The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 22, 1884, Image 3

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The Columbian.
iriWAY, AUGUST 22, 1881.
Correct Hullroitd Tlittu Table.
Tralni on tlio 1'bll.ulclphtn & It. It. loavo ltupcrt
as follows I
:30 a. in.
4:OU p. in.
Trains on tlia 1. I.
ns follows I
1I:W a. in.
G:13 p. in.
, & W. 11 It. leave Uloonwburn
,T.(na.m. 828 ium.
Il:l7n. m. 11:5,1a.m.
u:38 p. m. 1:80 p. m.
Tho 8:98 a. m. train connects at Northumberland
with tho u.;k train on lvnusylvanta road, reaching
Philadelphia at 3:1 p. in.
Tlio 11:53 train connects with Philadelphia and
lteudlng road at,
import reaching
plila at e.uu p. tn.
TUo 11:33 train connects with Pennsylvania road
at Northumberland at 1:50, reaching Philadelphia
at 7:33 p. in.
Tho 4:fW n. in. train connects with 1'ennMVlvAnl
rOiVI lit Northumberland at 8:uS p. in., and roaches
Philadelphia at 3u3 a. in.
Trains on tlio N. & V.
Terry as follows i
117 n.m.
6.00 p. in.
11. Hallway pass llloom
12:01 p. in.
4:15 p. m.
John Jones ot South Bend, Indiana, Is
visiting friends in this section.
Wm. M. Sloan returned to Tlirco lllvurs,
Mlchlgtm on Tuesday.
A. D. Good of Shlckshluuy, formerly of
Denton, was In towu on Wednesday.
Hiss Green of Espy, has engaged rooms
of Mrs. Ent and Is giving Instructions In
Kensington painting.
John Crano of Contrail was In towu on
Monday, llo left his wlfo hero for treat
ment with Mrs. Fisher.
J. J. llrowcr has been to Now York and
1'hilndclphla buying his fall stock ot car
pets and oil cloths. Ills new supply will
bohcrc next week.
On Tuesday, Clark Sloan Btartcd on a
western pleasure trip, llo will stop first
at Three lUvcrs, Michigan, nnd from tlicro
visit numerous friends, llo will probably
reach Bhcboygan, Wisconsin.
Court will convene Monday, September
22nd. LThc fourth Monday in September.
ABkatingrlnk is now very successfully
kept up In Wllkcs-Barrc.
river tlirco thousand people weru
Wnyno camp-meeting on Sunday.
K. A. Itawlings is now using a sausago
chopper run by steam power. If you want
Urst-class bologna call upon him.
The public schools will commence one
week from next Monday, September 1st,
and continue eight months.
I. W. McKclvy has commenced work on
lnying pipe from tho Exchaugc Hotel to
connect with tho sewer.
Only two weeks from Friday remain to
sec that every voter is assessed, In order to
Insure a vote this fall. Friday, September
ltli, is the last day.
The Northern Schuylkill county Fair,
will be held nt lUngtown, Tuesday, Wed
nesday, Thursday and Friday, September
10, 17, 18 and 10, 1884.
The democrats of Montour have named
Thomas Chalfant as their candidate for
Congress for this district, John II. Briiglcr
received the nomination forTrotlinotary.
Foil ItoT. Three pair of rooms suitable
forofllces, nnd ono store room occupied
now as shoe store next to Exchnng Hotel.
F. D. Dbntlkii.
Tho Agricultural Society of lower North
umbcrland County will hold its annual ex.
hiliition at Sunbury, Thursday, Friday uud
Saturday, September, 18, 19 and 20, 1884.
On Sept. 7th tlio church tower and
bell of the Lutheran thurch in MUUinvlUo
will bo dedicated to tlio Trluno God. Prom
incut preaches well bo present to deliver
addresses. All aro cordially Invited.
A game of base ball was played in this
placo on Wednesday ntternoon between
tho llloomsburg Commercials and Berwick
Commercials, resulting in a score of 18 to
in favor of llloomsburg.
This week wo have had thu warmest
weather of any during tlio whole summer,
Tho thermometer ranging from 05 to 102,
The warm wave seemed to bo general
throughout tho Eastern States.
The exhibition of tho Northern Northtira
bcrland County Fair Association will bo
held at Tuibotsyille Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday ami Saturday, October 8, 0, 10 and
11th 1884.
A gamo of base ball was played on Thurs
day of last week between tho Kcystono of
Wilkes Banc and tho Catawissa Associn
Hon resulting In favor of tho latter by o
score of 7 to 1.
A suspension of the mines of a week in
September, in tlio Schuylkill regions lias
been ordered by tho operators. Whether
tho suspension will bo more thon a week
remains to bo seen.
On Saturday last a game of baso ball was
played at Mt. Carmcl, bel ween tho Reliance
of Mt. Carmcl, and Philadelphia Leaguu of
Philadelphia, resulting In u score of 11 to
4 In favor of tho League nine. Tho gate
receipts were 4378.
Tho gamo of baso ball on Friday last, nt
this pluce, between the Keystone of Wllkcs
Barrb and tho Bloonisburg Association re
suited in favor of tho latter by a scoro of 3
tol. Tho gamo on Saturday with tho
Northumberland was 0 to 14 In favor of tho
homo nine.
Ill another column wo publish a request
from the chairman that each member of
tho standing committee will chooso good
active men to servo as u vigllanco commltteo
In each township, nnd to report the names
of such at once to tho chairman. There
should bu no delav In this matter. Send
In tho names Immediately.
On thu ICth liibtant tho Important cane of
Georgo 11. llelfrlch, Receiver of tho AbIi
land Savings Bank, against J. M. Freck on
rule to set aside non suit was argued beroro
Judge Elwell iy Guy E. Farquehcr, Esq.,
of Pottsvlllo, and Col. J. G. Freczo for tho
plaintiff and by J. W. Mover, Esq., of
Pottsville, with whom Geo. E. Elwell was
associated, for tho defendant held under
Tho following complimentary notice Is
taken from tlio lixtniny AVot, of Franklin,
W. H. Schuyler, Ph. D., principal of tho
Franklin High School for tho past ycar,has
resigned that position and accepted an of
fer to be principal ot tho Academy in Now
Hloomllcld, Perry couuty, Pa. During his
stay here Dr. Schuyler has favorably im
pressed tlioso with whom ho has como in
contact, as a citizen and scholar, and ho
leaves an excellent record as an Instructor.
In his new position at tho head of a private
educational institution ho will doubtless
find himself moro congenially clrcumstnnc
I'd tluui as pniiclpul of u publlo school.
May success niul happiness uwult htm in
tho new Held of labor to which ho removes
In a few days.
Wo wish him unbounded success In his
new field of labor.
Flfly-sevcn persons registered nt tlio Ex
uuuiigo noiui on Monday, There wm
nothing unusual to draw them on this
special dny. Tho Exchange has a wldu
reputation because of tho good accommo
dations they offer to their guests.
N. J. Hcndcrsliott Is about settled In liU
now room. He has much larger quarter
than heretofore, nnd has everything ar-
ranged In a convenient and tasty manner.
