MIDNIGHT IN A DEAD HOUSE. Vfo worn mUltiy nlono in tlio twi light leisurely pulling our cigars when ono of tlio hospital nurses emtio out mid whispered to tho doctor that Sailor John wna "ngoin." Tho passing away of a mortal Ts an event altout which thero is always pomethlng of tho mys terious, and so wo walked down tho long corridor and ontorcd ward 12. The nurso was right John was "agoin," Like an alto rcliovo, out of tho crum pled pillow roso a faco that was Ro man in its rugged outline, and even tho pinched nose, sunken eyes and compressed lips did not ohliterato tho likeness to somo of thoso historic husls dug up among tho ruins of early Italy. A student Baid it looked liko Seneca, and truly thero was much to recall tho old philosopher in tho wrinkled fea tures. Tho man in hed 27, restless with fo yer, turned over so as to luco tho,couch of tho dying, and with wild staring oyca watched ovcry sinking respiration of tho old sailor. An awkward plethoric heotlo buzzed around tho gas jet in an irregular or bit, its hum being tho only sound to break tho Bilenoo which tho faint breath ings of tho sufferer softly punctuated. Tho doctor lifted tho sheet and felt tho pnlso of tho patent. "Its' about over," no remarked and ho laid down tho helpless arm. There was a rattle in tho throat, a long-drawn sigh, as if nil tho sorrows of a lifetime wcro relieved as it died away, ati'd 'then tho oyes opened. Thoy looked into tho doctor's, and seeming to find comfort in tho returning glance of compassion, thoy closed slowly. Then thero was a twitching of tho muscles of tho mouth, and in a supremo climax of "effort tho lips moved and faintly canio forth, "Hard a port it is, sir." A slight tremor shook tiis framo and all was over. John had reached harbor. Then thero was a tread of feet in tho corridor and tho carriers of tho dead camo in, and John was taken out to tho dcad-houso and laid besido other storm tossed barks that had that day found a last mooring place, whither tho whole armada of humanity drift at last. The hospital bell gavo ono Btroko to announco tho departure of anothor soul, and then tho nurso looked over tho ward book to bco who next should rccoivo his doso of medicine, and hos pital life resumed itB quiet current. Wo went back to tho portico and re sumed our cigars. "A curious fellow, that," said tho doctor ; this is his fifth visit hen', and ho know it would bo his last. Ho was always begging mo to bo at his sido when tho end came, and by good luck I chanced hero to night "Strango as it may seem to you, this samo man was onco a king. You smile, but, nevertheless, it is true. Ho was cast away in tho Pacific and reached ono of tfTu small islands out there, where ho lived and became tho ruler of a Httlo kingdom. Ho longed for white socioty and abdicated and went back to ' tho sea. "But that is not what I want to speak about," tho doctor went on, lighting a fresh cigar. "It is his curi ous ideas of his ab'lity to come back from tho other world. Ho has talked to mo by tbo hour on this subject un til I put him down as spiritualist of tho most orthodox kind. He has prom ised mo to make his presence known on tho night of his nativity, June 30, and has excited my curiosity not a lit tlo." . "I ho could only do that," said I, "it would bo tho solvingof all out; doubts." "Yes," replied the doctor, "no mes sage over camo from beyond tho Styx, and good sailor as John was, ho can not, I boliove, recross that inky flood." The above littlo episode happened in tho Charity hospital about tho middle of May, 1809, and tho doctor spoken of was ono known and loved throughout the city and State. It is but a littlo over a year since he, too, crossed tho Lethean stream, but before his doath ho told tho writer tho facts given be low, speaking of them as a curious co incidence, and not for a moment look ing at them in a superstitious light. Ho was a man of remarkable nerve, was as b'avo as Coeur do Leon and would bo as little dauntea by tho ap pcaranco of a simon-puro ghost as ho would by tho approach of an old friend. It was but a short tirao before his death and whilst Canal street was a pandemonium of sound, and horns and fire-crackers wero making Christmas Eve hideous, that, seated in his office, tho conversation turned on things su pernatural. Tho trepidations of, youth over spooks and tho fears ol tho super stitious 6f older growth wero laughed at, and it was not until tho subject drifted to hospital life that tho doctor exclaimed : "That's a fact ; I don't believo I ever told -you my oxperionoo in tho dcad houso of tho hospital after Sailor John's dearth I never cared about saying anything regarding it, for if I havo to confess it, for the first time in my life i WUS U JHUO WCBK. "You know the Head-house at Chart ty hospital and its interior 1 Well, I had had a caso of aneurism that puzzled mi ui un, uuu, uuuijr it youui; puysioian then, I had a natural pride in mv diag nosis, which did not agrco with that of mo otuer surgeons, bo I determined that when tho patient died, as ho was suro to do, I would hold an autonsv. Well,, the .poor fellow succumbed at last, anil as I had been busy all day I coma not get, uacK to tlio hospital un til 1 o'clock on tho night of Juno 30, I remember the data well. Illumina ting tlio inside room of tho dead-houBO, thero was but a single gas burner alight Rigid ou ono of the dissecting tables was my subject awaiting roe. "I needn't tell you that, after all of my student mo at the hospital, going out thero at that timo of night produc ed not tho slightest impression upou moj Wo were too used to suoh thinrnt to notico them. In fact, so great was my uesiro to prove my diagnosis cor rect as against that of other physicians, i thought only ot tho caso, and noth