The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 05, 1884, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. "blooikbtoSTpC""" FltlDAY, SEl'TEMUElt 5, 1831. Correct Ititllrorul Tltuu Table. Trahu on tlio Philadelphia & 11. II lcavo llupcrt .18 follows : 1I0HTII. 0:39 n. In. p. in. south. 11:6 J A. m. 0:19 p. in. Trains on tlio 1). I. & W. It. It. leave. Bloomsburu ns roliowsi MOUTH. SOOTH. !7:05 0. til. 8:S8 a. in. 11:17 o, in. ll:M a. m. 6:38 p. m. 4:30 p. in. Tho 8:28 a. m. train connects at Northumberland with lbs VM train on l'eunsylvanta road, reaching VhlloUolphUat3:15p. in. The 11:53 train connects with Philadelphia and Heading road at Hupcrt reaching l'bllndcl pbla nl 0.00 p. in. TOO 11:54 train connects VrltU ronntgrlvanta road at Noriuuinocrianu at i:ou, reaching i'i ia7:u3 p. m. Tlio 4:30 p. in. train connects with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland at S-M p. in., and reaches riiliadcipuia at3:u5 u. in. Trains on tlio N. & V. Ferry ns follows t NOHTII. 11:87 a. in. ,:u) p. ni. 1). Hallway pass II loom south. 12:01 p. in, 4:16 p. in. lcrnoiiul. W. H. Tublis Is gradually Improving. Connrd Krcomcr, of Jcrseytown was lu lown on Monday. Mian Llz7.lo Ycrrlck of Danville was In town on Wednesday, visiting friends. Mrs. J. H. Llnglo of lkllcfontc lias been visiting licr patents during Hie past week. J. II, Ilarinttii Is improving rapidly. He wns out riding on Tuesday. Mrs. I. S. ltulm nnd daughter May, start cd on, Tuesday to visit friends In Schuyl kill county nnd in Philadelphia. Mr. Charles Manhardt, of Knnsas City, Missouri, was in. town with his brother, Rev. F. 1. Manhardt, on Wednesday, Mrs. J. K. Bruglcr, of Butler, Missouri, 1b visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. llrowcr. Miss Emma Saukey of llarrlsburg, a tor. mcr resident of Light Street, Is the guest of Sirs. J. M. C. Ranck of that plnco. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Goodman of Mon tana, this county, spent Sunday and the foro part of tho week visiting relatives town nnd nt Espy. John L. Woods, foreman of the JitpMi can office, after a six weeks' enforced vaca Hon on account of sickness, was able resume work on Monday morning. Michael and Peter Gnllghnn of Armagh, Ireland, tho one a brother of John Gal tgluu of this place, arrived in town on Monday. They were two weeks in sailing from their natlvo land. Empty elder barrels for sale. C. 11. Rohbins. A band of gypsies passed through town yesterday afternoon. Three Indians arrived from tho Indian school at Carlisle on Wednesday evening. They were taken to a Mr. Vanco and L. P. Kline near MtllvlUo. Tho Woincns' Foreign Missionary Society of Llino Hldgo will hold n festival on Sat. urday, Bept, Olh. Tho community tiro re spectfully invited. Tho prohibitionists havo selected Friday Srplcmbcr 10th as tho tlmo for holding their plcnlo nt Rupert Grove. Speaker will ho engaged and every cffoit made for' n good time. They extend a cordial Invi tation to all temperance societies. John Herring, son of our townsman G. A. Herring, who for some tlmo past hna been working at Shenandoah, was thrown from a wagon at that place whllo deliver ing goods ono day this week, and seriously hurt. Ills Injuries nro not thought to- prove fatal. We publish this week the names of the vlgllcncc committee as far as reported. Tho members of tho Standing committee who havo not yet reported the names of tho Committee will confer a favor by reporting nt once to David Lowcnberg, chairman. A skating rink was opened In Evans' hall on Monday evening by Messrs. Towner and Bennett, of Bradford county. Thoy havo shown themselves to bo very gentle manly and aro using every effort to con duct tho rink In such n manner as to mnko It an attractive place for ladtei, for healthful enjoyment. Skating rinks aro very popular In nil tho surround ing places, and wo sco no reason why thin ono should not bo a success. Next week a professional skater will bo hero to Instruct. Cleveland nml HctidrlckH Clul, Thcro will bo a meeting In the Opera 'House, Bloomsbiirg, on Saturday evening of next week, September 13th, for tho pur- pose of organizing n Cleveland and Hen dricks Campaign Club for this place. Thcro should bo a full attendance of nil those who favor tho election of the Demo cratic nominees. Speakers havo been se cured for the occasion. Let there bo u grand rally, that wo may lend our nssis toncc to tlio election of tho Democratic standard bearers. The Street Commissioner has put In terra colta pipe at tho crossing corner of Centre and fifth streets, in order to con. duct the water under Centre street. By this method tho deep gutter nt tho crossing Is entirely avoided. Should It provo suc cessful, there are many crossings in town that should be fixed in a similar manner. In to Mrs. I. Hagcnbuch died at her home iu Bloomsburg, early on Monday morning. She was sick but a few weeks. An excursion party of nlno car loads, passed through this place on Thursday morning for Hess' Grove, Rupert. J. II. Mercer keeps a full assortmcut of school sunnlles. at the Peoples' Hook Store. In a New York theatre women are to take tho place of men as ushers. Here's a chance for tho Widow Butler after the clec- tion. in Tho inline of Col. A. E. Lowis of Pike countv. is nresented bv the Democrats of that county as candidate for Congress this (Eleventh) Congressional district. Foil Iter. Three pair of rooms suitable for ofilccs, and one store room occupied now as shou stoic next to Exchang Hotel. F. D. Dexti.kis. Our young men are getting too careless In the matter of throwing ball on Main street. Ono person threw a ball through ono of J. J. Browcr's large show windows. Another, a ball and lilt n Mrs. Wolf on the nose, causing a severe bruise and black eyes. The authorities should prevent play- Ing ball on Main street. J. Hudson Case of Danville, and Miss Dora Wolf, oldest daughter of John Wolf of this nlace were married at the home of Mr. Wolf on Wednesday morning, Hev. t. P. Mnuhart officiating. The pair loft on the noon train for a short tour and will then return to Danville at which place they expect to reside. There will bo a game of baseball played at the Fair grounds this (Friday) nftcruocii at hnlf-past two o'clock, between the "He- llance" of