The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 12, 1884, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBCRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ODD ITEMS. Uonjamlii Franklin wns ono of llin export swlmmurs of his tiny. Cut breeding is becoming nn Indus try, an tho skins can bo used to lino fllonkR. It is now rendered "iMnn mill urmtinn firm,., In ,( jiioioaca General Longstreot keepH n Oainesvillo, Fin. hold at Senator Shertnnti is one of tho best whist playors in the Senate. A goblet placed over tho head of a now baby in Georgia reached to tho midget's hips. Intemperance among tho negiocs of tho South ia said to bo increasing at an nlarming rate. "When first caught sponges are slimy, ill-flinolling things, looking liko pieces ol raw liver. Winter fashions for ladies aro to bo eminently Kussiau and nothing if not overwhelmingly. Tlio "heathen Chineo" is just pecu liar enough to imagino that ho can mako tho French walk Spanish. Tho uso of well water for drinking purposes in .Now York city has been forbidden by tho health officers. Small bonnets are to prevail. "Thoy aro so easy to trim and so very becom ing to tho majority of ladies." Thcro is n town in Illinois so rigidly temperate that they object to Btorms browing in the neighborhood. Black and while plaid fans aro tho newest, and every othor lady ono sees at Newport seems to possess ouc. Mr. St. John's friend says tio dyes his red moustache because ho doesn't want to possess anything the color of wino. In Japan tho smallest piece of money is called "cash,'" and it takes about 1, 000 of them to mako SI. Four baggagemen who run on a Now England road aro named Loyeland, Lovcring, Lovejoy and Lovely. An observer says most of tho centen arians in America aro from Ireland, though thcro aro many among tho col ored people Ono thousand shingls will cover ono hundred squaro feet of surface, laid four inches to tho weather ; for tho above fivo pounds of nails will bo re quired. Germany makes bricks of refuse and cement. They arc said to be both light and durable, and aro not only used for Homo kinds of building purposes, but as a covering for boilers m preventing tho radiation of heat. Tho late John Cox, who was a black smith at Norwich, Conn., built tho first bicyclo ever used in America, if not, indeed, in the world. It consisted of ono large wheel in front and tho little wheel. Mr. Cox rode tho bioyclo moro than sixty years ago. In Alabama is a China tree ten iect in circumference, Its top was torn away by a storm j but six feet up tho trunk two more trees havo taken root and crown up as high as tho old tree is. Half way up tho trunk of tho ori ginal tree a peach tree stands out. A popular London comedian had'in lior sorvico a short time since a servant whom ho had taken, out of charity, from the workhouso. Ono day sho was very insolent to her mistress, whereupon tho comedian told her that if it occurred again ho should certainly send her back to tho place whence sho camo. "I won't go there," sho replied, "on any account If the worst comes to tho worst, I'll go on tho stage." When an officer is dismissed from tho army ho is said to be cashiered. When a cashier is dismissed from a bank ho is genorally officered. Same thing, only different. Tho latest campaign slander is that Cleveland is fond of peanuts. It docs not necessarily follow, however, that lie goes to circuses. A woman aged 85 years recently as tonished the natives of a seaport town in Rhode Island by appearing at tho breakfast tablo clad in a white Mother Hubbard dress. Shade Trees- The custom of overshadowing tho dwelling with largo shade trees, shut ting out tho sunlight and air, is fast disappearing. It is found that a house thus shaded is not healthy, or pleasant, lint this by no means indicates that shade trees ought not to bo encouraged in the neighborhood of tho dwelling, for fow objects, if any, add moro to tho beauty of a homo than groups of shado trees arranged so as not to cover up and shado the dwelling. Near the houso should bo groups of shrubs and flowers, and outsido of theso should bo tho shade trees ; not arranged in stiff straight rows all of ono variety, and as near as possible of one s'iko, but they should bo set with out ordor, as uaturo set thorn, and a variety of trees should bo intermingled with each other. This relieves tho eve. nnd to every lover of nature looks far j moro beutiful than stiff formalities. t in me selection oi varieties caro should bo taken not to set trees that at tain a large sizu in tho vicinity of tho dwelling, but to select those that never grow moro than thirty or forty feet high. Tho largo trees, liko the elms, Bhould bo set on tho outside of tho Os that havo been set in tho viciu tho dwelling. In making a proper selection, it is always best to oxaraino groups of trees growing on soil similar to tho ono where it is desired to set them j thou a good idea of what is best may bo form ed nnd tho appearance which each trco will mako belter understood. No one can describo tho apppearanco of a tree, so as to bo understood by any porson half as woll as they can understand it by porsoual observation. Lach locality has its peculiarities, and is particularly adapted to tho growth of certain varieties. If it can bo understood what theso peculiarities are, success is moro likely to bo attain ed, especially by those who cannot spend timo to change tho nature of the noil or protect tho trees from tho cold winds of winter. A fow dollars spent for shade trees to set in tho vicinity of tho farm build ings, will iu a fow years change tho nn nearanco ot tho homo so much for the better, that its market value will bb raised ten times as inuoh as tho cost of