ing else. "It was anything but a pleasant nigiu. i may say that i cannot romem b'er a more disagreeablo ono. A blus tering norther was blowing and a heavy rain falling. Tho wind moaned around tho eaves of the hospital as if 1.J....1 .1.. - c ....re ! iiiiiiuiuiis ui muturura weru in agony, and tho gurglo of wator in tho nutters leading to tho cistern was anything but musical, unco in a whtio a Hash ot lightning threw out in relief tho bod ies lying on other tablo awaiting bur hi. Certainly It was a night of nights for a visit to a dead-houso. "Well, I took off my oilcloth coat, opened my dissecting case, and started to work. Tho wind stole in through crevices and tiarrd tho gas so that I was delayed in my investigation con sidcrably. Hut after an hour's labor, l appruached the solution of tlio prob lem over which I had so long studied, So full of anxiety was I my hand trcm bled, and seeing this I stopped, filled my pipo aim nogau smoking to con nuor my eagerness. "Tho faco of the doad man was ash- on in its paleness, and his flesh was as cold ns marble. Looking back at tho picture now, I don t think 1 over saw n moro spectral corpse than that. Tho eyes wero opon. and in tho agony of death tho muscles of tho mouth had contracted, so that in tlio rigor mortis ho had a sardonic grin that was horrl bio in its leer. "Tho natter ol tho rain upon the roof was incessant, but it sounded pleas ant, for it doomed company to one. Still it did not drown all other sounds, for now and again abovo the storm thero camo from tho femalo ward a wall of anguish from n poor sufferer in delirium. "It took but a few minutes smoking to recover my steadiness of hand, and I resumed work. "Whllo bending over tho body, and just at a time when tlio greateat deli cacy Ol operation was ruipuruu, u uui- loiis noiso Horn ono corner ot tne dcad houso startled me. It was not liko a footstep, but was some what liko a shulHing of feet. "Instinctively I looked in that direc tion, and noticed for tho first lime somo four or fivo skulls on the floor in a par tial state of preparation. Tho younger students had been at woik preparing them for their cabinets. Tho grinning faces looked as if to clndo mo for wor king on such a night, but then I was too anxious about my caso to miss my opportunity. "Applying myself again to my sub joct, I was Boon lost in tho peculiar de velopments my oyo discovered encli moment, when 1 was again annoyed by a distinct sound from tho corner. "Glancing in that dircolion, it must bo confessed I was not a little surprised to see ono of tho skulls moving slowly toward me along tho flagging of tho floor. 1 rubbed my oyes nnd looked again. There it was tho fleshless sockets of tho eyes gazing at me, tlio uneven, jagged teeth giving a ghastly gnu to tho mouth. "It is a little difficult for mo to tell exactly what wero my feelings. That they wcro peculiar I frankly admit. I fell to studying about tho cause of this motion on tho part of the skull, and, examined closely to see whether or not thero was a string attached and a Btu- lent playing ono of Ins pranks. "But no. In the light I could plain ly discern thoro was nothing attachod to this rolio of humanity. Then what moved it t "Still ongrossed witli my endeavors to solvo this mystery, I did not tako my eyes ou this skull. "Slowly, stealthily and stondily it came on directly towards where I was sitting on a high stool. Tho motion produced a dull, grating Bound, as somo sharp protuberances of bono scratohed on, the marblo slabs. "After it had advanced about thrco feet it stopped. "I laid down ray pipe, still keeping my eyes on the unpleasant object and tried to laugh away the morbid seuti mente that had now began to rise with in me. I whispered to myself how much I would havo railed at any other brother' physician should ho havo told me of experiencing tho slightest feel ing of nervousness under similar cir cumstances. Even the stiiienls would havo retailed tho affair as an indica tion of my effeminacy had they known it. Surely there wore mechanical caus es to produco these results. I knew that the unsubstantial could not give motion to tho substantial. My natural phiosophy told me that there must be a forco at work to impel that grim fragment of human frame toward me. Yet what forco was it ! "I determined not to leavo my seat to attempt a close inspection, fearing to bo rewarded by tho laughter of thoso who wero endeavoring to aston ish me. The dreary monotone of tho rain and theunoarthly sobbing of tlio wind turned my reflections to a moro sombre color, and some things came back to mo 1 had read in Kobert .Dale Owen's Foot Prints on the Boundaries of An other World' curious things, authen ticated by affidavits, and all the solemn ity of oaths remarkable royitjitants from the grave. Whilo dwelling on these sabjects I recalled tho conversations I had had with my patient and now Dur icd somo three weeks, Sailor John and his persistent asseverations of tho pos sibilities of the intellectual spirit re turning to this world of the flesh. "There I Tho skull moved again. On it camo, still sliding along in a di rect lino towards me. "Do what I could I could not shake off the feeling of uneasiness and dis quiet I did not liko tho situation that about expressed it. "E e e eks," grated tho skull's bony points on tho floor, tho sound tingliug my nerves as when ono scratch- fs the finger nail on brick or rough surface. "My pulso crow moro frequent. I experienced a chilly sensation down ray back, and a cold perspiration damp ened my forehead. "Around mo tho corpses lay, tho gaslight making them saffron yellow. "ilicy at least did not move. "I could stand tho strain no longer. It was unbearable. I was becoming the victim ot a weakness tor which i