The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 29, 1884, Image 3

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The Columbian.
KltllJAY, AUGUST 29, 1BB1.
Correct itallroiul Time Tnlile.
Trains on the Philadelphia 4 it. it loavo import
an IoMuwh I
0:3(1 U. 111.
4:00 p. 111.
11:59 a. in.
0:13 p. in,
Tratnion tho 1). L, W. II 1L loavo Illoomsburt:
as fallows i
mouth. south.
;7:in iv. m. 8:23 a. 111. 11:63 a.m.
11:30 p. 1U. 4:30 p. m.
Tlw 82S a. in. train connects at Northumberland
with tlio::i3 train on Pennsylvania road, reaching
Philadelphia at 3:1 p. m.
Tho U:M train connects with Philadelphia and
Heading road at llupcrt reaching Phlladcl
plila at 0:00 p. m.
Tho 11:8-1 train connects with Pennsylvania road
at Northumberland at 1:50, roachlng Philadelphia
at 7:85 p. in.
Tho 4:3fl p. m. train connects with Pennsylvania
road at Northumbei land at 8:u0 p. ui., and reaches
Philadelphia at :):u5 a. in.
Tialnsontho N. V. 11.
Perry as follows i
11:87 a. in.
aao p. in.
Hallway pass llloom
13:01 p. m.
4:10 p. m.
W. 11. Tubbs la Improving slowly.
Col. J. O. Freeze Is visiting nt Lake Car
ey, Wyoming county.
II. 1 1'rult of Jcrseytown was In town
Jnmcs Haggerty of Ccntralla, was In
town Wednesday.
Cyrus Mcllcnry was In town on Satu r
day. J. L. 01 r ton has rc-nrranged his wludow
in front or his restaurant, in which ho
kcops n nlco collection of frogs.
Frank Hess of Denton who has been dan.
gerously ill, wo nro pleased to state Is now
A. A. Zancr, of Audubon, Iowa, who;has
been seriously 111 for sorao time, Is conval
escing. Q. K. Myers of tho Uatawissa A'eirs Item
was in town on Tuesday. It Is rumored
that ho offers his paper for sale, because of
his 111 health.
Miss lfastlngs, who recently resigned
as teacher at tho Normal School has accpt
cd a position as teacher at Port Clinton, N.
F. II. Jenkins of Chlttcnango, N. Y. has
accepted tho position as teacher at tho
Normal Behool, in place of Miss Hastings,
Toaches were a drug
Vllllamsport last week.
on the market at
Puro drugs nnd patent medicines of all
kinds nt tho Peoples' Drug Store.
The now public school buildings of Sun-
bury will be completed about September
Lllley & Sloppy wants all kinds of lum
ber and shingles.
A gentleman from Athens, liradford
rmintv. Pa., will oren a skatlnc rink in
livnns' Hall, on Saturday evening.
W. C. llelckart is putting up a building
on the corner of his lot on Iron street, to
be used for his flour nnd feed store.
Wanted. A farmer, married man. Ap
ply nt once. O, A. IIemiinu.
Tho Luzcrno Agricultural society will
hold its nnniinl fair at "Wyoming, Tuesday,
Wednesday. Thursday & Friday, October
7, 8, 0, nnd 10, 1884.
The republican standing committee met
on Tuesday nttcrnoou and nominated D.
M. Klntcr for Prothouotnrv in place of
liichard Stiles, withdrawn.
Miss Emma Denelcr will begin her
school for children on Monday next, on
Centre street. Her terms of tuition nro
$1.00 per month.
F. A. Denralsli of Scrnnton, has been
named by the Democracy of Lackawanna
as candidate for Congress in the eleventh
Congressional district.
Tho Ladies' Aid Society of the M. 12.
Church of Espy will givo a supper and fes
tivnl in tho park at Espy, on Saturday
evening, September 13th. Ice cream
cake, &c, will bo on sale.
A game of baseball played on tho fair
grounds on Tuesday between the Active
of Danvillo, and tho Star Nino of this place.
resulted in a victory for the latter, with a
coro of 13 to 5.
There will bo a musical entertainment in
the Christian church at Denton, on Satur
dayovenlng. September Oth, 1881. The
prourammo will consist of soucs, duets.
solos, plantation songs, &c.
The oldest daughter of Samuel Jacoby,
Ituchcl Delle, died At her fathers residence
on East street on Friday morning. She
was about 40 years of of age and had been
ntlllctcd with consumption for some time
Hev, Qeo. O. Hart, Stato lecturer for tho
I. O. C. T. will bo present this Friday
evening nt the meeting of the Dloomsburg
Lodge. Tho publlj arc invited. Mr. J. E.
Jenkins, district organizer will also bo
Tho cold wavo which wo experienced
here on Sunday evening was more severe
throughout the New England States. In
New Hampshire, Vermont and Connect!
tlciit there was heavy frost, nnd tho com
and buckwheat greatly damaged.
Hon. John Lciscniing of Mauch Chunk
died Friday morning, August 22nd, in the
COth year of his age. His death was
caused by Drlght's Hlscwe of tho Kidneys,
Sir. LciBcnrlng was one of the electors on
the ltepubllcim natlonnl ticket.
K.'.Judgo Gaulck M. Harding of Wilkes
Dane, has recently declared himself for
Cleveland Ho has been a life long repub
lienn. On Monday he wiib tendered the
dimocintlc nomination for Assembly of
tho Mist legislative distiict, of Luzcrno
county. He accepted the nomination,
An insect about tho size of tho potato
beetle Is destroying tho benn crop in some
units of tho State. Entire fields in some
casts have been destroyed. The Canada
Thlb'llo is about tho only vegetablo produc
lion that does not have some special Insect
to prey upon it.
The publishers, proprietors and editors
of Luzerne county will go to Glen
Onoko, Mauch Chunk, nnd tho Switch
Dack on an excursion, tho Oth tf Septcm.
bcr. This Is tho second excursion of this
kind from that county, Tho ono of last
year was a grand success, Wo wish our
friends of tho nelghboilng county a joyous
Tho following have been chosen by tho
Democratic Standing Commlttco as a vigi
lance commlltu for tho Town of Dlooms.
butgi Eastward, A. V, Hower, J, if,
Slalze, O. II. Campbell, J. D. Casey, O. W.
Joins, Ed, Yost, Charles Hassert, and
Jns. Sterner) AVest Ward, F, I). Dentlcr,
U. A. Klelm, Thomas Gorrcy, R. R. Little,
Clinton sterling and W. W- Darrett.
iV young daughter of Jiimcs Warr llvlnc
on third street In that part ot Dlooinsbtirg
known ns Scott town wlitlo lighting cigar,
ctts on Wednesday nfternoon, set flro lo
licr clothing, almost consuming them. Mrs.
