The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 05, 1884, Image 1

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    frTE8 Of jDVeFVp3INq.
lM 2M 3M
18 0)
one Inch tuo fiW) f3 00
Iniiiiei. Weekly, vrr7 l'rlrlny Mornlnir, nt
irtwotni.f.Rs por To subscribers out ot
tlio county tno terms nro strictly In ndvnncc.
.TiiS.P,Wr 'Uscontlnnea oxcopt at tlio option
2l.t5-pu.lj11",' unt" rrcan5aii nro nail but
Mil continued credits will not bo Slvcn.
All papers sent out of tlio Htnto or to distant post
b bio person In Columbia county assumes to pay
rwo inencs. bw fw Dinr
Three Indies in son 710
Four Indira 8(0 TOO (
1.K10 torn
1810 25 00
sooo eooo
cow 10000
Quarter column., floo bpo 1000
llnlf column 10 00 1400 1700
onccoiumn...,..20oo ssoo sooo
WnrlrnrlTfTtlRmpnt rniTftbloauftrterlr. Trn
lent advert Iscments must bo paid for before Inset t
ed except wlicre parties bavo accounts,
Igal ndvertlscmenta two dollars per Inch fo
ihrco insertions, and at that rate for additional
Insertions without refereneo to length.
Rxccutor'a, Administrator's, and Aodltor'snollcel
Ihrco dollars. Must bo paid for when sserted.
I yaiAUISISllolOnircrOXnCteil 'mm llhr-rlW.
tins county.
Tlio i .lobblno Department of the Colombian Is very
?mple,W' , our ,0, I'rmtlnK will comparo favor
bir wltn that of tlio lartco cltios. All work dono on
tiort nouco, noatly and at moderate prices.
Transient or Local notices, ten cents allnc.regu.
lar advertisements halt rates.
0. H.HIiWSLI.',
J K BITTENBEMDEn,;"0!"8""'
cards In tho 'Business Directory" oolunm.onr
dollar a year for each lino.
rl-ie doltimbikn.
onico over Ut. National Bank". I,loom9bur- l'ft'
In Slit's Building. .
1 It. HU01CALEW,
BLooMsnniio, Pa.
onico over 1st National Bank,
Blooxsucko, I'a.
onico over Moycr Bros. Drug store.
r W. MTLLtiK,
OfllJjIn Browcr'abulldlnj,s(!condiloor,room No.1
liloomaburs, Pa.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
omco cornor of Ccntro and Main Streets. Clark i
Can bo consultod In Gorman.
Niw CoujitEiAJi Buildiko, Moomaburg, l'a.
Momber of tho Unttod Statos Law Association.
collections mado in any part of America or jsu
rops. P
onion In Columbian Bcildino, Room No. 3, second
9. KNonn.
onico In 1st National UnnK ouiiciinsr, Boconci nnor,
llrstdoor to tlio left. Corner of Main and Markot
Btrecui iiioomBuurt. 1 u.
W2rVM0 and Bounties Colhckd.
omco In Malio'a building, over Wllmeycr's grocery.
Olllco In Ills building opposile.Court House,
2nd lloor, Rloomsburg, Pa. npr 13 '83
onico In Nrws Itku building, Main street.
Member of tho American Attorneys' Associa
tion. collections mado In any part ot America.
Jnckson Building, Rooms 4 nnd C.
Catuwlssa, l'a.
Odlco, corner of Third cud Valntarooto.
"y- K, SMITH,
Attorney-atLaw, Berwick. Pa.
C-m be Consulted in German.
fS"Ollleo first door below the post olllcc.
4 t E
tl. UAHKLKf, Atlorneyat-l.uw
, onico i u llrowiTM building, ind story.ltoomB
T II MnKKLYY, M. D.,SurKnn and Pliy
) . (I'jian.tiorth sldo Main stroeUbelow Market
,1 h. FRITZ, Attornoy-at-Lnw. Olllce
CX. InCOLUMBUM Bulldlns.
(iwlntf Maehluosand Machinery ot all llnds re
alrod. Ormu llouaii BuildlnET, lilooiubBiiri;, Pit.
, (!. BUTTER,
I'lIYSlCIAN xHununort,
omco, North Marliet street,
Uloorctiburt, l'a
It. WM.
M. REBER. Surueon nnd
onlce corner ot ItocU and Market
r It HVASH. M. D.. Surceon and
I . I'hvslo.An. (omco and UCBldenca on Third
to bell tho only OFFICIAL ulotfrupluea
Juulcl: I
Tunlnea of
A N u
By ex. Gov. Uorehclmcr. of N. v., member ot 1). B.
cuiiKi-csa, and lion. V, U. lleuscL. chairman of
Dem. Mate com. of l'a.. intimate friends of C, &
11. It U tho most reliable, Inteifatlut' and richly
Illustrated, henco In lmmcnso domaud. Agents
are colnlni; money. It has nnosieei poriraiia,
Bells fastest uud pays best, llowaro of unreliable,
catchpenny books. Write to
Hubbard Bres,, 723Chostnut St., Phila.
JU 0'W , I
W A MrPI?ra rcpresentatlvo ot sooil
Y AiN Xili U addiemto travel through
I ,ii i.T:- ('(II.IIMIIIA
A.1 UiNviJi County with Valuable
wurlfd for siicclal vlussua of business men uiul inc
cluuilca who understand and uued them, trlvluir
their erdero nt blhl i pronta liberal, easy and
(pilok j can refer lo gentlemen clearluif to to fau n
ivcck wuoaru iucusmi wiiu uui worn j umjr jju
capital reiuired wilto for particulars If you
Hiean business i give ago, trado or previous em
jiloyineut und icterences. l'aliucr, IVUl-iur Co.,
vanucruui avo., new nont.
Aug 8-lw r
DYKUTISKltSt bend for our (Select list of local
newspapers, ueo. r. iiuweu a to., iv epruvu
lli tho NEW catalo;uo of tho
Business College
.SUNT K11UU. AddlVhfl.
A. J. KIUKK, Principal,
Trenton, N. J.
L L SI W, M, D.
Uodical SuporlalenJont of tin Sanitarium.
Invalid's Homo.