Mt. Ceroid, and tho Bloomsburg Association. The game will probably be a very Interesting one. l lie "itciinnco" played the Philadelphia League team a few weeks nco with a score of 11 to ! for tho League nine. On Saturdav last wo experienced the most severe thunderstorms of any this sea son. T ie 1 mm nil lasneii viviuiy uv short intervals. In several places buildings were struck, but no damago done. The rod on the barn of Mr. Armstrone was struck, but tho lightnig carried off with no sci lous result. Wo are told the walls of his house were badly shaken nlso. Prcscilpllons ft specialty at the Peoples' Drug Store. J. II. Mercer, I'rop. Mrs. Michael Hess of Beach Haven, has been allllctcd with cataract of the eye lor the past seventeen or Jcighteen years. A few weeks ago her cyo commenced getting sore, she applied poultices and the sight of ono eye is almost completely restored. Tho other eye has not yet been treated , but 'tis possible that the sight of that eye may also slmllaily be restored. Norllicrn Coluiitlln nnd Houtlicrn I.uzcrnc Aurricuiiurai asbo. elation. This association, but recently orgaulzcd, gives its first exhibition on their spacious grounds Just south of Berwick, on ed nesday, Thursday, Friday oud Saturday, September 2-1, 25, 20 and 27, 1881. They have secured ns the site of their exhibition beautiful section of land cmbruclng some 23 acres, nnd almost entirely surrounded by a grovo of natural trees, which will af ford amplo shade for visitors. Water will bo supplied in abundanco all over the grounds. The grounds otitsldo of main track will be filled with exhibition buildings, sheds, stables, dining hall, etc., of an improved design, for tlio more perfect display of all articles entered for exhibition. Accommo- datlons will bo furnished for the bedding of horses, and oats will bo sold for same by superintendent of this department, while the dining hall and eating stands will be well supplied with the substantiate of life. Tho Association has made liberal offers to exhibitors and it is to be hoped that they will be largely patronized. This being the first exhibition all should assist In making It n grand success, that such a good enterprise may be engaged. JcrHcytown. A little rain. Some talk of raislug n pole. A large wagon load of ladies and gentle men passed through here on Saturday on their way to Mr. W. Wilson's. A birthday party. Mr. Win. Kreamer was in lown on Sat- urday. Miss Htittlo Kreamer of Lock Haven, and Miss Hattie Fettcrman ot Bloomsburg were visiting nt Mr. C. Kreamer's. Miss Sallio Watson and Miss Cora Leo have goue to Bloomsburg to attend school. A number of our boys were out gunning on tho first. They report squirrels scarce. Last week Messrs Crosgrove nnd McVlck- er were threshlug in this vicinity with u steamer. It excited much curiosity, and many went to seo it working. Tho supervisors have been making a much needed repair on tho roads in town. Now gentlemen, go into the country and do likewise. Tho yearly examination of teachers was held in the school house on Saturday. Ten applicants presented themselves for exami nation. The examinations aro somewhat difficult, justly so, because they secure the Greenwood. Well, tho long lookcd-for, wlshcd-for rain fell last Saturday, and It fell without giving much warning. No ono seemed to know of a shower, until nil at onca i pat ter, palter It camo on tho roofs. H was qulto laughable to sco tho people running In great haste to reach shelter. Miss Minnie Wclllvcr Is visiting her brother at Dushorc. Sho expects to re main n fow weeks. A festival will bo held nt tho Methodist church at West Greenwood next Saturday evening. Como one, como all, do not stay at home, thinking that If you go somo ono will como round saylngt "Mr. won't you give twcnty-flvo or fifty votes ?" but come and participate In tho anticipated good time. Miss Bertha Mather nnd Miss Minnlu Eves wcro visiting friends near Berwick last week. Mr. William Cox has purchased a new top buggy ; nlso Mr. Clydo Vnnhorn Tho peaches aro scarco lu this section of the country, but tho way the npplo limbs droop wo think there will bo a fow apples to pass tho tlmo away. A number of tho people of Greenwood and MlUvlllo visited Lewis' Lako last week. Services were held in tlio Evangelical church last Sunday evening by llcv. Mcs Bcnccr. His subject was "Truo Brother- hood." Several of the Grccnwooders attended camp-mcctlug al Harveyvlllo and all en. joyed themselves exceedingly well. The ground is beautifully located, and plenty of cool water closo by. Tho speaking wat, splendid and the choir furnished excellent music. IlClltOIt. It Is not ns dry ns it wns. The farmers arc happy, tho ground is soaked. Come, Mr. Committeeman, how nbout that Cleveland club ? Call out the band and hunt them up. Mr. John Lazarus went angling last week ono dav and "hooked" seventeen white chubs, none under n foot In length. Such a fine Btrlng of fish lias not been cnught along the creek for mnny n long day Where are the professional fishermen. Notwithstanding tho hard times, our merchants nro busy nil the time, and the mechanics, too. And how could it bo otherwise, ns this is the metropolis of the great Fishlngcreck valley and the business centre of tho whole community. Tho lum her trado is nlso quite extensive hero, If tho centre of nttractlon, vizi the camp-mectlng on Bloomingdale charge. near Harveyvlllo, drew from all parts of tho surrouudlni: country, ns the roads leading in that direction from Benton Stillwater and Orangovlllo indicated from tho numerous conveyances, continual traveling, and all sccmlugly bent for that place on Sunday last, there must havo been n vast multitude nsscmbled. Sis, nt our elbow, sucecsts that they couldn't have seen tho meeting for the people. Mrs. Kennedy, aged seventy-eight years died on Friday last, and was burled on Sunday. Hev. Savago preached the fu neral-sermon at the house of Jonas Doty, her son-in-law, where she died. The morals of a community nre moulded and shnriedbv various Influences which nre brought to benr upon nil classes, con. iMtlons, ages nnd sexes. Thcro arc coun ter influences nlways at work, good and bad, and tho character of a community mav ulwavs bo known by the Influences which are prevalent. Hence tho know! edge of