The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 29, 1884, Image 2

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0, E. Elwell, I r jit.
" IFloomsburg, pa.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1881.
1011 l'HUSIItENT,
or ni:w yoisk.
von vioi: rnr.sinnNT,
RtOIIAltlt V.vux, B. .T. McOiiank,
II. B. Pi.UMKn.
I. .lolin Rtevln.
2. i'. i. Sotwondr-rfer.
:. .lolin W. ltv.
I. II. .1. llornn.
B. it. I Wright.
fi J. II. Hrtnton.
7. Win. mahlcr.
H. O. P. lleutschlcr.
. II. .M. Nortli.
10. II. (1. Miles.
II. A. (1. liroadhend.
t. F. V. lioclcarcllow.
13. Klchanl ltahn.
M. ucorgo II. Irwin.
13. ocorgoH. 1'urdy.
lit 1'. It. Ackloy.
17. .lolin 1". lovan.
is. Kim I). l'.ukor.
19. 15. W, Miunma.
20. A. II. MIL
si. V. V. James,
a. ,1. K. I', Dull.
S3. John Hwan.
21. A. II. Wlnternlt.
& John II. lllll.
2i. Wm. A. Fornuor.
87. A. J. Uroonlleld.
' VOn ltEl'ltESENTATlVK.
op ni.ooMsuuno.
von ritOTiisoTAnv.
ov ni.oojisnuno.
von couNrv tueasuui'.r.
or MOKTOun townsiiu'.
Tlio Chairman of tho Pcmocratlo County Com
mltlec. renuosts each member of tho Ktandlncr
Committee to mako an appointment ot a Vlgllaneo
Commltteo tor hli election district, boroush or
lownsmp consisting oi at least two memDcrs, in
addition to tho member ot tho Standing commlt
teo, nnd In tho larger dlstrUts three or four, as
may bo necessary, and tho members of t ho stand
ing Commltteo will promptly within notmoro
mutt uuu wt'i'K sunu utu name iu mo cuaumau.
rost onico.
lierwlck V,
Berwick W.
liloom E.
Hloom W.
J. Itlttenhouse,
Isaiah Bower,
(1. A. Carey,
l. W. Illrleman
David Lowcnberg,
(lea 11 Klwell.
Iicavcr Vallley.
M. L. Ilousknecht, Willow Springs.
W. t. Creasy
II. 1-. (A11TV
Light Street.
Harauel llidlay
Conyngham N. John Ilrennan
conyngnamB. .ionn .Monroe,
L. 11. Crovcllnz,
van camp.
Sit. Pleasant
West bcott
Kast Scott
Daniel Loremnii.
1. 1). vatton,
James Harris,
K W. JlcUcnry,
J. Snyder,
Miles smith
J. W. Kelchncr,
D. II. Montgomery
o. A. stongo
Jacob (lllbert
c. w, Amracrman
(1. II. (lordncr
James Knlttle, '
0. 1'. Itelghnrtl,
I), oclsluger
W. 11. l'eterman,
liuck Horn.
lino .Summit.
!1U drove.
Light street,
Colo's Creel
War commenced between Franco
and China on Friday of last week An
cast 22. The French were the first to
open firo. and killed a great number of
tho Chinese, besides Kinking several of
their vessels. Tho French only lost
five men in tho engagement. It is thought
mo war will soon terminate as tlio
French army is so much better drilled
that tboy will soon bring their enemy
to terms.
How Cleveland Looks and Talks,
Secretary Geo. A. Post, of tho Dein
noratio Congressional Campaign Com
mitteo,lins returned to Washington and
is in charge of tho headquarters. Whilo
in Albany several days ago Mr. Post
visited Governor Cleveland and had n
long talk with him. "He is a capital
fellow to talk with said Mr. Post
speaking of Cloyoland. "IIo is plain
iin.iHsuiiilng and lrank. i hero nro no
gilt-edgo frills about him. Ho receives
you with a pleasant manner that makes
you feel easy, but thero is sullicient
dignity in his bearing to deprivo it o
any air of familiarity, IIo is an agreo
able conversationalist, and is a much
bolter looking man than his pictures
represent. IIo is lleshy, but not obeso.
In fact, for n man of his largo framo ho
lias not too much, lie has, too, n line
oxprcssiyo oyo. Washington Star,
Ex-Gov. flendrlck's Letter.
Tho following is n copy of Ex-Gov
ornor Ilendriek s letter of acceptance
of tho Democratic nomination lor tl
Vico Presidency :
Gentlemen; I have tho honor to
acknowledge tho receipt ot your com
inunicatioii notitying mo ot my noun
nation by tho Democratio Conventio
nt Chicago, as a camlidato for the of
fice of Vioo President of tho United
Stntcs. May I repeat what I hav
said on another occasion that it is
nomination which 1 nnd neither ex
pected nor desired, and yet 1 recog-
nizo nnd appreciate tho high honor
dono mo by tlio convention, Tho
choico of suoh a body, pronounced
Willi such unusual unanimity, and no
companled with so generous an ex
iircssion of esteem and confidence,
ought to outweigh all merely personal
desires and preferences of my own. It
is with this feeling, and I trust also
from a deep senso of publio duty, that
I now accept tho nomination rind shall
nbido the judgment of my countrymen
I liavo examined with care tho decla
ration of principles adopted by tho
convention, n copy of which you sub
mitted to me, and iu their sum and
Bubstanco I heartily endorso and ap
prove tho same.
T. A. Henhkicks.
Plymouth, Wis"., Aug. 22d, 'Hi,
Dr. in Coi.iiMitiAM i
I had expected lo let you hear fioiti
uu ueiore nils', mil uiy iimu una ueuu
so pleasantly mid constantly occupied
itli (ravelling nnd visiting, mat i
liavo found it difllcult to return to tho
kind of work that demands my limo
and attention at homo. It Is rt relief
to feel, when I get up iu tho morning,
that thero is no hard work beforo mo
for tho day. but this will no doubt
grow monotonous, nnd l snail do ginn
lo g.'t into tho harness again. You
now editors nic all ot inai aciivo ami
industrious disposition that will not
crmit them to bo contented in idlo-
nesH. l'orliaps tins may do accounicu
for in tlio fact that they hovo to work
or starve. Tho necessity for bread and
butter is sonieth'ng of nu inccntivo to
labor, nnd ns tho editorial profession is
not ono of tho callings that keeps a
man's pttrso in a plethoric condition,
tho intervals of idleness must necessar
ily bo fow and far between.