E51oomsfour, Pa.,
Devotes special mtcntton to Epllopsy,
Norms Affoctlcns, nml Diseases of Women.
l'tltlcnls received nt the Sanitarium on
ensonaWo tetm3 for board nnd treatment.
1'. 8. No charge for first consultntlon.
npr 37. '83
number and gas niter. Hear of Schuyler's hard
ware store.
Bloomsburg;, Pa,
All kinds ot MmniM far slc.m. l'iis ami water
pipes constantly on hand.
ltnonntr and Rnnutlnff attended to nt short nn.
tlco: "
Tlnwaro of every description mado to order.
Orders left at Bchuvlcr Co's.. hardwaio Btoro
will bo promptly lined.
special attention glvcato heating by steam and
hot water.
11 house,
Bi.ooManuito, Columbia County, Pa.
All stylebOt work dono In a superior man titir, work
warrantee, as represented, tbrtii uxtuaut
xd without I'aih by tho uso of (las, and
trooof chargo when artmclal tooth
uro Inserted.
Olllco In Columblnn Imildlnc, 2nd floor.
'Jo be. open at all houri during the da
IIOMi:, OF N. Y.
l'BOl'LES' N. Y.
Th'so old conrouATiovs nro well seasoned by
ago and rniK tkstkii nnd liavo never yet had n
1om settled br nnr court nr law. Their assets nro
all Invested In solid skcckities are liable to tho
ha.ant 01 rntn only.
lisses I'Homi-tlv nnd iiovestlv ndjustcdand
raid as toon nR determined by ciuustian r.
The pcoplo of Columbia county should patron
zo tlio agency whero losses It any are settled and
laid by one ot their own citizens.
9000 ! ! Agents vanted?iu
10 KI
to tell tho First AUTHENTIC Biographies of
By II. J. Hamsdcll, Esq., Jlr. Blaine's lntlmato
filcnd nnd pei'sonal choice, nnd lien l'erloy roore,
for is venrM nn omeer of tho II. S. Contrress. 5.000 1
outllts ordered within a week. Agents coining
money, is in immense demand oecnuso mo most
Kellalile. Interesting nnd Itlchly Illustrated! line
steel portraits ; first out, sells fastest, llowaro of
unreliable dooks. wnto lo iiunoaru liros., i-uus.;
1'hlladclphla, l'a. 7-8-4wr
Send slic rents for nostatre. and re
ceive tree, a costly boc of goods which
will help you to moro money rlffht
away than anvthlnc elso In this world.
All. nf either khv. Riipr.pprl from tlrst hour. The
broad road tofortuno opens beforo tho workers'
6UIV. ill UlltU UI1U11 nl inu w
gusta. Maine. Ueoni-ly
Opens September 8, Closes September 30,
On tho new, convenient and permanent grounds,
$41,000 In Premiums for
Manufactures, .Machinery, Implements, Tixxlucc,
Live Stock, etc.
Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society
with the co-operation ot tho
in n grand display of fruits and flowers.
Producing, Spinning nnd Reeling Silk.
Philadelphia Kennel Club,
Bench Show of Dogs,
Incubators and Domestio Fowls.
Premium Lists on application to
JAMES MILES, President.
I). W. seller, Llbrldgo McConkey, Secretaries,
N. W. Cor. 10th and Chestnut tits,
Head Qaurtors for
Iron, Meel.IIorbeshoes
Nails and W agon
.Makers' and Black
smiths' Supplies,
Israel lllttenbendcr,
Storo Wnrerooins
iss Franklin Avo., also
wareroomsllj Frank
lin Ave, nnd KSCcn-
3 ire street,
may 23 ly
ick, Lieutenant iloernor of
1'ennsylvanl.i. our book will contain facts to bo
found In no other, besides a complete history ot
tho Democratic narty. with all Its platforms:
uv cnaunev r. mack
bkelches or tho lives of all tho Presidents; the
women ot tno wii toiiouso: protective tann
revenue reform ; olectoral voto ; homellfoot tho
President, nnd a full life of HIJNUIIICICH
ours Is tho best, moat accurate, cheapest, and bells
most lamely. Bend S3 cents for out lit at once.
T1IAYIS1C, JIL'ltlU.Ut CO., b! Arch St., l'hllad'a.
IIU 35 5 estate I
Hyvlituo of an order of tho orphans' Court of
Columbia county, tho undersigned Adminint ro
tors of thocstatoot Isaac Leldy, decoased, will
sell at public sale on tho premises, on
Saturday, Sept. 20th, 188-1.
at 1 o'clock p. m. tho followlug described reales
tato, to-wlt i All that ceitaln tract ot land tit
uatoln llemloclc township, col. Co., l'a., bounded
and described as follows, to-wlt i On tho Southby
lands of D. B. Wagner, on tho oast by lands of
Evan Thomas, on tho north by lands of Thomas
HlcKey and Miles Ohl, and on tho west by lands
of Thomas Illckey and-- llrobst, contain.
111 Acres and 84 Perches,
whereon nro erected a two-ktory
bank barn, btraw tJicds, wagon sheds, eornctlbB,
and all necessary outbuildings. There U a good
spring of nover.falllng watcrat tho door. ' A good
npplu orchard, lvaches, cherries, plumbs, aud a
vailctyot other fruits. Veod at tho cxpansoof
tho purchaser. All grain In the ground nnd per
sonal property on th premtocs reserved. Posses
blon glvon April 1, lass.
THUMB OP BALE. Ten pel wnt. of ono-fourth
of tho purchaso money shall bo paid at tho bti Ik
ing down ot tho property, one-fourth less the ten
percent, at tho continuation of alo and tho ro-malnliigthreo-tourthsln
ono year thcrafter with
luteitsit from cotlrmatlon nisi.
WM. I'. LUIUV, Adiii'it
li 1). LUIDV, A"",,a-
Vaudiullcc, Alt'y,
i.outl I'nj f'ui- Aiii-no. OK") t'tao i'i r
i:tik, iiiult.tllli(; tiiriiritiilliit
l'al.tll.UltJ 11,-tll.lK, Illillli'.Uf t
L'iuuiimmu i, llullli'.uf tliuVurlu
IWiiii luJ.'. Mel unl A I'U1IU
iliiia, r..
Health andjiappiness.
p fcl ? DO AS OTHERS
Aro your KidnoyB dlsordorod?