Cs Btcrllng enmo to lier rescue, but too Into
to save her life. Tho child died In the
ovonli.' ,
Stri A. B. Stnnhnrdt, n son of George
Stanhnrdt, bf Catawissa, died on Wcdnes.
day morning, aged about twcnty.onoycnrs
Ho was sick only about a week, with Inlla.
mnttou of tho bowels. On Monday morn.
Ing ho overexerted himself In trying to
raise a window, and caused a perforation
of the bowels. Ho then gradually grow
worso until death closed tho scone.
Joshua Fcttermau not satisfied with
being defeated at tho republican delcgato
election, has decided to bo an1 independent
candidate. Ills name Is announced In this
weeks Catawissa Item. Six years ago an
independent republican was In the field,
and as a consequence tho Greenback can
didate was elected commissioner. Do the
cpubllcans wish to rcapcat It.
Our neighbor would have their leaders
bcllovu that the ofilce of 1'rolhonotary Is
not a political one, because there Is no
patronage connected with It. In tho samo
sense tho lleglstcr and Hccorder, Trcasur-
er, and Sheriff nro not political. Tho ofllcc
of 1'rolhonotary is tho best paying of all
other ofllces In tho county. This seems
the reason why there is so much strife for
it. It has always been filled very crcdl
tably by democrats heretofore nnd will bo
Prescriptions a specialty nt the Peoples'
Drug Store. J. 11. Mercer, Prop.
On Wednesday afternoon nt one o'clock,
Mr. Henry Wlcdcrhold, of Shenandoah
was married to Miss Annie Evans, a daugh
ter of Frank Evnus, of Drlnrcreek. A largo
crowd of friends gathered at tho homo of
the brldo to witness the ceremony. Many
and very costly presents were given, nnd
nil present enjoyed themselves hugely.
The happy pair took a brief journey nnd
then will return to Shenandoah where tho
groom is nctlvcly engaged In tho butcher-
Ing business.
An editor is a man who lives on what
other people owo him until ho starves to
death, A subscriber is one who takes a
paper, and says ho Is well pleased with It
and tells everybody else "lie ought to sub
scribe." After lie has subscribed for about
seven years the editor writes to him and
asks linn to let him have two dollars, and
then the subscriber writes back to the edl
tor and tells him not to send his old paper
any more, for there is nothing in it, and
then the poor editor goes nnd starves lo
death again. rV.
The first issue of the postal note, (tho
yellow one) is fast passing out of use. An
order was issued by the Postmaster Gen
eral April 25, directing all postmasters to
use a note of now color and design. Tho
reason given for this was that there wn3
arsenic used in the manufacture of tho
yellow note, and it was dangerous to use
them. Tho new note is printed on lilac
paper, and is manufactured by tho llowcr
Leo Dank Note Company. The yellow
note will soon bo sought by those gather
Ing rare pieces of money.
At a regular meeting of the Mountain
Grovo Camp meeting association tho fol
lowing officers were elected for tho present
year : Dr. E. W. 31. Low, vice president,
Z. T. Fowler, secretary, Cyrus Shaw trcas
urer, C. C. Sharplcas, directors, SI. W.
Jackson, E. H. Southcrlaud. E. T. Sharp
less, Samuel Tumbach, (Rock Gleu) G. SI.
Shoop, W. SI. Gcarhart, George Ducher,
and the president, vice president, secre
tary and'trcasurer, elect. Tho disposal of
tents for the present year is left to tho pre
sident, Z. T. Fowler, Willow Springs, Col
umbia county, to whom all letters relating
to tents should be addressed.
Sirs. Laura J. Patten died at her late res.
Idencc in Dloomsburg, corner of Centre &
Third street, on Friday morning about one
o'clock. She was taken sick on Slonday
with what seemed to bo cholera morbus
In tho absence of her family physician, Dr,
Slclleynolds, Dr. Gardner was called, but
she gradually grew worse, and death ended
her sufferings Friday morning. Her hus
band died a fow years ago. She was about
forty years of age, and leaves three child
rcn, aged 5, 10 and 11 years. Tho body
was taken to Whlto Hall Sunday morning,
Sirs. Slariuh J. Woodward died at her
residenco on East street on Tuesday night,
August 20th, about 12 o'clock, aged 40
years, 3 months, and 1G days. Sirs. Wood
ward visited Rome, N. i., about a year
ago and went through a very painful treat
ment for cancer. Her many friends enter
tained hopes that a cure had been effected,
but the cancer, again, after somo months
mado Its appearance, and gradually eat her
life away. A vast throng of friends will
read of her death with sadness. Tho fu
neral will tako place this (Friday) after,
noon at two o'clock. Interment In Rose-
mont cemetery.
Seven miners lu tho Greenback mine,
near Bhamokin, were suffocated to death
by gas on Wednesday of last week. Thirty-
flvo children were mado fatheiless by tho
accident. Two of tho victims were insured
for $250, encli and ono for .$1000. Tho
Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron
Comiiunv has mado the seven widows and
their thirty-seven children beneficiaries of
tho relief fund, which secuics for them
thirty dolhus funeral expenses and seven
dollars per week for one year. It is also
tho lutcntlou at tho coal and iron company
to give those of tho families who aro able
to work employment nt once.
The 1. O. of O. F. of Pittston passed
trough this place on Saturday en route for
Northumberland to hold n picnic. Tliero
were twenty.ouocar load.uslug two engines
for drawing them. On their return S.ttur.
day evening, ono of the engines wiw stop,
ped at the water tank, to replenish with
water, and whllo tho train was delayed a
row occui red among a few of tho passen
gers resulting In tho stubbing of ono of tho
disputing parties, when the stabbing oc
currcd several jumped from tho train and
ran toward tho river.
Sirs. Gcrra Hower, was on a bridge cross.
ing on Seventh st., watching tho excursion
train, and accldently stepped off tho brldgo
Into tho gutter breaking her leg.
Remember all who expect to vote at the
coming election, must bo assessed beforo
Friday, September Oth. Thursday of next
week, September 4lh, is the last day that
assessments can bo mado, nnd buturday,
October 4th Is tho last day that taxes may
bo paid to Insuro a vote. Let every voter
In tho county see that they nro entitled to
vote, Tho members of tho Standing Com.
mittco lu each township should urgo every
ono to attend to tho assessment and pay.
mcnt of taxes. If tho Democratic voters
of tho county will prepare to go to tho
polls and voto on Tuesday, November 4th,
Columbia county will glvo Cleveland and
Hendricks 2500 majority. Tho Dumocrutio
voters nro In tho county. Let tho inem.
bcrs of tho Standing Committee oiganlze
in every township, Sou that a good vlgU
lanco committee is appointed at once uud
attend to getting out tho entire vote.