tho trees. Ma$$achuseU Plough- man Good, hearty laughter is said to bo tho best medicino in tho world. I you nro ill or depressed iu spirits, get Hoiuewhcro whero you can watch a wo man in a tight dress try to jump ovtn a mud puddle. That will laugh you into good hoalth or good nature again. Baffled! ' ONB OF TDK MOST UNACCOUNTAlll.F. AND DANdKIIOUS OF IIF.CKNT DECEITS IIISCOVF,HKI AND l;X posed. Thcro is some mysterious tronblo that Is attacking neatly everyone in tho land with moro or less violence It tocms to steal into tho body liko a thief in the night. Doctors cannot dia gnose it. Scientists aro mizzled by its symptoms. It is, indeed, a modem mystery. Like those severe and vaguo maladies that attack horses and pros trate nearly all tho animals in tho laud, this subtlo trouble seems to men ace mankind. Many of its victims havo pain about tho chest and side?, and sometimes in tho back. They feel dull and sleepy ; tho mouth has a bad taste, especially in tho morning. A strange sticky slime collects about tho teeth. Tho appetite is poor. Thcro is a feeling liko a heavy load upon tho stomach sometimes a faint nil-gone sensation is felt at tho pit of the stom ach, which food does not satisfy. Tho eyes grov sunken, tho hands and feet feel clammy at onu timo nnd hurt In tensely at others. After a whilo a cough sets in, at first dry, but after a fow months it is attended with a grey ish colored expectoration. Tho alllict ed one feels tired nil tho while, and sleep docs not seem to afTord nny rest. Ho becomes nervous, iirilable, and gloomy, and has ovil forebodings. Thcro is a giddiness, a peculiar whirl ing sensation in tho head when rising up suddenly. Tho bowels becomo oostivr, utid then, again, outllnx inten sely ; tho skin is dry and hot at iituo ; tho blood grows thick and stagnant ; and tho whites of tho oyc becomo ting ed with yellow ; tho urino is scanty and highcolored, depositing n sedi ment after standing. Ihorc is frequent ly a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste ; this is often at tended with palpitation of tho heart. Tho vision becomes impaired, with spots beforo tho eyes ; thcro is a feel ing of prostration and great weakness. Most of theso symptoms nro in turn present. It is thought that nearly one third of our population havo this dis order in soma of its varied forms, while medical men havo almost wholly mis tak en its nature. Somo havo treated it for ono complaint j some for another, but nearly all havo failed to reach the seat of tho disorder. Indeed, many physicians aro aillicted with it them selves. The oxperionco of Dr. A. G. Richards, residing at No. 4GS Tremont street, 03ton, is thus described by himself : "I had all those peculiar and pain ful symptoms which 1 havo found af flicting so many of my patients, and which had so often baflled mo. I know all the commonly established remedies would be unavailing for I had tried them often in tho past. I therefore determined to striko out in a new path. To ray intense satisfaction I found that I was improving. The dull, stupid feeling departed and I began to enjoy life once more. My appetite returned. My sleep was refreshing. The color ot my face which had been a sickly yel low gradually assumed the pink tinge of health, in the course of three weeks 1 felt like a now man and know that it was wholly owing to tho won derful efficiency of Warner's Tippeca noe The J5cst, which was all the medi cine I took." Doctors and scientists often exhaust their skill and tho patient dies. They try everything that has boon used by, or is known to, tho profession, and then fail. Kven if they savo tho life it is often aftef great and prolonged agony. Whero all this can bp avoided by precaution and care, how insane a thing it is to endure such suffering 1 With a puro and palatablo preparation within reach, to neglect its uso is sim ply inexcusable. One Oat at a Time- A youngster, whoso upper lip betrays signs ol the coming soupillterer, wants to know what business wiH iay him best. That is a hard question. If ho is looking for tho article that causes tho female equine to get up aud hump herself, and caro not how you obtain it, ho might acquire u considerable quantity by opening a savings bank and suspending at tho proper time ; but if ho has not tho talent to becomo a first-class thief, he had best solcct somo legitimate business and stick to it until lie is either called to join tho an gels, or acquires a competency. It is not always the most talented men who becomo tho successful ones. Tho bril liant men aro too often brilliant fail ures. They can do almost anything, and they do it, whilo men with less talent, but more judgment, fight it out on their chosen Line through storm nnd calm, and bag the game. Tho man who can do ono thing well is in great er domand than the man -who can do almost anything indifferently. Load your artillery carefully and blozo away at the same Thomas cat until you fetch him. Do not cripplo him and let him Rot away while you nro looking for a flock of "felines to fire into. Wo know a man who is an indiffcront workman at three trades, ana has doubled in a dozen different lines of business. He is not worth a dollar, and yet ho is am bitious and possessed of considorablo talont. Ho was iu too big a hun v to get rich. He scattered his shot. Ho wanted to bag a bam full of cats at oucc, and tho nonsequeuco is that bo is out of cats, whilo his moro patient neighbors havo lellues to tfirow at tno. bridge, jjou t scatter your BllOt. in .Japan, whero earthquakes aro very common, a houso has been invent ed which shall not bo cnectcd by tho movement ot tho earth, tho building is of wood with plaster walls and coil intra, supported on iron bales resting in hollow snuccr-liku plates, which meth od of support, it is claimed, prevents momentum iu n horizontal position from being communicated from tho ground to tho house, and thcro is sufii cient friction at tho points of support to destroy tho slight motion that might othorwiso tsiko plnco. It might natu rally Ikj supposed that pooplo who aro always bo'.ug shaken would got used to earthquakes, but l'rof. Morse, who has lived so long in Japan, says that, far from this being tho case, upon going .i .t.L.i. i .,.