'KMnr7 Woit timUKtit me from tn frrftTe, ult
nerc, nfUT 1 Iia.1 twn Rlren npby 13 U-tt doctor la
lxirolt." M. W.tliTui,llecVDlc,lmU,UJCb.
Aro your norvos woalc?
"Kt.lucy Wort cured ine from frrom wtAknCM
As .pfti r I wm nnt nrct1 IoUto." Mrl M. U. B.
UouJwili, Ed, CMltlM Mtmltor, CVlUmd, O.
Hnvo you Bright'o Dlsoaso?
, ."KlJnPT Woi t cured ino wlicll lnr wtor WM Juit
Ilka clmlk ani tbvn llko blood."
Frank WllBtfn,l'catody,Uaii8,
Suf foriug from Diabotoa?
l.lnrWort U tu most nuccefurul rcracrty 1 1
CTr uacJ.
01rc4 almost immiMluterctM.'
vr. i miup u uugu, aioiuiod, v t.
Havo you Livor Complaint?
"Klrtnt-jr-wort cuml mo of chronlo Llrcr Dlse&sos
after 1 rrajel to die,"- . .
Hciiry Whtii, late Col. ttth Kat. Guard, N. T.
In your Back lamo and aching?
"K It ny Wort, (l bottle) cured mo when 1 wmio
It-DlO 1 lU'l to toll out vt IkhI."
a M. Tillmago, tlUwaulccQVIt.
fHavo von Kidnov Dlsoaso?
jl "XKIncyAS crt made tae soumUn llrcr ani kid hot
rrtor yenn of unmiccrssrul rtortorlntr. Its worth
Aro von Constinatod?
"KMnpT-Wort ranivi caxt eracuatlomi and cured
tuo after 18 years um of other medicines."
Havo you Mnlaria?
romcd jl have eier used In nvy pr
'IfldnT.Vort has dono Utter than any other
Aro vou BUiousP
"KUney.W'orttias dono mo moro good than any
other remedy I Iihto ever taken.' ,
urs. T.uauoway, tJt titi, urtson.
Aro you'tormentod with Pilos?
"Kid hot-Wort permanrntty curti moot blooding
rllei. Dr. w, (J. Kline wotiimendwt it to me."
Uoo. 11. llont, Cashier U. Hank, 11 yen town, To.
Aro vou Rhoumatism racked?
'KMney.Wort curert rue. after 1 was Riven up to
uiQ UT piljBlClKnn bbii i nail BUiit'iru inirij jmn,
KlbrtdgqJUalcolm, West Catli, llalnc.
xjtiuiuoi ui w juu uuiiviiiB
"Kldney-Wort mrcd mo of iiecullar trouble of
DOTcral years BtAndlnir. Uany frienrtturennd prat
It," kin. U. Lamoreaux, Iilo La Uotte, Vt.
If you would Banish Disoaso
i ana gain xioaun, xaKo
Infants nnd Children
What gives our Children rosy cheeks,
What cures their f overs, makes them deep ;
When Ilables fret, nnd cry by turni,
What cures their colic, kills their wormn.
What quickly cures Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion :
Tarcwell then to Morphine Synips,
Castor Oil and l'aregorlc, and
Hall Cantoris.
" Cnstorla la la veil adapted to Children
that I rocommend It as superior to any medl
clno known to mo." II. A. AncaaR, M.D..
Ill So. Oxford St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Ixtt?ra of administration In tho estato of Laura
J. I'atten, deceased, lato of Hloomsburg, Columbia
county, Pennsylvania, havo been granted- by tho
uegisieror Haiu county to mo unucrsigneu Aamin
lstrator. All nersons bavins claims aiialnst tho
estato of tho deceased nro requested to present
I aem tor beiiiement, nna inoso inaemea to mo es
tato to make payment to tho undersigned ndmln.
istraior wuuoui uciay. Ji.,
Augsu Administrator,
Tho undenJfrncd auditor appointed by tho or
phans' court of Columbia county to make dlstrl
button of tho balnnco In tlio hands ot Jno,
Evans, administrator of said estate, will bit. at tho
onico ot c. it. Jackson attorney at Berwick, l'a. on
Saturday Kept. 13th 1881 at u o'clock a. m., wnen
and whero all parlies Interested In said estate
inusi uppcar nou preseiii. int-ir ciluius auu iuu.iu
inneoieu to mo same to iiiiiku oayiueuv to tuu uu-
dealgned without delay.
It. It. L1TTL1C
Aug 13 4 w
riotlcols hereby Klvcn that tho followlne ac.
count has been tiled lntlio court of Common l'leoa
of Columbia County, and will bo presented to tho
saiu uourt, on me iourm ,Moua.iy ui cepiemuer a.
1). 1881, and conllnned after tho fourth day ot sold
term unless exception no iiica wiiniu tuai tune,
Tho first and final account ot Cltuton Kills com
mitteo of Haruli .Miner n lunatic.
WM. KltlCKHAUM, l'rothy.
1'. II. HAltT.UAN, Deputy.
Hloomsburg l'a., Aug., 80th 1881. Aug S3-iv
letters testamentary on tho estate ot cunlon
Melick. deceased, lato ot Mt. Pleasant townshln.
Columbia county I'enna., deceased havo been
3 ranted by tho Keglster ot said county tothoun
erslgncd executrix. All tporbons havlug claims
against tho estato ot said decedent aro requested
w present them tor settlement and thoso indebt
ed to tho estato to mako payment to tho under-
blgued without delay.
Aug. laiu iroi
Aug S3-0W "
iwiirnnurM ere unur imi.nuii
H iiuuuinruci c nunit..iv,-ci;i.u,uui.i
B Nam rdltion New binding,. N Ulufctratior.l
11 iTora dw delgm. Suitcrbly irvlteu up. Sin low pi k.
AdipteJ lo ill cUei. belli at fc(gh(, Arentt dolu blf
oik. 1:culli:ntTbiih Thg litotliumcsl proictu
ever limed. Apply now,
l-WAtLBV.GAHlcvl&)N&Co..e4NorthiTh St.rMUdet-
plila, ra. Alhu oilier krul new uwckt na lituci.
marS3-ly aid
Cures Scrofula, Erysipolas,
r imp les ami Faco Oruhs,
niOlci'OS. JJCU3, -minors, jvv
tar, Humors, Halt niiean,
-VcuW Hoad, Soros, Moivui
tlsoascs, Fomalo Weakness
.iud IiTceularitics, Dizziness,
TjO"s of Appetite, Juandico.
