r THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. G. E. Elwell, 1 pji.,,, J. K.BlUonbonaor.,f E4lt0", liLOOMSBURG, PA. FltlDAY, AUGUST 22, 1881. DEMOORATIO lTIONA TI0KET7 I'OIl PRESIDENT, STEPHEN QRQVER CLEVELAND, 01' NEW YOItK. FOIl VICE VIIESI11ENT, THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, OF 1NIUANA. DEMOOBATIO STATE TICKET. ELECTOllS-AT-I.AIlflK, HtCIIAlU) VaUJT, B. .1. AtcOtlANK, II, 1J. Pl.l'MKtt. DM. I, John Slovtn. i. .1. 1". J. Sonsendcrfcr. a. John W. Loo. 4. II. J. Iloran. s. It 1. Wright, . J. II. llrtnton. 7. Wm. staulor. 8. 0. F. lleutxchlcr. . II. M. North. 10. II. (I. St lies. II. A. O. llroadhaad. 11. F. V. liocknfellow. It. lllchard ltahn. It. tleorgo 11. Irwin. EI.FXTOKS, DlsL l.v (icorgo a rurdy. 16. r. ii. Acwor. 17. .lolin r. i-cvnn. 18. Ezra lx Parker. 10. K. W. Mumtna. 90. A. II. DHL si. r. r. James. S3. J. K. P. Dull. 23. John Swan. Si. A. lk Wlnternltz. s John 11. llllk siv. Win. A. Fomucr. sr. A. J. areentlold. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TIOKET. CONOltESSMAN-AT-I.AltUE, W. W. II. DAVIS. l'OK CONORES3. I)l. 0. A. MEGAKGELL, OF 0UAN(1EVII.1.K. KOK ItEl'KESENTATlVE. A. L. F1UTZ, or lti.ooMsuuito. WILLIAM BUYSON, - OK CENTRA I.IA. ' ' FOU rUOTIINOTAKV. W. II. SNYDEH, OFOltANOF. FOR RE01STEU k RECORDKIS. , ' . G. W. STERNER, OF KLOOMahUltn. : FOR COUNTY TREASURER. ' P. A. EVANS, OF MONTOUR TOWNSHIP. FOR COUNT COMMISSIONER. WASHINGTON PARR, OF FRANKLIN. STEPHEN POHE OF CENTRE TOWNSHIP. FOR COUNTY AUDITORS, ELI BOBBINS, OF FI81I1NOCREEK. ' E. M. TEWKSBURY, OF CATAW1SSA. STANDING COMMITTEE. The Chairman ot the Democratic Count? Com. mltteo. rcaueats each member ot tho stnndlnir committee to mako on appointment ot a Vigilance Committee for his election district, borouclior township consisting ot at least two members, In addition to the member ot the standlnc commit tee, and In tho larger dUtrl:ts three or tour, as may do necessary, anu inw memuers oi me stana ins Commlttco will promptly within notmoro man one weeK sonu me name wnno cnairman. OE0. E. ELWILL, DAVID L0WENI1ERO, Secretary. Heaver Herwlck E. Berwick W. lienton Wooin E. liloom W. Brlarcrcek Catawlssa Centralta centre J. Itlttcnhousc, Isaiah HowtT, . A. Carey, u. W. Illrleman David Lowenberg, ceo. K. HlwelL ii. u iiouskuecm, w mow springs. Chairman. Post Office. lleaver Vallloy. Berwick. Herwlck. lienton. inoomsburg. W. T. creasy Catawlssa. D. F. Curry centralis, Kamuel Illdlav Llcht street. ConynghnmS. John Monroe, Ashland. FisningCTeeK L.M. creveiing, vancami Franklin Daniel Loreman. 1'ennsv Greenwood I. D. Patton, flroenwood. Hemlock James Harris, Huck Horn; Jackson K W. Mcllcnry, Waller's. Locust J. Snyder, Itoarlngcrcck. Sladlson Miles Smith Jorsoytown. Main J. W. Kelcbner, Mafnvlllo. Mifflin 1). II. Montgomery Miminvlllo. Montour o. A. Htonge Urovanla. in. 1'ieasani jocoo uuoert canDy, orango c. W, Ammerman Orangevlllo. lino o. II. oordner line Summit. lioartnecreek James Knlttle. Mill Orove. West Scott 0. P. Ilelgnnrd. Llirht Street. East Scott .1). Oelslnger Espy. Sugorloaf W. II. Peterman, Colo's Creek. Gov. Cleveland's Letter. Honest Government for tlio l'conlc. Tlio following was received Tuesday by Colonel ljimont, neerolnry to Uomnor Clovelanil, who is at Upicr Hurnn.w Lake, with Instructions lo nuko II publio on Hi receipt I Albany, N. Y., Aug. 18, last. (Ihnti.iukk t I havo received your communica tion, dated July sm, mi, Informing mo of my nom (nation to tho bmco of President of tho United states by Uio National Dcmocratlo Convention lately assembled at Chlcigo, 1 accept tho r.omt. nation with a grateful appreciation ot tho su premo honor conferred and a solemn ncnso ot tho responsibility which in Its nccptanco I nssumo. i havo carefully considered tho platform ndoptcd by tho convention and cordially arprovo tho samo. Bo plain a Btalemcnt ot uomocraua iauu and tho principles upon which that party appeals to tho suffrages ot tlio people needs no supple ment or explanation. It should bo remembered mat tno onico oi res ident Is essentially oocutlvo In lla nature. Tho laws enacted by tlio legislative branch ot tho gov ernment tho Chief Executlvo Is bound faithfully to enforce, and when tho wisdom ot tlio political party which selects one ot its mcmuors as a nomi nee for that onlce has outlined Its policy nnd de clared Us principles, It seems to mo that nothing In tho character ot tlio onico or tno necessities oi thecaso requires moro from tho candldato accept ing such nomination than tho suggestion of cer tain well known truths, so absolutely ltal to tho safety and wolfaro of tho nation mat mey cauuui. bo too otlon recalled or too seriously enforced. wniXTllI I'EOrLK OOVKHM, We proudly call ours a government by tho peo ple. It is not such when a class w tolerated wuicn arrogates to Iteclf tho engagement ot public af faire, becking to control tho peoplo Instead ot rep resenting them, rartlcs are tho necossary out growth ot our tnstltullcn; but a government Is not by tho pooplo when ono party fastens lis con trol upon tho country and perpetuates power uy cajoling and betraying tho peopio insicau oi bit, lngthem. A government Is not by tho people when a result which would represent tho lutein, gent will of irco and thinking men is, or