The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 12, 1884, Image 1

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Nnnl WerMeurjr I'rl.lny .-ilorntim, nl
at two not.uns per year. To subscribers nut at
tho county tua terms aro trlctly in T ",an no.
. '"continued otcopt at the option
of tlio publishers, until all arrearages aro pal J. out
lOtiif oon tinned credits will hot bo liven. '
Ail papers nonf out of tho statoorto distant no
oniooj must pa p ild for In advance, unlos a rcsnon.
lino pewon in uoutmbla county assumes to
llwrrlptlori duo on demand. mcS 10 vty
n tl'e r,llftli"ololff-'r""':wd from subscribers
' JO B"j?lUNTINf.
complete, ana our Job lTlntlnif Will romnaro favor,
ably wit i tnatot tholar(tncltles. AlnvorkdonJon
ihort notice, neatly and at moderate prices
ft W)
4 0U
5 01)
It 00
SO 00
CO 00
25 00
onalncl tim
Two inches...... nm
13 l
Three incbes..... Itio
Kour Inches
ounrtcr column., a on
so oo
YmrlrfKlvprtlaemfntn narablenusrterlr. Trn
nlf nt A'trettlvmenu inust tm paid for before Insert
ed oxrept whero parties have account,
Legal ndrcrtlscmcnts two dollars per Inch fo
three Insertions, and at that rato for additional
insertions without rcfei ence to lt'Dgth,
KJtcculor'd. Administrator's, and Auditor's not leel
tlneo dollars. Must bo paid for when nsertcd.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents a ltnc. rcsu-
lar advertisements half rales.
Cards In tho 'Huslness Ulrectory" column, one
dollar a year for each line.
onico oicr 1st. .National l.ank. Btoomnr, Pa.
onico In Knt's llulldlnt;.
III-oomsbuihi, Pa,
onico over 1st National Hank.
joiinm. clank,
ntooMsncna, Pa.
omeo ovor Moyer Uros. Drug Store,
om-so to tlrower'a bulldlntf.second No. 1
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
ornco corner ot Ocntro and Mnln Btrocts. Clark i
Can bo consulted In German.
New Colombian Ucildino, BloomsburK, Pa.
Member ot tho United States Law Association.
Collections mado In any rart ot America or bu
ropo. pAUL E. WIKT,
OlUco In Columbian Bdildino, Itoom No. i, second
omeo lu 1st National Bank bulldlnij, second noor,
first door to tbo left. Corner of Main and Market
3troets Iiloomsburg, Pa.
SSprenstona and Bounties Colleclid.
J if. MAIZE.
Dinco In Maize's building, ovcrlilllincjci'stfioeery,
OIUcu in his liuiimin; opposite Court House,
2nd lloor, Bloomsburg, npr 13 '83
unico In News Item building, Main street.
Member of the American Attorneys Associa
tion. collodions mado In any part of America.
Jackson Building, Rooms 4 anil 5.
Catuwlssa, Pa.
omeo, corner ot Third and Mulnbtreote.
Atlorney-ntLaw, Berwick. Pa.
C'tn bo Consulted in German.
CiTOMcc first door below the post olllce.
CU. BAltKLEf, Attorney-aLLaw
, offlco lu Browor'h bulldluir, and story.llooms
A 5
' B. MoKULVY, M. D.,BurKeon and I'hy
. ulcliin, north sldo Main streot.below Markot
LL. FRITZ, Attorney-at-Law. Office
. in Colcuhun Building,
uwiiij Machines and Machinery ot all kinds re
in red. Omni llousn ltuUdlnfr, IlIoornbDurg, Pa.
R. J. 0. BUTTER,
omeo, North Market streol,
Bloomsbute, Pa
rR. WM. M. REBER, Surgeon and
JLl'hyslclan, onico corner ot Hock and Market
TR. EVANS, M. D.. Burgeon and
, rhyslclan, (Onico and Residence on Third
to bell tho only OFFICIAL tdOBraphlea ot
GLEVBLAKD hehdekks
By ex- (iqv. Dorbbclmer. of N. v., member ot U. H.
t-'oiiKrcsi, and lion. W. U. lleusel, chairman of
Dew. btnlo com. of pa Intlmato friends
II. It Is tho most reliable, interesting aud richly
Illustrated, hence In Immense domamL Agents
uro eolnlnu mouoy. it has tlnu steel portraits,
sells fastebl aud pays best. Uewaro of unreliable,
catchpenny books. Write to
Hubbard Bros.. 723 Chestnut St., Phlla.
Auffs-iw r
VV A XI f PI? 11 n representative ot eoo.1
YV AIM JLVilJ aiUicsato travel through
AT ONU Hi county with Valu able
works for bprclal clashes of business men aud me.
chaulca who uiidcrbUud and need them, etvlnir
their orders at sight ; prottts liberal, easy and
quick ! can refer to gentlemen clearing f to (M) a
week who aro pleased with tho work j only f 10
capital required! write for particulars if you
mean business give age, trade or previous cm.
ploj ment and references. Palllacr, PalllscrS Co.,
Vanderbllt Ave., New York.
Aug 8-tw r
AlVi:ilTlSi:itS I send for our Select list of local
newspapers, (loo. P. Howell Co., lOHpruce
hi., N. V, Aug H-lw r
In IhoNtiWcataloguoof the
YOUNG Business College.
a, u,, iTiueipai,
Treuton, N. J.
L. l wm, 1 1
Uodleal flaporlntendont of tha Sanitarium.
Invalid's Homo.
Bloomsburg, Pa.,
Devotes special n.tontloti to JSpllspsy,
Kcrrous Affections, and Diseases of Women.