Xt tctions ot tho Liver, Indi
r.'t.n, .TijUonina3ft, Dtvpep
.i.i ua I d.-ucralDibiUty.
A.uurL ( hut.l,ft Ihj'X U.tlert will iitUfy (he
m it,....-! .1 i ui a I, ion i.ftaiL.i jao. n ruriuci uu s.'.liy.. J' me tUUn every
Iliivu.ili.nkmv rvvn lAiikiUKtf. I'-tlcu.fiAo.
FOSTER, MILBUBN ti CO, Prop'i, Buffilo, N.Y,
An alisoluto euro for IUion-H
; matlsm, Sprains, Fnin in tho S
I Baoli, Burns, Galls, &o. An in
t staniunoons Pain- rollover.
I sal iu tlio dull, ntlll, lonely house,
long nftcr tlio enrly dinner hour, wait-
tu; lor Homo ouo to conio in itnu bi'cak
tlio opprcsuivo silence. I would havo
welcomed nnytlilns that could havo
been called sound. Nothing to be
heard during tho long, nuiet hours but
tho lickingof tho greilt clock, nnd loud
er still, tho great cathedral notes of my
own heart, which beat so that 1 could
hear every pulsation as it rang out the
assuranco that I "still lived."
Suddenly I seemed to havo a desire
to look on tho family portraits which
ting, not in a gallery, but all along
tho walls of tho long, dim hall. Tho
afternoon was chilly and damp, and so
dark from an approaching shower that
the largo room in which Iliad beet sit
ting was tilled with tho shadows which
were thrown upwards from tho lights,
for oven at that season the hearth at
my grandfather's was novercold.
1 know that tho history ot ail these
dumb yet eloquent beings of tlio past,
save one for many, many lioure bad
bcon spent in my childhood wandering
up and down their Btaircase, with my
litllo hand enfolded in my grandfath
er's, whoso own portrait vas anions
them. 1 remember how difficult it was
to nnaociate tho bent and aged form,
tho silver hair and sunken oyes, with
the broad shoulder, bright chestnut
curls and flashing orbs depicted on tho
canvas. It was a great mystery to my
childish mind the creat mystery of
nature, and though recognized by us
all, is yet unsolved. This slraugc,
mysterious pnnoiplo of , decay, acting
upon that only which is breathing nnd
sentient ; nover renewing itself, but
waiting year after year, while only tho
inanimate crows fro-m with each re
luming spring.
It was not to my grandfather, how
ovor, that I owed my entiro knowledge
of tho pictured forms. That would
lavo been too far beyond my compre
hcnsiou, that lnnor history ot their
"... 'Alt
ivcs. litit so much timo had I spent
with him there, and soiutimato had 1
become with them, for ho had always
called them by their names, as though
they wero living being'-, that it only
made mo yearn for a deeper revelation
of their lives as I grow to appreciate
siioh hiBtorios.
To his daughter, a womau of strong
cultivated mind, but Irom somo Borrow
in hear early life, of somewhat melan
choly, perhaps morbid: tendency, I
learned to fill up the outline which fath
er had only begun : and at fifteen the
portraits had a charm tor me beyond
"And this is the one called Marga
ret, I said to rny aunt, as she camo m
and carefully wiped the light dust from
tlio pictures.
bho turned upou mo with an inquir
ing glance.
"flow do vou know 7 Bhesaid quick
"Because giandfather always said to
that picture, '(iood moruing.Marcarot;
sometimes it was 'dear Margaret,' " I
Sho sighed and tried to turn tho sub
ject, but I could seo that she glared at
the portrait sovcrai tunes, and mem at
me. At length she said :
"You are really getting to bu
voting lady, Helena! it seems so
strange. You havo always seemed so
very childish until now ! It is only this
month back that I tiavo noticed that
you aro as tall as I am." Sho paused
a moment, and then resumed : "I used
to think that you rosemblo this very
picture, but your mother would nev
allow mo to sayso."
I longed to ask why, but there was
something about nor that provented
me, especially as I had frequently no
ticcd with wonder that this portrait, al
though tho best by far in tho collcc
tion both in tho faco itself and tho ar
tistic uiorit, was placed in a corner of
the staircaso in a bad light, and with
every appearance of neglect or want of
appreciation. It was now only that
saw it to advantage, aud that was be
cause tho whole staircaso was darkened
by tho passing thunder storm, and the
skylight at tho top of tho long upper
hall blew off, nnd tho red lightning
streamed upon the pictures. 1 had
been gazing at them as I paced tho
hall, for in thunder showers I was over
unquiet und ri.-stlons, and I was often
attracted to tho 'Margaret'' that it was
no marvel that atthatmomout my oyes
should havo been tixed on that lace in
stead of any other.
That momentary gleam 1 How it
electrified mo ; not as usual, with fear
and affright, but with a now percep
tlon of its effect upon others. I had
seen'"Margaret" as I should never,
probably, seo her again. 1 never
thought of tho rain that streamed dow
in torrents through tho open aperturo
abovo mo. I scarcely hoard Aunt
Esther, who was calling "Helena 1" at
tho very top of her shrill voice, and
whom I saw, as I looked up, busy
with tubs nnd pails to catch tlio mun
I only watched for another gleam
and I did not, watch altogether in vain
but tho second was a pale, wliito streak
that gavo a strango beauty, too mourn
ful to make mo wish for it again i ant
I ran iuto my room, shut the door and
throw myself on to tho bed while teaiu
(lowed irom my oyes.
Aunt Esther camo dustling in, stal
led from her usual moody stato by tho
passing storm. "Mercy, Helena!" sho
exclaimed, in a voicu that came sharp
aud ringing to my oar ; "why don
you co in o nnd help us to stop tho
rain t"
I laughed outright through my tear
"Can you stop it, aunty!" said I.