can bo, determined by tho shamcles3 corruption of their Buff rages. When an election to tho onico wiau oo mo selec tion by tho voters ot ono of their number to ns sumo for a tlmo nubile trust, Instead of his dedi cation to tho profession ot politics, when the hol ders of tho ballot, quickened by a sensoofduty, shall avonge truth betrayed and pledges broken, and when tho suffrago bhall bo altogether f rco and unconupted, tho fu'l realization ot a government by the peoplo will bo at hand. And ot tho means to this end not ono would. In my Judgment, bo moro etfectlvo than an amendment to tho consti tution disqualifying the President f rom re-clcc-tlon. When wo consider tho patronage ot thl3 great onice, tho allurement 8 ot power, tho tomp tatlonto retain publlo places ouco gained and' more than alL tho availability a party Unas in an incumbent whom a hordo ot omco-holders, with a zeal born of benenta received and fostered by tho horo of favors ret to come, Btand ready to aiu with money nnd trained political service, warcc ognlzolntho eligibility of tho President for re election a most serlom danger to that calm, dellb- erato andlntellleont DOlltlcal action which must characterize a government by tho peoplo. TUB INTERESTS OF I.ABOB. A true American sentiment recognizes tho d! nltv of labor, and tho fact that honor lies in hon est, contented labor Is an clement ot national Drosncrity. Ability to work constitutes tno capi tal and tho wage of labor tho Income ot a vast number ot our population, and this interest snouid bo Jealously protected. Our worklngmen are not asking unreasonable Indulgence ; but as intelli gent and manly citizens, they seek tho samo con sideration which thoso demand who havo other interests nt stake, mey should recelvo their full share of the care and attention ot thoso.-who mako and execute the laws, to the end that tho wants and needs ot the employers and employed Shan alike bo subserved.and tho prosperity ot the country, the common heritage of both bo advanc ed. As related to this Bubject, while we should not dlscourago tho Immigration of thoso who come to acknowledge nllcglanco to our govern. mentondnddto our citizen population, yet as a means of protection to our worklngmen a different rule should prevail concerning thoso who, It they come or are brought to our laud, do not Intend lo becomo American citizens, but will Injuriously competo with thoso Justly entitled to our Held ot labor. PROTECTION FOU LABOR. In a letter nccoptlng tho nomination to tlio onico ot Governor, nearly two years ago, I maao tno following statement, to which I havo steadily ad hered: "Tho laboring classes constltuto uio main part of our population, mey should be pro tected In their efforts peacably to assert their rights when endangered by aggregated capital, and all statutes on this subject should recognize the care ot tho Stato for honest toll and bo framed with a view ot Improving tho condition ot the worklngman. A proper regard for tho wolfaro ot tho worklngman being Inseparably connected with tho integrity of our institutions, uono of our citi zens are more Interested than they in guarding against any corrupting lnnueneos which seek to pervert the boneflcent purposes of our government, and nono should be more watchful of tho artful machtnatt'iuot thoso who allure them to selMn fllctod Injury." Mr. Elaine's Wnr Record Tho New Yoik A'tm Uius sneaks of Bliilnus war record : At tlio berriiiiiliiir of tlio war -Mr. Ulntiio was tliirty-oiie joais old. Ilo tiolongcd to nn iissoclrttlon in Augusta known ns tho Loynl Mutual AIIIhiic, wliiuli lind mined liy siiWiiplion n fund to iirooiiro substitute for such members ns inliilil bo drafted. Mr. Gen. MoCk'lhni una iinkt-d if hu thought that, on tho whole, thu elTeol of army life had been' dcniiJi aliziug to thosd who iartiei(iated In It, "Uj no moan," he replied, win inly. "Tlio jiolni isn't slisiieitibk' id noof or din proof, but I have no ninuiiiT of doubt ihat the ratio of drunkards mi ent er than ntiiotiu, other men, Theio weio thoimndi of tho volunteers whosu methods of life worn hopelessly unset UDlTOit'S H0T10H. Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, ESTATE Or l. WEIDMAN, I'ECKASKD. Tho umlei-Klitnnl auditor nppntnlrd by tho Court tomakodlstrltiuctondf tholulnncu In the Ii.iihH oftho pxecutorot s,ildrtato will meet nil par ties Inlf-rcstcd for tho purpOKO of his appointment on Mnmlnr. AntmstSMn. ihmi. nt III o'clock, n. in.. at Ms olllco In Danville, Pa., when and where all persons having claims are requested to present wuMii or lie ui'uarrvu fund. nug Ma from coin I ii ir In upon IIENIt VINUKNT said Ami 1 1 or. UIHTOH'S NOTR'K. ESTATE OF ANSA P, KVAM8, DECRASEP, ThO undersigned auditor appointed liythoor- ihans' court of Columbia county to mako dlstrt ml Ion of tha balance In tho hand-i ot Jno. W, Evans, administrator ot said estate, will sit at. tho onico of c. 11. Jackson attorney nt Herwlck, Po. on Saturday sept, 13th lfl at o'clock n. in., wlien nnd where all parlies Intrrcttnl lu Bald ostato must npiiear and present their claims and thoso Indebted tn tho samo to mako payment to tho un dersigned without delay. it. Ik LITTLE, Aug IS-t W Auditor. N' OTiOK OK- CHAUTKlk Al'l'LIOATION FOU Notlco Is hereby