Tho main lino of the sewer Is now about
completed. Sir. Hnll, who has tho con.
tract for completing It, had somo difficult
work to do. In somo places tho trench Is
twcnty.two fect deep. In tho deepest
places ho used n windlass, nnd would ex.
cavalu nhout flvo feet In diameter to tho
proper depth, Tlicso holes wcro mado
about fifteen feet apart) ho then tunneled
from ono to tho other. Tho formation of
the earth was that ot gravel and sand. Tho
work was considered n dangerous one, but
Sir. Hull accomplished It with no mishaps.
The prohibitionists of Columbia county
met nt Sllllvlllo on Saturday lust nnd placed
In nomination the following county ticket i
For ltcprcscntutlvcs, Dr. J, D. Pntton, of
SIUlvlllc, and Thomas Seaborn, of Hoar.
lngcrcek. For Prothonotary, M. P. Lutz,
of Dloomsburg. For Ucglstcr nnd Decor
dcr, II. T. Smith, of Denton, For Com.
mlsslonors, G. V. Corrcll nnd L. P. Kline.
For Auditor J. E. Eves. For Treasurer,
nrou Smith. Congressional referees, O.
A. Potter, J. W. Eves. Resolutions were
then passed ratifying tho stato and Nation.
al Platform as adopted, and endorsing the
nominations of Gov. St. John for President
and Win. Daniel for Vico President. That
picnio bo held In tho Rupert grovo not
later than tho third week In September,
nnd an invitation be extended to all Chris
tian and temperance peoplo irrcpectivo of
party and sect.
On Sunday morning nbout halt past nlno
tho barn of Fred Dloch In Frosty Valley,
was discovered to bo on lire. Home men
wcro sitting in tho yard near tho house,
and saw tho (lames spreading In a shed
contalng straw. Every effort wns made to
extinguish tho flames, but without avail.
Tho barn with tho entire contents (except
tho horses) wcro destroyed. Tho horses
wcro nil that could Lie aavcu. a new
thresher and separator belonging to Clark
Purscl, which ho had just purchased tho
Slonday previous was also destroyed. Tho
thresher had not been used at the
barn Jslneo Friday evening. It Is
supposed tho fire was caused by
somo children who wcro playing in tho
shed. Tho barn was a new one. There
wns an Insurance In tho Grange Insurance
Company of $700 on the barn, nnd $200 on
the contents. Clark Pursel had no Insur
ance on his thresher. This Is the second
ouo he has lost by lire within the past few
Tho Columbia County Agricultural So
ciety under tho present management are
making extra efforts to have tho exhibition
exceed that of any previous years. This
society has tho name of giving one of tho
best exhibitions of any similar society in
tho State. Last Spring an additional fivo
acres wns made to the grounds, nnd a sub
stantial board fence eight feet In height
has been built. The race track has been
enlarged to a full half mile, and mado fifty
fect in width instead of tliirty-fivc ns here
tofore. A heavy railing has been built
around tho Inside of the track, and a new
nnd much more comodlous Judges' stand
erected. The society has joined the Na
tional Trotting Association, nnd all trots
will bo governed by a practical starter and
timer, according to Association rules
Store than twice the number of cattle sheds
in use before, have been built, and so ar
ranged that tho cattle faco tho race course,
and ample room back of each allowed for
driving them In and out. The sheds for
horses and other stock have also been in
creased in numbers, and every convenience
added to them. While all U1I3 Improve
mcnt has been made tho management lias
always kept in mind tho general purpose
of the Association, and have made advan
ces in nearly nil tho premiums. Our peo
ple are now afforded all the conveniences
for exhibiting their produce and making
competition for the liberal premiums of
fered. Tiio Columbia County Agricultural
Society bids fair to exceed any similar as
soclntion in this or other States.
Editoks Columbian :
Tho Harvest Homo Reunion and fifticnth
anniversary of Rev. A. Houtz's pastorate
of tho Orangevlllo charge on last Thursday
in the SIcgarglo Grove at Orangeville was
very impressive. The committee on nr.
raugemcnts deservo great credit for their
taste manifested In the preparation of tho
ground. Tho seating capacity wns con
sidered sufficient to accommodate four
hundred persons. I'rouably not moro
than half present could bo comfortably
seated. Tho preachers stand was well
arranged, with an arch ol cvorgroens
in front, which was decorated with largo
golden letters, which were made to read
tho suggestive text for thepccaslon, "Hon
or tho Lord with thy substance," of courso
every body took the hint and threw in lib
erally when tho contribution box went
around, Tho stand in form represented a
small structure with three gable ends, ouo
above the arch,thc others at the ends of tho
stand, tho rafters representing the three
ends wero also festooucd with evergreens.
liut all around and above was open spaco
except the follago of the grove. The grove
temple was nn inviting spot, not on account
of its beauty only, but on account of its
friendly shelter from tho burning heat and
glaring rays of the sun and tho basket dinner
of which all pnitook with a hearty relish
A spring of good cold water was near at
hand which slaked tho thirst of man and
beast. Rov.W. Goodrich, u former pastor,
preached an able and comprehensive sermon
reviewing his labors from his reminiscences
to the vivid recollection of the older portion
of tho audience; and tho growth nudfruit re
suiting therefrom, while among this people
for a period of nearly twelve years. Rev,
Sleckel dell vcred a short address lu Ger
man. Rev. Laud spoke of Woroclsdorf
Orphan's Homo at Dcthany as a benefi
ciary institution, and tho duty and Impor
tance of tho church to support liberally and
sustain it. Dy tho way ho was ono of its
inmates, Revs, Strunk, Koliler nud Gala
way participated in tho exercises. Tho
latter is a Daptlst Sllulster at Uerwick. The
closing exercise was In tho nature of n sur-
prlso for Rov. A. Houtz, by tho presenta
tion of nn elegant cano by Rev. Dechunt in
behalf of tho young members confirmed by
Pastor Houtz. Tills was also an impres
sive scene mingled with a llttio fun. A
history of tho Reformed Church, prepared
by Rev. Houtz, from her primitive to her
present stato In Columbia county, was read
by Rev. Kolder, Her history Is both very
Interesting and instructive, onco a dopen
dent mission field, now thrco or four self
supporting und prosperous charges, nlso
contributing largely for missions. The
history of each congregation in tho Ornngc
vlllo charge was taken up and read In turn,
commencing with St. James, Dot this lu
not all. We look around nnd see other
spiritual fields, also lu a high stato of cul
tivation. Many other sister denomina
tions of which somo aro moro powerful In
numbers, and wealth too perhaps, occupy
ing tho sumo teriltory. These all havo
their fields of labor and usefulness, and
are prosperous and hnppy, Notwlthstand
ing this community of neighboring denom
inations and of church homes, living in
peaco and harmony, and cultivating their
rcspectivo spiritual fields to their utmost
cnpaclty, there still remains much spiritual
wilderness unoccupied. Does no ono care
for this field of commoiiH ? Is it beyond tho
power of cultivation ? Is It a spiritual park
to which all denominations resort for
pleasure and amusement ? Gravo consider
ntloiiB these, and great subject for theolo
gians. Yours, Aug. J, VSSl. v,
Dtislncss Is beginning In town ngaln
makes everything look llko old times.