Sho caught sight of tho glitter on my
wet check and was checked in a mom
ent from tho almost ftngry words sho
about to utter. "My poor child," sho
said, "you aro really frightened ; Ho
still dear, and I willoooioto you as soon
as tho man gets tho skylight closed
When, half an hour later, sho
(tamo to uiv hodsida I was iust wakin
from a dream in whioli Aunt Either
was standing on tho edgo of tho roof i
tho act of throwing "Margaret into
largo cistom in tlio stroot, and I was
holding out my hands to break its
"Don't throw it, mint!" I Bcreiiined
out to her, and awoko to seo her cover
iug mo with a warm blanket, for sho
saw that I wasohillod and trembliug
"Now, aunt, toll about that picture
I havo seen it by this lightning, as I
shall never sec it ngaln, and I want to
now its history.
Sho mado some feint of not being
willing, but I do beliuvo that alio was
dying to relate it to me. Tho shower
was not vet over. It was nearly daik,
and tho low, blaok clouds still camo
rolling upward, and tho long, mutter
ing sounds ol tho thunder wero still
beard, and a sharp uasii oi ngiiiiiing
camo, making me wish that i could
gain gtt7.c on tho picture. Hut tlio
skylight was rcploced, and tho heavy
boards wero nnueti down ovor u more
securely, for no ono in tho houso ever
thought of keeping it open to light tho
icturcB boiow.
Aunt Esther placed herself in tho
largo flowered easy-chair which had
been my dear mother's when sho was
living. Her tall, thin prim figuro roso
up straight nnd perpendicular, and her
long, meagre hands woro folded on her
lap. Her hair was folded plainly ovor
her forehead, and was still, in some
places, dark and glossy, but just nbovo
the temples thoro wero two largo spots
l silvery whiteness, that looked as it
two Biiow-hnnds had been pressed there
to hido something aching beneath.
"1 do not know that 1 call lell you
all that yon wish to know, Helena,"
she at length said. "There is little
uso of recalling memories that are so
sad as this, uud you arc too young to
understand all tho boarmgs of tins un
fortunate history but your curio-
ity is now excited and I will gratify
iYiy uean ucar. uigu witn expectation
I had read many romantic talcs but
thcro was that could actually bo told
by lips something, too, that was con
ucctcd with a mystery, of my family at
loast, and I experienced a now and do-
ughtful densatton.
1 cannot givo any idea ot it in my
aunt's lauguage, for so fearful was she
of approaching it too nearly, so vaguo-
ly did she talk ot persons and subjects
in connection with it, and so olten did
I question her of mallors without
which being oxplamod I could not
grasp any meaning to hor words, that
I prefer telling it in my own abrupt
and blunt way.
Margaret, then, was tho sister ot my
grandfather, tho only and idolized
daughter ot tho family tno pet of
four or live brothers, all older than her
self the graceful, beautiful, accom
plished representative of tho female
part of tho Greenwood household.
That she should ho petted and ido
lized was not strange, for no lovelier
being had ever dawned upon humanity
no brighter, happier impersonation
ot youth, intellect and gracelul beauty
over beamed upon a household than
Margaret Greenwood.
All that wealth could procure was
lavished upon her enjoyment ; all that
lovo could deviso was poured out like
water al her feet. Throughout tho
household Margaret's comfort and hap
piness wero tho engrossing thomcs. In
trilles, as in things of magnitude, there
was a positive passion to nunistor to
hor gratification. Not a dress did she
hang upon her dainty little person that
was not imported especially lor use.
Not an ornament graced her that over
saw tho light of an American jcwol
caso. Copely painted her, it was true:
bat Copely was tho princo of portrait
painters at that period, and his pictures
will ever be recognized as perfect in
individual expression ; possessing an
inimitable charm ot altitude, an indes
cribablo beauty of coloring, and though
last but not least, an adoption ot cos
lume combining tho richest material
with tho most faultless simplicity in
its shaping j reproducing only thoso
classic methods of drapery which aro
ever new and beautiful. There aro few
families which would not like to boast
of ancestral paintings from tho hand
of Lord Lyndburst's father.
Well, Margaret's husband must bo
imported, too : and when Walter
Groenwood (my grandfather) returned
from IvIinlHU'g, whero ho had finished
his education, he brought with him
young Leonard Bruce, and at 1(5 Mar
garet was betrothed to him. Never
was a moro perfect match to all appear
ances. Both wero surpassingly hand
some, both highly intellectual. Jvich
had a certain individuality of look,
character, expression, so different from
all others around them, aud so well in
keeping with each other. And yet
Margaret did not lovo him. Sho was
blinded to her own true feelings by the
stato ot tilings around her. iter sud
den and 'evident admiration, her broth
cr's enthusiastic friendship for him, tho
interest which ho excited in all who
saw him, gavo a sort of blind compul
sion to her conduct in consenting to
become his wife, nnd she tacitly al
lowed tho preparation for hor marriago
to proceed. It was celebrated with all
the parade which could bo brought to
bear upon it, and envy itself admired
what it did not duro to depiecate.
Margaret was queenly in her mar-
miago robes : but her eyo did not onco
turn with a confiding glauco to the
noble figure by her sidu. Thcro was
an element plainly wanting, which,
when present, sanctifies tho simplest
bridal absent, tno grandest ceremon
ial sinks into a falsehood.
It was a heavy stroke to tho family
whon thoy found that Leonard Bruco
determined to tako his wife to Scot
land. Thoy had itevcr dreamed of it.
Walter Greenwood had always suppos
ed that no would settle in America lor
Leonard had always lavorcd tho sup
position. But after a fo.v months of
journeying, and corresponding time of
rest and cnioyinctit, ho languished lor
his native hills, and beforo tho autumn
had ripenod to golden gfaiu, thoy wero
on their way to Scotland,
A few short letters from Margaret
told them from timo to timo of hor
prosperity, of tlio beauty of her Scot-
tish homo, of tho sweet pootio associa
tions which it recalled and strengthen
ed : but nover of her happiness. Child
ren wero born in that home, whom sho
described with all tho intensity of a
mother r denn. uiifailinc. earnest dovn.
i I o
tiou ; but for tho father and husband,
no word had over boon written oxcopt
in tho most casual and indifferent man-
por. After a fow years thoro was nn
ovuiont bitterness, nun oven contcmp
tuousucss, in hor slight refereneo to
him which could not but pain those
who loved her. Walter resolved to
visit her, and after a fow months' ab
sence he, too, returned, sad and cvi
deutly distressed, but inexorably silent
as to his Minora appearance or appa
rent stalo of mind. Loving his sister
us ho did, it was not possible that ho
could still his trouble heart while there
was a shadow over her, and finding it
impossible lo foibear showing some, nt
least, of his real feelings al home, ho
went to Kuglautl.