Tlio Bky-light furnishes him a good light
throughout tho entire room.
it. Stiles lias directed a letter to S, Con
ner, chalrmnn of tho Hcpublican County
Committee, declining the nomination for
rrotliotiotary. A meeting has been called
for next Tuesday to nominate a candidate
In placo of Stiles? withdrawn.
Hiulk lIotMK, Nkw Yoiik, I2th Aug., 1834.
Mit. Elinor, i
Deur Sir. I have at length gained pos
session of my magnzlne Dlo Lewis's Month
ly. Hereafter all communications to Its
Editor or Publisher, and alt business about
my books, must bo addressed Dlo Lewis,
lillilo House, New York.
Those who havo sent money to others
for Dlo Lewis's Monthly, or for his books,
and have received nothing In return, will
please commuulcato with mo at once.
Very respectfully,
Dio Lewis.
On Monday of last week Mr. Charles
Conner In plowing on his farm near Orange
vlllc, turned up what proved to bo a part
of n human skull. Upon further Invcstica-
Hon they found two human skeletons lvlnu
side by side. The manner and location of
their burial, and the general appearance of
their skulls would .Indicate that thoy wero
whlto men abovo middle ago and burled by
ino whiles. The fact that thoy were bur.
led near whero onco stood nn old sugar
maplo which contained peculiar marks and
the additional fact that no traces of a cof.
fin, cloths, not even a nail or button wero
found, and as the Indians strip their vic
tims, suggest tlio possibility that they nro
tho remains of Lieut. Van Camp's father
and uncle who were killed by the Indians
In 1780 about that locality while boiling
maplo sugar, ills brother was also killed
but was thrown Into tho Around partly
consumed. Tho victims were subsequent
ly discovered by Col. Kelly's party, and
buried. The father of Jacob Mellck Esq.,
of Liglitstrect, was present at the burial.
See History of Columbia County.
On Monday all the Judges being present
a Habeas Corpus was issued to tho Sheriff
to bring beforo them live doctors of Cata
wissa who have been surrendered by their
ball before a magistrate, to answer at court
on a charge of having conspired corruptly
to persecute Dr. Eiskamp for practicing
medicine without being registered. It was
contended by counsel for tho Common
wealth that the fact that the defendant had
joined in the persecution was evidence
that they had maliciously conspired to vex
and harass him. The prisoners wore dis
charged, tho court holding that the joint
prosecution was not evidence of a corrupt
agreement to faintly accuse Dr. Eiskamp
with crime j and also that If to all appear
ances Dr. Eiskamp was practicing, not
being registered, the defendants could not
bo indicted for conspiracy to prosecute
him, because he could make it appear that
his visits to patients of Dr. Bauer were
merely to gather information for Ills prin
cipal or to tako medicine to the patients
prescribed by the latter. The defendants
wero discharged. District Attorney Buck
ingham, Jamcs'i Scarlet, John G. Freeze
and J. C. Yocum, Esqs., for the Common
wealth s W. II. Hliawn for defendants.
The great Inter-Stato Pic-nic and Ex
hibitions under the auspices ot the Patrons
of Husbandry of the Middle States, will bo
held at Williams' Grove, Pennsylvania
thirteen miles southeast of Harisburg, com
mencing on Monday next August 25 and
continuing ono week. Many buildings of
a permanent character have been erected.
A grocery nnd provision store will be open
ed for the special accommodations of the
dwellers in these new domicils. Business
houses from distant cities will exposo to
public view tlio richest and most beautiful
fabrics of tho loom ; the artists will exhibit
the choicest production of master hands,
and tlio tlncst emanations of gifted minds ;
the mechanic his skill and craftmanshlp ;
tho manufacturers the best fruits of mill
and shop ; tho stock raisers the tlncst cat
tle, tho choicest horses, the most heautifui
and most valuable sheep to be found any
where throughout tho land. Tho agricul
turists, horticulturists and pomologists
will bring tho best productions of Held,
garden and orchard. Addresses will bo
given tlirouhout the duy on scientific top
ics, while in the evenings will bo solcct
readings, declamations, recitations and
music to entertain nnd amuse. Excursion
tickets aro Issued by tho Pensylvanla H. It.
The following letter has been scut by the
commltteo on Lunacy of the board of pub
lie charities of Philadelphia, to tlio physic
ians throughout tho state. Any informa
tion sent to Thomas G. Morton, M. I).,
1224 Chestnut street, will be gladly recclv
Within tlio past year, two instances of
cruel treatment of insane patients iuchargo
of private parties, have come to tho knowi-
dire of the Committee on Lunacy. In ono
case an old man was found naked, in an
out-house in a very secluded part of the
state, where lie had been conlled for moro
than thirty years, chained by tho leg. In
the other case neither tho public nor tho
commltteo had any knowledge of tho In
humanity practiced upon an old man who
had likewise been chained for moro than u
quarter of a century ; and it was not until
his death (hat tho particulars wero brought
out and made public.
In view of theso facts, tho object of tho
commltteo Is to find out If any such cases
nro known, or believed to exist, and if so,
to send them to Stato Hospitals for the In
sano where they can rccclvo liumano and
proper treatment j and that If you havo
any reason to believe any such insane are
concealed and badly treated, wo will on
private intimation from you, investigate
such cases, and tako tlio necessary steps
for their transfer. Any communica
tion will be, If desired, considered contl
Thu undersigned offers for sale cheap
for cash, 10,000 feet worked flooring anil
German Udlng j also hemlock fencing, 2x4,
roof and ceiling lath, shingles, &c. llnv
ing a sWam saw mill about ready to run
for inc. I can furnish bill stuff at short
notice P. D, Black,
7-8-4w Rohrsburir, Pn,
Mrs. Savage of Sunbury, is visiting her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Hower.
Mr. Harry Baccly and sister of Berwick,
wero tho guests of Mr. A. W. Musgravo
and sister. On Sunday they attended tho
tabernaelo meeting at Mcllenry's Grove.
Itev. Stiles of the Rohrsburg chargu at
tended the meeting, and Sunday evening
he delivered an excellent sermon.
Miss Magglo Fellows was visiting Miss
Jessie Appleinau,
Mr. Graham ami wlfo have returned to
tliclr homo at Wllllamspoit. Anon,
HliuriHOHH Ilciitilmi.
On August Sllli, 1882, the Bhnrplctg
family celebrated Iho bl-cciitcnnlal, or
200th nnnlvcrsary of tho landing of their
ancestor, John Sliarplesi, of Ilalhcrtoii,
Cheshire, England, with Ids family at Ches
ter, then Chester, now Dclawnro county,
this Stale, It was decided to hold n re
union every year, AstlioSlth of August
will fall this year upon Sunday, It has been
decided to havo tho gathering on tho pre
ceding day. iYcira Item.
I.ocitHt Mntititntii "Witter IVorkH.
