THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Country Roads Again. VVo aro pleased to oontiimo tlio di-t i cussion on the miuject, of country road by tlio following Irom tlio Country Gentleman : In sotno regions tlio ! ireauncnt wluoii tno in eclvo is intestable. A lilghway ia mailo by scraping soda and muck Into tho wagon tract becauso theso matoriala aro most easily moved, nnd after every rain thoy mako a ileon bed of stiff mor tar for tho wheels to cut through. Of ten tho soil scraped into tho track Is loft In heaps without levelling, this work being Intended for tho vehicles to work down, but which is hot accom plished. Sometimes mud is actually drawn out of tho ditches nnd heaped In tho contro of tho track. Looso stones and fast stones, when thoy ox ist, aro rarely disturbed. Many roads aro madu worso by being "mended.'' An Intelligent observer estimates that niuo-tenths of tho labor taxes during tho past twenty years to ihe farmers of sotno of our townships havo been worse than thrown away, and tho soft mator iala used havo rendered tho roads near ly.impassablo at certain periods. Tho truo way is to use nothing for tho road-bed but tho hardest materials gravel, broken stone, hard-pan, etc. Wo havo seen capital roads raado by Horaping away tho soft and mucky stra tum which formed the top soil, and laying bare tho hard under-soil. Any one who has seen tho difference be tween tho easo unit freedom with which a team travels osx-r a hard and Btnooth track, and tho hard work re quired to drag a load through mud and over stones on a badly made and man aged road, cannot fail to appreciate tho necessity of giving more attention to this important subject. Tho farmer who lives in a neighborhood of good roads is practically much nearer to mar ket, mill", mechanics' shops, schools and ohurches, than tho one who must travel tho samo distanco over rough, muddy nnd Btony roads', cut with deep ruts; and whero good management pro vails tho wagon and harness will last longer, tho teams will thrivo better, and tho owner will accomplish his work more rapidly and with greater satisfac tion. Counting all tho advantages, thousands of dollars will bo saved an nually in every neighborhood by good roads over bad ones. Wo invito tho attention of intelligent fanncis to this subject, now that the season ia favora ble for work on the roads, that thoy may uso their inttuenco for a general reformation. Gutting up Corn. Thcro is no better feed for stock than cornstalks, especially for milch cows, when it is properly preserved ; but a great lessscumg of valtio is made by allowing it to fully ripen on tho lull, or bo exposed to a severe frost. As soon as tho kernels havo dented well, tho crop may bo put into tho shook with perfect safety, tho stalks containing suflieient nutriment to thor oughly miituro tho grain. By watch ing this closely, and setting to work at tlio right time, and crowding tho job to completion, tho fodder may may lo saved in a high stato of nutritivo value, and tie corn go into tho crib in prime condition for keeping or feed ing. Another thing of importance is, to put up tho shocks iu a substantial way. Tho cutting of ten rows at a time, and putting ono hundred hills to tho shock, we havo found to bo tho most economi cal, althongh it requires a littlo moro labor in carrying. Iu tho first place, less surface ia loft exposed to storms, sunshiiio and frost ; and in tho second place, tho shocks will stand up better, anil this is a matter of no small impor tance, for whero tho work is not well done, a very great amount of fodder is damaged by tho shocks being twisted down, or thrown over, under tho inllu enco of tho wind. Early husking is another thing that should not be neglected. As soon as the crop is sufficiently cured, tho work should bo begun j and tins will enablo tho farmer, who has any moderato amount of this crop to harvest, to get the grain all nicely cribbed, and tho j fodder bound iu bundles and stacked or stored away in the barn beloro the i cold storms of winter conio on. Drawing corn into tho barn in win ter and attempting to husk it there, in creases labor very materially, and ne cessitates loss of feed, a certain per cent, of water-soaked and damaged grain, besides cold fingers and ill tem per. There aro many farmers who do not valuo corn fedder to a sullicient extent to bo particular about preserving it when hay is plenty, but wo fully bo lievo it will pay at any time, for, as be fore stated, all kinds of stock relish it, and will thrivo upon it, and for tho production of milk no dry feed is bet ter, or in our experience, equal. Our advice is, savo tho corn fodder to feed out, and sell surplus hay. When cutting up corn, tho best timo is afforded for selectinK and saving Bccd. A plant in tho very best part ot the uclii, ot Humccnt sizo to lurnish all desired, should bo left standing till ful ly line, and then picked and cared for in tho common way of hanging up' by tho husks in a dry place. Tho advan tages of this ia m having all of the chits thoroughly matured, and avoiding any possibility ot injury Irom ncatiug or molding whilo packed upon tho stalk or in tho crib. Cayenni: I'jii-iT.n. Caycnuo pepper is aaid to bo a natlvo ot south Amen cat it ia extensively cultivated in Jam alca, and is ottcn to be met with grow ing iu tho gardens in this couutry. It grows usually about eighteen inches high, and tho pods