Ilo was crossing tlio channel from
Dover to Calais, when ho observed two
figures on board, one of which remind
ed htm ot Margaret, ma lauy was
evidently disguised, for various unnec
essary mulllings shrouded her person,
and her faco was enveloped in a thick
veil i but tlio graceful turn ot tho head
could not bo concealed, and that was
Margaret's. Walter almost fainted,
but ill a moment ho laughed at himself
for Ins absurd tears, and withdrew
without haying been seen.
A second time ho saw them, and sho
was loaning on the arm of hor coinpan
iqn and evidently weeping. Her hand
pressed to her eyes, outsido of her
sister's I And yet again ho suffered
himself to be in tho presence of this
mysterious group without ascertaining
if ho knew them.
But this man 1 What could ho have
in common with his gentle Bister Mar
garet 1 It was trtio thcro was a degreo
of gentleness In his evident care of hor,
in his attempts lo hush her tears, in the
gentle folding of his arm about her
waist, as it lo protect her j but as he
roso to his feet to order water to bo
brought lo her Walter Baw that ho was
ouo ot thoso tall, gaunt, stern-looking
men Hiiuii its me i.uciy seen at men
full height and somewhat coarse and
massive Iramcs, except tn (Scotland.
What could ho be to Margaret Bruco 1
Walter attributed his own fancies to
his disturbed feelings about Margaret.
ilia ideas were all tho more unpleasant
becauso he could givo them no form.
His picture ot Margaret a Ufo had not
risen into any shape, but a dim, toro
boding consciousness ot evil tilled his
mind, and when ho landed in Calais he
was nervous, worried and exhausted
by his own vaguo and restless cino
A fow weeks in Paris had a sedative
effect upou his mind. Tho thought
less, careless gayety of the Paiisianh
infected him also, and with ' youth,
health and wealth to enjoy, he became
the life ot tho circles in which ho mov
One night at a masked bull, ho ex
perienced a renewal ot his uneasiness
at tho sight of a figure whoso height
reminded him of tho Scotchman. Again
with him was tho lady whose motions
had seemed so much likeMargarct's,and
again ho saw her liana. It was like
his sister's and had tho samo shell-
shaped nails which in hers had been so
often admired. There was not a singlo
jewel upou it, not even acirclotof plain
gold, but high up on her arm, as it was
revealed by the falling back of the
sleeve, was a broad baud of gold, so
pure aud line that it needed no clasp to
retain it in its placo. Walter rcmcm
bcred thai he had folded just such a
band around his sister's arm on the
night of her mariiagc.and she had nlav
fully promised that it should always be
Himself closely concealed by his
mask, he availed himself of her com
paniou's momentary absence to address
her in English. His first accents seem
ed to penetrate her to the heart, for
sho uttered a faint shriek and fell to
tho floor. A dense crowd thickened
around her, effectually barring tho on
trance of the tall figuro which stood by
tho door, ilo had apparently no ap
prehension that the lady who was
fainting was his companion, aud he
made no attempt to pass. Had he
done to it would not hayo been easy to
prevent him, for his powerful frame
could have lorccd a way tlirougti
the crowd of agilo and sleudor
Parisians with small efforts on his part
waiter toro oit tho lady's mask, and
tho long, beautiful hair foil down in
rippling waves below her waist. It
was Margaret I Without waiting for
her to revive he took her in his arms,
boro hor, unresisted, to the street, and
placed her in the first carriage that of
fered. She did not awake from that
death-liko swoon until she was carried
to a chamber, and then sho revived to
.seo only Waltor. Ho forbore to ques
tion her then, but waited until she was
fully rostored, and a violent burst of
grief had relioved her. Then sho' sat
iu calmness until ho should speak to
her. Sho did not daro to ask him a
question, but hor eyes watched tho
door as if she expected somo ono to cn-
"Ho will nover come, Margaret, you
will see him never moro," said Waltor;
"or if ho indeed should enter hero I
would like to kill him upon the thresh
Margaret shuddered, and then she
arose from tho bed, and falling on her
kuecs bofore her brother she faltered
out her long, sad confession, her peni
tence and her Borrow. They were
words that burned into that proud
brother's heart most deeply, but thoy
wero nover again uttered by her to any
luiman being, and never repeated by
him. He crossed tlio seas again, with
tho wreck of what was Ids sister, and
boro her to his homo onco more. Leon
nrd Bruco and his children were there.
Ilo could not bear the solitudo of his
desecrated home, aud ho had come to
leavo his littlo ones with thoso who
would lovo them, and then to becomo
a wanderer.
Margaret was dying. It was touch
ing to witness her meeting with
her children : but to Leonard
sho was impenetrable uilont. Melt
ed by her sufferings ; by the approach
oi tier dcaih which seemed now so me
vilablo : by tho lovo ho had lavished
on nor and could not now subdue ; by
tho perfect, tho wondrous beauty which
stole over her face, ho poured out his
lorgivencss aud his assurance of his ro
turned affection. She hoard him, and
turning her eyes to tho wall bIio utter
od a singlo word "Hector." It was
the last.
Leonard Bruco aud Walter loft the
country again togothor, and wandered
in foioigu lands for two yours. When
thoy returned, tho children wero trans
furred to their father's caro again, for
Margaret s parents no longer lived, am'
he had brought homo a second mothor
an English girl, poor, of simplo
habits, and only beautiful becauso she
was sweet tcmporod and unassuming i
and to her watchful and tender lovo
tho orphans owed unuttorablo but dcop
ly ion tiiatiKs. nor picturo hangs on
tho stairoaso busido that of her bus
baud. I have only one thing more to
add My quiet, melancholy, sobor
Aunt Eiher, was tho daughter of Mar
garet lil'UCO
Poundlng Ulalmc.
