The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 05, 1884, Image 4
Green Orops or Manure. Tlmt plowing under jreoit uroi.a Is ono of tlio clicnpest ntulvaalust inothods of manuring land U ndmitted by nil farmers, but tlio dilllcully is tlmt tlioy iirmgino tlioy mnko n nncrifico of n clo ver croi. nimjily to crow nnotlier por Imti9 of less value. If they will niako a careful coirmrtrison of tlio oxponso of material and labor required for manur ing with that from tho barnyard and that from tho grass crop tlio ndvnntngo To properly manuro an aero of land not, ices uinn eignty-two Horao-wagon loads nro required for each Inch thick ness of material placed upon tho land, and in estimating Its vnluo tlicro must bo considered tho coat of tlio manuro itself, tho labor of tho driver and hor ses, and the time expended in going from tho barnyard to tlio field (ot courne, tho greater tho distance tho longer tho time), tho loading of tlio wagon and tho spreading of tho ma nuro after It reaches thn Held. Thoso items of cxpenso nro naturally expected, and nro necessary ; but though tho practlco is common, few fanners aro williiiK to dcrivo tho namo results ox. pectedfrom tho manuro by tho appar ent sacrifico of a grass crop. They content themselves with tlio fact that thoy frequently turn undor a sod, which is equivalent, in their opinion, to green manuring, Plowing under a crop, however, is n different matter from turning over a sod. A sod leaves a mellow, fiuo soil, wnion is always ucfurable, but a crop noconiy carries Willi it all that may bo derived from turning undor tho sod, but lightens the soil, aud adds doublo tho amount of fertilizing matter, as oompared with that carried under with tho sod. Another point to bo observed is mat soa land is never plowed until tho crop has matured that is, borno seed, and taken everything from tho soil required by tho leaves, stems and roots. When green manorial crops aro plowod under, however, tho maturity 01 ma crop is not neoossary, ana lienco mo lanu is not ueprivcU of thoso sulv stances wmcn enter into tho composi tion of tho seeds, and which aro moro exhausting than any other portion of tlio orop. If, however, a crop is do- sirca, mo giass may bo cut as soon as it (lowers, aud tho second crop may be allowed to grow up for manure. Tho consequence will bo that oxponso is saved in hauling, loading nnd material; mit, wnat is more important, tlicro will bo a saving of labor in destroying wceas, wmcu is equally as arduous as transporting ino manuro. tho grass crop eucciuaiiy clears tlio land ot all other intruders. Green manurial crops aro not con fined to crass alone. Even tho weeds may bo utilized, provided thoy aro not auoweu to seed betoro being plowed undor, and by sowing limo over tho land after each plowing thero will bo no acididity of tho soil, while tho rot ting process will bo performed moro speedily and tho bcuofil increased. It may bo inquired in what tnannor tho grass makes tho soil moro fertile by merely restoring, tho elomonta it ro ccives from tho soil. Tho grass, while ucnvmg nourishment iirst oporatcs on the insoluble- mineral substances and returns them to tho sod in an available condition along with other fertilizing material appropriated from tho rains and atmosphere, Green manuring not only iucreasos tho fertility of tho soil, but reduces it to a mechanical condi tion far superior to that effected by im plements ; and it is safe to assert that during the period of growth the shad ing of the soil adds largely to the ad vantages secured by tho land from tho growth of tho manurial crops. The Cultivation of Quinces. Within a few years tho raising of quinces has beoomo moro popular, and wo notico that far moro attention is paid in cultivating them. Formerly it was tho fashion, at least in this section of Pennsylvania, to sot out tho trees, frequently in grass, or nllow grass to grow thickly around them, nnd then let them faro tho best thoy could. Tho result is that, after bearing a fow knot ty specimens for a few years, tho bot tom of tho stem is riddled with tho worm and tho tree gradually dies with it, and ho at onco declares that quinco raising won't do in this section. Tho truth, however is. that quincos can bo grown hero as woll as apples or pears, and with quito as littlo trouble. The treo takes up little room, and can be placed in almost any out of tho way corner, but kept clear of undergrowth and tho ground stirred up occasionally. In fact they should have about tho same treatment as dwarf pears. Tho worm must of courso bo sought for two or thrco times a year, pursued in their runs with a pieco of wire ; or cut out with a strong sharp pointed knife, and tho place well dosed with salt, as well as tho surfaoe of tho ground nearly to tho extent of tho branches. Tho lives of trees, properly cared for, may last from ten to hftccn years ; but our own practiuo has been, Ayhen ono planting of trees should show signs of decay, to set out another, in order that by tho timo tlio first runs out its usefulness, tho other will havo come fully into boaring. Tho quinco treo is an early boarcr, and, when covered with large, smooth geldon specimens, is a beauti ful sight. It is trno tho fruit it not of any considerable valuo, as it can bo used only for preserving in somo fash ion : still, it units (Ynnlv !,, m,,i,.i ,i commands a good paying prico Ger- mantoicn Telegraph, New Things in