Tho largest wntcr works In this county,
and ono of tho largest in tlio State, has Just
been completed and put into operation In
tho lower end of tho county, one-half milii
north of Montana. It was built by tho Lo
cust Mountnln Company nnd Is known as
tho Locust Mountnln Water Works. Tho
reservoir Is 250x150 feel, and Is deserving
of much credit to tho contractor ns a fine
plcco of work. Tho water Is pumped
through clghtccn-lnch column pipe from a
dam In Brush Valley by two largo pumps,
which havo proved themselves moro than
equal to their work, having, on their first
trial, given tho water In tho pipes such a
pressure ns to break them, and forco its
way out through tho top of tho ground In
several places. Other and heavier pipes
wero replaced nnd now thb water Is
brought to tho reservoir hi tho pipes' fullest
capacity. Thero aro threo nine-Inch pipes
leading from the reservoir one to Mt. Car
met, a distance ot Ave miles, one to tho
Ccntralla and Logan collieries nnd the
other to tho Continental colliery, each of
tho latter places being tlirco miles distant.
Tlio scarcity of water heretofore felt in tho
Centralla valley during tho Summer months,
and often causing tho collieries to suspend
operation, will bo prevented hereafter by
Uiis new water supply. Tho Mt. Carmcl
lino of pipe runs through Montana, afford
ing all people in that placo who wish to do
so, an opportunity to tako In water.
State I'alr nt IMillndcIpUln.
The thlrtlenth exhibition of tho I'ennsyl
vauia State Agricultural Society, together
with tho Pennsylvania Stato Poultry So
ciety, tlio Pennsylvania Horticultural So
ciety, and the l'lilladclphla Kennel Clubs,
will occur on tho new g rounds of tho So
ciety, nt Broad and Lehigh twenties (Ger
mantown Junction) Injthc city of Philadel
phia, commencing on Monday, September
8th, nnd continuing until Saturday, Sept
ember 20th.
On theso magnificent grounds, the most
convenient of access in the city, have re
cently been erected a series of splendid
buildings that will bo occupied by the So
ciety for tho holding of Its exhibitions for
tho next ten years.
Already the Indications are satisfactory
that this will bo not only the most com
plete exhibition ever held by the Agrlcul
turnl Society, but in addition tho Statu
Poultry Society, tho Stato Horticultural So
ciety, and tho Philadelphia Kennel Clubs
will constitute varied attractions, which,
together with tho Stato Beekeepers' Asso
ciation and tho Women's Bilk Culture As
sociation, will nil constitute a display not
hitherto witnessed in this locality. Fine
herds of cattle, horses, sheep, and swine,
large amounts of seeds, flowers, and ma
chinery will all be on exhibition, and the
Dog Show, a new feature, can not fail to
be a source of attraction and gratification
to tho many thousands who will be certain
to be in attendance.
ExcurnloiiH RatcH to OraugerB Ilc-
nlc. via PeiitiHylvnuln Railroad.
Tho Eleventh Annual Inter-Stato Picnic
and Exhibition of tho Patrons of Husband
ry will bo held at Williams' Grove, Pcnna.,
from August 25th to SOth inclusive. Tho
display ot farm and domestic machinery
and implements, agricultural and horticul
tural products, stock and tho prcsenco of
a large concourse of farmers from Penn
sylvanla and the neighboring Stntcs, will
make the exhibition tho largest ever held
under the auspices of the Patrons.
For tho nccommomation of visitors, the
Pennsylvania Railroad will sell excursion
tickets on August 20th, 27th, and 28th,
good to return until August 29th inclusive,
from the following points on Pennsylvania
Railroad Division, at thu rates quoted bo
low i
Parkesburg ..
.1-165 Dunc.iunon to M
. a 66 Newport l 33
. 2 18 MUlOretOWil 1 48
. a-j Tnomnaonion i km
, 2 S3 Miniln 1 08
a 11 Lowlstowu Jc '.' S3
Lcanian l'laco l V3
Lancaster 1 68
Columbia l 34
Wrlghtsvllla 1 60
Marietta 1 ai
Mt. Joy l 31
Ellzabethtown 1 03
Mlddletown 78
MUroy t 70
Mt. Union -1 08
lluntlnmon 3 43
Tyrone 1 02
iionoionio s u-i
l'hlllpsburg 4 73
Clearileld s 24
Altoon a 4 43
Holldaysburg 4 08
Marysviuo Ti
Frederick (via York) 3 27
Harmony Urovo
(via York 3 17
YY'alkersvllto (via
York 3 03
Taneyt own (via
lursi u
Littlest o w n (v 1 a
York) 2 22
Hanover (via York) l ur
Spring Grovo (via
Yorii) 1 07
lurit., a vu
Excursion tickets will also be sold from
following points on Philadelphia and Erio
Railroad Division and Northern Central
Railway, at rates below :
lialttmoro I-'J 01 New Freedom Ills
York 1 32
Olen ltock l 78
Kmlirsvlllo l 19
Hanover Juno 1 65
WltllAmsport 3 so
Muno y. 2 ti2
Montgomery! 2 81
Duwurt. 2 08
Watsontown 2 01
Milton 2 48
Montandoa 2 37
Lewlsbunr- 2 40
Northumberland... 1 17
Klvcrsldo. 2 47
catawissa 2 13
(lolduDoro 87
Daunhtn 73
Clark's Ferry 'Jl
Halifax l 14
Mtllersbnrsr 1 SO
(ieoru'etown l 60
TrevortonJo 1 77
Beunsgrovo jc. i wi
KcllnsKrovo 2 is
Sunbury 11
l'arkton 2 18
Quite a number of babies six months to
a year or so old, held n sociable at Willio
Ashelmiin'a on Sunday last. Their inno
cency Insisted it was not Sabbath breaking
nor out of order to follow out baby amuse
ments, nud call out baby band and display
some discordant baby music. And yet
Indeed, it was a lovely sight, a subject for
much thought. A plcturu ruro ami pros
pective, or ono that is more gloomy. Our
country's future, weal or woe, Is destined
by their will or duty. Each and nil, will
net an important part, though most of them
nre only buds of blooming beauty.
Our townsmen Willio Appleinau, tho
wagon.maker, and Boyd MoIIonry tho
blacksmith aro capital mechanics nnd put
up first class wagons, This Is their repu
tation, nud wiiat everybody says mubt bo
Our town bus as good mechanics as any
town In tho country. Moro about our
town in thu future.
A man puddling soap, traveling in a
small cart drawn by two largo dogs, came
to town on delegate election day. Ho soap-
ed quite a number of Krickbaum and Sny
der men at ten cents a cake, but offered
neither whiskey nor tally. Ho can't walk
and his naino Is Smith.
The season for profanity ended August
18th, and it is now out of order to llo.
Some votaries of pleasure, married and
single started on a trip to Now Philadel
phia to-day. Wo do not hope than un earth
quake should overtake them, and gulp
them down.
A correspondent has to dodge around u
good deal to seo all that Is going on, to
keep the Editor Informed of all the news
that's n going,
Wo need a soaking rain,
I'aucaues nre blooming lluely, and wo
hope jack frost will not bake them this
Space Is Iniiiilto lienco wo will not at'
tempt to occupy It all.
Vole of ThnnkH.
At n meeting of Knt Post No. 250, O. A.