- c i ; mora one lutiiKs Hiigiuiy oi sucn n vibi union, but-that terror grows withov ory rccurrooce, until lifo becomes mis f rablo from being iu a constant state of lrcntl. Ono of tliewoint weeds In thenowly seeded moadmvs is tho white daisy. It Is especially abundant on fields, whero young clover has been pastured after tho grain -with whtoli it was sown has been out. Cattle will eat tho whilo daisy when mado into hay only when starved to it, so that enough is lost by donreoiatcjd condition of Btock to off. set whatever nutriment it may con taiu. The First Meerschaum Pipe. In 17a:) there lived In I'csth, tho capital of Hungary, Karol Kowales, a shoemaker, whoso ingenullty in cutting and carving on wood, etc., brought him in contact with Count Andrassy, with whom ho becamo a favorite, Tho Count on his return from a mission to turkey, brought with him n piece of whitish clay, which had been presented to him as a curiosity on account of its extraordinary light specific grnvlty. It struck tho shoemaker that, being por ous, it must bo well adapted for pipes, as it would absorb tho nicotine. The oxperlmcnt was tiled and Karol out out a pipe for tho Count and ono for himself. Hut In tho pursuit of his trade he could not keep his hands clean, and many a pieeo of shoemakers wax bo camu attached to tho pipe. Tho clay, howover, instead of assuming u dirty appearance when Karol wiped it off, received, wherever the wax adhered to It, a clear brown polish, instead of the dull white It previously had. At tributing this change iu tho tint to its proper source, ho waxed tho whole sur faeo ami polished tho iiino again, smok ed it, and noticed how admirably and beautifully it colored, also how much more sweetly tho pipo smoked after being waxed. Other noblemen, hear ing of tho wonderful properties of this singular species of clay, imported it in ... !.l 1. 1.. .!.! r .!. ouiistuui.iiiiu qiiuniiucH lor uiu Minim facturcd articles, and the great cost of importation in tlioso days of limited facilities for transportation, rendered its uso exclusively confined to tho richest European noblemen until 1830, when it becamo a more general nrticlo of trade. Tho first meerschaum pipe mado by Karol Kowatcs has been pro Berved in tho museum of I'csth. From the Armagh Guardian. Leprosy ia San Francisco. Tho San Francisco Jiulktin says : There is a leper colony struggling into life among us. It is small now, and, perhaps, scarcely noticeable. Hut it is striking its roots deep into the soil. If not excised it is bound to grow and expand. Leprosy is a disease of com paratively recent importation in tho bandwich Islands. IJut now 2 per cent of tho whole native population uro ntilioted with the horrible disease in various stages of development. Wo have had a notioo that tho white raco need havo no fears on tho subject. But that is wholly false and unreliable as sumption. Thoroaro white lepers now. Former local administrations, fully im pressed with tho gravity of tho matter, toro up ono after tho othor two leper colonies and shipped them off. But now thero sequin to bo a dispositon to settle down and accept leprosy as a feature of San Francisco life. There is a hitch between tho steamship com panies aod the authorities. There are somo detects m tho law. Upon tho merits of tho controversy wo do not propose to pass now. All that wo know is that nothing is being done and that tho lcper(' colony grows. Against any luuner paltering wuu tins great ovil wo protect with all tho energy that can bo thrown into language. Tho small interests that have grown up iu favor of the continuance of tho leper hospital should bo trampled under foot. Theie should bo no cessation of cffoit till the lepers aro gone. Femcle Thumbs. Tho female thumb is said to bo an important index to the female charac ter. Women with long thumbs aro held by phrenologist, physiognomists, etc., to bo more than ordinarily intelli gent what nro called sensiblo women; whilo women with small thumbs are regarded ns romantic. According to certain authors, who profess to have been observers, a woman's hand is moro indicative of a woman's charac ter than her face, as tho latter is to a certain extent, under tho control of temporary emotions, or of the will, whereas tho tormcr is a lact which ex ists for any one who understands it to profit by. Women with squaro hands and small thumbs arc said to make 'ood house-wives and gentlo wives. This sort of women will mako any man happy who is fortunate enough lo win them. Thoy nro not at all romantic, but thoy aro what is better, thoroughly domestic. Women with long thumbs have tempers of their own, and gener ally a loug tongue. There is a hint in this to a lover. Let him, the fiist time ho seizes hold of his mistress' hand, examine, under somo pretext or another, her thumb, .1 .e i. l. i i . i . i wiu ii ii uu large, lei nun iiiuko up ins mind as soon as ho becomes a married man, he will havo to bo very careful. Again if a young man finds that his lady lovo has a largo palm, with one shaped fingers nnd a small thumb, let him .thank his stars for in that case, sho is susceptible to tenderness, easily talked into or out ot anything, nnd readily managed. But