Wm. Flcckcnsttno Is doing n thriving
business in the manufacturing nnd selling
ot wagons.
Lllley & Sloppy have again engaged lu
the lumber business, parties wanting lum
ber can always do belter to buy ofLifcS
than any body In town.
Prof. Heck Is having a targe attendance
at his fall term of school,
I think If wo had n pollco force In our
town wo would'nt hfivo qulto so much
drunkenness nnd rowdylsm,wo aro Inform
ed that somo of our townsmen will look
nftcr the matter.
Messrs. Stlner & Sloppy have given up
tho rod and hook. Blcppy has turned back
to business whllo Gcorgo takes his gun and
will revenge himself by killing tho poor
Nlbto ot thu ItcnMUan has hoaded unto
himself another occupation, this tlmo It Is
peddling tin this Is nlno occupations that
the above Individual holds.
J. II. SIcrccr keeps a full nssortmoutof
school supplies, at tho Peoples' Dook
Dusty roads.
Warm and dry.
A lull In politics.
Silss Hattlc Dleffonbach Is visiting her
uncle, Sir. N. Wclllvcr.
Miss Flora Krcamcr who has been visit.
Ing nt Lock Haven for some time, Is nt
Sir. S. Straycr of Dloomsburg has been
through hero soliciting subscriptions for
the lives of Cleveland and Hendricks and
Dlalno nnd Logan. He reports tho busi
ness very dull.
Thoso who attended tho picnics at Wash-
tonvlllc, and nt tho Sladtson church last
Saturday, say they had a delightful time,
Tho funeral of Sirs. Patten passed
through hero on Sunday on tho way to tho
burial grounds at Whlto Hall.
Thb Jcrseytown choir snot nt tho church
last Thursday and Saturday evenings for
practice. These wero tho first rogular
mcctliics and were well attended. Tho
choir Is now organized nnd uudcr the cfll-
cicnt leaderships of Sir. Emery Wclllvcr,
will, no doubt, bo successful. There is
sufficient talent here to afford good music
on any occasion, then let Sir. Wellivcr and
the singers reccivo proper encouragement
from all nnd duo respect nnd attention
from those who nttend tho practice, and
soon we shall have a choir worthy of
special note. L. Y,
Drought Is a word now in universal use.
I presume that it will not continue so for
any great length of time, as all the farmers
aro wishing for rain. It may bo possiblo
that tho hoped lor rain will como before
you receive this article. Wo all wish It
would. So dry is tho ground, that the
plough has ceased to bo used.
Buckwheat harvest partially proceeded
that of oats, and Is bidding fair to con
tlnue for several weeks to come.
Schools arc being opened In this district.
The Fritz Hill School has just opened with
a fine attendance, and is rapidly on the in
crease. A little rciorm 13 necessary, nnd
it cannot come too soon. The teacher's
salary needs to be larger, so that first class
Instructors can be secured. Until this Is
done wo need not look for much greater
advancement. I suspect tho solace is tills.
We are not alone In this method of cheating
Tho well known citizen, Willard Steph
ens, lias recently abandoned Ins mansion
and ratired to the mountain side along tho
Susquehanna, where he and his amiable
lady expect to remain during the hot days
of autumn. Slay happiness follow him
and a speedy return bring him again among
Tho excitement caused ut the primary
election has so far subsided that I feel con
fident in saying, the ticket will bo strictly
adhered to by every democratic voter in
tills township. The fire and spirit of free
dom is running high in regard to Novem
ber election, and tho acclamation Is with
ono accord, Hurrah ! for Cleveland and
Hendricks." L. J.
Foil Rest. Three pair of rooms suitable
for offices, and one store room occupied
now as shoe storo next to Exchnng Hotel,
F. D.!.
The town was thrown into a state of ex.
cltemcnt ono day last week by the finding
of a new-born infant buried In tho cellar ot
a Polish woman's house, in tho upper end
of town. Tiie discovery was made by the
neighbors, who were aware of a child hav
ing been born, and suspecting foul play,
they at onco notified the authorities. Alter
diligent search through the house they
went to tho cellar, and after removing a
small quantity of fresh earth they discov
ered tho child In a powder keg with a cord
drawn tightly around its neck. Drs,
Gwluucr nnd Lashcllo held a post-mortem
xamlnntion, nnd concluded that death re
sulted from strangulation. Tho woman
was nt onco taken into custody and sent to
Dloomsburg jail to await trial.
Daniel Darrah was badly cut on the fac
by a piece of coal, which fell down th
slope, at Continental colliery on Thursday
The village of Dark Corner is visited
with a disease which, It seems, cau bo
given up name. Somo people are inclined
to believe It is caused by thu water there,
whllo the doctors say it is cholera in a mild
form. Several grown people havo died
with It, but it generally goes among the
children. It is contagious, aud should bo
avoided. It posstble.
Tho old school building received a rub
from tho painters' brushes this week,
which greatly improved its blackened ap
A new school building Is lu courso ot
erection nt Dark Corner near tho old ouo.
Henry Weaver of Ashland, was badly
hurt at Logan colliery on Thursday, by
being caught between tho mlno wagons.
t he tuuuel at Logau colliery is com
plcted. Tho shipments will bo increased
considerably when thu gnu sways aro
Tho Sktdmoro gangway nt Continental
colliery will bo driven to its bounds next
week, which will cause tho suspension ot
a number ot men.
The ropo at Ccntralia colliery brdko on
Slonday, when tho wagon was about forty
yards from tho bottom. Tho slopo timbers
and tho road wero damaged greatly, and
they will bo unable to resume work beforo
next week.
Sir, Sillier Is erecting a photograph gal
lery In town, where ho will bo prepared to
do all work In his lino of business satlsfuc
Sir, and Sirs. Fortuer, Sirs, Thomas lr-
vln, John Irvln, Hon, Wm. Drysou and
Harry Ferguson aro visiting Atlantic City
for a fow weeks.
School books at the Peoples' Drug Store,
Tho long looked for rnln, arrived Slon
day night.
Tho township lundny School convention
will bo held now Saturday, Aug., 30th in
tho Silllcrstown Church at Canby com
mencing nt 10 o'clock, a. m. Everything
Is being arranged to mako It ono of tho
most Interesting conventions ever held In
this community.
Miss Sadlo Sitlsgrovo was visiting her
friend Silss Lovllla Stcltcnry ot Orange,
while there, attended tho Tnbcrnaclo meet
Ing. Akos.