It,, a yoto ot thanks was extended to tho
citizens of Orangcvlilu and vicinity, who
contributed and patronized thu camp-tlra
held at that place. Especially to thu ladles
who took an nettve part also to tho Or
angcvillo Comet Band for the music their
kindness will ever bo remembered by tho
Ent Post. Tho Post also extends their
thanks to Hoagland Post No. 70" of Cata
wlssn, for n dressing case presented to Ent
Post to bo chanced off nt tho said camp
fire for tho benefit of Ent Post.
C. P. Sloan, Commltteo.
J. O. Bmis, )
Oats harvest U about oyer.
Many farmers aro plowing.
Mr. It. C. Wclllver of Bloomshurg, was
at homo on Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob DlciTcnbach of
llloomsburg, wero In town last Wednesday.
Mr. John A. Funston was out to his farm
last Thursday.
Dr. Esslck of Picture Rocks, was tho
guest of Dr. Swisher ono evening last
Mr. Daniel Carr, who went West In the
Spring, died tlicro last week and was
brought home for burial,
A number of our peoplu attended the
festival at Eycr's Grove last Saturday even
ing. All came home and reported having
had a nice time.
Mr. McCormick of Milton, was In town
last week with a number of Cincinnati bug
gies. Tho Republican delegate election passed
off quietly. Any attempt to get up n little
excitement proved unsuccessful. Thero
was n little right made for Commissioner,
but the fighters wero few and tho fight
short and of littlo interest. Mcndcnliall
seemed to bo the choice.
Quit a commotion last Sunday evening
carriages rattled, the dust ascended in
dense clouds, nnd tho pcoplo wero to bo
seen hastening toward tho upper end of
town. It wasn't an carthquako shock but
a slight agitation in tho tcmpcranco cause.
Quito a number of our people assembled at
the Methodist church to hear Mrs. Brewer,
the female prohibitionist, of Kansas, who
is now traveling and laboring In this part
of tho State. The lecture was preceded by
music by the Jcrseytown choir, nud pray
er by Mr. II. H. Stout. Tho lecturer be
gan at eight o'clock by reading a chapter
from the Bible. For about nn hour the
pcoplo wero treated to a history of blood
and money a few words not In any way
complimentary to Blaine and Logau, and
many words in praise of 8t. John. The
lecturer says Blaine Is a had man, and that
Logan Is no better that wee pine polo
might as well be taken down now. It was
said that the Republicans go in for high
license nnd plenty of it, and that the Dem
ocrats want free whiskoy and plenty of It.
Perhaps that statement secured a number
of votes for Cleveland. Onco during the
l'jcture there was a little applause and a
loud hisB.
After the lecture was over two young
ladles showed a dcslro to enjoy the prlvi
leges oi Leap Year j when a buggy was
driven up nnd the gentleman alighted, ev
idently that buggy had been looked for
the ladles thought they would get In and
bo taken home, and that It would bo all
right; but, alas, disappointment never
comes single. They wero both left. The
young gallant had a fair one of his own,
and after considerable delay was aliowed
to give her a scat In his buggy, when he
drove away, leaving the other two stand
ing by tho wayside. Too bad ! but don't
be discouraged try again. It's about four
months till the first of January, and much
can be done In that time if u person goes
to work in earnest. L. Y.
Miss Bertha Hurler Is visiting this week
in Espy.
Miss Jennie Hughes ot Sham ok In is vis
ing friends in this placo.
Mr. A. V. Bower reached Berwick Mon
day evening from his European tour look.
Ing remarkably well.
Mrs. F. L. Distlchurst who has been rus
ticatlng at Coningham quito awhile return
ed homo Monday.
Mr. T. W. Sherwood visited at Hazlcton
the latter part of last week.
Jas. Thomas, Esq.. who is working near
Nuntlcoke spent Sunday with his fain
An addition to Curt Furmau's family
maue its appearance amuluy about oim
o'clock In the shape ot a littlo baby girl.
C. D. Fowler whllo helping to get his
safe out the cellar from tho ruins, cut his
hand severely with a splko which makes
that member almost useless for a while.
Every body is smiling. Jackson & Wood'
In having closed a contract of two bund
red D. L. & W. Hopper.bottom cars which
they will start on tli first of next month.
Prospects of fiirthcr orders aro very favor
able. The Y. M. C. A. aro holding mecetlngs
for tho youug men every Sunday afternoon
which aro largely attended and conducted
by earnest workers.
Another baloou was observed ascending
from tho Berwick Houso Saturday evening,
and caused quite a number to strain their
eyes in watching its gradual disappearance
Into space.
Tho Puddiers (some not beitm less than
fifty years old) and Finishers had a gam
of ball Friday which ended by u scoro of
23 to 14 tn favor of tho former. Tho Fin-
lebcrs not being satisfied It was contluued
tho next morning resulting In the defeat ot
tho Puddiers by 30 to 23. No ono can
Imagine what lots ot fun was enjoyed, but
those who weru spectators, it being posi
tively tho most amusing gamo over played
on tho grounds.
Tho Y. M. R. C. had a meeting lu Jack-
sou & Woodlu'a littlo ofllco last Friday and
had quite an attendance. They will meet
again one week from to-day (Friday) and
fix for street parade.
A man from tho west with u large num
ber of horses, has been in town about n
week, and sold a dozen or so. They seem
very docile as long as one is bought and
taken from tho group they show their lire,
which causes great sport for the boys see
lug him display his skill in throwiug the
lasso to capture a run-away.
a noon dat ron behwick.
A diamond having been fixed up in tho
fair ground, and tho baso ball association
having accepted a challcngo from the
Plalnvlllcclub, they met on the new ground
last Saturday afternoon and played a tel.
erablo good gamo which resulted tn the
scoro given below,
Score by Innings.
Berwick, 8
Plulnsvillc. 3
0 3
1 2
x 13
0- 0
After thu gime a trotting match cama
oil which was rather exciting, and then a
running match betweeu the followiug i
Fred Hurst, Georgo Barley, Georgo Lin.
villu, and Jus. Price. Thoy weru all gt veil
a lead from ton to eighteen yards over
Hurst, but never the less he touched the
murk by a step ahead ot Barley who was
followed by Llnvllle and Price.
Tho Logan colliery was Idle on Monday
owing to a scarcity ot coal,
Dio Citizens' Band of town havo ills.
banded, caused by some dlssntlsfactlou
among Iho members. Wo nro very sorry
to hear tills as the band was a very good
one, nnd enlivened tho town occasionally,
Wo hnpo tho boys will reorgnnlo again
and havo things run smoothly,
Mr. Davis has been laid up the past
week with a very soro arm.
Theo. Haniion, son of J. P. Hnntion, Js
now a dispenser of drugs In Mllllngton'a
Friday last was n day ot much pleasure
and excitement to tho young folks In town.
About four car loads of people took In thu
excursion to Glen Onoko, nnd n large num.
her went to Mt. Carmcl to witness tho
game of ball between the Fhltadclphlans
and tho Reliance. Tho game was very in
teresting, and no doubt tlio homo club sur
prised the professionals with their line-
playing. The scoro stood eleven to four
In favor of Philadelphia.