Watermelons. rr.AVonEi with vanilla akh i.kmon, MADE INTO SALADS AND KATKN WITH IIKANS. There's no fear of a watermelon fam ino tiiis.Beason," said a dealer at Arch street wharf recently, as ho gazed upon a pilo of tho luscious, grcen-ooat-ed fruit. Thoy aio coming in by tho boat-Ioad. Thoy como mostly from Jersey and Maryland just now, Early in tho season thoy como from as far south as Georgia and Florida. Thoy rango in prico from two dollars to fifteen dollars a hundred," " WJioro do tho go mostly 1" "To hotols and houso ; to summer resort hotels in particular, a fow aro bought for private families. Hut thoy cant bo relied upon to mako an ovcry day trade. Tho poor people buy them a good denl on Saturdays for Sunday dinners. Young peoplo buy them for what thoy call watermelon parties. After thoy eat out tho red part thoy enjoy thomsolves by banging tho rinds on ono another's hoads. A good many times thoy mmplemont tho rinds with their fists. Tho boarding house and hotel trado is a pretty steady ono, You sec, twonty cents' worth of melon will niako a bitr show and i?o a m-erit wnv as desert. "Any now varieties this yoar 1" "Well, wo havo tho vanilla mid tho Icmon-ilavorcd watermelon. Thoy aro got by injecting tho vanilla flavor or inserting a bit of lemon into tho stem whilo tho melon is growing. Tho tla- vorts taken up by the pulp and makes a delicious combination. Only epicures know ol this wrinkle and wo Ihercloro havo fcAt of thu doctored speeh's on sale. You can gel a toothscmo disli by plugging n melon, injecting littlo fino ciarci, restoring ino ping ami allowing tho wino (o bo taken up by tlio Irnit, Hut, bownrc, tlio combination is as so- (luctivo as Honinn punch "Any new ways of preparing the melon for tablo t ' "Woll, I'vo been eating melons for forty yenrs nnd I still prefer 'oin plain Somo of my customers, howovcr, like 'em mixed. Ono of my best boarding houso customers has watermelon salad every Sunday in tho season. Shu pro Daren it nho says, lust as sho docs lot- luce outs tho red part of tho melon up into bits aud adds pepper, salt, v in uiiar and oil. It ought to mnko 'em sick, but sho does say her boarders just Unlit for iu- Another family that I know of pour molasses on their melons, A good many pooplo, I bcliove, always mid a squctzo of lemon to thu fruit. A Boston family that deal willi mo aro always particular to havo their melons linn nnd just ripe and don't haggle about prico whenthuv nnd em to suit Thoy havo tho melons cut into littlo strips and eat 'cm with cold baked beans. But, as I said before, for my part 1 Uko 'cm plain.' Potting Plants. Tho limo for potting plants that havo been scl out through tho summer is now at hand. A writer in tho Nc. England Farmer gives somo suggestions on this subject Hint may bo of benefit to our waders. Jle says that in cultivating plants in pots, it is important to manaco m 'suoli manner as to scouro tho full benefit of tho soil contained in tho pot. In or der to do this, it is necessary to put tho young plant in a small pot at liret, Tho roots extend horizontally till they rcucn uw smes oi mo nor, nnu tuou ramify alone tho sides, but do not turn back to permeate tho soil in the centro of tho pot. This is an importat point to bear in mind in managing pot plants In order to havo tho earth in tho pot wen nnod with roots trom centro to circumference, placo in a small pot nrst. when the roots havo hllod tho ontor layer of soil with their fibres. then chango to a pot slightly largor in size, till tho additional spaco around tho ball of earth with cood soil and al low tho roots to fully occupy that space Thus tho plant can bo changed Horn ono pot to another, gradually in creasing tho size, and thus sccuro tho complete occupancy of tho soil bv roots. In regard to this method a writer says : Tho system of potting is ono of the essential parts of green- houso culture, and wherein occurs a great difference between amateur and professional growers. Tho amateur is ant to ovcrpot, that is, to. Bhift his plaut from a small pot into a largo one thinking that the more soil ho furnish es tho greater will bo tho luxuriance of growth. Tho professional usually shifts his plant from ono pot to another but littlo larger, well knowing that tho luxurianco of growth must como not so much from tho quantity of soil fur nished as from tho amount occupied. Tho most superficial observer must havo noticed tho network of roots in contact with tho sides of tho pot, and tho comparative oocunancv of tho in- torior areas, and tho difficulty found in practioe of turning back their roots so as to have a completo soil occupancy. If now theso strata of earth bo added suc cessively to tho circumference of these matted roots, moro soil will bo occupied than if tho sarao amount of earth had been added in ono thick stratum. Plants usually bloom best after the roots havo well filled tho earth and be come a littlo cramped or bound by tho mass oi mem. Men and llules Ban Mad. iN lU'IDKJIIO OF IIYDROPHOHIA ON AN AI.AIIAJIA PLANTATION. Eijfaula, Ala., Aug. 28. The noo- plo in this neighborhood aro in a stato of tremendous excitement over tho wholesale spread of livproiiliobin ou tho plantation of Punch Doughtie. Dr. E. H. Johnson has just returned lrom Mr. Doughtio's plantation, whoro bo had been summoned. Ho found thirtv- two persons suffering with a disenso which ho at onco pronounced hydro phobia in a mild form. All