Sir. Slezlcr lias sold his house and lot
nnd blacksmith shop to a Mr. Sevccson for
merly of Sllllvlllo ; possession to bo given
tho first of April next.
Sir. Samuel Smith, our accommodating
blacksmith has purchased tho liouso and
lot belonging to William Whltonlght, also
a lot 'of SIoscs SIcIIenry on which ho hns
began the erection of a shop. Tills will
glvo us two shops In our town nnd as op.
position Is tho life of trade, will mnkc the
blacksmlthlng business lively.
Frost hero on Slonday morning.
Quito n contrast in the weather tempera
ture from last week. No damage to crops
so far as heard from,
Sir. Frank Hess Has been dangerously
111 for a few days, but wo arc glad to say
that thero are strong hopes of his recovery
Sirs. Dr. Gnrdner, of Dloomsburg, who
wns visiting for somo days at Sir. Daniel
Slcilenry'e, returned homo on Saturday.
D. SI. Klntcr started for Englcvlllc, Con-
tre county, on Tuesday to attend tho fifty
first Annual Session of tho Pennsylvania
Chrlstlau Conference.
Tho choir of tho Denton Christian church
will give a grand concert nt Denton on Sat
urday evening, Sept. Oth. This will be a
grand treat to nil who lovo good singing.
Let everybody attend and enjoy it. X.
Sirs. Hattlo Wolcott returned to her
Western home Slonday.
Sirs. E. V. Incorsou and son, with her
brother, J. E. Kitchen of Sycamore, Ohio
are visiting friends and relatives in this
Jas. Pierce, Esq., returned from Watson
town, Slonday evening.
Miss SIcCamoy of Espy Is visiting Silas
Bertha Hurler.
Miss Anna Furman left Saturday evening
to visit at Lcwisburg nud Sllltou.
After visiting her parents In Watsontowu
Sirs. J. W. Sloorhctul returned homo Inst
Rev. L. SI. Kumler has been qulto sick
the last week with malaria.
Jno. Splaln, jr., from Lime Ridge is vis
iting his father.
A. J. Harman who Is working at Shen
andoah, spent Sunday with his family.
Sirs. Slohartcr of Deacli Haven is visiting
her sou.
Tho Evangelical camp mectiug at Stoycr's
woods breaks tip to-day. They had a
largo attendance. Derwlck being well re
presented. No doubt Sir. C. R. Woodln enjoys Slont-
rose air, having lately purchased a $12,000
residence in that place.
Tho Milton car works has just received
an order of two-hundred nnd fifty cars.
Dcrwick at Catawissa to-day (Friday)
and probably Hazleton will cross bats with
them to-morrow on their grounds.
Some says Pooler plays ball, and somo
says ho don't.
A club of small boys from Dloomsburg
encountered defeat through the boys of this
place last Saturday by a score of 33 to
A small blazo was discovered near the
boilers ot tho planing mill Saturday, which
was extinguished in time to prevent a large
Repairing in different parts of lite mill
has been going on all week, so as to gel
ready to start on tho first.
The finishers and puddlers played a game
of base ball last week which ended in favor
of tho latter by a score of 37 to 19. The
terms being a glass of beer for every one
reaching second base where a keg was lo
cated, and another glass at home plato
from the other keg, with a cigar thrown
u for the run. The next morning thero
wa3 no doubt a good many largo heads
evidently nrlslng from tho intense heat of
tho sun .
Last Saturday cveniug eleven hundred
and thirty people composing n picnic, got
up by tho I. O. of O. F. returned to Pitts
ton from Northumberland, where they had
spent tho day. It took two trains with
twenty-ono coaches to haul them.
A great many returned Saturday even
ing sadly disappointed in not seeing tho
running match at Hazleton como off. Hurst
having been stabbed severely whllo nt
tempting to stop n quarrel. We are glad to
learn he is gradually recovering from his
injury. - W,
Daniel E. Hughes, louder of the E. C,
Dand, has composed a reel for the boys. It
Is a lino production, uud reilccts a great
deal of credit on Dan.
Camp meeting lias broken up and the ex
cltcment Is now all over. On Sunday
nearly all our young folks wero in attend
ance, nnd our town seemed quite deserted,
Sirs. J. C. Sloorliend, Sliss Emma Stookey,
Silss Ella Shuman, Sliss Annlu Hummel
Miss Laura Patterson and others, wcro
among tho tenters.
Rev. Wharton delivered an excellent ser
mon in the SI. E. church on Sunday oven
ing Inst.
Silss Sliunlo Edgur of Espy, and Sirs,
Gcrring ot Catawissa, are visiting friends
n Luzerne Borough, Luzerne county, Pa,
Sir. P. E. Domboy Informs us thut your
item of two weeks' ago in regard to shoeing
horses, is a mistake it is ringbone, not
spavin, Hint tho bruising of tho foot cause
The Espy Cornet Dand received their
new snare-drum on Saturday evening, and
aro well pleased with It. This organiza
tion Is rnpldly Improving, and now rank
as one of thu best Dands in tho county.
They have discarded their old music alto.
gether, and expect soon to be In trim for
the coming campaign.
Will S. SlcCollum of Wllkesbarre,- Is
home on a week's vacation. Ho expects to
return on Slonday next.
Quite a number of our people expect to
tako lu tho Editors' nud Publishers' picnic
to Glen Onoko, which leaves Wllkesbarro
September Oth, A connecting train will
lcavo Ncscopcck on tho I'. R. R.
Mr. William A, Trembly leaves for tho
Kingston Seminary on Slonday,
Slcssrs. John Slllnes and John Waters
captured 13 fluo bass on Tuesday.
David Ilartmnn lost a valuable heifer on
Sunday last.
Sir. Wm. Abbott, of the St. Elmo, is
doing a flno business.
TUo Espy Slunufacturlng Compuny s
doing nn extensive business. They are at
present working on 250 of Connor's pateut
school desks, which, wo uudcrstnud, aro
intended for tho new school building nt
Plymouth, In connection with this they
also manufacture n superior article of
chop, sash, blinds, doors, siding, flooring,
The boys commonly called "kliU" are
nenrly all decorated with black eyes and
swollen faces caused by robbing bees'
Wo understand that "Flip" Is to bo mnr.
rled beforo tho "loaves begin to turn."
J. O. Crevellng, who represents Artmnn
& Trlchler, wood nnd willow ware dealers
of 1'hllndclphln, visited Catawissa on Wed.
"Crlbby" Is doing an active business at
tho ferry. Ho still goes tip to Wllkcsbarrc
Tho Espy Hotel Is doing a flno business,
nnd Is well patronized. Mr. Slitlcr is tli
right man lu tho right place.
Our'merchnuts nro all doing lino In spite
ot tho hard times.