irUen tliat tho undersigned wilt apply to lion. William Elwell, President Judgn of the court ot Common Picas, tor a charU'r for ''Tho Bloluo and thu other subscribers after- tlo1, and who wouldn't or couldn't re ward obtained n vote of the city tum to any sort of usefulness. But I Government for tho repayment to them beliovo there wero ni.inv mom tlinu. of tho amounts, subscribed, mid this Uunds on whom thu uxncriutuo had n was done in thu shnpo of city bonds broadening, inspiiillii!, educating in bcaiing flvo per cent, interest, with iluence, and who, eousiquetl v. emerged twenty years to run. That is to say, fro. i,u War bolter oualllled than tho members of tho Allianco fornp d a thov would otherwise havo been lo ao- tiool for mutual protection against thu coiniilish sonicthlni! or other. I think draft, and tlieu got back tlio monoy 9 csiiceiiiliv true of (hoax- who had thus invested, dollar for dollar, ill city rank nbovo thu meru nrisate. thoutfli bonds. Ihoy lent to tho city money Jt niiaht bo only a seruoantov. The to nay for their substitutes. reeling of lendeiship respoiHibilitv ren- Wrto Hon. inu uraii caugni .nr. juaiue. in uereit tneni moro dlsiiosiu to no vnrur-. ethoiLst Etuseonai cnurcii ot uunert. l-ennsvivo- spito of the enlhusiasUu patriotism o.isly ahead in subseunent tnterp. . KMWit SrSg which m ho tells tlio soldiers, inliannxl N0, not it is a niistako to say that tho ot America, on Saturday, tno snrd day ot August, his young blood during tho days of War was in that way doinorali.iiigoii lStil aim nays so -uaiK aim u- t10 Wiiole. Loudon, with its population -1,000,- 000, lakes precedenco of all other great cities In its list of periodical publica tions, which number nearly 2,000. I licsu have an annual circmalion ot about 1,017,000,000 copies. Paris with a population less than 2,000,000 issues l,o.'i) periodicals, nnd liavu au annual circulation of 1,100,000,000 copies, so tliat in facl thu citizens ot 1 at is arc moro nnd week- ltpOlt Ot tllO City 01 l llm,..m,W ,.. tw.tr HntUli nnii.li. 1," bious" that ho cannot now recall them ''without a chill of horror ' tho pres sure of business engagements at the North mado it Inconvenient for him to go lo llio front. Ilo fell back easily upon tlio I.nyal .Mutual Alliance, inu nanio of his substitute was Bradford, if we remember correctly. Bradford be came Mr. Blattic's proxy iu tho strictly military branch of operations against the scccding fatates. '1 Hero is on pago liberally snnoliod with daily nn of tho linancinl rtpoit ot tlio city oi i nrn,.,,,,,,. .hn,, ilndr British .... 1UI!n ll..D llntn ' ' ... . . Aumista for tho year 1800 this item nmong tno conuugeui, uxjjuhsub ; 'James U. Ulalno for substitute. two.' Vllo paid for Mr. Blaine's substi tute t How much did ho coit Mr. Blaine, and how much did he cost tho taxpayers of Augusta X ho question as to tho exact amount of monoy in vested in this proxy wan lor is moro complicated than his military record, which was simple ami easily toiu. Bradford, like Blaine, never went lo tlio front. Ho was provided with a post in tlio Provost Marshal's office at Augusta, was soon dolected in Uio en terprise of forging draft exomption pa pers anil selling mem at, snou apiece, nhd was locked up in tho county jail. Mr. Blaine's substitute watched the gi- antic struggle from behind iron bars. Io never oven got so near tho scene of actual hostilities as Washington, a point to which Mr. Blaino's business frequently took him during tho dark and dubious days of 18G2. Blaine and the Irish- 1UUUT3 OP THE INDIVIDUAL. Robert Bonner purchased "Wm. II. Vanderbilt'8 fast trotter "Maud S." on Tuesday, for $40,000. Mr. Vander bilt was offered 100,000 for her a short timo ago, but refused it. Ho ac cepted Mr. Bonner's offer on condition that tho trotter be kept off the raco track. A British steamer sailed from Cal cutta, Juno -1th. On July 4th it nr nved at Table Bay and had eighteen fatal cases of cholera aboard. In all there wuro twonty-throo fatal cases. Tho last July 10. This vessel is ox pected to reach New York City either; Sunday or Monday. Considerable ex citement has been caused by the newB, notwithstanding thero is said to bo no fatal cases of cholera on thu vessel at presont. It has been repeatedly told that Eng land is favorablo to tho election of Grover Cleveland as President of tho United States. Tho following despatch from London , dated August 16th, ex plains itself : Tho Standard expresses surpriso that Mr. Cleveland should havo sent a letter to the tho Irish meeting at Boston on Wednesday night,and says, even if tho letter was inoffensivo in substance it is to bo presumed that it would not meet the approval of Englishmen. The Stand- ard adds further "iho power of tho Irish vote in America shows tho power it is likely to attain liore.' David Mouat who has recently been released from prison, after serving his term of two years for having stuffed tho ballot boxes in tho elections of Philadelphia has been appointed by Secretary Poller as deputy, shipping commissioner in Philadelphia. David Mouat pleaded guilty boforo Judge Diddlo on tho 15th of December, 1881, and was that day romauded to tho County Prisou. During tho December term of Court ho was brought up from prison