tho suffor crs wero negroes. Thrco of them aro desperately siok, ono being in tho throes of delirium, and so low that tlio Doctor says lie is liable to dio at any IUUIUCIIL Moro than three weeks airo a lioiz bitten by a dog died on Mr. Doughtio's plantation and tho carcass was given to tho negroes to bo converted into soap grease. Instead of utilizing it for this purpose thirty-two negroes on the placo nnd in tho neighborhood ato tlio nesn oi mo hog. Mr. Doughtio savs that on Julv 251h one of his dogs went mad tnd bit a mulo nnd several hogs. On August 13th tlio first hog died, and was eaten by tho negroes. Two moro died on August 18th, ono on August 22nd and ono on August 27th, and all wore oaten except tho last, when tho partakers of tho poisoned flesh becamo sick. Tho mulo exhibited signs of madness on tlio nineteenth day after being bitten. Eloven days after tho first hog was eaten ten of tho negroes wero taken sick. Two days ago another dog was discovered to bo mad, and was killed attcr having bitten a mulo. Another dog on tho lot is now housed, and will bo experimented witli for a euro. Tho dog that bit tho mulo and hogs disap peared, and tho whole neighborhood Is in terror lest ho went among cattlo and hogs throughout tho belt boforo dying. A dozen of tho thirty-two eaters of tho affected hogs are seriously sick, and tlio developments among tho others are awaited with tho greatest Interest Dr. Johnson, an nblo physician, says that it is n terrible oauo nnd that ho fears tho worst. Ho Bays that it would not surprise him if tho greater number of tho thirty-two persons should die. A fow days ago Mr. Doughtio rodo out, at tho request of a field hand, to inspect tho condition of ono of his mules, which was acting strangely. On reaching tho pasture whero a dozen mules were, tho animal Mr. Doughtie was riding neighed, which attracted tho attention of tho othor anlmnls, nnd tho sick ono particularly, which imme diately rushed on tho mulo aud ridor, and soized the saddlo of tlio animal with his teeth. Mr. Doughtio dis mounted and sucooeded in loosoning tho mad mule's hold, but no sooner was this douo than the infuriated beast turned upon his owner, who fled for his life, pursued by tho mulo. There was a desporato raco of a quarter of n mile through undergrowth, and Mr. Doughtio only saved himself by dodg- ing around saplings. A small strotch of clearing intervened between tho woods and tho house, nnd tho terrified man took a Jifo-and-deatli ohanco on making it. Heforo leaving tho woods tho mulo had bitten out n pieco of Mr, Doughtio's coat, aud while mamau- Igg COLUMBIAN AND vring around the tree, tho animal bit himself sav.igoly in soveral places, tearing out a mouthful of flesh each time. 1 ho raco for tho houso was closo one, , and just as Mr. Doughti reached the top of tho fenco tho mulo overtook him on a dead run. but in Mund of reaching his victim slruek his head against n fence post in n wild rush and wns knocked senseless. Tho mulo was afterward killed by Mr. Doughtio. It is now rf porled that tho whol herd of mules is affected. Many of them havo leaped tho fences and will tiouuticss, spread tlio diseaso among other anlmnls in tlio neighborhood. ino community is at a loss how to ar rest the dlsca'o. A Touching Incident, YOUNO (Hill, 8 DI2MKNTI V HOW IT WAS oooasionud somi: ni:w and staut- MKO TIlUTIIS. 1 ho St. Louis express, on the New York Central road was crowded ono evouing recently, when nt one of tho way stations, an elderly gentleman, ao ooinpanled uy a voung ladv. entoiW the cars and finally scoured a seat. As tho conductor appproaohod tho pair, tho young lady aroso and in a pleading voico said : "Please, sir, don't let him carry mo to mo asylum. I am not crazy ; I am a utile itrcu, but not mad. un I no indeed. Won't you pleaso have papa lako mo back nomo i Tho conductor, accustomed though no was 10 an phases ot humanity, look cd wim nHionisnmcnt nt mo pair as did tho other passengers in their vicin ity. A fow words from tho father, however, sufficed, and tho conductor passed on whillo tho young lady turn cd her faco to tho window. The wri tcr chancod to be seated just behind the old gentleman and could not forego tho desire to speak to him. With a sad faco and a trembling voice me lamer said : "My daughter has been attending mo somincry in a distant town and was succeeding remarkably. Her nat ural qualities, together with a great ambition, placed bcr in the front ranks at tho school, but sho studied too close ly, was not careful of her health, and her poor brain has been turned. I am taking her to a privato asylum where wo nopo sue will soon bo better. At tho noxt station tho old man and his daughter left tho cars, but tho inci dent, bo suggestivo of ahaksnearos Opelia, awakened strango thouahts in tho minds of tho writer. It is an ab solute fact that whilo the population of America increased thirty per cent, dur ing tho decado between 1870 nnd 1880 tho insanity increase was over one hundred and thirty Jiua per cent for mo sanio period. Travelers bv rail, bv boat or in carriages in any part of the land seo largo and elaborate buildings, and inquire what thoy are T ".insano asylums7 "Who builds them T Each stato ; overv countv : hundreds of privato individuals, and in all oases uiuir capacity is tasKCU to tlio Utmost Why 7 Hecauso men, in business and the professions, women at homo or in sod cly, and children at