could have reprimanded a child. I felt pale, if that is possible, for it seem ed ns if all my blood had rushed to my neart. "With a bound I sprang toward tho skull, and Btooping grasped it with my nanus, i lined lt.trora mo floor. "Out jumped a largo rat and ran scampering away. I oinnot describo my feelings when 1 saw the cause of all my discomfiture. At first I laughed, and then became angry with myself tor, oven tor n moment, allowing such an incident to disturb mv equilibrium. "Examining tho skull I saw how it had occurred. The rat had entered the cavity in which tho brain had boon through tho foramen magnum or nuor- turo through whioh tho nerve matter of tho spinal column communicates with tho brain. Tho skull turned over, imprisoning tho body ot tlio creature, and permitted the uso of his foct only through this foramen. He could movo tho skull, but whilo it was on tho floor ho could not get his body out. "Pasted across tho whitened brow was a Blip of paper, and on it a Htu den'ts name 'Henry J. Stubbs' and below 'Skull of Sailor John, a King of ono of tho Polynesian islands j died May 12, lSti'J, (Jharity hospital. "In an instant I remembered tlio day of tho month. It was Juno 30 tho night of John's birthday. He said he would niako himself known to mo on that night "I regretted tho intervention of tho rat Had that animal uover bepn dis covered by mo thero would havo been an excellent foundation for aglfcmt story, ou whioh I could havo raado my affidavit and thus swelled tho number of authenticated cases ot remarkablo spiritual manifestations. But tho rat spoiled it all. "Even with tho full explanation of tho skull's movomonts tho nervous ieol ing did not pass off for somo timo, and oven now wnon Juno 30 comes around I think of Sailor John aud his promise, which, however ho has nover fulfilled." 2V. 0. Tima'Democrat. THE COLUMBIAN AND Prceeavrtlon of Traits. Tho first picking of apples is usually tho best, and ought to bo laid aside for winter uso. Tho second gathering for apples nro rarely twlco hand picked should bo sorted out, tho least injur ed ones laid aside nnd then Preserved, and those most injured used at onco. When cider is madu at homo tho samo rules hold good. Work up thoso np pies that look least likely to keep. As we aro anxious to rellovo tho over tasked housowife, wo strongly impress on all poisons that Ihcy should seuuro a largo proportion of their fruit safe for winter consumption, and that in a state of nature, without giving their wives tho troablo of canning such largo quanUiics that aro usually put up in American lountry homes. Thq oaro needed for npjiles is doubly noccssary for pears, as tiiey nro moro juicy and lias liable to resist the rough handling or an uneven temperature. When fruits arc llrst.gathcicd, they, as it is technically ixpressed. sweat that is, they exudo their superabundant mois ture. If this moiBluro bo carofujiy re moved twice, and tho fruit neatly wrap ped in paper, then stored in nn oUuos phcro that is uniform nnd moderate it will keep with caso far into tho next yoar. It is also necessary from week to wtck to enter tho fruit room which should not bo allowed to becomo damp on nny account, ns damp speedily do stroys vegetable matter and look over tho rows of fruit This can, bo dono by taking up a pear or apple licro nnd thero at regular intervals and ex amining its state, and then replacing it if all found safe, rejeoting it if it is round unsound. In harvesting small fruit, caro must bo had to collcot them in dry weather ; otherwise, they will requiro moro sugar and moro timo in preserving, and like wise bo less certain to keep well, still fruit that is, apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, nnd such like boar to be preserved when only slightly pinked. Quinces ought to bo canned or mndo iuto consistent preserves about one month after having been harvested. The sacohanno matter in tho fruit is set by that timo. 1 ho harveetmg of nuts is a small matter, yet annually bushels of nuts aro lost by storing them in a damp con dition in frozon cellars or over heated closets. In tho nutting season, imme diately after tho slight frosts, all nuts should bo gathered, tho husks remov ed nnd tho nuts allowed to remain ex posed to tho open air, but under shel ter from rains or sovcre frosts. About tho first of December all nuts should bo dry enough to store ; thoy may then safoly lio thrco inches deep on thq floor of a well ventilated garret. A cellar is tho worst -possiblo place to store fruits in. As every cellar is below tho surface, it is moro or less damp, if not artificially heated, and artificial heat is expensive, and dampness is strongly antagonistic to safo keeping of any veg etable matter. Tho best manner of keening cranes fresh for winter uso is that method ursuod in Spain ; namely, to pack tho ontirc clusters in thick open-mouthed stoneware jars, layiug dry, putting fresh hard wood sawdust between them so thickly ns to fill up all intersticies ; then to place tho jars in a cool and even atmosphere, excluding all light. This method is moro laborious but bet ter than tho practice of tho Italians and v rench, which merely consists of hang ing tho grapes in a dark room subject a to slight current of heated air. Thus the grapes are partially dried, and though sweetened by tuo process, lose their freshness and part of their Hue flavor. In tho British Isles, where only hot house grapes can bo brought to matu rity, the clusters aro retained on tho vines for weeks after thoy have becomo ripo by simply moderating the heat of tho conservatory ; also by cuttling' tho clusters just before they aro entirely ripe, dipping tho ends of tho stalks into a mixture of hot rosin and Bcaling wax, and then suspending thcra in