The health of our citizens has been re
mnrkably good.
Sir. Unac Crevellng is rapidly recovering
from his late Illness, and is now nble to
walk out of the liouso 'on wnrm dnys. Glad
of It.
Tho peoplo are all expecting thu borough.
Over fivc-slxths of the properly holders nro
In favor of It.
Tho temperance boom Is not ns strong as
T. W. E. claims It Is. Anyone, rending
his article In tho Journal, would think that
St. John had Scott township solid, when,
In fact, neither ho nor Duller will get live
votes here.
Sir. Peter Kase lost a valuable horso on
Saturday last. It Is n hard stroke on tho
old man.
Our Hand started away from town on
Saturday nfternoon cnwuwse in their beauti
ful band wagon drawn by four horses cn
routc to the Dodson SI. E. Chapel In Hun
tington township, Luzcrno county, where a
festival was held for tho benefit of tho Sun
day school. Our Dand Is u noble looking
set of boys in their uniforms, and clever,
too, to boot.
On account of the drought preparatory
work for seeding Is exceedingly difficult.
Everything Is suffering for want of rain.
For several days showers slipped around
us, but on Friday afternoon we got a flno
The general health of our people Is good.
We have excellent markets, and a largo
number of hucksters s they go from door
to door and buy up all tho butter nnd eggs.
Our produce llnds Its way to tho coal re
gions, via. Nanticoke, Plymouth, Wilkes-
Darre and Ashley.
Tho corn prospect is right fair.
And now tho katy-dld and fall cricket
have taken up their doleful lamentation,
melancholy drapes the low-spirited polltlc-
m with mourning.
Wo mean' Cleveland, New York, not
Cleveland, Ohio.
After the raging of the storm there was a
creat calm. When tho political caldron
boils, corruption always comes to tho top.
Jack Frost put his little finger down on
Slondny morning. We don't want to sec
him put Ids foot down yet.
On Saturday last as Sirs. Peter Shullz
and Miss Doll Krickbaum, daughter of
samuel P. were returning from Cambria,
their horse overreached, which caused it to
blunder over the embankment of tho road.
It was extricated from its perilous predlca'
ment with difficulty only by cutting the
harness. It could not have survived long
without timely help. It escaped with lit
tlo Injury except somo scratches, but you
just ought have seen how badly Silss Doll
was frightened.
Sir Frank Hess at Stillwater son of Hi
ram Hess at Denton Is lying In a very crit
leal condition.
Rev. Wm. Goodrich preached at St,
James on Sunday evening. He has many
watra friends in that community, and they
greeted him with joy. He preached n very
able sermon from the text Psalm CXIX 130.
He was their former pastor. Ho resides at
Clearspring, Sid.
World'H IiKluHtrlal una Cotton Cen
tennial ExpoHltlon.
TO MAY 31, 1885.
Ir. A. E. Lewis, of Slllford, Pa., has
been appointed by Governor Pattison ns
Commissioner for Pennsylvania, to this
"Industrial Exposition," and begs leave to
call tho attention of the people of tho State
to the urgent necessity of orgauizlng
promptly in the different districts in order
to prepare foreacli county the "collections
exhibit," it should bo their aim to display
beside those of sister states, A loan of a
milliou of dollars by the Congress of tho
United States for the general purposes of
tho Exposition was secured by Director
General Durke at tho recent session. Of
this sum $5,000 lias becu set apart; by a
resolution of the Dourd of Directors, nnd
appropriated "to each Stato aud Territory
that may prepare a collection exhibit ot
the natural resources of such State or Ter
ritory for display at the World's Exposl.
tion, opening in Now Orleans, December 1,
1881, payable upon vouchers signed by the
Commissioner of eacli Stato aud Territory,
approved by the Governor thereof," This
appropriation Is now available, and should
bo supplemented by the efforts of all cltl
zens who desire thut their State should
have a creditable exhibit, to tho end that
her advantages and attractions may bo ad
eipiately presented and her resources Illus
trated. The collectlvu Stato exhibit will be
forwarded to New Orleans aud returned
f reo of charge.
T lie Southern Stutes aro inspired by a
zeal to improve tho opportunity which ou
a like occasion, in 180, they were not In a
condition to profit by, owing to the general
dislocation of business aud tho poverty ot
the people, growing out of tho civil war.
Now tho greatest enthusiasm prevails in
that section, und every Southern State,
down to its smallest sub-dlvlslon, will bo
fully organized and effectively represented
From tho Northern States, applications for
spaco are pouring in from every largo city
und town by individual exhibitors, and nl
ready the vast area of the "Slain Dullding"
(exceeding by eleven acres that of the sim
ilar structure of tho "Centennial ExhlbL
tion" nt Philadelphia in 1870) is fully cov.
ercd by allotments ot space mado to in.
tending exhibitors, nnd a new erection Is
contemplated. Thu city of New Orleans
has devoted to the Exposition buildings Ub
lnaguillccut paik of 250 ucrcs, to which nc
cess Is obtained by ocean and river steam-
eis, as well as by lines of railroads.
Resides these, numerous other smaller
buildings nro in process ot erection, and
everything is Intended to bo ready and in
Us placo on or beforo November 15th, und
tho Exposition formally opened on Decern.
ber 1, 1881. Reduced rates for fare and
freight have been mado ou ull lines ot rail.
way runuiiig into New Orleans, and tho
beucficlcnt climate of that section is ex
pected to attract millions of visitors
agcr to exchange their Inhospitable Nor.
them and Western winter for the balmy
atmosphere and bright sunshine of the
moro favored section of Louisiana,
Sir. Lewis urges that every county
should orgaulzo at once. Its best citizens
should assemble and elect a "Couuty Com.
mtssloner" nnd a "Fccrctnry," whose
nnmcs should bo nt onco communicated to
him, An "Kxecutlvo Commltlc" of ladles
nnd gentlemen should be chosen, nnd Sub
committees for each precinct to report their
operations to tho "Executive Committee"
of each county, whoso treasurer should
tnko charge of nil moneys contributed by
citizens of tho county for the gciietnl pur.
poses of the county organization. In this
way no tlmo need bo lost, and tho collec
tion of the articles constituting tho exhibit
ot each county can go forward simulta
neously, nnd tho entlrn exhibit concentrat
ed nt the most convenient spot for trans
portation to Now Orleans.
Full directions, with circulars and print
cd mntter describing exhaustively the Da
tura and character of all exhibits to bo re
ceived, with the methods employed In their
collection, preservation nnd transportation
to New Orleans, and nil Information bear
Ing uiiou the general subject of tho World's
Industrial Exposition, will bo mailed to
the officers of local organizations, editors
of journals, and all persons Interested, up
on application to A, E. Lewis,
Commissioner for Pennsylvania,
Slllford, Pa.