if sho is a wo man with a squaro hand, well-proportioned, and only a tolerably develop ed thumb, then sho is either ono of two distinct classes of women a practical feniale who will stand no nonsense, or she is a designing female a woman who cannot bo duped, or a woman who will dupe him. IitATii Customkk. "Seo here, sir. when I was over last week, I bought a silk dress pattern of you at $2 a yard, and you said tho former price wns !jo. Dealer "Yes, you bought it nt our grand bargain sale." "Exactly. Well, my wifo says that stuff has been selling in Philadelphia nguiaiong at 91.011 a yard. "indeed r "Yes sir. What did you mean by saying tho former prico was $5 1" "Hut it wns. ' "When!" "During the war." .las. II. Mercer distinctly states that Aekei's English Remedy has and does euro contracted consumption. Ask for circular. An entirely now medicine, guaranteed. If there is a wooden floor to tho hog pen, no mattter how high it is made, thcro will every year bo u considerable amount of valuable manure find its wav through. Even tho oarth under tho floor, to tho depth of six or eight inches, will mako a good fertilizer. A hogpon floor should bo laid with tho purpose of taking up overv second year, and it will generally need it if mauo ot sou lumber. das. II, Mercer will refund tho prico paid if Acker's Hlood Ulixir dots not 1 , I ! 1 A relieve nny hkmi or uiooti tiisoruer. i now, but thoroughly tested discovery An nYchnnim siuu tlmt thirn enn lin no earthly reason why women should not no allowed 10 uecotnu mcoicai men Tiu II Mi.rnnr dtntna tlmt tmllfri.u U..'?. ...V.WV. MV.t. .....V ..11.,,, tlon preparos every 0110 for disease, but guarantees Acker's Dyspepsia Tnblots to euro an lonus 01 inuneauou. Vital UiicmiIwiim Ml t Ask the moil eminent physician Of anv school, what Is tho best thlncr hi i the world for quldlng and allaying all Ir I ritutlun of the nerves nnd curing nil forms oi nervous complaint?, giving nimirnl, childlike refreshing sleep always t And thoy will tell you unhesitatingly "Smemm of ltopi 1 1 " OIIAI'TKKI. Ask any or all of the moil eminent phy sicians "What In the bent nnd only remedy that enn he relied on to cure all diseases nf the kidneys nnd urinary organs t such ns Hrlglit's dlnciiHu, diabetes, retention or In ability to retain urine, mid all tlio discuses nnd ulliuctils pccullai lo women" "And they will tell you explicitly and emphatically "Machul " Ask the same physicians "What is the most reliable and Bluest euie for all liver discuses or dyspepsia p constipation, indigestion, biliousness, nml. i aria, fever, ague, Ac," and tliny will tell JOU I Mandrake t or Ihnddinn 1 1 1 1" Hence, when than? remedies aro coiiMned Willi others ciiually valuable. Ana compouudod I ut r I toi hitters, such a won derful nnd inybtcrlous curallvo power H dovelip. cd, wtilcli-lsso varied In Us operations that no dlseam or 111 health can jiosslbly exist or nM Us powa, and yet It is IMnnless tor tho most, frail worn in, weakest In. vn Id oi smallest child to uso. CIlAPrillt it. "Patients 'Almost, dead or no.irly dyltu'' Tor years, and given up by physicians of Hrlglit's nnd other khluoy diseases, liver complaints, severe coughs, called consump tion, have been cured. H omen ymc nearly crazy 1 1 1 1 1 From ngony of neuralgia, nervousness, wakefulness, and various diseases peculiar to women. I'coplo drawn out ot Hh.ipo from excruciating panjs of rheumatism, ttiiUmuintory and chronic, or suffering fiom tcrofula, Kryslpelas 1 Halt rheum, blood poLsonlng, dyspepsia, Indiges tion, nnd In fact almost all diseases trill Nature 13 heir to Have iieen cured ty Hop Hitters, proof of which Canbofoundlncwiynlghtiorhood in tho known world. wNono Kcnulno without a bunch of green Hops on tho white label, shiinull the vile, pol bonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops" In their name. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! 2, THE ARTIST (P w a m m AND MERCHANT TAILOR, Who always gives you the latest styles, and cuts your clothing to fit you. Having had tho experience for a number oi years in tho Tailoring Busi ness, has learned what material will givo his customers the best satisfaction for wear and stylo and will try to' please all who givo him a call. Also on hand Gents' furnishing Goods OK M.I. DKSt'Itll'TlONS. HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Ahvnvs of tho latest styles. Call ex amine his stock betore purchasing else where. Storo nsHt door to First National Bank Corner Main & Market Sts. Bloomsburg, Pa. .prlt,S51y B. V. HAKTMAN HBrKESBKTS THS FOLLOWIhO ASlKKlCAN INSUUANCB COMPANIES North Amctlcan ot Philadelphia. rruujvuu, Pennsylvania. " " York, of I'enusylvanta, uuuover, or i. x, Ouccns. of London. hortli Uiltlsh, ot Iindon. OIU00 on .Mirltot Struct, No. 5, Dloomtbiire. STAFFORD'S "tra BLACKING Gives a MORE BRILLIANT SHINE THAN ANY OTHER. IN BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDS. SOLD OY ALL DEALERS. S. S.STAFFORD, Now York. Sep 5-1 T FAY'S CELEBRATE DfJ WATER-PROOF f, ia a km n a prtfu?:iMfH, Uuvuullt Alio UAtiiur: for IUm f, IMtHdu Waili, aud IiikMh Iu liliue uf i IbMit. Yvry i-trouar and ilurKt)! t'aUUvuQ with tttnio. I'lau ami niiii'itw, imci.i:. iuiu '.V. II. I'AV ,V 110., Uiiulildl w d SUUSUllIIlE FOU THE COLUMBIAN, $1.50 A YEAH. Axoyou falling, try Wcuj' Health Re KEwen, a puro, clean, wholesome For Drain. h'trren.PtomMh, Urer, hldneji, Lunaa. Aauuottu&lodluYlfforauL Cum tn neadiicho, Forcr, Ajjup, Chills, DEBILITY & WEAKNESS. Nlcfl to Uix truo merit, unentuled for TORPID LIVER.' nnd .Night Sweats, Nervous Weakness, rnnlorla, LrannoHi, Huxuol Decline. il.00 ikt Cot, 8 for $5.00, at Drurglstt E. 8. Wnu, Jorsty City, N. J 0.1). A. mm Buchu-Palba nemnrkaliloCitroiorCatnrTbof the lUaddcr, Inflammation, Irrltatlonof Kid coya and Madder, Htounor (Inytl DU rasoa of the lVoutato (Hand, lroitcal UwflUnjn, Kemalo Dlscaeca. Iocontln. race of Urine, all DlsAif of tho (leulto Urinary Orgam In cither sex. For Un healthy or Unnatural Discliargra use aUo "Chanln'a Injection Hour," each tl. for hU'llll.lS either contracted or lurmUtarjr taint, uo t'hapln'e Conrtltu. tlon Hitter Hyrup, j-r l.ottln, and Chapln'n Hyi.ullMa dill. 12.00; andCha iilo't Uypnllltio rlalve, 1 1 .10. 