and Juugo liidulo sentenced nun (Docember 21, 1881,) to two years m Moyauienslng Prison and to pay a fine of S1.000. Ho had Borved "tho grand old Republican party" in mauy capac ities, local uud national. Ho had bcou notorious for years as a manipulator of election returns. Ilo represented his ward in Select Council and was a dele gate to tho Chicago Convention of 1880 ono of tho famous "300."' His medal readied him in jail. Ho was convicted for entering tho polls of tho sixteenth division of tho Fifth ward and altering tho tally-sheet so in to re duce tho voto 6f Conway, tho opposing Couucilmanlo oandidato to Mounts friend Carpontor, from 78 votes to 88, It was an not of filial dovotion, but he has always boasted that "tko party would take oaro ' of him, . laafrco country tho curtailment ot the abso lute rights of tho Individual should only bo such as Is essential to tho pcaco and good order ot tho community, mo limit between tho proper sub Jects of governmental control and those which can bo more nttlngly left to the moral senso and self- imposed restraint ot tho citizen Bhould bo carelul- lykeptlnvlow, Thus laws unnecessarily Inter fering with the habits and customs of any of our peoplo which are not offensive to the moral senti ments of the civilized world and which are consist ent with good citizenship and the publlo welfare, are unwise and vexatious. Tho commerce ot a nation to a great extent de termines Its supremacy. Cheap and easy trans portation should thereby be liberally fostered. Within tho limits ot tho constitution tho General Government should bo lmprovo and protect Its natural waterways as will enablo the producers ot the country to reach a proatablo market. TUB CIVIL SERVICE. The peoplo pay Uio wages of tho public employ es and they are entitled to the fair and honcbt, work which tho money thus paid should' com mand. It Is tho duty ot thoso Intrusted with the management ot their affairs to sea that such pub lie servlco is forthcomlug. Tho selection and re tention of subordinates In government employ. ment should depend upon their ascertained at- nesa and tho value ot their work, and they Bhould be neither expected nor allowed to do questiona ble party bcmco. mo Interests of tho peoplo win bo better protected ; tho estimate of public labor and duty will be Immensely unproved ; publlo em ployment will bo open to all who can demonstrate their Otuess to enter It; the unseemly scramble for rlaco under tho government, with tho conse quent Importunity which embitters official Uio, win couse, nnu inu puuiic ucpanmems win nut uu filled with those who concelvo It to be their first duty to aid tho party to which they they owe their places Instead ot rendering patient and honest re turn to tho people. HONEST AUM INI8TRATION WANTED. I believe that tho public temper ts such that the voters of tho land aro prepared to support tho par ty which gives tho best promlsoot administering tlio government In tho honest, simple and plain manner which Is consistent wlUt Its character and purposes, mey havo learned that mystery and concealment In tho management ot their affairs cover tricks and betrayal. Tlio statesmanship they require consuls In honesty and frugality, a prompt rcsponso to tho needs ot tho peoplo as they arlso and tho vigilant protection ot all their varlfd Interests. It I should lio called to tlio Chief Magistracy of Iho nation by tho suffrages of my fellow-cltlzens, I will assumo tha dutlos ot that high office with a bolemn determination to dedicate every effort to tho country's good und with an humble reliance upon tlio favor and support ot tha Supremo llclng, who I bcllevo will always bless honest human en deavor In tho conscientious discharged public duty. Grover Clrvelasp. To Colonol William V. Vilas, chairman, and P. r. Ilestor and others, members of tho notification ooininltteo ot tho Pcinocratlo National Convention From tho New Yoik World. "I recall an incident of tlio York town celebration in 1881," said a well known citizen lo a Baltimore Day re porter, "of which I think those Irish born citizens who are inclined to en dorse Mr. Blaiuo because he is bound, as they say, to mako war upon Eng land shou d bo informed. By chance I was on the boat that took Mr. Blaine down tho Potomao to tho celebration Mr. John L. Thomas and a number of other Baltimorcans wero on board and we had a vory pleasant timo. Woll, tho dav of tho celebration wo wero ly ing off Yorktown and that difficulty occurred between tho 1' rench and uer- mans. Mr. Blaine, who was very affa ble on the trip, sometime in tho nltor noon walked ftp to Mr. Thomas, with whom he was well acquainted, holding a paper in his hand. "Thomas,' said he, 'I think wo ought to do something- lo show our respect and admiration for kncland. It is proper that we should do, and I havo written au order directing that the army and navy shall salute tho British flatr.' "Then he read the order. 1 was a little surprised at it, and I think you miilit do well to publish it.' The order alluded to was read uy Mr. Blaino at tho oelebration, aftor it had been approved bv President Ar thur. It is as follows : In recognition of tho friendly rela tions so long and happily existing be tween Great Britain and the uniteu States, in the trust and confidence of peace and good-will between the two countries for all the centuries to come, and especially as a mark of tho pro found respoct entertained by the Amcr- r.... .1.