Patients received at the Sanitarium m
vcnsoimWo tutma (or liourtl niut treatment,
I'. 8. No charge for first consultation,
ftpr 27. '8.'!
number and ntter. Hear of Schuyler's hard
ware store.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
All kinds oi fittings for stctitu, gas and water
pipes constantly on h ind.
Hoofing and spouting attended to at short no
tice. TInwaro of every description made to order.
Orders loft at Schuyler ft Co'a, hardware store
will bo promptly tilled.
, Siiecial attention given to heating by steam and
hot water.
y 9-iy
lii.ootsiujn(i,Coi.u.MiiiA Countv, Pa.
All styles of work dono in a superior manner, work
warranted as represented. Tbbtii Kxtkact
k wtruooT Pain by tho uso of Clas, and
tree of cnargo whcnartinclalteoth
uro Inserted.
Oiltco In Columbian building, 2nd Hour.
'Jo be open at. all htirt during the. day
Nov. i.y
nOME. 01' N. Y.
Thrsn old conroRATtoNS are well so.tsoned by
ago and nun tested and have never yet had a
less settled by any court of law. Their assets aro
all Invested In secuuiiiks are llablo to tho
hazard ot hub only.
Jfcses rnosirTLY and iiovesti.v adjusted and
paid as soon as determined by cnutsTUN r.
KNArr, si'KCui.AOKMANO Adjuster IILoomssuko,
Thepooploof Columbia county should natron
zo tho agency whero losses It any uio settled and
jald by one of their own citizens.
9000!! Agents wanted?
to sell tho First AUTHENTIC Biographies ot
lly 11. .1. Ramsdell, Esq., Mr. lllalno's Intlmato
frtend and personal choice, and lien I'erley l'oorn,
tor is years an onicer ot the U. S. Congress. S.OOD I
outllts ordered within a week. AKcnts coining
money, is In Immense demand becauso the most
Reliable, interesting and Richly Illustrated; lino
steel portraits: first out, soils fastest. licwareof
unreliable books. Wilte to Hubbard Uros., Pubs.,
Philadelphia, Pa. T-8 4wr
send six cents for postage, and ro-
r. r n .... n, ....nrlj .v,trll
.will help sou to moio money right
away inananyi rung cise in unsworiu.
All, ot cither hex, .succeed Horn llrst hour. Tho
bro.idroad tofortuno opens before tho workers
absolutely suie. At once address, Tuce (c Co., Au
gustu, Jlalno. Deosi-ly
lSSillLSMPtt W.
Opens September 8, Closes September 20.
On tho new, convenient aDd permanent giounds,
41,000 In Premiums for
Manufactures, .Machinery, Implements, Pioduce,
Live Stock, etc,
Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society
ltli the co-operation ot the
In a grand display of fruits and flowers.
Producing, Spinning and Heeling Silk.
Philadelphia Kennel Club,
Bench Show of Dogs,
Incubators and Domestio Fowls.
Premium Lists on application to
JAMES MILES, President.
). V. Seller, Elbridgo McConkey, Secretaries,
N. V. Cor. 10th and Chestnut Sts.
Aug 22-4 w
Head Qauiters for
Iron, Stcel.llorscshoes
Nails and W agon
Makers' and Hlack
smlths' Sunnllcs.
Israel Hlllenbemlcr,
StoroA; Wnreiooms
ISH I'ranklln A o., also
warerooms ill Frank
lin Ao., and 105 Cen
ue street.
may 23 ly
Chauncy v. mack, Lieutenant (Jovornor of
m- (
Pennsylvania. Our book will contain facts to bo
found in no other, besides a completo history of
tho Dcmocraltu party, with all its platforms!
sketches of tho lives of nil tho Presidents; the
women of tho White IIouso; protectlvo tarlltj
rovenuo reform ; electoral voto; home llfo of the
President, and a full llfo of IIKIMIIItlCICH
ours Is tho bcrit, most accurate, cheapest, nnd sells
most largely. Send M cents for outfit at once.
THAYER, MEHHIAM A: CO., BAl Arch St., Phllad'a.
I bock. New eJitfon New binding!. New lllutttatiom
D from now tletlo. Suixrbty iiMlen up. Same low price.
AdapleJ to ill tlin.t. bellt i (iht. Ajeut rtolnc Ug
work, HXCBLLBNTTBHM. Tt lunJiomcit J roiec(ii
ever mued. Ap(ly no.
tiRAULUV.GAKKinsoH Co., 6& North itli St, PhlUdel-
OhU, f . Alko otliei fc'f n4 nw tock aoa lilUct,
mar2S-iy aid
for Infants and Children
"CiutorlalawiwcllodaptodtochlUrenthat I Caitoria curca CoKc, Constipation,
I recommend it ua lupvrior to any preecrinUon I Ho1"' Btonioch, I)larrlwi, Uruotutlun,
known to mo." II. A. Arciieu, M, Klll?tCcrU, 6 "Uj ,"'wu'uU'" dl"
111 Bo. OiXord Bt., Brooklyn, N. Y, WltEout injurious inodleaiun.
An absolute euro for Rliounifttisni. SDrahts. PiIu lu 1
tho Buck, Burus, Oalla, &iu An Instanfauioous I'aln
rellovlnir anl Iloftlluj; Itomody. , . , .
'the time tor cliitiigltiK the
litrttt .Siinitncr Suit lor smne
ItiSntj licavli r In itjiun us, ami
ivc arc, In 0(iiiNciieiicc, malt
liifT "Biand cliuiigu" In our
Nlorc, Wc lire ready for you
with a fine Mock of Tall Clotli
Ing. A. C. YATES & CO.