or pepper aro small nnd Blender, nbout an inch in length Cayenne is ono of tho strongest, purest, and best stimulants known ; it is nlso tonic. It is yery important to get tho pure article without adulteration. In Buddon colds, a tea of this pepper ia good, also in debility of the stomach, colic, quinsy, disease of the throat, anil dropsical affections. Combined with honey it may bo mado into a plaster, for rheumatism, gout, otc. Health and Home. Milk Uktteii than I3iuniy. "Tho greater ray experience becomes," writes Dr. Clauston, in the annual re port of tho Koyal Edinburg Asylum tor the insane, "I tend moro to Biibsti tulo milk for stimulants. Iu very acuto cases both of depression and ma niacal exhalation, whero disordered working of tho brain tends rapidly to uxhaust tho strength, I rely moro and moro on milk mid eggs made into liquid custards. Ouu auoh patient iu tho past year consumed olijlit pinta of milk nnd sixteen eggs daily, and re covered. I question whether ho would havo doho bo under any other courso of treatment. Ho waa nearly pulseless and about dead when admitted, "Mamma," Bald iredily. "I wish I , was a chimney-sweep." "What a wish you foolish fellow I Why would, you like to bo n eliimney-sweep 1" "Be c",.so thou I could havo a now soot ev ery day. I Then.' s a constant controversy going on as to lliu economy, digestibility, nntl necessity of aotin at tlioooinmcncciiK'iit, of n ilinncr, aomo innlnlntntnu that a dinner without it cannot literally bo called a dinner i othpfa, piejudii'ed against "slops," discarding It from their tables altogether, whilo a few who would gladly, perhaps, take advantage of an opportunity to reduce tho meat bills, have only tho will, being igno rant of tho way. Tho nverago middle class wife and mother may havo sigh ed over tho items of riba and Birloina of beer and legs nnd shoulders of mut ton, nnd said to himself : "Ah I wo must tnko to having a littlo soup." with praiseworthy promptiludo and zeal, hIio has put chance opened her cookery book, of tho old extravagant style, nnd closed it sorrowfully, a sadder, if not a wiser woman, tho brain all dizzy from tho strings of ingredients nnd tho long lino of knuckles of Veal, shins of beef, "old fowls" nnd slices of ham which she is commanded to "throw into tho stock pot" if sho would insuio suo cesa. Now with soup-making, as with all else, oneo master tho theory and the practice is comparatively easy while, on the other hand, years of practice without a perfect knowledgo of tho why and the wherefore will provo of no avail. Let mo illustrate my mean ing clearly : Tho would-bo soup-maker, in scanning a recipe, discards it aa im practicable because sho lacks ono or moro of tho ingredients mentioned, while sho who grasps tho modus oper andi, owing to her theoretical knowl edge, at onco substitutes others, or per haps dispenses with thorn altogeth er. No doubt iu many families tho pre judico against soup has arisen from tho. fact that it is usually prepared nnd served in large quautitic, instead of, ns at tho tables of tho rich, in small portion, though many of tho kinds which I hopo to enumerate would furn ish in themselves a substantial meal for a growing child. At any rate, tho ad vantages" of commencing dinner with soup nro manifest in tho Baving of the moat bills, and economy practiced in utilizing scraps of all kinds for the making of tho soup", and tho comfort able sensation experienced after a little has been taken ; for let any person who feels, as tho saying goes, "too hungry to cat," swallow "a fow spoonfuls of Boup, and tho fueling of exhaustion will quickly pass away. Indeed, a well-known authority has said that nothing tends more to restore tho tone of .tho stomach, and mako easier of di gestion that which is to follow, than a little soup. Casull's Family Maga zine. How Bad Butter io Made. Cream from unsound milk, cream that has been long in rising, cream that has been kept too long after skim ming none of theso can bo made into first rato butter by any skill in ohurn ing or after treatment. Good cream will cjivo pale and spongy butter, if churned at too high a tomperaturo. Hutter will come all tho way up to seventy decrees, and even a little high er in winter, but it will be poor ; and, further than this, if cream is churned six or eight hours and tho butter has not como becauso tho cream is imper fect or tho temperature is wrong, though tho temperature may then bo rectified and tho butter brought, tho product will bo inferior in color, text ure of flavor, and generally in all three. It has been so hurt by ovcrchurning that it can never bo restored to any thing like excellence. Mirror and Farmer. Soft Soap for Burns. A freo ap plication of soft soap to a fresh burn almost instantly removes tho firo from tho flesh, according to a medical man who had been burned repeatedly him self. If tho injury is severe, as boou as tho pain ceases apply linseed oil and then dust over with fine flour. When this last covering dries hard, repeat tho oil-and-flour dressing until a good coat ing is obtained. When tho latter drii's allow it to stand until it cracks and falls off, as it will do in a day or two, and a now skin will bo found to havo formed whero tho skin was burned. Chocolate Saucb. This a Banco much used as an accompaniment to va rious puddings and spongo cako moulds. Grato two ounces of fine chocolato and stir it into half