- :n.....:.. .... 1CUU puupiu lur inu iiiuauiuua dvivui eign and gracious lady who sits upon tho British throne, it is hereby or derod that at tho close of thoso ceremo nies commemorativo of tho valor and success of our forefathers in the patri otic strutralo for independence, tho Knlish tl.iir Him ho H.iluted bv t ie toi ces of tho army and navy of tho Uni ted States now at Xorktown. lno Secretary of War and .the Secretary of tho JNavy will giyo orders accordingly, U1IK8TKK A. iVHTIIUlt. By tho President : James G. Bi.ainu, Secretary of State, bors. Ih facl it is estimated that tho journalistic products of Paris amount annually to almost ono tenth of tho en- tiro issue ot tho globe. INow York nnd Brooklyn, with a population nearly equal to that of Paris, produco 1587 publications, with nn annual circula tion ol about iilli.UUU.UUU ; Merlin pro duces 530 : Vienna, 482: Madrid, 253: Brussels, 233 Homo 213, showing a gradual diminution until St. Peters burg is reached, witli a population of 607,000, and a newspapor isdilo of 183; and Moscow; with a population of 001, nnd only 57 periodicals. A dispatch from Sydnov, New South Wales, reports that tho sculling match between Hanlan and Beach for the championship of tho world and 500 a side took placo Saturday ol last week on the Paramatta river. Beach won tho match by seven lcnghts. This ro Biilt causes general surpriso in London. Ilanan was heavily backed, aitnougu Bcaoh was known to bo better than Lavcock and was oxpected to bo a for midable opponent of Hanlan whenever they should bo pitted against each oth er lor big money. Hanlan's chief back er in London was enthusiastic the day before thu rowing over tho prospects of Hanlan's success and laid 500 to 1,000 on Hanlan to all takers. Ilo is a heavy loser, of courso, but ho and cverv ono clso bclievo that Hanlan did his best to win. fill is POWDER Absolutely Pure. This nowdor never varies. A marvel of Durlty strength and wholesomeness. Moro economical than tho ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with tho multitude of low test, short weight, nlumor phosphate powders. Sold only in cms. HovAi. uakinii powder i;o , iu wau-si. N. v. augii-tv. E5'1 rn.w NOTICE. Camo lo thu m-emlsea of tho undershroed at Wedsrtown. nbout July 20th. a white n ir. about IS weeks old. Tho left ear (s slightly cut, Tho owner will please call, pay costs and take It away ur it, win uu uispubeu oi ocuuruiiii? iu mw. Aug as-aw JOHN WAUD. ITEMS. Tho Hungarian money is worth nbout half of our currenoy. That Is ono dol lar American coin is equal to two of thoir dollars. Javing in Hungary is cheap, much cheaper than in many other countries nnd especially tho United States. In conversation with a Iluiitrariati, who has been in America somo years, wo learned that with six hundred pieces of their monoy or thrco hundred Amorioan dollars the Hunga rian peasant is considered woalthy. After savlntr that amount ho returns homo nnd invests his money and lives off tho interest, with a little labor, com fortnbly for tho balanco of Ills life. Just think of it, three hundred dol lars considered a fortune Mauy will doubt this statement, but it is tho truth. That amount will not furnish a houso iu this country with any do greo oitasto or decency. Tho cholera slid continues in somo of tho towns of Franco. About fifty deaths are reported each day. The latest crank is Thomas Williams of Racino Junction, Wisconsin, who started on Tuesday to carry a banner to Mr. Blaino at his homo m Augusta, walkinc tho entiro way, a distance of I 1,333 miles. Lieutenant Greely in an interview iu regard to tho practicing of cannibalism by their crew says : "If thero was any cannibalism, and thero now seems to bo no doubt about it, thu niaii-eating was douo in sc-crecy, aud entirely with out my knowledge and contiary to my discipline. Fourteen coal cars went through a brldgo on tho extension ol tho I'hila- delphia and Headinc railroad near Williamsport on Friday of last week nnd wero completely wrecked. Con ductor Reichelderfer, of Calawissa, was badly injured and brakeinan James McCarty slightly injured. The ncci- dent was caused by the breaking ot nn axle. Julv 28 was the anniversary of tlio deplorable misfortuno which befell tho Island of Isohla laxt year. It had been resolved to celebrate it with religious ceremonies, and four steamers laden with tho friends of tho victims went over from tho mainland on a sad pil- irrimano. Four altars of wood draped with black wero erecteu, and two jhsii- ops celebrated a poutificial mass for tho renose of Iho souls of the dead. At tho cemetery, which was yisited by a larue crowd, a priest delivered a touch ing address, in which ho alluded to mauy of the incidents of tho tcrnblo catastrophe. Tho J)aihi Mem, Delphi, Ind dis patch savsi Tlio body of Privato Whistler, of tlio Greely party, was ex humed Tuts, morning in the presunco of his rolatives at tho fumily cemetery in tho country. I lis identity was fully established. Tho faco and neck nro well preserved, but tho llesh is oil cut from tho back aud