Lcilgu Huildiiig, Sixth &Clie6tnut Stf.
Cures Rlioumatinm, Lum
bago, LamoEack, Sprains and
Bruises, Asthma, Catarrh,
Coughs, Colds, Sow Throat,
Diphthoria, Bums, Frost
Bites, Tooth. Bar, and BCoad
acho, audallpains nndachos,
Th, tot IntirnAl in 1 itt-rm1 rrme-ly In Ihe
wmKL LverytMiltfctunnteeJ. Eol lty medicine
deAlut cverjwl.rre. Dircitlons In titflil Uncuajtk.
Trieflso ccnu atn! ji.t
fllTI'ALO, N. Y.,U.f A.
"KldnoyAVort la U.o racnt eiu-coeeful TMnedy
Icfcrued." Dr. P. C.Vallou.Motau.Vt.
"Kidnsy-Wcii t la always reliAblc."
117. 72. K. cidrtt, Ca. nero, Vt.
"ICMn.Worthfus curod mrw ifo niter t to raaro
puutrlL.' 2)r, C. II. UiuiuuorlJn, Bon 2X111 Ua.
It hw cured Vt hei") all oMj had Tdlcd It Is mild,
buto2icieut, CCltTAIN IN lTd ACTION', but
Latnikuj In all catca,
frrltcltonr the Wood and wtrennthen nrd
teUoi Nmiv I.lfe to ell t-e important organs of
tho body. The natural faction of t!.o Kldnays la
restored. Tho Liver in cloj-nuod cf alldiacaao,
and tho Iiowcla muva reLly uxid Uoalthfally.
In thti way tho worst diicaaoa aro eradicated
frout tlio cyotoni. a
rmcz, 11 oo uqnn ou Dit fold nr duigcists.
Dry con fco ocnt by nuUt,
WCIXH, HICIIAIIIflX.VCn.iturl!nctoiiVt.
liy vlituo of an order of tbo orplmna' court ci
Columbia county, tlio unacr&lsnca Administra
tors of tho estato ot Isaac Leldy, deceased, win
sell at public sale on tlio premises, ou
Saturday, Sept. 20th, 1884.
at 1 o'clock p. m. tho following described real es
tate, to-wit : All that certain tract of land sit
uate In Hemlock township, CoL Co., ra bounded
and described as follows, to-wit : On tlio Sou Hi by
lands ot 1). II. Wagner, on tho east by lands of
Evan Tliomas, on tho north by lands of Thomas
HIcKcyand .Miles Ohl, and on tho west by lands
ot Tliomas lllckey and lirobtt, contalu-
111 Acres and 84 Perches,
wheieon aro erected a two-btory
bank barn, straw sheds, wagon sheds, corn crlba,
and all necessary outbuildings. There Is a good
sprint; of ncvcr.falllng water at tho door. A good
upploorchatd. reaches, cherries, plumbs, aud a
variety ot other fruits. Deed at tho expense of
tho purchaser. All grain in tho ground and per
sonal property on tlio premises reserved. Posses
sion given Apilll, 18N5.
TKIU1S op sale Ten per cent, of ono tourth
of tuo purchase money shall bo paid at the- strlk
lug down ot tho propetty, one-fourth less tho ten
percent, at tho continuation of salo anil tho re
malulng three-fourths In 6uo year therafter with
Interest from cotlrmation uM.
WJI. 1. LKIDY, 1 A.lmTs.
Vnndersllce, Att'y.
Tnr. UOl. CO. DkCKASEt".
lttei-s testamentary on tho estato of Clinton
Mellck. doceaseil, lato ot Jit. l'loaaant township,
Columbia county I'enua., doooasea have been
CTantCd bv tlin ltiL'Ulir nf anlil mintv Ir, ilw.
dorslgueci executrix. All persons having claims mi, iiuLu ui Mm iirt-fueiii. uro roiuosien
to nreent them nn,i thAun t,nint
ed to tho estate to mako jiaytnent to tho under-
Bijjuuu nuuuui, ueiay. JIAUV JI. Mt;LlUK,
Aug. lftth Ittil
i know a liouso bo fair and fine,
No Haw In It you can detect,
A sliver beauty smooths each, line
Drawn by Its patient architect.
To look upon Its fragllo framo
And noto Its splendor In tho sun,
No bultdir known to human tamo
You say can do what thM hath done.
It has no shingle, roof, or lcam,
It Is not buttressed on tho land
Its airy illagrco and scheme
Hccm products ot a fairy's hand.
How swung aloft, how lightly stayed,
Without a window, board or pane
A dream In dellnlto shapo arrayed,
A castle from tho realms ot Spain I
Though llranest might despair
its lines to mend when once undone,
I sco its owner In tho air
Across tho silver ramparts run.
And when tv break has crept Into
Tlio checkered strund3 that greet the eye,
Has mado tho battlo places new
And not a scar can you descry.
On gcometito cttrvo and coll,
Dew.dlamonded beneath tho sun,
This llttlo builder's wit and toll
Was spent until tho work was done.
O silken houso of gossamer,
Thy woven wonder does not ceaso
And yet tho blood-stained doors deter
Wayfarrcrs fond of llfo and poace.
No revelers In those chambers meet,
No Jocend footsters Jar tho floor
For, they who step within retreat
At once, or leave It nCTcrmoro 1
Joel llenton, in .sf Xlcliotas.