A party of young men left town on Mon-
day for tho west. Tho point of destination
Is Loadvllle. Wo wish them success.
The operators In this section paid their
employees on Saturday, nnd wo had au un
usually largo crowd of drunken men on
our strecta. Several street lights wero In
dulged In nnd one of tho participants was
beaten so badly that his life was despaired
of. No arrests were made, as our police
men were all at home when slugging was
in order.
Mr. Thomas Mahcr and sister of Phila
delphia, aro spending a few weeks in town.
Will Ilnzo Is erecting n handsome resi
dence on Railroad street.
Charles Shaw lias been appointed coal
inspector by thu Lehigh Valley Coal Com
pauy, with ofllco at Ccntralla.
After enjoying thu sea breeze for several
weeks at Atlantic City, Dr. Gwluncr has
returned home, much improved in appear
ancc. Tho Polish Jews take this town by storm
after a pay-day. No matter what direction
you turn you cau seo one ot those pests
trying to dispose of his trash. As they In
jure tho business of our merchants consid
erably, wo would suggest that our borough
authorities impose a fine on them for sell
ing, ns they do in adjoining towns. This
Is tho only sure way to gut rid of them.
Tho nominations made at the Convention
last week seem to give general satisfaction
here, and tho nominees will no doubt rc
cclvo a very largo vote.
Rcpffbllcuii Convention.
The Republican County Convention Jwns
held In tlio Opera Houso Monday after
noon. Tho fifty-eight delegates wero pres
ent. Tho chairman, Isaiah Hagcnbucli,
being necessarily absent from the conven
tion, J. C. Brown called tho meeting to
order, and O. T. Wilson of Bloonisburg,
was chosen chairman, with R. S. Bowman
of Berwick, as secretary ; C. 8. W. Fox of
Numidia, and N. II. W. Brown of Mifllin,
were chosen ns tellers. Tho only real con
test was for that of County Commissioner,
for which the Republicans had voted In
structions on Saturday last. Ell Mendcu
hall had so far beaten Joshua Fctterman
that the delegates considered it unneces
sary to report tiic result of last Saturday's
vote, and moved to nominate Mr. Mcndeu
liull by acclamation. There was some ob
jeetion to this motion, and a new one
made, but not seconded, that tho list of
delogatcs be called. At this point Mr. C.
II. Zehndcr of Berwick, stated that ho was
authorized to withdraw the name of Joshua
Fctterman. A motion was then made to
nominate Ell Mendenhall by acclamation,
nud was unanimously agreed to. L. D.
Kaso of llloomsburg, was nominated for
Register and Recorder by acclamation
Rev. D. M. Kintcr of Fishingcreek, Rich-
ard Stiles, W. O. Holmes of Bloonisburg,
linn Chandleo Eves of Greenwood, were
placed in nomination for Protlionotary.
Tho roll of delegates was called and gave
Klnter 20, Stiles 10, Holmes 5, and Eves 5.
Tho tellers could not agree on the result of
tho vote nnd the chair ordered another vote
to bo taken, which resulted ns follows :
Klnter 27, Stiles 21, Holmes 0, Eves 4.
Upon motion the names ot Holmes and
Eves were both dropped, and a vote taken
upon tlio remaining two candidates giving
Klnter 20 nnd Stiles ISO. The tellers again
could not agree upon the result, and the
chair ordered another vote. Mr. J. C.
Brown then assistod the tellers, and the
fourth ballot gave each 29. Upon the fifth
ballot Mr. Stiles received 30 votes and was
declared the nominco of tho convention.
L. F. Bower of Berwick, J. B. Yetter of
Catawissa and C. C. Evans were plnred in
nomination for County Auditor. L. F,
Bower received fl, C. C. Evans 11 and J,
B. Yetter 41 votes. Upon motion tho nom
nation of Yetter was made unanimous.
Tho question was raised as to whether
nominations should bo made for Represen
tative, and it wns suggested that they
would namo a full ticket or none. Chan-
dloe W. Eves of Greenwood aud Samuel
Camp of Locust received the nomination
by acclamation for Representative. Au
drew Fowler Brlarcrcek, was named for
Treasurer. W. E. Smith of Berwick, and
E, B. Gulo of Catawissa, were appointed
conferees to placo In nomination a candi
date for Congress.
A better.
Messus Editoks:
Dark as has been the cloud, and terrible
as has been the thunder, it Is now hoped
that tho sun will shlno brighter than it ever
before shone.
Some reasons may bu given for this hop.
lug i First, after the bullion has been tried
In tho fiery furnaco and the dross and all
other foreign matter set apart, wo then
havo a purer quality than before the com
menccmcnt of tho process. Secondly, tho
dross and forclgu matter arc, or should be,
cast aside as nothingness.
A few weeks ago no person could have
made mu believe that there existed In thu
Democratic party ot Columbia county so
much corruption nnd rottenness as has
been shown for the few weeks last past.
say corruption and rottenness, because, if
nil this scandal (money reports and wills
key reports) which has been Hying through
our country nnd other places is 'uutruo nnd
unfounded, thu contradictory oaths which
have been published In your columns, nro
too abomlnuble to bo predicted to persons
belonging to tho Democrntlo party.
it seems to uu iiuman wneu man cures
for himself and fellow roan, but not when
ho cares all for himself and nothing for
bis neighbor. Tho latter must havo been
mo pnncipio upon winch those who aro
guilty must havo acted. They must have
cared till for self nud nothing for their
neighbor, their character or their party.
Sucli persons cannot bo styled men. They
aro mere animals walking un two legs and
wagging their jaws to inako noise. While
to tho former class belongs those who aro
innocent, nnd may a cleuu conscience bo
healing salvo to tho Infamous reports which
have been brought to bear upon them.
Moreover, should ull thtse reports ho un
truu and unfounded, thero nic some who
are not men, some who are not loyal citi
zens of theso United States because the
antagonistic oaths which havo been print
cd lu your columns, show that thero aro
persons who mUJt havo swoiu falsely, and
thus disregarded tho most sacred bindings
which an American citizen could tako.
Who Ih In fault Is not knuwn. One oath is
generally of ns much value as another, and
man Is presumed Innocent until adjudged
nnd found guilty so says tho law but
tho presumption may bo overthrown,
It Is singular what n dlsngrceablo odor a
few men can create. All this tends to
show that somewhere and by some means
Casslus must havo tried to entrap a llru.
tls and thereby kill a C:esar, or that Cresar
was dangerously corrupt himself. For 111-
feelings and a constant fear that the oppo
nent should gain some advantage, seemed
to pervade tho Into party spirit at many,
nud probably nil, the places of balloting.
riio divisions weru determined that their
man should win not looking to the fllncsi
of tho person whom they wished to placo
In nomination.