a cool, dry and dark atmosphere. lomatocs will keep fresh and sound for months, if carefully picked from tho vines before quito ripe, allowed to sweat twice, then wiped dry, and stored as apples should bo ; they need not bo wrapped in papor. Lemons and oranges require, however, to bo wrapped in thin tissue paper. Bananas will remain fresh for a long timo if only allowed to hang to their stem in a slight curreut of cool air. Wo havo avoided suggest ing the uso of the thermometer, as we know full well that few countrv farm "homes possess such instruments, and, indeed, when artificial means aro not at hand to afford heat or to produco it, a thermometer is of no practical use. Weat wo advocate is tho storing of fruits in commodious, cool, and well ventilated garret Btores, rather than the huddling of them pellraell into damp underground cellars. Any man or wo man accustomed to Iivo much in, opon air is 10 niniBcn or norseit a certain thermometer, their senso of heat and cold being more acuto than that of thoso living m-doors. Uor. to Tribune C 1'armer. Jus. II. Mercer distinctly states that Acker's English Remedy haH and does euro contracted consumption. Ask for circular. An entirely now nicdicme, guaranteed. ODD ITEMS- An absorber A spongo. Always in haste Tho letter h. A guilt framo Tho prison window. Tho most precious canine is a dia mond setter. Show your colors, but don't show them ou your noso. Tho path of duty Tho road to tho uiistom House. Tho train of thoughts loads tho pen' oil, and honco it is a lead pencil. Tho youth who "sows wild oats" is apt to mix m moro or less tares. If you would bo wealthy, get upon a mulo i you will soon find you are better ou. Why is a rosebud liko a promissory noto ? lUcauso it matures by falling uow. "Thero is plenty of room at the top, a tho bald-headed man said to his full beard. Jas. II. Mercor will refund tho prioo paid if Acker's Wood Elixir does not relieve any skin or blood disorder, A new, but thoroughly tested discovery. Tho definition of a kiss given by our nirou gin is very oxprosstvo ; "A kiss is an awful bolt nf lirrhtnlnir mlv. kcdup with very little thunder and I i.l ....... ... .( 1!... 1 -.1. Bfiiu.iu ilium uuu p.ur ui ii3 uy aiiom er wiiu a stave irom a sugar uarrei. Jas. II. Meroer states that indiges tlou preparos every one for ditoaso, but guarantees Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets to euro all tonus ot indigestion. DEMOCRAT, BLQOMSjBORG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Poultry. Fowls now need liberal feeding nnd good caro, In order to replenish tho vi tality lost during tlio breeding season and months of continued egg produc tion. Moulting will now commence, nnd the healthier nnd belter tho condi tion tho birds nro in tho finer will thoy come out of the trying ordeal. If you havo coiivcnicnco ft is much better now to scparato tho sexes. Add old nails to tho drinking water two or thrco times a week, nnd twice a week add to evory two quarts of mixed feed a heaping tnblespoonful of flaxseed! meal, mixing it thoroughly with the corn meal beforo you pour the scalding wntrr. Most of tho earlier hatched chicks arc now sufficiently advanced in bIzc so that thoso it is intended to dis poso of should now bo picked out ami maiki-ted ns soon as possible, as they will bring about as much now ns they would six or eight weeks later at any rato they will not bring enough moro to pay for the extra nmoiint'uf feed they will consume in tho interval. If joti aro raising a good many chicks somo of your inter hatched broods will bo oiierrun by tho earlier ones when feeding j to avoid this a l.ith'ooop should be mado with laths far enough apart to allow tho small chicks to enlor for food, but not tho larger. Somo fanners uso poles, piled up log cabin style. Keep narrowing in to the top nnd then place a wido board over the top opening, (when the pen is built ns high as wanted,) on which put a heavy stone. In fact these pens will bo found convenient during tho entire breeding season. Wateh now that your crops are largo enough to nccommodnto tho rapidly growing chicks without crowd ing them too much, theso opprqssivo nights, and continue yet to movo tho coops every day or so to now or fresh ground. Sco that both the fowls and chicks havo accessiblo shade Tho ex tremely warm weather U qnito apt to cause enthusiasm to somewhat wane, but you cannot afford to negleot your poultry stock a singlo day. It is not so much tho kind of fowls as tho 'keep'' they get Any breed poorly cared for does not amount to ranch, ns far as profit is concerned. Stinted poultry is unprofitable and overfed the' same. Fowls should never bo fedi until they will eat no more, such a method is "killing by kindness," they should always navo a good appetite, and in feeding should bo watched, and as, soon as they show tho first inclination of picking up their feed slowly or indif ferently don't let them have any moro. Use a broom if tho yards aro bare nnd sweep a clean placo every morning to put tho mixed food on. White-wash nnd replenish tlio dust bath. Tho English House of Lord's consists of fivo hundred and nine peers, which boats any bridgo in America. ORNAMENTAL IRON FEP& OF CAST CU WROUGHT IHON. Suitable for Yards, Cemetery Lots " and Public Grounds. tlio several beautiful styles of Fenco manufactured by tbo underslsucd. For Beautv nnd Durability ther nro unsuroass ed. Set up by experienced uauda nnd warranted to giro satisfaction. Prices and specimens of othor de signs sent to any address. Address BLOOMSBURG PA- May 4-tf CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! S. I THE ARTIST AND MERCHANT TAILOR, Who always oives you tbo latest styles, and cuts your clothing to fit you. Having had tuo experience lor a