Tliu openititi of tho Grantl Iudus-
trial Exposition had brought mo to tho
city in tho early part of tho spring in
io70. TirC'it irom Jouir standinK anu
walking around : moro tired still by
tho shows and wonderful exhibitions
of tho raiehty progress of civilization
at homo displayed at this exposition, .
turned my steps homeward ono after
noon earlier than usual. I had taken
leavo of my friends, making an en
gagomcnt for a reunion later on in tho
evening, and directed my courso to ono
ot tho quiet quarters ot tho city in
which my hotel was situated. Tho
less ircquent tho bazaars and show-
windows became, so much moro lUBig-
niHoant became thu number of foot
passengers ou the streets. iiut it
seemed to mo a much moro stylish'
looking part of tho city than tho pub'
no unves oi tuo central portion, oo-
cause here tho high, grave-looking
houses were either government oflices
or were inhabited uv city oihoials or
wealthy private citizens.
Jiclore mo walked for some distance
a young and elegantly attired lady. At
a curve of the street I succeeded in
gettinc a llcetinc izlitupso of hor pro
file, and felt mjself thereby urged to
observe carefully even tho knot of
golden blondo and suushiny hair, half
covered bv the dark Encrlish hat, as
well as tho extremely delicate, graceful,
figure of tho still youthful girl.
Suddenly her stop faltered, sue half
turned, lingered for a moment, and
then walked hastily towards me, past
me, and back over the road by which
she had just come. Not far ahead of
us canio sauntering along an omccr,
with a lady on his arm, gayly chatting
and laughing. Could they have fright
ened my Unknown ? A sudden inter
est stirred within mo ; 1 wished to
gain somo insight into her strivngo
conduct, and theiofore mado a hasty
turn, following her and keeping only a
few paces behind.
Then I saw how she pressed tho lit
tle clenched hand passionately to her
heart, and with tears in her violet eyes
and a half-sad, half-scornful expression,
murmured something to herself which
my oxcited imagination fancied to bo :
"O, foolish heart, why aro thou not
quiet ; why mounts tho blood to my
oheek and compels me to turn back lest
t betray myselt f
i be childish ebullition moved mo
unconsciously, and a feeling of ieal-
ousy stole over mo against that ofllcer
whom 1 bad involuntarily thought ot
n connection, with tins vouug girl. If
I had only dared to address her ; but
that I could not bring myself to do.
Sho (-vidcutly belonged to tho first class
of society, and nothing waB further
from my thoughts than a desiro to in
sult or intrude upon her. But fortune
favored me.
A small package which sho had
hitherto carried slipped from hor arm
wiiuout uer Having rcmarKcu it.
Quickly 1 picked it up and gave it
back to its fair owner, with a few po
lite words. Sho looked at mo with a
surprised, somewhat haughty glance,
as 1 remained standing botoro uer
rather longer than was absolutely nec
essary, tier largo, violet, childlike
eyes were still fillod with tears and tlio
delicato faoo was deathly palo.
"I thank you," she said, briefly,
taking tho package from my hand.
Bat, I did not allow myself to bo
dismissed thus quickly.
"Vou aro not well, my dear young
lady,'' said I. "Will you not com
mand my services ?"
Something in my voice, perhaps also
my quiet, respectful manner, scemod to
inspire her with confidence. She look
ed at mo with wondor in her beautiful,
toarful eyes, and said, less curtly than
beloro :
'You aro very kind, sir. I would
liko to have n drosohc."
I bowed : and while sho stood at tho
window of a flower store, I hurried
down tho street and soon found an
empty vehicle, in which I joyfully, and
with a gontlo feeling of oxpectalion of
what would happen next, drovo back
to my littlo Uiikiiowu.
Moauwhilo sho had rog'iined her
self-command ; only her hand yet
trembled as sho in entering tho oar
riago laid it lightly in miiio, and it felt
ico cold through her glove.
"Your residence I1" I asked, Sho
named ono of the elogant streets in tho
NYcst End, and as I called tho address
to tho ooachmau I know how certain I
would bo not to forgot it myself. I
closed tho carriago doors sho then
bowed her lovely head at tho open
window and thanked mo for my sor
vioo but sho spoko confusedly, and in
her embarrassment tier palo checks
oolorcd with a rosy blush, so that, sho
appeared oven much moro charming
than before.
"May I call to-morrow and inqutro
after your health 1" 1 ventured to ask,
but sho eeemod takou by surprise at
tho question and hesitated to answer,
whilo tho blush docpened on her cheek.
"Hi 1" cried tho coachman at this
moment, the horses started off, and as
1 1 stepped again on tho sidewalk tho
vehicle was already rattling away.
As it in a dream l ontoreu my noiei.
I could not refrain from laughing at
myself i this ardor, this interest about
a young lady entirely unknown to mo
moio beautiful, moro dazzling vis
ions than this childish, shy girl had
often during my lifo crossed my path
without having attracted mo particu
larly. I was a riddle to myself ; how
ever, I mndu the firm rcsolvo to flud
out to-morrow somo particulars about
this now street acquaintance.
A tow hours later 1 sat with a num
ber of ploaiant friends in ono of tho
best icstaurauts under tho lindens.
Tho conversation was lively and cheer
ful, and thero were many ladies and
gentlemen continually going in and
In the neighborhood of thu table at
which wo sat and mado ourselves mer
ry was gathored n large party, joyous
and gay liko ours.
Somo young girlish faces before us
having attracted me I involuntarily
lookocf around for my unknown, but
there yes, certainly thero ho was next
to tho littlo blondo coquette, with the
scdiictivo littlo small noso and tho
showy felt hat tho officer of Lutzo-
wer street, tho same betoro whom my
littlo friond had taken flight, for al
though I had no foundation for tho
idea, sinco wo had met many other
men on that street, I could not help
thinking of tho large, showy, hand
some, but utterly blase and insolent
looking lieutenant ot intantry in con
nection with hor.