Mark you, the record of' this campaign
cannot bo forgotten for many years j ami
It now seems hut Just and right to sepa
rate tho dross and foreign matter from the
purer metal. To do so, tho bullion must
necessarily first be ca9t Into the furnncc.
and nftcr being properly heated alt that
vile, worthless portion can bu cast aside as
nothingness. For many years tho constant
thunder of Republicanism has awed us,
and such blackened clouds as tho Electoral
Commission havo overshadowed us. But,
it wo cleanse ourselves from all those im
purities beforo November election, the sun
ill shine brighter than It ever shone in
our giving a solid, clean vote to Orover
Cleveland. Litti.k Jay.
uiTOits Columbian i
The smoko of battle having cleared
away I thought I would pen a few lines
for publication in your paper, llio con
test that wo have passed through In this
county has been the most bitter and cruel
that 1 can remember. The defeated par
ty's friends aro violent lu this section. Tho
lieutenants of the Buss feel sore. They
even refuse to go to the store whero tho
stars and stripes aro Moating to tho breeze,
fearing It Is a Snyder Hag. bhame on a
man, or set of men, that has no moro rev
erence for the national ensign, ueuue-
mcn, If there Is ono thing In this country
that I lovo abovo another (my wife ex
cepted) It is tlio stars and stripes. Many
timo have I born it aloft over the hills of
this county to political meetings, and sang
Its praises. Many n timo our party has
sufTvrcd defeat. Did I think less of tho
Star Spangled Banner ? Never, no never.
But with the enthusiasm of a patriot with
renewed courage, with faith in tho princi
ples that I advocated I havo waved it
timo nnd ngaln. When I, gentlemen, re
fuse to walk under the National color, It
will bo when I am too old or crippled to,
walk. This boon then I ask of my friends
that they carry me to a point whero I can
gnzo with admiration upon the proud em
blem ot the "Land ot tho Free and the
Homo of tho Brave." 1 understand there
is n portion of the Ring men that aro rebel
ling against part of the nomination going
bolt the ticket as far as Mr. Snyder Is
concerned. Now let me say to those gen
tlemen, "go slow I" Remember tho old
adage, that "they whom the Gods wish to
destroy, they first make mad." Mr. Sny
der was honestly and fairly nominated. Is
It posslblo that Is the reason they want to
go against the ticket V I nlmost bellcvo It.
The way some people act it looks as If lion-
sty, purity and virtue wero at a discount,
while fraud, dishonesty nud corruption
wero at par. Things have got dreadfully
mixed. Let me say u few words to the
Democratic voters of Columbia county :
Stick to the ticket as nominated j vote for
Snyder, and for the whole County nnd
National tickets, and an overwhelming
Democratic victory In November, I bclicvt
will be ours. Hickory.
Mr. Btroup'H Will.
Tho will of the late David Stroup has
been placed on record. It bears date of
September 20th, 1878, and witnessed by
N. J. Hendershott, 0. R. Buckalow aud N.
Funk. Ills wlte, Esther Ann, is made
executrix, to whom he bequeaths all the
income of his property during her life.
After her denth II. II. Grotz and C. A.
Klclm arc to he made executors, at which
timo some $1300 will fall to a few of his
relatives, each receiving several hundred
dollars. Ho gives "to the Roscmout Ccm
ctery Company $200 in trust, for keeping
his lot in order." "To tho Town ot
llloomsburg in which I have long resided
and where my property has been acquired
the sum of two thousand dollars, the same
to be Invested and kept at Interest securely,
the annual interest therefrom to he applied
to the furnishing of necessaries to destitute
persons, citizens -of said town, who shall
require charitable relief and particularly
and first to the furnishing of fuel and light
tn such destitute widows nnd infirm per
sons of said town nnd the procuring and
distributing of such supplies shall be un
dcr the authority of the Council of said
towu and Accounts thereof shall he settled
nuuually." "To the Town of Bloomshurg
to assist in supplying the same with water,
the sum of two thousand dollars, the samu
to be either invested and kept at interest
and tho interest thereof applied to that ob
ject, or to bu expended (with any accrued
Interest; upon water works erected or
maintained by tho towu or to bu invested
tn stock or bonds of any wutcr compnny
organized to supply the town with water
after tho erection of such woiks by such
company upon such terms ns the Town
Council in their discretion may prescribe."
"To tho Lutheran Orphans Homo nt Loys-
ville, I'a., two thousand dollars, the sumo
to ho invested und kept at Interest securely
under tho direction of tho CouitofCom
mon Pleas ot the County in which thu
same is situated and the Interest therefrom
to bo applied to thu support ot said Instt
tutlon." "To the Lutheran Thcologlcnl
Missionary Institute at Sellnsgrovo, Sny
der county, the sum of tlirco thousand dol
lars, tho interest thereof to bo applied to
tho educntion of poor young men for thu
ministry of suid Institution." "To the Lu
theran Thcologleul Seminary at Gettys
burg, Adams county, all tho rest real
duu und remainder of the estate, what.
ever tho sumo may be, to bo Invested, and
kept at interest securely under the discre
tion of the Court ot Common Pleas of
Adums county und tho yearly interest to
bo applied to the proper purposes of thu
Tho estate may reueh teventy thousand
From tho Northumberland ZV6(ic lm
wo learn that qui to a number of hogs havo
died lu that vicinity from some unknown
A neat present given away with every
purchase mado at thu Popular Clothing
Store of David Lowenbcrg.
And now the full goods aro being open
ed nt I. W. Uartmuu & Son's.
0000 1-0 spring chickens"
8888 1-8 old hens,
7777 1.7 pigeons,
UOKO 1.0 ducks,
G5,V1 1JJ geese.
41111 good calves,
33311 J largo shouts,
2233) lbs. pitted cherries,
1111 lbs. dried raspberries.
All the abovo wanted nt Light Street, by
July 25.3m SILAS YOUNG.
W. Hnrtmaii iV:
"The npimrel oft nrocluliu's the num."
A well dressed gentleman Is tho ndmlrii
Hon of nil, nnd tho plnco to get your
iii-.i.iadm; STORK tf David Lowenbcrg,
A few pieces yet of 121c. (Iron coods'ru-
(luecd form 20 to 25c, nt I. W. Hurtmau &
"When found make n note of."
The tilacQ to no for vnnr anrlmr clallilnc.
n stylish hat, or a fino neck scarf, or tho
latest style in furnishing goods is at David
I. W. llarlinim &Son havo muslins tic.
7c8o., l)o l(c He, 121c. to 35c.
LUMIIKR. PfuliW mill In Inmhrr vnrd
I havo all klndi of worked lumber white
pine, yellow plno und hemlock Mooring j
whlto plno nnd hemlock German Hldlnc.
surface hoards, surface stdlug, wnlusrot
ing, moulding. All kinds of lumber In
rough, at Llghtstrcet, by
uug 22-3iii Silas Yorxu.
A very lame lino of straw huts now on
view, NOBBY", NUAT and NEW, Just nr.
rlycd nt David Lowenberg's.
Tho finest hlnck cashmere in tlio miirkci
for 48c. at I. W. Hartmun & Son.
Gentlemen who want it
spring suit put
up in CIT1 STIJjK should call at tin
Bloonisburg, David Lowenbcrg who cm
LUMIIRUl M'MllEIt!! foil SAI.K CI1KA1'.