Wo readied nyinoiHii ouo ween
. V - 1!. . 1
ago to-day. Tins is a prosperous miiu
town of 1200 inhabitants, and sinco
my first visit hero twenty ono years
ngo, it lias shown many siinsiannai
signs of improvement. It U nbout 150
miles north of Chicago, and 11 miles
west of Lake Michigan. Tho breeds
from the lnko have n perceptible miiu-
onco on tho atmospheie, so that whilo
you aro sweltering with the thermomo
tor at 90 decrees wo aro comfortably cool.
Tlio lSntsconaitans hero aro nappy
on accouut of a great addition to their
church in tho shapo of a fino now pipe
organ, which was completed to-day.
It was presented to tlio onurcn as a mo
morial bv tho w'tfo and daughters of
tho lato lion. P. II. Smith of this place,
a sou in-law of Judgo Elwell. It will
bo used for tho first timo on the 31st
inst. A paper says that a "distinguish
ed organist." will preside at tho open
ing. Modesty prevents mo from giv
ing tho namo" of that "distinguished'1
performer, as somo of your readers
might suspeot that tho aaiccuvo is mis
placed. I think so my self.
Wo spent several days this week at
Sheboygan, a city of 10,000 inhabi
tants, on the shore of Lako Michigan.
It is a prospcious place, and there are
ninny fino buildings in tho city. In tho
publio park a never failing supply of
mineral water Hows Irom an artesian
well 1400 feet deep. This water not
only supplies the fountain and firo hy
drants, bul is bottled up, nnd sold all
over tho country. Ono of tho most in
teresting places wo visited was tho lite
Bavintr station. It is tho samo in ev
ery respec'. as all others maintained by
the government on tho sea coast and
lako shores. Tlio station is locatod
near the beach, at tho mouth of tho
Sheboygan river. Tho crew consists
of a captain and eight men, whoso duty
it is to render assistanco to any ves
sels that aro cast ashore. They liavo
a surf -boat, a largo boat that can neith
er sink, upset nor founder, mortars for
throwing a lino from tho shore to a
vessel, a life-saving car that is drawn
back aud forth over a ropo in cases
when tho sea is too high to permit tho
boats to approach a wreck, life preser-
ers, mcdicino chests tor thoso who are
injured, and every possiblo appliance
that human ingenuity can devise. In
ono of the rooms hang tho names of
all tho vessels that have been
escued by tho crew of tho
station. The men receivo 40 per
month, and much of tho timo liavo
nothing to do, but when their services
aro needed they take their lives in their
hands, and enter upon a perilous work.
Tho government cannot expend money
m a more commendable manner than
for tho life-saving service.
bheboygan is tho leading oity of this
country in tho manufacture of chairs.
Thero aro several lactones and their
confined facilities aro capable of turn
ing out ono thousand dozen chairs per
day. Wo visited ono ot tho largest es
tablishincrlH, nnd wero surprised at tho
rapidity with which a chair is made.
Everything is dono by machinery, and
one can scarcely walk last enough to
keep up with tho pieces from tho timo
tho first plank is sawed until they come
out a chair.
This stato has a system of caring for
insane paupers that has worked admir
ably, livery county can erect its own
osylum, and receives from tho stato
1.50 per week for each inmato. In
this manner they aro kept at consider,
ably lest) expenso than it costs the conn
ty to keep them m a stato institution.
Shoboygan county has ono of theso es
tablishments which is said to bo tho
model oi:o of tho stato. It is a fine
brick building and contains at present
41 inmates. Everything about it is in
tho best of order and tho unfortunates
all receivo tho kindest nttentiop.
I have seen much in the tcnublican
papers about the stampede of tho Gor
man and Irish voters from Cleveland
to Blaino. This county is largely pop
mated by Germaus, and I liavo yet to
near ot the hrst one who has gono over.
Largo clubs have been organized all
through tno west, and tho greatest en
thusiasm provails. The club at She
boygan has just received 1000 torches
and will havo some big parades this
fin. liio leaders hero claim that wis
consin is now a doubtful slnte.and thov
will mako a tremendous effort to swing
hit uuu uiu Mumucruiiu ruiiKH. niicm
igan also is said to bo debatable ground,
and thocoallition between tho demo
crnts and groeiibackers will probably
givo Cloveland somu of tho electoral
votes of that state. Tho Democracy
nero is nopctiil, and with tho brie-hten
ing prospcots all over tho land, tho
election of a Democratio President
icems almost assured. E.
Grover Cleveland's Pledge,
1 I should be called to the Chief
Magistracy of the nation by the suf
frages oj my jcuoto-ouize.m 1 will as
mine the duties of that high office
with a solemn determination to deal
cute every effort to the country's good
ana wan an tumtiio reliance upon
iiejavor and support ot the Supreme
Jiemg, who I believe will always bless
honest human endeavor in the conscl
eutious discharge of publio duty.
.jrovcr uicvmaiid s bettor ot Accept
The Man to Oboose.
Bov. Edward Kggleston, who
known nt every fircsldo by his works,
writes to tho National Democratio
Committee :
"No reasonable man, not blinded by
partisan zeal, can doubt, it seems to
me, that Gov. Cleveland is tho man
most likely to administer tho govern
inent in such a way ns to leavo it bet
ter and not worse than it is now. To
elect Blaino is to throw away about
all that tho best citizens havo striven
to gain for ten years or moro. To put
tho administration of a roformed civil
service into tho hands of tlio Bepubli
can nominees is lo set nn oxperloncer
fox to watoh a poultry yard." Golum
bus, O., Timet.
Cleveland's Honesty Vouohcd Tor,
It is a somewhat rcmirknblo fact
lhat (ho Utica IleniM account of
Mr. Tilden's public services os Gover
nor of Now Yoik requires little chaiigo
in order to describe very accurately
Grovcr Cleveland's career as Mayor of
llnffalo. Plenty of Republicans in
Hiiffnlo who know Mr. Cleveland's ca
reer will vote for him for Governor.