number ot years in tlio Tailoring. Musi ncss, lins lcarnod what material will civo his customers tho best satisfaction for wear and stylo and will try to please all who givo him a call. Also on Hand Gents' Furnishing Goods Ol' ALL DKSCKIITIONS. HATS, CAPS, AND UMBRELLAS Always ot tlio latest styles. Call and ex. amino Ills stock beforo purchasing else, where. Corner Slain & Market $ts. I Pi AprH)85-Jy B. F. HAIiTMAN mrmssiiis roi roLutwrva AMKUIOAN INSUHANOE COMPANIES North American of Philadelphia. l'roiiklln, lVunaylvaula, ' York', ot Pennsylvania, Hanover, of N. Y. OueeuK, of London. North UrltUli, of Iiudon. oruco on Mrket street, No, 5, Bloomsburg. OOt. 84, . a week at home, t&ooouttlt froe. ,'uy an wlutcly sure. NorUk, Capital not required Header. If vou wane business at which ner. great pay all the urns they work, with absoluto certainty, write for particulars to IL Utuurr & Deosi-iy Blooniski SPEEK'S PORTUGAL GRAPE WINE Also UNFKIlMtiNTED (I1IAPK JUICE. URftllnthfl nrlnMnrtl rhllt-Mina Inr rVmmimlAn Ktcollent for females, Weakly crsons nml tlio iSpeer's Port Grapo Wmol FOUR YEARS OLD. WIS CEl.EllItATED WINE 1.1 tho puro JulCO Of I tho dead rlpo oporto drape, raised In Hpecr'a Tonic and Strsngtaenlng Properties nro unsurpassed by nny other Wlno. llelns pro duced under Mr. spcer'8 own personal supervision, Its purity and Renulncness, nro cunranlred by tho principal Hospitals nnd Boards ot Health who havo examined It. Tho yountrest child may partaXo of It. and thO WCakPRtlnVAlIrt Itun If. tn mlTAMnm. li Is particularly beneficial to tho need nnd debilitated, and sulUM to tho various ailments that arroct tho weaker sex. ins in every respect a wine to HE KKL1ED ON. Speer's Unfermentod Grapo Jaioe- Is thO Intra nf thn flnnrtn nmtuia hmm.iwi1 n Its natural, fresh, swoct stato aslt runs from tho press by fumigation, thereby destroying tho exci ter of fermentation. It Is perfectly puro, freo from spirits nnd will keep In any climate. Sneer's Burgundy. a u uui (v 1 v, 1 muuiUIII J1 J y mo uSTtl Qy VUU wealthy Classen a Table or Dinner Wlno. 'ana by physicians In cases where a dry wlno Instead of a uwrat nnrt. la flnclivvl Spser's (Sooialite) Olaret. Isheld In hlcrh estimation fop Un ri(Minnm no n DryTftblo Wine especially suited tor dinner use, Spoer's P. J. Sherry. Is a wlno of Sunerlor Character nnil n.irtnkM nf tho rich qualities ot tho grapo from which It Is made. Spoer's P- J. Brandy. stands unrivalled in this Country for metflcliial It has a peculiar flavor, similar to that of tho grapes fromwhlch It Is distilled, Seo that tho signature of ALVltED 8PKEU, Pas saic N. J., Is over tho cork of each bottle. SOJLD BYO.A. KLEIM. AND UV DRUGGISTS EVEH WnEHE. Sep. S8-'8.nyr. CATARRH Hay Fever, I have been afulctal for twenty years, dur ing tho months of Au gust nnd September, with Hay 1'over, nnd havo trlod various remedies without ro ller. I was Induced to try Kly's Cream llalm ! havo used It with fa vorablo icsults, nnd can conlldentiy recom mend it to all similar ly anilcted. ltobert W. Townley, (ex-May. or) Elizabeth, N. J. Apply Into thonos- MAYFEVE R Ely's Cream llalm Is " n remedy founded on a correct diagnosis of this disease and can bode pended upon. Cream Halm enures no pain. Gives relief nt onco. Cleanses tho h?nd. Causes healthy secrotlonv Abates lnllammatlon. Prevents fresh colds, ncals tho Bores, ltesiores tho benscsof tasto nnd smell A thorough treatment will euro. Not a liquid or Bnurr. Applied into tho nostrils. 50 eta. nt druggists ; CO cts. by mall. Sample bot- no uy iniui luuis. jsui iiKuruca, uruggisxs, uwego, n. i, Aug a! 4 w UKAY'H aiMJCII'-IC .UlUHCINIC. TRADE MARK ThkCheitEno-THADK MARK I.ISH ltEMKDV. An unfailing euro for Seminal Weak ness, Spermator rhoea, Impotency, and all Wseascs that follow ns a sequenco of solf Abuso : ns loss of MPtnnrv. Tlnlvpr. EFQRE TAKIHQ.sal Lassltude.mER TAKING, rain in tho Hack, Dlmuesu of Vision, Promaturo Old Age. and many other diseases that led to Insa nity or consumption and a Premature Grave. 11KWAKK of advertisements to refund money, when druggists from whom tho medicine Is bought do not reuna, but refer you to tho nmuuf actur ers, and tho requirements are such that they are geiaom, vewr, comnueu wim. wee meir writ ten guarantee. A trial of ono single package of Gray's Speclllo will convlnco tho most skeptical ot Its real merits. on account of counterfeits, wo havo adopted tho Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine. WFull particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire to bend tree by mall to every ono. WTlie Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists at fl Eer package or6packacsforts,or will ue sent freo y moll on tho receipt of tho money, by nddrosslng Sold in llloomsbnrg by all druggists. Nov 9-lv YOU CANNOT GET WELL AT HOME. Fnw Eleciropaihic Institute, 13INGHAMTON, N. Y. A GOOD PLAGE FOR THIS SICK. Thohousolssncctallv llttcd un for tho comfort of invalids who desire a pleasant and Christian homo, stands on high ground. with plenty of shade. Personal attention given to every patient. juccincuy ami uaivamsm 111 1 ueir uiueruiib iuuui UcaUons u speciality. Prof. Mills has given many years ot study and practice to this branch, and hundreds will testify to his skill. genu tor circular, staling wuai paper you saw this in. PltOF. HENIIY MILLS, Mrs. ALIU1S FHENOII .MILLH. Lock Ilox 7. niaghamton, N. V. Sept. 7 'Sl-ly. ffl. C. SLOAN & BRO., HLOOMSHTJItG, PA. Manufacturers ot CARRIAGES BUGGIES, PHAETONS. SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAQONS, &C. First-class work always on hand. It EPA I RING NEA TI. YD ONE. Price reduced to tuil the timet. E. B. 8 GAS FITTING & STEA31 HEATING. DEALEIt IN STOVES & TINWARE. All kinds of work in Shoot Iron, Roof ing