"Who is that palo oiliccr ?" asked I
ot my friend Jb.ncb.
"Whero t"
I indicated the direction to him.
"Tho ono with tho black beard, next to
tho little blondo lady.
"He?" said Elnch, and laughed
"Why, ho is tho lato betrothed, thu
handsome X'aumwoll. 1 thought you
surolv must know him.
"No, no ; but what is the story
about limit 1 inquired.
"Well, nothing moro than that yon
der blonde has, with some troublo it
must be admitted, captured him for
life, after he had caused nearly ninety-
nine others to dream ot tho happy tato
For myself I never could havo attained
such an elegiac calm, after breaking
ou a love atlair. liut ho has been un
fortunate. Young ladies with aud
without pedigree, with aud without
monoy-bags, bow down to him, after
ho has dovoted himself to them for
half an hour, entirely conquered by his
irresistible fascinations. Aud it is just
tho same with the old ones. Many, to
bo sure, allege, indeed, that behind
that titanic brow there is nothing but a
cornfield, and that a thrcshed-out one.
Willie Jincli had been speaking my
eyes had wandered away from l'aum
wolf. fits palo lace, framed in by
curling black beard and hair, reminded
mo, in tact, ol the Sens ot Utricoa
To mo it was in the highest degree re
"Endugh tears havo recently been
llowing from beautitul eyes sinco his
betrothal with b raulotn .loscpha Maier
has appeared in the Gazette.
"Maior I involuntarily askod.
"Yes, yes," laughed Erich, "simply
JUaier with 'a d,' but passably pretty
and immensely rich, of course. And
since Fraulein Josepha does not look
Jewish, i'aumwolt can euduio that his
fathor-in-law m una should havo for
merly beon a cloth merchant in Frank
The coversation having once turned
on the handsome Paumwolf, it did not
soon leavo the subject. On tho other
side of our table tho people wore whis
poring about him, and ono said :
"It is quito incomprehensible to mo
that he did not rather tako tho little
Gerdshof, whom he so recently courted.
The girl is of altogether different stock
from tho Maiers, ami sho seems to be
head over ears in lovo with turn.
"Yes, but tho money the money !'
cried another.
"Well, at all evonts, this one is a
blonde, too, and a very rudo one, re
marked a third. An idea suddonly
seized mo.
"Where does Fraulein Gerdshof
livo ?" asked I of Erich.
lie looked at mo for a moment with
out spoaking and then laughed aloud
"Well, you certainly aro amusing
this evening with your abrupt ques
tions. Bositles being called Von Gerd
shof ot old Margravito nobility, hei
father is a pensioned general, but
where she lives 1 do not know. iJo
you wish to console hor for tho loss of
l'mnnwolf, old boy 1"
I throw him a glance full of rage,
A young assessor who sat at our table
and scemod to havo hoard our dta
loguo called out to mo : "I can givo
you tlio address, baron liiirpnuzon
stroot, JNo. 3ft.
Ah 1 that was tho very dwelling of
my Unknown. 1 felt all tho blood
rush to my heart s thou thanking him
for tho information, took my hat and
stick, and without turning to reply to
tho jesting remarks of tlioso remaining
at tho table, leit tho placo to saunter,
without aim or object, through the
moonlit streets.
How, after long wandering hither
and thither, I finally found myself be
foro tho much thought of houso Kur-
pnnzen street, I "surely cannot toll
went on tho opposito sido of tho stroot
and looked at tho houso standing bo-
foro mo iu tho clear moonlight. In
the midst of blooming gardens tho
dainty villa rose, with Ub antique,
vino-covered and tunny columned gal
lery in lront, like tho enchanted oas
ties iu story books. And tho littlo
fairy who wandered about therein t
Was she Btill awake, sheltered bohiiid
tlio ono singlo window of tho gable-
end, which was still lighted : grieving,
perhaps, about tho untaithful faum
wolf? With pity, soorn and yes I
will confess it burning jeabitsly in
my heart, I at length ttiruod my steps
homoward to my quiet lodging.
After a rather sleepless and restless
night, and sovoral anxious morning
Hours, i mado my way at tho proper
timo for visiting, to Ivurprinzen street.
Now I was on tho stops. Oh, tho
beating of my heart, tho almost pain
ful oppression that canio over me I My
pulsos had not throbbed so wildly
sinco long years ago, when tho first
volloy ot musketry whistled round my
oars. In tho lonely old family estato
ot uarwaido in tho juark, tho last low
yoars had passed away so quietly and
monotonously ; gravo studies ami
practioal applioatiou of knowledge
gained in earlv and distaut travels had
occupied me so exclusively that tho
enqueue ot tno great world had io
come strange and unknown to mo.
Ami yet it was nut timidity alone
which caused the blood to lly like
lightning through my Veins, which
tnnilu me remark with almost tender
ntcrost the elegant brass plate with
the name engraved ! "Von Gerdshof.''