a pint of cream and half a pint of milk till it boils. Uso vanilla cholate, or boil an inch of va nilla in tho cream whilo making it, and as much whito sugar as will sweeten it. When it boils, mill it with tho yolks of four egga till it froths well; then re turn it to tho stewiiau and stir till it thickens, but do no let it boil. Tako it from the firo. Havo tho whites of tho egga whisked to a stiff snow, witli a tablespoonful of sifted sugar. Stir this into tho chocolate without break ing up tho snow entirely. SruiTKD Egos This is also a good breakfast dish. Cut sorao hard-boiled eggs in half ; tako out tho yolk and mash it smoothly with an equal quanti ty of grated ham, a littlo chopped pars pepper and salt to taste, and a small lunipof fresh butter. Fill thocup-liko whites of the eggs with thla mixture, pour over them a littlo melted butter and heat iu tho oven. Servo with each half egg placed on a neat square of bread nicely fried in batter. Nut Candy. An excellent rule for making nut candy is to take two pints of maplo sugar, half a pint of water, or onouj.'h to dissolvo tho sugar and uo moro. Let this boil until it becomes brittle, whon a littlo is "tried'' in cold water. Butter somo plates or tins, cover with nut meats and pour tho can dy over them. Hickory nuts or butter nuts aro nicer with this than almonds or peanuts. Persona interested in carp culture will bo glad to know that a gentloiuan in Virginia baa boon ablo to send by oxpresa living carp of four pounds weight packed in wet moss, whioh ar rived in good health at the end of a journey eight hours long. Turnips have a valuo beyond tho solid food they contain, as lliey keen tho animal iu a healthy condition, with a smooth coat and n loose skin, imlW eating thrift. Blondes and brunettes aro to bo asked to stand aside iu favor of tho girls with tho auburn hair. Men who make n specialty of hair dye say that thoy can produce the iaahiouablo tint. Saturday is tho divorce day in the Chicago courts, that day having been chosen to give the couples uivided a chanco to go out buggy riding with thoir now loves on tho next day (Sun day). A 1 eutonio friend ran n loot raco and lost it but ran ngalu and won. He said ; "I'm first at last if I was pe liiiid poforo." The Art of Soup Making, ODD 1TBMS. Tako rfcrcntlon with fish polo and gun eoiiictlmcs. Seed corn should be selected before tho stalks arc cut. A littlo oil-meal Ted dally wHI help to keep up a full milk flow. In bco robbing close tho hive so that only one or two bees can enter at n timo. Have regard to morals in hired helm bad people may coutamlnnlo tho chil dren. When hones have acquired n strong force and tlio seed ia firm and brown, thoy aro tit to gather. Indigo waa formerly cultivated as a field croi) iu the south, but is now su perceded by tho better paying cotton crop. A prominent nlienlst wlin asked what waa tlio leading causo of insanity answered, "excess." Tho owners of largo stock farina find it more profitable to raiso hoga that grow rapidly rather than those that fatten easily. Western pork, iu conse quence, is becoming younger nnd lean or. In Mount Morris, Mich., n family, believing its members to be bewitched by an old woman iu tho neighborhood, nicked the ears of all its pigs and cows to drive out tho devils. Tho latest evasion of tho Prohibi lory law of Iowa ia to licenso brewer iea to manufacture for medical pur poses. In ono county a brewery has hung a sign, "Manufactory of Alcholio MedicinoB." A Bamnlo of American cIiccbo in London when analyzed proved to con lain neither milk nor any of its deriva tives. Its chief ingredients wore lard and coloring matter. It camo from Now York State. Iu repairing the old Elliot block house, in Maine, a decayed log wa- found to contain many stone Indian a. row heads nnd several bullets. Ac cording to tho town record they must havo been embedded in the early part of the last century. Tho Biblo Society has determined to stop putting Bibles in railroad cars. Duo of itSiOflicers said ; "Of a thous and distributed, wo believe but ten were read, whilo threo hundred wore so mutilated aa to bo worthies, and four hundred stolen.'' Butterino is superseding oleomnrga line. Whero tho latter is mado from pure ox fat, tho former Is manufactured from deodorized lard. A major part of tho butterino sold conies Irom near Chicago. It would seem as if religion were dying out in China, judging from tho fact that a largo number of temples in Foo-Chow aro leased by tho pricBthood to Europeans for dwelling or business purposes. Japanese magic mirrors arc iu the market. These are mado of lino burn ished metal, and when lightly breathed upon discloses geometrical patterns, landscapes, or faces. Their manufac ture is a secret, but is believed to con sist in welding the pattern in ono kind of steel or iron upon a plate of a dif ferent kind. Ono which reproduced aces, sold at Philadelphia for Si 10. Tho musical composition known as an oratorio gets its name from St. Philip Neri. lie, a devout priest, in tho full lido of the Itenaisaauce period, with the aim of attracting young peo ple and keeping them out of mischief, moro especially on Sunday, gavo at his oratory, performances of original sacred music, to wnicn he gave tno name oi oratorios. Manv ot these early orato rios still exist. Wood pavement is to bo given up in London, and tho old McAdam system restored. Tho former is said to