good and evil Instinctively stamped Ccntralla, ltobcrt Harris, employed nt Logan col- llcry, had his hand badly bruised by n leco of coal on Tuesday. Dr. Owlnncr mputated two of his fingers In order to save tho hand. The llttlo handful ot Republicans In town organized a Blaine and Logan club on Wednesday evening, In tho school building. Wo could not learn the number of signers, but there must havo been ten or fifteen, ns wo saw nbout that number enter the building. What wo want next Is n Cleveland and Hendricks club, with n membership of two or three hundred. Let some ot our young a vain hope of electing their candidate. Democrats make the start, and throw their They cry fraud and corruption expecting banner to tlio breezo next week. Sunbury has now a morning daily pa. per. It is not a new paper, but the same one of Eicholtz & Co which was formerly issued in the afternoon, from the ofllce of tho Northumberland County Democrat. David Lowcnberg will make his fall an nouncements next week. Look out lor barealns In ready mado and custom made clothlni! as well as in gents' furnishlug goods. Prof. Niles nnd daughter, Dora, started for New York yesterday (Thursday). His dfiiiL'htcr will remain at the Ladies' Ait Association of that city one year, and pur- sue a course of study in painting. Snmn thieves broke In the Graugc store near the denot ou Saturday night. A few rmlrs of boots were missing. How much more was taken has not yet been as tallied. V.. II. Little, administrator of Laura J. Patten, deceased, will sell personal prop- oitv on the lircmiscs. corner of Third and Centre streets, Bloomsburg, on Saturday, September 13th, 1884, commencing at ten o'clock. On Saturday last the post ofllco at Wil- llamsport, was robbed of stamps amount ing to 43,500. The chief clcrk who wns In the private ofllce, the post-master being at dinner, was called to the door to sco a man in a biurev. He was not out three minutes, but during that time four pack. ages of stamps were taken from tho safo and four packages similar in appearance left instead. Tho substitute packages con tained brown paper. Tho buggy had been hired at a livery stable near the post olllco. No traco of the robbers has yet been ob. tallied. survival of the fittest. A course of action which meets the approval of all thinking Up0n u,e conscience of ovcry sane Individ persons, anil proves supt. unmcs to no unl to discern Irom right ana wrong, Is the right man in the right place. L. "i . powerful barrier to attempt to force ncross tho threshold of justice lu direct violatlo of conscience. Just hero Is where tho power nnd will of the individual is assert. cd, for here is where the tempter comes in all his forms and devices, and here is where tho battlo is fought, the victory won or lost, and the Individual stands or falls, la honored or ashamed. The conscience once crossed it becomes an easy thing to cross and rccross from mere moral force of habit. It is always safe to "dare to do right." The Sentinel of lnsLwcck contains a com niunlcation sinned "Lieutenants" nnd da' ted at Jackson, which was evidently in tended for publication iu this paper. The communication was directed to Mcsssrs. Editors of the Comimuian aud Sentinel, and began with the words "In looking over your paper of last week," &c. The artlclo was changed to read "Editor Sentinel, In looking over tho Columiuan of last week," &c. If they were so anxious to publlsii the article they should have mado inquiry whether It was for their paper. Wo make this correction for the benefit of some our patrons, and not with a tccllng of any animosity toward the SmUnei. A ncncrlptloii tty Knleltfli. Tho following is a description of an In dian fig tree which he saw growing In America : "They grow," he says, "in mo 1st ground, aud iu this manner : After they are first shot up some twenty or thirty foot in length (some more, "some less, accord ing to the soil) they spread n very large. top, having no bough nor twig in the trunk or stem ; for from tho utmost end of the head-branch, there issiicth out a gum my juice which hangetli downward like a cord or sinew, and within n few months rencheth tho ground, which it no sooner toucheth but it takcth root, nnd then, being filled, botli from tho top boughs nnd from his own proper root ; lids cord makcth it self n tree exceeding hastily. From tho utmost boughs of these young trees there fall again tho like cords, which in ono year, ana less (in mat worm oi pcrpeiuni spring), become also trees of the bigness ot tho nether part of a lance, and as straight as nature aiut art can mane nnyuuug Mis? Mcllah Turnbach, n daughter of Samuel Turnbach of this plnco met with a serious accident on Saturday last. She was carrying a kettle of boiling water, nnd fell, tlio water falling over her. Tho ono sldo of her body was completely drenched, tho water penetrating her clothing and pro ducing painful scalds. She suffered great ly on Saturday CTcnlng nnd Sunday, hut nt present writing Is Improving rnpldly. 1'liu liepuillean of this week Is alarmed lest "tho good name of Columbia county will bo besmirched," by the election of Mr, Snyder for Prothonotary, Tho reason thoy full upon Mr, Hnydcr U becauso they havo ilticUlioru. Buckhoru was well represented nt the Reformed hnrvest home near Heller's church on Friday last. A dwelling houso belonging to Hiram Neihart was destroyed by flro last Friday night. Tho origin of the flro is a mystery, as the houso was unoccupied at the time. Ou Saturday last the Lutheran Sunday School attempted to hold their annual pic nic in Ilcnrio's erovc. but owing to tho The Buck Mountain vein has been reach ed by tunnelling nt North Ashland, and reparations nro being mado to hnvo the gangways drlvcu ns soou as possible, Tho new slope nt tho Continental Is nlso completed, and tho gangways driven far enough to open two breasts. Tlio Polish woman who murdered her child last week, was not tnken to Jail, as erroneously stated In last week's Issue, but cBcnned from tho house In her husband's clothing. Tlio officer guarding tho prcm. lscs thinking It wns ono of the boarders, allowed her to pass, nnd nothing has been heard of her since. Tlio supposition Is that sho will go to her native land. John Eaily, who buried his wife and daughter insldo