0 botUei liyrup, ii of 111!, 1 Uilfo, by Kipivui on receipt nt f 10.H1, or at Urut-gUu. K. t! SVaua. Jerw-y City, N. J.. U. B. A. fiBl SPEKR'S PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Also UNKKIOIUNTKI) (lll.M'U JUICB. I'M'dliithn prlnclpttt'lnirchci for Communion. Excellent for lVuulPs, Weakly Persons and tho nircd. a 0 I M t 03 j 8 I 5 1 peer's Port Grape Wino! FO Uli YEARS OLD. mins cKu;imATi:n wink h tno mim juice of I -tho dead rlpo oporto (mine, raluil In spcor'a vineyards. Ha Invaluable, Toal: and Stronjthoalng Frcportles nre unsurpassed by nny other Wino. Ilelng pro duced under Mr. t-pcer'aown personal supervision, Its purity nnd genuineness, aro guaranteed by the principal Hospitals nnd Hoards of Health who havo examined it. Tho youngest child may partake ot It. nnd tlin wr.lWesf. lnv-Dllil llkn If. t.i n,1vnntfwrn It Is particularly beneilclal to tho aged nnd dobintatod, nnd sultod to tho various ailments that uul'cl mo weaKcr sex. It Is In overy respect A WINETo llEltHI.ICD ON. Spaer's Unformented Grapo Juico- Is tho Juice of tho Oporto drapes preserved lu Its natural, fresh, sweet statons It runs from tho press by fumigation, thereby destroying tho exci ter of fermentation. It is perfectly pure, free fiom spirits nnd will Veep In any climate. Sneer's Burgundy. ... uii. itm iiii.'uiiitii nit iiiu iiseii uy uiu wealthy classes as ti Table or Dinner Wine, mid by physicians Incases where n dry wino Instead ot a Bttcet poitH desired. Speor's (SooialitG) Olaret. Is held In high estimation for Its ilchness as a Dry T.iblo Wino especially suited for dinner use, Spoer's P. J. Sherry. Is n wino of supei lor Character nnd partakes of tlio rich qualities' of the grape from which it is made. Speer's P- Ji Brandy. IS A t'UIti: distillation from tho grape, and stands unrivalled in this Country for medicinal purposes. . It has a peculiar llavor, similar to thnt of tho grapes trointthleh 11 Is distilled, Hoe that tho signature of ALFltliD SPIIKIt, l'as salo N. .1., Is over the cork of each bottle. SOLD BY G. A. KLEIM. and iiv nrtuooisTS hvkkwiigkb. Sep. ss-'SSlyr. CATARRH Hay Fever, I hao been nflllcted for twenty, dur ing the months of Au gust nnd September, with Hay Fvter, and have tried various remedies without re lief. I was Induced to trv i:iv's cream Halm: fl have used 11 with fa- luiuuu ii-.s'mn, turn can eiinlhlentiy recom mend it to all similar ly mulcted. liobert W. Tcnvnley, (ex-May-o-)r.Uabcth, N. J. Apply Into the nos trils. lily's Cream Ilihu Is a ivmedy founded on n H AY-EE VER correct diagnosis of this disease and can be de pended upon, (.'ream tliltn eausi's no pain. (Sles relief at once. Cleanses tho hnd. Causes healthy sectetlonv, Abates IMIammatlon. Prevents fresh colds. Heals tho tores, ltestorcs the senses of tasto nnd smell A thorough treatment will cure. Not .1 liquid or snuff. Appllid Into the nostrils, so els. 111 druggists ; 01) cts. by mail. Hample bot tle by mall 10 cts. ELY IIUOTIIES Druggists, Owego, N. Y. AugWtw OltAY'H UIM'XIl'IC riKlUHCIN'IC. TRADE MARK TlIKUitEiTllNH-THADH MARK LIS!! IIKMElir. AU unfailing euro for seminal W c 11 k ness, sperinutor rhrua, Jninotency, and all Diseases that follow ns a sequence of Self Abuso ! ns loss of Meinnrv. TTnlver. BEFORE Las s I tu do, AFTER TAKING. I'alnln tho Hack, Dlinnesi of Vision, 1'rematuro Old Age, and many other diseases that led to Insa nity or consumption and n ITcmaturo nravo. Uewauk of iidNcrtlsements to refund money, when druggists from whom the medicine Is bought ilo not refund, hut refer you to the manufactur ers, and tho requirements aro such that they are scd.mi, ifnvi; compiled with. See their writ ten guarantee. A trial of one single pack-age of (Iray's t-peclile will conMnco tho most skeptical of Its real merits. on account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; tlio only genuine. t"FuU particulars in our pamphlet, which wo desire to send fieo by mall to every one. SirTho specinc Mcdtclno Is sold by nil druggists at II Eer package or ti packaes for or wilt bo sent f reo y mall on tho receipt otthe money, by nddresslng TUB OKAY MEDICINE CO., Hurrah), N. Y. Sold tu liloomshnrg by all druggists. Nov 9-lv I'OU CANNOT OUT WiJLIi AT HOMK. Pairviow Elsctropatiiic Institute, HINGHAJITON, N. Y. A GOOD PLACE FOK THE SICK. Tho houso Is specially lit ted up for the conifoil nt Invalids whodcslron pleasant and Clnlstlaii homo. Munds on high ground with plenty of shade. 1'ersonal attention given to every patient. lUectrlclty and (lalvanlsm in their different modi tlcatlons 11 speciality, l'rof. Mills h,ugleniuauy sears of study and practice to tins hi audi, and Inindmls will testify to his skill. bend for circular, stating what paper you saw thlsln. 1'ltOF. liraitY MIIJ.8, Mrs. ALICE l'HENCll MILLS, Lock llox iff. Illiighamton, N. V. sept, 7 'M ly. ffl. C. SLOAN & BRO , 15LOOMS15UHG, l'A. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUDGIES, PHAETONS. SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &G. Vlrst-class work always on band. REPAIRING NEA TL YDONE. ,VictK ifiluceiltnsuit the times, E. B. BROWER," GAS FITTING iV STEAM IIBATJNfl. DIIAI.KH IN STOVES & TINWARE. All kinds of work in Sheet Iron, Hoof' ing nml SpotiliiDjr iroinptly iittmuk'tl to. iwtitrlctnttcntloh given to heating by bteam, Cornor of Main & East Sts., ISloomsburjjr, Pa. sunsoiunw now koh THE COLUMUIAN 1.50 A YEAH, for tho working c1.i,a Wud 10 cents for postage, nml wo will mall you , n lojal valuable box of Rnmtila aooAn thnt. will .nut few days tlmi 3 on evert boujrhl nonslulnnt, nny buMmws. capital not required. Wo will ntnit you. ot can work nil tlio time nrln ppam timo only. Tho norkln unltersalty ndaptiil to lioth Rexes, young nnd old. You can eailly earn from Ot) rents to lAou'ry evening. That nil who want may test tho business wn mnkotliH tuipanlled offer j to nil that aro not u ell s.itlslled wo will wnd Jl to pay tor tho tronblo of writing ui Full parti eulam, direct ions, etc., wnt fnv. rortunon w 111 lm made by those whoKlvu t heir who!" t linn totho woifc. (IrcntsuprMi nlMoliitelyisuro Don't delay, mart how. Addre Mrisros K Co., Portland. i'llno. Iecs.1.l A Ma KINDS OK .1011 I'HINTINO OX SHOliT NOTICE AT THIS OKKICE. Vnll 111 tlio wnv nf malflnt morn tnnnnv In n -AT 1-1 f The 8ldbrat8d Srcat, CALL AND SEE THE HEW STYLES AT .CMAIN STREET, HNTEUTA1MNH AM l.NfTlil'4iTI VK FANTIUK. LA 11(1 KM IX'liFASKU L'.Mlii:itH OF MAU.MF1CKNT AMI COHTLV I'ltLMlUllH iilVK-S. 0Idc to tha fH ooii of our former WorJ Cuotcit, which eilrrl 11 y lit, ml the miny rcjutit of periom ho iw our uilr too Itt to compete, conduced to otTrr lite lolbwlm tungnltletnt 1 reMOle tlu ,if ji,i luaklof lul tbd Hit ut worJi from tbe Utttri comprlilnc tho word 1 ' iipir rit vir oa n arm v i lkL Mnlltt Oold Wuti'h..., K'rf 100 PJ. Mujciiinofiit'lea.Sit and Hultcr. 10 trl. lMiiniunil Kar-rlniri ?A 4lh, Lull t 'a HoU Wuteh - K' ft Hi, 0-nt' JHttiiiuitil ttcarf Tin. 5 7 th. rulUttttni3lUl.StlnLlt1eJJwcllrJwcr Ul 100 BoxESy.'iravjir.tei1 premium of $20 Vvr the ntkieit lUt with fcit trru. rroUei th tlt lit half the natuber of wcriJ of the blgheit competitor! CONDITIONS, Pint. All Hiti inut te full; )rrrM tn1 ttccoiupanlcil lj two ornt trniip tit return jM-tline, italeoitDt tht you ire uilnit II.VY'H (tl VI tn our I null r, nttiiq nl Kilresa of grocer from whom you bo It. mtbber of word In Hit, end your nkme e.nd ftlJreii, rll tt be written un one then uf er, crte from Hit. Bi-oond. Word enutt be written thinly, nuoihere-1, ud tihftlntkk11r trriicl, The lilnitrkihteavt oamee, namei of fletloa, Scripture p roper Mine, modern tO(rapl.lrnl nvni. ri-t C'brltUii naiutri, muit be clamlflvd if carnrly. Third, uuly wordi found In Wbur or lorrotr tlJoil.tinry a ImittM, tbl i'A Include any word from the flrtl to tho latt with the tieeption of j rtdxn ud suthiri it Mpuratt- wort &lJ oluclcte wurdf ftordi of nn PiHllInf , but different mranlofe. lo be uod but mat, ourth. Plural nf kit ward iidiii.ttcl eietpt bfograi'hli'al uiiiui, namoi of Ccllon, Pfrlpture j-rofpr ninu', noSero (fCjrphlctl tame, au 1 Chrlmlan naino, but oitrflilie dciiothiR fmHienihe tr fi rterw 1e uoi tmltted. firth. No word Gouolel uuW.t the ltlrr cm rl'im thou are aontaiued in. LK 1AVM HOAl U.NLV.thtl Ii. bv orlbln OTtf2 A'i, 1 R. I It. 1 O a. I I'.SH'i, 1 L 1 N, 1 U.I V. will ht iLrownoul Hdth. All Hit muit be in bj Meieuirr and tin- Premium will ho awarded Iire.ltnb. Sefenth. Prrmluni will ho glvtn In rptmln ftcvonlluf lo the largeit Hit of worla. Hlfhth. 1.11 muit t be f nt In roll, hut put lu nrrlo. Mnth. Wtll or fnl llt liour St Vrk Oirte, ll.r; KtaIo Ft ret, or nut PMln iilpbU Office. Howard StrcM. 1 he IIAV'S NOA1' bvbpffi UrIy aold I7 Whole, ale and Krtall Orpr ihrouf hnut the I'oludatatc fur fiteycara. aod whruTrr Iti mi-Ml are knn it enj imtxiun.lfd pnpuUrllv. NtilwItbattudlrK theie fact we have recelicl m tnj httift'cl letter from i-ermri iu our jrrer onlt'H. eoillnin that thvir mn-cr did not kevp HA V'f nap, ani In many instance rffJ'M Hat It In upplr thlr .uttciiuT with 111 not only atkndlDjt In thHr own lt(bt, but dolrtjt ui ftcat lujuntloo. It i tu bt h"j' l ""d It I 4'o 0 ir dexlro, that nntiteMlant will utt vrexj effort 10 liaru their groctr qply Ihi'ii), hut In tae Ihey will not, wo will, nn reii Ipt nf tl Oit, forward to any purl nf the I'd I ted Ulttea, eait of WIIIji I tt!rr, ( rt- pnpnl 1, lOckr ludu lliir; ihrt-t of our Ileautjtuliy Fh.iuim1 Picture Card. The II V'M MIA I' I Hi purt ! Iut map mad. Itv it ue yon narvua Uolilnn, hoaldliitt.or Ilird Kubhlm lttrl ir. furl, ut ehdhe Uowlllf rMl tM It tin 1)A HO A V doei rot do alt we claim for It If uod a the dl- hvihm are ilrn nu lli wrkiMr Iti-aaltiwllr KiaMte I Plot I) VY A I rrlCK ik. n-. iian. nrf. itwi ftnttjituwnn EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBES, PROPRIETOR BLOOHSBUHG, PA. OM'OSITBCODKT UOUHE. Largo anJ convenient sauiplo rooms, li rooitis hot and cold water, ami all modern coiiM'iili'iiees w AlNWimillT & CO., Il'f ) U1SA l.E GROCERS, I'HII.ADEI.l'IIIA rKAS.svuura.copcEK, anoAit, Mot..