school overtax their mntal and nervous forces by work, worry and care. This brines about nervous disorders, indigestion auu eventually mama. it is not always troublo with the head that caused insanity. It far of- toner arises from ovils in other parts oi me body. 1 ho nervous system do tenuities the status of the brain. Anv ono who has periodic, licadaovcs : occa- sional dizziness ; a dimness of vision; a ringing in tho ears a fovcrish head, fre quent nausea or a sinking at tho. pit of mo stomacn, should tako warning at once. J. he stomach and head aro in direct sympathy and if ono bo impair ed tlio other can never bo in order. Acute dyspepsia causes moro insano suicides than any other known agenoy ana ino man, woman or child whoso stomach is deranged is not and cannot bo safe from tho coming on at any moment of mania iu some one of its many terrible forms. 1 ho value of moderation and tho im perative necessity of caio in keeping tho stomach right must therefore bo clear to all. Tho least appearance of ndigestioii, or mal-assimilntion of food should bo watched as carefully as the first approach of an invading army. Many means have been advocated for meeting bucIi attacks, but all havo heretofore been moro or less defective. Thoro can be littlo doubt, however. that for tho puiposo of regulating tho stomach, toning it up to tho proper ac tion, keeping its nerves in a normal condition aud purifvinir tho blood. Warner's Tippecanoe Tho HeBt, excels all ancient or recent discoveries. It is absolutely pure and vcgctablo j it is certain to add vigor to ndults, while it cannot by any possibility injuro bveii a child. Tho fact that it was used in tho days of the famous Ilarrism fami ly is proof positive of its merit as it has bo thoroughly withstood tho test of time. As a tonio nnd rovivifier it is simply wonderful. It has relieved tho agony of the stomach in thousands of cases j soothed tho tired nerves j pro duced peaceful sleep and averted tho coming on of n mania moro to bo dreaded than death itself. Drug clerk to diflidont vouner ladv "Wish to get something t" Young lady, muttering "I really beliovo I'vo forgotten what I camo for. Clerk, who catches tho last woids "Cam phor i how much, ploaeo ?'' Found Tho koy to the tmuk of an elephant. A hair from tho head of a river. A dozen feathers plucked from tlio "wings of tho wind." A drop of blood from tho heart of a stono. Tho diary of tho "man in tho moon." A boot from tho foot of a mountain. Tho owners aro requested to call, prove property, pay expenses, and tako them away. Education begins tho gentleman, but loading, good company and reflection must finish him. "Two's company and three's a crowd" nppllos particularly to a nowly married man, his wifo and his wife's mother. Any man may do a casual act of good nature, hut njcontinuationof them bIiows it is n part of their tempera incut. Ask James II. Mercer about Acker's Blood Elixir, tho only preparation guaranteed to cleanso tho blood and remove all chroulodiscasos. James II. Mercer guarantees posi live relief for any cough, cold, croup, or lung complaint by using Acker's English Kemedy, or will refund tlio raonoy, James II, Mercor wishes it known ihat ho guarantees Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets to be tho best remedy for in. digestion over mane, mey always re lievo headache. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBIJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA? ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES OP OAST CU WltOUUIIT IKON, Suitablo for Yards, Cemetery Lots uiul Public Grounds. tho roiiowmsr shows the neket ootlitc, ono of I ho iRovoral beautiful Btylesot Fenco manufactured UJ 1 1IU UUUetttllf UCU. For Beauty and Durability thoy aro unRurpass via. nvt up UJ upi-nun tOBlona(LHfactlon. andi and warranted Prices and specimens of other signs sent to any address. Address BLOOMSBORG PA- May l-tf CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! AT 1 Ml THE ARTIST s s a? a? ji AND Who always gives vou tho latest styles, and cuts your clothing to fit you. Having had tho cxperionco for a number of years in the Tailoring Busi ness, has learned what material will give his customers tho best satisfaction for wear and style and will trv to please all who givo him a call. Also on hand Gents' Furnishing Goods OP ALL DKSCnil'TIONS. HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Always of the latc3t stvlcs. Call nnd ex. amine his stock before purclmsinir else where. 10 Corner Main & Market StP. BlooNsborc, Pa, ArrUps-ly B. F. IIAKTMAH KEPRES8NT3 THX FOLLOWING AMERICAN IN3UKAN0E COMPANIES North American of l'hlladolphla. Franklin, " " l"enusylvanla, " York, ot I'enmylvanla. llflnrtver. nf N. V. oucens. of London, North llrltlsu, ot London. OBlca ou Al irKct Sir eot. Ho. S, rtlooinDburtr. oct. 24, a.