and Spouting promptly attended to. prstrlct attontlon given to boating by btnam. Corner of Main & East Sts., Illoomsburg, Pa, SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR THE COLUMBIAN SJ.fiO A YEAR 131 for tho working class. Rend 10 cents for postage, nnd wo will mall you)w, n royal valuable box of Ramnln imnrinti.ni win m,i ",1J "'"'"""'it uiyro money in n few days than you over thought possiblo at any buslnosn. cnpltnl not requited. We will Mart 121!: Vou can work nil tho time orln snaro timo only, mo work In universally adapted to both S -S570.un5 nmi oli- Yu'1 oan vm'W ram from .cn.ta,.0..3oJcr,y Opening, That nil who want. J?.t.cst J!10. "isuwm, wo mnkothls unparnllcd piTeri to nil that nro not well sallslled wo will send s!,,?Jlft?,,or.V10 troublo of writing us. Full parti F.l -2ral u'fpoUoiw, etc., sent freo. fortunes will bo i?Vr 111030 whogivo their wholo timo to tho "'ft. succas nbsolutclyBiiro Don't delay. ..now Address Hrtston 4: Co., Portland, ALL KINDS OF .101) PRINTING ON SHORT NOTICIi AT THIS OFFICIO. 3 wammmm QMAIN STREET.rD Soamstava IPMM and SUMMER STYLES AW WOW AT bavid rain THE MERCHANT TAILOR. fSloomslHii . Vi'KUTAIMMJ AMI INhTKI' TI V. PAM IMI- I.VIMJI I.V IM'ItKAHKl M!MltK!t& 1111 MAIi.M'll't:.NT A.l lOVMA l'KKlllL'MS )J1K.N. U In 14 th frrt luceou of uur farmer Wor-I Contet, Mitch eij'lrej 3Jy lit. u4 tlit intnj rrquciti nf ptriont lm vawourolfer loo lit in compete, tj uouolu.K-d to viler the follow lug tnjoiUctai reieuta iv tlu rvui tutilLf put Hie Iftrgeit liU of wurdi from tlio Utlcr comiTltlu tlie ord i " USE DAY'S SOAP ONLY." 1-t. No I hi Mold Wulcli.,., Hvrth ll)l i MJ. Mufiiiart'iitTt'itbtt uud Kulvvr.... H oru, iJiiiiauuu r.ur-ritic... , , tu 4th. Lutly'M (ioM Wnlut bO 5 tli. (Jfut'n DlHmoiiil hvurt Plti U5 flth. IMntuntTilihirrlt-eWntervltHlopACupU'j Tth. To lit t Muni,fib Bttin Lined Jv el brwer lil 100 BOXESMVJfefei' For tlifl nehieil Hit with fcweil crrori, provided the tin litilulf the number of ord of ttia htgheit competitor, CONDITIONS, Ktrnt, All 1ltttnnt be fully prpIJ and ftooumpkuied by two emit uaip for return poitife, itatement tht ton r mini IIAY'H MIAI Id your family, Dime and tddreit of grocer from whom tuu tujr It, number of ord lu til. tud )our mute and addre, all ti b wrltuu ou cue hcriof paper, irrte from llit. Second. Word wuit be written plainly, numlierel. and alphabet IckIIt arrmtRed. The biographic! oiniei, nameiof dctlo'i.'Rerlpture prnper iiamei. modrra geographical nan ea. and hrltlau name, mutt be clilUd leptraielj. Third. Only vurdifiuti I lu rbter'i or u'recter dictionary admitiM . tht will include any ord from th flut to tbti lait with the ntceplluu of pretlsc and mill it a upirate wordi and nbnoltle word j wvrda of iam eptlllug, but different mea ilu lq 1m u! but mictt, ' Fourth. I'luraU f all win! altultttrd except biographical namei, name of fiction. Scripture proper nmci, tuodvrn geogrAphlcal uame. aud ClirljtU'i name, hot aiimtrfi'lif denoting rm-i'tre cmo or otturw le not admltud. Hub, No word counted urtkx t lie teller comprltltiH tlivm arc cuntaloed In. L'"K JIAY'ti feOAl' 0LV. thai i, ai.v wrd hliiioerl A'e, I V, I D, 1 () i, I I'.JHi. l U. I N. I l,.IY'i, will I thrown out. hlilh. All llti iuul U lu by lrmltrr lt, aud the rremlume wilt be awarded lc, 70th. Hi tenth. Fremlmn will xlreq In rntnllim a'Cnrdluit to th Urged 11111. f word. H(tith. I ltd lnut n H br Mint In rnl!, but pat In envrli'pea. Mnth. wail ar end llt Innur New York 4 lilirt). 111) i Kiadit Rtreet.nr Aur I'M adilphU OfTice. USO TTevard Pwm. The II VV'M "( I'haitwenlargt'ly aoldby Mholual and lleiall tJrot er thmuBhout the I'lilltdHtalei for (Irc)eara, an) ahireier H lut-rU art known It eniojre uuUinnded p'puUrliy. Nnlwlthitaiitltng theu facti we have recehed V aur hundred letter from pron lu iur roriner rmilvNt, coiuplalnlng that tbelr grnotr did not it p I A 1 S oap, biid In niaiir Imtaiioe rcfundl hatlr to Mipplr their rH4l.-n.er with It I uni only alandtng lu their own Hal I, bot dutng u ir'-tt Injiittlne It U l h rrd, aud It I alo our dflrc, that cnt(lant will ue nerj eftnrt tn have thrlr groct-re Mippli them, but In eae I lift will iml. we will, rn n-erlpt af f 1.00, forward to an; part f the I'nlled Htate, vaaiof Wlililpid itlver. 'rre prepaid, in rkea. imlndlui tinea of our lit autifully t n.tMed Ptolure Card. The II VV" fl 1 1 be pun-t in( U.t tp mad, lit It ii th hive no llnllitig. hcaldhn.or Hard Kubhlaf, It 1itti. nii-l. ami ri'tnu. ucru Trii -mti ir if n r elrtii nt (ho raptor, I'eaulituili KmhiM.ed I'tumie II a V li V lilUKt 1 1 j 1 1 j". 1 1 jo. i ti' lit iiiiw tin ir Juno 13-13 w EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BL001ISBURG, FA. OPPOSITE COUKT IIOUBB, Largo and convenient sample rooms. Hath rooms hot ana cold water, and all modern conveniences WRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE OJlOCEJtS, Pnii,AnEi.rniA rEAH.HYUUI'B.COl'VKK, BCOAll, MOI.ASSKH RICH, ai'IC8. DtOARB 80DA,C, 0. N. B. Ooroor Second and Arch strontt. nfordors will recelvt. Dromrt altentln wnntprt for Tho Uvea of nil tho Prosl dents ot tho U. H. 