Now I (Jourago I 1 ho bell is pulled I
I am in for it 1
An old servant dressed lu livery mi-
swerod my ring, and on my asking If
the mister was at homo, took my card
and loll mo with tho conventional "1
will inquire i" but soon returned and
opened for mo the lofty folding door
to tho loft of tho entrance. His assur
ance that the master would bo pleased
to see mo sounded vciy consoling to
Within tho elegantly furnished salon
I found tho ccnerul, an old dignified
gentleman, with erect, military boaring
a martial, but not unfriendly counte
nance, and a long gray board, which,
howover, was carefully shaved from
tho broad chin. After I had express
ed to him my pleasuro at being ablo to
help his daughter in her dilemma, and
ho had thanked mo for tho slight ser
vice ho scemod to bo informed of ev
erything, and to havo expected mo
somewhat wo passed from tho usual
tortus ot politeness to a lively conver
sation that extended over every possi
ble topic. Tho timo passed as if on
wtngs I almost an hour was thus spent
in chatting with tho amiable old gon
tleman, and vet Frauloin Evelino bad
not appeared. But when at parting
the general said ho hoped to see me
often at his house during my stay in
the city, I could not refrain from press
sing bis hand iu deep heartfelt grati
tude. Not long afterwards I received
a delicately written card decidedly a
lady's baud writing iu which Herr
General Von Gerdshoff did himself tho
honor to invite Herr Baron Von T
to dine. I must confess I never had
received an invitation with similar joy.
What was tho excitement and expecta
tion of tho first court ball, as compared
with tho impatient, throbbing of my
heart, with which I, on tho appointed
day, betook myself to tho dinner. A
numerous company had alroady assem
bled ; many of the persons wero known
to me, wero indeed friends, so that I
soon found myself delightfully situa
And tho daughter of tho liouso f
Thero stood Eveline with her friends,
her grateful figure moving with be
witching grace among tho guests ; for
sho was obliged to assisted that aged,
sonwwhnt conventional-looking lady in
doing tlio honors of the houso tho
(jtenerals wito had been dead many
years and I could not help admiring
thu tact and self-possession with which
she, in spito of her youth, so charming
ly filled her position as hostess. Hero
she asked an old gentleman after tho
health of his sick spouse ; thero whis
pered somo pleasant remark to a young
ady about her tastelul toilet, or repell
ed a too gallant cavalier with a scorn-
tut glance or a saucy answer. With
each and all she knew just tho right
lono to tako. alio was surrounded by
all. Every one flocked about her, who,
liko an apparition out of a storo-book,
moved around among those moulded
fashion-plates. Aud yet thoro lay in
hor violet oyes, when sho believed her
self to bo unobserved, a sad expression
winch did not accord with tho conven
tional smilo of the sweet, Binall mouth.
At length tho signal for dinner was
given, ltivclino laid tho tips of her
dainty lingers ou the nrm of a tall
blondo cavalier, a cousin of tho family.
To my great annoyance my por
tion was the Uouutess Soundso, no
longer in tho first bloom of youth. I
must add I had s-ecretly hoped to see
Eveline's angelic head at my side.
With a mien which was certainly not
very atniiiblo I offered tho countess my
arm aud led tier to tho place designat
ed for us. Though otherwise a most
cstimablo lady sho almost drovo me to
despair with her loquacity, aud whilo
sho even before soup inquired about
my recent journey in tho East aud ex
pressed a desiro to hear something
about my hist new work, my glance
strayed impatiently past tho questioner
iu a vain search for Eveline. I bad
not had tho opportunity to exchange
ono word with her. She had only nod
ded to mo from across the room, pleas
antly and coutidingly, as to an old ac
quaintance. Pretty soon I felt a gentlu touch on
my arm, and a voice only too well re
membered asked shyly and at the samo
timo saucily :
"Does mein Herr no longer recog
nize his protego f "
I turned quickly, aud yes, tla-ru In
deed was Eveline, who had been sit
ting next to me for full tivo minutes
without my having observed her. Mv
neighbor, tho Countess, and Eveline's
escort, the cousin in the Guards, vory
soon understood how much they might
oxpect to be entertained by Evelino or
myself during tho four or livo hours
passed at the table. How tho time
sped and what wero tho general topios
of conversation wo novor know. But
I was entirely happy during the whole
timo. Not oncQ did I discover in her
oyes that inelanoholy drooping which
had beforo made mo anxious. Oh, if
I could only succeed in making her
forgot Paumwolf. To this fond, proud
thought I concentrated all ray mind
and efforts. With rapture 1 noticed
how her eyes hung so earnestly on my
lips as I told her of my distant travels,
and of my restles wauderiug about
from ono distant laud to another. And
when 1 spoko of my dear solitary Bar
walde, with its sombre fir trees, and its
rush-grown ponds j of my Immonso li
brary and tho beautiful grand piano
which I often trusted to tho hands of
my observer, just to havo somo accom
pany instrument to my beloved violon
cello, when I said, "surely, Frauline
also plays ou thu piano, and very much
bettor, too, than my observor," a
thoughtful smile spread over her dear,
sweet faco. Sho laved music vory
much, sho ropliod, and it would givo
her pleasuro to accompany mo somo
"I hopa you will do that at Bar
walde,'1 1 cried passionately. Sho drop,
ped her lids ovor her cleer violut oyos
aud a doep blmh spread ovor nor
Eight days afterward Evelino was
my betrothed. V, nat did I caro for
all tho Paumwolfs in the whole
world 1
On one of tho very first days of our
ongageiuout wo mot tho betrothed
pair, Mater and Paumwolf, on thu
"Shall wo turn back, Evi " I BBked,
playfully, though I could not prevent a
slight feeling of anvlety from rising in
my heart. Site beoamo very grnvu for
a moment then nestling clow to my
side, looked up at mc with hor inno
cent, childlike oyes.
"You know I havo left nit that bo
hind me,'' sho said, softly
1 pressed her arm moro closely to
mo. "Oh, Evi, my own sweet Evi 1"
I was so hnppy, so proud, that even
tho bold curiosity with which Lieuten
ant Paumwolf stared at us in passing
could not Irritate mo.