- 5 A a week ath khsolutcly sure U U Header, It yo homo, ts.oooutnt free. i'ay ab- surc. No risk-, capital not required, ltyou want business ntwhtaii ner. (Treat pay all the time t.hev wnrlf. wfrh nhwimn certainty, wrtto tor particulars to 11. hallktt Co., Portland, Jlalne, Decsi-iy SLACKING EXTRA Gives a MUHt HHILLIANT SHINE THAN ANY OTHEH. IN BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDS. OOLD BY ALL DEALERS. S. S. STAFFORD, I New York. mflglffifiiHMflllW!! Sop 5 4 W FAY'S CELEBRATED WATER-PROOF MANILLA ROOFSNO lufjnibloH nuo leather; for !Ucft, OutMdoE Will, aud Inalda In ilaco of ilaotur. Very I rtioux and durable OkUVxuo titli t6Umo- ilium auu ruiipins I'lLKr,. ,HUUI1EUU1 1CA I W. II. FA V & CO., tlam.lon. N..l. w d suissortmu fok THE COLUMBIAN, $1.50 A YEAR. I p -ifwirr miry Aro you frtilinar, try Wellb Health Its- H wnrarn r, nrn-A nlnnn Ji . For IhTiln.VerTfB.PtoinwIi.ijTer.Kllnovii. Lunga. AftUnoquAlwlljiYifforiuit, Curei ' Ileadncho, Vovor, Arruo, Chllla, DEBILITY & WEAKNESS. Nlco to tnku, truo merit, uncmialed for Buchu-Palba Itomrxrlmlilo Cures of Catarrh of the liloddcr, Inflammation, IrrltaUonof Kld neyi and lUaddtr. Mono or Uravtl I)U eaacs of ttm lrostato (Hand, Iiropaloal Bwclllnw, KcmaM Dlaeatca, Incontin ence of Urlno, all lilkCaws of Uw dcnlto Urinary Organs In cither sex, For Un healthy or Unnatural Dltchariro mo also ''Chnpln'a Inol Inn t'lcur." each Jl. For 81TIIII.1S, t-llhor contracted or henxlltary lalnt. uso Chanln's Constltu. viuu j.iiicr Dyrun, ri.MJin-r ioiue. ana I tunpini nynnumo mm, SJ.vo j and Una I prnn oyiuuuuo eaivi, tl.U). u l0Ulcs Bynip, VI of inif, l Halrj, by Kinross on r-cil,t of I I0.U). or ut Drun.-Uta. B. f Wiuj, Jenwty City, NT J., U. a. X. MERCHANT TAILOR, lc MiaJarlH. l'annoF, iTuiual Declfno! 1 31.00 per liJlk, 9 Drumrltta. E, B. Wiiw. Jersey City. N. J.. IOL A. PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Also UNt'EKMliNTKl) OlIAI'K JUIUR. Vsfi In tho principal Churches for L'ommiinlnn. Excellent for Females, Weakly I-crsons find tho Specr's Port Grope Wino! FOUR YJ2ARS OLD. mm3CKLGnATF.UWlNKlatuo puro Julco of i mo ucaur po oporto drape, raised La Hpcer'a Tonic and Strengthening Properties h .Si 1 ?' nnr "lor mne- nelnR pro-iiEJJiS?0'?1'- Nl'oer'sown personal supervision, tfSK'JT!'"1 RMJiilnonrs aro guaranteed by tho principal Hospitals and Hoards of Health wholiavo it n.i ti.v X ouncest cniid may partake of It, and tho weakest lnvn lit nun u. m"(;,llftrl.y Iwncllclnl to tho nireil and SSSHW0"1' an.'1 sultcd w tuo va aliments that it is in ovcry respect A WINK TO 11E HELIKI) ON. Spoor's Unformonted Grapo Juice- IS thO Itllep. ftf llift llnnrln l...,n . Its natural, fresh, Hwcet Btato as U runs i from tho E., b? 'umtotlon, thereby destroy ng tho cicl E f fermentation. It Is perfectly puro. frco .'...wu tifi" "uj SDOor's Burgundy. wealthy classes aa a Table or Dinner Wino, and by Fill Vol PI Dili In rtn ana lulinni a ...a . altrrant V40,'0 U UI W1UO lUSlCaU Ol 11 Spoor's (Sooialito) Olarot. la hOlil In hltfh asHmnMmi frti. Ho iAi.nne,. v muw voiittiuux suhou ior uinntT usCi Speor's P. J. Sborry. Is ft wlnn nf Munnrlnr r.h imMnr nn.i nnwai-na the rich qualities ot tho grapo from which it la Speer's P- J. Braudy. IS A l'Ulll! dUtlllatlnn frnm l,n rn,,n stands unrivalled in this Country for uied'lclual puiTiosos. It has a peculiar flavor, Umilar to that of tho grapes froinwhlch it Is distilled, 8eo that the signature of ALFI1ED SPEEII, Pas- saic r. j., is over tho cork of each bottle SOJUD BY O. A. KLEIM. and ur DnuaoisTs EVsnrviiEitB. Sep. SS-'Sllyr. CatarrI Hay Fever, I havo been aflllcted for twenty years, dur ing tho moid lis of Au gust nnd September, with Hay Fever, and havo trlod various remedies without re lief. 1 was Induced to try Ely's cream Halm ; ha o used It with fa vorablo results, nnd can confidently recom mend It to all similar ly nmicted. ltobert V. Townley, (ox-Mayor) Ellabeth, N. J. Apply Into the nos trils. Ely's Cream Balm Is a remedv founded nn fi HAY-EEVER correct diagnosis of thla diseaso and can bo de- penueu upon, uroam Jiaim causos no pain. Olves relief at once. Cleanses the h-ad. Causes healthv secretions. Abates Inflammation, rrovents fresh colds. Heals tho sores. Hestorcs tho senses of ta&to and smell. A thorough treatment will euro. Not a liquid or snurr. Applied Into tho nostrils, so cts. nt druggists ; CO cts. by raalL Samplo bot tle by mall loots. nu uuoniiii, uruggLsts. owego. N. V. Augsaiw 1 ' CJIt.VV'H SI'lICXI-IC nCIUCINE, TRADE MARK TltK Ghbat Eng-TR ADS MARK itEMKUV. All unfailing cure for Seminal Woak ness, Hpermator rhcea, Imnotency, and nil lilseobes Hint follow ns a sequenco ot self Abuso ; as loss of 3EF0RE TAKIHOal LasHltudc.AtTEH TAKIHlT 1'aln In tho li.ick, Dlmnesi ot Vision, l'rcinaturo old Age, and many other diseases that led to Insa plty or consumption nnd n l'rcinaturo (iravo. llKwAUK of ndvcitlsements to refund money, when drutrirtstsfrom whom thn medicine uivmiif do twt refund, but refer you to tho manufactur- era, anuino requirements aro such that they uro seldom, lem; compiled w Ith. seo their writ ten guarantee. A trial of ono single package of uray b opecinu w ill convuico tuo moat skeptical of Its real inerlta. On account of counterfeits, we havo adopted tho Yellow Wrapper ; t ho only genulno. rer-Full uarllCUlftrKlM ntir itntnnlilnt. wlifMi wn uuojiu m Huiiu ireu uy iimu 10 uvury one. sp mo ni'mu jni-uicmu is suiu uynu uniggisisat fl per package or 0 packaca for 15, or will bo sent free uy man on ino receipt or me money, by nddresslng Tiri nil ,v ll,-nrr.i vi.. rfi v p Bold In Iiloomsbnrg by all druirglsts. ' Nov 9-1 v YOU CANNOT GET WALL AT IIOM12, Pairviow Bloctropathic hiitule, JJINGHAMTON, N. Y. A OOOD PLACE FOR THE SfOK, Tlio houso Is Bpeelally fitted up for tho comfort of Invalids whodeslroa pleasant. and Chilstlan home, stands on high ground with plenty of buuiiu. rcraunui aiicnuou given 10 ovcry patient. Uectrlclty nnd (lalvanlim In their dlircrent modi Mentions a