Tho Dloomsburg Dand was serenading
on Saturday evening. They render flno
POTTS YOUNG. At tho residenco of
the bride's parents near SIUlvlllc, Colum
bia county, August 2nd, 1881, by Rev. D.
J. Waller, Jr., A. II. Potts, of the Chester
county Timo, Pnrksburg, and Alice, daugh
ter of A. P. Young.
C. C. Starr wan ts side,
nnd lard.
shoulder, ham
A neat present given away with every
purchase mado at tho Popular Clothing
Store of David Lo wen berg.
0999 1-9 spring chickens,
8888 1.8 old liens,
7777 1-7 pigeons, ,
0000 1-0 ducks,
ouoa l-o geese,
4444 J good calves,
3333J lnrgo shoats,
!4 lbs. nlttcd cherries.
1111 lbs. dried raspberries.
All the nbovc wanted nt Light Street, by
diiiy.j.ym aiiiAts iuuxsu.
Lutz it Slonu arc offcrlnc barirnlns In
dry goods. Appleton "A" muslin 7i cents
by the bolt, dark dress calicoes for G cents
a yard, and nil other goods very cheap.
C. C. Slarr wants
butter 22, eggs 18,
spring chickens.
'The apparel oft proclalm's the man.'
A well dressed centleman Is tho udinira. I
tton of all, and the placo to get your I
RELIADLE STORE cf David Lowenberg.
When found make a note of."
The place to o for your snrine clothine,
a stylish hat, or a tine neck scarf, or the
latest style in lurnisuiug goods is nt DuviU
C. C. Slarr wants dried
raspberries aud
pitted cherries.
LUSIHER.-Planins mill In lumber vnrd.
I havo all kinds of worked lumber whlto
pine, yellow pine nnd hemlock flooring :
white pine uud hemlock uermnn shlinii.
sunacc uoards, suriacc siding, wainscot-
ins. mouhllnc. All kinds of lumber In
rough, at Lightstreet, by
aug 22-3m Young.
You can cot check or plain colored dress
silK nt liutz x bloan's lor w cents n yard,
and niacK suns very cheap.
A very larco lino of straw lints now on
view, NODDY, NEAT and NEW, just nr.
rived at David Lowenberg's.
C. C. Slarr keeps tho best
syrup in town
try it.
Gentlemen who want a spilng suit put
up in UlTi bl iljft should cull nt the
Dloomsbunr. David Lowcnberc who em
A stock of new cloths for
ladles' dresses
at Lutz & Sloan's.
I.UMUlilt I I.UMUEHlt VOIt SALE 011KA1'.
Hemlock boards, plnnk 2 by 4, lolce,
bill stuff, 10, 12, 14, 10, 18 nnd 20 feet lonit
worked lumber, flooring, German nnd bev.
1 siding, surface boards and siding, sawed
shingles No 1, 2 and 0, chestnut, hemlock
and pine, shingle una celling lath.
1 havo made arrangements with a couplo
of steam saw mills If there is any thing
that I have'nt got 1 can get It nt short no-
tlce nt Light street oy
July 25-U m SILAS YOUNG.
C. C. Slarr takes trade dollars at par for
dry goods.
New goods at J. D. Sheer's.
Immediately relievo croup, whooplnc
cough and bronchitis. Sold by Sloyer
beo a woman in another column, near
Speer's Vineyards, picking grapes from
which Sneer's Port Grape Wine is made.
that is so hli'hly esteemed by the medical
profession, for thu use of invalids, weakly
persons and tno aged.
oui uy u. a. ivieim, uioomsbtirg.
sept 22-ly
UATAllltll OUKEIl,
health nud sweet breath secured by Shi-
loirs Catarrh Remedy. Price CO ceuts.
Nasal Injector free. For sale bv Slover
Pleasant, healthy ci'lns ure seen only on
the lncrs ol healthy persons. The dyspep
tic nnd debilitated can smile- only In a half.
hearted way. Puiify- the blood, tono the
stomach, and strengthen the tissues with
Durdoek Dlood Hitters, if you wish to laugh
wen una oiicn,
with Dyspepsia und Liver Complaint 'I
Shlloh's Vitidizcr is guaranteed to cure
you. 1' or salo liy Sloyer Hros.
For lame back, side or chest use Shlloh's
Porous Plaster l'rico 25 cents. For sale
by Sloyer IJros,
wo answer, uonor lirighl, it will cure
lieunintlsm, unit the severest cases loo.
Dr. Thomas' Eclectilo Oil wns sneclallv
prepared for the lheumatlc and lame. No.
tlce letters from tho people relative to its
merits in nearly every paper in tho coun
A hiblliig and fragrant perfume. Price 25
and ou cents, Bold by Slover Dros.
Physicians who havo used Sneer's Port
urupu wine, oi jersey, una nave ap.
-I - l. . . .
iuicu vi u uiu ruriciusi icsi, pronounce It
pure and recommend it to tho aged and In.
llrm, and lor general uso whero winu Is
desirable, as the most reliable of wines to
bo had. Jir, bpeer nlso preserves tho
Urapo Juice fresh and sweet just as It
runs fiom tho press, not by the uso ot
spirits, but by extracting thu fermenting
principles irom tho r pocriines when mash.
cii, uiscuiieu uiiiernientea urapo Juice.
And liver complaint, you have u piinted
Huurumuu on every uouio oi Billion s Vital.
izer, Boia by jiioyer nros.
"Completely prostrated for iIuvm m-Iii.
Indigestion and bil ous fever. Thu eir.
oi two bottles ot liurdock. Wood Hitters
lonistieii me visible improvement r
IV It M- V....!. II..,..-, -Lm!..I- -fcT
sniLoil'a ooi'oii
nud Consumption Cure Is Bold by us ou
guarantee, it cures consumption,
salo by Sloyer Dros,
1 havo used Phelps' Rheumatic Elixir on
some or the hardest cases in town, n
works like n charm. Rcspcctruliy yours,
l Iff 111 VrPL'll tl...
Coming, N. Y.j Jan, 11th, '83.
For salo nt llcndershott's Pharmacy
Dloomsburg I'n.
I hnvn used I'lielns' Rheumatla Elixir on
(nine of tho hardest cases In town. It works
like a charm. Respectfully yours,
D. II. DAXTER, Druggist.
Coming, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1883.
Consiso, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1883.
John II. Phclns. Pharmacist. Dear Sir
I was troubled with Sciatic Rheumatism
for nearly six months in both hips, nnd
nftcr trying nil available cures nnd medi
cines without success, 1 at last was rccom
mended your Rheumatic Elixir, and nftcr
using flvo and one-half bottles lam pleased
to stato that l am cnurciy curcu. i ooiorn
could hardly drag my feet after mo, now
am able to work nnd lift ns good ns ever,
and have no fear of being nttneked again.