ISvelinu and I have lived, many yo.ira
at our quiet old Barwalde, where the
sun seemed novor to have lison until
Kvelino's blonde head flitted through
tlio houso and grounds. But tho hap
piest hours iu our blissful lifo aro those
in which wo sit confidingly together
after tho cares and duties of thu day
ate over, and tho tones of tho piano
and violoncello mingle their sounds on
tho still evening air.
Country Fairs,
The time is near at hand for tho an
nual country fairs. There is no ques
tion but that these gatherings are of
great benefit to a community, and par
tictilarly the agricultural part of it,
whon they aro properly conducted.
Their succcss depends not alono on tho
societies having them in charge, but
also upon tho members of the commu
nity whero thoy aro held. It is tho
duty of tho society to ariango tho
grounds and buildings for exhibition
as neatly and conveniently as their
funds will permit, to offer as liberal in
ducements as thoy can to exhibitors, to
arrango their premiums according to
tbo value and importance of articles,
aud to mako their awards on a fair and
just basis.
But when thev have dono this, and
all their other duties in the premises,
much remains to be dono to make tlio
fair a success. Tho surrounding com
munity should tako an activo interest
in it both in contributing to the display
and by attendance. It should tako
but a small measure of public spirit to
induco every person living in tho vicin
ity of tho fair grounds to help in somo
way towards making a creditable
showing. Whero a society in its ar
rangements lias not departed from tho
original purposes of an agricultural
fair, tho results upon the community
aro ot tno most beneficial character. Its
moro direct benefits consist iu intro
ducing a natural and healthy compe
tition in a most important industry, in
stimulating tlio people to more careful
and judicious work, in imparting new
ideas and useful information in regard
to matters of tho farm and household.
Many other benefits indirectly arise
irom them, such as the promotion of
social intercourse among a class of
people whose occupations too often
kept them strangers to each other.
Whero a fair is so conducted that
it is worthy of support, each member
of the community should feel an in
dividual responsibility for its success.
Contribute to the display in somo de
partment ; or, if not this year, try to
produce something for the next. Eu
oourage it at least by your attendance
and by a manifestation of interest in
tlio productions of the industry of
others. j. jr. Observer.
Frightened by Edwin Torrest.
Ono of the beat known of American
actors, who is now living in modest re
tiremeut, tho other day told this story
of the stage to a party of friends :
"I began my professional career as a
supernumerary at ono of tho New York
theatres, said he, "and 1 shall uover
forget my first speaking part. Forrest
was playing 'Macbeth,' and I was sup
porting' him by carrying a spear. At
tho last moment the utility man, who
was to announce that Birham Wood
seemed approaching JJunsinane, was
nowhere to bo found. I was very am
bitious, aud had often besought tho
stage manager to let me essay a speak
ing pait. Tho golden opportunity had
come. I was selected to ho on in tho
utility man's place. A few moments
sufficed to make mo perfect iu the one
line I had to speak. When I hoard
my cue I inarched on tho stago and
boldly announced Mr.- Forrest : 'As I
6tood looking toward Biruain, anon mo
thought tbo wood begau to move.
Quick as a Hash Forrest had seized mo
by tlio throat and roared out in his
most teniblo voice : 'Liar and slave 1'
Being taken wholly unawares, I really
thought my last hour had como and
that Macbeth was iroini' to kill me,
juy lace was blanched with tear, mv
knees knocked together and t had just
strength enough to articulate : 'i'or
givo me Mr. Forrest, I didn't mean to
toll a lie, and I only said what the
stage manager told me. Like tuo dif
ficult passages iu novels, tho shout
that went up from tho audience may bo
bettor imagined than described. The
situation was too much for oven For
rest himself, aud for once even old
Metaiuora's stern features relaxed."
Allen PinkerWs Joke.
The lato Allan Piiikertnn had a com
pany of gentlemen at his country soat
near Chicago, ono cold winter day a
few years ago. For an hour he took
him about his placo, showing them
tins, Hint ami uio oinor, and whou at
length thoy arrived at the house, thoy
wero thoroughly chilled.
"Now, gentlemen," ho said : "I want
you to try somo of this old Scotch
whiskoy," and his guests partook quite
freely of his hospitality. Then ho in-
viioo mum into tno iibiary, whero
them was a laruro stove, of tho tvno
known as the gas burner, apparently
glowingly hot, and tho parly seated
themselves about it, holdiug out their
benumbed hands to catch tho warmth.
Hero thoy chatted for a time, when
suddenly Mr. Pinkertoii lemarked :
"It strikes mo that stovodoesu'tBend
out much heat. How do vou feel 1"
Aud oaoh aud ovcryono replied that
ho felt doliuhtfullv warm, too warm, iu
fact, and suggested that the stovo door
bo opened, air. Pinkertoii acted on
tho suggestion, and, to the ustoiiisl
ment ot Ins guests, revealed two
lighted caudles lostiug upon n huge
block of ice, as the only contents,
"ike, gentlemen," said ho i "what a
vivid imagination and a littlo Scotch
whiskey will do."
uow to lastun snow. bins to win
dows" is the handing in an exohaniio,
Tho best way Is to give tho clerk a freo
puss to thu show.
Death of Secretary Folger.
Secretary Folger died nt his homo in
Geneva, N. Y., at -l.C.1? Thursday after;
noon. It was so sudden that timo was
not offered to summon his children to
his bedside, and neither of them was
thero Tho only persons present woro
Mrs. Hart, of Auburn, his deceased
wifos sister : JJrs. Jvnappand Law, as
sociates of his family physician, Dr. A.
Muith, nnd his colored servant,
mies. Dr. Smith. GaniaiuJ. S. Low-
is had left him only a short timo bo
foro hia death. Dr Henry Foster, of
tho Clifton Springs Sanitarium, who
had been there two or threo times as
consulting physician, arrived on tho tram and was convoyed to tho
Folgor mansion by Dr. Smith, Mrs.
