the Stato
ofllcers voted for nnd to bo labelled "State;" ono
ticket shall embraco tho names of all county
officers voted for. Including tho onico of Seuatoi,
and Members of Assembly, if voted for, and
members of Congress, If voted for, and bo label
led "County ;" ono ticket shall embraco tlio names
of all township officers voted for, and bo labeLcd
"Township ;" ono ticket shall eniornce the
of all borough ofllcers voted for, and be labelled
Aud each clas3 shall be deposited In separate
ballot boxes. JOlIN MOUHEYi
sept 36-tt sherlfl.
the Honors at the
PuiLiuixi'UiA, Septembor 18th, lsSI.
liavo received tho highest honors at tho stain ruo 01
Sewing Machine. Klrst premium to tho Whlto Auto
tho White shuttlo Sewing Machino. silver medal to
Special mention for superior mechanism, simplicity,
dsow MB New '"rE
sa iek of
WM T&'side.
for JBargatiras
i !