Any Republican outsiilo of liuffalo can
do tho samo thing, with perfect confi
dence that he will administer tho ircat
trusts of tho oflico with iitillinching
courage, unswerving integrity and un
falteimg vigilance. Nino York Sun,
Oct. 10, 1882.
A Oloudcd Sun.
When Cleveland wa9 a candidate for
Governor iu 1882, tho New York Sun
thus warmly referred to him in an ed
itorial s "Grovcr Cloveland, now mayor
of Buffalo nnd tho Democratic candi
date for Governor of Now York, is a
man worthy of tho highest public con
fidence. No ono can study tho record
of his career sinco ho has held oflico iu
Huffalo without being convinced that
ho possesses thoso highest qualities of
a public man, found nrinciplt'S of ad
ministrative duty, luminous intelli
gence nnd courngo to do what is right
no matter who may bo pleased or dis
pleased thereby." Was the Sun oh
scured then, "or is it hidden behind
dark clouds now !
Dana's Opinion of Butler in Vast Years-
From the New York Sun, May 18th, 1ST3.
It is not generally supposed that
lien Butler is a humbug. According
to tho popular belief ho is distinguish
ed for brutal frankness nnd a cynical
display of rascally qualities, rather
than pretending to" virtues which ho
ocs not possess. iSeverthelcsa wo win
oonvict him of such falso pretences. Ev
erybody knows that ho was ono of tho
principal agents employed by uen.
Grnnt to put through the extra pay
swindle. His reponsibility for the per
formance he has admitted, and ho pro-
oses to refund to thoso who demand
t the share of every individual citizen
in tlio money thus taken from tho treas
ury. This sharo IJutler estimates at
three cents each. To one gentluinan
who complained to him ho lias remit
ted the amount iu a postage stamp,
and promises to restore the samo sum
to everybody who asks for it. In this
Butler is guilty not only of humbug
but extraordinary meanness. 1 ho ab
rogate ot tho extra-pay robbery is
818,000,000 taken out of tho treasury,
because it imposes on the people of the
United States tho necessity of paying
every year, over aud abovo tie ir pre
vious expenditures, a sum equivalent to
tho interest on that amount. Now,
taking 30,000,000 of souls as tho popu
lations of the country, it is plain that
instead of threo cents apiece Butler
and his confederates, by their extra
pay swindle, plunder half a dollar from
every person, black and white, old and
young, wise and foolish, rich aud poor,
big and little. This is exactly what
liutler ought to resloro, and when no
pretends to make any sufferer good by
sending him a threo cent postage
stamp ho is a humbug. Half a dollar
is tho least that will indemnity each
person for Iosj by this raid upon tho
treasury under the inspiration of Grant
and through tho active management ot
From the New York Sun, Juno so, 1873.
Tho life and career of Ben Butler
fitly illustrate Banton'a maxim, "Au
dacity, moro audacity always audaci
ty." Whatever ot nciicious conse
quences ho has or of unquestionable
success ho may have attained can be
traced to that one governing rule of
his conduct. Without it ho would be
lost in tho crowd of trading dema-
KOKues and knaves to which he worth
ily belong. With it ho lias become a
power in tho paity which, whilo. affect
mg to despiso his vulgar practices, yet
abjectly accepts Ins leadership and
humbly bows beforo his power. Rated
by some, contemned by many and dis
trusted by all, this bad man, wilh his
crooked ways, foul methods, distorted
mind aud wicked heart, glories m theso
moral determines, Haunts them con
stantly boforo the public oyo and traf
fics in them as political merchandise,
Thd notoriety which decency shrinks
lrom as a degradation ho seeks at any
sacrifice. IIo treats tho reproach which
lollows such exhibitions as so much
capital added to tho stock of ill fame
tliat had already mado his namo odious
ly conspicuous in and out of Congress.
Keioicmg in his own shamo and com-
incr monev from onon votialitv. discard
, o i . . r' .
ing any pretense ot principle, bound
by no ties ot honor, scolhng at religion,
making politics a trade, despotic when
clothed with authority, cowardly by
nature, mercenary from habit and des
titute of ono ennobling quality for
manly attributes to lift him up abovo
theso wretohed characteristics, ho is to
day the leading candidate for the high
est honor in the onlimitcncd and moral
Massachusetts. To this complexion we
havo como at last.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A raarvol ot purity
strength and wbolesomouoss. More economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in
competition with tlio multitude ot low test, short
weigui, mum ur pnospnaiu powucrs, pom only
in o.iqb. uutau ijakinu ruwvKtt . iuo,
H. V. nug ll-l y,
Ilt;ra or administration In tho estate of Laura
J. 1'utten, deceased, late ot llloomsuurir, Columbia
county, i vuuuyiviuuu, uuvu ucun Kramuu vy mo
ItfL'l.tter of tuld county to the undersigned Admin
istrator, All liersoim having claims wjalust tho
estate of tho deceased are requested to present
mem iur seuu'iut'iib, uuu luusuiuueuwu uj mo es
tate to make payment to the uudurslcneU adtuln
isiraiur wimuuvuemjr. 11.,
auk so Administrator
J? A
AUKNUV. Mover's now bulldlntr. Main
street, uioonisnurg, ra.
itna insurance Co., ot Hartford, Conn, tt.ois.sw
ltoyal of Liverpool ,
Lancashire ,.. lo,o 0,009
Firo Association, Vhlladelphla, ...... . 4,ii5,no
l'liuinli. ot London
London A Lancashire, of England.. .. l.iw.sio
Hartford of Hartford a,I3,oiu
Sprlneaeld Klro aud Marino. , s,oi'i.6f
As tuoaiceseiusarouirooi, policies are wnuen
lor tno insured wiuioui our uuiar iu mo
uUlceutliioomsuurK., '91
ltyvlrttio of sundry writs hsucd out ot tho Or
phan's Court ot Columbia county, and to mo dl
reclotl, vt 111 tw exposed to I'ublto Sale nl tho Court
House In liloomslmiv, on
Monday, Sept. 22, '84,
at a o'clock, p. m., tho following described malm
tale, to-wltt
Tho undivided ono-half of Iho foUowtiiu describ
ed real estate 1 n lot ot ground hltuato In tho town
of llloomsburtf, In the county ot Columbia, nnd
stato ot Pennsylvania, IlKGlNNlNdnttho corner
of alot of ground formerly ot Thomas Harris ami run.