Ernst, of Buffalo, the Secretary's sister,
anived by thu same train, Justus tho
three ciiteied the room tho Secretaiy
breathed his last and all was over. Se
cretary Folgor's two daughters wero in
tuo Adiroudaoks, tho older being m
very feeblo health. His son, Captain
Charles W. Folger, wa? at Alexandria
Va. All had been written to como to
Genova. The telegraph was not ro
soiled to earlier, as so sudden a tcrm'u
nation of tho father's malady was not
The Secretary returned to Geneva
for the last timo on Wednesday even-
ing, tho 2Ulh ultimo. Ho called Ins
family physician next morniog. Tho
doctor gives the following diagnosis of
tho case of his distinguished patient i
Great feebleness of the heart's action :
congestion of tlio middle lobe of tho
right lung and capillary eoiiirostion of
thu bronchial tubes ; torpor of tho
liver j albuminous discharge of urine,
showing disease of tho kidnos's.
Tho doctor was informed that the
Scctetnry had had hemorrhage of the
inuya Lin eu uiuea ui i;ue ueioro ins re
turn home tho first whilo out yacht
ing with friends in Now York, on
which occasion ho discharged about a
pint of blood. Secretary Folger rodo
out daily up to and includiug tho 29th
ult., after which ho kept his room, but
did not wholly abandon office work.
lie continued to answer important lot
tors and telegrams up to Wednesday
and seemed reluctant to givo up. Yet
he was by no means unconscious of his
critical condition aud trusted to his
friend, Captain Lewis, final messages
to his children and other directions of
a confidential nature. Within a few
moments after tlio Secretary expired
telegrams announcing tho sad event
wero dispatuhed to President Arthur
nt .Newport, Assistant Secretary of tho
l reasury toon, frank operrv, his pri
vate secretary ; Hon. Thomas C. Ac
ton, Assistant Treasurer at Now York,
and Judge Audiews, of Syracuse.
Charles J. Folger was a native of
Massachusetts and was born April 10,
1818, having passed his sixtv-Bixth
year at the time of his death. Ho re
moved to Genova, N. l . at the aco of
twelve years nnd was graduated from
the Geneva College with the honors of
his clas in 1830, being then but eigh
teen years oi age. lie at onco began
the study of law in the office of Mark
11. Ssibloy, at Canandaigua. Young
Folger was admitted to the bar in 1839
aud soon achieved prominence in his
profession. Ho was appointed Judgo
ot tho Ontario Coutt of Common Pleas
in 1811, remaining on the bench one
year, lie was also master and exami
ner in (ihjucery until the Chancery
Court was abolished by tho Constitu
tion of 1840. In 8.r)l he was elected
Couuty Judgo of Ontario county, hold
ing that ollico four years. Having po
litical as well as judicial aspiratlonss
he was elected to tho State Senate in
1801 and continued in that body for
eight years. Ho served an chairman
of tho judiciary committee, and was
President pro tern, of tho Senate dur
ing tho last four years of his servico
in that bCKiy, being tho recognized
leader of his party. Ho acted with
the Republican party from its first or
ganization in May, 1870, received tho
party nomination for one of the Assis
tant Judgeships of the Court of Ap
peals. A new Court of Appeals had
been created, consisting of a Chief Jus
tice and six Associates, and by tho
terms of tho Constitution each voter
was restricted to voting for tho Chief
Justice aud four of tho Associates. Tho
Democrats being m tho minority at tho
time elected Chief Justice and four
Associates, Judge holgcr and Andrews
being chosen by tho Bepublicans. Tho
term was fourteen years, but after hav
ing serving ten years ho was elected
Chief Justico in 18S0 for a torm of
fourteen years. He would have retired
however, on full pay after eight years,
as ho would thcn hiivo reached soventy
years, tho constitutional limit of ser
vice on tho bench in Now York State.
On tho accession of Presidont Arthur
ho was mado Secretary of tho Treasu
ry, an ollico which ho filled till tho timo
of his deatli with honest aud pains-tak-ing
fidelity. He was uomiuated for
Governor of tho State of New York iu
1882, but owing to tho factional fights
in tho Republican party at that time
ho was overwhelmingly defeated, his
opponent, G rover Cleveland receiving
a majority of 192,000 votes.
Friends of Socretary Folger say that
his death was undoubtedly tho result
of the worry, humiliation and shamo
that ho felt in consequence of his do
feat for Governor by Grover Cleveland
two years ago. Ho was a person of
great political ambition and he regard
ed the Governorship of Now York as a
stepping stono to tho Presidency.
When he received the nomination his
toy know no bounds. Tho State had
been giving a Republican majority
aud he thought surely that ho would
be elected. Ho lover got that notion
out of his head uilher nud was aston
ished when lirBt his own town and
then the State gave such overwhelming
majorities against him. Ho almost
went insnno at tho time. The position
in tho Cabinet instead of proying a
btmofit ouly helped to mako him moro
discontented and hurt his health. Ho
devoted weary hours to routine woik
antl was harassed. Ho nursed his do
feat and biooded over it, making him
self sick again and again. Finally ho
gave out ugain and went to his homo
in tho central part of Now York State.
His friends say that, liko Horace Greo
ley, ho died of a disordered mind nnd
that his death is littlo short of a polit
ical tragedy. As a Judge, Folger was
a bound, consistent man of integrity.
But whon ho left tho bench for tho po
litical arena hu becamo weak and ines
oluto and soon showed himself unfitted
to bear tho burden of defeat.