You may publish this 11 you wish.
Yours truly,
James Hiouins.
For sale at llcndershott's Pharmacy
Dloomsburg Pa.
81111-0118 VITALIZE!!
Is what you need for Constipation, loss of
Appetite. Dizziness nnd all symptoms of
Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per hot.
tic, For salo by Sloyor Dros.
Sir. John II. Phelps, Dear Sir In regnrd
to your Rheumatic Elixir, I would say
that I was In a f cut fill condition beforo I
commenced to tnko It. It has really made
n new man of mo. I can cheerfully rccom.
mend It to nil thoso suffering with that ter
rible disease rhcumatiwn. I remain yours
respectfully, t isa:.ois 11. feAitL.
Spring street, Newton, N. J., Nov. 15, '81.
For sale at llcndershott's Pharmacy,
Dloomsburg Pa.
Wheat per bushel
Rye " "
Corn " "
Oats " "
Plmtr lipr linrrpl
Clovcraecd 8 Ou
Duttcr Jj
Taiiow":;";:;;"'"";;;;;;;;;!;;;!;";;"-; $s
Potatoes new 40
Dried Apples..! J
Hams "
Sides and shoulders JjJ
Chickens J2
Turkeys "
Lard per pound
Hay per ton 13 00
ItnpswAT 25
Buckwheat Hour per hundred 3 00
limes per in " i
Veal skins per lb 08
Sheep pelts, each 7
Wool per lb
Philadelphia Markets.
FEED- Western winter bran, spot, 3lt.3T.
MACKEUEU Extra mess S5c. largo l's, SS Se.
extrabliorol's25Gl sue.
vxoun. western extra s ftuu w a.i; renn-n.
family. 4.25 4.50 Ohio clear. 4.75 0.30: wlntt
patent 5.50 W6.S5.
llliAi rcmisyivaniu mi, new, wo
COUN. Mixed lots. 61 r 64V.
mothv Cholc
and New York, 116. fair to good
r to troml Western and
western an
aew lorw, 14. v$ is.
medium Western and New
York. 10. 12. s Cut hay as to quality 1. 18.08.
Hyo straw new. 15.1)0 Wheat straw, 9. ( 10. Oat
straw 10.
uuu-unio, iTnnsyivania aim mchi. virKium,
Flecco Washed, XX and above, ai 34o ; xso
32c ; common Si sic Texas, Spring clip nne 20 a
82, medtuin so 24 coarse, 16 l".
ECJUS. Pennsylvania extra, 21 82 western
17) a, 18.
lIU'fTElt. Pennsylvania extra, 81 23 Western
extra 21 22.
j.ivfi ruuiviHi. rowis, uiuiiuu iuu
15 16 roosters old 4 10a ; bprlng chickens as
to blio and quality IScais.
l;spilng chickens as to weight andqualltr
14 M 16.
potatoes. rer bushel 75 ffi 90 : per barrel 1.7
unions. .Maryland per oarrei s.iw a n..o; nun
Carolina 2.50 a 2.75.
CAUUAdE. New, per barrel 750 a l.oo.
Tomatoes. Per crate 40 a UK-
APPl ES. Yellow harvest 1.00 a 1.60 per barrel.
ruAuura. 1. 011 a 3.uo per uuauei.
Camo to the premises ot the underuirned a t
Wedgtown, about July 201I1, a white pig, ubout
12 weeks old. Tho leltearls bllghtly cut, Th
owner will please call, pay costa and tako It away
or it will bo disposed ot according to law.
Notice la hereby irlven that tho tol'owlng ac
count has been nied In the court of Common Pleas
oi Columbia county, ana win oo presented to uo
s-ild court, on tho lourth Slonday ot beptcmber A.
u. lorn, uuu coonrmea alter me luurcu uuy ui tuuu
term unless exception be Bled within that time.
The llrst and Unal account ot Clinton Ellis com
mittee ot tiarah Miller a lunatic.
WM. KH1UKBAUM, Prothy.
F. 1J. IIAKT.MAN, Deputy.,
llloomsburg Pa., Aug., 20th 1681. Aug 22-4w
nrexEGUTOR'S notice.
Letters testamentary on tho estate of Clinton
Slellek, deceased, lato of Mt. Pleasant township,
Columbia county l'enna., deceased havo bee
granted by the Heglster of Bald county totheun
erslgned executrix. All persons having claims
against the estate of said decedent aro requested
t o present them for settlement and thoso Indebt
ed to tho estato to make payment to the under
signed without delay. J1A11Y M. MELICK.
ug. inu ism jxecutrix.
Real Estate!
lly virtue otunoiderot tho Orphans' Court of
Columbia County, tho undersigned Administra
tors ot tho estato of Isaac Leldy, deceased, will
sell at public salo on tho premises, on
Saturday, Sept. 20th, 1884.
at l o'clock p. m. tho following debcrlbed real es
tate, tc-wlt : All that certain tract of land sit
uate In Hemlock township, CoL Co., Pa., bounded
and described as follows, to-wlt : on tho South by
land3 of 1). 11. Wagner, on tho east by lands ot
Evan Thomas, on tho north by lands of Thomas
Ulckeynnd .Miles ohl, and on the west by lauds
of Thomas lllckey and Urobht, contain
111 Acres and 84 Perches,
whereon aro erected a two-story
bank barn, straw sheds, wagon sheds, co rn cribs,
nnd all necessary outbuildings. There Is a good
spring ot never-falling waterat tho door. A Bood
apple orchard. lcnchcu, cherries, plumbs, and a
variety ot other fruits. Deed at the expanse ot
tho purchaser. All grain lu tho ground and per-
bonal property on tho premises reserved. Possca-
fclou given April l, itias.
TEUMS OY SALE. Ten per cent, ot ono-fourth
of th purchase money bhall bo paid at tho btrlk.
lug down ot tho property, ono-fourth less tho ten
per cent, at the contlrmatlou of salo and tho re.
malnlng threo-fourths in ono year therafter with
Interest from cotlrmatlon nisi.
Vnmlerhllce, Atv'y.
if, I
Opens September 8, Closes September 20.
On the new, convenient and permaneut grounds,
$41,000 In Premiums for
Manufactures, Machinery, Implements, Produce,
Llvo stock, etc,
lYiuiBy I vania Stato Agi Iculturnl Society
with tho co-operation ot the
In a grand display ol fruits aud llowers.
Producing, Spinning and Keeling Silk.
Philadelphia Kennel Club,
Uench Show ot Dogs,
Incubators and Domestio Fowls.
Premium 1 lsu on application to
JAMES MILES, Presldeut.
D. v, teller, Elbrldgo Mct'onVey, becretarleB,
N. W. Cor. lOtU and chestnut 8ts.