limbs. Tho intes- tins wi-ro in place but empty. Tho stomacli only contained a small amount of hair and messy stuff. Aro you falllair. try Wnu-i' Health lis tiEWEa, a pure, clrtin, wbolesomo TONIC, Tor tmln, Nerreii, FtmoMh, I4ver. XMney.i, Lungs. AnUntqUfUt4IiiTltforiut. Curus Headache, Fever, Acue, Chills, DEBILITY & WEAKNESS. Nlco tn tako, true merit, uncounted f or F TORPID. ' LI VEH.nnd NlBhtf Sweats, Nervous Weakness,! MnTnrlfl, Lranno- s, Korunl Declmo. J 11.00 per bit. 6 for f A.0J. at Prugfrisls. f U. a. wells, jersey city, a, j., u. b. a. 4 Buchu-Palba Itsmarknblo Carmof Catarrh of tho Madder. Inflammation. Irrllatlonof Kid neys and Plodder, t'toiio or Gravel Ills-1 eases oi uio itosuiio uiani, jirorfacai o.....mnM II- .1. nM.,ll.. d.ujiukd) rKiiwiu jfiai-.taia, .tivuiiiw.. ence of Urine, all lto-i-wi of tho Gcnlto-1 Urinary organs In either sex. t or Un healthy or Unnatural PUcharRes use Lhanln's Inlpctlon Flour." eAcn SI. I For KU'llll.lS, cliliur contracted or I hercdltiirv taint, uf o Chimin's Constitu tion Jiltttr Byron, St.oopcr bottle, and ! Chapln'a HynliUIllo l"Ul3. a.00;indCha- iin u nypiuiuia paiv", ?i.iu. o ixnues l iyrup. 'i of lllln, 1 Bnlvc, by Kvproas on n. isftl. rL a o'clock it. m. 1IKNIIY S, 1II1A V, JAMES T. I'HHNSWOUTII, noaii a dimes. JOHN WANAMAKER'S. Store News. receipt of J10.no, or at bruzElitii. i uy. r..i, 11 f WM.iA.leiw U. fl. Cures Scrofula, Erysipelas, Tlmnlos and Faco Oruha, Ulotcties, isous, -i-umors, vviu tor, Humors, Bait Rhouw., (icnld Head. Kotos. Marcuiinl' 1'iisoases, Fe inula Wo&lcness ana irracuiariues, visziuoss, Lots o Appotito. Juauclico, Affections of tho Livor. Iudi eostion, Sfliousness, Dyspep. sat ana uonorai uoouiiy. Afu..nf llutilurk IllMi Ilhlci, IU ttriifr U ift.l tkvlKi lu.l il ! in urtuehi uiim4 n .nh, fa'U by uiettMu (Illicit ry.liev0. (ImUkt Uliioii ruiilicf a IJuctltoM U eleven Unbuild. THICK, f XJta. FOSTER, MILBURN II CO, Prop'., Buffate, N.Y. It is a hard time for mer chants, especially for manu facturers; and by a hard time we mean a time when they are losing money rather than makincr. This is the general fact. A merchant who bought lus goods six months ago is sure to be losing now; a manufacturer who is at work on stuff that is already too plenty ts worse on than the merchant, buch is the condition of most merchants and manufacturers now for a few month's. Wholesale merchants and manufacturers, both, are holding great quantities of almost everything in trade; holding not for better prices for buyers. Buyers are scarce, because merchants have got already more than they can sell. There is gen eral stagnation. But this very condition of things affords a signal oppor tunity for a merchant who is not burdened with goods and has the requisite outlet. He can buy any quantity of the most desirable merchan dise, undersell the retail market, and still make a profit. This is our condition exactly. We sell in a year more than four times the quantity of goods we now have in stock; and our sales are going to be more, not less; because we adapt our buying and selling to the times we are in. We spoke of mak ing a profit on these low prices. Not always. We are not smart enough to judge correctly beforehand always. When we miss the best thing, we try the next best. When we find we have bought on a falling market, we hasten to sell at a loss, instead of waiting after the ancient fashion ; but the outgoing tide of trade here carries the wrecks off so quickly that we do not stop to grieve over losses. Time is emphatically money where events develop so fast What is the result, that we ask you to read of our.prob lems and tactics ? Why, the result is that here is a differ ent condition of things from what you expect of the gene ral dulness. It is said to be dull; no trade. It isn't dull here, not even in August of a very hard summer. Every body is holding his or her money a little more firmly ; everybody is a little more cautious in paying it out. That is all in our favor. The harder the time and the more cautious people become, the more readily they go to a place where advantage tum bles to their side of the bar gain with the solidest guar antee (money back if they want) on the top of it. We are not old enough yet to be cittite sure of the fact; but it looks as if hard times were actually good for us here, as if people might need the stimulus of fear to bring out the fullness of their esti mate of what we are steadily doing in good times and bad. The store is full of mer chandise; and the pricts are what our view of the oppor tunitv makes them. It is not a time for the quickest things of fashion. It is a time for trettinir almost all the sub stantial staple things to wear and keep house with. It is a time to make money by spending it. It is a time for caution ; but the caution is to be shown in choosing what you buy, and the bargain vou make. And surely when the bottom appears to be reached in goods, and the top of the purchasing power in money, and people are trvitiQ- to be watchful and wise that is our time to advertise, to tell as nearly as we, can what is going on here John Wanamakeh. Cheiluut, thirteenth uj Mukclilrccll and Cliy-lull tquarc, I'lilLAUmriiu. t'DlTOU'B NOTiCM. ESTATE (IF JOHN LEWIS, WCKASKtl, 'llie