speciality, l'rof. Mills has gUen many years of btudy and practlco to this branch, and hundreds will testify to lil3 bklll. (Send for circular, stating what paper you saw thtstn. ntOF. HENIlY HILLS, Mrs. ALICE 1'IIENCII MILLS, Loci: Uox U7. lllnghamton, N. Y. Sept, 7 '8.1-ly. M, C. SLOAN & BR0 ni.OOMSBUltG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES BUDGIES, PHAETONS. SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. First-class work always on hand. REPAIRING NliA 'l'L Y DONE. Vcc.i rrtliutdto tuit the tines, E. B7 BROWER," OAS FITTING A: BTKAM HEATING. UEALEU IN STOVES & TINWARE. AH kinds of work in Shoot Iron, Roof ing find Spouting proinjitly nttenik'tl to. Iffitrlct attention given to boating by steam, Cornor of Main & East Sts., ISloomsburg, Pa. SUUSOUIHE NOW FOR THE COLUMBIAN Sl.CO A YEAIt for tlm working class. ,Hend lorents for fml w. wl" ,"ml1 o)w, a loyal valuably box ot sanipln goods that will ,put I u.,1" 111 miiKiug moro money in a you 1011 Call WOrK All thnl mnnrln anAH. only. Tlio work Is universally ndaiitoJ ' to imtn antra, rnnnr, .nrl oii can easily earn from ) cents to lioverv nvenlnir. Timi it an who want. mar test thn hlilniaa ivn mnkndii. oirer) to nil tlmt ftro not well sntlsiied wo will send ? i tr0.ubl0 ot .wrlnff Ful part ! S"iJ?l "rPtlons, etc., sent free Fortunes will bo Si3?Vf th?H0 wl0Rlvo their wholotlmo to tho iV.VJVi. ,'l,B,.,S'iU!M au'ioiuiciysuro uon'taoiay. start now. Address htixjon tu, I'ortlanii. Malno. ALL KINDS OF J01J PRINTING ON SHORT NOTICE AT THIS OFFICE. " PK CMAIN STREET,) IS and HAN NW AT MERCK AJST TABLO GSWORO CONTESTS i:ntkhtaim.q ani iNftTiturrivi: iahtimk. -k lT!f ".'J1. V"!""" 'ormWordConl..l,,l ll.rl,l..nj lb. n.nj r.qieili ot r""' t,, . , 11 . . a ',0I"UII'. ,lil'l toofler lb ftlbwla m.jotllotal iriitou u I Hi 1 p.twn. IcilHi USE DAY'S Mftcnlrtcent'lVaHct BiidHtilver.,., 100 Kptl llttraond Kurrlnr ,,,,, 7f 4lh. Lftdj' Hold Watch no fith. llrniU IHamoud (cupf IMn VS ib noil a uoia men ibk Iro IV ater M-t.a Iod u vuc niuuu. !,nuh Hula Uatd Jewel JJrtwer 1 100 BOXESDAyol.s.2i? . . ,u. ui.ici mi who n wen .rreti, pioiuta ut nil bti bait tlit nvmUr of noiJi of tb. eomptlllor. CON1IITIONH. ... J.'lni'n a v'li SiVa b.',ril'J..?r,,.pJ?l,1. ' "";pla by tw. cia'l .limp for telitn poiUn, a tbit t.a in , Vilf Jim. .S, Ma,.. . m, 4 4I ' from bom jcu bar It, number ot norl. la lliL Itlltaiiatun tnui JS. 7' LumS'?. ,nl1 alpbabtlltallr arraoBed. Tb. ttoirapbltal Damn, narati of Third. Oolj wort, fnund la Wtbtltr't or Wordier', altiloaarj atmlllMl 1" ! jiL 1 v"1 "".PUon. ot preoie. aod aotlliii u .epartie word, aud but nltrerenk me.nlni.. to h. ut..! hn, A. ' Slilh. All ll.u mu.l b Iu by Deeriabrr lit, D1 lb. l'remliim. will be li, anib. I p.rentb. I remlume will ba gtrea In rottttua aceordiat to the Urieat U.t. of word.. RlKblb. Lull raun not b. ..nt la roll., but put fa envelope.. lit lla ,!ll5o'!'l.'h;!.I7.TMK'lt';,,1M? ''. '' Plilladelpblt Omot.lIM ll.warl Slrtflt. ii. .7.11.. ZZ1 i71T .. ' " I !f,!ri,.T.i"".n,.;,b"i r.'".;M' T1". "".Ipl m Vr. V. V V',L '.'. i. i1 . 1 1 . : '"'"""I tnrtt or tur lietutllullj Kn,l... l rictnr. Crd.. Tlit II A I'M HflAI lathe purc.t ant het nonp pi.le. Ut Itl u.t rou litre DO lloltlnfr. Sotldlnt.or Hard Rubblne It itre. labor, fuel, tod clothe,. l e ..111 firfelt !.,() It Ih. II A VN SI) A I' doe. not do .11 we tlalm roFlllf,.aT .,,,..- U". ;mtllt Fralt.M Pleiart C.rdi of man; dllTerebldeiliia.tlTeo. Uaourulurrd bf r-itiek, u;t. iim. n. iiw a n iiu , sr, a mi. itis. 1fT. Hsu a nei . vr aittiuo ""rL it"',ri. Juno 13-13 wss BSOHMGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOUSBURQ, FA. OI'POSlTB COUHT IIOUS1S. Lnrsro and convenient amnln rooms, llatli rooms. hot ana cola water, ami all modern conveniences w AINW1UOUT iJ CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Philadelphia rKAH.SYUUl'S, COFFEE; 8C(IAH, xiolauhlh KICK, SNCKS.MOAItB SODA, SC., KO, N. E, corner Hconl and Arch streets, , recorders will rocclvo v-rompt attcntln wanted ror Tlio Lives ot nil tho Prosl dents ot tlio U. H. The largest, hand, somest best book cvor sold for Uus than twlco our nrteo. Tho faslPKl. hnlltnL- book In America, linmen&u piollts to agents. All Intelligent peoplo want It Any ono can becoma a successful ngout. Terms free, Hau.kttP.ook Co.. Portland; Maine. Deo Sl-iy Tho most popular renort on thn Risniiehanna Illver Is tho Wapvvatlopcn Valley Hotel, vVapwal lopen, Luzernu Co , Pa, Is nttcd up with overy convonloiicos for trn- Yi-iura, luurutis, uuiiuiig uiul nailing panics. delightfully situated in tho midst of a beautiful Miction of river und mouutalu scenery In closo proximity to iho famous Council Cup and special Inducements nro orrered to all who deslru it-creation combined with Hint clasi ac commodations. Tho bar suppllod only with tho choicest wines and liquors, excellent stabla ac commodations, boats to hire Ao. APIII35-CU1 CLEVELAND. Agents wanted for nuthon iu edition ol hli life; writ, ten at his own hoinii. with hU eooiterutlon uiul rmsla. tnnce, by tho renowned uoodi icli. Ijirstut, choap. est, hanusomcst, best. Kltvanl ly llhi.