Hemlock boauls. ulauk 2bv4. iolce.
bill etuir, 10. 12, 14. 1U, 18 nnd 20 feet lone
worked lumber, flooring, German and bov-
i siulnc surrncu oonrds ntul sldlnc. sawed
shingles No 1, 2 nnd 3, chestnut, hemlock
nnd pine, shingle and celling lath.
1 have maiiu arrangements with a couple
of steam saw mills It there is any thing
that I havo'nt got I can get It at short no
tlco nt Light Street by
July 25-3 m SILAS YOUNG.
New goods at J. B. Skcei's.
reo with each bottle of Shlloh's Catarrh
Remedy. Price CO cents. Sold by Moyer
That for lameness, for rheumatism, for
aches, for pains, and for sprains Dr. Thom
as' Eelcctrio Oil is a positive and reliable
remedy. Dr. I nonius' r-clcctric (ill can be
purchased of any druggist.
Sec a woman ill another column, near
Specr's Vineyards, picking grapes from
that Is so highly esteemed by tho medical
profession, for the use of invalids, weakly
persons nnu mo ngcu.
Sold by C. A. Klclm, llloomsburg.
sept y-i-iy
iWDccorutlve Art. Explicit directions
for every uso nro given with tho Diamond
Dyes. For dying Mosses, Grasses, Eggs,
Ivory Hair, &c. lc. Druggists keer
them, wells, idciiuruson a Co., mining
ton, Vt.
ciioui', wnooma couuit
nnd Bronchitis immediately relieved by
tthiloli's cure. 1 or snlo nv Aloycr uros.
of Bourbon, Intl., says i "Both myself und
wlfo owe our lives to Shlloh's Consumption
Uure." bold by Moyer Uros.
Tho olllco held by tho kldueys Is one of
importance, inev ucl us natures sluice
way to carry oil thu extra liuuids from thu
system and with them the impuiltles botli
tlioso tnat nre tulcen Into the stomach nnu
those that tiro formed In the blood. Any
closcinc or inaction of these orcuus is
therefore important., ludncv-Wort is
Natures etllcicnt assistant in keeping tho
kidneys in good working order, strcngth
enintr them and Inducing healthy action.
If you would get well and keep well, take
A Dure, clenr skin will muko any face
handsome. Manifestly anvlliinc which
strengthens and enriches thu blood will di
rectly ullect iho whole person. All erup
tions of the skin disappear when Burdock
Blood Blttcr3 aro employed. They are a
vegetable remedy of inestimable value.
Miserable by indigestion, constipation, diz
ziness, loss oi uunoiue. yciiow skhi t nni-
loh's Vitalize!- is a positive cure. Sold by
Jloyer Hros.
It is a well known fact that wines above
all other liquors nro grossly ndulteraled,
but when n pure uitlcle is placed on thu
market und pcoplo huve confidence in It,
thoy all with ono voice recommend it. Tho
rort lirupc wine lrom the vineyuids of
Altred bpeer, oi I'ussnlc, . J., has re
ceived tlio unqualified endorsement of tho
medical luciutv una oi thousands ot inva
lids who have been won back to health by
their use. t or sale ny druggists.
made miserable by that terrible couch.
Shlloh's Cure Is thu remedy for you. For
sale by Moyer Bros.
Of Monterey, Mich., delivers himseif In this
wise: "For colds, burns, soro throat, uud
rheumatism, Thomas' Eclectric Oil cannot
bu beaten. 1 say keep it up to the stand
ard, and it will satisfy tlio people. I shall
send for u new supply soon."
can bu so quickly cured by Shlloh's Ouru.
Wo guarantee it. For side by Moyer
I have used I'helps' Uhcumutlc Elixir uu
some of tho hardest cases in town. It
works HUo a charm. Respectfully youis,
I). 11. UAXTKIt, Druggist.
Coriiimr. N. V.. Jan. 11th. '83.
For sulo nt llcndershott's Pharmacy
nioomsuurg 1-11,
L.011RI1 when siiuoirs t.uro will ulvu vou
Immediate relief. Pricw 10 cents, 50 cents
ami 1. sold by Moyer Uros.
I have used I'helps' Rheumatic Elixir on
some ot the Hardest cases lu town. It works
iikc a ciiarm, Kcspectlully yours,
I). II. UAXTEH, Druggist.
Corning, N. V., Jan. 11, 1883.
OonsiNO, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1883,
1 Z J .;Ai,i, ,i l vJi.i ,T; In ... ,1.
1 was troubled with bciatio Hlieumutlsin
1..I... II m.,.l..a 1ll,nP...nl0 t.. L-lu
for nearly six months lu both hips, nnd
after Irvine all available cures uud medi
cines without success, I at last was recom-
mended your Klicumntic Kllxlr, nnd after
using live und one-hulf bottles lain pleased
to Btutu Hint 1 urn entirely cured. 1 beforo
couiu nanny drug my leel utter me, now
am nine to won; unit lilt as good as ever,
ami nave no lear oi ucing nttucKeii again,
i on may piiniisii tins u you wish.
l ours truly,
James Hkkiin's,
Fur sulu ut IlenJersholt's Phurmacy
lunnmsnurg ra.
hllllAIU'b (MTAUltll KUMEUV,
A positive euro for catarrh, diphtheria und
cuiiKer mount, eoui ny Moyer won.
Mr. John II. Phelps, DearSir In rcgiiul
to your Itheumatlc Elixir, I would say
that I was lu a feiiiful condition before I
commenced to take It. It has really umdu
n new inun.oi me, i can ciieeiluuy recom
mend It to all those sulTcrlm: with that li-r.
rlblo disease- rheumatism, I remain yours
respectfully, Fkaicis II. Eakl.
Bpring street, Newton, N. J,, Nov, 15, '81,
For sulo ut llcndershott's Pharmacy,
uiuuiuauui I u,
On 'Ihursduy, August 14th, 1884, by the
Hov, Louis .aimer, ut the Rectory of the
Episcopal Chinch, Mr. J. S. Heller nnd
Miss H. 11. MoIIonry nil of Millvlllc, Col.
uinliln, county, IVnnn,
KKOSY UKOWN. - At the Luthotun
pursouagu in Uerwlok, August 10th, 1884,
by Uev. J. P. German, Mr, Daniel II,
Kroky uud Miss Elizabeth E. lliown," both
13 kinds of tlnnnel nt I.
Son's 8c, to B8c.
of Wupwalioptn.
"Rough on Coins," for corns, bullions,
Thlu people "Wells' Health t(eiiecr"
restoies health nnd vigor, run-s dyspepsia,
on Toothache,1' Instant relief.
Ladles who would retain
vlvnclty don't full to try '
freshness and
Wells' Health
"Buchii.palbn," gieulklilnuy and miliary
Flics, roaches, mils. lied. Inn's, ruts. mice.
cleared out by "Rouch on Ruts." 15c
"Rough on Coughs," troches, 15c liquid,
For children. lmv In ilrvt'lnnmnnt. tin n v
and delicate, use "Wells' Health Renewcr."