uiidi'mlfinetl auditor npimlntrd liylho or. iiIiiiih' Court otcoltitnlilarouiity. to tnakodhlrl. Iiul Ion of the (unds In tho imiuM ot the nilmliililrn torlo and ntnonj tlio parlies entitled therrio, will atlcntl lollimliillcsiif hlsnpiinlntiiif-nt nt hli unicoln llliHiiiiHliurtf inllm suit day tit Aujrust, Issl, at. 10 ii 1 lurk n. In., when and whrro nil par lien inlrmti'il In H.1I1I estaln niiiit ntleml or ho fori'ier th'li.imit finni nny shnro In r-UiI mini. 7-iln ,l. II, JIAIZI-; Jul SJIh, J ssi. Auditor. A UMTOIi'S NOTICK. K8TATR OP SAMUEL nnfM, riECIIASRIl. Tho uiidcrftlsrnetl auditor appointed by Iho Or phans' Court of Columbia county lo nasi on tlio except Ions to the nocountof .lolin K. ltohlni, exec utor, nnd to mako distribution ot tlio fund In tho lmnih of tho oxeculor, will sit at his olllco In Cnta wi.aonnalurday, Aiu?. lfith isst at lo o'clock n. in. ui punurni ino iiunua 01 mi appointment, au per onshnviiiK claims against said estate must nPliearnuit nn-annt. I tin H:inm nr lie ileli.irrci! Hum any Hinroof said fund. W. I. IlYKlIIiV. JulylS-ta Aydllor DXHNIHTJlATItlX'S .N'u t ICE. I.ai'ATE OF K. T. 1'IKI.H, IIIXKIBKK. fillers of nrtmlnl-ilr.ltlnn on llin PHlnle nf 1!. T. l'leld. I.ito ot Cenlralln. Columbia county, lvnn- H.Vlvniila.linvobeeiiKintiti'illiy tho llelntcrgf said county In tho Hhili-rHKned Administratrix. All iernoin havlnir clnlim nirntiiit tho estate of tho iliHieasnl nro niiuonU'd to present thcin for hettlo. incut, nnd Ihnso Indebted to tho ostato to make payment to the undcrbhriied ndmlnlitrntrlx with out Ucl.iy. DAI.U-Mli IIIIAllNIIAU, No. HU Klelimond St., 1 mnuis i.ETTiNu. 1 Will bo let nt the reyttlencri of tijirA Htevens on Wednesday the 2;th dav of AmrtHt, 1SHI. abrldio to be erected over Elk ltun near A. 11. Stewart's b.vw nun wlicro tho open bildgo now stands in Jackhon township. Tobon wooden br.icoeoveied bridge on feet lour, wins w-nllsand abutments to bo repaired by contract bo as to admit nf Bkow back threo feet from top ot wall plate. I'l.nis and specifications can bo seen at tho commissioner's Olllco Uloomsburo, r.t. I'llAIILKS ItEICllAIir, ") II. RIIIKIAU Corn's. .IOS11UA l'lOTKHMAN, J Attest i Jon II. C8bv. clerk. Commli'Sloncr'sOillce, illoomsbutg, l'a. UDITOH'S "notice. R3TATR OF DR. tlAVID l'KTUIKIN, IIECEA9RI). Tho undersigned auditor nnnotntrd biMhii or. plians' court of Columbia county to mnkodlstrl- Dtuion oi tno unianco in tno hands of tho executor o una among uio panics lenutted lhoreto, will at end to tho duties of his nnnolntmont nt his nntm In llloomsburg, on Wednesday, September 3rd, lssi, at 10 o'clock a. m.. when and where all per nous Interefctcd In aula estate must nttend, or bo luiutvi ui-umivu iruiu any snare in s.iiu iiinn. J. II. .mai.u Mn Auditor. 17HEAS 1 AI1RMMV. IIHOWN'S UNSUltANCE Mover's new tiulldlntr. Main street, IlloomsbifeB, I'n. Asscti. .itttna Insurance Co., of llartfoid, Conn. 7,078,U20 nujm ui Liverpool i;i,&uu,uuu Lancashire lo.ow.oui iru Aitsumai ion, rnnaueipuia 4,105,1111 hooiilx. of Ixindon fi.aai.3to London A Lancashire, of England . l,WJ,970 Hartfor tot Hartford 3,3,oM) Springfield Flro and Marine, ,0S2,&s no uiu iiki'hvius uiu uiruct, policies 1110 wriium for tho lusurod without any delay In tho onico at Ulootnsburir. Oct. 28, '81-t THE UEST AND ONLY AUTHENTIC, i.: llv Chauncy V. l"ennsylvaiila. our book will contain facts to bo found In no other, tiesldesa completo history of tho Dcmocratlo party, with all Its platforms! sketches oftho lives of all tho Presidents; tho women of tho Whlto Houso s protective tarlirj revenuo reform ; electoral voto ; homo llfo ot tho President, nnd a full llfoot IIICNIHIICICS ours IS the best, most accurals, cheapest, and bells most largely. Send 51 cents for outtlt ut oniv. T1IAYHU, MKHKIAM CO., SJ3 Arch St., l'hllad'a. O-IUH y. llnvsoN, Ally. July 1 0 w. l'hlladclnhl.i. 1 Administratrix. MAVMIIAI & HAMKT linvo just received tlio finest lot of ever brought to Columbia county Vor light ilrnfU durability nnd simplicity tho (hborno Machines oo for nil the old nnd now machines, so that If you broak down in tho mlddlo of Harvest thoy aro prepared to llx you up without delay. , 1' lirUlCr, HU IJUli WJUOVHUI UUt W HUH IU VAllimuu lliv beforo making your purchases. JunoST t.' CLEVELAND I'. Dlack, Lieutenant (iocrwir of MAW r-siwr In tho NEW catalogue ot the TRENTON INFORMATION VALUABLE TO EVERY YOUNG Business College. SENT tUEI-J. Adda'SK, A.J. lilUEII, l'rlnclpal, Trenton, N.'J. WA XFfPlT1!11 rcprcscntatlve of good J.1X X Vil) address to travel through a m 'wtnri coi.unniA f I UItjPj countv with Vnlu a b 1 o works for snecl.il classes ot business men and me chanics who understand and need them, giving incir oruersnt mkih :, nroiiis uuerai. easy nnu quick ; can refer to gentlemen clearing f to a wees wno aro pleased with tno work; oiuytiu capital lequlred; write for particulars if you mean business : clvo aire, trailo or previous era- .iioyment and lefci-cnces. ralllscr, r.illlsei'.v Co., tuiiut-iuui je., .imv lorK. Aug 8-4w r A DVr.tlTHKIIS ! send for our select list of .newspapers, oeo. 1. Howell Co., 10 spr local N. Y, Aug B 4W rrnnrA a tmvmQ trr a KTmriTOoubie to bell tho only oi-TI CLEVELAND mlek 1 OFFICIAL Ulograpliies of A N I) HENDRICKS lly ex- Gov: Dorshetincr. of N. Y.. memijcr of U. s. congress, and Hon. W. U. lleusel, chalrra.in ot nem. Mam ixm, 01 i'u., innmaio menus ore. k 11. 