mnjt tbenco along tho cast sldo ot Iron Street north-
est wardly about forty feet to n corner of lot of
Hoblson Keslg, now owned by Jacob Millard,
thenco by tho namo northwestwardly two hun
dred nnd fourteen feet to an alloy, thence along
tho fame southeast wardly nbout forty fect to said
llarrls lot, thenco along tho same two hundred and
fourteen feet, to tho plaea of beginning, CONTAIN
1N(I eight thousand ilvo hundred fect, bo tho samo
moro or less, whereon nro crcctfda two-story
framo dwelling houso anil out building.
Vend lti.
Selred, taken Into execution, nt tho suit of I. W.
McKclvy vs. Mary Lowls, nnd to bo sold as tho
property of Mary Lewis.
Klwell, Att'y.
A li S U
Tho undivided ono-half ot tho following describ
ed rent estate t a lot of ground Bltuato In tho town
ot llloomsburtr, la tho county of Columbia nnd
stnto of Pennsylvania, HUOINXINO nt the corner
of n lot ot ground formerly of Thomas Hants, and
running thenco along tho cast side of Iron street
northwestwardly nbout forty feet to a corner of lot
of ItoMson Kaslg, now owned by Jacob Millard,
thenco by tho mmo northeastwardly two hundred
ami fourteen feet to nn alley, thenco nlong tho
samo southeast waidly about forty fect to said
Harris lot, thenco nlong tho samo two hundred
and fourteen feet to tho placo ot beginning, CON
TAINING eight thousand Ilvo hundred feet, bo tho
namo mora or less, whereon aro erected a two-
story framo dw elllng houso nnd out buildings.
Fl. Fa.
Seized, taken Into execution, at tho suit of I. W
McKclvy vs. John Hooper, nnd to bo sold as tho
property of said John Hooper.
Elwell, Att'y.
All that certain mcssiuge, tenement, and tract
of land situate In Locust township In tho county
ot Columbia nnd stato of Pennsylvania, bounded
nnd described ns follows, to-wlt: llKaiNNINII nt
stono corner In lino of land now or lato of Jacob
Stein, and running tioin thenco by the same north
six and three-quarter degrees, cast seventy-eight
and' three-tenths perches to a stone, thenco by
land now or lato ot Henry Hcrncr north three
quarters of a degree, cast twenty-thrco and four
tcnths pcrchos to a whlto plno stump, thenco by
tho samo north forty-two and a half degrees eat
eighteen perches to a stono ; thenco by M. 1- Meet
ing houso lots South forty-six and throe-quarters
degrees East, live perches to a stone, and North
twcnty-nluo and ono-half dogrccs East, IS perches
and 4-10 to a stono ; thenco by land now or lato
ot William Carl and John Itcrnor South sev
enty ono and a half degrcos Kast, forty-ono and
nine-tenths perches to a stono ; thenco by land
now or lato of William Koth and William Ycagcr
South two degrees w est, one hundred and eight
perches to n stono j thenco North clghty-threo
degrees West thirty-six and live-tenths perches
to a stono ; thenco South threo and a half degrees
West, eight nnd six-tenths perches to a stono:
thenco North clghty-two and a half degrees West,
thlrty-ono porches to tho placo of beginning, CON
TAINING fourty-four acres and ono hundred nnd
nlno perches moro or less, with tho appurtenan
ces consisting ot n dwelling houso and a barn, &a,
FL Fa.
Seized, taken Into execution, at tho suit of A. K.
Walter vs. Timothy M. llollck, nnd to be sold as
tho property of said Timothy M. llollck.
Spinney, Att'y.
All lhat certain pleco or parcel of ground situate
In tho town of Orangovlllc, County of Columbia
and stato ot Pennsylvania bounded and described
as follows, to-wlt : BEGINNING at a post, corner
at a publio road leading through tho townot
OrangavlUo, thenco by land ot Miles A. Williams
North seventy-four and three-fourths degrees West
eight and forty-six one-hundredth perches to a
post, thenco by land of said Miles A. Williams
North ntty-four degrees West, twelvo and twenty
ono hundedth perches to a llmcstono corner,
thenco by land of Benjamin Wcrtman South thlr-ty-llioand
three-eighth degrees West twenty
thrco nnd twenty ono hundredth pjrehes to a
post, thenco by land of said Benjamin ivertinan
South eighty-seven and threo-clght degrees East
slxtoen and eighty-four one-hundredth perches to
stone corner, thenco by land of James B. Har-
man North twenty.flvo and one-fourth degrees
East, nvo and forty one-hundredth perches to a
post, thenco by land ot James B. Harmon South
eighty-seven and three-eight degrees East ten and
seventy-eight ono hundredth perches to a stono
corner, thenco by land ot John Megarglo North
thlrty-Qvo and ono-fourth degrees East four and
sixty one-hundredth perches to a stono corner nnd
thenco by land otJohnMegargcl and John Stlner
North ntty and three-fourth degrees West,
one and sixty-four one-hundredth perches to a
stono corner, thenco by land of John Stlner North
seventeen and one-fourth degrees East one and
thirty-two hundredth perches to a stono corner
tho placo of beginning, CONTAINING ono nero
and ono hundred and lltteen perches neat meas
ure, on which are erected a two-story frame dwel
ling house, n frame butcher shop, barn and other
outbuildings. FL Fa.
Seized, taken In execution, at tho suit ot William
Menrs for his own uso and In trust for Derncttn
Mears and Silas Conner vs. Camden Mears nnd to
bo bold as tho property ot Camden Mears.
Miller Att'y.