-l mtetl. costs more pcrcony tomanufaetui-u than the other 11 ve.i that aro sold for twlco l-g price, outsells nil othem ten to ono. ono of our nijciits madu u profit of over J.VI tlio first day. A harvest ofirnld will be realized by every worker. All new heL'InneiM urn. cettl grandly, Terms freo, und tho moot liberal over onercu. navu viiiuuuiu inno Dy HcmunifKScts. for postsifO, etc,, oulieooulllt, which Includes lanrn tirOMueetUS book. Aetnulrktvi n ilnv ut. tin. matt Is worth a wook at tho ilnlsh. JUIJ- 15 HW 11. HALLE IT X (,()., POttUnd, 110. or the Colelirntcil Clitclicilnc, Ivcie A 'onil, nnd VosoAi Hon I'lnnus. worlil-ru tiowiied r.slcy Org..iiH, Violins, Aucorilcons nnd Hhrcl Music. CVlcliintctl While, New HIb.ii Arm Davis. Now Ilnnio. Hnvnl Ht. John, uiul Mailt Htitmini; Domcsllo bowing junciiincs. iNccillcs, nil mill nttncliiiicnls for nil iiialics of Sewing Machines. Ml Igffi SEEN SECOND SERIES I.AlDir.l.V INCIlKABKIl NlUlliKltg OF HKtllT1U IllVI-'M. SOAP ONLY." Kill. Fruit Rond, l;lch, Illut a Amber OUn Worth Vlh. TcttATclo Het, 3 t.itoei, Hed Or Amber 10th. I It 1 1 ii.-ttT(f!i.c-tnlk 11 tli, It-p IMtchcr.S qti.,Clifti. Double Willed 9 IT 1C lO lO Ill 111. hruUbtuilJ, llwsk CrjUM Cut UlMl..,. T T PREMIUM OF $20 iioiei. null be cltulfled ctjrltlT, I thll will Include ftnr word from tha flnl ud obaalctt wit J wordijOf litut tpelllcj, '-" uiwci. mruugnoui in. uaiieaoitica rer ur.rctra. K tu.av lact. w. receiTta did not keep I)AY'rJ.op, and In tliele own hat itnfn. ll.oo, ror..rd w tnj part 'of ibt Unit. dBtitia. if BLOOMSBUfili PLANING MILL :o. Tho underslgnofl having put his Pinning Mil on Itallroad street, In tlrst-emss condition, Is pro pared to do all kinds of work In his lino. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDSj MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnisneq nt reasonable prices. All lumber usoa Is well Beasonod and nooo but sklllod workmon aro employed, ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application, rians and Bpecinca CJIEAllLES iiltVG, UlouMiHburir, Pa ThoScioncoofLifo, Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID Hxhausted Itallty, Nervousand rhyslcal Dobll. Ity. I'lvmaturo llechuo lnilan. Errors of Vouth, andthouutold Hiberles rosultlnB from Indlscro. lion of CAcesses. A book for overy man. younS middle-need and old. It contains 125 pivscrlptlons which ls;lnvalunblc Ho found by tho Author, whoso cxperiencolorai years Is such as probably novcr bcioro fell to tho lot of any iihyslclan. ) patros, bound lu boautlful Fa-ucli muslin, emboso3 covers, full gilt, KUiiranU-ed to bo a niicr work In every senso niwhaulcal. literary and professional -than any other work sold In this country for 3 or the monoy v 111 bo rcfundod In every Instance, l'rlco onlytl.oo by mall post-paid. Illustrative sample 6 centa. Si-iid now. tiofd medal awarded tho author by the National Medical Association, to tha onicera of which ho refers. ' Tho bclence ot Ufo bhould bo road by the youn for Instmctlon, nnd by tho anilcted for rcller. It wIllbeiielltall-LoidonAiww.' ' ' " u Thero Is no member ot society to whom Tho Bclence of Ufo will not bo useful, whether youth, parent, t'uardlau, instructor or clciyymai!. Jr. IjOiuttU, Addros3tho l'oauody Medical Instltuto. or Dr. W. II. Parker, 4 llulllnch Htreet, liosloii. Mass.. who may bo consulted on all diseases roiiulrlnis bklll uiul ex net leuce. chronlu and obst luate diseas es and that havo batlled thu i i .i i f skill of another physician, n sjk) 11 l!iA 1 j cUlty. Bueh treated successful f i wit ij -.iy wllhoulan Insiauooof 1.XJ. X ulill JlMall IIIVi Mi ni Ion thu paper. uwjr to-i n KHOW YSELF.a ll Great Msdical Work on Manhood ItfT ft Pennsylvania Railroad, y 4 Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. IIMI TIME TABLE. In CItrtt Mar 12th. 18M. Trnlnn iMtn o,. bury. EASTWAItl), 8.49 a.m.. Eca Shoro KxnresM Mniii- nvmnt 8unday), for IlarrlsbuiK nnd Intel medlatostal ions, arriving nt Philadelphia 3.1ft p. in. j New Yoik asop. m. i Ualtlmorc, S.10 p.m.; WmJilni'ton . 0.ix)p. m., connecting nt Philadelphia for all hi' Shore points, 'lhrouyh passtnirer coach to riiuauciphia. 2.0;) p. m.-nayexprCEi (dally), for HnrrlsbuiK and intermediate statlons-arrlvlng nt Phlladelnhla 7.SS P.m. : New York, iaco n. in. : iinitinmm 7.20 p. m. ; Washington, np. m. Parlor ca inruugu 10 i imiiuuijiuia anu paasciigcr coacho through to Philadelphia nnd Ualtlmorc. 8,50 p. m. Wllllanisport Accommodation (dally for llarrbburg and all intennedlato stations, arrlv lug at l'hlladelphla 3 w o. m. j Now York . to n. m. Sleeping car accommodations can bo secured at IlarrlbburgforrhlladeliihlanudNewYork. onaun days a through sleeping car will bo run: on this train trom WlUlamsp't tol'hlladclphla.l'hlladelnhia paisengcra can l cinaln In sleeper uiulistui bed un t II 7 ft. m. 8.30 a. m. Krl Mall (dally except Monday! for llanlsburg and lnlcrmedialo stations, arriving nt Philadelphia 7.00 a.m. NowYuik . 11.50 a. m. s llaltlmoro 7.40 a. m. j Washington, Kftu a. in. Through Pullman sleeping cars am run on this tram to .Philadelphia, llaltlmoro and Washing, ton. nnd throuirh iiarsenffer rn.irheatn iiint,i,n. phla and llaltlniorc, Wj:twahu. 8.15a. m. Kilo Mall (dallv oxcont Hnmlmi fn, Erloaiid all lntcrmedlato stations with through Pullman ralacu car and thrniifh m.r.n. coaches to Erie, and through Pullman 1'alaco cars to Buffalo via Emporium. On Sundays this iruiurunsioiienovo, wnn ruuman I'aiaco car to v liuamsport and passenger coaches to ltcnov o. l'or Cnnandalfua nnil Intermciilnin utnti,inu llochcster, UurraYonnd Niagara l'ulls, (dally except I KlITirlnvO IClt ll tliwrnrrl. Imllinni, l,;.,. ' ..'.7 .... , uitiiiiiu iuiuuu uur UHU passenger coaches to Itochcstcr. 