A TKIlltllll.U AltKAlClNMr.NT IIY A l'UOMl-
NI'.NT ItKl'Uilt.lOAN 01' AVIS
CON815J. A letter from ox-Congressman Pound,
of Chippowa Falls, in which tho writer
says ho will oppose Mr. Blaine and
support Governor Cleveland for tho
Presldenoy, was mado nubile last week.
Mr. Pound is perhaps tho most distin
guished republican in Wisconsin, and
his opposition to Mr. Blaiuo witl cause
a profound sensation throughought the
northwest. Ho has for years been an
unwavering leader in the republican par
ty, always stipportimng tho ontiro tick
et, nnd has been very prominent in its
councils for 20 years. Ho was a lead
ing member of tho slate legislature in
18GI, lH(iO, 1307 and 1809. Ilo was
elected lieutenant governor in 1809,
and was in 1870 elected to congress
from tho cighfli district, then embrac
ing moro than half tho area of Wiscon
sin. Ho Bervcd threo terms of con
gress, taking a prominent part. Ho
was chairman of tho Committee on
Public Lands in tho Forty-seventh
congress. At tho end of his third term
ho voluntarily retired from public lifo
to devote himself to private enterprise.
His repudiation of Mr. Blaino proceeds
from no personal griovauco or disap
pointment, but from a linn conviction
that the republican nominco is not tho
man for tho place. Mr. Pound has
thousands of friends in Wisconsin. Ilo
was a close friend of Garfield, and was
strongly urged for a cabinet position.
Following is Mr. Pound's letter :
Mimvaukku, Aug 25, 1884. Gen.
E. J), Bryant, Madison My
Sm : Your favor of the 23rd inst. ask
ing an expression of my viows of tho
political situation, is rccivcd. no many
friends of varied political bias havo ad
dressed me in person and by letter
touching my attitude on tho presiden
tial question that I am constrained to
make a pretty full responso to your
kind iuquiry, with permission to pub
lish the same if you deem it wiso to do
After much earnest and soliictous de
liberation I deem it to bo my duty,
whilo abating naught of loyaltv to the
republican party, but rather to promoto
its true purposo and strengthen it for
future good work, to support tho dem
ocratio nominco, -Governor Cleveland,
for president at the
sident at the approaching elec-
My judgment disagrees with,
and my conscience rebels against, tho
action of tho republican convention iu
the nomination of Mr. Blame, aud
without arrogating for myself wisdom
superior to a majority ot representa
tive republicans convened to voico the
determination ol my party, l am com
pelled to obey my own best iudgmcut
and souse of duty m this single and ex
Inordinary instance. Being a lifo-loug
republican and tho recipient of many
iistiiiguished honors, state and nation
al, it is due my political associates, so
often my cordial supporters, aud ray
self that tho reasons for departure from
conventional co-operation be lrankiy
No one will deny '.hat the essential
worth, if not tho porpetuily of tho le-
publio, depends upon the maintenance
ot political and peruonal integrity as
well as prudenco and justice m its leg
islative, judicial and administrative
branches. It is truo that detection and
correction of crookedness aud infidelity
of tho t-xcculivo branch of our govern-
inent are most dithcult while long mun
terruptcd control is certain to invite
abuso of power and opportunity. The re
publican party has enjoyed nearly twenty-four
years of continuous administra
tive authority, and whilo its history is
resplendent with glorious achievments
and hallowed by memories ot unrival
ed statemenship, patriotism and prow
ess, thcro havo crept iuto its human
machinery many grevious abuses and
ailment, demanding correction aud
cure, which may or may not bo accom
plished by tho party in which they aro
engendered. Happily tho work of
purification and reform has been pro
gressing most satisfactorily within our
party under tho present duel magis
trate, and with such eminent success
ns to command the unexampled appro
val of tho press, tho peoplo and our
party, exprosscd through state oouvon
tions and by tho republican national
coiiTentionin the oxordinary declaration
that "Wo beliovo his emineut sorvices
aro entitled to and will receivo the
hearty approval of every citizen
What, then, does the party owo tho
country and itself T Manifestly, tho
uontiuuanco of tho faithful servant.
Common honesty and a decent vecog
nition of fidelity and wisdom demand
it. Littlo short of hypocrisy would
leny it. lut being denied, the alter
uato should bo a man whose public life
is a guarantee that tho good work will
'0 on. He should bo tho highest and
best typo of political integrity, states
manship and republican principles,
Mr. Blaino is not such a man, but,
tu my opinion, embodies most in Amer
ican politics that is menacing to pub
lie morals arid integrity in government,
With n long publio career, mainly din
tinguishcd tor a sort ot (tccinmatory
and pugilistic statecrafi, ho is not tho
inspiration of a single valuable policy
or tho author of an important statute,
but, on tho contrary, has often suggest
ed and supported unwiso and bad aud
opposed good legislation. With a reo
om clouded by suspicion and accusa
tion of jobbery and corruption undo
tended, ho brings lo us personal antag
onisms which havo torn and weakened
our parly in tho past, invading tho ad
ministration ot the lamented barhcld
with demands of personal vengeauco
so virulent ns lo inllamo llio spirit of
assassination and culminating in tho
uoicai ot judge I'Oiger and consequent
election ot Urover Cleveland govornor
of tlio iunpiro state. Mr. limine s
friends iustificd thoir deflection, which
defeatod a most excellent man, by tho
plea of lraud in ono proxy at tho stato
convention. Such excuse pales to
whiteness when compared with tho dls
honorable methods employed to secure
Mr. Blaine's nomination. Hero many
delegates wero treated ns merchandise,
to bo bartored for
to bo bar oreil for wine, money or
promise deliberative body, was con-
verteti iuto u nowinig puiiuuiiiuiuuiu
overuoweu ny me worst, eiomonts oi
Chicago, admitted without tickets.
But returning to tlio candidate. The
acknowledged leader of his party at
homo (the pine tree prohibition Btato of
Maino), ho registers u ignominious de
font for his stato only four yoars ago,
pending tlio presidential campaign, so
diuhoartenlug to our party's causo that
only the timely nnd stalwart efforts of
floaiif ntnl Viilr1it.- nmilfl tin tin frt-
lit liu uuu vviimiii uvuiu uune i v-
deemed tho ftold nnd scoured Garfiold'B
olootlon a work soon rewarded by tho
gallant knight when opportunity (as
Garfield's advisert wns given him by
dealing n cowardly blow from ambush
to Ins old antagonist, KosoooUonkling.