All that certain tract and mossuago ot land sit
uate lu Centro township Columbia county Penn
sylvania, CONTAINING one hundred and thirteen
acres, moro or less, adjoining lands ot Lafayette
Creasy and others on tho west, lands ot Lafayette
Crcascy on tho north, lands of Thomas Kochcr on
tho east, and land ot William Miller and others on
tho south, whereon nro erected a two-story framo
dwelling houso, a frame barn and other out build
lngs. ALSO
Lot In Centre township, Columbia county, Pa.,
bounded North by land of Isaac Strouso, East by
landot said Hutchison and Lafayetto Creasey,
South by lands of E. B. Low and West by lands
of E. 11. Low, being a lime stono quarry lot con
taining about ono-fourth of nn acre moro or less
on which are erected a lime kiln and Umehouse,
Lot In Centre township bounded north by land
of Isaac Strouso, east by land ot McKelvy, Ncal
Co., south by land of K. II. Low, and west by oth
er lot of Levi A. Hutchison being a llmestono
quarry lot containing about ono-fourth of an acre,
moro or loss, on which nro erected a limo kiln
and limo house. FL Fa.
Seized, taken Into execution, at the suit ot Wil
liam Shaffer vs. I. A. Hutchison and to bo sold as
tho proporty ot I. A. Hutchison.
Barkley, Att'y.
All that certain pleco or parcel of land situated
In Centre township, Columbia County, Penna.,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: on tho
north by lands ot Samuel, David and Charles
Whltmlro, on tho oast by land of David Whltmlre,
on tho south by land ot (leorgo ltuckel, nnd on tho
west by land ot Elizabeth Yoho, 00 ntalnlng about
blxtocn acres of land, moro or less, with tho ap
purtenances. Tho abovo tract la Improved land
without buildings. Fl. Pa.
Seized, taken Into execution and to be sold ns
the property of Allen Whltmlre.
Ikclcr, Att'y.
All the right, title, Interest and Ufo cstalo ot John
Belong, one of tho defendants In tho within nam
ed writ In tho folowlng described real oWato, two
tracts of land situate In Centro township Colum
bla county, Pa., bounded to-wlt : On tho north by
land ot John Ncyhnrd and Henry Shaffer, on tho
oast by land ot Henry Shaffer, on tho bouth by
land of Frank Hagenbuch and Jeremiah llngen
buch, deceased, and Ellsha Hagenbuch, and on the
west by division lino foUowlng the mlddlo fence
on and between tho abovo described land and oth
er lands of Henry Delong, deceased, as directed In
bis last will and testament, to tho public road
leading from Light Street lo Berwick, said lino
thence leading across said road continuing In a
btralght lino to the lino ot land belonging to Bllsha
Hagenbuch, containing nbout sixty -two
acres of land, more or less, whereon nro erect
ed a largo tio-itory brick dwelling houso,
kitchen, wood house, and all necessary and con
venient out buildings, a largo bank-barn, wagon
house, hog pen, cider press and other buildings.
There Is also on tho said tract, fruit and fruit trees
of every description.
All tho right, title, interest and Ufo estato
of John Delong ono of tho defendants named in
tho within writ and ono other certain piece, par
cel and tract ot land situate In Centre township,
Columbia county, Stale of Pennsylvania, Bound
ed and described as follows, to-wltt Called tho
"Summer lllll Tract," North by (lea ltuckle, East
by land of Eminctt and Levi Amman, south by
land of Samuel Hagenbuch, deceased, and on tho
west by land of Henry Shaffer, CONTAINING
about thlrty.nlne acres of land, more or less, being
tlmberland, 13 acres cleared. vend. Ex,
Seized, taken into execution, at the suit of Cy
rus Mcllcnry and John Delong Exoc'rs of Henry
Belong, deceased vs. Sarah A. Belong and John
Delong and to be sold as the property ot Sarah A.
snydsrandlkeler, AUy'i. Shcrttr.
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by Iho or
jilmns' court or Columbia county lo mnkoillstrl.
(union of I ho; balance In Iho hands of .Tno. W.
KvnnsnclmlnlfitrfttorofBaldmtuto, will Kit t tho
onice of u II. Jackson attorney at lierwlck, p.i. on
Saturday Sent, nth last nt l) o'clock a. 111', wnen
and where all parlies interested In said estato
must nppoarahd present their claims and UkWo
Indebti-d to tho same to muko payment to tho un-dii-slgned
without delay.
. , 11. II. I.tTTLi;
Aug 16 1 W Auditor.
Notloo Is hereby irlvcn to nil leirateen. creditors 1
and other persons Interested In the estates of tho
respective) decedent nnd minors, that tlio fol
lowing administration and irunnllan accounts
havo been nied In Ihoonico oj tho llrglstcr of Col
umbia county, and will bo presented for connrmo
tlnn and nllownneo In Iho Orphans' Court to bo
held In lilonmsburg. on Monday September sal,
18l, at S o'clock p. m. on said day 1
No. 1. Tlio nrst nnd Jlnal account ot diaries
linker administrator of Jacob mker, lato of Hea
ver township, deceased.
No. 2. Tho Hrst nnd final account rt Isaac Lin
dcuimith, administrator of llcnlnmln Llndenmuth,
Into ot Conynghom towhshlp, ilcconsed.
No. fl, Th'o nrst and partial account of Chris
tlan crouso and Francis W. Crouso Executors of
Frederick Crouse, lato of Heaver township, de
ceased. No. -I. Tho first nnd final necount ot C 11. Jack,
son, giiardlinot J. A. swank, n minor child of
Harrison Swank, lato of Columbia county, deceos
od. No. n. nbo Hrst and final account of (leorgo
Walter administrator of Catherine Walter, lato ot
Montour township, decoased.
No. 8. Tho nrst nnd final account of Allen
Mann executor of tloorgo Shumnn, latoof.Minin
township, decoasod.
No. 7. Tlio nrst and nnal account of Abraham
Krclsher ddmlnUtrntor dc lvnls non cwn leslauwn
toiimiMoof 1-cter Maurer, Into of Locust town
ship, deceased
No. 8. Tho nnal necount of Levi Wright, guar
dian of Ilenovlllo V .ulk, a ir Inor child of lienevlllo
II. Foulk, lato of Hemlock township, deceased na
mm by llcbeccn Wright Burvuing executor ot
Levi Wright deceased.
No. n. Tho first and final necount ot James M.