ot n month, from n strango disease existing In Dark Corner, died him self on Wednesday. Several children havo nlso. died with It nnd n number nro sick. The doctors nro of tho opinion that the disease originated from tho stagnant wntcr used by the people there. S. H. Daw's circus exhibited here on Wednesday afternoon nnd evening, to largo audiences. During tlio performance in the evening tho seats gave way, nnd for awhile tho greatest excitement prevailed. Fortunntely, no ono was hurt and tlio per- formanco proceeded to u close. I he act ing of tho Belmont brothers was tho only feature worth mentioning, the rest lieing silly in tho extreme. Despite the heavy rain Saturday after noon liunilrcU3 of people witnessed uie game of ball between tho Centralla and Locust Gap teams, which resulted in n vic tory for tlio homo nine, by a score of 7 to 8. Tlio return game will be played in Locust Gap on Saturday. John McCarty, local editor of the Shen andoah Herald, wns In town this week looking up business. Tho paper appeared on Saturday for tho flrst time in nn en lnrgcd form, nnd was chuck full of very In teresting reading. Tho collieries aro all idlo this week with tho exception of Centralla colliery, which worked on Monday. Reese Davis and family spent last week in tho country camping out. Arthur E. Jones, Inside foreman nt the Continental, has been ill the past week. The students of Dickinson Seminary, who spcut their vacation here, returned to school on Monday. Harry Ferguson and John Irvlu, who were inhnllng the sea breezes of Atlantic City the past two weeks, camo home on Saturday with peeled noses. Mr. Gable of Shamokln, spent Sunday in town with friends. Among the visitors in town this week are Mrs. Farnswortli of San Francisco, Col. Mr. and Mrs. Heftron of Philadelphia, .Mr. and Mrs. Mumford of Mauch Chuuk. Miss Marie Kano of town, is visiting friends in Philadelphia. The brick encine house for the Edlsou Illuminating Company in Ashland, was completed on Saturday last, nnd tho com pnny will illuminate the town in a week or two. What with the Houston electric light, gas, gasoline, etc., Ashland will bo much brighter in regard to light than any thing else. A marriage is announced for next week between n Mr. Kinney of Wllkcsbarre and Lizzie McCarty of this place. Extensive preparations nro being made for the happy event, which will no doubt eclipse any thing in the matrimonial line that wo have hud for sonic time. to avert attention of the voters. This won't avail. If the candidate for prolho notnry has obtained his nomination by Il legal methods tho standing committee will demand his wlthdrawnl. Until that Is done, the democratic voters will continue to give their support to Mr. Snyder, and elect him by a handsome majority. Katuril lu tlic WcHtcrn Hky, Saturn is morning star nnd outranks the other planets in tlio Important materials ho affords for study. Not only Is he n beauti ful object in tho sky during almost tho en tire night, but lie is also approaching the earth under favorable conditions seldom surpassed in his long career. Ou the lOtli, at 10 o'clock in the morning, ho is in quad rature with tho sun on his western sldo. He Is then ninety degrees distant from the sun, at what may be called the half-wny house between conjunction nnd opposl- Hon, nnd Is in lino position for observation both with the naked cyo and tho telescope. He Is nlso conveniently situated for this purpose, rising now nt half-past 11 o'clock lu the cvcnlmr, and, at tho cud of the month, making his nppcaranco at half-past 0 o'clock. He lcigns alone for awhile, but his short-lived supremacy soon ends, Venus appearing upon the scene and outshining her ciant brother us well as all the lesser lights. Diirlnir this year aud tho next tho finest telescopic views of Saturn and his ringi may bo obtained in northern latitudes. For during this tlmo ho passes his perihelion, reaches Ids greatest northern declination and his rings aro open to their widest ex tent, these events occurring beforo the year 1885 closes. Tho tlrst fruits of obscr rations of tho mysterious rings under tho present favorable conditions of Saturn's ap pcarance and also under atmospherical conditions of exceptional purity havo al ready appeared. The Messrs. Henry, of the Observatory of Paris, with tho 10 Inch equatorial of the Observatory, a magnify ing power of one thousand, have obtained somo wonderful views of the rings. They announce outsldo of tho known rings tho existence ofn small blight ring ou the outer border of the outer ring, nearly cor responding in widtli to the division of the outer ring. There is a noteworthy analogy between the solar system and the Saturnlan system, The suu is surrounded by eight planets and a ring of asteroids. Saturn is surrounded by eight moons and a ring rcsombllng in somo of its features the zone of asteroids. Providence Journal, Mary M. Campbell to 11, Frank '.Mt Cat awlssa. A. K. Mcnsch nnd wife to Franklin Achy, Centralla. Samuel Y. Hess nnd wife to Orlands Lnr rlfh, Bugnrloaf. Maria J. Deadly to Adam Butt, Briar, reck. Richard Flnnell and wife to Michael Reddy, Ccntralla. John Ilouck and wlfo to Geo. W. Long. cnberger, Beaver, Franklin A. Shiiman and wife tn Mary Ann Ycngcr, Cutnwlssa. Locust Mountain Water Company to John J. Williams, Ccntralla. Henry Haitzel nnd wifo to Jacob Bred. benncr, Main. John R. Keeler to Kmcllno Savage, Ben ton. Fiederlek Hosier to Elizabeth Hosier, et. al., Beaver. 