have not only failed to rcalizo the expected advantages, but has led, according to Prof. Tyndall's repo"t, to serious affec tions of tho oyes and lungs ; that is, by continual watering, tho wood became saturated with street filth, and then, under the iuflucnco of tho hot sun, gavo forth a pernicious species of dust. In cosmopolitanism Now York takes tho lead. In clubs, club rooms, and club houses tho following countries aro represented : Japan, China, Cochin China, Turkey, Russia, Norway, Swo den, Malacca, Hungary, Prussia, Aus tria, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Holland, Belgium, Brazil, Mexico; Poland, and Cuba. No other raetropolia approaches this re cord. While any number of baroueteies aud bankers have become extinct, the first baronetcy creatod survives and tho first London banker is still directly repre sented in the firm of Child & Co. Mr. rrancis Child, whom Pennant terms "tho first regular banker aud father of tho profession in England," started in business iu tho reign of Charles II Tho first baronet was tho famous Fran cis Bacon's elder brother, Tho evening before Daniel Webster died his physician repeated to him tho words, "lay rod and thy stall thoy comfort me,' and Webster replied, ns if in sympathy, but too weak to com pleto tho sentence, "Thy rod aud Thy staff the face tho fact I want." Hero tho matter rested as at first re ported. A Bostonian now gives what ho declares is tho true account, aa it camo to him very directly. Webster asked whether ho was likely to live till morn ing. Dr. Jeffreys, not willing to give a positive answer, repeated from tho tweuty-third Psalm. Webster saw tho evasion, and in a clear and rather so- voro tono said : "Thy rod nnd Ihy Btaff I' tho fact, the fact I want." He desired an answer. An important question for farmers to consider is where to apply manure so aa to have it tell best for profit. Of courso it should not bo used on any spring grain except corn, and will pro uiiuiy yieiu mo uesi money viuuu u ui; plied to potatoes where this crop is largely grown. A Massachusetts woman aged 17 years has been arrested for having soven husbands, has 87,000 moro this monopoly is least. As Massachusetts women than men unjust, to say tho Jus. II. Mercer distinctly states that Acker's English Remedy has aud does euro contracted consumption, Ask for circular. An entirely now medicine guaranteed. Jas. II. Mercer will refund the prico paid if Acker's Blood Elixir does not reliovo any skin or blood disorder. new, but thoroughly tested discovery, Jas. II. Mercer atates that indiges tiou prepares every one for disease.but guarantees Acker s Dyspepsia Tabids to euro all forms of indigestion. VtldlUllVMIIoilHttll Atk the most eminent physician Of nny Bchool, what is tho best thine In tlio worm for quieting niul allaying nil lr illation ot tho nerves nml curiae nil forms of nervous complnlnts, giving unturnl, clillilllko refreshing sleep nlwaya ? And they will tell you unhesitatingly "Some form of Hop 1 1 1" CHAPTER I. A9k nny or nil of the most eminent phy sicians t "What Is the best nnd only remedy Ihnt can ho relied on to cure nit diseases of tho kidneys nnd urinary organs such ns I) rial it's disease, diabetes, retention or In nblllty to retain urine, nnd nil tlio dlscnscs nnd nltmcnta peculiar to women" "And tlicy will toll you explicitly nnd emphatically "Jlucltult I" Ask tho samo physicians "Whatls tho most reliable nnd surest cure for nil liver dUunses or dyspepsia constipation, Indigestion, biliousness mal aria, fever, ague, &c," iiiul they will tell you i Mandrake or J)andclioa 1 1 1 1" ltcnec, when these remedies nro combined with others equally valuable.. And compounded Into Hop Hitters, such n won deifulnnd mysterious curntlvo power Is develop ed, which Isso varied In us operations that no dUcaso or 111 health can poislbly exist or resist lis power, and yet It, Is Harmless for tlio most trail woman, weakest In va Id or smallest child to use. CH.U'TUIt II, "Patients "Almost dead or nearly dyln.f" For yenrs, nnd given up by physlclnnB of l!rlghtrs nnd other kidney diseases, liver complaints, suvcro coughs, called consump tion, have been cured. women gone nearly crazy 1 1 1 1 1 l?.n,,l if itnl,. tli.ln Ln.trnii a i,f,ca A' 1 Wilt UUIlj, III IILUI IllXt. wakefulness, nnd various diseases peculiar to women. PeoMo drawn out ot Rhano f rom excruciating pangs ot rheumatism, Inllainmalory and chronic, or suffering from scrofula, j-.rjsipcia.-) i Unit i-linti.i, nAlertninrf ,la,,nmln (n,tlna. tlon, and In fact ulinost nil diseases trull :xuturu is neir io Havo teen cured hv linn Hitlers, nroof of which Can tx) found In every iilghborliood In tho known world. . "Nono genutno without a bunch of green Hons on the whito label, shun all tho vile, poi sonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" In their name. wanted for Tho Lives of nil tho l'rcsl dents ot tho U.S. Tho largest, hand somest, best book ever sold tor less than iwlco our mice. Tlio fastest selling book In America. Immense proilts to agents. Alt Intelligent pcoplo waut It Any ono can becomo a successful agent. Terms free, IUllktt Hook Co., Portland; Maine. Deo 21-ly ACItNCV Of W1I.KY & RUSSELL'S LA 11011 BiVlNd TOOLS & MACHINERY. Head Q.iurters for Iron, fctt'el.Horsekhocs Nails and Wnijon .Makers' and lllack smiths' Supplies. Israel nuienbender, storoA: Warerooms 118 Franklin Ave., nlso warerooms