Himself a speculator, enjoying n for
tune too great to havo been acquired
by honest industry, legitimate business
enterprise, or his country's Bcrvico at
85,000 n year, ho sympathizes with
and profits by speculative stock-jobbers
and gambling methods of acquiring
wealth methods which havo brought
ruin, disgrace, and business disaster be
yond computation, schooled youth and
pursuaded middle age to avoid honest
aud useful industry, mado suicide and
insanity commonplace, unsettled values,
placed tho fruits of honest toil in tho
power of tho Goulds and Armours to
bear down or bull up in tho markets as
whim or interest may diotalei methods
which recently gavo ns but an oxagor
ated illustration of their iniquitous
consequences in tho Grant & Ward
liftcen-milliou-dollar fauuro and rob
bery. Reference to Blaine's congressional
record relating to subsidies, class legis
lation, corporato exactions, &c, will
readily satisfy the honest inquirer of
his uniform support of monopolies nnd
inditlercnco to the common weal. .Lit
tlo wonder that ho omits in his letter
to refer to or explain tho causo of tho
great disparity in tho distribution of
this marvelous increase of wealth accu
mulated during tho period he chooses
for comparison ; that ho fails to note
tho fact that tho oiio-thrce-hundrcdlh
part of tho 811,000,000,000 is held by
ouo man, while others rank little below,
and his own palatial icsidencc, com
manding a rental of Si 1,000 a year,
suggesting more than an an average
per capita of wealth. Littlo wonder
that ho is silent on tho subject of inter
state commerce, the regulation of which
is demandod by all producers and lo
gitimato traders. Great corporato in
terests command non-interforenco. It
was a lame defeuso of his devotion lo
improved civil service to cite the fact
that duriug a long public seryico ho
only advised tho removal of "four per
sons." Tho expert observer will con
clude that tho truo bctteuuent of tho
servico demanded the removal of ten
f i rnitiJ f i T T- all i- M 1 I ltn nn nmntin
8iml 1)if) ;tion b noti th(J fidUt
with which a horde of relatives havo
been constantly fed at the publio crib,
notably the favorite brother Bob, draw
ing pay for another's service- Nor will
tho citation of his pacific assurances to
Mexico, quito cover up his South
Bmcrican policy and interference to
protect tho Landrau guano scheme. Tho
death of his servant, Hurlburt, whom
ho feigned to rebuke, may servo to par
tially conceal the truo inwardness of
this affair, as did his garbled rendering
of tho Mulligan letters first mislead
many charitable peoplo touching tho
Little nock bond job.
The disingcnuousnesb ot his letter ot
acceptance is further betrayed by its
significant silence touching the events
oftho past threo years. Bringing
down his historic figures to tho present
would havo revealed the notion in
volved in his statements ; would have
shown a marvelous shrinkago in nomi
nal values ; would havo noted tlio
downfall of business prosperity and
business morals, und would have pic-
tured as few can do so graphically as he
the fumaco fires dying out, the wheels
of factories standing still, wages re
duced, beggary usurping tho place of
labor, bank and business failures, cred
itors and tlepositors wantonly defraud
ed, homes lost, and crookeducss in pub
lio affairs. Mr. Blaino is objectionable
f urtliermore for tho company ho keeps,
for tho frionds ho has mado. Will tho
chief promoters of his norainatiou bo
,.i,!f ,i, .:.. : !,., 4 i 'ni.
uja biiiur tkuviauis-, 11. Vicuivu I Afiuirjn
the rub. I need mention no names,
but will suggest that the least object
ionable ot his pet supporters aro tho
Tribune's supporters of Greely in 1872
aud accusers of Blaino in 1870 and
1880, charging him with bribory and
other penitentiary crimes.
With no pronounced issues between
the two great parties, wo can safely nf-
lora to yioid temporary executivo con
trol at this timo to an honest man,
though ho bo a Democrat. And if
gravo questions of publio policy wore
at issue, they cannot bo determined by
uiu executive, nits is uio prerogative
of congress, tho law-making branch,
heretoforo for a time and now under
Democratic control. It is vastly moro
important to good govern tnent that the
Kcpubiican party bo restored to su
premacy in congress, than that the ad
ministration of Taw bo intrusted to an
tin woi thy partisan surrounded by bad
counsol. Whilo Mr. Blaino is known
to bo unworthy, Governor Clovoland
has demonstrated his fitness and worth
iness for tho position by his fidelity,
ability and integrity iu tho discharge
of his executive duties as mayor of
Buffalo and governor of the great Btato
of New York, nnd in my opinion a
very largo majority of intelligent and
unprejudiced voters believe ho should
bo elected. If ono-half of tho Kcpub
iican voters who agree in this opinion
havo the courage of their convictions
and voto conscientiously ho will bo tri
umphantly elected. The soandals nf.
feeling the domestio lives of all caudi -dates
should bo committed to the po
litical ghouls nud hyenas.
Wl.Slr. it to ....
,1 I4,iu lb an trijr m.i;u Jiltl iruou vu Dili,
port Clovoland and Hendricks, it is no
less my determination to support all
fit and worthy nominees of tho republi
can party for couuty, stato and con
gressional positions. Hegrotting and
deprecating the oouditions whioli coui-
pel what will bo denominated a bolt, I
remain very truly,
Thau. C. Pound,
Picklui) Ai'i'ixs. Pear a peck of
Bweet apples, but leavo them wholo j
tako threo pounds brown sugar, two
quarts of vinegar, ono half ounce each
of cinnamon nud cloves ; mix together,
boil part of tho apples till they nro ten
der, but not broken. Then tnke them
out, beat tho remainder of tho vinegar
mi sugar well togothor, and pour over
thmn- bSeaj f boU,e8 wnnt.
i e(i
Why arc tishcrnion aud shepherds
like beggars ? Becauso thoy hvo by
hook andby crook.
"Whv did you come here, naked a
lndy of a beggar, to which ho proudly
replied, " I didn't como hero for want j
I have plenty of that nt home.