1. K. Krlckbam nnd Win. Btlnk, cxecu. tors, to Alexander G. Hess, Benton. Wellington Mcnsch nnd wife to William E. Rhodes, Franklin. Wnihlngton George and wife to Jona than George, Locust. John C. Yocuin, administrator, to James E. Bishop, Main. A. P. Heller nnd wlfo to D. F. Herring, Greenwood. W. II. Rhnwii nnd wife to S. B. Rhnwn, Catawlssn. Geo. B. Rhawn nnd wife to Stephen B. Rhnwn, Cutnwlssa. M. V. B. Kostenbauder nnd wife to S. B, Rhuwn, Catawlssn. Alfred 8. Kester to Lcgraut Adams, Brlarcrcck. Henry nnd Franklin Rhoads to Jere miah Miller, Locust, John H. Fritz and wlfo to Washington Knousc, Jackson, Franklin L. Shiimnli nnd wife to Eliza beth Smith, Catawlssn. Lloyd Paxton to Mary O. Hlmtoii, Mon tour, J. H. Vundersllce to J. H. White, execu tor to John G. Shollcnberger, Scott. Charles B. Fowler, et al to Martha O. Ferris, Brlarcrcck. Jacob Haitman committee to Philip Shu- maker, Hemlock. Philip Shumaker to Jacob Haitman, Hemlock. George W. Fisher and wife to William Coufulr, Matu. J. Paul Fry and wife to Charles Aside man, Beaver. Solomon II. Brcdbcnner, executor to Catharine Fry, Beaver. Elmira Rnntz and husband to Thos. J, Bender, Benton. Rebecca Klluo mid widow et al to John F. Mcnglc and wife, Orange. Geo. A. Herring and wife to Camden Mears, Orange. O. B. Brockway and wife to James M. Riley, Ccntralla. Edward Hngcrty to Mariah Hagerty, Ccntralla. Sco a woman in another column, near Bpccr's Vineyards, picking grapes from which Bpccr's Port Grnpo Wlno Is made, that Is so highly esteemed by tho medical profession, for tlio uso of Invalids, weakly persons and tho need, Sold by 0. A. Klclni, Bloomsburg. sept 22-1y SIIILOIl's OATARIIII 1IRMKPT, A posltlvo euro for catarrh, diphtheria nnd canKer mouth, Sold by Moycr Bros. TIIK KIND WR L1KK. The medicine wo most like is that which docs Us work quick nnd well. Burdock Blood Bitters aro the aulckcst kind of a ctirr for dyspepsia nnd liver nnd kidney of. tcctions. wur WILL TOO Cough when Shlloh'g Cure will give you Immediate relief. Price 10 cents, CO cents and t. Sold by Moycr Bros. i 1 THAT 1IACKIN0 OOt'OII can be so quickly cured by Shlloh's Cure. We gunrnnteo it. For sale liy Moycr liros. SI.KRl'LRSS NIOIITS, mnde miserable by that terrible cough, Shlloh's Cure Is the remedy for you. For sale by Jloyer Bros. AKK YOU MAI1K Miserable by Indigestion, constipation, diz ziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin ? Shi lob's Vitnlizcr is a positive cure. Sold by Moycr Bro?. WHAT HI1SKK AITMOATIONS 1UI). "I was troubled very much with sor feet. Three applications of Thomas' Ec. Icctrlc Oil entirely cured them. Nothing better In the market." Jacob Butler, Reading, Pa. TI1R KRV. OEOliOK II. TltAYEII, of Bourbon, Ind., says i "Both myself nnd wife owo our lives to Shlloh's Consumption Cure." Sold by Moycr Bros. A NASAL INJECTOI! Fico with each bottle of Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by Moycr Bros. inc. 'Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mlco 15c. "Rough on Corns," for corns, bunions, Thin people. "Wells' Health Rcncwcr" restores health nnd vigor, cures dyspepsia, Ac. 1. Instant relief. "Rough on Toothache,'' 15c. Ladles who would retain freshness nnd vivacity don't fail to try "Wells' Health Rcncwcr." "Buchu pallia," great kidney andiirlnnry cure. Flics, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, cleared out by "Rough on Rats." 10c. "Rough on Coughs," troches, 10c j liquid, MARRIAGES. For children, slow iu development, puny and delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewer." "Rough on Dentist" tooth powder. Try lu 10c. Nervous weakness, dyspepsia sexual debility cured by "Wells' Health T.ncwcr." SI. Pure dmus and patent medicines of all kinds at the Peoples' Drug Store. Mr. Lowcnberg, Chairman of the Dem ncniiln Rtamllntr Committee. ha3 secured the uso of tho Opera House for the Clove ITnulrlcka Club of tills place. A The historic question of "Who struck Billy Patterson" has at last been answered, It was neither Bluino nor Butler, us those complete organization will bo effected next two Individuals would no doubt like to those of India Saturday evening, September lain. nave mo puunc ucnevc, uui oueucuigu u. I'illcston, anu tlio place wnere mo sinning James A. Sweeney of Hazlcton a lormer I took place was in Caruesvillc, tranklln student ut tho Normal School has been county Georgia. When Mr. Patterson nominated for tho Legislature from Luzerno I icd ho left 81000 to bo devoted to finding countv. Mr. Sweeney lias serveu uuu out who i t him. as the blow was a terri bly severe one. Now comes 'liueston's daughter, with tlio information that it was her father who did tho hitting. The event took place about 47 ycurs ago, and "Billy Patterson" was the father ot tho famous Miss Betsey Patterson, the Baltimore beauty who married Jcromo Bonaparte, brother of the great Napoleon. Hellefonte Watchman. showery weather they were obliged to ro of casting such a shade and making such a pair to the church whero tho day was spent grove, os no other tree lu tho world can do. in wuat migut ue icrmeu acnureu sucmuu;. Now. on., nf thesu trees, considered with Some ono has said "What is homo without nil his vouuc ones may, indeed, shroud a mother," but what is a picnic without four hundred, or four thousand horsemen, If they please, for they cover whole val leys. But that they bear any such hugo leaves, or only such delicate fruit, I could never find." The leaves and fruit here referred to are L. J. term lu tho Legislature with credit to him Belt mid tho democratic party which ho re presents. if the Ml. Otrmel A'ws desires to rcpub. lish our Centralla correspondence, they will confer n favor by giving credit to cor respondent Bloomsburg Colomiiiak. Our correspondent furnlshcsiicma of general Interest, nnd wo deem it justice to him, that lie should havo the full credit. A festival will bo given In Dcntlcr's hall on Saturday evening, September Oth by tho lady friends of the Bloomsburg Cornet Band. Tho public should patronize them well. Our band Is ono of tho best In this section, and all should assist In keeping up the organisation. Miss MncArthur has finished her in. Blructions in art to a class of young ladles nnd Btartcd for Scrnnton, where sho will remain over tho Sabbath, leaving Monday moinlngfora visit with friends in Lltch field county, Conn. In October sho begins her connection with an urt school lu Phlla dolphin. OirbondaU AdcTmcc. Wo learn from our exchanges of North umberland county that n dlseaso is prevail ing among tho hogs of that county. Col, Tuggart of Northumberland, who Is an ex. tensive stock raiser, U somewhat alarmed, ns the epidemic has entered his herd, it Is said Mr, Tuggart has the finest pen ot hogs lu tho State. I, W, Build's show came from Hazlcton to Catawlssn on Friduy morning, nnd ex. pected to reach Bloomsburg lu amplo tlmo for the afternoon performance, Thoy ar rived too Into to tuko (lie train, nnd wcro brought over fiom Cntnwissn with wagons. The afternoon pel formanco wus cancelled, but lu tho evening they gavo n gooil enter, tnliiment, although