Shultz nnd Chnrlt A. Iloberts administrators ot
Jntncs ltobcrls, lato of sugarloat township, do
ccascd. No. 10. Tho Hrst nnd final account of C. O.
Peacock administrator rwjii tpstnmpiitn nnnpsn of
Cathcrlno A. Gall, lato of Hemlock township, de
ceased. Tho llrst nnd final account of Solomon
Str.vusser executor of Ellas s. Velwnr. lato or Lo
cust township, deceased.
No. 14. Tlio first nnd nnal account nf Clinton
Kills ndmlminlstrator ot Jacob Gaumcr, Into of
Cntawlssa township, deceased.
No. 18. Tho account of S. I). Kostenhaurter and
Margaret Marks administrators Ac, of Francos
Kostenbander, lato ot Catnwlssa township, de
ceased. No. 11. Tho second ntid nnd hecnunt nf llenhpn
U Illch and Thomas Wilson executors of Jonn O.
ltich, Into of Greenwood township, deceased.
No. IV Tlio first and nartlal account of Clark
Cnllooder executor of Joseph Hess, lato of Benton
township, deceased.
No 10. Tlio first and final account nf Samuel
II. Klsncr administrator of Susan Klsncr. lute of
Greenwood township, deceased.
No. 17. Tho nrst and flnal account ( f Samuel
Shlvo executor ot Philip Unangst, late of Fishlng-
tiTX-u lumisuiji, uecuuscu.
No. 18. Tho first nnd Ilnnl necount of Samuel
Bhlvo administrator, Ac. of Anna M. Unangst, Into
of Fishlngcreek township, deceased,
No. 10. Tho llrst nnd nnal account of Itobcrt
Buckingham administrator of Elizabeth Walter,
lato of Montour township, deceased.
No. al Tho first nnd flnnl necount nf ltlrnm .1.
Hecder exoutor or Joseph Hartman, lato of Catn
wlssa tow nshlp, deceased.
No. 21. Tho llrst and llnnl account of Chnrles
C. Wlllets administrator ; liunln io of Isaiah
Wlllcts, laic ot Catawlssa township, deceased.
No. 84, Tlio llrst nnd partial account of Jonn.
than W. Eck administrator of S. A. Kck lato of
Brlarcrock township, deceased.
No. 2.1. Tho (lrRt nnd onrtlnl account, of nlntnii
Ellis, administrator of Casper lthawn, late of
cntawlssa township, deceased.
Iteglslcr's onice, Ono. W. Stkrnkr,
Bloomsburg, Aug 29, 'S I lteglste r.
lllooin Frank Knorr. Levi Shoomnkei. .1. C.
ncnton Geo. w. Mcllenry.
Berwick bat Id Uaucher. John (1. .Tacobv.
J. II.
Hpyt, DUman Varncs, A. a Phillips,
vutuwissn wrigut lower.
centre Fred Hagenbucli, J Wilson Miller.
Ccntralla August (table.
Greenwood D Brady.
Hemlock K 1) Letdv.
Locust Haines Yost. Harman Fnhrlnccr.
I. N.
Madison E iiendorsnott, A K smith.
Maine Washington Fisher.
Miniln-ll c Hess.
Montour Plilllp Foust.
Orango Aaron Patterson.
Bloom W C Haason, Charles Decker, CInrk
Shoemaker. Peter Jones, Samuel Anderson.
Heaver Kmery Benslnger, Lowl3 Baker.
Ilenton F s Smith.
Berwick James Evans, Gideon Belshllnc, C
Krantz, C. W. Froas.
Brlarcrock s S Sltler.
centre A o Creasy.
. W.
conyngnam rntncK nvnn, joiiu urennan.
Flhtngcrcck-S J Pettier, T 11 Edgar, J F
Franklin Daniel Hower, D A Munson.
Greenwood Jonathan Ilaitiuan.
Hemlock Itcubcn Guild.
Jackson Ezeklel cole.
Loou3t Andrew Helchart, Samuel lie nbild."
Madison Wm Mostcllcr.
Mnlno-J F Bauman.
Mt. l'lensnnt Miles Ikclcr.
icott W E Dcltterlek, Tremblcy Anglo, J. u.
Sugarloat .Tames Pennington, Ellas S Fritz, Jas
per Lewis, Titos. Cole.
Bloom Tacob Bomboy, c A Klelm, Alfred Glr-
Beaver Michael Itlttenhouse, Benjamin Mich
ael, james l i.ox.
Ilenton Peter Laubach.
uerwlck-s B Bowman, W C Palmer, J II Catter.
Hrlarcreck Edward Hughes, Emanuel Yost, Si
las E Mover,
catawlssa -Clinton Ellis, J B Knittle.
Ccntralla tieorgo James.
Flshlnsrcreek John Dresher.
Greenwood H B Kline, Chandlee Eves, Daniel
Weill ver.
Locust William Ilhodcs, Jonathan Beaver.
Madison M E Masters.
Mimin Wesley Noss, Lloyd Fnhrlngcr.
Orango A B Herring. -l'lno
James Masters.
Itoarlngcreek Francis ltlchard, Samuel Cher.
Scott Geo. E Grimes, Hlrman Tronscau, John
sugarloaf David Kochcr, Gilbert Hess.
8 P Kase aud S P Wolvcrton's use vs. D H Si W
It It Co.
Col Co M S F A I. Association vs. u n Barnes, et.
col Co M S F A L Ass-clatlon vs. C It Barnes, et.
col Co M 6 F A L Association vs. C It Barnes, et.
John K Grotz's uso vs. Ellslta C Ager,
Jacob swank vs. N A W B It'y Co.
lsaao Wcckerly's cxrs. vs. Daniel B Fredericks.
Ira Hess vs. Wm K Patterson.
ltohr Mcllenry vs. Wm IS Patterson.
Frank Mclaughlin vs. M E Walker.
1) A Hess vs. N A W B H'y Co.
Philip Lltchnrd vs. John Shealtcr.
Charles Illchard vs. Charles Kllnger.
Ell Weaver vs. Augustus Weavers exr's.
Phlneas Smith vs. N A W II lt'y Co.
uoyfl Kituman vs. N a w n icy co,
Lloyd Yenger vs. N A W lt'y Co
Daniel F soybert vs. George Hrelsch.