-shs KICK, sncits, StCtRU SODl.iC, io. N. K. corner Second and Arcn Btroiits. fOrdorn win rooelu' prompt ntfentln wanted for Tlio I.Ives ot all tlio Prosl dents or tlio U. S. Tlio tawsl, li.tml. .oinest. nest hook put soki tor less i nun bonk In Aiie'ilea. Iinmetuo nrollts to agents. All Inti'llltfentrieoiilo wam II. become a hiitvi'jfiiliigiMi(. Ti'iunfree. II imitt Hook I'd., ivrtl.itid; Miitno IK'f -Jl-iy Tlio innat fiopuHr leuirt ontlio Mi,ini(ii,inii.i lttu'rlstliow.iinviillDiK'u N.illej Hotel, iiiwal lo)ioo, i,upin t'o , I'ii. GJ.IHJffife Thlsliou-ohn ix-en tnaroojfiur ivnovated nnd I Is lilted up with overy eonuMilunces for Ha. I velers. lomlats. Iiuntlii2 nnd tl-lilutr nailles. It H . delightfully situated la the mUUt ofu ln'auilful M'ClInu ot rlier and moiiiitj lu sceiii'iy 111 eIo liroxlmlly tn Iho famous Council Cuji and Hi1ccl.1l Iniluw'iiicnts aro oiTercl 10 all who deslro recuMtlon comhlned wlthllrst class ae ooiiiinodatlons. Tho liar supplied only with tlio choicest wines nnd liquors, excellent stablo ae commiKlatlnns, boats to hlivio. k( p . D N C.lifTaiTTIOfilA TE K A TE. U.JUH E I aid II 5nm CLEVELAND;' AirentuwaiiKd for mil hen. 1 tie edition 01 hHllfo; writ- 1 ten at bis own home, with his enonenitton and nsM. 1 tance, by tho renowned iloodrlch. Largiw. cheaii. est, handsomest, best. Elegantly Illustrated, costs luoio per copy touiauufactuiu than the other lives that uro sold for tw leu Pspilce. outbcllsnll others ten tn nne. ono of our agents mado npioilt of over 5ii the nit day, Ahanest btgold will Ihj rcalliwl by otery woiker. All new liegliuierssuc. ceed giandly. Terms tree, and tliumosi lllieral 1 everotrered. s.c valualilo timo by sendlng83cis. 1 for pottage, etc., 1111 five outllt, which Includes laivo prospectus book. Act quickly udayattho start Ii worth a week ut tho ilnUh. July is bw II. IIAI.I.UTT to., 1-ortUnd, lie, 1 ..t; 1 P3 o Orr i Go. Ojfcralls. O H .ViMMUlAKTi For the Celeliiatcil Clhicketing, Iveis & 1'oml, nml Vosc .t Sim I'lnnos. World. ro now'tii'd Ksley Organs, Violins, Accordcons and Sheet Minor. C I'li'lnntcd While, New High Arm Davis, Kuw Home, lloyiil St. .luliii, nnd Light itimnlng Donu'stic buwlng Macliliies. lii'cdlcs, oil nml nttnclitneiits for nil makes ol Srwlnj; Mitcliines. mm ti a w u w 1 m a SERIES Ht h. Fruit tnnit. Rich, Rlut ct Amber Olete fit tt h, T PMuTcKt oU piece. H or AmUr 1 10th. Hi)ICHtr, I'luticdltHU't'e IO 1 1 Hi. Jfo I'lU h r, il..riift.l Double WkUfJ K 1 Uth. rnl.f Miitnl. rhkve, id1 (I cild I.incJ 7 Worth llUli. l'ruft HlunJ, Itock CtjMl Cut UH-i, 11 re Card l nu? illflt reitdrlturlTin. fclanu Tat-t objd be r UM, IIM. ll iiiw wi Wttaiuoo Phil Pa. BLOOMSBURli PLANING MILL Tlio undersigned liavtue put his Planlnir Mil un uaiiroaa oiroct, in nrsc-ciass conuiuon, lb pro pared to do all kinds ot work In his lino, FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDSj MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. turnlsaea nt reasonable prices. All lumber usod Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen aru euipioyea, ESTIMATES FOK BUILDINGS furnished on application, l'lnnc and spocinca nous iireparea oy an oxponenced uraucmsman (JIIAIILHS llllUli, DlouiiiNbur;;, Ia The Scioucoof Life, Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID KfJOW THYSELF,, i M Mn Work on Md 1 Kxhatutcd Vitality, Neivouaand Physical nobll- uy. rmiiuiuiuiHviino iiijian. Ki ivrs of Yout h. and tlio untold mKutesiesultlng from ludlHcre tlou of excesses. A book for oery man, joung, middle-aged and old. it contains 183 prescriptions litr nil npuli, uml i.l.tvx.l.i ,H.nL.,j . ...... .."'. '" "T.t.-a, vain IIHU 01 which h.lnvnlu ible. So found by tliu Author, w hoso .. ...v.. . J.....M... ..., lui.iiu uj ,iiv.iiinor, wnoso oxpeileniofor8Jicars Hbuchnsiuobably never M,. ... .....ui utiiuu IUU31IU, emuusseu cuu'i-s, full gilt, guaraulci il tu bo 11 liner work In oiery bCiiso ineciianlcal. literary and nrofessinnni , -thanaiiyothernorksoldliithlscouiitry forj3.50, ' or tho mousy wll Ihj refunded In every Instance. Prico only 11.00 bymall post-paid IlluSmilvo 1 miininwuMiji iM-ini iiuw. mini meiiai awarded tho aulhurby tho National Medical Association, to . tho omecrs of which borders. ' , ' Tlio Science ot l.lto should bo icad by tho youn .ct itiaituuuuii, H.m u, iuiiit,ii mr leilfl. ir wlllbenetltnll-Loiduiiim!. " Thcro Is no member ot society to wqiom Tho Science ol l.lfo will not bo useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, Instructor or clcivymati.-ar. (JOiUtUt, ,.AJ.'ll',0.a'i,,l"1 Medical Instituto, or Dr- W. II. Parkor, ho. 4 llulllnch sticet, lioslon. Ma&s.. who may Iw consulted 011 all diseases re'iulrlmr bl.lll and oxiieneiicc. Chroulo uud obstlualo ill)as ex and that havo banicd tho 1 1 11 , 1 skill of another lilijblclan a six) I'l lj j elalty. Such treated suecosMfulf 11 1 1 . 1 11 nit wlthuutaii liistancool LI L L Olllljlfall mo. Mention this pnnci J JL ' 1 I9 Pennsylvania Railroad, t Ilxl! Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. M TIME TABLE. ii tin ct Mar lith. lssi. Trains lenvc sun. buty. i:A!lWAl!l, U.I'iU. ni.. ea Slidru IIMness Mallr eirent, Sunday), for lliirrlsbiu-jr nnd Ititcnnrdlntcr.tnttoiiH, nrrlvlnirnl Philadelphia H.15 1. in.: New Yen k. tlxn p. in. ; lialllinme, B.1U i. in. ; Washington , tl.)i. tn conuiTtinn nt Philadelphia lor nil tea Miory iiuiiiis. niruuu paswuer co.icn 10 Philadelphia, s.ooii. in. Kay express (dally), for Harrlsliuiir and Iiitenncdlatu t lvliiK nt Phlladelphl a ".so p. in. j Jew York, 11. in. j linlilinoro T.!!0); Wnlilnstnn, tu5p. w. Parlor ea liuuun u i-iiutmt'ipuiu uiiu parejiKcr coacnu thiouKli to Phlladelplda nnd Ualtlmore. ti.eo p. in. Wllll.tnitport Accominodntlon (dally for llarrlsbutg and all tntennedlalo stations, nnlv Int'uH'hlladelplil.iaiSn. in. eiv York 0.10 a. in. Sleeping car accommodations can bn sccuit d nt lluriUburirfor Phil idelnhla nnd New York. onHiin. dajs ntliioiiKh sltepfnif car will he run; on this tralnfrom Wlltlamsp't toPhlladclplila.Phlladeilila passengers can leuialn In sleeper undisturbed until'a. m. Erie Mali (dally excert Jtond.iv) for llarrl&bun; and stations, arriving nt Phlladelplda 7.50 n. m. New York, 11, '.M a. in. ; llaltlmoru T.IU n. m. ; 'a.'Jil;gton, H..',ii il in. 