they had n small audience. A visit to T. L. Uuntou Stenm Murblo Works, Main Street, Bloomsburg, will con- vinco you of tho superior ndvantago in tlio uso of Bteam fixtures for that purpose. For the benefit of thoso who can not visit his works wo will give a brief description There Is an iron wheel two and a half Inches in thickness, seven feet In diameter mid weighing 2800 pounds, used for polish. lne tho marble. Tho wheel is raised nbout three 'feet from the floor, and connected with gearing so ns to run horizontally with tho floor. Overhanging this largo Iron wheel ho has arranged n derrick to which is attached a Bailey hoisting npnratus, by means ot which one man can raise a mar' bio slab weighing three nnd one-half tons or 7000 pouuds. Marble slabs ot ono ton weight aro os heavy as usually handled. They nr placed upon tlio Iron wheel, nnd their weight resting on tho wheel, which Is In rapid motion. Fine sand Is scattered over the Iron wheel, which grinds tho marble to tho required thickness. One ot these slabs can bo polished In nbout fifteen minutes, or twenty times us fast as tho old hand method. There Is possibly no es. tnbllshmcnt lu this section so well atrnuged for furnishing flue ninrblo work us that of T. L. Gunton ot Bloomsburg. He keeps on hnud specimens of nil kinds of granite, which lie takes pleasure lu showing to all who call. Our rcadcis should bo plcnsed to learn that they can procure till kinds of mniblo nnd grunlto work nt our county scat, and ut a- cost far loss than that charged by other similar establishments. Anl'.AKOEMENT FOlI THE TliANSl-OIlTA-llON OF I'ABSEXQUnS TO IDE STATU FAlli, AT IMUIA DEU'IHA, BEITEMDEK 8tll TO 20tll, 18S4, OVEIt TIIK USES 01' TIIK l'AILADELl'lII A AND HEADING r.AII.UOAU. The general arrangement is for tho sale of special excursion tickets, including ad mission coupon to tlio Fuir, from all points on tho line of this Company, in Pennsylva nia, at a rate of two (2) cents per mile, Willi tho addition of fifty (50) cents for ad. mission to tho Fair. Tho tickets aro good for three (3) dnys and are on sale from nil stations north of Bridgeport oud Jcnkin- town, and on tho New York Branch from Bound Brook to Jenklntown (Inclusive). The special arrangement will bo as fol- kiws : Special excursion will be run from all points Interested at the low rato of half fare, tickets to bo good going on special train only, but to return on any train of day of excursion or day following. For excursions of Saturday tickets will bo good until Monday followiug. Sei'temiikh 11th, 1881. Fiom Wllllamsport, Sunbury, Shamokln aud nil points in tlio Mnhanoy and Susqtic hauna Region as far south us Tumnqua. tiKi-TEMnsit 13th and 18th, 1881. From Main Line poluts (Pottsvillo to Bridgeport, Inclusive), Kcudiug and Col umbln, Lebanon Valley nnd East Pennsyl nla, Schuylkill and Lehigh, and Lebanon nnd Tremont points. SElTliMUElt 10th, 1881. From Bethlehem Branch (Bethlehem to Jenklntown, Inclusive), including Doyles town Branch and N, E. P. R. It. points. Seitkmiibi: 17th, 1881. From New York Branch (Bound Brook to Jenklntown, Inclusive), and Trenton Branch points. Owing to the superior attractions which will bo displayed this year, tho utteiidanco will fur surpass nil previous exhibitions, and wo therefore offer the ubovo unusual accommodations In order to glvo all nu op. poituulty to uttend. O. G. HANCOCK, 0. V, AND T, A. peanuts and candies. The old folks will uot indulge that makes such meagre pre parations. Hugh Applcman, Win. Eycrly, Peter Brugglcr, and Clark Ptirbcl took In Wil liam's Grove picnic last week. Hugh and Peter took ndvantago of tho excursions and visited tlio battlo ground of Gettys- burg, also the Indian school at Carlisle. Clark purchased another separator. Wo hope ho will not bo so unfortunate with this one ns with tho others. Miss Clara Ent of Light Street, was cutei" taincd n few days by her cousins, Misses, Jennie nnd Laura Dclttcilck. Rev. Stevens delivered a very interest ing and Instructive sermon last Sunday evening on the subject of "Fault Fiud ing." Master Milton Shoemaker from near Or augevllle, was home to seo his mother on Sunday last. Milt stays well for a boy of his age. Of late years the young men of Light Street have had qulto a hankering for our stores, nnd did not rest until they possess. cd both of tlicra. Tho indications aro now that two moro of them will not bo satisfied until thoy havo both of our girls. Our miners are looking for better days as Irondale is opening up old works and putting in now hands, Austin Old has returned from hu stay In Centre county. Lloyd Bomboy who for the past summe was selllug fruit trees in tlio west, is visit Ing relatives until tho time of delivery when he expects to return, Miss Hattlc Appleman Is spending a few weeks with friends nt Benton Miss Blanche Shoemaker is now iu Dan vllle. Wo uroglad to learn that Raymond Sleeker is nble to bo about again. Messrs. Klstlcr, Hartman, ami Lang, Held aro attending the Bloomsburg Normal School, On Saturday Sept, 13th, tho Buckhoru band will hold a festival, Wo expect no other than u big tlmo as this Is tho flrst of tho scusou. Somo neighboring band Is to bo present. May our boys meet with sue cess. September did uot number o no, Before was heard tho hunting gun. Now squirrels, whisper your chatter, Or your terms with shot they'll spatter, Faiuv. Berwick, Mr. Thos. Miles and lady Tcturncd from Centre couuty Friduy evening, where they ad been visiting iclatlves. Mrs. S. II . Peck nnd daughter of Nor- thuinbcrland, after Bpendlug Sunday with her parents, returned homo Monday morn-ing. MiisMlunnic Bower returned to Hack- cttstown Seminary, Thursday. Mr. Win, M. Gross reached here from Muncy, Monday evening. Mr. J. D. Creasy, wife and daughter, visited relatives nnd friends in this plncu dining the early part of the week. Mrs. Jas. Pierce aud son returned from visit to Watsontown, Tuesday. Prof. Hnrrison ofEaston is visiting in town. Messrs. Llttlo, Stewart, Reedy and Clem ens are spending the ween iisinng nnu hunting at Stackhouso pond. Jesse Edwards' son Carl has been suffer ing with cholera infantum for the last week. Hugh Linden is the happy possessor of a bouncing boy, born Sunday morning. Tho club of this place played six innings