Gideon stecker's odm'r. vs. Thomas Illckey.
Stephen Wolf vs. John M Miller.
u (l Murphy vs. Isaac llerron, ct. al.
com. of Pennsylvania for Uao of Maria L McDow
ell vs. John W Huffman.
Jano Moyer vs. James Lewis' aumr.
John Shumau vs. N A W H lt'y Co.
Geo. A Bowman's exr's. vs. N A W B H'y Co.
John Broteo vs. William lUllmitu
John Brofeo vs. Andrew Itupp.
Daniel It Gordncr vs. WUUain tllngles.
II M Weir vs. ltlchard Angle. eL nt.
Hlrman creasy, et. ux., vs. A II Croon.
David Nllson, et. ux., vs. limey Graham.
I.yilla Bobbins vs. Jacob II Stoker's udm'r.
A .1 Kvans vtt. J 11 Koblltson.
Wellington Yeager adm'r. vs. David Helwlg'a
Wellington vcager, ndnvr.. vs. uaua nciwig
peter Ilclwig's ex'r. vs. peter nciwig.
W D Weldeuhnmmer vs. Baibara Blue.
George ltoyer vs. Thomas Geraghty.
Georgo Bevan vs. L A ltlley A Co.
James Le wars adm'r vs. Jacob Weaver, et, ux.
Hens A Thomas vs. II F Everett.
M'Crendv Bros vs. tho Cona it F Ins Co of Colum
bia, Pa.
li o uiuincn vs. J WdinA omn u
Adams A Son vs. Jacob Mnycr's trustee.
Isnan (1 llurrell vk. V & U It cn.
Slnry N Holmes vs. J 8 Woods and Mary A Woods
t iios k Howards, et. iu., vs. i.van nucKaiew,
John Hui'h, et. al., vs. lVnna. It it Co.
Wulnwrlgltt A Co vs. Levi George.
l'ranel.s Hfounlaln, et, ux., vs. Wm Miller,
Charles Kern vs. John llrolee.
Joseph i olo vs. Wm It Cox,
II K llcicnek vs. Win. Mastolter.
James Kinsley, et. ux.. vs. M c Woodward and
u it i riiueii.
Cnros Jlhoumatism, Lum
baco, Lnm o Hack, Sprains nn d
.in.isca, Asthma, Catarrh,
Covtf-c, ColCs, Soro Throat,
Diphtheria, Bums, Frost
Bites, Tooth. Ear, and Head
acho, nnd allpalna and aches,
Th lot Inttrnal ul cstcmtl lemrJ la (lit
wor: I. I vvf y Uttle j;ui mlci. SaM ty latatcluc
JUrt fvvtywbtf. l)ucilwnl la tltf LI liitffict
ftlctso cents ftaJJi.t.
'I ho undersigned auditor apimlnled by Hut Or.
limits' Court of Columbia county lo mnhodlsirl-
llll On Of lltn hAl-lnen In I hn linhil nf f tin iivrwxitn,.
to and among tlio parties entitled I hereto, will nt
lend lo t!in duties ot liH aiiitolntment nt Ills onico
ill llloomsbttrir. ntl Wn in-mlnr. Nntttnmliep !lnl.
IHHl, at 10 o'clock a. in., when nnd where nil per
sons Interested in saiilestnta must attend, or be
foiever debarred from nny share In sntd fluid.
ii. mai.i:
Aim li or.
Orphans Court ot Columbia County.
TllO UllderHltrilPfl nurtllnrntinnlnfml liv lin i'sturt
tomnkodlstrlbuetonof tholmlnnen Inlho hnmls
of tho oxecutornf nnhlcstnlo will meet nil par
lies nterestm for tho purposo of his npitolnlntent
on Monday, AuguslBM-h, Iksi, nt in o'clock, n. m.,
nl, his nlllcis In Danville, Ph., when and where all
'uin.ii-i iiuviim utiiiiiis nru requt'sieu 10 present
... i iui uu uutmtieu truiti t'tiining in upon said
llf..Mll VlNUIi.N'l',
nug i-ta
joTioG in ntvouoi:.
cuun rv.
Cathcrliie Carr by her noxt ftleml, Jamos Mel'nd
den va James Cnrr. Stir libel In divorce
io .inmes Carr, respondent nboo named I
Whereas unou tin libel of the nnlil ('nlliennn i-nrr
n suhnootin was Issued out of tho said Court com
mantling you to be nnd appear at Iho next regular
term ot said Court to Bhow caut.0 why tho said II.
bclant should not Ito divorced from tho bonds of
matrimony contracted with you: and wherons
upon return oi said subpoena duo proof was mntlo
that you could not be found in tho bailiwick ot tho
Heerin of said county, whereupon nn affiu subpoo.
nnwnsawnrdcd by stld Court commanding you
lo appear at tho then next term ot said Court to
nnswer ns aforesaid, to wh'ch tho samo return was
made by tho Shertrr. You aro therefore required
to bo and appear on tho nrst tiny of said Court to
bo held at Illoomsburg for sttld county on tho last
Monday of September next, A. 1)., iksi. to answer
said comttlnlnL JOHN MOUHEv, SlicrUT.
itiarr, An y. Aug '."j-i w
Friends, and enemies too,
if we liave them, passing
through Philadelphia, arc
invited to make a con
venience of the Big Store.
It is between the Broad
street station of the Penn
sylvania R. R. and every
where else, and is on the
way from almost every
It would be old news to
tell you what the store is
here for. We'll skip that.
For our present purpose it
is here to be walked through,,
looked at, get rested in, and
to hold your baggage while
you run about town. As
you enter the door, any door
almost, you see a place to
leave your bag. Leave a
dozen parcels there, if you
like; no charge. Go all over
the store, up -stairs and down ;
ask for a guide, if you need
one ; go alone, if you like
that better. After you have
walked a few miles and
climbed a pyramid or two,
it may be lunch-time. In the
basement is a place to get a
bite ; and that's the only part
of the entertainment you pay
for, We'd like to have that
free, too, if we could. We
fear the wrong people would
In a sense we do not pay
much attention to visitors.