"Itolltrll nil Dentist" Irmll, iinwilnr.
IU 15c
Nervous weakness, dvpepslu, sexual
luhllll V cured bv "Wells' f Iimllli ltimwtr."
'Mother Hiv,ilifri Wnrm Kvriin for fnvi.r-
Ishncss, worms, constipation s tnsteless.
Stliiulnc. Irritation, nil Kldnev nnd Url-
Itnrv COIlltlinlnt rureil litf Mtiielin.niillm."
Nlulit sweats, fever, chll
Is, malaria, dys
Health Renew.
pepsin, cured by "Wells'
"Mv husband (write u
lady) Is threw
'Wells' Health
times tho man since using
If you are fulling, broken, worn out nnd
tvous, use "Wells' Health Renewcr."
Prevalence of Kidney complaint hi Atucr-
ica : "Buchu-pulba'
is a quick, complete
cure. Sl.
Junu lCly cow
Wheat per bushel ij 00
uyo .0
Com " " (15
Oats " " 48
Flour her barrel 0 00
Clovcrsced 8 0i
I allow
Potatoes new
Dried Apples
Sides and shoulders
Lard per pound
nay per ton 13 uu
Beeswax 25
Buckwheat Hour per hundred 3 00
Hides per lh 5 to 7
Veal skins per lb 08
Sheen nclts. each 71
Wool per lb fh
Philadelphia Markets.
FEED- Western winter bran, spot, gl6.37tf.
MACKKUEL. Extra mess 33c. lnvo I'h. 28 (A 50c.
extra shore i'a 85 swc.
I'LOUlt. Vestern extra's 3.00 fl 2.M: I'pnn'a.
family. 4.25 4 4.50 Ohio clear. 4.V5a5.:iO: wlntr
patent 5.50 0.25.
n iiKA-i j-cnnsvivama rca, new, uj
COKN. Mixed lots. 01 (ft 01W.
OATH. Mo. 3 whlto (St 41 No. 2,
HAY AND STHAW Tltmitliv j'hnlra U-psli-
and New York, f io. fair to good Western mi
New York, 11. (ij is.: medium Western and New
iorK, iu. ( is. ; cut uny ns to quniltj HI. (4 18.00.
Hyo t,traw new. 15.00 W heat straw. . a 10.
straw v 10.
uui.-unio, rennsyivania ana west Virginia,
l'leeco Washed, XX nnd above. 31 (4 31c : Xims
a.'c ; common srj (4 e ic. Texas, Spring clip One so &
mraiuui su w -J4 coarse, 10 (4 1 7.
K0U3. rilius.vlvaiiia extra. 21 a. 2- wnstcrn
1? 18.
liui'iJSK. I'ennsiivatila extra. 21 2i Western
extra 81 25.
L1VK I'OULTItY. 'mi, lStf Q lTmlxeJ lota
15X 18 roosters old tl (4 ltlu ; spring chickens w
to hlzo und quality 1V1H.
imuvM-.i, 1UUL.11H. uiucnens extra 1,
1 : spring chickens as to weight and quality
ror.YTOES. lVrlm?licl75(.!)0: ncr barrel 1.1
e 2.00.
ONIONS. Maryland per barrel 3.00 a 3.25; Nor
V.U1U1111U U
UAHBAOK. New, per barrel 15c a 1.00.
tomatoes. 1-er crate 40 a 50c
I'l'I.hs. Yellow harvest 1.00 a 1.50 per barrel.
EYOIIES. 1.511 a 3.00 per bushel.
Notice Is hereby silien tliattlin fol'owlnsr nc.
count has been rtled In the court of Common I'leas
ot Columbia County, and will be presented to tho
sum louit, on me tourui .iioniuy or heptemuer A.
1). 181, und confirmed after the fourth day ot said
term unless exception be Ulcd within tliat time.
Thenrst and nnal account or Clinton Ellts com.
mlttee o( Huruh .Miller n lunatic.
WM, KltlCKllAl'M, lTuthy.
V. U. HAKTMAN, Deputy.
Jilooinsliiii-g Pa., Aug., SOth 1KSI. Aug 28-4w
twp. col. co. ntL'EJsmi.
Letters Ustuinpntarv on tho estate of Clinton
Mellck. doeeaKed, lute of Jit. Pleasant township,
Columbia county l'eiina., deceased have been
granted by tho ltcglster of said county 10 tho un
dersigned executrix. All norsom havluir claims
against the estate of said decedent aro requested
to present them for settlement and thnso fiulcbt-
cu 10 1110 csiaioro make payment loine miner.
blgned without delay,
11111V t ft, I.., in,.'
.Ug. IM.ll 1S81
Aug 82-CW
...... .... . Li,.. V, Jh,
f&esil Instates
Uy virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Columbia county, tho underslgued Administra
tors of tho estate of Isaac Lcldy, deceased, will
sell at public sale on tho preinhfs, on
Saturdtty, Sept. 20th, 188-1.
at 1 o'clock p. m, the following described real es
tate, to-wlt j All that certain tract of land sit.
uate iu Hemlock township, Col. co,, I'a., bounded
and described ns follows, to-wlt : On tho bouth by
lands of 1). II. Wagner, on tho cast by lands of
Evan Thomas, on the north by lands ot Thomas
lllckey and Miles Obi, ami on the west by lands
of Thomas lllckey aud Itrobst, contain
111 Acres and 84 Perches,
whereon aro erected a two.story
bank barn, straw shedj, wagon sheds, corn cribs,
and all necessary outbuildings. There Is a good
M,rtnS 01 novcr-falllng water at tho door. A good
anmnnn.i,nr,i. iv..., hr,i.-w .......
appto orchard, loaches, cheriles, plumbs, and a
variety of other fruits. Heed at tho expenso ot
tlio purchaser. All grain In the ground and ci.
sonal property on tho premises reserved. Posses
sion given April 1, mv
TERMS OY SALE. Ten tier cent, ot ouo-fourth
of tho purchasn money bliall bo paid at tho ttrlk.
lug down of t ho projiorty, one-toiirth Inu tho ten
per cent, at tho continuation ot salo und the re.
naming three-fourths in one year theraftcr with
Interest from enilrinatlon nisi.
WM. P. I.K1DY,
11 11. LKUIY',
Y'jiidcrsllcc, Atl'y.
Opens September 8, Closes September 20,
On tho new, convenient and permanent grounds,
llltOAIOT, AM) l,i:ul(il AVI'.
$41,000 In IVoiniums for
Munufnctuioif, Machinery, Iuii'lments, Produce,
"Rough on Ruth" cleats nut Rail,
l.lvo Slock, etc,
l'liiinsylvmiiiiSuto Agiioulttirul Soc.U'ty
wltli thu co operation of the
In a grand display of trulls and llowein.
Producing, Spinning and Reeling Silk.
Philadelphia Kennel Club,
bench show ut pogs,
Iucubatora and Douieitio Fowls,- -
Premium I Ms on application to
JAMES M1I.K.S, President,
J). V. seller, Elbrldge- McConkey, Secreturles,
N. W. Cor. 10th and Chestnut sis.