witli tho Bloomsburg boys Saturday after tho rain nnd 'wcro defeated by n score of 13 to 4. A party of young folks made a moonlight trip to Bloomsburg, Monday evculng on the steamer Empire nnd enjoyed them selves Immensely, Mr. G. W. Patterson and Miss Anua Heavner were united in marrlago Saturday ovenlng by Rev. L, M. Humbler. Tho guests presented the couplo with mauy ele gant presents, und nfter partaking ot n sumptuous repast, returned to their differ- ent homes. Tito races lust Saturday ut tlio fair grouuds between John Henry nnd Gov, Crnpo both of Wilkesbarro wcro won by the former lu three successive heats. Wlint CoitHtltutcH a Suppleinc-iit. Frequently publishers aro called ou to fold circulars In their papers that wcro printed nt other ofilccs, aud yet bear head. iugs to the paper lu which they aro to bo folded. Many have consented, and have thus sent out these circulars or special ad vertisements, probably not knowing that they were violating tho postal laws. The following rulings wo take from the United States Official Postal Guide, for January, 1884, which aro found on pages 491 and 402: 410. "A supplement which contains any advertisements whatever must bear the title, date, aud number of tho paper which it purports to supplement, and must bo printed at the ofllce of publication of such naucr. except in the caso of supple ments containing legal advertisements, such as tax sales, which may bo printed at nnother ofllco than that of tho paper with which they aro mailed." 421. "No supplement can be accepted as lcsltimato which contains one or more largo displayed advertisements, not in common with advertisements in the paper itself, or in which the reading matter is composed almost entirely of clippings, or of recommendations of tho persons or things advertised." 424. "The words "supplement to," etc., printed on a poster, hand-bill, or special advertisement of some corporation, company, or person, does uot change its character from third to second-class mat ter j when Inclosed in second-class matter they not only subject the packages to the cliargo of third-class rates at offices of de livery but also subject publishers to a fine of ten dollars for ovcry package mailed contalng such Inclosiires." GROSZ BROWN. Mr. Daniel Grosz of Wapwallopen was united in holy wedlock to Miss Elizabeth Brown nlsoot Wapwallo pen, at the Ev. Lutheran parsonage, Ber wick, Pa., August 10th, 1884, by Rev. J. P. German. BITTENBENDER READLER. - A t the residence of the bride's parents in Briggsvillc, by Rev. J. P. German, Mr. W. K. Bittcnbendcr, nnd Miss Amanda Read ier, both of Briggsvillc, August 20th, 1884. "Mother Swan's Worm Syrup, for fever Ishness, worms, constipation ; tasteless. 20c. Stinging, irritation, nil Kidney and Url nnry complaints cured by "Buchu.palbn." SI. Night sweats, fever, chills, malaria, dys pepsia, cured by "Wells' Health Renewer." "My husband (writes n times the man since using Renewer." lady) is throo "Wells' Health DEATHS. If you lire fulling, broken, v :rvous, uso "Wells' Health WILSON. Ncnr Folks on the 20th, nil., Mrs. Lucinda Wilson, widow of Rev. Eli jah Wilson , nged 05 years, 2 months and 19 days. nervous. $1. worn out and Renewer." Prevalence of Kidney complalatln Amer ica ; "Buchu-paiba" is n quick, complete cure. $1. Juno 10-ly cow LOCAL NOTICES. 09!)0 l-Ospiing chickens, 8888 1.8 old hens, 7777 1-7 pigeons, 0000 1-0 ducks, 5550 1-5 cecse. f ood calves, urge shouts, lbs. pitted chenles, 1111 lbs. dried raspberries. All tho above wanted at Light Stiect, by July 25.3m SILAS YOUNG. Go to B. F. Sharpless' foundry, near L. & B. depot, for the best Phosphate tor wheat and grass. LUMBER. Planing mill in lumberyard. I have nil kinds of worked lumber white pine, yellow pine and hemlock flooring ; white pine and hemlock German siding, suiface boards, Mirfacc siding, wainscot ing, moulding. All kinds of lumber in rough, at Llghtstrcct, by nug 22-3m Silas Youso, Deeds Recorded. Dentil of .ilatlilau itolibliiH. Died August 12th, 1884, Mnthlas Bobbins wns boru In Columbia county, Pa., in tho Spring of 1700. About 60 years ago ho emigrated with his family to Wood couuty, O. Hero he endured many hardships incident to a pioneer's life. Tlio M. E. ministers fouud a resting place with hliu j for sovernl years regular preach. Ing and weekly prayer.mectlng wcro held in his house. His wlfo preceded him 40 years ago, leaving him with several small children, who havo been his companions nndcomtoit, in his declining years. He removed to Boone county, 111., thlrly.flvo yenrrt ago, whero ho has since resided. Ho was a kind father, a consistent Christian, and enjoyed the good will nnd confidence ot nil who knew him. HU cud was Hint of tho upright who dlo lu pcuro. Isaac Rob bins, now living in Sugar Valley, Clinton county, Pa., is tho only survivor of the mm. 11)-. South Vend Ind.) Time. School books nt tho Peoples' Drug Store, The following deeds have becu iccorded since those last published : Catharine and Samuel Idly to Lydia Snyder, Conyngham. C. B. Brockway nnd wifo to Charles Stohner, Sugarloaf. C. B, Brockwuy nnd wlfo to Auna M. Stohucr, Sugarloaf. Augustus G. Frltk executor et nl to Per ry A. Black, Jackson. William A. Ellis and wife to D. M. Htnk. el and wife, Catawlssa. William Koccc und wire to Trustees of tho Evangelical'church, Greenwood. Win. T. Creasy, et al to Francis P. Crea sy, Catawissa. J. K. Evaus, et al to Muihi Lvuns, Bloomsburg. Jus. Craig and Amsey Crnlg, treasurer to Georgo F. Craig, Roaringcrcck. Richard Hess, et al to Josiali P. Fritz, Sugarloaf. Jesse Hess, administrator to Josiali P. Fritz, Sugarloaf. H, A, Swcppcnheiser, treasurer to David Welsh, Centralla. Joseph Hess and wife to Thomas Mc Henry, Benton, Clemucl R. Woodln nnd wife to board of trustees of tho Y. M. C. A., Berwick, Elizabeth S. Jackson to the same, Peter Swank und wlfo to Joseph Craig, Roaringcrcck. William nnd Jacob Oman, executor to Samuel H, Oman, Mt. Pleasant. Barali A. Holdcn et nl to Daniel Rhoads, Locust. Ellas Georgo and wifo to tho same, William Oman aud wifo to John K, Woodln, Mt. Pleasant. Isaac Mordnn nnd wife to Nicholas Bea gle, Madison, Philip Miller und wlfo to (ho same. Samuel Yost nnd wlfu to Mary Drlcshach, Fishlngcreck. Samuel Y, Pcnlnnglou and wlfo to