'i'ho laritest, hand somest best Ixiok ever sold for less than twice our nrlco. Tho fastest Bclllnir book In America, lminenso pruilta to agents. All Intelligent people want It Anyone can booomoa successful agent. Terms tree, IUilktt Hook Co., I'ortiana; jiaino. w.v si-jjr Tho mo-it popular resort on tho Fustpiehinna Itlver Is the Waiiwullopen Valley Hotel, wapwal lopon, LUiernoC'o , I'a. TMn house has buun tnorouL'hlv renovated and Is lillea ui) with every eonveiilui'ces for trn. velers, tourlhts, hunting and llshlng parties. His ilcllghllully bltuated in the midst ota beautirul section ot river aud mountain scenery In i'lose proximity to iiiu lainuus Council Cup and spoclal Inducements nro offered to all who tk'.slro rocivutlon combined with tlrst class ac commodations. The bar supplied only with tho choicest wines and liquors, excellent btablo no commodattons, boats to hire c Apill'JS-flm CLEVELAND. Agents wantod for million, 'lo edition ot Ids life; writ ten at his own Home, with hlscnntwratlonand asHta. tnnce, by tho renowned Goodrich. Utrgost, cheap, est, handsomest, best. Elegantly Illustrated, costs more per cony to manufacture than the other lives that are gold for twice Us price, outsells all others ten to one. Ono otour agents mado aprolit ot over S0 the first day, A harvobt of gold will bo realized by o ery worker. All imjw beginners sue coed grandly, Terms tree, aud the most liberal ever offered. Havo voluaulo time by sending sa eta. for postage, eta, on free outfit, which Includes large prospectus book. Acttiulcxly; a day at tho blurt Is worth a week at tho finish. July 18 8w if. iiallktt & co., I'orUaud.lle, J.ZSALTZER, UtMKlUAIITIfgj, For tlio Cclulirntcd Clilcltcrlne, Ivors & l'ontl, nml Voso it Son l'lnnos. Worlil.ro nnwncd Kstcy Org.. us, Violins, Accordcons nml Sheet .Music. Cclebintetl White, New High Arm Davis, New Home, Koyal St. John, and Mclit Humiimr Domestic Sowing machines. .Needles, oil nml ntlnnlimcnis for nil makes ot Sewing Machines. ItS SEEiV B SECOND a SERIES 8li. Fruit Klsntl, filch, Illus or Atatr llis fill. Tctt-H-Ti'te Sit, 3 t'leoft. IteJor Au.Ur lOtli. Hell l'iiti-i-, Ciuufd lUtiiH 1 1 tli. Ice lluhcr,S ti.,l'hMeJ lNubi Wlld IS Hi. 4'nkf Mnml, Clift! nd Gold I.IdM tl'o.U Hh. Fruit Klanil, Ulch, Itlue or Atoter (litis IT mill, t rull Muiid lUKk uryitti cut uuu - iJK" PREMIUM OF S20 "(IA aotimn ndail claim lur it ir ued a the f'ard f mant dlff. reindrrlrti riven, ManuUrmrH hy ii nt, um tii lid m uui aiaauio ti rMU.,r. BLOOMSBURG PLANINGr MILL The itnderslgnod having put bis Planing Mil on llallroad Htreet, In nrst-ciass condition, la pre pared to do all kinds or work In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS., MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. turnuned at reasonable prices. All lumber usod la well seasoned and none but skilled workmen aruuinpioyeu. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS furnished on application, man and Bpocmca oiiare.es krug, OlouuiNburR, Ia Tho ScieiicoofLifo. Only $1 BY MAIL POST-PAID Kxhaustcd vitality, Nervous and Physical Debll lty. Premature Uecline in Man. Krrors of Youth, und the untold miseries resulting Irom Indiscre tion ot excesses. A book for every man, young, middle-aged and old. It contains 1S5 presorliuions for nil acute andchronlo dlseasos, each one ot wlitch UUiivaluaulo. So found by the Author, whoso cxiierleneotoriu years Is suoh as probably never before loll to the lot of any physician, aoo pages, bound in boautltul Frencb muslin, einboSied oovers, full gilt, guaranteed to bo a rlnor work In overy Benso mechanical, literary and professional than any other work sold In tlilscount ry for t3.no. or tho money will bo refunded In every Instance. Price only 11.00 by mall post-paid. Illustratlvo sample 6 cents. Bend now. (iotd medal awarded the author by thoNatlonal Medical Association, to tho oillcers nt which lie refers. ' Tho Science of Uto should bo read by tho youn for Instruction, and by the anilcted for relief, it will benefit oll-fwiuoii Uuutl. Thero Is no member of socioty to whom Tho Hclencoot Lite will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, Instructor or clergyiuan.-4r; OlUIUt. Addross tho Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr W. II. Paiker, no. llulflnclt street, lioston, Mass.. who may bo consulted on all diseases requlrtug skill and experience. Chronic and obstinate dtseas es and that nave bafllcd the I i n i i skill of another physicians a sne I'l IJjA I i clalty. Such treated successful run wnni uly without an Instance of Ll'X 1 ol'jl jl? fill uro. Mention this paperr J ' July aw w d KNOW THYSELF.L i Croat Medical Work on Manhood If MIA Pennsylvania Railroad. M Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, nnd Northern Central Railway. IMI TIME TABLE. In cfTLCt Mnv 12th. IKS I. Trnlna lrnrn u,,.. bury. EA8TWAI1I), 0.4S8. m.. Sea Shoro Kxnrem Mniiv mm Sunday), for Ilarrlsburg and Intermediate si al ions, arriving nt Philadelphia 3.U p. in.; New York aw p. m. i llaltimore, 6.10 p. m. j Washington , 6.S0p. in., connecting nt Philadelphia for all isea Wiore points. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. b oo P. m.-Day express (dally), for Ilarrlsburg and Intermediate stallons,arrlvlDg at Philadelphia 7.2S p. m. : New York. 10.20 n. m. imiiii,li,. 7.o p. in. ; Washington, 8.45 p. in. Parlor ca inroiigii 10 1'iiiinuciunia ana passenger coacho through to Philadelphia nnd UaltlmorS. 8,S0 p. m. WUllnmsport Accommodation (dally for Ilarrlsburg nnd all Intermediate stations, nrrlv Ing nt Philadelphia 3 eo a, m. j New York 0.10 a. 111. Sleeping car accommodations can bo secured at Ilarrlsburg forl'lilladelphlannd New York. On nun. das a through Bleeping cor will bo run: on this trnlil trom Wllliamsp't to Phlladelphta.Phlladelphla passengeracan remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7 a. m. .!W a. m. Krla Mali (dally except Monday) for Ilarrlsburg nnd lnteimedlato stations, arriving at Philadelphia 7.00 n. in. Now York , U.S0 a. in. j Ilaltlmoro 7.40 a. ra. ; Waslilugton, 8.5u a.m. Through inilman sleeping cars aru run on this train to Philadelphia, Ualtlmoro aud Washing ton, and through pasbcnger coaches to Phlladel phla and Baltimore. WESTWAHD. B.15a. m. Krlo Mall (dally except Sunday), foi Krlonnd all Intermediate stations with through Pullman Palace car nnd throuirh n.iKsrniir coaches to Krle, nnd through Pullman Palace cars iu uuuaiu via i.mpunum. un sundas this train runs to llenovo, with Pullman Palace car lo WllUamsport nnd passenger coaches to llenovo. lfor cnnandnlgua and Intermediate stations, Rochester, Buffalo nnd Niagara Kails, (dally except Sundays) wlthihiough Pullman Palace cur and passenger coaches to ltochestcr. 