ill if rank- VJ nn Ave., nnd ll-sccn- SUft ANTON" may 23- ly PA. F IKE IN8URANCT. CnitlSTtAN F, KNAPP, DLOOMSBDRQ.rA, MEIICHANTS', ICHANTS'. Of NEWARK. N. J. CLINTON, N. Y. PEOPLES' N. Y. UKAIJINU, PA. These old C0HTORATI0N3 arc well seasonod by ago and fikk tzstkd and havo never yet had a loss settled by any court ot law. Their assets are all Invested In solid becuiuties aro liable to tho hazard ot fihb only. Losses ruoiiiTLV ana novEsn.v adjusted ana aid as soon ns determined by Ciikistian r. :kvi; sfecul Auent and Aujcsikk Uloomsbcru, 'A. Thoneopleof Columbia county should natron- zo tho agency whero losses If nny aro settled and laid by ono ot their own citizens. imuii'iabssa, &iuri i, train uuAid.Mi. DO YOU KNOW THAT LOEILLARD'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO, With Red Tin Tag. Is tho best ? Is the nurest : Is never adulterated with glucose, barytes, molasses, or any deleterious Ingredients, as is tho cuso with many other tobaccos. LOUILLAltU'S ROSE LEAF FINE CUT TOI1ACCO is nl-o mado ot the finest stock, and for aromatic cuewing nuaniy is seconu io nor.e. LOltlLLAlVH NAVY CLIPPINGS. tako llrst rank as a wild durable smoking tobacco wnercver introduced. LOHRILLAU'S FAMOUS SNUFFS. havo been uaed for over 181 years, nnd arc s ld to a larger extent man nuy uiucrs. Sept 13. 1 w r COLEMAN "Jd. :or,I.i:i;K, "ti-iinrlc, N. J.-10) students Irom 'ennsylvanla In 18 Moro nosltlons for eraduatcs than all other hchoois combined. Llfo Scholarship. f40. Wilto for circulars. COLEMAN & PALMS, rep rs. sept is-i w r GAS FITTING & STEAM HEATING, DEALER IN STOVES & TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof ing and Spouting promptly attended to. t"Mrtct attention tnven to boating by steam. Corner of Main & East Sts., Bloomsburg, Pa. Plumber and gas ntter. near of Schuyler's hard- wmu biuru. Bloomsburg, Pn. All kinds of flttinffs for stoam. cos and water pipes constantly on hand. Itootlncrand snouting attended to at short no. llco. Tlnwaro of every description mado to ordor. Orders left at Hohuvlcr& Co's.. hardwaio stora win uu promptly nucu. . Sneclal attention cclven to he.itliiL' bv steam and not water. yo-iy M, C, SLOAN & BR0 ULOOMS1JUKG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUDGIES, PHAETONS SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS. &.C. First-class work always on hand. llErMRIXa NEA TL YDONE, Price reduced to luit the timet. Catarrh Hay Fovor, wtim I havo been n great sunercrimni nay re vur for ilfteen ears. 1 read of lbu many uriiiiilniiia ni, u ft t Nr&nl I'-'y's Cream llalm and .UJthou''ht I would try onco more. In ilfteen minutes after one up tillcatlon I was wou- erfully helned. Two weeks ago l comtnonc- ia uslmr It and now feel entirely cured. It is mo greatest uiaeov. ery over known. Du hnmcl Clark, Farmer, Leu .Ma&s. HAY-EELVER Ely's Cream llalm Is mrmM rtinirnnsl.4 of this disease and can bode. a reincur lounueti on a peudedupoiu I'reaiii llalm causoi no pain, lilvtu relief at onco. Cleanses tho h?ad, Causosheallhy woretlotu. Abates inflammation. Prevents Irewk colds, Heals tho sores, Kestores tho senses of taste and smell A thorough treatment will cure. Notuhuuldor snult. Applied Into tho nostrils. W cts. at druggists 1 00 els. by luulL Sauiplu but. tlBbymalllu-cta . , . JSLY iiuuiiiKHH, uruggisu,"",Wi f, BvpllMw 4 ft WW ihtcuBreCOVWl wmrvv g,sA. SPEER'S PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Also UNFEIIMIINTKI) OltAl'K JUICE. Used In tho prtnMpal Churches for Communion. Excellent tor Females, Weakly Persons nnd tho aged. Specr's Port Grape Wine I FOUR YEARS OLD. nUIIS CEI.EIIItATKD WINE is tho puro Juico of tho dead rlpo oporto llrape, THlsed In specr's vineyards. Its Invaluable, Tonic and Strongtaonlng Properties nro unsurpassed by nny other Wlno. Heine pro duced under Mr. spoor's own personal supervision, its purity nnd pcnulnencss, nro Ruarnnleed by tho principal Hospitals and Hoards of Health who havo examined It. Tho younceit child may partakoot It, nnd tho weakest Invalid uso It to ndvantace. K Is particularly beneficial to tho ned and debilitated, nnd sultcil to tlio various ailments that affect tho weaker sex. It Is In every respect A WINE TO UK RELIED ON. Speer's Unforuionted Qrap9 Juice- Isthojulcuof tlio Oporto Grapes preserved In us natural, fresli, sweet, state as It runs from tho press by fumigation, thereby destroying tho exci ter ot ferinontntlon. it Is perfectly pure, troo from spirits and will keep In nny climate. Spoor's Burgundy. Is n dark rich median Pry Wlno used by tho wealthy classes aa a Tabio or Dinner Wlno, nnd by physlelanslncaseswheroadry wlno Instead of a sweet poit Is desired. Spoor's (Socialite) Olarot. Isheldlnhlshcstlmnllonfor Its richness as a Dry Tablo Wlno especially suited for dinner uso, Spoer's P. J. Shorry. Is a wino of Superior Character and partakes of tlio rich qualities of the grapo from which It Is made. Spoor's P- Ji Brandy. IS A PUItK distillation from tho grape, and stands unrivalled In this Country for medicinal purposes. it uas a peculiar uavor, similar to mat or tno grapes frouiwhlch It Is distilled, Sco that tho signature Of ALI'ItED SPEEll, Pas- sale N. J Is over tho cork of each bottle. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. AND 11? DKUQGI3T8 EVKKY'.VIIBUE. Scp.38-'831jr. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! 