same, William Moycr and wlfo to F, W. Albert son, Greenwood. Franklin Rhoads et al to John Kllnger. mau, Beaver. Hiram Sugars and wlfo to Joseph A. Hiirtzel, Main, John Ilannan and wlfo to Joseph Hait zel, Main, John W. Shuman and wifo to Martha J, Glger, Malu, Harvey J, Keller to Elizabeth Hvnslngcr, Mllllln. Allen Mnnn, executor to Mury M. Camp bell, Cutnwlssa. T, C, Hurler and wlfo to B. Frnuk Zurr, Scott. Hlrum Troiifoc nnd wife to the sumo. I.UMI1EH I I.UMliF.UM FOU SAI.K CIIEA1". Hemlock bonrds, plnnk 2 by 4, joice, bill stuff, 10, 12, 14, 10, 18 nnd 20 feet long worked lumber, flooring, German nnd bev 1 siding, surface bonrds and siding, sawed shingles No 1, 2 nnd 3, chestnut, hemlock and pine, shingle and ceiling lath. I have made arrangements witli n couple of steam saw mills If there Is any thing that I hnve'nt got I can get it nt shoit no tice nt Light Street by July 25-3 m SILAS YOUNG. HARD CASES. I have used Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir on some of the hardest cases in town, u works like n charm. Bcspcctfully yours, t Tt T . VPtM tA ! - . If. 11. DaAIAll, 1SIUK1BI. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 11th, 'S3. For sale ut Hendershott's Pharmncy Bloomsburg Pa. HARD CASES. I havo used Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir on some of tho hardest cases iu town. It works like a charm. Respectfully yours, D. H. BAXTER, Druggist. Corning, N. Y Jan. 11, 1883. CouxiNU, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1883. John II. Phelps, Pharmacist. Dear Sir I was troubled with Sciatic Rheumatism for nearly six months in both hips, and after trying nil nvnilnble cures and medi cines without success, I at Inst was recom mended your Rheumatic Elixir, and nfter using live und ono-hnlf bottles lum pleased to state that I am entirely cured. I before could hardly drag my feet after me, now urn able to work nnd lift ns good ns ever, und hnvo no fenr of being uttacked again. You may publish this if ymiiwish. Yours truly, James IIiooinh. For sale at Hendershott's Phnrmacy Bloomsburg Pa. New goods nt J. B. Skecr's. Hogs that weigh from 100, 110, 120, 130, 140 to 100 lbs., a piece n lot of nice clean thrifty hogs for sale ut Light Street by SI las oung. Sept5-4w BUSINESS NOTiCEsT ("iiii.on's cuiik win. Immediately icllovo croup, cough mid bionrliitis. Sold Bros. whnopiuc by Moycr r.ESlOKATlVKWINR. if vou nre weak and sufferlnc from ten- erul debility, you should use Specr's Port Grape Wine, it will purify your blood, re store digestion and makes you ieei iiko n younger person. For sale by druggists, OKOtll', WHOOPIVH oouou nml Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shlloh's Cure, For sale by Moycr Bros, oataiuui cunKii. health nnd sweet breath secured by Shi lob's Cnturrh Remedy. Price 00 cents. Nusal Injector free. For snlo by Sloyer Bros. M 1U, YOU SCKIT.It with Dyspenslu nnd Liver Complaint ? fchlloh's Vitallzer Is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by Moycr Bros. For hunu back, bide or chest use Shlloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For Bale by Moycr Bros. "iiackmetack," A 1,ict!,i(r uml frntmmt mt-flimi lrirt I und 60 cents. Sold by Moycr Bros. UETEOTIVKS AND I'KIVATK OFFIOEIW Usually wear their badges of authority con cooled under their clothing, but Dr. Thom as' Eclectrio Oil wears Its badges In the form of printed labels attached to each and every bottlo, so that nil may know its mis sion. It Is given full and complete auth ority to arrest all nehes nnd pains, nnd does its duty every tlmo. FOIt DYSPEPSIA And liver complaint, you havo u printed guarantee ou every bottlo of Bhlloh's Vital. Bold uy -iioyer uros. MADE A NEW MAN. Mr. John H. Phelps, Dear Sir In regard to your Rheumatic Elixir, I would say that I was In n fcniful condition beforo 1 commenced to tuko it. It has really mado n new mnn of mc. I can cheerfully recom- tnmi.l It In nil IllfiCf, BllfTlrlnn witli llint tpr. rlblo disease lhcurontism. I remain yours respectfully, Fua!.cib H. Eauu Spiing street, Newton, N. J., Nov. 15, '81. For salu at Hendershott's Pharmacy, Bloomsburg Pa. MARKET REP0RTS. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wheat per bushel 00 Rye " " 70 Corn " " 05 Oats " " 40 Flour her barrel 0 Ot' Clovcrsced 8 0 Butter 20 TXw.';;;.'.'.'.''.'.'..'.."..".'.'..'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.' os Potatoes new 40 Dried Apples 00 Hams 14 Sides and shoulders 10 Chickens 12 Turkeys 12 Lard per pound 1" Hay per ton 13 00 Beeswax 20 Buckwheat flour per huudred 3 W Hides per lb 5 to 7 Veal skins per lb 08 Sheep pelts, each 75 Woo! per lb 30 Philadelphia Markets. cohhkctkd" weekly. I'KEU' Western winter bran, siot, MACKKKEU Extra mibs 35c. lart'8 l's, S8 30c. extra khore rs la a iMc VUiUU. Western extra's a.00 s.M s l'cnu'a. family, (oil.N) Ohio clear, 4.75 5.30; winter patent ( e.. WHEAT l-enuBj-lvania red, new, w I'llltN, Mlxwl lets, 61 (. Ml,, OATS. NO. 3 WhltO (A 41 ItO, S, 43. HAY AND STKAW Timothy chole Wostru anil New York, 110. (air to good WcUern un New York, 11. is 15. ! medium Western and New York, 1U. (j 12. ; cut hay as to qualltr is. m 1H.0O. IDOktraw new, 15.00 Wheat straw, 0. lo. Oat straw v a 10. WOOU Ohio, lvnnsylvanta and Went Vlrulnla, Kleeee Watld, XX aud ubovc, si (& lo ( X sow S!o ; common vs ( !!lc Texas, bprlntjcllp aneUOi &!, medium SO '! coarse, 10 (4 17, nunc. l vuu&j itnmu i.u,.i moiriu 11 W tt 18. ItinTElt. Pennsylvania extra,! loss of Sllll.Oll'ri VlrAI.l7.KK Is what you need for Constipation, Annclltu. DUzltu-ss und nil sym: Dyspepsia, rnce iu aim in coins per inn. tie, For sale by Moyer Bros, BlllLOIl'ri oouou nnd Consumption Curo Is sold by us ou a j guarantee. It cures consumption, For sale by Moycr Bros. 1 s w Western extra ill 0 LIVE roUl.TUY.-Kowls, ICtf 17 mixed lots 15X (4 IS roosters old tf loo j spring chickens as to kia and iiuullty 1V41H. ini'KsKi I'oPi.'i iiy. rnirk i'iim I'lirn it c symptoms of i lu.y; ; syrlng chickens as lo weight uuil nualliy it W iu, I'otatoes, Per tmhhel 75 no i per barrel mi (,f ONIONS. Maryland per buutd S.00 u 3.85; NorlU Carolina S. 50 uv.15. L'AliliAUE. New, per barrel iso a Lett, 'I OM ATI) KM. l'er crate 40 u Mc- Am E.S. Yelluw harvest t.ui a 1.50 iwr Unl. 1'EAl'IIES. 1.5ii a 3.00 per bushel.