We do not invite them in so
often as we would, if the
newspapers didn't make us
pay for every hospitable
word. When they come,
one or ten-thousand at a
time, we simply let them
alone, unless they ask for
help. We have our hands
full any way; besides, we
don't want people to think
that we ask them here to
draw them into buying things.
What we really do want
is that everybody every
where should have a pretty
accurate notion of what is
going on here; and that's
the whole of it.
John Wanamakeu.
CheMnut. Thirteenth nnd Mmket Hrects
nnd City-ball kqiliue,
I;, Lieutenant Guveruor of
llv Cltnuncv 1- lllncu.
I"cnnsylvnnla. Our book will contain facts to bo
found in no oilier, besides n complete history ot
tho Demoortitlo nnrtv. with all Its platforms :
sketches ottho lues of all tho Presidents; the
women of tho Whlto Ilotiao: protectlvo tariff:
revenuo reform ; electoral voto ; homo Ufo of the
IT?!, dent, nnd a full lift! of IIKNDUICKH
ours Is the best, most accurate, cheapest, ami bells
most- laigeiy. henu wt cents tor ttuitii. av tiitt-t-.
TllAYEIt, MKltltlAM A CO., S1I Arch St., Phllad'o,
mai-J8-iy ttUI
Ititwiiibluw IiltM
hwtlitTi tor OuUMi LJ
NiiiiM, iil Jiwlaw In 1'lato of lJfy r. W'Or
HI llltlIHt). - J ,V it ill 11 It
t l
13. -Still IIIU P
I'M ( Kill,. iJIUIKIieuU'MO'"' H
v II. i
i(t.. Cuiiul eit. N. .1.
w d
"TH I C 0 M P L ETE H 0 M E .fiK.WSttt
R book. New e-titiun.-New blndini. N IlluktiiUoui
I f,um ti ilrti.-iii. SuM'Uy Buttcu itti. same low i-iUe.
Ait.uttJ to ill cl-mei. Still at tlelit. Artntt iluluf Llf
hXCBlLBNTlHHM. Th lunJ.nit proisclut
''Baiuufv CAKKBTtSi CO., U North ith St. rt-IUutl-xHh,
i'A, Alkuuttict KlinA uew l-vukt nj UiUc.
murss-ly aid
aokscv or
Head (jnurtcrs for
Iron, btceLHorscshoes
Nails and Wagon
Slakers' nnd Black
smiths' Supplies.
Isrucl llltteitbonder,
store Waierooins
IS8 Franklin Ave.,
wawooinslil Frank
Uu Ave., and 1(5 cen
tre btreeu
may 2!lly
Now York,
TTi -
Aug g-4 w
(i'ihmI lny nr AaulA. 9100 (o K300 fr
inn. iiuil'lllni( ,itr JJriilit! lllMtfirr.
t-'uitiiuiniiil il.-4-i1.l14 CtiHIenil IliuWorlil
Wtitt- tu J. i' Mt't'iiriljr v Ct, i'lilbiik-liitilit. 1'a.
Tfoadquarlors for J).
1HA11IAI & HASSllf
linvo just received the finest lot of
LiqffT RpEts, flQWEs uo Self Bidefs
ter brought to Columbia county, For light draft,
second to none. Every machine is
for all tho old nnd now machines, so that If you
to fix you up v. Ithout delay.
runners uo not oo deceived uut. oo sure io exnuuno mo
beforo making your purchases. .
Junes? tf
" IP Xjjxr I ZMZfB I -El 1 IR, ,
W i
KBtrcn-TfstAiirbY nn nrffl
For Tetter. Klncworm, ErytJpclas, fccrotula, rimplea lllotches, liolls, Ulcei-s,
all diseases niislng in or transmitted by tho blood,
This celebrated vecetauio coranounu lias no
ed. Send for circular.
For salo by all urugaists.
,tUJ,T D'l U
Special Points f r Fiirmors to Consider. J
1. wo do not manufacture two or nwro ifradesaiulwheio tlio Ucbt can not bo sold call tho poorest
2. As' tho value ot fertilizers was established by tilals on the soil, bo tho rmcbtlon "Which Is best
will be answered by growing crops and harvests. Ourphosrhatolsfabtbettllngtho n,ucbtlon to our
entire satisfaction. ... ...
3. It was tho merit ot iood l'hostihites vtlileh CbtabUiJietl tho present trado and Buch only will at
last como out lctorlous to tho benefit ot manufacturer, belter and consumer.
I. 'i ho word "I'ltosphate," ns used commercially, has no meaning of vuluo. Tho statement that ono
brand or l'hosphato U cheaper than another, so tar ns prlco per Ton Is .concerned, means Just not hlng
nt alL Tho result on tho llcld-not tor one season , only, but - for twoj tliri'o and four succeeding crops
must lie tho tea of value. Thus tried v. o believe tho ALI.LN 10WN 1'lIObl'lI ATI: to bo as cheap us tho
ch-upctit aud as good as tho
Gives the Best Crops for the Money,
Allcntowiij Pa.
Geo. W. Correll, Samuel Heacock & Farmor's Produce
Aug ti .w. Exchange Bloomshurg, Pa.
M. Osborne & Go's.
durability and simplicity tho Osborne Machines atn
fully warranted. They also keep a
break down In tho middle of Harvest they nro prepared
& lAS.3Ev'Ei:,, Agents,
Ft, TiSYTSi u. nfKSD iw firs n-ui
Femalo comnlalnti'. nn
cnuni. ami is nn infallible remedy when used ns tl reel
it. u. kisi.leus x co., l'ropr's rittsburKii, ra.
The Complete Grain Fertilizer.
KitKMinvu.i.i:, Monroe Co., I'n,,
July SO, 1881.
Gentlemen :
Mnny of my ciiMonirr wlioumil
uiu np I'linxiiliAlvri last, Full life.ntso
loltl lo bo m nn tliu Allt n
town I'lio-ilititt', lt!iy nlitmly do
flared Unit ilii'i will iiui yimr
make only tlii Full. Tlicj ore put
islii'd ninl will ma lif il.ciived no
soon ugaiii.
Youi Truly,
Nathan (Jim itnv