1 THE ARTIST AND MERCHANT TAILOR, Who always gives vou the latest styles, and cuts your clothing to fit you. Having had the experience, lor a number ol years in the Tailoring litisi ness, has learned what material will givo his customers the best satisfaction for wear and style and will try to please all who givo him a call. Also on hand Gents' Furnishing Goods OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Always of the latest styles. Call and ex amine his stock before purchasing else where. Corner Main & Market Sts. Blooiiiskit Pa. April 25-ly B. F. 1IAHTMAN KSTKKSKNTS TUB FOLIO WJ NO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North Amcricau ot Philadelphia. rranKiia, Pennsylvania. " " York, ot Pennsylvania. iiauover, ox n. 1. Queens, of Loudon. North British, of London. onicu on JUrketstruot, No, ft, lUoorafburg. ORNffiNTAL IRON FENCES, OF CAST GR WROUGHT IRON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots ami Public Grounds. Tlio following shows tho Picket liothlc, ono of thoHovcrul boatitlfulbtylcsof Kenco manufactured Uy IUU UIl(!'RilllCU, For Ueauty and Durability cd. Set up byoipeileiicud hi they are nnsurnass lands and warranted to givo satisfaction. 1'iiceH nml Hpcuinieiifl of other de signs sent to nny address. Atlilress BLOOMSBURG PA- ' Mr-u for tho working rlnsi. Bend lOeenls for postage, nnd wo will mail youw, n royal vnluiblobox ot samnlo coods that will .nut fow days than you over thought posslblo nt nny business, capital not n'ouired. Wo will Mart yon. Vou can work all the timo or In sparo llmo only, alio workU universally ndaptod to twin flexes, young and old. Vou can easily earn from Wcentsto t5 every evening. Tint nil who want, may test tho business, wo innkothU unparalled offer to all that nro not well satisfied wo 111 send f i to pay for tho trouble of writing ui. Full parti culars, directions, etc., sentfiee. fortunes will bo madoby thoso who givo their wholotlmo to tho woik. (ireat success nbsolutilysuro Dontdelav, Start how. Address snstoN & Co., Portland, Maine. t-fc j.j Vnll In thn WAV of mnk-lntf tnnrn Tnnnov in n ALL KINDS OF .1011 HUNTING ON SHOUT NOTICK AT THIS OFFICE. - AT 1k Gslelntel Sieet, CALL AND SEE THE NEW STYLES AT GMAINf STREErIV EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR 3L001I3BUS3, PA. OPPOSITE COUKT HOUSE. Largo and convenient samnlo rooms. Hath rooms hot and cold water, and all modern conveniences send six cents for postage, and re celvo freo, a costly bo ot goods which will help you to mora money right awav than anvthlnirclsoln this world. All, of cither box, succeed from ilrst hour. Tlio broad road to fortune opens beforo tho workers absolutely sure. At onco address, Tuue fc Co., Au gusta, Matno. Dcc!l-ly AINWRIGIIT & CO., WHOLESALE OJiOCEllS, Philadelphia rUAS.SYUUPB.Con'ISE, suhah, molassls UlCX, STICKS. BICAUB SODA, C. , &C, N. K. Cornor Second and Arch streets. tJforders will receive prompt nttcntln JIt,VY'H Hl'lCCII'IC .MljmCINiC. TRADE MARK Tub OukatKno-TRADC MARK l.ISH KEMEUY. All unfailing euro tor nominal Weak ncss, Kpermator llinja, Iuinotency, ana nil Diseases that follow ns a bcquouco ot Self Abuse ins loss of Meuiorv. Unlver. BEFORE TABIItn.sal Lassitude. En TAKIHD. Pain In tho Hack, Dimness of Vision, 1 romaturo Old Aae, and many other diseases mat led to insa nity or consumption nnd a I'rcinatuio llravo. liKWAiiu of advertisements to refund money, when dniffRlsts from whom tho medicine Is bought do "ot rtuul, but refer you to tho manufactur cis, and tho requirements nro buch that they aro teldom, tfever, compiled with. Keo their writ, ten guarantee. A trlulofono slnglo package of oray's Speelilo w 111 cuuvluco tlio moat bkeptlcul ot us ruai ineriis. nn account ot counterfeits, wo havo adopted tho Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. tsr-pull particulars In our nainnhlct. which wo desire to send freo by mall to uvery one. WTho hpeeino Aicuicinu is boui uy an uniKgisis ut i per package or t) packnes for t3, or will ho sent freo uy mall on tho receipt ot tlio money, by addressing Tin: liiuv .unniui.NK co nutraio, n. y. Hold In lilooinbbnn! by all drusglsts. Nov U-lv THE COMPLETE HOME.A'ffMEi& H book. Now tilitlon. Now Un-lmgi, New ill.iittittoru H froia tiew Jeil'ii. Sa rMy gotten Ujj. Same low nce. Adapted t nil iUshs Sells at tight. Apeut fining bl work. LXCEL1 FNT 1 FKMi, Tho tun4yiimt rojcctui Cftr Imif.t, Apl'ly huw, UlUDLr.Y r.AHftimoN Si CO., 66 North ith St, PMUdcU ohli, 1'. At ottief trin J new bvvk tU UiUet. maraj-iy aM STAFFORD'S Olvts a MORE BRILLIANT SHINE THAN ANY OTHER. IN BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDS. BOLD OY ALL DEALERS. S.STAFFO Now York. Hep 8-4 w suHscniuii von Tllli UOLUMIUAN, $1.60 A YKAH. ATT - Orr & Co. Oicnlls. For the Cclelirntcd C'hiclU'ring, Ivcrs & Pond, ami Vosi'& Son Pianos. World-re uownetl Kstey Organs, Violins, Aeconleons ami Sheet Music. Celulunted White, New High Arm Davis, New Home, Hoynl St. John, nnd Light Running Domestic bowing Machines. Needles, nil nml attnehmcnts for nil makes of Sewing Mnchines. BLOOMSBK PLANING MILL Tho undersigned having put his Planing Jill on Railroad street, In Urst-ciass condition. Is pro pared to do all kinds ot work In his lino. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDSj MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and nono but skilled workmen aro employed. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS furnished on application, plans nnd speclflca tious prepared by an experienced draushisman CI3AUL.I2S K IIUCS, ItlooitiNhiirK, I'a The Scieoceof Life. Only$l BY MAIL POST-PAID. KNOW THYSELF. I M I II II I III li m mm wqm on m Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debil ity, Prematura Dechno In .Man. Krrorsot Youth, and tho untold miseries resulting from Indiscre tion of excesses. A book for every man, young, middle-aged and old. It contains K'3 proscriptions for all acuto aud chronic diseases, each one ot which Is'lnvaluable. so found by t ho Author, whoso experlenco forsi years is Mich as probably never beloro tell to tho lot of any iihyslelan. sua pages, bound In beautltul French muslin, emboased can-re, full gilt, guaranteed to bo a liner work in c ery benso lnecuanlcal, literary and professional than any other nork hold In this country forfi.60, or tlio money will bo refunded In every instance. Price only tl.oo by mall post-paid, llltwratlvo sample 0 cents. Send now, Cold medal awarded tho autlior by tho National Medical Association, to tho officers of w hleh ho lefers. Tho science of Llfo thould bo read by tho young for instruction, and by tho mulcted for letter, it will beneilt all Loniton Lauttt. There H no member of society to whom Tho Science ot Llfo will not bo useful, whether youth, parent, guaidlau, Instructor or cleigjnian. .lr yomiut. Address tho Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr V. II. Parker, No. 4 inunnch street, ilostun, Mass., who may bo consulted on nil diseases requiring bklll and expeilence. chronic, and obstln.uo diseas es and that havo bathed tho I i i.-i I bklll of another physicians a spo I'LljA lj daily, such treated bucces-sful fit I I Vl!ljt 1 ? ly wlthoutau Instance ot LJi. 1 OljJuJjfall ure. .Mention this paper. Scptl'J-lw d Tho most popular resort on tho Susquehanna lUver Is t ho Wnmvallopeu Valley Hotel, Wapwal lopeu, lauerno Co., Pa. SJJI,hpitr. This house has been thoroughly renovated and Is lilted up with ovory eomcnlonces lor trn. velei-B, tourists, hunting and llshlng parties. It Is delightfully situated In tho midst ota beautiful section ot river aud mountain bcenery In eloso proxlin, y to iho famous Council Cup mid epochl Inducements nro orrercd to nil who deslro recieallon combined with lint class ac commodations. Tho bar supplied only with tho choicest wines and liquors, excellent stable no cotaiuodatlouv, boats to hire &o. April 2vom XXT A "TMM?l"l Knergctlc, rellablo-mc A IN 1 llil to bull null Tree, VV (iraoo Vines. Shrubs, ltoses. etu. tijlarv ' aud expenses paid. Pull Instruction given to Inexpoi leuced men can hounloarutho UUSHieSS. AUUItbSJ. I, i.KUJ,.lUU, jiuguiou, pi. x (I iiillo east ot liochuslcr, N. Y.) a week nthomo. 15.00 oulllt fio?, Pay nb isolutely sure, No risk, Oapllal not requlroJ. uejuer.irvou waniuuineas ntwuiea -nor. groat pay all the llmo they work, vvfth ubsoiuto mlulnty, wilte for particulars to 11, IUlmtt vu., l oiuanu, .nuiuc, DCCSl-ly hi i annooa XlA.XLB.OAD TXXVZ23 TAHXiS. Pennsylvania Railrcad. . !X,T Philadelphia & Erio R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. TIME TABLE. In emct Jlav 12th. 1E81. Tinlns lemc sun. bury. EASTWAHD, u. 15 ii. m.. t'ei f-horo KMirets (daily excent Sundu)), lor lluirlsbuig nnd Itdciiucuiatestuiloiis, nirlMngtil Philadelphia U.15 p. In.; Ncwloik, p. m. i lialllmoie, r,.l() p. m. ; Washington li.vop. in., connecting nl riilimlclplila loruli sea Shoiu points. Thiuugh,er coach to Philadelphia. .oop. m. Day cxpiess (dully), for llnrilsburg ntidlliteniietllalobtailonsairlijiigr.t Philadelphia 7.25 p. in. ; New oik, 10.2U li. in. j llaltllnoio 7.!.Up. in. i Uiibhlniitoi), h.i& p. in. Parlor ca thiotigh to Phllailelplii.i and passenger coucho lluoiigh tol'lillnilelplila nml llalllii.oiv. 8,2U p. in. YUUlaiiibpoil AcconiintKlnllnn (dally for ll.irrWiuig and all liileinicdlalc btatlons, aniv lug at Philadelphia 3 5 a. in. ; New York tuuu. in, Sleeping ear iiccoinmodallons can bo becuied at llarilsburgfor I'lillndeliihluiitidNew Yoik. on Sun days nlhiougli Blteplngcur will borun; on this train from Wllil.imfp'l lol'hlladelphla.l'hlladelphla pnssengera can remain lttblccpcrundlsiuibcd until 7 n. in. 2.30 a. m. Krlu Mall (dally except Monday) for lluirlsbuig and lntcimcdt.tiu stations, arrlMug at Philadelphia 7.M) a. in. NowYoik. a. m. ; liallliuoiu T. iu a. in. ; Washhigtou, n.r,o a. in. inrougu I'uiimau sleeping cars niu itiiion this train to I'lilladclphla, llultliuoi-oaud Washing ton, mid thiough passenger coaches to Philadel phia and Uultlmoie. VKSTWAIID. C.lBo. m. Eilo Mall (dally except Sunday), foi Krlonnd all lnt"itnodlute binllons Willi thruugh Pullman Pnl.ieu car and llitough passenger coaches to Krlc, nntl thiough l'lillmnii Pulticc cars to lltillalo via hinpoiluni. On Sundays this train runs to ltcnovo, Willi Pulhiinn Palacocar lo llllamsiiort and passenger coaches to ltcnovo. For Cuuaudnlgua nml Interiiiediutu btatlons, Itochcster, llulIaIoandNl.igaiaPalH, (dally ixcept Sundays) with thiongh Pullman Putacu car and paKsenger coaches to lioeheslcr. 10.15 NcwsUxpiess (duly except Sunday) for I-oik Haven and Intermeillaio Mallons. On bun days this train runs only io Uliainspoil. 1.10 p. m. Niagara i:piess (dally except Sim day) lor Kane and liiternuillato btutions with through MhSi'iurcr coaches to Kane. l'or Cnunn. dalgua and irluclpul Inteimedlnto btatlons, llovliester, Jluiralo and Niagara Falls with thioiiglip.ibscnger coaches to hochester and Piii--lor car lo WiilUns. 