11 is 1110 uiobt reiiaim, inieresung nuu nciuy lllusti'ated, hence lu linmcmo demamL Agents mil iWlnlnc mniiMi. If. Ii-ia llnnKlm.l nnrtriilfu. N'lls fnslesl and pays best, llewaro of uuivliablo, v.iiciiiiviiiiy uuuks. 1 lie iu Hubbard Bros., 723 Chestnut St., Phila. 9000 ! ! Agents wanted1; 8 V! to sell tno First AUTHENTIC lllographles ot 31LAINE & LOGAN lly II. J. ltamsdell. Esu.. Mr. lll.ilno's lntlmato Irlendand Dersonal clioiL-o. nnd Hen lvrlnv I'nnre. for 18 years an onicer ot tho U. S. Congress. 8,01)0 1 outllts ordered within a week. Agents coining money. Is In lmmcnso demand liocauso tho most llellablo, Iiiterestlng and ltlchly Illustrated; lino steel portraits ; nrst out, so'ls fastest, liewaro of uiircuuuiu uuuks. wnie 10 iiiiuoaru uroi., nius. 1'nlladelphla, l'a. -.8 lwr Send six eeliLs for noitaire. and ie- celve free, a costly box ot goods which ,wUl help you to more money right All, of either box, succeed from first, hour. Tho broad road to fortune opens beforo the workers absolutely sure. At onco address, Tin's & Co., Au gusta, Maine. Decsi-iy Headquarters for 0. M. Osboruo & (Jo's. msMwEmwm ma DEALER IN F&i'Qi'gM audi. Mm&zo WINES AND LIQUORS, MB JOBBER IU CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. ) F 1 Hi 1 TJ 1 I IB 1 bTkT, OAS ANM STEAM FIWWM'M, HEEf METAL W((MM IH.ALL ITS 8HAMCHES. SPECIAL ATTENTIONS F IRE INSURANCE. CmtlSTIAN F. KNAIT, 11LOOMS11U110, VA, HOME, OP N. Y. MERCHANTS', OF NEWAKK, N. J. CLINTON, N. Y. PEOPLES' N. Y. llE.UINt), I'A. Theso old coui-OHATioN-s niti w ell seasoned bv ago and Fiitr. TK3TKD and havo never yet had a loss Betllcd by any court ot law. Their assets nro all Invested In soliu stcumnKs uio liable to tlio liazanl of kikk only. musses riioiiiTLv nnu hovesti.v nujubicu nna Raid as soon as iletermhuHl by chiustun k. Nirr, srtcuL aoentanh Aiursmu Uloomsui'do, I A. Tho peoplo of Columbia county should patron ze tho agency where losses If nny aro buttled nnd (aid by ono of their own cltlzoni. ruu.Mi-i.M.nw, i.ijun 1, I'niu iiiv.m.i.mi. .'oinl 1117 I'M' .iKviit. 610U lo ft'jno .or iui. ituilf,llliiif tiii'Jriiii.l .e,t IIUtiM'T. t'auiiHiMiiinl iih-i,.Ii tijiitU'w.ililiftViii-M Wrlli- in J. I'. Jlrl'ui-ilj ri-il.li-ililu, l'a. inariH-ly nUI ForTetter. lltngworm, Eriitpelas, Scrofula, pimples lllotchcs, Dolls, Ulcers, Femalo Complaints, an all discuses arising In or transmitted by the blood. USB Dr. LIBIDSEFSBLiOODSEARCHER. This celebrated eirclablo comnouud has no enual. and is nn lntalllblo remedy w hen used as d reel ed. Send for circular. For sale by all Druggists. 11. E. SELLERS S: CO., I'ropr's l'lttsburgh, l'a. FAY'D 0F.LE3RATED WVfl-R-PflOOH i.K f III' m ('TV " l,Ji. 1 11 O ii m u i N. J w d 1 f HE COMPLETE H0ME.,1';, I . . K!.. (,ln,)t....c itLiLlrilinii m. Su'ierblv ifotten uu. Same tow fnce. work, LxCitLLKHI" Tbkms, The liaouicH'roctui "imitL.v. cAK'ram it Co.. u North i.1, St. I'MhJel- sliU. AM other nn4 new tivok. ,nj llit-lck. inur-js-iy aid iniNvv or Wll.l'.Y & HUtiSUI.L'H 1.AD0U 8AVI.SU 100IM 1- M ACHIifJERY. lIciuHlauiters for Iron, Bteel.lloru'blioiw Nails and W agon Makers' and llliu'k sinlllis' Supplies. Israel lllllenbeiider, storoi Waierooms 1!8 Franklin Ave., also wareiooinslll Fnuik. Iin Ave., and It'S Ceil tro street. may 23 ly STAFFORD'S Gives a MORE BRILLIANT SHINE THAM AMY OTHER. IN BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDS. BOLD BY ALL DEALERS. S. S. STAFFORD, How xork, Aug 84 vr PAID TO ALLENTOWN BO! PHOSPHATE mi., n a ft.. u..,i:r IHO IDIIipUiU! Will I'DIIIIIZDI. OUR PREDICTION VERIFIED. IvitEsOKVii.i.n, Mnnrtio Co., Pa., .Inly 20, 1881. Gentlemen : Mnny of my cnaloinfis wlionstil olieap PliosihatcH lat VaM boennso told to lio uh gooil fiH rtiu Allen town Pltohplinti', 1ihi iilrciuly tlu cliiifil that lltuy will in-u your innko (ml) thiri 1 nil, Tlify urn pat islicil anil will not lio ilui ivrt) ho tionn tigmn Yonir. Tinlv, Nathan (ini.oniiY. Special Points fir Farmws to (Jonsidcr. 1, Wo do not manufacture two or moio grades and whero tho bett can not bo sold call tho noorcst tho best. U. As Iho valuo ot fertilizers was established by trials on tlio soil, so tho question "Which is best will bo answered by growing crops and harvests. Our phosphate Is fast settling tho oucstloii to our cntlrosatlifaellon. 3. It was tho merit of ol Phosphates which established the present trado and such only will at last coino out victorious lo tho benefit uf manufacturer, seller and consumer, 1. Tlio word "1'liosphate," as used commercially, has no meaning ot valuo. The statement thnt ono brand or Phosphate Is cheaper than another, so fur as pilco per Ton Is coucernod, menus lust nothing nt all. Tho result on tho lleld-uot for ono season only, but for two, three nnd four Biiccoetllmr crom must bo tho tent ot value. Thus tried wo bclluotho ALLENTOWN l'llOWHATE to bo ascliean as tho cheapest and as good as thu doarost. ' Gives the Host Crops fox? tho Money. TRY IT ANlTiSC0NVINCliD. MAM'l'.VOTUltEl) 1IY THE iLLEflTOWH A,NFCTURJQ CO,, Allentown, Pa. FOR SALE BY Geo..W. Corroll, Samuel Heacock & Farmer's Produce au. u. i.w. Exchange, Bloomsburg, Pa.