10.13-News Express (daily except Sundny) for Lock llnven and lntcrmedlato stations. Ou sun days this train ruii3 only to Wllliamsport. 1.10 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun day) for hnno und lntcrmedlato stations with through passenger conches to Knnc. l'or Caiian didgua nnd principal Intennedlato stations, llochcster, HuiTulo and Niagara l'alls wini through p.issengcr coothea to liochcttcr and Par lor car to YvalMns. 5.25 p. m. Fast I.lno Mnllr expent. Knml!iirnr ii,. novo and lnterniedlatobtations, and ISlmlia, Wut kins nnd lntcrmedlato stations, with through pa soiigcr coaches to ltcnovo und Watklus. TIIllOUOII TItAINS Rllt SUNUUHY 1'HOMTIIH EAST ANU SOUTH. News Exnresn lenvea T'.iiniipinii,., .4 on . . "''rrlsburg, S.10 a. m. dally, arriving at bunbiuy XlllfftM VtMWuj Innvnu Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. ; llaltlmoro 7.30 a. m. (dally except Sunday) arriving at hunbury, 1.10 p. in., with through I'arlor car lrom Philadelphia ?,V,',1tAr?,'.,l"183ullcr eoaches from I'lilladel phla and liultlmore. Fast Lino leaves New York 8.00 n. m. ! Phlladol phla, 11.10 a. in. j Washington, u.40 a. in. ; Haiti more, 10.50 a. m., (dally except Sunday) uiilvlng n buubury. 0.5011. in., wnii iimnmiT ' i coaches lrom Philadelphia nnd Ualtlmorc. , '-'"iwi loiucwp, m. : l'hlladol phla, 11.50 p. in. : Wnsdiimrton.Kuon.V- imui moie,; p.m..(dally) nnlvlngat sunbury 5.1 ?;in-', ''"""J", ,1'ulluiau Sleeping cms from Philadelphia, Washington and llaltlmoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. Slee her fiom Wash Inmnn rnn,intiv nvn,..,,',,., day. " -'"iu... HUMSIIKV. I1AZI.HTON As Wll .KUSIt.MtUK llAII.UOAI) AMI NOltTll AMI WKST lIltANCII 11AII.WAV. Illallv exepiit Sntul , v Wllkesbarro Alall lonxiw .knnlmrv intiu aiilvliig at Uloom l'erry 11.57 a. m., Wllkes-burro 12.55 p. m. Express East leaves Sunbuiy 5.S5 p. m., arriving atl!lroml-crryc.80p.lii.. WllkCb-barro aoj p. 111. buubury MaUleaveswilkesbanolo.:jon.m.nrilv: : v i. iu.,nuuuury ly.rhi p. in. living at llloom Ferrr 4.15 n.m.. mmin.i-vr. Vn - . -. , 1- CIIAS. U ITOII, J. 1(. WOOD, Con. I'ahscnccr Agent urjl. .iliuiil-cr. J-IUL-ADKLPHAani RKA DIXlJ H(Al3 AIUtANGEMi5jS"I oi THAlNt. Mayio 18SI TKtirm i.sanj acrjiitr as you-owHiimjay CtVM'T.IK Vor Mow Vork.l'lilltttelnJila.ltcjKlinL.i-uiiKvii Tamaijiia, lev., a. m, For Cotr.vvl.ioi., 11,50 4. m.0.u nail lo.t's v. m, l'or Wlllidinaport.M 1 11.J5 a. m. ai-i 4.11.1 p. u ForLcwlsbuigunaiiunbuii,4iHip iu. ri.AlNI.r0U KOl-KhT LbKVh l fouux, l!.m.l LeavoNew VorK. vu. Tamufjua a.oo a. m. uud via. Uouna lirook ituuto 7,;r, .1. m. Loavo I'nuailelpUla, 9,50 a. 111. Leavo lleaillng, n,to a, m imiuiviUo. . l. ... ., anaTninaquu, 1,35 p. m. Lcavocitawlbaa, 6.30 11.15 tt.m. r.i.n i.hi 1,. 1... " l.owlsbui-gJ.4lp,in. rassengors to ana trom 1'iuiu iuitt .;i turnnli vvitlionlcliangoof cars. J. J!, v, utri Ti j. C. . nANCOCII, ..r.,. raaui Kl Uon&rill PasF.murPi- f.nrt irtn,.. ..... . Jan. 10, ihsf-tf. JELAWAIt LAfJKAWANKA AK1) WESTEllN I1A1L110AD. 11LOOMSBUIIG DIVISION. NOUTII STATIONS. SOUTH. a.m. tun. p.m 5 50 u to it 20 B 55 U 13 2 25 11 01 0 50 2 30 fi OU 0 67 2 38 (I 17 10 01 2 48 8 23 10 O) 2 51 8 28 10 11 2 W 8 32 1(1 17 3 UO 8 3d IU 20 3 Oi 8 40 10 25 00 fi 48 10 25 3 (18 8 50 10 2D 3 11 li 53 10 33 3 15 7 IH) It) 37 3 SO 7 05 10 41 S 24 7 12 10 48 3 32 7 21 10 I'J H 43 7 47 II 10 3 57 7 53 11 18 I 03 8 U) II 22 I 10 8 00 It 3d 4 18 8 10 11 3D 4 ID 8 11 11 43 4 23 8 21 11 48 4 31) 8 28 11 63 4 38 8 34 11 6T 1 43 8 Ul 12 03 4 41 8 55 13 i'O 5 05 'J 03 12 28 5 13 U Oil 13 33 b 111 p.m. p.m. a.m. v w i au H 51 1 25 8 W 1 20 8 40 1 13 8 !H 1 03 8 27 1 00 8 SJ 12 55 8 It 12 51 U is ...Scranton,,,. ....liellovuo,,., ..Taylorvlllo... . Laekawoniia.. ....Plttston..,., Wefct l'lttston, ...Wyomlii''., . ....Maltby".,.. . .. lloniifi r U IU u 14 11 00 8 5 8 53 8 48, b 43 8 Vi 8 33 8 85 8so: 8 25 8 12 12 48 8 08 12 11 8 08 13 41 8 01 12 3!) 1 69 13 35 T 51 12 30 7 50 12 ....Kingston ....Kingston .... I'lymouth June ijmouiu. . Avnnilnli 8 21 8 17 8 )0 It ....Nantlcoko..! Hunlock's Creek T 41 13 111 7 to 12 OS 7 18 II 511 7 II II 50 ..suicKsiiinny,, . Hick's Ferry. ..Ueacn Haven,, Hervvlck..., ..llrlar Creek.. ..Willow drove., ...Limo liklgo... liipy ...Uloomsburg , I 41 7 31 7 27 7 23; 7 in 7 03 11 41 8 68 11 an U 51 11 33 0 50 11 30 0 43 11 23 0 38 U 17 11 !M 11 13 8 25 II (M 8 IW 10 S3 U 00 10 17 6 53 10 4.1 5 40 10 80 P III. 0.111. 7 1 7 (13 7 00, 0 51 .. ivuiicri. Catawpii nudge . ..Danvillo..,. ....Chulasky..,, ....Cameron..., Noithumberlund II III 8 21), 0 23 II 10 V 20 13 60 5 3D a. in. a. in. n.m. p.iu v. t; 1IALSTEAD, Hupt. onico, Scrantou, Feb. 1st, I8n2. Supcilnteuaent's JAMES K15ILLY, Tonsovial Artist, ll'ldln at hla nlil stand undor exohanoe a usual n riliftT-CLAbH HlJfKI.. nllil hi.u HAltUKItSllOF. Ho l,muraiiy, PEBoby hotel' rjHLAIlKLPIIIA. thoNmyK(mSleStnU,'.ono b1unr0 Hti The Vra tnd1 n ?l,n. lm f blluar0 fr0" Walnut city on thn AStlH1, .vc' P.U8lnt,a" centro ot tho roomJ Tfrnm snnl,1 ?. ana ;inonn plans, (lood nfvrty iurnlsh?d, m m Uayi '"'""""'"ca and W. Payne, M. E., "0Y 3- y owner trroprtctor. WanPfl !;,'iM!r! overy county In this i.iiiiii WAtiiiH, Experlencu in tho busi ness not recpiired. Nurserlei widely an 1 favor, ably known, l'or terms address ' r m i r L Tho 0, L. Van Ducsn Nurcory Co,, umrA, x, v. Van imsun Nurhorles establUhed 183V. . Also btockut wholesale, v"'"" AptlH.i3teovv r