6.2B p. m. Past Lino (dally except Sundayjtor lie noionndlnteiniedlatobtatlons, and Llinlru, Wat kins and lutcimidlalo Mallons, with tluougli bengcr coacliea to ltcnovo und watklns. THUOUGll TltAINS FOli SUNliUliY FltOM Till: EAbT AND SOUTH. News Kxpicts leaves Philadelphia 4.!J0 a. rn. ; llarrisburg, s,io a. in. dally, uniting at sunbury 10.15. Niagara Express leavrs Phlladeliihla, 7.10a. in.; Ilalllmoit) r.oOu. m. (dully except Sunday) in living at sutibuiy, l.iu p. in., with tluougli Piulor ear Horn Philadelphia and through passenger coaches Irom I'lilladcl phla and lialllinoie. Fust l.lao leaves New York 8.00 n. in. ; I'lilladcl phla, 11, iu a. in. ; Washington, o. lo u. in. ; l-'nllU inoie, 10.50 n. in., (dully except Sunday) niilvlng n buubuiy, &.2U p. in., Willi tluougli iMsseiii-ei coaches I rom Pniladelphla and liallliuoi u. Kilo -Mull leaves New York H.00 p. in. ; Philadel phia, 11.20 p. in. ; Washington, p. in. ; Haiti moio, 11.2U p. in., (dallj) niilvlugut suubury ti.l u.m., with tluougli l'ulluian Sleeping cms from Phlladelnhla. WashliiL-uin and H.-ili itiuiii, nml tluougli iMSbcnger coaches Irom Philadelphia. Sleeper from Washington lunsdailv oxlcul sun- day. sijNiiuitv, iiA.i,i;TO. ,v vii,Hin,'.ui:i; ItAII.KOAD AND MIItTII AMI M UST llltAM'II It.lll.WAV. (Dally excent Suridnv.l Wllkesbarro Mali leaves suubury ln.son. in., arrlvlugatuiooml'erry 11.27 a. in., Wllkes-bano I2.t5 p. in. Express Host leaves Sunbuiv 5.25 n. in., nrilvlni: at liloom Feny, Wllkes-bano B.on p. ui. sunbury Mall leaves ilkesb.iriol0.3ou, in. ariii Ing at lilnom l'erry 12.01 p. in., sunbury 12.65 p. ra. Ilxpiess West leaves v llkcb-buno 2. 15 p. 111., riving at Dloom i erry 4.15 p. in., m. . ciias. u ruoii, J. II. WOOD, viyn. .naiiugcr. uen, I'assenger Agent P HILADKLPHAand RKADIKO KOA1) AliltANGEMENT 01'' l'AHt.KNGFR TRAINS. MaylO 18S1 TKlHia LSAVB hDrKBT A3 FOLI.OWS(SI.-NI)AT KiChl'TuD. For New York,Plillftdolphla,Itoadln';.I'ottbHll Tamaqua, &c lt,&u a. m. For Catawlisa, 11,51) 1. m..13 and lo.ssp, i For Wllllaci3port,6,3S li.isu. rn.and 4,01! p. n For Lewlsburg nnd sunbury, 4.08 p. ui. TKA1KS FOR 1SUFKHT I KAVa AS fOI.Ui, (IIDXIU, BXOHfTttl).) Leave Now York, via. Tamaqua two u. ia. una via. llouud Urook Itouto 1,45 a. in. Loavo Philadelphia, 0,60 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,65 a. m., Pottsvillo, u.ui n, m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Loavo Catawlssa, 6,si) 11.16 a. m. and 4,uu r. 111. Leave Wllltam8port,,46a.m,4.D6 p. m. and (110 1. m UVMIVUMUKUj -1.11,1'. lli. " U-vv Isburg 4.4H p. in. Passongora to and from Phllalelphla go throuh w ithout ebango of cars. J. E. WOOTTJfN, CO. HANCOCK, onoralMan,.go, (leneral Passenger and Ticket Agent. Jan. 10, i8l tl, QELAWAUE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTEltN ItAlLllOAD. 11I.OO.MSJJUHG DIVISION. NOllTH. STATIONS. . ..Kern nt nn. 1 SOUTH, a.m. u.m. p, p.m. p.m. n.m. U 00 H 54 S 4 H 40 H 31 K 27 1 m 1 25 1 20 1 11 1 0.1 0 16. 0 11) 0 II t) Oil1 8 5'J 8 53 8 IS I 8 4.1 8 Ml 8 05 ....Hellenic.... ..Tnylorville... . Lackawanna,, 6 ui v in 2 5 65 U II 2 r, 111 U 60 2 0 00 II 67 2 U 17 10 01 2 (1 2,1 IU 0-J t! 0 SiH 10 II 2 0 32 10 17 3 li 3') 10 20 .1 II 4') 10 25 If U 41 111 25 3 b 60 10 20 8 li 65 10 ,13 3 7 00 10 37 3 7 05 10 41 3 IO 111 JH M 1 (HI rutston ..West Piitblon. ....Wyoming..., . ..Mnltby liennelt ....Kingston .... ....Kingston .... PI mouth .luno ., .Plymouth..,. ....Avoudjlo. . ....Nanlleoko .. Hunlock's cicek . shlckbhlniiy.. . lllck's leny. ..lleach Haven.. licrvUck.... ..lirlar t'reek.. ..Willow lirovc.. ...I.linn Itldge. .. Kspy ...iiiMinsbunr... K 22 1 55 8 H 12 61 H 12 12 IS S IW 12 41 K (1M 12 41 8 (1.1 12 .111 7 5'J 12 .15 7 51 12 110 7 60 12 2,1 I 11 12 HI 7 SO JS OS 7 18 11 .Ml 7 11 11 60 7 05 11 41 ! b-t 11 Hi U 51 11 31 II 60 11 30 0 42 11 2.1 II till 11 17 0 an 11 12 0 25 11 OS tl 08 III 5 a no 10 47 5 65 HI II 5 10 10 30 p 111. n.m, 8 35 8 HO 8 25 8 21 8 IT' 8 10 7 58 7 17 7 11 7 3i 7 27 7 21 7 111 I 11 7 05 7 K) II 61 r, , li 11 20 8 25 G 10 a.m. 7 21 III III 3 7 17 11 10 3 7 6.1 11 10 4 8 00 11 22 I 8 Oil 11 311 4 8 10 11 30 1 8 11 11 42 1 8 21 11 48 4 K 28 11 63 4 8 31 II 57 4 8 SO 12 02 4 8 5.', 12 20 0 I) 02 U 28 5 tl Otl 12 32 b ,1 en i r,u r, . .. unpen Cutanl'u lirldge . nam 1110.... ....Chul.isky,... .... I'uincron..., Noithuinbeihind n.m. n.m. n W. F. IIALSTIIAl), fiupt. onico, Scrauton, Feb. 1st, 1803. Superintendent's win 1 mi. m JAMEM REILIY, Tonsovinl Artist. u,?i? 'S13,01'1 Btan'1 "mlor KXoiianoi! J il,l5fe,aSSnSaSn tts Uiiual " FIItHT.OLASH nW".0,1- S." fspectfully solicits tho pitronago orhUoldoustoraersand ot tho pumio generally, julyu.'so-tt PEiB0DY HOTEL.' PHILADELPHIA. ,i8!vKb?fiJ',,1U9.f.clR',,l'mt'0no bannio botith of L, ArT.V.01 a.m?i nlle lialt sutiaro from Wiiluut 2l.lJ?n"Vd '"tno very bu,lnebs centre of tho H,,0ti""").AV"!fllL''"1 UUI' i:lOeun plans, (lood nily lurulshed.0 ' l,cr Jlt'"lu,1,!ll,;i1 alia W. Pxiyijc, M. B., oov 30-1 y Owner i: Proprietor. canviiNiors in every county In this Ntlllll til tnl'fimiliir. fi,r Mitrfancv bfock. Afcnilu nil it,'tlruljl i-ilumirnt nt ;OI WAi;iCH. Expcrlenco in tho btisl us not required. Nurscrios widely and favor ably known. For terms address Tho 0. L. Van DuEon Nursory ;Oo (IKXEVA, ', V, Van Duson Nursertos established 1639. Also block at wholesale, ApriH-moow r