'Ihiouuh Pullman sleeping cars aie run on tills train to Philadelphia, Ualllinoro and WashliiL'. ton, and UiumLrli passenger coaches tn Philadel phia and Palthnorc. WISTWAKU. S.isa. in. J.TIc Mall (dally excent (-undav). foi Erie and all liitcrmedlato stations with thiounh l'lilliiinn l'alaeo car and through ii.asnciiL'er coaches to Uric, nnd through I'ullinan IMluee carsto llulTalo via Emporium. On Sundays thlj train iiinsio Jienovo, wuu ruuinnn I'aiacoear lo uiiainspoix and pas-enirer coacucs in Jicnovo, For Canaiidalgua nnd Intermedlato itntlmis, Itocheslcr. lluSafoand.Nlairara Kalis, (daily excent. sundajs) with tlnougli Pullman Palace caruiid passenger cojeucs 10 lioeni'sier. 10.15-News llxpiess (dally except Sunday) for Ixick llaenond Intermediate stations. Un sun days this tialii runs uuly to llllainsport. 1.10 p. ui. Nlngaia Hxprcss (dally except Sun day) lor Knuo and liitermedlate stations Willi through passenger coaches lo Kane, lor L'anan. dalgua and pilnclpal Intermediate Millions, ltocnchicr, iiuuiuo unci ."Migair-, runs imiii through pdHM'ngcr coaches to liochesler and Par- lorcario aiKius. 5.23 1). in. Past I.tne (dally.excent Sundayifor lle- novo and interim dl.itestntlons, and Ulinlra, Wat- benger coaches to lienovo and Watklns. THIIOL'OII THAI.NS Poll SUNDUllY. FKOM Till: EAST ANI) SOUTH. News i:xpic?s leacs Phll.'Hlelphl.i 4.St) a.m.'; llaiilsburg, S.ina. m. dally, anllng at Miulimy 10.15. Niagara Kxpiess leais Phlladelnhla. 7.10 a. in. : llaltlmoru 7.SU a. in. (dally except Sunday) nnlMng at Minbury, 1.10 p. in., wuu iiiioiign I'unor ear iiom rnii.iueipiua and through passenger coaches ficiu Phlladel )ihla and lialtlmoie. Past 1.H.0 New Y'ork K.O0 a. m. ; Phll.idel. phla.ll.lOa. lu. j W asliliistou, U 4U u. la. ; kalll uioit', 10.51 a. in., (d.illj e.ect suiulaj) aiming n fiunuui, iv.u )i. ui,, iiu iiiiuiiuu ii.i&i.'iii;m eoaehcn Horn Phllaitelphla and liahln.oic. i-.rie .Mini ie,ies. -ew iorKr.mi)i. ui. ; ruiiauei. phla, ll..'0p. in. ; Washington, nun li. m. ; Ii.illl mule, i. in., (dallj) airlvlngat Minbury 5.1 a.m., witn ihiougli Pullman sleeping cms frum Philadelphia, Wellington mid liallhnuio and thiuuirli nahseiiirer coaches from I'Lllr.dcinhla. Slee)iei' fiom Uahlngtou nins dally except niii- ua,. MiiNiniitv, ii.,i,i;ton wit.KH-iiAitni: ItAll.ltllAII AMI MlltTll AM) I1' IIKANL'II ItAII.'.VAV. (Pally except Sunday.) Wllkesbano Jlall leacs sunlairj 10.::0a. in., airlvlng ut Dloom I'eny 11,87 n in., llkes-bauo Pito p. m. Express East leaves f-unlmry 5.3.", n. in., iirrlvlin: at Ulooml'eiry li.Wp. in.. Wllkcb-lmiro&Oiip. m. buubury Mall lemes V. ilkrsliairulV.Si) n. m. tin tv lhglltlllOOill IVllJ 13.1)1 p. m., Kunbuiy l'.'.W )i. in. llxpic.ui Wcstleaies Wllkiwbarru i.4Z p. In., ar riving at Ulnom Feiiy 1,15 p.m., i. m. CIIAS. I.'. PUOll, .7. It. WOOD, Hen. Manager. lien. I'asM'iiger Agent pjllLAJDELMlAANU KKAD1JSU lU)Al) AHilANUEMENT Op' Ar.lN(Fli THAIN.S. iiay:o iti TKaIKh LKAVK M TKKT H y0tU)'S(HrMIA V Kldltl-TaD, For Now Vork.PhlluacIpUta.Kendliu I'oitsMil Taioii'pia, 4.C, 11,5') a. mi ForCatawtsaa.U.tOa. in.S.13 n.ui Ki.'.'.Sp, in For Wllllamsport.u.a' u. a. m. aim p. m For Lowlabuig and Banbury, i o p. m. THllNSfOH BDrKKT LBlVn An n.LU.WJ. (S,KbAV BICEI'TSll.) I.cavo Now York, via. Tuinaqiu a,uo n, m. and via. Hound Brook Uouto 7,45 u. in. Leave Philadelphia, ,50 a. in. L1V3 Reading, 11,60 n, ui I'oimvllle, ia ii p. h and Tornaqua, 1,B3 p. u. Lcuvo Catawlssa, 6,;w u.15 a. m. act 4,ihi p. in Leave Wllll8msport,9,45a.ui,i.05p.u.. ui.i. , m U'avo sunbury p. in, " Lewlsburg in. Pas-wngers to and from Phliai. Iphta gothinuli without chiisgo of cars. I. a. MioTTi.N, 0. G, HANCOCK, lM,rslM,mp,u. Ocncral 1'assengcr and Ttcliul Agent., lssi it. "QKI.AWAUK, LACKAWANNA AM) WKSTEIIN ItAlLItOAD. IH.OOMS15U11G DIVISION. NOltT II, STATIONS, ...Scrnnton... ....liellevuo.... ..Taylorvllle... . Lackawanna.. ...l'lttbton.. . .West l'lttbton. ...Wyoming, . . ..Slnllbj ...iipimi'ii south. , p.m. l M 1 S3 1 U 1 l'J 1 03 1 IX) a. m. a.m. 11.111. p, V ID 'J II U (111 s 60 411 t: 5 55 u 15 3 li 01 1) 50 8 (i OU 9 57 8 li 17 10 III 3 li 83 II) (TJ 3 38 1(1 14 3 li 33 1(1 17 3 li 3a IU 80 3 (I HI 10 33 a 0 18 IU 33 3 U Ml 10 311 li 55 10 31 .1 7 W) 10 37 3 7 05 IU 41 3 7 18 10 48 3 7 31 10 tU 3 7 47 11 10 3 7 M 11 Hi I 8 Ml 11 83 I 8 Oli 11 311 I 8 HI 11 3U 1 H II 11 43 I 8 81 11 IS 4 h 8S 11 63 t 8 31 11 67 1 8 3D 13 03 I H 53 13 3D 5 V IU 13 SS 5 U O'l 13 33 ti II 30 13 60 5 X 5 S M 8 4S 8 l 8 V.I 8 33 b as; S 30 8 85 8 31 8 17 8 10 7 5b 7 17 lti 55 K 61 il IS 13 41 13 It 13 3!) 1'.' M5 13 :tu 13 811 13 It) 13 US 11 M 11 51) 11 t'l 11 Wi 11 !U 11 .'HI 11 81 II 17 11 13 II Oti IU M IU 17 lu 11 ....Kingston . . ....Kingston.... Plymouth June ....Plymouth, .. ...Avondale. . ....Nantlcoku., Iluiiloek's t'rccl; ..Slilckshlniiy. ..Illck'a Feiry. ..licach Haven. . llerwlck. .. ..llrlar Creek.. ..Willow drove. ...Umoltldgo,.. Espy ...liloointburg,., llmu.rl 7 II 7 31 7 87 7 8J 7 lu I 11 7 113 7 IK), II 51 II 3; Ii 8!) II 85 U 10 ll.UI. Catawpa lu'idgu . ..iMiiiiue. . . . ..Chtilasky..,. .... Cameron.... Noithumbeiland 10 Ml a.m. 11,111. p.m. p. W 1.1 un .... .Supcilnt"n.lcni's otilce, hcrunlon, CAD, Supl. IV'b. Ut, IKn JA.IF.a ItKIU.Y, 'L'oixHoi'iul Ai'titst. i!.:',,4? ,. "9..-63 uttl tt FIHHT-CLAS8 uiuiKitoiiur, nu rospeotfu y solicits tho MwrX clL1'0Wcu3Wmeraana of the publio PEBODY HOTEL PHILADELPHIA, iiMlv,i!!ll,1i,lCiWl"!t',0110 squaro toutli of HI 'Hllllll nni ?t OI1P Jllllf SfU l 0 trOlll WlllllUl ?uv Viw,nAl,L'i.ovell'ls','t'Kct''roof tint kmiiw r mm so, utti )l ''mopenii plans, (loud Scwiy f wnlbiitd, ' ,,"r ""'' "tlul"'lli,l W. Paywc, M. ID., ""v iiu-1 y owner Ic Proprietor. WaiiPfl ''""vasMrj in rveiy county m this y V ttllliCU Mate to tnkoordera for Nurserv Jrad nml tu ,trMarV,UZt ill i.cmi WAJJl'.H, Experlnncu in tho biisl- mv kit?;.1""?'1; . Kuiw"'r' M'ly nil i'ivo ably known, For teilus uddicss Tha 0. L. Van Ducen Nurcory Co,, (IK.NKVi, X, V, Van Duma Nurseries established I83ti. Also stock at wholesale. Arrll 11310 0 w r