10.15 News Express (dally except Sunday) for IxKk Haven and Intermediate btntlons. On sun days this train runs only to Wllllamsport. 1.10 p. in. Niagara Express (dally except Sun day) for Knno and Intermediate stations with through passenger coaches to Kane, l'or Canan dalgua and principal intermediate stations, Rochester, lluffalo and Niagara Falls with through passenger coaches to Rochester nnd Par lor car to Wntklns. 8.25 p. m. Fast Lino (dally.cxccpt Sundnyjtor lle novo nnd Intermediate stations, and Elmlra, Wat kins and Intermediate stations, with through pas scnger coaches to llenovo and watklns. THROUGH TRAINS KOIl SCNBUltY FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.3d a. m. i Ilarrlsburg, s.10 a. in. dally, arrlvbg at Sunbury 10.15. . ., .... Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, 7.40 a. m. ; Ilaltlmoro 7.30 a. 111. (dally except Sunday) arriving at Sunbury, 1.10 p. in., with through l'arlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from Philadel phia and llaltimore. Fast IJno leaves New York 8.00 a. m. ; Philadel phia, 11.10 a. m.j Washington, u.40 a. in. ; Haiti more, 10.01) a. in., (dally except Sunday) arriving a sunbury, 6.20 p. m., with through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and llaltfinore. Erlo Mail leaves New York 8.00 p. m. : Phlladol phla, 11. '.Dp. in. j Washington, iu.co p. m. ; Haiti more, ll.su p.m., (dally) arriving at buubury 6.1 a.m., with through ltillman Sleeping earn from Philadelphia, ashlngton and Ilaltlmoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. Sleeper f 1 om Washington runs dally except sun- SlI.MHIltV, IlAZMtTON it U II.KlWltAItltK UAll.ltOAl) AND NORTH AMI WKHV 1IIUNCII ItAIT.WAV. (Dally except Sunday.) Wilkesbarro Mall leaves sunbury 10.30 a. m., arriving at llloom Ferry 11.37 n. m., Wllkes-barto 12.65 p. m. Express East leaves Sunbury 5.35 p. m., arriving atlifoomFerryU.30p.in., Wllkcs-barro 8.00 p. 111. sunbury Mall leal es W ilkesbarro 1U3U a. in. anlv lng nt llloom Ferry 12.01 p. m., Kunbury 12.53 p. m. Express West leaves Ukes-barro 2.45 p. 111., ai riving at bloom Ferry 4.15 p.m., sunbury 6.iu p. CIIA& PUnif, J. It. WOOD, tlen. Manager. uen. Passenger Agent pniLADELPHAAND READINCi KOAl) AURANQEMENT OF I'AKSENGFJl IIIAIJNH, MaylO 18S1 TBAINS UtlVH HOPBKT IS K0LI.0W6UMiAY KCOKI'TrD. For Now York.PhlladolDhiu.Readiiii. I'ntimin Tamaqua, 4c., 11,51) a. mi For Catawlssa, 11,60 a., in.0.13 and 10.28 p, u,. For Wllllamsport, ,84 11.45 a. in. aud 4,o p. m For Lowlsburg and Sunburv. 4 oa n. m. TBllNS OB EUMBT IJ1ATK AH yOLUIWS, (BOMIIAr ne.rTSu.) Leave Now York. vli. Tomanua 0.00 n. m. nnii via. Bound Brook Route 7,45 a, in. Leavo Philadelphia, 8,50 a. in. Lo&vo Reading. 11.65 a.m.. hoiivim h. "j ., ... and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave catawlssa, 6,80 11.15 a. to, and 4,00 p, in, Leave Wllllamsport ,s,45 a.m.4.05 p. m. uno 0.10 u, in Leavo Sunbury 4.1 p. m. " Lewhburg4.4jp.m. Passongors to and from Phlla lelphla go tbrouh without change ot cars. J, K, WOOtTEN , 0.0. HANCOCK, OoneralMahagor. JaluriSBl-trDSer ttnd T'Ck0t AKOhU JELAWAIIE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NORTH, .m. p.m. a.m. STATIONS. ....Scranton.... Uellovue.,.. ...Taylorvlllo.,, ..Lackawanna,, Plttston..... ..West Plttston, ....Wyoming,,,. . . ..Maltby Dennett ....Kingston ... ItlniiOnn SOUTH. tu 1 30 0 V5 a.m. a.m. p.m 8 61 8 48 8 40 H XI 1 25 1 20 1 13 1 05 1 Ofl 0 10 1) 14 U OU 8 60 8 63 8 481 8 43 8 .10 5 50 0 40 2 20 6 65 V 45 2 25 0 01 0 60 2 U (1 00 0 67 2 38 0 17 10 01 2 4a 8 23 10 00 8 61 II 28 10 11 2 68 6 32 10 17 S 00 0 80 10 20 3 03 6 40 10 25 3 08 0 48 10 23 3 08 6 60 10 29 S 11 8 65 10 33 3 15 7 00 10 37 8 20 7 05 10 41 3 21 7 12 10 48 3 :ti 7' 21 10 10 3 45 7 47 11 10 3 67 7 53 11 10 4 OS 8 00 11 22 4 Hi 8 00 11 38 4 ltt 8 10 11 80 4 10 8 14 11 42 4 Wi 8 21 11 48 4 30 8 28 11 63 4 80 8 31 11 67 4 42 8 30 12 02 4 U 8 55 13 20 5 06 0 02 13 28 6 12 U 1X1 13 32 6 18 0 20 13 60 6 30 8 27 8 22 IS 55 8 17 12 51 8 12 12 48 8 08 12 41 8 08 IS 41 8 0.1 12 33 7 50 12 85 7 61 IS SO 7 60 12 26 7 43 12 ID 7 CO 12 08 7 18 11 611 7 11 11 60 7 05 It 4-1 0 68 11 Sil 8 M 11 .T I 8 60 11 30 0 42 It 2.1 0 30 11 17 a 30 11 it) 8 35 8 35 1 a so 8 25 8 21 8 17 8 10 7 68 7 47 .Plymouth Juno ijjnumn.,,, ...,Aondalo, , Illunloek's Creek ..nniCKsuinuy,, ..Hick's Ferry,. 7 41 7 31 7 27 7 23 ..uvuuu ijuveu, Berwick ...Briar Creek., ..Willow drove.. ...Lime Ridge. ...lVloomsburg Ifnnnr, 7 10 7 11 7 115 7 00 a 51 8 31 8 20 0 25 0 25 11 OS 0 08 10 63 0 00 10 47 6 K.1 in 41 Catawpa Bridge ..j'uimue.,,. .Chulasky.,,, 5 40 10 30 8 10 .... uameron,,,. N01 thumberland p in. 11.111. n.ln a.m. iun. 11.111 Superintendent's w. F. IIALSTEAI), Blipt. office, Scranton, Feb. 1st, 180. JAME8 ltEILIy, Tonsorial Artist. nVri? tt.V!l8iLa 8tani1 unaor EXCHANGE in HFiiSiini."., S .ru a.ui,Al(a generally, lulvn.'so-tf PEiB-ODY HOTEL miLADKLrniA. flth Ht.. nnntlt nf Piirtn., - nmVer!?AQ and Kuropoan plana, (lood nowly furnished. ' " W. Payne, M, D., n"v ""-I y Owner & Proprietor, WanPfl J?,111130 in every county in this yv auicll state to tukoorders for Nursery 5k. Wfndw ana OflrnM nn.oimen" lit ;oni AVAOltH. Experlcnre inlho bUBl uess not required. Nursorlei widely nnd favor- . ...... . v, wima UUUIVDQ Tho 0. L. Van Duson Nurtory Co., (1K.1EYA, , V. Van Duson Nurserloa established 1830, Also stock at wholesale AprlH-isteow r 4V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers